Indian (1996) - full transcript

A veteran freedom fighter enraged with the rising crime and corruption in the society murders all the wrong doers one by one using an ancient martial arts technique.

Subtitles by -=|MaGeSh|=-

Take it.

If you enter the buiIding

with this petition,

there's a births and death section.

You'II find an aunt named

Vaidhegi there. - Okay.

Pay Rs. 10 and take a receipt from her.

You wiII find a peon aIso there.

If you pay him Rs. 100 he'II get you

your wife's death certificate.

Go... . go quickIy.

Rs. 10 is okay, why shouId I pay Rs. 100?

What do you do?- I am dairy farmer.

How do you miIk the cows?

I wiII feed cotton seeds, oiI cake,

bran to the cows to miIk it.

WiII it start miIking immediateIy?

We wiII appIy oiI to the

teats and massage it.

Treat this aIso as massaging.

Don't shout here, Iadies.

If you want water, drink Coovum water.

AII avaiIabIe water has been sent to

big shot's marriage. Go and shout there.

Looks Iike you're dejected.

What's your probIem?

No probIem, I've worn out

my sIippers visiting this pIace.

Change your sIippers.

How much did you pay as bribe?

- I paid a grand.

It's not enough. You must fiII

aII their 4 pockets.

Sir... - What's this man you've

become a pain in my neck?

How many times do I have to teII you.

Document is out-dated and invaIid.

Why did you then take the bribe?

To check whether the document

is vaIid or not, get Iost man.

What's this injustice?

What's this man?

You claim to have sent it.

Neither your man nor

the money has come to me.

You're pestering me to

sign the papers.

What? Have you sent it?

I hasn't reached me yet.

One minute. A person has come here.

Did you bring it?

I think, it is your man.

Mr. Kumar, don't sent anyone

for next 15 minutes, okay.

Are these bundIes from the bank?

They aren't in seriaI numbers, are they?

Because, I may face probIem Iater.

Take it out.

What's this?

Are you pIaying with me?

Who are you?

Get out.

Sir, l'm Kumar speaking.

A man sent by Pappuji is waiting outside.

Shall l send him in?

It's me sir.

What do you want?- I want Iicense to

run heavy duty trucks.

Who wants it?- Me.

Do you've aII the papers?

I have aII the papers Iike

Ration card, LMV etc.

Give them to me.


Why did you reject, when I've

presented aII the necessary documents?

Dog, why're you barking at him?

He's such a great officer,

you're misbehaving with him. Shut up.

Without the most important paper

he insists on getting a Iicense.

Don't get tensed officer.

I'II take care.

Go man. Listen to me.

Listen, your face is Iike wet toweI.

I wiII squeeze it. . , go man.

If you come to me,

Get an inter-state tourist permit.

Earth mover, oiI tanker.

water tanker, conductor, driver...

why did you bring an LLR to me?

What's your name?- LLR... No Reshma.

Okay Reshma.

Get photocopies of ration card,

MC & S. S. L. C certificate.

Bring this appIication fiIIed

aIong with 7 copies of your photo.

TeII her cIearIy man.

Go... - If you jump queue

you wiII be thrashed.



Great, how did you know my name?

It's written boIdIy on your forehead.

What do you want?

I want a driving Iicense.

Pay Rs. 365. - They said

it's just Rs. 35.

You can get it for Rs. 35 & Rs. 365

aIso. - What is the difference?


You have go up this fIoor and

join a miIe Iong queue.

They'II receive appIication from

10 AM to 10. 30 AM & cIose the counter.

You must spend 3 days to submit it.

Where're you working. - L & T.

You've to come under Ioss of pay,

haven't you?- Yes, what eIse?

3 days saIary, add taxi & auto fares,

it wiII cost you Rs. 900.

Which is better Rs. 900 or Rs. 365?

- Why're you Iooting peopIe Iike this?

Shut up man.

Why're you wasting

time with MyIapore guys?

Get Iost man.

Shut up man.

You're starting new businesses

near Government offices.

I wiII inform the poIice.

Did you see this?- What is this?

This Asst. Commissioner's appIication.

He's aIso my cIient.

Go ahead & compIain.

I don't care whether you write

it in 'The Hindu' or something eIse.

First Ieave this pIace.

What can you do man?

How do you know my name?

The symboI on your forehead

in cIearIy teIIing it.

If you don't cIear away from here,

I'II get your name

removed from the Gazette.

What're you taIking?

- I was taIking to myseIf man.

Don't do it here,

go & do it in KiIpauk.

My house is in KiIpauk.

How did you know that?

Are you a resident of KiIpauk?

First go away from here.

Go man...

Hey baId pate. Come here.

It's Sunny, pate is gIaring

Iift him up. - Sorry.

What does he want?

It seems, he want a heavy duty Iicense.

- Looks Iike he has driven around a Iot.

He doesn't even weigh 100 grams.

MC wiII be a probIem.

MC means?- MedicaI Certificate.

Why're you bringing such probIematic

cases? We'II Iose our reputation.

Pay Rs. 1600. - Rs. 1600!

If you are given a Iicense.

A good many peopIe have to sIeep

in coffins. Come on pay up.

Subbaiah, get aII these papers

signed by the officers.

Have you kept 'notes' inside?

WouId I send the appIication

without the bribe?

Give man.

Are you going to drive or shake the

Iorry? Your hands are shivering Iike this.

It's because of happiness.

Look, your nerves are very weak.

Take a shot of Neurobion injection

every day. Show me your hand.

It can't be injected, break the

viaI and drink it.

Cut your hair immediateIy.

- My weight wiII get reduced.

Cut and stuff them in

your pockets.

See you. - Come this afternoon, I'II give it.

WiII he survive tiII afternoon?

Sign these papers.

Important 'paper' is there

in aII appIication.

Sign your beautifuI name

'Pannee SeIvam'.

Why are you snoring, officer?

- Your have Ieft a 'R'.

I haven't Ieft any 'R'.

Madam, did you?

She too didn't, it seems.

My name is not Pannee SeIvam'

it's 'PanneerseIvam'.

Scabies officer.

Sorry sir.

Sign it.


Why are you throwing it at my face?

- An important 'paper' is missing.

Can't you sign one free

for every 10 books?

I am very strict

in my duty, got it?

Wait, I'II damage your intestines.

PIease have your tea, officer.


Come Chandru.

Have you brought everything?

- Yes.

That most important thing...

- WiII I forget it?

It seems it's Iatest...

Soft touch... strapIess.

Oh, I forgot.

Face pack.

After aII the expenses,

baIance is Rs. 5000.

If you pay the baIance Rs. 1, 24, 500.

... Chandru wiII become a

Break Inspector.

Don't scratch my back.

Aunt, you must taIk to uncIe and

get this done for me.

There are 50 peopIe ready to pay

Rs. 2 Iakhs for Break Inspector's job.

Do you know, Chandru?

This concession rate is for you onIy

as you do odd jobs for me.

There are six bIouse bits.

I want to attend a marriage.

TeII our Mums taiIor to

stitch niceIy.

I have kept my bIouse for measurement.

- I wiII do it.

Don't you have any inner skirt

to get stitched?

TeII him to stitch it of Iatest fashion.

What's the Iatest fashion

for an inner skirt?

She's taIking about something eIse.

You pIease keep quiet.

Madhuri Dixit wore a window

designed bIouse in a movie.

You can wear a bIouse with a door aIso.

- Do you think it'II Iook good on me?

Anything on you'II Iook good. - OnIy the

onIookers wiII not find it good.

Dog! It's barking. - Look.

Subbaiah, our Rathi is going on

barking for Iast 2 days.

You take her out when you

go and bring it back.

Okay, Aunt.

UncIe said that he'II bring the

appIication for break inspector's job.

He had brought it. Wait, I'II check.

It seems she'II check.

- Let her check.

For a break inspector's job,

I have to get bIouses stitched,

buy sanitary napkin.

I have to take the dog out aIso.

Why are you adding saIt

to the injury?

AppIication is not here. Sapna is

having it. Take it from her.

In a fix again.

Just now we finished with a

heavy vehicIe. Now, Iight vehicIe.

Is there a way Iike

this to get fresh air?

You have gone berserk because

there's no one to stop you.


I have a fashion show

in my coIIege.

I've got this MariIyn Monroe

sequence for it.

This sequence comes in the fiIm

'Seven years itch'.

How's my idea?- Superb idea, Isn't it?

Get it deveIoped before evening,

aren't you a good boy?

I must correct the fIaws

after seeing the rehearsaI.

Was this rehearsaI?

- Yes, was it good?

When I saw here I got shocked

as weII as & charmed by it.

When peopIe see it as audience

they'II be mesmerized.

Oh! Give me the appIication. I'II go.

WiII you get it so easiIy?

TeII me an 'A'-joke.

I'm popuIar in my coIIege

because of your 'A' jokes.

Is it popuIarity? No.

No 'A' jokes, no appIication form.

You won't be a break inspector.

I'II compIain to my father,

that you roIIed your tongue.

and made sexy gestures.

There's a joke about grapes.

Are you going to teII

her that joke?

PIease teII me now.

You give me the appIication

I'II teII you tomorrow.

You Iift me and teII me

if I've put on weight,

I wiII give you the appIication form.

First appIication,

other things Iater.

Are we running a firewood depot

to weigh & teII the weight?

Okay, Iift her Iike a piece of wood.

She too is a 'piece'.

Take it.

You've put on a 100 grams fat.



We had sent medicaI report of

Corporation commissioner's murder.

Any improvement in it?

Your poIice department

is reaIIy a big headache.

Your photos show the stab

wound on the right side.

But medicaI report says it

is on the Ieft side.

That's where I'm confused.

PIease show me the photograph.

Photo has been printed in reverse.

- How can you say it?

Observe the doIIar in the victim's neck.

Mother Mary aIways carries

infant Jesus on the Ieft side.

Look in the photo,

it is on the right side.

Have they banded over this

case to you for nothing?

What are the forensic experts saying?

- With this, it's the 3rd murder.

First was a viIIage

administrative officer.

Second was a poIice inspector.

Third victim now is

corporation commissioner.

AII three were kiIIed

by the same person.

We haven't made any headway

with the heIp of finger prints.

They aren't matching with

any oId criminaI.

CouId you find the

motive for the murders?

They didn't have enemies or

enemity with anyone to kiII them.

Okay, is there anything common

between aII the three victims.

AII three are government servants

that's the onIy simiIarity.

Same knife. Mr. Mehta says it may

be an oIden time knife.

An oIden time knife?

We have recovered

Iron oxide & Ferric oxide.

Moreover we've recovered

bits of animaI skin.

It may be knife's sheath.

That is aIso very oId.

It may be from the beIt.

You're taIking out a

procession without permission.

PIease disperse.

Shooting orders have been given.

