Journey to the Center of the Earth (1988) - full transcript

Young people exploring a cave in Hawaii fall into a hole, wind up in the lost city of Atlantis.

For centuries,
people have speculated

on the possible existence
of a civilization

living in the center
of the Earth.

Man has created
countless myths

concerning trolls,
underground cities

and mole men.

But could these legends
have some basis in fact?

Could there be
an underground empire?

And if there is,

are they planning
to conquer our world?

Is there something sinister
going on

in the center of the Earth?

No one can really say.

You incompetent twit.

You're fired!

Look, if your son
wasn't so evil...

He's sick.

Mr. Bumble will hear from me
about the cost of the damages.

And you can be sure

I'll never recommend a nanny
from his agency

to any of my friends.

Come, William.


It didn't go well, Crystina.

Mrs. Wellington rang.
My, was her kettle going.

Does Mr. Bumble know yet?

No. He was out all day.

Well, at least I can resign
before he fires me.

Don't be too hard on yourself,

Mrs. Wellington's gone through
many governesses before you.

At least
you're still alive.

It's not just that,
Miss Ferry.

I'm not just cut out
to be a proper nanny.

I mean, Mr. Bumble sent me out
five times prior,

and each time I failed.

I'm just not nanny material,
I'm afraid.

Give it one more chance,

I'd love to, Miss Ferry.

Being a nanny was all
I've ever wanted to be.

Ever since
I was a young girl.

But I'll just have to face it.
I'm just not any good.

What will you do then?

Teach karate, I suppose.

Nannies R Us.

Nannies for all occasions,
may I help you?

Hey. My name is Mattie Asher,

and I'm personal manager
to a lot of big stars.

I need a nanny to fly to Hawaii today for a client of mine.

It's little Bernard,
he needs to be cared for.

Who was caring
for little Bernard?

He had a nanny.

She got torn apart
by five pit bulls.

Well, can you help me out
and ship a nanny to Hawaii?

What will you require
in her?

She's gotta be British
and cheap.

I have the perfect nanny
for you, Mr. Asher.

No.She'll be leaving

for Hawaii today.


Now you're seeing a live shot by a helicopter high in the sky

of the recently erupted crater
on Kalani

which erupted last week

with a velocity
of 200 miles per hour.

Just proving once again
Mother Nature...

Hey, I was watching that.

Leave it alone, Bryan.

Enough, children!

That's it!
I'm throwing you to the apes.

There are no apes in Hawaii.

Yes, there are. Are not.

You wanna be the first
to find out?

Stop it. Aah!

Stop it! Stop it!

No, wait. Stop it. Aah!

Miss, can I help you?

Billy Foul, please.

Room 607.

Hey, I hate to interrupt
the fun, music lovers,

but here's
an emergency announcement.

Kilauea is giving off signs

that it might erupt
at any moment.

Tourists are warned
to stay clear

and inhabitants of the slopes
are being evacuated.

Volcano Park is of course
closed until further notice.

And speaking of closings,
don't miss the exciting...

Lindy? Lindy?

...tonight at 9:00
at the Surf City Shangri-la.

All right. All right.

Yeah, all right.

...special guest, Billy Foul.
Hurry up and buy those tickets

because it'll probably be
your last chance

to see some of
these great performances.

And now, for the...


Mr. Foul?

I'm Crystina,
the nanny you requested.

Come in, come in.


Is Bernard here?

Are you really a nanny?

Yes, I am.

I have my papers here
to present.

You don't look like a nanny.

You don't look like
one of my fans.

Sorry, Mr. Foul, but I've never
actually heard of you before.

You... Well, that's the trouble.
That is the trouble.

Eight months ago,
I was headed for the top.

Now I'm doing
a revival concert

here in tropical rock.

What happened, Mr. Foul?

Call me Billy.

I don't know
what happened.

People stopped buying
my records.

They stopped coming
to my concerts.

I suppose this concert
is my last chance.

If I don't catch on
and get that record deal,

I'll have to retire.

