Keys to the Heart (2018) - full transcript

A washed-up boxer, Jo-ha, has lived his life relying on nothing but his physical strength. His champion glory lasted only a moment, and now pride is all Jo-ha has. He runs into his mom who ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
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Special Appearance: HAN JI-MIN

2017 Olympic Boxing Tournament

The fight to become national athlete

2017 Olympic Boxing Tournament


Yes, yes.

- Jin-tae.
- Yup.

I love that you play the piano so well

but your cell phone is
the devil during mass.

It's the devil in the cathedral.

- You know?
- Yup.

If you keep it away

- you're sure to go to heaven.
- Yup.

- Don't you wanna go to heaven?
- Yup.

- Or to hell?
- Yup

Jin-tae, won't you wait for me?

- Eat ramen at home?
- Yup.

- You love it that much?
- Yup!

Dong-Pyo Sesame Oil

Get me a towel!

Hold still! Don't move!


Don't move!


Stay still.

This is sparring, not a dog fight!

Asshole, he has less than a month.

He's an Olympic favorite.

Goddamn idiot.


Don't come here anymore.

It's over for you.

To the ER?

Like hell, dumb-ass!

A vitamin drink will do, he's not dead.

Don't let Jo-ha in my sight! Got it?!

Yes, sir.


- In-sook.
- Mrs. Hong, you got a day off?

Can't you see? Full make up.

I don't have day offs.

Is that so?

You work at night too?

Got to make money, no
day offs for me too.

My baby's a senior now.

Su-jung's a high school senior already?

I like Jin-tae's piano

but can he keep it down?

Can you hear it?

But we spent a lot to
soundproof his room.

Putting egg cartons
on the wall won't do.

That's not soundproofing.

Her room's just under his piano.

You got plenty of rooms
why study there?

In-sook, I'm the landlord here.

Su-jung's mom.

Do you have no one else to vent to?

That's harsh.

Your lease's up in 3 months

I'm raising the rent.

Mrs. Hong, what's with you?

You'll go to hell for this.

For extra 10 grand,

I won't mind.

You got 3 months, rest is up to you.

Where do I get that much money?

Then move out.

That's no pocket change.

How am I supposed to get that!

That's one shrew bitch.

How come that booze-selling
dumb bitch owns this place?

Dumb ass bitch.


Su-jung, did you hear everything?

She sells booze, so you're not wrong.

But she's not dumb.

At least she went to
college, aviation major.

Good night.

Honey, what I meant was...


Dang it.

Dang it.

Jin-tae, slow down.

No! No! No more goals! Come on!

This is so boring.


- Having fun?
- Yup.

- Jin-tae?
- Yup.

Did you just look at my legs?

- No peeking.
- Yup.

Have you ever had a girlfriend?

- Never had a girlfriend?
- Nope.

Not even once?

A crush or a girl you
were madly in love with?

You do! You do!

You can tell me.

Who is it?


I'm so out of your league!

How many times did I tell you?

You want to marry me later?


But agencies won't let
talents get married.


- Can't date either.
- Yup.

Yup, yup, I'm leaving.

- Hey, Jin-tae.
- Yup.

Isn't my waistline awesome?

- Not yours, mine!
- My waistline.

If you want to marry me

how could you beat me 11-1?

- You have no mercy.
- Yup.

- I am soon to be famous.
- Yup.

Good bye.

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- Good evening, could you clean this table?
- Hi there.

It's the motorcycle guy, I'll clean it up.

This is my regular spot.

Hey. Where you going?

That douchebag.

Look at that guy.



Aren't you Kim Jo-ha?

It really is you.

It's already been 10 years

since your military service.

How did you live?

Have you been well?


What is it?

It's okay.

I listen to it when I'm happy too.

You're crying.

I yawned.

Let's eat.


you're a good son.

I'm hungry.


- We got side dishes?
- Yup.

- No soup though.
- Ramen.

- Ramen again?
- Yup.

- You're a good son.
- Yup.

Let's eat before it gets soggy.


Doctor! Doctor!

He's awake!

He's awake!

Where am I?

Mr. Kim Jo-ha.

Please help yourself.

You are a habitual offender.

How much have you made pulling scams?

The police chief

still comes by to mow my lawn.

