Impulse (1990) - full transcript

Lottie Mason is a police vice cop who has just the right looks to be a decoy for the whore-mungers on the streets of Los Angeles. She seems to always be where the action is whether it be vice or drugs. While she is attempting to help Stan, the District Attorney, set-up a drug buy with a witness he needs for another case, they seem to have mutual attraction in each other. Lt. Joe Morgan has the hots for her, but she cant stand him.


Hi, yourself.

Be easier to talk

if you got in.

I don't

get into cars.

Maybe we could just go

back to my hotel room.

So, what are we

talking about here?

Say... 50 bucks.

What for?

I just want

to fuck you,

nothing weird.

Pull around

and park.

I got a room.

You got a room?

Ah, not until

you pay for it.

I want to take

a little bite.

No. Not now.

No, damn it!

I said no!

I need some help!


All right!

All right, freeze!

Up against the car!

Give it up!


propositioned me!

¿A donde estan?

Aha. That's it.

Let's go.

Put that away.

No clip, man.

The cash.

Dele el polvo, julio.

Make any test

you want.

Pay them.

No clip, man.




Kennedy airport

for los angeles

is now boarding

rows 12 to 18

at gate 37a.

Passengers holding tickets

in those rows,

please proceed to gate...

the going's easy


with traffic on the 101

extremely light


into downtown los angeles.

You can expect temperatures

in the high 70s

at the civic center,

10 degrees warmer

in the san fernando valley.

Hi, lottie.

How's tricks?

What are you doing

in my house?

Ask yourself this--

how do i keep

lieutenant morgan happy

when he finds out

i'm moonlighting

on the hooker detail?

Get your fucking feet

off my coffee table!

Your costume's

affecting your manners.

Give me that.

Just a little kid

at heart, huh?

Get out.


Don't be so cold.

If you play

your cards right,

you might get

a shot at the title.

Jesus christ.

I say something funny?


Why don't you just

go home, morgan?

You know, connie's dying

to go undercover.

You might enjoy working

behind her computer desk

for a while.

Come on, what's

for breakfast?


Why don't you have

a shower first, though?

While i call

your wife

and ask her how you

like them cooked.


I picked up your mail.

You got

a bank notice--

you're overdrawn $242.76.

American express wants you

to cut up your credit cards.

You open the rest.

It got too depressing.

This would be

a hell of a time

to find yourself


So why did you

break up with him?

When someone else

is paying the rent,

it's always due.

In the last two years,

every time we talk,

you've just kissed off

another guy.

No, not just guys--


Three cops--vice,

homicide, and bunco.

Check your files.

Why do you think

that is?

And take off

your sunglasses.

Do you resent being

made to come here?


I like watching you.

I've never known anyone

so anal retentive before.

Don't bullshit

with me, lottie.

Look, according

to internal affairs,

i'm here for you

to evaluate one thing--

whether or not

my having shot a perp

will affect my judgment

and performance on the job.

If you're trying to make

a normal person out of me,

someone who thinks it's wrong

to lie and deceive...

the department will lose

its best female undercover cop.

You're not

off your job.


doesn't worry me.

You do.

The incident

with morgan--

why aren't you

reporting it?

Come on, doc,

flip on your brights.

He'll only say

i encouraged it.

Did you?


Not likely.



working vice...


the way

they look at you...

you feel all that...

power over them.

Make them pay.

It excites me.

I just...

i wonder what

it would be like...

just to do it.


lose control.

Fantasies can be

normal, lottie.

Yeah, well,

in my fantasy,

the guy's

not handsome.

He's old

and ugly and...

wants me to do all

these degrading things.

The worse it gets,

the more

excited i get.

What sort of things?

Well, first

he, uh...

aw, shit,

doc. Sorry.

We're out of time.

Very funny.

Next week.

Same station.

Morning, natalie.

Is he in?

Good morning,

katz. He's in.

Oy, gevalt.

Guess who was

in new york last night.

New york?

My uncle elias,

my aunt rose,

and their dog jack.

Your surprise witness,

tony peron.

He disappeared on us.

What do you mean,

he disappeared?

He's not under arrest,

you know,

just protective custody.

He was doing

a dope deal.

That's the good news.

Where is he now?

That's the bad news.

There's a chance

he's dead.

