Hysteria (2011) - full transcript
In 1880 pioneering doctor Mortimer Granville,sacked from various hospitals for challenging his superiors' out-moded methods,gets a job with Dr Dalrymple,who relieves female patients' frustrations - or hysteria - with pelvic massages which allow orgasm. The handsome young doctor attracts a large female clientele and gets engaged to Dalrymple's studious younger daughter Emily but after the constant massaging brings on a carpal injury he is sacked. Fortunately an enterprising inventor friend has come up with a power operated feather duster which will soon be transformed into a vibrator and make Mortimer a fortune. Along the way he also realises that his heart really lies with Emily's older sister Charlotte,an outspoken suffragette who runs a home for disadvantaged women in London's East End.
I truly don't even know
why I'm here doctor.
Well of course it's difficult
running a large household by one self...
and raising four children is exhausting.
But they're wonderful, wonderful children.
And my husband...
he's a good man.
A very hard worker.
And huuu...
There were...
there is just...one thing...
Sometimes at night...
and it comes to me.
I imagine myself...
splitting his fat, bold head
with a great large axe.
It's just a feeling that comes
over me many...many times a day...
a feeling of humm...
expectation, aah...
How do you bear it,
this English weather?
I cannot sing from the sadness.
I open my mouth...
You see?
Well and with my dear AIIister's gone
it's two years now I...
I should thought I'm far,
far too old for this kinds of feelings...
but well, there they are...
I ask you to clean this wound
and put on fresh bandages.
Dr. Richardson told me
not to waste supplies.
Is he mad? No...
We must keep the wound
clean to prevent sepsis.
- What 'sis'?
- Sepsis.
Infection. It's caused by germs
entering the wound.
Germs. They're tiny creatures
that invade the body.
Causing pain, fever,
I don't think I have those.
- You can't see them.
They're invisible.
Please, just fetch me a beaker of
carbolic acid solution and fresh bandage.
Yes, doctor.
ugh...That oaf Richardson had this way
with perform surgery in the sewer
using rusty saws
and it would be
Beekman's pills for everybody.
no matter the ailment...
- Granville.
I'm aware I specifically told the nurse
not to change these bandages.
Soiled bandages are
a heaven for germs.
Germ's theory
is poppycock, Granville.
Now stop speaking of it.
You're frightening the patients.
Poppycock? But Lister has proved it.
All the latest journals...
- Tight, Granville.
No, we won't be needing those.
Thanks very much.
A study there of calm reassurance
and regular bleeding.
These are the keys
to modern medicine.
Will you remain calm, when the
leg putrefies and become gangrenous?
When you amputate...
when the rots spread
to her blood and kills her?
I've had quite
enough of your impotence.
Put back that bandage
and bleed a pint.
Look...look at her, man.
You...you get more blood out of a turnip.
Do as you're told.
And give her Beekman's pills
for insurance.
Beekman's pills are rubbish.
They will do nothing but
bring on stomach cramps.
I won't stand here and watch
you murder your patients
just because you can't be bothered
to read the latest science.
At long last
we agree, Granville.
Bloody dinosaur.
Good day Mrs. Copeland.
Is Edmund in?
I wouldn't know, sir.
Guess it all knows my part is
delivery stay at night.
If I didn't love his parents so,
I'd never stay.
I'd pack my bags,
and all this electrical equipment.
It's a fire hazard, that's what it is.
I'll try his study.
You. Why have you stopped?
Now, that is not what
you're supposed to do.
Oh no.
You haven't been sacked again,
have you?
I've tell you, Edmund. The healing arts
in England are positively lethal.
It's no coincident that the morgues
are placed adjacent to the hospitals.
- Ahh...
Well, this is 1880's.
We're meant to be in the midst
of a medical revolution.
Is it asking too much to use just
a bit of what science has provided.
Rather than...go about
indiscriminately killing people?
Yeah, well it's little bit like that.
What's all the fuss outside?
My new generator.
You purchase a generator
just last year.
Obsolete. This is half the size
and leaves double the power.
I never thought I'd say this. But...
I've lost hope.
Since I was a boy, all I wanted was
to practice medicine.
And to help...
people that actually needed it.
But I'm beginning to fear
that the world is set against me.
Well, what you gonna do?
Private practice, I suppose.
I shall harness myself
to some greedy pill pusher.
Shut my mouth. And pray that
it nets me a steady income.
Or, I could give you ten thousand pounds,
so you could whatever you wish.
uhh...I've told you
a thousand times, Edmund.
You and your family done
quite enough for me already.
Oh, come on, Mortimer.
I'd hardly miss it.
That's not the point.
I simply must make
my own way in the world.
You're so wonderfully middle class.
Thank you.
Oh, by the way.
There seems to be a young man
sleeping on your stairs.
Good Morning.
Mortimer Granville to see
Dr. Dalrymple. I have an appointment.
He's with someone now.
I see. Very well.
I shall wait, then.
It's lovely.
Japanese, I think.
You're a charlatan...
with no more idea
of a woman's wants or needs than
of...of the Moon's atmosphere.
Charlotte, I simply
want you to behave...
You may be unaware, but there is
a social revolution of foods.
Women, will no longer
be denied our rightful place.
Try, as you might. To keep us in
a kitchen and in a drawing room.
We will not rest.
Until we are welcome
in the universities,
in the professions and
in the voting booth.
What are you staring at?
Yes, I can see the wheels turning.
Pity I can't stay for the pronouncement.
That woman was...
Yes, quite.
It's a very difficult case,
that one.
I have worked at a number
of hospitals in the past...
Guy's of course, Charing Cross.
The Westminster Hospital,
most recently...
- St Thomas's
Old St Thomas's
The popular Stepney sick asylum...
Good. Impressive.
...the diseases of the chest.
Royal Sea Bathing Infirmary...
It's...It's a variety of experiences.
But, tell me doctor...
what do you know of hysteria?
But it's a plague of our time.
I would venture to say, that
half the women in London are affected.
