Klop 75 ili Mayakovskiy smeyotsya (1976) - full transcript

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Above us is the Sun,
the Sun and the Sun.

Rejoice, all you who are strong,

Workshop of the workers
who create our world.

Warm us, Sun!
Play, Sun!

Burn, our Sun!


Shine always,

shine everywhere,

till life's own source runs dry -

shine on -

for all your blooming worth,

so say both sun and I!









Screenplay, director-producers:
Sergey Yutkevich, Anatoliy Karanovich

Main camera operator: Yuriy Neyman
Director: Arkadiy Kordon

Art directors: N. Vinogradova, S. Gavrilov,
N. Koshkin, D. Mendelevich, V. Peskov

Puppet artist: E. Kogan
Costume artist: M. Levikova

Composers: V. Dashkevich -
"Russian Autoroads" verses,

"Bayan's Wedding Toast",
"Gypsy Romance", "Elzevira's Romance",

"Prisypkin's Flight", "Skripkin's Triumph"

A. Kremer - "Prologue", "Photonovel",
"Prisypkin's Romance",

"Tango and Bayan's Verses",
"The Charleston and the Fire",

"City of the Future", "Prisypkin's Dream",
"Bedbug, Darling Bedbug", "Finale"

For "Song About the Sun" (poem:
Mayakovsky) and "Diogenes" lyrics,
music by A. Gorin

Ensemble: "Pewter Soldiers". Song text:
Y. Mihaylov, Sound: M. Leksachenko,
Music sound operator: V. Babushkin

Animation for "Prisypkin's Dream"
Director: V. Tarasov, Camera: M. Druyan

Animators: O. Bogolyubova, T. Mititello,
Y, Meshcherikov, Y. Kuzyurin, A. Bukin,
A. Sher, O. Komarov, V. Arsentyev

"Prologue" animation artist:
Anatoliy Petrov

Cutout animation for "Market":
Director: I. Garanina, Camera: B. Lanin

Animators: E. Avakyan, Y. Batanin,
A. Gorlenko, V. Palchikov,
T. Fadeyeva, L. Ryabinin

Puppet animation for "Dorm",
"Wedding": Camera: T. Bunimovich

Animators: I. Kassil-Sobinova,
O. Dumbadze

Editor: N. Treshchyova
Animation production director: N. Bitman

Camera: V. Mihaylov, Combined
Anim/Live: Camera: V. Rylach,
Artist: O. Kazakova

An Experimental Artistic Synthesis
with the participation of
Soyuzmultfilm studio


Hello, comrades.

First of all, I want to explain to you
why I am standing here.

I was invited by my friends,

directors Sergey Yutkevich
and Anatoliy Karanovich,

to take part in this film as,
well, let's say,

a witness, a contemporary
of Mayakovsky.

Today, when monuments are
erected in honor of Mayakovsky,

when they study Mayakovsky in schools,

or rather, they "cover" Mayakovsky,

it's very difficult to imagine
what the poet

was during his lifetime,

what kind of storms
raged around him.

It seems I can still hear this...

this storm at the Polytechnic Museum,
this howling and roaring of his enemies,

the shouts of his friends
when he performed.

Mayakovsky was fearless,
he took the blows

and hit back outright.

We, young people, loved him infinitely.

He was our standard.

When the directors and I were
negotiating my participation in this film,

I asked them: "Very well, but
what if I don't like something in your film,

do I have the right to say this
to the audience

or should I praise everything?"

They answered:
"Say whatever you like".

And so, we came to terms.

That's how I found myself in this
pavilion of the film studio,

which has everything one needs
to create a film's image and sound.

Looking around, here you can see
the lighting equipment,

microphones and
the shooting equipment.

And at the top you can see something
that looks like a captain's cabin,

this is the place for sound engineers.

So if you hear me badly now,
it's their fault.

In short, here you are surrounded
by film equipment

which in the days of Mayakovsky
you couldn't even dream of.

The main character of this film
is the embodiment of the petty bourgeoisie -

Prisypkin, or Pierre Skripkin,
as he elegantly renamed himself.

