Jing wu men xu ji (1977) - full transcript

After Chen Zhen's execution in Shanghai, the Japanese feared that his death would unite all Chinese kung fu schools against them. Fearing this, the Japanese gave orders to the head of the Hong Ku School, Miyamoto (Lo Lieh) to surpass all Chinese schools including the Ching Wu School. Miyamoto sends the Japanese along with their interpreter to the Ching Wu School ordering the leader & students to leave the School. When they refuse, the Japanese beat up the students and destroys the school. Meanwhile, one Chinese learns about the destruction of the Ching Wu School when he goes to Shanghai to visit Chen Zhen's grave. This Chinese is the only one who has the guts to fight the Japanese, this Chinese is known as Chen Shen (Bruce Li) who is the brother of Chen Zhen and he vows to avenge his brother's death and end the terror of the Japanese once and for all.

- [Voiceover] In the early part of this century,

on of the most famous kung fu teachers in China,

Huo Yuanjia, died of a mysterious illness.

One of his students, Chen Zhen,

had doubts about the cause of his death

and in fact discovered that he'd been poisoned

by his houseboy acting together

with a man employed by Ching Wu Kung Fu School.

They had been paid to kill Ho by Wong Suzuki,

and teacher at the Japanese operated

Hong Ku Martial Arts School in Shanghai.

On learning this, Chen went to the Hong Ku School

and killed Suzuki.

However, Chen was then later himself killed

on the orders of the Japanese consul in Shanghai.

Additionally, fearing that Chen's death

would unite all the Chinese kung fu schools

in Shanghai against the Japanese,

he gave orders to Miyamoto,

the head of the Hong Ku School,

to suppress all the Chinese schools.

(guns fire)


(dramatic orchestral music)

(somber chanting)


(dramatic orchestral music)


- [Woman in Brown Robe] He's dead!

- Sister, sister.

Sister, no!


(train whistle blows)

(train rumbles)

(slow somber music)

(rhythmic, dramatic instrumental music)

- [Voiceover] Teacher!

- What is it?

- [Man in Dark Blue] There's a lot of Japanese outside.

(dramatic music)

- [Man Pointing] Who's supposed to be in charge of the

Ching Wu School now?

- I am and you are?

- My name's Wang.

I'm interpreter for the Japanese.

You may call me, Mr. Wang.

- Yes, uh, Mr. Wang,

what brings you here?

- I've a message

from the head of the Hong Ku School,

Mr. Miyamoto, the number one.

He says, he wants to have your premises here

for his residence, so then I have come here

to tell you you must move out.

- Mr. Wang, I'm sorry,

this school was founded by my teacher.

It isn't my property.

I have no right to give it away.

- You, you have no right.

Go somewhere else, you!

- Hmm, Chen Zhen's death

should've wised you people up.

Ha, unless you all want to be heroes as well,

dead heroes. (laughs)

I think you should all pack your things

and get out of here.

- You lousy traitor!


(smacks and thuds)

(glass shatters)

(grunts and thuds)

(glass shatters)

(grunts and thuds)

- Get out of here!

- Brother!

- Go on!

- Hurry, go on, get out of here quickly.

(thuds and shouts)

- [Man on Right] Come on, hurry.

- [Man on Left] Let's go!

- [Man on Right] Come on!

- [Mr. Wang] Ah, let them go, let them go.

(thuds and grunts)

(laughs) Well now,

don't you worry, they won't escape.

Mr. Miyamoto, he's a tough man

and nobody escapes from him.

- [Man in Brown] Right!

- What do you want?

- The Ching Wu men.

- Ching Wu men?

Haven't seen any.

- (laughs) Is that so?

I'm glad to hear that,

but I'm afraid we'll have to check though.


- [Voiceover] Right.

- [Voiceover] Come on.

(grunts and thuds)

(pot shatters)

(vase shatters)

(thuds and grunts)


- Hold it!

Now, come on, this is going too far.

- I see. Want trouble?

(grunts and thuds)


(dramatic music)


- So, it's you two.

Ah, I thought you might be here.

Well, all right then.

Come with us now

and no trouble please, ah?

- Right now, we'll see about that.


Mr. Chow, thanks for helping us out.

We're both very grateful.


(grunts and thuds)

- Mr. Chow, if you wanna keep this place,

don't make trouble now.