Go back
to what I was doing before.

What was that?Teaching karate.

You did want a nanny,
didn't you?

Now, look.

Bernard needs a bath.

So I want you to take him
over to this place.

Mr. Foul,
this is for a dog bath.

So? Bernard is a dog.

Aren't you? Come along.

There's a good boy.

Yes. And there we go.

Sit, sit.

There's a good boy.

Take those and cover you up.

There's a good check. Yeah.

Now, hotel security
is very tight.

So always keep him
well covered up.

The staff will freak
if they see him.

What's in that one?

Dog biscuits.
In case Bernard gets hungry.

All right, there you are.

What's the matter?

I'm a nanny to a dog?

Well, dogs need care too.

Now, there you go.

Now, remember,
always keep him out of the sun.

He hates daylight.

He's just like his daddy.

Well, go on then.
Off you go.

Bryan, leave your sister alone.

Stop it, you idiot.

You're freaking her out.Aah!

Sara, are you okay?

Sara? Is she dead?

No, of course not. Sara?

Why are you hitting her
if she's not dead?

Sar... Quiet.

What's the ma...? Sara, wh...?

Maybe she's brain dead.

You realize
you ruined her chances

of being an Olympic diver.
You know that, don't you?

I gotta get out of here. Me too.

Man, I should have went
to Lauderdale with Lisa.

Can I help you?

Can you get me
a taxi, please?


Mom, Dad. Surprise.

Well, hello, Richard.
Where are you kids going?

I'm going for a ride.

That's nice. Richard.

We're going swimming.

That's nice, Bryan.

I've got a frog my throat.

Sounds more like a dog.


Don't go too far.

Remember, we're having
dinner together tonight!

Help. There's a big tip in it
for you.

Will you get out of here?

Get me to the cave.


Put it on my bill,
will you?

Watch where you're going.

Move your bloody Jeep.English? Really.

Where's my basket?

Didn't you want it in the Jeep?


You idiot.

Follow that Jeep.


I was wondering
when you were gonna get here.

You're going to the cave? Just like every year.

But I thought
they closed the park.

Since when did that
stop us? You too?

the matter?

Don't worry, the bad volcano
is on the other island.

Now, sit down
and hold on, okay?

We're here.

Come on, come on, come on.

Let's go.

Someone's coming. Hurry up!



You took my basket,
thank you.

What basket? The baby's basket.

Right here.

You feed your baby
dog biscuits, do you?

They're not dog biscuits,
they're mine.

And it's not my baby.

He's my brother.

Now what are you doing?

Can you take me back now,

I'm not taking you anywhere.

But I can't stay here.
The taxi left.

Next time, tell him
to leave the meter running.

My name is Crystina,
by the way.

I'm Bryan.
That's my sister, Sara.

And yours? Ringo.


I told you we should've
taken a left back there.

Here is the cave.

But it's just more rock.

Come on in.

You need help you with that?No, thank you.


Don't go down too far,
sweet pea.

Here you are in one of the most
beautiful places in the world,

and you bring us to a cave.

You'll change your mind
as soon as eyes adjust.

How do you know
about this place?

I found it
when I was Bryan's age.

We come to Hawaii
every Christmas.

So you're not from here?

- Of course not.
- No one's from Hawaii.

Well, my eyes have adjusted.

It looks the same to me.

You can take me back now.

Leave it alone, please.

Ha! Some baby. A dog.

Your brother's a dog? He's not my brother.

Your sister?

I'm a nanny.

They didn't tell me
until I got here.

Why you keep him
in a basket?

The people I work for
are very particular

that he be kept comfortable
and out of the sun.

Bernard, come back here!




Don't go any further!

What's the matter?

Are you afraid
to go after her yourself?

No.Then go and get my dog.

I want to go back.

Listen, lovesy,
I'm not your butler.

And you're certainly
not a gentlemen either.

What about your sister?


Wait, I'm coming too.

God! This is just like the Alps.

