Kazablan (1973) - full transcript

An adaptation of a popular Israeli stage musical. Kazablan is an army veteran turned gang leader in the Israeli port of Jaffa who masks his feelings of bitterness with a lot of bravado. He's sweet on Rachel, a young woman who lives with her father and stepmother. The budding relationship scandalizes the neighbors (not to mention Rachel's parents) and infuriates Yanush, a middle-aged shoe store owner who wants Rachel for himself. (Yanush feels he's entitled to marry Rachel since they're both Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern European origins, whereas Kazablan is a Sephardic Jew from Morocco.) The neighborhood has something else to worry about besides the antics of Kazablan and his gang: the city wants to tear down their crumbling homes. The residents pool their resources to save their houses, but the money that's collected is stolen. When he's jailed for the theft, Kazablan must find a way to clear himself.

Noah picture presents

Yehoram Gaon

A film by
Menachem Golan


The sea of Jaffa.

Also known as the Mediterranean Sea.

This is the sea where the
whale came, opened his mouth,

and Jonah the prophet
met his Creator.

This sea brought the Crusaders,
the Turks, Herzel and myself.

Moshiko Babiov,
the Jaffa tisherman.


So much mud.
So much dust.

So what?

Wouldn't we have walked 40 years
in the desert to get here?

We suffered a lot. A lot.

We rolled about
on tiny boats

in the stormy sea.

We suffered a lot. A lot.

But we came. And now that
we're here, praise God,

we want to rest a bit.
Sit peacefully.

We're all tired
trom traveling here.

But ot course, they won't let us.

They won't let us rest.

There are problems from outside.
There are problems from within.

Do we finally have a state?

Is there a government?

Is there work?

Here. Good morning.

Here are the hooligans.

Casa and his gang of bastards.


Every morning they come
to make our lives even sorrier.

Every night they drink
at Madame Rosa's club.

Morning comes, and they decide
to raise havoc in the neighborhood.

May your house burn down!

Hey, Moshiko!
-Attention everyone!

This neighborhood has been
designated tor destruction.

I repeat.

This neighborhood has been
designated tor destruction.

Whoever is in their smelly beds
has less than a minute and a half.

It'll mean big trouble tor him,
his mother and his grandmother!

Go choke and die!
-Hello, Mariuma!

May God punish you with the plague
and may your first born die!


Why don't you say something?
-What can I do?


That's what you call yelling?

What's going on?
-Quiet, please! Have you gone mad?


Rascals! You won't
let people sleep!

What nerve!
It's 5 am!

I want to sleep.
-Hello, Madame Butterfly.

They're hooligans!
-You rats!

Good morning, Panny Feldman.

Everyone's awake.
We have a minion.

Where's your nice daughter?

There she is.
-Get inside. Get inside.


Good morning, Rachela.

Don't I get a "good morning"?

Do you always wake up looking
as sour as a lemon grove?

Let me see your face.

Partly cloudy,
but looking good.

So what about
my "good morning"?

What do you want? -To marry
your daughter. That's what he wants.

Shut up.
-Get out of here, you rats.

Where to, Mr. Feldman?
Where should we go?

Maybe you forgot,
Mr. Feldman,

but I live here, too.
In this fashionable neighborhood.

Mr. Feldman...

Get inside, now.
Get inside!

-She's not for someone like you.

What am I like?

Moroccan, Mr. Feldman?
-I didn't say that.

So your little Polish Princess

isn't for a dark skinned
guy, eh?

Ambulance! Quickly!
-Niko, what's wrong?

Sarina, nazda kupilu!

What's happened, Moshiko?
-Sarina kupilu!

She has contractions
every 10 minutes. Ambulance!


What's wrong?
You again? Damn it!

As soon as I find my pants
I'll beat the hell out of you!

You'd better send your wife first!

Simon, what's going on?
-See for yourself.

Adio santo...
-Adio santo!

What's going on?
These hooligans again?

Hey! Shoemaker's here. -You should
be kicked out of the neighborhood.

No kidding!

You haven't been beaten in a while.
Where have you been?

Your place is in prison!

He's right.
-Mr. Feldman...

Mr. Feldman, listen.
I'm not moving from here

until your nice daughter
says "good morning" to me.

How about that?
-Shame on you!

You came here with all your
hoodlums to wake all the neighbors.

You don't have
any self respect.

He's never heard of it.

You.. -Say it. Say it.

Rascal. Say it.

I'm glad you know what you are.

Mania, get inside.

Get inside!
Get inside!

Don't listen to him, Casa.

Moshiko. -What?
-Don't I have respect?

Of course you have respect.
The only thing is,

you're not a man.

In Casablanca we used to
give a man respect

even if he wasn't a man.

"At noon in the casba
when the market was open,

"I used to strut around
with my chest out.

"Everyone said what a guy
is walking down the street,

"They'd wave from every window,
out of respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"And when the battle began
and the unit wouldn't move,

"The commander would say
'You're first, Casa!'

"Everyone knew that Casablan
always marched first,

"And in back they'd yell:
'He's got respect'.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Some guy walks with a girl
in Jaffa in the evening.

"If I wanted
I could have her in my arms.

"But I won't bother the guy,
I won't make him shake.

"for me it's a matter of principle.
I have respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"If a drunkard walks into the bar
I settle him down.

"I'll throw him all the way
to the next town.

"But later he'll come back
much meeker.

"He'll lift a glass and toast me:
'Much respect'.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect.

"Back then, everyone knew

"Who gets the most respect."

I do!

Who called for an ambulance?


Mariuma, they're here from the
hospital. -Bring the mother.

I heard you! I heard you!

Why are you standing? Run!