The feds found

an exploded van

and four i.d.s.

one was peron's.

The coroner

figures there's only

enough spare parts

for three bodies.

What are you saying?

Did they identify

peron's body?


Maybe he wants us

to think he's dead.

Who is it?


Hello, vic.

Forget the hellos

and the bullshit.

I saw it on tv.

Peron's dead,

and i'm splitting.

You're not

going anywhere.

We had a deal.

Peron's not dead.

What the fuck

is going on here?

He's in new york

doing a dope deal

while i'm hiding out

in some jerk-off


protection program?

You're here rather than

sitting in san quentin,


I'm not walking

into that courtroom

as the sole witness.

You won't have to.

There's three weeks

before trial.

How much did he score?

Street says 900,000.

You can kiss

your trial goodbye.

You know how many

air miles

900 grand can put

between him and you?

Oh, yeah, smart mouth?

Where's he going to go?

You picture peron on some

gilligan's island like vesco?

No way. He's a homeboy.

He'll be back.

Listen, jerk-off,

just so we understand.

You go to trial

and you lose,

you lose a promotion.


I lose my

god damn life!

Hey, hey, hey,


Come on,

sit down.

Get the word

on the street,

and i mean fast.

Have peron

report to me now,

because you're both

going into court

against luna, and if

he doesn't show,

i'm going to leak

to the press

that he's scheduled

to testify for me.

Then he can deal

with luna alone.

Do that.

Wait a minute.

What happens to me

if it doesn't work?

I'll take care of you.

Is that like

"trust me"?

That's exactly

what it is.

Think it'll work?

I've been on this case

for 2 years.

I can't give up now.

I'll try anything.

We can't go against luna

with only one witness.

I need an apb on tony peron

as soon as possible.


You know this guy?

Frank munoff.


The d.a.'s office

wants him?

We don't want him.

I'm after hector luna.

Luna... the big guy

himself, huh?

We'll finally be able

to indict him,

but i need

a second witness.

Luna's daughter maria

lives with munoff.

If we pull munoff in,

we could pressure

maria into testifying.

Can you bring him in?

I got nothing

to hold him on.

We could try

to set him up.

Munoff's a hound

for pussy.

I got

just the girl.

A woman?

This guy's dangerous.

So's lottie.

Trust me.

I want to meet

her first.


She's working


Are we ok

with this thing?

Give me a love tap

if you read me.


Same go words as usual--

"what sign are you?"

He's in

apartment 15.

I thought you said

apartment number 3.

What's the difference?

I got a thing

about numbers.

I don't want to go someplace

that's not my lucky number.

Yeah? Well, how

does 15 feel?

Yeah, 15 sounds good.

You got that?

She's in apartment 15.


Looking for edge.

Hey, edge.

Hey, edge.


How you doing, man?

Everything cool?

Come on, man.

I told you--

she wants

three spoons.

How do i know

she's not a cop?

Fuck you, man.

How do i know

you're not a cop?

What is it

with this guy?

You said he was cool.

Why's he asking me this?

'Cause let's just say

you are a cop,

but you say

you're not.

Case won't

hold up in court.

No shit.


I didn't know that.

That's good

to know, man.

Thanks for telling me.

So, um...

where's the stuff?

Give me three.

Where's your outfit?

My old man kept it

to make sure i don't

come home empty-handed.

Yeah? Why don't

you use mine?

Hey, thanks, man.

So, uh...

what sign

are you, anyway?

You're a scorpio,


Go! Go!

Go! Go! Go!

I don't let

anybody fix me.

I'm good at fixing.



Don't move!

Get down!

Hands behind your head!

All right!

All right!

You! Bring that

shit out!

Hands behind

your head!

All right, move!

All right.

All right.

Stand up!


Get your

fucking hand--

oh, shit!

Didn't want

to blow your cover.


Lottie's getting

pretty pissed.

Maybe we ought

to cut her loose.

Fuck her if she

can't take a joke.

Get your hand down.

Did you

talk to her?

Yeah. She's still

tied up with paperwork.

Relax, counselor.

She'll be

finished soon.

You're pushing it

with me.

Let's not get

cranky, lottie.

We've got company.

This is

frank munoff.

I know.

I busted him

two years ago.

That's the end

of that.

It's no problem.

I've busted others.

They've never made me.

I don't like

taking risks.

