Inner Sanctum (1991) - full transcript

A woman attempts suicide when she suspects her husband doesn't love her and is having an affair. Now she's wheelchair-bound, and her husband, who indeed doesn't love her and is having an affair, hires a private nurse to look after his wife. The nurse begins to suspect that she was hired because of unproven allegations that she murdered someone's wife in a similar situation, that the husband wants her to murder his wife.


JENNY (VOICEOVER): Night after
night, it's always the same.

I lie here awake, wondering who
are you dreaming about, Bax?

I know it isn't me.


I can't go on like this.

Maybe I should leave a note so
he knows it wasn't an accident.

Then at least he'll feel guilty.


Feels like my insides
are going to explode.

I thought this was
supposed to be painless.

Oh my god.



JENNY (VOICEOVER): Keep moving.

I must keep moving.

It's a million miles away.

I'll never make it.

Wake up.

Are you all right?





I didn't know you were up.

You're not going to
work already, are you?


I have an early
appointment in the valley.

Who with?

It's just a little
printing shop.

No, I mean who
are you going with?

Anna Rawlins.

She could handle it
by herself, but you

know old man Wallace, right?

Have to stick with the trainees
for the full three months.

So you've told me.


How long are you and Anna
going to be working together?

For Christ's sakes, Jen.

I just--

I know what you just!

Please don't yell at me.

Have I ever done
anything to make

you think I was fooling around?

Have I?

I mean, when the hell
would I have the time, Jen?

When I am not at work,
I'm taking care of you!

Please, let's not fight!

Sorry I said anything.

If you don't trust me,
you ought to divorce me.

International All Risk.

This is Maureen speaking.

How can I help you?

Would you please hold?

Is he in?

On the phone.

Well, I'll tell you.

Of the four nurses
you've described,

Ms. Foster sounds
about right for us.

I'd like her to start
tomorrow if she could.

on such short notice--

Well, she doesn't
have to start tomorrow.

But the sooner the
better, all right?

WOMAN (ON PHONE): Let me check
with her and call you back.

All right.

Would you-- would
you do that, please?

And, uh, look.

I'm gonna be out of the
office most of the day, uh,

but you can leave a
message with my secretary.

Will do, Mr. Reed.


Thank you.

Jennifer called.

She wanted me to remind
you that she's got

a 2:00 doctor's appointment.


Well, you're gonna have
to handle that print

shop all by yourself.

That's OK.

Just give me the file.

It's on my desk somewhere.

Cut it out.

How would you like a
sexual harassment charge?

How would you like
to lock the door?

How would you a
knee in the nuts?


Anna, I love you.

I love you too.

I just wish I didn't.

It's OK.

Don't make me more
ashamed than I already am.

By next week, if everything
goes as I planned--

-It's over, Bax.

No, no, no.
It isn't.

I won't let it be, Anna.

You're the only thing
that matters to me.

You're the only thing--

Let me--

--that keeps me going.

Let me go.

Tell me that you don't love
me, and I'll let you go.


Damn it.

I don't love you.

I don't love you.

Oh yeah.

I don't love you.

I ought to make you crawl.

Would you please
help me with my robe?


You have to do
that on my account.

I'm your husband.

Not now, Bax.

Not now, not ever.

I've been sick,
for gods' sakes.

Well, don't go blaming this on
that goddamn accident of yours.

That was a month ago.

This crap has been going
on for three months.


Man, I feel like crying too.


did the doctors say there

was nothing wrong with my legs?

Because it's true.

It's all in my head.

God, Bax.

Please don't leave me.

sports, the International

Basketball League--












Excuse me.


Mr. Reed?

Oh, yeah.

You must be Mrs. Comstock.

-No, uh, Foster.

Ms. Foster.

I, uh-- I went back
to my maiden name.

May I come in?

Yeah, sure.

Looks like you
had a rough night.

You got any more bags?

I got one more.

I'll go get it.
-Oh, I'll get it.


So uh, where's my patient?

She's upstairs in her room.

LYNN: You know, she, um-- she
might be a lot better off down

here in case there was a fire.

You know, I've
been through that

with her, Mrs-- Ms. Foster.