It stands from an overactive uterus.
In its most severe forms,
it demands drastic measures.
institutionalization, surgery even.
But in it's milder manifestations:
Nymphomania, frigidity,
melancholia, anxiety,
it's eminently treatable.
Look. I'll come straight
to the point, doctor.
I'm keen for help.
Oh, you saw my waiting room.
Not enough hands to do the work,
so to speak.
Sir, I would be enormously grateful
for any position that allowed me
to offer relieve to my patients
with little chance of killing them.
I've treated thousands of cases,
and I've not lost a single patient.
But I won't lie to you, Granville.
It's tedious, tiring work.
Are you fit?
I have never shook from hard work in the
pursuit of helping the most needy among us.
Jolly good.
Shall we say,
umm... three pounds a week?
Three pounds?
Plus food and lodging.
I accept.
We're going to do great things
together, Granville.
Good God, what a grip.
So, breakfast at eight,
dinner at six.
Your room is up...ahh...
I want you to meet my new assistant.
Dr. Mortimer Granville.
My daughter, Emily Dalrymple.
Your servant, ma'am.
So pleased to meet you, Dr. Granville.
Emily is the angel of the house.
Since the day that my wife, Melodia, passed
away, Emily has run things in proper order.
Oh, and she's also quite
a scientist in her own right.
You boast, Father.
Let me guess.
- Phrenology...hahahaha...Yes.
I can assure you Phrenology
is an accurate science, doctor.
Yes. Besides emulation of the bump
someone's head's a varied
road map to the personality,
if one is properly trained
to read them.
I don't mean to imply...
I think a demonstration
is in order
for our young skeptic.
it could be the most convivial.
Dr. Granville, you had the most
perfectly formed nimbus I've ever felt.
He is a man of great wisdom.
I knew it. I knew it
And your mastoid is...
is very well pronounced.
Doctor, you're quite sympathetic,
aren't you?
What else...what else?
Oh, I'm so sorry.
- What?
It's just...
Well your...your thrombus
is so...rigid,
so jotting and prominent,
it startled me.
Rigid thrombus?
Sorry. Rigid thrombus?
it augurs fame.
No, no, no...
While I have the utmost respect
for your method, Miss Dalrymple
I must complaint that you misread me.
I'm but a simple doctor.
I have no ambition for notoriety.
And I can assure you, your
thrombus is the key to you future.
Whether you seek it or not,
Dr. Granville.
You're destined for fame.
Who is this?
Who is this, please?
Mr. Stanton...Huh.
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me now?
This is Edmund St. John Smythe.
No, I don't work at
the telephone exchange. You see...
I've installed this telephone
and I wanted to test it
you're the only person
they could connect me to. Haha...
How're things going over there?
Sound's thrilling. Very well.
Carry on then. Goodbye.
Do you realize?
I have been speaking to a barrister
on the other side of London.
What about it?
Nothing. I don't even know the job.
Nothing to value if you
have nothing to speak about.
Here I am in Grosvenor Square,
and he's miles away
yet, we're able to speak
to each other instantaneously.
Do you think they'll catch on?
I have no idea.
But imagine if everyone had one.
I have just been offered a position by
London'0s leading specialist in women's medicine.
Oh, God...
How ghastly for you.
When do you start?
Quite looking forward
to it, actually.
Who is she?
She's his daughter.
Emily Dalrymple.
I've only met her briefly, but...
But what?
Oh, Edmund. She is magnificent.
The epitome of English virtue and...
I haven't the hope.
Huh. Handsome, young doctor.
What more could a woman ask?
Huh, better income. Social equal.
A few laughs, stiff pricks.
That's all a woman wants.
And you know this because?
Oh, I've read it in a magazine.
Oh, I see.
A toast then. To the end of Dr. Mortimer Granville,
once a brilliant student,
most recently, a visionary
doctor to the poor,
and now, handmade
to anxious middle-aged women.
Edmund St. John Smythe.
Benefactor. Miserable student.
Sometimes drunkard.
Full time sexual deviant and
supreme waster of time and money,
especially if it has anything to do
with the science of electricity.
- To the telephone.
- To the Queen.
To calling the Queen
on the telephone.
Morning, Mrs. Parsons.
Oh, good morning, Doctor.
This is Dr. Granville.
He'll be assisting me this morning.
Very pleased to meet you,
Mrs. Parsons.
Notice the general pallor.
And how are we
this morning, Ms. Parsons?
Still feeling anxious?
yes, quite anxious, doctor.
I've been having those distracting
thoughts we discussed all week.
Throughout history,
the medical establishment just
offered hysterical women
a veritable small
respond order of treatments.
Warm baths, ice baths, water jets,
horseback riding even.
But, I favour
a more direct approach.
Now, I like to begin
with a drop of musk oil...
followed by oil of lilies.
good dollop.
Are you ready, Mrs. Parsons?
Yes...yes, doctor. Quite ready.
Now, you begin with
the index finger.
Applying gentle pressure.
And slowly...
slowly in a circular motion,
still pressing gently.
It's a bit like tapping your head
and rubbing your tummy at the same time.
But you certainly
get the hang of it.
Vulva massage was popularized by
Pieter Van Forest in the 16th century.
Who prescribed it most
especially for widows
and women of religious orders.
- No offense, Mrs. Parsons.
- None taken, Doctor.
But today, in a clinical
environment with a trained professional
this is the most direct,
most effective treatment we can offer.
Good steady pressure.
That's the key.
Oh...Thank you, doctor.
Thank you.
Of course, reapply oil as needed.
Notice the effect, Doctor?
Shortness of breath.
Blushing of the skin.
Fluttering of the eyelids,
Mourn crimson.
All perfectly normal.
Merely, involuntary physiological
reaction to the treatment.
Oh...Oh, come on!
Come on, boy!
Up and over!
Steady on, Mrs. Parsons. Steady on.
Put steady pressure.
That's the key of it all.
Steady she goes, Mrs. Parsons.
