Jacquot de Nantes (1991) - full transcript

Jacquot Demy is a little boy at the end of the thirties. His father owns a garage and his mother is a hairdresser. The whole family lives happily and likes to sing and to go to the movies. Jacquot is fascinated by every kind of show (theatre, cinema, puppets). He buys a camera to shoot his first amateur film... An evocation of French cineast Jacques Demy's childhood and vocation for the cinema and the musicals.

I know the art
of evoking happy moments.

Scents, unending kisses...

Will they be born again
from that unfathomable abyss,

like a rejuvenated sun
rises in the heaven

from the depths of the sea?

O scents, O unending kisses!

The night was growing dense
like a wall.

My eyes met yours
in the darkness.

And I drank your breath.
O sweetness, O poison!

And your feet fell asleep
in my brotherly hands.

The night was growing dense
like a wall.

- Is it over?
- It's not!

- Come, Jacquot, it's the end.
- Sometimes it starts again.

No, it doesn't. Let's go.
Dad's waiting...

It's not finished...
I'm staying put.


Show us yours, Jacquot.

- What?
- Don't worry...

They do this in the army,

to measure and compare,
so they know.

Know what?

Someone's coming!

Put it back in,
it's nothing to brag about.

You three again!

Have you done your homework?

Yes, is it done?

- Not yet, Dad.
- Do what your father says.

Hurry up, Mrs. Marilou!

Five liters exactly.


- Hurry! Only one side curled...
- I'm coming!

I'm on stage in an hour.

- That's in Act 2.
- Yes, it's the donkey duet.

The curler is too hot.

Come down.
Stay away from that ladder.

Done your homework?

I left my bag in the garage.

- It's OK now?
- Yes.

It clunks when it's cold,
which is normal.

Demy Garage here.

I wanna order a new car.

A black Citro?n 7 CV.

The customer can't wait.

Damn kids!

Always in the stairs...

Jacquot! I hate being late.

I wanted an orange.

Good night, Dad.

You should've come too.

I know "Les Saltimbanques."

The woman Mom curls...

It is love
That consoles the poor...

In bed, "the poor."

Say your prayers.

Our Father, who art in Heaven...

They're good boys.

Hail Mary, full of grace...

Coming to give us a kiss, Mom?

A rich laborer,
knowing death was imminent,

called his children in...

...and addressed them
without witness.

Be sure not to sell
what is ours, he said.

There is a treasure
hidden within.

Jacques's childhood
was his treasure

and a source of inspiration
for his films.


Let me write.

He loved to write about
his childhood memories.

Anecdotes flooded back,
forgotten names

and suddenly remembered details.

He spoke of the little kitchen,

the focus of family life.

And above all of his mother,

who was the life and soul of it.

Do you remember our last date?

He liked remembering
Sunday outings,

when time passed slowly.

He had experienced what
he called "a happy childhood."

Jacques recalled
the arrival of a country cousin

that a Brazilian industrialist
had turned into an upscale tart.

Wait here.

Hey, cutie,
is this Raymond's garage?

Raymond's my father.
What is it?

You don't know me,
but I'm your aunt from Rio.

Someone to see you, boss.

- There he is.
- It's you!

You look great.

Come and meet the wife.

The cousin I told you about
who headed to Brazil.

- Don't touch, it's organza.
- Now I know the whole family.

I'll take you all
to La Cigale tonight.

Come here, you.

You're invited too.

Now we can kiss.

Oops! It's my lipstick.

Shall I sing you a song?

- For God's sake, don't get up.
- Go on, Dad. Sing!

Didn't you miss our local wine?

Yes, I often think of
"Gros Plant."

One day a producer said
I ought to be in the movies.

So I did tests.

But "Gros Plan"
means "Close-up"!

I thought he was
offering white wine!

Let's drink to that!


- Amazing diamonds.
- You shouldn't have.

I've been spoiled too.
You really shouldn't have...

Now don't you criticize me!

No, I'm pleased with my gift.

I adore casinos,
particularly roulette...

I had a run of good luck.
I simply kept on winning.

That's when I buy presents
for everyone, including me.

You came on your own?

I'm joining Bill Schuster
in Munich.

He's an honest man.

First, I'd like to visit
Grandpa's grave.

I wasn't here
when he passed away.

That's my name.

We gave you your grandpa's name,

but for me,
you're my little Jacquot.

Seeing my name there
when I was so young

gave me a sense of the frailty
of our existence.

I'm so lucky!

I saw a little old lady
and grabbed her handbag.

No doubt about it,
I'm as slippery as an eel.

- Guignol!
- He's stolen a bag!

I saw a policeman,
so I've hidden it.

Here he comes!

Hello, Guignol.

Hello, Gnafron.

Hello, Brigadier.

Did you happen to see

a suspicious individual?

A purse snatcher!

Did any of you kids
see him around here?

