King Solomon's Mines (1986) - full transcript

An animated version of H. Rider Haggard's famous novel from 1886 about African adventurer Allan Quatermain. Probably the most faithful of all versions.

(animals calling)

(whimsical tribal music)

- [Narrator] This is the mountain of Sulaiman,

in the far Northwest

are the Mashukalambwe country of central Africa.

It is known to our civilization

as the mountain of King Solomon,

for Sulaiman is Arabic for Solomon.

The great king, renowned for his many wives,

for his wealth, and for his wisdom,

ever since the days of the Bible.

An ancient legend, handed down to us from those times,

tells of how this mighty leader

buried his riches in a vast treasure cave,

known as King Solomon's mines,

somewhere deep within the mountain,

that to this day, bears his name.

Merely a legend?


There were those who believed that it was more,

there were those who died because of their belief

that the legend of King Solomon's mines

was in fact, the truth.

- [Servant] Your highness,

the Royal treasures have been stored as you commanded.

The slaves bring in the last of the gold and diamonds now.

- Good.

I would be quickly away from this dark and cheerless tomb.

Is the great stone in place?

- It is, Sire.

- Then let us do what we must do.

- Your majesty, are you sure you wish to leave her here?

- She will be punished for her unfaithfulness,

as our laws decree!

I will discuss it no further.


(intense music)

(tribal music)

Prepare to release the rocks,

so that they may seal this coven forever

against all of those who know a secret.


(intense music)

(rocks crumbling)

- Oh please, do not leave me!


(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(whimsical music)

(birds squawking)

(upbeat tribal music)

- I'm going to tell you a story.

It began on the 15th of April, 1885.

A day I won't forget a day, a day I can't forget.

My name is Alan Quatermain.

I'm a guide and big game hunter, mostly elephants

and this is where I now live,

East London in the province of Natal in East Africa.

I had received a note from a Sir Henry Curtis

of Belgrave Square, London informing me

that he had just arrived on the steam from Cape Town

and that he'd traveled all the way from England

to discuss an urgent matter with me.

Sir Henry.

- Mr. Quatermain, honored to meet you, sir.

- [Allan] The honor is mine.

- May I present my friend, John Good.

- How do you do, sir?

It's always a pleasure to meet an officer

of our Majesty's Royal Navy.

- Uh, retired. Mr. Quatermain, retired.

I was a commander.

- Retired?

I'm surprised.

- Yes, well you see, I uh,

I had a bit of the wrong, well, that is,

there was a rather unfortunate.

- Uh, Mr. Quatermain, it's such a hot day,

let me order you a drink

and then we shall address ourselves to the urgent matter,

which has brought us together here today.

- Yes, I'm anxious to hear about it, most anxious.

- I must warn you in advance, sir,

everything I'm about to say must be held

in complete and utter confidence.

- I understand.

- If one word should slip out,

it could be the cause

of the greatest possible danger to all of us.

- Ah, that fellow's got to be it, Sir Henry Curtis.

He exactly looks like his brother.

We've got to find it out,

why Sir Curtis come all the way from England, London

to have with that hunting fellow, Quatermain, a meeting.

- Do you think maybe it has something to do

with that lost treasure his brother was searching for?

You know, his brother?

- You want somebody to overhear us,

you dumb brained nincompoop?



Great, a hundred times I told him,

find a place where we can watch and eavesdrip,

but here is so far away,

we couldn't eavesdrip a cannon.

- Relax, governor.

Ambrose Quick don't miss a trick.

On that roof,

a perfect position overlooking the outdoor cafe.

Here, follow me.

- And then, several months

after my brother's disappearance in the jungle,

his solicitor in London

found this map amongst his possessions

in his safe deposit box.

As you see, it appears to be a copy.

- [Allan] It is primitive, but remarkably accurate.

Now, observe this marked trail.

It leads all the way

to the far Northwest of the Mashukalambwe country,

all the way to Sulaiman's mountain.

Sir Henry, if your brother has gone to Sulaiman's mountain,

then I gravely fear for his safety.

You see, there's an ancient legend,

which is still told by these people,

concerning of men who came from afar.