Magic Mountain.

Thank you.


They have earthquakes
in this part of the country?

I guess they have anything
this far down.


Hey, wait a minute.
Look at this.

Something's written here.

It must be some
of your American graffiti.

No, no, it can't be.

I've never seen
anything like this before.

I think
it's pointing somewhere.

Are you an expert
on graffiti then?

Maybe it's a dinosaur print.

No, definitely human.

Someone's chiseled at it.

Looks like erosion to me.

Most volcanoes are igneous,
you know.

They pay you to teach the dog
to answer that?

Just part
of a good English education.

Well, leave it in England,
tea bag.

Boy. Everyone under
the ledge. Come on, move, move.

Let's go.

Jump, will you?

Bryan, take Sara. Me next.

Sara, go get help!

Run, Sara, run!

I'll go get help!

I think Sarah
will find some help.


Come on down!

I can't!

I'm stuck!

You're not stuck!
Just let go!

Just fall, we'll catch you!

God, you fall heavy.

I think I found the way!

I'm coming! Hang on!

Crystina, are you down here?

Crystina? Ay!

What are you doing
down here?

Are you all right?

I think one bit me.

just a scratch.

Do you see anything?



What is it?

Must be another
dinosaur print.

Hey, it's pointing
to the waterfall.

Whoever left this
must've come this way too.

You think we'll find them?

Do we want to?

Let's go.Go... Where?

Down. Down? Are you nuts?

Someone else must have done it.
It must lead to a way out.

Look, what if Mom and Dad
come looking?

We'll leave them
a note.


Let's do it.

I'll handle this.

As long as we follow the stream,
we'll always find our way back.

Stay close, Bernard.

Stay close, Bernard.

Why do you keep doing that?

When I get back,
I want something to show

for all the trouble
you're putting me through.


Make me some copies
for my term paper.

Not in your life. I'm sending
these to the Daily Mirror.

Watch where you're pointing
that thing.

Mind where you're looking.

Come on.

Hey, kid.

You okay?Yeah.

why are the walls glowing?


It's how fish see
at the bottom of the ocean.

Biology 101.

No, I read it
on a box of Cheerios.

Or Cocoa Puffs, I think.

Why don't we all get some sleep
so we'll be well rested

when the National Guard
gets here in the morning.

Go to sleep, Bryan.

My God.

- Hold on everybody, this is it.
- Going for a ride.

We did it, Bryan.

You saved us.

Aren't we going to try
and escape?

If we're gonna spend
the rest of our lives together,

we got to make
the best of it.

You and I down here forever?

Don't be stupid.


It's a puddy cat.


You're not
too far from home.


I just wanna go home.

Don't worry,
we're gonna get out of here.

Even if I have to dig a hole
to China,

we're gonna get out of here.

When I was a kid,
not much older than Sarah,

my daddy built me a tree house.
Except that he was really busy,

so I had to find a way
to get up there myself.

Then Bryan wanted to come up
in the tree house.

I wouldn't help
because I was with my friends,

and I had a thing
about being brothers and...

So my dad would sit me down
and he'd say,

"You know, you brother's too
small to get in that tree house.

You're gonna have to help him."
He used to say, "See this?

That one finger
right there,

you can just break it
really easy.

But two of them,

two of them together,
you can't break it.

You can't break it."

You understand?

So I still got a hand.

But I wish I could take you
to that tree house now.

Take you there,
away from all this.

You just did.

You have beautiful eyes.

Shit. Now what?

Aah! Snakes!

They're not snakes.
They're just big worms.

I say we go back now!

We can't
unless you have an elevator.

Then let's go down.

Get off of me.

Bryan, give me the canteen.

It's empty.

We can stop
and refill it.

we've lost the stream.

We couldn't have.

I saw it this morning.Has it been that long?

So, what do you suggest
we do now?

He's got the right idea.

Maybe we should just get
some rest.

Too bad he can't find water.

Baby want a drink?

Bryan, have you still got
his empty bottle?

