Hungerjahre - in einem reichen Land (1980) - full transcript

Jutta Brückner's film "The Hunger Years"

premiered on February 8th, 1980,

at the Rotterdam International Film Festival.

The German premiere took place

on February 22th, 1980,

at the International Forum

of New Cinema in Berlin.

The digitization was done,

in cooperation with Jutta Brückner Films,

at CinePostproduction in Munich,

using the original negative

from the Deutsche Kinemathek collection

and the sound from ZDF's broadcast archives.

We would like to thank ZDF

for its kind cooperation

and the FFA (Film Funding Institution)

for its financial support.

For years, I'd tried to forget.

I remembered places,

houses, public squares,

other people.

But I'd blocked myself out

of my own memories.

I kept inventing new destinations

to make sure I was constantly looking ahead.

Whenever I got too close to myself,

I frantically retreated into work

or some paralyzing illness.

By the time I was 30 years old,

I realized that I wasn't free of the past.

I was living with the petrified heart

of a thirteen-year-old.

And I forced myself to remember.


"And when he went out into the world,

he found a multitude of wonders

just waited to be discovered:

cashmere scarves,

embroidered with golden flowers,

as gossamer as cobwebs.

Carved chests of ivory

filled with Russian tea.

An old violin with a picture on the back.

A large chess set

made of coral and amber.

Wine glasses trimmed

in turquoise and silver.

A large, marvelous sugar bowl

made of mother-of-pearl.

A silk niqab adorned with gold..."

Dad, what's a niqab?

Come on!

Jump, princess!

You think I'll make a new friend here?

Sure, in a nice place like this!

That's par for the course in our society:

evicting people

just because they're unmarried.

But we're more entitled to the apartment

because of the child.

We need the room.

Who got evicted?


The people who lived here

before we did.

Why don't they get married?

She needs to sleep now.

She'll oversleep again tomorrow.

You should explain it to her.

They're in a common-law marriage.

- What's that?

Is that really necessary right now?

The woman is getting

a war widow's pension.

If she marries her boyfriend,

she loses the pension.

So, time to sleep now.

You don't have to know everything.

Mom, do you think I'll make

a new friend here?

What do you want for Christmas?

You said you wanted for a big accordion.

If I went back to work,

you could have a big accordion.

You think you could manage on your own?

I'd be out of the house all day.

They're playing catch.

Ursula just told me that she wants

a big accordion for Christmas.

Now she's going to say:

"It would all go much faster

if I had a sales job.

At least for a while.

We could buy a used car, too."

Now is when he usually says:

"People will think I can't support my family.

My wife doesn't need to work.

I earn enough.

We have what we need."

And I would love to go away

somewhere on vacation.

After the Latin test tomorrow

I won't have to practice anymore.

Then I'll go outside with all my balls

and they're sure to let me play with them.

I start on the first of the month.

They hired me right away.

It's just temporary at first.


What's in there?

Just in case!

In case there are bad times again.

Mom, when you're working during the day,

Helga can come over.

So I'm not all alone.

Breaking through my timidity.

Calling a spade a spade.

Being passionate about myself,

being curious about myself.

Communicating with myself.

Asking myself questions,

listening to myself,

answering myself.

Nothing's going to change for you.

If you want to do it that bad.



in a Land of Wealth


Else Heim und brother-in-law Paul

say hello to Mother and Zwickau.

They hope that Grandma will be able

to see her grandkids soon.

The Grützel family in Cologne says hello

to all their old neighbors in Leipzig.

And Werner and Margot in Hamm

are thinking about everyone

who stayed behind in Rostock,

especially little Hans-Joachim...

I know a new rhyme.

- ...whom they wish a happy sixth birthday.

"We hope the whole family is reunited soon."

The hostess had a cabinet

Twelve feet wide and 15 feet deep

Inside were all the turnips stems

Which in her youth she'd keep

And like a tom-tom-tom she'd beat

What's a "tom-tom-tom"?

It's not that I'm complaining.

But he could at least lift a finger

to help on laundry day.

Sunday's always my laundry day now.

When I get home in the evening,

it's too late.

So a little help once in a while...

I'm not talking about much,

but one round of shopping or dusting.

When your father was in that accident,

I thought, "I'll do anything,

as long as he just comes homes,

even if he can never walk again,

as long as he's here

and I don't have to bear everything

on my own.

A single woman, my child,

is a nobody in the eyes of the world.

But when he died,

I actually...

managed well.




Mom, I'm sick.

There's blood in my panties.

That's when you know you're getting old.

That's perfectly natural.

That happens to all women

when they reach puberty.

It happens to you, too?

- Yes, of course.

But from now on

you have to be very careful around boys.

