Hungry Hill (1947) - full transcript

Much to the consternation of the local townsfolk, the very rich Copper John Brodrick begins to develop a copper mine on Hungry Hill. He imports Cornish workers hoping to eventually entice the locals into working for him. His son, known as Greyhound John, isn't so sure anything will endear them to the locals. The opposition to the Brodricks is lead by the Donovan family and he gives them fair warning to stay off the property. When one of the protesters is killed while trying to help himself to some of the copper, the townspeople attack the facilities resulting in a great many more deaths - including one of Brodrick's sons, Henry - when the gunpowder store explodes. It marks the true beginning of a feud that will last for decades. Brodrick rebuilds his facilities and Greyhound John returns from London where he is studying the law after his sister tells him Fanny Rosa has also returned. A cave-in at the mine kills another member of the Donovan family but the younger John contracts typhoid and dies. Copper John lives on hoping his grandson Johnny will take over but he joins the army. When he finally inherits the estate, he has his own troubles to deal with.

Hungry Hill

Subtitles by Seglora

And how do you like the place

for your new mine,Mr Brodrick?

Who told you anything about a new mine?

The sharers might have been it,Mr Brodrick

There's no harm in anyone knowing of it now

I'm going to sink a copper mine

in Hungry Hill,these are the plans

You've been having no great

advantages from it

That'll we shall found out

I'm not talking about the fortune you'll

make,the copper will do that for you

I'm thinking of the trouble and sorrow

it will bring to you and yours

That shall we also find out

You should have asked

permission of the heir itself

Ah,you can laugh,Mr Brodrick,you and

your Trinity College Education

and your big pushing ways but

I tell you now when your mine

will I ruined and your house destroyed

Hungry Hill will still be standing

there to confront you

I've no time for arguing with

you,Morty Donovan

If you and your son would care to

do an honest day's work for change

I will be glad to employ you

I've never worked for any Master,nor

have my sons and never will while I live

Doesn't this land belongs to us by rights?

These ancient quarrels are best forgotten

All right young Tim,they

paid him out Morty Donovan

Yes,the land belongs to us by rights

and the copper in it too if

we remind you'll take it

Be careful my child,you'll

nearly pushed me over


Hello Father

Any luck today,Henry

Just a grouse,will you kind of

sell us the news ,Father

Later,you might hand me

those papers will you ,dear?

Is this your secret? I'll carry them

Now you'd better give them to me

Everything in good time

Young Tim

Now then young Tim,do you know anything?

What devil of things has changed?

-Sure no?

-It's the holy truth,Miss Jane

But I'll tell you,there's trouble

again with them Donovans

The secret father,you promised to tell us

Yes all in good time,my child

I had hoped we'd might all be together

but it appears that John has no

more manners than a country lad

and no thought in his head

but for dogs and horses

However I won't keep you waiting

any longer because of him

Today you would be pleased to know that I

I'm sorry to be so late father

You'd better ring for Timothy

I've already seen him father

Father you were telling us

Before you came in,John, I was about

to tell them of my new project

The copper mine on Hungry Hill?

Who told you about a mine?

I heard it in the village

-A mine? On Hungry Hill?

-You will become very rich

What about the labour and machinery?

One at the time,one at the time

Machinery is on the way over,Henry

and I arranged to bring over

Cornish miners to begin with

I expect resentment from the people

here,they resent any form of progress

But when they see fat wages you

pay to the Cornish men there

they'll come running to you for employment

I wonder

You wonder what John?

I don't quite know,Sir they may

come to you for employment

but they will be very bitter about it

You care to sympathize with them?

At least I think I understand them

You see they look upon us as interlopers

People who'd made money out of them

and hope make much more

Fair and honestly by working

harder than others

I know,Sir, but they still

look on us as outsiders

Nonsense,there have been

Brodricks here for 200 years

And Donovan's owned Clonmere

and Hungry Hill itself for centuries

until they were dispossessed,

they feel it is still theirs by right

that's why they distrust us while

they work at the mine if they must

but do everything they

can to make it fail

Since you so much about these people

perhaps you can tell me

why they lack initiative?

And the sense of responsibility that could

make this country both great and rich

Perhaps,Sir,they have no desire to

see their country great or rich

Then what do they want?

Speaking for myself,Sir,I'd say they

desire nothing so much to be left alone

Henry,will you come with me to the library?


There's disagreement again

There's the poor Master John again

Poor Master John indeed,I heard him

disputing away with his own father

He hadn't enough beatings

when he was younger

Remind you to as many

silver I won from his greyhounds

And money you won you lost

That was more ad-lib,the dear gentle soul

There would be less trouble in

this house and in the village too

No if it gives Mr Brodrick any

pleasure to be having a copper mine

now that he's grown old

and locked up in himself

well then no one should deny him

And is a mine he wants now?

Sure it was copper we were

meant to be having

wouldn't be poured now with the Hill and

Great Gordon stream down to our very door

But Mother there were cheering to Mr John

in the village today when "Lifewood" won

-He is very well liked you know


Have you the boilers attended yet?

No,no but it was just getting

into my mind to do it

This very minute

I suppose I have to be doing it myself

No,no,no with two men in the

house never let it be said that you

Listen,go on attend to the

boiler at once will you?

You can argue as much as you like,John

But it's all your fault now if father

is ill humoured for days

-You would at least start complaining about

-But I am

You know how father dislikes any

argument or talk about the Donovans

Why does he do it? It isn't

if we needed the money

But I do

But I know what you mean

What are you looking at?

