Jogakusei gerira (1969) - full transcript


Soldiers in the National Self-Defense
Forces are like white collars.

They are just like some well-paid
clerical workers making a career.

I can't go to college.

Only option left is to go to Tokyo and work
on the assemble line in the car industry.

But, talking about white collars,

is it more fun enlisting the Forces
and shooting?

You're right!

- The principal will go nuts!
- Really?



They do it for real, those ones...

They don't risk their lives
more than we do.

Maybe if I pee in front of them,
they'll get it.

If only I could convince even
only one squadron...

- We'll do it tonight.
- They'll get it.

I can already imagine the principal and
the teachers going upside down!

They won't be able to hold the
graduating ceremony.

They'll call the police and
it'll come to get us.

- Of course.
- We'll ruin everything.

You bet!

We, the medicocre students, will steal and
burn the diplomas and the school records,

then we'll hide.

Mass employment is slave trade.

The teachers in the prep schools teach
like robots.

My parents will go berserk.

- We'll go to the very end!
- Let us express our rage!

- Let's bring the system down!
- Let's hang the principal!

Let's destroy the Parents' Association!

- Let's kill them all!
- Let's destroy everything!

- What are you planning?
- Let us join you.

No way.

We can very all figure out
what it is all about.

It's a provincial high-school
slut meeting.

- At first you...
- Are trying.

Stupid! What're you doing?!
Stop fooling around!

- Undress!
- Stop joking!


Cut it out!

- Ouch!
- Take that!

No, no, no!

Cut it out!

You're hurting me!
What're you doing?!

I mean it, you're hurting me!

Cut it out! Let her go!

Take that, beast!

What d'you think you're doing,
you loser?!

Now you'll see what happens when you
underestimate girls from state schools!


You deserve it.

You are mad.

What were you thinking?



ITO Hideo


ASHIKAWA Eri as Murayama Akiko

HANAMURA Arisa as Maruta Kinuyo
YORO ZUYA Mari as Yonehara Tokiko

NITTA Toto as Mushamoto Seichi
FUKUMA Kenji as Minami Goro

YOSHIZUMI Megumi as Tamura Setsuko

IJICHI Sachiko as Haruna Chichi
SUGIYAMA Ken as Endo Jun

MASAAKI Hiraoka as Kinoshita Masao

TANIGAWA Toshinuki as The Soldier

Directed by





"We didn't come to school for marriage
introduction classes!"

"The principal and the Dedicated
Parents' Association!"

"The school must perform

"Signed by the graduating students"

- Hurry up.
- I am.

It almost looks like a reward.

As a matter of fact,
it is for thanking you.

Can sex be a way of thanking

Come on, hurry up,
don't think about that!

- Listen...
- What?

I like you.

I love you.

- I love you to death.
- Don't exaggerate.

I'm serious.

Me too.



Guys, we now too are real criminals.

Careful not to exhaust
all your enthusiasm.

Well, will we do it?

We don't need them!

- That's true!
- Do it!

Yes, do it!


- Maruta Kinuyo.
- Yes.

- Murayama Akiko.
- Yes.

- Mushamoto Seichi.
- Yes.

- Minami Goro.
- Yes.



























You can't take the cow further on.

It seemed a good idea to have fresh milk
every morning. We'll do without it.

We must hurry. They'll all be abuzz
because of the letter to the principal.

Is there still a long way to go?

Isn't this place good?

No way. If we stop here,
we'll lose in no time.

- We're almost there.
- That's true.

I'm so tired.

I'm throwing the rope.

- Must I climb up there?
- Grasp it tightly.

- That's the way. Well done.
- Come on.


I can't move.

- Make one more effort.
- I won't make it.

You spoiled little girl!
You convince her.

I will.

Come on, we're so close...

I know it's hard for you,

but women are the toughest
creatures in the world.

Women who are meant
to become mothers.

When we'll get there,
I'll wash you with pure water.

- Tenderly, tenderly, tenderly.
- No...

- Come one, cut it out.
- I'll make sweet, tender love to you.

Who'd have ever thought
at this?!

- I can't watch this.
- She really loves it.

We've arrived.

What a view!
Hey, look!

It's an unbelievable place!

I've heard about it,
but it's the first time I see it.

It's the perfect fort.

It's become a real guerilla.

You can't get down from there.

They can get in only if they
climb it from here.

- It's the perfect spot.
- It's our 'freed zone'.

Are you referring to the
University barricades?

Those ones don't mean anything.

Yasuda Toride from Tokyo University
lost after only two days.

How much will we resist in here?

- For ever.
- For as long as we'll have provisions.