You can't mess around with them

at all anymore.

And you can't go swimming either

or change your underwear.

So I can't play with boys anymore?

You're too old to be playing with boys.

This is never going to stop?

Yes, it will! When you're old as I am.

But until then, every month.

And when it happens, just say

"I don't feel well"

or "Aunt Flo is visiting."

What does that mean?


What does that mean?

You never told us that.

I don't know either.

That's what my mother told me.

Now stop being so curious.

You'll learn all of that in school

in biology class.

Mom, I don't want it.

Can't I do anything to keep it

from happening again?


I know it's not nice.

But it's Nature's way.

Someone has to have the children.

You'll realize one day

that being a woman is a beautiful thing.

Lovely! It looks brand-new.


What's wrong?

- What...

She ate too much cake.

She's got a stomach ache.

Did you know that both of Georg's aunts

got into trouble when they were girls?

Well, I mean, a person should

be able to control herself.

I guess carelessness runs in that family.

Of course, they had to get rid of them.

They probably...

went to some back alley abortionist.

Aren't you worried about Ursel?

You read in the papers about latchkey kids.


I don't want to see my daughters arguing.

Gerda, promise me

you'll keep an eye on Ursel.

Don't let her fall into godless ways!

I can trust my child.

She's the best pupil in her class.

A real woman will not be broken.



You silly dimwit!

Reaching into the raspberry bushes

with scratched arms,

blueberry juice

staining my teeth and fingers,

summer days digging holes

behind the hedges,

hiding places in damp cellars,

dangling my bare legs in rainwater

in a rusty barrel,

cooling down mosquito bites.

Coal dust.

Puddles of dirty water

with an iridescent greasy film.

Five hundred marbles in a bag,

whole ones, halves, multi-colored.

In every color!

Jumping rope

until I'm out of breath.

Calluses on my feet

that never go away,

never ever.




Stop it this instant!

That's your Sunday dress.


Light on, knife shows

Grandma takes off all her clothes

In you go

Out you come

And little Klaus is quickly done

Light out, knife shows

Grandma takes off all her clothes

In you go, out you come

Little Klaus is quickly done

The hostess had a pastor

Who always wore a mourning band

He couldn't ever forget the day

That nasty syphilis

Ate his tom-tom away

Mine are bigger than yours.

No way.

Mine are just as big.

And I'm much taller than you.

I'm more muscular than you.

Nope, I wouldn't say that.

We'll see about that.

Mine really are bigger.

No, I don't think so. You're lying.

Silly girls.

Soon they'll wind up with a baby.

Then it's too late.

When I turn 18,

I'm going to go on a bike tour.

All across Europe,

all the way to Sicily.

Now, now!

You don't think I'm going to allow that.

But Gernot is allowed to.

Gernot is a boy.

That's different.

I don't understand

why that should be a reason.

With regard to the state of emergency

in the Soviet sector of Berlin:

As of 1 pm on June 17th, 1953,

a state of emergency was declared

in the Soviet sector of Berlin.

All protests...

However you choose to spin it,

it is a disgrace when a socialist

government shoots at workers.

At workers?

- ...are banned on streets and public squares

as well as in public buildings.

At agitators! Do you know

how many West Berlin groups

went over to agitate?

- Yeah, there were probably a few.

The rest is just your propaganda.

...the commandant of the Soviet sector

in Berlin...

A profound outrage

has our working people in its grip.

Outrage over the attempt to abuse them.

Outrage over the fact

that agitators have tried...

...criticism of government measures...

...on these heroes of liberty...

...who hate slavery and love freedom...

...that agents und criminal elements...

- ...against other victims

of this cruel tyranny...

...the no less notorious German Party...

...a wave of bitterness and desperation... the same streets, through which

on May 1st, just a few weeks ago,

our working people

carried the flags of their party

and their nation...

...against slavery and oppression...

...sang battle songs,

yesterday evening and this morning

fascist gangs began singing

the Horst Wessel Song

or broke out in shouts of

"We want Hitler back."

...that Germans will not be slaves.

...and the patriotic initiative

of our populace and our republic...

...our desire for freedom... justice, prosperity...

- ...behind the Iron Curtain...

...was spilled by brutal, cruel dictators

to maintain their tyrannical domination. insist on unity and liberty.

Thus, two worlds exist in close proximity

right now.

It is particularly evident here.

A sign here on Kochstrasse,

still in the West sector:

"Festive wines from Baden."

And a little later, a bit farther away...

Why don't they give them their freedom?

Here, West Berliners looking over

and over there only a few GDR officers,

who are also, it would seem,


This concludes our tour...

I just hope there's not another war.

If so, it was all for nothing.

You can't sleep?

Don't be afraid, Mom.