Do you drive

on the freeway?

Do you want

the guy or not?

Stan, three weeks.

Who's my passport

to munoff?

An informant.

Name of gates.

Cocaine cowboy.

You'll be his date.

Gates has

a direct line to munoff.

He can set up

a buy next week.

What do you say,


Stan, come on.

Ok, it's a go.

Can i buy you

a cup of coffee?


You don't have to

drink it.

There's a few things

we need to discuss.


Must be difficult,

working for a man like morgan.

I think i can

handle him.

You do, huh?

I don't think it,

i know it.

It's just

part of the job.

Friction's normal.

Is it normal procedure

for a male officer

to frisk a female?

Like tonight?

Morgan just likes

to harass people.

It's just who he is.

I don't take it


Well, you should.


Because it's not right.

Jesus christ.

Want to know my first

impression of you?


That you are an unhappy,

tight-assed reactionary,

who'll spend

the rest of his life

spitting into the wind.


i'm happy.

Ok, then, a happy

tight-assed reactionary

who'll spend his life

spitting into the wind.


But do you like me?

So, uh, thanks

for the coffee.

Thanks for drinking it.

Nice car

you got, lottie.

So's yours.

Listen, maybe i ought

to follow you home.

Just to see that you

get home safely.

It's pretty late.

I can take care

of myself.

I don't doubt that.

Good night.

How'd you like to have

dinner this week?

I can't, um...

i'm working, um...

i've got some plans.

Which? Are you working,

or do you have plans?

What difference

does it make?

Then i'll know

whether to ask again.

Ask again.

So far,

bubkes on peron.

I'm going to take off.

Looking at a house.

I'll see you

in the morning.

Come on, stanley.

Relax a little bit.

Cheer up.

Why don't you

give arlene a call?



She's a nice girl.

And she's, uh...

fun to be with.


no, uh, curb appeal.

Curb app--

i spend the evening

explaining real estate,

and that's

what you remember?

I'm not interested

in the market.

I got a reality alert

for you, my friend.

People depreciate.

Every year, you get

a little more selective

and a lot less


Thank you, charley.

Good night.


Nice girl.

Good night, charley.

Good night.



Check with lapd.

See what they'll release

on a narco officer,

lottie mason.


Curb appeal.

Can i buy you a drink?

A drink?

Maybe, uh, something else.

What do you got

on your mind?

I'm not your ordinary

kind of guy.

We'll have a real

good time, believe me.

And i pay good.


I like girls.

Fucking dyke.


You're under arrest

for solicitation.

Come on. Nice and quiet.

No one will know.

Looking for a party?


What are you doing here?

Oh, i thought

i'd just drop by,

proposition you.

I thought you'd

find that funny.

Why would i?



it was just a joke.

It was a bad joke.

I'm sorry.

Inside every guy

there's a pervert

waiting to get out.

Is that what

marriage did to you?

I pulled your file.

The whole relationship

was just....

so predictable.

I hate that.

Being predictable.

I don't want

to buy groceries

on certain days

of the week or...

make my christmas

list out in october.

So is this the part

where you tell me

about you?

Not much to tell.

Let's see, i'm from buffalo,

and, uh...

my father was a plumber.

You have four brothers

and two sisters,

and you worked your way

through law school.

I read your file, too.


So what else did

it say in my file?

It's a little

messy in here.

The maid hasn't

been here for a while.

Four months,

as a matter of fact.

But, uh,

i still pay her.

What's this?

That's, uh...

junior olympics.


You like to read, huh?


Do you play?




Yeah. Me, too.

When i was a kid.

First base

in the ponytail league.

You're kidding?

I play first base.



Collect the cards, too.

I didn't know there

were so many in a pack.


No gum?

Here, you want some gum?

I hate gum.

I just get it

for the cards.

So you want a porsche?


i can't stand porsches.

Oh, really?

That was a gift.

I'm going to take that off.

It's just on there

with a little glue.

Is that you?

Yeah. On the right.

Oh, you climb mountains.

That's how

i got up there.

Mount everest, huh?

No, it's not mount everest.

It's, uh, mount hood.

Is that snow?

Yeah, lottie,

that white stuff there,

that's, uh, snow.

I've never seen it snow.

You've never seen it snow?

You're kidding.


No time. No money.

People get stuck.

