Housewife (1934) - full transcript

Nan Reynolds encourages her copywriter husband Bill to open his own agency. Nearly out of business, he finally gets a client. Former girlfriend Patricia Berkeley writes a very successful commercial for the client and neats up their old romance. Wife and girlfriend struggle over Bill.

Stir the oatmeal, Jenny.


I mean turn, like this.

- Oh, turn.

- That's right.

- Oh, nan?

- Yes, dear?

Come here a minute, will ya?

I don't need to shave

this morning, do I?

Of course you do.

Darling, don't wear that suit

till I have it pressed.

What's the matter with it?

Those trousers look as if

you were going to jump.

Oh, all right.

I'll change into my other suit.

But you're gonna make me late,

you know that, don't you?

Oh, that girl!

It's burnt.

Jenny, I told you a hundred


to put enough water

in the double boiler.

Go on, answer that, hurry up.

Good morning, madam.

You know how much gas

you waste every month?

Is that so?

Anywhere from two

to three dollars' worth.

Now, with this little device

you can cut

your gas bills in half.

- Say again, please.

- What is it?

Ah, madam.

You know how much gas

you waste every month?

I don't waste a bit.

Oh, I think you'll find you do.

Now, with this little device...

I'm sorry, but I've tried

all those things

and they don't help a bit.

Believe me, I know.

Excuse me.

But madam, if you'll just

listen to me.

- If you'll listen just a mo...

- No good!

- Breakfast ready?

- Coming right up.

Darling, will you answer that?

I can't, I'm late already.

Jenny, bring the breakfast in,

will you?


Yes, this is Mrs. Reynolds.


Darling, didn't you send in

the payment

on the washing machine

this month?

No, I didn't.

Tell 'em we'll send it

next month.

Hello, uh, we'll send it

Wednesday, sure.



It's always something.

A hundred and seventy-five

a month

doesn't go very far

these days, does it?

You're telling me, dear.

Where's buddy?


Where is he?

- The cellar.

- In the cellar?

What's he doing there?


Buddy, buddy?

Yes, mother?

What are you doing down there?

Oh, nothing.

Well, come right upstairs

this minute.

Yes, mother.

Oh, I might have known it.

Another stray dog.

Oh, honey, hasn't mother

told you not to drag home

every dog in the neighborhood?

But he was hungry,

and he's a swell dog.

I know, but just the same

you have to put him outside.

Oh, mother, please let me

keep this one.

Come on, nan, why don't you

let him keep this one?

He's not a bad looking mutt.

Please, mama.

Please, mama.

I guess I'm outvoted.

All right, Jenny, give him

that lamb bone.

Now you run along and wash up

before you come to the table.

I already washed

once this morning.

Don't argue, you do

as mother says.

All I do around here is wash.

Come on, mutt.

He's all boy.

You bet he is.

You know, I think every kid

ought to have a dog.

Believe me, I had one, and...

Yes, dear, you told me

all about that.

There's that faucet

in the sink again.

I thought you were

going to fix it.

You didn't bring me any washers.

Oh, darling, I haven't got time

to bother

with these details.

You shouldn't ask me.

You know that I'm busy

at the office all day long.

The house is your job.

Well, I've sent for the plumber.

See, I rubbed it off.

Yes, dear.

Can my dog eat breakfast

with us?

No, you've got all morning

to play with him.

Now let's see what you can

do to this oatmeal.

I'm getting tired of oatmeal.

What are you gonna call

your dog, son?


He's a special kind of a dog.

Guess I'll call him pedigree.

- Pegigree?

- You mean pedigree.

Maybe I'll just call him Peggy.

He's not exactly that kind

of a dog, but it'll do.

Well, I've gotta rise and shine.

Bye, Sonny.

Probably a bunch of people

waiting for me

at the office right now.

Bye, dear.

- Goodbye, darling.

- Bye.

Plumber, he come.

He would.

Good morning, Mr. Simmons.

That faucet's dripping again.

It's the alkaline in

the water, ma'am,

eats the washers.

I thought only acid ate rubber.

Oh, yes, ma'am, acid

and alkaline both.



Well, if it isn't Dora

the favorite sister-in-law.

What are you all dressed up for?

Don't you know it's dollar day?

Come on, get your things on,

we'll go shopping.

Oh, I've got a lot to do.

Tomorrow's Sunday and I've gotta

get the house cleaned up.

Oh, you fuss too much.

Well, I've gotta finish

this cake

and order my groceries.

Wonder what I'll have

for Sunday dinner.

The delicatessen cooks

my Sunday dinner.

George'll eat ham

and potato salad and like it.

Well, anyway, he'll eat it.

I think I'll have a leg of lamb.

That's about the best.

Chicken is so high now

and beef is always so tough.

I tell ya, the worse

you treat a husband

the better they like it.

You have your system

and I have mine.


Sunday wouldn't be Sunday if we

didn't have a leg of lamb.

That's how it is over

at our house, Mrs. Reynolds.

I always say to the wife

it ain't Sunday

without a good leg of lamb.

Very interesting.


Well, that faucet won't

leak again.

That's what you said

the last time.

This time I'm in deadly earnest.

How much do I owe you?

Two dollars.

Two dollars?

It only took you

a couple of minutes.

Yes, but lady,

just look at the cost

of my preliminary education

and training.

Think of the years that I put in

learning my profession

and getting a reputation.


No, ma'am, it ain't bunk.

Just look at the time I studied

so that I could get good enough

so as to charge two dollars for

just fixing a water faucet.

Now, for instance, say you go

to a good doctor.

Say a kidney specialist.

All right, you win, I'm sold,

charge it.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, goodbye, Mrs. Reynolds.

I hope your leg of lamb

turns out all right.

Thank you.

I made a big mistake.

I should have married a plumber.

Cheer up, you may yet.

Says you.

Gee, I wish I had somebody

to do my dishes.