Do you remember,

when we were on the train...

when we jumped from the train

and were bombed in the trench

by the strafers?


What is freedom?

Well, I think...


it's when we're doing well

and don't have to be afraid.

Send a package to East Germany

as often as you can.

Remember not to include any printed

materials in your packages.

No newspapers, magazines and the like.

And now I'll tell you

what they're really in need of.

Please write this down.

So, grease,

meat products, sugar,

milk, powdered eggs, cheese

and above all, of course,

bananas and oranges.

We will not rest and we will not stop.

I make this vow for the entire German people,

until all of Germany is reunited

in peace and freedom.


Yes? - My father said that the word

"freedom" is being misused

and that they shouted "freedom"

in the East on the 17th of June

when they broke an old concentration

camp commandant out of prison.

I didn't want to say that in class.

Yes, it's a good thing

you didn't mention that.

Please don't mention it again.

Yes, but is that true?

I can't say anything specific about it.

I only know that claims like that are...

usually used for propaganda purposes.

I was never allowed out at night.

But this one time my mother let me

and there was your father.

You now, your father was a handsome man.

That evening he kept offering me,

all evening long, really,

candy from this gigantic bag.

I got such a stomach ache.

You were wearing

your beautiful blue velvet dress.

That was the first time I'd been out

since going underground.

I think we ate at least a pound

of candy that night.

That was the first thing

I had to teach you:

not to be such a spendthrift.

Why had you gone underground?

The Nazis were after me

because I passed out pamphlets.

There were these skyrockets,

which we would set off

in front of store entrances

and then run away.

There'd be a bang

and pamphlets would come flying out of them.

Why weren't you allowed

to pass out pamphlets?

I was shaking when he told me that.

He had to promise me

never to do that again.

You never did anything again

after that, Dad?

Would you rather he'd ended up

in a concentration camp?


I love you so much.

What's wrong?

Are you okay?

Dad, tell me about the old days.

During the Ruhr Uprising,

we got sent a machine gun.

It had been taken apart

and put into a package.

We brought it from the train station

on a handcart.

And we put it back together

in a comrade's kitchen.

So there it was.

We didn't do anything with it.

Because the world revolution never happened.

But it eased our minds just having it.

In an emergency,

we'd be able to attack.

It was pointed at the church tower.

Back then we were all rabid atheists.

When I dropped out of school...

I dropped out of school, because

my brother and I had gotten it

into our heads...


Dreamer! What are you thinking about?

There were these young people

carrying posters.

There was a rifle on them,

which was broken in half.

I'll bet Dad will be interested

when I tell him.

Don't tell me you two are Reds!

No, no.


It's from the old days.

In his family,

they were...

Naturally, some of it stays with you.

Like an old habit.

Yes, it used to be completely different.

My husband also had a few guys...

- But Dad said

himself yesterday that he passed out

pamphlets during the Nazi time.

And they want to elect him chairman

of the work council.

What for?

Your husband isn't a laborer.

And the other day you told me yourself:

"I hope there's no war!"

Stop butting into grownup conversations.

Never mind, Gerda.

She doesn't even know

what she's talking about.

But I don't get what your husband is up to.

Everyone is against war.

So are we.

But that's not the way

to go about it.

That's not something you discuss.

What happens in our family

is nobody else's business.

Do you always have to be with them?

They're so incredibly stupid.

Your mother thinks unions are crude.

Standing outside all day long.

I had no idea how taxing that is.

And all that for 280 marks a month.

You two could have at least

hung up the laundry.

Good day. You're their daughter?

What do you want?

Can I speak to your mother?

My mother's at work.

She'll be home after closing.

Your mother works?

I didn't know that.

Would you please...

Please give her this letter.

What do you want from my mother?



"Dear Mrs. Scheuner,

I'll get right to the point:

Please stop contesting this divorce.

Your husband doesn't love you anymore.

You know this as well as I do.

He and I would like to start a new life.

Please don't stand in the way

of our happiness.

Your opposition won't make you

any happier,

but it will make two people unhappy.

Liesel Schmitt.


I will exert my influence to ensure

that you receive a generous

divorce settlement."

How dare that woman

write something like that?

You have to do something about it!



Oh, honey...

How can I explain it to you?

She's such a wretched creature.

Her husband was shot to death

while on the run.

You'll understand when you grow up.

What's the matter?

Did you get a bad grade?

It happens sometimes.

I get sad for no reason.

It just happens.

Don't eat it all at once.


Filthy bitch.

I'm fine with him leaving me alone.

But that only means he's got someone else.

Mom, do I have to put up with that?

You can't let it show.

Men want to have the feeling

that a woman...

That's just the way it is.

You have to act

like you care.