(yells and thuds)

- Take 'em.

(dramatic music)



- [Both Prisoners] Ah-hah!





(yells) (glass shatters)

(glass shatters)

(glass shatters)

(thuds and groans)

- Hold it!



All right, you.

Why do you wreck our place?

We did nothing

and you know it.

So why all this?

- (laughs) All right,

it's because you helped the Ching Wu students.

Didn't you?

- Huh?


We didn't know

that you wanted them.

I mean, how could you expect us to know?

- Shut your mouth.



(thuds and grunts)

- Hey, take it easy.

Spare him, just teach him a little lesson. (laughs)

We got them all.

Let's go then.


(dramatic music)

Mr. Tin, my bosses sent me with a message for you.

You see, he's holding a big meeting

at the Ching Wu School

and he'd like you to attend.

(laughs) I take it you'll come.

(dramatic music)

(dramatic unsettling music)

Gentlemen, as you see

the Hong Ku School has taken over here.

Mr. Miyamoto is glad that you could attend the opening.

And so, in addition to welcoming you,

he'd like me to say a few words,

simply that we all know where we stand.

Mr. Miyamoto says, kung fu is international

and it knows no frontiers.

We all want the same thing, teach the same skills,

but still a Ching Wu man

killed Mr. Suzuki,

one of our finest teachers,

and for that they deserve no mercy

and they'll get none.

My boss, Mr. Miyamoto, came here to Shanghai

in a spirit of peaceful cooperation

wanting to be friends, but no,

the Ching Wu men were determined to make trouble.

You know what they did?

Well I'll tell you.

They sold this school to us

and they were paid all their money,

but refused to sign the sale note.

So then, we've invited you all here

to witness justice.

What's more, we want it understood

Japanese are in charge here.

And that any Chinese who insults a Japanese

will just have to be punished

and very severely, too.

(dramatic music)

- Teacher.

Come here.

(dramatic music)


(dramatic music builds)

- Teacher, don't sign it!

(smacks and thuds)

- Don't fight, don't fight!

(swords clang)


- [Man in Brown] I'll get you, you Jap bastard!

(grunts and thuds)


- [Man in White and Blue] All right, gonna sign?

- [Man in Gray] Teacher, don't sign.

- [Man in Blue] Expect to die when you sign it.

Don't sign, Teacher.



Brother, brother, brother.

- [Voiceover] Come on, you, come on.

- [Voiceover] Come on, come on.

- [Man on Floor] Teacher, don't sign.

Don't sign, Teacher.

Don't (yells).


Brother, brother.


(lightning cracks)

(rain pouring)

(thunder rumbles)

(lightning cracks)

(lightning cracks and thunder rumbles)

- [Man in Blue] Teacher! Teacher!

(lightning cracks)

- [Teacher] God help me!


- [Man in Blue] Whatever happens, you mustn't give up.

You're an alcoholic, but you can cure that.

Stick with it, I know you can do it.


- [Teacher] But why though, why'd they do it?

Those damn Japs.

They've taken our school

and insulted us beyond measure.

And when we hid in the temple,

they even burned that down.


- [Man in Blue] Teacher, I've betrayed your trust.

I let you down, and all my brothers, too.


(soft whistle music)

- Who are you?

- Listen, never mind that,

just you get out of here.

- But why?

- Well, it seems to me,

that you must be a friend of the Ching Wu School,

and if that's the case, you'd better go.

- You a Ching Wu student?

- That doesn't matter.

Just get going.

- I won't.

- But you've got to go.

That Japs'll be here soon.

If they find you visiting the grave

they won't let you leave.

- [Man in White] Oh, well what I do here

is my business.

- Listen, are you?

- Well, I'm a relative of Chen Zhen, his brother.

- And you look like him, too.

That's even worse.

You must leave here.

- I came a long way to see his grave, all right,

and after he died, what happened then?

- Well now, shortly after your brother was killed,

the mistress, she committed suicide.

She didn't want to live.

You see?

This is her grave.

The Japanese, they control this area.

They gave orders.

No one can visit these graves.

- Was my brother betrayed by a detective named Lo?

- No, he wasn't.

Lo had to quit because of it.

It wasn't his fault.

- There were so many Ching Wu men,

but not even one put up a fight.