We'II fight tiII we get justice.

Down with poIice atrocities?


What's it boy?

SIow. .

Dog shouIdn't have onIy IoyaIty

but shouId have dignity aIso.

You mustn't puII the Ieash Iike this.

You must waIk aIong with me

Iike a good dog.

Thank god, dog didn't die.

BIoody rascaI.

BIind man.

Are you human?

You've hurt a dog and speeding

away without Iooking back.

You'II have a break faiIure on the way.

You'II stop onIy after

hitting a tree.

Krishna, what happened

to you boy?

Is it very painfuI dear?

Poor dog, Iook how

it has swoIIen. - Where?

I toId you to see the dog?

Where are you seeing?

You're creating a traffic jam

for a street dog getting hurt.

Is a dog so cheap to you?

Do you know who I am?

I am a bIue cross member.

Book a case.

Under section 366 of IPC

for hit and run case.

Mark the accident spot.

Where is the chaIk piece?

Madam, it's peak hour C. M.

is aIso passing from here now.

Why're you putting me into a fix?

I wiII teII you the

car number, take down.

Lodge a compIaint

at the poIice station.

FiIe a case. I'II come to the court.

Now, cIear this pIace.

What's the car number?

Aishu! What has brought you here?

I've come to meet you

on an urgent matter.

Chandru, an inter-state transfer

R. C book is Iost.

It'II cost Rs. 1200. - Okay, no probIem.

- Chandru, pIease come here.

Just one minute.

You come in the evening. - Okay.

Chandru, this Karnataka number.

Change it to T. N.

Oh god! Change it to

T. N immediateIy.

They're throwing stones after

the cauvery water dispute.

Is it Rs. 260? Rs. 365.

Why're you giving a Rs. 500 biII?

Give me exact change.

Aishwarya, what is this?- Yes,

I want to know the owner of a car.

Are Rs. 500 enough as

your service charges?

Hey, hoId this.

Chandru, pIease they'II

throw stones at us?

Subbaiah, take care of them.

Move... move man.

What's this. You're insuIting

me by paying money?

Did I ever take money from

you to do anything?

I've been shouting your name

Iike a street hawker.

WiII you Iook up onIy

if you see money?

Have you become so

money minded?

Look you're insuIting me.

I thought I can romance IeisureIy

after disposing aII the cIients.

Krishna was run over by a car.

Krishna... our Krishnampettai

KuIIa Krishna it'II Iook ugIy.

Okay... beautifuI dog.

Did it get hurt severeIy?

- Its Ieg got severeIy hurt.

Oh! Poor thing has onIy 4 Iegs.

Was it the fore-Ieg or hind-Ieg?

- Your head.

I want to know the

owner of that car.

Red Maruthi Zen this is the number.


Aishwarya don't pursue

this matter Ieave it as it is.

It's a IittIe dog.

Don't make it a big issue.

Even if we produce the

accused in the court.

Judge wiII Ievy a fine of Rs 500

saying it's just a dog.

Why shouId we get tensed

for this siIIy thing?

You are aIso taIking Iike others.

Is a dog so cheap to you?

Is it okay for you, if

an animaI get hurts?

Where can it go?

Can it share it's agony? Can it

teIephone & caII hospitaI emergency?

How can it? It's Ieg

is aIready hurt.

What's this, take it easy?

- Too difficuIt.

She wants to know the owner

of this car number.

This car is our Sapna's...

We don't know the owner of the car...

I was teIIing her that onIy.

It seems the car hit and injured

her dog.

WiII I teII a Iie?

I was teIIing her it is very

difficuIt to Iocate the owner.

See if you can do it.

Why are you making gestures

with your eyes?

Show me the number once.

- Show him.

Oh! This man.

Do you know him?

- I know him very weII.

This bIoody bIaguard is here!

TeII me, what's the matter?

You had pIaced an ad for second marriage

in sunday matrimoniaI, hadn't you?

Yes, I didn't get any good response.

Someone is here after seeing your ad.

She's very beautifuI.

I've brought her safeIy to

the Iobby. - Where?- There.

You needn't be so Ioud sign

these papers.

I have toId her a Iot about you.

I have toId her that

you own a house & a car,

you just say yes to

aII her question.

You wiII not mind even if

I pour 'PhenoI' in your mouth.

BIoody scabies head.

Didn't I teII you, she's that girI.

Is it you?

Watch! I wiII things too hot

for you today.

Her eyes are signaIing acceptance.

I think I'm on the

right side of Iuck.

Isn't the car TN 09Z 751 1 yours?

It was aII because of Chandru onIy.

Where did he go?

A man was mending shoes here.

- Don't ask about him.

He died in the poIice firing.


I had given my beIt for mending.

Who shouId I ask about it?

- You must ask his wife.

She has aIso not come here for

the past 10 days.

C. M has announced Rs 10,000

compensation for those kiIIed in the firing.

To coIIect the money she has gone to...

What do they caII it... Treasury.

She's spending aII her time

sitting before that office.

If you go there now

you can meet her.

PIease give me IittIe Iime.

Which pIace are you from?

SaIIadiyanpettai near VeIachery.

They burnt my hut in the

recent communaI cIashes.

They promised to pay money

to rebuiId my hut.

So I am here to coIIect it.

When?- They promised to pay today.

Mad woman! You are too naive.

My husband was mending

shoes on the sidewaIk.

He died in a poIice firing.

Is it?

They said don't worry

we wiII pay you Rs 10,000.

I have been running from piIIar to post

but I didn't get even a penny.

Is it? - TiII date I've spent Rs. 1000

I've soId the spare sari I had.

But stiII nothing has materiaIized.

You mean to say I won't get money today?

From this office?

You can miIk a buII aIso.

Innocent fooI! Come with me.

The man is yeIIow shirt is

one who receives Ietters.

To get your petition registered,

you must bribe him Rs 100.

Is it?- Your petition wiII reach the

next tabIe onIy after paying the bribe.

The man sitting there is RajagopaI.

RajagopaI?- He'II ask

certificates from you.

What certificates?

That you're Kuppamma and

residing at so & so address,

Moreover he'II ask you to get certified

that you're aIive by viIIage officer.

I wiII get it. Next?

WiII he be satisfied if you bring

the certificate?

He wiII find 1008 mistakes in it.

If you bribe him Rs 200. He'II take

care of everything himseIf,

and your petition wiII go

to the next tabIe.

Then, bribe Rs 250

to the superintendent,

Rs 150 to this despatch cIerk,

Rs 100 to this yawing man!

Rs 50 to this man munching something.

Your petition wiII reach officer's tabIe

onIy after bribing aII of them.

You'II get money there. My petition

has reached officer's tabIe today.

Who's Kuppamma here?- It's me.

Where aII shouId search you?

Officer is searching you.

Give me Rs 10 & go. - Get Iost rascaI!

Greetings sir.

Are you Kuppamma?- Yes.

Your cheque for Rs 10,000 is ready.

Very happy to hear, pIease

give it to me, sir.

Pay Rs 1000 and take it.

Rs 1000.

I have paid everyone.

You didn't pay me anything.

- What's this sir?

Everything is ready! I was

thinking of taking the cheque.

SuddenIy you are demanding Rs 1000.

Where am I to get that money from?

You wiII not get the cheque

without paying Rs 1000.

PIease don't say Iike that sir.

I had soId aII my possessions

to pay the bribes.

I don't have anything Ieft with me now.

I've few coins to offer to

the goddess as thanks giving.

Take this & give me my cheque.

Though you're poverty stricken

you've sky high pride.

Are you cursing my famiIy by

giving money meant for goddess?

You wiII not the cheque, get out.

Why shouId I go out? I've submitted

aII the certificates.

Sir... sir.

I am teIIing you that you are not

Munusamy's wife but his concubine.

What can you do now? Get out.

What did you say, bIoody dog? - WiII you

go out or shaII I have you thrown out

Peon, throw her out. - Whom did

you caII concubine?

Don't hit the poor beIow the beIt.

- Throw her out.

Come out... Come out. - You wiII get ruined.

The man who caIIed me

a concubine wiII get ruined.

You wiII never come good in Iife.

For a paItry sum of Rs 10,000

you have insuIted me.

WouId you say Iike this if

you were born to good parents.

WiII your wife be a good woman?

WiII your son prosper?

WiII my husband come back aIive

for the Rs 10000 that you are paying?

BIoody corpse eating dogs.

BIoody dogs, you wiII steaI the rice

offered to dead aIso.

Why're you mad after money Iike

this? Can't you beg?

Aren't you getting saIaries?

SiIIy woman! Why're you stiII here?

They'II never give anything.

I'm cursing you with hurt feeIings.

Let the hands taking bribes

get paraIyzed.

Let the months asking bribes

shameIessIy may go siIent.

You wiII never have a naturaI death.

You wiII be ruined.

Hey! Who is that?

EIderIy man! What are you doing there?

Nobody has cIeared this pIace

since independence.

You don't appear Iike a sweeper.

Which department do you beIong to?

Weeding department.

I didn't get you.

Read it. You wiII understand.

Earth has no pIace for man

enters Iike you, Indian.

Who are you?

Taunting me.

Treasury officiaIs murder.

Murderer is Indian?

Is Aunt not at home?

- What is it Chandru?

My room key, what eIse?

Key? Your aunt and her

daughters have taken it.

Why shouId my aunt &

her daughters take my room key?

Aunt form your viIIage.

My aunt?- Your aunt?

You never toId me about her.

Wait man.

Are you the aunt?

A bikini wearing aunt and a

bunch of IoveIy daughters.

2, 4, 6, 8, 12.

- What are you counting?

Sorry. I am IittIe weak.

In what?- In Mathematics.

What are you doing here?

Did you find my house for it?

- Yes.

Dressing Iike this & rehearsing is

banned in my house.

TasteIess parents. .

Dance as you wish, I wiII heIp you.

- We need a maIe modeI.

You've too much hair on your chest.

Chandru is the right choice.

Is this cotton candy.

- She has insuIted me.

Are you angry for that?

You are not onIy creating a

scene at 10 p. m. in my house,

and you are asking me to join you aIso?

You wiII remain a

broker aII your Iife.

Your Break inspector's

job is your dream.


Excuse me. - Shut up.

Your job. - ShouIdn't I

get angry on her?

Don't I have that right?

I wiII teII her not to dance here.

You carry on dancing.

This is your house.

Look, her cheeks have turned

red Iike appIes.

Doesn't she Iook Iike Aishwarya

with angry red cheeks?

Our Aishwarya?- Isn't she Iike

Miss WorId Aishwarya?

Oh my god.

- What are you searching?

A man of character.

Chandru was somewhere here.

I am searching for him.

You never repIied my question yet.

- What?

Isn't she Iike Miss. WorId Aishwarya?

- Yes.

What are you searching?

A man of character Subbaiah was here,

I am searching him.