Mayakovsky saw in the
petty bourgeoisie his mortal enemy.

and he fought against it
with the full force of his genius.

Of course, we understand that
now there's nothing to fight against

and there's no need for that because
the petty bourgeoisie is over forever.

There is none of it left.

Well, maybe just barely
noticeable manifestations.

Some car will rush along the street,
all decked out in colored ribbons,

and balloons, and with a
baby doll atop the radiator,

and in this car sits a pompous Prisypkin
with a girl in a white veil.

Doesn't Prisypkin want an elegant life?

Doesn't he want a prestigious car
and contacts with celebrities?

To be serious, there are much more
dangerous manifestations

of petty bourgeois, of "Prisypkinism".

Because Prisypkin is the same
classic character

as Tartuffe, Khlestakov or Rasplyuyev,
for example.

I want to tell you, comrades, not to be
surprised that in this film

alongside the live actors you will see puppets,
animation, all this mixed together.

This is an experimental film.

Mayakovsky once said:

"The main thing depends on the breadth
of the director's vision".

Our directors' vision
was broad indeed.

Well, we'll see
what will come of it.

Now let's get acquainted with the actors.

The actor invited to the role of Prisypkin
is completely new to cinema.

He worked for a variety show studio.
He was never filmed,

and to find out how suitable he'd be
for this role, we made a screen test,

based on Mayakovsky's script
"Forget About the Fireplace".

Let's see this screen test.

Hey you, giver of enemas!

Write me a sick leave.

But you're not sick.

Aren't I?

You're absolutely healthy.


It's ticklish.

Tomorrow I'll be sick.

I'm always sick the day after payday.

Comrade doctor, close your health centre,
we're all going to the community work day.

And you - pay the "Russian
Autoroads" membership fee.

You haven't paid for six months.

Haven't I?

And what is this?
International Red Aid - paid!

Russian Red Cross - paid!

"Down With Illiteracy"...

"Down With Illiteracy"...

Here you are!

Not enough for you, huh?
The "Russian Autoroads"!

You won't get anything!

You're snakes!
You're flayers!

You're pilfering my wage:
"Put it all on the table!"

Don't you touch me,
Why should I pay these fees?

What did I fight for?
What did I fight for?

What did I fight for?
Who goddamn knows!

If you're responsible,
this and that,

Then you have to pay
for everything.

Oh, no, my dear,
look for another fool!

I'll say, "Good luck",
and then be off.

I'll say, "Good luck",
and then be off.

They will pounce on me
and begin to embarrass me.

Well, bugger them all,
they're nothing to me.

It's not the 19th year,
I can indulge myself.

I'll get what I...!
I'll get what I...!

I'll get what I fought for!

We march together,
shoulder to shoulder.

We build roads, but what
have I to do with it?

Oh, no, my dear,
look for another fool!

I'll say, "Good luck",
and then be off.

I'll say, "Good luck",
and then be off.

What do you think?
I think this is a suitable candidate.

This actor's name is Yuri Chernov.

Let me introduce him to you.

Gee! And where is Chernov?

Chernov is not there,
he's late again.

Again? He's always late!

- I'll find him.
- Okay.

You know, comrades, we could
re-shoot this scene with Chernov,

but I'd like to show you...

Hello! Sorry, I'm late.
But it's not my fault.

Our concert was far away and
we had problems with transport.

You should apologize not to me,
but to Iya Sergeyevna Savvina.

She always comes on time
and you made her wait.

Let's get acquainted.

I'll be your partner in this film.

I'll play the role of Zoya Beryozkina,

and in the course of the plot,
I'll have to fall in love with you.

Thank you.
Oh, sorry...

I'm Yura.

Attention, get ready for the dubbing
of the episode "Dorm"!

It seems I forgot the text at home.

I have a lot of concerts,
so I forgot about it.

But I remember the musical parts!

It's okay, I'll help you.

This episode exactly follows
the text of the play.

You should remember that play.

We covered Mayakovsky at school,
but not "The Bedbug".