We're an important family.

We're taking care of you
instead of locking you up.

Be grateful.

Are you feeling okay?

Virtue is like money
don't waste it.

- If you suffer any...
- He jumped intentionally.

Did I ask for money?


What did you say?

I'm not like that.

I'm a fucking boxer.

Look how scared you are.


Where's the door?

Dong-Su, look.

Hi there. What brings you here?

Do you know where Jo-ha is?


Useless bastard!

What did he tell you?

Not much.

He was worried about you.

Do you have a place to stay?

What's it to you?

Don't get me wrong.

I just want to know how you're doing.

Why do you want to know?

Do I look like

a bum without a place to go?

Come in, this way.

- Jin-tae.
- Yup.

I told you about him.
This is your brother, Jo-ha.


- Say hello.
- Hello!

- I am Jin-tae!
- I am Jin-tae!

He's your brother.

I don't have a brother.

Sit down, I'll fix you dinner.

He's level 2 autism but
he's so gentle and kind.

People are surprised
that he's autistic.

He may seem weird but
he'll never hurt a soul.

Where do I stay?

Right, you can use Jin-tae's room.

He can sleep with me.

He's been so excited
to finally get a brother,

he insisted that you use his room.

Want some more?

Should I pay rent?

Hey, don't say that.

Just feel at home, that's all.

Do you think you'll feel weird here?

What's weird about it?

Free bed and free food.


not like we're strangers...

Give me some more.

What the fuck?

Where is it?

Why are you here?

Be quiet, asshole!

Quiet, quiet, quiet!


What's going on?

He must've sleepwalked here.

Jin-tae, wake up!

Why are you sleeping like that?

With your butt in the air?

Jin-tae, wake up!

Jin-tae, let's go to my
room, get up at once!

His name is Lee Tae-go, MMA fighter.
Want to spar with him?



His specialty is ground,
nice punches too.

He wants a sparring partner
who fights for real.

How much?

$150 with headgear.

Forget it, I'm a
boxer, I got my pride.

Come on.

With your background,
you can get $200!

No headgear, he's free
to do everything.

But you'll die though.

You skinny shit.

- $200? 3 rounds?
- Yeah!

I'm doing you a favor.


Fuck, bring them on. MMA or whatever.

Good afternoon, sir.

This is him, Kim Jo-ha.

He was a welterweight
Asian champion, WBC.

He can cover middle to welterweight.


- Good, that's fresh.
- How is he?

He's got speed. He looks
a bit old though.

How old?

I'm 38...

40, actually.

He's going through a rough patch lately
but he normally maintains his body well!

He has this quote... what was that?

"Impossible is not a
fact, it's an opinion."

Muhammad Ali.

Do your best. The coach has huge
influence. You could be a made man.

This place is full of big
bucks, soon you will...

What's with this?

You ready?


Okay, fight!

- Lee Tae-go, get him!
- Come on!

One step at a time!

- Go slow!
- Very good!


- Watch it.
- Hey.

- Hey!
- Come on!

- Good!
- Okay!

That's okay!

You're doing well!

Good one!

- Come on!
- Good!

Wake up.

Wake up.


- Who's he?
- My brother.

- You got a brother?
- Yup.


Rapid kick.




What the shit?

Hadouken, KO.


You suck shit.

This isn't easy

Jin-tae's too good.

You don't know anything.






You suck shit!

- Kiddo.
- Yes?

Are you his groupie or something?

No, I'm not.

- Then what?
- Byun Su-Jung!

So what?

I told you to only say my first name.


I'm the landlord's daughter.

Don't keep laughing.




Yup, yup, is that all you can say?



Keep going.

You ready for this...

Lightning Kick.

Lightning Kick.


Lightning Kick.

Spinning bird kick.

Chun-Li wins!

Sir, should I teach you a few combos?

Learn a few and you'll do well.

You know boxing?

That's why I win.

One-two, one-two!



You know?

This is boxing, goddammit!

That thing is so fake.

Do you know what happens if
you get a kick in the head?

You faint.

Those idiots don't die,
even after a hundred hits.

Hey, today I'll...

You in high school?


Shouldn't you be studying?
Why're you playing games?

Joy Chicken.

Joy Chicken.