I told George to wash 'em

before he went

to the office this morning

but he sneaked out on me.

Well, Lincoln might have

freed the slaves,

but he sure didn't do much

for the housewife.

And that's where he showed

good sense.

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye, Dora.

Don't spend all your money

in one place.

I won't.

Jenny, when you're

finished there

put the clothes to soak.

Buddy hasn't got a clean suit.


I guess it broke.

Daddy's new radio.

And we haven't even made

the second payment.

I just wanted to see if

it really had eight tubes.

How do you do?

I'm calling to register voters.

You're Mrs. William Reynolds,

aren't you?


I don't believe

you've registered yet.

No, I haven't.


Oh, just a housewife.


Has Mr. Wilson come in yet?

I haven't seen him.

Nah, that's bad, that's bad.

Oh, Mr. Reynolds,

I'm all out of notebooks.

Miss Finch, I wish you wouldn't

bother me with these details.

Just take a quarter from

the petty cash and buy some.

Thank you, Mr. Reynolds.

That'll be all, miss Finch,

that'll be all.

Greetings, boys and girls.

How do you do?

Also, how have you been?

Oh, hi, chief.

George, I suppose you realize

you're a half an hour late


I object, your honor,

it's only 29 minutes.

Seriously, George,

you're putting me on the spot.

Much as I hate to do it

I'm afraid I'll have to

report you.

Go right ahead, pal,

no hard feelings.

I know, George, but after all,

you're nan's brother and I...

And our little white cottages

stand side by side.

Yes, sir.

Well, Reynolds,

my trip to New York

was a howling success.

I landed the Duprey

cosmetic account.

Not bad, eh?

I've gotta hand it to you,

Mr. Blake.

I also grabbed

a stock copywriter.

Patricia Berkeley.

She's been writing

the Duprey copy in New York.

She comes to work on Monday.

Have you got an office for her?

Yes, the little corner office

is vacant.

Little corner office?

What do you think she is,

a clerk?

This woman gets $25,000 a year.

Twenty-five thousand?

Certainly, move Thomas out

of the big office.

You can put him in the corner.

Yes, sir.

Get some new furniture

for her, doll the place up.

- Yes.

- Yes?

Mr. Paul Duprey calling.

Oh, why, send him right in.

What's this?

That's the time sheet.

You'll notice that

some of the boys

have been coming in late again.

For the love of Mike, Reynolds,

don't annoy me

with these petty things,

that's your job.

What do you think I pay you for?

Hello, Paul, how are ya?

- Very well, thanks.

- Wow, glad to see you.

Did you fly or take the train

from New York?

I flew.

Well, sit right there, Paul,

I think you'll find that


- Thank you.

- Smoke?

Yeah, much obliged.

Well, oh.

This is Reynolds,

our office manager.

Mr. Duprey.

How do you do,

Mr. Reynolds?

Well, Paul, I've got a great

advertising campaign

all lined up for this new

skin fluid of yours.

I hope it's great enough

to make a few million women

pay five dollars a jar for it.

Larmes de anges.

Tears of the angels.

It's a magnificent label, Paul.

Confidentially, Paul,

is this stuff any good?

Well, it oughtta be.

It's made of the finest

mutton tallow

the stockyards can produce.

Well, am I fired?

The old man was pretty sore,

but I talked him out of it.

What's the matter, bill,

you look kind of down.

Did Blake bawl you out

about something?

Oh, every time I go in there

he bawls me out.

Hey, listen.

For the last five years I wanted

to take a poke at him.

Why don't you tell him what

he can do with his job?

You think I won't?

I've half a mind

to do it right now.

That's the way to talk.

I'm not afraid of Blake

or a million Blakes.

Reynolds, come in here and

take these Duprey estimates

and step on it.

Yes, Mr. Blake, yes, sir.


Oh, hello, Mr. Reynolds.

How was Sunday school?


Dad, is Gabriel boss

of all the angels?


Did your Sunday school teacher

say so?

Yup, that's what she said.

Well, she's right.

He was the head man.

Talking about angels,

where's my dog?

Oh, bill, how about sticking

to one station?

There's nothing good on.

There, that sounds good.

- Remember that?

- Sure.

Our honeymoon.

That Italian orchestra

used to play it.

Remember they had on

funny green suits

with gold braid.

I'll never forget them.

And that cute little

outdoor restaurant

where we used to have wine

with our dinner every night.

Those summer nights.

It was lovely.

The moonlight on the water.

Wasn't it wonderful, bill?


Atlantic city's a swell place.


Hello, kinfolks.

What do you think?

Let me tell it, woman,

let me tell it.

You know what happened to me?

The most wonderful thing!

Oh, wait a minute,

will you let me tell it?

Well, go on and tell it.

I am telling it.

What's it all about, George?

Folks, you are now gazing upon

the first assistant

radio contact man of

the seagrade advertising agency.

And he's getting a $20 raise.

How wonderful!

Boy, that's a raise,

what I mean.

So I've been late to work

every morning this week, have I?

And you think I was out getting

my hair styled?

The answer is no.

I was out looking

for a better job.

And did I get it?

The answer is yes.

George, that's swell.

It just shows what

the old personality will do.

Come on, we gotta

tell the Johnsons.

- And the drakes.

- We'll be seeing ya.

I can't tell you

how happy I am, George.

Thanks, sis.

Many up.

Twenty dollar raise.

He was making 160 a month.

He'll be making more than I am.

Gee, the luck of some people.

It isn't luck.

It's self confidence and push.

Ah, you've been reading

those success magazines.

I don't have to.

Why, George hasn't got

one tenth your brains.

I don't care if

he is my brother.

But he isn't afraid

to take a chance.

You are.

Well, you haven't had a raise

in five years.

You're getting in a rut.

In a rut?

I got a steady job when there

are millions of guys

pounding the pavement

looking for work.

We're getting along all right.

I know.

But do you think just

getting along is enough?

