La Recta Provincia (2007) - full transcript

Some day God didn't
know what else to do

so He stood up on his hands and
created the Upside Down World.

Shortly after, God said:

"I want to create hunger."

And then He created the animals
and their ferocious appetite.

It looked like fun,

the beasts that were fighting.

And while devouring, He said:
"I will create the man."

And the poor man was walking
without knowing what to do.

This was a man.

He lived alone with his mother.

It was a good for nothing man.

Useless to say the least.

All things fell from his
hands, breaking everything.

Call it awkward
to say the least.

He lived with his mother, yes.

He had not married.

How could he marry,
being so useless?

Paulino! Bring the brandy,
before I get angry!

You called me, Mom?

No, son, no one has called.

But I heard correctly.
It was your voice.

And what was the voice saying
that you think it was mine?

It clearly said, "Paulino,
bring me the brandy!"

- What son, Lord!
- Yes it's correct.

And why would I have
asked for the brandy?

I wondered myself.

Have you ever seen
me with brandy?

I also asked myself that.

My God!

What have I done to
deserve a son like you?

That's what I ask myself.

- Something I've done.
- For sure.

Some sin.

- Bring me the brandy!
- Coming, Mom! Coming!

Paulino! Paulino!

Why do you listen to that voice,
if you know it's not mine?

I was just thinking
the same thing.

Here is a mystery.

Is it a spirit?

It has to be him,
that stupid spirit.

No, that one drinks wine.

Come on, let's think.

Yes, Mom, let's think.

Two heads are better than one.

That's for sure.

- But you have no head.
- Even that's for sure.

Let's think.

This man was living
with his mother.

With his mother he kept
an old colonial house.

The owners of that
house weren't there.

They were living far
away in Europe.

Rosalba had seen them
once they had come.

Once, a single one had returned.

They had returned from Europe
and were broken down forever.

But sometimes they returned.

After they died, they returned.

They returned and danced.

Paulino and Rosalba heard them.

They felt and made the
sign of the cross.

And they prayed for their souls.

It's not him. - But no!

- Bring me the brandy!
- The voice comes from there!

- Old shit! - What did you say?

Go, son.

Look where the voice is
coming from and return.

Brandy, it's so good!

Son, where are you?

Haven't I told you that
there's a lot of bad people?

Here, Mom! Here!

Look what I found.
- What is that?

It looks like a cow bone.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

It's a bone of a Christian!
Give it to me!

Look for yourself.

The things there are to see! A
bone of a Christian in my house!

I think it's a flute.

A flute, yes! And that
flute, Paulino, the flute!

And now, what do we do?
- We use it as a flute.

Stop joking around!

And make the sign of the cross!
I do not want sacrilege in my house.

Make the sign, or your
father will torment you.

Stop joking, Mom.
You don't want it to go?

Already he was afraid of being
alive, imagine him dead!

Certainly the spirit
will not enter.

Go put that bone at
the feet of Our Lord.

And fill me that
bottle of holy water.

And come right back,

the children are out of school
and may give you the stones.

OK, Mom. Don't worry.

What did I ask you to do?

- I don't remember.
- Of course you don't remember.

OK, I'll go.

It's better, Mom,
because I have no head.

Good evening, officer.

I wish to fill this
bottle of holy water.

Depends on what it's for.

We have found a bone from a
Christian in the garden.

Sure it's a Christian?
It's not a cow?

It is a true Christian.
It also has small holes.

Ah! It must be a veteran
of the Pacific War.

Maybe. Just bury it.

Sprinkle with holy water and
give it a pitiful burial.

The pastor serves in these cases,
but he comes in two weeks.

I would take the bone to the police
because they do the investigation.

We just want to bury it.

I don't like the police.

And what is the fear?
I was a cop

and I can assure you, having jury
is not bad. Strictness, yes!

Yes, but it's that...

Once my son was taken
away to be interrogated.

And since not addressed,
he replied with nonsense.

And they wanted to arrest
him as a cattle thief.

I will give you the holy water, but
I'd like to take a look at the bone.

Because when one is a
policeman, it remains forever.

It shows.

- Brandy!
- Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Here it is!

But it's so good!

- It's this one?
- It's my voice.

And it comes from there.
And it asks for brandy.

Do not pay attention. It is
a soul that messes with me.

Oh no! With the bandits it's
fine, but souls do not talk!

The afterlife does not enter
into the head of a policeman!

The brandy!

The brandy!

Stupid of a soul!
Frightening my visitors!


Wake up!

Paulino! Wake up!

Remember, up!

What happened?

That's what I'd like to know.

What are you doing
here, disasters?

I don't know, Mom. I
was taking a nap.

Maybe I'm still sleeping.

Let's see.

My poor son!

Now, not only dumb,
he's also become crazy.

Come on, Mom.

I'm here to take a nap. - What?

I seem to have nightmares.



This is too much.

The steps to the spirit, but
that bone flute is too much.


I fell asleep.
- I noticed.

I don't know what
happened to me.

I was not sleepy, and suddenly it's
as if I had been shot in the head.

I had many dreams.

Now tell me what you dreamed.

Things you can not explain.

But how? We feel.

It's that I have forgotten.


I struggle to remember the dreams.
I easily forget.


The mother and son were silent.

He yawned, she invented flags.

Because Rosalba had
a talent for flags.

She saw flags everywhere.

Then she made them,
and they sold well.

Ave Maria purest...

Conceived without sin.

- What do you want, good man?
- Do not call me "good man".

It could be the devil, because he doesn't
run away if I mention the Virgin.

He saw many things
in this world.

Let's go in the kitchen.

I can get you something to eat.

I advanced the soup with
tomatoes from the garden.

- Who you know, will pay.
- Come in.

You seem to be coming from far away.
- From farther than it seems.

- He's my son. - I see.

Nearby, the young.
But they seem far away.

He's a little dumb, but
he doesn't hurt anyone.

How good! It's been ages since
I ate such a good meal!

I am pleased.

There is no better oregano and
the cumin is worthy of mention.

And how is life in these parts?

Slow but safe.

And the dead?


Over here you get old.
- So I'm told.

And you, what good
wind brings you here?

The few deaths.

You know of these parts?

The reputation of centenarians
here transcends borders.

It provokes astonishment.

What strange talk!

At your service.

And your son is
always of few words?

Today he speaks little because he was
impressed. He no longer says anything.

It is because of that bone
that sounds like a flute.

- You know that bone?
- I know a lot of things.

We don't know what to do with
that bone of a Christian.

- I can help.
- You?

That's what I'm here for.

You speak strangely. To
listen to you is scary.

- That's what I'm here for.
- Who are you?

Whoever you think I am.

If you're trying to scare me, you're
mistaken. The Virgin protects me.

- What language is that?
- A language him and I know.

Look, I'm regretting
having invited you.

I see.

Tell me, why did you come?

A flag.

A flag?

You want a flag?
- Your flags are famous.

They talk about them in
distant and remote lands.

I am pleased.
But who needs a flag?

- My boss, Father Claptrap.
- Does he exist?

- You don't know him?
- I have the honor.

- He knows you.
- Claptrap knows me?

I thought he was a
fictional character.

We are all invented.

I've been recently
invented and here I am.

Don't make me laugh! You've
been invented for centuries!

It's that I'm are not so diabolic.
Why should I lie?

But I'm sly!

And you said that you
were recently invented?

- I got the power and the stain.
- What stain?

The malignant stain.
The bad stain.

- Show me.
- I cannot.

It is you know where.

- Where the back's name changes? - Getting
warmer and warmer like the brandy!

The brandy!

- Let's see if he now leaves us in peace.
- You don't know how grateful I would be.

See that with a little patience
the devil makes friends?

Holy Virgin, help me!

- Brandy!
- You who know so much,

tell me what it means.

- This voice?
- Claim wine all holy day.

There are days that
are not holy, ma'am.

This voice comes from a tomb of
the Picaflor cemetery nearby.

And why does he want brandy?

- It's a "gorger".
- A what?

A "gorger".

Vulgarly a "gorger".

He who dies with
a desire ungratified.

He asked for brandy before he
died and did not tell the date.

- There's just bad people.
- Picaflor is full of "gorgers".

For me, before I die, I would
eat the sandwich bread.

They say it is unique.

Take off the itch.

Missed opportunity! If you die tonight,
you will spend eternity shouting

"I want the bread!"
- I'm not afraid.

Better that way.

Look, I'm regretting
having invited you.

Look, lady, I've been a priest.

- And he has become the devil?
- Almost the devil.

I have the power, yes. Enough power.
- And how did he become the devil?

How I became the devil?

I'll tell you how it was.

It was the fault of my
compadre Chihuin Caramillan.

