Joriku dai-ippo (1932) - full transcript

For decades, film buffs have been told that until Kurosawa's RASHOMON, Japanese cinema was a forbidden kingdom, bearing little relationship to the cinema of the West. Of course, that was nonsense. Early Ozu looks looks like Leo McCarey with Japanese actors and this one starts out exactly like von Sternberg's DOCKS OF NEW YORK. It doesn't end that way. However, it is clear that Shimazu, who within a few years would be telling elegant little stories disguised as rural travelogues, was very much influenced by American movies.It's also pretty good on its own terms, even though the lead actors seem a bit uncomfortable with dialogue on a movie sound stage. While sound techniques were settled by this time, Japanese studios would continue to make silent movies for another four years. Still, if you get a chance to see this transitional film, you should find it enjoyable, if not as a work of art, then as an historical artifact.

Shochiku Films presents
(with subtitles from Maya Grohn edited by CNW and with thanks to cyzs)

First Steps Ashore
The first 'talkie' (sound) film by Yasujiro Shimazu

Tsuchihashi System Shochiku Phone
Shochiku Kamata Studio
All Talkie Movie

Screenplay by Komatsu Kitamura
Cinematography by Norihiro Mizutani
Directed by Yasujiro Shimazu

Music by Tetsuo Takashina
Sound by Takeo Tsuchibashi and Haruo Tsuchibashi

The roles ...

Sato ( the girl in the port) - Yaeko Mizutani
Sakata (a stoker) - Jouji Oka
Masa the Bourgeois - Shinyo Nara
Shige the Propellor - Ureo Egawa
Steward Nozawa - Reikichi Kawamura

The woman who runs the cheap lodging-house - Chouko Isa
The bar madam - Seiko Yoshikawa
Masa's mistress - Ranko Sawa
The leader of the boys - Shintarou Takeguchi
Toshiaki - Soutarou Okada

Emi, a ship's coming in.

A ship coming in?

It's just a dirty freighter.

Don't waste my time!

I wish it were a French ship!

That's enough!

Stop! Stop!.

That's enough for me!

Have some water.

After we get ashore
are you going for some fun tonight?

What are you talking about?

You're so boring!

You just had some!

Hey! Hey!

You gave me a fright!

Bro is waiting.

Let's go. / Yes we must.

No one loves a stoker - even if he shaves!

Shut up!

I'm not an idiot like you!

You callow youths can't compete with cunning old Nozawa.

You're going out, aren't you?

Look Boss ...

Take me with you!

Fine, if you want to.

Who is it?

It's me, Shige!

Come in!


Smiling as usual!

I have something good. So I want a good price.

Let's have a drink.

That can come after we've finished our trading.

So what do you think?

Take it.

Why do you hesitate?

Is this all?

Don't muck around.

If that's all you're offering ...

There's no deal.


You talk big!

You know how it is in the world these days ...

You're the celebrated Masa the Bourgeois!

Don't be so tight!

Everything's bad today!

Wait a moment!

Wait, Steward!

I'm leaving.

Starboard turn ... OK!

Hang on!

Give me time to think.

No need for that downcast expression!

Let's have a drink.

Shut up!

That's odd!

What is?

The woman over there.

Oh god!

She's done it!


Hey! Quick!

Come on Boss. Quickly!

To the right, Boss. To the right!

What's up?

Did she fall in?
No, she threw herself.

She's not dead though.

Get a doctor!

Get some coal.

Hey! Hey!

Are you OK?

Go buy some whiskey.

Just a small bottle.

You must be cold.

Aren't you?

That was a stupid thing to do.

Take that kimono off and dry it.

Was it you who brought me here?

Was it?

What does it matter if it was me?

You fool!


Why interfere when it's not your business?

You didn't want to be rescued?

Don't insult me!

How could I stand by and watch somebody die?

If someone wants to live or die it's nothing to do with you!

It's best to pretend not to notice.

You rescued me ...

What do you intend to do?

I haven't the faintest idea!

I knew it!

Why did you do it?

You're really not thinking straight!

If you stay wet ...

If you stay wet you'll get ill.

How about taking it off and drying it?

What are you doing? Leave me alone!

Come on!

Leave me alone. Why do you touch me?

I don't like it! Let go of me!


You're an idiot!

Don't push your luck!

Do as you want!

I ...