But I studied "The Bedbug",
Alexey Yakovlevich.

But I have a question.

At the very beginning of the play,
Zoya Beryozkina appears only for a moment,

and I, as an actress, don't have
time to understand

about the nuances of the relationships
between Zoya and Prisypkin.

Where did they meet?
How did they spend their time?

Where does Zoya work?

Mayakovsky the journalist will answer
these questions better than me.

He wrote "The Bedbug"
using newspapers materials.

And he has one saying:

"Together with me, this play was written
by the Komsomol and 'Komsomolskaya Pravda'".

I suggest you to take advantage
of your actor's imagination

and imagine yourself as Zoya Beryozkina
in that distant epoch.



Worker Prisypkin [sleepybones]
calls himself Pierre Skripkin.

He met artists who said
he looked like Harry Piel.

After that, he began to go
to the movies more often.

He grew side burns.

And, wanting to keep the beau monde,
barely washed himself for a month.

Everybody to the community work day!


Report on the international situation

of the "BLUE BLOUSE"
trade union council.

Harry Piel's "Der Mann ohne Nerven"

And yet, I can't understand.

I can't understand.

She is a Komsomol member,
a young girl.

And she fell in love with this Prisypkin?
It's unbelievable.

Zoya was young, naive.

And he had a powerful instrument
of seduction - a guitar.

Mayakovsky hated vulgar things,

and he called people like Prisypkin
"romance-voiced" ones.

Mayakovsky mocked the popular romance
called "Forget About the Fireplace".

So he gave one of his scripts
the same name.

I did learn the romance of Prisypkin.
May I sing it?

The moon hid behind a cloud -

It again goes out for a walk.

Let me put your white-white hand

To my red heart.

My feelings, dreams and fantasies

Were again lit up in my heart
like a flame, -

In my battles with
the world bourgeoisie,

I earned a private life for myself.

He left her after
Fifteen days of use,

Because she didn't have
Enameled leather shoes.


When you put, so trustingly,

Your little fingers into my palm,

You can't even imagine

That you put them into a fire.

It's impossible to live
without tenderness,

It's easy to ruin this tenderness.

Let me love your
black-black eyes

With my ruby-red soul.

- Why so late?
- Hi!

- Are you all set?
- Yes.

My boys are in a hurry,
so let's start.

But we first need to film
the "Dorm" episode.

Baby, we need to mount everything.

Stop, stop, stop!

Forgive me, comrades,
but I have to stop the action,

because there are two new
and very important characters.

One of them is Bochkin, who
chose the pseudonym Oleg Bayan.

He's a rascal, the ideologist of Prisypkin,
his "home-bred Mephistopheles".

A preacher of the
temptations of the elegant life.

By the way, after the play "The Bedbug"
appeared, there was a scandal

around Bayan's name.

The fact is that then there was one
real character, I knew him personally,

he was a literary plagiarist
and a fake poet.

His name was Vadim Bayan.

Of course, this was also a pseudonym.
He was really named Sidorov.

So, this Sidorov accused Mayakovsky
of the charge that

Mayakovsky insulted his person.

He said that Oleg Bayan
in "The Bedbug"

had a lot of "parallels
and common features" with him.

Mayakovsky replied: "If you don't like it,
change your name".

This "Bochkin-Bayan" is played
by Leonid Sergeyevich Bronevoy.

To be precise,
he plays two roles:

He plays Oleg Bayan from
the "New Economic Policy" era

and the modern mediocre
actor Bochkin.

Galina Borisovna Volchek
also plays two roles.

At first she plays Madame Renaissance,
the future mother-in-law of Prisypkin.

from the "New Economic Policy" era.

And then she plays a mediocre actress
who performs with Bochkin.

They both voice themselves.

They voice their animated drawings,

because cinema has learned
how to give life to drawings,

but the drawings can't speak with
human voices themselves yet,

even now, in the era of the scientific
and technological revolution.

I apologize to the actors
for interrupting their acting,

and I ask them to start
the scene from the beginning.

Why so late?
Look at the clock!

- Hi! Are you all set?
- Yes.