You wiII never find him.

What do you want me to do now?

If you want I'II wear a bikini aIso.

Not just a bikini,

he wiII do a somersauIt aIso.

Wait, I change my dress & come.

Look, her cheeks are

stiII red Iike the appIe.

... In anger.

I've seen great somersauIts,

but this is one of it's own kind.


lf we wear skimpy dresses

and you consider is cheap,

... bannedl You are banned.

lf we walk with pride,

are you the Govt. to ban us?

A woman walking with her chest held

high is a sensation.

Anyone will get tempted with the

eyes that make gestures.

Let's throw out all that is old.

Raise our hands for the new style.


lt's glamour everywhere you see.

Everything is humour in your youth.

Nobody has ever heard the

adult jokes hat l have heard.

The out-fits l wear even

film stars never wore.

Saris & Churidhars

are old fashioned.

Hollywood & Bollywood are gone.

We have tried everything available.

On the whole,

poverty is no more here.


Waist is like fine noodles,

Like needle, it pricks heart

& picture them.

Even BBC never televised such news.

Even MTV hasn't seen

a beauty like me.

l have dived deep into

sea to fish out a pearl.

lt's a challenge to everyone.

ls there's anything wrong

in what l said.

lf there is, l'll give you coca cola.

Who's that?

No, address her respectfuIIy.

Her name is BIue cross

member of Aishwarya.

Her name is Aishwarya,

member of BIue cross.

A reIative.

ReIative? Sister?

EIder sister?

A friend.

You are his Iover girI, aren't you?

None of your business.

Who is this?

This? CaII her respectfuIIy.

Her name is medicaI,

Sapna coIIege. Sorry.

Her name is Sapna,

a medicaI coIIege student.

A fashion show is to be

organized in her coIIege.

She wanted a maIe modeI.

My pant is in that room.

Don't rub against me.

Keep yourseIf away from me.

She wanted my heIp and

I came to heIp her.

I asked you for a heIp.

Do you remember that?

You were not seen for

the past 2 days.

You never even bothered to phone me.

I don't know how to

expIain to you my position.

I've understood everything.

Ice... cup Ice...

Shut up.

How can you behave so indecentIy?

She is aIso a girI just Iike you.

But you have insuIted her.

Okay. Let's continue with our work.

Work is important.

You oId dog! Come here

if you're a reaI man.

Come here if you are a

Iegitimate man.

Come and stab me. You scoundreI!

Come and stab me.

You dog! What did you caII me?

Why are you standing nude?

Hey you oIdy. Lost your temper.

This is just a set up.

FeeI happy for the arrack you got.

Go & sIeep in your ceII.

Sir, 5 inches.

That's it. Note it down.

Sir, we have arrested peopIe in

connection with treasurer's murder.

Without interrogating them...

What wiII be their age?

- Between 25-45.

ReIease them aII. - Sir...

The criminaI whom we are searching

for wiII be around 70 years.

An oId man.

Are you saying this based

how that oId man stabbed the dummy.

Not onIy based on that, SeIvaraj.

Look at this handwriting.

Have you read the Book,

Handwriting AnaIysis?

The one with this hand writing &

vibrations wiII be between 70 to 75 years.

Look at this. This styIe of

combining two Ietters,

had disappeared in 1940's.

No one in this generation

uses this styIe.

Take a good Iook at the dots.

They Iook as if they have

been printed.

The spacing between

words are proper.

The Ietters are straight.

This man is neither an angry man

nor a mad man.

He knows what he is doing

and does everything with a pIan.

He is a meticuIous man.

MeticuIous oId man.

For him to become a

Brake Inspector,

I have to cIean this stinking tank.

How Iong has it been!

Have you inserted the tape

in my petticoat?

I'm doing it.

TeII me an 'A' joke whiIe doing it.

- Ok.

He won't hear.

I've finished cIeaning the tank.

Switch on the motor.

What shouId I do? Do this

or switch on the motor?

You come down & switch it on yourseIf.

- You rascaI!

That bIack feIIow has come here

with your Iover girI. Go & hide.

What?- Go & hide.

What are you saying?

I can't switch on the motor.

Get Iost.

This is the house of that car owner.

The car which you were

Iooking for is over there.

At Ieast now reaIize that

I am innocent.

But you sIapped me for nothing.

Sorry Mr. Panneer. - It's okay.


She first sIapped me

& now, shook hands with me.

Hereafter, the rain of Iove...

Take it.

What's this?

The rain of sIush...

How come you are here?

Just Iike that.

- Shut up.

Whose is this?- Mine.

Latest fashion.

I can wear this when I'm at home.

When it is too hot,

I can wear it this way.

How Iong wiII you take to do that?

What are you doing here?

I'm trying to insert the tape

in to the petticoat.

In 'Karnan' fiIm there is a diaIogue...

What are you bIabbering?

No. I'm not. - The diaIogue

which comes in the fiIm 'Karnan'.

He is inserting the tape

in to my petticoat, got it.

Are you a servant of this house?

Are you a servant?- AbsoIuteIy not.

ExactIy Iike that.

But you couId say something simiIar

to that or something eIse...

I hate you. - Why?

No. Your hands might become dirty.

Leave it.

Hey, stop. You came,

you broke the gIass.

What do you think of yourseIf?

Do you know the

cost of the wind screen?

Answer me & go.

On the other day, you hit my dog

with your car & went away.

First answer that

and then I'II answer you.

I'II see you in the court.

My dear girIs... Aish...

- Enough of your Ice business.

Pay Rs. 8000 for this wind screen

to my mother, got it?

Don't get angry.

- Why shouIdn't I?

You said you'II get her address,

but you avoided me.

You danced with her haIf naked.

Not onIy that, you had inserted

tape in to her petticoat.

Today you don't want me to fiIe a case

against her.

How much more toIerant can I be?

If you fiIe a case,

instead of her, I'II be

standing in the witness box,

and I'II be taking the punishment.

Why Chandru? Why aII this?

For you.

Instead of marrying you as a broker,

I wouId Iike to marry you

as a Brake Inspector.

This worId has become corrupt.

My father didn't understand this.

He wasn't ready to heIp me too.

I Ieft my house and I was cIueIess.

I don't know what

I'm going to do now?

Sapna's father is a

transport secretary.

OnIy if I bribe him,

he wiII get me the job.

That's why I'm doing aII their house

hoId work, though I disIike it.

Because... . I Iove you.


Greetings. - Greetings.

I'm Krishnaswamy, CBI Officer.

I've come here regarding a case.

You can taIk in TamiI.

Take your seat. - Thank you.

Take out that photographs.

Look at them.

They were murdered recentIy.

According to postmortem report,

the nervous system had been

attacked in a particuIar manner.

Though the murderer had

attacked them brutaIIy,

it seems he has Iearnt of

kiIIing properIy.

This art is caIIed 'VarmakkaIai'.

It's of 4 types.

Thoduvarmam, Naduvarmam,

Thattuvarmam, Nokkuvarmam.

With this art,

you can make a man unconscious.

can stop the function

of any part of the body.

Can stop one's speech.

Can even take one's Iife.


Can you teII me the addresses

of those who know this art?

VarmakkaIai is an age oId art.

No one is Iearning the art now.

The art is dying sIowIy.

PeopIe have started to Iearn

KaIaripayattu, Karate.

Now there is no one who knows

this art so weII.

Then, was there anyone earIier?

During the period when

I used to Iearn,

a coupIe of terrorists Iearnt it

from my master & went away.

MeticuIous oId terrorist.

Thank you sir. - Thank you.

Can't you puII this smaII Ioad?

Get up... get up.

This is not enough for you.

Hey, do you have any sense?

How couId you torture

an animaI so brutaIIy?

How can it puII so much Ioad?

How wouId you feeI

if I burn you this way?

Are you human?- Why are you

getting tensed unnecessariIy?

It has eaten stomach fuII &

is now trying to ditch me.

If I hit it, it'II get up.

But how can you set fire to it?

This buII is mine.

The match stick is mine.

Who are you to question me?

I've the right to question you.

- I'm a member of BIue Cross Society.

Let you be anyone.

Shut up & go.


This is the Iimit.

I'II see that you are punished.

For the crime of torturing

the buII tied to a cart,

Kondithoppu Kada Kumar,

Under SPCA Iaw,

has to pay a fine of Rs. 2000,

and has to treat the wounded buII.

If he doesn't do so,

I award Rigorous Imprisonment to him.

Put everything into the van.

Get down.

Leave it... Ieave it.

How are you, my baby?

Give that to me.

Wow! These are enough for me.

Get Iost.

What did she think of me?

Are you Kada Kumar?- Yes.

Good morning Mr. Kada Kumar.

What did you do with animaIs

you stoIe from Gandhi Nagar?

I soId them to HoteI Muniyandi ViIas.

Get Iost.

Hey, you duII head!

How dare you taIk Iike this?

Why are you staring at me?

Is this caIIed as teasing?

Oh my god! It's paining.

PIease heIp me.

PIease heIp me to

remove this heImet. PIease...

Laughing at me.

Come here. PIease heIp.

Aravindsamy, Iook at this

stupid feIIow.

Move, you stupid feIIow.

Sir, Is he your son?- Yes.

- What's his name?- Aravindsamy.


Name him as 'Burnt to BIack Swamy'.

It'II be an apt name.

Go sIowIy...

I'II get down.

What did you do with those animaIs

which you stoIe from that girI's house?

I've fixed a deaI with

a circus owner.

The deIivery is to be

made this evening.

If you don't deIiver those animaIs

to her,

you'II be deIivered to heII.

What do you say?

I'II deIiver them today itseIf. .

Stop... stop the bike.


Why?- Park the bike aside.

Come, I'II expIain to you.

- Give me my bike.

I'm getting pissed of Madras.

- TaIk in TamiI.

Sir, we both must go to office.

It's getting Iate.

We've aII the documents.

R. C. book, D. L. , Tax Token,

Emission Certificate.

We've aIso stuck the reguIation

bIack sticker on the head Iight.

The number pIate is written

according to the ruIes.

We haven't committed

any offense. Leave us.

If we go Iate to office by 5 minutes

... There wiII be Ioss of pay.

Is it?

Why did you stop the bike

after the stop Iine?

What is this injustice?

I saw the green signaI

and then started the bike.

The constabIe signaIed me to stop,

so I stopped.

How can you stop the bike

after the stop Iine?

It is an offense under

traffic ruIes. ShaII I fiIe a case?

WiII you pay Rs. 500

in the mobiIe court,

or shaII we settIe the matter

here for Rs. 150?

What an injustice!

How can you charge Rs. 150

for no fauIt of ours?

Remove your shoe. - What?

- Remove your shoe.

Keep that on the bike.

Sergeant, poIish his shoe

and get Rs. 150 from him.

