I Cover the Waterfront (1933) - full transcript

Reporter Joe Miller is sure that fisherman Eli Kirk smuggles illegal Chinese immigrants into the country, but can't obtain enough evidence to satisfy his editor. Chance plays into his hands in the lovely form of Kirk's daughter, Julie, whom he catches swimming in the nude and pumps for information. But she's fiercely loyal to her dad, and may be too attractive for Joe's own good. Racy pre-Code sexual situations.










[ Rotary spins ]

Hello, Thelma.
This is Miller.

No, I don't want the desk.
I want to talk to Phelps.

[ Phone ringing ]


Alright. Put him on.

Hello, Miller.
Watch the beep this time.

Oh, why shouldn't I squawk?

I stay out all night on revenue
boats chasing rumrunners

and there's no story.

Besides, haven't you heard?

They don't bring it in anymore.
They ship it out.

Being a newspaper man,
you wouldn't know that.

And my new cap ruined by the fog.

Not to mention the seagulls.

Well, cry on somebody
else's shoulder. I'm busy.

If I do any crying, it'll be on my pillow.

Goodbye with a raspberry.

[ Man snoring ]


No, no.

Not tonight, Josephine.


[ Slurring ]
Well, who are you?

Oh, nobody much.

Just the guy that owns the bed and the gin.

Very bad.
All three of them.

What do you mean, three?

Book you're writing.

Who are you, anyway?

There's a letter over there,
tell you all about it.

Oh, so you're a newspaper man, huh?

Friend of Pete Barrett's,
old classmate of mine.

Hey, how is he?
As useless as ever?

How's he doing in Chicago?


Great newspaper town, isn't it?

What are you doing in this dump?

Looking for work.

Any good jobs in your shop?

No, I got the only good one,
and that's terrible.

Take my advice and go back to Chicago.

I wish I could.

Looks pretty good to me right here.

I thought so once.

Pete says you cover the waterfront.

Sounds like a good assignment.


You cover everything from Black Plague

to herring smells and don't get anywhere.

I've been doing it so long,
the seagulls know me.


do you mind if I get the bed?

I'll tell you what.
I'll cover the waterfront,

you go back to Chicago,
and I'll keep the bed.

Come on, Gibb William.

What a fine host you turned out to be.

Now look what you've done.

I'm wide awake.


I might as well see what
this place looks like

in the daytime.

Ooh, a little harbor.

It's grown.

Is that a beautiful harbor?

Oh, you think so?

There's one guy out there
with a rowboat full of junk,

seems to be dragging the harbor.

The only one around here that's
got the depression licked,

and his own boss, too.

He drags her bottom of the harbor

and lives off of stuff
other people throw away.

Anybody left that's got
anything to throw away?

Oh, shut up, will you?

Who's the floozy?

Oh, just the girl I want to marry.

I'm sorry.

In love, eh?

Local talent?

I should say not.


That why you want to get out?

One reason.

[ Phone rings ]

Oh, it never fails.

[ Ringing continues ]

Oh, so you're going to play Indian.


Listen, Weeping Willy,
I've got a hot lead for you.

A woman just phoned in that a girl

is swimming in Santa Ana Cove
without any clothes on.

Then the fashion editor out to cover it.

I've been out all night
chasing down your crazy leads.

Lay off me, will you?
I need some sleep.

I don't pay you to sleep.

Go out and get that story.

From the way the old lady described it,

it's news.

I'll switch the call.

Switch this call.

Here you are.

No clothes at all,

bathing right in front of my house.

Then how do you know
she hasn't got any clothes on?

I have a telescope.

Then what are you kicking about?

[ Motor whirs ]


I suppose you look through keyholes, too.

If there any around your house,
I do from now on.

Are you gonna give me my suit,

or do I have to go over there and get it?

Is this your suit?

No, it's my grandmother's,
but she lets me use it.

Well, then why don't you?

Because I like to swim
without one, don't you?

Now, don't change the subject.

This is business with me.

You don't think I'm here because I like it?

[ Chuckles ]
Oh, pardon me.

I just had no idea you were
sitting there looking at me

because I didn't have any clothes on.

Oh, haven't you?
I hadn't noticed.

Oh, you're very funny.
Come on now.

Give me that.

You know, I'm supposed to
get a story about you.

There have been complaints.

What, about my swimming here?

Yeah, the neighbors.
They're kicking.

What neighbors?

Up there.

A telescope made them very close neighbors.

Oh, I bet it was a woman.

Of course. No gentleman
would say a word.

And you're a gentleman, of course.

I haven't said a word.

Come on, give me that suit.

By the way, what's your name?

Julie Kirk.

Eli Kirk's daughter?


Say, I know your old man.

Well, isn't that just dandy?

Come on now,
will you please give me my suit?


Take it out and have it drove for me.

Well, I'll be seeing you.

You've seen too much of me already.

Oh, cheer up.

You can possibly feel as bad as I do.

That cluck, Phelps, chasing me
all over the bay for squibs

and fellows that could be
handled by the rewrite desk.

[ Rotary spins ]

All editors are fatheads.

