La Truite (The Trout) (1982) - full transcript

Frederique (Huppert) leaves her family's small-town trout farm to embark on an journey taking her to Japan and into the arms of a man. Irritations concerning her actions and present state ...


You okay?

Just a bit... there.

A bit more...


Want to play?

Is it true that Hamada
wants to launch a takeover bid?

There's talk of it.
It must have been leaked.


Because share prices are rising.

And what are you doing?

I'm buying.

- I got three.
- Three?

Would you join us for a game?


But with him.

No problem.

Shall we make it
10 francs a point, then?

All right.

If they lose,
they won't be able to pay.

- Come here often?
- Pretty often.

It isn't what it used to be.

Will you take a cheque?

Why not?

I want you to win against me.

Some other time. I'm thirsty.

You won't catch them with maggots!

Hasn't the Countess come
to fish with you?

Little pain in the arse!

Hurry, your mother's waiting.

- Sure she's not waiting for you?
- Come on, it's late.

Let me introduce myself.
My name's Galuchat.

And I'm his wife.

Just leave him alone.

I didn't come looking for him.

What do you want from him?

Come on, let's go.


Don't go.

You don't know what you want.

He'll be angry with me if you leave.
He'll think I scared you off.

You don't scare me.

So, are we playing or not?

Let's start again, then.

Are you playing with me?

I'd rather play with him
against you two.

Let her decide
how much we play for.

I don't like playing for money.

I only enjoy games
that make my heart race.

Well, then?

We'll play... for 100 francs a point.

You're crazy!

You'd have lost 6000 francs
on the last game.

If you lose heavily,
we'll take a cheque.

- Payable to Mr or Mrs?
- Either.

My compliments. It was magical.

You're in a funny line of work.

It's a hustle.
You don't have to pay.

Maybe I like being hustled.

It's all your fault.
You brought her back.

You ought to be ashamed.

You weren't as bad as usual.

We'd like you to come and have
a drink with us.

- Good idea.
- It's the least we can do.

- I like you.
- I'm expensive.

- Coming?
- Yes, I'm out to get revenge.

I doubt it.

- Are you coming?
- No, I'll take a cab home.

Keep the change. Goodnight.

- Don't look like that.
- She irritates me.

I hate women who pay no attention
to other women.

- When can I see you alone?
- I won't sleep with you.

You may change your mind.

Can I have my milk?


It's been a timely evening for us.

We needed money.
Like all young people.

Especially since we decided
to go it alone.

Apart from bowling,
what do you do?

He sells objets d'art.

It's going pretty well.

It has its ups and downs.

You wouldn't be interested
in a 1920 Martel?

Going for a song.

It's been an expensive day already.

Your wife wouldn't be too pleased!

My wife has no say in the matter.
I'm in charge.

We'll see!

What are you laughing at?

Galuchat - sorry - Mr Galuchat
has offered me...

A 1920 Martel in terracotta.

A wildcat.
A one-off opportunity.

A Martel? Where did you find it?

I've been looking for one for ages.
At a reasonable price.

At last we've found
something in common.

May I ask your name again?


Strange. I've never heard of you.

Yes, but Galuchat's clients
are very, very well placed.

Maybe we could buy it for Tokyo.

A Martel?

Would it interest the Japanese?

Leave it to me.

Actually, I'm going there
in 10 days.

Shall I take you?


I was asking Frederique.

Since we were married,
we've never been apart.

Not even for a day.

Except when I was in hospital.

Were you sick?

I leave on the 21st at 11.30,

Air France.

As you can see,
it won't be possible.

So, apart from your terracotta,

what do you have to sell me?

Lots of things.

Come on, let's dance.

Modern dancing isn't my thing.

I'll teach you.
It's easy as bowling.

Did your wife teach you
to dance like that?

This is Mr Saint-Genis,
one of our youngest diplomats.

He quit politics to concentrate
on international business.

How do you do.

When you represent a government,

you can only repeat yourself
or contradict yourself.

Like music, where harmony is but
repetition and contradiction.

Rumour has it that you are
abandoning opera for cinema.

That's brave of you.

I'm like Don Giovanni.

I like to take risks!

I have the right to know.

What do you want to know?

You know more than I do.

Rambert thinks he's a genius.