Okay, my boys are in a hurry,
so let's start.

No, we first need to film
the "Dorm" episode.

Baby, we need to mount everything.

The boys today have
two more gigs.

So these puppeteers will wait.

Give me the sheet music, baby!

Come on! Come on!

Instruments in order!
Tempo! Tempo!

What about you?
Warm up! I'll start...

Good, just not so loud.
I'll start the test.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Ma-ma! Ma-ma-mua!
1, 2, 3, 4!


Attention, everyone get ready
for dubbing the animated episode "NEP"!

Complete silence!

Attention! Instrument room!
Projection! Action!

For the upcoming wedding
Prisypkin and Bayan

are making purchases using the money
of Madam Renaissance.

You will find here
everything you want:

All you want for drinking
or for comfort.

Here, the old world is ready
to give itself up

For the new Soviet currency.

Oleg Bayan will arrange
everything just like in Paris,

Oleg Bayan advises you
with good intent:

Grab the piece that lies
closer to you,

So that nobody grabs it
before you.

Wait till you're my age, my dear.

They will deceive you many times -

Ask Madame Renaissance about it -

Because there are all sorts
of crooks at this place!

All around is
wonderful private trade,

This is fair trade,
who will beat whom?

We don't need much
from friends or family -

No, we don't need too much!

Sometimes there are
militia raids,

But each of us has a license.

We are modest people
and if you pay,

We'll sell you everything, everything!

Ah, those private sellers -
they are all crooks,

You won't even notice
how they will deceive you.

Trade without rest,
hike the price threefold,

As long as they pay,
as long as they pay!

And in this beautiful crush

You can see very clearly

The death throes of the class

That has something to lose.
Has something to lose!

Lampshades! Lampshades!

Lampshades of any color and type.

Blue ones for comfort,

Red ones for passion.

"Coty" perfume by the ounce!

"Coty" perfume by the ounce.

"Coty" perfume by the ounce.

Fur-lined brassieres!

Fur-lined brassieres!

Oh! Look at those
aristocratic bonnets!

They're not bonnets! They're...

Do you think I'm blind?

Suppose we have twins?

There'll be one for Dorothy,
and one for Lillian.

I've already decided to give them
aristocratic-cinematic names...

They will go out
together like that!

Yes! Buy them, Rosalia Pavlovna.

Comrade Skripkin...

Don't call me comrade!

You're not a proletarian yet -
not till after the marriage!

Buy them, buy them,
Rosalia Pavlovna.

He doesn't mean to be vulgar.

Here he is, bringing an immaculate
proletarian origin

and a union card into
your family

and you count your rubles!

You shouldn't get married
because of a button!

You shouldn't get divorced
because of a button!

Just press your thumb against
your index finger

And you won't ever lose
your pants, citizens!

Dutch press studs!
They sew themselves on!

Twenty kopeks for half a dozen!

Here you are, monsieurs!

Buy them, Rosalia Pavlovna.

In our Red family there must be
no petty bourgeois squabbles

over pant malfunctions.

And Comrade Prisypkin's pants
must be like a horn of plenty...

He is the victorious class and
he sweeps away everything in his path,

like lava!

Allow me to deliver it
at no extra charge.

The best republican herrings!

Indispensable with every kind
of vodka!

Yes! Salted herrings!

Now that's something
for the wedding,

I'll sure take some of them.

How much is this sprat?

This salmon costs two-sixty
per kilo.

Two-sixty for this
overgrown minnow?

Only two-sixty for this
budding sturgeon!

For these marinated
fish bones?

For this real whale!


Two-sixty for this sprat?


For this overgrown minnow?


For these marinated
fish bones?

Did you hear that,
Comrade Skripkin?

Oh, how right you were

to kill the Tsar, our emperor!

Oh, how right you were

to drive out Mr. Ryabushinsky!

I shall claim my civic rights
and buy my herrings

in the Soviet State Co-Op!

The best republican herrings!

Indispensable with every kind
of vodka!