I'm a woman.

How can I get naked in front of a man.

You're a bit slow to catch on!

Anchors away!



I bought some.


You are so slow !

We'll all catch cold! I'm going to that bar for a drink.

What about me?


You stay here and look after the woman.

That's not very nice

Do what I tell you!

I'll keep a careful eye on her.

Can I come in?


What about the other guy?

He's gone to a bar.

He said he was catching a cold.

To a bar ...

You should have a drink too!

Come on, have one.

Leave me alone.

It looks like Masa's time is coming to an end!

Don't you agree?

I'm not sure about that.

Give me a gin!

I think so.

Tell Masa I'm not doing business with him anymore.

Well? What's the problem?

Don't get upset.

Come on.

If I forget my pipe or not is not your business.

Where are you going?

Where do you live?

I have no home.

Well sit down.

How about a drink?

Someone trying to kill themself ...

It's beyond me!

That's up to me!

I've never met a woman like you!

And I've never met a man like you!

Aren't you cold? Have a drink.

Don't be so stubborn. Have one!

Leave me alone

Do as you like!

You're in a good mood, King Shoveller!

I'm not doing as well as you though.

Don't tease me!

When you're here with someone like this!

I just picked her up.

Picked her up? She may well be a bargain ... who knows.

Let's have a drink.

Thanks but it's time we were going.

Don't say that. Let's have a drink.

Please serve me a drink, Miss (Nee-san).

Please pour one.

"Nee-san" you call her!

Please pout me one.

Go on! Please!

Well? Nee-san?

She's no good.

She won't serve me a drink?

Right then. I'll serve you one. Please drink.

All right?

Please take it.

I told you it's pointless.

You keep out of it.


Go on, Nee-san. Just a sip.

Look here, Steward.

Allow me to drink it instead.

I wasn't offering it to yiou.

OK then maybe ...

How about ...

What did this stoker offer you?

A diamond?

Or perhaps ...

Some old coal-dust?

I've received nothing.

Oh! I see!

So there's no 'agreement' between you yet?

Well then ...

Come with me then.

I'll buy something good for you with this.

How about it?


Leave the woman to me.


Please excuse me.

I'd better add something!

I didn't ask you for money.

Don't be like that.

Let's have a drink.

I think we need to finish.

Hey, Sakata!

Are you trying to get away?

I'm not running.

When did I ever turn and flee from an enemy?

If you become my enemy I ...

I thought we were shipmates from the same boat.

I was controlling my temper ...

Big words!

Sit down! Sit down I say!

Hey! Satoh!

Where have you been hiding yourself?

Hey! Wait!


Who the hell are you?

I'm a stoker on the Kajimaru (ship name)

That's the point

How dare a mere stoker ....

Steal this woman away!

I didn't steal her!

I picked her up.

If you picked her up you must return her to her owner.

The owner.

To her owner!

That's right, I am.

Are you his woman?

No, I'm not. I'm not.

She say's she's not yours.

Don't act smart!

This woman is merchandise - important to me.

She's not for the likes of some stoker like you.

Not the kind of goods a man like you can have.

We'll see ...

She's too good to be your merchandise, any way!

Let's go to my place.

Don't touch her!

Don't mess with me!

Draw a gun, would you, you bastard?

Leave the woman and go.

Or I'll teach you a lesson with this.

I'll not be taken down without a fight.

Right then ...

Stop it!


Come on then!

Go! Go!

You bastard!

I don't want you to go crazy like that for me.


Let's go.

Do you want some too?

Itis nothing to do with me ... I don't know anything about it ...



I'll get you for this later!

You know how to fight.

You can have her for tonight.

What are you talking about?


Let's get out of here.

Are you OK, bro?

And what are you going to do about the damage to my bar?

It happens!

There's nothing to see here!

What are you writing?

A letter to my mother back in our village.

To your mother.

Yes, mother.

Dear Mother, ... I live like it's summer every day. Take care of yourself ...



Why are you protecting me?

I'm a total stranger to you.

That's the way it turned out!

We just happened to meet.

I see, we just happened to meet, eh?

So if you don't want to cause trouble for others ...

You shouldn't do stuff like that. Throwing yourself into the sea!

Am I a lot of trouble to you?

No, not at all.

I didn't have any before.

I am sorry, Sir.

For what?

Causing you trouble.