We were celebrating the harvest
with "chicha" and toasted flour.

I remember we had improvised
rhymes at will, by turn.

The verses came and went.

They were heresy rhymes.

Some day God didn't
know what else to do

so He stood up on his hands and
created the Upside Down World.

So the divine said, in
his infinite knowledge:

"First I will create thirst,
then I will create wine."

And thirsty He drank the wine
and the divine was drunk.

And doing the siesta He
dreamed of creating the world

and that's how the world
was a day there was God.

Shortly after God said, "I
want to create Hunger."

And then He created the animals
and their ferocious appetite.

It amused him to look at the
beasts that were fighting.

And while devouring, He said:
"I will create the Man."

And the poor man was walking
without knowing what to do.

God said: "It is your duty
to subdue the animals.

They are irrational beings.
You must amount.

After eating and
not to get bored,

I will create you a beauty and
she will do you other men."

And the man saw the woman
and sat on his hands.

And see what God said: "I
will have to demand respect."

And so He created Hell and
filled it with devils.

To the world I send
them to punish humans.

"Whether they are good or
bad, now I want to see!

They will have to walk straight,
because I made the world upside down."


And then the human
race invaded paradise.

The tree of good and evil
they did not leave an apple.

They ate human flesh
and went everywhere,

Earth, Moon, Venus, Mars,

in search of new lands.
And the first frost

invaded Hell!

He declared a draw.

Then I must say that
I was not the devil.

It was my last day
as a Christian.

Compadre Aliro, don't take this the
wrong way. Can I drink from your glass?

- Do you want to read my mind, compadre?
- Yes, imagine!

Here I am free from my devilry. Now
it's your turn to be the devil.

What a relief! Who
wants to go to church!

Who wants to do a good deed!
I would almost dare to be a priest,

I saw how things are!
- And now what do I do?

Devilry and nothing else.
Devilry only.

Until allowed to drink from the
glass of another, compadre.

- The brandy!
- And here I am,

to make mischief.

Poor "gorger"! Who forces him
to get married to the widow?

- To the widow?
- Yes, to the widow.

And why should he
not marry a widow?

This isn't just any
widow, it's the Widow.

The only thing she knows how to do
is become a widow, continuously.

Just as you make flags,

she becomes a widow.
- And how many husbands?


All the men from Picaflor
were killed by the Widow.

Sometimes several per week.

- She kills them?
- Let's say you die next!

Seriously? Tales.

Another day.
Indeed, another night.

Now I want to see the flags.

Come here.

They are almost all sold.

I need seven, one for
each cardinal sin.

Choose, but I tell you
that they are sold.



And this.

And that over there, that over there,
one at top and one at the bottom.

This, then!

All are available.

You like those
that no one wants.

That's the beauty.

I did my homework,
Father Claptrap!

And how much do I owe?
- Nothing.

I do not accept money
from the devil.

- You make him gifts?
- Do good without thinking about to who.

I go with my flute


And my song you like


"Go find in the fields

another bone of my skeleton.

Go find in the fields

another bone of my skeleton.

Go, go

looking for them.

Go, go

looking for them."

And before sunrise,

Paulino and Rosalba went through the
streets of God and a thousand demons,

looking for human bones
to be given holy burial.

The phalanges in Quilicura,

the left foot in Putaendo.

The right in San Rosendo,
the hips in Caquecura.

The skull in Vitacura,

femurs over there in Lolo.

Kneecaps in Picaflor and
bones that are left

a she-devil takes me to
marinate in the brine.

And they walked and walked,

and walked

They walked all day

and when evening came,
they came to Picaflor.

Good evening, grandma.

Good morning, young farmer.

Good morning. May
God protect you.

We're going to Paredon.

To Paredon?

And you have three scapulars?
- No.

I have my rosary.
- Not enough, grandma.

Pray three times to Our Father,
turn around and go home.

That kid is not going to protect you
from all the devils that are here.

- It's just that we have to go there.
- Why the rush?

We made a promise to a flute.

Then go.

Do not mess with promises.

But commend yourselves to God
and the most holy Virgin.

- We already did that, my good man.
- Do not call me "good man".

No one here is good.
- If you say...

What is it?

Apart from the flute! The Widow!

- Must be the molars.
- The molars, yes!

Come here, boy! Come closer, love!
How beautiful you are!

How sad! He escaped me. It's
that I have no luck with men.

And I'm not ugly.

Well, what about you?

We're just passing through.
We have to fulfill a promise.

And this young man...

He's my son. He's a little dumb.

I have no head. I do
not understand well.

But it's good.

No, he doesn't have
a head, but...

a body he has.
- But what good is a body without a head?

It serves, it serves!
But do not stay there!

Come into my humble abode
to meet my children.

Come in, come in.

Take a seat.

A "gold liquor"?

Thank you very much, but we
have to continue the journey.

We made a promise.

Yes, of course, I understand.
It is meritorious.

However, a break
in the battle...

What battle?

The battle for life and death.

Huichi Pirichi are my children.

Greet the guests, children.

Come on! Greet them or I'm
gonna get frustrated!

- Huichi Pirichi!
- Huichi Pirichi!

This house is very strange, Mom.
Let's go.

Shut up! Don't be rude, Paulino!

I now accept a glass
of "gold liquor".

But then we go.

Very well.


A pleasure to have you at my wedding.
- Is it really so?

Here it is. The fish
has taken the bait.

A relaxed sound

the bells of oblivion.

Who can turn off

the fire of love that glows?

- I'm here.
- Thank God.

- I'm here and that's it.
- Come here, I want to touch you.

God wants it.

Now I will bring my musicians because
they play the Waltz of the Widow!

Huichi Pirichi, bring the
box with the musicians.

You still haven't
told me your name.

My name is Man. Man with a B.

Man Baron Cansino.

Baron with a B, at your service.

And you will serve me
very much, good man.

Are there spirits here?

Why do you ask me
that, man of my life?

Because I feel weak.

I get goosebumps.

It is the love torpor.

This music works if you
listen from a distance, Mom.

No need to be closer. It's like the Widow.
It's like everything.

And you? Now you have
become intelligent?

Sometimes it happens to me, Mom.
Sometimes it happens to me.

This didn't last at all. So,
who are the cooks gonna be?

- Me. - And me.

Well, go and prepare.

Paulino, go see! And come
right back to tell me!

- Mom, he is boiling alive.
- What bad people!

It's that human flesh is boiled a bit
when the Christian is still alive.

Thus preserves its flavor.

- They slaughtered him.
- My God!

It must be said that you asked for it.
Maybe go.

You will? You're not going
to be frowned upon, Mom?

And we now divide the parties.


Say it, Widow.

Keep the testicles
and nipples for me.

I eat little, but good.

Ma'am, with all due respect...

We would like to
retire, if you please.

But how? You're not gonna
stay for the barbecue?

It makes us feel weird.
A little while ago we were talking to him.

How can we eat?

But he'll resurrect.
Don't worry!

I keep all the bones.

I leave them seven
days in holy water

and seven days in a white coffin.
And resurrect. Look.

- Present!

- Segismundo.
- Present!


- Present.

- And Rolando.
- Present!

It almost always works.

Let's see... Yes, I think
that once it didn't work.

The things there are to see!

This is a real apocalypse!

This is the end of the world.
Morning, noon and night.

Apocalypse on apocalypse.

And what path are you
guys gonna follow?

- God help us. He is the one who knows.
- I know, it's nothing.

And do you know where
it is, what we seek?

I don't. But the
Wicked Night may know.

The Wicked Night is the psychic
on the radio. She is a mentalist.

Let's ask her. Wicked Night!

This lady and her son
want to try something.

And they want to enlighten.

The lady who consults
has problems.

Search the bones of
a deceased person.

The bones were scattered
in thirteen places.

The lady who consults
must walk, walk and walk.

Continue on her path.

Before sunset you will
find the first bone.

Clean it and it will tell you:

"That the glory looks for you,
that the glory takes you out."

- How much walking time is left?
- Thirteen days and thirteen nights.

Do they have any enemies?

They do.

Will there be dangers?

There will be.

Will she be saved?

She will be saved.

But your son will be in danger.

Will he die?

He will not die.

But in the hills you will lose.
- Thanks, Wicked Night.

How strange! In there it was
was night and here it's day.

Don't pay attention to it, Mom.
Here's how it works. So I'm told.

Who told you that?

A sorcerer dancer.
He told me many things.

What else did he say?

I don't remember anymore.
It's that I don't care.

Just as well, son. Much better.

They walked and walked.
They met nothing.

There weren't even birds. Not
even the shadow of a Christian.

Animals, none. Houses, no.

They walked on.

Mom, I don't want to scare you, but
there is someone following us.