The hill,you can't see it tonight though,

moon hasn't risen high enough

Of course you've never seen a mine

John,darling,what is it

you want for yourself?

I wish I knew

Not that

Not chimneys,wheels,shafts and smoke and

the end of everything green and beautiful

-Well,Nicholson,it's getting better

-Yes Sir,and it'll get better every day

I'll have this analysed,father

Copper John,look at him

with his pack of foreigners,ripping

up the whole countryside

Before the winter is out,you'll find most

of the villagers will be working up here

I hope so,father

I really do hope so

It's a pick-nick we are preparing

not a siege Miss Barbara

The officers are all here,quickly,Barbara

You mean Lieutenant Fox is here

You look lovely my dear,you really do

Timothy will you take us out

the carriage horse

I'll attend to it myself this very

minute,Miss Barbara

Oh boys oh boys,you here,young Tim

Listen here is something for

you throwing your strength on

That should be Miss Fanny Rosa

If I am any judge of commotion

Well,your "Manners",you rule again

Right John,I do declare you saved my life

I thought I was saving the horses

I thought you only handled greyhounds,

horses are so wild

My father always said that the man who

could break a horse could win a woman

But you wouldn't know about that

I must ask your brother Henry

Hello,how are you Henry

Fanny Rosa how beautiful you look

I saddled Ladybird for you,Mr John

Thank you,Tim

-Hello Fanny Rosa


Don't go into the carriage,ride with me

All right,Henry

Don't fight Mr John there is a lot

more fun in coursing greyhounds

Mind your own business

Aren't you coming in the carriage

with us Fanny Rosa?

No,I'm riding over with Henry

Oh John since you are so good at racing

greyhounds,let's see how you race horses

If that Miss Fanny Rosa was

a daughter of mine

I'll put her across me knee

and I'd mark her for life

Did I disturb you,John?

Yes,Fanny Rosa you did disturb me

Then you always do

Of course you could go on reading

-And then I go on talking

-I know

Now you are angry with me

Oh Rosa how can anyone be angry with you?

We wanted to do that for

moment time haven't you?

For months I've thought of nothing else

Why have you been so sorrow all day?


-Fanny Rosa!

-John,where are you?


I can hear Henry calling

Do you like Henry very much?

He is light hearted and gay

Not solemn at all

But you do like him?

I like you both

Come on

Here it is then 40 pounds

Sign your proper name this time now

Not Guy Fawkes

I didn't know the old man

was back from England yet

With the right look on him too

And you wonder

-(?) I'm thinking

-And fairly soon

I wish you sent word to me sooner,Nicholson

However I think I know the source of the

trouble and how to stop it,all right Tim

Best vintage I have in the house

we may be poor,Mr Brodrick,but we

are not wanting in hospitality

You may excuse me for not rising but my leg

I didn't come here to drink your

health,Donovan,or my own

I came to tell you

I'm fully aware of all mischief you're

causing on Hungry Hill amongst the miners

and I intend to stop it

I don't understand such talk,Mr Brodrick

I haven't been near Hungry Hill these

three weeks with this poor leg of mine

Whilst I've been away

there has been a system of plunder going

on at the mine and you know it

Coppers been taken out each night

in spite of a watch been placed on

every shed and tram wagon

Plunder? Why not ask your Cornish

workmen,what they do with the stuff then?

The Cornish men are innocent,

you know that well enough

and the Doom Haven men would

have worked honestly enough

but for the poison you

spread behind my back

Poison is it?

Is it poison to call upon the saints

to forgive you for working and sweating

young children to make you your fortune?

Or rather has my speech been

filled with pity for you

I want none of your pity but

I've given you a fair warning

and that's all I came for

you can tell your friends in the future

that they won't find it so

easy to steal from me

Good Day to you Mrs Donovan,Donovan

I mean the men of Doom Haven do sell

your copper on their own dear

then it is yourself Copper John Brodrick

that must bear the blame for putting the

poor creatures in the way of temptation

Save yourselves the trouble of asking

your father why I came here

I'd like to warn you as

I warned your father

keep your hands of my copper and

yourselves of Hungry Hill,Good Afternoon

All right you can go

I still think father doesn't take these

affairs seriously enough

He's just out to catch a few

men who are stealing copper

But I think it all goes much

deeper than that

The people hate the mine

I wouldn't trouble your

pretty head about that

things have been very quiet

here for the last few weeks

and John do come and sit down

They are sure to be back soon

Perhaps one of the horses

went lame or something


There they are now

I'm glad you're back we

were getting anxious

We lost our way that's all

You seem to lose it rather often

But never twice with the same man,John

Come upstairs and change

you mustn't catch a cold after a ride

and you're going abroad tomorrow


-Come here at once

-What's happened,father?

The mine

One of Nicholson's men

shoot Terence Delaney

while he was trying to

get away with the copper

Killed him?

No,Dr Armstrong is with

him now doing what he can

Morty Donovan has called out

the rest of the village

and if they say their man dies

they wreck the miner's houses

I say,look!

It started already those are the

Cornish men's huts they set on fire

Henry,you John and half the men

go by the other road,come up

the mine from the far side

and the rest of us will set across the

fields and see to the fires but hurry

Here is Brian now father

How is your poor father now Brian?