- It's our teacher.

He's completely useless.

He's an alcoholic.


(dramatic music)

Get going! Japanese!

Get the hell out of here!


- Well let's see how tough they are.

- Hey, isn't he from the Ching Wu School?

- [Voiceover] He's not supposed to be here.

- [Voiceover] Right, come on.

- Get out of here!

(shouts and thuds)

- Nobody leaves here.

- I beg you, don't hurt him.

Just let him go, oh please.

- [Man on Right] You ought to be worrying about yourself,

not about him. (yells)

- Well, all right.

What do you think you're doing here?


Hey, what brings you here?

- The dead.

- Crap, don't you know that visits are forbidden here?

- Tell me, are you a relative?

What's your address?

- Well, I'll show ya.

(yells and thuds)

- Hee-yah!

(yells and thuds)


(yells and moans)

If I can't visit here,

you can all do it for me.



Now tell me.

- [Man on Right] Yeah?

- When Chinese visit graves, what do they do?

- Uh.

- Speak.

- You know, there's nine bows, three kowtows.

- Did you hear that?

That's nine bows and three kowtows.

That clear?

- [Men on Ground] Yes, yes.

- Move!

All right, do it and do it good.

(moaning and thudding)

All right, next time you insult Chinese,

you remember this.

Go on!

- Chen Shen, you're really in trouble now.

The Japanese, when they hear about this,

they're going to be looking for you.

- That's good.

I like that, makes it easier.

(dramatic, sinister music)

- You say, he's a stranger

and you're sure that you never saw him before.

Well, one thing's for sure,

he's connected with the Ching Wu School.

His kung fu is good and he's not scared of us.

I think he must have come here for a specific purpose.

Let's check on him.

Call Wang in.

- [Voiceover] Sir. Mr. Wang!

- [Voiceover] Inspector Chiu's here.

- Ask him in.

- Good day.

- Sit down.

- Thank you.

- [Mr. Miyamoto] Inspector, sorry about this.

- It's all right.

- For more than a year, we've had no trouble here,

but today this guy arrives, beats up my men.

I'd like to know, Inspector,

what you propose to do.

- Well now, keeping the peace is my job.

We'll get this man, all right.

- But when?

- We'll start on it right away, sir.

- Inspector, I shall give you two clear days

and because he beat up some Japanese,

I expect you to hand him over to me

when you do catch him, hey?

- [Voiceover] Now look.

- Wait.

We'll get him, then we'll see.

- Well I've already decided.

Thanks for your assistance.

- [Inspector] I'll go then.

- Well, Boss, what can I do?

- Mr. Wang, very simple,

I want to have all the Ching Wu men wiped out.

- Sure, sure.

(dramatic, exciting music)

(thuds and shouts)

(loud smack)

(thuds and grunts)


- Hold it, hold it!

You tell your teacher,

we want that man.

Do you hear me?

Go on!

- [Both Men] Teacher, Teacher.

- [Man in Blue] Wake up, wake up, Teacher.

- [Man in Black] Teacher, two of our men

have been killed by the Japs.

- [Man in Blue] You've got to come, Teacher.

- [Man in Black] Quick!

- [Man in Blue] Come on, come on, Teacher,

quick, quick.

- [Man Kneeling] Teacher, Teacher, who did it?

Tell me, who killed them?

- The Japanese did!

- Teacher, Teacher, the Japanese have killed two of our men.

What do we do?

- (mumbling) Who's killed?

- You, calm yourself down.

- Calm down? You're drunk again! (crying)

- This man, is he in charge of the Ching Wu School?

Teacher, I am Chen Shen.

Chen Zhen was my--

- Hey, the police are here.

Teacher, Teacher, the police are here.

- Teacher, I'll come straight to the point.

I think you know why I'm here.

Please hand him over.

- Who?

Who do you want, huh?


What's this all about?

- Ah, now come on.

Just hand over the man that I want

and don't waste time.

- Who who, who is it?

- He's right here.

I'm the one.

- Hmm, that's good.

You've got guts.

And just come along with us.

- I see, well, are we going to the police station

or to the Japanese?

- Well.

- Inspector, can I ask you something?

What's the charge?

- Assaulting the Japs.

- Did you see it yourself?

- No, but they did.