Come. Come, madame.
The ambulance is waiting here.

It's not for me!

Slowly. Slowly.
Slowly, slowly.

-Careful. Careful.

I'm going to die.
-Wait! Wait!

You're going without a word?
Bring back what I told you.

Moshiko, whatever
the good lord gives

we shall take.

Be it a boy or a girl.
As long as there's a briss.

Careful on the steps.

Niko, take off your shirt.
-There's plenty of time.

Why take off my shirt?
-Take it off.

Put it on her back
for good luck.

Wait! Wait!
-I'm about to give birth!

Not yet. Not yet.

Sarina, put this round your
neck and spit 3 times.

Go on, mama.

What is this, Mrs. Nasimov?

It's a stewed rabbit's eye.

Move aside.
Stop spitting on me.

-Lean on me.

I hope it's a boy.

May it be a boy.
-But may he be a kosher Jew.

Kosher, not kosher.
As long as he can use his fists.

Mr. Babiov, what are all
these things good for?

The rabbit's eye
and the husband's shirt?

It's an ancient Kurdish tradition.
It works against labor pains.

It sounds crazy to me.

Everyone's crazy in their own way.
One big melting pot.

"When the Lord
scattered his people,

"Amongst the children of Esau
and those of Ishmail,

"He gave them all
the Sabbath and holidays,

"But forgot to give them
the same customs.

"That's how life is.
Lite is a market.

"Here are magic carpets,
There are genies in bottles.

"Here enemies can be bought.
There friends are sold out.

"But the money sticks
with the Jews.

"Blue ballons,
to the adults and the young.

"A carrot is good for the eye sight.

"Cheese is excellent for you.

"Vegetables, vegetables.
Antiques, antiques.

"We're all Jews
and so nice, too.

"Jews, a hundred percent.

"Whether Sephardic or Ashkenaz.

"We all have the same father,

"From Romania, Algeria
or Kfar Saba.

"And when there is trouble and pain,

"We all understand one another.

"And all of Israel,
all of Israel are friends.

"Sir, come see
what wonderful goods.

"It's strong as iron.
It won't ever rip.

"If it's not good, sir,

"your money back.

"Or you better say your prayers.

"You're an ass.
-You're stupid.

"You're a scoundrel.
-You're a thief.

"You're a cheat.
-You're down low.

"You're a pig.
-You're an idiot.

You're despicable.
-What kind of a Jew is this?

"What kind of a Jew is this?

"We're all Jews
and so nice, too.

"Jews, a hundred percent.

"Whether Sephardic or Ashkenaz.

"We all have the same father,

"From Romania, Algeria
or Kfar Saba.

"And when there is trouble and pain,

"We all understand one another.

"And all of Israel,
all of Israel are friends.

"Sir, look at this jug.

"It's really quite special.

"The Caliph of Baghdad
drank from it.

"Only a week ago.

"You're an ass.
-You're stupid.

"You're a scoundrel.
-You're a thief.

"You're a cheat.
-You're down low.

"You're a pig.
-You're fat.

"You're despicable.
-What kind of a Jew is this?

"What kind of a Jew is this?

"We're all Jews
and so nice, too.

"Jews, a hundred percent.

"Whether Sephardic or Ashkenazi.

"We all have the same father,

"From Romania, Algeria
or Kfar Saba.

"And when there is trouble and pain,

"We all understand one another.

"And all of Israel,
-All of Israel,

All of Israel,
-All of Israel

All of Israel are
friends, friends, friends."

Good morning, Mr. Yanush.
-Who's there?

I'm coming. I'm coming.

Good morning, Rachel.

I'm so glad you came to the store.

What can I do for you?

Come, sit down, Rachel.

What? -Look at these soles. I bought
them from you only 2 weeks ago.

Well, Yanush's delicate designs

are not fit for
the pitiful alleys of Jaffa.

Why don't you move to Tel Aviv?

Because you live in Jaffa
and not in Tel Aviv, eh?

Wait, what are you?

You wear a size 63, right?

I'm not here to buy.

I just want you to tix
my soles.

You don't have to buy, Rachel.
It's free.

from Yanush, with love.

Yanush, you're mad.

It's a mad world.
What can you do?

You still haven't
told me "good morning".

No, eh?
Just once. "Good morning".

Cucumbers! Cucumbers!

Sweet potatoes! Baklava!

Hot pita bread!

I'm still waiting.

I'm stubborn.

What can I do?

I hope she says good morning
betore the police have to come.

Look at his face.

He could kill
for one "good morning".

That murderer.

Baklawa! Baklawa!

Let her go.

You really scared me,
Mr. Gulash.

Nisim! Ariel!

I'm warning you, Simantov.
-Good mornining, Rachel.

I said good morning.

Good morning, Mr. Yosef Simantov.
-My friends call me Casablan.

Or Casa. Whichever they prefer.


The landlord is crazy!

What do you want from us?

You should be sitting in jail
with other criminals.

Go! Get out!
Go to your panthers!

There you can be a big hero.


He doesn't have a home.
He's like an animal.

"There's a place
past the sea.

"Where the sand is white,
and home is warm.

"Where the sun shines above,

"Over the market,
the street and the port.

"Home is past the sea.

"I remember the candle burning
on the Sabbath

"And my father looking at me
in silence.

"It's a far place.
A wonderful place.

"In every window
you can hear a prayer.

"A mother and daughter
in the courtyard.

"Baking bread in the oven.

"Home is past the sea.

"I won't forget
my fathers eyes.

"How he looked,
Looked East.

It's a place
which is still far.

"Without Sabbath songs,
prayer and laughter.

"Narrow alleys
near a huge sea.

"And empty houses
crying silently.