Steady she goes
Is she's by fierce external stimulation,
we're able to elicit the pain pleasure reaction,
there by inducing
the hysterical paroxysm,
and causing the uterus back
to its normal position.
The female organ is as you know
incapable of experiencing any
pleasurable sensation what so ever
without actual penetration,
of the male organ.
As you can see, Granville.
A very satisfactory paroxysm.
Well, I think we can judge this treatment a
great success, What do you say, Mrs. Parsons?
Startling, Dr. Dalrymple.
How a full demonstration.
And those nagging thoughts?
Gone, Doctor.
So, same time next week.
Same time tomorrow, I should say.
Moderation in all things,
Mrs. Parsons.
Moderation in all things.
Is that you, Sarah?
Ow...missed me, Charlie!
Sauce, sir?
It's lovely with the fish.
Thank you.
My father was
the Anglican minister of Mortlake.
Unfortunately, he and mother
perished in the last cholera outbreak.
when I was a boy.
After coming to London to volunteer,
they contracted the disease themselves.
Oh, how dreadful.
Oh, terrible.
No doubt that's where you came
your interest in medicine.
Lord St. John Smythe, knew of my fate
and without thought of the cost,
brought me into his own home and
provided for my welfare and education.
Just what you'd expect from
a man of his standing.
There is no greater charity
than the gift of education.
You read the book of Samuel Smiles?
Is there anyone more sensible,
more supremely British.
Music, philosophy,
you're woman of many
talents Miss Dalrymple.
It's through generosity,
through compassion,
through simple Christian kindness,
and England gospel is spread
through all those who hunger...
Hello, Father.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
Emily, hello. Love you.
Good evening, Charlotte.
Molly, hello?
Staying out of trouble, I heard?
Most days, miss. Wine?
Yes, please.
You remember my daughter,
Charlotte Dalrymple...
- My new assistant, Dr. Mortimer Granville.
Oh, hello. Lovely
to meet you properly.
Careful not to prick
yourself, Doctor.
You are aware that
the dinner begin at six.
I'm so sorry.
Lizzie Burke had her
eighth baby today. A little girl.
She was turn the wrong way around,
it took forever to get her out.
It was unbelievable.
Must we speak of such
things at table?
Dr. Granville.
How is your fish?
Very fresh and very flaky,
thank you.
And Emily, are the parsnips
to your liking?
Oh...that's enough, Charlotte.
Only trying to make the
conversation sufficiently benign.
Dr. Granville
What say you?
Childbirth. Nasty, uncomfortable
topic best avoided at supper
or a miracle of life suited
for any setting?
I believe that serious medical matters,
are best left to those who're trained in them.
The lane Doctor remind me, but can only
study his scalpel with a quart of gin.
What say you, then?
Charlotte is the mistress at the Eastern Settlement,
House of Heaven for the less fortunate.
yes, unfortunately, the experience's
left her without a sense of
punctuality or decorum.
Oh, that's probably true.
I suppose I should've said to Lizzie,
"Hold tight darling,
won't be a minute. Just got to pop home.
Mustn't be late for supper"
I don't know why you bother
coming here at all
if your sole intention is
to be disruptive.
It isn't my sole intention.
We're out of coal again
and I need ten pounds.
No, no, no, no.
I already told you yesterday, I'm not giving
you any further support in that regard.
I know you did but
I didn't think you mean it.
Well if that what it takes to
bring to your senses, so be it.
I've been dodge you too long.
I've allowed you to roam the
street of London late at night.
Streets that I would be frighten
to go into in broad daylight.
I've taken into my own home
the employer...
inexperience maid at your request.
But no more.
Then father please give me my dowry.
What...To be wasted on prostitutes
and factory workers? I don't think so.
No, no. Not until you marry.
I would rather offer myself
to a band of ravenous Cossacks.
- The parsnips are delicious.
Are they not?
I do find they work wonderfully
with the fish. Don't you think?
it's not the Middle Ages.
She will able to marry whoever she pleases.
No! It's not proper.
Now you give up this settlement house
and step up to your responsibility.
And until you do so,
I will not give you another penny.
And I won't come here anymore.
Not the charity or the company.
And you may threaten me with
privation, with bankruptcy,
with a life that knows
only hunger and squalor.
But I shall never veer,
from what I know
to be my own true path.
And don't slam...
Does she slam every door?
Very difficult case, that one.
Good night, Doctor.
How is it, Miss Dalrymple that...
you are so much the ideal one.
And your sister is so...
so volatile?
well, I'm hardly ideal, Doctor.
Charlotte, she just...
feels everything so strongly.
If you truly knew her, you would see she's
terribly clever and wonderfully charitable
If she's earn such love and admiration
from one so kind and gentle as yourself,
I should never speak faultily of her.
Good night, Doctor.
Good night, Miss Dalrymple.
Don't, Frank.
How are you, this morning?
We doing fine.
He just misses his mother.
You know what...I was thinking
about you this morning.
Do you know what
we going to start with?
Pardon me.
It's quite alright, handsome.
- Molly, is it?
- That's right, sir.
But my friends call me
Molly the Lolly.
And I think that we can be friends.
Molly the Lolly.
That's an unusual nickname.
Fancy a lick?
No, no. Thank you.
Only six buck for
the gentlemen like yourself.
It will only take me a minute.
Well, it's a generous offer, I'm sure.
But I have a very busy day ahead of me.
So, so, so...perhaps
another time, okay?
No, no, no. What I mean to say is...
Will if you excuse me.
Suit yourself.
You alright, Fannie?
It's nothing.
Fannie, what is it? What?
It's George.
I think he's gonna land us
on the street. This time
- Oh, no, no, miss. I can't
- No, take it. Take it.
Straight to the landlord.
No stopping.
I'll see you tonight.
Mrs. Bellamy, is it?
I'm Dr. Granville, Dr. Dalrymple
new associate. - Good morning.
Very pleased to meet you, Doctor.
You've been here before?