- Ah, well, and for you then, that's enough

to arrest me?

- That's right.

- Right.

Well, I want to file a complaint against Mr. Miyamoto.

He seized the Ching Wu School,

killed a number of pupils,

insulted the Chinese nation.

Look here, here's your evidence,

your witnesses.

They'll say what happened.

So I ask you, will you arrest the Japs?

If I file a charge then?

Now I know this is a foreign settlement,

but you work for the Japs

and I'm sure that this gives you problems,

but still, I appeal to your sense of justice.

If you really think I'm in the wrong,

I'll come to the station or go to the Japs,

if you think that.

(slow instrumental music)

- I can hear you, all right,

but I can't seem to see you though

and I just hope I never have to see you.

(sentimental orchestral music)

(thumps and shouts)

- Where are the Ching Wu men? Talk!

- I don't know! I don't know!

- Who beat up my men?

- [Chen Shen] I did.

- You did.

Do you know the penalty for that?

- Sure I do, but I liked it though.

- You! Goddamn you!

(yells and thuds)

- Don't fight, don't fight them.

- Why not? Why shouldn't I fight them?

- [Man on Left] If you fight the Japs,

they're making so much stuff up,

but if could leave Shanghai.

- [Chen Shen] Come on, get out of here.


- What's so funny?

(thuds and grunts)

Goddamn you!


- Brother, brother.

(yells and thuds)

Brother, brother, brother.



You did it!

You caused it all.

- You're the one who caused it,

because you're too weak.

You're a coward.

- You think you're so brave?

You think you're a hero?

I tell ya, you brought nothing but trouble here.

- You're right, I'm trouble.

I'm trouble for the Japs.

(dramatic instrumental music)


- Chen Shen, I've a favor to ask you.

- Well speak your peace,

but why so many men?

- [Man on Right] Please come with us

down to the Japanese school.

- I don't mind going.

The Japs don't scare me, not one bit.

But still, I will decide when.

- No you won't, that's already been decided.

(yells and thuds)

- Hey, hold it.

Come on, just calm down.

Let's talk this thing over.

- Mr. Chang, please spare him for my sake.

Don't take him in.

- But if we don't take him in, the Japs will kill us.

It's as simple as that.

We take him in, or we're finished.

- So you'd send a good man to his death just like that?

My God, could you live with that?

- Mr. Chang, he's the brother of Chen Zhen.

For the sake of our old teacher,

don't hand him over to the Japanese.

I can get him out of Shanghai.

Chen Shen, for all our sakes, please get out of Shanghai.

- I'm not a crook. Why should I?

I mean, tell me know,

why should I run like a criminal?

- Chen Shen, do it for our sakes.

- Mr. Chen, I know you're a hero,

but still, the safety of us all is at stake,

so please leave here now.

- [Chen Shen] I tell you, I won't be pushed.

I'll leave Shanghai only if I want to.

- [Mr. Chang] Listen you, I never like to force a man,

but still, this time I will.

- That so?

Well you can try and good luck.

- Why you!

- Hey, hey, hey, come on now, calm down.

Let's not fight.

I'll get him out of Shanghai somehow.

So please, no trouble.

- The fact remains, you let him go, no matter what you say.

Inspector, you forget who you're working for.

You have to accept my instructions.

Do you hear that?

- Well now, sir, that's not quite the way I see it.

My duty is to the people.

- All right, then you're leaving us no other choice.

- Excuse me, if there's nothing else,

I shall go now.

- Hold it.

It's not that simple.

(dramatic music)


- [Miyamoto] That's all right, Inspector, you may go now.

- Good bye, sir. Come.

- Why do you let him go?

- It's not the right time yet.

- Listen, now that fellow, Miyamoto,

is a tough fighter and his men, too, vicious , brutal.

You're just aggravating things here.

- If I leave, things are not gonna get any better.

- [Voiceover] Hey, hey, hey.

Teacher, Teacher, you're back.

- Hey, landlord, let me have some?

- Yes, surely.

- [Two Men] Teacher, Teacher.

- Go away, leave me alone, go away.

Ah, thank you.

- Teacher, get going, come on.

Come on, come on!

Come on, Teacher, come on, Teacher.

- [Teacher] Hey!


- [Voiceover] Hey, hey.

