Karma: The Price of Vengeance (2019) - full transcript

- They must have taken
all of our cell phones.

- Where are we?

- How did we get here?

- What the?

Are we chained?

Who did this?

- And who is that?

- Is he dead?

- No, I don't think so.

He looks like he's still breathing.

They must have used a
bear tranquilizer on him.

- Oh look here, Doogie Howser.

How do you know he's alive?

How do you know he's not
the one that put us here?

Something tells me you're not as smart

as you think you are,

considering the fact that you're

in the same chains that I'm in.

- I think we should figure
out who put us here,

and what they're planning
on doing with us.

Obviously this is not
a friendly gathering.

- Oh boy genius here wants to figure out

what psychopath put us here,

and I just want to get out
of these chains and leave.

- My name is Dave.

And unless you turn into Samson,

you're not breaking those chains pal.

I've never seen metal like this before.

- My name is Ken, and
I'm not your pal, Dave.

- I just want to go home.

I just want to see

my little boy again.

- Look lady, we all want to go home.

We must've really pissed somebody off

to put us in this situation.

- Listen, it's gonna be okay, um?

- Donna.

My name is Donna.

- Yeah Donna, it's gonna be okay.

Just peaches and cream.

Everything coming up roses.

You idiots.

You all just sit around
here and get acquainted.

I'm finding a way out of here.

- Where am I?

Who are you people?

And why am I in chains?

- Easy big guy.

We're all in chains.

We're just trying to
figure a way out of here.

I'll find your way out,

after I break these damn chains.

- Looks like you should be
eating your Wheaties big guy.

- Maybe you should shut your mouth

before I wrap this chain around your neck.

- The problem is, you can't get to me.

This is as far as we can go.

- I just want to go home.

I just want to see my family again.

Please let me go home.

Please let me go.

- I don't know who did this,

but they're gonna pay.

Did you hear me?

Let me go, now!

- Hey steroid Steve,

hate to break it to you,

but whoever did this ain't afraid.

And about who's settin' off back here,

I'd say to whoop your
ass any time you want.

So why don't you cut through
the tough guy routine,

because we're not rich,

and I'm sure the guy who
did this is not here.

- My name is Michael,

and I don't need steroids
to whip your old drunk ass.

I can smell the liquor on you from here.

The cowards jumped me from
behind and hit me in the head

with a club or something.

Come here and face me like a man.

Welcome sinners.

All of you had secret sins.

Today, you will pay for those sins.

Confess and live.

You have 10 minutes to decide who dies.

Majority rules.

Your time starts now.

- No, please no, this
can't be happening to me.

I haven't done anything wrong.

Please no, please no!

- I vote for you.

As a matter of fact, if I
could get my hands on ya,

I'd kill you myself.

You're a waste of oxygen.

Killing you would be doing
the human race a big favor.

- Stop, stop arguing!

This is what they want.

They want to cloud our minds
so we can't think straight.

There has to be a way out of here.

He said we all have secrets.

- No genius,

he said we had secret sins.

Apparently you weren't listening.

The definition of a sin,

is the transgression of the law.

Which means we've all broke
the law or we wouldn't be here.


I wasn't always a drunk, you know.

- I stole a candy bar
when I was six years old,

but I took it back, and I
told the manager I was sorry.

- No, Mary Poppins, I don't think

that's what he had in mind

about confessing your secret sins.

Just go back to cryin',
you're useless anyway.

Whoever brought you here,

he must have made a big mistake.

I'll bet you've never had a parking ticket

in your whole life.

- Shut up, and leave her alone.

She's just scared,

like the rest of us.

- Okay Dave, you confess your secret sins.

He said we all have them.

That includes you.

We're all waiting.

- Don't listen to him.

That, or whatever it is.

That is just a diversion.

We're not in here because
we have secret sins,

we're in here 'cause some
psychopath wants to amuse himself.

- Oh, is that right Dave?

So you've never broken a law, right?

Mister Perfect.

- I never said I was Mister Perfect.

Sure, I have my fair
share of speeding tickets.

I'm just a businessman.

- Businessman?

What kind of business, Dave?

- I'm an investment consultant.

I help retired couples invest
their money in their future,

and have a secure retirement.

What's the sin in that?

- Look, we just need to decide who dies.

Maybe he'll be satisfied
and let the rest of us go.

I vote for that piece of trash.

- I vote for all of you.

Who are you to decide who lives or dies?

And who are you to
decide who lives or dies?

Screw you.

None of us is perfect.

Screw you all.

- Everybody, stop arguing.

This is not helping any of us.

We need to figure out what's going on.

Maybe this is a riddle, a test.