- Yes.
So you are aware of the procedure?
Going well?
Yes, quite. Thank you.
As I said before, I'm leaving you
in very good hands, Mrs. Bellamy.
Thank you, doctor.
Good day.
Shall we begin?
Sorry about that.
- You alright, Doctor?
- Yes, quite. Thank you.
Here we go, then.
Please let me know
if anything is uncomfortable.
That's very nice, Doctor. Thank you.
Very nice, indeed.
Don't you understand?
It's an emergency.
The situation is desperate.
It's completely impossible, madam.
I'll do anything.
Mille grazie.
You are very welcome, Signora.
You knew they turning
patients away.
Really? I hadn't notice.
I think because of you.
This may be broken.
Something wrong with your hand?
Just a twinge.
Allow me.
You seem to have settled in nicely,
Dr. Granville.
Now, you may have noticed that I'm
not getting any younger.
And with only two daughters,
I have no one
to carry on the practice.
I was wondering whether
you might like to consider
becoming a partner.
Papa, that's a wonderful idea.
I...I'm speechless.
And who knows if things go well,
this practice may end up yours.
Since my dear wife Melodia,
passed away...
God rest her soul.
Emily has diligently and
professionally managed the household.
I've no doubt that one day
she would make a fine Doctor's wife,
with that experience.
I do hope I'm not expected to stay
here until after supper, everyday.
I'm very sorry, Ms. Smalley, I'll
be on schedule tomorrow. I promise.
I do hope so.
Right. Just in here.
We'll sit you down.
Miss Dalrymple, what a surprise?
I'm afraid that your father isn't here.
Well in that case I must tell you
that we work only to appointment.
Fannie has broken her ankle.
I was hoping to persuade you to treat it?
I'll have the fish n chips.
That's the rum talking.
It's all I had to ease the pain.
Normally I don't recommend extreme drunkenness,
but it's probably a very good choice.
Let have a look at it.
I should tell you, we've no money.
Good night, Mrs. Smalley.
Oh..Good night.
Let's take her inside.
- Thank you.
I'm not wearing any knickers.
Well, I'm sure
it's an honest mistake.
You want to look?
- What are these for?
- I'll explain later.
There we go.
- Lie back.
Very good.
Now, Fannie...
- Yes.
I want you to count to three for me.
Can you do that?
Yes, I think so.
You said three, bloody hell!
She's out, I think.
Forgive me. I wanted
her thoughts elsewhere.
I need some plaster,
for her ankle.
I didn't know my father had any
proper medical supplies in here anymore.
Crimean War's supplies I imagine.
Is your hand alright?
A bit stiff actually.
Why are you so opposed
to your father?
My father...
You know he's never been
to the settlement house.
I simply wish he helped people
like Fannie who really need it
Instead of the trivial work
he does here.
It's hardly trivial.
That one is a little bit sloppy,
thank you nurse.
I apologize.
Hysteria is a disabling condition
suffered by half the women in this city.
Keeps you busy, I see.
Does wonders for
disagreeable personalities.
You find me disagreeable?
I've only ever seen you shout
at people and slam doors.
At least I've got
the courage of my convictions.
And few friends, I would imagine?
Well, I need to see you again
in six weeks, Fanny,
to remove the cast.
Thank you, Doctor.
Yes, you've been a great help.
You're both very welcome.
If you ever get bored,
of nervous housewives
feel free to pay us a visit.
Hello, Mortimer.
Please, sit down.
I've been...Oh, Emily...
I've been thinking...
should things progress
as your father suggested
and I one day
I inherit the practice,
what would your feelings be,
well, an arrangement?
I should be honoured.
Most especially as it will
make father so happy.
Oh, that's settled.
Duty first, as always, Emily.
Life is of little value unless
it be consecrated by duty.
Oh...Quite, yes.
A word?
I must insist that you give Charlotte
no further assistance of any sort.
It merely prolongs her relationship
with those people and that place.
The woman had a broken ankle.
I admire your dedication, Doctor.
But we can't have day labours
trade things through the office.
This is a very exclusive
and I might add, lucrative practice.
Appearances matter.
I have taken a solemn oath, Sir.
I thought we had an understanding,
you and I...
about your future here.
That's last of it, Miss.
Oh, Jack. Thank you.
Well, then.
It's a two hundred late today
plus what's on account...
three carry to one...
seven and six, I think.
Yes...yes, that's right.
May I pay you Friday next?
I'm sorry, miss.
But the gov is very clear.
Cash only, he said.
And, get the balance.
Would you tell your employer,
that my father, Dr. Dalrymple,
has absolutely promised a very large donation
to the settlement house this coming Friday
and I'll will bring him the money myself.
I'll make it state, miss.
Nobody appreciates more
than me what you've done here.
My boy, Frank says you're the
strawberries and the cream.
Shush...Friday, then.
- Ta!
Mortimer...must you wear
that ghastly hand brace?
I must find some way to attend
to these women properly.
I believe the French have quite
a bit of luck using their tongues.
Please be serious.
We're speaking of my patients.
They need me.
Perhaps for the first time, I feel...
truly useful.
Aren't you a rainy day?
Oh, don't worry, something will come along, simply...
- Oww!!
I wish I could
share your optimism.
Oh...Excuse me.
Dr. Granville.
- Oh...
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I think so.
Thank you.
Have you quite finished, Doctor?
Edmund, this is Emily's
sister Charlotte.
Charlotte Dalrymple,
Edmund St. John Smythe.
Oh, Edmund Smythe from the papers.
Overblown...I assure you
I attended that party as a favour to a dear friend and
I can swear I never met that horse before in my life.
Sounds as if you had a jolly good time.
What brings you
to the west-end, Miss Dalrymple?
Begging for money,
unsuccessfully till now.
Ah, yes. Miss Dalrymple runs a
settlement house in the east end.
How fascinating.
I must be going.
Oh, that seems as
your hand's no better.
It must be difficult pleasuring
half the women in the city.