- [Wang] Leaving? (laughs)

Not so quickly.

- [Teacher] Now give me the wine, please, Mr. Wang.

- Sure, I will, as soon as you

hand over the man we're looking for.

- I don't know where he is.

That's the truth, I swear it now.

- You really don't know? (laughs)

- No! No! No!

(yells and thuds)

- Wanna drink?

(laughs) All right.

- No! No! No, don't do that!


- Teacher, let us save you.

(thuds and moans)


(loud shattering)

- Now don't you try and interfere in this,

otherwise you'll all get the chance for a drink,

and you won't like that.


(thuds and grunts)


Where's that young guy hiding now?

- [Man on Far Right] I don't know.

- You men dare disobey us, huh?

Dare disobey your masters! (laughs)


- [Men] Sir!

- You can give these slaves a good taste

of the whip now.

- [Man with Whip] Right!

(whip smacks) (yells)

- There'll be plenty, or you're gonna tell me the truth.

(whip smacks) (yells)

(yells and thuds)

- Mr. Wang, that's the man.

- Listen, you, are you blind or something?

Maybe you're crazy.

Maybe you lost your senses then.

You know you're defying the Japanese, do ya?


- You old fool.

You're crazy, not me.

You dare to insult the Chinese nation like that!

You little rat, I should kill you!

(yells and thuds)

(loud crashing)

The next time that you insult a Chinese,

I swear I will kill you.

- Yes.

- Out!

(slow instrumental music)

- I know

what you're all thinking, what you're saying,

that I'm a coward, that I'm useless,

but still, you don't know how badly I feel.

I tried so hard, you know I did,

but I failed though.

I let the school down.

I wanted to fight back

to avenge our teacher, but they're too strong.

We have to wait, to choose our time.

- Now listen, you're too negative.

You need more confidence and guts.

I'll avenge my brother, that's my job,

and I'll do it, I swear.

And I'll do it myself, I don't need help.

I honestly have no wish to get you people involved in this,

but I tell you this, you're doing this wrong.

If you're to survive,

if you're to keep the Ching Wu School going,

then sooner or later you're gonna have to fight.

Don't leave it too late.

The more you give in, the harder it's gonna be.

So strike back while you still have the strength.

- [Voiceover] Oh, hey, hey!

(dramatic, sinister music)

(thuds and groans)


(groans and thuds)


- [Man on Right] All right, all right, all right.

Let's go.

(dramatic, intense music)

- What's all this about?

- Easy now, we don't want trouble,

but something has got to be done.

Look around, this can't go on.

It's trouble for everyone.

We've got to find an answer.

- [Teacher] Yes, yes.

- He's right, this can't go on, something must be done.

It started with your school,

but it involves all schools now.

- All right, I agree, it's all my fault.

I'll go and talk to the Japs.

- No.

Gentlemen, listen, I started all this,

so I'm the one to go and talk to the Japs

and if I ever get back,

then, gentlemen, I'll apologize.

- [Teacher] Look.

- Hold it.

How will we know, if you actually keep your word?

- You insult me.

- Chen Shen!

- [Voiceover] Chen Shen!

- Chen Shen,

now don't be impulsive, just think first,

because this is the way your brother got killed.

What's more, it's my school.

I should be the one to go.

- Now listen, I'm avenging my brother,

that's why it's me that must go.

- I heard most of that.

If you go to the Japs place,

you'll never leave there alive.

- So I should go to the station with you instead?

- Right, that would be the best solution,

but still, that's not my decision, so then.

- So then, you're gonna take me to the Japanese.


- Hey, hey, don't get me wrong,

although I've had my problems,

I'm still a Chinese.

I'm impressed with Chen.

He's a young man with a lot of guts,

so have you.

So I suggest the best thing is for Chen to leave Shanghai.


- But all right, I go and what then?

- It's my business, don't you worry.

- I don't get it.

Why the sudden change of attitude?

- There's been no change.

You forget, I'm also Chinese.

- Right, I'll go.

Inspector, I want the truth, that's all,

so let me have it.

If I leave Shanghai,

do you think the Japanese will leave the others alone then?

- Listen, all I can promise is I'll do my best.

- Well, gentlemen,

take care now.

I wish you good luck.

We'll meet again.

