Inspector Sun y la maldición de la viuda negra (2022) - full transcript

Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a murder on his flight draws him into a plot that threatens both the human and bug w...

Hello there.

I'm world famous Bug Detective.

I'm on a special mission,

and looking for the docks.

I can't read.

Thanks. But I still can't read.




Nothing. False alarm.

- Hey!
- What?

You know how spiders
And bird poop are both good luck?

- Yeah?
- Well, ain't you lucky.

Let's stick to the plan, fellas.

This could be our last chance
To capture Red Locust.

Excuse me.

Excuse me? Lieutenant?

How did you get in here, kid?
This is a top-secret raid.

I followed the signs.

Who put those up?

Sorry, Lieutenant.

Is Bug Detective here?

No. Bug's not here.

And if I have my way,

he'll never be.

Hope you don't mind me dropping in.

- Bug Detective?
- Bug Detective!

Dang, I thought
We'd given him the slip.

- Did you say something?
- No...

'Cause it sounded like
You said something.

You know, under your breath.

Yeah, well, you're wrong.
Like you're always wrong.

You just did it again. I can hear you.

Bug Detective?

I was just wondering if you were
On the lookout for a new partner.

Kid, I'm a huntsman spider,

and huntsmen hunt alone.

Great. Hey, kid, do you think

you could hunt us up some donuts?

The real cops have got

some work to do.

Red Locust is holed out
In that fireworks factory...

Don't tell me. Red Locust is hiding out

in that fireworks factory and...

And we've got the place...

We've got the place surrounded.

Just as I thought. And...

And... We think he's trying
To make his escape

- using an army...
- To blah blah blah...

Army of blah locusts.

Just as I thought.
And now you want me to smoke him out.


No... problem.

I'm right behind you!

Hunting alone!

My locust brethren,

we're down, but far from out.

Soon our swarm will grow back.

Soon our swarm will be unstoppable.

Long live the swarm!

Long live the swarm!

Death to anyone in our way!

Death! Death! Death!

Red Locust, you are under arrest!

You should have more faith in him.
He's the best!

Seriously, kid, he's just lucky.

Lucky his uncle is chief of police.

Bug Detective.

We've been expecting you.

How's the leg?

Still missing, you...

Don't worry, I got one, two, three,
Four... Seven more.

Good, 'cause it's lunchtime.

And you're a regular walking buffet.

Give up while still you can!

Did you really think it's that simple?

That you can just drop in and arrest me?

Ok, here.

I said you can arrest me.

Put out the match and take me in.

Wait, really? Well, then... fine.

No, no, no!

Sir! Over here! Mr. Bug!

Mr. Bug, listen!

Over here! Mr. Bug!

Listen to me! Just one question!

Yes, I finally got Red Locust.

Order has been restored.

You're welcome.

What a hero, that Bug Detective!

Look at that!

Enjoy your moment in the sun, Bug.

But be warned, a bug in the spotlight

tends to get burned.

The only bug getting crispy

around here is you.

When you get the zapper.

Time will tell, Detective. Time will tell!

How do you explain this?

Well, it's a printed publication

of folded unstapled sheets

containing news articles.

No, this! "Countless injured

in massive explosion!"

I try not to read the reviews.

You nearly got everyone killed.

Uncle Jerry, sometimes you gotta break

a few eggs to make soup.

If you like egg soup, which I do.

Put that down!

I don't care what my sister says,
Enough is enough.

Now see here, with Red Locust

out of the way, we're giving you...

A promotion?

I knew it. I'm getting your job?

I never really thought of myself

as a pen-pusher like you.

What? I don't know
What all the fuss is about.

Hand in your badge.

But... but I'm a hero.

No, you're just lucky.

Somebody get ex-Bug Detective

a ticket to anywhere he wants.

As long as it's far away.

- Did you say something?
- No.

- Under your breath.
- No.


- See? Like that.
- No.


I swear. You...

Never mind.

New York! New York! All aboard!

San Fran, non stop. Right this way.

Tickets at the ready.

Queue for San Francisco on the left.

That's it, ladies and gentlemen,
Keep to the left!

All aboard! Watch your abdomens!

Ladies and gentlemen, please ensure
To keep your belongings

with you at all times.

Any items found unattended

will be spun in a web

and disposed of by the port authorities.

Careful with that!

I said careful with that, darn it.

Relax, sweetie, it's our honeymoon.

Excuse me.

Excuse you! We were here first.

What? Do you think you're better
Than us roaches?

No, not better,
But we do have much bigger bites.

Sorry, sir, you need to wait
Until we call economy.

I thought you said he called us.

- I thought he did.
- So embarrassing.


Mr. Gill Tea?

It's pronounced Tay!

Tay! Gill-Tay! It's French.

My mistake, Mr. Tay.

First Class, on your left.

Tickets, please, sir.

Pardon me, ma'am.
I'm in a bit of a rush.

Well, just a minute, sir.

Excuse me!

Last call to New York!

Bug Detective!