Where are the photos

of the women in your life?

You read my file.

It's all work.

Oh, sure.

Well, there

have been a few.

But nobody special.

And how do you

feel about him?

He seems like a nice guy.

They all seem nice

for a while.

Maybe you don't want

them to be nice guys.

Maybe you're afraid

of nice guys.

A lot of maybes.

Someone you have

to open up to,

make a commitment to,


I trust me. That's it.

He's a guy

like any other.

I wanted to get laid.

Big deal!

Why are you

getting defensive?

I'm not being defensive.

I'm keyed up, that's all.

I'm doing

a major bust tonight.

What are you doing tonight?

Wash out your pantyhose?

Arrange your canned goods

in alphabetical order?

I'm getting pressure

from internal affairs

to approve you

or take you off the job.

Come on.

Don't do that to me.

Here's the cash

for the buy,

all marked and recorded.

Gates, once again,

who is she?

Carla st. James.

Hey, man, what a phony

fucking name.

Not like that armani

knockoff you're wearing.

What's luna's

daughter's name?

Maria. But i'm not

supposed to know that yet.


be careful, huh?


Haven't you noticed?

Frank, this is

carla st. James.


But that's not

your real name.

It is until i get

to know you better.



Ok, baby.

Will do.

Excuse me.


Move away from the tv,

you dumb broad.

Why don't you

get off her case?

I don't like

the way things feel.

Give me a love tap

if you read me.

Give me a love tap

if you read me.

What are you doing

out here all by yourself?

Trying to decide whether

to abandon our venture.

I don't like

doing business


so many people around.

I wouldn't

worry about it.

Just a couple of

close friends, that's all.

Your friends...

not mine.

Have we ever met before?

Not in this lifetime.

I like that.



Business first, eh?


Let's do it.



Don't you think she's been

up there long enough?

If i don't hear

something soon,

i'm calling it off.

It's a little late.

You had to have

this guy, right?

This is my job.

Let me do it.

Oh, shit. My car keys.

I forgot to leave them

with the doorman.

They'll get pissed

and tow my car.

Shut up

and take care of it.

Sometimes that guy

makes me nervous.

I know

we've met before.



There's gates.


There's gates.

In the lobby.

I just saw him.

What's he doing there?

I'm going in.

The whole thing

could blow.

One wrong move,

she's dead.

Gates says you have

a heavyweight sponsor.

That's right.


What the hell

are you doing?

That's interesting.

Just what the hell

makes you think that?

Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

That's good to know.

Oh, don't worry.

I'll take care of you.

I knew you were

a fucking cop!

That's right.

A scared cop.

We're going in.


I'll door-knock

the place.

Everybody stay alert.

Come on, come on, come on.

How much do you

make a week?

$500 or $600?

I've got $70,000

in that safe.

Hey, frank.

We can make a deal.

The stairs. Get her!



Hey, frank.





Stay back.

Oh, shit!

There she goes.

Did you see a woman

in a purple dress?

English! Where is she?

Call the cops!

Call the cops!

Get out of here!

Take anything you want.

Are you ok?


Give me a couple

more shots.

Sorry munoff ate

the big bonita,

but we got the luna broad

by the ass.

I found three keys

of white-out in the safe,

plus 60 grand in cash.

He told me 70.

I'm surprised

he didn't say 100,

the way these

freaks exaggerate.

What kind of firepower

were you using tonight?

You splattered that guy

all over the place.

Let's see it.

I'm surprised

at you, lottie.

This is an

out-of-policy weapon.

I'm alive, aren't i?

I'll have to keep this.

Go ahead.



Give me

some breathing room.


Hey! Hey, can you

change my tire?

Take a while.

The spare's in the trunk,

not in the front

of my dress.

Keys are in it.





* I know

it's hard sometimes *

* and things seem

larger than they are *

* but if you need

to tell someone... *

what'll it be, miss?

Tequila shooter, please.


i'll take care of it.

Gentleman's paying.


Meeting someone?


Flat tire. My car's being

fixed across the road.

You look like you've

been to a party.

I was,

but it was a bust.

Nah, i never

liked parties.

Watching a bunch of

phonies stand around

telling me who

they think they are.

So what do you do?

Whatever i feel

like doing.

That isn't exactly

what i meant.

I'm a businessman.

Aerospace industry.

