Housebound (2003) - full transcript

A monster attacks a group of unsuspecting people while two bounty hunters who know exactly what the creature is are hot on its trail...

(eerie music)
(wind howling)

(feet thumping)
(pants scraping)

(twigs snapping)
(leaves rustling)

(feet thumping)

(leaves rustling)

(feet thumping)
(birds chirping)

(leaves rustling)
(leaves crunching)

(Gorganium growling)

- McCormick?
- Check, Thomas.

(gun clicking)
(Gorganium growling)

(leaves crunching)
(wind howling)

(eerie music)

(feet thumping)
- Oh, no.

(bag rustling)
(Gorganium growling)

(feet thumping)
(leaves rustling)

(Gorganium growling)
(gun shooting)

(eerie music)
(Gorganium growling)

(leaves rustling)

(Thomas yelling)

- Thomas?
(wind howling)

(eerie music)
That's it.

I'm out of here.
(eerie music)

(feet thumping)

(heart thumping)
(wind howling)

(eerie music)
(leaves rustling)

(wind howling)
(feet thumping)

(eerie music)
(Gorganium growling)

(gun shooting)
(Gorganium growling)

(placid music)

♪ The sun has set
over my heart ♪

♪ That makes three days

- [Evette] You're
listening to KPCS,

the latest hits with a
guaranteed six in a row

without interruption, man,
it's a hot July day out there,

getting posted 99 degrees,

a far cry from the below
zero temperatures we had

just six months ago.

The forecast for the rest of
the week is more of the same,

hot, hot, hot, breaking
all the records

according to the weather man.

Be careful out there, people.

We don't want any of
our listeners dropping

from heat exhaustion.

Turn your air conditioners on,

or at least have your
patio furniture out

while kicking back in the shade

with a cool drink in your hand.

Preferably something
with a little alcohol.

It's time to crank the radio up.

Here's the latest from
Twisted Tower Dire.

(energetic music)

♪ The sun will rise,
the day will break ♪

♪ The light will fade
into the darkness ♪

♪ And there will be no
more give and take ♪

♪ Yesterday was so heartless

♪ Under the waning moon

♪ Beneath the darkest
star filled skies ♪

♪ Forever damned to ride,
forever ride the night ♪

♪ Ride the night, oh no

(energetic music continues)

♪ A new day is here, the
night, it was so long ♪

♪ Our journey here
was a hard one ♪

♪ Our ride will never
end, our enemy's the sun ♪

♪ Now with dusk,
it's time to run ♪

♪ Under the waning moon

♪ Beneath the darkest
star filled skies ♪

♪ Forever damned to ride,
forever ride the night ♪

♪ Ride the night, oh no

(energetic music continues)

♪ The sun will rise,
the day will break ♪

♪ The light will fade
into the darkness ♪

♪ There will be no
more give and take ♪

♪ Yesterday was so heartless

♪ Under the waning moon

♪ Beneath the darkest
star filled skies ♪

♪ Forever damned to ride,
forever ride the night ♪

♪ Ride the night, oh no

♪ Oh no

(vehicle droning)
(placid music)

(door slamming)
(keys rattling)

(birds chirping)

(boot slamming)
(placid music)

(saw tapping)
(window whooshing)

- What?
- [Terry] Are you coming?

- Do I have to?
- Come on, it'll be fun.

- I'm positive it won't be.
(door rattling)

Is this illegal?
- I don't know.

- If it isn't, it should be.

- Come on, where's your spirit?

- It's as dead as the
tree we're gonna cut down.

- What's your problem?

You've been moaning and
groaning all afternoon.

- For starters, I hate summer,
I'm hot, I'm miserable.

I could be at home
reading a book,

but I'm stuck out here
looking for a tree

for someone who can't
even leave the house

and do it herself.
- Nancy, that's not fair.

- Fair, you know
nothing about fair.

You weren't raised with her.

Listen, can we just drop it?

(placid music continues)
(feet thumping)

And this is a dumb idea
to have Christmas in July.

- Well, Heidi said that you guys

didn't have much
of one this year.

- Yeah, I kinda
liked it that way.