- You again?
- I've followed your whole career. See?

I remember that.

I was there for that one too.

Gosh, I'm handsome.

Now about that partnership

we talked about...

I thought you were in a rush.

What are you doing here?

I'm on a mission. A secret mission.

Last call to New York!

My name's Janey by the way.

Of the Long Island By-the-ways?
Sorry, kid, I gotta go.

Let me join you?
I'd make a great sidekick.

- No.
- Apprentice?


- An intern on an unpaid work placement?
- Listen, kid...

I know. You're a huntsman

and you hunt alone.

It's the title of your memoirs.

And my range of grooming products
And snack bars.

So you gotta know,
There's no us in team.

But I can help you. Keep track of clues,
Schedule appointments,

make sure you never miss a flight.

No, no, no!

I just missed my flight.

You should've hired me.

Hire you? This is all your fault.

Last call for San Francisco!

Captain Skelton, all the bottles

of water are on board.

Good show, Mr. Scarab,
But there is no need to wink.

Right. 'Cause it definitely ain't

beetlejuice we're smuggling.

Bug? Is that you? Bug, ol' pal!

Hey, Bug!

Scarab, old buddy, old pal!

Where you headed?

I was going to New York, but...

He missed his plane.

Friend of yours?

Anything but.

Hey, come to San Fran.

Be my guest, I'm head of security

on this tin can. I can do what I like.

So that's a yes? Or... not?

Have a good flight. No you won't.

Bug Detective? On this ship?

Have you gone crackers?

Come on now, Cap,
He's an old friend.

A decorated war hero.

He saved me, twice!

After he got
The whole platoon captured... twice!

Prick up your ears, Bug.

I keep my bird spick and span.

And the last thing I need
Is a tuppeny ha'penny copper

sticking his oar in, understand?

Not a word.

But if your concern is
That I'm looking for trouble,

ease your mind, Captain.

I am very much off duty.

Taking an extended holiday.

All right. Welcome aboard.

Well, darling,
Have we got a lot to talk about.

Who you talking to?

Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.

Who's she?

I don't know. She came with the frame.

Your late wife.

Hello? Send security!

I got a stowaway in my room.

- She was pretty.
- You, how did you get on board?

I'm a jumping spider, I jumped.

Get... out... of my room!

Come on. I owe you.

Got here as fast as I could.

Where's the stowaway?

What the...? Where did she go?

It's an honor to sit at the captain's

table, but who's flying this thing?

I have people.

For you, Captain Skelton,

Merde a la Francais.

And for the detective, aphid sashimi.

I trust your room
Is to your liking, Detective.

Delightful, apart from the stowaway.

We'll find the twit, but it wasn't me

she pulled the sneak on, right, Bug?

Yes, how the blazes

did she get past you?

Once is luck. Twice is skill.

And three times a lady.

Who is she?

That's Baroness

Black Widow Arabella Killtop.

Recently married

to Dr. Bugsy Spindlethorp.

So... she'll be single again soon.

He is her 13th husband.

Lucky for some.

They don't always off their other halves.

Just most of the time.

It's tremendously odd.

Such a great mind.

Incredible scientist, but the rumor

is he used to work for Red Locust.

Why would anyone work

for that vile villain?

Money? Power? Healthcare?

A decent dental package,

paid holiday leave,

generous share options...

Punaise Rouge, 1929.

Compliments of Dr. Bugsy Spindlethorp.

The gentleman requests your company.

Speak of the devil.

Dr. Spindlethorp, I presume.

Bug Detective, I presume?

I presumed first.

I presumed before you presumed,
But you presumed to speak first,

which was rather presumptuous of you.

Enough. Men...

Thanks for the wine.

Quite a generous gift

from a complete stranger.

More like a friendly bribe.

You see, I'd like to hire your services.

Sorry, but I'm on vacation.

Is that what you're calling it?

Most amusing.

Listen, I'm the wealthiest

bug on this flying boat.

I can pay cash and pay upfront.

I believe my life is in danger.


Make your wise-cracks.

Arabella's got every eye

in this ship on her... including you.

She ain't my problem. Right, sweetie?

This is my problem.

With all due respect, Doctor,

collage is not a dangerous hobby.

Perhaps the odd paper cut, but...

I believe it's a death threat.

I believe it might be from... Red Locust.

And I believe you worked for him,

but what I know
Is that I put him behind bars.

Which is why I want you

watching my back.

Name your price, Bug.

And while you do the math,
I'm just gonna...

Well, you know.

I am on my honeymoon.

Twenty-three times

the square root of pi, plus zero...

No. No, no, no, I'm sorry, Doctor,

what I believe is you have

an overactive imagination

and a dangerous wife.

Please. You must take me seriously.

Thanks for the wine.

When the sky turns black,

don't come crawling back to me.

Are you threatening me now?

Care to put it in a collage?

I'm done here. Enjoy your honeymoon.

And, uh... you got a little something on

your... Never mind.

No need for concern.
Little thing we call turbulence.