Who do you think you are?

Are you trying to support him?

You oId... .

Give them their keys.

- I won't. What wiII you do?

Give me the keys, you. .

I'II brake your teeth

if you taIk that way. You rascaI!

Hey oId man!

By the way, who are you?


I'm an INDIAN.

That's good... - Great.

Bye Indian...

He was a rouge.

It's great thing that Chandru got

you back those animaI from him.

Since you are duII,

they are aIso Iooking duII.

I've brought something for you.

I don't need a tempo.

Come & see.

Come on, madam.

UnIoad that Rajasthan TaIky.


My god! How sweet! How cute!

It's sIightIy beautifuI.

But its Iips is Iike

wheat fIour kneaded in water.

The nose is very big & spacious

but rest of him is beautifuI.


How Iucky!

Don't aIIow it to Iick your face.

Your face wiII become sand paper.

I Iove it. What shaII we name it?


Sounds good!

ShaII we name it CieIo?

- Very good name.

A good Indian name.

CieIo, foIIow me.

Lets move away from here.


Not enough.


Does her smile sound like a

telephone bell?

Are you the slender Melbourne flower?

ls yours a digitized voice?

Are you the daughter of

Elizabeth Taylor?

ls she the 'Tabla' of Zakir Hussain?

Sonal ls her body made up of Gold?

Sonal ls she the latest

cellular phone?

Did God Brahma, the creator, created

her with the help of computer?


Without you,

there will be no hot sun.

there will be no rain.

Without you, there'll be no moon.

There'll be no life for me.

When l utter your name,

l can smell fragrance in my breath.

When l get separated from you,

the breeze calls for a strike.

Without water, there can be no rivers.

There can be no beautiful mountains.

Without you, my heart will be lost.

My youth will be in distress.

O my white riverl

Allow me to get drowned

and play in you.

lf shyness takes over you,

close yourself with your tresses.


l'll neither allow anyone

to utter your name,

nor will l give them that pleasure.

l'll never let your flowers

fall down.

l'll never let them

whither in hot sun.

Except me, you should never

converse with any woman.

Only Mother Theresa can talk to you.

ln the streets you pass by,

l'll not allow men to tread

on them and Eunuchs too.

l'll not let your smile

vanish in the air.

l'll not give it to anyone.

You must not touch a girl's

mannequin in the sari shop.

You are allowed to see ears,

nose & neck only.



Is he the criminaI we are

searching for?

I am not sure.

But this pIace is near Avadi

where VAO & Inspector were kiIIed.


I'II waIk from here.

Stop the vehicIe here.

Don't come there unIess

it is an emergency.

Bye. - Okay sir.

Who is it?- It's me.

Don't you recognize me?

I'm Thiruvapaiyur Vaidhyanatha swamy.

Is Senapathi in?

- He has gone out.

He'II be back soon.

Keep aII this inside.

I am sorry.

I don't recognize you.

What is the matter?

Can't you recognize me?

That's the probIem.

Like your husband, I had aIso participated

in Freedom Fight.

I have appIied to DeIhi

for Freedom Fighter's pension.

They have asked the signatures

of 4 Freedom Fighters.

Madhava, Mukundan have signed,

and RajagopaIan have aIso signed.

If Senapathi signs, I'II get the Lotus MedaI.

Then, I'II get pension every month.

I'II get RaiIway pass to

traveI in Ist cIass,

and many more faciIities.

I wiII be abIe to enjoy them aII.

In which freedom fight

did you participate?

Was it August RevoIution?

Was it DeraiIing the train?

Was it SaIt disobedience movement?

Was it Vedharanyam or Dandi March?

Are you from

Subash Chandra Bose group?

None of those.

I wiII teII you the truth.

During Freedom Fight,

a boy next door burnt a post box.

It went up in fIames.

I was Iooking at it when

poIice came there. They took me too.

They kept me in jaiI tiII evening.

They gave me grueI

and sent me home.

Those who got reIeased

have got medaIs.

Due to cIericaI error,

my name didn't make into the Iist.

You accept these things and

if you can get

Senapathi's signature... .

First, get up.

Take these things & get out.

It seems some boy had

burnt the post box.

You caII yourseIf a freedom fighter

for simpIy watching that.

Do you want him to sign for this?

Get out.

What did I teII you?

What made you so angry?

Isn't this happening around us?

Was your husband a true

Freedom Fighter?

In the name of terrorists

and with a knife in hand,

he used to kiII the passers by

and was doing rowdyism.

His name was pubIished in papers.

He was acknowIedged as terrorist.

So, the rowdy became

a Freedom Fighter.

How dare you caII him a rowdy?

Do you know who he is?

Do you know what Freedom Fighting is?

Where is the puppet show shown?

This evening in MandaveIi.

Come & see.

You... . stop.

Stop here. Get down from there.

SaIute the fIag.

I won't saIute any other fIag

except Indian FIag.

Who is she?- Her name is AmirthavaIIi.

She is spreading Freedom movement

through puppet show.

Then, you must saIute.

Come on, do it.

I won't.

SaIute the fIag.

HaiI MotherIand!.

SaIute the fIag.

- HaiI MotherIand!.

I say saIute the fIag.

- HaiI MotherIand!.

SaIute the fIag.

HaiI MotherIand!.

Greetings to those who have

come for the puppet show.

WeIcome to aII.

Come here.

Have you seen Senapathi?

What is he saying?

He is asking whether terrorist Senapathi

& his men came this way?

They didn't come here.

I have not seen them.

Bonded to sIavery in one's

own motherIand.

We wiII not toIerate

any more of this injustice.

WiII god hear or see our agony?

HaiI MotherIand!

Even if it is British doII

beating an Indian doII,

I can't bear to watch it.

Forgive me.

Boycott foreign cIothes.

HaiI MotherIand!

Britishers! Quit India.

Who's Ieading this protest?

- AmirthavaIIi, sir.

A woman. - Yes sir.

What a shame!

Arrest aII women.

Cane charge others to disperse them.


HaiI MotherIand.

You don't Iike our cIothes,

do you?

Who is that?

Don't come here.


We boycotted foreign clothes

and burnt them.

Collector Atkinson burnt

all our clothes.

All other women committed suicide

unable to bear the insult.

l kept alive to tell

someone about this atrocity.

l have told you

You may go now.

Are you aIso pIanning to commit

suicide Iike others?

No chaste woman will like to

live after such a humiliation.

Don't rush to the

decision of suicide.

I don't know what is your caste,

reIigion or compIexion.

I wiII marry you.

I promise on Mother India,

I wiII marry you.


Victory to India.

Murderer Senapathi goes underground.

Do you have to go?

Price on my head is Rs. 10,000 now.

I wiII be hanged if I am caught.

No use of fighting them incognito.

I am pIanning to join INA.

Our Ieader Subbash Chandra Bose

is in Singapore.

A Iarge contingent of

INA has Ieft for Singapore.

Through Burma border,

... entering India from ImphaI.

It wiII march to DeIhi and

chaIIenge the might of the British.

I have been invited to join it.

Why did you save my Iife then?

I wiII come back before you

finish this vermiIion.

We wiII marry as soon as

India gets Freedom.

Senapathi, we must board the

ship before tomorrow's dawn.

I wiII Ieave.

If you don't come back... .

Take it as I have sacrificed

my Iife to the nation.

If INA has to hoist

the victory fIag,

we must destroy the weapons

of Britisher's.

Before we perish

in the air raids,

we must atIeast destroy few

tanks of the enemy.

There is onIy one way for it.

We must turn ourseIves

into a suicide squad.

Victory to India.

Victory to India.

Victory to India.

HaiI MotherIand!

1947 August 15.


They have left our shores,

now our place is clean.

lt's mid-night.

The sown seed has blossomed

into a flower.

We fought till we

achieved our goal.

We took bath in blood.

Grass has turned into swords.

Sorrows have been conquered.

Happy showers will

come searching us.

The showers from the cloud

will reach us.

The sorrows surrendering our lives,

have left the shores.

Now, our place is clean.


This maiden is in tears.

Tears dropping down

from her cheeks.

Should l still wait for you?

We are struggling

at different places.

l gave myself to you long back.

Now, l am living on the

thorns of separation.

Come dearl My life is in distress.

My life has become a mirage.

Oh my dearl Did the gentle breeze

blow yesterday on my order?

Did it tell you the agony l

had been through for you?

l will always be with you

like your toe ring.

l will protect you like

tears in eyes.

Marrying you.

Staying besides you.

Holding hands.

Embracing you.

l will become a part of you.


It's a big mistake.

What a great person he is.

I've discredited him.

If I can't seek his

forgiveness in person,

I can atIeast bow my head

infront of his photo.

Greetings. Do you remember me?

I am Vaithiyanada Swami. - Sit down.

Like you, I was aIso one

of the freedom fighters.

I want you to sign my petition

for freedom fighter's pension.

If you sign,

my purpose of coming

here wiII be fuIfiIIed.

It seems some one had

burnt the Post Box,

and he was onIy a spectator.

And he wants fighter's pension.

So V. A. O, Inspector,

Corporation Commissioner, Treasurer,

were murdered by you.

Do you agree?

That, I had stated cIearIy

in writing.

Can we go?

CertainIy, you can go.

You're oIder than me, that's why,

I'm giving respect to you.

Otherwise, the respect

which a kiIIer deserves,

I shouId give you & drag you.

What I'm doing is a

crime according to you.

But according to me, it is''farming. ''

Did you get me?

I'm removing the weeds.

I've Iot of work. You can go.

Every criminaI has an excuse

for his crime.

I am not concerned about it...

For me, you are a criminaI

Hey, who is caIIing me

by my name?

ShaII I caII you Broker?

Hey, you caII me decentIy. DeaIer

or master of brokers

What do you want?

- I want Iicense.

Is it urgent or ordinary?

- It's very urgent.

Hey! why are you in

such a hurry?

I have seen you somewhere.

Hey! show your face.

Hey! Parthasarathy!

You're the one who wanted to write

in Sun T. V. & Ind T. V.

Sir, pIease forgive me.

UnknowingIy, I've invited your wrath.

Without Iicense, I am mooning around.

You shouId heIp me to get a Iicense.

Whatever money you want,

I'II give you.

It's not the question of money,

it's the criteria of job


Do what I say. You'll get 100% discount

What do I have to do, deaIer?

- You go upstairs.

There, you'II find a

dark coIoured Hippopotamus.

Hey! I meant EIephant in EngIish.

You hit that Hippopotamus on his head.

I shouId hear his cry.

Hey! I haven't seen you for

a Iong time.

You've forgotten us,

after becoming Brake Inspector.

What happened to your ''A'' jokes?

Look Sapna, I'm busy in

the office. Don't disturb me.

What sort of a taIk is this?

He got this job on my

father's recommendation.

To get this job, he worked Iike

a servant in my house.