Except when you're looking for a job.

Give me a Phelps.

[ Phone rings ]

- Yeah? - Well, the girl's name is Kirk. Julie Kirk.
- Yeah? - Well, the girl's name is Kirk. Julie Kirk.

She swims raw because she likes it.

And you know what you can
do with the story.

Okay, we play it upbeat.
Make it a nudist colony.

"Police refuse to interfere,
decent citizens up in arms,

- and so forth.
- Go ahead!

Plaster it all over the front page,

but if you had any real editorial sense,

you'd let me go after her father.

There's a real story there.

There you go.
Eli Kirk again.

I tell you it's cold.

The boys in the Coast Guard

have been watching him for a month

and I haven't got a thing on him.

Now listen, you mental midget,

there's Chinese smuggling
going on in this port,

and Kirk's at the bottom of it.

Also, if you don't want the story,

I'll give it to McGurk at The Herald.

Alright, mental giant.
Go after Kirk.

But if you miss...!

Thanks, big hog.

But if you miss...!

Thanks, big hog.

I take back all the mean
things I thought about you.

Now there's a great guy.

At last, we agree.

When two guys agree,
one of them is unnecessary.

All city editors are unnecessary.

[ Motor whirs ]

There you are.

[ Heavily accented ] Thank you,
Capitan. Thank you.

When you can't make a living off tuna,

you might just as well fish for yellowtail.

You know, they ain't bad folks.

Somebody's got to do the washing.

Them, for instance...

He gave me the $700 to get him across,

and look what he wrapped it up in.

Pretty, eh?

Capita, that's gonna look very funny on you

On me?

Well, that's for Julie, my daughter.


[ Laughs ]

Every time I look at
this fish, I have to laugh.

Oh, Capitan, you very smart man.

You've got to be smart these days.

Them Coast Guards are onto everything.


[ Siren wails ]

What's that?

Looks like Coast Guard now!

Come on, let's get busy.

Frank, bring that piece of anchor chain!

[ Speaking in native language ]

Quiet, quiet.

Wrap that around his legs.

[ Sirens wail ]

Capitan, for why the chain?

So's he'll sink.

With that kind of stop,

we don't want no evidence floating around.

Oh, tough on him, alright.

No, he knows he's got to take
a chance to get into the States.

[ Sirens wail ]

Looks like they're gonna board us, alright.

Get him over the rail, but don't drop him

until I give the words, see?

Alright. Let go.

Now, Capitan?
Yes, now.

Let go.

[ Splash ]

What do you got aboard?


Mind if we take a look?


Hello, Kirk.

Looking for another
story to write about me?

Yeah. I'm going
to make you famous.

Put your picture on every
front page in the country.

If nothing happens to you.

Nothing's gonna happen to me.

You sure of that?

So sure I've got the end
of the story written already...

your obituary.

It says you were a pretty smart guy, Kirk,

but you took Chinese money.

Bull's eye.

Come on, Miller.
There's nothing aboard.

I'll be seeing you again, Kirk.


Hello, Eli!
Hello, kid.

- How are you, Julie? - Fine.
- How are you, Julie? - Fine.

Did you have any luck?

All the luck in the world.

All the luck in the world
having you to come to again.

Oh, now, don't get sentimental.

Did you have a good cruise?

Oh... Oh, sure. Yes.

What's the matter, fish not biting?

Sure, they was biting.

I brought you something.

Oh, gee, thanks.
What is it?

Go on, open it up.

I can't.

Here, here, wait a minute.

I can't.

Here, here, wait a minute.


Oh, say.

Well, that's the most
beautiful thing I ever saw.

Wouldn't take much.


Hello, Chris!
Any news?

[ Chuckles ]
You know.

Catching anything today?

Oh, I picked up a pretty fair rubber boot

over by the lighthouse.

Worth about a dime.

Who'd buy one rubber boot?

Worth about a dime.

Who'd buy one rubber boot?

One-legged guy.

Got a sack of whiskey last week.

Any of it left?

How much did you get for it?

A good drunk.

Got something.


[ Splashing ]


Feels kind of funny.

[ Both grunting ]

Coming up crooked.

The sharks around here
are getting highfalutin'.

Yellow bait ain't good enough.

How long you think he's been in the water?

Oh, not more than a day.

The crabs ain't got at him yet.

You know, everything that
goes on around here

- below the surface.
- Yeah.

How have you got it figured?

Well, son...

this here chink didn't put
them there chains

around his feet his self.

And with them chains around his feet,

he didn't do much jumping.

Looks like he was dunked.

Seeing as he's used to it,
I'll dunk him again.

Oh, no, you won't.

This poor chink tried pretty hard

to get in the United States.

I'm taking him in.

Don't go flicking your tail at trouble.

Whoever tied them chains around him

ain't gonna thank you none.

Never mind.

Sell me this chink.
He's news.

Arlene, tell Phelps I want to see him.

And get a photographer.

- What do you got in the bundle, Miller? - What is it?
- What do you got in the bundle, Miller? - What is it?

Thanks, Rico.
[ Screams ]

Thanks, Joe.