- Chen Shen,

we haven't had very much time together,

but I've learned a lot from you

and what I've learned I'm not going to forget.

- Now listen, whatever happens

you never give in to the enemy.

- Yes.

- Take care.

Listen, you keep up with your practicing, don't forget.

Inspector, please go tell the Japs

I'm leaving, I'm getting out of Shanghai.

- [Inspector] Right, I'll see you off.

- Okay.

- Are you telling me the truth?

- Sure, that's what he said.

- Hey, well that's great.

Good boy, I'll see you're well rewarded.

- No, no, no, listen.

You must've misunderstood.

The reason I told you was that

you'd leave all the other schools alone.

(whistle blows)

(engine rumbles)

(train whistle blows)

(thuds and grunts)

(knife swishes)

(yells and thuds)

- But is he dead?

That's the only thing that's worrying me now.

- [Man on Left] He's dead, sir.

- Well from now on,

there's to be no more Chinese kung fu schools in Shanghai.

(cane strips crackle)

- Chen Shen.


- [Voiceover] Chen Shen! Chen Shen!

- [Voiceover] Chen Shen.

- [Voiceover] Chen Shen, what happened?

- [Voiceover] What has happened?

- They trapped me.

- [Voiceover] Was it the Japanese?

- Yeah.

- [Voiceover] Come on, let's get him inside.

(yelling in unison)

(dramatic music)


- Listen, your men, what do they want?

- We've come to close this place.


- Close us? But why though?

- Mr. Wang, but your boss promised me.

He promised he'd leave us alone.

- (laughs) That right?

- You men, you're Chinese?

- Well of course we are.

- The Chinese are against us.

You admit that you're all Chinese

and we simply want to get rid of our enemies.

- Huh? You traitorous bastard!

(yells and grunts)

Teacher, you get out of here, get going!

(thuds and grunts)

(yells and moans)

- Teacher, get going! Get going!


(thuds and groans)


(dramatic music)

(thuds and smacks)


(swords clang)


- Teacher!

- [Teacher] My God!

(thuds and grunts)


- [Men] Teacher!

(swords swish)


(swords swish)

- Teacher, for God's sake get out of here!

Get, go!

(swords swish and clang)

(dramatic music)

- [Teacher] The Ching School and the Hong School

both were wrecked, only a few pupils escaped.

I think sooner or later they'll get us.

(loud smack)

- Those Japs are a murdering bunch.

It's pretty clear they've made up their minds

to wipe us all out.

- It's all been my fault, too.

I shouldn't have started this.

- Now, come on, it isn't all your fault.

It was inevitable.

It was just a matter of time, it had to come.

We were foolish thinking it wouldn't.

Even so, nobody thought

they'd be so vicious though.

- It's my fault and nobody else's

and I'm gonna settle it.

- No, wait!

Listen, your older brother,

he reacted the same way that you have

and so he was killed.

Don't go the same way that he did.

I think that you'd better leave again.

- No, I won't.

There's something I have to do first.

Don't worry, I'll be back here all right.

Right now, what we all need here

is lots of confidence and strength.

I'll go.

- [All] We'll go with you.

- No, thanks a lot.

I have to go alone, but you all be ready though.

I'll see you soon.

(soft instrumental music)

- You came back.

- It was as I expected.

The Japs won't let me go.

They sent men to kill me.

Listen, now you're a good Chinese

and a sincere man, I trust you.

I'm gonna tell you this.

I must avenge my brother's death

and restore the Ching Wu School.

From now, I'm gonna do things my way,

but if you arrested me, Moto,

then I'd turn myself in.

- [Wang] There's no mistake?

- [Man on Right] Not a chance.

Chow's hiding out at his brother's place.

Chen's taken what's let of his men there,

hiding out in the hills, too.

- That's good.

We'll get them all.

This time none of 'em will get away.

(dramatic music)

(swords clang and swish)

(shouting and grunts)


- [Chen Shen] Hee-yah!

(thuds and shouts)


(thuds and groans)

You all right?

- Chen Shen, I'm finished.

(groans and swords clang)

- [Chen Shen] Hee-yah!

(thuds and shouts)

(sword swishes)

(groans and shouts)


- Inspector, I want Chen delivered here today.

If not, you're gonna be out of a job.

- I'll get Chen Shen all right,

but where he goes is up to me.