He is dead Mr John

Do you hear that boys,Terence Delaney

is dead,they killed him,the mines it is

You get up to the Counting House,we'll

give the warning if they come this way

Henry come over here will you

Tim,you watch here

Of course the cave we used to play

there when we were children

-I thought it had followed in

-It had

They must have cleared it

away and got into the mine

This is were the stolen

copper has been taken out

Mr Henry,Mr John where are you,Mr Henry

Come on

Well if it isn't Barney Recour

-Why did you come in you fool you were

-There are thousand men coming up the hill


-Well,a hundred anyway

You'd better go and warn Father

No I go you stay here and stop anybody

of getting in to the mine this way

I go up by the shaft

All right we'll try

There,there Barney you'll be

all right in the morning

Remember Terence Delaney

-There must be hundreds of them

-And only thirty of us

Down with the Brodricks

Guard the forges and the Counting

House we can't save the rest

Fair enough,didn't I tell you Mr Brodrick

that your mines would bring

nothing but ruin and despair

You'll get a little packet(?) for this

night's work,Donovan,I promise you

I know the men behind you

A curse on you John Brodrick

For all the wrongs you've done

Nicholson the gunpowder stock get all

men away make them lie down quickly


Lie down,Henry,lie down

Lie down


You're Brodricks son,I curse you

now,as I cursed your father



I think all is quiet now,Sir


Is there anything at all I can do for you?

No,there's nothing you can do for me

Everything is quiet now

Nevertheless Nicholson

I'm convinced that these new machinery

will give us at least a 30 %

increase on our yields

I hope so,Mr Brodrick

-You are too conservative,Nicholson

-Always have been

Anyway the men are working well now

no trouble at all and over

300 of them are back

Mr Henry would have been pleased

with these new methods

I am sad he is not here to see them

It is so

And it is a pity that Mr John hasn't

his interest in the mines

Have you had any news of

him lately,Mr Brodrick?

Some of the men have been asking about him

John is still in London learning

to become a lawyer

An uncommonly slow business it seems

That young lad up there who looks like

one of the Donovans who might he be?

It is a Donovan.Michael Donovan

It's a strange thing,Nicholson,I can get a

Donovan to work at my mine,not a Brodrick

Come in


-Darling I'm so pleased to see you

Darling Jane,now let

me have a good look at you

Yes,not bad,not bad at all

-Almost pretty


I'm belle at the County Cork

Does it take long to become a lawyer?

Oh,a very long time

But what on earth are you doing here?

Is that St Paul's?

Yes,yes it is

Anything else you'd like

to know young lady?


What will you do with yourself

when you are not becoming a lawyer?

Watch other people race greyhounds

But tell me what are you doing here?

I said I could persuade you to

come back and live at Clonmere

and without another word father gave

me fifty pounds to spend in London

Fifty pounds I wish he'd give me five

He misses you,John

Though he never say so

We all do

Will you come back with me?

No,Jane dear,I don't think so

Why stay in London,father wants you at home

Does he? I think you're mistaken,

I think it is Henry he wants not me

You're wrong,John

And something more

Fanny Rosa is back in Ireland

Is she? And I suppose now that Henry is

dead,she's prepared to have me back

She managed to make a

fool of me in the past

She probably would have gained

if she had the chance

Oh no with Fanny Rosa

in Ireland I stay here

Hello Father


Hello John

Welcome home

You'll need some good fresh air

to get your colour back again

-Come along inside

-And he has lost weight I do declare

Well,you could do a little

more yourself,darling



-God Bless you Master John

-Welcome home,Master John

-Thank you,Timothy

I'd like the Footy William and Brian

Baroue but he should been a pup still

He's a great class of a dog with a

powerful appetite and mind a fine courser

Young Tim train them under my

own watchful eye of course

Get away (?) you never

looked at the dog until today

-Oh I missed you all

-And we missed you too

Sure why wouldn't he miss his Ireland

he alone in England with that

pack of foreigners

Yes,he's all right

Not a hard man at all

I didn't think he'd stick so long

down here at the mine

Too soon to talk yet,he's only been

working a couple of months

Is "Lighter" up for the night,Sir?

Yes,I think he'll win

Your dog has doubled my wages

for many a week,Sir


Hello,Fanny Rosa

-What brings you here?


Aren't you pleased to see me

after all these years?

One year

I thought you'd might like to take

me coursing this afternoon

No I've no time for that these days

Well in that case I shall have

to go over to the island

There are some very charming

officers there

And I think it will be more pleasant

than watching your old dogs

I doubt that the officers are more charming

than dogs and they are certainly not

so pleasant to watch

Tell me John do you go

sailing any more on Sundays?

I do not

My father gave me a little

boat for my birthday

I was wishing someone would

show me how to handle her

she is painted blue she lies

in the harbour at Andru

She must enjoy that immensely

If you hear of an accident on Sunday

it would be me and my little

boat being drowned together

Fanny Rosa there are some twenty of

your charming officers on Douan Island,

you might get them to help you

One at the time though

because I doubt that there will be

room for more in a boat of once

The only one I fancy has gone away

They say his wife sent him in a hurry

Wasn't that more fun

than that dreary old mine?

Certainly more dangerous

If I'd heard of an accident on Sunday

it would be you drowning after all

You're glad you came


-Sure you're glad

It's been a very enjoyable afternoon

Indeed you are too kind,Mr Brodrick

What was it you wanted me to say?

Only the truth nothing more,nothing less

John,do you remember

the day of the pick-nick?

-I do

-We were happy then,weren't we?

Yes,and so was Henry

Well I suppose I better put my boots on

I love you (?) self

Will you be giving me

another sailing lesson?

I'd rather you married me first

Then I have the legal right to drown you

I don't want to be married

Wear a cap in the house like

mother and talk about servants

-You needn't of any of those things

-And I want to travel

Married people are allowed to travel

Then I will be Mrs Brodrick

and none of the men on the Continent

will not take any notice of me

I'm afraid they would

When shall I see you again?