- Sure.
- We've been followed for a while.

- It is more than sure.
- What do we do?

- Let us ask why we are being followed.
- That's what I thought, Mom.

Ave Maria purest...

Conceived without sin

- How can I help you?
- I want to talk with you.

- About what? - About you.

- About us? - Yes, you.

- Why? - To save the country.

Let me introduce myself.

Juan Guardian Agaran.
Occupation: folklorist.

I seek country people who
know the songs and stories.

- Why? - To save the country.

Chile has its own culture,
and it misses it a lot.

I don't know the stories.
Nothing happens here.

- And songs?
- The national anthem and the Salve Regina.

- And the little guy. He doesn't know
of something else? - No, my good man.

Not even to save the country?

- I know a story.
- You? But you have no head!

Sometimes yes, Mom.
Sometimes yes.

Let's see... Check, check...

Yes, stories.

There was a man whose
name was Rolando.

He was a soldier in the
service of Captain Pinchera.

Captain Pinchera served Captain Joaquin
Murieta, under Charles the Great,

King of the Araucan?a.

A man from overseas called
Barabbas arrived and said... fight Charles the Great, his
nephew Roland and his twelve peers.

Behind those hills there are 15,000
soldiers of the Turkish people.

I have here as evidence the
Turkish flag, Hispania Gothia.

And here is the emblem
of Charles the Great.

I am the son of the Leone,

Royal Eagle's nephew,
cousin of the Condor

and a half relative of the Bears.

I am the grandson of Charles the Great,
grandson of the Greek Coat of Arms,

protector of the True Cross
that saves the world.

The True Cross? Don't make me laugh!
I stole it tonight!

I will eat fire to
roast the lamb of God

who takes away the
sins of the world!

- You stole the True Cross, imbecile?
- Yes, I did.

Rolando went to talk to his
uncle Charles the Great.

Uncle, they stole
the True Cross!

That Barbarism! We could not
expect more from these barbarians.

Take 10,000 men and see if you can
save the Cross of the Saviour.

Yes, Uncle!

And so he went with his soldiers
to face the barbarian Barabbas.

But the crafty had
foreseen the attack

and ordered to surround the True Cross
with false crosses, infidels and turks.

Die, Christian dog!

I die without having
saved the cross!

I failed in my business!

But God sent an angel to tell
him the following message.

Where he died a Christian,
there is the True Cross.

Hence salts into Heaven
and that's enough.

May God rest your soul, Rolando.

You made me cry, my good man.

And where did you pull out this story?
- I read it in the magazine "OK".

Since when can you read?

- I read. I read piano, but I read, Mom.
- You read the "Okay"?

I also know Quentin the Adventurer
and Mandrake the Magician.

It always happens to me.
That I have bad luck.

Yesterday a farmer sang me
a song by Agustin Lara.

They are uncertain of the craft.

Until next time.

Goodbye, good man.

Are you looking for the bones?

Yes, ma'am. And who are you?

I am the she-devil Belisaria,
here to drive you crazy.

We are Christians of the past.

Yes I know. I will be your guide.
Follow me.

Come on!

And they went to those
mountains that God gave us.

They went up and
down, down and up.

They walked without resting,
the mother with her son,

in search of the
missing man's body.

They sought his bones.

They walked as if they
would arrive in Argentina,

but did laps on laps.

Until they reached
the first border.

Here was a guardian devil.

- Password. - Come on, say it!

- Chile, fertile outstanding province.
- In the famous Antarctic region.

- Pass, she-devil.
- Yes, devil. Come.

- Yes, I know, it is sulfur.
- Smell, Mom, it smells.


We know that in the hell realms it
smells like what we call sulfur.

But sulfur is healthy. It is useful to all.
It does well and reconstitutes.

Here we improve seeding.
Chile is rich in minerals.

Give me a seed and it will
give strength and value.

So they say. And I believe it, Mom.
It seems that in Hell you're fine.

Just what we needed!
A heretic son!

I'll tell you a story.

Of a minor devil that got to do
with what we're talking about.

There was a man who was falling,
falling, falling, and just that.

This man worked a dry and barren pitch.
He had bad luck.

He liked to compose rhymes.
He told stories in rhyme.

But he always fell. He
did nothing but fall.

One day, when improvising rhymes
with his compadre Chihuin,

an alternate hell,
was winning Aliro.

Desert, tomb and
solitude I do not fear.

I fear only the loneliness
that grows in the soul.


Going to Tarapaca
I reached Atacama.

There I met a lady who
was called Solitude.

I wanted to talk about
love, but she fled.

She entered a cemetery
and the dark night came.

And I told her I do not have time
or the desert, or the grave.

She turned and laughed at me.

She laughed out loud, because it
was a skull. Like my paleness?

I said yes. I am more alive
than dead and that's why I say

I am a man of the word
and do not fear loneliness.

Then she hugged me.
She bit my neck.

I pulled the hair, I
took it and tore an arm!

So I gave her a beating.

Take that and that, ugly dead!
Who loves you, punishes you.

I live, stop! Aren't you
afraid of the dead?

I fear only loneliness!

We fought all night.

Punches, kicks, elbows!
With stones and nails.

However, with the first light,
the skull was incarnate.

I said as I like you!
I prefer well-fleshed.

But I thought about it more calmly

and felt that a thousand loves
were growing in my soul.


Wait for him to get up.
- The poet has fallen!

- If buildings fall, we will too!
- Come on, compadre!

I cannot, compadre!

Can I help you, Your Honor?

- No, you can't.
- Like, you can't?

The regulation does not have it.

It's bad luck that haunts me.

And the conclusion
fell to Chihuin.

- Can I recite it here from the ground?
- The regulation will not have it.

When spring came, we
joined in marriage.

It was a nice funeral. It
was a skeleton priest.

We ate toads and snakes. And
now I live in the cemetery.

They call us the miners, the
lovers from beyond the grave.

By day we dance the samba and
knock-down-drag-out by night!

Why am I so unlucky?

He spent the rest of the
day lying on the ground.

Many tried to lift
him but failed.

Already they thought he would
stay like this forever,

when, at nightfall, he saw
his compadre Chihuin return

fresh from the victory

What nonsense, compadre!

You who are much better than
me at improvising verses

lose to this craze of falling.

Where is that from?
- What do I know, compadre?



or the curse of someone?

Maybe compadre Chiuhuin.
That must be why!

I can't leave you here
like a dead dog, compadre.

What are we going to do?

We will do it and we will
do it with art, compadre.

What do you mean?

Art is meant to help
those who fail.

And he made the circle of stones. And he also
made the sign of the cross, on the contrary.

And he walked backwards.
And he jumped on one foot.

Would you rather die or
live lying on your feet?

Live standing.

- Do you prefer to obey or command?
- I Prefer to command.

- Is there room for this brother?
- There is a place!

The newcomer say, "Non serviam".

- And what does it mean?
- Say it!

"Non serviam!"

And so it was that the
poet Aliro became a devil.

How strange! Now I'm limping.

All of us in Recta
Provincia limp.

Yes, we limp!

But if you want to remain
standing as a respectable man,

you will need to do
what you are asked.

And they went to see
the Viceroy Claptrap.

This way, Don Aliro.
Please, take a seat.

Dad, Mom, help!

Good. There you are, Aliro.
There you are.

- At your service.
- No, brother Aliro, don't say that.

Here we do not give orders. Here
we are in the diabolical mind.

Is it bad or not?

- And what do I know?
- The devil always knows everything.

Now I'm a devil?

A devil... as they
say Chihuin is?

Chihuin is no longer a devil.

You'll replace him.

And what does that mean?

Chihuin will be doing the
communion, who knows!

He is no longer a devil. He'll
be a priest, who knows!

And me?

Here is your first
test, brother Aliro.

Go to the home of a lady
called Woman Rosalba.

- Me? - No, me. Come on, go.

I'm not interested in her. I'm
interested in her dumb son.

- Me? - No, me. Hurry up!

Steal or buy the soul,
of that simple creature

destined to Heaven of Nazareth.

And the devil Aliro went
to do his first mission,

that was to steal, or at least
buy, the soul of an innocent.

- And he succeeded?
- That's what we'll see.

Then there are devils and
she-devils in Straight Province?

Yes. And we can't meet
all the postulants.

I can hardly believe in the
existence of devils. Witches yes.

But it is not just the same.
It's almost the opposite.

The witch serves the Non serviam

and when she dies, she goes to Hell
to live in the underground kingdom.

The devil, however, is
used in the sun, on earth.

Witches and devils need
two different kings.

A likely story!

It's that we are ill-informed about
the world of the true religion.

Look, to make you
better understand,

I'll tell the story of
the she-devil Belisaria.

That's me.