He hid it under a bush!

All that for Reine?

It still smells of coffee
in here.

Are you a turtle?

None of your business.

- Can I keep the box?
- Take it if you like.

I want to make a puppet theater.

What I hear about Munich's
not good.

I wonder about that cousin
from Rio.

Off to see her Mr. Schuster...
Probably a spy.

She seemed sweet, though.

How could anything go well?
Why go at all? And where?

Madame de Saint-Clair is here.

I'd like to taper it
at the neck.

Mr. Cavalet is home.
Will that do?


I'll just give it one last...

You made a Negro policeman?

- No, I didn't.
- Why's he black, then?

The potatoes go black.

I know...

I'll make the heads
out of cardboard.

Come along!

Hurry up, please!

- Next screening in 15 minutes!
- Snow White is pretty.

I liked the witch.

Of course you did.

- Grumpy's always grumpy.
- He didn't stop sneezing.

- That was Sneezy, dopey!
- You have to go see it.

It's great but scary.

My father promised to take me
if I get good grades.

- I'm going again tomorrow.
- Me too. I'm going on Sunday.

I've seen it too.

I like the witch best.

- He's into Snow White.
- Don't say that.

You said the was
the one for you.

I didn't, but she's OK.

She always sings
when she sweeps,

when she washes up,

and when she bakes cakes.

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Mom they're outside!

Come see the giant dwarfs.

- You've got 'em all, even Dopey.
- Some chocolate?

Yes, please.
You're lucky to have 'em all.

Yes, please.
You're lucky to have 'em all.

No Snow White?

No, I couldn't care less
about her.

She can't do the splits,
but I can.

Now you try.

You're clumsy, try again.

Push down
and stretch your legs.

We could do an acrobatic act

and tour the world in a circus.

- If you like.
- Try again.


Keep it rolling with your stick.

The Three Musketeers!

Can you manage?

War! Mobilization!

All we needed!

God knows where I'll be sent.

You have a bad leg,
you'll stay here.

Take those sacks to the cellars
for a shelter.

We need some in the attics too.

If my two sons go off to war...

They'll test gas masks
at school.

Reine will look like a fly.

Me, a fly?

You have a fly up your nose,
Jacquot too.

But you'd be a beautiful fly.

I've given him a big mustache.

Look, will this do?


It fits!

She's the one with the hair.

- You don't hit puppets.
- Just a bit.

Think it's here?

- Raymond Marcel Demy?
- That's me.

Your posting.

The arsenal isn't far.

I'll be home every night.

Better to make shells
than be hit by them.

Think they're asleep?

They're fine.

- Quite a change from a beret.
- Good luck, neighbor.

Your lunch bag.

Grandma, can you make a cape
for my puppet?

Not black like that,
but with this shiny cloth?

Of course, Jacquot,
but I must finish this.

Look at these pearls...

The woman's coming
for it tomorrow.

Then you can do mine next.

Sing me another song.
I like your songs.

- Do you know about witches?
- Not really.

They fly on broomsticks.

Do they wear Japanese kimonos?

You know all about costumes.

There's Grandma and Jacquot!

Four for Cinderella.

Coming, my little ones,
my elephants...


150 francs. Fine.

In Germany
they've requisitioned cars.

My husband wrote to hide ours.
I can't decide.

- Where is he?
- The Maginot Line.

Mine's busy making shells.

But he gets home every night.

- What's wrong?
- My guests haven't come.

- Be patient.
- Go look.

Wait, I have an idea.

Ready, children and elephants?

Here we go.
Open the curtains.

Here's Cinderella.

I'm so unhappy...

My wicked sisters
have gone to the ball

and I'm cleaning up.

- Poor girl.
- Here I am.

I am the Fairy.

The Lilac Fairy.

Want to go to the ball?
Just watch.

Don't forget to leave
at midnight.

First, I'll change your dress.

Here comes the stardust.

That's not stars, it's sand.


Look at you!

Bend over the newspaper.

You know those Marchis kids
are full of lice.

They clapped, Mom,
and Ren? and I bowed.

They're everywhere.

Let me see.

You can't, they're too small.

I'll put some lotion later.

- I've only got one left.
- I won these.

- You stole them.
- Don't argue.

Mind your own business, Demy.

- Give them back.
- I won them. You're the cheat.

We'd better go,
or we'll be late.

See you later.

Demy, a new poster!

Enemy ears are listening."

Are there enemies everywhere?

Of course!

Grandma and Mom read a book
called Mr. Spy and His Daughter.

The spies were disguised
as nuns.

You had to check their shoes.

Hurry up!

Don't dawdle, Demy!

- This OK?
- Fine. Mask on.

If there's a real alert,
I want no fuss.


Let's go check!

- Come with me to the toilet?
- Can't you go alone?

I'm scared.

I'm going to explore the cave...

There's a glow
in the distance...

Come back, Jacquot!