Madam, pleasure has nothing
to do with it. I can assure you
Well I suppose that depends on whether
your rave at the table or on it.
You know how much we admire
your spirit, Charlotte.
And we're lifelong
friends of your father.
But these element you work with
are nothing more than
the draught horses of society.
I don't see how charity will help...
It's not charity, perhaps a loan.
A loan? How much?
Two hundred pounds.
Generally, a loan has
some security, dear.
They were my mother's.
They should cover the balance and more.
We will give you two hundred pounds at
eight percent interest. - Thank you.
Now I want you to be sure you understand this is
strictly business, Charlotte. - Yes, yes, yes, yes
We won't hesitate to collect...
I understand.
Thank you.
Mr. Huddleston.
Thank you. Thank you for your
time and your generous...
Mrs. Huddleston, thank you.
It means a great deal
to so many people.
Thank you, thank you.
Dr. Granville...
Trolling for patients?
Afraid you finding
cases of hysteria here.
Women are all too busy trying
to find enough to eat.
Miss Dalrymple.
Always speaking out of turn.
No. I come to enquire about
Miss Fanny broken ankle.
A house call?
Surely, there's no harm following
up with the patient?
None at all.
No pain?
No. Nothing.
I was going to take her
to see you on Friday.
There's no bother.
I was in the neighbourhood.
I was...
I was near the neighbourhood.
- How's that feel?
- Fine, thank you Doctor.
Would you like a cup of tea, Doctor?
Oh, no, thank you.
Dr. Granville.
It's the least we can offer.
Yes. Alright then.
Cup of tea would be lovely.
Take it easy on that for a few days.
- Yes, Doctor.
Very good. Now wait for me in a moment.
You can wait just through there.
Hang on.
Just getting to the good bit.
Thank you. I wouldn't be able to sleep
without knowing how that turn out.
Milk, Doctor?
- Please.
We use this room
mostly as a nursery.
I do fit in a little
bit of teaching now and then.
Promoting some aggressive
political agenda, no doubt.
Sums and letters mostly.
Occasionally we sneak in
something slightly progressive.
Oh...you might like this.
Actually look. For example...
this is where
the children wash their hand.
We use soap
and boiled water. We do our best
to keep the settlement sanitary, but...
you can't imagine
the filth and the germs.
You know about germs?
I do read, Doctor.
I spend years trying to convinced the medical
establishment that the hand washing prevent disease
and unsuccessfully.
and then here you are
teaching it to the children.
And with great success.
I know. With the parents is another story.
But, eventually the children will teach them themselves.
For the women, we're trying to provide
services that will offer the most direct result.
Good hot meal, safe place for
their children and communal laundry.
I think that if we can ease their work load
a bit We could get on to the important
work, of changing their minds.
You Madam, are a socialist.
A socialist?
What if I am?
Socialism, it isn't hard.
It's nothing more than
a group pulling together.
If women pull together,
if they weren't so frightened,
There's no telling what
we could accomplish.
In this revolution that you're planning,
will you achieved it all from here?
Drop a stone in a pond,
then it will main rippled.
It's a bit like pond. It is true. I know this.
- Yes.
The building adjacent,
and the one behind, are both
for sale for two thousand pounds.
Bought them together, and we're
not just a classroom and a kitchen
we're centre for
the neighbourhood with a garden,
a proper school,
maybe even a medical clinic.
And two thousand pounds, is aiming
quite high, don't you think?
No, I don't think so.
I know, by the time I'm gone,
women will have the vote
they have equal education
and rights over their own bodies.
and I'd like to play some small
part in making that happen.
Absolutely. And then,
you should teach them how to fly.
I would.
You just wait and see, Doctor.
I'd like to see your face.
Your passion, your devotion
to this work is admirable.
I get much more
out of it than they do.
They only get food and laundry
and I'm giving a useful life.
And I set my own hours.
You know...
I could really use the help of
an able Doctor on a more regular basis.
bread and apple for the least of it
All the children suffer
from malnutrition, scurvy,
even cholera and typhus.
All preventable as you know
with the knowledge and resources.
I'm afraid my patients
keep me very busy.
I only mean...
I only mean a weekend a month.
I don't believe
I would have the time.
Or even a few hours on a Sunday.
Anything would help.
I'm sorry.
Please. Please.
- Miss Dalrymple.
I'm afraid I can't help.
You can't...
or you won't?
It's a bit more complex than that.
I know, I know. It's...
It's my father.
He wouldn't allow it, would he?
Is that why you came here?
To keep me from bringing Fannie
back to his posh little practice?
Thank you for the tea.
Run along Doctor. Back to your...
silly comfortable life.
Mrs. Castellari, Doctor.
Send her in, Nurse.
- Mrs. Castellari.
Mrs. Castellari, how are you?
Sad, Doctore.
Very sad today.
Good, good.
Lie back, please.
Your hand is so cold, Doctore.
I'm so sorry, Mrs. Castellari.
I forgot.
Is that better?
I think that's enough
for today, Doctore.
Feeling better, than?
Mrs. Castellari!
Mrs. Castellari!
I assure you Mrs. Castellari,
this has never happened to me before.
You have discredited
my entire practice.
I'm very sorry.
Sorry will hardly suffice.
Your disability is clearly far more
serious than you let me to believe.
Ms. Castellari tells me you fail
to complete the treatment.
And now,
I discovered that Mrs. Parsons
has stopped coming altogether.
If you could only see or wait while giving
me one more chance, I can assure you...
I thought you were someone
I could trust,
with my business, my family,
my reputation.
But, clearly I was mistaken.
You're dismissed.
- Dismissed!
I'm terribly sorry.
I'm finished, Edmund.
Completely buggered.
I had a perfect life within
reach and, I lost it.
All due to hand cramps.
Someone's telephoned.
I didn't know you had a telephone.
I'm very, very flattered. Yeah.
Oh, yes, indeed.
My God!
Now I'm inventing a cleaning tool.
Yeah, very good.