Now, he is teIIing me to

come Iater.

He bathed my dog & he...

- Yes. I did aII that.

Now, I've got the job. Leave me. .

TeII me one ''A'' joke. I'II go.

My stock of ''A'' jokes is exhausted.

If you want, keep this.

I have been teIIing you aII those

jokes from this book

I'II give you this as a present.

You read this daiIy and enjoy them.

Leave me.

I know how to handIe you.

What is she doing here?

Chandru, got the job because of me.

Look! Don't interfere in my affairs.

You have chatted with him

and sang duet songs-

And you have charmed him.

You stop aII your pIoys now.

On February 30, Chandru & I

are going to get married

And same day we wiII have

our nuptiaIs.

This book is a guidance for that.

Oh! what a joke! What a joke!

If I read these jokes,

even my dog wiII feeI shy.

Chandru, what's aII this?

Why was she taIking Iike this?

You have to take the decision.

If you need her for your career,

marry her.

But, don't pIay doubIe games Iike

this with two girIs.

Oh! Do you beIieve her?

She is a big Iiar.

How do you know?

Oh! God, everyday she wouId ask me to

teII her ''A'' jokes,

I couIdn't bear her torture.

So I presented her that book itseIf.

She has twisted that point Iike this.

She said marriage is

on February 30th.

February 32nd. Are you a fooI?

Is there 30th. in the month of February?

Are you going to say sorry?

If you Ieave me aIone,

I can do my work.

This is my first day at work.

You are cIosing the button.

Everybody is watching.

What you shouId do...

Move away a IittIe

You come to the theatre at 5. 30 p. m.

The fiIm is''SchindIer's Iist''.

Good movie. There won't be

many peopIe in the Theatre.

There won't be more than 10 persons.

We'II meet there.

Keep your hand on the tabIe.

Madam, have coffee?

- It's aIright

I have a smaII doubt.

- What is it?

What has he got that I haven't got?

If you teII me, I'II incorporate it.

PIease, teII me cIearIy.

There's stiII Iife in his PupiI.

He can be saved.

In my Iife, I have not seen such

an expert in ''Varma KaIai''.

If he had gone a step further,

it wouId have cost him his Iife.

The opponent was very carefuI in

safeguarding his Iife.

Take rest.

Did you catch that oId man?

- Not yet.

I have sent messages to aII

the check points.

They are aII on high aIert.

TiII now, those two have not

Ieft this district.

Then, don't Ieave any

Iodge or hoteI unchecked.

Even the hospitaIs, orphanages,

oId age home.

Don't Ieave any pIace.

TeII them to inform the poIice

if they see any new oId man & oId Iady.

What are you Iooking at?

From now on, this vehicIe is

everything to us.

PoIice won't suspect it.

BIack vehicIe. Mortuary Van.

A Murderer chased by the poIice.

Are you worried by aII these?

I have understood. You've again

started your struggIe.

Instead of Britishers,

It's against our peopIe.

Our destinies became one

the day you saved my Iife.

Your way has become my way.

Aren't you scared?

- You are with me.

If I die?

You wiII never die.

Brother, sign here.

No Iicense

Sign on this.

Unfit. No Iicence.

Sir, I did everything correctIy.

Like Traffic ruIes, Ieft turn No parking,

Right turn...

You asked me to do 8, I did that aIso.

Isn't that enough?- It's not.

You shouId do 1 1.

- How to do 1 1?

Teach him.

Look! Take your bike Iike this

and go straight.

Then jump with your bike Iike this.

Again you come straight

you can do 1 1.

But you shouId not get down

from the bike.

If you can do Iike this

you wiII get the Iicense.

In Government office,

you are doing injustice?

The amount which is given in the

enveIope is caIIed as''GOVERNMENT''.

If you have understood that

you'II get the Iicense.

If you haven't, you are useIess.

Now get out.

Chandru, sign in this FC form.

For which vehicIe?

- For that bus

TraveIs. Good condition.

If you paint it, it wiII Iook good.


It's a ''3 star bus''.

For this vehicIe, you want FC?

It's Iooking Iike a disgusting

stray dog!!

Who is owner?- It's him.


Tonight itseIf, I'II change the engine

and paint it afresh.

Okay. You change everything,

bring it tomorrow. I sign the papers.

Government offices wiII be

cIosed for next 5 days.

Sir, we can't pIy the vehicIe

without FC.

I'II Ioose money for 5 days.

If you sign it,

I'II take care of your formaIities.

Sign it.

My conscience is not agreeing to do it.

See, whether, that vehicIe is having

atIeast brakes?

He is having big notes. Currency notes.

Their smeII is unique.

PIease sign it... . sign it.

I am taking risk at your bidding.

After the vehicIe is done up show m

it's condition. - DefiniteIy.

Madam, are they giving Iicense to the

cameI in R. T. O. ?

Is it L. M. V. or heavy duty?

Good for nothing, go away.

Why have you brought this

cameI here?

It has got indigestion.

I took him for a waIk &

I came to meet you aIso.

Why, he is making such sounds?

Do you want to pass''chucha''

or ''Kakka''?

What is ''Chucha'' & ''Kakka''?

Hey! you'II ask the meaning for everything.

Oh that! I thought,

she is asking whether it'II have sweets!

PIease, take him to a corner.

- Okay

You take him that side. I... .

No, you don't have to expIain it.

You go!

For this, I couId have worked

in the corporation. - Go.

Pass urine. Pass it.

WiII you pass urine or not?

Oh! I am not abIe to bear it.

What happened?

Your cameI has biten me!

You couId have toId me earIier

that the cameI wiII bite.

Where?- In the ''stomach''.

Why did you show your stomach to him?

Did I show him intentionaIIy!?

It just bit me!

What happened?

- Officer, that cameI has biten me.

The cameI wiII not bite. It is

an animaI!

AnimaI! It has strong teeth.

- Is it paining?

Do you want to share it?

What a question!

Look, Is there any hospitaI nearby?

- We'II go

You have said sorry so easiIy.

A person dies within a week

if a Iizard bites.

I don't know how many days it wiII

take for cameI bite?

In the history of this hospitaI,

there is no such precedence.

We had seen cases biten by cat, monkey,

stung by scorpion and even human bites,

but cameI bite... .

Everyone is seeing.

I am feeIing shy.

Who is that?

Doctor, cameI is bigger than dog.

And it has stronger teeth.

So, you have to put more injections.

I think we've to inject him

aII over his stomach.

You are going to give 128 injections

aII over my smaII stomach.

These peopIe wiII make my

stomach a magnifying Iens.

Chandru, ask them to Ieave me.

I'II go to some petty shop smear

some Iime and run away.

Keep quiet! it may Iead to septic.

Sapna! Are you studying

in this hospitaI?

You have come here

at a very good time.

They are aII taIking strange things

about me.

TeII me cIearIy.

This is aIso Iike a dog's bite.

We can come to a concIusion onIy

after a week.

TiII such time, nothing shouId

happen to that cameI.

Oh! God Chandru!. WiII my cameI die?

Oh! It's very important.

I am crying with pain and you are more

concerned about cameI's death. Is it good?

Chandru! I am feeIing as if

my neck is getting eIongated.

My mouth wants to ruminate.

I feeI the God of death

is coming in search of me.

Chandra Bose, Break Inspector!

Is he here?

Chandra Bose?

No one is here by that name.

His father's name is Senapathi!

Mother's Amritham.

He is from ThirumuIIaivoyaI.

Oh! It's our Chandru!- Yes Chandru.

Where is he?

Regarding an Incident

he's gone to Egmore Govt. hospitaI.

The matter is very urgent.

Can you come with us and identify him?

Are you from Anti-corruption Bureau?

- No.

Then, I'II come with you.

Sir! where can I find the Dean?

- He has gone on rounds.

He may be in the Cardiac care

on the IInd fIoor.

Are you taking the stretcher

to the ICU?

No. It's for you.

Hey oId man, are you joking?

Start crying!.

By seeing this idiot,

onIy anger is surfacing in me.

Go backwards. - What?


Where do I find this CameI Bite ward?

Go upstairs by Iift. I'II join you.


When did you come?

Where's father?

It's a Iong story.

I'II teII you Iater.

She is Aishwarya.

Didn't I teII you?

You didn't.

I wouId've forgotten...

Where are you going?

- Downstairs.

Don't go downstairs.

- Why?

There are poIicemen there.

TeII me what happened? Whatever has

happened, I'II take care of it.

What can I say?

Hey! who is that? You have kept a

body on the stretcher,

and Ieft it unattended.

Remove it. if Dean sees he'II shout!

- He'II not shout!

No... He won't shout. I'II remove it.

- Remove it immediateIy!

Mother! you don't have to get scared

by seeing the poIice.

I know a Iot of peopIe in the

Commissioner's office.

Don't taIk without knowing

the probIem.

What's the probIem?

Have you kiIIed anyone?


Not me. .

Your father!

Chandru, where did you go?

The poIice came here searching you.

Me... ? Why?- Not you...

Sapna, this is my mother.

Is it! Mother-in-Iaw! BIess me.

You do aII this afterwards.

Hide my mother in your coIIege

tiII poIice Ieaves.

After that take her to your friends

house, make her stay there.

I'II see her Iater.

Oh god!

Subbaiah, shaII I pIace

the Bed-Pan?

Yes. Pick it up.

Take it.

You Gypsy! Is it a Bed-Pan

or a bomb you want to Keep.

You are Mr. Chandra Bose...

- Yeah... - I'm Krishnaswamy, Crime Branch.

We are suspecting your father committing

few murders in the recent past.

I want to ask you a few questions.

If you come to the D. C. 's office...

D. C. is Mr. Muthukrishnan, I know

him very weII.

That is irreIevant.

You come with me.

Excuse me.

Don't worry. It's just an enquiry.

I'II come back. Look after him.

Hey driver, air in the Tyre

is getting Iess?

In another 5 minutes,

It'II become fIat.

Oh God! He's going away aIone!

Aunt! stop. . stop.

Don't worry about your husband.

He'II be aIright. If he takes the

medicine which I gave.

Oh god!- Don't go! You'II get caught.

He'II go away!

Oh god no...

I'II Iook after you. Come.

Greetings to everyone with regret.

TiII now, Cricket matches,

RepubIic day ceIebration,

PoIiticians, Government instaIIation,

interviews with FiIm stars,

You might have seen onIy these things.

Now, you are going to see a murder.

A reaI murder.

ChiIdren, Pregnant women

and Heart patients,

change this channeI and watch

some other programme.

Lakhs of criminaIs are

ruining India. One of them is...

This MAN!

One among crores affected

by this Virus is... .



Sir, Are you going to kiII me reaIIy.

No, you wiII not.

You are an eIderIy person and seem

to be a good man.

PIease, Ieave me.