- It's as dark as hell in there.
- What's hell?

I wanna go to the fair!

It's for soldiers on leave.

- Let's go to the Guignol.
- We'll take a quick look first.

Hitler's head for 5 francs!

- Now to the Guignol!
- Now?

You're good, Father dear,

but before I marry you,

I want the skin
of that old donkey.


I insist, Father dear.

I can't possibly refuse you.

I say there!

Kill my donkey

and bring me his skin.

They won't really kill it...

How dreadful!

It's disgusting.

Fairy godmother,
what shall I do?

- Disguise yourself...
- You have strange ideas.

Come on, hurry.

- Put this skin on.
- How awful!

Just do as I tell you.

From now on,
we'll call you Donkey Skin.

Mom, there's no more school!

Due to the war.

Watch out.

Is the garage open?

Not really,
but maybe the mechanic can help.

Can I have some water?

- Been on the road long?
- We've driven from Bruges.

Come in for a moment.

We fled.

We heard they were raping women
and cutting off kids' hands.

We left in a panic.

Too late, Mrs. Demy.
We're closing.

For good?

The Germans will soon be here.
They ransack and kill.

- We're leaving.
- All of you?

We're going back to the farm.

- Are you off too?
- I don't know.

Do you want to leave?

I don't know.

The Germans are coming.
Are we going or not?

Where to?

I can't leave Grandma behind.

- Can you help us?
- Lend us some civilian clothes.

- Sorry, we're leaving.
- Over here, guys!

Get some overalls.

We don't even know
if we're still at war.


- Here.
- Thanks, boy.

- Isn't Reine here?
- No.

She's staying with my sister.

- No news of your husband?
- I'm still waiting.

I worry, but I go to work.

German's a weird language.

Hush! Look at the poster...

You're taking them to the river?

Yes, I've got to pick up
some mattresses.

- They'll keep the girl company.
- No swimming on their own!

Don't you worry.

Let's go!

You get in here.
Ren?, you climb in the back.

She's a refugee,
from friends of friends.

She was a wonder
from Sainte-Genevi?ve-des-Bois

and very pretty indeed.

No, not like that.
Like this.

What's your name?

Genevi?ve from

Move your arms more.

Shall we show her the stairs?

there's a little staircase.


You keep watch.

My turn.

The witch's door is open.

Maybe it was burglars.

Let's look inside.

Can I see?

Think she's dead?

Hush, don't say a word.

Don't worry, it'll be fun.

- We won't be able to play cars.
- Then play cars now.

Off we go!

We're going for a drive.

Along the banks of the Loire.

Careful, I can't swim!

Put that down.
You mustn't touch everything.

They've got to have fun.
It's all new to them.

What's this for?

Pouring water on the grindstone
to sharpen the tools.

Thirsty? Then drink.

I've brought their things.

Old Georges told me
to take kids from Nantes.

He told me the clog-maker
is a good man.

Looks like he was right.

They seem pale.
The fresh air will do them good.

- We don't see the war here.
- Except there's no tobacco.

- I'll give you money.
- Later.

We'd better go.

- I've never left them.
- They're in good hands.

Come on.
Let's go feed the rabbits.

I want to feed the rabbits too.

- Bye, children.
- Bye!

You don't cut yourself
on that knife?

I've been making clogs
for 30 years.

Home we go, little fellow.

"My darlings,

"Here are some transfers

"...and a badge
of the arms of Nantes,

"since you said
you wanted a badge.

"Say hello to Aunt L?a
and the clog maker.

"Big kiss from Dad and Mom,


Not bad, huh?

Great badge.

They don't have them
in the country.

- Where'd you get it?
- Little Demy, how you've grown!

The country air
has done you good.

The washing.

Thank you.
Goodbye, Mrs. Le Dentec.

It's nice to have you back.

Jacquot, take off your beret.

I've made a real feast:
pasta with cheese and sausage,

from the sausage lady.

- Luce, who sings in church?
- Indeed.

Glad to be home, boys?

Yes, Dad.

I wanna go to the cinema
and the circus.

I'll take you,
or your father will.

All Dad likes is boules!

It feels good to be a family.

Back to catechism class.
First Communion in May.

Yes, Mom.

- You're late.
- Catechism went on forever.

I know, so I hope you pass
your First Communion test.

- Your sister passed first time.
- He knows.

He knows his catechism.
At least, I hope so.

Can you help us fix up
a trapeze?

I'd better ask your dad,
or you ask Guy.

This beam?

"Lift up your souls,
yet remain modest,"

as our priest says.

- Missed!
- Your turn!

- You'll do it, Robert?
- Yes, later.

Look at Reine's shutters.
Isn't she back?

We don't see much of her.
She's taken on airs.

Field Commander Holt
was shot in the back.

There's a curfew at 4 PM.

There'll be reprisals.

It happened on
Rue du Roi Albert.