Comrade Skripkin, why get mixed up
with these petty bourgeois elements

and haggle over herrings
so quarrelsomely?

Don't you worry,

There's no reason to.

Just give me half a liter of vodka

And the tail of herring,

And fifteen more rubles...

Then the wedding
will be a success.


Comrade Bayan...

I'm against all this
petty bourgeois stuff -

like canaries, and so on...

I'm a man with higher needs.

What I'm interested in
is a wardrobe with a mirror...


Whales! Whales! Whales!

Now then, show me your snail!

It's a whole tail's length longer!

A whole tail's length longer!

A whole tail's length longer?

What did we fight for?

Oh, why did we kill the Tsar,
our emperor?

What did we fight for?

Oh, why did we throw out
Mr. Ryabushinsky?

Where will I find my civic rights

and my herrings?

This Soviet regime of yours
will drive me to my grave!

My dear Rosalia Pavlovna,
try comparing them from the other end.

It's only bigger by a head,

and what do you need the head for?
It's inedible.

You'll cut it off and throw it out!

Did you hear what he said?

If I cut off your head,
Comrade Bayan,

it will be no loss to anyone.

But if I cut off this herring's head

I lose ten kopeks to the kilo!

All around is
wonderful private trade,

This is fair trade,
who will beat whom?

We don't need much
from friends or family -

No, we don't need too much!

All around is
wonderful private trade,

But each of us is very honest.

We are modest people
and if you pay,

We'll sell you everything,

We'll sell you everything,

We'll sell you everything!

Property. Theft. The Law...

is blind. Purchase. Sale.

New Economic Policy [NEP].

New Economic Policy [NEP].

New Economic Policy [NEP].


Attention, get ready for shooting
the episode "Dorm".


Episode "Dorm", take one.

Puppeteers, action!

Where are my boots?

Someone's swiped
my boots again!

They're here. Prisypkin took them
to go see his lady-love, his she-camel.

The trash he leaves behind him
is kind of more refined nowadays.

It used to be empty beer-bottles
and fish-tails.

Shut your trap!

The kid buys a new tie and you curse him
like he was Ramsay MacDonald.

That's just what he is!

The new tie don't matter.

Trouble is that he's tied to the tie -
not the tie to him.

Friends, help me to conduct
a great experiment.

I use the latest techniques
to fight against absenteeism!

Today he quit his job.

He's marrying
the daughter of a barber.

Now his nails will be trimmed by
Mademoiselle Elzevira Renaissance.

Pretty cozy!

Maybe you just envy him?

Do you think you're Karl Liebknecht?

If someone beckons you,
you surely would leave too!

What a hero!

This isn't 1919 any more.

People want to live their
own lives now.

Attention, in a minute Prisypkin
should noisily awake!

Comrade Skripkin, don't pay
attention to these rude jokes;

they will only spoil the refined taste
that is awakening in you.

Who is this?

This is his teacher,
who taught him to do his hair.

He now teaches young people,
to write poetry and to dance...

and from some,
he just borrows money.

You have talent,
Comrade Skripkin!

But what with capitalist encirclement
and the building of socialism in one country

you have no place to let loose!

You need a world revolution,

you must break through
into Europe.

Once you've smashed
the world bourgeoisie,

you will delight the Moulin Rouge
and the Pantheon

with the beauty of your
bodily movements.

The most crucial step in life

is the first tango after
the nuptial ceremonies -

it should leave
a lifelong impression!

Well, take a few steps
with an imaginary lady.

That's right! Tread softly

as if on a moonlit night,
full of sadness and dreams...

...you're returning from a saloon.

Oh, you are so beautiful,
my tango,

It's hard with people,
but it's easy with you.

Don't wriggle your hind-parts!

You're supposed to be leading
your mademoiselle, not a pushcart!

I was just scratching myself.

Oleg Bayan knows women,
no doubt.

Oleg Bayan advises you
with good intent:

If you want to kiss us, do it
only after the engagement,

And if you do this before,
you'll only have yourselves to blame.

Vanya, what happened?

So it's over?

Our love is liquidated.

"We part like ships in the sea..."