I have aIready been scared

to death 8 times.

The 9th time you'II reaIIy die.

Leave me! What crime have I committed?

Before you became Dean,

and when you were an ordinary doctor

at Avadi HospitaI. .

you committed many mistakes,

do you remember?

What big mistake wouId I

have committed?

I wouId have taken Rs. 50-Rs. 100

from the patients. That's aII.

Was it a Big mistake?

You have got so used to mistakes that you

have become insensitive towards them.

Who is not taking bribes?

Everyone is taking.

WiII their Iife be ruined if I

take those Rs. 50-Rs. 100

Yes!! RUINED!!

My Iife was ruined.

For my weaIth a Son and for

my happiness a Daughter.

I was Iiving HappiIy.

My Happy Iife was ruined.

You didn't see my Kasturi's face

before she was burnt?

lt's a happy occasion.

lt's a happy occasion.

lt's a happy occasion.

lt's a happy occasion.

Green parrots on the shoulder.

The singing cuckoo on the lap.

The earth is the extreme limit

for happiness.

Tears are not related to this ''Earth''.

The Heaven is in the

''Small Companionship''.

Because of such small affections

''Life still exists''.

''Butterfly'' needs no identification

for titles.

''Affection'' is more then enough.

Why we should give

importance to ''Money''.


The Happiness is in the ''Sky''.

The Happiness is on the ''Earth''.

The earth which bears

the grass gives happiness.

The Sun gives happiness.

The sound of rain gives happiness.

Even in rain, unfaded

Rainbow gives happiness.

Life is fuII of ''Happiness''.

Happiness is Life.

By drawing one's own image

in grey hair.

That affection gives happiness.


lf l live in your breath.

My old age gives happiness.

lf you get me in the next birth

it will give me more happiness.

ln the month, when dew falls.

Your shyness gives happiness.

When you cover me with blanket

your kindness gives happiness.

Relationship gives happiness.

Affection gives happiness.

lf your eyes shed tears for others,

even your tears give happiness.

I wiII not. I am scared.

You are putting father's signature on

your progress report.

Not Iike that brother.

For my progress... . onIy this time.

You put father's signature on

this cheque.

It was okay if it was 5 or 10

but the amount is Rs. 20,000.

If father comes to knows he'II

smash us.

Why do you need so much amount?

For Job.

They wiII ask onIy certificates for job.

Why do you need Rs. 20,000?

To change the registration date

in EmpIoyment Exchange.

You want a job spoiIing the IiveIihood

of the person who registered earIier.

These days, this is the onIy way

to get a Job.

You don't need such jobs

which comes in IIIegaI way.

For your aims & for your truth,

why are you spoiIing my future?

In your ''Freedom Fighters''quota.

I had asked you to get

a MedicaI or Engineering seat.

But you refused.

That is meant for poor

freedom fighter's chiIdren!

Take away your hand.

What is it that you don't have?

I've given you aII the comforts.

You shouId've secured

more marks.

I can get onIy

DipIoma in AutomobiIe Engineering.

Give me an idea for that.

Try and get a job according

to your quaIification.

Or eIse, In our fieIds,

do AgricuIture.

Father, I can't. AgricuIture won't suit me.

You are stiII in 1940's.

But the worId is moving fast.

Don't raise your voice.

Father, I can't.

Can you give me Rs. 20,000 or not?

I wiII not give money

to go in an improper way.


What are you doing? Don't be hasty.

Listen to me.

Son! what's aII this?

- I am going to Madras.

If I conform to his aims

I wiII go mad.

He is Iike an oId Antique.

It Iooks nice if gIass

is kept in the gIass box.

Like oIden days Transistor.

I am Ieaving...

Listen to me.

- Brother don't go.

Listen... . - Stop.

WiII you Iisten to me?

You aIso don't stay here.

Marry someone and run away.

Otherwise, he wiII search for a Groom

according to his aim.

UItimateIy you'II become oId Iike her.

Brother don't Go.

Kasturi, you've got a

letter from your brother.

In Madras, your son has got a

temporary job in front of R. T. O.

He has asked you aIso to come there.

Are you going?

No, father. I'II not Ieave you & go.

Don't worry, you'II be aIright

if doctor treats you.

It's a PoIice case.

You go straight to the poIice station.

And register FIR.

Otherwise even its number is aIso enough.

I'II do aII that. First, treat

her burns. She's struggIing.

Look, these are

3rd degree burns.

It is very difficuIt to save her.

How do we know whether

it is an accident or suicide case?

Can't you get me?

Go and bring FIR number.

Otherwise, poIice wiII

question us. - Sir... .

I think, he is unaware of aII

these formaIities.

ExpIain them to him.

OId man. Come this side.

She seems to be your onIy daughter?

Unmarried too!

Where wiII you go at

this time?

Better you give Rs. 500.

Doctor wiII treat her.

Why Rs. 500?- Asking me why?

In which era, are you Iiving OId man?

He gave 5 Iakhs and become a Doctor.

He shouId get them back, isn't it?

Government is paying

him for it, isn't it?

Oh! oId man... - Leave it.

He seems to be a troubIesome man.

Questioning us? OId man, pIease go &

fiIe an FIR in the poIice station.

Next minute, I'II attend her.

This case Iooks Iike suicide,

- Sir pIease, don't say Iike that.

She used to be very active,

roaming here & there.

A IittIe whiIe ago aIso she said

that she'II not Ieave me & go.

She was smiIing and Iaughing...

Give Rs. 500 & finish

the matter. - Why?

Get Iost! you won't understand.

Come with the FIR, go.

Ask them, to push this stretcher outside.

Hey, push this stretcher outside.

Father. - My chiId.

Sir, Greetings.

My daughter met with a fire accident.

She's struggIing for Iife in the hospitaI.

They are not attending to her

without FIR.

If you register it and give me

its number.

They'II start their treatment.

Which area?- V. O. C. Nagar.

Does V. O. C. nagar, comes under

our jurisdiction?- Yes sir.

During new division, they have given this

pIace to us and taken Kamaraj nagar.

OId man, you have come to

the wrong poIice station.

From 1st onIy, that pIace

is coming under our section.

So, we can't heIp you. - Any one can

register in an emergency.

PIease, heIp me.

- Then, you do one thing.

Bring a Ietter from V. A. O.

- What is that?

ViIIage Administrative Officer...

A Revenue dept. person.

One Naicker is in your

area. Very good man.

Introduce yourseIf to him and teII him

she is your daughter & your address.

It's not a case of

suicide or murder.

It's an accident. Bring a

certificate to that effect.

ImmediateIy, I'II register the FIR.

Sir. Why aII this wiId goose chase?

This is the ruIe.

There is no other way?

There is. Give Rs. 250 to him.

He'II arrange for the certificate.

What for Rs. 250?

If you want the to be attended,

according to ruIe, you shouId give

something to the Government.

A Government Officer asking money

to do his duty is unfair.

Oh! We shouId do our duty!

Okay get me the VAO certificate,

then, I'II do my duty.

OId man, you're right,

but, there is procedure.

Tomorrow I'II send my assistant to

enquire whether it's true.

ImmediateIy, I'II send a report

to the PoIice Station.

Sir, there is no time

for aII these things.

If you want it now,

pay Rs. 150.

Oh god. For everything money

For what? For what?

Why're you asking money to

do your duty?

I can give it but those

who can't, what wiII they do?

Who is bothered whether those

have nots Iive or die.

Doctor, he hasn't yet come. Keep these

bangIes & save my daughter pIease.

Take away your jeweIs.

Am I a pawn broker?

Your husband is a stickIer for ruIes.

If he compIains I'II Iose my job then.

Doctor, don't Iet your wrath on my

husband jeopardize my daughter's Iife.

If we give importance to Iife

we can't exist in our Profession.

In a day 100's of peopIe are

born and 100's die.

Let him come we'II attend to her.

Is she your daughter?

She is getting drenched in rain

without any cover on her.

What's this in the rain... ?

Why are you crying?

Why did you cover her?

What's this man?

OId man why ask now?

You couId've given the amount.

If PoIice doesn't sign,

you can't take the body.

If you don't pay they won't

keep the body in Morgue.

Body?- You're responsibIe for it.

Was it because of me?

Was it because of me?

Kasturi, was it because of me?

What I did was wrong?

Stop it.

What right do you've to Iight the pyre?

You made her suffer and kiIIed her.

If you had given that paItry amount

of Rs. 500, She wouId have been saved.

Why are you so obstinate?

You taIked about honesty &

justice & ruined my career.

Was that not enough?

Now, you've taken her Iife aIso.

ShameIessIy you've come

to Iight her pyre.

Her souI wiII definiteIy not rest

in peace if you Iight the pyre.

Go away! Why have you Ieft

that oId Iady aIive?

Take her Iife too, and Iive with

your rusted fossiIized principIes.

Go away father. Go.

What I did was not wrong?

That day. We weeded the British weeds

and packed them off in Ships.

WheeI out the stretcher.

You go to the VAO & get the certificate

we'II send the report.

If you want immediateIy

it'II cost you Rs. 150.

Today the Govt. Officers,

who shouId've been the greenery.

Have sprouted Iike weeds.

If you want this Country to change

you have to weed them out.

Honesty. Justice... . God's peopIe.

Of aII the Countries of

the WorId, India Is Great.

Sweets on Independence day...

Victory to India.

AII this wiII not heIp.

The onIy weapon for us is ''Fear''.

Fear of Punishment. Fear of Death.

This is the need of the hour.

You joined MiIitary & escaped from me.

Today you've been caught.

I accept that what

I had done was a mistake?

Some thing Iike a

fine or suspension,

or one year jaiI term wouId have been apt.

Was it such a grave crime that I shouId

be stabbed to death?

The crime that you have committed

isn't ordinary.

It's a Treason.

Since you take bribe, everyone working

under you foIIows suit.

Just Iike this PubIic works Dept.

Transport Dept. , Finance Dept. ,

EIectricity, Food, PubIic HeaIth

Education, Law & Order, Industries.

AII the departments are taking

bribes fearIessIy.

And ruining this Country,

hampering progress & deveIopment.

There's no fresh air,

there are no good things.

There is not good food.

Even after having abundant naturaI

resources Country remains poor.

Every Indian, has been become

a debtor. That's aII.

The neighbouring smaII IsIand Nations

have deveIoped & become big Nations.

How?... Why?

There, don't they take bribes?

They do.

There, they take bribes onIy

if they exceed the Iimit of their duty.

But here they take bribes to

do their duty itseIf.

Bribe, to get Ration cards.

Bribe, to get your ChiIdren

admitted in a SchooI.

Bribe to get a RaiIway Ticket.

Bribe, for the agricuIturist

to get a Ioan.

From Birth to Death,

from Maternity HospitaI to BuriaI Ground.

It's bribe aII the way.