I'll always do well in school

and study

and never leave you.

Then you'll become a high school teacher

and I'll move in with you

and keep house for you.

Only if your father dies before me,

of course.

I mean, it could happen.

You never know.


I think we should buy you

your first brassiere.

A large vase from China

with rose-colored almond blossoms

on golden branches

bedecked with dewdrops.

A shiny seashell, in which you could

hear the sound of the sea

when you held it to your ear.

A fan with a handle studded

in sparkling crimson jewels.

When you unfolded it,

a peacock spread its iridescent plumage.

The hot, silent darkness enveloped them

like a velvet blanket.

He spoke to her, but she could not

understand what he was saying,

her heart was beating so loud,

as if would stop,

and his strong, warm hands

stroked her bare arms.

He placed one arm around her hips

and the other around her shoulder.

She felt the tight muscles of his thighs

against her body.

The buttons on his...

The hostess had a waitress


The hostess had a thrifty cook...

The hostess had a picket fence...

The hostess had a Ford V8...

The hos...

The hostess!

The hostess had body lice...

The hostess also had a kid...

The hostess also had a kid...

The hostess also had a son

Who masturbated...

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you!

If you only knew how much I love you."

Do I have to trim the liver?

It's trimmed

when you get it from the butcher.

It's like dumplings.

You've made them so often. Eggs...

Take your hand out of your pocket!

Mrs. Merkheim?

This is my daughter.

You finally get to meet her.

Your mother says...

- You needn't be formal. She's not that old.

...that you're a very good student

and quite helpful around the house.

She only had one C

on her last report card,

otherwise all As and Bs.

We have good reason

to be proud of her.

Yes, well...

Keep up the good work.

You're always embarrassing me.

People think I'm this goody two shoes.

Mrs. Merkheim has a son

who barely gets promoted each year.

As quiet as she just was,

she's not happy either.

I hate it when you touch me all the time

and tell me what I do wrong.

I know it myself!

What's the matter now?

Other girls do much better than me.

That's not true.

You're the best in your class.

This hairdo and these clothes

make me look so plain.

They all laugh at me.

I want to take dance lessons, too.

They all get to.

And they all have boyfriends.

Mom, it's totally innocent.

Don't think that anything...

But they're all going to parties

and I want to be included.

- You don't need to be.

Those parents will be surprised

when their daughters

get left back for being boy crazy.

We're keeping an eye on our girl.

I'm really not being petty.

You can join the accordion club,

girl scouts or nature lovers,

for all I care,

but basement parties

are out of the question.

You boneheads! Wake up!

Imagine you're after some blonde

and you're horny as hell.

Sorry about that, Miss Scheuner.

Well, it's true!


And after the break,

from the top and with gusto.

I want to formally apologize to you

for our conductor.

That was inappropriate

for a young lady to hear.

But you know how it is:

Tough on the inside, soft on the inside.

May I offer you a cigarette?


Your first?


Can I help you?

Don't come any closer.

Don't come any closer.

My God, I just wanted to help you.

Is anyone here?



It's unfair that we're made this way.

You should be able to rip out your ovaries.

Your whole life afraid

of getting pregnant again.

How was it?

Was it nice?


It was nice.

Good night.

Maybe we should talk it over...

all that stuff.

But you read a lot.


Good night.

I was 23 when I met Georg.

Before then...

None of us ever went to the theater

or the movies, dancing or drinking.

My mother always said:

"A decent girl

lives with her mother

as long as possible."

Which is why I never got to be young

in that sense.

At the time I didn't miss it.

Now sometimes I think...

Well! Who knows what the point of it was.

We're all going.

They're in my class.

Put your glasses back on.

You know the saying:

"Girls who wear glasses never get passes"?

Well, I think bookish women are lovely.

With five kids in my family,

it was out of the question.

I admire anyone who stays in school.

How do like it here?

I think it's spiffy.

Yes, it's nice.

But I want my home to be nicer.



- Yes, sure.

One day I'm going to build

myself a house.

Not just for me, of course,

but for the family I'll have.

Everyone here looks so spiffy.

You should wear black suits.

With high-necked white blouses.

That would look good on you.

Do you want to be a teacher?

I would've liked to become a teacher.

Do you have any siblings?


We've been waiting for you

for two hours.

Come home with us this instant.

Excuse me, I...

just wanted to take your daughter

out for a bit.

I had no idea you were worried...

I'm Otto Bunker.

Aunt Hildegard and Aunt Lotti

both had...

If you show up one day with a child

before you're married, I'll...

I'll kill myself!

I couldn't bear...

to see my only daughter

throw her life away.

Pirate queen with two pistols,

one on each side.

I cross the glaciers

of Mont Blanc alone

until I stand at the peak.