"My heart's still there,
past the sea.

"I hear a prayer
from an empty house.

"There is a place
that's still far away.

"Anywhere I run,

"There'll be a place
I can't forget.

"I'll always have it
in my heart.

"There's a place
I'll always love."

They're here again.

The municipalities.

Attention! On all the doors!
No exceptions!

Move it!

Sir, what is the meaning of this?

Sir, what is this?

What? What is this?

Why are you standing?
Go call the police.

Where can I find a phone?
-I don't know. Go!

Shlomko. -What? -Let's help him.
Tell him where to find a phone.

I'm not from here.

-I never use the phone.

Don't listen to those thugs.
Go call the police!

Shlomko, come here.



Hey. There's trouble.
-Yes, I see.

They've sent you a greeting card.

We've got company.

I know him. That Servesky
from the municipality.

We aren't afraid!
We'll beat them up!

They put up red notices.
They're kicking us out.

-Hello, Mr. Servesky.

Never say hello
to evil doers.

Today you've received
a third and final warning.

Oh yeah? I'm giving you
a third and final warning.

No threats, Simon.

Don't forget you're on parole
since your last threat.

Let me at him!
-Listen up!

These houses are in danger
ot collapsing.

One more rain storm
and a disaster could happen.

If you would at least fix
your own houses

perhaps the city engineer would
let you stay a few more years.

That's right. -You're right.

Why won't the city pay for it?

In Jerusalem,
with my own two eyes

I've seen the city pay
for repairs.

These are your houses and the city
doesn't have enough money.

Is that our fault?

Mr Servesky,
we aren't to blame.

Guilty or not, next week you'll
be talking to bulldozers.

You aren't Jews.

You don't have a heart.
-I'm just doing my duty.

We won't let you!
We'll beat you up!

It won't help you.
I've got the city plans right here!

What's he talking about plans?
You saying we aren't Jews?

Go plan your ass!

Casablan. Casablan.

Mr. Simantov, please.
No violence.

What's wrong with you?

What was written there?

It won't help you, Simantov.
These houses will be demolished.

Demolished? Will be?
That's a good word for it.

Demolished is even better.

I have nothing to say
to people like you.

You don't talk like that
to the king.

Gonna send him
to the hospital, Casa?

No violence, please. You'll
get in trouble with the police.

I've got the police
round my finger.

You think he'll kick me out?

I give out the licenses in Jaffa.
Not the municipality.

Bravo, Casa. Good for you.
We'll beat them up.

All of you are going to jail!
-Don't get upset, Mr. Servesky.

Mr. Simantov,
don't get angry.

We'll hold a meeting
and do this peacefully.

It won't do any good,
Mr. Feldman.

Mr. Nobody,
don't speak Yiddish here.


Don't think I've forgotten
about the tires.

"Our hearts are tired! Tired!
Tired of worshiping you!

"Our hearts are tired! Tired!
Tired of worshiping you! "

"Our hearts are cleansed. Cleansed.
Cleansed to worship you..."

Don't misjudge them.
They aren't animals.

They have a pure heart. Pure.

Like children.
We're all children.

Look at them. Look.

Good people.
Simple people.

They don't hurt anyone.

Believe me,
we don't ask a lot of life.

What is it we're asking for?

Some work.

Some rest.

A bit of living.

And what does the municipality
give us? City plans.

They want to demolish
our neighborhood.


They say it's too old.

The walls have wrinkles.
The doors have rheumatism.

The steps have a limp.

And the windows
can't see very well.

Maybe they're right.

But where will we go?

Where will we go, Mr. Feldman?

I don't know, Mr. Babiov.
Maybe we won't go at all.

That's why we're
collecting money.

What about you?
Will you donate?

Sure. Did everyone donate?

Yes, yes.

What's the money for?
-for a fund.

Maybe we'll get a lawyer
to consult with.

Maybe the law gives us rights.

Law, shmaw.
We need to beat them up.

We need a lawyer!
-Why? What for?

Because a lawyer has a brain
and you only have an ass!

Don't say ass to me.

Barbarian! -Don't call me
a barbarian, you whitey.

Good evenining, Rachel.
Aren't you staying for the meeting?

I can't.
I have night school.

Don't come back late.
-I'll be home at ten, Mother.

People, please come closer.

I want to begin the meeting.

I ask you all
to come closer.

Everyone take a chair
and sit around here.

Please, people.
I'm beginning the meeting.

Please. -I don't understand
what the meeting is for?

Let's all go to City Hall
and start a hunger strike.

I've been on a hunger strike
all my life. I'm always hungry.

They wouldn't dare demolish houses
in Northern Tel Aviv.

Don't shush me.

I want to begin the meeting.
-Excuse me, Mr. Feldman.

They're offering us cheap housing.
Maybe we should consider it.

What's cheap?

If they exchange our aparntment
for another, that's fine.

A store for a store.

They won't do that.

It not, let them go to hell.

Maybe we should
pay for repairs.

We could get loans
from a bank.

You're bourgeois.
Maybe you'll get a loan.

Money sticks to money.
-Just like shit to shit.

Let's get loans, buy different
apartments and get out of this pit!

Maybe for you it's a pit.
for us it is home, Mr. Gulash.

I don't like being called Gulash.

People, I ask the heads of
family who haven't yet donated

to come and pay their share.

I ask you all to pay.

We need a lot of money.

Please come forward.

And don't forget. Everyone pays
according to the number of rooms.

Here's my share.
Write down Babiov.

I'm only donating
100 Lira, Mr. Feldman.

I'll pay next month.

Moshiko, how much did you give?
-200 Lira.

200 Lira? You ninny.

Each room is 50.
four rooms is 200.