- On your way to catechism?
- Yes.

"Cowardly criminals working
for England and Moscow

"shot the Nantes field commander
in the back on October 20.

"The murderers
have yet to be caught.

"To punish this crime

"I have ordered that
50 hostages be shot."

"Due to the gravity of
the crime, 50 more hostages..."

- 15 million for informers!
- More than Judas got.

50 innocent people shot?

It's true.
My father said so.

The occupation: A quiet war.

It's easy to lay down
the law with guns.

- We shouldn't see German films.
- I know, my father told me.

But it looks terrific.

- And it's in color.
- What a pity.

Pr?vert wrote it.
It's a sad love story.

Let's see it.

Three for
"Les Visiteurs du Soir."

Gluttony is a sin, my boy,
but it's your First Communion.

Roast pork...

You've saved our bacon!

If you put it there
it'll get cooked.

No, I'm using gas, it'll
fool them at the checkpoint.

- Thanks.
- See you tomorrow.

I'll come early
to help your wife.

Radio Paris lies...

Radio Paris is German!

We'll take the tape off
the windows.

We took the flour
and the sugar to the baker's.

How wonderful!

It's like before the war.

- An actual tiered cake.
- It's been ages.

- I can't eat anymore.
- I can.

Don't eat, Luce, sing.

Sing us a song!

Let's sing another.

"Little Lison."

It's going well.

You're as handsome as a prince!
What'd you get as a present?

A gramophone.

- Got any records?
- Two.

I can lend you some.

Listen to this, Guy.

Music? Sure.

I like ball bearings.

It's great.

You can see all the chimneys.
You're lucky.

You can look again if you like.

Is it true you can see
Le Normandie?


Let's see.

- Let's swap.
- For what?

Ball bearings.

Two sets.

Yes. See you.

What you showed
Le Gerrec was film?

Yes, movie film.

- Where'd you find it?
- What'll you give me?

- Ball bearings.
- No.

- Two sets.
- I want the pencil sharpener.

Then give me the film
and tell me where you found it.

- It's Le Normandie?
- Yes.

Watch out.

Gypsies are dangerous.
Don't ever go near them.

I don't care.
That's not why I came.

Mine's got a plane.
I think it's a Messerschmitt.

- I've got a tank.
- It's German newsreel.

We shouldn't have...
It must be forbidden.

It's OK, we found 'em in a dump!

- We oughta take 'em back...
- Don't be silly!

These spoils of war,

a few feet of real film,
eagerly brought home by Jacquot,

had no time to become a fetish

and catalyze his passion.

Marilou considered them to be
"compromising documents."

Jacquot had lost Le Normandie
for nothing.

Aunt Nique!

Your stocking seam
looks like a snake!

Since I am asked
to justify myself,

Monsieur Pitou
loves Mademoiselle Clairette

and she loves him too.

It's cold.

Those Krauts are ugly.
Jean Marais is handsome.

- 4:15. What's the holdup?
- They like making us wait.

They take their time.

Look: "Filming on a farm:
Jean Choux and his crew."

- Ducks too.
- Some crew!

Jean Gourget's new film,

will entirely be set
in the Tropics.

About time.

"I want 'Malaria' to have
an atmosphere of fear," he says.

"Mireille Balin plays a colonial
wife suffering from malaria.

"Sessue Hayakawa plays
a native boy, a guitar player.

"Love erupts between
these two feverish beings."

- Mireille Balin's beautiful!
- "Beautiful"?

I know what I'm talking about.

That one doesn't look bad.

A guy falling from a tree.
There's blood everywhere!

He's sweet.
He blows up my tires.

Don't forget the valve.

You ride your mom around?

She's a neighbor.
She's going for her coupons.

Now you can go.

I'm going out
to get some biscottes.

- I'm scared.
- We've got a shelter.

- I want to go.
- We'll all go.

What a racket.
It's hell!

I'm scared.

I feel sick.

It'll soon be over.

Look how calm Jacquot is.

Remember the cave?
It was as dark as hell.

I'm frightened.

On September 16, 1943,

I discovered the full horror
of violence and destruction.

There were dead all over town,

people screaming and dying
beneath the rubble.

It was the Apocalypse.

Ever since, I've hated violence.

My city kids...

I knew we'd see you.

We thought we'd just show up.

There's no electricity.
It's a total disaster.

- It was dreadful.
- We heard it too.

Come see the rabbits.
Remember the white one?

It was all craters and smoke,
people looking for each other...

I was in the street too.

People were trapped.
I heard them shouting.

- On your own?
- I was looking for Dad.

I was fixing a car
on Avenue des Am?ricains.

I got under it just in time.

- Americans? You brought them.
- Don't be stupid.

our allies bombing Nantes...

Destroying Nantes, you mean.

Filthy Krauts!
It's all their fault.

- We're no trouble?
- No, we'll all squeeze in.