What have you got there?
What's the idea?

I got evidence.

What do you mean by bringing that in here?

Get it out.
What is it?

Something the tide dragged in.

Come on, get half smart, will you?

Do you get it?

Kirk drowned the evidence
and the tide dragged it in.

That's simple enough for you to understand.

Do you want me to print that?

What do you think I want you to do with it,

have it stuffed?

If we print one line about Kirk's boat

on your story of finding this body,

we'll have a libel suit on our hands.

Probably cost us fifty grand.

Oh, for the love of my...

See this chain?

Come here, will you?

The same chain came off
of Kirk's boat. I checked it.

I wouldn't care if the chink
had Kirk's drawers on.

The police won't make
an arrest on that evidence.

I want an arrest.

But it's true.

Have I ever been wrong? Yes!

The time you got that crazy
countess off the Laconia,

said she was expecting a baby.

Ha! She wasn't
even married.

Oh, well, that was her story.

She sued and collected.

And when you pulled that yarn

about the porpoise that
swallowed a pint of rye

and danced a jig on the dock.

The greatest fish story
since Jonah and the Whale.

Can I help having imagination?

Come in here.

The trouble with you is you've
got too much imagination.

Now you want to accuse Eli Kirk of murder.

On a thing like this,
you can only be wrong once.

It's a great story.

You're right about that,
and I want to print it,

but I've got to have the facts first.

Alright, it's a fact I found this one

and it's a fact somebody murdered him,

and I'm gonna prove that Kirk did it.


Kirk's got a daughter.
She must know something.

Is it worth expenses to you?

What for?

Gin and roses.

Gonna make love to her?

If I have to.


Say, Julie, you don't remember much

about Singapore, do you?

Oh, grand.

Well, I loved that funny,
little island, remember?

What? Yeah. Oh, it was fun.

How would you like to go back there?

You figuring to move?


No, I've been kind of restless lately

because I've got the tide in my blood.

Besides, I don't like
the price of fish around here.

Eli, you're not in any trouble, are you?

Why... Why, no.

Not exactly.

I thought you were going
to stick to fishing.

You're not gonna change your mind, are you?

There ain't no money in it anymore.

We better go away
some place else and start over.

Well, when do you want to leave?

Oh, another week or two,
I'll have enough money.


Any time you say, anywhere you want.

Only take me along.




[ Slurring ] Just when
I start to feel good,

you pour ice water on the parade.

I can't spend all Phelps' dough
buying you liquor.

I got to get this story.

Now here's where we're going.

Wait a minute.

Boarding house?

Well, I'm gonna have to drag you

from one speakeasy to another.

That's alright with me, but why?

- You hear that? - Sure.
- You hear that? - Sure.

It's Kirk.

When he plays the piano, he's drunk,

and when he's drunk, he talks.

Come on.



[ Tearfully ]
Ain't that beautiful?

Oh, I eat little girls like you!

Why, Grandma, what big teeth you have.

Come on, Mac.
They're not good to eat.

What's the matter with you?
Aren't you interested in girls?

Oh, I forgot.

You're in love.
Girl in Vermont.

What's your matter with her, anyway?

Nothing's the matter with her.

She's waited for you for five years?

[ Chuckles ] She must be muscle-bound.

Oh, shut up and sit down, will you?

What's your name, baby?

Lucy, handsome.


[ Woman crying ] I never
heard anything so beautiful

in my life...

What's the idea?

I eat little girls like you.

I am the world's greatest lover.

Sit down,

while you're all in one piece.

Come on, honey.

Why, I'll kick that guy to death.

Now, listen, Mac.

Have all the fun you want,
but don't get in a fight.

I'm here on business.

You mean you're working? Yeah.

In here,

surrounded by all this wealth and beauty?

Yeah, and if I get what I'm after,

it'll be a wire story for
every front page in America.

I'll be able to go East
and get a job at a decent rag.

Go East, young man.
Go East.

Get a Pulitzer prize.

I'll cover the waterfront.




Hello, honey. Oh, hello, Mama Morgan.

Eli here? Why, um... why no, he ain't.

What's his coat doing by the piano?

It's alright.
I'll wait.


I'm think I'm gonna get that
story sooner than I expected.

I knew a guy went after a story like that.

He's pushing up daisies now.

Work on this until I get back.


Well, here's to him.


Hello, swimmer.

Oh, Nosy Joe, the Peeping Tom.

How are you?
Sick abed.

Let's have a drink and
I'll tell you all about it.


Dancing's my vice.

Your only vice?


Okay, let's go.


You wouldn't go for a kiss, would you?

No, not very far.

Well, because...

Oh, because I'm the most
beautiful girl you ever saw.

That's right.
What's a nice...

Oh, I know that one, too.

"What's a nice girl like you
doing in a place like this?"

Well, that's all settled.

Now I'll give you my telephone number

and then I guess you can kiss me.

Thanks. No, I'm very busy right now.

Well, are you being kissed on Friday?

What day is that?





Lucy's a great gal.

All for Lucy!

Come on, dear.
Let's sit down.