Yeah.Give it to me, quick.

It's all gone.
There's no more.

No more.

Baby find his own.

Come on.

See? Hang on.

Maybe it's just a gopher.

Let's find out.
Bryan, let me have the knife.

And get it dirty?

Just hand it over.

What do you wanna do,
break the blade?

There's no water
under there, man.

It could be underground.I thought we were underground.

We're probably right under
the ocean by now.

Something's moving in there.

Maybe it is a gopher.

A big one.

No, it's warm. It's warm.

Aah! Aah!

Quick, Crystina, get a picture!

It's just steam!

It's turning into water!

We can drink it now!


Did you want
to say something?

You have the most dog
I've ever seen.

I mean, the nicest dog
I've ever seen.

He's not mine. I mean...


You taught him, though?

I mean, how to be nice. I met him the day I met you.

So I know you both
about the same.

Can't you take a compliment?

Bryan, what is your brother

He's brushing his teeth.


What's that?

What's what?

I heard something.

I think you're just getting
used to the sound of my echo.

No. It was
prettier than that.

I hear it too.

I think we're just
imagining this.

Come on.

But we just got here.
I mean, it's nice.

You just gotta be careful now.

Right there. It's right here.

Let's have a rest.

Where's Bryan?

He's probably just reading
one of his comics again.

But he was right behind me.








Richard, Crystina!




There's something out there...

Richard, Crystina!


Who are you?

Ha-ha-ha, who are you?


We can't be sure.


Red Leader, this is Red 7.
I found one.

Repeat, I found one. Richard! Richard!

Mom, Dad, Sara.

And the National Guard.

Where's Bryan?

That's a good question, Dad.



Visitors to Atlantis
are required to report

to the nearest
police checkpoint

upon their arrival.

Citizens of the great
city state of Atlantis

must be prepared to show
slack cards upon demand.

Lord Over has issued
a statement

which reminds citizens
of Atlantis

that there is no such thing
as a surface world,

and rumors of the actual
existence of aliens are wrong,

and counterproductive

to the future
of our great city state.

Anyone who thinks
they may have had contact

with an alien,
female or older male,

should report immediately

to General Rykov
at Government House.

There is a reward.

And finally, the statement
stresses once and for all,

aliens do not exist,

the surface world
does not exist,

and Wanda Saknussemm is a mere
figment of your imagination.

Hey, you. Wake up.

Wake up.

What are you?

More important question,
who are you?

I'm Bryan.

I'm Shank.

Do you like my home?

Where am I?

Where do you think you are?

If I knew,
I wouldn't be asking.

You're in Atlantis City.

Atlantis City.
Atlantis City.

New Jersey?


In the center of the Earth.

What kind of alien is this?

Um, that's a dog.

Where did you say I am?

In the center of the Earth.

Center of the Earth. Right.


Look, you better explain this
to me real slow.

Yes. And then you can
tell me something

about the surface world.






You are in the Atlantis
wasteland restricted area.

All citizens are prohibited
from entering.

I repeat,
this is a restricted area.

Trespassers will be punished
by death

and a large fine.

A reminder to all employees
at Professor Galba's

transport to the surface

Security wishes
to remind you

that any discussion
of the work being done here

is strictly forbidden
and punishable by death.

Thank you.
Have a good day.

Let me see if I can apply
a little bit

of light amplification
to make this stimulate...

There you are,

You can save time

if you just do it my way,

It's the modern technique
for atomic recompilation.

Your style is outdated
and of the Stone Age variety.

I am an old cranky

and I work
in an old cranky way.

Are you implying your technique
and knowledge are superior

to our advanced
Atlantean science, professor?

I'm saying
that my method works,

but most of all
this is my project!

General Rykov.

You honor us
with your presence.

Is the progress on the transport
to the surface world

going well, professor?

It's progressing, general.

Are we on schedule?

We could be
if Professor Galba would accept

modern scientific
atomic recompilation.

It's either my way
or no way.