Maybe they're just trying to scare us.

Maybe this is just a prank.

- I don't want to die.

Everyone please, just confess.

He's not playing.

Does this look like a prank to you?

Does this look like he's playing?

He'll kill us all if we don't confess.

This is not a prank.

- Well now that

Mary Poppins confessed her candy bar sin,

it's my turn.

It was about three years ago,

I was in the bar,

I met this lovely lady,

and as usual,

I had way too much to drink.

Hey Richie,

bring me another one.

- Sorry Ken,

I think you've had enough.

How about some strong black coffee?

- No, just bring me another
one like I asked for.

- You can't drink your problems away.

- No,

but I can sure try.

- Sometimes, you find more problems,

at the bottom of the bottom,

then you do solutions.

- Well hey, pretty lady.

Let me buy you a drink.

- First things first.

My name isn't lady, it's Jaime.

And that isn't an invitation.

It's just a fact.


by the looks of you,

I think you've had
enough to drink as it is.

Last, I don't need
anyone to buy me a drink.

Or anything else.

Thank you.

- I apologize.

Let me at least buy you drink.


- Why not?

I'm here to drink, to forget.

I won't even remember you in the morning.

- Sounds like there's a
sad story there somewhere.

- You can't trust anybody these days.

No one.

- I'll drink to that.

- I just found out

that my daughter has been molested

by her high school history teacher.

Sick bastard.

He told her he loved her,

and not to tell anybody
or they can't be together.

She's 15.

What kind of sick

human being

seduces a little girl into thinking

they're gonna run off together,

and live happily ever after.

- Sick.

That's just sick.

I'm so sorry.

Have you contacted the cops?

- No.

She begged me not to.

She says they're in love,

that he wants to marry her.

She said if I call the cops,

she'll never speak to me again.

He's brainwashed her.

We pay his salary to hit on little girls.

It's sick.


- I can definitely see why
you're drinking to forget.

- To be honest with you,
I'm not here to drink,

to forget.

I'm drinking to get my
nerve up to go kill him.

- I know what he did was wrong.

But you need to let the cops handle it.

Your daughter will forgive you in time.

- Now you sound like my sister.

My daughter told her first.

They've always been very close.

I guess I'm not exactly
Mother of the Year material.

Or wife of the year,

according to my
ex-husband's divorce lawyer.

- Divorce lawyers.

I drink that they end up
in the bottom of the ocean.

- I'll drink to that.

You're divorced I take it.

- Let's just say that

I chose the bottle

over three fine ladies.

And I did.

It was my fault, all three times.

They wanted to save me from myself.

You see how that turned out.

Here I sit at this bar

with the love of my life.

- You were hitting on me.

- What can I say?

I guess misery loves company.

Well, if you'll excuse me, Miss Jaime,

I am going to the little boys' room.

Don't rush off, I'll be right back.

And don't do anything foolish.

- Watch where you're going buddy.

- I'm sorry, mister.

- Hey buddy, let me call you a cab.

- Oh I'm good, I got somebody
waitin' for me outside.

- What the heck?

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no.

I'm so sorry, kid.

I can't go to prison.

I'm sorry, kid.

- I knew you were trash.

I pick him.

He's a child killer.

He's the lowest form of life on Earth.

He deserves to die.

That child,

didn't deserve to die.

But he does.

You deserve to die, you stupid drunk.

How would you feel if that was your child

he killed while driving drunk?

We only have one minute remaining.

The choice is clear.

He deserves to die.

You deserve to die you stupid drunk.

- We have to pick someone.

Majority rules.

I vote Ken.

- Wait, don't let them do this to me.


I've had horrendous guilt

my whole life.

Please Donna, please.

Don't let them kill me.


I don't want to die.

Please Donna,

please don't let them do this to me.

- Majority rules.

No, no.


I confessed.

No, no!

I confess.

I confess, no Donna.


I confess, I don't want to die.

No, no,

no, no.

I don't want to die.

Please Donna, please, please Donna.



- What just happened?

Is he dead?

I don't want to end up like him.

- Looks like we're all
chained to separate doors,

each having some sort of mechanism

to drag us into whatever
horror waits on the other side.

I'm guessing the punishment

will depend on our individual sins.

- I killed him.

I killed him.

No Donna.

We all made that choice.

- He got what he deserved.

- Well maybe he did,

but I don't plan on sticking around here

and being next to die.

Ken confessed.

He confessed, and still died.

That means, their rules
means nothing to them,

and neither do our lives.

- How do we know he was telling the truth?

How do we know that's the
only child he's killed?

He was a drunk.

Maybe he passed out and dreamed it all up.