The she-devil Belisaria was in charge
of being a guide for two Christians

who were looking for the bones of
Charles the Great, a Christian Emperor

who he had served under the command
of a certain San Sebastian.

San Sebastiano Pinchera.

The she-devil Belisaria
had obtained his diploma

when he had invited to
dance with the wind

a devoted priest who worked
miracles from parts of Petorca.

Of Putaendo.

Devilish woman, devilish woman, for
you have sinned and you will save me.

- But why save yourself from the passion?
- Even sin saves.

But how? I thought that sin
would serve to get lost.

Remember Mary Magdalene.
Remember San Germano.

- The one in my books there. - It is not
in the books. It's handed down orally.

Tell me, tell me.

San Germano was the first Christian
German down there in Argentina.

He was a sinner! He liked to eat
the lamb of God every Friday.

- But you cannot! - He could.

How could he not,
if he was a saint?

Sinner saint, of course.

One day he was sinning,

while eating a lamb with his
neighbors the Cofquecuras...

When you have finished eating,
keep the bones and skin..

And leave it in the moonlight,

which is now full.

And so they did.

They picked up the bones and
put them inside the skin.

After midnight, the
bones began to move

and they regrouped whistling.

The next day, the lamb was
resurrected happy and content.

And so they continued to
eat it for a few months.

Until the lamb, bored of
being cooked every Friday,

ran over the hills because a wolf
should eat once and for all.

They say that Juan Wolf,

when looking for his half,

searches among the sheep,
and thus finds happiness.

But he also wants all the rest

and all goes wrong.

And to St. Francis of Assisi
the sheep go to complain.

And the saint said to the wolf,
just one wolf for each sheep.

I was looking for
you, Juan Wolf.

I know.

There is much talk of you.

And worse, from what I know.

They say you're a werewolf.

They say so many things.

You know how people
are, Juanito.

People see something and then
go around inventing and lying.

People don't love me,
but even I love the people.

Hero is wild, villain is wild
and they will continue to be.

Change your life, Lupo.

There is still time.

I steal and kill, yes. I
live in the mountains, yes.

Talking with demons, yes.

It hurts, I know.

Because the good does not exist.

I want to tell you about the life, death
and miracles of someone like you.

A wily bandit,

quarrelsome and battered.

Ugly as hunger!

And no respect for
the things of God.

Our Lord had assigned
a guardian angel.

And the king of the underworld
had a devil office guardian.

One day the guardian
devil and the angel met.

You must be what they
call the guardian devil.

Exactly! The guardian
devil at your service.

- You have an easy job, evil one.

I do not.
Evil is like the rivers

that run into the sea

which is our hell.

Everyone knows, of course. But if
it overflows, it does not serve.

And why not?

Because if it overflows,
it goes well.

You say a new thing, devil.

All new features are useful.

And who told you that?

Dr. Faust.

Talking about this and that, they went
to an inn and drank a few glasses.

Forgive me if I treat you
like a compadre, Mr. Angelo.

But now that we're almost associates,
we could call us compadres.

True, compadre.

I dunno how we are going
about with that scoundrel.

Me neither. And I should know.

He has made the
government more deaths.

It doesn't give me the time to suggest
an evil that has already been done.

And I can't think of a good deed
that has already done the opposite.

It doesn't stop. It's pure
passion and the good one.

- It's callous! - Fervent!.

The saint will end and it will
not be on his merit, compadre.

They killed a pharmacist

To steal 20 pesos.

They slaughtered in Quirinco
the wife of a notary.

In the city of Rosario

died three sisters.

And Monday morning has
torn apart a child.

It is always the fault of
that bandit murderess.

What is this?
The angels don't cry.

- I was refused a soul.
- Did you run away?

No, it's not just that. It's
also the hunt from Hell.

They say it's so bad
it becomes good.

Man was created by my son,
who is my father

along with his father.

Praise his holy name.

The work of the Lord
cannot be evil.

The free will is his perdition.

Let's see what we can do. Where
did you say this man is?

He must be on his deathbed, because there
is no punishment that will not pay.

And you say there's
a hunt from Hell?

The're doing a special hell.

Let's go to him.

They found him laughing.

He remembered his crimes
and was dying of laughter.

- Evil man, good morning.
- I don't wish you the same.

And don't get too close, because
the urge to kill I still have.

It is pretty alive and wagging!

First, the Virgin showed him
apparitions of his victims.

He not even lifted his nose.

We make another attempt.

I show this evil thing would
happen to his victims

if he had not killed
a lesser man.

You realize? These
dead you killed

could have been happy.

They could have their
picture in the paper.

They would have had
children and grandchildren.

They could pay taxes

that could have been
used to build hospitals,

schools and roads.

Thank God.

There is no hope,
Immaculate Mother.

See how things are.

That little seven year old girl
you slaughtered, remember?

Sure. I don't remember that.


Slaughter was easy and fast.

Good. That child was condemned
by the Divine Providence

to die at thirty years
of an atrocious death.

A slow and cruel death.
- Thank God.

- That's right.
- Thank God.

And he realized that not
all evil comes to harm.

Your father, who is your son,
has asked me to announce

that if this wicked one fills a
barrel of tears of repentance

he will have, could have, would have or
would have had an undeserved salvation.

I've already given away a tear.
It's enough.

he's as stubborn as a mule.

We have lost!

I do not win.

So, Ms. gracious advocate,

what do we do with people like that?
The monsters are inadmissible.

There remains only
one thing to do.

That stupid, evil and
stubborn one, is unshakable.

- The door to door.
- And what is that?

We will go from house to
house to collect tears.

If this stubborn one does
not weep for his sins,

the good people
will do it for him.

And they went to the fields and
villages to beg for tears.

Coming! Who is it?

The Holy Virgin Mary
and a guardian angel!

Who? Repeat.

The Holy Virgin Mary.

Conceived without sin. Come in.
Forward, forward!

Can I offer you something?
Coffee or coffee-coffee?

Nothing, good soul.
We are in a hurry.

We need someone to
cry for a sinner.

And why didn't he cry?

Because there were no tears,
as others are born blind.

- And who is it? - The Bandit.

I do not cry for him.
He killed my brother.

Forgive, good woman, because you will
be forgiven when it is your turn.

OK, if you tell me...
I'll do it for him.

They found ten people
who agreed to cry.

When the first ten were crying,

word spread and other
volunteers arrived.

Rumors of miracles spread
in the fields of home

and they were erected
unauthorized temples.

And the clergy had to intervene.

Meanwhile, the Catholic
people continued to cry.

They were to fill the barrel.
And the barrel never filled.

They passed several
generations of weeping.

The place changed and came
to be called Lamentation.

They died crying and crying.

Their children continued to cry.

Their grandchildren were
crying incessantly.

And the bad? As if
nothing had happened.

- And what has this got to do with me?
- Search. And search alone.

I'm sure you will find it.

To cry saves?

Cold, cold!

- To cry makes you feel tired?
- Freezing!

Salvation makes you feel sad?


- Too much is always too little?
- Warm, warm!

- And a little bit is already too much?
- Hot, hot!

And how do you
know when you sin?

By the word and by
what they tell.

I know as soon as possible.

- You have a lamb to be sacrificed?
- It's better if we steal.

No, son, stealing is not good.

I understand less and less where it's
the good and where it's the bad.


And Juan the wolf went to the
mountains in search of pure sin.

He asked. No one
could answer him.

One time the stars

they shone for me.

One time the stars

They shone for me.

Now shine for another

Since I lost my love.

Is there pure sin?

- I kill. - I steal.

That is, there is no single sin?

- I steal. - I drink.
- I smoke. - I hit my wife.

- I beat my children.
- I deceived my masters.

I'm vain. I'm a liar.

At the end of one year, he
returned to find San Germano.

Then, the sins?

There are millions of sins.

Warm! Warm!

So why do they speak of seven?

In this melody there
are seven notes

that if you combine
and mingle...

they make many melodies.

Each note is like a sin.

If you hear it too often...

it makes you deaf and drives you crazy.

If mixing with another,

it makes a melody.

How strange!

I cannot understand,
but it seems so.

Well, who wants to, can.

And that sinner became a saint,

although he continued to
rob and attack people,

but with more finesse.

That is, instead of losing it,
I saved it more than before?

It is so. And God
will reward you.

Thus, she-devil of my soul. He
does not always win, the devil.

I will lose my powers.

They walked and walked,
Rosalba and Paulino,

driven by the promise of
bringing together the bones,

driven by duty to the word.

Is there anyone?

Let's sit in the shade. I
have too many years behind.

Let's sit down, Mom. You know
that I do everything that you do.

If you're tired, I'm tired.

- And the poncho?
- Don't touch it, or you'll get hives.