Little girl, will you marry me?

Later, honey.


I thought I told you not to start a fight.

Guess that'll teach him
not to fool with me.

One-Punch McCoy, that's me.

Oh, shut up and sit down.

Is he alright?

It's one of his dizzy spells.
Gift me a lift, will you?

I was waiting to take him home.

Come on, Eli.

He owes Babe for it.
$50, $30 more coming.

And they make jokes about Scotchmen here.

Hold him.

Not a cent.

He's been rolled for it.

Where's that money?

What money?

The money that was in here.

Look who's trying to be funny.

Oh, I know,

you never been so insulted in your life.

Come on.
Hand it over.

Listen, any money I got my sock,

I'm gonna keep.

What you're looking for
is a good slap in the face.

[ Gasps ]

Bravo. Bravo.

Thanks, honey.

Get him out of here, will you?

He's halfway home right now.

Gee, I'm an heiress.

Yeah, over 500 berries.

Hey, he must have been catching goldfish.

[ Crying ]

Oh, here.

Give her this.
She's breaking my heart.

All this?

Yeah, I guess she earned it.

And take care of the press, too, will you?

- Alright.
- You ready?

Come on, we're off.


Hello, cutie.

I eat little girls like you.

Oh, do you?

But it would take months
and months and months.

Oh, I'm sorry to cause you
all this trouble.

Oh, no trouble at all with you along.

He'll be in terrible shape

to go off on another cruise tomorrow.

Going out tomorrow, is he?

Yeah. The fish must be running, huh?

Yeah, I guess so.

You going along?

When he's fishing, he won't
have a woman on board.

Says the fish don't bite.

Then you must have a lot of
spare time on your hands.


You mind if I take up
most of it from now on?

Intentions honorable?


Intentions honorable?


Oh, that's not very romantic.

Well, this isn't a very romantic situation.

Sure it is.

Marvelous moon, beautiful girl.

Taking father home drunk?

Oh, get out, your big lunk.

Say, he and I can get home by ourselves.

If that's the way you feel about it.

I'll be waiting for you. Don't bother.

[ Groans ]

Come on, Eli.
Get up.

Come on, now.
You've got to get home.

[ Groans ]
Come on.


I told you we'd be alright!

Come on, Eli.
You can make it.

Sure he can... with a little help.


See? He made it.

[ Groaning ] No. No. No.

Oh, wait a minute.

Here, come on.
Let go.

Leave me alone now.
I'm alright.

No, you're not.
C'mon, bottoms up.

I don't like it.
Makes me sick.

That's what you're taking it for. Oh.

Get rid of all that poison in you.

If you don't, you'll have
a head like a hot stove.

[ Groans ]

Oh, here's your money.

What are you doing with it?

Taking better care of it than you did.

Well, listen,

I don't want you coming down

to that place anymore after me, see?

Oh, for Pete's sake, if I didn't go there,

I'd be gonna jail for you tomorrow.

Guess you're right.

I guess I'm lucky to be having
you come anywhere after me.

Alright, now don't get
feeling sorry for yourself.

You're alright.

God bless you.

It sounds kind of funny coming from me.

I must be drunk.




How you coming?

I don't know yet,

How you coming?

I don't know yet,

but I'll be alright.


Oh, hello, honey.

So that's all you were waiting for.

Come on, now, be your age.

I knew the first time I saw you,
you were nuts about me.

Oh, sure. Men can't
resist me, either.

Hey, you know something?

You look pretty good in swimming,

but with that coat on, you're terrific.

You like it?

If I liked it much more,
I'd start tearing it.

New, isn't it?

- Chinese? - My father brought it to me this morning.
- Chinese? - My father brought it to me this morning.

Oh, he did?

Come on, sit down.
Tell me all about it.

Oh, I get it.
You're a ventriloquist.

No, I'm just a dummy.

[ Laughing ]

Don't you love it here?

The waterfront?

No, what's there to love about it?

Summer nights, mostly.

When the sun goes down, supper's over,

and all the lights come out on the boats.


And the summer days when the sun comes up

and starts to work on the
fish heads lying around.

You take a deep breath and it gets you...

fish, tar, and bilge oil.

The stink of the waterfront.

You don't write that way about it.

You read my stuff?





A lot of cheap baloney
dished up for the farmers

who come out here to rot in the sunshine.

Bunk. Fakes.

Why do you write it, then?

To eat, darling.

Did you ever try writing anything else?

I've been trying to finish
a novel for five years.

I wouldn't be surprised.

What do you mean?

I'll tell you sometime.


don't let's get serious
on a night like this.

Alright, let's get silly.

How about a kiss?


Ah, but we're all alone
with the stars and the sea.

Come on, let's play a love scene.

Let's fall in love first.

Delivery Man: Miss Kirk? Yeah? Oh, thanks.




[ Laughs ]



Take a flyer on "Mrs. Goossens."

Oh, spell it yourself, would you?

Became a mother at 8:15 PM
in a water taxi.

Baby will live.
Case a fright.

May be responsible, 16-inch guns
during night practice.

Yeah? Says she's going
to sue the government.