Joy Chicken

Kim Jo-ha.

Joy Chicken.

Kim Jo-ha.

Joy Chicken

How are you feeling?

Just dandy.

I was driving that day.

I never got to apologize.

I wanted to meet you and
apologize in person.

How much?


You came here because of your conscience.

You accused me of being a scammer.

Then you tossed me out.

Let's not meet again.

The poor people aren't your playthings.

How much do you want?


I mean, $2,000.


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Excuse me.


Are you okay? I'm so sorry.

Are you okay, ma'am?

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry. So sorry.

She'll bring it soon.

That's pretty cool.

What is?

I never knew, you
walked with no problem.

Want to see?

My goodness, what's going on?

I've seen enough.

You got grit.


You got grit.

I've never heard that phrase before.

Us boxers live and die
by grit, but not you.

What do you mean by that?

The rich,

police chief, and such.

They got even more grit.

You mean 'luck', they got no grit.

I felt like driving that night.

You know, you feel like crap,

and just hit the gas and go.

For the first time since the accident,

I wanted to drive, even
though it was raining.

I didn't have a
destination, I just drove.

Like a biker gang.

Maybe I was thinking of

Thelma & Louise's ending.

The way they flew in the sky.

But reality was different.

You were the one who
flew, not the car.

Like this

up in the air.

I thought you died instead of me.

I was a victim of a hit-and-run

by a drunk driver.

For good measure

he ran my leg over twice.

It had to be amputated.


Is that enough?

Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion.
Muhammad Ali

Why don't you send Jin-tae here?

The prize is $5,000. Take a look.

Pianist Moon Sung-ki,

the principal of Fryderyk,
Korea's top piano school.

He's heading this.

Jin-tae's favorite pianist Han Ga-yul

who placed 2nd at Chopin competition.

Moon taught her.

If he scouts Jin-tae

his life is secured.

Look, he's a savant.
A musical genius.

Does he have tantrum?

Don't say that!

He's like a sheep.

He's an angel in front of the piano.

He's so adorable when he plays.

You can't keep him forever!

Take a look.

I have to, he's my baby.

The 26th Fryderyk Piano Concours
I get the signal lately

whenever I eat.

Take care of yourself.

Medical exam came out fine.

I just don't understand.

I bet it's hypersensi-something.

And you're okay?

All I got are my health and my son.

What about your check-up?

They want me in but what's the point?

I'm born healthy.

I envy you.

- Any good?
- Yes.

Jo-ha, if you're not busy tomorrow.

Could you take him to
the welfare center?

I got an appointment so I can't.

It's not far, just have to watch him.


- You hear that?
- What?

Want some beef or noodles?



- What is it?
- He peed himself.


Why's he pissing at the table?

- Keep eating.
- No, I'm done.

Gosh. He can't even clean himself?

No way. You just have
to get him started.

He can take care of the rest.

He should be in a hospital.
Why is he at home...

- Are you scared of him?
- Yup.

- But happy to have a brother?
- Yup.

Ju In-sook! Ju In-sook!

- Yes?
- This way please.

How is it living with your mom?

It's temporary.

I'll leave when I get my footing.

Why should I stay there?

Listen, free accommodation
is hard to come by.

You hit the jackpot be a good boy.

Why should I?

Crooked bastard.

Why should I be good to that woman?

She's still your
mother, be respectful.

Don't you know?

She left me when I was a
kid to start a new home

and jail was my dad's home.

I saw her on the street after
I got out of the military.

Then we met again.

I grew up like an orphan.

She's not a mom, just a random woman.

You bastard.

I'm sure she had her reasons.

You told me over and over again.

That he came home drunk
and smashed shit up!

She left because of all the beatings.

What about me! Me!

I was barely in middle school!
What about me?

Hey, I was...

Goddammit, do I need to tell
you every little detail?

You're getting worked up?

If you're going to act like this,
then I'm going to leave, bastard.

I got a cute girl waiting at home,
I don't need to take this shit.

Have a good night.

You're home?

Did you drink?


Why're you sleeping there?

I waited for you, and fell asleep.

Want some coffee?

Right, it's too late for that.

I'm going to leave
when I get some money.

Don't pretend to be so nice to me.

It's uncomfortable.