- Inspector, I'll make that decision.

- I can quit here anytime I want.

Still, right now, I'll call the shots.

(dramatic music)

- Come here!

I want you to kill all the Ching Wu men

and leave no one alive.

- [All Men] Sir.

(intense, dramatic music)

- Ah, trouble! Trouble!

Hey, the Japanese are here!

- [Teacher] What do you want now?

Now, come on, what is all this?

- [Wang] (laughs) It's like this.

You deliberately protected that man, Chen Shen,

and you and you (laughs).

Now, I'm afraid you have to find out

fighting Japanese carries a penalty.

- [Teacher] Traitor!

(swords clanging)

(groans and thuds)

(sword swishes)


(thuds and groans)

(dramatic music)

(yelling and moaning)

(thuds and grunts)

(bones crack) (yelling)

(smacks and thuds)

- Come out of there!

Come on!


I'll show you!

Get back here you traitor!

Son of a bitch!

- Oh no, now, now watch it.

Mr. Chen, please spare me.

After all it was the Japs, it wasn't me.

- You told the Japanese that they could

kill all the Chinese.

Isn't that right, huh?

- No, I'm Chinese.

How could I do that, huh?

I'm sorry, I beg you to spare me, please,

just treat me like a dog, just like a dog.

I beg you, spare me.

- You're not a dog.

You're 10 times lower.

- [Voiceover] Hold it!

- Take the wounded to the hospital.

Arrest the others.

- Sir.

- [Voiceover] Come on.


- Listen, I killed the Japanese all by myself.

It wasn't the others.

- Right.

Take them away.

- [Voiceover] Right.

- Hey, Inspector, don't you know me?

I work for the Japanese.

- [Voiceover] Come on, get moving, come on.

- Inspector, whatever I've done

I'm gonna pay for it, but still,

there's a favor I want to ask first.

- Right, what is it?

- Please release me, just give me one day.

- What for?

- Some unsettled business.

- Tell me.

- Afraid that I can't,

but I must do it.

- Right.

Okay, one day.

When you've finished, report in.

This case is gonna be the last one for me.

- You can trust me.

- Right.

- I promise, but I need to borrow a man.

- Borrow? Who?

- Him.

I need him to get into the Japanese school.

- Sure, I'll help you do that.

I promise you, I promise I will.

- All right.

Listen, you watch it.

Be real careful.

(somber instrumental music)

- I promise I won't let you down.

- Hey, wait now.

Listen, Miyamoto's a tough man,

so take this just in case.

- Thanks a lot,

but you mustn't be involved.

- As the flowers droop at eve,

so the hair turns gray,

no need for scorn.

- Mr. Miyamoto, Mr. Miyamoto!

Oh my God, we're in trouble, sir.

- Now what's wrong?

- We, we were all wiped out.

All of us.

Some are dead, some are dying.

- You followed orders?

- Sure, sure we did, sir.

We did just like you ordered,

but when we went to kill 'em all off,

he came, that Chen Shen.

He killed a lot of our men

and then that Inspector arrived

and he and his men arrested those who were left.

- How come you're here?

- Huh? Me?

He brought me here.

- Who's he?

- It, it was Chen Shen.

- Chen Shen?

- He's waiting outside.

He wants a deal.

(dramatic, sinister music)

- The painting's good.

Good lines,

good style,

but the calligraphy is even better.

- That's Chen Shen.

- I thought you said he's waiting outside?

- Uh, well, um (yells).


- Miserable dog.

(dramatic music)

- [Chen Shen] Who would've guessed you were so talented?

Your Chinese paintings are extremely good.

- [Miyamoto] You're too kind.

Chinese paintings need flexible wrists.

- You're right and I just noticed

you have a nice sword style, too.

But still, let's see how you do

with fists.

(swords sharply thuds)

(dramatic music)


(sharp thuds and smacks)


(sharp smacks and thuds)


(sharp thuds and smacks)


(sharp thuds and smacks)

(glass shatters)

(glass shatters)

(thuds and smacks)

(yells) (dramatic music)

(sword whizzes and clangs)

Now listen,

we're tolerant,


but you read it wrong.

They're our virtues, not signs of weakness

and now you've learned that.

(soft, dramatic instrumental music)

(exciting instrumental music)