Yeah, do that...
Got to rush, actually now.
Oh...Don't stop.
I think you're enjoying
yourself too much.
It makes your hand feel all...
all warm and tingling.
I feel it right down to the bone.
Oh, really?
Turn it back on.
Well, that's what I call
good steady pressure.
Does it go any higher?
Go on.
That's it. That's the spot.
My feathers!
This is the spot, indeed.
You smell burning?
But you said yourself that you
could feel the vibration deep inside...
I know what I said.
But this is crude
and rough and inexact
and nothing at all like
the motion and pressure that I use.
Didn't seem to have much this time.
I grant you.
If this works,
it could put you back in good
standing with Dr. Dalrymple and Emily.
Edmund, let me be perfectly
clear about this.
We are not going to take
a dangerous explosive and
untried electrical device
and press it against
the ladies most gentle areas.
That's it, then.
I believe I shall regret this
to the very end of my days.
Now, who should we try it on?
Ordinarily for five pounds, I
wouldn't ask questions.
That's with the men.
This is a different kettle of fish.
I don't believe it will involve
any pain. But if it does,
we will stop immediately.
Think of it this way, Molly.
for one brief moment, you could be
a pioneer of technology.
A voyage of the British Empire,
and quite possibly, the
vanguard of modern medical science.
And we pay up front.
Why not?
Do your worst.
- Are you hurt?
No. It just scared me. That's all.
I've never felt one like that before.
Shall I stop?
No, no. Try again.
I'll be ready this time.
Oh, right there.
Yes, like that.
How do you feel, Molly?
Bloody marvellous, what do you think?
Would you say you had a paroxysm?
I'd say three from counting.
It got a little muddled in the middle.
It's astonishing.
What you call that little thing?
Well, I was calling
it a feather duster.
Well, let's
think of something quick.
So the girls know what to ask for.
Whore's feathers?
I give you my word
as a gentleman, sir.
Three paroxysms in five minutes.
No harm came to the girl?
She was completely satisfied
with the result.
Yes. Well, I can hardly take
the word of a trollop.
That's why we must try it here.
Medical science demands
a thorough investigation.
What better place to start than with these women
whom we know suffer so from hysteria?
Yes. Well, in my opinion,
change is rarely beneficial.
I believe we're on the verge
of something revolutionary, sir.
If we achieve half
as much of your patients,
all credit goes to you.
Not just money, fame.
Three paroxysms
in five minutes, you say?
Very well.
One test case.
But if she comes to harm,
on your head be it.
The rubby-nubby.
The vibratorium.
Oh, the sorcerer's apprentice.
- Excitetator?
- Mr. Wobleck.
What about, the squealer?
You gonna need
a bigger appointment book.
Electric massage?
I don't know.
I have full confidence that the
machine will equal if not better,
any treatment you've had before.
And, since you're so
unsatisfied last time,
I'm prepared to offer
you this, gratis.
I'll trust you, Doctore.
This is Mr. Edmund St...
That is my electrical assistant.
He'll be attending as well,
if that's alright?
It's a little surprising at first,
Mrs. Castellari. But don't be alarmed,
you'll soon get used to it.
Everything all right,
Mrs. Castellari?
Well done.
So, don't forget to chain the gate,
And, oh...I left the candle
lit in the kitchen.
Go, and have a lovely evening.
You know, I think I will.
Dr. Mortimer Granville.
Oh, I'm sorry. We're closing.
- Get her out of there.
Two hundred pounds plus interest,
or we lock the gate.
But I don't have it.
Right. I'm locking the gate.
Get of me!
No doubt, you're the luckiest man in all of London.
- Miss Dalrymple.
Miss Charlotte Dalrymple.
Will you excuse me, ladies?
Miss Dalrymple.
Dr. Granville, good evening.
Congratulations. I'm sure you'll
make my sister very happy.
Something wrong?
No, no.
I just never seen you so...
Formally attired?
I was going to say...
Dr. Granville, I can assure you
that women enjoy physical pleasure
just as much as men,
even if it can be harsh to come by.
- Physical pleasure has nothing to do with it.
It is strictly a medical treatment
that stimulates the nervous system.
Indeed it does, doesn't it.
Bargain it to guinea.
But my point is,
according to your diagnosis,
hysteria seems to cover everything,
from insomnia to toothache.
It's not my...
- It's nothing more than a catch-all
for dissatisfied women.
women, forced to spend
their lives on domestic chores
and their prudish and
selfish husbands who are unwilling
or unable to make love to them
properly, or often enough.
You seem to have strong opinions
on husbands for a woman who doesn't have one.
Look, if you don't believe me,
ask your patients.
Faintly ironic, don't you think.
Use my engagement party
as an opportunity to deliver your opinion matters?
- Yes, yes.
and I apologize for that, but you must admit,
you men really did get the best side to the bargain.
For I said, it's mindless
housework and dating some halfwit
you can make some halfwit very happy.
It simply not enough for me,
or for most women.
Would it be enough for you?
I'm not most women.
Wouldn't you be lonely?
I will take a partner.
An equal.
But, not for me a life of darning
socks, doing chores
until my mental faculties
become Sunday pudding.
Does someone say Sunday pudding?
Lord and Lady St. John Smythe
may I present
Miss Dalrymple.
Miss Dalrymple, my guardians.
Lord and Lady St. John Smythe.
Charlotte "Sunday pudding" Dalrymple.
So please to meet you, my dear.
I love a good Sunday pudding.
Cannot be happier
for you, Mortimer.
You make us proud,
each and every day.
Thank you.
Lovely earrings.
Oh, thank you. They were my mother's.
Will your mother be joining
us this evening?
No, my mother is
in fact dead, my Lord.
I trust we didn't waste
an invitation on her.
What about your father?
Will he be here or
is he dead as well?
No. My father is quite well.
Thank you.
I've not seen him but I'm sure
he'll be here soon.
Oh, hurry up. Damn you.
Give a move on!