What about you?

What do you

feel like doing?

Right now?

Right this minute?

I feel like getting on a plane

and going someplace...

i've never been before.

Like where?

For instance?


Well, let's go.

No, i mean it.

Come on, come on,

let's go.

I can't. I'm a working girl.

I mean--


i gave you

the plane fare...

and you go someplace

else you've never been?

My house.

I'd enjoy

the ride a lot more

if i was traveling

first class.

We'll negotiate the

round trip afterwards.

I never did

get your name.


Why don't we go upstairs

so i can fix us a drink?


I think i'd like to go

freshen up for a minute.


To the left

of the stairwell.

What am i doing?

I'm getting out.

Operator 322.

I'd like to report

a murder.

1722 beverly estate drive.

We have you registered

on the screen

and will dispatch


Are you alone

in the house?

May i have your

attention, please?

All passengers departing

flight 123 to chicago

will now be boarding

at gate 14.

Flight 35 now boarding

at gate 37a.

Passengers, please

proceed to gate 37a.

Found two sets

of i.d.--

one says

jimmy denton,

the other says

tony peron.

I vote peron.

He died by two contact

gunshots to the head.

Definitely small caliber.

Probably .22.

There's almost no rigor,

so time of death

must be about 12:30 a.m.

an anonymous woman

caller reported it.

If a broad did it,

she sure knew

how to use a gun.

Did you find the money?

What money?

A drug killing

in new york.

Peron made off

with a million bucks.

Place is clean. No money,

no drugs. Nothing.

Why wasn't that in

the file you gave me?

It had nothing to do

with anything...

until now.

I feel like

a god damn mushroom,

kept in the dark

and fed bullshit.

You came to us for help.

We bend over backwards.

You hold out on

pertinent information.

I'm fucking sick of it!

This investigation

is under my jurisdiction,

not yours.

You'll know what

i decide you should know,

no more and no less.

You know

what i'm sick of?

I'm sick of

your god damn mouth.

Come here, charley.

So we got no money,

and we got no drugs.

We got nothing,


Not a thing.


I guess that's it,


Munoff's dead,

now peron.

We pack our attaches

and go home.

What about this woman

who reported it?

She made a call.

That's all we know.

Yeah, but what's

the connection, charley?

I mean, uh, is she

working for luna?

If she's luna's friend,

why would she call?

I don't know.

Not good for prints.

Just a few smudges.

Looks like things

have been wiped.

Got a couple of long red hairs,

about 29 centimeters.

Found them

in the bathroom.

Maybe synthetic.

No root structure.

I'll have it definite

after i check it out.


Find the owner

of the house

and what the connection

with peron is.

Don't let the media

know about the caller.

Police have identified

the victim

in that beverly hills

murder last night

as anthony peron,

a west coast crime figure.

Police say

they have no suspects,

but we're hoping

for more details

later on in the day.

Stan, we had a deal.

I kept my end,

didn't i?

I did everything

you told me.

I cooperated

right down the line,

but luna

found peron first.

Face it, it's over.

It is not over.

What do you mean?

We have

an eyewitness.


Where is he?

Not he, she. I'm trying

to find her now.

When i do, i'll use it.

An anonymous caller,


But it's a woman, which

is half of los angeles,

maybe a little more.

Don't bullshit me, stan.

You're trying

to buy time.

You got no witnesses.

Believe me,

i'll find her.

When i go into that

courtroom next week,

you'll be with me.

1722 beverly

estate drive.

I'd like to report

a murder.

1722 beverly...


I thought i'd come see

if you wanted to have lunch.

I'm really sorry

i didn't call yesterday.

I was...

don't worry about it.

Don't worry about it.

Paperwork took longer

than i thought,

and then i fell asleep.

Come in.

Have a seat.

I've been a little

crazy myself.

You heard

about peron?

Yeah. On the news

this morning.

Whose voice is that?

Oh, that's an anonymous,

uh, caller

who reported it.

Any leads?

No, uh, not yet.

Lottie, i'd love to

have lunch with you,

but i'm up to here--

don't worry.

I thought i'd see

if you were free.

Can i see you tonight?

Um, i'll call you

this afternoon.


Yeah, i promise.

I'll see you later.


Peron leased the house

a week ago from beverly realty--

10,000 a month.

