Karlson Returns (1970) - full transcript

A not-so-friendly babysitter/housekeeper turns Malysh's home upside down. His imaginary friend Karlson comes back when he needs him most.

ADDRESS: Astrid Lindgren Ul., STOCKHOLM

Don?t sigh, we need that nanny.

- Well, and what if Karlson
really exists?


(the doorbell rings)

This should be Karlson!


- So, you also have a dog I see?
Matilda, can you imagine?

Well well, very good!
Never mind, I will make a good guy out of it.

- Ehmm... Uhmm...
- Mrs. Bok. Bok!

And by the way, your smoking
can badly influence my health.

You should quit this
disgusting habit.

Okay... Ehmmm...

So it was you then, who
placed the advertisement,

that you need a housekeeper?

Honest, with nice character...
Here I am!

- But we actually invited a nanny.
- Ehmm...And who needs a nanny here?

Such an agressive dog you have.

- I hope, Mrs. Bok,
that you like children, right?

How to say? I am crazy about them!

Well you can go to work. Don?t worry.


- And I bet that soon you won?t even recognize your child.

Dank u.

- Give me the pastry!
First, sweet things harm your shape.

Second, go to sleep!

Third, make your homework.

And what else? What else can you do? What a hard labour to teach somebody.

And hey, I forgot! Wash your hands!

- And why then to wash them?
Anyway there is nothing to eat.

- Matilda, you hear me? Baby, watch this beast.

Be careful though ? a dog has many germs.

Karlson. Karlson!!!

- Why are you shouting? You scared all the fish.

- Hello, Karlson!
- Hello, Baby.

Look, why don?t you ask where I have been for such a long time?

- And where have you been?
- You see! I visited my granny. Yup!

What a babushka I have!

When she sees me she shouts out loud: "My dear little Karlson!"

And after that she embraces me with all her strength!

My granny... She is the champion of the world in embracing.

- Wow, really?
- Don?t you believe me?

Of course I do. And finally you flew here.

- Yep.
But, hey, mind what you say!

How can I fly with such a motor?
I almost crashed on the road. Listen!

You see?


- I urgently need a refill.
Cake with cream would be nice!

- Oops? But I guess? there is no cake?
- Are you crazy?

Your dearest friend flies such a long distance, and you have no cake!!!!

- But we had no idea even.
- Do you have any ideas in common?

You should have hoped, with all your heart, and wait!

- Look, maybe you would like this:
there are fried sausages in the kitchen.

- Fried?
- Yep.

- Hey, being in your place one learns
to eat different kinds of garbage.

Well, fine, give it to me.

- Oops, the door is locked.
- What? Locked, why?

- This is because of the housekeeper.
But in fact she's just a household maniac.

- Don?t cry, don?t cry.
Is that you who cries, or me?

- I cry.
- And I don?t cry.

- You better don?t cry.
- Look, and who is this house freak?

Good evening, my dear friends!

We begin our program ?The life of ghosts?.

Please be sure that your children don?t watch us on your screens.

So, today our guests are two... hmmm...

Although you yourself will see this terrible story, about their meeting with a wild,

but very cute ghost.

And this is how it happened.

What a disgusting thing to watch.

Yuck, so without culture.

Matilda, Matilda! Are you deaf?
I think I am talking to you.

Have you ever seen anything
as disgusting as this? Thieves on TV!

Me not good enough for that, and they are?! Unfair. Ehh!

So my dear friends!

If you know anything about ghosts? life...

...call us.
Our phone is: 2233223322.

- Don?t cry.
- I don?t.

- And don?t cry.
Be calm, just be calm!

Hey, guess who is the best tamer
of household maniacs in the world?


- Don?t you know?
- Nope.

- But of course that is me.

- Ah!
- So, let?s go!

Why did you lie to me?

- When?
- You said that you were 7 years old.

- Yes, 7?
- But you weigh as you would be 8!

(noise of a propeller)

- Well, where are you, where are you?
Where do you hide, naughty child. Cuckoo!

Weird... He is not here.
Ah, here you are! How come?

There is a shoe, but no child in it. Cuckoo!


Cuckoo! Where are you?


Ah! And where have you been?

Well we had a lil' flight with Karlson.

- What do you mean by ?flight??
You mean like birds, right?

Well, ok, ummm, just a moment...
I will be back, uno momento please.

I need to take my medicine against my head.
No, for my head.

What is this?

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo...

(singing on TV)

- Ouch, this is terrible!
No, this is awful.

You have a speaking head in your house.
There, there, staring at us.

- Haven?t you seen any TV in your life?
- Never.

Aha! But listen, and where are the legs?

Wait, I will find out.

Voila! Wow!

And we are? you know,
We tike the pastry.

Let me introduce myself. Karlson!
And this is my little... Where to?

Well I am not game.

Hey, stop eating pastry -
you see, you ate the seventh already!

What are you laughing at?

- Lol, you are so funny! ? She liked me so much, that is all because of you!


Is it you? Cuckoo, mio bambino!

How nice! A la la la la la!
A la la la la la!

Ouch, what are you doing?

What is this, what is this? Nobody. Nobody.

Tell me my lieve baby,
In which ear do I have the buzz?

In the left.

- Nope, wrong guess -
I have the buzz in both ears.

A lalalalala, a lalalalala,
I am insane! What a pity!

- So now you see who in the world is the best tamer of? Oops!

Finally no buzz.

Ay! What?s the matter?

The head is where it is supposed to be, the armchair too...

- Madame!
- By the way Mademoiselle.

- D?accord, Mademoiselle, hello to you from the best motorized ghost in the world!

People told me not to watch TV from dusk till dawn.

Here we go.

Oops! Ay, Ay, please, no, I am scared!

Oh c?mon, let?s know each other closer.

- No, I am embarassed.
- Mais pourquoi?

I am scared of ghosts. Ah-ah-ah-ah!

Well, where to did she escape, I am not game. Is she really crazy or what?

This is the television, right? Is this the department ?The life of ghosts?? Yes, yes.

You know, I have here one very cute flying ghost.

Please come quickly,
I want to tell the world about it.

- Ah! I got it!
- What?

- Karlson, you know, she wants to be on TV.

- She? On TV?
- Yes.

This big household maniac wants to come in this little box?

It can?t work, because we would need to make her 4 times smaller.

Nope, you didn?t understand, but I will explain to you.

- Go ahead.
- Excuse me, and who is this?

- This? This is Karlson, who lives on the roof!

- Excuse me, but was it you who buzzed in my ears, right? You?

Well to be honest, that was me.

So was it you who stole my pastry?

- Stop! And you have your milk boiled over.
- Oh my God! Milk!

Hey, wait a moment, what milk?
I don?t boil any milk.

Again joking, naughty child?

Wow, that is so sad that you are not a ghost.

But why?

- Because right now the TV journalists are heading here.

I called them to tell about my ghost.
And what will I tell them now?

How come you don?t know. And me? What about me?!

I am a smart, good looking,
and well padded man.

And in full bloom of course!

- Yes of course, but there are plenty of such guys as you on TV.

But I am also talented.

Attention! Right now you will see the best Karlson in the world!

- Oh! That is so nice that you are here!
You know, Karlson is back!

Let?s go! I finally will introduce you to him.

Well Baby, where is your Karlson?

- He flew away, but he promised
to come back! Lieve, lieve...