They only keep the love of your
life waiting, my dear.
A toast to the happy couple.
You'll soon find that the key
to a happy marriage
is the ability to enjoy a good argument.
- Yes.
Do remember to let him win once
in a while, my dear.
Oh...Oh...no, no.
There's a misunderstanding.
I'd rather marry Edmund
than Dr. Granville.
Marry Edmund?
Sure, she's a live one.
Who is this man?
That's my father.
I thought he was dead.
May I present,
Dr. Robert Dalrymple.
My Lord.
And this is my fianc嶪,
Emily Dalrymple.
Fianc嶪? But I thought...
Never mind, dear.
How very nice to meet you, Doctor.
- My Lady
Miss Dalrymple.
I do apologize for being so late.
That's quite alright.
Your hair is the most
adventurous, Emily.
Oh, do you think so?
It took it so long
to get it up there.
Shall we do the once around.
Well, yes.
- Excuse us.
Port, Doctor?
Tell me how you met
our young Mortimer?
Lovely party.
Yes...yes, it is.
What are your interests?
Music, I enjoy reading.
Mortimer stay modest.
Tell us how widen your
accomplished, you are.
Phrenology is a treasure map to
the personality if one is properly trained.
We are licensing this machine
to doctors all over London.
For a very generous royalty,
of course.
I despise business.
So do I.
Oh, Mr. And Mrs. Huddleston.
Come, let me introduce you.
Good evening, Mr. Huddleston.
Mrs. Huddleston,
do you know Dr. Granville?
Not personally.
Very nice to meet you.
- Charmed.
Looks though You going to be getting
these earrings after all.
You'll have to excuse us.
I'm sorry.
That was a little odd.
These earrings are the security against the loan
for the settlement house for this due tomorrow.
So this is
my last night with them.
They were your mother's.
Yes, they were.
You do what you must.
I'm sure she would have approved.
Throughout history,
great English families
have gathered in halls such as this,
to celebrate the impending nuptial...
Lord, save us.
Tell me. What happened?
They came for the money,
I told them that I didn't have it...
Mr. Huddleston, what's the meaning of this?
you gave us until Monday.
I no longer hold the note, Charlotte.
Your father does.
Charlotte, calm down.
I'm simply doing what's best for you.
What are you doing?
I purchased the note
from Mr. Huddleston,
and I'm closing down the settlement house.
You no longer have any debt...
These are the actions of a villain.
- Of a villain
This is your
sister's engagement party.
Party? She's bruised and bleeding.
You want me to consider a party?
Make way, please.
Leave her.
- This is a private party.
You're not manhandling her.
Let me handle this.
We've got this under control.
I'm a doctor. I believe
this woman needs medical attention.
I don't know that, sir, but I
do know she's not staying.
I haven't done anything wrong.
Please stop. She's hurt.
Just please, Charlotte.
If we can discuss this
like civilized men.
Let me by.
I said let me by.
Did I miss something?
I would never have imagine
it will come to this.
But we'll have to help her.
There's nothing 'but', Emily.
I tried indulging her,
I tried a firm hand
I've met my worst end.
Please, she's my sister.
What would you have me do?
You must testify on her behalf.
- And say what?
- The truth.
That she's hysterical.
Sir, they will send her
to a sanatorium.
That's the only thing that
will keep her out of prison.
This court will come to order.
The facts are these, Your Honour.
One fortnight ago,
the defendant, Charlotte Dalrymple,
in full view of witnesses,
assaulted a police Constable
caring out his duty.
If this were a first offense,
then a short prison sentence
might suffice, but...
this isn't the first offence,
is it Miss Dalrymple?
You're arrested last April
on public nuisance
and resisting arrest.
Your honour, I was handing out
suffragette leaflets in Trafalgar Square
when two officers arrested me.
The officers sworn statements read:
"Miss Dalrymple was asked
to leave the square,
where upon she started
to shout and jump about".
"When finally we did try
to place her in handcuffs,
she resisted
most violently".
No. That is not true.
You will speak only
when questioned, Miss Dalrymple.
Well, how am I to defend myself against
his accusation if you won't let me speak?
Is there more?
I'm afraid there is, Your Honour.
October 1879, solicitation.
No, that was not me.
My friend, Molly...
she is a prostitute.
She was a prostitute.
She has since found
gainful employment,
as a maid, in my father's house.
Anything else, Mr. Squyers?
No, Your honour.
No? Nothing else?
What's of the crime
of charity and compassion?
Very admirable I'm sure.
Seems that the help included
prostitution, resisting arrest and
assaulting police officers.
One could only imagine that the cost to England, should
be sending university education to all her women.
Yes, it's very easy, isn't it?
to make fun of women's lives.
I would like to see you,
walk for one mile in our shoes,
I imagine that your
mirth would turn, first
to sympathy and then to despair.
Be careful, Miss Dalrymple.
Your symptoms are showing.
Until England fully recognizes
the worth and contributions of women,
will she'll be anything other
than a second class country
despite all her wealth.
That's enough, Miss Dalrymple.
Your Honour,
Charlotte Dalrymple clearly suffers from
erratic, aggressive
and violent emotions.
That are best described,
as incurable hysteria.
To back truce my opinion,
I would like to call
an expert witness, Your Honour.
Proceed, Mr. Squyers.
I would like to call
Dr. Mortimer Granville,
If it pleases the court.
Mortimer Granville, please.
Dr. Mortimer Granville.
Your Honour.
The evidence you shall give
shall be the truth,
the whole truth nothing but
the truth so help you God!
It will.
State your name.
Mortimer Granville.
Now, I'm sure we all, are well aware
of your celebrity, Doctor.
But, if you wouldn't mind just telling us
a little of your professional experience.
I'm a medical doctor whose practice consists
of treating women diagnosed with hysteria.
And in this capacity,
how many women have you treated?
Hundreds, certainly.
And always good results, I trust?
we've had few complaints of late.
Is it true Dr. Granville that,
incurable cases of hysteria
demand institutionalization
and surgical hysterectomy?