Van'ka, aren't you ashamed?

You need to leave this woman.

She's pulling your strings!

Vanya, what happened?

We wanted to live together!

We wanted to work together!

Don't interfere with my
freedom of love as a citizen,

otherwise I'll call the militia!


Don't be sad, Iya Sergeevna.

Zoya was clumsy in love,

and just as clumsy in suicide.

Therefore, in the second half of the film,
you'll meet your character again.

You should never forget:

don't put on two ties at once -

particularly if they're
different colors.

And remember,

you can't wear a starched shirt
outside your pants!

Especially for a wedding.

The tramcars drew up
to the Registry Office,

Bringing the guests
to a Red marriage service.

Dressed in his working clothes
was the groom

And a union card stuck out
of his blouse!

Ah, the guests are respectable
and prominent,


The mother-in-law is dignified
and imposing,


The bride is rosy and drunk,


But not because of wine.

Let's begin, Skripochka?

Wait a little more.

I wish to get wed in
an organized fashion -

in the presence
of the guests of honor,

and particularly in the presence
of the secretary of our factory committee,

respected Comrade...



My dear bride and bridegroom,

please forgive me
for being late

and allow me to convey to you
the congratulations of our leader,

Comrade Lassalchenko.

"Tomorrow, I'd even
go to church."

"But today is a Party meeting."

"And like it or not, I have to go
to the Party cell..."

I hereby declare
the wedding open.

Comrades and Monsieurs,
please eat!

Where would you find pigs
like these nowadays?

I bought this ham
three years ago

in case of a war
but there's still no war!

And the ham is getting moldy...

Please eat!

Respected citizens!

Beauty is the motive force
of progress!

What would I have been
as a simple worker?

"Bochkin" [Barrelman]
- and nothing more.

What could I do as a "Bochkin"?


And nothing more.

But as "Bayan" [epic bard]
I can do anything.

I'm glad, I'm happy,

We all are happy.

My friend Pierre Skripkin,

Our friend, our monsieur,

At this moment

Having walked
the path of struggle,

He lost only his union card

But he found so much.

When we suffered being
under the yoke

Together with the working class,

Together with Comrade
Friedrich Engels,

And with Comrade Marx,

Could we dreamily assume

Or at least assumedly dream,

That self-sacrificing work,

And defeated capital,

would be joined
in beautiful marriage?

Oleg Bayan, everybody knows him,

Oleg Bayan, he doesn't need
to introduce himself.

Oleg Bayan,
such talent and charm!

Pour him a glass
of champagne.

Oleg Bayan is drunk
with happiness!

Beauty is pregnant with...

Who said "pregnant"?

Watch your language in
the presence of the newlyweds!

A romance.

"Makarov's Lament for
Vera Kholodnaya".

At a time when flowers
are being collected,

At a time when dreams
come true,

Tell me just one word,

And you will be
in my heart again,

Only you.

And you will be in my heart,

Only you.




That's the end of the first part
of the film.

Everything burned down,

all that elegant life.

However, among the victims
there was no Prisypkin.

They decided that he had burned up
and forgot about him.

In fact, Prisypkin, along with his
seven-stringed "girlfriend"

was soaked by fire hoses
and frozen into an icicle.

You'll see for yourselves
what happened next.

But for now, let's divulge
no more information,

and look around.

We're on Mayakovsky Square.

A person very quickly gets used
to the words.

Mayakovsky Square.

This is the holy place of Soviet art.

Here on the right,
where Tchaikovsky Hall now stands,

previously, there was "TM",

Theater of the famous
Soviet director Meyerhold,

who staged all the plays
of Mayakovsky.

If you look a little to the right,
there used to be a circus,

then a music hall, and now
it's the Satire Theater,

where you can watch
Mayakovsky's plays today.

And here, in the center of the square,

there was a simple tram stop.

In one direction along the
Garden Ring went "the Buggy",

as it was called.
Tram "B".

And along Gorky St.,
the former Tverskaya-Yamskaya St.,

went other trams.

And there, opposite from here,
was their stop.