- It is poisonous?
- It is a little devil.

Lift it with the umbrella.

So that is where the
devil lost his poncho.

It's here!

The Devil lost his poncho! This is nice!
- And when he hears!

Where am I, my soul?

It's raining, my soul.
- It's raining or not?

Of course it's raining!

It would have been
better to stay in bed!

The creek carries away houses!

Where am I?

It must be paradise.

I seem to know her.

- It's that I know so many people, I do
not know. - You know a lot of people?

I only know my mom.

They say that if you know one...
you know them all.

- They say that where I'm from.
- I do not have a land.

Or a home, or anything.

It must be sad, my soul.

Thank God you're here with me,
or I don't know what I would do.

I would have thrown myself
under a car to kill me.

Me, when I am sad,
I eat cherries.

Certain that, having no
head, I forget and...

sometimes I get sad.

- And you like me?
- Yes, I really like you.

- And you'll come with me?
- If my mother gives me permission.

A relaxed sound

the bells of oblivion.

Who can turn off

the fire of love that glows?

I do not represent any danger.

It does not exist either.

How, does it not exist?

I'm so sleepy.

But I can't sleep.

Because I miss my mother.

Mama's boy!

Sleep alone, like a grown-up.

But I find it hard, if you
do not tell me a story.

And your mom still tells
stories, at your age?

That is, she tells
little or nothing,

but to me it seems like a story.

And you want me to
tell you a story?

I mean, I know I'm sleeping,
but I would go back to sleep.

I love to sleep.
It's comforting.

Okay, I'll tell a story,
but that's the last time.

There once was a
woman who twittered.

How do you imagine her?

Like my mom.

She twittered so much

that people had begun
to give her birds.

Like my mom.

Once she was visited by a
woman a bit mysterious.

How do you imagine her?
- Like my mom.

The woman wanted to know
if her husband was cheating on her

with a woman who was reputed
to be the most beautiful of the country.

How do you imagine her?
- Like my mom.

The woman knew that
by dint of chirping

the woman of the birds
could fly in dream

and get to many
parts of the world.

The woman accepted the offer

and went flying.
She flew, flew and flew

until she saw the beautiful woman
with the husband of her client.

How do you imagine her husband?

Like my mom.

Wake up, stupid!
You're hopeless!

That's also what my mom says.

The things there are to see!

But I like her.


I want to introduce you to my mom.
Nothing ever happens to me.

How can you introduce me to
your mother if I do not exist?

I've forgotten! You see
that I don't mind?

That's why I like
the dream of me.

People don't dream anymore.
And one gets bored.

Thank God. I like to
do favors for people.

But the head does not follow me.

But once I managed.

And you know some stories?

It's not a story, but a
fact that happened to me.

Oh yeah? And how did it go?

Thus. One day I was on my way,

a little battered,
as my mother says.

And suddenly, I hear
something like a shout.

A man shouted. He
had a stomach ache.

You have a gun?

No, because it loads the devil.

I've got one. It is
loaded and unlocked.

Shoot me in the head.


Because I'm dying and I
want to make it fast.

- And how do you know who is dying?
- Because I ache all over.

Pinchera the Fool and
Torito, who are my friends,

told me that I didn't
have much time left.

They left me here to kill me.

But I don't want to die because of an
illness. I will die because of my own will.

Let's see... What do you feel?

My throat hurts. My stomach hurts,

I have heart failure,
I have a ringing in the ears.

And to make matters
worse, I hear voices.

Come here.

Go ahead.

And he recovered.
We became friends.

He taught me to play Briscola,
Scopa and Tresette.

Now we are like brothers.

Among brothers the word is the
word, and a promise is a promise.

- All right.
- You saved my life.

And this has its own way
and its own reason.

I don't believe in black and
white, for better or for worse.

The only thing I believe
in is the sea of ??things.

It must be nice what you say.

I just don't understand much. It's
because of the head that God gave me.

Do not believe in these
things, brother.

I don't know if God deigns to deal
with what's going on down here.

I believe in the rectum and the
shrewd, in the simple and the astute.

You're not dumb, brother.
Distant and sluggish, yes.

You have your head strolling, but you're
worth more than a doctor. I told you.

How nice that you tell me!

I didn't understand anything,
but it sounded nice.

Before it gets cold, Paulino, I must go.
But we will meet again.

- And when?
- On the 18th, at nine in the evening.

But no commitment. If you can't come,
it doesn't matter. I will wait for you.

Don't say that. I'll keep my word.
I don't have much to do.

Kill Torito, Cochamatre, Cachafay,
Chancho Colorado and his wife.

It's not much, brother.

And before the 18th,
I'll be back here.

And on the 18th
sharp, I am here.

I will wait for you.

I waited for him. My mother
had prepared a soup,

a salad of mushrooms with
roasted corn, bean cream,

a veal casserole, mote with
huesillos and ponche of culen.

We waited and he did not come.

- Your friend will not come.
- I know he will.

We waited until midnight.
He did not come.

And then we heard howls and sounds
of chains, laughter and groans.

It was the wolf that
came to keep his word.

He ate everything we gave him.

He ate heartily and cleaned
the dishes with bread.

Look, forgive me if I'm indiscreet,
but how is it to be dead?

It must be awful, I think.

No, my brother. Neither
too much, nor too little.

Boring, yes. Relaxing, in part.

It's like not feeling good and
being willing to fill your belly

and even more eager
to quaff a glass.

So it is terrible.

We lose sight of common sense. The
"let me think" does not exist.

The "from now on", we do not speak about.
Nor to sleep at the right time,

given that no one sleeps
and there is no now.

In fact you could say
it doesn't exist.

Neither here nor there.

If it were not for the tourists, I
would say that it doesn't exist.

- What tourists?
- The idiots who walk backwards.

It must be horrible.

It is better to be alive.
With this light.

- The light, eh?
- The famous light.

I'm sick of that light.
Comes with questions!

What have you done
Monday, January 4?

What did you think Monday,
January 6 at 3:18?

What do I know about
what I've done in life?

I don't know what
a life I've had!

Sometimes I remember the songs.

And we sang "Ayayay" until
it started to get day.

Then he stopped.

Oh God, it's my turn!

Coming, master, your orders!
Coming, boss!

And then he left on another path.
The end.

I liked your story.

I liked it a lot. Start
to finish, like you.

Why? How can it be?

My God! And there are
people like that!

There's nothing like the
drops to awaken the dead.

Where am I?

You seemed dead, ungrateful son!

Is that how you abandon a
mother who can't do enough?

I thought I was sleeping.

You were dead, disobedient son!

I thought about
courting a woman.

And to whom were you
courting, poor farmer?

To a brunette girl.


Of course I thought I'd
introduce you, Mom.

She just told me that
she didn't exist.

And how do you woo a
woman who doesn't exist?

You should know that there are
women who do not exist and bother,

who even kill and
make people sick.

- And how, if they do not exist?
- That's right.

And how do you know?

The devil always knows everything.
A she-devil even more.

Then I was dead? Too bad
that I am resurrected.

The drops never fail.
They make them in Hell.

Luckily she told me not to fall in
love with people who do not exist,

because they might start to exist.
- Sure.

What does not exist, exists in
dreams, the heart. Or a soul.

At least you saved yourself.
Thank God!

Apparently not, Mom.
There she is.

Here I am. I come to marry you.

And because you recognize the child
that you gave me, you know where.

And what is he doing here?

It is so. He impregnated
her in a dream.

- And how, if you don't even know how
to do it? - I haven't done anything!

I wanted to introduce her to my mother.
- I see it, yes.

Let's see, show the tongue.

Jump on one foot.

Let's see how things are.

That woman says she's had a
ten-year-old child with my son,

because he has no
less of them, right?

That woman that my son says
he dreamed of when he died

now comes with a briefcase of bones of the
deceased that we are putting together,

because we already have.

That woman just now
suspected of my son,

who is it? When, how?


That's strange! Nobody.

Why, there had to be somebody?

Well, there had to be a
guardian devil, here.

- He may have gone to eat.
- The devils don't eat.

Like, they don't eat? I
don't do nothing but eat.

Especially partridges. I love
them, they make me crazy!

Let's sit down.
- I thought you didn't eat.

Me too, Mom. It's a human error.

That's what makes us human. If
not we would be gods, or devils.

You have just said that
even the devils eat.

And how do you cook partridges?

First I leave them in the air.
When they are putrid,

add powdered sulfur and ground teeth.

- Teeth?
- Little Christian teeth.

Milk teeth, they call them.
- I should take note.

Then they marinate a full moon
night in the blood of a virgin.

They do scald with a long snake
tail cut into julienne strips.

Then they will burn in
everlasting fire of coals.