The snow rages all around me,

but I don't budge an inch.

And when I get out of my race car,

the tires are smoking,

but I take off my glasses...

Once you learn English,

you'll get a better position for sure.

We might be able to move

to a nicer neighborhood.

It's nice enough here.

But it would be so nice

if we had a dining room.

And you'd have an office

where you could be undisturbed

when you do the accounts.

I stand in front of the class

and read my poems.

Everyone listens in awe

and they get printed in the school paper.

Frank comes up to me

at Veronica's party,

because someone told him about it.

We dance together all night long.

We tell each other things

that no one else can understand.

- One, two, three!

Isar, Iller, Lech and Inn

Into the Danube they flow

Kocher, Jagst and Regen

Head towards it also

Get down to the yard!

- I feel sick.

You want some?

Don't be afraid.

You'll feel much better afterwards.

I guess you didn't get invited

to the party either.

Listen, you better not tell on me!

A vacuum cleaner with a curtain attachment.

A Persian rug.

New duvets. A Chippendale cabinet.

Gertrude's mother is a journalist.

Every night exciting people drop by.

Erika's mother is divorced

and has her own store.

Being divorced is sophisticated.

Marianne's mother doesn't work at all.

But she's always busy with all the people

constantly coming to visit.

They eat their cake

with tiny knives and forks.

A washing machine. A vacuum cleaner

with curtain attachment and...

New duvets.

A Chippendale cabinet.

A vacation in Italy.

And none of their mothers

sells beds in a department store.

And none of their fathers works

on the staff of a shipping company.

All the girls go to dance lessons and to the

ice cream parlor. They get to wear nylons.

None of them have to sit at home

in the evening like me.

Moping again?

And always that sweater.

It's all you ever wear.

And that jungle hair.

You think that's pretty?

At least the other girls' mothers

get their hair done sometimes

and don't always wear

such old homemade outfits.

How does that look?

I can't stand it anymore.

I can't stand it anymore.

I can't stand it anymore.

Say something!

You just sit there

watching your daughter insult me.

Her upbringing has always been

your department.

Well, my mother was the dearest thing

in the world to me.

Yes, your relationship is...

Can't you knock first?

We don't look at all alike.

You've become too much for her

and your mother doesn't know

how to control you anymore.

I don't want to go back home.

Mom wouldn't even miss me.

She doesn't like me.

She won't even talk to me anymore.

She's punishing me

by not talking to me at all.

For a whole week.

It's like I'm not even there.

Your mother is helpless.

She was an obedient girl.

That's why she doesn't understand you.

You're too different.

She can't expect me to turn out

just like she did.

She wants me to do exactly what she did.

And I'm also supposed

to be grateful

for being able to be a different person

than she is.


every night I have these terrible dreams.

In one dream I had recently

I'm standing with one foot on a globe

that's dropping deeper and deeper.

At the same time

I'm growing into outer space.

It's pulling and it rips me in half

and I have the feeling

that it's tearing me apart.

Don't think about it.

You can stay here tonight

and help me sort through all the items.

"Do not be surprised, brethren,

if the world hates you.

We know that we have passed

from death to life..."

She's become so angry.

All the sweetness is gone.

And she was such a friendly child.

Now she just wants, wants, wants!

She has no idea what a sacrifice it is

for us to send her to high school.

Now she wants to have everything

the other girls do.

"Whoever has earthly possessions and

notices a brother in need, but withholds

his compassion from him,

how can God's love

be present in him?"

- Those kids' parents are businessmen,

managers and civil servants.

I mean, we can't keep up with them socially.

And they don't even need the schooling.

They marry someone rich.

It's fine for them to take dance lessons.

A woman can either dance

or she can't.

What does she need lessons for?

I never learned to dance

and I was the best dancer far and wide.

And famous for my pretty little feet.

"... we have confidence

in the presence of God.

and receive from him anything we ask,

because we keep..."- Erna!

Make me some coffee.

Really strong.


It was never this bad with Ursel before.

She just sits there reading.

And her kidneys are getting

worse and worse.

She's getting younger and smaller.

My poor child.


I had your brooch re-set.

Your father gave it to me

when Franz was born.

Does Georg give you enough jewelry?

He's home evenings a lot now.

He's not going to any more meetings.

And he didn't run for a seat

on the work council.

Keep an eye on Ursula.

She's a feisty one.

She takes after me, the little hussy.

When we'd been married a year,

Georg and I finally got assigned

an apartment.

And I had to move away from my mother.

She brought me to the train station

and I cried the whole way down.

And I gave her my entire wages,

226.20 marks,

just as I'd done every month.

Then Georg picked me up

at the train station when I arrived.