He wants to jump through
financial hoops.

But he tells me nothing.

If I knew what was going on,
I could limit the damage.

Death is an inexhaustible theme.

I am not afraid of death.

I like to die on stage.

What of it?

I know that I'm acting.

I understand. It's extraordinary.

So you're going to allow him
to take a fall?

Tell me!

I'm answerable to the chairman
of my company.

Frederique? Let me in.

I have something to tell you.

I've got a fabulous client
for your husband!

Shall I keep it for you?

Are you afraid I'm a minor?

I'm like you. I'm afraid of nothing.

May I relieve you of that?

Excuse me.

Is that all you've brought?

I've left all my things
at Galuchat's.

Everything you have?

What if I'd left with someone else?

Then you would have had to choose.

She's just a stupid lout.

Unable to bear you a child.

It's all my fault.

You're the one who's unhinged me.

The fact is, you're a queer
who can't do the business.

Marrying her was your idea.

That's true.
I never wanted to get married.

Now I love her.

In the meantime, I keep you.

I'll work.

- I could work, too.
- Go on the game, perhaps?

Oh no, I don't think so.

Neither of you can do anything.

I'm cutting off your allowance.

It's better that way.
Anyway, I love Frederique.

Is it the first time she's flown?

She's seen nothing yet.

She's a little country girl.

I'm a country girl, too.

What's that?

A Japanese series.

Looks funny.


Yeah. I like everything.


Hello. How are you?

Are you sure?

Is it serious?

I'll be a little late.
Traffic congestion.

Yes. Thanks.

Well, have a good time.

Here. See you tonight.

Excuse me, Daigo, I'm late.

I just came to greet you.

You know...

when I come to Tokyo,
it's to see you.

I hear you're ill.

I don't think it's serious.

I can't see you today.
I'm leaving for Kyoto.

Can you come tomorrow?

Of course. As usual.

- Izumi.
- Thanks.

- Yoko.
- Thanks.

Mr Rambert called from Paris

to tell us you had ordered this cat

for your office.

Chairman Hamada
thought it was splendid.

- What about you?
- Me?

I'm afraid of cats!

Your bed will be made
on the tatami at sunset.

How's business at the moment?

Not bad.

People buy a lot in times of crisis.

I just sold a Dali of dubious origin
to a Brazilian.

How about you?

Me? Okay.

Saint-Genis has gone to Japan with
the bitch from the bowling alley.

I know. Suits me.

Rambert is crazy about her.

He'll be seeing her husband Galuchat
every day.

Are you in love with Saint-Genis?

Not really.

But I gave up
a really nice guy for him.

Now I'm starting to feel old!


You're French.

I love France.

I owe it everything.

I met Yosaburo in Paris.

On July 14th at midnight
in the Ritz bar.

I was wearing a purple dress
with white roses.

Chinese crepe.

Specially printed for me!

Who's Yosaburo?

My Japanese husband.
He adored me!

I left my American husband for him.

He took it very badly!

Wanted to throw himself
out of the Ritz window.

It was Yosaburo who saved him.

Only just!

He was an angel.

Both of them are very rich.

It's wonderful to win the love
of two very rich men.

Are you on honeymoon?

No. But I'm not alone.

Get married.

It's very important!


The thing is, I'm already married.

Sorry. Thanks.

An adulteress!

Dear France!

Right away, darling.

I have a meeting.

Meet me in an hour
at "The Golden Box".

The driver knows it.

I'll send the car for you.
Everything is paid for.

So, I hear that this time,

you've brought a redhead.

It would be very nice

if you showed her around Tokyo.

I'm very busy at the moment.

Ah, here she is.

With a cook?

How shameful!

Frederique... Akiko.

How do you do. Sit down.

Is this your first time in Tokyo?

What do you think of it so far?

Lots of Japanese!

- 120 million.
- That's too many, for an island.

We have four islands.

Well, then!

- I prefer Mariline.
- Me too.

You are a flower in our garden.

- Are you a gardener?
- No, a banker.

- That's nice.
- You're the one who's nice.

How about some Japanese music
at my place?

I live in a traditional house,
made of wood.

My garden is beautiful.

The view through the trees
is unforgettable.

I'd be delighted to show you
around my country!

You didn't bring your boyfriend.