Please answer the question,
Dr. Granville.
Well, yes.
Traditionally, yes.
But only in the most severe,
most persistence cases...
Thank you, doctor.
We have already address the...
the persistence
of Miss Dalrymple problem.
In your professional opinion, Doctor,
as an expert in the field of hysteria,
how would you describe
Miss Dalrymple behaviour?
Without a doubt,
Charlotte Dalrymple is...
and volatile,
and at times physically aggressive.
She is also the most vexing
woman I've ever met.
Thank you, doctor.
Your Honour, based on this evidence,
I find that, I must recommend
that Charlotte Dalrymple be remanded to the
chumps for the institute for the criminally insane.
With a further recommendation
for immediate surgical hysterectomy.
I wasn't quite finished.
Miss Dalrymple is also
the most generous, compassionate,
selfless and truly Christian
woman that I have ever met.
Doctor, you just sworn
that she is erratic,
and even physically aggressive.
Would you not characterize
that as hysterical?
Well, you see...
after consulting with my patients
and considerable reflection,
It is my professional opinion
that hysteria is a fiction.
It's nothing but a...
a catch-all diagnosis
for women without opportunity
forced to spend their life
tending to domestic chores
and selfish,
prudish husband who are
unwilling or unable
to make love to them properly.
Or often enough.
I beg your pardon, Doctor...
Your Honour,
the Constable suffered
no grave injury.
but great harm must still be done if
Miss Dalrymple is locked away and butchered.
England will lose a devoted
and singular woman
she can ill afford to spare.
I grant you, there may
not be room in the world
for more than
one Charlotte Dalrymple.
Fortunately for all of us,
I think they must've
broken the mould.
In the case of Charlotte Dalrymple,
there are no easy answers.
Mr. Squyers,
I find your case for hysteria
By your reasoning,
we should lock up every female in
whom whimsy and
logic collide which
suggests me most of
the women in England.
My wife included.
On behalf of that matter, however
I am loath to offer
precedent where
a policeman safety
is being served.
Miss Dalrymple,
for striking a police officer
in the course of his duty,
I sentenced you to
thirty days in prison.
and I want you
to think most carefully and act
most cautiously in the future.
Take her.
Miss Dalrymple.
Dr. Granville.
suppose I know that
you might be interested.
That's an interesting offer, something
to meditate on while I consider a new career.
Mortimer Granville, you're a good
doctor, and you should remain one
Instead of leaching and bleeding
people in cutting them up to no purpose
you, have invented a machine
that does harm to no one
and makes anyone had comes into
contact with to feel better.
I should think there a very few doctors in history
that could have a glimpse of such accomplishment.
You are a confounding woman.
You're all fire and brimstone in one minute,
compliments and common sense the next.
I am a woman like any other.
No, no. You're quite unlike
any women I've ever met.
Will you be alright?
I'm fine. I've got
lots of friends in prison.
Thought I might find you here.
I've been thinking
a lot about my future.
And...well, actually
I was wondering if you might
give me a reading.
I'm sorry. I've giving up phrenology.
Oh, Emily, I'm...
I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
Charlotte's trial was
a revelation for me as well.
I realized... I haven't been
living my life at all.
I've been living my father's
idea what my life should be
Phrenology, Chopin.
Even you, Mortimer.
You seem happy.
I am.
After all, life will always be to large
extent to what we ourselves make it.
The inimitable Mr. Smiles.
I shall miss him.
And I shall miss you.
God, you're naughty
I should never send yourself of it.
No, no. Not even for Christmas.
You just go out and
purchase one for yourself.
God bless you, Mom.
It is a clever old woman who can
keep up with today's technology.
Alright then.
Lovely chatting to you.
Ring me anytime.
Any prospects?
Open this.
I told you before
I don't want your money.
It's not my money, it's yours.
It's your share of the royalties
of my manufacturers.
The portable electric massager.
The portable electric massager?
Yes, I told you I was working
on something rather exciting.
You see, I made a very small motor.
It seems to go really well,
so I shared it to few firms,
and they simply adored it.
And apparently,
They're selling it directly
to women for home use.
I really have to admit,
I know for it go so high
but, it is rather ingenious
that I signifies saying it
Don't you understand, Mortimer?
You have your fortune now.
You can have anything you want.
Miss Dalrymple.
Dr. Granville.
Merry Christmas.
I realize it's a day early but
I thought you might need it.
I don't know what to say.
Apparently, there is
a first time for everything.
May I?
That's lovely.
Oh, that's very kind.
Oh, there's something more.
Think of it as a getting
out of prison present.
You once said that with two thousand
pounds, you can change the world.
You're not serious?
Apparently, I'm rich.
And the buildings are yet for sale.
Well, I'm not too late, am I?
You're still interested?
Yes, of course.
More than ever.
Although I should think by the time I finished,
few thousand pounds not be nearly enough...
Are you never satisfied, woman?
might be enough for a clinic.
Would it pay well?
I'm afraid not.
Would the cases be interesting?
Routine, I should think.
Broken bones,
sick children,
needy women.
Sounds revolting.
Perhaps something else.
Perhaps something there.
I wondered if you might
have an opening
for a partner, for an equal?
Mortimer, if you think...
Oh damn it!
Charlotte Dalrymple,
I love you.
Will you marry me?
Please don't make me beg.
Not in the street.
I need to kiss you first.
Charlotte, I hardly think
that in the circumstance...
- Did you like it?
- Yes, it was rather nice actually.
You so?
Not bad.
You'll get better.
Who would've thought?
Charlotte and Mortimer, together.
Life often brings together
strange bedfellows.
Yes, quite...quite.
Well, all's well that ends well.
Fresh air and perambulation.
The key to mental equity
and long life.
If you say so, Doctor.
Oh, look. Ducks.
You alright down there, Colonel?
Patience, Eugenia. Patience.
The empire was not
built in a day.
That's very casual of you.
What are you wearing?