Oh, just because George

accidentally got a break...

Remember when we were first


The big plans we had.

The home we were going to buy.

Our trip to Europe.

And then there's buddy.

He'll be grown up before

we realize it.

We'll wanna send him to college.

This country is full

of college graduates

and what are they doing?

Selling insurance.

That doesn't prove a thing.

It's the men who take a chance


that get ahead.

So you think I'm a flop, eh?

No, I don't, honey,

you know I don't.

Well, you certainly

sound like it.

Dinner is ready.

All right, Jenny.

Come on, honey, let's forget it.

There goes that faucet again.

It's the alkaline,

it eats the washers.

Or so the plumber said.

Leg of lamb again?

Oh, and dripping faucets.

I broke dish.

Excuse, please.

This way, miss Berkeley.

Well, this is your office,

miss Berkeley.

I hope it's satisfactory.

It's a might pretty country

around here.

Glad you like it,

we did our best.

Well, an office

is just an office.

Besides, I won't be in it

very much.

- You...?

- Don't worry.

I get my best ideas

in the bath tub.

Well, if you'd like the office

moved to the bathroom

just let me know.

That is an idea.

Think you've stumbled on

something big there.

Now if there's anything

you want, miss Berkeley,

just call bill Reynolds,

the office manager.

- Bill Reynolds?

- Yeah.

I once knew a boy by that name.

I went to school with him

right here in Chicago.

Well, I didn't know that you'd

been here to Chicago before.

Been here?

Say, I was born and raised

on the south side.

I've tasted Illinois central


until I escaped to New York

five years ago.

And the rolling stone

rolled home again.

I wonder if it's

the same Reynolds.

He was a senior

and I was a freshman.

Well, what did he look like?

Oh, the big football hero type.

We went to the old

Hyde park high school.

He had all the girls' hearts

going pitter-pat including mine.

He was so awfully good looking.

That lets our Reynolds out.

Yes, my Reynolds is probably

running guns into south America

or hunting emeralds in Siam.

He was one of those men born

to live a glamorous life.

Now, I want you to be quite

at home here, miss Berkeley,

just call me any time

you want to

and don't stand on ceremony.

Thanks, I never do.

Good luck.


Is this the office manager?

- Yes.

- This is miss Berkeley.

My office needs some managing.

Will you bring me an ash tray

and a waste basket

and some matches?

Certainly miss Berkeley,

right away.

Come in.

Bill Reynolds.


Ruth Smith.

That's out.

I'm Patricia Berkeley now.

Sounds better for a copywriter.


Ah, you've changed a lot Ruth,

pat, I mean, miss Berkeley.

Kind of gone up in the world,

haven't ya?

Well, I've done all right.

I suddenly found out

I had some brains

and decided to use them.

I uh, I've sent out for

your waste paper basket.

They have nice ash trays

in your shop, haven't they?

Oh, yes, it's a very

efficiently run company.


- Still married to nan?

- You bet I am.

Dying to see her.

She'll be glad to see you, too.

Did you ever get married?


Oh, uh, by the way.

Nan's downtown shopping today.

She's going to have lunch

with me.

You mean she's going to

have lunch with me.

Will she be surprised.


Yes, madam.

This isn't the dressing

I ordered.

But madam, it's salad Maurice

made with citron.

Well, I prefer it made

with Chablis.

Very well, madam,

I am sorry, I'll change it.

I thought it was delicious.

It isn't half as good

as it is at

the canal Sauvage in Paris.

- Cigarette?

- No, thanks.

Eight years can make a lot

of difference,

can't it, pat?

The last time I saw you we just

graduated from high school.

Couple of silly kids.

Silly is right.

And now you're a big success.

Here you are living at

the best hotel in town.

I haven't been to this place

since I was married.

Bill hasn't exactly set

the world on fire, has he?

Oh, he isn't doing so badly

for these times.

At least we're not in debt much.

You were always

a good sport, nan.

It isn't that.

I happen to be in love

with bill.

I understand that.

I was, too, once.

Is that why you went

to New York?

Because I married bill?

Of course.

I often wondered about that.

Well, I wasn't going to carry

the torch around here

so I shipped my burning heart

to New York and,

well, I carved a career

for myself.

To put the fire out.

And I have to shop

in bargain basements.

You're happy, aren't you?


And you?

No kicks, no complaints.

So she thinks I'm getting fat,


She's right.

What do you mean?

Look at that

bay window starting.

You can hardly see it.

Why don't you take

some exercise?

Oh, darling, after a hard day

at the office, you know,

with everything on my shoulders

I certainly don't feel

very energetic.

No, I guess not.

It's a shame, too.

Pat and I were talking today

about what a grand

football player you used to be.

Oh, I'm getting sick and tired

of hearing about what pat said.

This is great stuff.

Where'd you get that?

Pat treated me to a jar

this afternoon, shopping.

Wasn't it sweet of her?

Oh, the darn stuff

is a fake anyhow.

I'm in a position to know.

Why, bill, it couldn't be,

they charge five dollars a jar.

You've been reading

the ads again.

They wouldn't dare

charge that much

if it wasn't any good.

You're just like all

the rest of the women.

Just because a thing costs

a lot of money

you think it oughtta be good.

And if that's true why not

charge ten dollars a jar?

Ten dollars?

Say, darling,

that's a great idea.

I think I'll tell Blake

about it in the morning.

Oh, there's that faucet again.

Come in.

Oh, pardon me, you're busy.

Come on in, bill,

we're almost through.

You caught the idea

perfectly, miss Berkeley.

This is just what we want.

What is it, Reynolds?

Well, you see, Mr. Blake,

I thought of a great idea

last night

and I'm sure you can use it.

If women will pay five dollars

a jar for Duprey's cream

why won't they pay ten dollars?

Say, what's the matter

with you, Reynolds?

Are you drunk?

Oh, no, now wait a minute,

Mr. Blake, here's the angle.