Told you

at least 10.

The leasing agent met peron

at the scaramouche.

I talked

to the bartender.

He identified peron.

Says he'd been there lately.

He was there last night.

Left about midnight

with a girl--

auburn hair, 5'6",

fancy dresser.

Has she been there before?

He never saw her before.

He thought peron called her

carrie or karen.

Also, she said she

was getting her car fixed

at a gas station


You checked it out?

Dead end.

All he remembers is that she

had a great set of tits.


This guy

doesn't remember

what kind of car

he repaired?

First he says chevy,

then camaro,

then switches to cougar.

He did think

it was blue.

Get a composite artist

over here right away.

Get those two witnesses

in here.

We don't have all year.

Talk to anybody

the bartender remembers

from last night.

And morgan, i assume

you have someone posted

outside the bar,

just in case she returns?

I do know my job,


Assistant d.a.

thinks he's god.

Goes to court, runs off

at the mouth, and gets paid.

Thinks i'll jump whenever

he opens his fat mouth!

We put our asses

on the line every day,

and nobody gives

two shits.

What else is new?

I've had it

up to here.

Yeah. That's

pretty close.

Thank you.


for coming in.

Anything else

i can do?

If she comes in


count on me.


Makes sure

this goes out statewide

to all police departments

as soon as possible.

And send it to the media

with a hotline number.

I got a composite

to get on the wire.

Yeah. Right now.

And send me gloria from

press relations, ok?

I know it's late

to cancel this evening,

but i'm still

not feeling that great.

I'd like to see you,

but i wouldn't be

very good company.

Forgive me.

Call me tomorrow, ok?

Sleep tight.

Lieutenant, next

friday, 10 a.m.,

judge riordon's


Gates wants

to plea bargain.

Prosecutor wants

us there--

you, me,

and carla.


Carla st. James.

Tell lottie,

will you?


Yeah. I'll tell her.

They want to see you

in the gates-munoff



Luke says you want to go

after this burrows kid.


I haven't had time

to do any research yet.

I'm not going in there

fat, dumb, and stupid.

I've seen you do

some pretty stupid

things before, lottie.

I don't have time

for this nickel

and dime shit.

I'm on this task force

with your friend,

trying to find

peron's killer

and a lot

of missing dollars.

You wouldn't know

anything about that,

would you?

Why would i?

It's not my case.

Never mind.

I just got

a good lead.

That's why you get

the big bucks, morgan.

Anything wrong?

You can talk to me.

I'll keep that in mind.

Pull the plug

on this burrows bust.

Get somebody else

if you want him.



I lied.

You lied.


I didn't want us

to become a habit.

What are you

putting on there?

It's curry.

Ah, of course.

Very good.

It's a habit

of mine.

Not all habits

are bad, lottie.

Can i have a beer?


In the fridge.

This place

is a mess.

Reminds me of home,

living with

my two brothers.

Now i'm a mess.

Taste this.


Pretty good, huh?

Uh... no.

There. You see?

It would never work.

We're too different.

Oh, lottie...

what do you want

out of life?


On mondays, i always

want a fat bank account.

Tuesdays, i'm worrying

whether i should invest it

or spend it

on a car...

jewelry, furs...

i always spend it.

By wednesday,

i'm feeling pretty guilty.

I think i should be

doing something useful,

like be a schoolteacher

or nurse.

Oh, what do i want?

I guess...

i want something

to last.

What would you say if i...

if i said i thought i was

falling in love with you?

What would you say?

What would you say,


You wouldn't say

anything, would you?

You're strange.

You're a strange

woman, lottie.

Maybe that's why i can't

stop thinking about you.


oh, shit.

Good morning.

Have some coffee.

I will.

Uh... i got to go.

Stan, don't go.

There's something

i need to talk about.

I got a meeting.

It's important.

I need--

i got to go, lottie!

What is it, lottie?

It's nothing we can't

talk about later on.

This peron case--

it's driving me crazy.

I'm sorry.

No luck, huh?

Well, we have a lead...

on a woman.


We just have

her first name.

Oh. What is it?

Well, we've, uh, decided

not to tell anybody.

Didn't realize

i was just anybody.

Lottie, you're not

just anybody.

I'm a cop.

A good cop knows where she

stands on the chessboard.

Don't worry about it.

Better go, or you're

going to be late.