I don't know

I might not like you tomorrow

You really shouldn't you know

You simply raided(?) the cellar already


can't I have a drink without everyone

treating me like a confirmed drunkard

Just because Fanny Rosa drives you to drink

there is no need to take it out on me

I often wished I could drink

-You do?

-Yes I do

That young man Fox really deserves

It's a pity you weren't

at the mine today,John

I had a very satisfactory

talk with Nicholson

I was out riding

We are sinking a new shaft 180

fathoms east of the present one

we know the copper is there

and it's certainly worth the extra

expenses for trying for it

Don't you agree John?

Oh,absolutely,Sir,splendid idea,

I'm sorry,Sir,what was you saying

It's very fortunate for you,John

the (?) chance ,you

heir to such considerable wealth

for which you never make a slightest

exertion yourself and apparently never will

I refrain from saying anything hoping you

come to realize your responsibilities

But since this Fanny Rosa

flower has returned

your interest in the mine

has become even less

You are right,Sir, I am extremely

fortunate to be your heir

even through ill chance but I'm

also grateful for all you done for me

and grateful to Henry too

and to Morty Donovan

whose death through gunpowder made

everything so much easier for us

That you are drunk is obvious

But it no excuses your

unpardonable behaviour

Pity we must always quarrel

to you in dinner,the food gets cold

It wasn't very funny was it?

No I think you ought to go and apologize

I'll go and see father has something to eat

Don't trouble,dear, I'll go

Jane,what's become of me these days

I don't know ,my darling,you

are not a very pleasant person

Why couldn't it be me instead of Henry,

father wouldn't have minded at all

That's not true

Yes it is,every day I can hear him thinking

what a hopeless person he

is compared with Henry

I know he's right

I always hated the mines

Now I am beginning to hate

even Clonmere itself

It should have been Henry's by right

I'm sure it is only about Clonmere

that I felt like this

There are times I could murder Fanny Rosa

There are times when I could too

Let us go and speak to Father

Father I'm afraid I spoke rather hastily

I very much regret if I said

anything that offended you

No,John,I'm not offended,I'm

just disappointed somehow

After Henry died

I'd hoped that you and I

might grow closer together

But we haven't

Although I don't think the

fault lies entirely with me

Perhaps you are right,Sir

And I feel I must tell you

that I hate intensely doing anything

which I have no ability

John, I can see no point in

prolonging this conversation

I'm glad you came in to apologize

Good night to you

Good night,Sir


How was it with Father?

Oh,he was very forgiving

That's wonderful

No we are further apart than ever

We only half understand each other

Trouble is that neither of us will admit it

That's not the trouble

The trouble is you don't

understand Fanny Rosa

Go on,Jane

As the mouse

Come on

Fanny Rosa will marry you

the day she wants to

And she won't want to until

they day she thinks she can't

One until the day you something

to do to make her marry you

Good Night

Do I look pretty,Bridget?

You do the courier(?) to make it

There,you're just like your

mother,she was pretty too

Who is it?

Fanny Rosa,open up quickly

Why Fanny Rosa,you're always late

I had a terrible day of it

My mother set fire to her new gown

and the dogs ate up the

birthday present I had for John

Oh Fanny Rosa it's wonderful

Do you like it?


-John didn't

That's a sure sign every woman will

Get on now all of you

the music is starting already

come on Miss Fanny Rosa,come on

Jane I just been talking to mother(?)

Dick what's she saying?

We seemed to be in a rather hurry

I don't suppose it was a very good time

but I think everything is

going to be all right


I'm so happy let's go dance

But you don't think I

have nice shoulders and

Miss Fanny Rosa!

Say anything like that

Hurry now

Master John will be despaired

waiting all this time,will you

Would that be a good thing,

tell me Bridget,you ought to know

There was never a man yet that

wasn't helped to be waiting

But remind you,not too long

I'll get you dressed

Were you waiting for me,John?

I was

Well,am I worth waiting for?

You are

What else are you thinking?

That you shall only come to

life at night by candle light

And then with music playing

somewhere far away

And what else?

I was thinking if that

candle should go out

I might kiss you in the darkness

And then

After I kissed you I might want to kiss

you once again and then perhaps again

But we haven't time

So let's go down and dance instead

John when you are Master of Clonmere,

you must put your footmen into livery

When you are Mistress of Clonmere you

can do as you please with the footmen

Here,here Tim,here,you'll have

room for this on your tray

You wouldn't like to

sit on the tray yourself

I'd none of your cheek you

go and attend to your work

Oh yes I have to do all the work but

they can go on enjoying themselves

Well,isn't it a good to see a little bit

of fun and jollity in the place again

Are there the refreshments

ready for the musicians?

Yes,of course you like to hard

rather than (?)

Now ladies and gentlemen

while the musicians have a rest

Cousin Eliza accompanied

by Michael Sullivan

our village fiddler will play

a waltz for us

Saints of all,that's make you sort

of endear with all the quality(?)

So it is have to go into the quarter

Slower Micky,slower

Slower Micky can't you hear?

I can't help myself,Mum,the devil

in the fiddle wants to dance a gig

It's wonderful like wild things

from beyond the mountains

I'm absolutely exhausted

I must have a drink

And I must change in your home,it's

late and it's a long ride back to Andru

Yes,yes it is

If you won't persuade me to stay at

least you might find me my shoes

Wake up Michael

Wake up

Maybe only a coincidence but there is

a powerful smell of whisky about here

Of course he is drunk now he

won't be able to ride home with me

Well must I insist you come with me?