It may not even be real.

Maybe he lied about it.

- I hope you're right Michael.

I'd hate to have an innocent
man's blood on my hands.

- One of us is next.

I don't want to die.

Please, I don't want to die.

- No one is going to die, Donna.

We are getting out of here.


Ken's death will satisfy him.

Maybe Ken was who he
wanted the whole time.

Maybe he'll be satisfied and let us go.

- But what if he isn't satisfied.

What if the sick bastard
wants to watch all of us die?

What then, Dave?

Shall we just stand here in line

like a bunch of stupid sheep
waiting for the slaughter?

- No, just give me a minute.

I need some time to think of
a plan to get us out of here.

Just give me a minute, please.

One sinner down.

Confess your sins, and live.

- He did confess his sins.

He confessed, and you still killed him.

You broke the rules, you
broke the rules, you made.

You got what you wanted.

You took his life, now let us go.

You all have secret sins.

Confess and live.

You have 10 minutes to
decide who dies next.

Majority rules.

Your times starts now.

- You should die.

Come down here and I'll kill you myself.

You're a coward.

You're a coward that hides his face,

and torments others.

You should die next.

- I don't think you should
yell, or threaten him.

I'm afraid you might upset him.

- In case you haven't noticed,

he's already upset enough to
kill all of us, one by one.

So if you don't mind,

I will just keep yelling.

- Dave?

You said you're a businessman
who helps retired people.

- Well, yes.

I help them invest their
money after they retire.

- In other words, Dave feeds off

the hard-earned income of the elderly,

so he can buy those thousand-dollar suits,

and that 5,000 dollar Rolex on his wrist.

Right Dave?

- Stop.

You're giving him what he wants.

He wants to turn us against each other.

We have to focus and
find a way out of here.

- Wow,

seems like we hit a nerve.

Huh Dave?

You wouldn't happen to be the kind of guy

that would rob a nice
elderly couple blind,

while you sit somewhere on a
beach in Mexico, would you?

- I'm an investment consultant.

I help people.

- You mean you help them
by sticking your hand

in their pockets, and robbing them

of their hard-earned savings.

I don't think that's called helping, Dave.

I think that's called being a thief,

and a low-life.

Tell me, how many
hardworking, unsuspecting

elderly couples have you padded

your pockets with their money, Dave?

- You believe what you want to believe.

I've got nothing to confess.

I'm a businessman.

- Hi, how may I help you?

- Mister and Missus Raven
to see Mister Feinstein.

- Mister Feinstein?

Mister and Missus Raven
are here to see you.


Have a seat, and he'll
be with you in a moment.

- Thank you.

- Mister Feinstein?

The Ravens are here.

Thank you, let them in.

Good morning, Mister and Missus Raven.

Come in, come in.

Have a seat.

Make yourself comfortable.

Thank you.

Now, well I've been
going over your papers.

Looks like the bank can
give you 2 % interest

on your savings.

I can give you 10.

- Oh my, that sounds too good
to be true, Mister Feinstein.

- Yes ma'am.

The banks just want to hold your money

and keep it somewhere in a
vault locked up in Timbuktu.

Not me, I want to release your money,

to make more money for you.

- Mister Feinstein, I'm a simple man.

I'm just a country boy who's worked hard

all my life, and saved up enough money

that we can be comfortable
in our golden years.

- We did manage to save up money
for our grandson's college,

but after he died, we just--

- Mister and Missus Raven,

don't you think your grandson

would want you to live in your retirement?

He loved you both so much,

and you both loved him.

Now honor his memory by spending

your golden years in complete comfort,

knowing not only that your money is safe,

but it's out there making
more money for you.

- He was definitely a grandma's boy.

- We loved him so much.

- Forgive us, Mister Feinstein,

his death is still so fresh to us.

The police said it was a hit and run.

But he was so young.

Six years old.

And so full of life.

- I miss him so much.

I can still hear his sweet voice

talking about how he
was gonna go to college,

and be a doctor so he
could help other people.

- He loved to help others.

He was a very special little boy.

They never did catch the ones who hit him.

- Helping others, you say?

Well that dream does not
have to die with him.

With the extra money you'll
be saving with interest,

we can open a fund for the less fortunate.

Hospital bills, medical
expenses, and so on.

We can even name it after your grandson.

- The Samuel Raven Foundation.

Oh, he would have loved that.

All he ever wanted to do
was help other people.

- And now he gets to do just that.

- Oh Pete, a foundation set
up to help other people.

That's what Samuel would have wanted.

Can we?

- Mister Feinstein, I will transfer

all of our money into your care.

You made us the happiest
grandparents in the world.