Four? We only have three.
-What about the porch we closed?

The porch? We don't even pay
municipal taxes for it.

You're supposed to cheat the city.
Not the neighbors.

What do you think,
Madame Butterfly?


She drove me nuts.

Write down that I payed. -Thank you.
-David Cohen. -Thank you.

What's all this money?

Is there a party?

We're collecting from the neighbors.
Maybe we'll repair the houses.

Maybe we'll get a lawyer.

What about you? Won't you give?
-He only knows how to take.

What's your problem?
Do you want to get beat?

I understand you won't donate.
-I already donated my part.

Listen, Mr. Feldman.
That's a lot of money.

Make sure it doesn't run off.
-Run off...

Hey, Gulash.

Did you hear them?

Be careful of them.

We must decide
what to do.

Move to another neighborhood
or stay here and repair the houses?

I say we stay here.
-I say we move.

Let's vote.
Is this a democracy or isn't it?

Of course it is.

What's "democracy"?

Democracy means everyone does
what they want.

Democracy is good.

In a democracy you vote.

If you're in favor of moving,,
raise your hand.

48 in favor.

Now, if you're in favor ot
staying and repairing the houses,

raise your hand.

Mr. Shaky Hands, raise your hand
or I'll break it.

48 in favor.

48 in favor of moving,,
48 in favor of repairs.

What do we do now?
-It's a democracy.

"Democracy means equality
between the rich and the poor.

"But we still must discover
why some are more equal than others.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.
Demo, Demo, Democracy.

"If you have a complaint,
Don't tell anybody.

"Don't object to the law.
Just keep quiet democratically.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.
Demo, Demo, Democracy.

"The Sepharadim are the majority,
but who is prospering?

"The Ashenazim, that's no joke.
Because they made the laws.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.
Demo, Demo, Democracy.

"What's good about democracy
is you can curse it all day long.

"It won't hear or tell on you
even if you scream out loud.

"Democracy, democracy,
democracy, democracy.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.

"The area is ruled
by law and order,

Anyone who doesn't get it,
will understand the knife.

"De, de, democracy.

"Democracy, democracy,
Democra, democra, democracy.

"Democracy, democracy.

"Democracy is a hope
which seems to just stand in place.

"And if you truly look
you'll see it's going backwards.

"Demo, demo, democracy.
Demo, demo, democracy.

"In a democracy there is always tood
for those who have the money.

"In a very democratic way,
you can starve to death.

"Democra, democra.
Democracy, democracy.


"Democracy is a game in which
there is a friendly clerk.

"To those that come to him he says:
'Come back tomorrow'.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.
Demo, Demo, Democracy.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.
Demo, Demo, Democracy.

"Demo, Demo, Democracy.

Excuse me, Rachel.
-Yanush, what are you doing here?

Waiting for you.
-For me? Why?

I want to speak with you.

Okay. We can talk
on the way home.

we could walk on the beach?

What do you want? -I told you
I want to speak with you.

Then just say it.
What do you want?

You know what I want.

Yanush, I'll scream.
Stop being ridiculous.

I can't sleep at night.
-Take a pill.

A civilized man from Hungary
attacking a girl like that?

It's none of your business.
Go away!

You really scared me, Gulash.

I don't like being called Gulash.
-You'll get used to it.

Yanush, go home.
-You heard the lady.

Get out of here.

Go to hell!

I must go. Good bye.

Thank you.

Can I walk you home?

Along the beach?
-Along the beach.

You don't like Yanush.
-Absolutely not.

He annoys me.

His face is begging
to be hit.

And do you hit everyone
who annoys you? -Yes.

A man should learn
to control himself.

What for? -That's the difference
between us and animals.

I'm an animal?
-I don't think so.

But I do think
you're a wild man.

Why are you smiling?

I was just thinking
what would happen

if someone else would
have said that to me.

What's wrong with you?

Go away.
-Where to?

I don't know.
I'll come later.

What should we do
till you come?

What you do every day
and every night.

Go back to your corner.
What's wrong with you?

So what should we do?
-Who knows?

Let's kill time.
What time is it?

"What's happening?
What's happening?

"Nothing's happening.

"What's happening?
What's happening?

"Nothing's happening.

"We're just living life.
A fabulous life.

"Compliments of the Baron,
How nice for us.

"What's happening?
What's happening?

"Nothing's happening.

"It's not a criminal matter.
-What's yours is mine.

"I'm your brother in law because
your sister... -Y s? -Works for me.

"We ransom the storeowner.
He's happy if he's insured.

"If you're in a sticky situation,
let the lawyers make a living.

"We don't care
for the courts' well being,,

"They'll make fools
of all of us.

"Where's the law?
-Far away.

"Where's the policeman?
-With a lady.

"Where's the lady?
-In the hospital.

"And the policeman
has a bastard child.

"A girl? A girl? A girl?
-Where's a girl?

"A girl? A girl? A girl?
-Where's a girl?

"Go after her
Pick her up.

"You broke my heart.
-What an idiot!

"A girl? A girl? A girl?
-Where's a girl?

"We'll put 14 carats
on your finger.


"He's a panther,
but he's nice.

"When can I meet you?
-He's totally nuts.

"I'm down on my knees.
-Forget it. He's on parole.

"Take a pearl necklace.
-Here's the police. You're busted.

"See how terrible it is.

"Here's a girl.
-There's the police.

"Here's the police.
-No more girl.

"No girl.

"So we start over

"Like nothing ever happened.

"What's happening?
A girl.

"What's happening?
I don't have a girl.

"A rich secretary.
A police report.

"Nothing's happened yet."

You're brave.

A girl at midnight, walking
in the neighborhood with Casablan.