Go right on charging five

dollars for the original stuff.

That's exactly what Duprey

intends to do.

Right, but it was my idea

to have two kinds.

Single and double strength.

Put different labels

on the double strength

and charge ten for it.

Reynolds, you stick to your job,

mind your papers and pencils

and we'll mind the ideas.

Go away, I'm busy.

Just another clerk who thinks

he's an executive.

Mr. Reynolds,

you're not leaving?

Why not?

It's only 4:30.

You're leaving early,

ain't you, Mr. Reynolds?


You don't generally leave

till 5:30

and I hope you ain't sick.

I'm sick about a lot of things.

Listen, darling.

I wanted you to get this mad

for a long time.

You've gotta take

that big step sometime,

what's the matter

with right now?

What big step?

Quit that job,

start in for yourself.

You know all about

the advertising business.

And it takes more than brains

to run an advertising agency.

- A little nerve.

- Yes, and plenty of money.

Why darling,

where did you get all that?

Seventeen hundred

and forty-two dollars.

And 39 cents.

The reward of five years

shopping in bargain basements

and roast leg of lamb on Sunday.

Darling, you're wonderful.

What do you say?

This will last us for six months

and by that time if we flop,

well, we've been broke before.

Boy, I certainly like to show

that guy, Blake.

You and me both.

- Well?

- It's a bet.

Now you're talking.

Good morning, Mrs. Reynolds

good morning, miss Martin.

Is Mr. Reynolds busy?


He must be worn out.

He's been arguing with

that Krueger fellow

an hour and a half.

Oh, dear, and I wanted

to see him.

Mr. Krueger, I promise you,

no, I guarantee you,

that the Krueger pork sausage

will become a household word

from the rock bottom coast

of Maine

to the sunny shores of


Yeah, I know, promises,


guarantees, promises,

that's the way Blake used to

always talk.

But it isn't talk with us,

Mr. Krueger.

We actually get results.

Oh, come on, Mr. Krueger,

give us a chance to prove it.


Have another cigar,

Mr. Krueger.

I'm afraid I get indigestion.

That's five already.

Well, what do you say,

Mr. Krueger?

Well, I wish I wouldn't smoke

so many of your cigars.

Then I could say "no" easier.

Now, Mr. Krueger,

you're an intelligent man.

That I admit.

And you make the best

pork sausages in the country.

There's an inspiration

in your product.

Great music inspires violinists.

Beautiful sunsets

inspire painters.

And the Krueger pork sausage


would be an everlasting


to the William H. Reynolds

company to do something fine.

Something outstanding.

Something that will inspire

125 million citizens

of this country to become

pork sausage conscious.

Say, pork sausage ain't got

no conscience.

And why should the fiddle player

perspire in the sun...

That's the great problem with

all you advertisement fellas.

A lot of talk,

expense, but no results.

This is Mr. Reynolds, speaking.


The Schnitzer sausage company?

It's me, bill, nan,

don't you understand?

Talk to me as though I were

a rival sausage account.

Pretend I'm Mr. Schnitzer.

Oh, hello, Mr. Schnitzer.

Oh, you want an appointment.

Well, uh, I'm afraid

I'm very busy right now,

but I think I could manage to

give you a few minutes

say uh, tomorrow at four.

Schnitzer, say, listen.

Now don't have nothing

to do with Schnitzer.

Don't even let him come

into your office.

He wants to spend

$50,000 advertising.

He wants to spend,

you needn't be sure.

You know what he puts

in his sausages?

It's irrelevant.

No, he don't use that.

But he does put in

the scum of the earth.


Mr. Schnitzer, I think

I'll have to call you back.

I'm, I'm too busy to talk to you

right now, yeah.

He wants to advertise.

He wants to steal away

my business from me,

that's what it is.

All right, I'll show him

how to advertise.

That's great, that's swell.

That is, of course,

if you wouldn't mind taking

such a small account like mine.

Mr. Krueger, it may be small

right now,

but remember, that great oaks

from little acorns grow.

That's fine, that sounds

like poetry, yeah?

Maybe we can use that.

Why not?

Great aches on little corns


Great corns grow on...

What is that you said again?

Great oaks

from little acorns grow.

I'll have those contracts

ready for you

in the morning, Mr. Krueger.

Send them over to my office.


You know my address.


Oh, here, take this to smoke

on your way home.

I don't think I ought

to take it, but I will.

Oh, I beg your pardon,

that's broken.

- Here, take this one.

- Oh, thank you.

Say, Reynolds,

give the broken one

to Schnitzer.

Did it work?

- I'm wringing wet.

- Boy, what a session.

He wouldn't sign?

What do you mean

he wouldn't sign?

I had to give him both barrels,

but he's in the bag.

Our fist account.

Put it there.

Congratulations, partner.

Oh, miss Martin, make a note

of this before I forget it.

Great oaks from

little acorns grow.

It looks all right.


What good does it do?

Don't be discouraged, bill,

we're just starting.


In business six months and

just one little measly account?

I know.

But Rome wasn't built in a day.


With all the bills we owe

how can I help

but be discouraged?

Ah, what's the use

of kidding ourselves?

The Reynolds advertising agency

is headed for the last roundup.

Seems a shame.

After the swell start we had.

Wonder if Blake would give me

back my old job?

You can't do that, bill!

I won't let you!

As a matter of fact I was

thinking about going down there

this afternoon and

sound him out,

but Duprey's in town,

you can't get near Blake.

- Duprey?

- Mm.

Say, how long has his contract

with Blake got to run?

Oh, it expires sometime

this month, I think.


Bill Reynolds,

there's no reason in this world

why you can't get that account.

The Duprey cosmetic account?

Sure, why not?

Do you realize that they spend

a million dollars a year


And a five percent agency

commission is 50,000.

The Reynolds family could buy

an awful lot of groceries.


There's isn't

a Chinaman's chance.

Blake is bound to set 'em up

on a long term contract.