These trams had no doors

so you could jump in at any time,
or jump out.

Trams were liberal, back then.

On the Garden Ring
there were trees.

In fact, the entire Garden Ring
was a big single...

green boulevard.

And on this boulevard one could
often meet Mayakovsky

who was going to the Meyerhold Theate
for the rehearsals of his plays.

Actually, it was hard
to imagine Moscow

without Mayakovsky,
who was walking its streets.

He was tall,
taller than the rest.

wider than the rest.

He was a handsome,
very handsome man.

In "The Bedbug"
he wrote about the future,

but even a genius can't imagine
the future in all of its reality.

And he couldn't imagine
this Mayakovsky Square either.

Nor his monument.

It's known that Mayakovsky
didn't like monuments.

But it's not he who needs
this monument, it's us.

And Mayakovsky definitely
couldn't imagine that

there'd be a "Mayakovskaya"
metro station.

"Are you exiting on the
'Mayakovskaya'?" - somebody may ask

as simply as he would have
asked in the 1920s:

"Hey, coachman,
to get to Sadovo-Triumphalnaya,

(i.e. the current
Mayakovsky Square)

how much?"

The station "Mayakovskaya".

Above us is the Sun,
the Sun and the Sun.

Rejoice, all you who are strong,

Workshop of the workers
who create our world.

Warm us, Sun!
Play, Sun!

Burn, our Sun!

Enthusiasm, go grow and expand!

Factories, go shine iridescent!

Today we are building socialism -

It's alive, real, and true.

Warm us, Sun!

Play, Sun!

Burn, our Sun!



I've slept it off!

Forgive me, comrades,
I was plastered!

What militia station is this?

I can always prove my identity.

I've got my documents with me.

International Red Aid - paid.


"Down With Illiteracy" -
here you are!

And what is this?

A marriage certificate...

Right, I married yesterday.

Where are you? Who's kissing
your finger tips?

There'll be hell to pay
at home!

Here's my union card.

All my unpaid union dues!

What day is today?

The forms...

They'll ask for the forms!

Local Committee...
District Committee...

My God!
My wife!

Let me out of here!

Let me out of here!

Let me out of here!

Where am I?

Where did you put me?

Highways! Highways!

The highways of the future
amazed the defrozen mammal.

This pure example
of the petty bourgeoisie

found himself in a new world.

Hello! Hello!

This is the President of the Institute
for Human Resurrection.

I want to inform you
about new circumstances

relating to the amazing experiment

of bringing a frozen creature
back to life.

I'll read the resolution!

Moved by sanitary-inspection
stations of the metallurgical

and chemical enterprises
of the Donbass:

In view of the danger
of the spread of the bacteria

of arrogance and sycophancy,

we demand that
the exhibit remain

in its refrigerated state.

A word, please!

This is the opinion of
the majority of the members

of the Academic council
of our institute.

The rapid passage of time

will sweep and cut away
all heavy ballast,

the ballast of those
devastated by unbelief.

The future will accept all those

who have at least one trait

that ties the person
to the collective:

the joy of work,
the desire to sacrifice,

the tireless urge to invent,

the gift of generosity,
a pride in one's humanity.

Going by its external
mimetic characteristics,

this ressurected mammal should be
classified under homo sapiens.

My colleague Dr. Beryozkina
is mistaken.

Utilizing the method of
comparative zoology,

I have become convinced that
we're dealing with...

a most dangerous
anthropoid simulant.

And that this is...

the most remarkable of parasites.

In the not too distant time,
in the mattresses of time

there were always two types.

They're different in size,
but identical in essence:

the famous bedbugus normalis

and bourgeoisius vulgaris.

The difference between
them was only that

bedbugus normalis, having gorged
itself on the body of a human,

fell under the bed.

And bourgeoisius vulgaris having gorged
itself on the body of all mankind,

fell onto the bed.

Give me a drink...

I made you breakfast.

We give this only to cosmonauts
and investigators of the sea depths.

Try it.
It's very delicious.

I don't need your breakfast!

Give me a drink, please.