That takes courage.
-Why? Is Casablan afraid?

No, the neighbors.

Good night, Casa.

Would you be willing
to meet me sometime...

Not coincidentally?
-I'll think about it.

Think it over.

I'm a Moroccan.

Does that bother you?
It doesn't bother me.

Who's there?

Who's there?

Who? Who?

Who are they?
What is this?

Oh my god. Who is this?

What did they do to you?

Get up. What did they do to you?
They busted you up.

Get up. Get up.

Who were they?
The devils!

Do you know them?

Sit down.

Come here. Come.

Maybe we should take
you to a doctor.

Does it hurt?

Your heart hurts more, eh?

Casa, why did you have to go roaming
in territory not meant for you?

If your mother knew
you were dating an Ashkenazi girl

she would have killed you.


There are sons of bitches
in this world.

"Come look
from the clock tower.

"Look at the sky,
a thousand stars above.

"Smell the scents
and watch the sunrise.

"Then you will feel it within,
You'll feel you've returned.

"You're in Jaffa.

"You're in Jaffa.

"You're in Jaffa,
Jaffa, Jaffa, Jaffa.

"You're in Jaffa.
Jaffa, Jaffa, Jaffa.

"Come and listen,
order yourself some food.

"Listen to the bouzouki
work wonders for your soul.

"We'll give you a drink,
let it warm your heart

"And then you will feel within,
You'll feel that you love again.

"You love Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.
Jaffa, Jaffa, Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.
Jaffa, Jaffa, Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.
Jaffa, Jaffa, Jaffa.

"You love Jaffa.
Jaffa, Jaffa, Jaffa."

Encore! Encore!

Casa. -Hey, Casa. What's up?

What happened
to your face?

I fell out of bed.
Give me a kiss.

What happened?
We looked for you all night.

No, seriously.
Who beat up your face?

Who did that to you?
-I don't know. It was dark.

I bet it took 5 of them.

Rosa, drinks for everyone.

Everyone? Did you get rich?
-No, but I feel rich.

Something happened to you tonight.
You got beaten and you're happy?

Happy as can be.

Like a bird.

What is this, a cemetery?

Onasis, music.

I'm asking you not to go there.
-Don't tell me what to do.

I didn't raise you
to do this.


Did you want something
from me, Mr. Feldman?

I want to speak with you.
-About what?

You know.

She's my only daughter.

I don't have anyone but her.

You know that
Mania is my second wife.

She's not Rachel's mother.

I raised the girl by myself
with my own two hands.

And you're afraid of my hands.

I'm asking you, Simantov,
to leave her alone.

She's not for you.

You can have anyone you want
here in Jaffa.

You can find a girl
that suits you.

What do you mean by "suits you"?

You know what I mean.

So what do you say?

I'll think about it.

Get out of here.

What did Mr. Feldman want?
Did he bring you her dowry?

Casa, don't take it too hard.
They aren't worth your shoe sole.

Forget about it.
-I don't care about anyone.

Me neither.
Me neither.

You're number one.
Every kilo of you.

Will you marry me, Rosa?

We'll have
a million children.

Rosa, you're my queen.
My love.

Rosa! Rosa!

Oh Rosa. What a pose.

Oh, Rosa!


"When I saw you laughing loudly,
my little girl,

"I suddenly felt as if a knife
had cut into my chest.

"I sent you a million flowers
and two million letters,

"But you kept laughing
and driving all the neighbors mad.

"Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"How many songs must I write for you
until you'll be my wife?

"Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"I carried bricks,
I broke my back for you.

"To see you from the house
being built across from you.

"You said you wanted
to live a good, sweet life.

"So I opened up a candy store
just for you.

"Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"How many songs must I write for you
until you'll be my wife?

"Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"My boy, there's no respect,
just an open heart for everyone.

"I want only love
and to laugh at the world.

"I want you, you, you.
I need no excuse.

"I want a big smile on your face
and not a sour puss.

"Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"How many songs must I write for you
until you'll be my wife?

"Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love.

"How many songs must I write for you
until you'll be my wife?

"Rosa, Rosa.
You are my love."

Hello, Mr. Yanush.

I see yesterday's decision
isn't to your liking.

Certainly not.

The majority decided.
The majority rules.

Yes. For instance, I wanted
to crack them on the head,

but the majority said no,
so we won't.

Mr. Simon, instead of cracking heads
you must think with your head.


It's your turn.


Mietek, I need to speak with
you immediately.

Can't you see I have customers?
Does it have to be on Friday?

Come to our house on the Sabbath.
We'll talk over a cup of tea.

Tomorrow, then.

Hello, hello.
You deserve a medal, madame.

You broke Casa.
How did you break him?

Did you say something to me?
-Yes. Sure did.

I've never seen him
so messed up.

Look what time it is
and he still hasn't woken up.

Maybe he's sick from the beating.
-What beating?

Last night. Someone
gave him a makeover.

Who? -He has his honor.
He won't tell.

I bet 50 Lira she's going
to pay the sick a visit.

Hi. I heard you're sick.
-Yes, I drank a lot last night.

It's nothing.
-Who did this?

Never mind.

I see you don't need...

Thank you. for coming.

Sabbath I want you to come eat
lunch with us on the Sabbath.

You want me to come to your house?
-Yes, to eat with us.

Me eating with your parents
is like...

turning a celebration
into a funeral. -I'm asking you.

It's impossible.

It's not so hard.
It's a short walk from here.

The distance from here
to your house is...

a thousand kilometers.
-Maybe not.

Will you come?

You really want me to come
to your house? -Yes.

Will your father be there?
-He'll be there.

He will?

Will you come?
-I have to consult.

Do you think I'm wanted here?
-Yes. Very much. -Really?