Or will you send a groom?

All right I'll ride with you,if you insist

I'll be home before you're

even in the saddle

It's a wonder that you didn't break

your neck riding in that devil's pace

Sure the devil always

will looks after his own


Look,the moon

Let's ride over the hill


Why have you been so strange?

So different?

Have I Fanny Rosa?


Tell me why

Because Fanny Rosa

you're like a wild bird and because no

one should ever put you in a cage

But then no one could ever

catch you,could they?

I could be caught if I wished

Did you ever kiss Henry like this?

Henry is dead and you're alive,

what has he to do with us?

But do you love me,Fanny Rosa?

You want me to say yes

Or even one day you will love me

I want to love you now

What day is it today?

That day we go racing with Fitzgerald

But what would be the date?

January or February

That's all I wanted to know

The Fitzes are very early

Perhaps we are a bit late

Holy Saints and Heaven

Welcome home

You might have sent a carriage for us

The boat must have come in early

we were just coming to meet you

How we missed you these last six months


How pretty you look

It was quite wicked the way you do it

You think it was a conquest?

Complete the way you talk politics

with father at dinner was past belief

That's how my mother fascinated father

she always said

that if you can talk politics with

a man,you keep him happy

Certainly father happy all right

when you started discussing the

mines as though you were Nicholson

you had him eating out of your hand

Not quite

You wait until I make him a grandfather

Yes,darling,I'm going to have a baby

Don't look so frightened other people do

And anyway I'm going to

have lots and lots of babies

Perhaps we all better have a little rest

Come along children we'll have tea

Why,it's tiring work this being painted

-Fanny behave yourself

-Better say the other way round

He's pulling Megan's()hair

Johnny be a good boy

Now Johnnie be a good boy and I'll take you

to see Aunt Jane before she goes

Where is she going?

To India with her husband's regiment

India? That means she'll come

back with lots of black babies

Not necessarily

Now you run and tell Tim to

get the trap lady for me

Excuse me,Sir

John,I think one of the men wants you

Good Day to you Corcoran

Your father is after sending

me for you Mr John

there's terrible troubles at the mines

I shall have to take your trap Fanny Rosa

Good Bye,darling

Come on Corcoran

Not a sound,they must be finished by now

They are still alive

It's not much time

-Who is it you have there?

-Michael Donovan,he's finished

Father did you hear who that was?

We can clear away the blockage in

time,the water will come this way

the men might be saved

They might and the rest of

the mine will be plugged


They are not even sure of saving the men

But father we must try it

Of course,there must be some quicker way

John,that cave you found when they

were stealing the copper,where was it?

I think it was on the 95

fathom level,that must be it

If we break up the new chamber(?) the water

will be released down the mountain

-How to became broken up?


Everyone on top

Everyone on top

Everybody on top



The killed him,the blood

drips of (?)

More gunpowder

We are not through yet

They've gone away

They've left us

He's done it the water is all down

That's right,go on,you know he saved

his mine but he's killed another Donovan

I've come to express my

sympathy,Mrs Donovan

Michael was a fine man,God Blessed Him

We will not soon see his like again

It's the truth she's telling

you ,Mr Brodrick

my brother was the finest

man in this parish

there is his widow now left to starve

I think you'll find my father

not ungenerous

I wouldn't touch a penny

of his filthy money

Kate put some more turf on that fire

I still have this shivering on me

His stomach is all upset

I'm sorry to hear that Denny

About the things to the water

Even the very water we have to drink is

poisoned by your cursed mine

Will you take a drop of whisky,Mr Brodrick

Take it to your uncle

I'm particular who I drink with

I was wondering Mary

since you won't accept help from my

father whether you'll let me help

Have you come to buy us,Mr Brodrick

or it's to pay us off for the

loss of my brother's life

I told you as I told your

Michael many a time

He should never have worked for any man

Least of all a Brodrick

He's gone now,may the Lord be good to him

But there is one thing I

make sure of anywhere

that Michael's son doesn't

do the same thing

I could get on well with the Donovan family

if it weren't for some of

the Donovans themselves

Hello Doctor

Anything that matters?

Henry burnt his finger

You mean Johnnie burnt it for

him,nothing serious though

Aren't you staying to dinner?

I'd like to but there is a case

of typhoid,it's very urgent

-Anyone we know?

-Denny Donovan

You're sure it's Denny Donovan

and it is typhoid?



I was with him this afternoon

In his own house

If you brought that infection

back to my Johnnie

I'll never ever forgive you

There is nothing more we can do now,

Fanny Rosa,but you must get some sleep

Is he any better now?

And if you are not careful we'll have

Fanny Rosa collapsing on your hands

She hasn't been to bed for six nights now

and what's more this is a

highly infectious disease

Fanny Rosa

Always here when I wake up

And care for me

Of course I'm always here

What's happened to that wild bird?

You never let me catch you

You caught her long ago,my darling

You're the only one that matters

It's strange I never

really knew it until now

I'm glad I went to the Donovans

Why my darling did you have

to do such a stupid thing

You're worse than all the

children put together

I had an idea to have made peace with them

-I know it was an unexpected thing

-It was that

Only unexpected hope

to work in this country

Such a terrible worry to all(?)of them

You made me cry

It's all your fault

You cried seriously I'm

not worthy of actual tears

I'll remind you of that when you are better

Your hopeless (neff?)