Add two cups of bitter
and a coke gone bad

and serve with jelly of slaughtered
lamb eyes. They are delicious!

And where are the
embers of hell fire?

In San Bernardo, in Calle Puren.

- I will try it. I like to try new recipes.
- It will feel good!

- Mom, there's the skull of that Russian.
- It's him. He fell asleep.

Wake up, sleepyhead devil!

Not ashamed to wake the dead
sleeping the eternal sleep?

I bring you two Christians who are looking
for the dispersed bones of a deceased.

Yes, they had informed me.

And one can?

It depends.

- Depends on what?
- On what they understand.

- And what do you have to understand?
- I tell parables

and then I submit
them to an exam.

If they understood, they pass.
If not, about-face.

It must be a cultured devil.

It will tell a parable, but be careful,
because then you will do an exam.

His father Juan, his mother Juana.
Jaunito his son and his sister Juana.

There was a woman who
was getting married.

But the day before the wedding,
her father shot himself.

The daughter did not want to
wait for the month of mourning.

- It hurts.
- Exactly. He married.

On the evening of the wedding, her
father appeared to her in a dream.

My daughter, I do not come to complain,
but only to ask you something.

You will have a son.
Call him Juan,

like his father.

And then you'll have a daughter.
Call her Juana.

And all of the children you
will call Juan or Juana.

I will, father. I promise you.

And so she did. The first
child was called Juan.

Juan, at your service.

Juan, at your orders.

Juana and that's it.

When the first Juan came
of age, he killed himself.

A year later his
daughter killed herself.

One by one the Juans
killed themselves.

No one wanted to be
called his children.

In the end only one Juan remained alive.
He was not killed.

They called him "Juan Last".

- Good morning, Don Juan Last.
- Good Morning.

- You have not killed yourself yet?
- Not yet, but the desire I do not miss.

He lived alone. He did
not want to get married.

His dead grandfather began to appear
to him. He followed him like a shadow.

There are things in the world
you do not understand.

Why don't you kill yourself,
if you are dying to do it?

And I like the contradictions.
I was born stubborn.

Oh yeah? And the
curse, you forgot?

And the tradition of your family?
And what will people say?

Listen, Grandpa, I'll tell you one
thing that happened to me long ago.

One day I was going through
a field in the hills,

when suddenly I saw a skull.

Watch out for the skull!

How thin you are! You
have to eat more.

I invite you to eat
at my house tonight.

I'll make a soup and
a stew of San Juan.

And where do these
bells come from?

There are no churches.

Good night!

You invited me to dinner!

To dinner?

I do not remember.

Come in.

You are welcome.

- We're just here to accompany him.
- We came as well.

We've already had dinner.

Come in. Take a seat.

And what can I do for you?

We came to dine!

But I invited him, not you.

He is me!

I am the soul of the bones
of this unburied Christian!

We ate well, doomed one.

We ate well.

We dined well, doomed one.

We are satisfied.

The soul of the bones and the
skull of the unburied Christian

want to buy you dinner.

Accompany us, doomed one.

Doomed one, accompany us.

And when?


This afternoon?

No. I've already eaten.

You've already had
dinner, doomed one?

You will dine again, doomed one.

No offense, doomed one.

And what's he doing here?

He's my mother's father.

That's what he was telling
me a long time ago.

I think little
about what I tell.

It was a long time ago!

It keeps happening. This is
why it is so instructive.

Why is it instructive?

Excuse the ignorance, but he who does
not know is like those who do not see.

Paulino, don't bother
the gentlemen!

Never bother apparitions.

And you are not apparitions?
Maybe not yet.

- And you?
- We have been and still are.

And I am. And right now!

- And that amuses you?
- Yes of course.

I don't believe you.

It's that my grandfather
believes in absolutely nothing.

It's almost a little Masonic.

No. It's that what happens to
the living, the dead believe.

And what happens to the dead,
the living do not understand.

And why don't they
understand it?

Excuse the ignorance, but he who does
not know is like those who do not see.

Beware... How do you explain
it to make him understand?

The living spend time thinking about
things like: "What do I eat for lunch?

How do I walk out this door?
How do I climb up that tree?"

The living spend so much
time, until one day...

Before I continue... Are
you afraid of mirrors?

Afraid? Not afraid,
but I feel sorry.

How strange! They feel
sorry for me too.

Look, I'll tell a
revealing story.

One day, long ago, I had
the desire to fire a shot.

Here we are. End of life,
the end of the problems.

That's what you think.

What? I'll end up in Hell?

For some time you are in Hell. It
was already there before birth.


No, young man. Continue.


He's alive. Before he kills
himself and sits down to wait.

Witty, this soul!

I Never look in the mirror
because I'm embarrassed.

I shave by memory. - What luck.

So, that invitation to dinner?

Accompany me, doomed one!
Doomed one, accompany me!

Let's go.

Don't do it!

Don't fall into a
trap, good man.

Do not listen to him, doomed one!
Doomed one, do not listen to him!

He wants to make you fall
into the trap of Don Juan.

- But I'm the Don Juan.
- Exactly.

What's happening to you now, they already
sang in the countryside of Quillota.

Listen carefully.

One day when I was walking

through the fields of Olmu?,

I met a skeleton

that was sunbathing.

I told him jokingly:

"Compadre, I find you skinny

Come to my house as a guest

I will give you
something to eat.

You will eat until you burst

and the skeleton
in flesh will be."

See? Got it?

They want to make you relive
the novel about Don Juan

written many years ago in Quillota
by Don Marcelino Men?ndez Pelayo.

- And that's bad? - Sure.

Because in the end Don Juan prefers
to die rather than be afraid,

because he is afraid
to tell who is afraid.

It seems like we've been discovered.
It's better for us to leave.

That's all?
- Yes.

It is very difficult
to force me to kill myself.

- OK, you lose.
- But the one who wins loses a lot anyway.

Ungrateful nephew, I don't
want to see you again!

You tell the stories very well.

I seemed to live it.
It was very nice.

But if you liked it so much,
why did you fall asleep?

My mother is like that
and I am like her.

When we like something,
it makes us sleepy.

Me, for example, I like to
see the Blessed Virgin.

And when I see her,
it makes me sleepy.

And I see her in dreams
as a film actress.

And the actress
resembles the Virgin?

She looks a bit like Dolores del Rio, but
with the voice of Conchita Supervia.

I imagined her younger. They
say she is very beautiful.

Yes, but it is the
Virgin and you cannot.

What kind of riffraff is this!

It would be better inquired of them.
They are alive and they have no time.

Well, first question.

What is the teaching of
the story I told you?

- You must be careful with mirrors.
- Negative.

- You must be careful with the stories.
- And why?

Because a story leads to another
and you don't end anymore.

- I already knew that.
- Negative.

And what is the answer?

- "More haste, less speed."
- I don't understand.

When you are in a hurry,
you have to stop and wait.

- That's quite the opposite.
- The opposite.

- And now? - No, past as well.

If you do not guess anything,
this test is unnecessary.

Continue the journey and, if you are
thirsty, there to the right is a well.

Thank you.

We are very thirsty.

And they continued their journey
to the lands of Recta Provincia.

And they encountered
what they encountered.

But that is another story.

Fresh water! The water well!

- This water you can drink?
- I think not, because it's too easy.

What is easy is never good.
- You can't even try?

Do as you like, but then don't
say I haven't warned you.

Right this way, sir!

This way, lady! Come, come!

This water is good to
forget and to remember,

to imagine and to remorse.
Clear water, muddy water.

Water that makes people happy and water
that gives grudges and bad thoughts.

Water to go to another world
and come back immediately.

So many varieties of water!

And I thought that the
water was only one!

The water fund is unique, but
the material that floats,

said mother of water, it
varies depending on the case.

The samples, please. - How much?

It's a promotion, ma'am.
It's free, ma'am.

To order costs a bit, ma'am,

but I deliver at home
without supplements, ma'am.

Taste this water that
makes people happy.

Also for me the same.

Please, sir! I offer
it to him for free!

It's delicious! Especially
with the thirst that I had!

It's very sweet. Good!

What's so funny, if
you drink the water?

It's that we we have a pretty face, Mom.
I think that's why.

We're fooled. You will not go
forth from here ever again.

That's weird, huh?
What do you think?

- Me?
- Have we met before?

- I don't know.
- And where are we?

- How would I know?
- What do we do?

What do I know?

- We walk and we'll see.
- With pleasure, ma'am.


And who are you, sir?

Dionisio Faundez. Walker.

And why?

Because my job is to walk.
I live for this.

Clearly, I love my country, it
gives me a place and a manner.

And what is a place?

A place is where we are now. On
earth, in heaven and everywhere.