I'll see you later.


Beverly estate drive.

I'd like to report

a murder.

1722 beverly estate drive.

I'd like to report

a murder.

1722 beverly estate drive.

I'd like to report

a murder.

Carla. That was

her name, man.

How could i forget?

This girl was a fox.

Yeah. Did they

come in together?

She came in here

to work the place.

It didn't

take her long.

What do you mean

"work" it?

She slid in,

ordered tequila.

Next thing i know, this guy's

pulling out these bills.

You saw him

offer her money?

He pulls out this big

wad of hundreds.

Lays it right there

on the bar.

Then she left

with him?


She left with him.


are you all right?

Just great.

Come in the house.

Who are you?


Which one of these

characters that you play

is you?

You're drunk.

What is this?

You tell me... carla.

I don't know

what you mean.

Why not tell me

another lie

before i take you


and have you booked

for murder?

How long have you

and peron been buddies?

How long

have you known him?

Known him?


I didn't know him.

I only met him

that night.

I didn't even


tell me what

happened that night.


What happened?

It was after

the munoff bust.

I was really hyped.

On the way home,

i got a flat tire.

While it was

being fixed,

i went across the street

to the bar.

Who was there?


He bought me a drink.

I thought--

didn't he buy

something else?

Did he put money

on the bar

and buy

something else?

Didn't he buy you?

You took the money

because all you were

worried about

was a fat bankroll,



you went with him.

And you fucked him.

You fucked him

for money!


didn't you fuck him?

I don't know why

i went with him.

I know

i didn't fuck him!

You didn't?

What stopped you?

Maybe you looked at him

and saw my face?

No! Is that what

you want to hear?

I stopped

because i don't know

what i was doing there

in the first place!

You got to believe me.

I... i...

i went up

to his house...

and i told him

to fix us a drink.

I was really scared,

and i needed

to figure out

a way to get out of there

without a hassle.

So when i was

in the bathroom,

i heard two gunshots.

So i hid.

Morgan--he took my gun.


I may be

a lot of things,

but i'm not a murderer.

I'm a cop.

I know how things work!

I didn't have

to report it!

Then why did you

report it, lottie?

I--i wanted to do

the right thing.


Aah! Aah!

You know

what you did?

You watched me

sweat my balls off

looking for that

son of a bitch!

Trying to figure out

this fucking puzzle!


for the mystery lady.

You wanted

to put things right?

You fucking did!

I have something

to show you.

I wanted

to tell you!

I tried to tell you!

I wanted

to trust you, stan.

You wanted

to trust me, lottie?

Please let me finish.

Don't go now.

If you go now,

it'll never be the same.


So that's it.

You've told me



I used to think

i was such a good judge

of character.

I really messed up.

We both messed up.

Is it possible

someone followed you

to peron's house

that night?


I was too keyed up

that night.

I would have noticed.

Who knows you

as carla?

Morgan. He hates me,

but why would he--

you know him

better than i do.

Maybe that's how

he gets his kicks.

Maybe he thinks

we have the money.

I don't know.

I do know a killer's

out there somewhere.

Once your face

is on the news,

he'll know there's

an eyewitness.


you look at it,

you're in

one hell of a jam.

So, uh...

what happens now?

You going

to turn me in?

It's dangerous,

and i don't like it.

Harold, we, uh...

we have no choice.

We're at a dead end.

The officer's volunteering

to pose as this witness?


We'll stage an appearance

here tomorrow,

get a lot

of advance press.

I'll get it

on the news tonight.

And you think the killer

will follow her?

It's our only shot.

All right.

There's been

a new development

in the murder

of anthony peron.

The mayor's office released

a composite drawing

of an anonymous woman

last seen with him

and thought

to have telephoned police

from the crime scene.

Police ask that anyone

having seen this woman

call news tip at 555-3244.


So you're saying

she saw the killer?

Yes. She can make

a positive identification.

We expect an arrest

very soon.

Tough assignment,

being a sitting duck,

huh, lottie?

How did lover boy

talk you into this one?

Sorry. I forgot what

a dedicated cop you are.

Try not to shoot to kill

this time, ok?

What do you mean?

I'll tell you

what i mean.

If the killer dies,

we'll never know

what happened.

That would

be a shame,

what with a million

bucks lost out there.