I know I'm the most

worthless of all the Brodricks

But at least I've been the very happiest





Johnny come here at once


Why did you pour ink over my desk?


I haven't been into the library today

I didn't do it

-Tell the truth,Johnny

-I am telling the truth

And I tell you I didn't do it

-You are lying

-I'm not lying,you old fool

Mama he's beating me

Stop it leave him alone

How dare you hit my son?

Your son told me a deliberate lie I

consider it is my duty to punish him

It's not for you to punish Johnnie

It is (?) who will deal with him

You Fanny Rosa

Have never laid hands on Johnnie

since the day he was born

If that boy grows into a man

without friends or future

utterly wild,unmannered and beyond control

it will be your fault and yours alone

I shouldn't think you've so much proud

of the way you brought up your sons

No Fanny Rosa I always regretted that

I never understood John better

It is because of that I spoke

For it will be sad if both John and his son

should suffer from parents who

realize their mistakes too late

You know,Timothy,sometimes I

think I've spoiled Johnny a little

He is so impulsive

He is that Mrs John and he is a wild boy

And his grandfather is too hard on him

He doesn't understand him at all

I'm sure his father,Mr John,

God Rest the Soul

surely was always in trouble

with the Master too

but then he was plain and he was gentle

and master Johnny well he

has a quick temper all right

I tell you,Johnny,so far as I am Master of

Clonmere I will not tolerate such behaviour

-What about-To be seen riding through the

village with that Kate Donovan

Have you no sense of decency?

I'll be seeing with whoever I like

and I think it is about time I

was allowed to live as I like


your mother has allowed you to do

so since the day you were born

And from what I hear not even the army

can teach you to behave like a gentleman

If I have to stay here much

longer I'd shoot the old fool


He is threatened to cut my

allowance now what there is of it

-You seem to like whisky

-Is there anything wrong in that?

No dear so long as you don't drink too much

But I don't

Why doesn't he die and leave us alone

You mustn't talk like that

Then we'll have the place to ourselves,

just you and I,wouldn't we,mother?


Thank you Timothy

You know,Sir,you shouldn't be

upsetting yourself

Master Johnny he is young and

surely be leaving soon anyway

You know you should be taken a

rest,you are wearing yourself out

What with the trouble in the

house and the work at the mine

Nonsense I can still do two men's work

Of course I know you can but

where is the sense in it?

With Master Harry doing

so well up at the mines

You know at your age,Sir,you

Have my carriage sent round at once

I'm going up to the mines immediately


Oh yes,Sir

My age

Hello darling

Forgive me if I kept you waiting

London suits you,you look wonderful

And you are still as lovely as ever

Thank you Johnny

How is everything at home?

-Grandfather well?


-I've never any luck


Excuse me a moment while I change

What's all the excitement about tonight?

Who are these people I'm

taking out to dinner?

We are having a celebration

Henry has been made High

Sheriff of the County

Brother Harry a Sheriff?

Well,if that's what he wants I

suppose we should celebrate

Who else?

Loving little fiddlesticks

Who else did you say?

Oh,Molly and Fanny and her husband Bill

Are you a grandmother yet?

Not quite

And Bill's sister Katherine

Earl a charming girl

Who is Doody?

One of the many

And don't read all my letters

Some of them might shock you

Don't you believe it

At least John was a secret drinker

-I only be a minute,darling

-All right,Mother

-You must be Johnnie Brodrick

-Yes I am

You must forgive but I can't quite you know

All right you needn't be gallant,

you've never seen me before

I've seen you though,several times

You are very like your portraits

Oh you evidently been to Clonmere

Mother had me painted regularly

John,Katherine my dear

You never told me you knew Catherine

I never knew that I did

Hello Harry how are you?

I suppose I have to congratulate you

Wait till later in the evening,

Johnnie,then you can

Well,shall we go lead the way High Sheriff

It's a pity we didn't meet at Clonmere

We should have done if

you'd come home rather

Tell me

If I dropped the regiment before

the regiment owns me up

and come home to live and breed

greyhounds like my father

will I see you more often then?

Yes,Johnnie you would

Don't you think we ought

to join the others?

Why should we?

I don't like the guests and they don't like

me come and sit down just for a minute

You don't sound very happy kind of person

I'd never been happy in my life

Sometimes I think an evil spirit must

have cursed me in my cradle

There are ways of removing such curses

Are there indeed?


And I think I could help you

In think perhaps you could

I should like to try

Please go on saying that

Over and over again

You're so lovely

And yet so much more than that

-I think I ought to explain to you

-Explain what?

Tonight Harry will announce our engagement

Your engagement?

To Harry?


We are to be married at

Doom Haven in a month's time

I do hope that..



Please make my excuses to my mother

Tell her I had an appointment I forgotten,

that I have a headache anything you like

Where is Johnnie going?

He said he had an appointment

he'd forgotten

But I don't understand,Katherine

A strange thing to do

Good Morning,Sir

-Is it?

-10 o'clock,Sir

Your breakfast,Sir

Throw it out of the window


-There is a telegraph message for you,Sir

-Open it -Sir

-Are you married Ward


Good otherwise for your own

sake I had her shot like a dog


If I ever get married you

must do it as much for me


Fortunately,however, that will

not now be necessary

She prefers my brother

Go on read it

Regret to inform you the

death of your grandfather

Passed away peacefully in his sleep

At last it is mine,Clonmere is mine

And it's come rather late

Johnny isn't this wonderful

Just as we always said it would be

It's been worth waiting for hasn't it?

