Katnip Kollege (1938) - full transcript

At the Katnip Kollege, we see a roomful of cats taking a course in Swingology. Everyone swings except Johnny, who can't cut it and has to sit in the dunce chair. Miss Kitty Bright tells him to look her up when he learns how to swing. Finally, listening to the pendulum clock at night, Johnny gets the beat. He rushes out to where everyone is playing and sings "Easy As Rollin' Off a Log" to Kitty Bright. She joins in; he grabs a trumpet for an instrumental break, with the complete band. They both fall off a log; she covers him with kisses.

[theme music]

[vehicle approaching]


[jazz music]

[door banging]

[clapping in rhythm]

[jazz music continues]

[bell rings]

Good morning

to you, dear teacher


Good morning to you

We really mean it

Good morning to you

Don't mean your sister

I mean you're really

in the groove

Okay, Mr. Jones, you may recite

your history for today.

[upbeat music]

Oh, Columbus was

the discoverer of America

And he sailed to sea in 1492

But the good Queen Isabella

Found a more

attractive fella

And Columbus wound up

in the jug-a-roo

[drum beat]

Oh! That's a killer, son,

that's a killer.

Come, now, Ms. Kitty Bright.

Let's see if you did

your homework right.

[drum beat]

Oh, Napoleon once was the

fightiest man you ever saw

Everybody that he fought

with he subdued

But the king-a

and the queen-a

Sent him off to St. Helena

Just because they

didn't like his attitude


Let that be a lesson to you

Everybody meets his Waterloo

He wasn't too big

to end up behind the 8-ball

And remember, buddy, there's

still a lot of room for you

Now, Johnny,

let's hear your sonnets.

Make 'em sound like Kostelanetz.


Uh, Charleston.


and a boop-boop-be-doop.

Boy, is that corny.


Come up here!


[bell rings]

Class dismissed.


- You swing like a rusty gate.

- You ain't got rhythm.

- Gee, is that awful!

- What form!

Here's your old frat pin.

You can look me up

when you learn how to swing.

Why it's as easy

as rolling off a log..

[melodic music]

[jazz music]

It was on the college campus

that the kitties had a session

All the cats were there

'twas a swinging congregation

Some had took to talking

While the cats

beat out a rhythm

And others picked

on pecking

'Cause the rhythm bug

had bit 'em

They never had

a lesson in their lives

But rhythm swamped

their teasing

And when it comes

to swinging their things

It's as natural to them

as sleepin' or eatin'

There's a rumpus

on the campus

They are really

in the groove

Each and every paw has

a natural urge to move

They think this corn

is known as horn

They wish someone

could stop it

The only use their corn

is when you pop it

tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

[melodic music]

I got it. I got it.

The rhythm bug bit me.


tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock

[upbeat music]


As easy

As rolling off a log

I've found it easy, baby

To fall in love with you

As easy as

rolling cigarettes

If that ain't easy maybe

There's simpler things to do

For instance let's cuddle

I love to cuddle

Get in a huddle

it's easy with you

As easy as rolling off a log

I really tumble, baby

But what else could I do?

It's so easy to fall

in love with you

I know that it's as easy

As rolling off a log

It's awful easy, baby

To lie the way you do

It's as easy, baby

As rolling off a log

It's awful easy, baby

To make me think it's

To make me, to make me

think that it's true

'Cause I've heard a few say

The things that you say

But if I do say

I love you I do

so help me it's true

This love stuff

has got me in a fog

The boys all say

they love me

I wonder why they do

It's so easy to fall

in love with you


[jazz music]

[jazz music continues]

Now what else could I do?

It's so easy

To fall in love

With you


mwah, mwah, mwah

[theme music]