- Quick, next time, I am needing (speaking French)

for a job, I do it myself.

(whistle blaring)

- [Allan] But in the 25 years

I've lived in this part of the world,

I've heard of no one who's ever made his way to the mountain

nor returned alive to tell about it.

- Poor dear George,

he always seemed to be searching for something

beyond his reach.

- And you tell me he's not been heard from

in over three years?

Surely he, is please forgive my friends, gone.

- No!

I refuse to accept that he's dead.

He could still be alive out there somewhere.

I must try to find him and Quatermain,

I want you to help me.

I employ you.

- But sir, it would be a waste of time and money.

- Nevermind the blasted money.

Now they all say

you know more about this jungle than anyone.

If George is still alive, you're his only hope.

- It's impossible.

The terrain between here and Sulaiman's mountain

is more deadly than any in Africa.

It's the land of the dreaded Kukuana tribe.

- It's your duty to help as a humanitarian,

as a good Samaritan and remember old chap,

you're an Englishman.

- Quick, you dim head.

They are still too far away.

I cannot eavesdrip even one drip.

- Never fear, I'm prepared.

Behold, me trusty spyglass.

I'm an expert lip reader.

Whatever they say, I'll report to you,

word for perfect word.

- Very good, Quick,

maybe you're after all not so dumb as you look.

You couldn't be.

Now Quick, read to me the lips.

What are they saying?

- Oh, they're saying.

They're saying um,

oh Christ, oh wait, I've got, they're saying uh,

now stand by for this, mate, they're saying um,

Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled pepper or um.

- It better be a pretty good or.

- Or um, 30 days of September, April, June, and,

usually, I can read lips as easy as falling over.

- You're holding my feet!


- You must do it, man.

Breeding and good sportsmanship demanded of you.

- If I refused,

I would be letting the side down of it, wouldn't I?

- You wouldn't be able to hold your head up

in a decent club anywhere in the empire.

- Perform the noble deed, Quatermain, say you'll do it.

- Yes Sir Henry, I'll do it.

The odds will be long and the journey perilous,

but I cannot, in good conscience, refuse.

- Hip, hip, hooray!


♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ And so say all of us

♪ And so say all of us

♪ And so say all of us

(intense music)



(upbeat tribal music)

- Ha ha, they prepare to leave, sh,

not even a quiet noise.

- Oh blimey, I wish we knew where they were going.

- [Fargus] What difference does it makes?

Wherever they go, we follow and then they find it,

the missing brother with the treasure,

guess who will be there

to take it from them away?


- Well, do I get a hint?

- [Fargus] Quick, you don't have it

the brain of a stupid orangutan.

No, on second thought,

you do have the brain of a stupid orangutan.

Oops a daisy, they're ready to leave,

it's time, you should get uploaded.

- [Quick] I'm getting uploaded.

Oh God, I'm getting uploaded.

Hey, how come they got all them blokes carrying the packs

and we only got me?

- You work cheap.

- [Henry] My friends, as we stand on the threshold

of our danger filled journey,

may I suggest

that we first observe a moment of silent prayer

for the success of our mission and for our safe return.

So now, our hearts filled with hope, let us commence

our one, two, three track.

(upbeat tribal music)



(whimsical music)


- Uh Governor, I've been meaning to ask you,

what time's dinner?

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

- [Allan] Spirits were high and our hearts were joyful

as our plucky little group

followed my carefully lead route

through rugged jungle terrain.

(whimsical music)

(whimsical music)

(elephant roaring)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(intense music)

(rhino roaring)


(whimsical music)

- Phew.

- [Allan] For the first few days,

our progress was excellent.

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

But as the days wore on,

I became aware that something was starting to go wrong,

terribly wrong.

According to my calculations,

we should have reached the Yokanga River several days ago,

but from the appearance of the terrain,

we were obviously nowhere near a river.

I realized that something must be done at once.

Gentlemen, something must be done at once.

We seem somehow to have misplaced the Yokanga River.

- Great Scott!

Do you mean, sir, that we are lost?

- Lost?