Where's Consul Crassis?

He's in charge here.
I want to speak to him.

I don't like all these changes
and talks of schedules.

I never had an agreement
like that with him.

He promised me
freedom and funding.

Money is tight, professor.

The economy is sluggish.

And we cannot go on subsidizing
your research forever.

I want to talk
to Crassis.

You cannot see Crassis now.

He's having his hair done.

In Lemuria.

You'll have to deal
with me now.

Well, I don't like you.

And I certainly
detest him.

Why do you dislike us,

What have we done
to gain your animosity?

I think you're going to use
my transporter to the surface

to send your army to conquer
the surface of the earth.

Ridiculous. Heh-heh-heh. Ridiculous.

Then why is he trying
to convince me

to make a cargo hold
for all their tanks?

It will be our gift
to the aliens, professor.

Now, I want this transporter
completed within one month.

Or else...

General Rykov, this old man
will stun us both soon.

Because of the failure of his earlier news conference,

Lord Over has decided
to deliver his annual

state of the city speech
next week.

It's eagerly awaited
as a major announcement

the alien situation.

General, Lord Over
has moved up his speech.

Do you think he suspects
what we're up to?

No, I think the pressure
for an official response

to the rumors
is forcing this speech.

We have little time left,

Do you have a good,
believable alien yet?

We're close, general.

Dangerously close.


I think I'm a bit lost.

Have I wandered into your
amusement park or something?

You are an alien,
aren't you, dear?

Well, yeah, I suppose I am.

But I've got a work visa

coming from the embassy
next week,

so that'll be all right.

Or won't it?

Where on earth are we going?

None of this is necessary.

It's not very comfortable

Just relax.

General, where do we take her?


Take her to the warehouse,

I'll meet you there.

Well, Atlantis
does sound pretty weird.

It's getting very weird.

I would normally sell you.

Aliens were very valuable
in Atlantis

a little while ago.

But now the government
arrests anyone

with any information
about aliens.

It's very dangerous
to have you with me.

So how come you're helping me
and Bernard out?

I don't know. I like things
from the surface world.

I collect them.

You can see my house.

I get many things
from your world.

Fast Photo here again with yet
another marvelous product

from GovCo, the corporation
of your government.

We can love each other.

So hard that nothing
is gonna keep us apart.

Can we make a baby?

Possible existence
of aliens.

Can we go out
and look at your world?

I mean, as long as I'm here,
I'd like to see Atlantis.


No, it's too dangerous.

What's that?

It's a beach.

It's so bright.

And all the fluid.

This is the surface world?


Sunrise brings a relaxing
moment for the natives

before the early morning planes arrive.

If I can help you find
your way home

to the surface,

will you take me home
with you, Bryan?

What, to my house?


My parents are pretty cool
about that stuff.

I'll be right back.

I think I might be able
to find a way to get you home.

But don't move from here,

It's very dangerous for you
in Atlantis.

The soldiers and the fat ladies
could easily find you.

Even you could have trouble
with the fat ladies, Bernard.

- Let's see.
- Is it Professor Galba

who has the machine
to the surface?

You are in Sector 100.

Sector 100.

A reminder
that temp body converters

will be a must later today
as a ripple of low pressure

will travel through
the pressurized zone.

Sector 100.

Sector 100.

citizens of Atlantis.

Lord Over has declared
martial law

due to unrest and anarchy
in the city.

All rights and liberties
are suspended.

Speaking out against Lord Over
or the government

is punishable
by immediate death.

Citizens, General Rykov
and her police

request all citizens
with slab ID clearance

to leave Sector 100.That way.

Please leave the area
at once.

Failure to do so will result
in your violent death.

Thank you
for your cooperation.

Tonight, we have
a lineup of wretches

which is sure to satisfy
your lust.


anything goes.

But only one walks out.

I've been looking for you.

Do you know
where Professor Galba

or Colonel Atway is?


Excuse me, where exactly are we?

Executions will be the norm.