If you can get her to
change to one of the rooms

downstairs, well,
more power to you.

You don't care very much for
your wife, do you, Mr. Reed?

That's all I've
been doing, lady.

Now it's your turn.

Well, that's what I'm here for.

Ain't it?

Mrs. Reed?


I'm Lynn Foster.

Your nurse.

May I come in?


Come in.

It, uh, didn't take me as
long to get here as I thought,

so I'm early.

Your house is really nice.

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

These old houses, they're--
they got a whole lot

of character, don't you think?


I do.

Ms. Foster.

Why don't you get yourself
squared away, huh?

Jenny doesn't need any
help right now, do you?

Do you, Jenny?


LYNN: Uh, you sure?

Let me get those, all right?

You got the room
right next to hers.

Uh, nice meeting you.

Toilet's right out in the hall.

I'm making some breakfast.

You want some?

LYNN: Uh, no, no.




What are you doing here?

I couldn't wait 'til
Monday to tell you.

Tell me what?

You know that
little print shop?


It turned into a chain.


Faster Prints got 32
locations, including

Colorado, Nevada,
and Wyoming, and they

just picked up California.

And guess what?

We've got the medical
coverage for the whole works.

You're joking.


Isn't that the best?

All right.

Who's that?

Anna Rawlins.

She works with Baxter.

She's pretty, huh?

Well, first thing,
we ought to think

about moving you downstairs.

I've had enough changes in
my life lately, thank you.


Then I suggest you give
some serious thought

to installing an elevator.

So do you think
you could give me

next week off since
I practically earned

my keep for the whole month?

I got a better idea.

You know the convention
starts next Wednesday,

runs through the weekend?

Anna, come with me.

Look at me.

You know I can't.

Why not?

You'd get your own room, if
you're worried about a scandal.



I know you wanna come with me.
Tell you what.

You come to the hotel
on Wednesday night.

We'll just have dinner.

If you feel funny, you
can always go home.

How about it?

I promised myself
I'd find a single guy

and forget all about you.



When someone's in love,
it's supposed to feel good.

Mr. Reed.
Come quick.

What the?

What happened?

What does it look like?

-Should we move her?

She'll be all right.

BAX: I got her.

You can't take your eyes
off her for a second.

No cuts.

She got a pretty
big bump, though.

Might not be a bad idea
to get a couple x-rays.

Oh, come on.

She's all right.

She'd never really hurt herself.

Do you think she did
this deliberately?

That's exactly what I think.


The next time you try and kill
yourself, you better succeed.

Otherwise, nobody will
take you seriously.

What's the matter with you?

She's the matter with me.

This was not her
fault. It was me.

I forgot to put the
brake on her wheel.

Next time you want to
get tough with someone,

get tough with me.

You all right?

That's all she's after.

But she won't get any from me.

be better off dead,

don't you think, honey?

question about it.

You want to know something?

She thinks I pushed
her down the stairs.



Never came out
and said it, but I

could tell she was thinking it.

That bottle of
sleeping pills she took

had nothing to do with it.

Can you beat that?

I'd take the heat
for everything.

ANNA (VOICEOVER): Poor baby.

BAX (VOICEOVER): If she could,
she'd keep me in this house

and never let me out.

Makes me feel guilty every
time I walk out the door.

you don't have to go out.



BAX (VOICEOVER): Why don't I
just put her out of her misery?





Feeling better?

If you really want to kill
yourself, I'll show you how.


Thank you for taking the blame.

LYNN: Any time.

You get some rest, OK?

It's been hell
for you, hasn't it?

Well, I think she'll live.

So how did you like your
first day on the job?

Little slow.

Told you on the phone
it wouldn't be easy.

I got no complaints.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Just trying to figure out
where I've seen you before.

That's all right.

-I don't might being stared at.
-Anna, look.

Uh, why don't I walk
you out to your car?

All right.

It was nice to meet you.



Excuse me.

You might try
knocking next time.

I did.

You didn't answer.

Well, uh, next time I
don't answer, stay out.

You know, you-- you
shouldn't walk around

like that in front
of a guy who's

been living in a dry state.


So uh, what was it you
wanted to talk to me about.