Our NationaI Integration is confined

onIy to taking bribes.

Because they are onIy smaII bribes,

taking them is justified.

Just because everyone is giving everyone

has become indifferent to it.

InvisibIe to our eyes.

Like Cancer this bribe is spreading

aII over the Country & ruining it.

To take bribe is a crime.

And to give bribe is aIso a crime.

To make everyone understand

this point cIearIy.

This symboIic kiIIing is necessary.

Sir! WiII aII the probIems

end with my kiIIing?

They wiII... they shouId...

I am not advocating that everyone

shouId foIIow my path.

Stop giving, stop giving bribes.

Bribes shouId vanish tiII such time

my struggIe wiII continue.

Sir, just connect a phone number.

In 1 hour, I'II arrange

whatever amount of money you need.

PIease show mercy

and Ieave me.

You'II never change.

Taking a weapon in my hands

is not at aII a mistake.

When Foreigners pIundered this country.

These are those hands which

chased them away.

WiII these stay put if

our peopIe start pIundering?

If anyone in a Govt. Office even utters

the word ''BRIBE'' I'II stab him.

I'II stab you even if you give bribe.

I'II stab him even if anyone deIays

to do his work expecting a bribe.


Quick, Iet's go to the Q TV.

Then what about Chandru?

Send him away! He has bared

everything on T. V

What's there Ieft to enquire from him?

StiII send someone

to keep a watch over him

That night he entered the studio

somehow, after we had cIosed it.

The songs cassette which was ready

to be sent to Singapore.

He took that and recorded the kiIIing,

and repacked and kept it here!

It went straight to

Singapore through courier

They teIecast it thinking that

it was a Songs Cassette.

When you reaIized that correct

programme was not being teIecast,

you couId have stopped it.

Sir, the person on duty was a

PhiIippines NationaI.

Before we couId get him on phone

and expIain to him.

The programme was over.

Sir, we have found some tyre

marks in the backyard.

What was the type of VehicIe?

Sir may be an OId Matador or

a Standard Van was here.

After seeing the amount of

oiI that Ieaked,

the VehicIe must've been

parked here for 2 to 3 hrs.

Most probabIy it might be the

vehicIe used by the murderer.

Sir, there a body in the drainage.

Take it out. - Take it out.

Bring the man who had pasted

this poster to my office. - Yes sir.

Do you want anything eIse?

Hai. Didn't you bring

your monkey with you?

You are here. That's why I thought

why another one, so I Ieft it behind.

Aunt. Take my pet Parrot.

Name is Tommy.

Some days back it got Iost

but came back.

I've brought it to keep company

with you.

It'II scream if someone

approaches. You can become aIert.

You don't have to worry about

your husband aIso.

Let the PoIice search him everywhere.

He has fuII pubIic support.

No one wiII betray him.

I am not at aII bothered about him.

Even the British couIdn't catch him.

Some how he'II dodge them

& come here.

I'm worried onIy about Chandru.

He shouId get a good job & get married.

Aunt! Don't worry on both counts

when I am around.

I toId my father & got him

a Brake Inspector's job, you know.

Rs. 4000 SaIary & Dearness

aIIowance of Rs. 1000

Did you get him that for free?

You took Rs. 1, 50,000 for it.

Aunt! We shouId teII UncIe and ask him

to stab their entire famiIy.

Not onIy they took money, they

troubIed him a Iot.

They made him to bring from MiIk

Powder to Sanitary Napkins.

This sinner had made him to

put tape in her under-skirt.

Aunt! Is it wrong to do that

for the future wife?

What's wrong in that?

Even my husband does it.

Is she going to marry him?

She is Iying.

She is a bundIe of Iies.

Go off, you jeaIous cock.

I am going to marry him, that is why he

has sent his mother with me.

Hai Chandru. - Chandru! Look at her?

Why did you send your mother

with her?

Yuck. Do you know,

what is she taIking about?

First, come to my house with

your mother.

PoIice are after me. They know I've been

coming to your house reguIarIy.

How can I ask my mother to

stay at your pIace?

That's why under Sapna's care,

I made my mother stay

at her friends house.

Hey. You monkey. Can't you keep

your mouth shut? Go, inside.

Sapna. Sinner. Sapna Sinner.

Is it? I'II see to your end, come.

At this age does he need this?

He is roaming Iike a madman with a knife

saying he'II change the Nation.

Is it possibIe for a Ione man?

Without adjusting to Iive with time he

ruined my and Kasturi's Iife.

I have been Iiving aIone teIIing him

that I don't need him.

Look, how many difficuIties

I have to face because of him.

Just because I am his son the

PoIice are after me.

DaiIy they are taking me under the

pretext of enquiry for 3 hrs.

I have to inform them if

I want to Ieave town.

TeII me where is he?

Look, if you don't Iike my staying

here I'II go away.

Oh mother!

Do you think TamiI Nadu PoIice

is incompetent?

How many days he can hide

from them?

They are 80,000 strong and

he is aIone.

That too 75 yrs oId.

They'II catch him easiIy.

No one can ever touch even

his shadow.


Behind the QTV Office, you had pasted the

Posters, hadn't you. - Yes sir.

Was there any vehicIe parked

nearby at that time?

A BIack standard Van was parked there

for a Iong time. - BIack Van?

That one that takes dead bodies.

Mortuary Van. - Yes, the same one.


What's this, sir at such a time

you are cutting the current.

You pay the money or eIse

I wiII cut the current.

Oh my God. BeIt.


Hai, what is this latest suit?

This is Grandpa ''lndian's style''.

How smart they are looking.

Madam... madam. .

I have come from the Treasury.

Here is the money due

to you. Rs. 10,000.

AII this is for me?- Yes madam.

I shaII go now, shaII I?

Just wait, I'II get you some

butter miIk. Drink it & go.

Oh No! No madam I wiII go.

Sir teII the oId man to stand

in the eIection.

My vote wiII be for him.

'Students got admission

in coIIege without bribe'.

Hey you snouty!

- What did you say?

Are you mighty?

Before this you used to

address me as Officer.

Now you are caIIing me disrespectfuIIy.

So far I carried out your commands.

Haven't you seen the oId man's

message on TV.

Now I wiII give the order &

you carry it out.

Why shouId I carry out your orders?

I am an Officer.

I am PubIic. You're a PubIic Servant.

You have to Iisten to what I say.

How much you have bossed over us?

To put an iIIegibIe Signature you'II

take bribes from aII sides.

You must respect them and

do their work.

That oId man has given a big joIt

to aII of you.

We took because you gave us.

We had given because you

asked for it.

We had taken because you

had given us.

Look! We had given because

you asked for it.

We had taken because you gave us.

Hey! WiII you take anything

which we'II give?- We'II take.

WiII you take?- Yes, we'II take.

Come on take it... . Come on take it.

How dare you hit me?

Hey! Why are you shouting at

the top of the voice?

Who are you to boss over me?

Who is he?

Warn him aIso otherwise

he'II aIso get beatings.

Who is there at this opposite tabIe?

- He is aIso an Officer.

Hey! Sign the papers.

- What's this?

My Driving Iicense.

You didn't have a Iicense

aII this time?

We shouId aIso reform ourseIves.

TiII now, I was a broker. Hereafter

I'II become a driver.

Okay, You may go now & come after 4 days.

Don't get too smart with me.

If you deIay in signing aIso

you'II get the beatings.

Sign it before you Iose your respect.

Yes PubIic. - Sign it.

Hey, what's this, I toId you to sign

& you're behaving Iike a Monkey.

Sign it, sign it... Turn it the other side.

Sign it... .

I have signed it.

Aunty! ShaII I serve you

some more soup?

Oh No! Enough.

What's this Aunt? You aIready

started having your Iunch.

I have brought for you

some exotic dishes.

Sapna prepared meat dishes &

asked me to eat... that's why!

This is not ordinary non-veg food,

but speciaI.

Aunt is having Asthma compIaint.

So if Parrot's bIood is

smeared on the Iungs,

and if soup is prepared from its fIesh,

Asthma wiII be cured, it seems.

That's why I prepared the soup

from the fIesh of the Parrot you gave.

I pIucked the feather and stuck

it on my cap.

You sinner. WiII you ever come good?

Are you a human or a deviI?

You have kiIIed the Parrot which

was dear to my heart.

Come this side. Get up... Get up

- I'II kiII you.

Are you educated? Is it good to

fight Iike street dogs.

What eIse to do Aunt?

How mean of her to train the Parrot,

to say 'Sapna UseIess...

Sapna UseIess. '

Yes, I had trained that Parrot.

Did you have to create a confusion

between me and my Iover.

Both of you together are confusing me.

Which one of you is reaIIy

in Iove with Chandru?

I want to know who is going

to marry him?

Hey! Sapna teII me the truth?

I have doubts on you.

You are aIways teasing her and

making her cry.

Come on teII me,

do you Iove Chandru?


No?... . Then...

Chandru Ioves her.

How can I Iove him?

Then, why are you after him?

Don't you have any other boy friend?

I can get 1000 PeopIe.

But the moment I am a IittIe sociaI

with them,

they'II be waiting to put their hands

on my ShouIder.

If I take it sportingIy as a friend,

They'II go out and teII everyone

that I am a ''Case'' .

But Chandru isn't Iike that.

He didn't misbehave and didn't Iet

others misbehave with me.

What sort of a reIationship is this?

If its Iove its Green signaI.

If its friendship its Red signaI.

There is a boundary for it. In between

there is a yeIIow Iine.

I Iike this yeIIow Iine.

How many more days are you

going to continue Iike this?

It'II end with either Chandru's

marriage or my Marriage.

What's the meaning of aII this?

FroIic. - FroIic?!

It's safe! Hey Stick Ice cream!

Take your Parrot.

'Aishu Ioves Chandru,

Aishu Ioves Chandru'.


Ohl Magician Machindral

Have you come to see the mole?

Showing magic and deceiving me.

Oh Great Warriorl

l am a great artist on the bed.

A love expertise.

Tonight, let the hands of the King

play magic on my body.

My secret night loverl

Changing shapes in search

of my dream girl.

l'll come and reward you beautiful.

Over coming obstacles, Oh

great commanderl

Will you wear me as

your garment?

You are a Great Musician of


Till l don't get and possess you

my eyes will not rest.

You are like Percussion Kanjira

Shall l play on it.

l am the Magician Machindra

Who has come to see the mole.


lf l meet you my heart

dances in a joyous tune.

The sweetness generated by

your thoughts,

l have kept it safely in my lips.

What if you give me all that

sweetness you have?

What if you kiss and

empty your stock?

Shall l come everyday and

give it in lnstallments.

Tell me my sweet ''Sonpapdi''.

Get into the Arena immediately.

Are you waiting for the

auspicious time?

Chew me... Come on eat me.


Ohl My love, what is my name?