By the way, I'm starving.
Let's settle there and eat.

You're right.

Like gnats to light...
Sweet ignorance...

Two men and three women.
Five persons in all. They're armed.

Two men and three women.

We'll all take turns for everything.

For everything?!
There's only cooking we have to do.

Not only that.
We'll have to keep watch.

Right. It won't be long till
someone from the school comes...

...and taking turns keeping
watch is the most important thing.

Shall we start tonight?

The principal read the letter.
He must've rushed to the school right away.

He discovered the theft.

It's eight o'clock now. The teachers
finished their meeting at 5 o'clock...

...and they split and
started looking for us.

Only tomorrow
they'll realize we're here.

You didn't write we'd come here,
did you?

Of course we didn't. But if the police
starts investigating, they'll find us.

I wrote we went to Tokyo,
but they'll find us soon.

It's a question of time.

Let's rest peacefully till tomorrow.
We'll think about everything afterwards.

Let's decide on the cooking turns.

Men as well as women.
No distinction.

Of course, we are all equals here.
That is a rule.

And how about sex?

Same as we did till now. We make it
with whom we want, when we want.

- I don't agree.
- Why?

We're odd.
Problems might arise.

Not because of me. Tokiko is the problem.
She's got a boyfriend.


Who is he? Do I know him?

It's not your business who he is.

We'll talk about it tomorrow.
Now we're tired.

We'll only decide who'll do the dishes.

- Alright.
- Ok. Paper-scissors-rock!

Draw, draw, dr...

I'm going to sleep.

What about us?

Can I get in too?
I'll keep you warm.

we are very comfortable in two.


- You're tickling me.
- Have a little patience.

You're cold!


- I prefer the tent.
- Then, everything's settled.

Tokiko, are you comfortable
with the sleeping bag?

It's alright.

- Then we'll go in the tent, thanks.
- Let's go, let's go.

Are you alright?

Not exactly.

What's this?

- It's nothing.
- Your breast? That's interesting.

- Don't squeeze me so hard.
- Am I hurting you?

Don't play hard to get!

I like your bottom.

Come on!

Are you wet?

They can hear you!

Can I go on?

- Is Tokiko's fiance older?
- No.

- Wouldn't he be a teacher?
- Of course not.

- Tell me.
- Come on, cut it out, I'm sleepy.

I don't feel like it.

Cut it out.

It's 09:00 hours.
Everyone's asleep.

I'll also turn in.

I'll get up early tomorrow.

With all the trouble you took
to have it...

They really are man's.
I'll put jeans on.

From next month we would have had
to make it our profession.

That's ironic, isn't it?

We really wanted to do it.

It's too hot.
I won't put it on.

You're very much alike
you two.

Guys, I'll stand watch.

- I'll bring you food.
- Be strong!

- I'll see to that.
- We'll write the rules till midday.

I'll cook the rice.

Hands up!

What are you doing here?

- I... I...
- Hands up!

Attack! Attack!

Attack! Attack!

We're in trouble!

Attack! Attack!


He's from the Self-Defense Corps!

- They've found us!
- Hands up!

Go to hell!

- Shit!
- You're prisoners!

You'll be treated according to your ranks.
Tell me your positions.

- In order, you start!
- We have no ranks.

Shut up!
I have a good memory!

State your names!

- 3 A Minami Goro.
- Next one!

3 C Murayama Akiko.

- 3 C Maruta Kinuyo.
- 3 A Mushamoto Seichi.


As there are no officers,
and no NCOs,

I'll treat you all the same way,
according to international conventions.

That's all!

We have no ranks.
You are just a white collar.

That's what school did for us!

- What?!
- Stupid! Moron! Go to hell!


Hands up!
Don't look this way!

Having resisted,
this rebel will be punished.

Shut up!

I am not a spy! I am I!

I am not a spy!
I am not a spy!

I am I, always have been.

I am no one else but myself.

We'll go in a a safe place.

Forward march!

Left turn!

As we are in a particular state of war,
I am sparing you the punishment.

In her place...

Off you go.

Off you go.

All together!

Once upon a time, Urashima Taro

Invited by a turtle who owed him its life

Went to the Dragon's Palace under the sea

There, all was beauty
and legendary splendour

"In the beginning
keep the flame small."

"When it boils, put the fire off.
Never raise the lid."

"In the beginning
keep the flame small. "

- He's just a lunatic.
- It's strange there are no other soldiers

- I am scared.
- Couldn't we run away?

It's dangerous.
That one shoots for real.

He didn't say he was a sergeant.

If I'd call him a sergeant...