Were you afraid I'd spirit him away?

I left him in a nightclub

with a very pretty Japanese lady.

Aren't you jealous?

Certainly not.

My husband is jealous.
It's a nuisance!

So this man is your lover?

Not yet, no.

Make love tonight, on the tatami.

It's a full moon.

You'll be very happy, you'll see.

I'm not interested in love.

That's because
you haven't known it yet.

I have dedicated my life to love.

I've made love
more than 33,000 times.

In 13 capitals:
New York, Paris,

London, Tokyo,

Rome, Berlin, Mexico,


Delhi, Peking,

Rio de Janeiro,
Sao Paolo, Bangkok.

Never in cities

with less than 100,000 inhabitants.

I think I've done it all.


it was with Yosaburo

that I touched the sky.

That I reached Satori.

What's Satori?

The world of ecstasy.

Abandon your Western
feelings of sin, my child.

Oh, I don't have feelings of sin.

Mind you...

feelings of sin

bring me a lot of pleasure.

Or used to!

Oh, sorry!

Be seeing you.

Have a slug.

Interested in fish, kid?

I'll take you fishing, if you like.

Come to my place.
I've got a net and a boat.

No way! We know what goes on
in your chalet.

You and my father
lure old ladies in there.

Let go of me!

Are you crazy?

Are you tired?

I never get tired.

They called us savages.
We formed a society.

What sort of society?

A society whose aim was
was to get the men

without giving them anything.

Well, well!

What became of your friends?

- They all got married.
- Like you.

- Like me.
- So...

You didn't stick to the principles
of your youth.

I did.

Are you capable of love?

Are you?

Is that your
Big Boss Man's house?

It's lovely. I like it.

While I talk to the chairman,
his daughter will take care of you.

You're ashamed to introduce me
to him!

That's right, I'm ashamed.

This is Isayuri.

Hello, Frederique.

You need treatment.

I'll see a doctor in Paris.

- When?
- I'm flying out tomorrow night.



You see, the closer I get to death,

the more I like life.

Will you see Rambert in Paris?

No, I don't think so.

You look worried.

I'm incapable of love.

Maybe you're lacking in imagination.


Maybe I'm lacking in generosity.

Hey! Big Boss Man.

I'm Frederique.

I'm sorry.

Come in.

When did this telegram get here?

It's marked "urgent".

- It just arrived.
- Impossible!

It got here at 8.30, sir.

I couldn't find you.
I thought you'd gone out.

I was in the bar.

Maybe he's dead.

It wouldn't surprise me.

Galuchat has tried
to kill himself before.

Galuchat has ruined his health
to earn us a living.

I'll never leave him.

As soon as you can leave,
I'm taking you home.

Are you worried about your husband?

He tried to kill himself,
to upset me.

I thought that only in Japan

could people die for love.

He did it to upset me.

You're very young.

Not all that young.

Did you leave your parents
a long time ago?

I left them to get married.

Were you happy with them?

I wish I'd had a father like you.

You're waiting for my dad
to go and rave it up.

Never you mind, kid.

Verjon, I'm pregnant.

And the culprit can't marry you?

He's married.

The bastard!
Have you told your mother?

You're the first person I've told.

Will you lend me 800 francs
to get rid of it?

Whoever's responsible
must take care of that.

I can go to your chalet now.

I can't do that to your parents.

I don't know why I told him that.
I was a virgin.

I didn't like him and dad
being friends.

They were going to his chalet
to do stuff with women.

Sit down.

Can I buy you a drink?

Come on!

- Move over.
- Leave me alone.

I'm not in the mood.
Leave me in peace!

Is this where you and dad

do your women?

Go home!

Leave me alone.

Come on, you pig!

Why did you do that, kid?

I was more ashamed
than I had ever been.

In 3 hours, we'll be in Paris.

I'm never in a hurry.
Not even on a plane.

Even when pursued

The butterfly
Never seems hurried.

- I'm not a butterfly!
- It's a haiku.

What's a haiku?

A three-line Japanese poem.

Here's another.

The childless woman
How tender she is

With her dolls.

I never wanted to grow up.

The idea of adulthood appalled me.

I'd like to see you again.

Everything all right, kids?


Don't be long, we have a lot to do.


You're not starting again.