- Lost?

- Lost?

- Lost?

- Lost?

- Lost?

- Yes, lost

and the jungle here is so impenetrable

that I fear it will be days

before we can locate the river and regain our bearings.

- No, Quatermain, there's a faster way.

Just give me 10, it's oh, no, five minutes

and I shall show you.

Bring me that pack, please.

Yes, and that one

and that one over there.


(intense music)

- Don't poke along, slow poke.

You want they should up ahead there escape from us?

Sometimes, like always, I wonder why I ever hire you.

- You hired me because I'm an excellent guide.

Why, I know every tree in this part of the jungle.

(intense music)

See, there's one of them now.

- Bye George, it seems to be some kind of a,

good heavens, what on earth is it some kind of?

- It is an inflatable transportation balloon

of my own manufacto

filled with a special, lighter than air vapor,

also of my own manufacto.

(air pumping)

- [Henry] Amazing!

- When the ropes are released,

I shall take flight like a bird, far above the trees.

- And from there, without visual hindrance,

easily locate the missing river.

Commander Good,

your invention has saved our expedition from disaster.

- Well you see, I have always been a bit of an inventor.

Inventing new equipment

was the work to which I was assigned in the Navy.

Ahoy, time to soar aloft!

Anchors away!

Ship the hoy!

♪ Rue Britaina, Britaina rules the waves ♪

♪ Return, never, never, never shall be slaves ♪


(whimsical music)

- I see the river!

Over there!

I estimate about four miles from here.

(wind blowing)

(intense music)


(birds squawking)

(intense music)

- Help!



Anybody help everybody!

Everybody and anybody!


- Stand by, Commander,

we'll shoot those branches, clear the ropes,

you'll be free in the thick of a lamb's tail.

Ready, Sir Henry?

- Ready, old boy.

- [Allan] Then fire at will.

(gun shots)

(air hissing)

(whistle blowing)



- I say!

- Good Lord.

- Thank you gentlemen, for saving my very humble life.

- It was nothing, really.

- Under the circumstances, it seemed the decent thing to do.

(subtle tribal music)

(intense tribal music)

(bird calling)

For several weeks, our intrepid little group

moved in lengths towards our goal at Suleiman's mountain.

During that unforgettable journey,

we were constantly confronted

with all the beauty and mystery and danger of Africa.

- [Fergus] Ah ha, I see the furry one,

with his fine fancy friends on the yonder hill.

They will never, from us, flee away,

until they lead us by the nose to the treasure.

- [Quick] You're a proved genius, Mr. Fergus, sir.

- Of course, and you Quick,

are a lucky chump working for a fellow like I,

who does it all the work

while you stand around on your fat feet doing nothing.

- [Henry] Quatermain,

do you, do you honestly believe

I'll ever see my long lost brother, George, again?

The truth, please Quatermain,

no matter how painful it might be.

- Here in Africa, sir, living constantly with danger,

we learn that one must never give up hope,

that one must always endeavor

to maintain one's courage and fortitude

in the face of,

Sir Henry, I'm continuing to speak in this tone of voice,

because I don't want to alarm the deadly lizard

which is standing approximately two inches

from your left foot.

The slightest unusual sound or action from either of us

is sure to cause it to strike

and one bite would prove instantly fatal.

Please don't think I'm trying to alarm you.

- Of course not, old chap,

but it is a rather dicey situation, wouldn't you say?

Any suggestions?

- Nothing definite, I'm afraid.

If I reach for my rifle,

the sudden movement could be sure to.

(speaking African)

- [Umbopa] Do you hear me?

Up here.

(speaking African)

I wish to help you.

- [Allan] Fine, how?

(speaking African)

- He says, he'll swing down on one of those long vines

and try to pick you up

before the vile beast can react.

- Capital idea.

(speaking African)


Thank you so much for saving me, Mr.

Uh sorry. I don't believe I caught your name.

- I am called Umbopa.

- Umbopa, there must be a way we can repay you

for what you did.

- There is, a kindness I would ask of you.

- Just name it.

- I would be most grateful

if you would allow me to accompany you

for the remainder of your journey.