It's a bit late to apologise now, isn't it?

Rather than apologise now, you shouldn't have jumped in then!

But I ...

I had no other choice.

We are all destined to die sooner or later so ...

There's no need to kill yourself.

But I ...

It was my only way.

To protect myself (lit. my body)

Your body?

That's ridiculous.

When people defend themselves ..

they need to stay alive, in order to fight.

Keep going forward and don't run away.

It's easy to say if you're someone strong like you.

And a woman can - if she can rely on someone strong like you.

I always tried to be strong

Without a strong man to rely on ...

It's almost impossible.

But ...

You've been pretty tough up till now.

Incredibly strong-willed

I ...

I thought you ...

I believed you were my enemy.

I tried so hard ...

to keep myself pure in body.

And I had decided to die.

You dragged me back into the world.

I thought you'd throw me into a dirty world.

All the men I've met have been like that.

Of course I want to live.

If I could live as a decent woman.

Would I want to die?

You're a very unfortunate woman.

A really unhappy girl.

I was born and raised in ...


Right in the far North.

In the port of Abashiri.

In those parts ...

there will still be incessant blizzards blowing.

Are your parents in Abashiri?

I think my father is.

What about your mother?

She died a long time ago.

There was a terrible snowstorm that night.

She gave birth to my sister.

That made her ill and she died.

And ever since then ...

I had to look after the baby.

And do the housekeeping.

And you hated it?

Is that why you ran away?

No. No.

It was not so terrible.

I was the child of mother's previous husband.

My father was actually my step-father.

What happened?

He ...

He was going to sell me to a brothel.

So that's why you ran away!

I wandered around.

And nowhere ...

Nowhere did I find someone I could rely on.

People followed me and tried to exploit me.

And every time ...

I realised my plight was becoming more and more pitiful.

I could see it clearly.

I ...

Unike ordinary people ...

I had none of the happiness the other girls had.

I was so unhappy.

After I ran away from home ...

I never met anyone who really cared for me.

No one who would scold me!

I was treated as if it didn't matter
whether I lived or died.


Don't bring up the past.

That Masa the Bourgeois ...

Was going to sell me to some place in Shanghai.

I was in debt for living in at the bar.

That was his excuse.

Don't say more.

I don't want to hear such tales.

You'd better go to bed.

You're very upset tonight.

It's best you sleep.

I told you to go to bed.
So you'd better go.

I won't do that kind of thing.

Stop staring at me like that.

You always sleep so well!

It's strange! / What is?

There's nothing strange about it.

So didn't you sleep well?

I slept well.

I felt safe.

So what's the issue?

It's not strange that people sleep!

You're a strange man.

Why's that?

I've never come across anybody like you.

Nor I a woman like you!

I've never seen a woman like you.

You said that last night too.

Well, well! Have you just woken up?

It looks like you were busy last night.
You naughty boy!

That girl was so happy early this morning.
She went to buy lots of things.

As you're so lucky ...
you can treat me to some sweets.

Stop it!

She bought toothpaste too!

You two are doing well!

We use this Club Hamagi brand too.

But soon ...

Your ship leaves again, you sinner! Poor girl.

What are you going on about?

You delayed me doing the cleaning!

Are you hungry?

Did you go to buy this?

I had two 50-sen coins.

And now you're utterly penniless!

You're a strange one!

Will you eat some?

Aren't you going to eat?

I'll eat after you've eaten.

Careful what you say ...

or it will all be gone!

You say that but you should eat.

But I ...

It's them again!

I hope it's not for revenage.

They can't do anything.

Who is it?

It's me, Boss.

Oh it's you, Tomura.

Come in.

He's a workmate.

What brought you here?

I've brought a message.

The steward wants you.

Where is he?

Round the back of the warehouse.

He said come right away.

What a bastard.

Dragging me out so early in the morning.

Sorry for disturbing you while you're having fun.

Excuse me.


A man who disturbs lovers should be trampled by a horse!

Will you ...

Will you go?

Crew embarkation is at 8pm.

But if I'm called I must go.

I'm a crew-member of a cargo ship.

One night is the longest I can be ashore.

If you don't have to be aboard until 8, plesae come back when your business is done.


Shall we have dinner together?

I'll cook rice ...

and make some side-dishes.

Will you come back ?

I can't promise.