That's not my intention.

I don't want to torment you
or put you on a guilt trip.

Let me stay in peace and leave.

Do you still hate me?

No, I don't even care.

Let's just stay in peace.

Sure, I want that too.

Where's the welfare center?

It's not far, near Junggye station.

It's easy to find and close by.

Only a few stops by bus.


Get over here!



- What?
- Toilet.


- Where do we go? Is it pee or poop?
- Poop!

You stupid bastard!

We have to find a toilet. What are
you doing? Where are you going?


Could you wrap it up?

Poop faster!

What are you doing?!

Sir! Sir!

Where's building 301?

I finished pooping!

- Dammit.
- What?

- He pooped.
- I finished pooping.

If he really had to go, he
could've gone to a mall

or ask to use the toilet
at the security booth.

How could he shit in
the apartment complex?

He'll get a misdemeanor fine.

Fine is not good enough

I can look past the drunk
vomiters and pissers,

but now a shitter too!

Who will clean that up?

Toss him in jail.



This is misdemeanor for
public defecation.

It's a $100 fine but
I reduced it to $50.


That's hardly enough.

What the hell did he do wrong?

He had to go but couldn't
find a toilet anywhere!

Where should he poop then?

Should he shit himself?

Sir, you'll have to
clean up his feces too.

That's right, you bastard.

Why the hell did you
have to shit wherever!

Why don't you answer your phone?

Battery was dead.

The welfare center called,
you never showed up.

Don't even mention it,
today was hell...

Where were you?

Police station.


Police station.

What does he mean?

It's nothing at all.

This idiot...

If you couldn't handle
him why didn't you call?

I was so worried sick.

Couldn't you even think about me?

Even if you're worthless

how did he end up at the station?


Yeah, am I wrong?

What kind of life are you living?
Just how messed up are you?


Why did you go to the police station?

I pooped at an apartment.

You bitch.



Going somewhere?

Where's my knife?

Where is it?

Stop! Stop! Break it up!

- Is he fucking nuts?
- Hey...

What did you say?

You little shit!

- That's enough! Stop.
- Bastard.

- Stop! Stop!
- Hey.



Don't do that!

- Let go.
- Stop!

Let go.

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- Bastard.
- Good evening.


Slept here again?


Hey, hey.

Sleep here, come.

Turn that light off.


- Wearing it to sleep?
- Yup.

Are you Iron Man?
Why wear it all the time?

It hurts.

Where does it hurt?

Hurts when I'm hit.

Are you wearing it because of me?


Put it away, it's stuffy.


I won't hit you.

Take that off.



- Hey.
- Yup.

- Aren't you hungry?
- Yup.

- Want some ramen?
- Yup.

- Got some?
- Yup.

Black Bean Noodle

Hey, this isn't a Chinese Restaurant.

- We only have black bean noodles?
- Yup.

Can you cook this?

I'm a chef.


Cook quietly, don't wake up mom.

Mom's not here.

Not home yet?


- When did you start piano?
- 10.

Do you like it?

Yup, I like piano.

A man should be boxing
or driving and stuff.

Pianos are for chicks.

I'm a good driver.

- You?
- Yup.

- With that? Game?
- Yup.

Of course you're good.


It's hot, turn on the AC.

Come on, give it.

It's busted.

Why didn't you say so!


My car is good.

- Switch cars.
- Yup.


- Switch joysticks.
- Yup.



Why the hell didn't you fix the AC?

Dammit, what have you been up to?

Let's sleep, this is shit.

- Light off!
- Yup.

Remember In-chul?

- In Canada?
- Yeah.

Of course I do, he's crazy.

Gives up boxing, moves to
Canada to teach Taekwondo.

Life is so twisted.

When he came by he asked
me to work with him.

Yeah? Want to move there?

I'm just thinking about it.

How much do I need to live there?

Going one-way?

On an airplane.

You idiot.

- I asked you going round trip or one-way?
- Right, right.

One-way, asshole.

I know, so what?

Plane ticket, moving
costs, and even food.

With you there tagging along

that frugal bastard
won't pay for much.

You probably need at least...
probably $5,000.


I made you dinner.

I'll take care of it.

Where did that idiot go?

Su-Jung said she needed new shoes.
Went shopping with her.