I don't know

Somehow I think it's come too late

Oh no,of course it hasn't

I told Bridget to cook us

a wonderful dinner

and Timothy is bringing up the

best bottles from the cellar

And we'll give a party to celebrate our

return,we'll invite the whole county

We are going to enjoy ourselves

And we are going to do all

the things we wanted to do

I must get this room done it's

so dingy,Harry seems to like it

-When does Harry get married?


And I think I get Bridget to

teach me how to cook

then I can make you all

your favourite dishes

When does Catherine get married?

On Saturday Johnnie

It has come too late

No (?) you were under my horses

feet before I knew it was happening

It was the fourth (?)collision

through the fair

They gave (?) in front

of your carriage Cpt Brodrick

-Bottle of whisky Pat

-Thank you

Sure I thought I was on my way to heaven

Indeed you weren't far off it

Good Day Sir

It's been a lucky day for you Sam Donovan

that you wouldn't be killed

Donovan did he say?

Yes,Sam Donovan

I must say that's funny

A Brodrick saving a Donovan

Give everybody a drink,landlord

Sam I've been almost losing my mind,

they said you were killed

No I wasn't killed at all,

I'm alive and doing well

My sister Kate

There is no need to run away

I think you didn't want to recognize me

What did you think that?

Come and have a drink

Sir,I never touch it so

All right at least come and sit down

Look at that lads,a Brodrick and

Donovan drinking together

Enough to make Morty Donovan

turn over in his coffin

And Copper John too

It might had been better

if I had been killed

Why what's the troubles,Sam?

Our house is burnt down

me and my sister are homeless and living

on the neighbours these days past

But Johnnie,they are Donovans

they can't live in our lodge

house,you can't be serious

I'm serious,all right

Nobody has anything to do with them,

you must get rid of them immediately

I shall do nothing of the sort

You really don't expect me to live here

with that sly little Kate Donovan peering

at me every time I drive passed

Besides I've given the lodge to Mrs O'Brien

It doesn't happen to be yours to give

Oh I see


I think it's time we had an understanding

For years I pictured this

all we do together but now it

doesn't work,it's a failure

Yes,it's a failure

What you really mean is

It would be better for both of us if

I lived somewhere else


Well I'm glad you told me

Mothers are so blind

I wonder what would have

happened if your father had lived


Don't let's make a tragedy of this,Johnnie

But it is a tragedy

No, I should be all right

There's the London house

I shall give parties and be very gay

Good night

Light is out now,Master Johnny

anything more you want tonight

No thank you,Timothy

Dear Cpt Johnny some more

of your favourites pies for supper

What will I do without you Kate

I shall need someone to look after you,Cpt

Come and sit down and make

yourself comfortable

Tell me doesn't Sam gone

over to Monday for the night?

He has indeed

And what on earth have

you got to go home for?

Yes,Harry has his schedule

I own my Kate(?)

Yes but why do you want to go?

-Well,Master Johnny,I..

-Oh,speak up man!

well we're Bridget and

myself we are getting old

and everything is different now

that Mrs John has left

I see

Of course it's not easy for us

to be leaving Clonmere

while we've been nearly all our lives

Look why don't you say

what you are thinking

-Isn't it because I..

-Master Johnny

You're living in the way

that you think best

You must allow us to do the same

It's no use,Harry

if the mines aren't making money

we have to close them down

But Johnnie we ought to try

them keep them going

if only for the men's sake

and their families

Why the devil should we? I'm not

running these mines for charity

But Johnnie shall we think it over?

What is there to think over you know

the figures better than I do

The mines close down at

the end of the month

You can tell the men whenever you like

Oh Johnnie I've been tiding

up I hope you don't mind

No,of course not

I'm so pleased to see you

I was on my way back for spending

the day with the Bennett

I got a sudden wild notion

to come and see you

It's months since you've been to see us

I find I'm always rather occupied

You are still unhappy aren't you?

Like you were when I first met you

What gives you that impression?

Yes,you are unhappy

I revel in misery

-May I offer you something to drink?

-Thank you no,Johnnie

But do have something yourself

Remarkable everybody else I know

tries to stop me drinking

I should too if I thought

you drink too much

Yes that spoilt it

I underrated your cleverness

Not my cleverness,my sympathy

What is it Johnny?What's gone wrong?

Have you come here to save me?


To help you if you let me

Nobody can help me

I could I'm sure

Well as a matter of fact,Katherine,

I'm in terrible trouble up here

No I can't tell you anymore

than that I'll be ashamed to

You've been unhappy

Unhappy people often do foolish things

I'm sure it is not worse than that

Katherine if you knew for how

long I wanted to see you again

How I wanted to tell you that

I'm sorry Cpt I didn't know that

you wanted to be alone

Get out Donovan

Get out

I understand Cpt

I understand

I think you ought to go Katherine,now

I'm not upset what Donovan may think

I tell you you ought to go do you mind?

I don't want you here

Of course Johnny you're probably right

You're a much nicer person

than you'll ever know

I though I told you to get out of here

I have something important to

see you about Mr Brodrick

Sorry I am,that I interrupted

your bit of fun

-Get out you smile,get out

-You're tired Mr Brodrick

So I'll be back in the morning

I'm telling you to get out of this place

To get out of Clonmere

There is something for me to say first

My sister Kate wouldn't it be too

bad if she had to suffer now

The Brodrick destroyed the Donovans

again wasn't enough for you maybe

So now your brother's wife as well

Perhaps now you get out and

take your sister with you

But let me tell you one thing

If ever you set foot anywhere

on my estates again

I warn you I kill you Sam

Donovan yes I kill you

And great pity it ever happened

But it's all settled you say

The girl made no trouble at all

I think it might be a good

idea if you went to London

-For holiday

-I'm not running away

Of course you're not but there

is another reason for going,mother

Why? What's happened to her?