I didn't have a penny to my name.

Community was always

the most important thing to me.

So I dropped out

and trained to be a lathe operator.

See, all my friends in the Free

Proletarian Youth were laborers.

But I never got the hang of lathe operating.

My teacher told my mother:

"Ma'am, the kid has two left hands.

He needs mental work."

So I got trained at the employment office

as an assistant clerk.

But as soon as I finished, the massive

unemployment began in 1929.

And I was out of work for seven years.

Some unemployed people were

homeless and living in tents

on eight marks a week

in unemployment benefits.

In the winter they had to find rooms

and pay the rent from that money.

After seven years, I finally found work.

And then the war started.

And you were happy just to stay alive.

When it was finally all over

and life had returned

to some degree of normalcy,

I was over 40 years old.

We had at least 15 years stolen from us,

in which we barely had enough to eat

or clothes on our backs

and were sent to our deaths.

Fifteen years!

That's enough, girls.

Gather up the bats.

What's that?

- Let's see it.

Well, we used to sing this.

We would wear black skirts,

white blouses and neckerchiefs.

That was the uniform

of the BDM.

The first time I went home

in that uniform,

our janitor, an old SPD member, stopped

carrying my bike into the basement.

He'd always done it for me before.

Naturally I thought that he was too old

to understand

that great things were happening.

I felt sorry for him.

When we woke up, there were

six-and-a-half million murdered Jews

and who know how many dead soldiers.

I'm a member of the Society

for Judeo-Christian Cooperation.

It's impossible to make abends for all that.

But you have to start somewhere.

Will we learn about that in History?

Before graduation. But you have

to discuss it with your teacher.

Not enough time.

That's how it was in my sister's class.

Our flag flutters before us

We move into the future, man by man

We march for Hitler

Through night and through trouble

With the flag of our youth

For freedom and bread

Our fla...

Our flag flutters before us


On July 7th, 1956, the West German

Parliament overrules the SPD

and institutes compulsory military service.


On August 17th, 1956,

the West German Constitutional Court declares

the Communist Party of Germany


ordering its disbandment

and banning the creation

of any follow-up organizations.

Federal Secretary of the Interior Schröder


"The appropriate authorities will carry out

this decree in accordance with the law.

As concerns the prosecution

of criminal offenses,

I do not wish to anticipate the ruling

of the judicial authorities.

But I think I can say

that mass prosecutions

are not under consideration.

There will be no waves of arrests.

This is not about minor followers

of the Communist Party.

Who are they? Misguided workers

who fell prey to inflammatory speeches;

retirees whom the Communists

promised pots of gold;

young people who saw these plans

for a coup as an adventure;

a few artists and intellectuals

who were unable to resist the seductive power

of dialectical materialism.

There will be no witch hunt.

No one will take away their jobs.

All of our security measures are always

guided by a single notion:

to do what is necessary

with restraint

and without being overzealous.

They were good then.

Yes, they were.

Do you bake with butter or margarine?

- Not with butter.

It's too expensive.

You'd need to put in a half pound.

We accepted too much.

Yes, you're right.

I think they'll get back on their feet.

- Got to.

Well, cheers.

- Cheers.

When breakfast rolls cost five cents,

that's just...

How are you supposed to pay for that?

I wonder how people with large

families manage. - Thanks, Liesel.

That's for me, right?

You have a lot more money than me.

No, last Sunday you had a lot more.

Shall we stretch our legs a little

before dinner?

Yes, but slowly please.

Yes, living well makes you really lazy.

My mother always said:

"Eat breakfast like an emperor,

lunch like a king,

dinner like a beggar."

We'll do the dishes later.

- Afterwards.

Look, your lawn's been trampled.

No, no, my boy.

It all started much earlier.

You never put all your cards

on the table.

You started flirting with the SPD

while we were in the youth movement.

How can you forget everything you learned?

- Yeah, yeah,

"freedom" and "democracy"!

That's just window dressing.


I was running across a meadow,

where there was a huge viaduct.

Very narrow.

On each side stood a ladder.

I had to climb over the viaduct. I wasn't

allowed to keep walking on the meadow.

And there was someone at my heels.

I could hear him panting.

Down the other side again,

into a house and up to the attic.

The man behind me got closer and closer.

I had to crawl up the chimney.

Once I'd made it,

he couldn't be able to get me anymore.

When I was halfway up,

he pulled my legs

and I couldn't get up.

But he couldn't pull me down...

Did you call me?

I don't think so.

The party's just getting started.

We're going to Italy next summer.

This year we got the washing machine.

Okay, okay.

In '34 I was still in the resistance

passing out pamphlets.

We would set off these skyrockets

in front of doorways

and then run away.

They would explode

and pamphlets would come

flying out of them.