She is his groupie.



I have a favor to ask.

I'm hoping to enter Jin-tae
in this piano contest.

They got contests for that?


he never had a formal training.

He just listened and started playing.

He can't read music and
his phone is his teacher.

He listens once and he can play.

It's so amazing.

That's what he does all day,

he better be able to.

Is that so?

Now that he's an adult

he has to look after himself.

So what do you want from me?

I wish I could take
him to the contest,

but I got some work in Busan.



My diner is opening a branch
and they need my help.

They're paying double
for just one month.

- One month?
- Yeah.


Take this and look after
Jin-tae for a month.

But if he wins you can
have half of the prize.

How much is that?

$5,000. So $2,500.

It's not much, just $1,000.

Contest entrance fee and bus fare.

I'll make enough dishes
to last a month.

Why not.


- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.

Why's he so late?

Go to work, I'll look for him later.



- You are a slut.
- Stop it.

A dirty slut.

- Look at this bitch.
- I've told you already.

Slut, crazy bitch.

Let me go.


I'm so sorry! Sorry.

If you can punch my face

in 3 minutes you get $10.

Who are you?


I live with him.

My brother! Jo-ha!

Former WBC welterweight
Asian champion.

I smell bullshit.

If you don't hit me
you all pay $10 each.

Here's mine.

Put your money there.

What are you doing? Bastard.

Make a fist, asshole.


Let go of me, dammit.

Bam! Counterpunch.

No one has ever stood up to this.

Is the time up?

3 minutes 11 seconds.

12 seconds.


pay up please.

You win.

Hey, Jo-ha.

You're so cool, good boy.

Shut it.


Hello, Mrs. Hong.

Where have you been?

Go study.

Please go.

- Who is he?
- My brother, Jo-ha.

- You had a brother?
- Yeah.

- I didn't know.
- Just go.

- Stay quietly. I'm sensitive to noise.
- Leave.

You. Don't bark at your mom.

Go home and study.

Good bye.

Don't mind her.

She's raising me on her
own by selling booze.

It takes guts.

She runs a host bar.

Let's go.


Jab, jab, jab...

- Jab.
- Jab.

- Straight.
- Straight.

Yeah. When I say start, you try it.
When I say start...


- I didn't say start, idiot.
- Jab.

That was a jab.

Okay, let's go again.

Jab, jab.

Jab, jab.

You idiot.

10 bucks.

It's so nice to dine out.
I don't have to do anything.

When's your train tomorrow?

I can leave after breakfast.

- Where in Busan?
- It's near the beach.

I'll take a photo.

Should we take one too?

That's embarrassing.

No, we have no photos,
I want to have one.

Don't do that.

- Excuse me?
- Gosh.


Could you take a photo of us too?

Well, it's only for guests who
are celebrating birthday.

Are you celebrating one?

I'll pay you.

It's not a paid service,
it's our policy...

My birthday, mine.


It's my birthday.

Could I check your ID?


Right away, sir.


- Nuri.
- Yes?

Photo service.

- Sir, happy birthday.
- Excuse me.


Closer together.

Closer please.

One, two, three, say cheese.

Jin-tae gets sleepy early.

Lazy bum, you'll kill Jo-ha.

It's okay,

we're almost home

Jin-tae, wake up.

Thank you.

Just lay him down.

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He wasn't asleep, he faked it.


Do you drink wine?


I can't get enough.

That looks ancient.

A little bit.

I had it fixed a few times.

Why don't you get a new one?

No way, it still works.

That did it.

Banging always works.

Is that so?

With music

and wine

feels like we're at a restaurant.

You mean a wine bar.


Did you feel bad about last time?

Stop it, I'm not like that.


Did you resent me a lot?

I wasn't pissed.

Even if you did,

I have nothing to say.

I don't deserve to be a mother.

I'm just thankful for you.


Take care of Jin-tae.

He'll take care of himself.

Even the strangers become a family

when they eat and live together.

He's a good kid. You'll like him.

Don't say it like you'll
be gone for a few years.

It's only for a month.

Even so.

I got it.

Shall we clink?

You must feel good today.

How about... a dance? Let's shake it.

What's with you today?

- Let's dance.
- Please, don't.

Eat some munchies and dance.