Oh. Oh, yeah.

I've got the Empress of Britain
coming in this morning.

World cruise.

A Mitzi Vadja, aboard from Bulgaria,

wearing pants, going to Hollywood.

Met by three other tough, foreign blonds,

also wearing pants,

and they're still kissing each other.

Oh, a lot of notables aboard, all fatheads,

had the usual thing to say...
blah blah blah.

"What a beautiful hobby you've got.

Good times are just around the corner.

Blah blah blah."
Write it yourself, will you?

That Billy you're talking to? Yeah.

Give me that.

Hey, Miller, that wop florist
is here for $9 more for roses!

And the bootlegger
wants %20 for a case of gin.

What are you trying to do?
Marry the girl?

If you don't like the way
I make love, you get the story.

But you're not getting the story.

You haven't got any dope in three days.

Yeah, but she's smart.
Which is more than you are.

[ Phone thumps ]


Talking to me?

Yeah, come on.
Let's get out of here.

Say, this novel's getting better.

That new love scene is good.

You believe those two are falling in love.

You never could before.

You must be falling in love.

Who, me?

With that waterfront girl
you're working on.


I'm only playing her to hook a fisherman,

and I'll do it,
if Phelps will let me alone.

Can you imagine him kicking about that

- case of gin I had sent over your place? - He's kicking?
- case of gin I had sent over your place? - He's kicking?

If there's any kicking
about that lousy gin,

I'll do it.

I get the headaches.

Man: Finest example of the old
prison hulks now in existence.

And more poor souls have died in torture

below those blood-stained decks
then I should care to tell you.

Visit the torture chamber?

50 cents, please.

50 cents? I'm Miller
from The Standard.

I've got to write my usual
column about this old bathtub

for the annual Booze Southern California

Blah and Tripe number.

Oh yes,
Mr. Miller.

Charmed to have you with us.

And the little lady, too.

Take one of our little booklets.

Take one of your little booklets yourself

and stick it in your back pocket.

I know more about this boat than you do.

You wouldn't go for that
kiss now, would you?

Say, I thought you came down here to work.

If you don't think it's work
getting a kiss out of you,

you're nuts.

I've been trying for
three days. Oh, get out.

Come on, now, do your stuff.
What's this?

Oh. Oh, that's
a bird cage.


Well, what's that?

Well, that's a dandruff remover.

[ Laughs ]

Well, that's a dandruff remover.

[ Laughs ]

Ah, but here's the honey.

- C'mere. - Huh? Ow!
- C'mere. - Huh? Ow!

They used to hang guys
up here by the wrist.

This little contraption is adjustable.

They'd raise and lower it
and it always fit you.

Of course, they'd raise you high,

so you'd have to stay on your tip-toes.

And then when you were on your toes,

why, they pour hot lead
on your feet. [ Groans ]

I'll show you.

They put you there

and clamp this around your waist like this

and locked it.

Then one had one in here like this.

[ Clanking ]

Then one had one in here like this.

[ Clanking ]

And the other.

Hey, wait a minute!

In there, and lock that one.

And of course, they wouldn't
leave your neck bare.

They always took this strap, and...

tightened good and tight around there.

Ow! Ow!

tightened good and tight around there.

Ow! Ow!

And now you, you little son of a...

You're gonna get kissed.

How did you like it?

That was torture.

Not for me.

Oh, yeah, I forgot.

You wanted to see a newspaper
man at work, didn't you?

Well, let me see.

Alright, your 16th century.



Oh, yeah, this was a manicure parlor.

Now, these things, they'd take
and pull your fingernails out.

And no tip to the coat room girl.

14th century.


Yeah, thanks.

Enough torture?

I could take it.






Not Spanish.

[ Laughs ]

Not Spanish.

[ Laughs ]


Eli: All fast?

Sailor: All fast!

Eli: All fast?

Sailor: All fast!

Give it to her.

[ Motor whirs ]

Easy, now.

That's what we want.

Sharks big enough to swallow a man.

Capitan, why you fish for shark

when tuna is running?

There's no money in shark.

There is for us.

Oh, yeah?

Watch it.

We want more like that.
Big ones.

Go aloft, Ortegus.

Ah, si, Capitan.

Shark! Off the port bow!
Big one!

I'll say it's a big one!

Slow her down.

Cast off.

Straighten your harpoon lines.
We don't want to miss this one.

He's a big bruiser.

Easy, Capitan.

He's a big bruiser.

Easy, Capitan.

Give it to him.

Cast your line!
Shove him in!

He's coming back!
Turn the boat!

Give me that gun, quick.

The line! The line!
Cut the line, quick!

[ Gunshots ]

He's sounding!
Look out!

He's heading for the bottom!

Oh, they're both goners.

That big devil's right on top of them.

Look out behind you!

[ Screams ]

[ Screaming ]

He's got him!

Pull in close.
We might save the skipper.

[ Groaning ]

Take it easy, boy!

[ Groans ]

Oh, the leg.
The leg is gone.

Grab it quick, Skipper!

Easy now, easy. Easy. [ Groaning ]

We're going down here.