- What do you know of our journey?

- I can tell you only that I too

wish to reach the land of the Kukuanas.


If we travel the journey together,

we may all reach our goal,

but if we travel alone,

then as surely as the dawn, we shall all die.

(upbeat tribal music)

- The last leg of our journey.

(intense tribal music)

- We will soon know it leads us to my brother.

(thunder crashing)


- [Commander] It's an enemy proceed!

Man the barricades!

- Everyone take cover!

Stay close to the ground!


- Can't blame the poor devils.

Without weapons,

they'd be helpless against the Kukuana warriors.


If we all aim for their heads, it might fight them off.



(gun shots)


We cannot risk more warning shots.

This time, fire directly at the target.



- Stop!

The warfare must cease.


The blue snake marked on your chest,

how did you come to wear it?

- I do not know.

What does it signify?

- It is the mark of the rightful king of the Kukuanas.

- Sir, I see that you are a noble chief of the Kukuanas.

May I ask your name?

- I am Infadoos, uncle of King Twala

and should he still live, of the rightful king, Ignosi.

May I ask you to accompany us to our village?

I shall do my best to make sure no harm comes to you.

(upbeat tribal music)

- Infadoos, are we the first white men you've seen here

in the land of the Kukuanas?

- Not so.

Three summers ago, another white man was here.

- What became of him?

- [Infadoos] He was captured by Twala,

who feared him, as he fears all who may defy him.

Some say the stranger has been killed,

others, that he has been imprisoned in a cave

hidden somewhere deep within the mountain.

Umbopa, I do not believe it is wise at this time

for anyone but King Twala

to see the royal mark of the turquoise snake,

which you wear on your chest.

It is time to resume our journey.

A noble king is an impatient man.

- Mr. Fargus,

I've been carrying this load for eight hours straight.

Can we please stop for a bit of a, bit of a rest, Gov?

- Of course, Ambrose.

I'm a kindly type man

with a heart big like two horses.

You may now stop for a rest, halt.

All right, that's enough rest.

We start again, march forward!

One, two, one.

- Mr. Fargus, you are a lowly end skunk.

- Forget it, Quick, it's too late to apologize.

(upbeat tribal music)

(intense music)


- Come, King Twala will be awaiting us.

King Twala and Gagool,

the vile witch woman who is his advisor and cohort in evil.

(intense music)

(intense tribal music)

- [Gagool] Destroy these strangers.

Destroy them, my noble King Twala.

They're wicked and eager for your death.

Destroy them now.


You must destroy them, your highness,

lest they destroy you.

You must act at once.


- My people, you have heard Gagool,

the ancient and feared witch woman of the Kukuana tribe.

I, Twala, your king, believes she speaks truth,

therefore, I order that the strangers be executed.

Guards, seize them!

(intense music)

- My honored king, they are but innocent travelers,

making their peaceful way through our land.

Spare them, I beg of you.

- My respected uncle, Infadoos.

You appear to have great knowledge of these strangers.

Can it be that you plan to use them

to help you take the throne for yourself?

- Your highness knows I would never seek the throne.

It belongs only to the rightful king.

- And I am that king, Twala!

- [Gagool] And King Twala says destroy the strangers now.

- Guards, do as the witch woman says, seize the strangers

and seize my uncle, the disloyal Infadoos, also.

He has been waiting for this chance to betray me.

Seize them all!

- Death to the traitors.

Death to the enemies of the rightful king.

- Guards stop!

You must obey the rightful king, yes,

but Twala is not your rightful king.

The rightful king is his half brother, Ignosi,

now known as Umbopa.

He stands amongst you.

- He lies, he lies!

The half brother of Twala died as a child

and Twala was chosen to replace him as king.

There can be no mistake.

The child bore the sacred mark

of the turquoise snake on his chest.

- The witch woman speaks truth!


- [Gagool] What?

He's a trick!

The child died, lost in the desert, lost somewhere.

No one knows what happened to it.

A trick, I tell you!

- It is no trick.

I have always known from my dreams,

that I was of the Kukuana tribe.