Do whatever the police
request of you,

or you will be killed.

Martial law
is now in effect.

Excuse me?

Visitors to Atlantis
are required to report

to the nearest police
checkpoint upon their arrival.

Citizens of the great
city state of Atlantis

must be prepared to show
slack cards upon demand.

Citizens visiting from Lemuria, Middle-earth, Hades, or Asgard

must report to Government House for visas.

And please take time to learn
the city's newest laws.

Your life
could depend on it.

GovCo. We inform you of
what we know you need to know.

All's well, general.

It seems that we have
three subjects

who are very close in every way
to the original alien,

Wanda Saknussemm.

It may not be necessary at all,

But, general,
we've worked very hard

to create
a perfect duplicate.

But why duplicate
when we have a real alien?

She's not an alien.

She doesn't even look like one
to Saknussemm.

she is still an alien.

You can meet me
at Government House.

I'll decide on my own how
I will be exposing Lord Over.

Go ahead, Tola.

second-class citizens,

trolls must not use respirators designated for humans.

This is punishable by death.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Martial law has been declared
by Lord Over.

The police
have absolute authority.

Civil liberties
are suspended.

Random unreasonable executions
will be the norm.

Do whatever the police
request of you,

or you will be killed.

Martial law is in effect.

Wow. I'm bummed.

Really? I'm from L.A.

Where are we? Malibu.

Things are so weird.

Are you bummed? I'm bummed, I'm bummed.


It's so weird we've met.

Are you bummed? I'm really bummed.

My dear, you have
such exquisite skin

and excellent follicles.

My lunar cut will look
simply smashing on you.

Now, there might be a slight
minor bit of pain

when I grip it to the hairpiece
to your skull.

But it will be awesome.I'm bummed.

A bit of agony
and torture anyway.

It only hurts a little.

So, what are you trying
to do here?

Give her the tour.

Is it wise?It's on the way to her cell.

It's your pension, Tola.


The applicants are sent here
by talent agents

from all over the city.

And we decide
whether they are suitable.

Suitable for what?

To become exact
Wanda Saknussemm replicas.

They are washed and...

dressed for
the transformation process.

Their skin is dyed
the perfect alien shade,

and they are stretched

to Wanda Saknussemm's
exact height.

And this is where we teach them
to think and speak

like Wanda Saknussemm.

Who's Wanda Saknussemm?

And why are these girls
being made to look like her?

They will be
Wanda Saknussemm.

Wanda was the first alien
ever to reach our world.

She became quite a tourist.

But why duplicate her?

Let's just say General Rykov
is planning to save Atlantis.

General Rykov didn't
exactly seem the type

to care about the welfare
of the citizens.

We all have our ambitions.

Yeah, I suppose so.

I have become
a bit muddled, though.

All I had to do
was take Bernard for a bath.

Now I find myself
in the center of the Earth,

and I haven't gotten a clue
where the dog is.

What's a dog?

They're pets.
They're small with big ears

and a lot of hair.

We have them here in Atlantis.
We call them trolls.

She's doing that all wrong.

Am I?


General Rykov is...


Like that.

Wow, I'm bummed.

Tell me more
about your world

and how you came
to be here.

Well, I was searching
for Bryan, this boy I met.

Well, the brother of the boy
I met actually.

He's your boyfriend?

No, just a rather strange
American teenager.

I fell down a pit
looking for him.

I ended up here
in the center of the Earth.

Then you're not seeing anyone
right now?


Why are you so interested? Research.

Citizens, General Rykov
and her police

request all citizens
with slab ID clearance

to leave Sector 100.

Please leave the area
at once.

Failure to do so will result
in your violent death.

Thank you
for your cooperation.

Are you seeing anyone?

Only the general,

and she's too busy
planning conquests.

General Rykov wants
to conquer my world?

That's so silly.

There'll be a war.

Visitors to Atlantis
are required to report

to the nearest
police checkpoint

upon their arrival.