(birds chirping)
She won't sleep with you,

you know?
- What?

- If that's why you're being
so nice to her, it won't work.

- That is not my intention.

All right, all right,
I admit I like her,

but that's not what I'm after.

(placid music continues)
What in this world could

have happened to you to make
you so angry about everything?

- Nothing in particular.
- I feel sorry for you.

- Don't.
- Look, Nancy,

why did you even come out here?

All you've done recently

is give me the
impression you hate me.

- I guess I needed to
get out of the house.

(leaves rustling)
- So what do you think

of this one?
- It looks

like every other piece
of wood out here.

(covers rustling)
(grass rustling)

(chainsaw droning)

(placid music)

(eerie music)

(door rattling)

(Heidi yelling)
(vehicle droning)

(gravel crunching)

(doors rattling)
(doors thumping)

- Aren't you gonna
help with the tree?

(feet thumping)

Ah, piece of work.

(couch squeaking)
Oh no.

- [Nancy] She's fine, trust me.

- Heidi, Heidi, are you okay?
(birds chirping)

(feet thumping)
(Heidi panting)

- Do you mind helping?
- Why, it happens

all the time?
- Please?

(door rattling)
(couch rustling)

(feet thumping)

(eerie music)

- Sir?
- Yes?

- The tree, it's gone.
- Are you sure?

- Positive.
- If it's awake,

it will want to eat, we
can track it when it does.

- [Terry] Here,
made you some tea.

- Thanks (sips),
it's really good.

- Thanks, so what's it

like having ago...
- Agoraphobia?

I guess I don't know.

I've always had it my whole
life, ever since I was a kid,

I couldn't even go outside then.

I wouldn't go to Mom
and Dad's funeral.

I mean, I guess
it could be worse.

I see people on TV and I
think, thank God I'm not them.

- What about Nancy?

- She resents taking care of me.

- Come on, I wanna
show you something.

Here we are.
- It's a tree.

- [Terry] Yeah.
- [Heidi] Why?

- You guys said that
you didn't have much

of a Christmas this year,

so I thought we
could have one now.

- What a sweet idea.
- Thanks.

Nancy, I actually asked her
to go and get the lights.

- Made me is more like it.
- [Heidi] Thank you.

- Yeah, I thought we
could all decorate it,

you know, together.
- Well, you kids have fun,

but I'm going to my room.
(feet thumping)

- We haven't had a tree
since Mom and Dad died.

- Oh, she'll be fine.
(Walkman rattling)

(placid music)

♪ It seems like this
road goes on forever ♪

♪ It's been a lifetime
that I've been gone ♪

♪ My hair has turned
to gray from brown ♪

- Nancy's asleep.
- Mm, it's too bad.

The tree looks beautiful.
- Yes, it does.

- There's a lot of things in
this house that are beautiful.

- Terry, maybe it's
time we talked about us.

- Us?
- Listen, Terry,

I'm really glad you're my friend

and I've enjoyed all the
time we've spent together,

but I don't really think there's
anything else between us.

- [Terry] Oh, I'm
sorry, I assumed that...

- No, can we still be friends?

- I think I should be going.
(feet thumping)

(door rattling)
- I don't want you to feel

like you have to leave.
- It's okay.

I have to work early tomorrow.
- Call me?

- Sure.
(feet thumping)

(door thumping)
(placid music)

- Things will get
better someday.

(placid music continues)

(paper rustling)

(eerie music)
(Gorganium growling)

(door thumping)

(Gorganium growling)

(Nancy screaming)
(feet thumping)

- Nancy, Nancy, it's
okay, it's okay.

- I'm okay, I'm fine.
- Did you have another dream

about Mom and Dad?
- I said I'm okay.

- Do you need anything?
- I said I'm fine.

- Well, if you need anything.

(feet thumping)

(Nancy thumping)

(drawer rattling)

(photograph thumping)
(eerie music)

(vehicle droning)
(television screeching)

- So Mike, this
movie really sucks.

- Yes, it does.
- So if it sucks,

why are we still watching it?

- Because I paid for it.
(bag rustling)

(eerie music)

(chews) Why is it
so cold in here?