I won't be here long.

I'll go back to the garage
as soon as we get

the electricity back.

He always has his gramophone.

Come on in.

Come to bed, Jacquot.
I'm sleepy.

- Go to sleep on your own.
- Under the covers, boy.

Are your feet all right now?


You'll get used to them.

Finishing your clog today?

No, not that chisel.


I'm teaching you a trade,
but you'll never take it up.

- You'll have better to do.
- I'm going to make sets.


Theater and cinema sets,

and puppet shows.

Don't walk over the bridge
at Mauves!


Enough reading for today.
Time to swap.

The past participle agrees with

the gender and plural
of the subject

when it is placed before.


"La bille qu'il a prise
est bleue."

What did he take?
"La bille."

- Listen to me.
- Things are heating up.

"Bille," feminine,
precedes the verb,

so the color is feminine too.

Don't be scared.

Every time I hesitate over
a past participle agreement,

I recall the school classroom
at Mauves

and that parachute

floating down over the Loire.

- A late visitor.
- Come in!

"Un Visiteur du Soir."

Here's our neighbor.

The Germans raided the caf?

to get young men
to do forced labor.

They took Gaston and Paul.

Luckily, the others
managed to get away.

- Damn Germans!
- And Gilles too.

Gilles and Dominique,
Dominique and Gilles...

They didn't take Dominique.

- From "Les Visiteurs du Soir."
- He only thinks about films.

You should go see the old
Gallon sisters, the teachers.

They had a projector and some Chaplin films.

- Shorts.
- Great idea. The boy's bored.

Be careful, OK?

- Regularly and gently.
- Fairly gently, actually.

Here are the films.

You'll bring it back, won't you?

This country lettuce
is delicious.

We eat it every day.

- Pleased to see your parents?
- Yes.

Dad gave me a present.

Presents always work.

- What do we do?
- Don't move.

- Your bike!
- Be quiet.

Come, it's ready.

Look, Mom, the projector.

No, I'm the projectionist.

Look at the screen, Dad.

Sit down.

I've seen it.

- It doesn't work.
- Be patient.

What are they eating?
Soap? Bubble soup!

Jacquot was as thrilled

as if he'd made
the film himself.

He happily ended his days at the
clog maker's by showing films.

The Loire had become dangerous.

Americans occupied one bank,

Germans and the Resistance
the other.

It was time to go home,

back to the sand,
the long porch,

and the garage courtyard.

The Americans are here!

White wine for everyone!


It's Chopin.

I like it here.

A jazzed-up Chopin!

- It sounds good.
- But it's written for the piano.

Thanks, I'll take it.


I've been in this scene before.

But the other was lent
and this is a gift.

It's not worth much.

Dad'll buy an electric model.

When it's worth less,
give it to me.

- I'm your junk-collector cousin.
- Don't be silly!

See you.

Where am I going
to put my stuff?

You need room for a cinema.

You're going too far.

I need cardboard boxes,
glue and fairy lights.

Give me some money?

- Chaplin is funny.
- I've seen it countless times.

Pillars just like
at the Olympic.

He did it all himself
except for the curtain.

Come have some coffee.

Let him put it away.

I've only got one film.

If only I could rub it out
and change it.

- Don't ask me.
- You should buy me more.

Not now.

- Fix my hairdo?
- I don't do hair anymore.

What with the boys
and the garage...

I even do the bookkeeping.

Let's see your hair...

- What are you up to?
- I'll try to make a new film.

- The saucepan will poison us.
- Tell Mom you'll rinse it well.

- I can't wait for the sequel.
- Same here.

I like when she says,
"a glimmer like everyone."

She talks about her mother,
a laundress.

It's a fine love story.

It's a masterpiece.

You'll ruin your eyes.

"The Bridge at Mauves."

- You can see the crossbars.
- It was hard to draw.

It's so tiny.

Mom, it's serious.
It's a cartoon newsreel.


"The planes are flying away."

Did you like it?

It was very good.


- He's into ladies' underwear!
- Just looking.

- Research.
- Today's youth...

Make your own way home,

Come see.

Women go into that shop
and then they disappear.

- Who told you that?
- Someone.

- Them?
- Who knows?

- It's a fairy tale.
- No, a drama.

They're sold as slaves
to harems in Argentina.

Sheet music.

Aunt Nique has the same one.

- What's what?
- Junk.

- Let's go!
- No, this is amazing.

Anything in particular?


Actually, what's that camera
with the handle in the window?

- A movie camera.
- To make real films?

- 9.5 mm. For amateurs.
- Does it work?

If you put film in.

I'd love to be an amateur,
but I don't have any money.

We could swap.
Got any books or games?

Slow down!

- What's eating him?
- He'll get over it.

How are you, Mr. Dubuisson.

Time for a fill-up and a chat.

I was looking for you.
Time to say good-bye.