Nature's reminder to live while you can

and have an absolute hoot doing it!

I'll drink to that!

There now. Everything's all right again.

Now, put however many hands

you want to put together

for tonight's entertainment,

Jeeper Creeper

and his all-cricket orchestra,

The Peepers!

I left my thorax in Fran San...

I left my thorax in San Francisco

Arabella, come on...

No! No, please! Come back!

Sorry, chaps. Rather different catering

options for economy passengers.

Hey, Bug, when you're done watching
The floor show,

I got something to show you.

I think we found your stowaway,

so we stowed her away.

Thank goodness, Detective.

Please tell them to let me go.

Yeah. That's her. Good work, Scarab.

What! No. Bug Detective?

Come on. No. Put me... down.

It's freezing!

What're you doing?

What we do to all stowaways,

show them the door.

- Help me!
- But the door's open.

She can hardly see it properly.

Wait. I see.

Get your hands off me,

you great big oaf. No! Please! Come on.

Let me... work it off!

I can wash dishes.

Sorry, runt.

We don't hire freeloaders.

Bug Detective, please!

You're crawling up the wrong web.

Bug is colder than moonlight
On a tombstone.

He don't care about nobody.

No. No. No. Detective. Make them stop.

What gives? You gone soft?

The kid doesn't deserve to be fish food.

Captain's rules, Bug.

So? I break rules all the time.

Bunk her with the ants.

You wanna keep her? Fine.

There's only one way this stowaway

stays aboard my plane.

Do not speak, do not molt,

and do not move about my cabin.

And no jumping.

I'll pay you back. I promise I'll...

Obviously I was not clear.

I said do not speak.


It's jumping spider for "thank you".

We are a grateful species.

- You won't even know I'm here.
- Yeah, why are you here?

The thing is, when Red's swarm

went on their last rampage,

they destroyed my entire family with it.

I got nothing now.

So when I heard you finally got him,

I thought you're what I got now.

I got you. And you got me!

Is this you being quiet?

Teach me, teach me detectiving.

First lesson, it's not called

"detectiving". Or is it?

Second, you want to be a cop? Fine.
Join the force,

study hard and then cheat

on the exams like I did.

But don't look to me.

I'm through. Feels good, actually.

I'm thinking maybe write a book,

go on some talk shows.

Wait, you're done? Done, done?

Yes, yes. Done, done. Can, canned.

They said I was nothing but lucky.

Looking back, maybe they were right.

Bug, we need you.

There's been a murder.

A murder? I can't.

Go on, you're a genius!

Just a quick look.
Want to make sure we got the right bug.

I let you keep the runt, didn't I?

I could get in big trouble for that.


And you... stay put.


He's a spider in a web. We do that.

But it's not his web. And he's dead.

That is different.

If you could, just look at the patterns

and confirm the black widow did it.

Then I'm not to be bothered

for the rest of the flight, deal?

Tell me what you know.

Well, a passenger heard a scream...

That's not much to go on.

You interrupted me.

There's more? Go on.

It was a woman's scream,

and the passenger,
They pointed this way...

I ran down and found Arabella

standing below the body.

Okay, now the case is closed.

She denied the whole thing.

Case opened again.

What the devil is he doing here?

Thought as long
As we got the detective...

Mr. Bug is just a passenger.

And this is a company matter.

- Where's the black widow now?
- Locked in the hold.

Good. She did it. Case closed.

You don't get to say that,

he gets to say that.

He needs to look for clues...

Clues! What bally clues?

I dunno, those cockroach footprints,

that piece of a fly's wing.

That suspicious hole burnt

through the floor beneath the victim.

Yes. Those are all clues, which I saw.

This isn't Shanghai, Bug.

You're 13000 feet in the sky.

On my airplane.

It was a lover's tiff, plain and simple.

And why wasn't she shown the door?

The door is not that impressive.

She's my guest.

And from the looks of it,

not your biggest problem.

Sorry, Captain. I just thought...

The master's working.

It's a widow, right?

It appears to be, yes.

Widow radius, widow shape,

widow bite, but...

Case closed. We got our spider.

But only 40 percent of widows do that.

And she was one of them.
Get the ants in here to clean up.

And for heaven's sake, keep it all

hush-hush until we reach San Francisco.

You're probably right.

Wait, how many legs

did he have when he got on board?

Hey, Detective,
You're both missing the same leg.

What are the odds?

A one in eight chance, Janey,

just like flipping a coin.

Let's go.

This case is closed.

Have I made myself clear?


My goodness. You got a hunch!

No, it's just the way
I walk with my missing leg.

I mean, you got that look.

Absurd. The gears in my head

are undetectable to anyone.

So, head of security asks you
To look at the body,

but then the captain
Doesn't want you near it.

- Then there's a hole in the floor.
- I noticed that.

And you and Bugsy missing the same limb,
What was that about?

- It's a trademark.
- Yeah, the Red Locust does that.

Bites them right off.

Wait... The Red Locust does that!

But you put him away.

And that's why they call it a mystery.

Oh, yeah! I am back in the game!

If I can solve this,
I'll know I'm not just lucky.

And I can help.


I told you, I'm a huntsman spider,

and a huntsman hunts alone.

If I let you help me,

I'd have to come up
With a whole new catchphrase.

Suppose... Whatcha' doing?

Making a sound-proof curtain.

I need to think.

And when I think,

I require absolute silence.

Okay. I'll be quiet.

Right now.


Probably right after this sentence.

Or this one...

Just let me know when I can talk.

I said... Let me know!

I think I'm nearly done thinking!
How about you?

You know, I'm thinking as well!

Think, thinkity-think.

Silent, being quiet

and thinkity-thinkity.

Bug Detective? Sir?

That's how you think? Looks painful.

Gosh! Don't worry, Detective!

New apprentice to the rescue!

You're not my apprentice...

Hey! No!

Hands off, buddy! I stalked him first!

That was a glob termite.

They're like living timebombs.

Yup. They live fast,

die young and take it out on others.

Thankfully, my soundproofing

protected us both.

Someone clearly doesn't want you looking

into this Bugsy case.

The captain for one.

Or someone has a grudge

against housekeeping.

This'll take ages to clean up.

But it's probably the captain.

I gotta talk to the black widow.

No one gets past
Without the captain's say so.

Janey? We can't just do that.

Pardon me, where are the toilets?

My gosh! I'm so sorry, ma'am!

Janey, you're making things worse.

Just stay outside,
Try not to cause any more trouble.

I didn't do it.

I'd like to believe you.
I'd like to believe in a lot of things,

but I'm not a praying man-tis.

That's what you said last time.

Wasn't funny then either.

Last time?

Don't recognize me, Detective?

I spent twelve hours

in Pearl City lock-up

just because you had a hunch.

How's your wife's investigation
Going, anyway?

Never did catch that killer. Shame.

Yes, Arabella Obscuri,

you've certainly moved up in the world.

I recall you were also
In a heap of trouble back then.

But you couldn't prove a thing.

Just tell me, what was your husband's
Affiliation with Red Locust?

You're the big detective,

you figure it out.

I'm single now. Dinner this weekend?

Sorry, toots, I don't like prison food.
Well, I tried.

My husband was a scientist, a genius.

He did science stuff for that gangster,
But he swore he was through with it.

We were starting a new life together.

A clean life, and then...

You killed him.

No. I loved him.
After that talk with you, I was mad.

Mad at him for not telling me

about the notes, the danger.

Then on the dance floor,
He handed me this...

and said if anything happened to him,
I should give it to you.

- What is it?
- He said the less I know, the better.

That's just what
My high school report card said.

And I've got something else for you.


He'll live, honey. No poison... this time.

Go compare that to Bugsy's pinholes
And tell me I wasn't framed.

I didn't kill my husband.

I think she did.

Yeah, she definitely did.

For sure, she did it.

One hundred percent.

Janey, you're a good kid.

And you helped me bravely save
My own life earlier.

So I'm going to repay you.

I can't risk you getting hurt.

What? Detective, no!

Things could get dangerous out there.

- There he is!
- Get him!

Wait! Detective!

Either Bug had the seafood risotto,

or there's a glob termite on board.


I don't know how this could've happened.

I'll tell you how, it's Bug.

Trouble follows him wherever he goes.

He's really put his foot in it now.

Find Bug and lock him up!

Now all I have to do

is properly inspect the...

What the...? Too late.

Hey, you work here?

Impossible! He's dead!

Clean up crew!

Stop! Police!

I mean... Police, but on vacation.

I mean... Just stop!

Stop right there.

The body is hollow?

Stop in the name of...!

Ants. They're so darn organized.

Nice doggy.

This plane has everything.

Who dares enter ant territory?

No eight, six... or even seven-legger

may enter my domain.

The famous Bug Detective.

You're not going anywhere, Mr. Bug.

No kidding.

Not unless you help me.

You see,
A few of my workers have disappeared.

One thousand, two hundred

and forty-three to be exact.

And you actually noticed?

No ant is too small not to be counted.

With all due respect, Your Majesty,
I got my own problems.

I'm in need of a bit of evidence...

Mr. Bug,
Do you know what the ants' role is here?

Sure. You're workers.

We are the eyes,

ears and heart of this vessel.

This room is just a chamber,
A small piece.

This entire plane...

Is your colony.

It's an ant's world, Detective.

You spiders are just passengers.

We don't just work in catering.

Ok, we mostly work in catering.

But we see all.

We know all.

And we report all to the captain.

And he gives us protection.

Call it a symbiotic relationship.

I don't get it. If you know all

and see all, why do you need my help?

Someone wasn't watching.

Again? I already said I was sorry!

Excuse me for not being perfect.

Derek, did I say you?

It could have been anyone. Sheesh...

So, if someone were to board,

say with a glob termite,

you would have known
And dealt with it.

Yes. But 1,243 ants gone missing

means perhaps we've missed far

more than that. Can you help?

Only if you help me.

I asked first.

And I thought about it first.


What you store as food,

I need as evidence. Only one piece.

A spider's dorsal plate with

two distinct holes in the center.

I'm investigating a murder.

We knew that too.

And I need to know

if this bite mark matches that one.


I saw. And the answer was clear.

They were as different
As the sun and the moon.

The sun and moon are sort of the same.

Both round, both in the sky...

Like chalk and cheese.

Both delicious?

The bite marks were not the same.

So she didn't do it!

Nice detective work, Bug.

Find out what happened to my workers
By the flight's end,

or we come for you in numbers

and eat you alive.

There's no way out.

Have you tried?

Why should I?

I'm a lot safer in here. You too.

I suppose. You really like

Bug Detective, right?

I like my men a little dumb
And a little down on their luck,

so yeah, why not.

You know he lost his wife, right?

And I literally just lost my husband.
Single is single.

I'll tell you, I remember
When his wife passed away.

He shook every web in town.

Of all the crazy crime Bug's
Mixed up in,

his wife bites it in a burglary
Gone bad.

If he would've been home that night
Instead of working that case...

That case was the Red Locust, right?

Yeah, and he's been picking off
His swarm ever since.

Guess that's all he has since then.

What about you, kid?
Folks must be worried sick about you.

My parents ain't around anymore.

Sorry. Tough break.

Where's Bug?

You just missed him.

What are you doing here?
I thought you were his sidekick.

I am. I'm just... doing it from here.

Can you show me where he went?

Kid, I wouldn't trust this crumb.

You ought to thank me, doll.

I'm the one who got Bug

started on this case.

Can't have you running off.

And you, stay here.

As if I have a choice.

What is this? Laundry day?

It was the honeymoon suite.

Every time you walk into a room,

it ends up redecorated.

I hope you can pay for the damage.

I didn't do any of this!

Apart from that.

But I got news for you.

- No!
- Arabella is innocent.

The bite marks didn't match.

You got proof?

Yes. Cast iron proof.

If you can accept proof
That has been eaten by the Ant Queen.

The Ant Queen?

You sure do get around, don't you?
Are you mad?

I am mad.

Mad for justice. Mad for clues.

Clues that lead to facts.

You've got nothing.

On the contrary.

I know someone tried to off me.

I know someone felt compelled to search

the honeymoon suite looking for clues,

or money or those little chocolates
Left on the pillow.

And I know Bugsy was working

for the Red Locust.

Who cares? The Red Locust is in jail.
You put him there.

I knew that too. But did you know

that Bugsy was left a hollow shell?

As if sucked dry from the inside out.

Only one insect can do that.
And it's not a black widow.

An assassin bug?

On my plane? Impossible.

The ants go through this whole aircraft

before takeoff with a fine-tooth comb.

It's actually a toothbrush,

and it's that lack of attention
To detail that wound up

with a glob bug globbing me!

Maybe you brought that on board,
Like you brought on board that stowaway.

- Maybe you're the one not to be trusted.
- Some ants are missing.

You have a breach.

We're not looking for one killer...
But two.

Maybe three... Do I hear four?

- Four?
- Sold.

I'm not buying any of this.

I don't think anyone is buying that.
It's broken.

I mean, Detective,

I am placing you under arrest.

Wait... Fellas, can we talk about this?

Guess not!

Hey there, big boy!

I am under your control...

I'll deal with you in a minute, Bug.

Need to keep up appearances.

Ladies and gentlemen,

everyone having fun?

Because here on Trans Air Airways,

we're all about fun...

and safety.

Drinks on the house!

Bug Detective!

Hey! You under arrest?

What? These guys? No, you?

I asked you first.

So what's the scoop?

It's a sort of spoon for ice cream.
Wait... Is there ice cream?

When you discovered Arabella under the

victim, did anyone else hear the scream?

Janey, step back.

This is police business.

When you discovered Arabella
Under the victim,

did anyone else hear the scream?

Yeah. She did.

I know her!

But the captain said...

You're on my team, not his.

Don't forget the sidekick!

This should be interesting.

Ma'am? Can you spare a moment?

Just a few questions, Ms...


Bless you.


I'm sorry, I must go. It's feeding time.

Your kids are very well behaved.

Thank you!

Are they always this good?

Why, of course.

What do you feed them?

Janey, mind if I ask a question?

About the mystery?

So... Madam,
You heard a woman scream earlier.

Why, yes. Was she all right?

She was fine.

Did you see anyone else?

No, no one.

Bug! Stop bothering my passengers.

It's fine. I don't mind.

Is that all you wanted to know, Mr. Bug?

Yes, thank you.

You? Want to know the kids' bedtimes?

Please, step this way, Ms...


Bless you.

Soft serve honeybee counter is open.

Get the kiddies a sundae,

captain's treat.

I knew there was ice cream!

You two have a choice.

Knock it off, or be thrown off!

And you, you work for me! Got it?


Hit it, boys! And fill the floor.

Now what?

Care for a dance?

You escaped?

Arabella. You're putting us both
In terrible danger.

We're beyond that now.
Save me, Bug!

Mind if I cut in?

- Captain!
- Now what?

You need to clear the dance floor!

It's just like the hole we saw

when Bugsy was murdered!

Someone was... killed?

No one was killed!

Everyone just remain calm.

Lady Vatchu!


Who sent you?

Hey, does anyone speak assassin bug?

Do you speak French?

Do you speak Spanish?

Do you speak Chinese?


Fire more!

Stop! I need to question him!

Ready, when I say fire...

Or I say fire...
Whichever one says fire first.

So now?


Mr. Scarab, destroy it.

Whatever it takes.

But Bug wants to interrogate...

Who's your boss, Bug or me?

Do it or I'll get someone who can!

Let's go, men! Hup, hup, hup!

We'll never catch up to them.


I'm getting down.

You better hang on.


Let me down!


There are humans on board!

How disgusting!

Speaking of disgusting...

Glass. Gets 'em every time.

Now's our chance!

Stop in the name of the law!

There he is!

Roger! No!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Does it involve three pounds
Of liverwurst and a tube of toothpaste?

- No.
- Then no.

We take the express elevator.


Spiders? Where?

Calm down, sir.

Ma'am, please sit down.

Where am I?

Somebody didn't pay their electric bill.

We're trapped.

We're moving.

I swear, it was a spider attack!

Three, maybe four or five of them!

It's always something with you, Carol.

While we're waiting, the detective

has some questions for you.

What's the point in doing that?

As soon as this cup goes up,
We'll be smacked dead

with an in-flight magazine!

Or not. You know, in my younger days
I was an amateur magician.


Yeah. Now what?

Now listen, big guy,

we know you have an accomplice,

another black widow.

Where is she?

And where's the money?

And why'd you drain Bugsy dry?

And where's the money?

What? It's a good question.

So is: what's your favorite color?

What's the capital of Canada?
How do you spell Xanadu?

You do realize if you don't talk,
We'll throw you right back out there

and those leggers will stomp on you like

clog dancers putting out a ground fire.

That's right. It does start with an X.

He said he didn't touch Bugsy.

He says Bugsy's the one who hired him.
Why? To do what?

Seriously, everybody.

I'm the detective,

I'll ask the questions.

Wait, you speak assassin bug?

I did a year abroad.

To protect me? From who?

Protect me from... a monster?

She's making it up.

He's telling the truth.

The wings never lie.

Besides, if he wanted Arabella dead,
She'd be dead.

Dead like that.

Well, at least the captain

will be happy.

The monster!

Quick, follow me!

We should open a window.

No, no, please, not... again!

All right, where's the money?

You got it all wrong, fella.
What money?

Don't play dumb with me.
Bugsy's fortune!

I found a will in his suit pocket.

It said his fortune was on this plane.

Sure wasn't in your room,
So where is it?

Wait! You.
You're the one who ransacked their room!

Guilty as charged.

Now fess up or you're both fish food.

Five, four...

Yeah? Bug will be here

in moments, and he'll save us.


Doubtful. Hi, Bug, just in time

to see a real interrogation.


Now where was I? Yes.

Where's the money? Five, four...

I thought you were my friend.

And I thought you'd lead me
To Bugsy's fortune.

So that's why you were pushing Bug
To look into this case.

I'm sick of playing second fiddle
To flyboy Skelton.

But I'm even more sick of watching
This bozo fumble around in the dark.

I used to think you were

a good detective. Now... Five, four...

There is no fortune. Never was.

That's what I was going to say.

Bugsy always said
His fortune was his work.

And his work was science.

That's why he took work from Red.

He should've gone into music,

or acting or street portraiture...

In that case...

I'll take that orb.

- What orb?
- The one in your pocket.

You don't even know what it's for.

Does it matter? I know it's valuable.

Hand it over, Bug.

You better give it to him,

if you know what I mean. Wink! Wink!

I meant hit him!

You said "give it to him". If everyone
Just said what they meant...

Don't panic!

Still don't panic!

Panic! Panic now!

Let go!

What're you gonna do?

What I always do, wing it!

Is that like a joke,
Because you have no wings?

I wish it was.

This pathetic handcuff won't hold me!

It's not a handcuff.

But he has the orb!

Not the real one.

Good job.

- Thanks.
- Thanks.

What the...?

Oh, my...

I mean... You guys, you were...!

- Hey! I'm just trying to say thanks.
- They can't hear you.

When ants get called back
To the royal chamber,

they enter a communal trance.

See? The queen commands them all.

All that, for nothing.

I don't know,
Might make two nice soup bowls.

Or bike helmets? Or...

Maybe Scarab took what was inside?

He wouldn't have had enough time.

Sorry, I can't hear you.

Why would Bugsy give you

something that's empty?

I don't know.

But you knew all along Bugsy
And I were broke.

Sure, let's go with that.

I mean, if he was as noble as you say,

he wouldn't keep Red's dirty money.


So now what?

I need to think. And when I think...

What's he...?

Absolute silence.

Got it! Janey, quick, boil some water!

How is that going to solve the case?

It's not. It's going to make
Some coffee. But I do have a plan.

Gather the passengers.

I have to go so bad!

He said no one can leave.

Shortly after departure, a passenger,

Bugsy Spindlethorp, was murdered.

And his killer is still among us.

In this very room.

Mr. Gill Tea.

Sorry, Tay.

You were business partners

with Bugsy, weren't you?

So? That don't prove nothing.

No. No, it doesn't. Next.

At the crime scene,
We found cockroach prints.

Mr. Scaraffa, Bugsy made you feel like

a complete fool in front of your family.

You got plenty of motivation.

But it wasn't you either.

The footprints were way too big.

And what about the captain?

Flies hate spiders.

Everybody knows that.

Plus, we found a fragment

of wing at the crime scene.

I always thought it was you!

I'm innocent, I tell you!

He's right.


So moving swiftly on...

Bugsy boarded in the company

of his new bride,

Arabella, a black widow.

It was her. She done it!

And according to the passenger log,

she's the only black widow on board.

And it was a black widow's bite

found on Mr. Bugsy.

You're not helping.

But is she really

the only black widow here?

Are you kidding me?

There was a bite mark

just like a black widow,

but he was hollowed out.

Just like an assassin bug.

But, as you can see
From our dramatic reconstruction...

its proboscis couldn't fit

in the bite marks.

It would have been too big.

He didn't kill Bugsy.

In fact, Bugsy hired this assassin bug

to protect his beloved Arabella.

That too!

Protect her from who?

Someone with a grudge.

Dr. Spindlethorp was a scientist

hired by the Red Locust.

The question is... to do what?

A locust is nothing without his swarm.

And Bug Detective has spent

his entire career reducing

the Red Locust to just that... nothing!

Thank you.

So if I were a master criminal

and my swarm had been taken away,

what would I do?

I'd build a new swarm. A perfect swarm.

And I'd hire a genius doctor
To create it.

Bugsy was murdered,

not by a roach, a widow,

fly or assassin bug,

but all of those things.

So either all of you did it,

or none of you. Case closed.

Or he was killed by his own creation,

a creature made to order. A monster!

A monster? I must get my children

to safety as quickly as possible.

Those very well-behaved children?

Women and well-behaved children first.

Except they're not children.

They're not?

Because no child
Is that well behaved all the time!

This is who did it!

This is your every bug!

Thank goodness I worked it out!

But although this monster
Was created to build a swarm...

She would need to be a queen.

Now everyone's a detective.

Ok, ok.

I think I'm getting this.

So... Bugsy made a formula

that could turn...

You can do this.

That could turn any bug into a queen.

Red Locust was happy, but...

Bugsy changed his mind!

Come on...

'Cause he fell in love, learned

what was really important in life.

And... And... Is that it?

So he destroyed his work,

stole away the formula and booked
A one-way flight to San Francisco,

ready to throw it out
Far over the ocean,

destroying it forever.

He did that?

That's great news!

No! He was murdered.

Yeah. Bummer.

I mean... I'm sorry for your loss.

Bugsy gave me
The orb containing the formula.

And Lady Vatchu

must have seen this and switched the orb
Without Arabella noticing.

And she, you know...

She killed Bugsy and drank

the formula to become a queen.

And Red Locust knew Bugsy
Was going to be on this flight,

so he made sure he was on it too.

Prick up your ears, Bug.

Red Locust? How? He's still in jail.

The Red Locust escaped,

and Bugsy's missing a leg.

Just like me.

He's got to be on board.

And he's hiding right here!

I mean, right here!

Would you let go of my face?

Bravo, Bug Detective. Bravo.

So I guess you got me.



That'll hold them.

Sure. Just like prison held me.

But how did you get on the flight?

It's not hard to get on board a plane

when the captain is a smuggler.


I don't like this.

I don't like this at all.

Something's wrong.

I got a weird feeling too,

and it's not indigestion.

I see the great Bug Detective needs

an apprentice now.

I thought you were the huntsman
Who hunts alone.

I am.

But I was there.

She figured the whole thing out.

That's not true! I put it together.

You couldn't put a two-piece jigsaw
Together on your own, Bug.

You're just lucky. Luck all the time...

And lucky you got a sidekick now.

Well, you need a swarm!

And you no longer have one.

A swarm...

Wait, the missing ants?

Wait a second, what are you up to?

Holy smoke. Alert the media!

This guy just figured something out
Without the kid holding his hand.

I don't need her!

She's just some kid
Who follows me around.

Looks like you upset your apprentice.


I didn't mean it like that.


What the...?

Don't stare boys, the lady's changing.

Hold your positions, men.

I think that will be quite impossible.

My dear Vatchu,

while Bug sifts through the rubble

and plays detective,

we'll rebuild and grow stronger.

And by the time the plane lands,

Bug will be too late.