Oh, counselor...

i'll leave her in

your capable hands.

Couldn't you have

kept him out of this?

I want to keep

an eye on him.

There's plenty

of security.

Don't worry.

I never rely

on anybody but myself.

Everything else aside,

that's why i knew

you weren't the killer.

He used a .22,

not a bazooka.

I'll be close by.


I know this sounds

really crazy, but, um...

right now i'm more scared

about us than anything.

W-10 here.

All "w" units

and all units

on the perimeter,

stay awake.

6w-22, ok here.

W-21, no action so far.

Where you going?

Take a leak.

* Her eyes shone

like the diamonds *

w-21 to all units.

We have a slow-moving


This might be our boy.




Come on! Come on!

Come on! Come on!

I didn't do nothing!

Get your hands off.

I'm clean!

You guys scared

the shit out of me!

Some guy offered me 50 bucks

to deliver flowers.

I figured what the hell.

Behind you!



No one will ever

get luna.

I had to shoot peron

to get off the hook.

Take good care, lottie.

I will.

I can't believe

you're leaving.

It won't be the same

without you.

I'd like to say

i'm going to

miss the place,

but i'm not.

You're retiring?

You might say that.

You must've

inherited some money.

Last i heard,

you were overdrawn.

Who died?

Blow it out

your ear, asshole.


Thanks for coming.

I resigned today.

I'm a full-fledged


I thought you like living

on the edge too much to quit.

People change.

What are you

going to do?

I thought i'd get out

of town for a while

and think about things.

Sorry about your case.

I heard you had

to drop it.

It's no big deal.

I'll get him.


I guess i just don't

know when to quit.

Can you ever forgive me

for what i did?


But you can't

forget it.

You can't, can you?

It's so simple

when you're a kid.

When you've done

something wrong,

you say...

"i'm sorry."

"I take that back."

I'd give anything

if i could take it back.


Send me a post card.

Yeah, sure.

All passengers

arriving from detroit

on flight 202

have now arrived at gate 15

on concourse "c."

Aah! Let go of me!

Don't make a scene.

I'm a cop

and you're not!

Get the fuck in here!

Such a clever

little bitch, aren't you?


Get out of here!

You thought you'd

get away with it.

You're under arrest.

Give me the briefcase.


Want me to

fucking take it?

Take it!


Where's the money?

I don't know.

I don't know, my ass!

Where's the fucking money?

I swear to god,

i don't know!

Where is it?

I'll rip

your eyes out, bitch!

Give me the god damn

money, harris!


K.o. the broad.

She'll fuck you over

for that money.

There is no money.

There never was.

I always said you belonged

in the toilet.


you all right?

Yeah. Just bumped

my head a little bit.

You have a little blood

on your lip.

I do?

Jeez! Look at you.

Not bad for a guy

who graduated law school.



wait a minute.

What is going on here?

You set me up back there.

I could've been killed.

What do you mean

there's no money?

Where are you going?

I'm going to have

a drink.

What's this for?

It's my car keys.

It's parked on

the upper level in 4e.

The money's in the back.

What's the catch?

There is no catch,


The money's yours

free and clear.

That's what you

wanted, isn't it?

Turn it in.

I need a drink.

I hate being


You know, lottie,

not all habits

are bad.

* Everybody

* needs somebody

* everybody

* you keep your distance

* are you afraid

* afraid your heart's

gonna break *

* aren't you tired

* of carryin' the load

* nothin' is sacred

* and nothin' is fair

* livin' in a world

gettin' harder to bear *

* you start denyin'

* what you already know

* standin' in the shadows

alone *

* everybody needs someone

* to lean on

* everybody needs someone

* have someone to love

* and every time

that he holds you *

* he makes you realize

* that there in the dark

* there's nothin' to hide

* open your heart

* let love in your life

* ohh

* ohh ohh

* oh

* ooh

* mmm-mmm

* sometimes we need

* what we deny

* but i can see

the truth in your eyes *

* mmm, everybody

* needs somebody

* everybody

* everybody needs someone

* to lean on

* everybody needs someone

* needs someone to love

* everybody needs someone

* to lean on

* everybody needs

* they need

* need somebody

* need someone to love

* to love

* ohh

* everybody

* ooh

* needs somebody

* to love

* everybody needs someone

to love *

* someone to love