Oh, Capitan.

We're going down here.

Oh, Capitan.

We've got to stop the bleeding!

You're going to be alright now.

Take it easy.

I want to pray.
I want to pray.

Cross, Capitan.
Cross, Capitan.

You got a cross?

Oh, something to pray to.
Oh, my saint.

My saint.


Give me picture.


Candles. Light candles.

[ Speaking in native language ]

Don't you men know enough
to take off your hats?


Perfect, isn't it?

From where I sit.

Wouldn't it be marvelous
if we could go on like this?

We can.
No, we can't.

I got to break a promise to Eli
to tell you something.

I think a lot of you, Joe.

So much, I couldn't go without telling you.

Break a promise?
Go where?

South America, South Seas.
I don't know.

He asked me not to tell anybody,
but we're moving on.

But when? Why?

Tomorrow, maybe.
I don't know why.

You don't?

Maybe it's better.

I feel we had a whole lifetime of happiness

these last two weeks and none of the grief.

Let's leave it at that.

Do you really mean that, Julie?

I don't know.

No, don't.



Yeah, I'm afraid of tomorrow without you.

Why worry about tomorrow?

Oh, why should I think about tomorrow?




[ Laughs ]



I'll always remember this place.

Yeah, and I'll always remember this coffee.

Of course, it could stand
a little cleaning,

but I'll get busy on that
today and fix it up.

Oh, it isn't worth bothering with.

Want some jam? Yeah, give me the works.

Wait till I get through with it.

It'll be swell here,

especially when it rains.



You know, with the fireplace
going and rain on the roof.

Oh, there isn't any fireplace.

Well, we'll get one.

Where would the cat sit?

What cat?

Where would the cat sit?

What cat?

The one we're gonna get.

Oh, there isn't any use
putting any money in a cat.

Only have to give it away.
I won't be here much longer.

You won't?

I mean, you're going to
some other fishing town

and I'm going east.

Have you ever been in Vermont?


The whole place isn't sand and ocean,

but earth.

Things grow.

The seasons change once in a while.

Things smell better.

Around here, everything
smells of dead sardines.

This godforsaken seaport.

A lot of people like you in every point.

Like me?


Always kicking about what they're doing,

where they live, why they're
not getting anyplace.

They're always going away
on ships looking for something.

Everything you want is right here.

Even that book you're writing,
only you can't see it.

You've been living here six years.

I'll bet you you haven't looked
out of those windows once.

Well, you couldn't.

They haven't been washed in six years.

[ Exhales ]


You can have Vermont.

Not bad.
Not bad at all.

Men never know what the sea
really looks like.

Women do.

They've looked out there for years

waiting for somebody to come back.

Joe, I'm not going away.

You're not?

I thought you said
you were going with your father.

I've changed my mind.

I'm gonna tell him as soon as he gets in.

When does he land?

Where will he dock?

Down at the Chinese settlement.

Why the Chinese settlement?

There's no tuna cannery there.

Oh, he's not fishing tuna.

He went south for sharks.


How will he feel when he knows

you're not going with him tomorrow?

[ Laughs ] He'll kick up a row, I guess,

but I can handle him.

Joe, don't you understand?

None of us are going away.

Maybe you're right.

Sailor: I'm not making
much headway, Skipper.

Tell them I want to get in before sundown.

Aye-aye, Skipper.

Listen, fathead.

We've already given the Coast Guard

one bum steer on Kirk,

and I refuse to let myself in
for another razzing.

Now if you haven't got the real dope,

I won't call them.

Listen yourself, thickhead.

If this isn't the real dope,
then what is it?

First, when everybody's
getting good prices for tuna,

Kirk goes south and fishes shack.

Second, he's pulling out
of here tomorrow morning.

Third, he's docking at
the Chinese settlement tonight.

Now, don't two and two make four?

Yes, but that makes six.

What do the sharks got to do with it?

What am I supposed to be, a fortune teller?

Maybe it's an excuse for him
to go down below the border,

or it's unnatural.

He's pulling out of here tomorrow morning,

and he's bound to try one last haul.

Kirk's no fool.

The minute he sees the Coast Guard,

if he's got anything,
he'll dump it overboard.

He did it the last time.

And I thought it took brains
to be an editor.

I'll draw you a picture.

We all stay under cover
until Kirk ties up at the dock,

then we pounce on him and
catch him with his pants down.

And you find a Chinaman in his pants.

Alright, I'll go for it.

But either you bring me back
this story or a piece of rope.

Rope? Yeah, so I can tie a can to you.

Give me the Coast Guard.

[ Boat motor whirring ]

Eli: Let it go!

Take it up slow.

Don't bump nothing,
and don't let 'em use any hooks.

I don't want this fish
to be spilling its guts.

Go ahead.
Take it away.

Wait a minute, Kirk.

- Hold everything till we tell you. - Hold it.
- Hold everything till we tell you. - Hold it.

Don't you fellows never get
tired of looking me over, huh?

Orders, Kirk.

Don't miss anything, boys.

Well, if you feel like wasting your time,

it's alright with me.