I didn't want you to go
knowing you were angry...

So I got the camera,

but I had no idea how to use it.

there was an instruction book.

I was in a hurry to learn
all those barbaric terms

like f-stop,
orthochromatic film,

panchromatic vision filter,
film stock...

As soon as I'd read it,
I decided I wanted

to make the script
used as an example:

- "Solange's Adventure."
- There you are.

I've learned lots of words:
Emulsion speed, f-stop,

shutter, ortho, panchro,
depth of field.

Good for you.
But it's all Chinese to me.

Is that what you learn
at school?

"'Solange's Adventure.'"

Solange, 5,
her parents, a prowler."

"Despite being forbidden to,
Solange plays in the street.

'A prowler promises her sweets
and kidnaps her."

Hey! I'm making a film.

I need a tall guy for the gypsy.
Come Thursday to the garage?

- Where?
- Quai des Tanneurs.

OK, I'll come.

- I'll be home late.
- Don't worry. It'll be open.

"A gipsy makes her dance
at fairs,

"but her mother recognizes her
thanks to a locket.

"This family film will have
more appeal than a reel

"of some young star
pointlessly posing..."

- You learn this at school?
- Yvon asked me that.

My fur!

- Lend it to me?
- What for?

For Yvon.
He's playing Solange's mother.

Ren?'s little brother
is Solange.

- What's all this?
- Watch it!

I don't like being a girl.

We need a dress, makeup,

and a hat.

I'll go to Madame Bredin's.

- It's ready.
- Thanks.

Reine used to wear it.

- This is a real circus.
- Stop making faces.

- You look pretty, Yvon.
- Come out.

Yvon, explain to Solange
she mustn't go out alone.

Now walk slowly towards me.

Good. That'll do.

Lorca, I'll show you
where to go.

You hide here.

We'll do a full-face shot
of him.

Solange, you play with
your ball, you drop it,

and turn right.

You're the kidnapper!

"Soon after, a character
offers her sweets,

"then wraps her in his cape."

Stride after her

and offer her sweets.

- You like sweets, pretty girl?
- Yes, sir.

Then you'll get some!
Fight back!

"Six months later."
Want to be older?

No, it's for my film.

Good news in the paper:

Germany has surrendered.

Move your belly
without moving your feet.

Move your head too.

Now we'll do it with the others.

I'll place you with your drum.
You, dance.

You, beat time on the drum.
OK, I'm shooting.

Bang harder, Lorca.

Then the mother arrives.

Listen, we move back...

You come forward, and when
you see her dancing, say, "Hey!"

Not now!
Move back!

When we're shooting.

Recognize your daughter.

That's Solange's locket!

What are you doing?

Wrapping up my first takes

to send them to the Path? Lab
in Joinville-le-Pont.

- Nothing for me?
- Not today, son.

It'll be a fine cardigan.

You need patience to knit.

I'm the patient one.
I've been waiting two months!

The labs reopen,
but I keep waiting.

I'm really fed up.
And you only knit for Dad!

Then one fine day,
the film arrived.

What excitement!

I loaded it.
Not a thing!

It was absolutely,
totally transparent.

I'd forgotten
to adjust the f-stop.

I had to learn the technique.

- What's wrong?
- I wanna go to film school.

We'll ask your father.

He'll say,

"Are you nuts? Thinking
about films at your age!"

"Are you nuts? Thinking
about films at your age!"

Learn a trade
in a technical school.

You'll be a mechanic.

I want to go to high school.

Great, veal with prunes!

I want to graduate.

Tech gives you a trade.
High school, nothing.


Go on, turn it.

If he picks on me again,
I'm off.

- Where to?
- Who cares?

Africa, to teach mechanics
to the locals.

That's it,
clear off to Timbuktu!

I'd head for Paris.

I'd be an extra at the Opera.

They'll take anyone.
One of my mom's clients told me.

No need to sing,
just hammer it out at the back.

I'll be all right
at the Opera, then!

I absolutely must go to Paris.

I'm going too, but later on.

Dad says I must finish tech.
Meanwhile, I make films.

With that?

I have an idea for a film.
You'd be terrific in it.

But you and your camera
are small-time.

I've got big projects.

Remember my aunt from Rio,
the flirtatious one?

She batted her eyelashes.
She was fun.

- A great role.
- Wasn't she a casino gambler?


We'll do a scene
where you win lots of money.

Go back to your dreams, Jacquot.

I've got my own.

- How's it coming along?
- I've given up on actresses.

It's better to make cartoons.

The stars are cardboard in cardboard sets.

You want some cardboard?

- Can I have some?
- Of course.

Thanks, Mr. Sweets.

Am I Mr. Sweets forever?

- Can I come back for more?
- Whenever you like, son.

The boy had a project
and he needed space.

The attic next to the tires was
ideal and he made it his own.