What is everywhere?

It's as if it were
nothing but the fullest.

And what is full?

Not hungry.

But you ask me too many questions
and I don't know who you are.

I introduced myself,
to serve you.

It's what I wanted to
ask you, about us.

From what they told me, you have
to be the ones looking for bones.

That's why we carry
around these bones!

But what do we call ourselves?

- This I cannot know.
You have to ask the little memories.

I have just seen one on that side.

They remember everything.

Here's one?

Hey, Little Memory!

Come on!

Who is this lady?

The lady who
consults is a widow.

The lady who consults has a son
who follows her everywhere.

The lady who consults wants
to complete a skeleton.

The lady who consults
succeeds in her business.

The beauty is that she can see the
future, that is what could be and was

and what could be and was not.

And me, who am I?

The gentleman who consults made
a pact with the devil Aliro.

He gave his soul
to attain wisdom.

Is it true?

I have no idea.

The gentleman who consults is the
son of the lady who consults.

And the question you will ask is:
"When will we regain our memory?"

You will find very early memory,
but not recoup the tricycle!

- What tricycle?
- It is so, but do not pay any attention.

The lady who consults
and her son,

continue until you reach
the water Mnemosyne.

There will meet those who meet.
- I know as soon as possible.

You have to give her a coin, if
not, she will throw a curse.

- And how much? - 20 pesos!

I know as soon as possible.

This is a coin.

This is a coin.

This song tells me something.

But what?

Who knows!

Who knows" tells me something.
But what?

Goes you know, like whores say.

The word "whore"
tells me something.

Talk about whores in front of your mother?
Respect your elders, you wretch!

I'm sorry, Mom, but you're
giving me the wretchedness,

that is, you recognized me.

And you're calling me Mom.

Excuse me, sir.
Because if we lost...

How do you say when you lose...

How is the word ending
like "revelry"?

- Victory? - No.

When something happens and one re...
- Recalls?

When one remembers what
sticks in the head

and pulls it out on command.

- What you remember. - Or...

Because I remember so
many things if I had...


- What is memory?
- Something you don't have.

And why?

Because you have drunk
the water of oblivion.

But we have not forgotten everything,
because otherwise we couldn't speak.

It's that there are
many forms of memory.

I, for example,

always forget
the word "heart".




Excuse the ignorance, but...

Why, if you say it,
do you forget it?

I say it but forget it.

And when you say
it, you forget it?

That's right. I say "heart" and
do not know why I say this.

But when I don't say "heart," I
do nothing but think about it.

It's that the world is full of
instructive and inexplicable things.

That's why I don't like reading.

Because as soon as I start
reading, I lose a wonder.

And I, without wonders,
feel bad and disappointed.

Sure that our planet
is very beautiful.

It's because the air of the
hills makes you thoughtful.

To us, the ancients would
have labeled us philosophers.

And you think we're the ones
they call philosophers?

Exactly, philosophers.
This is what we are.

I've learned many stories
of philosophers.

I learned them because I read them,
but now I have forgotten them.

Although I suddenly remember.

Right now I'm remembering
a story of philosophers.

One was the municipal
philosopher of St. Maule

and the other was the
philosopher of San Valparaiso.

That of San Maule was
called Heraclitus

and that of Valparaiso
was called Democritus.

They were very good friends.

They wrote letters and more.
They would send seasonal fruit.

- And you?
- I what?

Why go around with
that white sheet?

Because I am a philosopher.
It's the Regulation.

Express order of the city.

Still it makes you
laugh to see you so.

He went on his way,

but the words of the farmer
continued to circle overhead.

They say that I laugh?

What makes you laugh so much?
You want a picture of me?

The madness of Democritus was
that everything made him laugh.

Laugh at your grandmother!

Laugh, it will pass.

"Natura naturans" makes
you die of laughter.

Let it Rain! Let it Rain!

Let it rain!
As long as it doesn't rain!

Let it Rain! Let it Rain!
Until when?

- Are you the famous Heraclitus?
- Yes I am.

You're the one who said:
"Never in the same river?"

I am.

- And it does not make you
laugh what I say? - No, why?

Because his friend Democritus laughs at
everything. They even laugh at the stones.

And since it is
convincing, we all laugh.

And no one does anything.
Everyone laughs.

They laugh even in dream.

And nobody works.
No planting, no one collects.

No one takes care of the lambs.

No one milks the cows.

This is not good. Let's go.
Take me to Democritus.

And they walked up to
Abd?re of San Maule.

When Heraclitus saw
Democritus laughing nonstop,

he felt such pain
that he began to cry.

And Democritus, seeing him
cry, laughed even more.

And Heraclitus, seeing him
laugh, cried even more.

And they remained like that, laughing
and crying for several days.

Then they were sleeping.
The end.

Very beautiful, this story.
What's it called?

The story of the laughing philosopher
and the crying philosopher.

What a beautiful name!

Given that you liked
it so much, tell me...

Which one do you
think is Christ?

The one who laughs or
the one who cries?

The one who cries, I think.

Christ has compassion.
Must be the one who cries.

No. According to the ancients,
the one who laughs is Christ.



I did my homework,
Father Claptrap!

Pure Chile, your sky is blue

and pure breezes cross you ...

- St. Mary the Virgin!
- Conceived without sin, at your service.

But what are you doing here, in
this land of devils and sinners?

I can help those, like
my son, our Lord.

How? Our Lord is here?

Passing to Chile,
helping those he can.

People do not recognize
him, because he is aged.

I understand. There are
many sins everywhere!

And you?
- I'm here to serve you. And you?

We had to do something,
but we don't remember

because we drank the
water of oblivion.

It's the fault of the she-devil Belisaria
working with the she-devil Belinda.

I'll be damned! I
didn't realize.

It's that I lost my memory.

A traveler has helped
us, fortunately.

You should fear above
all, Don Belial Carcamo,

an original Curiquiqui devil.

He's dangerous. Check it out,
he tried to buy my soul!

- The Virgin in person?
- What a babarity, Tiquitiquiti!

Shut up, hellish plague!

It seems that she is my mother.
So said the traveler.

I don't really believe it, because
my mother would have known.

And what he says is that
they're saying that it's me.

Look, St. Mary the Virgin...

That Curiquiqui devil who
wanted to buy the soul

has not been sent to Hell,

as the Holy Mother Church
is in every place?

It was almost funny. He did it
out of sheer devilry, of course.

However, it was a
lack of respect.

Must be one of those they
call the face of a heretic.

Do not pay attention. He says the
first thing that comes to mind.

Check it out, he sold his soul to
the devil to no longer be dumb.

And it's worse than before.

It's that the devils are
like the government.

Always promise things
they cannot deliver.

But Belial Carcamo is the worst.
I'll tell you the last thing he did.

It happened to me and you will see that it's
not easy even for the Virgin of Heaven.

Especially if it is
the heaven of Chile,

which looks more like
Hell than anything else.

There was a jealous man who was
married to an unfaithful woman.

Hello, wife.

I go.

Behave yourself, because
people talk and...

Don't worry, my hubby.

I love you and respect you
more than that you can not.


And he left. As soon as
he was out of sight,

the infidel went to a lover
who was her favorite.

Halfway to Calatrave?o,

woken from sleep by the bumpy road,

her husband stopped at an
inn to eat what was there.

How are you, Don Aliro?

Alias Don Belial, the
devil and the Lord here.

How do you recognize me?

From the horns. From what else?

Same here, I think.

What? What does that mean?

I'm talking about her
horns, which are...

She doesn't see them, but...
they reach the ceiling.

Where are you going in such a hurry?

I'm going back home,
to punish my unfaithful wife.

Where are you, wife of the devil?
With that lover, libertine wife?

It wasn't true what
Belial told me.

This is what happens when you
believe everything the devil says.

And he continued his journey.

Soon she became his
unfaithful wife.

Thank you, Our Lady.

This time it goes, but
it's the last time.

The last time.

What do you say?

She forgives sinners?
- Three times.

Then they punish my son, Father
of Our Lord and God in general.

- Where is the one that they say is my son?
- There he is.

What are you doing there on your knees?
Come and kneel before the Virgin!

- I'm listening to a radio.
- A radio? And why?

The radio is talking to me.

Well. Good luck.

Apparently another
sinful woman calls me.


Do you want your radio
to only talk to you?

Radio Persona is the radio
you are looking for.

R.A.C., broadcasts
day and night.

Underground, night and day.

Good evening, ma'am. You must be Donna
Rosalia Patruri, widow Za?artu,

as the brandy of the same
name, the creator of flags.

In person. At your service, Mr.

Agapito Cotapiz Philips, at
your service for anything.

He is reciting poems.

Exactly. I cross the Chilean countryside
reciting educational poems.