Once I'm on board I don't know when I'll be able to come back here.

Anyway take care of yourself.

What about this?

Take it with you.

I can manage somehow.

I won't die.

I won't try to die.

I'm determined to live.

Take it with you.

I'll get by once I'm on the ship.

But you're all alone.

It's not much but ...

It may help you a little.

When you run off somewhere!

You keep it.

Don't go!

I don't want you to go back to the ship.

Don't be ridiculous.

You can't say that. I'm a sailor.

If I don't go back to the ship I'd have no living.

Well? Are you coming?


We will meet again if it's fated.

I'll be waiting here until 8.

I'll be here.

OK? Is that good?

Listen you ...

Did he go back to his ship?

Has he?

Why are you so tearful?

It's nothing.

You've fallen in love with him, haven't you?

He scared me by saying he was going to the ship and not returning here.

But he's going to come really.

You two are doing well.

You teased him so much that he ran away.

No I didn't!

I ...

He's tired after a long voyage.

When he comes back
I'm going to make a good meal.

When he comes back.

I'll jump into his arms and cling to him.

Just wait and see.

I couldn't bear to watch such scenes.

When he comes back from this next voyage
he will stay on land ...

and marry me.

I'll be a good wife to him.

And you can come and visit us, obasan.

He talks very rougfhly.

(imitates him saying:)
"I ain't never seen no-one like you."

But actually ...

that really means ...

(she imitates him)
"I think you're cute."

Oh no. Such love talk!

Good morning!

What do you want?

I have a task.

This apple is not for you.

Get out!

I can't leave until Bro returns.

What are you doing?

Were you sent to lure me?

I was asked by the steward.
I didn't think it was anything bad.

The steward told me to.

Please forgive me.

I was given money.

Idiot! Be more careful!

That was easy.

Let's get on with it.

Carry the bastard to the ship.

Oh shit!

Is that you, Bro?

He's back.

I'm so glad you came back in time.

He came to keep an eye in me.

He said Masa had probably beaten you to a pulp by now.

You bastard!

I'll remember this!

I'm Shige the propellor man!


Listen ...

You really are tough, aren't you.

Please don't go off anywhere.

I know clearly now ...

If I'm not with you ...

Iit's as if I'm some weak woman.

Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

What are you going on about?

Since last night ...
you've become almost like a baby!

Be tougher.

I ...

If you're with me ...

I can be natural - and like a baby!

But I'm useless on land, a fish out of water (lit. a 'kappa')

A completely useless know-nothing.

That's OK.

Will you think about starting from the beginning?
With me?

I'll be a good wife.

We'll rent a small house,
plant flowers in the garden ...

And when you come home after work
I'll throw my arms around you.

I'm shy, but I will.

Are you Sakata?

I am.

I'm arresting you on suspicion of murder.

You'd better come quietly.


No way? It can't be?

He's not the kind of man who would
do anything like that.


He's dead!

Who? Who's dead?

Masa the Bourgeois.

But if he's dead then ...

It's my doing.

I'll have to (go with them)

I will go with you.

Wait. You mustn't go.

Please don't take him away.

The other guy was the villain.

The others must have done it, I'm sure.

That's true! He fired 3 shots at Boss with his pistol.

He's innocent.
Please don't take him away.

He has to come with us for now.

Then take me with you too.

It's not your doing. Stay out of it.

No, no. I'm coming.

Please take me with you.

Move aside.
If we need you we'll call for you.

Are you going to leave me here?

To leave me here all alone?

There's no need to worry.

Boss will be back soon.

I witnessed it all.

What should I do?

Say something! Say something to me!

What shall I do?

If you want to wait ...

Just imagine I'm away at sea.

OK. Wait for me.

Can I wait for you?

Will you come back to me?

If you want me to.

I will come back to you.

I will wait as long as it takes.

I'll wait until you retrurn.

I'm happy.

I suddenly feel the world is bright.

Take good care of yourself,OK?

Yes, I will.

I will!

Think that I'm yours, I will.

See you soon.

I'll be waiting.

It's just a brief voyage.

I will be waiting.

Music on Polydor records by Shinkoukyougakudan (the New Symphony Orchestra) and the Matsumura Jazz Band.
Theme song by Seiichi Suzuki and sung by Fumiko Yaoi

First Steps Ashore
The End
(A Shimazu film)