During the Ruhr Uprising,

he was sent a package

a machine gun inside.

He brought it from the train station

and put it back together

in a comrade's kitchen.

Is it dinner time again already?

What happened to his arm?

A guard at Dachau cut off his arm

with a shovel.

Why didn't they send you

to a concentration camp?

You were passing out pamphlets

in late '33. You told me that!

I was in hiding.

And they stopped looking for me

after a while.

Fighting against such a far-reaching system

is pointless.

It was just pointless!

They could have helped us

from abroad.

But not here on the inside.

You had no courage.

No, I wasn't a hero.

But you have no idea what's it like

to live under that kind of regime.

You can't just watch them chop

someone's arm off with a shovel!

We didn't find out about

most of it until later.

And now? What are you doing now?

You talk every day.

You're against rearmament,

you're against banning the Communists,

you're against the old Nazis

getting back their positions.

But what are you doing about it?


What am I supposed to be doing?

- Anything! I don't know.

It can't go on like this.

Everything has to change now.


That damned dog actually

ate all of the potato salad!

- Let them ban us.

They can't keep us down.

Erase us from your democracy.

Ban anything that doesn't suit you.

We'll see if you can keep me down.

They couldn't even manage to do that

in the camp.

He shouldn't be drinking.

Shouldn't we take the bottle from him?

I don't know.

Dear God...

Dear God, please,

make everything good again.

Please, please, please...

Will you come on!

Or are you chicken?

We can do it.

Is it all true what you told us before?

Don't your parents notice

when you're not home at night?

I'm always back home by morning.

You just have to be quiet.

My parents are heavy sleepers.

When we visit you,

will you show us everything?

If my boyfriend has time,

we'll show you around.

You have a boyfriend?

- Of course! How old do you think I am?

And he lets you go on vacation

by yourself?

I found this while I was cleaning.

You eat this junk?

With your stomach problems?

I'm too fat.

That doesn't matter.

You've got something in reserve.

If you'd eat with us properly at the table...

But no, you raid the fridge at night

when no one's looking.

But why I should I care?

You're so grown up.

You know what you're doing,

But I'm throwing this away.

At night it feels like a tank is driving

over me and grinding up my bones.


I just want to stay in bed all the time.

The main thing is not to give up.

You have to fight.

There are so many ways

to change something.

In your political party, in your union...

I was always fighting.

Working conditions were very different

back then.

You can't understand that now.

I was a porcelain painter.

Have you been to see the doctor?

It's not natural.

You're much too young.


This was under Ursula's bench.

"I'm horrified by my greedy eyes,

my pinched lips..."

- So stupid. - That's so Ursula.

- " bitten nails.

I can feel my skin shriveling up.

I can hear my heart quietly wearing down.

My guts are screaming

and my mouth is talking about grammar."

Let me see!

- Let me see!

Where are you going?

You haven't been here for a week.

You're doing worse in all subjects,

two grades lower in some.

You're in danger of being left back.

Your name came up at the faculty meeting.

No one understands it.

Ursel, what's going on?

Do you get enough sleep?

You always look so tired.

Or is it because your mother has a job?

In any case, you can't afford

to miss any more classes.

Good morning.

I used to sit here every afternoon.

In a remote corner

that the waiter usually ignored.

I would pretend to be doing homework.

But I was really doing nothing.

I wanted to be alone in public.

Everything around me became

a numb, impenetrable mass.

My life was a constant flight

from eyes and words.

I was made of parchment,

crumpled, transparent,


easily blown away.

Excuse me.


Nothing at all.

Everything's fine.

Pull yourself together...

Don't give up.

Don't collapse.

Don't be so sensitive.

Don't be so hypersensitive.

Be healthy. Be normal.

Be fine. Be fine again.

Be a normal girl.

Be a normal young girl.

Be a happy, normal young girl.

A laughing, happy, normal...

- Hey, Miss!

Are you asleep?

What are you looking for?


A pound of...

A pound of...the white, sweet stuff.

Can she mean sugar?

Yes, sugar.


There you are!

Are you from abroad?

Germany pretty!








Shatter. Smash.


Smash the chill.

Smash the chill.

Smash the chill.


Smash the chill.


Smash the chill. Shatter.

Smash the chill.

Shatter the armor.

Shatter the armor.

Shatter the armor.

Shatter the armor.

Shatter the armor.

Smash the chill of shame.

Smash the chill of shame.

Smash the chill of shame.

Smash the chill of shame.

Shatter the walls of fear.

Smash the walls of fear.

Smash the chill of fear.

Shatter the walls of fear.

Shatter the chill of fear.

Shattering in pain.

Dissolving in pain.

What are you doing here?