It is my modest contribution
to the country.

OK! And what does the poetry say, Mr.

On this occasion I will
recite the poem entitled

"Stunts and businesses
of Lieutenant Bello"

by Procopio Saenz Furtado,
poet from Mulche.

If you want to follow the poem with
the photos, you have the album.

Photos by Yanez, the photographer
of the Court and of the Navy.

The poem, as written, says so.

Here is a hero of
the sky singing,

light, flying and levitating,

poet of the rose and
the windse air routes.

They tell us what they
know, the wise...

Look, the shells!

The God Pan is dead, but
Venus is about to be born.

They were born from delicious blood
and form a duo in the countryside.

We are the shells of the rodeo.

Those of the San Carlos
rodeo, one of its kind...

the best in the world.

Since you are a duo,
sing, to be sure.

Shell, small shell,
shell, seashell,

come here and give me a basin,
come here to hold me tight.

Look how the water flows!

My life fighting in the sand.

My life fighting in the sand.

So fight, my love,

when my life is put in chains.

Look how water flows!


Is there anyone?

Is there anyone here?
- I'm here.

Dad, Mom, help! Police
of Chile, help!

Aviation! Civil defense!

- And who are you?
- We are the lost children of the snow.

- And when did you get lost?
- Oh! Many years ago!

- And why does time not pass for you?
- The darkness remains intact.

- And how do you pass the time?
- We organize choirs and Christmas carols.

Sing us something.

Perhaps we can think
of some refrain.

St. Joseph looks at the Virgin,

The Virgin looks at St. Joseph.

St. Joseph looks at the Virgin,

the Virgin looks at St. Joseph.

The child looks at them both

And all three smile.

Sleep, Baby Jesus!

How many memories, this song!

St. Mary the Virgin!

Conceived without sin.

I had not seen her.

And what brings you
into this dark forest?

Here we are, Holy Mother, who
escaped to the refrains.

And what refrains are they?

The refrains of the shells.

The shells? She-devils
are fun, but dangerous.

They stick in your ears and make
the poor condemned here crazy.

I must say that we were
saved by the radio.

Ah! That must be the beautiful
devil who is now advertising.

And a devil can be beautiful?

That's what they prefer. They
even make beauty contests.

And these children?

Oh, no. They are good.
They're just a bit lost.

They're the children of
the college San Pedro Nolasco.

- Ah, Holy Virgin, it's a miracle!
- What's a miracle?

I found the thimble that I had lost
on the day of the First Communion.

Ah! Here's my wedding dress!

Those who wait will find.

How nice to find all
the lost things!

I have found my top.
Here she is.

I haven't seen you for years.
How you have aged!

Did you see how it's talking to me?
It was my favorite.

what did you tell me again,
my dear spinning top?

Do not ask me questions, because I
might tell, and then I would see you.

Do you not see that
I've suffered so much?

It was a spinning top of Santiago,
della Candelaria de Los Perros.

Here are the hats
that I had lost!

Long live Chile, my soul!

You are in the region of lost things.
All that is lost ends here.

Recognize me, pretty lady?

What are you doing here, Percuetano?
Honduran demon!

Is it not true, my dove,
that on this secluded beach

shines the purest moon and
you can breathe better?

Get out of my sight!

How come you know him so well?

Mom... Mom...

Huh, I remember that
you're my mother.

That's Nibaldo
Morella Mallarana,

the fiance that I lost on
the day of the wedding.

He left me waiting at
the door of the church.

While competing with the shiny gold
of your hair the sun shines in vain,

while with contempt the plain

view your white
forehead like the lily,

while your lips, to catch him,

most of the eyes cling
to the opened carnation,

and while with graceful disdain

of shiny crystal
your gentle neck

rejoices in your
hair, lips, face,

before what was your golden age,

gold, lily, carnation
and shiny crystal

not only in silver or
bronze are transformed,

but you and them
at the same time

in the wind, in dust
in the ground,

in the shade, in nothing.

Yes! Minds as well!

But listen and learn!

See how little things
that we chase are worth.

In this treacherous world, even
before dying, we lose them.

Some are destroyed by age and
other disastrous events happen.

Others, for their quality at
the highest level, vanish.

Tell me: the beauty,

the graceful splendor,
the pallor and color of the face,

when old age comes,
what remains?

Then you do not love me anymore?

I don't love you.

Then I'll kill myself again.

And you, my good man,
who have you lost?

- I've lost you long ago.
- Me? And how?

I am Our Lord Jesus Christ,
who helps where he can.

And what's he doing here?

I'm here because I've lost myself.

I came to find me,
helping where I can.

His mother told me he was
here to help those he can.

Helping where it's possible.

It is true that we have
forgotten a little.

There is no oblivion, but
only incomplete memories.

An incomplete memory
is forgetfulness.

Look, Lord Jesus Christ, you who do
wonders, could you get us out of here?

With great pleasure. And one,

and two, and three.

.- How did you sleep?
- All right, St. Mary the Virgin.

Conceived without sin.

- I've only dreamed nonsense.
- Be careful what you say, ma'am.

Dreams speak and tell.

I find it hard to believe in dreams, St.
Mary the Virgin.

He conceived without sin.
And what do you think?

What I believe in?

I don't know.

I believe in God the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth,

and in Jesus Christ our Lord.

But I don't believe even a
little in the Andean Cordillera.

I don't believe in the
galleons nor Pedro de Valdivia

and even the city
they call Valdivia.

I don't believe Spain would say
that they dominate the world.

Not believing ruins everything.

But I believe with all my strength.

I am a fervent believer.
And so I'm happy and I console myself.

Good thing my son, our Father,
forgives and cries for us.

He was in charge with
great insistence

to help you get
out of this maze.

Look, Mom! Do you remember?

The suitcase is filled with
the bones that were missing!

See? This was not the case
when we lost our memory.

This reminds me of a
story I told my son.

He calls them parables. The
parables are beautiful stories

that want to say so
many things, and more.

There once was a man.

He had no head and even
got lost in his own home.

His mother asked him to do one
thing and he simply forgot.

This man lived with his
mother who invented flags.

One day, strolling in the garden,
he found a bone of a Christian.

A music lover devil had had
fun making holes in the bone.

He had turned it into a flute.

And the innocent, not knowing what he
was doing and that sin was committed,

began to play the bone.

He played a music, a
music of another world.

And a voice came out of the flute.
She spoke to him in music and said:

"Go around the world.
Go to these evil lands

and seek the bones of my skeleton
in jest dispersed and hidden."

The man told his mother
and they left together.

Come, let us all

with flowers in quantities...

They set out together
in search of the bones

to reconstruct the skeleton of the
deceased and give him a holy burial.

They searched the bones, found
and reassembled the skeleton.

But the bones
recalled the flesh.

The moon was full and the
deceased came into the world.

Thank you for the favor
you have done me.

I see it and do not believe it. The
more I look, the less I believe it.

You better believe it, lady. And still
less believe the deaths I intend to do,

the big revenge that I have
promised to commit and perpetrate.

I think to liquidate
thirty families.

I'll go to the countryside,

killing, slaying and laughing.

With all the efforts we have
made to find his bones,

now it seems we have done worse.

No, the evil will never end.

Never, lady!

Evil is comfortable
in these rough lands,

lands of hills and
wicked wickedness.

Thirty Christians retaliated me.
And I have to kill thirty.

Including families.

It's a lot of work,

From morning to night.

So, many thanks for everything.

And now, begone, bad luck!

He's telling us it would
be better to stop trying?

- That's what I understood.
- You are good connoisseurs.

Holy Virgin, give us your
blessing, that we go home.

And what we have seen here we will
not believe and not remember.

It is precisely those who live to wander and
get lost in things without rhyme or reason.

But I already told you.

What we saw did not take place.

And if it took place,
we do not remember.

And they returned home.

And from that day they decided to go out on the
street and in the garden as little as possible.

They lived many years and never
told anyone their story.

But others told it for them.

When the dawn rises,
the dawn of day...

When the dawn rises,
the dawn of day...

He dropped a shepherdess,
at the foot of a mountain.

He dropped a shepherdess,
at the foot of a mountain.

He dropped the shepherdess
all covered with skins.

He dropped the shepherdess
all covered with skins.

And to rest sitting
under a laurel.

And to rest sitting
under a laurel.

He pulls out the cards with
the story of his life.

He pulls out the cards with
the story of his life.

And while he reads,
he falls asleep.

And while he reads,
he falls asleep.

Poor shepherdess, poor
little one from the fields.

Poor shepherdess, poor
little one from the fields.

May God console you with his glory
for having suffered so much.

May God console you with his glory
for having suffered so much.

Subtitles: SubMan