- You don't have to
thank me, Mister Raven.

I love helping people out
just like your grandson.

- Samuel, his name is Samuel.

- Oh yes, Samuel, I'm so sorry.

I guess when you work
with numbers all day,

letters can get a little confusing.

I'll get started

on The Samuel Raven Foundation.

I could see him now,

looking at the both of you.

- But Mister Feinstein,

you've never seen our grandson.

- Oh well, what I meant was,

I can picture him now from heaven,

smiling down on the both of you too.

- That does sound like our Samuel.

- Well thank you, Mister Feinstein.

- No no no, thank you Mister Raven.

And thank you, Missus Raven.

- Thank you.

- No problem, you guys have a great day.

- You too, thank you.

- Samuel, the only help
you'll really be doing

is helping me get that
condo in the Bahamas.

- If you're so legitimate,

have nothing to confess,

then why are you here chained up?

- I guess the better question is,

why are we all here?


you haven't said a single
word about yourself.

- I was a high school
athlete, in a one-horse town.

Did it big,

was drafted to the NFL,
right out of college,

and took a bad hit to the knee

during the second game.

Just like that, my career was over.

It was not what I planned for my life.

So now I'm teaching history
and coaching football

at Andrew Jackson High School.

It's a livin'.

- No not yet.

There has to be another way.

No one else needs to die.

Just let me think.

- Think of who, Dave?


That's what you do, right?

Sacrifice others for your gain.

That's what he plans to do to us, Donna.

He plans to sacrifice us,

so that he can survive.

I vote for Dave.

- No, there must be another way.


- I vote for Dave.

- Donna, don't listen to him.

- He's a vulture.

He picks the bones of
the weak and elderly.

He prays on them, like a wolf.

He deserves to die.

- No stop, stop Michael, no one vote.

If no one votes, majority rules.

No one vote.

Donna please, listen to reason.

I don't deserve to die,
I'm just a businessman.

Please, Donna.

- Majority rules, Dave.

- No no.


No please.

No, I'll confess.

I'll confess.

Donna no.

Micheal, I'll confess, no.

Please no, I'll confess.

I'll confess.

- Majority rules.

So how does that work?

There's only two of us left.

- I don't know.

I don't know anything.

I don't know why I'm here.

I don't what I've done wrong.

I don't know anything.

And then there were two.

Be sure your sins

will find you out.

Confess, and live.

You have 10 minutes to decide

who will die next.

Your time starts now.

- I want to see my son.

I want to see my family.

I don't want to die.

I've lived my life to help others,

to be kind, to humans and animals.

I have never intentionally hurt anyone.

I don't deserve this.

I don't deserve to die.

- I

have a confession to make.

I like young girls.

Shouldn't you buys be in class?

I'm talkin' to you, Mister Stanley.

- I didn't hear a bell ring, did you?

- Mister Stanley, show some respect.

You buys get to class, I mean now.

- Sure thing, Miss Smith.

Don't get your diaper in a wad.

- Can't stand that kid.

- Hi, Miss Jones.

Hi, Miss Smith.

- What class do you sweet girls have next?

- History class with Mister Wolfe.

- If he does anything that
makes you feel uncomfortable,

you come let me know.

- Okay, we will.

- We gotta get to class, we'll be careful.

- Mister Wolfe?

You frightened me.

- Mister Wolfe?

When did we become so formal, Jessica?

- Like you said Michael,
we have to be careful.

- You look very pretty today, Jessica.

Is that a new outfit?

- Yes.

- It looks great on you.

Well, I guess you'd better get to class.

I hear the teacher can be a real bear.

Hey Kim.

Where are you runnin' off to?

Do you have time to say
hi to an old friend?

- Hi, I,

I need to

get to class.

- Just relax.

Did you get those special
pictures I sent you?

I dropped my phone and broke it.


I have to go to class.

- Quiet please.

You're on my time now.


who can tell me the
significance of the War of 1812?


No one?

You know we've been studying

this now for the past two months.

Well, I'm glad someone's paying attention.

- Teacher's pet.

- Mister Stanley, stand up.

Do you have something enlightening

to add to this conversation?

Any pearls of wisdom you'd like to cast

to your fellow students?

- No sir.

- Well of course you
don't, Mister Stanley,

because you have made the
decision not to learn,

to be ignorant the rest of your life.

To be stuck in a dead-end job,

just like your father.

You, Mister Stanley,

are absolutely worthless.

Speak when you're spoken
to, Mister Stanley,

no one pulled your chain.

Tell you what,

why don't you head on down
to Principal Watson's office,

and stop wasting my time,

and the classes time, with your ignorance?