Evil forces within the tribe

conspired to leave me in the desert to die,

but somehow, my life was spared

and now I have returned to be your rightful king.

- I will prove that I am king.

I will prove it by the ancient tradition of my people.

Mortal kombat!

The winner will be known by all as the rightful king,

the loser will die.

Impostor, do you dare accept my challenge?

- I accept.

My people will have their true leader.

(intense music)

(intense tribal music)

(intense tribal music)




(intense tribal music)

(intense tribal music)


(intense tribal music)

(intense tribal music)

- Would you delay your mother?

Kill me, I am dishonored.

I have no wish for life.

- And I have no wish for your blood.

Go Twala,

far from this land and never seek to return, never.

- [Henry] Umbopa, before you let him go,

I must ask him one question.

Where is my brother, George Curtis?

Yellow hair, like mine.

Where have you imprisoned him?

Tell me quickly.

My spear hand is a bit itchy these days.

- He's imprisoned in the,

in the depths of Suleiman's mountain.

It's a passage that opens onto the cliff on the north slope.

Two warriors got him at all times.

(intense music)

- We have a clear shot at the guards from right here.

- No, we can't shoot them, they're on our side now.

They just haven't heard about the change of management

in the front office.

- I have it!

Colored gunpowder, very colorful and very loud when ignited.

I shall throw the packets into the cave like clay pigeons

and you will fire bullets into them.


- Commence play.

(gun shots)


- [George] Henry, Henry!

Is that really you?

- [Henry] Yes George and that must be you.

Mother always said

I'd turn out to be the neat one in the family.

(gun shots)


It's good to see you again, George.

- It's a miracle to see you, or anybody again


It's the witch woman, Gagool.

It was she who told the king to imprison me

when she found that I was carrying a map

to King Solomon's mines.

- Ah, then that is where she's going now.

- Henry, let's follow her.

- Come, we're wasting precious time.

- Now tell me Ambrose,

what else from up there do you see?

What are they doing now?

- [Ambrose] They're going in the cave, upside down!

- Into the cave?

Oh joy, joy!

That means they will soon bring it out, the treasure

and they,

upside down?

What you mean, nozzle head?

They going to the cave upside down?

- [Ambrose] Well, that's how it looks to me, Governor.

- [Fargus] Quick, come down

before your brains, which you don't have any, fall out!

(intense music)

(intense music)

- Magnificent!

- Superb!

- Nevermind magnificent and superb, we're rich!

As rich as King Solomon himself!


Why didn't my stupid tailor make me pockets?


- [Gagool] Enjoy your wealth

while you may, you greedy fools!


Well did I know that your evil lust for our treasures

would cause you to follow me to your deaths!


- [Allan] She's going to shut the door, stop her!



(intense music)

- [Gagool] Let me out!


(whimsical music)

- [Commander] Heave!



- See Quick, my plan has worked like magical.

Not only do we get them the jewels,

but we also get a free ride back to the coast.

Eebie jeebie,

I must be the world's smartest human person.

Sh look, he goes away, the sailor boy.

Our big moment, it has arriven.

- Ah Commander, we were wondering where you'd gone.

- Gentlemen, I have succeeded

in placing a strong as iron,

non-breakable patch on my inflatable balloon

and we may now float comfortably to our destination

with the greatest of possible ease.

- Commander, lead the way

- [Commander] Ay ay, sir.

(whimsical music)


- And so, as our little balloon,

it fades slowly into the sunset,

we and our treasure, we say bye bye to Kukuana land.

- Bye bye.

- [Fargus] And we say also bye bye

to the four, not so smart, smarties,

who think they can out wit him,

the unthinkable Wolfgang Armadeus Fargus.

Bye bye!

- Bye bye!

- Bye bye!

- [Quick] Bye bye!

(whistle tooting)

(air hissing)


- Grab the jewels, dunk head, grab the jewels!



(animals roaring)

- And what a fine mess you got us into, Ambrose.

(upbeat tribal music)

- [Commander] Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ And so say all of us

♪ And so say all of us

♪ And so say all of us

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)

(upbeat tribal music)