A new life
of peace and quiet started,

far from the noise of the tech,

a little less
from that of the garage.

What are you making?

- A ballerina.
- What's that?

A dancing girl.

She looks different
with her blond wig.


Viviane Romance.
She was in Carmen.

We saw that.
It was good.

- Nice costumes...
- Yes.

Directed by Marcel L'Herbier,
so you know it's good.

Show me.
Or I won't get it.

Come on, then, I'll explain.


You're well set up.

Don't touch, it's fragile.

Not by the camera...
It's exactly in place.

If I want the little dancer
to move,

I move her leg
and shoot a frame.

I keep doing the same thing...

Got it?

It's continuous movement.

If you film an arm,

you get continuous movement.

You can climb down now.
I really need to focus.

It's blurry and out of focus.

This is not good.

I've got the patience.

With a new camera,
I'd start again.

I'm glad we're here.

I've talked to the merchant.
He says it's a bargain.

It's that one.

It's more stable.

Automatic beats
cranking the handle.

If you say so.
Shall we go in?

It's your present.

Thanks so much.

This camera, an Ercsam Camex,

was the one I used.

It shot frame by frame.

Car headlamps aren't ideal
for lighting sets.

We're a bit tight.
People are paying late.

Mr. Debuisson
owes me 2 months of work.

He's talking to Mom.

Hello, Mr. Debuisson!

How's the tech?

My marks are fine,
but it's boring.

Not again!

It's hard for an artist
not to get his own way.

- You should see the attic.
- You haven't!

I'm afraid of heights.

- Can I see?
- Of course.

The cartoon was terrific.

That's what I want to do.

I need equipment.

Every Sunday it's the same:

"I don't want to be a mechanic.
I want to study filmmaking."

We got him a camera.
Now he wants lights, a tripod...

It never ends!

- Calm down, Raymond.
- He should!

You're hard on Jacquot.
He works hard.

Let him have fun.

I forgot to buy a pound cake.

I'm not a baby.
Cake won't work.

Sweets never hurt
those who sulk.

You've been fuming for an hour.

'Cause Dad drives me crazy.

It's a sin.
So is sulking.


Even if you're sad!

Ask your dad what happened
when he came to Nantes

from the country...

His "studio"

in a drunk's house,
a Colonel's widow.

OK, here we go.

Turn it on, Yvon.

His father agreed
to cut the door in half.

- Why?
- Projector noise.

We have the world's
smallest cinema.

- I'm flattered to be invited.
- You're Jacquot's main supplier.

And my friend.

Let's open the curtains.

Screen! Music!


Short but sweet!

Sailors are fun.

Mountain-climbing's great.

The mountain can wait.

Beauty and the Beast is a must.

- Really?
- Yes! I'd even see it again.

You let me help you, but you
never let me in your attic.

That's normal.

- What should we go see, Demy?
- He always knows.


Duvivier's "Untel P?re et Fils"
is good.

I've seen "Caprice,"
with Danielle Darrieux.

- We know what you think of her.
- Let's see.

Edith Piaf.
I adore her.

Quite the songbird.

- I'm making a film in my attic.
- What's it about?

A purse snatcher escaping
over the roofs of Paris.

"Attaque Nocturne."
It'll take months to complete.

Four seasons had passed.
Or a few, in any case.

Between fitting and welding,
Jacquot's French teacher

introduced him
to classical music.

He bought a copy of this record,

but remained faithful
to the waltzes

that suited "Attaque Nocturne."

Jacquot had grown.

He had changed.

When he came down for meals,

he didn't say much,
which worried his mother.

Yvon, Jacquot is here.

When his father
came up for a new tire,

he never looked at the cardboard
city his son inhabited.

Yvon was becoming an athlete.

Jacquot visited his grandmother

and went to the cinema a lot,

or walked towards the port.

He was pulling at his moorings.
Jacquot was becoming Jacques.

He still whined about the tech.

I hated that technical school.

Thumping my sheet metal
felt like hitting my father,

or letting off steam.

I had to get out of there,
find a solution.

While I made
a mortise and tenon,

it was Hollywood
that was on my mind.

Is this going
around the client's neck?

Start again.

Fitting a tire
without the inner tube!

I'll give you a hand.
It ain't a champagne omelet.

- What were you thinking of?
- Hollywood, of course!

Some mechanic...

Rita has a shapely figure.

She was the GIs' mascot.
They had her everywhere.

Even on the dreaded
Hiroshima bomb.

- You believe that?
- Yes, she was a bombshell.

Let's screen this film.

You'll see.

I saw it ages ago,
it may be no good.

Still, let's take a look.

- Can I switch it on?
- Wait...

This way, please.

I like the title:
"Le Port de l'angoisse."

That's the French title.

Remember the scene where
Bogart picks his passengers up?

- Yes, that's "day for night."
- It was shot in daylight.

- And the moonlight?
- There isn't any.