Miller of The Standard.

Hello, Miller.

Miller of The Standard.

Hello, Miller.

Hello, Kirk.
Good catch tonight?

What are you doing on my boat?

Looking for that big story I promised you.

Nobody comes on my boat
while I'm unloading,

excepting the crew.

It's what comes off your boat
that interests me.

You better get out of here
or I'll break your back.

From now on, the only thing
you'll break will be rock.

For 20 years...

that's what they give them for smuggling.

- Isn't it, Kirk? - You'll get out of here, do you hear me?
- Isn't it, Kirk? - You'll get out of here, do you hear me?

Okay, tough, remember me?
One-Punch McCoy?


Hey, wait a minute, Kirk.


Hey, wait a minute, Kirk.

Ah, Christmas has come.

Put that in your pocket.

The same to you, and many of them.

Kirk, did you ever read the Bible?


Someone must have told you

the story of Jonah and the Whale.

What do you mean?

Just what I said.

Huh. Find anything?

Not this time.
You can go ahead, Kirk.

Pick it up, Jake.

Hey, wait a minute.

You didn't find anything?

No, just another bum steer, Miller.

Don't you ever get anything right?

Oh, all this fuss was his idea, huh?

Yeah, my idea.

Hey, hold that shark!

Hey, don't be giving orders on my boat!

Hey, hold!

So I never get anything right, huh?

There's nothing on that boat.

Not right now, there isn't,

but he brought one in and he landed him.

Well, then where is it?

I'm sick and tired of you

loudmouthed, half-baked
newspaper reporters.

Half-baked, am I?

Has anybody got a knife?

Yeah, here's one.

Has anybody got a knife?

Yeah, here's one.

- Thanks. - You might as well admit you muffed this one.
- Thanks. - You might as well admit you muffed this one.

Yeah. Well, here's one
nobody can muff.

Hey, get away from that shark!

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Well, I'll be.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

Wait a minute, Kirk!
You're under arrest!

[ Gunshot ]

Drop that knife!

Newsboy: Extra, read about
the Chinese smugglers.

Chinese smugglers captured!

Latest edition papers!

[ Phone rings ]

Great story, Joe.

Extra out 10 minutes ago.

It's the best story to come
out of this town in years.

It'll hit the front page
of every paper in the country.

I'm raising you $5 a week with a $50 bonus.

Thanks, boss.

If you find Kirk, I'll make it $100.

He's hit pretty hard.
He can't be far away.

Get down to the waterfront!
Find him!

If you need any help, call on me.

I got this much of the story without help

from cops or anybody, including you.

And I'll do it alone!

I'll get the rest of the story.

I don't want your lousy raise!
I don't want any part of you!

I'll get the story and get out

and I hope I never see you or your paper

or this stinking waterfront again!

That's the stuff, Joe!

Now you are fired.

Hey, how much rent
do you pay for this place?

Oh, get out, will you?

No, I'm just getting in.

You're getting out.

But before you go, speak to
Phelps about me for your job.

Oh, you can have it.
You can have this place.

You can have anything connected
with the waterfront I've got.

You mean you're really going?

Yeah, going just as far as I possibly can

and try to forget what
a mess I've made of things,

particularly myself.

Well, in that case, I'll give you this.

I opened it. Well, what does it say?

It's from Brattleboro, Vermont.

"Joe, dear, since you are the
dearest friend I have," stop.

"I want you to be the first to know

I am engaged to Walden Morgan," stop.


It's a tough break, kid.
I'm sorry.

Oh, you don't have to be.
I wasn't in love with her.

Oh? No, it was just one of those things.

That was a great story.

Yeah, tough break on Julie.

That was a great story.

Yeah, tough break on Julie.

She believed in me.

Listen, call Phelps
and tell him you're sick.

I'll finish the story.

No, I can't stop now,
Mac, you ought to know that.

I'll finish the story.

No, I can't stop now,
Mac, you ought to know that.

I'll finish the story.

No, I can't stop now,
Mac, you ought to know that.

It's a great story.

I wish I'd done it.

And I wish you had.

I wish I'd done it.

And I wish you had.

I wish anybody in the world
had done it but me.

[ Cat meowing ]

Well, "meow" yourself.

Come on.
Well, come on.

[ Meows ]
Hello, there.

Hello, there.
[ Meows ]

Say, I got a job for you.


How would you like
to sit beside a fireplace, huh?

Oh, just the warmest,
coziest fireplace you ever saw.

Now, look, isn't that good? Miss Kirk!

What do you want?
You come.

Your father hurt bad.

He say get doctor. Doctor?
What's happened to him?

What happened to him?

[ Train whistle blows ]

I brought you the doctor, Eli.

How does it look, Doc?

I shall have to remove the bullet.

Have you got the tools?

Yes, but I have no anesthetic.

Well, I have plenty of that.

Go on and get started.

Let's have done with it.

Make a light for me.

There it is.

How did it happen?

That black-legged reporter
put the police onto me

and they caught me with the goods.

What reporter?


What reporter?


Yes, Miller.

Somebody tipped him off

where I was gonna land the stuff tonight.