What's the idea?

I just feel like having a drink.

Want one?

Darling, you never drink unless

we're at a party or something.

Maybe this is something.

I'm going right over the hotel

and put salt on his tail.

You know what I'd tell him

if it was me?


You're him, see?

And I'm you.

Yeah, that's right,

that's right.

Strong, see?

"Look here, Duprey.

"If women'll pay five dollars

a jar for larmes des anges,

"they'll pay ten.

"All depends on the way

your advertising is.

"Women think it's good because

you charge five dollars.

"But if you charge ten dollars,

"they'll think

it's twice as good."

That's what I'd tell him.

Well, you don't have to tell me

what to tell him,

I know what to tell him.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Then I'd say, "Duprey,

you're a fool to let Blake

"keep your account.

"Why, he hasn't had

an original idea

"since Taft was president."

Don't worry, I'll tell

that fella plenty.

And don't forget, you see him,

see him if you have to

break the door down.

Listen, I'll break every door

in the place

if I don't see him.

And don't forget, tell him.

Listen, this is important,

I got to see him.

I told you, sir.

Mr. Duprey is not in.

Quit stalling, go on,

ring his room, ring his room.

Mr. Duprey.

I got a great idea for you.

I beg your pardon?

I'm Reynolds of the

William H. Reynolds company,

advertising counsel.

Well, you see Samuel Blake,

he handles all my advertising.

That's what's

the trouble with it.

Mr. Duprey, I got a marvelous

idea for you.

Don't bother me.

It'll only take me a minute

to tell you.

Why, I can double your business

if you just give me a chance.

Taxi, taxi!

Follow that car and don't

spare the horses.

Mr. Duprey.

Mr. Duprey.

If you'll just give me

a few minute of your time.

Will you stop bothering me!

Please, Mr. Duprey.

How did you get in here?

Two dollars looks awfully big

to a chamber maid.

I'll give you ten dollars

to get out of here

and stop pestering me.

Duprey, you're a fool.

I beg your pardon.

You let Blake

handle your business.

Half the time he doesn't know

what day it is.

He hasn't had an original idea

since Taft was president.

I've been suspecting that

myself for some time.

I don't suspect, I know.

It takes his whole big


to rectify silly mistakes.

I oughtta know, I used to belong

to the organization.

- I think I know now why

- you got fired.

Who got fired?

- I resigned.


To open my own agency and

put Blake out of business.

And speaking of business

how would you like

to double your profits?

- I don't think I'd mind.

- All right.

Now you charge five dollars

a jar for larmes des anges.

Go right on doing it.

But put out another jar,

Mark it double strength

and put on a different label

and charge ten dollars.

And with a smart advertising

campaign you can't miss.


You know, that's just

crazy enough to work.

- Could you do with a drink?

- I could do miracles.

Bill, what happened?

I've met the enemy

and he is mine.

You really got to talk to him?

Talk to him?

Say, listen, Paul and I

are buddies.

He's the best friend

I got in the world.


I'm telling you, I signed him

to a two year contract.

Oh, darling, that's marvelous,

that's wonderful!

But he wouldn't sign unless

I got pat Berkeley

to write his copy.

So I went over to her place

and got her out of bed

and I signed her to a contract.

You didn't!


Well, I don't know

how honest it is, but I got her.

And I'm paying her $100 a week

more than Blake paid her.

Oh, boy, wait till Blake

finds out.

Yeah, hope he does,

I hope he does.

And the sooner the better.

And I hope he gets tough

because I'd like

to punch him right in the nose.

Oh, by the way, dear.

I stopped by next door

and I hired George

as our office manager.

You know, honey?

I just discovered tonight

what's been the matter with me

for years.


I don't drink enough.

Mr. Reynolds is in conference.

But I came all the way from

Seattle for this appointment.

I'll inform you

when you can see him.

I've been waiting over an hour

for Mr. Reynolds.

Well, I'm not gonna

wait an hour.

If I can't see him now

there's plenty of other

advertising agencies in town.

I'll see what can be done.

Mr. Wilson?

Yes, they're pressed for time.

But they're in a rush.

Well, why didn't you say so?

Hold them here

and I'll be right out.

You can't go in there now.

Good ol' George.

The boss' watchdog.

No, no, no, no, I'm serious.

He's up to his ears in

the big conference.

Tell him to pull his ears in.

Not another minute.


An apology's noted plus

a little explanation.

You see, Mr. Reynolds


very unexpectedly

received a visit from

his board of directors.

Big things are

going on in there.


Don't worry about it, Paul,

I'm sure you're gonna like it.

Hello, darling,

I thought you'd gone.

I'll see you to the car.

Oh, nevermind, darling,

I know you're terribly busy.

Well, allow me,

I'm going anyway.

Oh, thanks.

We'll get together

in a day or so.

- Goodbye, darling.

- See you tonight, dear.

Bill, there's a couple of

cash cows waiting outside there

and miss Berkeley wants

to see ya.

Well, stall the customers

a little longer.

I'll see miss Berkeley first.

Say, you're harder to get to

than the president.

I've been trying to crash

your gate all morning.

Sorry, I was tied up.

What do you think of it?

I think "discriminating" would

be a better word here

than "particular".

You're right.

The change is amazing.

Only changed one word.

Oh, I don't mean that.

I mean you.

The last few months.

This is a very interesting


What's funny?

Oh, everything.

I was just thinking what a crush

I used to have on you.

When I was a freshman

in pinafores

and you were a football star.

You've done a little

changing yourself.

When we went to school...

Go on, bill, say it.

I was a freckle-faced brat

in 98 cent dresses

and cotton stockings.

Say, what'd you ever do

about those freckles?

Made 'em vanish

with larmes des anges.

Bet that dress didn't cost

98 cents.

Oh, these models start

at $1.15.

And those cotton stockings?

Gone the way of all flesh.

Only her fairy prince didn't

turn out to be

an advertising man.