I just wanted to say good night.

Did you say good
night to your wife?

You know, it's interesting.

Yesterday, once the doctor
finally blew the lid

off Jen's paralysis bullshit--

You know, it just so happens
that a mental condition is

just as real as a physical one.

Yeah, whatever.

I can only tell you this.

Yesterday, I wanted
to kill my wife,

and I pictured
myself reaching out

and grabbing her by the throat.

I knew then I had two choices.

Kill her, or call you.

I'm not sure I made
the right choice.

Sleep tight.

Oh, can I have one of those?

And your wife would
love a cup of tea.

Thank you, Mr. Reed.

-Did you put her to bed?

Wanna go tuck her in?

That's your job now.


BAX: Yeah.

I was wondering what
my job was exactly.

What's that supposed
to mean, exactly?

You do like to plot,
don't you, Mr. Reed?

I came out here to be by myself.

If you have something
to say to me,

I wish you'd say
it and take off.

All right.

I know that you know who I am.

You let that slip right off.


So I know you hate your
wife enough to kill her.

What are you doing?
Are you making me a proposition?


I thought that's
what you were doing,

in your own sluggish way.

Have a nice one.

MAN: You can't afford
to piss Reed off.

You're the top sales
person this month.

I know it's here someplace.

The only thing I've sold
in the last two months

was to my folks.

We're not doing anything wrong.

We're going through a
man's personal property.

The janitor didn't seem to mind
when he opened the door for us.

Yeah, well, he'd open a
vault for you, that guy.

He's crazy about you.

Then again, who isn't?


No wonder nobody's
selling anything.

We were-- I was-- do you
remember the other day,

a snapshot fell out of a file?

I knocked a file off
the top of your desk.

Yes, I remember that.

I just don't remember
any photograph.

And in the future, I'd
like you to ask before you

make yourself at home in here.

Have you got that, Jeff Seigel?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Stick around a minute, Seigel.

You know, real stupid to
bite the hand that feeds you.

I don't understand.

Not that I blame you.

She's got a sweet
little ass on her, huh?

However, there's lots of
sweet little ass out there

that don't work at
International All

Risk, if you know what I mean.

I don't think she
knows I exist, sir.


Maybe it's just as well, huh.

Tell you what.

Why don't we write
you some business

so the old man don't
take my head off, huh?

Got anything lined
up today, Jeffery?

Maybe, in Van Nuys.

Well, let's do it.

LYNN: Fresh air and sun.

Just what the doctor ordered.

There we go.

Lynn, I mean it.

I can't be out like this.

What are you worried about?

There's nobody here.

-I feel naked.

Feels good, don't it?

I've never been so
embarrassed in all my life.

Besides, the sun
can give you cancer.

Oh, Jennifer, you
are so paranoid.

I read that Cary
Grant spent half

his life basking in the sun,
and he lived 'til he was 90.

Of course.

You must be right.

It slipped my mind.

You're a nurse.

Did the doctor give
you any leg exercises?


There are no exercises I
can do for my legs, Lynn.

I'm paralyzed.

Would you please just take
me back into the house?


You know why you can't walk?

Your ass is too tight.

-You married, Lynn?
-I was.

What happened?

He died.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

He was a creep.

A rich one, but
definitely a creep.


There's someone at that window.



JENNIFER: He's gone now.

Let him look.

But the house is vacant.

It's been vacant
for over months.

So somebody moved in.

People gotta live somewhere.


I guess you're right.

Mellow out, would
you, Jennifer?


I just saw him again.

Some guy, you said?

I think he had a camera.

Probably some guy.

Probably some pervert.



Little late for a
neighborly visit, isn't it?

I heard the pounding.

I just wanted to know
what was going on.

Just how clever
are you, Mr. Reed?

I get by.


Well, uh, I'm
pretty clever myself.


Woke you up too, huh?

-He's been hanging drapes.

Real interior decorator.

It's an odd time of night
to be hanging drapes,

don't you think?


Maybe he's putting
up wallpaper now.

How long you been watching?

Did you see Bax?


I saw.

He was there for
at least 20 minutes.

What do you think
he could be up to?

Why don't we ask him tomorrow?