It's good that I envisaged
this relapse.

Cognac "Cosmos".

It gives you energy, and has
the same taste as the French "Napoleon".

You can drink it at work and when
you're sunbathing by the sea.

One hundred percent lack of alcohol.

Like giving lemonade
to an elephant.

You ressurect me and now
you make fun of me!

Give me a drink!

Give me a drink!

Indeed, this is an amazing parasite.

The dispute about his future fate
engaged not only the scientists,

but also me and
directors of this film.

There was something of a
confrontation between us.

The thing is that in "The Bedbug"
everything ends as follows:

the people of the future,
that is - me and you,

put this anthropoid creature
into a zoo cage.

And I thought that this is how
this film should end.

However, the directors decided
to transfer Prisypkin to that world

where there is an elegant
life even today,

and where there's a larder for
people such as Skripkin and Bochkin.

In response to my doubts,
they cited Mayakovsky,

who really did say that he would
insert into the play

"Facts about the philistinistic bastards
of the past and the future."

"Recent political and domestic news".

Everyone knows who has the final say in a film.
The directors.

And they decided to do it
their own way.

I'm not responsible for it.


Give me...!

Give me...!

...a drink!



Gorblimey! Can't decide
what to choose from all this...





A rollie, huh?





Listen to me, brothers,
the truth is like a garment:

It should be convenient
and fit just right.

Christ and Buddha
are no longer trendy,

Only Diogenes!
Only Diogenes -

Is just right for us.

He proclaimed:
Let's go back to nature!

And to hell with
all the bustle around.

I'll live in a barrel, but I'll be free,

And let my hair grow long!

I'll live in a barrel, but I'll be free,

And let my hair grow long!

And we also have to
live this way.

Brothers, our time has come!

And other classes, bosses
and masses,

May grow bald without us!

And other classes, bosses
and masses,

May grow bald without us!

Hasten to buy
the elixir "Diogenes" -

And your hair will
grow to your knees!


I'll sing, enraptured,
and begin to cry.

When you're with me,
I become drunk without wine.

It's impossible to escape
from fate with laughter,

As soon as I touch these strings,
you'll be mine.

We live once and die once,

Kiss me and don't be sad,
why should we get married?

All the horses left,
they raced away,

I'm at the saloon and
the sadness eats my soul.

Hey, beautiful,
wait a little bit,

Let me get a drink
and I'll be yours.

I'll sing, enraptured,
and begin to cry.

When you're with me,
I become drunk without wine.

I'll sing, enraptured,
and you'll be mine!

Let's all have another round!

Let's all have another round!

Oh, you horses,

How far have you
ridden away from me?

Oh, you horses,
are you far or near?

Let's all have another round!

Let's all have another round!

We live once and die once...

Come on, sing it!

Kiss me and don't be sad,
why should we get married?

You have talent,
citizen Skripkin!

However, in the conditions of the socialist
system, you have no place to let loose.

You must break through
into Europe.

Klak! Flash!


Gentlemen of the press,

Let me introduce you
to Mr. Skripkin.

He fled from
the socialist paradise.

And as a statement of protest against
the oppression of the free individual...

changed the vulgar name "Ivan"

into the more melodious "Pierre".

I'm pleased to announce to you

that Mr. Skripkin has signed a contract

with our famous firm,

and now he will sing
to the glory of "Diogenes"

and the entire free world!

Comrades! Citizens!


I'm one of you!

We all are parts of one folk...!




I'm just an artist!




In my play, a person who forcefully
breaks away from his class

for the sake of personal comfort
is the image of political pacification.

Political philistinism
follows from domestic philistinism.

Main roles by: Leonid Bronevoy,
Galina Volchek, Iya Savvina, Yuri Chernov

Actors and voice-actors

Director's assistants, Camera assistants,
Editor, Makeup artist

Script editor, musical editor, conductor

Production director

The End

Translated by daftdigger & Niffiwan, based
on Max Hayward's work, Specially for KG

Helped by: AlchemistOfSorrows,
applesouce, corvusalbus, Veikko