Say, pat, uh, why can't

we have lunch...

Come in.

Say, chief, those two guys

are still waiting.

One of them is from Seattle.

He's gonna put on his

roller skates and start back.

All right.

Later we'll have to have another

little conference about this.

Whatever you say, Mr. Reynolds.


My, my, my.

Is this a ducky house

or is it a ducky house?

I'm glad you like it, Dora.

And the furniture

is scrumptious.


Except that table.

There, that's the way

it ought to be.

I used to study

interior decorating.

- By mail.

- I remember.

You used to borrow stamps

to mail in your lessons.

- That's right!

- Oh, Bolton.

- Yes, madam?

- You may serve tea now.

Yes, madam.

Why don't you make him wear

those cute knee pants?

Oh, Dora.

You and George won't

disappoint us Friday night

for the big house warming?

A house warming?

Try and keep us away.

That's buddy.

Great Lakes military academy.


What a long tail our cat has.

It's dreadfully expensive and

a lot of nonsense, I think.

But you know how bill is

about buddy.

Even the best isn't good enough.

Mom home?

Your mother is in

the living room, sir.

Ah, Bolton, cut the sir.

Just call me buddy.

Yes, sir.

Bolton, you're too polite

to be human.

Yes, sir.

Hello, darling.

How's my big boy?

Say, mom.

Aren't you gonna kiss

your aunt Dora?


Daddy home?

Not yet.

He's coming home for dinner,

isn't he?

You know daddy works

every Wednesday night.

Last night wasn't Wednesday

and he had to work.

Well, that just happened.

Aw mother, daddy's always

at that office.

Run along and get dressed

for dinner.

Oh, all right.

Goodbye, aunt Dora.


Always at the office, huh?

The minute they get a bankroll

they're all alike.

You poor darling.

Don't be foolish, Dora.

Being the boss isn't like

working for a salary, you know.

You can't watch the clock

when you're responsible

for everything.

Big business doesn't run itself.

I'm gonna give you

some advice, nan.

When they start pulling

the night work gag,

they're up to something.

Bill isn't like that.

They're all that way.

Working day and night.

The same old alibis.

Believe me,

I know all the answers.

I'm afraid you've just got

a suspicious nature, Dora.

Yeah, backed up by years

of sad experience.

Listen, Dora, this is all

very silly.

Bill hasn't the time,

the energy,

nor the inclination

to be playing around.

Have another cup of tea.

My fine Japanese instinct

tells me you're a prize sap.

I'd love another cup of tea.

Isn't this better

than sandwiches and coffee

at the office?

If I said "no" I'd be

an awful liar.

What's the matter, mother?

Oh, nothing.

Eat your carrots, dear.

Can I phone daddy after dinner?

I wouldn't bother daddy

at the office, darling.

Eat your carrots, now,

they'll make you big and strong.

I don't like carrots.

But I'll eat 'em.

The right way to top off

a perfect dinner.

Napoleon Brandy.

Real thing.

If Napoleon drank that stuff

the waiter served us last night

no wonder he lost the battle

of Waterloo.

Last night.

And now tonight.

It's getting to be a habit.

A nice one, if you ask me.

Sure, but uh, that old devil


is knocking at my door.

Tell him nobody home.

Yeah, he keeps

right on knocking.

Well, if it's that serious

you run right along home to ma.

Oh, now don't take

that attitude, pat.

After this we work

at the office.

I didn't mean it that way.

You don't have to apologize

to me.

I know you like a book.

It's just that I happen...

You just happen to be provincial

and I'm not.

I believe every man's

an individual.

The fact you're married

shouldn't interfere

with your friendships, come on.

Come on, little boy.

Well, there's no argument.

I agree with you 100%.

You didn't say that

a minute ago.


I can't tell you what

these last few months

have meant to me.

I consider our friendship

one of the finest things

that's ever come in to my life.

Do you, bill?

You know I do.

Get better results, bill,

if you put the sugar in

before you stir it.

Was pat at the office

last night, too?

What prompted that remark?

Just routine feminine curiosity.

Say, what is this,

a cross examination?

If it is, the defendant is

certainly acting guilty.

You weren't at the office,

were you, bill?

You were out with pat.

Well, suppose I was.

Is that a crime?

Can't a man have any friends

just because he

happens to be married?

There's no such a thing

as friendship

between a married man

and a woman like pat.

Oh, you're just

an old fashioned housewife.


This is an age of individuality

and it's about time

you were finding it out.

I am finding it out, bill.

I am.

Being taken care of,

Mr. Krueger?

Everything is wonderful.

You don't gotta take care of me,

I'm getting a fine time

- at your party.

- Good.

How about a cigar?

I've got a special brand

made up for me in Cuba.

I can hardly wait to try it.

Bolton, some cigars, please.

Thank you.

Smells like [speaking Spanish].

Smells like a good cigar.

I'm glad you like it.

I like your party.

That all you got to tell me?

I could tell you something else.


Oh, thank you.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's what I want,

one of those pancakes.

Pancakes, George,

I'm ashamed of you.

You're insulting the finest

crepes Suzette

I've ever tasted.

Crepes Suzette?

It's nothing but

a fancy pancake.

What are you kicking me for?

Was that you?

Oh, pardon me.

This better be good.

Won't you have one, Paul?

No thanks, no I've had

four already.



Her master's voice.

Darling, what are you

doing down here?

Mom, I can't sleep.

Well, I don't think anyone

could sleep

with all this noise.

You'll catch cold, darling.

Now run upstairs to bed, quick.

Come on, tuck me in.

Be a good sport.

All right, darling.

May I come, too?

Why, yes, if you like.

Where did you get that bun?

It's not a bun, it's a pancake.

Pretty swell world tonight,

isn't it?

That's a boy.

There now, go to sleep.

I'll change this

for something to eat.


And have you screaming with

the collywobbles all night?

Forget it, young man.