- Because I left
the window open.

- Why do ya do that,
you let all the bugs in?

- You know a breeze
helps me to relax.

- Oh, well the days are hot,
but the nights are so cold.

- Would you stop your whining?

- I like whining.
- So would you rather whine

or would you rather fuck?
- Do you even have to ask?

(eerie music)

(Mike and T.J. panting)
(Gorganium growling)

(eerie music continues)

- That was quick.
- Well, it's been a long time.

- That's no excuse.
(bed creaking)

Where are you going?
- I'm gonna get a beer.

(feet thumping)
- He needs to get better

at this.
(eerie music)

(feet thumping)

(fridge rattling)
(can cracking)

(water rushing)

(water rushing)

(eerie music continues)
(fridge door thumping)

(Gorganium growling)

- I knew something got
into that damned window.

(eerie music continues)

(Gorganium growling)

(yells) Son of a bitch.

(siren ringing)
(eerie music continues)

- It's beginning.

(eerie music continues)
(vehicle droning)

(door rattling)
(arm thumping)

(Gorganium growling)

(Gorganium growling)
- Ow.

(eerie music)

(Gorganium growling)

(veins slurping)
(vehicle droning)

(eerie music continues)

(door rattling)

- (sighs) You clean this up,
I'll check the other rooms.

(eerie music)

(door rattling)

(keys thumping)

(feet thumping)
(bag thumping)

(phone rattling)
(buttons clicking)

- Hey jackass, it's me, I'm
not coming home tonight.

I may not ever come home.

Oh, you are there?

No, not after what
you pulled tonight.

Some hotel, butt fuck
Egypt, that doesn't matter.

I've given you way too many
chances, this is the last straw.

You messed up a
good thing tonight.

(phone thumping)

(eerie music)
(glass shattering)

Should have used
this on you, Brent.

(gun thumping)
(eerie music continues)

(Gorganium growling)

(Gorganium growling)

(Gorganium growling)

(eerie music continues)

Oh shit.

(Gorganium growling)
(phone ringing)

What, how the hell did
you get this number?

Oh, shouldn't have gotten
that fucking caller ID.

Just leave me the
hell alone, all right?

Listen, I'll deal
with you later.

I got a God damned squirrel
in here or something.

(phone thumping)
(eerie music continues)

(door squeaking)
Get outta here, come on,

get out of here, door's
open, not gonna hurt ya.

Just get the fuck out, fuck.
(door thumping)

(gun thumping)

He fucked up a good thing.
(eerie music)

What the hell?
(Gorganium growling)

(vacuum droning)

(siren ringing)
(eerie music continues)

(vacuum droning)
It's killing again.

- See if you can
track its location.

(eerie music continues)

(veins slurping)

(gun rattling)

(gun shooting)
(eerie music continues)

(feet thumping)

(Gorganium growling)

At least she ended her life
before it got too painful.

- We are running out of time.
- I know this.

Hopefully it's full and we'll
have time to reevaluate.

Do a perimeter search.

Someone must have heard the gun.

I'll take care of this.
(eerie music continues)

- Hey, jackass, you
get it figured out yet?

- No Sam, not yet.

- Ash, I swear, your
van's a piece of shit.

- Yeah, well, at least
I have a piece of shit.

- We're gonna be
late for the concert.

If we miss it, you
owe me 50 bucks.

- Try it now.
(keys rattling)

(feet thumping)

- Where are you going?
- [Ash] I need to smoke.

- Great, now we're gonna be...
- [Ash] Shut up.

(feet thumping)
(eerie music)

(Gorganium growling)

(hand thumping)
- Ash, are you done yet?

(eerie music)

(door rattling)

(liquid splashing)
(feet thumping)

(eerie music)
The fuck (groans)?

(Ash gurgling)

(door thumping)
(Sam panting)

(eerie music continues)

(Ash and Sam screaming)

(Sam panting)
(eerie music)

(Gorganium growling)
(Sam groaning)

(Sam screaming)

(vehicle droning)
(brakes screeching)

(doors slamming)

- Go check the house.
(door slamming)

(door rattling)
(eerie music)

This is becoming
a serious problem.