Citizens of the great
city state of Atlantis

must be prepared to show
slack cards upon demand.

Citizens visiting from Lemuria, Middle Earth, Hades, or Asgard

must report to Government House for visas.

And please take time to learn
the city's newest laws.

Your life
could depend on it.

GovCo. We inform you of
what we know you need to know.

Sector 100.

A reminder
that temp body converters

will be a must later today,

as a ripple of low pressure
will travel

the pressurized zone.

Sector 100.

Sector 100.

Attention all boys and girls

who suffer from annoying
hair lice.

Try Nice No Lice.

I have found a friend
of yours.

A girl alien
named Crystina.

She's been captured
by General Rykov

and the government.


What about my brother,

I know nothing about him.

You sure they didn't capture
a quasi-hunky guy,

not terribly bright, with
a real obnoxious personality?

No. No alien like that.
Just the girl.

I think
she's in great danger.

Let's go.

Where do you think
you're going?

To save her.


She's being kept in a secret
warehouse by General Rykov

and these meanest
and toughest soldiers.

And they've got
many weapons.

There are too many rumors
about aliens existing.

Somehow I must
put a stop to it.

since it seems one or two

may have actually
entered the city.

I believe the aliens
are spies

being sent down to report
on our capabilities, Lord Over.

We must mobilize for war,

and we must launch
a massive retaliation.


I understand your paranoia,
General Rykov.

And you could be right.

But it's important
Atlantis not learn of the aliens

until the right time.

I will go on TV
and insist there are no aliens.

And the smell
of freshly-cut grass

and the warmth
of the springtime sun.

That's what's waiting
on the surface.

Beauty and peace.

Hey, lady, are all people equal?
Trolls and humans?

In most of the world.

There are still places
where bad people still live,

but that's all changing.

And there are no wars
or fighting?

I'm afraid there's still
a bit of that too.

There's a lot of hope
in the future.

That's why you must come
to the surface in peace.

Start the relationship off
on the right foot.

There's much we can do

Perhaps the general
is wrong.


This is Moldine,
down at the cloning lab.

Sir, I think we have
a serious situation here.


An alien is brainwashing Tola
and the others.

She's telling them
about the surface.


About how peaceful
and beautiful it is.


Better get down here
before it's too late.

What are the chances

of going back with you,

First, I've got to work out
how to get back up.

That's no problem.

Professor Galba's transporter
will get you out.

Who is going where, Tola?

What is going on here?

Crystina was just
teaching us

about the surface world,

I have told you
everything you need to know

about the surface world.

You didn't tell us
about flowers

or sea breezes
or butterflies.

Or like, warm summer days.

Or the temptations.

You certainly didn't tell us

about the National
Basketball Association.


I do not have to explain

I only give orders.

Lord Over has moved
his speech up again.

Chain this alien and bring her
to the video chambers.

I'll use her to destroy
Lord Over

to take over Atlantis.


You're changing, Tola.

You're changing color.

Here, hold this.

Hey, Bryan, be careful.

This is not a problem.


Execute Tola!


But why attack us?

The people from the surface
are peaceful.

Hyah! Hyah!

Hit it, Shank. Hit it.

Please stand by for an important news bulletin.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,

live from the center
of the earth,

Consul Tritan Crassis,

who, with the retirement
of Lord Over, is the new...

What is he?

He's the new
lord-elect of Atlantis.


We come to you in peace

and in the interest of tourism

and investment opportunities.

We feel Atlantis
has much to offer you.

To open trade
and communications with you,

the people of the surface,

we, the people
of the center of the earth,

agree to accept
as your first ambassador

Wanda Saknussemm.

Thank you.

We'd also like to take
this opportunity to announce

that our national hero,
Lieutenant Tola,

and his bride, Crystina,

will be our first ambassadors
to your world.

To commemorate this event,

we have invited
the most popular star

of our two worlds
to perform a song,

especially written
for the occasion.

Ladies, gentlemen,

and trolls,

Billy and the Wonders.