Excuse me just a moment.

You're leaving me alone?
-One second.

Mietek, we have to go in.

Father, please.
Don't do this to me.

Mietek, I'm asking you.
-Leave me. Don't bother me.

Mietek, I'm asking you.

Stop acting like a child.
-Go alone. Go alone.

Mietek, he's already here.
-How can you act this way?

You want me to sit and eat with him?
-He's waiting inside.

With that gangster?

Leave me alone! Leave me!
-I'm asking you.

Look at how you act.
I'm ashamed of you.

No way!
-Get in there. Enough!

Get out!

Shabbat Shalom.

Shabbat Shalom.


Father, turn off the radio.
-The news is coming on.


My gefilte fish
is a real success today.


Do you like it with
horse radish sauce?

Hot sauce. Use a little
so it won't be too sweet.

Is this sweet fish?
-It's gefilte fish.

Didn't you have gefilte fish
in Morocco?

father, gefilte fish
isn't an oriental food.

Bon appetit.

Is it too spicy?

Use a little horse radish sauce.

You won't find a gefilte fish
better than Mania's.

It's really good.

Dip it in the horse radish sauce.

Your fish is a delicacy.

"That was our program
'Cantor's Prayers'."

How was the fish?

Have another portion.

It's 2 o'clock. This is the news.
-Quiet. The news.

"IDF has said that a military
vehicle drove over a land mine

"near Merom Golan in the Golan
Heights. 3 soldiers were injured.

"Two hurt seriously
and one with medium injuries.

"Trails have led back
to the Syrian border.

"A French reporter..."

It will never end.
-Were you in the military?

Who wasn't?
-He received a medal of honor.

How do you know?
-I know.

I took an interest.

Why did you get a medal?

He saved his commander's life.

He walked through a mine field
during battle.

If I hadn't have gone,
someone else would have.

But you went.

Shabbat Shalom.

Hi, boss.
Hello, miss.

Beautitul, isn't she?

-Is this your car?

Uncle Abraham went to America
and decided to loan it to you.

Uncle Abraham. Please.

Where's the key?

That's the key?
-It's a special kind.

America. -Fits in your pocket
and you can hardly feel it.

A folding key.
-Yes. From America.

A present from George.
-Which George? -Washington.

He's from America, too.

Check if the carpet
is dirty.

You have a lot of relatives in
America. -He has relatives all over.

Even in Japan.
-Japanese Moroccans.

Turn it on already.

This can drive from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem before you can say

"Casa, I love you."

How's Jerusalem sound?
-Sounds good. -Go!

Finally we'll have a boy!

What happened?


They said we got one on the phone.
-What did we get? A boy or a girl?

A boy! A boy!
-A boy! A boy!

Mariuma. -We have a boy, Niko!
-Mama mare.

I'm mama mare.
-A grandmother.


Why are you standing there?

We must go to the hospital
to see Sarina.

Go get a taxi.
-Taxi! Taxi!

Mr. Babiov, there is no taxi here.
There's hardly a pick up truck.

Pick up truck! Pick up truck!

-I'm a grandmother.

Listen to them.
Like a zoo.

Mietek, listen to a wise man
from Budapest.

We must leave this place quickly.
We're alone.

Leave this place behind.

I'll help you get a loan.

The people here believe in me.

I can't just leave them.

But Mietek...
-I forgot the blanket.

Excuse me.

I'm asking you, is this a place
fit for your daughter Rachel?

With me, she'll live in an
air conditioned apartment. A palace.

Windows on three sides.
Scandinavian furniture. Everything.

What do you mean
she'll be living with you?

After we're married, of course.

Did you discuss this with Rachel?

No. I'd like you to talk
to her about it.

Tell her how intelligent I am.

I speak languages.
I'm set for life.

And my store is profitable.

And I'm... European.

I know how to behave
in society and...

I learned to play
the piano.

That's important, isn't it?

Beside, I've already
been married once.

So I know how to treat a woman.

And don't forget
that I love her.

You want me to tell
all of that to Rachel?

We'll have the briss
in our yard.

Next time it's your turn.

Mariuma! Mariuma!

Wait, I made you a blanket
to keep the child warm.

Thank you, Mrs. Feldman.

You really are good people.
Bless you.

No. I don't think we'll leave
this neighborhood, Yanush.

Moshiko is coming.
-Hey, Moshiko.

Congratulations, Moshiko.

Did you see the boy?
-I saw him.

He's barely one day old. He's
this small, but he's a true Babiov.

He laughed.
He laughed at my face.

I said...
and as soon as he heard me,

as soon as he saw me, he laughed.
He laughed.

What can I say? Sometimes life
can be so wonderful.

Only sometimes.

Excuse me.
Is your name Yosef Simantov?

Yes. Why?

In Romania, a guy like that
would get at least 5 years.

Kick him out of the neighborhood!

We'll return it after
we check for fingerprints.

There's really no need. Even
if you don't find any prints,

we have no doubt who did it.
-A court needs evidence.

Thank you.

They're coming.

That's Sergeant Mizrahi.
I know him.

Those are for fingerprints.

The nerve of that man.
Coming here to eat lunch

and stealing from us?
-He didn't do it.

He didn't do it.
-He didn't do it!

He didn't do it!
I did it.

The saint, Rabbi Simantov.
That criminal!

How can you defend
that dirt bag?

The Babiovs,
the Spiegels, the Nasimovs.

Every penny of theirs
is like a year's work.

What will we do now?
-He didn't do it!

I know he didn't do it!

Rachel. Rachel.


"Why is the sky so sad?

"Why does my heart ache?

"The birds are silent,

"The birds and the gulls
fly into the waves.