- Let's shake it.
- Just stop it! What's with you?

Come on, dance.


- You're so good.
- My.


You're amazing

I can't dance to this music.

Do it again.

One more time.


Like this, you're so good.

Of course.

It's been too long.


Jin-tae, look at me.


Jo-ha's room


- Yup.
- What'll you do today?

Play piano.

- All day long?
- Play games too.

- No job?
- Nope.

- No workout?
- Nope.

You eat, sleep, and play games?

And piano.

Men should make money
and workout too.


Let's go workout.

Look at that idiot.

- Buddy.
- Yup.

Let them toss it and give to others.


Hand them out as fast as possible.

- Think of this as a workout.
- Yup.

- Got it?
- Yup!

I'll take this side you stay here.

- Yup.
- Got it?

- Do it right.
- Yup!

Fuck it.

Coffee Coffee.

Coffee Coffee.

Enjoy music in the city

You're no joke on the piano.

I want another.

Have it.

$5.9 for Zinger Burger combo.

- Go buy it.
- Thank you.

- Can you win the contest?
- Yup.

- First place?
- Yup.

You know Han Ga-yul?


- Ever meet her?
- Han Ga-yul is pretty.

- Never met her?
- Nope.

Chopin's Empress Han,
disappears after accident

Han Ga-yul places 2nd at
Top Chopin Competition

Han Ga-yul wins 2nd place at
Top Elite Chopin Competition

Kim Jo-ha

WBC Asian Champion Kim Jo-ha

Career in crisis, assaults
judge in mid-match

Mr. Kim Jo-ha.

Where do you think you are?

This is breach of your contract.

I'm here to meet Han Ga-yul.

If the chairman finds
out you'll go to jail.


Han Ga-yul!

Han Ga-yul!

- Han Ga-yul is pretty!
- Mr. Kim!

- Han Ga-yul!
- Mr. Kim!

Why did you want to see me?

Ma'am, I'll take care of it.

Do you need more money?

Listen to him play the piano.

He wants to enter a piano competition

I want to know how good he is,

if he's got a chance or not.

You're quite famous.

Mr. Kim Jo-ha.

Keep this up, and
you'll be in trouble.

Will you stay out of this?

He watches you play
on his phone everyday

and plays it all, shopping or Chopin.

- Buddy.
- Yup.

Say something, the real Han Ga-yul
is here, the real Han Ga-yul.

- Han Ga-yul is pretty.
- Gosh.

Madame, the chairman
will be home soon.

Who is he?

My brother.

Jo-ha's brother.

Please leave, I don't play anymore.

What's the big deal, there's
a piano right here.

Why so...

- I'm sorry.
- Goddammit.

Chopin concerto ♪1, Han Ga-yul is the best.

Han Ga-yul is the soul
of Chopin and Mozart.

Keep going.

Han Ga-yul is pretty.

Not that, idiot.

Please leave.

Let's go.


Come on.

What are you doing?

Isn't that a really famous song?

Have a safe drive back.

Back up.

Jo-ha, who was that?

Someone I know.

The 26th Fryderyk Piano Concours

Next up is ♪36, Jin-tae.



Jeez, what's he...

Mr. Moon hates wasting time.

Jin-tae's amazing.

Everyone here says he did the best,

he got the most applause too.

If you see him, you'll know,
Jin-tae, a piano champion.


That's his name, what
else should I call him?

When did I call him an idiot?

Anyway, when the result
is out I'll let you know.

When will you be back?

Next week is 1 month.

Is the work hard? You sound terrible.

We eat way too much, don't
worry and hurry back.

We're stuffing ourselves.

How many times do I need to say?

Alright, I've got to go.

We'll announce the winners
and the grand prize.

General division, 3rd place:

Moon Yu-lim.

Top three!

Second place: Ko Joon-ki.

Yes, you did it!

First place, The 26th
Fryderyk Piano Concours,

Lee Ha-ram.

Yes! First place!

First place!

- Don't worry, you're the grand prize.
- Lee Ha-ram's the best.

And today's grand prize,

symbol of tradition and honor
26th Fryderyk Piano Competition.

Grand prize!


High school division, Kim Gwang-ho.


He didn't get it?


- Congrats.
- Congrats.