It's the sun's reflection
through a red filter.

To shoot moonlight,

you need sunshine
as backlighting

with a reflection on water,
a shiny surface of some kind.

You need to have a precise angle

between the camera, the backlit
characters and the sun.

- How do you know?
- I learned it.

That dress is too tight.

At least they can see!

It's nothing to be proud of.
What do I say to people?

Friends and neighbors?
It's none of their business.

- You never tell me anything.
- Say I'm getting married.

- Good idea.
- Then I'll go find a husband.

- Quite a fuss!
- That's right.

What'll you do?

Nothing, but my mother
wants me married.

- Who with?
- I don't know.

I don't know anyone who wants to
and you're much too young.

- Coming to the carnival?
- I hate carnivals.

I'm going back upstairs.
Are you going?

I'm going with my chums
to see Mr Obligi.

- He films for the news.
- Sure it's not to go dancing?

Come back
for my baby's christening!

I'll just take a quick look.

What's your name?


I'm sick of operettas.

You see it all from one place.
At the movies, your eyes move.

You can see faces and details.
It's better.

- Dad! My drawing teacher's here.
- Hang on.

I told you, remember?
The one who likes me.

Let me finish.

I asked him to drop by.

He's with Mom.
Come talk to him.

It's not reasonable
to think about the cinema.

He tinkers in the attic.
I know he's very gifted.

But the cinema is another world.
Many are called, few are chosen.

Help him get rid
of his illusions.

- He left?
- He was in a hurry.


- Didn't he say anything?
- Not really.

Coffee or cocoa, Jacquot?

- Why did he come, then?
- Come inside.

There's no love, H?l?ne.

Only proof of love.

Everything OK?

- Yes, fine.
- What's this setup?

Do you roller-skate?

To do sweeping crane shots,

I had fixed the camera
on a roller skate.

I had a sort of sloping incline,

all marked out in mm and cm.

I moved it down,

shot a frame,

moved it lower,
and shot another.

Then I had to move
my little man.

You make him come down the steps

and I'll move the camera down,
frame by frame.

We're trying it out speeded up.

I should finish up in close-up

on the thief
hiding down the manhole.

It should work,
except when it comes to it...

It required great patience,
which I'd always had.


You're always the first.

- We don't see each other much.
- I don't have time.

You have to finish your film...

It's slowed up
since we've been dating.

You remind me of the very pretty
Fran?oise Christophe.

It's good.

Last night was great.

You're finally happy.

You're learning a trade.
You're doing well at tech.

You do your film.
You're calm.

Everything's fine.

I'm calm, but not happy.

You don't understand anything!

Look how calm I am!

Manual workers

only receive
a primary education,

but know all about their trade.

Manual workers are strong
with well-developed bodies.

Second, intellectual workers,
bureaucrats for example,

need exercise after work.

Intellectuals are not as strong
as manual workers.

To conclude,

the manual worker
and the intellectual worker

are totally different
from each other.

Write it.


I feel as flat as my little men.

I've done my film,
now I'm lost.

I was happy and sure of myself
making it.

Now, there's only the tech,
the final exam in 2 or 3 months

and then...

I'm no longer even angry,
and that's scary.

You're tired, it'll pass.

Your film is splendid.

but only you come up here.

"Purse Snatcher" is good.

It's not "Purse Snatcher,"
it's "Nocturnal Attack."

I had to make films as I was
sick to death of the garage.

He suggested I go see
Fernand Jean at the Apollo,

to see what he thought.

Remain confident.
I'll talk to Fernand Jean.

So I went to the Apollo theater

with my projector

and showed the film

from the Apollo's
projection room

to the manager, who said,

"It's good.
You ought to be making films."

I told him my parents disagreed.

Later, Christian-Jaque
came to Nantes

to present his film
"D'homme ? hommes."

Where are you taking us?

To see "D'homme ? hommes."
You'll like it.

What's it about?

The founder of the Red Cross.
Christian-Jaque will be there.

- We've seen several of his.
- He's made 40!

OK, let's go.

I'm going on my bike.

At the intermission,

Christian-Jaque was kind enough
to look at my film.

He thought it wasn't bad.

"You ought to make films,"
he said.

Then my father said,

"If you think the boy is good,

"then he'll go to Paris."

I left for Paris
the following October.

First, I studied filmmaking,

and I was out of work,
then a filmmaker.

I met a woman filmmaker,

we made a few films,

then she gave me a fine son

and now I paint.

Devils and wonders,

winds and tides,

far away

the sea has gone out.

And you,
like a strand of seaweed

gently caressed by the wind,

you move as you dream

in the sands of the bed.

Devils and wonders,
winds and tides,

far away the sea has gone out.

But in your half-open eyes

two tiny waves are still there.

Devils and wonders,
winds and tides,

two tiny tears,

two tiny waves

to drown myself in.

Translation: ?pilogue