"I'm so scared.
I'm so scared,

"that he won't return.

"The fishermen lower their glances.
The peddlers have stopped calling.

"And in the city streets,
the laughter is gone.

"He's so near to me,
and yet so far.

"I'm so scared.
I'm so scared,

"that he won't return.

"His touch upon my hand
and my whole body trembles.

"One penetrating look
and my whole body burns.

"One smile from him
and I could die.

"I hear his voice,
I hear his voice.

"Perhaps he's come

"Risen from an abyss
In the day and in my dreams.

"I do not know,
I do not know

"He's farther from the port

"as if he's leading
and not being led

"and only one sentence,
one sentimental sentence

"does he leave in my heart."

Look at her. She doesn't know
if she's coming or going.

Bless her.
How could this happen?

She never could stand
that Casablan.

Now her heart
is spinning like mad.

She'd throw herself
in the sea for him.

Go figure.

Sir, don't stay with him alone.
Sometimes he gets mad.

I've dealt with his type in
Jerusalem. Don't worry. It's okay.


That name sounds familiar.



Leave us alone.

How are you?
-You can see for yourself.

It's been about
a million years. -Yes.

A million years.

How... We met up, eh?

Where did you disappear to after
your service? -I went around.

What else?
-I killed time.

Are you working?

What are you doing?
-Read the file.

I get paid
to not cause trouble.

Why didn't you ever call me?
-You got lost.

I didn't know where you were.
I went to the hospital a few times.

They said you'd been
rehabilitated. Fixed up.

They said you were transferred
to the North. I went North.

You weren't there.

I thought you were dead.

I moved around a lot. They sent me
abroad for an overall treatment.

Yes, you look good.
Like new.

I never would have guessed
I'd meet you here.

Sergeant Yosef Simantov.
What are you doing in this cell?

Case number 7653/73.

Attacking an officer.
Carrying a hand weapon.

Running a poker club.
You've done a lot since the war.

Six years is a long time
for a guy like me. Sir.

When we were in the military, I
don't remember you talking this way.

What way?

With a sense of inferioriry.
And bitterness.

I don't understand you, Casa.
-Out of sight, out of mind.

You're talking bullshit.

You know what, Josh.
I'll put it this way.

I feel interior. I'm bitter.
I'm an animal.

I'm... what's it called?

But between you and me,
why is it that in six years...

In six years you never found me?

So what? You think I forgot you?
-Oh, you didn't forget.

But you didn't remember, either.
No one remembered.

Not Moshe. Not Uri Grossman.
No one!

No one!

The war ended and
everyone went home.

But what about me?
What about Casa?

I don't have a home.
You were my home.

Did anyone from our tent ever
invite me over for a drink?

To listen to records?

So I can hear him once. So I won't
think it's just a brand name drink.

Casa... -Shimale Goldstein
got married at the Hilton.

He didn't know my address
and couldn't send me an invitation.

He should have come by foot.
To knock on my door.

Just like I carried him on my back
for miles in the Golan.

Casa, wait.
-Wait. Why?

I've thought about this shit
for six years.

No one cares!

Everyone has their own shit.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Take control of yourself.
Go get a job and be a man

that doesn't care if he was
invited or not

to a stupid wedding
at the Hilton.

Now, back to business.

I just want to know one thing.

The money that got you in here...
did you take it?

That's how life is.

Sometimes you're up
and sometimes you're down.

But, Casablan is always down.

I have no idea why.

If you look inside him
he has a heart of gold.

To die for.

He wouldn't take our money.

He maybe a pimp,
he maybe a burglar,

he maybe a thief,
but he's an honest man.

As long as we're paying.

There's no time to waste.
We should start packing.

Of course. Soon the city
will come and start demolishing.

Where will we go?
-I'm going to Ramle with my Itzhak.

Sad days are coming
to Jaffa.

The happiness is gone.
And the people are leaving.

Soon we'll be going, too.
With Sarina and the baby.

Lord, if they ruin this yard,

where will we have the briss?

In a day or two, Servesky will
come with the bulldozers.

What will we do?

Have mercy, Lord,
for my soul has witnessed you.

Only a miracle can save us.
A miracle.

"Demo, demo, democracy.

"Demo, demo, democracy.

"Demo, demo, democracy.


Mr. Servesky, please meet

Shemer, the architect
and Vishinsky, the engineer.

They've written a letter to
the mayor. You should hear it.

"To the Mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

"Honorable Mayor,

"In the matter of neighborhood
124/25, known as Kaf Neighborhood...

-Kaf in Jaffa.

"I would like to
express my professional opinion,

"that following the repairs,

"and after the buildings
were thoroughly examined,

"we have reached the conclusion

"that the houses in the neighborhood
are stable and fit for residents.

"We advise that another examination
be done by city engineers

"50 years from now."

50 years.

This is not possible.

You can't make a mockery
of the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa.

I'll object to this. -Mr. Servesky,
it won't do you any good.

We've already had
one miracle.

The second one is coming.

What miracle are you talking about?

Everyone sees, darling.
Everyone sees.

Your body is outside,
but your heart is in prison.

Forget it.

That bastard got a hold
of your heart, eh?

But to tell you the truth,
it's a good thing.

It's good.
Look at my daughter, Sarina.

She got herself
an Askenazi boy.

You can get a Sephardic boy.
Why not?

Look at our grandchild.
He's a little of both.

Hair as black as the night.

Eyes as blue as the sea.

That's what the good book says.

He'll be as smart as a Sephardi
and a rascal like an Ashkenazi.

A Sephardic husband
is a good thing.

A Sephardic husband
respects his wife.

A Sephardic husband
is a man.

Moshiko! Moshiko!