I'm not quite sure

Unless you know

she's been spending a lots of money

recently much more than she needs

Last month she spent 900 pounds and

now I hear she's sold the house

You ought to go you might

find out what's happening

I wish you would ,Johnnie

It's a fraud,I tell you a fraud

the whole place is run by trickery,

that man is cheating

The whole of London should hear about this

How dare you touch me,leave me alone

I shall have this place closed down

Please madam,don't make a scene

it's just a matter of luck tonight you

lost tomorrow you'll make a fortune

Nonsense now look what you've done

Thank you very much,young man

That's very kind of you


Hello mother

You've changed darling

Last Thursday I think it was

I won over 400 pounds

and the next day another two I'd

thought I'd found a perfect system

But tonight they must have changed the

one of the wheel or something

because of course all this people

are dreadfully dishonest

But I'll beat them I'll have another run

But mother you must realize

that you can't find a perfect


I haven't been sleeping very well

lately Johnnie and I found



Well you had your whiskey

why shouldn't I have

Oh Johnnie

Why did you come?

I'm much better left alone

Why on earth did you come?

I've told you mother

I've told you already

I've come to take you home


-To Ireland?

-To Clonmere

It's too late,Johnnie

It's too late

But listen,mother

We both helped each other to

become what we are today

And we are both to blame

The only thing left for us now

is to help each other again but if we

can to become something different

But it is time for you,

Johnnie, you're young

Not for me

You don't understand

I'm thinking about myself and what

might happen if I go back alone

Like when I was a little boy and I

I couldn't stay in the dark by myself


It's just the same again



Johnnie,you are sure aren't

you that it is not too late

Quite sure

Timothy Bridget

It's nice that you are back again Mrs John

This is home again indeed

-And you too Master John

-Thanks ,Timothy

And it is good that you

are both back here too


You know he called me

Mrs John not Mrs Brodrick

that was always a good sign in the old days

How I wonder,Timothy where is Mr Henry?

Sure of course I knew there was

something I forgot to tell you

Master Harry said he'd be back later

There is troubles at the mine

with them closing down

Of course I've forgotten

I'd better go and see if I can help

No darling leave it to Henry

he knows all there is to know about

the mine besides it's getting late

No,no I must go,you see

it's my fault really

I think perhaps we ought to keep the

men on just for a while at any rate

And you get back to your

extraordinary housekeeping

I will be very hungry when I come home

You'd better keep the mine working

otherwise it will be worse for you

Why can't we go on working

When my grandfather started these

mines copper sold at 90 £ a ton

Now with cheap ore being shipped

into England from abroad

we are lucky if we can get 20 £ a ton

And that's why my brother has

ordered the mines to be closed

Then why isn't your brother here to say so

Listen to me,listen to me,listen to me

I ordered the closing of the mines

because they'd be run at a loss

But now I think we should try

and find some way to carry on

That's nothing but promises they talk

There's been too much of that already

So it's you again Donovan

The mine is no affair of yours

And I haven't come here to

quarrel with you Sam Donovan

It these men and their work

I'm thinking about now

It's all lies I tell you all Brodrick lies

My Johnnie was murdered

But every man of them deny

ever pushing him down the shaft

I tell you he was murdered

And my other son likely so badly as he hurt

And you accept me to agree

that nobody is to blame is that it?

Not that Mrs Brodrick,all I say

there is strong doubt in the case

Could be passed off as a common brawl

But if you insist that we charge

them with murder and riot

I do insist

Then it'll mean that Donovan

and the ring leaders

are liable to hung for murder and the

others to penal servitude for riot

I'm glad

Good Day Mr Hennessey

Mrs Brodrick

I want to speak to you

Mrs Brodrick

Well what is it?

I was thinking of myself

what a pity it is that your

husband,Mr John,God Rest Him

isn't with us now and what

he might have done

What do you mean?

Mr John had an understanding

of these people

because he had a love for them

and of others had listened to them

when he was alive should this many of

troubles would never had happened

My son was murdered they must suffer for it

Mr John was never the man for believing in

an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,he

knew that if hatreds are ever to be stopped

well then Brodricks must be forgetting

that they are Brodricks

and no Donovan remembering

that it is a Donovan

was it not because of that

he went to their house and got

his death from the cruel fever?

And I know that if Mr John was here that

he'd not be for having Sam Donovan hung

And he'll be right

I'm thinking what this would mean

to the children there would be

Brodricks and Donovan

Catherine you?

There will be a hard thing

for them to grow up

with the Donovan curse on them

"I know of (?) feeling

but later only the unexpected could

have ever helped to work this country"


You may go and tell Mr Hennessey

that I changed my mind,

I'm withdrawing the charge

You can tell him it's because

Only the unexpected

Can ever hope to work

in Ireland

I'm so glad,I'm so happy

And I know you'll be happier too

I go and tell Harry

Mrs John

I can tell you now

That neither you nor any Brodrick to come

will ever have want for friends

in these parts as long

Timothy you talk too much

I know,like a terrible tongue

But a very wise one

And I think I've learned

a little wisdom too

God Bless You

I hope that after now after all the

misery Hungry Hill would be at peace again

Once more green and beautiful

And that the Brodricks and the Donovans

will live quietly together at last

Subtitles by Seglora