Goodnight, dear.

Goodnight, mom.

Goodnight, Mr. Duprey.

Hope you have a good time.

Thanks, goodnight, old chap.

We'll see they keep quiet

so that you can get some sleep.


You know, I've been a bachelor

all my life,

born and brought up in hotels.

This is the first time

I've ever regretted it.

Very interesting.

We'll have to see if we can't

find you some nice girl.

I have found her already.



Yes, I found her.

But I'm just a trifle late.

Shall we go downstairs?

Ah, let me think, let me...

Oh, yes.

And if you can give us

the proper discount

you can consider this an order

for a half dozen bottles

of black ink.

Got that, Rosabelle?

Yes, Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson speaking.

This is Joe Stevens over at wql.

The rehearsal of

Duprey program's going on

in 15 minutes.

We thought Mr. Reynolds was

coming over to hear it.

I thought that rehearsal was

set for tonight.

Well, that's the final rehearsal

for Mr. Duprey.

We always like to get

the agency's okay

before the sponsor hears it.

You're right, old man,

absolutely right.

Hang on a second.

Is the boss back yet?

No, Mr. Wilson,

he's still out to lunch.

Four-thirty he's still

out to lunch.

This is delightful.

Mr. Reynolds is out

of the office just now

attending a big conference.

Oh, very important.

Oh, I couldn't

disturb him there.

I'll do my best.

Gee, the rehearsal goes on

in 15 minutes

and it's plenty important.

Somebody oughtta hear it

before Duprey does.

Why don't you go,

Mr. Wilson?

You're awfully good

at those things.

You're right, Rosabelle.

As long as we can't

find the boss

I might as well do

the dirty work.

Harry, have you seen the boss?

No, I haven't.

Heard him tell his secretaries

he went out to lunch

and he'd be tied up

most of the afternoon.

I hope this broadcast is

going to be as good

as bill thinks it is.

I hope so, too.


You sure this program's

going to be all right?

Don't worry, bill,

it's a knockout,

it'll keep ya in stitches.

You better be right.

I haven't even heard

the darn thing.

We're all ready,

Mr. Duprey.

Go right ahead.

Good evening, folks.

This is the voice of

the Duprey cosmetic hour.

Have you got wrinkles

in your face?

Duprey puts those wrinkles

where your best friends

can't find 'em.

If your skin isn't as smooth

as a billiard ball,

run, don't walk, for a jar

of larmes des anges,

the magic skin fluid.

I don't know if I'm sayin'

it right, folks,

but it's great stuff

no matter how you pronounce it.

And now we will give

you music lovers a treat.

First you will hear the

golden voiced crooning fool,

Mike Hathaway, former star

of the Ajax brassiere hour,

who will sing the regular

Duprey cosmetics song.

And here he is.

If your skin has got the hue

of a plate of oyster stew

darling, use cosmetics

by Duprey

and if the rings

around your eyes

are as big as apple pies

sweetheart, use cosmetics

by Duprey

and if the hair on your head

is not so wavy

just give three cheers

for the army and the Navy

and if your lips

are dry as Clay

fly the Duprey flag and say

anchors aweigh

and use cosmetics

by Duprey

now folks, here's Rastus

and sambo,

thos inevitable comedians,

purveyors of Dixie jokes.

Give till it hurts, boys.

Hey, Rastus.

Who is that lady

I seen you with last night?


That was no lady,

that was a female impersonator.

Boy, you slay me.

You posolutely kill me.

Say, Sambo, I see you all been

chopping up your razor lately.

Why, that was no razor.


It's too awful.

Now, wait a minute, Paul.

It may not be very artistic,

but it's the kind of thing

that'll sell your product.

Well, I don't know about that,

but I do know I'd much rather

not listen to it.

Paul this is only a rehearsal.

It isn't too late

to make some changes.

It's impossible.

Now, Paul, why don't we go

out to the house

and talk this over?

I don't think so, nan,

I'm sorry, but I'm tired.

I think I'll get a little supper

and go to bed.

We'll all have supper

at our house.

How about it?

Well, it's rather late.

It's never too late

for crepes suzettes.

I'll make some.

Does that sound tempting?

Well, your crepes suzettes

would tempt anyone.

Oh, come on,

we'll be home in a jiffy.

All right.

I need something to take

the taste of that broadcast

out of my mouth.

I'll have you purring

like a cat.

Come on, pat.

You know, Paul, your cosmetics

are a luxury product.

They lend themselves

to a romantic program.

Don't you agree?

I'd agree to almost anything

after that magnificent food.

No, seriously.

Maybe this program could have

a parisienne atmosphere.

A string orchestra playing

a French serenade.

The feeling of the boulevards

in springtime.

And perhaps a few little

characteristic sketches.

Why not?

We could take our audience

to the champs elysees,

the Ritz bar, and longchamp.

That's it.

Yes, you know,

that might be fine.

And afterwards we might

use the riviera, nice,

- and Monte Carlo.

- Lovely!

You know, that's a very good


What do you think of it, bill?

Won't you have another

cup of coffee, Paul?

No thanks, no thanks.

One-thirty, I must be going.

- I'm sorry.

- So am I.

Excuse me.

How about it, pat?

Can I give you a lift?

Why, yes, certainly.

I'll help you with

your things, pat.

Thanks, nan.

It's too bad you weren't

listening, bill.

I was discussing that

radio program with your wife.

She's got some very

interesting angles.

I'll drop into your office

tomorrow and talk it over.


Nan's a pretty clever girl.


Perhaps the cleverest member

of your family.

I suppose you think

you're in love with bill.

Nan, have you any darker powder?

Oh, I'm sorry.

See if that'll do.


You were saying?



Bill and I love each other

very much.

What usually happens

in these cases.

Sometimes the wife gets stubborn

and puts up a fight.

Then again, she accepts

the inevitable.

If she's smart.

You know, pat, most men

lose their heads

when they get too much money.