Finish up with your chatter.
Come home.

I'm coming, I'm coming.

My fat little wife is upset.

The lab tests prove

that your fingerprints
are on the box.

The rest of the evidence
is against you.

But I'm sure
you didn't take the money.

How do you know?

You haven't seen me in six years.
What do you know about me?

I know you.
You didn't take it.

That's no way to investigate.
They'll say you're playing favorites.

You were at their house
on the Sabbath. -Yes.

You were left alone
in the room. -Yes.

You saw the box.

And you didn't take the money.

Answer me. Help me
get you out of this mess.

Why are you laughing?

Maybe you were a good officer in the
military, but as an investigator

you're not so good.

Casa, did you take
the money or not?

What do you think?


I don't want to see
you here again.

You're letting me go?
-For now.

Thank you, Josh.
-See you.

In the next war.

"Everyone always says:
'You're the best, Casablan'.

"But they always
spit in your face, Casablan.

"Since the day you were born
they said you weren't a man.

"Always knives, curses,
beatings and blood


"That's not adult behavior,
Always using force.

"Getting hot over everything,
having a temper.

"So don't yell all day and night
like a saint,

"Get it out of your head.

"Don't be like a woman.

"Look what a shame.

"Get off me, Casablan.

"You're smarter than anyone.


"Try learning something from others,


"Stop debating every day.

"Be normal and peaceful.

"So no one will laugh
at Casablan.


"Stop yelling every day and night
like a cantor at a grave,

"It's time you got used
to being a man.

"Tired of everyone's suggestions.

"It's time you did it on your own.

"Don't be like a woman.

"Look at what a shame.

"Get off me, Casablan."

What a surprise.

Yanush, I need to speak with you.

Your father spoke with you, right?

I know you took the money.

What money?
What are you talking about?

Because of you, an innocent
man is sitting in jail.

That gangster is innocent?

Do you know how many times
he's been reported to the police?

If he didn't steal that money,
he stole some other money.

For your own good,
I suggest you return the money.

Don't interfere
with police matters.

It's not befitting
a girl like you.

Let's talk about
a much nicer subject.

Listen to me for once
and be patient.

-I'm sorry I'm interrupting.

-Get out!

I want to tell you something.
-You've said enough. Get out.

He took the money.
That's why I'm here.

Do you believe me?

Only this country sets criminals
free out of fear.

The fact I didn't kill you
last week

doesn't mean I won't
kill you today.


Nisim! Ariel!
-You're here, too?

Today we get even.

For the night you attacked me
from behind, too.



I'll introduce you
to my front end.

Casa... -Get out.
Wait outside.

Let's go.

Blessed be his name.

Say it. Go ahead.

Where's the money? -What money?
What are you talking about?


Take him.

Take him.

Casa... -Casa...
-Go to hell!

Casa, wait.
I want to talk to you.

Casa, do you want
to have a drink with me now

or at my house on the Sabbath?

I'll call you.

Wait for my call.

"Peace be upon us
and peace for Israel.

"In good time he has come,
May he live to see the savior.

"Oh joy and happiness,
It's time for his briss.

"This is my son,
He shall continue my line.

"In good time.
In good time.

"This is Eliyahu's seat.

"Eliyahu, the covenant angel.

"This is Eliyahu's seat.

"Eliyahu, the covenant maker.

"He shall protect us
from above

"And bring peace upon us
and all his people.

"The wine will evaporate
in the cup of salvation.

"He who drinks it
will have good health.


"This is Eliyahu's seat.

"Eliyahu, the covenant angel.

"This is Eliyahu's seat.

"Eliyahu, the covenant maker.

"Blessed are you all,

"Blessed are you all,

"Blessed are you, believers.

"Blessed are you, believers.

"Oh joy and happiness,
It's time for his briss.

"Hear us, Lord.
Steady the Mohel's hand.

"Hear us, Lord.
Steady the Mohel's hand.

"Hear us, Lord.
Steady the Mohel's hand.

"Hear us, Lord.
Steady the Mohel's hand.

"Hear us, Lord.
Steady the Mohel's hand.

"Hear us, Lord.
Steady the Mohel's hand.

"The day of the briss

"Let us celebrate it."

Don't worry, little one.
You'll be a kosher Jew soon.

What will be his name?

According to tradition, he should
be named after his deceased grandpa.

But I'm still alive and kicking,
praise the lord.

Alive. Touch on wood.
Alive and how.

What is the father's father's name?

My deceased father was named
felix Abramesko.

Felix. Heaven forbid!
We can't call him Felix.

What will we call him?
-Why don't you call him Yosef?

Yosef? What Yosef?
-Yosef Simantov. The godfather.

Oh, sure.

Wait, where is he?
-Where is he?

Hey, gang. Where is he?

Wait, I'll get him.

I'll get him.

Casa, come out.
They're naming the boy after you.

Wild man.

Here he comes.



May we begin?

The prayer shawl.


The child. The child.

What did you say his name was?

Yosef Simantov.
-Yosef Simantov Casablan.

Yosef Simantov Casablan Abramesko.

Yosef Simantov Casablan Abramesko.
It's a long name.

So what?
Are you in a hurry?

Come on. Cut it.

Blessed art thou, Lord.
-Blessed be his name.

King of all who blesses us with his
commandments and commands us to...

perform the briss.


"This boy was circumcised. His
father and mother will see him marry

"A savior angel will bless him and
he will live to see God's kindness.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great."

"Fly, fly, fly
fly, fly, fly.

"May I fly.
May I fly, fly, fly.

"May I have wings
and fly up to the sky.

"Fly, fly, fly, fly."

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great.

"This little one will be great.
This little one will be great."