Somebody did.

I'm going to get across the border.

Get me a motorboat.

Yeah. Don't you worry.
I'll take care of all that.

We've both got to get out of here.

You can't go with me, Julie.

Oh, I've got to, Eli.
I can't stay here.

Why? Why?

I... I trusted somebody.
I thought I was in love.


Yeah, I made a mistake.


Yeah, I made a mistake.

Who is he?

Nobody that matters.

You've always told me everything.

It's one thing I can't ever tell you.

Light a little closer.

This may hurt.
You hold still.

Hold it!


It looks kind of like a cross, don't it?

Give it to me.

Might come in handy later on.

No. No, he's gonna be
alright, isn't he, doctor?

Chances are not good.
for going in boat.

If I can get up that ladder,
I'm going tonight.

Must go very easy.
You have hemorrhage.

You die. No, no, no. No, you won't.

You won't, Eli.

You just lie quiet.
We'll get away alright.

You get that boat ready.


Get in provisions enough for four days.

You be quiet now and don't worry.

[ Knock on door ]

[ Door closes ]

Julie, I...

What do you want?

Julie, I...

What do you want?

I want to tell you
something. Tell me nothing.

You told me. You don't
like the waterfront.

Things don't grow here!

No, not like you they don't!

Maybe not. But I'm sorry
I had to drag you in.

Never mind about me!

It's him!
No, it isn't.

That's my job, and he had it coming to him.

It's you!
I loved you.

I didn't know it, but I know it now.

You love me?

You just went after me to get my father!

That's why you're here now.

You think I know where he is and you think

they'll find him.
They will.

But I came here to get
one thing clear in your head.

Last night was on the level.

I loved you, and I'll always love you.

Don't talk about love.

You've been digging around the
muck of the waterfront so long,

nothing means anything to you
but your dirty job!

You think you're gonna find Eli?

Well, try it.

If you do, they'll find
you dead in the harbor.

Oh, for goodness...

Yeah, and that'll be okay with me, too.

Oh, for goodness...

Yeah, and that'll be okay with me, too.

Now get out of here.

[ Laughs quietly ]

I guess you lost your job.

[ Boat horn sounds ]

[ Gunshot ]

How does that feel?

Kind of hot.

You don't shoot as straight as you spit.

Straight enough.

You'll never write no more
stories about me.

Oh yes, I will.

I'll still write your obituary.

No, you won't.

I'll be over the border by sunrise.

[ Coughing ]

Yeah, but not the Mexican border.

[ Chuckles ]

You're pretty game, ain't you?

You just won't quit, will you?

Not till I'm through.

Come on, Eli.

I've got the boat.


Eli, are you alright?


What's the matter with him?

I shot him.

You shot him?

He had it coming to him.

He's right, Julie.

I gave you a pretty raw deal.

Is he the man?


No, no, Eli.
You can't do that.

What's the use?

Come on. Come on,
we've got to get away.

You'll never make it, okay?

You can't even get up those...

[ Strained ] ...stairs.

We can't leave him, Eli.

If nobody came, he... he might die here.

I can't leave him.

Joe: Where are we going?

None of your business.
Come on.

Eli, you got twisted in the fog.

We're back home!

Take her outside, you made a mistake.

No mistake.
Not this time.

Get a doctor to get that
bullet out of the kid there.

You did it on purpose.

If you love him, he's worth it.

It's more than I ever was.


It's more than I ever was.



Oh, no! [ Crying ]





[ Whistling ]

Is that the only tune you know?

It's very appropriate.

Say, what's the matter with you?

Have you got writer's cramp?

All the time in the world

and you haven't written
one line of your novel.

I didn't feel like writing.

Besides, I'm stuck for a finish.

Well, why not end it very abruptly

and call it "The Romance
of the Fisherman's Daughter"?

That'll be enough of that.

Well, that romance ended
very abruptly, didn't it?

Oh, shut up, will you?

I don't see any roses around here.

I didn't expect any.

Have a crutch.


Have a crutch.


Women are all alike.

- Not all of them. - Sure, they are.
- Not all of them. - Sure, they are.

When you need them most,

they are conspicuous by their absence.

Oh, come on, let's get out of here.

I'm for that.

The smell of ether intoxicates me.

[ Whistling ]

[ Whistling trails off ]

Hey, are we in the right house.



Oh, if you could only cook.

Hey, what's this thing, a desk?


What do you think I am, a society editor?

Where's the Pekinese that goes with it?

Don't you like it?
Like it?

I think it's the...



You did this?


You did this?




I had something to say to you, and...

this is my way of saying it.

You like it?

I think it's swell.

Well, it's too bad you
won't be around to enjoy it.

You won't find a desk
like that in the East.

You go East, young man.
Go East.

I got it.


I've always liked fireplaces.

Yeah, they're awfully nice when it rains.



No, Jenny.

I beg your pardon.


You know, I've...

I've never seen that old harbor
look so beautiful.

Maybe that's because
the windows are washed.

I've got the finish for my novel.

What is it?


He marries the girl.

That's a swell finish.