It's like a bad dream.

And they always wake up

in the morning

with a very bad hangover.

Sorry, nan.

If anyone's dreaming

it must be you.

I'm afraid that's a question

that you and I

can never decide.

Such a wide difference

of opinion.

Well, let's leave it at that.

See what happens.

We'll see.


- I'm ready now.

- So am I.

Here we are, Paul.

- 'Night, darling.

- See you tomorrow.

Goodnight, nan.

Thanks so much for

a charming evening.


And now the first Duprey hour

comes to an end.

Next week we will take you to

the Ritz bar in Paris.

Au revoir till next Thursday.

Well, that's more like it.

Sell Duprey,

which is the main thing.

You know, when he heard

that last rehearsal

he was grinning from ear to ear.

It's one for the book.

Believe it or not it's

the first radio contract

that was ever saved

with crepes suzettes.

And the Paris angle

was a happy thought.

Nan's a very smart girl.

Yes, she has improved

a great deal in the last year.

I'm terribly fond of her.

You know, you're very

understanding, pat.

Why can't more women

be like you?

Well, here's to the third angle

of our happy little triangle.


What about nan?

Well, there's no hurry,

is there dear?

You've been promising to

tell her for weeks.

Why don't you get it

over with tonight?

I was wondering.

I thought perhaps tomorrow...

Bill, it's like diving

into cold water.

The quicker you take the plunge,

the sooner you recover

from the shock.

You're right.

I know I am.

I'll let you know what happens.

If you don't phone me

I'll call you.

- All right, bye-bye.

- Bye.

I've seen this coming.

I've had a lot of time

to think it over.

You're just wasting

your breath, bill.

I won't do it.

Why, it's ridiculous

our going on like this.

We're not married

and we're not divorced.

We've been married

for a long time

and we're going to

stay that way.

We started from nowhere.

Had a lot of tough sledding.

And through all that

we loved each other.

Now that you're successful

you wanna throw me over

for the first good looking woman

you think you're in love with.

I don't think, I know.

Now why can't we

talk about this calmly?

Why do you have to cry?

I can't help crying.

About someone that you've

laughed with so much.

Let's don't get sentimental.

Doesn't pat ever

get sentimental?

Oh, I think we better

leave her out of this.

I wish we could.

But she's trying to destroy

something that belongs

to you and me and I'm not

going to let her do it.

Quite a while ago I told

a minister

I was taking you for better

or for worse.

And for plenty of those years

things couldn't

have been much worse.

And now that they're better

I'm not going to let

a chisel like her step in.

I see no necessity for you

talking that way about pat.

She certainly doesn't talk

that way about you.

Why should she?

I'm not trying to

break up her home.

This isn't getting us anywhere.

- Either you divorce me...

- No, absolutely no.

I'm surprised at you.

Trying to hang on to a man

that wants to leave you.

Haven't you got any pride?


Hey, wait a minute!

I haven't seen you

since last Sunday.


Where are you going?


Buddy, darling!



Oh, my darling.

Get a doctor, get a doctor!

Thank you.


Buddy'll pull through,

all right.

But it'll take a long time.


You understand that everything

I said downstairs,

I mean about the divorce,

is off.

You were willing to leave me

before this happened

to buddy, weren't you?

It is not me you want,

it's buddy.

You can see him as often

and as much as you please

after we're divorced.

I find, bill, that after all,

I have got some pride.

Nan, darling, please.


Is Mr. Reynolds there?

He'll be right over, pat.

Mr. Duprey to see you, madam.

Oh, bring him out here, Bolton.

How are you, Paul?

Always the same.

- How's buddy?

- Just fine.

He started back to school

this morning.

Oh, that's great.

May I have one?

Why not?

Have you seen anything

of bill lately?

No, not since he moved

to the club.

Won't you sit down?


Your divorce comes up

next month, doesn't it?

No backing out, hm?


Nan, I'm afraid this is

a little premature

and not quite according

to the rules.

But I'm terribly

in love with you.

I do wish you'd marry me.

Paul, you're sweet.

You haven't answered me.

It's too soon.

My mind is so confused

and I can't think straight.

- When it's all over...

- There's no hurry.

And at least you

haven't said "no".

Is it true that the actions

of the defendant

during this period caused you

great mental anguish?

It is.

Is it also true that

the defendant

on a number of occasions

spoke sharply to you?

Yes, your honor.

And according to the complaint

this made you extremely nervous.

Well, it did and it didn't.

You see, judge, I'm inclined

to be nervous at times anyway.

No wonder.

After the way I treated her.

And here you say that

the defendant became

extremely irritable and morose.

I certainly did.

Well, anyone can become

irritable temporarily, bill.

But I had no right

to treat you that way.

I object, your honor.

I'm sorry, your honor.

But my client is unaccustomed

to court procedure.

If you'll answer

these questions properly

we'll go on with the case.

Did the defendant become

irritable and morose?

Well, judge, at times

he acted sort of,

sort of like a bad child.

But most men are childish

at times.

Darling, please, let's call

the whole thing off.

I object, your honor.

I object, too, your honor.

Well, this is the most


and undignified case

I have ever tried.

We've got 3,699 divorce cases

on our calendar

and you people

are wasting my time.

Call the next case.

Be a good fellow, Paul

and take me to dinner?

Why not?

I'm gonna drink my dinner.


I'll always be two courses

ahead of you.

Sort of a consolation

for the losers.


Is mother home?

We don't wanna buy anything.

- We've got everything.

- What is it, dear?

I would like to speak to

Mrs. William H. Reynolds.

I'm Mrs. Reynolds.

I'm calling to register voters.

I don't believe you registered.

No, I haven't, at least not

in this precinct.

- Won't you come in?

- Oh, thank you.

Sit down.

Run along, sweetheart.

That's Mrs. William H. Reynolds.


Look all right, darling?

You'll do.


- Just a housewife.

- And what a housewife.