It's too loud at home.

I have three little brothers

and sisters.

Our apartment is too small.

I want to do my homework here.

At least keep the door closed.

No one's allowed to be in school

in the afternoon. It's forbidden.

I could no longer cope

with this weight on my shoulders.

There was nowhere I felt at home.

I drifted through the days

like a cork on the sea.

I had given up being all right.

I felt superfluous.

I didn't even try to prove

the opposite to myself

and I didn't know

how much longer I'd be able

to convince everyone else

that I was only tired and stressed

because my mother had to work

and that I had an ulcer.

Sometimes I was heavy as a stone

that had to carry itself.

Sometimes my head lay over the world

light as a bubble,

with all sounds coming from far away,

friendly and indistinct.

But there was always a machine

raging unattended in my head

without a switch

that would turn it off.


Hello, Ursel.

Is that you?

Ursula, say something!

Why don't you say something?

Stop fooling around.


Were you lying in bed again?

Get up now, you hear me?

You can't throw the whole day away.

You have to produce some energy, you know?

- Yes.

Put on some proper clothes.


And eat at the table with us tonight.

We're going to get stricter

around here, understand?


"You should be able to burn like a candle."

"You should be able to burn like a candle..."

"At both ends simultaneously."



Burn. Burn up.

Burn. Burn up.


Burn. Burn.

Burn the void in the fire.

Burn the void in the fire...

Burn up the chill in the fire.

Burn up the chill in the fire.

Burn up the chill in the fire...

Burn in the fire of joy.

Burn in the fire of joy.

Burn in the fire of laughter...

Burn up in burning laughter.

Burn up in burning laughter...

They still didn't say a word.

In the fire of joy, in the fire of joy...

How could you have an inner life

and an outer life at the same time?

How did that happen?

A cigarette fell on my skirt.

Were you afraid?


Last year my uniform caught on fire.

I was very scared.

But there's no war anywhere.

Yes, there is. In Algeria.

Didn't you know that?

That's not a war.

What would you call it?

The stupid, immature Algerians

are driving the French,

who've done everything for them,

out of the country.

Would you call it a war?

There. Machine gun.

The newspapers call it

unrest or an uprising.

War is when...

That's the new form of war.

Soon there'll be war

all over Africa and Asia.

- Hey, there's no swimming here!


Come, let's paddle on the lake.

We can't.

I'm sure the boat belongs to someone.

I need to go home anyway.

My mother's waiting.

How old are you,


I'm 18.

Where I come from,

18-year-old women already have kids.

They definitely don't go back

to their mother.

I like math best.

Nothing moves,

it's all very quiet.

There's always a solution.

And only one.

You know right away

if you did it right.

Sometimes I imagine

how nice it would be

to be a square or a circle.

To be completely self-contained.

Nothing could happen to me.

Or maybe a rock on the road.

I'd see everything.

All the people who walked by.

But no one could hurt me,

not even if they stepped on me.

And beggars couldn't hurt you.

If a beggar's sitting on the street,

I always make a detour to avoid crying.

I want everybody to always be happy.

Do you understand that?

I understand that you're very unhappy.




Are you afraid of black people?

Then what?

My Aunt Flo is visiting.

What does that mean?

And something might happen.

I could have a baby.

I want to go home.


Stay still.

Nothing will happen!

Stay still, nothing will happen.


- I'll be careful.

Nothing will happen.

Keep your legs tight.


Put your legs together.

Nothing will happen.

I want to go home.

But I want to stay here tonight.

If you want to write me,

here's an address.

We still have time.

We don't have to do that here.

I need to get to the train station.

My train's leaving at 7:12.

When are you coming back?

I'll be back in Paris tomorrow evening

and then...

I can't tell you yet.

My brother's there.

I'm going to Algeria.

I don't have an address there.

Write me anyway.

Maybe I'll be able to read it one day.

Are you sad?

Oh, no.

I'm lazy about writing anyway.

Lazy about writing?

What does that mean?

Lazy about writing.

Lazy about writing.

Lazy about writing!

Nothing happened at all.

You don't need to be worried at all.

You don't need to explain anything.

You can do as you please.

Come and go as...

This is Mrs. Scheuner.

We called last night to report

a missing person.

Everything's fine.

My daughter is back home.

Can't I at least explain where I was?

Then please leave a message.

I have to get to work.


I'll bake a cake

with nuts, almonds, poppy seed,

raisins, currants,

chocolate sprinkles, candied orange peel,

butter, sugar and eggs.

No flour. No flour!

No flour please.

But why didn't you ever say anything?

Everything we do is for you.

You have everything.

Everything you need!

Don't you?


I mean, what's wrong with you?

To get something done,

first you need to do away with something:
