Hungama (2003) - full transcript

The story of a bunch of misfits whose misconception about each others backgrounds end up in a series of chaotic, yet comic outcomes. Aftab and Rimi play two strangers who have to pretend that are a married couple in order to get a place to live. Paresh Rawal plays a rich, yet ground to earth businessman whose business is named after his wife Anjali. Akshaye Khanna plays a young man starting a new business in electronic ware. Things get complicated when Rimi Sen goes to Paresh Rawal's house in search of a job & meets Akshaye Khanna who falls in love with her thinking she is Paresh Rawal's daughter. Paresh Rawal's wife thinks that he is having an affair with Rimi Sen & while Paresh Rawal thinks his wife is having an affair with Akshaye Khanna due to Rimi Sen and her having the same name. Then comes in Shakti Kapoor whose daughter falls in love with a guy pretending to be Paresh Rawal's son and soon everything gets out of control.

25.000 fps.

Roughly synced from a 23.976 sub

by KoTuWa

Fun and excitement...

all the fun and excitement

"Is it love, or a battle?

A colour you can?t see..."

"I can figure out nothing, Lord!"

"Everyone?s all tied up,

what predicament is this?"

"They walk together,

and yetis there a tussle"

To make them see reason...

"is difficult

to make them see reason"

"The actors that perform

in this play..."

they do perform a drama

Fun and excitement...

all the fun and excitement

Hurry! It?s time for school

Jungle! Rascal! Idiot!

- Step on the brakes!

"You?re a girl, and you abuse me?

- You want me to applaud you?"

Why did you push me?

- When did I? You ran into me

You deliberately rammed into me

and now you?re talking back!

I know roadside loafers like you.

You see a girl and get into the act!

Watch your tongue! You broke

the button on my shirt...

and now you?re calling me a loafer?

Where will I get a button from?

How about the dress which you spoilt?

You know what the laundry bill comes to?

Can?t you wash your own clothes?

- Had I the time...

"I?d show you what else I can wash.

- Go, get lost"

"Get going!

- Go, go away"

God! I didn?t know

you?d have such daring

You came away to Mumbai without

telling anyone at home

What would you have done

if I wasn?t here?

It didn?t occur to me at all.

Had I stayed there another day...

my mother would?ve got me married

to the local landlord?s son

"So what?s wrong? You have to

marry someone, don?t you?"

But that chap?s a nut.

He?s a real moron

My father had borrowed a lot of money

from his father...

for my education and for

my mother?s treatment

My father died under

the burden of the debt...

"and he?s now pestering my mother.

He says, if you can?t repay the debt..."

have your daughter married

to my son

He doesn?t even want any dowry.

- You mean your life is...

the sum total of the debt

and the interest

So what do you want to do?

- I must find a job at any cost

I?ve got to repay the debt

and get rid of the landlord

"Any job will do.

- Easier said than done, Anjali"

I?m living here with a friend

who?s an air-hostess

"She?ll be here by 10:30 next Friday.

Till then, you can stay here"

"But once she arrives, it?ll be

difficult for you to live here"

"I?m sorry, but you mustn?t

take that badly, Anjali"

I?ve got enough money to see me

through a couple of months

If only I could find a room

till I find a job

Let?s see what we can do.

I?m getting late. I must leave

When love is one-sided...

it?s a punishment

"When love is requited,

it?s fun"

Quiet! We?re talking about life

and death and you?re hollering away!

"Come around, darling.

- No"

So it has to do with love!

I?ll sing a romantic number...

the lady will immediately agree.

- I?ve agreed. For a divorce

I?m not giving it to you!

- I?ve got great number for divorce...

but it?s a bit romantic and...

- Sing it for your wife!

Now sing a song for losses!

You?re more of a mosquito repellent!

You?ve been driving the customers away

"I?ll be a great singer some day, sir.

That is my dream"

"Pipe-dream. Go away

- Today?s the 4th., sir..."

When did I say it?s the 34th?

- My salary...?

I have it all worked out.

300 bucks. Let me have it

"But we settled at 4000 rupees.

- Sure, we did"

You do get a salary of 4000.

But who pays for your stay here?

Who pays for your food

and your laundry?

It works out to 4300. Your salary?s

4000. So let me have 300 rupees

"But this is a fraud, sir!

- Really?"

So go and find another job.

Get lost!

Hey Bholu! Your milk?s getting

thinner and thinner every day

Are you pouring water in it?

"I swear, I?ve never

adulterated milk with water"

"But yes, I do adulterate

water with milk"

"Buy it, if you can afford it.

Or forget it"

"Hello, Nandu! How are you?

Why don?t you sing a song as usual?"

"Sing, my foot! I?ve heard the

mosquitoes singing all night"

Don?t you have a mosquito net

in the room?

"Forget a mosquito net, it doesn?t

even have a roof and walls"

I slept on the railway platform.

- You must think of me at such times

I have a great place.

It?s going cheap

But you?ll need to pay me

a commission for that

500 rupees.

- I will. But where is it?

I?ll show you... do you have a wife?

- Wife?!

"You know Popat, the moneylender?

He lets out his room very cheap"

But only to married couples.

- Why?

Because his wife?s an amazing dish.

He?s terribly suspicious about her

Where will I find a wife?

- Am I not here?

You?re crazy! If I tell Popat

that you?re my wife...

What rubbish! What I?m saying is

that I?ll find you a wife

I?ll charge extra commission for that.

- Are you a milkman...

or a commission agent?

- I?m an all rounder

You indeed are a fast guy

Where?s the other lady?

- She?s taking a bath

Quickly take the milk.

I?ve got work to do

"You?re the one I was waiting for, Bholu.

- What is the matter?"

"That?s my friend, Anjali.

She?s looking for a room"

Low rent. Will you find one?

- There is a room. Very cheap

But only for married couples

Are you married?

- No

She doesn?t know anyone in town.

But Bholu knows everyone

"Bholu, Bholu the good boy...

- That?s enough"

Will you give me a commission?

- I will

"All right, I?ll find a

fake-husband for her then"

So you?re thinking of

leaving your house?

Strange games God plays.

Here I am...

waiting to quit the dingy hole I?m

living in and settling in a palace

And you! You?re quitting

a readymade palace

If you had a father like mine...

you?d have found my palace to be

smaller than your dingy hole

But what is the problem?

- Ever since I?ve finished college...

I?ve been begging for money

to start a business

"Whenever I talk about money, it?s

as if I?ve stepped on his tail!"

"This is the limit!

- You have just one way, my friend"

Change your father.

- What?

"Woo a rich girl, get married and

become the heir to her father?s riches"

You?re poking fun at me?

- I?m not kidding

"I?ve even scored with a girl.

Teja, the garbage king?s daughter"

"You?ve heard of him, haven?t you?

It?s his only daughter. Madhuri"

The garbage king?s daughter and you?

Don?t forget your status

Do you even have the money to buy

her a box to collect the garbage?

"I don?t, but Radhesham Tiwari"s

son can buy even the garbage king..."

not just a garbage can.

- Tiwari? Owner of Anjali Industries?

"Right. Anjali Foods, Anjali Chemicals,

Anjali Pharmaceuticals..."

and several other Anjali"s

under my father?s belt

You told her that you are

Radhesham Tiwari"s son?

"Yes. Don?t lose hope, my friend"

"The more thick-skinned you are in money

matters, the better it is for you"

Harass your father so much

with your demands...

he?ll give you something

some day or the other

"Dad, one last time. Are you giving

me the money or aren?t you?"

You?ve been asking me for years

and I didn?t give you anything

Here you are. Start whatever

business you want to with this

10 rupees! You?re poking fun at me?

- Hear that?

He thinks 10 rupees is too little!

My grandfather ran the family with it

My father arrived in this city

with just 10 rupees

And this is just what I got

in my dowry

"Ma, say something. Please.

- What will I say, my son?"

I asked him for a diamond necklace.

He didn?t give that to me either

He sold the land in the village

yesterday. He got eight million

"Let alone taking a look, I didn?t

even get to smell the money"

He?s put it all in the safe.

- Shout! Yell as much as you want to

There?s eight million

lying in the house...

"and you refuse to give me 750,000?

- I spend a lot of money..."

"in your education, boarding

and maintenance"

You aren?t getting a penny more

"Who will give me the money,

if not you, Papa?"

What will I do?

- Rob and steal

But don?t ask me for the money.

- I can?t take it anymore

"If you don?t give me the money,

I?m leaving this house"

"Sure, go away.

- I?m leaving!"

I?ve made enquiries. Radhesham Tiwari"s

bungalow in Pali Hill is lying vacant

There?s no one there

except a care-taker

"When the garbage king gets to know,

he?ll put you through a ringer!"

I?ll marry Madhuri

before he does that

"Once the marriage has

taken place, it?ll all be over"

He?s the bride?s father.

The only daughter

What will he do? He?ll have to

accept me as his son-in-law

Are you out of your mind?

"First tell me what?s to be done

with my father, the villain"

Did you ask him for the money?

- Have I been talking in Hebrew?

He?s sitting on his money like a snake.

He won?t give me a penny!

What did he have to say?

- He asks me to rob and steal

He?ll fight my case for free.

- Nice idea

So rob and steal. Best business.

No capital required

What does he do for a living?

- With a tanpura around his neck...

he goes around singing.

- You mean he?s a beggar!

"I?ll have to live with a beggar?

- No beggar, a large-hearted man"

Here he comes

"Sorry, I?m late"


- You!

So you know each other? That?s good.

There won?t be any problem then

I?m not staying with this thug!

You think I?ll willingly

move in with a witch?

"You call me a witch?

- No, you are a witch?s mother..."

"a grandmother, everything.

You?re from a family of witches!"

"Priya, let?s go.

- Anjali..."

don?t act like a child.

My roommate is arriving tomorrow

You must some how find a place!

Adjust with him for now...

"later, we?ll find another place.

- Hey boss... listen to me"

"In Bombay, you got to pay

even to sleep on the pavements"

"And that?s so dangerous. If someone

drives over, you?re dead and gone"

"Bholu, she agrees.

- So does he"

"According to Popat"s condition, the two

of you must look like a married couple"

So here?s the bridal necklace.

That will cost another 50 rupees

"Here, put it on her"

Hey! I?m not letting any Tom Dick

or Harry put the necklace on me

Let me put it on you then

She?s waiting for a prince

to come along. Give it to her

One minute. I?ll put it on her

"Popat-Seth, save my life!"

"What?s the matter, Waghmare?

- I caught a thief with 50,000 rupees"

"But I?m diabetic, you see.

I went to take a leak..."

and the thief escaped with the money.

- How?

I have decided. I?m not going to

trust a thief ever again

That?s right.

- You know what Inspector Rane says?

"He says I took 50,000 from the thief

and I helped him escape!"

Rane has gone an filed a First

Information Report against me!

Do you I think I?m that sort of a man?

- This is the first time...

"I?m hearing of something like this.

- If I don?t keep 50,000..."

"on Rane"s table, I?ll lose my job!

- No, I?ll give you the money"

But I?ll charge 10 per cent interest.

- Why 10 per cent?

I?ll return all the money to you.

I swear!

I?ll take all the money.

But my interest will be 10 per cent

10 per cent?

- Yes

"And you?ll have to pawn something too.

- Sure, I?ve brought it"

The papers of my room

and the stamp papers

How often have I told you?

Go inside!

You see a stranger around

and you come running!

"Look, they?ve arrived"

When did you get married?

- Very recently

"And you said...

- It?s quite some time, really"

"You don?t eat non-veg food, do you?

- No"

"You won?t leave each other

and run away, will you?"

"Are you in a cattle market, sir?

Why worry about such detail?"

"Let me make it clear.

She?s the wife, he?s the husband"

"Give them the keys, and the

commission to me. You get that?"

"You?ve brought the advance?

- Sure, here it is"

All right. You can stay here

from today itself

"Dulari, show them to their room"

"Murder of an elderly couple

for money. Servant arrested"

See this? When I asked you to do all

the chores and not employ servants...

what did you say to me?

That I?m a miser

But look at what you get when

you employ servants!

You?ll sleep at home

and wake up in hell!

"Oh yes, nice heaven

I?m living with you in"

"Jeetu, my son!

You?ve come back!"

"The way you left, I thought you?d

never look back at this house again"

Well? You went broke and

missed the free food?

Have a couple of morsels if you wish.

But you?re not getting a penny!

"Daddy, I?m here to seek your

blessings and sweeten your tongue"

I?ve started a new business.

- Really? What business?

"Electronics, Mother. DVD players,

CD players... it?s a big showroom"

"It must?ve taken a lot of investment?

- I invested 750,000..."

and the bank financed me

with the rest of the 6 million

"750,000 rupees?

Where did you get the money?"

"You are the one who showed me

the right path, daddy"

What path did I show you?

- You asked me to rob and steal

So I did

I got to know that there was

a lot of money in a house

I went there in the dead of the night.

The husband and wife were fast asleep

"I took the key from under the pillow,

took the money from the safe..."

and kept the keys back!

- They must?ve called the cops by now!

They don?t even know as yet.

But now they?ll discover

"But which house did you rob, son?

- This one, Papa"

it?s the money you got from selling

the land? That?s the one I stole

So you robbed your father!

Snake in the grass!

"When I asked him for it, he didn?t

give it to me. He asked me to steal"

Now how could a son

disobey his father?

It was unaccounted money anyway.

Let the cops arrive

I?ll tell them everything and the

two of us will go to jail together

Tell me the truth.

Is he really my son?

I?m convinced now!

He?s truly your son!

My darling son...

my good boy aren?t you?

"Return Papa"s money, my son!

- That?s not possible"

Are you sure?

- Sure

Get out of this house then!

- That?s what I came for

Lord! Protect my son!

I?m told that this house is

to be sublet. Is it true?

Not true.

- Who are you?

You walk into my house

and ask me who I am?

"There was this chap, Pandu...

who used to dust and swab the floor"

Isn?t he there?

- What work is it?

It?s in his own interests.

He?d have made an extra buck

"But if he?s not here,

I must leave"

Sir! Sir!

I?m Pandu!

Can?t you believe me...?

Here you are!

So this is the real movie!

That was only a trailer?

"Pandu"s mysterious ways, sir.

Come on in, sir... welcome"

"This way, please..."

As Lord Krishna says...

how about a small drink?


- I?ll have one

Without any soda or water?

- No

Nothing at all?

- No

The boss has kept

the liquor for guests

But the guests will come

only when the boss is here

I didn?t want the booze to get spoilt.

I kept taking small drinks...

"and pouring in small amounts of water.

And now, there?s just water in it!"

"Pandu, you?re a very smart man.

- Not at all, sir"

"The moment I saw you, I knew

I had met a thief in you"

All I wanted to say to you

was that I was as good as you are

You mentioned something about money

"You live here all alone, don?t you?

- Yes..."

the boss hasn?t even looked

at this place for years

"Despite being such a rich man,

he lives like a villager"

The lawyers and the managers carry

the accounts to him in the village

"To pay me a salary, he has maintained

such a big house in the city!"

If you could get some cream

apart from this salary...

what do you think about it?

- Great idea

"In that case, Radhesham Tiwari"s son

is living here from tomorrow"



First class!

"Sheru, is your information accurate?"

"Absolutely certain, Garbage King...

I mean, Teja-bhai"

Who?s he?

- It?s Radhesham Tiwari"s son

Is it the Radhesham Tiwari of the

multi-million Anjali Industries?


- He said, he?ll marry you?"

"Tell me the truth.

Else, I?ll kill you!"

He?s been wanting to meet you

I swear it on the scales!

You?re really my little girl!

I knew you?d find a gem

even in the garbage!

Hey! Get out!

- This is my bed!

Your bed? I pay half the

rent of this house!

Does the other half

land from the skies?

All right. Let?s draw lots

with your name and mine

"Whichever name the chit comes up

with, gets the bed. Okay?"

All right. Go ahead

One moment. I?ll pick it.

- All right. As you wish you

Anjali! Now move...

Go away

What are you staring for?

Go away

Get up... what are you up to?

- What?

Can?t you sleep quietly?

- When I lie on the floor...

the cold gets to my bones

and I start snoring. Like this

it?s more like an explosion!

I need quiet when I sleep!

So go and sleep on the roof!

I can?t sleep quietly on the floor

"All right, go and rot in the bed"

"I need peace, not a bed

to sleep on! Go on!"


The garbage!

Wash your eyes!

- It?s the garbage king!

Remember what I told you? You won?t get

a penny if you mess up. Hurry up now!

"Hello, sir, hello"

Mr. Anil...?

- He?s on the phone

Don?t keep calling me

for 15 or 20 million

Take it from the drawer

in my office

What happened about the car?

The Ferrari? No way

it?s become very common nowadays.

Sachin has one too

"I want a Rolls Royce.

Three, in fact"

"One for me, one for my daddy..."

and I want to donate one

to my future father-in-law

I?m Teja-bhai.

- Who?

The garbage...

- Garbage! Sorry...

there?s no garbage here. Go away.

- I?m Madhuri"s father

"Father-in-law! I?m sorry,

I did not recognize you"

"it?s okay, you?ll get to know me.

My daughter has told me everything"

What a gem my daughter has found!

You?ll make a great couple!

So when do we have the marriage?

- As early as possible...

But we?ll have to tell

your parents. Won?t we?

That?s the problem

My parents want me to marry into

a family of big industrialists

They?ve even taken my birth chart.

But I?ve told them in plain terms

"If there?s anyone I?ll marry,

it?s Madhuri!"

That?s for sure.

- So what are we to do?

"Get married, at the earliest. That?s it.

- And how about your daddy?"

"Once we?re married, what will

he be able to do about it?"

"Even if he does, my boss still has

500 million to his name"

Till the marriage they all act funny.

They accept everything later

"In your shoes, this is just

what I?d have done, son"

That?s why I?ve taken the risk.

Of getting married

So let?s have the engagement tomorrow.

You can exchange rings

We?ll find a nice day

and have you married

But don?t say a word to your Papa

before all this happens

"Come, let?s sweeten our tongues.

- Yes, let?s go"

Only after everything is over

will they get to know the truth

Mr. Sahay from the city is here.

- All right

Tell Ramdin to keep the calf

away from the cow

"It drinks up all the milk.

- Very well, madam"


- Lovely voice

You never said that to me earlier

"Not you, my dear woman...

I?m talking about Ustad Aamir Khan."

Will you shut him up now?

There are guests waiting for you

How can you say such things

about a luminary like him?

I?ve started businesses in your

name all over the world...

and you won?t use your brains at all?

Do you have something in your brains?

Or are you bankrupt already?

Enough of your songs. Chandrakant

and Renuka are waiting for you

You ought to have told me!

You just keep talking any nonsense

"Anjali, you are simply

taking the trouble"

No trouble. You?re more a friend

than an AIDS virus

"Not AIDS virus, Anjali.

She?s an advisor"

Call her a legal advisor!

- It?s the same thing

Is it really? You can?t tell

a bear from a potato!

"In there, I was talking about Aamir

Khan. You must know about him?"

Aamir Khan? Who hasn?t heard of him?

I?m a huge fan of his

See? Now this is

a well-informed man

"As for her, the cattle, the fodder

and the cow dung... that?s her world"

"It isn?t her fault, actually.

It?s your mistake"

You didn?t expose her

to the city at all

How will she know about the world

in the confines of the four walls?

"That?s not the case, sister-in-law.

- That?s how it is"

Why did you send your son

and daughter to London?

I was born in the city and

I will stay here till I die

But it?s different with the children.

They?ve got to keep up with the world...

"move ahead in life, so...

- I hope you don?t have to..."

go through what happened

Anandilal Kitpitia did

"What happened?

- Like you, Anandilal Kitpitia..."

sent his sons to London. To study.

The old couple lived in the village

"The children went on

to become very modern, hi-fi..."

and the old couple were

still raw villagers

When the children returned

from abroad...

they couldn?t adjust themselves

to the local conditions

They were ashamed of their parents.

Forget living together...

they weren?t even willing to

call them Mummy and Daddy

And one day the children screamed

You bloody Indians and went away

The children never looked at

their parents again

They kept yearning till they died.

- God!

"If my children treat me like that,

it?s going to kill me!"

I?ve told him so often

to move to the city...

"to learn the way of life there.

Let?s go to the city, please"

"Even if it?s only for a month.

- All right, don?t be stubborn"

Anandilal Katpitia...

- I?ll think about it

Give me the papers.

- Here are all the reports

I?ll bring the case papers

of Anjali Chemicals next week

We must leave now.

- Very well

Do call me if you meet Aamir Khan.

I want a photograph taken with him

But he?s dead.

- How?s that possible?

"I saw "Lagaan" only recently.

- "Lagaan"?"

I?ve been... it?s Ustad Aamir...

have you ever heard him?

Let?s go. We might miss the bus!

You are all alike!

Lagaan! What Lagaan?

Saved! The ceremony is over!

- What are you saying?

"I say, it?s nice"

Ten days later is an auspicious date.

We?ll have the wedding on that day

I?m the one who?s eating this paratha.

So you needn?t laugh

I don?t need your permission to laugh!

- Those who laugh belong in a loony bin!

And broken parathas

belong in the garbage bin!

My parathas are neither burnt

nor broken. I?ll eat all I want

Is someone there?

"The man and wife have left the lights

and fans on, to have a honeymoon!"

How are you...?

Is everything all right?

Any problem?

What aroma is that? What?s cooking?



"When we were just married,

Dulari made some for me too"

Her mother died the

moment she ate one

"Ever since, potato-pancakes have

been a no-no in my house"

My wife makes nice ones.

Will you have some?

"Would you like one?

- No, you?ll be left hungry"

"Oh no, have some!

- I hope your wife doesn?t mind?"

"Do you mind, lady?

- Oh no, not at all"

See? Bring it up. Quick!

"Hurry up, darling! We?re hungry"

What?s one going to do...?

One moment. There?s more

"Not burnt, not broken..."

steaming hot pancakes!

Here you are!

For you and your wife.

- Some chutney...?

"Sure, there is"

Take it all away.

We?ll take the bowl later


- We don?t have any

"Even if it?s in pieces and burnt,

I can eat to my heart?s content"

I?ll fix you!

Here you are!

And I went mad looking for you!

"In the bank, in the bar...

- You?ll have your money"

Let the marriage take place first.

- No marriage!

Only destruction!

- Are you already drunk in the day?

"I?ve only drunk, but when he arrives

tomorrow, I?ll be buried!"

What rubbish! Who?s arriving?

- Your father Radhesham Tiwari

He?s arriving with his wife!

- What am I going to do?

"Go underground. Quit the city.

If possible, quit the world!"

"Right now, go away from here!

- What are you telling me?"

"That old man can?t do without cows,

buffaloes, fodder and the works"

"He?ll stay in the city

for a week, at the most"

So disappear for a week!

- That?s an expensive proposition

"Living in style, I?m already

deep in debt"

Pawn the ring garbage gave you and

check into a cheap lodge

it?s only for a week!

Isn?t that right?

Of course it?s right!

What? You?re going away to London?

For a week?

What?s the hurry?

"For business? To make money?

Of course, you must go ahead"

Take care of yourself

in the aircraft

"Don?t thrust your arm outside

the window. Yes, I?ll tell Madhuri..."

go ahead and make money.


Master is here!

- So this is our Pandu?

"How have you been, Pandu?

- Your blessings, sir"


- Welcome, sir"

"What?s happening here?

- This is our manager, Mr. KC Shukla"

"This is your first visit to our city,

so this is a small welcome"

"You must be tired, sir.

We?ll leave now"

What for? I want to get to know

all of you

"Please come in, all of you"

"Where are you going, Pandu?

Go and fetch the luggage"

For a week or two... how much

luggage must he be carrying?

Who told you?

- So?

Sir?s going to live here now.


What happened?

Fetch the luggage

"God, nice way you?ve found

of snatching my livelihood"

The things he did so

he could sleep on the bed!

He now sits quietly!

But at least I can sleep in peace

Not a drop of water here

"Let me tell you

what I must today..."

let your heart remain with me

"Let me tell you

what I must today..."

let my heart remain with me

"My eyes are glued

to your face..."

"to your face,

I?ve lost my heart"

You are the one...

who lives in my heart

Pining torments me...

I feel scared

"Your sweet words might yet

cast a spell on me"

"Let me bear

the sweet pain of love..."

let your heart remain with me

"Let me tell you

what I must today..."

let my heart remain with you

Let my heart remain with you

Lay off!

I?m being forced to live with you!

I know you?re not a decent man...

but I thought you had some manners.

You have proved me wrong!

Don?t even talk to me again!

Don?t ever talk to me!

Stop it! Is that the beat?

Or are you killing flies?

Don?t do something you can?t!

- So why are you doing it?

Shut up!

- I was following you with the beat

Don?t follow me.

Accompany me with the beat

"Get it? If tune is the mother,

the rhythm is the father"

One who doesn?t get it

is good for nothing

The bell.

- The door?s over there

Want me to send you packing?

- I forgot!

Whom do you wish to see?

The mistress!

"Who are you, sister?

- It?s me!"

"Who are you, sister?

- Radhesham Tiwari"s..."

"Shut up! Who are you, sister?

- I?m Mrs. Anjali Tiwari"

I?m glad your name hasn?t changed

I?ve made Anjali a member

of the Wild Forest

"The forest?

- No, it?s a club. A social club"

"Now that we?re here, we must

learn the ways of this city"

The women in this city aren?t

lizards on the walls

They do a lot of social work.

- What?s surprising is that...

everyone there knew Anjali beforehand.

- Is it?

"The moment we stepped in,

everyone shook hands and said..."

That?s when I realized what a huge

business empire we?re running

What?s more? He too recognized me

and shook hands with me!

Who was the unfortunate man?

Shah Rukh.

- Hungry who?

Shah Rukh. The Khan.


All the film stars come there.

- We must live in style now

No style for me.

- Bring a bat into the house...

it?ll still hang from a tree

when it goes to sleep!

"Pandu, you get no salary next month.

- It?s a saying, sir!"

"The saying is, bathe as much as the

crow wishes to, it can?t become a swan!"

That?s true!

- I?ll bathe and get ready

We?ve got to go to the dance class.

- Dance class? At this age?

You?ll sprain your waist!

Let it be

it?s an English dance.

Like this!

A new way of sweeping the floor?

- See?

He starts a fight whenever

I want to do something nice

That?s the only difference

between marriage and war

"In a marriage, you get to

sleep with the enemy"

Anjali darling... mercy!

What?s happening here?

- The English dance

"If you jump around at this age and

something happens, I?ll have to pay up"

"Nothing?s happening to me.

- I?m talking about the tiles, not you"

Quiet! High society women

dance every day...

"to keep their bodies fit.

I suggest, you dance too"


- Yes. Don?t we live in Mumbai?

We must learn to live in style.

Look at your managers and officers

They live in such style.

You are their employer...

and yet you go around half naked!

Don?t you feel ashamed?

I wear what clothes are

necessary to cover my body

And look at your body!

It?s sagging

"Take a walk every morning.

Buy a dog, to throw your weight around"

You can take a walk with me then.

- You just won?t take me seriously

I?ve wasted a lot of years in

the village with cattle and fodder

I can?t take all that now.

Just watch what Anjali does now

I can see it all! Your obsession

with western culture has begun...

I wonder where it will end!

"Radhesham Tiwari"s from

your village, isn?t he?"


- The owner of Anjali Industries?

"Oh yes, he?s from my village.

- I?m told he?s in the city nowadays"

Go and meet him. Since you and he

are from the same village...

"out of sentiment, he

might give you a job"


- Give it a try

You and his company

share the same name

Maybe that will make him happy

and he?ll give you a job

The third time he has

stopped singing!

This thing has stalled

for the third time!

The old one was good enough.

But you still bought a new system

You?ve changed too.

So why not the CD-player?

"If you find a new woman,

will you throw me out?"

"I?ll do that, if the need arises.

- Just you try"

I?ll show you.

I?m the mother of two children

And people still say

I look like your daughter

Be thankful they don?t think

I?m your grandfather

Stop joking and bring a new woman!

It?ll become like your CD player!

It?ll break down!

- What?s the number of this store?


- Praise the Lord

This is Radhesham Tiwari speaking

You?ve sold me a qawwali

in the name of a Thumri?

"In just a day, it?s broken down.

Colds, dysentery..."

"You must see a doctor, sir.

This is the Videocon Gallery"

I?m talking about the CD-player...

the nuisance you sent to me

No sorry. Pick up this trash

and get going immediately

And send me a new one immediately

"No, no, sir. I?ll come

and personally check it"

Who you?

- Anjali...

"Anjali, yes...

what work do you have?"

I wish to meet Mr. Radhesham.

- Well? What?s the good news?

For a job.

- We have a flourishing business

He doesn?t need a job.

- No...

I?m the one who wants a job.

Take a look at my certificates

All right. The master?s very

busy right now. Come later


- I told you! Go!

I think I must wait a while

"If I get to meet Mr. Radhesham,

my work will be done"

Must be his daughter

Know where the CD-player is?

I?m here to repair it

"But I?m not a mechanic.

I own a store, I?ve got to check it"

Must be in there

What airs! Spoilt brat!

"Hey, roving eyes... over here.

- Jeetendra from Videocon"

Over there

The body?s lying here.

Take it away in a bier

Take it away.

- I?ll take a look. Two minutes

"No need to take a look.

I told you, it?s dead"

"Two minutes, I?ll check.

- No need to check. Don?t touch that"

"It must be minor problem, sir.

Let me at least check it!"

Pick up the box and get going.

At once!

"Not to worry, sir. I?ll send a

salesman and have it replaced"

"No, I want my money back!"

I don?t want any replacement.

I want my money back!

He has left? One can?t trust

these city-guys at all!


- Greetings. You...?

I wanted to meet you. But madam

told me that you?re very busy

She?s a liar. I?m always free.

What is it?

I?ve come here looking for a job.

Here are my certificates

Wow! You?ve done M.A. And B.A.

Classical music too! Wow!

"Haven?t you done your SSC?

- Of course, I have"

I was only kidding

What sort of a job are you looking for?

- Anything will do

All we need is a security guard

"And there?s no need for an M.A.

Or a B.A. For that, is there?"

Let?s clap

"Girl, you haven?t left?

- I..."

You keep out of this!

- Sir...

He will talk any nonsense.

You get going

"Go away, I say!

- What are you doing?"

Is that the way you

talk to guests?

"Have you forgotten your manners?

- I know my manners, mind you"

The poor girl...

- Poor girl?

"So give her half your wealth!

- Sure, I will!"

I won?t ask you!

- I know what?s on your mind!

But I?m the Pandey family too.

I brought three cars full of gold

Return it to me with interest

and do what you want to!

"In any case, I fed your guests and

took the vows to become your wife!"

God! This wife sure is a curse!

She drove the poor girl away

Why did you take the trouble?

I told Mr. Radhesham to phone me...

I?d have the CD-player changed.

- But I?ve come here for a job

"You issued an ad, didn?t you?

- Sorry... I don?t understand"

I want this job

The job? What are you talking about?

I need it very badly

Where?s the need for Radhesham

Tiwari"s daughter to take up a job?

Looks like there is

a misunderstanding...

"I get it. I am an individual,

I have an identity of my own". Right?"

That?s a nice thing. I?ve seen girls

with that attitude of late

"Even if their father is a millionaire,

to prove your worth..."

"you?ll work at pizza joints,

cafes and other places"

"I?ll give you the job, if you wish.

But what will I be able to pay you?"

What?s 5000 rupees for you?

- 5000?

I know it?s little.

But this business...

Oh my God! I haven?t

even offered you a seat

"Come to my office, please"

"If you speak the truth, you?ll blow

this last opportunity you?ve got"

I agree to work at 5000 rupees

Your name...?

- Anjali

Anjali! So daddy has named

his business after his daughter

Jeetu. Call me Jeetu.

- But...

"We?re going to be friends, okay?"

"Stop playing with water and

get on with the work, Pandu"

"Look, our new puppy.

- Wow!"

"Where are you going with the hippo?

- No hippo, it?s my doggie"

And I?m asking the dog where

it?s going with the hippo?

"Shut up! Because I?m your wife,

you can?t talk any nonsense!"

You?re always acting proud

like a peacock

"But don?t forget. When the peacock

loses its feathers, it?s naked!"

"Let?s go, puppy.

- You can laugh all you want to"

The things that happen

in this house!

You? Here?

- Hasn?t Anil returned?

The lodge... he?ll return

after a week from London

You can come after a week.

- Let me meet Mr. Tiwari then

We?re going to be relatives soon.

And we have to meet some day

He?s not in right now.

- Where has he gone?

To the market.

- He? To the market?

The temple! To offer namaz!

- Namaz at the temple?

No... to chant the Lord?s name.

- All right. I?ll wait here

"That?s no good. After the prayer,

he?ll take a bath"

Won?t be come home for a bath?

- Yes... no!

"He?ll bathe at the temple.

He has sworn it, you see"

"There?s a well at the temple.

- He won?t drown in it, will he?"

"He will come home, right?

- Yes, tomorrow!"

I?ll come tomorrow then.

- Sure?

Why are you crying?

- Tears of happiness

There?s going to be love

between the two of you

I?ll come tomorrow

Didn?t this garbage bin find

another time to spring here?

"Pandu, you?d rather vamoose.

Or you?re going to be dead"


- God

Someone from my village

was here to inform me

"Master, can you give me 5000 rupees?

I?ll work and repay it"

Of course.

I?ll give you the money

Take a train and go to

the village immediately

Or you?ll land in trouble

Trouble will break out even after

I?ve left for the village

"Lord Ganesh, don?t think I?m flattering

You, but You can very well do it"

That girl Anjali...

make her fall for me

"She?s Tiwari"s only daughter. If she

falls for me, it?ll be a huge lottery"

An order from Hotel New Horizon.

They want 50 sets of Videocon TV

it?s 6 p.m.

Let me drop you home

No... I?ll take a bus

I?ve got a car.

Why must you take a bus?

C?mon... don?t think too much

What happened?

- Nothing

"How can I go away,

until you go inside?"

Why not?

- I can see you then

"A coke, please"

"Some chips, please"

"Mister, watch the movie ahead.

Not here"

I?m not an enemy...

why have you driven me crazy?

I?m a friend...

"so why?ve you

stolen my heart?"

"I was out one day,

straying from the path..."

"when colorful roses

of love blossomed"

"All distances were finished.

We began to get closer"

"Such was our state,

we began to breathe faster"

"I?m not among

your assassins..."

"so why?ve you thrust me

among those that live?"

I?m a friend...

"so why?ve you

stolen my heart?"

"I?ve lost my heart,

although it all began as a joke"

"I?ve forgotten the world

to lose myself in your love"

"I wonder how I will

tell you about my love..."

"how will I profess

my love to you?"

I live in your heart...

"so why have you given

my heart a sweet pain?"

"I?m the beautiful moonlight

everyone covets..."

"God alone knows

who I was born for"

"My desire is

a writing on the wall"

"So there will be victory

and defeat in this game of love"

I rock in your arms...

"yet, why do you accuse me?"

I?m not an enemy...

I?m a friend...

"so why?ve you

driven me crazy?"

"Why?ve you

stolen my heart?"

Can?t you sit without

clinging to the girl?

Can?t you sit without

clinging to her?

Is she your sister?

- She?s my wife!

So what are you going to do?


"What wife, son? Your beard says

it all. You weren?t married ever"

You baldie!

Who the hell are you?

Who the hell are you to ask me?

- Forget me. Who are you?

Who are you?

"Whoever you guys are, I?ve bought

a ticket to sleep in peace"

Not to watch the movie!

Go outside and fight!

Where will I get a rampuri?

- I don?t know

"Bhelpuri, paani-puri, you get there.

- I?m talking about a knife!"

"Where will I get one?

- Don?t do anything rash, boss"

"I?ve decided. If I see him with

Anjali again, I?m going to kill him"

"Either he lives, or I...

- Master, master... he?s her boss"

She has only respect for him.

She?s not in love with him

How do you know?

- I see them everyday in a restaurant

Which restaurant?

He escaped

"But if he looks at you again,

he?s going to walk on his hands"

He doesn?t know what

stuff I?m made of

"Forget it. There you go again.

- No, Anjali"

I can?t tolerate anyone teasing you.

I?ll kill him!

Now look... Jeetu...

"Why? What happened?

- Let?s go, please"

What is it?

- What is it?

What?s biting you?

- What?s biting you?

"What?s biting you, tell me?

- You tell me what?s biting you"

How did you get here?

- Walking. What?s it to you?

Walking? You?ll run away now!

Why?ve you standing between us?

"Why? You own the place?

- Yes, this is my father?s pad. So?"

"It?s my grandfather?s pad, so?

- You got the nerve, eh?"

"You got it? Want me to show?

- All right, you show it"

Try and touch me.

- You try and touch me

Don?t use my lines!

- You don?t use my lines

Go away...

- Want me to show you?

I?ll show it to you.

- Go on... get lost

Want me to show you?

- Let me see!

Coward! You don?t have the spine!

Paper-tigers. They won?t

even touch each other

You don?t know me.

- Who are you?

I?ve seen so many like you!

Go away!

Come here and talk to me!


Here I am! What do you want to say?

- What is it...? What?

I?m not scared of you!

I?m going to catch them today!

God Almighty!

Why?ve you crying?

Why?ve you hollering away?

What?s wrong?

You ask me what?s happened?

What a thick-skinned man! Disgusting!

"Despite what you did,

you proudly stand before me!"

Aren?t you ashamed?

- Am I a virgin bride...

to feel shy without reason?

Tell me clearly what has happened

So you want to hear it

from my mouth?

Is someone else around?

- Not the values I?ve imbibed...

to utter disgusting things!

I?m from the Pandey family

Keep crying!

What were you doing with

that girl in the shrubs?

Girl? What girl?

I was looking for my cane.

Without your dhoti?

You look so innocent!

Butter wouldn?t melt in your mouth!

"Tell me, who is that girl?

I don?t wear glasses like you!"

Tell me. For how long has this game

of hide n seek been going on?

You drive the girl away

the moment you see me!

How can you even think of

something so filthy?

You can very well do it!

And I can?t even think of it!

I have done nothing!

Even if I have...

it?s a great thing I?ve done!

- You haven?t bought me...

to expect me to watch the fun!

- So go away! Right now!

"All right, I?ll go away.

But first return to me..."

"the 3 cars full of gold I brought

in dowry, along with interest"

I?ll go away after that...

Till then...

I won?t let you have a ball!

- Shut up!

"What?s up, master? Did the girl

say something nasty to you?"

"One thing is clear, Bholu.

She?s in love with her boss"

Not someone crazy like me

I?m glad my craziness

has been of help

How else could I have

made the world see reason?

You?re getting disheartened

for no rhyme or reason

"She?s in love with you,

but she won?t tell you"

She wants to make you feel jealous.

- What sort of love is that?

"This game of love, you know"

About swimming across oceans

of fire and all that crap

Take my advise.

Fall in love with another girl

Want me to knock your teeth out?

- Don?t jump the gun

Pretend to love someone else.

Like you?re burning in envy...

"she too will burn,

if she really loves you"

She?ll come running to you.

Take it from me in writing

I?ve had it!

"Jeetu, my mother?s here"

"If she sees me here,

all hell will break loose"

I said I was going to a computer class.

- Why?

Because I haven?t told my parents

I?ve taken up a job here

"If she sees me...

- I get it, I get it"

"Stay here, I?ll handle her"

Hello... welcome!

Wow! You look beautiful!

New sari!

New pair of shoes!

What can I do for you?

- Give me some music cassettes

"Music I can dance to.

- Sure, what do you want?"

"No, I want only Western music!

A childhood habit, you see"

Know what? I?ll make a nice collection

and send it to your house

I hope you know my address?

- Who doesn?t?

Remember to send it across.

Please don?t forget

Has she left?

- Has she?

Phew! Saved!

"Jeetu, I got to leave early today.

- Why?"

Tomorrow?s my birthday

Aren?t you inviting your

boss to the party?

"No, there?s no party. Actually,

I?ve got to out shopping"

"Let?s go. I?ll accompany you.

- No, I?m expecting a friend"

You don?t want to invite me

to your birthday party...

but I?m going to give you

a surprise surely

"Priya, Priya, Priya..."

My dear!

"I went crazy about you,

the moment I saw you"

"I know, there are

obstacles in our path"

"But rivers and streams

do flow down the mountains"

"Like we have to unite some day"

"You mean the life to me.

I love you more than my life"

You are dearest to my heart

"If she?s jealous, she?s in!

If she?s in, I?ve scored!"

"Did you write this?

- Yes, but..."



- I?m here to wish the birthday girl

Fat roses! Who told you

today?s the birthday?

You are a very special customer.

And we maintain records

But there?s a mistake in your records.

- Really?

The birthday?s tomorrow. Not today

But I was told it?s today.

- Who told you?

"That?s what I heard.

- All right, all right"

"Do come again tomorrow,

like you?ve come today"

"You must. The first flowers

have been given by you, you see?"

That?s all right

He has brought roses?

And a letter?

"My dear Anjali. These roses

are a token of my love"

"Roses arrive today,

to be followed by the bee"

I?m the one he?s

going to sting first

How was it?

- What?

"My bouquet, of course.

- Bouquet?"

I gave it in your mummy?s hands.

Didn?t she give it to you?

"I see, that one?

It was very nice"

Did you read the note

I left in the bouquet?

"The note...?

Yes, I did"

What did it say?

- Well...

"don?t you know?

- No, I mean..."

"did you like it?

- Yes, of course. Very much"

"So you don?t mind any word

I?ve written, do you?"

Mind? Why would I mind?

So why did you lie to me?

- Lie?

"That yesterday was your birthday?

- Actually, Jeetu..."

You didn?t want to invite me

to the party

That?s not true.

There was no party at all

"I know, because the party?s

tomorrow and so is your birthday"

Your mummy has invited me

"So you?re coming tomorrow?

- I won?t, if you don?t want me to"

You must! Why mustn?t you?

At what time did she say?

"At 7, she said.

- I see"

Know what? Come at 9.

- Why?

The time has changed a bit

I?ll be there at 9.

- All right

"If Jeetu had arrived before the cake

was cut, I?d have been exposed"

Why?ve you standing outside?

- Actually...

I?m waiting for some friends of mine.

They don?t have the proper address

Know what? Go in there

and enjoy the party

I?ll join you as soon

as my friends arrive

Of course! I?ll join you

in a few minutes

He?s the same boy!

Dad! I?ve had it!

He?s hiding from me!

So I was right

"This boy?s having an affair

with Anjali, I?m sure"

You?ve got your peace...

"all I?ve got is my craziness"

You?ve come to your senses...

and I?m still in a daze

"But you?re the one

my heart still loves"

You?ve got your peace...

"all I?ve got is my craziness"

You?ve come to your senses...

and I?m still in a daze

"But you?re the one

my heart still loves"

How am I going to placate it?

"My heart is crazy,

it won?t relent"

How will I tell my heart...?

"It does not know

what love is all about"

"I?m obsessed with you...

and you don?t even realize it"

"You got all the hospitality,

I was treated with indifference"

"You?ve got back to your senses,

I?m still in a daze"

"You?re the one my heart loves"

"Here?s someone who could

die for her love..."

"and there?s someone who?s

unfaithful in love"

"What pain these distances give...

only in separation will we know"

"Ever since I have seen you,

I?ve gone crazy"

You?ve got your sleep...

I got only helplessness

You?ve come to your senses...

and I?m still in a daze

"But you?re the one

my heart still loves"

You?ve got your peace...

"all I?ve got is my craziness"

You?ve come to your senses...

and I?m still in a daze

You dare call that boy

to the party?

You invited that witch too.

- Which one?

The one your eyes were glued to

at the party!

Wow! That?s a wolf

in sheep?s clothing!

I can understand it from the way

your feet were moving and...

the way your anklets were chiming.

Now that you?re exposed...

you accuse me and find the excuse of

having fun with that young boy?

The pot calling the kettle black!

"I caught you in the shrubs,

so you cast mud at me..."

and try to save yourself?

Listen carefully!

I?m not letting your scheme work!

I?ve had enough of your farce!

You take me for a fool?

You think I?m an idiot?

Just let me tell you!

I know how it is!

It?s not going to work for long!

- All right

Give me the gold I brought with

interest. I?ll go back!

Go back! How about the expensive saris

I?ve given your horrible body?

Who?s paying for the goodies you

helped yourself to over the years?

I cooked for you all day and night!

My work pays for it all!

You paint the town red with strangers

and talk back at me!

"The scores are leveled!

If you can do it, so can I!"

"Will you do it...? Will you?

- Yes, I will too!"

So will I!

- Go ahead and do it!

Who?s stopping you? Just stop

interfering in my affairs!

You mustn?t interfere either!

- I won?t!


- Hello

I?m Teja-bhai.

- Please come in

I haven?t recognized you.

- I?m your son?s father-in-law

I don?t get it.

- I won?t beat around the bush...

and confuse you.

I?ll come the point

Don?t let your B.P. Get out of hand

when you listen to it

That?s what I say.

Come straight to the point

My daughter has decided

to marry your son



One moment. Your daughter has

decided to marry my son


- Right

So what can I do? Tell your daughter

to change her mind

"No, you don?t understand"

The two of them have got together

and taken this decision

They?ve got engaged.

They?ve even exchanged rings

What is he talking about?

- It can?t be our son

Because our son is not here.

- I know

Your son is in London.

- Right

But your son was here.

- When did he go back?

"After the engagement, he went away.

On business"

I?ve sent my son to London for

further studies. Not business

"Now look, mister.

What?s happened is in the past"

Let?s peacefully and amicably

sort it out

"It can?t be sorted out, Teja-bhai.

My son will marry the girl I want him to"

"You mean, whatever has happened...

- What has happened?"

"They?ve just exchanged rings, right?

They haven?t got married yet"

He?ll throw the ring away.

End of the story

How will he take off the ring?

My daughter isn?t an empty bottle

whose label he can change at will

Don?t talk too much!

From the look of you...

I can tell how your daughter must be.

- Does she also sport a moustache?

"Radhesham Tiwari! If you?re

a big man, I don?t care!"

You don?t know Teja!

I come from a family of killers

There wasn?t a day when my father?s

knife did not taste blood!

His father was a butcher?

- You are insulting me!

"You?re still here?

Shameless man, go away"

I?ll go away!

But I will surely come back!


- What?

"I?m talking to her, not you"

"I suggest we call our son down here.

- Yes, call him here"

And see whether he obeys to you or me.

- Won?t you go away?

I?m leaving. Don?t yell as if

you?re fighting the elections!

Could there be some truth

in the rubbish he just spoke?

Not at all. He?s just a fool

Do you really think so?

- No

Know what? We?ll telephone him

and call him over

I?ve got to know the truth.

- What?

That Anjali and you are

not man and wife


- I?ve heard the bickering...

that goes on between the two of you.

How would you know how happy I am...

to learn the truth?

- We do keep fighting...

but we are really man and wife.

- I know everything. Look at this

"Miss Anjali Does anyone address

a married woman as "Miss"?"

"Ever since you wrote that

letter to me, I understood..."

you would really marry me.

You will free me from Popat"s cage!

Marry you?

What if Popat gets to know?

- To hell with the old fossil!

Anjali"s coming

You?re the one I was waiting for.

There?s a letter for you

"I thought I?d give it to you.

- Okay, I get it"

So this is the extent he has gone to!

But why must I care?

Mother has written to me

from the village

The landlord?s son will arrive.

He?ll marry me and take me away

We?ll live in marital bliss

"My dear Anjali, I?m sending Raja

to you by tomorrow?s train"

"You?ll get to know each other better,

if he stays with you for a few days"

"He?s the one

you?re going to marry anyway"

"Don?t forget, we?re alive today

because his family has helped us"

"You will never disobey your mother.

You will agree to the wedding"

"I?m sending you a photograph of Raja.

He?s no longer like he was..."

"he has changed a lot. He has shaved

his beard, he now looks like a prince"

You?ll be stunned

"My prince will come to marry me

and I?ll dance in joy"

Another villain...?

Who the hell is he?

- Whoever

He?ll marry Anjali and even

drive me out of the house

I have an idea.

- What?

Let?s scare him and

force him to return


He?s the one.

- So go and scare him!

"No, not here. It?s a crowded place"

"Once I scare him, he won?t

step in Mumbai again. Come on"

What?s he up to...?

Has he gone mad?

"He?s cleaning something.

The shoe or the pole, I can?t say"

He?s stuck to it!

- He must be electrocuted!

Go and save him!

- Are you crazy? You?ll die too

"Find a stick.

One blow, and he?ll be separated"

Is that why they tried to kill me?

"Yes. I brought you here,

because I liked you"

Anjali isn?t as innocent

as you think

She?s having a terrific

scene with someone


- The one who...

He?s a very dangerous man.

Have you heard of Chhota Chetan?

I saw the movie. In 3-D.

- Not that

He?s from the underworld.

Even the cops are terrified of him

"He has committed 40 murders,

but he still hasn?t been caught"

He uses a new knife for every killing.

I saw him with a new one yesterday

Maybe it?s meant for you.

- So why did Anjali"s Ma send me here?

They plan to bring you to the city

to bump you off

Even if Anjali marries Chhota

Chetan after your death...

"her family has nothing to lose.

- No, that can?t be true"

"Whether you believe it or not,

your body will believe me"

Is Raja here?

- Go to sleep Raja!

Is there anyone here

answering to the name Raja?

I?m going to finish him!

He?s hiding somewhere around

My men have just broken

a few of his limbs

He?s my 50th victim. I?m having

a grand party after killing him

I?ll finish him if he comes here.

Tell him I was here

Did you see...?

- How would I? You covered my face!

"Why did you lie? You say he has

committed 40 murders, he says 50!"

"Whatever! He has committed

the murders, not me"

Now get the hell out of here.

- How far is the railway station?

I?ve got catch a train back home.

- No point in venturing out

There?s a strike in the railways.

Can?t say when it?ll end

So what am I to do?

- Hide somewhere here

Chhota Chetan and his men will

look for you all over Mumbai

So hide under an assumed name.

- But where will I hide?

Find a cheap lodge near the railway

station. Hole up in one of them

Catch the first train out

as soon as the strike is over

"Else, I?ll have to mail

your body to your village"

"Believe me, or go to hell"

"Welcome! Welcome, Teja-bhai"

Hey sonny... come here.

Let me show you something

This is my son.

- This...?

Recognize him?

- No

No? And he says he?s

your father-in-law!

Ask him!

Have I married your daughter?

- No

Have I promised to marry her?

- No

Tell me something...

are you weak in the head?


- So why did you kick up a fuss...

that he had promised to marry her?

Why did you create a scene?

Is he your son?

Any doubts?

- No

I have no doubt that he?s my son

He?s not the one I spoke about.

It?s your other son

What?s all that about...?

Which other son?

Your elder son!

- Look at him

I have another son and

I don?t even know about it!

You have a brother too!

- You are a big man...

who runs a big business empire.

You must have forgotten

But your other son lives right here.

Everyone knows that

My God! What am I hearing...?

You have another son

outside my knowledge?

"This man is lying!

- He?s your son, all right"

Though he?s a bit dark of skin

"When I saw her, I was a bit doubtful"

But anyone who looks at you

will say he?s your son

"The same eyes, the same nose,

The same lips..."

This is rubbish!

Don?t scream!

"Call your servant, Pandu.

He knows everything"

He was witness to everything.

Where is Pandu?

"He?s gone to the village,

his father has died"

"Died, or did you have him killed?"

You send him away when you?re

about to be exposed?

I understand it all! It?s your ploy

to stall the marriage!

Enough! Make anymore noise and

I?ll sue you for defamation!

"Shut up! You aren?t Tiwari,

you?re a disease!"

I?ve cured diseases like you!

I visit the courts every day

"Don?t forget, I come from

a family of killers"

"Are you threatening me? Are you?

- Yes, I?m threatening you!"

So go and do what you can!

- You?ll know it very soon!

"In a week?s time, if you don?t

let the marriage take place..."

you?ll know!

My God! I?m doomed!

Mom! What are you doing?

Am I supposed to stay here

or go back to London?

"My son, at what time is your flight?

- At eleven tonight, Mom"

Go away! If you stay here...

you?re going to get spoilt

in your father?s shadow!

"Dad, I?m leaving. I?ll confirm

my ticket at the airport"

All right. God bless you

Let?s get out of here.

There?s no meaning in staying here

Let?s pack our bags and get going!

- Only after coming here...

I?ve got to see your true colors!

- What rubbish are you talking?

You don?t believe me

and you believe a stranger?

I wouldn?t have believed it earlier

But there?s no way

I cannot believe it now

"You are a flirt! Before our marriage,

you have been a womanizer!"

I?ll go back only when

I have all the proof!

I?ll shave my moustache

if you leave this city!

Your heart won?t relent

unless you see him!

"That bloody Videocon!

- My virtuous husband, aren?t you?"

You keep listening to

classical music all day...

and this is what you do by night?

You are Satan himself!

Wow! You accuse me...?

I?ve seen your programmes already!

"A good thing, isn?t it?

Keep watching it... and kill me!"


She won?t die like that...

go to her help!

"Manager, do you have a room?"

"Whatever it is, I shouldn?t

have to leave the room"

And I want an attached toilet

Name...? Raja...

Tulsidas Khan

"What name is Tulsidas Khan?

- Shut up, scoundrel"

Your father?s name?

- Javed Chaurasia

Your mother?s name?

- Mumtaz Bedi

Are you the India-Pakistan border...?

Were you born to cross parents?

"Shut up, or I?ll slap you!

- Is your old man dead?"

"Of course, I?ll pay you"

"And give me the keys, quick.

I badly want to pee"

And don?t tell anyone

that I?m staying here

Pay for the cups you broke.

- Get lost

Pay for the two cups you broke.

- I won?t! Get lost!

Give that to me

My umbrella!

I?ll carry it for you.

- Not necessary

The name is Babu Bisleri.

- I don?t want to bathe!

"I can?t trust anyone. Everyone

appears to be Chhota Chetan"s man"

"They?re out to kill me!

Anjali, why did you do this to me?"


"Priya, what am I going to do

about Jeetu"

"If I tell him the truth,

I?ll lose my job"

There?s a vacancy in my office

for a receptionist

Your qualifications are the best among

the lot. I?m sure you?ll get it

But you?ll have to wait for a month.

- A month?

What will I do with Jeetu

in a month?

Don?t go to work at all.

- What if he visits Radhesham"s house?

"He?ll get to know the truth.

Which he has to, some day"

Ring him up and ask him

for leave of a month

Tell him that your Papa"s suspicious

That he sends the driver

with you everywhere

"When you finally land the job,

you can tell him the truth"

"Sir, I?ve checked it thoroughly.

It?s first-class"

Since you sent me the new system

did I ever call you to tell you...

that I wanted you to come here

and solve a problem?

"No, sir. You didn?t.

- No?"

So did you dream it had a problem?

"No? So why have you come here?

- Service check, to see if it?s okay"

I know there?s no problem with it.

- No problem

What are you looking around for?

"Sir, isn?t Anjali there?"

So this is how it is! He calls a woman

of his mother?s age by her name!

"You do get along well, don?t you?

- We know each other very well, sir"

"You must?ve met at your shop, right?

- No, sir..."

we?ve met mostly outside.

- Romeo and Juliet meeting outside!

No wonder she goes out

all dressed up!

Anjali"s not in

Have you checked everything?

- Yes

Is all the payment made?

- Yes

Nothing outstanding?

- Not at all

So what are you looking around for?

- That painting...

"it?s lovely. Must be very expensive?

- I don?t know, I stole it"

There?s the door

Can I have a glass of water?

- No water supply for three days

I?ve been drinking only coffee. But

there?s just a cup left. Anything else?

I?ll come in a couple of days to

check whether there?s a problem

"No, you have given us enough trouble.

Don?t give us anymore trouble..."

we?ll bear the trouble

we already have

"If I could meet her mother,

maybe I could meet Anjali too"

"Is the wife there, sir?"

"My wife! Not "the wife!"

It?s not a joint-account!

She?s all mine

What I meant was...

- I know what you meant

She?s not in right now.

Tell me what it is regarding

"Will you tell her I was here,

asking for her?"

Must I?

- Please don?t forget

Oh no! I can?t forget this

till I die!

Sister! She?s regaining consciousness.

Please call her husband

There?s no need to worry. You got

injuries in the feet and head...

because of which you?ve been

unconscious all day

But the doctor has examined you.

Everything is all right

How will I thank you?

- Why thank me? I just got here

Thank your husband who?s been here

all night and day

"He didn?t budge from here. He cried

so much, he?s in a bad way"

"You?ll be discharged in a day or two.

Look after yourself, okay?"

I must leave now

it?s all my mistake.

Please forgive me

Who?s that boy who has tainted

a virtuous woman like your wife?

You! You fed her all the crap and

compelled her to come to the city!

I didn?t want to set foot

in this city!

I know the water in this city

is contaminated...

and the people here are scoundrels!

- Sir...

Anandilal Kitpitia...

- I?m sick of you and your...

coming! Stop ringing!

This is Jeetu from Videocon.

Is Anjali there?

Anjali has drowned in the sea!

- Please give her the phone...

Are you trying to bully me?

You wretched guitar!

I?m not giving the phone to Anjali!

I?m not! What will you do?

Bull?s offspring!

Whom are you threatening?

I know scum like you!

Your father must?ve been

up to no good to sire you

If you even utter the name

of the Tiwari family...

I?m going to break the legs of

everyone in your family!

He appears to be a dangerous man


Looks like only a beating will...

- What beating at this age?

It was different earlier. I used to

fell a couple of them in the ring

"I?m talking about thugs, sir.

Not you"

I?ve fought a lot of such criminal

cases! I know a few thugs too

You?ve only got to pay them and show

them what this chap looks like

Don?t hit him too much.

Just give him a push and let him go

"If he acts smart, I?m going

to break his legs and..."

"No, please, no!

- One leg then?"

No! He won?t look appealing

without his hands and feet

Just give him a light slap

There he is...

I?ll be hiding behind the tree

Let?s go

What?s your problem?

You dare toy with the womenfolk

of the Tiwari family?

Beat him up!

Where are you going...?

Who?s going to pick him up?

Hey mister... get up.

Your friends have left

You can?t use this telephone.

It?s meant for the staff

Everyone wants to use it

"Anjali, where have you been?

I want to meet you right now!"

"No, I can?t meet you right now.

I?m out shopping with my parents"

I?m calling you on the sly

How long are we going

to play hide and seek?

You?ve called me after five days!

You know how worried I?ve been?

"Hadn?t you phoned today, I was

about to go to your house"

"No, don?t do that.

If my Papa gets to know..."

He?s got to know already!

He sent goons to beat me up!

But what?s God going to do?

I?ll have to do something on my own

Won?t I call you at your house if

I want to talk something official?

Which I did. But the old man

flared up and called me names

There was another bastard there

who was very rude

"God! Jeetu, don?t

call my place ever again"

I?ll give you a friend?s number.

Her name is Priya

The number is 6334523.

Call only in an emergency

"There is an emergency!

Now, this moment!"

"I want to ask you something, Anjali.

It has to do with my life and death"


- Do you love me, or don?t you?"

Say something.

I?m sure you love me...

"but I want to hear you say it.

Say yes, just once..."

and I?m willing to take on

the whole world for you

"Jeetu, how will I say it?"

"Just once, say I love you"

"If you say no, I will

never call again"

Why don?t you say something?

Is the old man around...?

- Yes

"If you agree, you don?t

need to say anything"

"Just cut the line.

- Know the truth, Jeetu?"

How often will I tell you

not to use this phone?

Why did you get up from your bed?

Go and lie down

There?s this beautiful fairy...

"she has descended

from the skies..."

she stands before me...

"she?s the one I have

fallen in love with"

I have fallen in love with her

"She?s the light from

the Moon and the stars..."

she?s the lamp in a temple

"One glimpse of her

has driven me crazy"

"She?s the melody of my breath,

she means the world to me"

"What?s my heart, I could give my

life to her, if she asked me for it"

There?s this beautiful fairy...

"she has descended

from the skies..."

she stands before me...

"she?s the one I have

fallen in love with"

I have fallen in love with her

"When she looks at me

with a smile..."

my heart goes out to her

"Her charms are

as enticing as she is"

"it?s her dreams I?m lost in,

all day and night..."

"she?s the one I see

when I awaken every morning"

There?s this beautiful fairy...

"she has descended

from the skies..."

she stands before me...

"she?s the one I have

fallen in love with"

I have fallen in love with her

I?m glad she?s taking a bath!

Anjali! I?m here to take you away!

Come on out!

What brings you here...?

Who are you?

You?ve forgotten me so soon?

- Oh yes

"My CD-player, TV set, oven, refrigerator

are all working very well. Go away"

"I request you one last time, sir.

Please don?t stop me"

"Give my Anjali to me

with your blessings,"

Don?t you feel any shame at all?

A boy and a girl love each other...

so what?s there to be ashamed about?

A girl?

- You think she?s an old hag?

I get it! You?ve fallen in love

with Anjali"s riches!

Tell me... how much money

do you want to forget Anjali?

"Don?t weigh my love in the scale

of wealth, Radhesham Tiwari!"

"Shut up, you beggar!

What have you got to lose?"

I?ve earned name and respect

in this country and the world

You spoke sweet words

and led her astray...

and she drove you crazy

with her silly antics

"But remember, she?ll never leave me

to go away with a pauper like you!"

"Really? If you?re so confident,

call her here, you old fossil!"

And ask her in my presence.

- I?ve asked her several times...

and she has answered me too!

- You?re lying to me!

If she says the same thing

to me...

I?ll live all my life

with half a moustache!

"You need to have whiskers first.

Go away, before I call the police!"

"Not even the military can separate

two lovers, do you understand?"

I know you?ve locked Anjali upstairs.

- How did you get to know?

"What else can you do, Tiwari?

Quietly hand over Anjali to me..."

or I?ll have to go upstairs

and break the lock!

"To do that, you?ll have to

step over my dead body!"

"That?s enough, Radhesham. If I don?t

take Anjali away in 24 hours..."

I won?t be Jeetu from Videocon!

- Think of another name. Go on!

"You have 24 hours, Tiwari"

"Stop me, if you?re

truly your mother?s son!"

Right now! I?m willing to pay

10 for each of them

Send seven strong guys here right now.

And listen...

each one of them must wield a gun.

And every gun must work

"No, it?s not a bank.

I have a priceless antique item"

I can?t see it being robbed

in front of my eyes

The hospital bill is so high

I don?t know how I?ll ever repay you.

- Your husband has paid the bill

He borrowed the money from me

at 10 per cent interest

Not every girl has

a husband like yours

"Anjali, the taxi?s waiting"


Let?s run away!

- Now?

Yes. I?m ready

"No, not now.

Maybe a few days later"

You?ve always been saying later

"You haven?t fallen in love

with your fake wife, have you?"

"No, actually you?ve

misunderstood me"

That letter...

- It?s still with me

"If you betray me, I?ll have you

thrown out of this house..."

and I?ll show that letter to

everyone and give you a bad name

"Don?t do that. You are the one

I love, but I feel scared..."

"if Popat gets to know, he can send

us to jail with his money power"

All right. Come out

Come out!

You will do as I say.

- What?

The two of us will elope

in a few days

Where to?

- There is a place...

Popat can never get to!

- But...

Don?t worry. Just go and hide

in some cheap hotel


There?s a hotel opposite the station.

Stay there and behave like a madman

I?ll come there later and say that

you?ve escaped from the asylum

I?ll take you to

the railway station...

we?ll take a train and run away!

Is that necessary?

- Yes

"If we leave together,

Popat will get suspicious"

"If we leave separately, he won?t

even guess we?ve eloped together"

Someone?s going to help me!

- Who?

The police. Sub-inspector Waghmare

I know how to entice him.


But make sure you carry

enough money from here

Don?t worry. I?ll take

so much cash and jewellery...

we?ll have a honeymoon

all our lives!

Rob something once

I?ll tell the Marwari and send you

away on a honeymoon forever

I know you?ve hidden

him somewhere!

Have you got rubbish for brains?

I?ve told you...

"I don?t have another son,

I don?t! I don?t!"

So who was he?

- How am I to know?

"Radhesham, don?t test

Teja"s patience!"

"So you don?t believe what I?m saying?

- No, I don?t!"

"Are you sure? 100 per cent?

- Sure, hundred per cent!"

Okay. So listen

The one you?re talking about

is my son

That he promised to marry

your daughter is also true

But I?m against the marriage.

So I?ve hidden him away somewhere

"Where I have hidden him, I?m not

in the mood to reveal to you"

Do what you will!

Go away!

You will now see

what stuff I?m made of

"Not only will I find your son,

if I don?t take the two of you..."

"beg in the local trains of Mumbai,

I won?t call myself Teja-bhai!"

Give me in the name of God!

- He speaks for the beggars too!

Radhe! Radhe!

Why did I leave my village

and come to this hell?

"Hey buddy, someone fishy staying here?

I?ve been sent by the Garbage King"

Talk to me


Ask me what you must to.

- Who are you?

Babu Bisleri. The mole

Is there someone hiding here?

"Yes, he?s the one"

Who is it?


- Yes, me"

Why have you come here?

- Where have you been hiding?

I went mad looking for you! You even

gave the hotelier an assumed name

I went crazy banging

on every door!

I?m the one who has gone mad

You said your employer

would go back in a week

"He?s not willing to budge,

so what do I do? Rot here?"

It?s got to be very dangerous.

Had I stayed there another minute...

I?d have been crushed between

garbage and my employer

Never mind. There?s no point

staying holed up here

I need to decide something.

- The Garbage King has already decided

The marriage is not taking place.

He?s out to kill you

If the marriage does not

take place before that...

"He?ll beat me to pulp, right?

Never mind that"

Here?s what you?ll do.

I?ll give you a letter

Quietly go and give it to Madhuri.

No one must get to know

Write the letter by all means.

And also give me 200 rupees

I?ll immediately take

the letter to Madhuri...

and no one will get to know!

Swine! What did you think?

You?d promise marriage and toy

with my daughter?s honour?

You must?ve betrayed a lot of girls.

But you can?t deceive me!

Forgive me!

- Open the door...

"else, I?ll break it down!

I?ll break every bone in your body..."

string it in a garland and put it

around your arrogant father?s neck!

Open the door!

Sonofagun! What do you think?

You?ll hide here and

I won?t be able to find you?

I can look at a fly and tell you

whether it?s male or female!

Open the door!

- Chhota Chetan"s thugs!

I don?t want to marry her.

Leave me alone!

"I?m here for your funeral,

not your wedding procession!"

I don?t want to marry her!

I?ll go far away from her!

Shut up! You won?t get the girl

even in your dreams!

"I?m going to kill you!

Come on out, you swine!"

Break the door

Make mincemeat out of him

and lay him at my feet!

Thrash him!

You play a drama with me?

Get up!

Who?s this?

You said that scoundrel

was hiding in there!

That scoundrel told me.

- Shut up!

Leave this clown alone.

And find that son of a bitch.

Come on

Hit me! Thrash me!

Don?t let me live anymore!

Just about anyone comes along

and gives me a thrashing!

When is the railway strike ending?

I?m glad you came soon.

Whom do you wish to see?

"I?ll do it for you, but the documents

of my house and 50,000 rupees..."

you must quietly bring

and give it to me

"Sure, I?ll do that.

- I haven?t seen... the party"

Can I see him once?

- You?ll find him at Welcome Lodge

"If I ask for Nandu at Welcome Lodge,

will they tell me?"

"No, he?s going to stay there

under an assumed name"

I?ve asked him to pretend madness.

That?s how you will recognize him

"Welcome Lodge? All right, I?ll go

to Welcome Lodge and meet your punter"

I?ll tell him that

you?ve sent me

"I?ll get him out of there and have

him at the train, the very next day"

I?ll be there! Nandu and I will

run away from there!

Is there someone here

who?s off his rocker?

Is there a madman here?

Ask the boss.

- Don?t you act funny with me

I?m warning you!

I know it for a fact...

that a madman has run away from

the asylum and is hiding here!

"A madman...?

So say that clearly, sir!"

That madman is surely hiding here!

- Who?

This one?s sure a nut.

- A policeman!

Officer! Get me out of here!

I?m in a bad jam!

They?re coming to take you away.

- I?ll leave on my own

How can you go away just like that?

- What will you do about it?

You can?t go away. Everyone knows

you?re crazy... you?re mad

"Officer, they?re hand in glove.

I?ll tell you about them"

Hands off me.

- I?ll explain

"They want to prove that I?m mad,

take me away from here..."

so Chhota Chetan can kill me!

- See?

I told you he?s mad!

He talks any nonsense

Get out... move it!

- He gets into fights!

So he?s one of them too!

Why have you shut the door?


Come here!

- What for?

I?ve got to tell you something.

- No thanks. Let me go

"You needn?t worry, feller.

I?m Inspector Waghmare"

The other party has sent me here.

- The other party?

The other party will arrive

exactly at 10 to take you away

We got together and made the plan

to deliver you there

Are you one with them?

- Yes

God! Now I know why the police

are terrified of Chhota Chetan!

Damn it!

I can?t figure out how such an

atom bomb fell in love with you!

"Not she, I was the one who "fell"

"Ever since I was a child"

Since you were a child?

- I never imagined...

this would happen to me!

I?m leaving!

I?m going!

People will really think you?re mad.

- I?m not mad!

Get him!

Hold tight!

"Tomorrow morning, she and I will

come to take him away"

His expenses...

you will bear.

- Will I get some tips first?

"Sure, if he runs away,

you?ll get a tight slap"

What are you telling me...?

Anil has gone mad?

He doesn?t step out of the room.

He?s the only man...

who?s living under an assumed name.

- It must be Anil then

"He wrote to me that he?s hiding here.

- "That girl has betrayed me", he says"

"He misunderstands you and says,

Kill me! Kill me!"

"Maybe he?s scared of your papa.

Right now, he?s been hidden somewhere"

"Tomorrow morning, they are

taking him to the asylum"

"Madhuri, why are you crying?"

He?s in this state

only because of me!

I?ve been wanting to tell you

something for a long time

Go ahead

"I?m not a singer, like you think.

I come from a rich family"

There was no dearth of riches

and comforts in my house

But my parents were

against my music

"They wanted me to take over the family

business, and I didn?t want to"

I began to feel suffocated there

and I ran away from home

Why?ve you telling me all that?

- The drama we?re both enacting...

could we really...?

They?re here to take him away.

Did he cause problems last night?

"He did, I banged the hammer

on his head and..."

Is he dead?

- No. Plastic cups don?t break easily

I got to hammer his head again

and take him away

I?ll play the music for him.

It?s days since I beat up someone

I?m mad! I?m a lunatic!

Not so much over-acting...

don?t go overboard!

He?s begun to speak!

He?s not dumb!

"I?ll carve you to pieces!

Either you live, or l"

I?ll kill you first

and die afterwards!

"Yes, carve me to pieces,

kill me! Hack me!"

"Calm down, Anjali"

What will you get out of yelling?

It?ll only attract the neighbours

"If you lose your respect,

how will you live with honour?"

What respect is left

to be lost anyway?

Look at this letter!

Written by her lover!

"My dear Anjali, our hearts

met and united at my shop"

"I know, that old man

is a shackle in your feet"

"I did what I could

to reason with that scoundrel..."

but he just won?t agree!

- Lies! This is a pack of lies!

I?ll hack you to pieces!

He further writes...

"There?s just one way left. Tonight,

I?ll quietly rescue you from that hell"

Read it for yourself!

Why do it on the sly?

"Go away openly! Before that,

end your relationship with me!"

He got someone to write the letter!

He wants to throw me out so he...

can bring that young girl home.

- Which young girl!

No wonder he?s putting all these

false proofs together!

But that?s not happening!

I will go away...

I brought three cars full of gold...

- You want that back with interest?


- That?s what you want?

I?m not giving it!

I?m not parting with a penny.

Do what you can!

"Go away and file a case.

Before that, leave the world!"

Weep on Videocon"s shoulders!

Don?t shed tears here

I know Anjali very well. She can?t

have an affair like the one you say

"You mean, he?s having an affair?

I know Mr. Tiwari very well"

He?s not that kind of a man!

"The less said about your knowledge,

the better!"

"Sir, trusting womenfolk

is like committing suicide"

I suspect you too are having

an affair behind my back!

Lawyer! Are you here to sort out my

problem or create one for yourself?

"No, sir. We must solve

this puzzle"

We can decide it only after we

get to know who?s behind all this

Who?s that boy?

Let?s call him here

Oh yes. Let?s decide this

once and for all

"I?ll call that boy right here.

- No, sir..."

I have a condition before

you call that boy here

You?re a very hot-tempered man.

- Give that to me

"You will reason with that boy,

without getting excited..."

or creating any scenes.

It ought to remain in the family

The two of us will go inside...

he mustn?t think you?re humiliating

him in front of the world

"Speak up, Tiwari.

Here I am"

"Did you write this letter, Romeo?

- What?"

"Anjali, our hearts...

- Yes, I wrote it"

You wrote this letter despite knowing

what the consequences would be?


- Since you have so much courage...

"tell me to my face,

how much do you love Anjali?"

Anjali means the life to me!

You want to hear that again?

- Lawyer!


- Papa!

So you were born of him...?

It makes sense then

"When the brand itself is faulty,

this is how the showroom will be!"

Boys are often naughty

at this age

"But the womenfolk must preserve

their honour, mustn?t they?"

"Watch your tongue, lawyer!

- I see! The bitter truth!"

"Whatever my son?s character,

he?s surely better than you are!"

You don?t even know how many sons

of yours are roaming the city!

What rubbish!

- Listen boy. Speak the truth

Did I ever tell you

that I?m in love with you?


- So then?

"I?ve been talking

about Anjali, his daughter"

My daughter Anjali...?

Which new daughter is that...?

You also have another daughter!

He?s lying! Absolutely!

- O God! What am I hearing?

It?s lies!

- Something?s happening to me...

Tell me the truth. How many wives

and children do you have?

My darling wife! He?s lying!

- You?re the one who?s lying

I used to drop her here

every evening!

One moment...

where?s that girl right now?

"Papa, this old man must?ve

hidden her somewhere"

God! What a monster!

- He?s lying

"Do you have any contact number?

- Yes, I have her friend?s number"

"Ask her where she is. Call her here.

- Yes, call her here!"

This is our Nandu!

"He has run away from home.

The informer will be paid 200,000"

"200,000! Popat!

You?ve hit the jackpot of 200,000!"

"Let me see how you step out.

It has to do with 200,000 rupees"

"How did you get there?

- Popatji, I?m leaving"

Leaving? How can you leave

just like that?

Your picture has been

published in the newspapers!

"The one who takes you home

will get 200,000 rupees"

"Don?t mess with my reward, please.

Stop there... stop!"

Remember something...?

Isn?t she your daughter?

"Sorry, I made a mistake"

They met in the garden as

father and daughter. God!

"Take me away!

- God isn?t a weight lifter, fat lady!"

Shut up!

My child... am I your father?

"You call her "My child" and ask her

whether you?re her father!"

Shut up... my child...

am I your father?

Hurry up and speak.

It has to do with my married life!


What nonsense! You told me

that you?re his daughter!

That he hates the idea of you

working in my store!

And I even met you

at this very place!

Please forgive me

All these misunderstandings

are taking place because of me

But please hear me out once

"After that whatever

punishment you give me, I will accept"

I came to this city

to look for a job

"Despite the best of my efforts,

I couldn?t find one"

And when I got the opportunity

to work at his showroom...

I didn?t want to lose it.

So I spoke one lie after another

"To hide one lie,

I had to lie many more times"

That?s the truth

"After a very long time,

I?ve spoken the truth today"

"Don?t cry, my child"

What has happened is in the past.

We hold nothing against you

Where is your other son?

- There she goes again!

You want to see? You want to?

I come here for the last time!

"One problem ends,

another one begins!"

"Welcome, you?re the one we were missing.

- It?s either this way or that today!"

You folks don?t know what a

dirty rotten scoundrel I am!

I knew that the moment I saw you.

- Silence!

Where is my daughter?

- What? His daughter?

He always asked where my son was!

And now he asks where his daughter is!

Do you suffer from an affliction?

- When you got to know...

that I?d have my daughter

married to your son...

you had my daughter kidnapped!

Where is my daughter?

She has married me and is

very happy to be with me

What are you going to do...?

- I?ll take your life!

It?s not a toy.

You might kill me! Put it away!

Shut up! I could pump your body

with lead anyway!

I know all of you are

conspiring against me!

So everyone?s going with me.

If anyone refuses...

it?ll be his last refusal!

Move it!

"I?m going to bite you back,

you dog!"

Stop there!

- Get him!

Get him!

"This is no garden,

it?s my den. The den of death"

Where?s my daughter?

- It?s coming out of my ears!

"From my house to here,

you asked me a hundred times!"

Which language you do understand?

- Where is my daughter?

"Tell me, else I?ll kill you!"

You hit me!

Wait there...

You kiss my wife!

You dare kiss my Mom!

Freeze! I?ve got a pistol!

Stay where you are!

"One, two..."

"Your father was dead, isn?t it?

His son dies now!"

Hey loony!

Quiet! Hands up!

How will I?

Tell me where my daughter is.

- She has committed suicide

She has ended her life

in a dry well!

You poke fun at me...?

The slugs in this gun are real

You want to see? You want to...?

Take a look

Nobody moves!

Else you?re dead-meat!

"Stick your hands up,

or I?ll send you to hell!"

Hey hero... you want me to

send you through the mobile?

Stick your hands up! Go on!


How much more

will you make me run?

Got a match?

"Anjali, where are you?"

Don?t let anyone escape!

"Everything?s suddenly

so quiet, isn?t it?"

"Like the clouds clearing,

after a storm"

A lot of things are clear surely

"I admit, I loved you because I

thought you were Tiwari"s daughter"

I have to give some girl

the charge to my life some day

"So I thought, why not..."

Jeetu says he wants to marry me

Nandu says that too

Nandu and I have been pretending

to be man and wife for many days

So that consideration

Nandu must surely get

So you?ll marry both of us?

- No

"Actually, during the melee

that took place..."

I found a way out of this dilemma.

- What?

I?ve written both names

on these chits

"Whichever name comes up,

I?ll marry him"

"Nandu, you pick a chit.

- I won?t! I always lose!"

"No, not me! I always lose!

- We have no other way, Nandu"

I?m not picking lots.

- I?ve prayed to God...

He?ll help me choose the right boy

"Jeetu, you pick a slip"

I knew I?d lose!

Nandu in this one too?