Alright, let's gamble it!

Sergeant, may I talk to you?

Of course. Talk.

We were running away.

Running away?!


Our pursuers will soon
catch up with us.

- I'd like to keep watch down there.
- Pursuers?!

That can't be!

We don't have enough weapons to set
them a trap.

- Not keeping watch...
- Would be risky!

Of course!

We must outguess them.

You, come with me!

On the double.

- Yessir!
- Let's go!

- Is that them?
- Yes.

Sergeant, it's better not to shoot.

Is any one there? Answer!


Listen and tell everyone!

We are entrenched in here.

If you do anything suspicious,
try to resist or call the police,

we'll kill ourselves!

Come back when you have the school's
answer to our demands.

Now, leave!

It's sad being equals but
living in different worlds.

Better retreat. Wait for me!

You look great!

They'll be back for sure.

What happened to him?

I'm not sure,
I think it was an epileptic seizure.



Here we go.

It's awful.

Oh, it hurts...

Such rage!

It hurts.

It's better not to put her shirt on.

It seems she's a little better.

Mean bastard!

Might he be a deserter?

Don't worry about him.

We took him lightly...

But it's him that held us hostages.

Akiko! What're you doing?!

We'll be fighting soon, won't we?
I'm having a little fun.

And then, it's hot.

Waiting is tough...

- I'll also go dancing.
- Go ahead.

Do you think the suicide threat worked?

They've got guts!

In these kind of situations,
women are stronger.

I also want to dance.

I am not afraid.

Both Kinuyo and Tokiko have
amazing bodies.

What do you think about Kinuyo?

She's great.

- Shall we eat?
- Alright.

Until a little while ago I had no appetite.

I was thinking, if we lose...

We'll think about that when it happens.

But I feel like I don't know any more why
we are doing all this stuff...

I hope I'll remember after we lose.

That's what always happens to me.

After flunking, I used to say to myself:

"Oh, the next time if I'll do this,
it'll be better. I'll pass for sure."

I felt like I had changed.

But, then, I'd forget, and,
at the next exam, I'd fail again.

Someone's coming!

Up there.


Mushamoto! Minami!

Are you there? I want to talk to you.

It's no use shouting!

What're you doing?
D'you have any idea?

- Throw your weapons and come down!
- Shut up!

Do you have the principal's answer?

Not before having talked to you.

I'd first like to hear what
you have to say.

Then, listen.
There's nothing else you can do, anyway.

I'm here to talk to you as a man,
as a friend. Alright?

You mustn't say anything!
You're one of the crowd.

Otherwise we'll burn the diplomas
and the school records!

Don't do that!

I understand your requests.

But you're compromising the future
of kids who have nothing to do with this!

They all have to do with this!

Kinoshita! What's your opinion?

We think your requests are founded

that's why I was thinking of having a
speech at the graduating ceremony.

Kiss ass!

You're just saying this to show off.

You can only talk,
you never made good on your words!

You only are one of their accomplices!

This could my chance to change.

Then, do you agree with us?

Your ideas are good,
but what you're doing is exaggerated.

We've talked about this at the
"Students' Association".

Everyone's dissatisfied with the school
and the "Parents' Association".

Together, we can find a solution.

That's how you came back!

We won't make a pact with you.

You've always been our enemies.

You've called for me and Akiko
to be expelled.

"We don't want to have anything to do
with those bad girls."

We haven't forgotten that!


Don't cry, teacher.

We are all fine. Come!

Kids, listen,
come down from there, please.

No comment.
We'll wait until tomorrow.

Give us the principal's and
the Parents' Association answer.

But the graduating ceremony
is tomorrow!

We don't give a damn
about the ceremony!

Go away! Or I'll shoot!

Go away!

Go away! Go away! Go away!


Giving arms to the people
doesn't only mean bloodshed.

We must join forces to subvert
the ruling classes.

We must decisively win
the small battles!

It's important to adopt
this line of action!

You shouldn't! You shouldn't!

Distraction is dangerous!
The enemy is coming!

Distraction is dangerous!

You shouldn't, you shouldn't...

- I'm having my period.
- What is it?

- Damn...
- What happened?

Women stuff, moron.

There's nothing I can use.

There must be something.

Well, the flag...

Guillotine, chop-chop the head!

Life is brief.

Fall in love, maidens

Before the crimson bloom

Fades from your lips

Before the tides of passion

Cool within you,

For those of you

Who know no tomorrow.

That's all the enemy is waiting for!

That's all the enemy is waiting for!

That's all the enemy is waiting for!

- What's the matter?
- Wee-wee, wee-wee, wee-wee...

Let it go in your pants, moron.

Wee-wee, wee-wee, wee-wee...

Wee-wee, wee-wee, wee-wee...

I'm fed up.
We can't get rid of him.

Wee-wee, wee-wee, wee-wee...

You sure are smelly...

Hurry up!

You might even be very sexy...

If I didn't have my period,
I'd do you for a change.

We've been here for some ten days.

I'm good like this.

I feel alive.

Hold me tight.

I think I've understood.

It was when I sent them away.
All this is no joke.

It's serious stuff.
It doesn't matter if we lose.

I'm good with whom I am now.

- I like you.
- I?! Tokiko...

Who do you think is the strongest
from the five of us?

Until this morning, Tokiko,
but now I think we all are in a way.

Whom do you like best
from the three of us?

You know, I'm a ladies' man.

But there must be a type you like!

- That's hard...
- Come on, who is it?

Leaving me out of it.

- Do you like Akiko?
- Well, maybe...

You make me cry!

Come on,
it's our turn to stand watch.

They haven't kept their promise!

Won't they come today?

They're keeping us on the edge.

I wonder if they held the ceremony...

Probably, so they don't lose face.


Why are you making that face?

I know you Self-Defense guys
are used to something better.



Stupid. Moron. Stupid!

She's hysterical...

She goes like that every time
she has her period.

Hey, don't exaggerate.

Why're you doing this?

Let me.

For everything you did to me.



Hey! Where're you going?!

- It's dangerous!
- Akiko, cut it out! It's dangerous!


We must join our forces
and go forward,

with one and only goal,
as we have sworn,

This is the way to strengthen the nation
and to overcome all obstacles.

We must support
the Emperor's project...

... and promise to obey
His will.

Nobody will come.
There's no reason to go on keeping watch.

Let's get down
and see how things stand.

That's what they want.

Any way, they'll stick to their designs.
Better go home and sleep.

- Go, then.
- Of course I'll go!

Is he serious?

Damn, I'm in a bad mood.

- What are you doing?
- Haven't you understood?

We said we won't do it
during day time.

- The rule has changed.
- No!


What's the matter with you?!

- Get off me!
- Goro, cut it out!

Cut it!
Cut it out, she doesn't want to!


Mind your own business!
Hold still!


No, no!

Why, what are you?
Human beings?

- Go away!
- Shut up!

You've never understood why we're here!

Get up!

Oh, yes, of course.

You know why you're the leader.

- I'm fighting!
- Against whom?

- The school.
- Where's the school?

- They'll come!
- Shut up!

It's been a week today.
They've held the ceremony!

- You're wrong!
- Why aren't they coming, then?

- There's no enemy to rebel against!
- That's not true!

As long as we have the documents,
they can't do anything.

- They'll be back!
- Shut your mouth!

I haven't come here on a trip!

Waiting is a waste of time.

I don't like it.

That means you'll help me pass the time.

Cut it out!

I haven't done it with you yet.
Like this, at least I get something.

Stop whimpering!
If you don't like it here, go away.


I'll kill you!

Oh, so that's how it is...

Cut it out!

Wait, you bastard!
I'll whip your ass!

Attack! Attack! Attack!

Don't you start crying!

It's your fault!
It was your idea bringing them here!

I'm having fun.

- You're having fun?!
- Of course!

You were acting like Seichi's fiancee!

- I wasn't just pretending!
- You fraud!

Attack! Attack!

The enemy has changed!

It's been a small victory.

Stop, bastard!

With courage I shall win,
My house I shall leave

Swearing a loser not to come back

The bugle playing the march
strengthens us

All in all,
this was a too small battle.

We have won, but...
We should have fought more.

We'll win again.

We'll start all over again.

One more time.

You are afraid of blood.

We'll fight again.

The presence of the workers
from the entire world

Comes to light on the 1st of May feast

We are a nation,
we pursue a common goal.

Let's all march forward in step.

We can't take care
even of your girls.

We are the Self-Defense Corps!

- What?!
- Bastard!

- You are wrong!
- I'll kill you!

- You are wrong!
- Bastard!

- Die!
- Help!

Let me go!
Don't be hasty!

I haven't done anything!

You haven't achieved anything.

Shut your mouth!

Forgive me!

You haven't achieved anything.

Tell your superiors how you
were discovered.

- Let's go.
- You haven't done anything.

It all is a misunderstanding!

I'm not your enemy,
not even your ally.

I am a worker. A white collar.

Shut up and walk.

Your enemies are the school,
the principal, the important ones.

- Silence.
- Shut up!

I'm not your enemy.