Grand prize!

- Congrats.
- Yeah.

Thank you for today, Mr. Moon.

- Take care, sir.
- Yes.

It's been a while.

Why was Jin-tae rejected?

You know him?

Strangely, his Chopin
reminded me of you.

Rhythm, tempo, dynamics,
expression, and accuracy.

Everything was perfect.

But interpretation is crucial.
How to creatively interpret a piece.

You thought he didn't
interpret it properly?

Or he's not fit to
stand on your stage?

Sloppy, uncontrollable,
and far from stylish.

Because he can't be a star?

You got a grudge.

He's level 2 autism,
he can't read music.

He plays blind after
watching YouTube clips.

He understands the world
through 88 keys on the piano.

Every sound.

This is a competition
with fair conditions.

Rich or poor, the age
they start training,

duration of training,
they're all irrelevant.

What if I told you he
has never had a lesson.

And that he was never taught
the importance of interpretation.

Prizes can't be taken back,
but I've been curious

what did I learn from you

since I was 6.


I've been thinking about
life a lot lately.

When you meet someone you
like your life will blossom.

I wish I could look after you

but I'll be so busy when
I become a celebrity.

I can't ask my agent to take
care of you all the time.


don't just rely on me and
look for other girls too.



You answered too fast.
Shouldn't you think about it?

You got a girlfriend?

Han Ga-yul.

- What's she like?
- Piano.

- She works at the center?
- Han Ga-yul is pretty.

- You cheated on me?
- Yup.


Eat shit with Han Ga-yul.

Good bye.

I don't fucking know.

I have to go.

Hey there.

Is Su-Jung inside?


How old?

What for?

Got a job?

This and that, and workout too.

So you do,

you got a tight body.

What is it?

It didn't look like you work regularly,

want a job?

At your host bar?

You're fast.

Wait, it must've been Su-Jung.

I'm not interested.

We're hiring someone
who could be Tarzan.

It pays quite well.

You'll have to take care of
Jin-tae instead of your mom.

Take care of who?

I can barely take care of myself.

In any case, call if you need money.

Casa Blanca, Hong Hee-Kim

I don't want it, come here.

- Get paid to workout, nice?
- Yup.

Let's finish up quickly and go a round?

Game, soccer game.

I'll take Brazil, you can be North Korea.

Thinking of mom?

Miss her?

You still got a ton.

She'll be home soon.

We finish this and she'll
be back in a few days.

Look at your stupid shirt.

Go that way, I'll go
across the street.

Don't run off.


Wait, your shirt...

Bundang squid.

Bundang squid.

Bundang squid.

Your call cannot be connected...

and will be transferred
to voicemail.

He came back without telling me?

Jin-tae! You came back?!

When did you get back?

I forgot to extend the lease.

I got a call this morning
and came right up.

I didn't even have the time to call.

Are you done with work?

No, I have to go back
for a little more.

I have to run back now.

Where's Jin-tae?

He's not here?

No, where did he go?

- Jesus.
- Why?

You weren't with him?

No, we were out together...

for a bit.


We were out for a bit.

Jo-ha, where's Jin-tae?

Let's split up, you go that way.

Whoever finds him first calls.

Why don't you go home,

I'll find him, he could run back home.

He never goes anywhere
he doesn't know.

He only knows the regular route.

He always calls when
he leaves and arrives.

Let's look around until sunset
then we go to the police.

It'll be okay. You sound
so out of breath.

What flyers?

Why did you have him hand out flyers

so you could buy new clothes?

I don't believe this...




- Have you seen this guy?
- No.


What are you doing here?

Sound is good.

Why are you here?

What the hell, man!
What the hell are you doing?!

Do you know him?
He's been like this for hours.

I'll beat you.

- Let him go.
- I'm sorry.

Don't you dare touch him.

Who do you think you are.

What right do you have to hurt him?

I'm sorry.

- Baby, I'm here.
- Yup.

- Let's go eat ramen.
- Yup.

Are you his brother?

If you're his brother, you
should take care of him,

be with him, why do you hit him?


- Another drink please.
- Sure thing.

- Sit here.
- Ma'am.

Aren't you In-sook's son? Right?

Do you know where
she works in Busan?

Busan? She's in Busan?