Right now, I want you
in bed and asleep.


Can't sleep.

Too wired.

I got just the thing for you.

Where are you going?

LYNN: Here we go.

Good girl.

I want to find you sitting in
your chair tomorrow morning.


Good night, honey.

LYNN: Night.



















Trying to kill me.


He tried to ki-- kill me.

What's going on?



She's all right.

Somebody left the has on.

He try-- tried to kill me.

What are you, fucking nuts?


Are you out of your mind?

BAX: What?

Don't give me that
innocent look.

I'm not buying it.

You think that I--

Oh, no.

Not you.

It was the gas fairy.

Well, I didn't do it.

I swear it.

We both just heard
her say you did.

She said he did it.

Who the hell was she talking
about if it wasn't you?

How the fuck do I know?

She's nuts.

I've been at work all day long.
You don't believe me?

Call them.
Go on.

Call them.


Look, if I was gonna
kill her, she'd be dead.

-Well, unless--

You don't-- you don't think
she meant the guy next door,

do you?

The guy next-- and what
fucking sense does that make?

She doesn't even know
the guy next door.


But you do.


Well, I'm out of here.

Little early, aren't you?

Uh, working again with
Seigel this morning.

Guy's got diddly on
his books this month.

Last day to work with him.

Oh yeah.

You got that
convention, don't you?


How long you gonna be gone?

Be back Sunday night.

-Taking Anna Rawlins with you?

That's really none
of your business.


Well, I'll tell you
what is my business.

Making sure I'm
not getting set up.

Man, go I was right.

You are getting paranoid.


No, not paranoid.

Just cautious.

You see, the way
I got it figured,

your wife has got this big,
fat life insurance policy,

seeing as you're in the biz.

Only, you can't
collect on suicide.

However, if she manages
to get herself murdered,

then that's a different
story, ain't it?

Have a lovely day.

Jennifer, we can't
call the police.

Why not?

Because we got no
proof, that's why.

I mean, nobody actually saw him
in the house, including you.

No offense, but,
uh, I don't think

some guy's gonna just
move into the neighborhood

just to kill you.

You don't believe me.

No, no.

I'm not saying that.

It's just, well, maybe
somebody hired him.

I don't understand.

Come on, Jennifer.

Do you have any money?

Well, my father

died a couple months ago.

When they settle the estate,
I'll probably have $1 million



That's insane.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

LYNN (ON RADIO): Jennifer.

It makes a lot more
sense that Baxter

would wanna kill you than
some stranger off the street.

You don't understand.

Baxter loves me.

LYNN (ON RADIO): Really?

Who you trying to convince?

Me or yourself?

You're kidding.

Fucking bitch just
won the lottery.

Well, that's fantastic.

Congratulations Well,
I'm sure you must.

Well, I couldn't
be happier for you.

I-- yeah.

You must be-- Listen,
Mrs. Grimaldi.

I gotta go.
Well, goodbye.


Never won anything in my life.

It's always the
assholes that win.

You ever notice that?


Let's get outta here.

LYNN: Jennifer.
Dig this.

Pluto is in
conjunction with Mars,

and since your
moon's in Scorpio,

you got no worries, kid.


You could show a
little more enthusiasm.


How about some leg exercises?

Jenny, the sooner
you get better,

the sooner you get rid of me.




-Was that a shot?

From that weirdo next door.

Guess he's all
through being subtle.

MAN: Was anybody hurt?

I was cleaning my gun.

I-- I'm-- I'm sorry.

That's the first time
this ever happened to me.

Are-- are either of you hurt?

Just scared
shitless, that's all.

I'm Ralph Driscoll,
uh, your new neighbor.

Um, hell of a way to
introduce myself, huh?

I'm Lynn Foster.

This is Jennifer Reed.

I met your husband last night.

I, um-- I'm really
sorry about this.

You know, you think you're
being so careful, and--

Why were you taking pictures
of us yesterday, Mr. Driscoll?

Oh, I feel like
a real jerk now.

I'm afraid you caught me
in an embarrassing moment.

You're not a
photographer, then.

Oh, no, ma'am.
Strictly amateur.

JENNIFER: What do you do?

I, uh, repair old jukeboxes
and things like that.

I've got a little
place on Melrose.

Memories and More.

You, uh, ought to
drop by sometime.


I just might.

Could you use a, uh, drink or
something, uh, Mr. Driscoll.

Call me Ralph.

And I don't want to impose
any more than I already have.

Thank you.
-No, no.

Don't be silly.
Would you like some tea?

-Uh, that would be fine.
-I'll get it.

No, no, no.
I want to.

I need to start doing
things for myself, don't I?

WOMAN (ON PHONE): What city?

Los Angeles.

Memories and More, please.

On Melrose.

WOMAN (ON PHONE): 555-5243.

Memories and more.

May I speak with
Ralph Driscoll, please.

He's not in right now.

Would you like to
leave a message?

But he does work there.

He's the owner.

Would you like to
leave a message?


No, thank you.

They know each other.

Why would they pretend not
to, unless-- unless they're

in some sort of
conspiracy together.


Ready for seconds?

Guess not.

Are you feeling all right?

-I'm all right.
-Look, Jen.

If, uh--

I'd really rather
be alone right now.

-I'm just trying to help.
-Are you?


You gotta understand.

When you try to convince us
that someone almost killed you,

it ain't easy to swallow.

I mean, you-- you already
tried to off yourself twice.


Just once.


What was that, uh-- that
little tumble down the stairs

the first day I was here?

I was trying to bruise
myself on the rail.


Because I was hoping to get
you fired for leaving me alone,

and the chair slipped out from
under me and I lost my balance.

And now you're trying
to fire me again,

when I'm the only one
around here who don't

think you're a total nut case.

Would you please
leave me alone?


You already are alone.




You scared the hell out of me.

What are you doing here?

I just wanna make
sure everything's OK.

Does she suspect anything?

Everything's cool.
NEAL: All right.

Then I'll see you
back at the house.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.


Let me get you a
drink, all right?

Wait a minute, Lynn.

I mean, what if Baxter comes in?

And where's the invalid, anyway?
LYNN: Jess.

I told you he's not
gonna be home until late,

and she's out for the night.

I'm cool.

I don't thin this is cool.

She got a good look
at me yesterday.

If someone sees me coming out of
this house, everything's blown.


Wanna split?




Anna, it's Jeff.

Listen, I think I found that
file you're looking for.

Wonder what Reed's
doing with it.

What do you mean?

It belongs in claims.

The woman in the photograph
is Lynn Comstock.

She used to be married to a
guy named Howard Comstock.

What's her story?

Guy named Howard
Comstock hired Lynn Foster

to take care of his wife.

The wife passes away,
Comstock marries a nurse,

and in less than a
year, he's dead too?

Looks like this nurse
is a pretty deadly dish.

Anyway, the police figured
that she bumped the old man off

for a half a million
dollars in life insurance,

but they couldn't make a case.

So now All Risk is
protesting the claim,

and they got a PI
on her tail trying

to dig something up on her.



Is that you?


I need to talk to you.

Not now, Jen.

Yes, now.

Before Lynn comes back.

Where the hell is she?

I don't know.

She's not supposed
to leave you alone.


How long has she been gone?
I don't know.

An hour.
Maybe more.


I think she wants to kill me.

Isn't everyone?

I'm serious, Baxter.

So am I.

She knows that man next door.

Yeah, sure.

He was here tonight
at the house.

They were making love.

What are you talking about?

I saw them.

They were here?

A-- and they just went at
it right here in the middle

of the room for your amusement.

She thought I was asleep,
but I wasn't, because I didn't

take the sedative she gave me.

She thought I did, but I didn't.

We-- we're talking about
Ralph Driscoll now, right?

The jukebox guy from next door.


But his name isn't
Ralph Driscoll.

Or at least it isn't
Ralph, because I--

I heard her call him Neil.

Maybe his last name is
Driscoll, I don't know.

But she called him Neil.

What else did you hear?

I he-- heard him ask her
if I suspected anything,

and she said that I didn't.

And then they went outside.


You're not making this up?


Why would I?
Oh, Bax.

I'm so scared.

Tell you what.

Jen, I'll talk with
Lynn when she gets back.

I'll straighten all this out.

In the meantime, we're gonna
have to get you back to bed.

But you'll stay with me
tonight, won't you, Bax?


I couldn't stand being
alone another night.

Don't worry, honey.
You won't have to.

Neal Semple.


Lovely evening, isn't it?

Hold it.

Where the hell
have you been, huh?

I've been out for a walk.

What's it to you?

It means plenty to me.

You were hired to
take care of my wife.

You got that?

What if she'd fallen
and injured herself

while you were out cruising
around the neighborhood?

Your sudden concern
for your wife

is rather surprising,
especially since you were

planning to kill her yourself.


What do you mean kill her?

Oh, cut the crap, would you?

I got you all figured out.

While you're supposed to
be out of town with Anna,

you sneak back here, kill
Jennifer, and I take the wrap.

What the hell are
you talking about?

I am talking about $1
million in an estate,

plus whatever you get in
her life insurance policy.

You know, I'm thirsty.

You thirsty?

Come on.

Join me.

I, uh-- I hate to
upset your apple cart,

but I don't like being
taken for a chump.

Who's Neal Semple?

Neal Semple.

He's a private
investigator, hired

by your company to spy on me.

I'm really surprised
you didn't know that.

Well, that's not my department.

You know, I'm as tired of
him as you are of your wife.

Wouldn't it be nice-- I
mean, wouldn't it be nice,

if we could put your
problem and my problem

together and have no problem?

I'm listening.

What's going on, Maureen?

The police are
waiting to see you.

The police?
Did they say why?

Didn't you hear?

Jeff Seigel was killed
in his office last night.


Baxter Reed?

That's right.

I'm Lieutenant Wanamaker.

This is Lieutenant Levy.

Uh, we're here,
Mr. Reed, because--

I know.
I just heard.

What happened?

That's what we'd
like to find out.

Well, I'd be glad to
help out any way I can.

We might have more privacy
in the conference room.

Hold all my calls.

Yes, Mr. Reed.

Now, we understand, Mr. Reed,
that you were with Jeff Seigel.


Yeah, that's right.

Part of the evening as well.


No thanks.

Well, how did he
seem to you, Mr. Reed?

How do you mean?

I mean, was he happy?



Did he seem troubled
about anything?

Well, he hadn't written
a lot of business lately.

He was worried about that.

What, do you, um, think
he killed himself?

Well, look around
you, Mr. Reed.

You got windows in every room.

There's one in his office.

Why would he run into your
office and run out your window?

Tell me.

What time did you guys
finish up last night?

I don't remember exactly.

It was, a little
after 7:00, maybe.

Somewhere around there.

Ah huh.

What was he doing
in here so late?

Well, that's a good question.

I-- I'd like to
know how he got in,

since I usually lock my door.

Well, he broke in.

Or somebody did.

Tell me, you keep any valuables
in your office, Mr. Reed?

Anything someone might
wanna get their hands on?


Absolutely nothing.

And you have
absolutely no idea what

he was doing up here so late.

I sure as hell
don't, inspector.

Well, thank you for
your time, Mr. Reed.

We'll, uh, let you know.

No problem.

Uh, sorry I couldn't have been
more help to you gentlemen.

You helped.

We'll catch you later.

It's only in my mind.

It's only in my mind.

It's true.

I know it's true.


I guess I don't know it's true,
or my god damn leg would move,

wouldn't it?

We gotta talk.


He pushed you down those
stairs, and you know it.


He wants you dead.
I swear it.

You heard about Jeff?


What happened to him, Bax?

I don't know.

Police think it may
have been a suicide.

Maybe he just fell.

I-- I really don't know.

Or maybe he was pushed.


You think somebody killed him?

Well, you could be right.

Somebody jimmied my door.

I just assumed
that it was Seigel.

It could have been
somebody else.

A robber.

Siegel walks in on them.

They struggle.

That makes sense.


Jeff broke in.

How do you know?

He was looking for
the file on Lynn.


Because I asked him to.

Why don't you go home, Anna?

You're not doing
yourself any good here.

Did you hire Lynn
to murder Jennifer?

Was that the plan, Bax?