You should know the way by now.

Get out.

Now, let's get back to the War of 1812,

unless anyone else has something to say?

Before we were so rudely interrupted,

I believe Miss Raven was
going to enlighten us

as to the significance of the War of 1812.

- The War of 1812 was a conflict fought

between the United States
and the United Kingdom,

and their respective allies,

June, 1812 to February, 1815.

Historians in Britain often see it

as a minor theater of the Napoleonic Wars.

In the United States and Canada,

it is seen as a war in its own right.

Mister Wolfe?

Mister Wolfe?

- Yes,

wonderful, Jessica.

Thank you very much.

Please be seated.

Now it's the time you've
all been looking forward to,

quiz time.

Miss Smith,

could you please hand these out?

You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz,

and please write legibly.

Okay, time is up, pencils down please.

In an orderly fashion,

please bring your papers and
make a neat pile on my desk.

I'll have these graded tonight,

and you will receive your grades tomorrow.

Miss Raven?

If you could stay for a few
moments after class, please?

I tried to get help.

But I was so ashamed,

I was afraid I'd go to jail.

I never meant to hurt anyone.

I just have a problem.

I can't help myself.

I tried to fight those urges.

They're just too strong.

I never did anything that
they didn't want me to.

They're just as much at fault as I am.

Young girls nowadays,

they know so much about the world.

I never meant to do any harm Donna, never.

- Looks like we have a decision to make.

- We don't deserve to die.

We both confessed.

You said, confess and live, you said it.

That was your own rule.

We played by your rules.

We don't deserve to die.

We confessed.

We won't choose, we confessed.

We confessed and we live, we live.

We don't deserve to die,

we deserve to live.

We played by your rules.

We confessed just like you said.

We won't choose for one of us to die.

- I choose you, Michael.

- No.

No, why would you do that?



I have confessed.


Your rules.

I confessed.


I live!

I live!

- Give me vengeance.

Who is it?

Wow, out in the rain.


- I believe you called for me.

- No I'm sorry, I don't know--

- Don't be rude.

Aren't you gonna invite me in, Donna?

- How?

Let him in Donna.

- Yes, yes of course.

Please come in.

Can I take your cloak, Mister?

- Names, I guess they
make you people feel more,

more comfortable,

more like one of the flock.

You can just call me, Mister Black.

I'll keep me cloak on, thank you.

I'm from a much warmer climate

than you could ever imagine,

and it's quite chilly in here.

- Okay, Mister Black.

What can I do for you?

- Do for me?


you called me.

You called for vengeance.

Well here I am.

- I don't understand.

- It's quite simple, Donna.

You want vengeance.

Well vengeance costs.

But I can give you the
vengeance that you seek.

- But how?

- Come now Donna,

you're not gonna try to convince me

that you haven't thought
of at least a million ways

to make those who have
harmed your loved ones.


you only need to choose one.

- Yes.

Yes, I have.

They need to pay.

They need to feel like victims.

They need to feel helpless.

Helpless, like my parents.

Helpless like my niece.

Helpless, like my

like my son.

- Excellence.

The sweet savor of vengeance.

Oh how I remember it.

It's like an old friend come to visit.

It really warms my hearts.

- Help me.

Please help me, Mister Black.

I want vengeance.

- Well of course, Donna.

That's why I'm here.

Now, let's get down to business.

I just need you to look over this.

- How'd you--

- Quite standard contract, really.

Mister Black, guaranteed you,

Donna Raven, vengeance.

In return, you,

Donna Raven,


that chapter isn't written yet.

- This will grant me vengeance?

- Oh yes, Donna.

You will receive the
vengeance that you seek.

However, there is just one tiny detail.

- What is it?

- Someone you don't know

will suffer immensely,

10 times your pain and suffering.

- You will grant me vengeance,

but someone I don't know will suffer?

- That is correct, Donna.

- Someone I don't know?

Never met?


- Correct.

- It's a deal.

- Excellent.

- Ow!

- My apologies,

but everyone must use their own ink.

Boss' orders.

I'm sure you understand.

The boss is gonna be
thrilled with this one.

- Mister Black, when?

Mister Black?

Mister Black?

- Did you get the vengeance
you were seeking Donna?

- Yes.

- The world just get a little bit colder.

- He deserved what he got.

They all deserved what they got.

They hurt my family.

They're all villains.

- Villains?

Villains harm others
for their own pleasure,

right Donna?


aren't we all?

My job here is finished.

I fulfilled my end of the contract.

I'll be leaving now.

- Stop.

Where are you going?

- To find someone who
doesn't know you, Donna.

No, no!


- They're gonna pay.