I can't take it.
I'm suffocating here.

I want to go.

All I ask from you
is a little patience.



I'm going to kill that guy.

He's always after you.

You know I couldn't give a damn.

You left with the other one.

I wanted to travel!


Swear you'll never leave me again.

I swear.

What's he doing?

Is he praying?

You can make lace with this thing.

Lou and I are going to make
a new man of you.

Shall we go?

To you.

To you.

Not too tiring?

No. It's relaxing.

Saint-Genis has behaved badly.

With you, with Mariline.

He earns a lot and thinks
he can do what he likes.

He buys everything,
whatever the price.

Even other people's wives.

Now I need to drink something.

No, it's too early.

When I think
of that creep Saint-Genis...

He said you'd cheated us
at bowling

so he took Frederique for a whore.

That's what you couldn't bear.

To think he had her
during that trip...

I can't take any more.

I need a drink now
before I go crazy!

Right, we'll go and find them.

I feel sorry for you.

We won't tell them.

Where are you going?

- To the local bar.
- There isn't one.

If you don't wait for me,
I'll say you tried to kill me!

Lost something?

Just checking if Galuchat
has hidden a bottle.

Ah, here it is.

He'll kill himself.

He's impossible.

Has he always been like that?

Give it to me. Come on.

You drink in your room now?

Yes, we prefer a nice claret in bed!

- Coming?
- In a moment.

- I did it all for you.
- Let go of me!

- I even broke a bank.
- Let go of me!

I hope it was a big bank.

Maybe he'd have less problems
if he'd slept with men.

Well, it hasn't helped Galuchat.

Within a month

he'll be healthy again.

If you don't kill him first.

Thanks to you.

Shut up.

When he's better,
I hope he beats you up.

These days, there's no such thing
as heterosexuality or homosexuality.

You're either sexual or you aren't.

Hasn't Galuchat come down yet?

No. He must still be asleep.

That's strange.

What about that?

Is that strange?


What are you doing in their room?

I no longer wish to sleep with you.

This will be my room.

Any particular reason?

You often give me a hard time.

But yesterday...

From the start, you've been crazy
with jealousy for Frederique.

I was.

But not any more.

You're too...

You're baffled by both Frederique
and Galuchat!

A poor queer!

Who you wanted to kill.

- You're defending him now?
- Yes!

Because that ploy with the ambulance
was disgusting!

Right, I'm ditching you.
I'll get her back.

I'll leave you here alone,
in your little girl's room.



Just like you,

my poor Rambert!

How so? I've just pulled off
a brilliant deal.

I double-crossed Saint-Genis.
I'm as rich as Algo's father.

He's the one who set you up!

He alerted Saint-Genis in time.

Your brilliant deal has failed.

You screw everything up.
You're ruined, Rambert.

- When did you find this out?
- A week ago.

- Is that why she left?
- Certainly not!

She left because she detests you.

Because you act like a loser!

Frederique is better than us.
She won't come back.

I've finally stopped loving you!

I won't put up with your bad taste
and vulgarity any longer!

I've finally stopped loving you.

You're incorrigible.

You cheated on me
with pathetic girls.

Now you're doing
pathetic business deals.

When she came along, I thought,

"At last he's gone up a notch."

"I can take being ditched
for Frederique."

But the way you carried on
with Galuchat...

Have you done talking garbage?

What are you doing here?

I came to see Lou.

And to fetch Galuchat's medication.

He won't need it for much longer.

I'll kill him!

You're incapable of it.

- You think so?
- I'm certain of it.

I want to say hello to Lou.
Let me go.

She's dead because of you.

Don't cry like that.
We'll get you out of here.

Where's Lou?

Look at me. I'm better now.

What will Lou say?

Frederique has found you
a good lawyer.

I want to see Lou!


sends her regards.



I want Lou.

I want Lou!

This is Mr Carter, the chairman
of our company in the USA.

Mrs Galuchat and her husband
are in charge of the trout farm.

They had one in France.

Her husband runs it.

And Mr Linstrom, the chairman
of our company in Norway.

Japanese trout only produce eggs
from October to January.

Norwegian trout only produce them
in January.

It's better than over there,
isn't it?

It's the same.

But Galuchat takes care
of everything.

Subtitles - Kevin Smith
for Eclair Media