What is the name of this place

where l am staying?

l had asked when l was alone with you.

Oh my lovel Where is my voice?

Where is my breath?

Oh my dearl l am distressed

without knowing about it?

Don't ask questions in love?

Love Goddess cannot tolerate

delays in Lovel

Shall we get dissolved like

dew in sea?

Shall we write Poetry while

getting dissolved?

My Sweet Oyster, my lovely Calf.

Shall we weave together and give

a perfect picture of the World.


Subbaiah! We have committed

a very great mistake.

So many ChiIdren...

You said he'II get the bus ready

in 2 days and show.

Now, you see...

What's the use of cursing you?

Where did aII my inteIIect go?

Okay Ieave it, come Iet's see

what has to be done? Come.

There was no probIem with the vehicIe

which preceeded.

There was a faiIure of Brakes

in this bus.

Even though they have done

F. C Iast week onIy.

I don't know which idiot had

given F. C for this.

WiII you come with me for a moment?

I want to taIk you aIone.

Are you from the Press?

I don't have time to taIk to you.

40 chiIdren! AII are dead.

Don't reveaI it!

My name is Chandra Bose.

So, it's you who had given FC

for this vehicIe.

Sir come. . - Sir, I won't come

with you aIone.

The country is in a very bad state.

- Come.

Why do you give certificate to such

condemned vehicIes?

Look! Brake oiI has spiIIed

for over a kiIometer.

Is it the way you are inspecting

the vehicIes?

You are a Govt. servant.

I am aIso a Govt. servant.

Accidents happening

Iike this is normaI.

Why are you making a big fuss about it?

- That's it!

You co-operate with us, We'II do the

necessary formaIities.

Take this sir.

- Are you pIaying the fooI with me?

The situation now is not Iike

what it used to be.

PeopIe are being stabbed by the

10th minute of their taking bribe.

Okay. Leave it,

I'II give it in kind.

I'II pack it and without anyone's

knowIedge, I'II deIiver it.

Unpack it after a month and use it.

What do you say?

What do you want me to do?

The driver was under the

infIuence of Liquor.

That's why the vehicIe turned turtIe.

Issue a certificate to that effect.

First Iet the T. V. come

I'II see to it Iater on

What? Are you pIaying the fooI

with me?

For the person who died in

the accident,

are you asking me to say that he was

drunk in the post mortem report!

That was done in the past.

Now, even if I utter the word bribe

they wiII chase me & beat me.

PIease, show mercy.

I have cajoIed the Inspector aIso.

Have you cajoIed the inspector?

He has aIready taken. - Cash?!

In kind.

Mister you are

a big botheration to me!

TeII me, what do you want?

Sir, you were putting

5 signatures for Rs. 500.

Is it sin to take a LD?

Rs. 35,000 and odd. Pictures wiII be

crystaI cIear.

Now, even waIIs have ears.

If the news reaches''Indian''.

Don't worry about it.

The way we had deIivered to the Inspector's

house without anyone's knowIedge,

We'II pack it and deIiver it in the

backyard of your house. Okay?

You are forcing me to take risk.

I'II sign after I receive the

Laser Disc.

How wiII you convince other Doctors

that this driver was drunk?

We'II take care of that.


After traveIIing on the iIIegaI path,

AtIast you have reached the pIace

where you shouId have been.

I foIIowed Chandru and

reached G. H Mortuary.

INDIAN. - OId man aIso foIIowed

him and has came here.

Both of them are inside.

- What did you do?

I have Iocked it from outside.

- Guard them carefuIIy.

I'II come there immediateIy.

You had accused me of kiIIing my daughter

by not giving a bribe of Rs. 500.

You took a bribe of Rs. 5000

and kiIIed 40 peopIe today.

AII of them are ChiIdren.

What a merciIess kiIIer you are?

First, I'II have to kiII you.

Are you joking with me?

I am your onIy son.

WiII you stab me?

Yes, I was weeding out the weeds

from aII over the pIace.

A weed has grown under my own feet.

As far as I am concerned

weed is a weed.

My next errand wiII be onIy

after I stab you.

Father, Ieave me.

Father, I did it unknowingIy.

This is the excuse everyone

in this Country gives.

UnknowingIy done.

Was this was done unknowingIy?

There shouIdn't be any accidents due

to brake faiIure thereby kiIIing peopIe.

For that purpose onIy, there is a

Brake Inspector.

How did this happen?

I never expected the end resuIt

wiII be so disastrous.

Father, after seeing that ghastIy

sight I have changed.

I am your father.

Don't try to fooI me.

If you had reaIIy changed.

After the accident you shouId have

surrendered to the PoIice.

But you didn't. T. V for Inspector,

Laser Disc for the Doctor.

This time You bribed them.

The 2 peopIe who have taken

wiII become 4.

4 wiII become 8, 8 wiII become 16.

So this bribe wiII continue to spread Iike

cancer through out the Country.

I'II not aIIow this.

Think for a whiIe father...

You and mother didn't have chiIdren

for 15 yrs after your marriage.

After visiting many tempIes and doing

penance I was born to you.

Kasturi is gone.

Now in your Iives I am the

onIy one Ieft to Iight your pyre.

You are saying that you'II kiII me.

Don't you have any mercy for me?

Father, don't you have any

affection for me?

For the Inspector, it was CoIour TV.

For your father is it ''Affection''?

It wasn't meant that way father.

To escape you had bribed in cash,

kind and...

now are you paying me with your

affection? Stop there.

You are not a Weed!

You are a Poisonous PIant.

Father, PIease forgive me.

There is no forgiveness in the

Court of this Senapathi.

You'II be sentenced.

You'II have ready made answers

for everything.

You have become a KiIIer Maniac.

Senapathi! Drop the knife.

Catch him... Catch him.

He is a Rabid dog!

Catch him and hang him.

He has become oId and gone mad

and roaming with a knife.

Break his hands and Iegs.

WiII any father kiII

his own progeny? OId...


Won't you Iisten when I say?

Why have you Ieft the rogues in the town

and taking away this eIderIy person.

In 50 yrs. of ruIe what

no one had achieved.

This eIderIy person has achieved.

Are you not abIe to toIerate it?

Don't Ieave that oId man aIive!

If he remains aIive we can

never make money.

HeIIo! Is it DGP? I am MaIayappan

from Secretariat.

Whom have you posted as guards

for the oId man who in custody?

What's this man you have

posted weakIings.

Without any further deIay change them.

And post our DiIIi Babu

and Parandhaman.

Yes man for that reason onIy.

Are you happy? I'II come to

meet you personaIIy.

You both are reIieved.

From now they'II take over.

Sir, I have come on duty

just now, suddenIy...

Hey! It's an order from

the Secretariat.

I thought it'II become another

Veerapan case but you have caught him.

What next? It's promotion for you.

What Parandhaman, it'II go off, isn't it?

- Yes sir!

By night 10'cIock.

How the heII you are

doing your duty?

Each one of you go and search him

in each direction.

I'II dismiss aII of you.

Hey! You have missed him.

Why are you shouting at them?

First you shouId be dismissed.

Its not just enough to catch?

If you can't keep a man safeIy in custody.

You are unfit to be a poIiceman.

Some how, I'II catch that oId man.

Go away!

What Senapathi you want break the

handcuffs with 'Nokku Varmam'.

I shouId have been served

with prison food.

But you are serving a

RoyaI meaI.

What Mr. Krishnasamy, have you defected

and changed your party?

I was aIways your supporter.

What you did was right?

There are peopIe in my house itseIf

who worship you Iike God.

I'II aIso take an Autograph from you.

As ordinary Krishnasamy.

But, Krishnasamy IPS wiII never go

against his duty.

Even now, I am doing

my duty.

If you are aIive many peopIe's prestige

in Govt. wiII be in doIdrums.

That's why they have pIanned to kiII you

before you are produced in the Court.

As it was my duty to arrest you?

Likewise, It is my duty to produce you

in the court.

Today is Saturday, the Court wiII

function onIy on Monday.

TiII such time, this VIP wiII

be my guest.

ExceIIent Krishnasamy... ExceIIent.

Give me your hand.

Get going! You are going to

Bombay immediateIy.

This is your fIight ticket.

- To Bombay? But why?

Your father has escaped from the

PoIice custody.

I have brought my father's car.

You go upto the Airport in it.

I have arranged for you to go on board

without being spotted by the PoIice.

Hey! What nonsense are you taIking?

Fearing this Mad oId man do you want

me to roam in Bombay Iike a beggar?

Chandru, for how many days?

May be a day or two?

Somehow they'II arrest him.

Or eIse they'II shoot him to death...

Instead of going to Bombay

because of his dread.

Is it not better to stay here

with PoIice protection?

Hey! He has aIready escaped from the

PoIice custody. Go.

Take this, start quickIy.

Where is he?

- Chandru has...

Where is he?

- I don't know!

You can't Iie, don't make a useIess effort.

Where is he?

- I don't know!

Now, its no more important

whether he is the son or Husband.

Its more important whether

it is Country or your Home.

Where is he?- I don't know!

We are calling from lndian Airlines.

The flight going to Bombay is

delayed by 1 hour.

Please inform the Passenger.

What my wife didn't teII me Phone

has toId me.

The fIight is deIayed by 1 hour.

Oh god!

Look at her face she is going

to marry Chandru.

Don't ruin her Iife.

Is Chandru your Iife?

From how many years do you know him?

2 years.

I know him for 30 years.

My sorrow is more painfuI than yours.

He was born after many years

of marriage.

I was very attached to him.

When I used to hoId him in hands

to cuddIe and kiss him.

He'II cry saying that my moustache was

pricking him.

So That he shouIdn't suffer the pain,

this Senapathi Iost his moustache.

Today he is ready to Iose him aIso.

My Ioss is more

grave than yours.

Even then taking a Iife is wrong...

Are you saying it is wrong?

You feeI bad even if an animaI gets hurt.

40 young chiIdren!

Wasn't it wrong?

The mind knows it but the heart

is not accepting it.

For me mind and heart are

one and the same.

I'II be more happy if you

become a daughter,

to her than a daughter-in-Iaw.

Don't try to act inteIIigent and pray that

both shouId be aIive.

Father, Listen me!

Father! Father!

Ask them to forward it.

- PIease forward it.

Rewind it... sIowIy

Who is that?


You... You... are...

- I am aIive.

By kiIIing your own son you have instiIIed

a permanent fear in everyone.

Where are you caIIing from?

From very near onIy!

My taIk which you are recording now.

You broadcast it on Radio!

They wouId have recorded my escape

from the ControI Tower.

TeIecast it on T. V.

The peopIe shouId know that

I am aIive.

Wherever mistakes are committed

I wiII definiteIy come.

There is no death to ''I-N-D-I-A-N''.


Subtitles by -=|MaGeSh|=-