I can see the light.

Yeah, I just came out.

You're here.

Making money is the way to go.

It won't be hard,
you'll get used to...

Let go.

You know about mom?


Of course, we live under one roof.

Where is she?

Probably in Busan.

Don't be cute.

What's with you?

Spill everything before I go apeshit.

You're not here for the work?

Where's mom?

How would I...

Where could she be?

Where is she?

You don't know...



Room 2216
Bed ♪5 In-sook

Prisoner's Gate

Why are you here?

I'm going abroad, for a long time.

You came to show off?

Going abroad?

I met mom.

What's that bitch up to?

Still raising that retard?

Don't talk like that.

What did you say?

Don't you regret it?

Regretting what?

Beating up mom and me everyday.

Shut your face.

You think she'll be okay when I get out?



I disown you as a father.

I'm not your son.

Were you ever a son?

Don't ever come out.

Even by mistake.

If I see you outside,

I'm going to beat you

the way you beat

mom and I.

I came to tell you that.

I knew I had to.

Are you nuts?

Just die in here!

Don't ever come near her!

I won't let you hurt her!

Focus on classics, just do that...

I have to go.

What brings you here?
You should've called.

- Honey tea.
- Yes, sir.

You look so much better
than our last meeting.

- How's business?
- Very good, thanks to you.

Making a fortune?

As much as I work.

- Having a gala concert?
- Yes.

- Put a kid in.
- Who?

What's his name?

Jin-tae, ma'am.

Right, Jin-tae.

He lost your competition.


Can you?

Chairman, but he's...

- What's our stake here?
- 51%, ma'am.

Sell them all and donate
to centers for disability.

Ma'am you're a rational person.

You saw me as rational
for the past 30 years?

If I was rational,

why'd I train a hillbilly
as head of this school?

Ga-yul played for the first
time since the accident.

I wanted to see her play before I die.

I really saw it.

I'll consider it, ma'am.

Tour Agency


I'm going to Canada.

For vacation?

Like hell.

To make money.

I see...

I'm going.


You can hate me

but not Jin-tae.

When I die,

he'll live at the center.

It'd be so nice

if you checked in on him.

I'm a selfish woman

who don't know how you feel.

Why didn't you take me?

I've lived alone all my life.

A middle schooler ate alone

and slept at a comic book store

when dad came home drunk.

I was still a child

when I started training.

I'm sorry, honey.

When I leave, I'm not coming back.

It's all...

my fault.

I can't seem to forgive you or dad.

Don't forgive us.

I'm never coming back.

This place...

is so fucked



will take care of you...
in the next life.

I'll only live with you.

I'll make it up to you.

I'm sorry.

And the gala concert is
receiving much attention

that will bring classical
music to the masses.

Alongside the winners,

a special winner will perform.

This is none other than
26 year old Jin-tae.

Special winner, Pianist Jin-tae


is not a fact, it's an opinion.

Muhammad Ali.

This is something his
brother always said to him.

He's fighting against all
odds and against himself.

The 26th Fryderyk Piano
Competition Gala Concert

Aram Music Hall

Ladies and gentlemen,
part 2 is about to begin.

- Look at me for cue.
- Yup.




- Are you okay?
- Mom, are you okay?

Jo-ha, bring her to the
front, I'll get the car.

My boys are here.


You played so well tonight.


You were great.


Honey, lie down beside me.

Are you still scared of Jo-ha?


- But happy to have a brother?
- Yup.

If you come to heaven

and look for someone you love,

who will you find?

Han Ga-yul.

- You like her more than mom?
- Yup.

Will you still look for mom?


- Listen to Jo-ha.
- Yup.

Don't just eat ramen.

Mom, let's go home.

Sure, sure, you're a good son.

Let's go home.


Funeral Home

Never learned to smoke?

Because... of the training.

You should start, it suits your image.

Mom, did you see Jin-tae?

He's not inside?


Taking a dump?

Mom, it's been too long.

Jo-ha, do you know?

Hey, did you see him?

- He's not around?
- Where did he go?

- You can't find him?
- I can't find him.

He's around.

It's all same.

Please have a taste, it's water that's
closest to the liquid in human body.

Thank you, please try.

w w w . z o c i n e . c o m
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