Did I?

Is that what you think?


Well, that is the craziest
thing I've ever heard.

What the hell's the
matter with you?

Did you, Bax?

Of course not.

But you knew who Lynn was.

Of course I did.

I had the file on her.

How could you let someone
like that in your home?

I needed a nurse.
She's a nurse.

It's as simple as that.

She's a murder suspect.

Not according to the police.

Now, Seigel told
you that, didn't he?

Yes, but All Risk thinks that--


All Risk is only
worried about money.

They don't care whether
this woman is guilty or not.

Goodbye, Bax.




Of course I'm nervous, Lynn.

What do you think?

Just to be in the block.

We don't dare go any
further than that.


Soon as you're around
the corner, stop.

I'll be right behind you.

Then we'll go back
like you planned.

Yeah, I know.

Just hold on to your nerve
a little while longer.

Yeah, I love you too, babe.

Hang tough.


JENNIFER: You're a filthy liar!

A filthy god damn liar and I
won't have you in this house

another minute, do you hear me?

Get out!

I don't wanna live with you.

Get out of my room!


Get out!

Get out, get out!

Welcome home.

What the hell was that?

I tried to tell her you
wanted to murder her.

She wouldn't believe me.

She got so mad, she fired me.

As planned.

Uh, listen.

Why don't you go comfort her?

I'll go pack my bags.

What's going on?

What was all that
screaming about?

What is it?

Oh, Bax.

That terribly woman.

She hurt you?

Please help me.

Are you hurt?

Settle down, now.
Settle down.

Everything's gonna be all right.

I'm so sorry, Bax.

I'm so sorry.

I know I've spoiled everything.

The convention.

I know you've been looking
forward to it so much.

Easy now.


I just couldn't take it anymore.
-It's all right.

You're not gonna
have to anymore.

Darling, it's all right.

She told me.

She told me.

You gave her the
boot, didn't you?

Oh, sweetheart.

Oh, darling.


It's gonna be all right.

I told her to get the
hell out of here tonight.

You're never gonna
have to see her again.

You hear me?


I have spoiled everything, Bax.
She just--

You have spoiled nothing.

Forget that convention.

Forget it.

You're not angry at me?

No, no.

Not at all, sweet heart.

As a matter of fact, I didn't
like her that much either.

-Oh, Bax.

And I thought--


Never mind.

Never mind what I thought.

Everything's gonna be
different from now on.

You'll see.

Pretty soon, I'll be able
to take care of myself.

And Bax, I'm gonna be
able to walk again.

Sure you are.

I mean it.

I've been exercising every day.

That's terrific.

Things'll be
different from now on.

You'll see.

I, uh, thought you
could use one of these.

I think you better
have them both.

You look like you need
them more than me.


Well, things haven't gone
exactly the way I planned.

Come on.

They've gone better
than you planned.

I got Jennifer to set the stage.

What more do you want?

I want it to be over.

You better pull
yourself together

or you're gonna blow
this whole thing apart.

What if Semple
doesn't follow you?

Jesus, Baxter.

How many times do
I have to tell you?

He has to follow me.

That's what he gets paid for.

I bet half of my share
of Jennifer's estate

that he was packed and
ready to leave 10 seconds

after she fired my ass.

And believe me, he heard her.

So did half of Los Angeles.

All you gotta do is
wait for him to leave

and then do your thing.

Just make it look
like an accident.

Shouldn't be too hard.

After all, she's got a history
of trying to kill herself.

Your girlfriend
can vouch for that.

After all, she was a witness.

Good luck.


Do you have any idea how long
I've waited for this moment?



Open the door.


Jennifer Open the fucking door!

Open it!

Jennifer, I don't
wanna hurt you.


Please open the door.


Open the fucking door!
Open it!

Open the fucking door!








No, Baxter!



Help me!

Help me!









Say goodbye, Jennifer!



What's the matter, huh?

Don't you like it?

Don't you?

You lied to me!

You set me up!

You set me up!
Who are you?

You set me up.


You're gonna die, you bitch!



You're gonna die!

You'll die like my wife did!

Hey, Jennifer.

It's over.

I thought he loved me.

It's over.