No! As tempting as it is,

we need every single one.

Just a little lick.


I know, you're hungry for real food.

Such a noisy, ugly beast.

Almost as ugly as their masters.

Go on.

He's all yours.

Nice doggy. Play dead.

We hope you enjoyed your breakfast,
We'll soon be coming in

for a landing in San Francisco.

Looks like it's going to be
A perfect day.


More cocoons?



Save us, Bug, only you can save us!

No, not just me.
We've got to work together here.

I need to search the left side
Of the cabin and you...

Okay... What's happening?

I really need my apprentice.

Janey! Janey!

Ready, my dear?


Good, then nothing can stop us.

That's for what you did to my husband.

It's not my fault

Bugsy grew a conscience.

He had to pay for what he stole from me.

Well, now it's your turn to pay!

- Vatchu!
- God bless you!

Nice try, toots,

but she's part black widow.

Completely immune to your bite.

In fact, feels good.

Where was I?

Yes, nothing can stop us now!


Janey! I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

No, me.

No, me.
You're a huntsman.

It's hard to come up
With a new catchphrase.

I was wrong!

I need you on my team!

See? As a catchphrase, that stinks.

Time to swarm!

Long live the swarm!

Long live the swarm.


Long live the swarm.

Bug, Janey,
Please tell me you have a plan!

Of course.

New plan. Can you fly this thing?

I'm the captain, what do you think?

I think it's an honorary title
They gave you,

sort of a gimmick,

'cause you're a fly who flies.

Put your doubts under your seats

and your faith in the upright position.

I've got this.

Gorge, attack, lick!

Long live the swarm!

And we'll be coming
Into a landing in moments,

thank you for...


After 27 trans-Pacific flights,

I'm finally gonna earn my wings!

Why, you little...


Fellas, you've all been paroled!

Lower, lower!

I said lower!

Go, go!

Go! Go!

Let's go, partner.

What the...?

Don't be afraid, my swarm. Come back!

Come back! Come back!

Tell them!

What's wrong, my darling? What the...?

Our apologies for the turbulence,

we've now landed in San Francisco,

and again on what appears

to be a perfect day.

Next time, we take a cruise!

Bug! And your little assistant!

Partner, actually.

Yeah! Full partner!


Well, no sooner do you get together
Than it's all over.



Why are you doing this, Red?

I'm making the world a better place.

You got spiders and beetles
Dancing to crickets,

while roaches sit in cold steerage.

Ants have to clean up the mess.

It's not fair. It has to change!

He's going into politics.

Whereas my swarm has everything.

Wings of a fly, cockroaches' sense

of smell, a spider's fangs,

there's even a bit of slug in there.

- No more inequality!
- Yeah, with you ruling them!

Some are more equal than others.


I got this.

Now, where were we?

Long live the swarm!


Long live the swarm!

Bug! What're you doing?

Waiting to get lucky?


Once is luck, twice is skill.

Are you craz...?

There we go.

It'll eat us!

Nah, I do this all the time.

Well, I did it once.

That was amazing! You're amazing!

I couldn't do it without you. Still can't.

Ok, partner, you drive. Let's finish this.

- I actually have a plan!
- Great!


You're under arrest!

There's a fine line

between stupidity and bravery.

And you are that line!

I'll take that as a compliment.

En garde!

You're out of luck, Red.

I took five years
Of movie sword fighting classes.

Movie sword fight?

Sure, here.

Always knew it would come in handy.

Is that all you've got?

Classic move.

Aren't you going to tell me
I'm under arrest?

No. But my partner will!

Well, I thought she would've...

Seemed like a good line at the time.

Need a better line?

This one will save you
From being fish food.

And thanks for calling me partner.

You didn't have to do that,
But I'm glad you did.


He really is amazing.

You did it!

And you did it. And she did it too.

We all did it.

I'm not a huntsman spider

hunting alone anymore.

I'm thinking we start a team
And name it something catchy

like the Avenging Bugs,

or the Fantastic Three.

If only Arabella was here,

maybe the Fantastic Five.

Don't you mean four?

Lawyers... Anyhow, if only

there were a way to get them back.

Let me think, think, think...

Your cane!

It's somehow transformed itself into...

No. Wait. I grabbed that from...

Hang on!
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

- Never.
- Never.

Let me try something.

Well. I tried.

Now what?


Arabella! Ant Queen!

Scary-looking Mr. Te. I mean, Tay!

I'll get you yet, Bug.

I swear, I'll get you yet...

Did somebody say something?
You know, like under their breath?


Excuse me.

Hello. You lost, little fella?

Are you Bug Detective?

I am Sampaiosia Bug Detective,

here with my team, the Fantastic...

Forty-Five Thousand,

Two Hundred and Something...

You're wanted in Egypt.

It's a matter of life and...

I wonder what the rest
Of that sentence was going to be?

It's a mystery!

I've never been to Egypt.

Get in, I'm flying.

This is it! Goodbye cruel world!



Yeah. I can fly!

This is worse than falling!