(eerie music continues)

- We need a better
tracking system.

- No shit.
(flesh splattering)

(eerie music continues)
(Gorganium growling)

(placid music)

(couch creaking)

(door rattling)

(window squeaking)
(Nancy coughing)

(blanket rustling)

(feet scraping)
(Nancy yawning)

- You sure slept the day away.

(couch creaking)
I was wondering

when you were gonna get up.
- Can we turn

the air conditioner
on, it's hot in here?

- Take off the blanket.

(couch rustling)

(feet thumping)
(knobs squeaking)

(couch rustling)
- Thanks.

- Now you're
actually thanking me?

- Don't let it go to your head.

(aircon droning)
So how did I end up

in Dad's office last night?
- I don't know.

You were having nightmares.
- Oh, did Steph call?

- [Heidi] No, why?
- We're just supposed

to finalize plans for the party.

- Oh.
- What?

- Nothing, I just don't like
you hanging out Steph, she's...

- Here we fucking go again,
you're not Mom, she's dead.

I don't even care what you
think, it's not even up to you.

They're my friends,
deal with it.

- Just wait a minute.
- No, you wait a minute.

I can leave this house
whenever I want to.

Just because you're stuck
here doesn't mean that I am.

Can't I at least
have a little fun?

- Yeah, sure, I guess so.
- Thanks.

(feet thumping)

(phone ringing)
- Hello?

- Hey, there, it's me, Heidi.
- Oh, hi.

- Listen, I'm
looking for a favor.

- All right, sure, what?
- Can you come over tonight?

I need someone to talk to.

- Listen, I'm sorry
about last night.

- Well, that's okay, can
you come over after work?

- Sure.
- Okay, I'll see you then.

- All right, bye.
- Bye.

(phone beeping)
(placid music)

- [Terry] So what's
it like having ago...

- Agoraphobia?

I guess I don't know.

I've always had it my whole
life, ever since I was a kid,

I couldn't even go outside then.

(placid music continues)
(door slamming)

- Hi, I'm Emily,
your new babysitter.

- [Heidi] Hello, where's Nancy?

- She's outside playing.

So why do you like it so much
in your parents' bedroom?

Does it make you feel safe?
(placid music)

You've never been outside?
- [Heidi] No.

- You don't know what it's like?

- [Heidi] No.
- Do you ever dream

about the outside?
- [Heidi] Sometimes.

(placid music continues)

(placid music)

- Do you wanna
hear a scary story?

Something that happened
to me when I was a kid?

- [Heidi] Sure.
- [Emily] When I was just

a little girl, something
very strange happened to me.

It sort of made
me who I am today.

I was at this family
reunion, you know, the kind

where relatives you never
knew you even had show up.

(placid music)
It was in the state park

with all these
beautiful woods around.

I ended up getting bored
really fast, as little kids do.

There didn't seem

to be anyone my age
there, (laughs) you know?

My parents were preoccupied
with cooking and hobnobbing,

and I began to explore.
(cicadas chirping)

(feet thumping)
At first,

it was really, really fun.

I felt like a pioneer
trekking into uncharted areas

all by myself without an adult.

I watched in fascination

as a cool summer breeze
blew through the tall trees,

which I imagined had been
there hundreds of years.

I came upon a stream
and drank right from,

even though my parents had
told me never to do that,

that all the water was polluted.

It tasted so good and so fresh.

(water splashing)
There were little fish

in there, I even splashed
some of the water on my face.

At first, I was
following a trail,

and it got more and more
overgrown, so I turned back.

There were birds
tweeting all around.

They were so pretty.
(birds chirping)

I was still taking it all in it.

(feet thumping)
It wasn't long

before I realized I must
have taken a fork somewhere

because time was marching on.

I could tell by
my parched throat

and sweat coming
down off my forehead.

I couldn't believe
it, I was lost.

I had been raised never
to wander off alone,

and here I had gone and
done what I was told not to.

I stifled back tears,
trying to find my way,

but the trees now seemed
ominous and unfriendly,

like they wanted to hinder
my path or something.

(eerie music)
I came to a clearing,

and there was an old cemetery
in the middle of nowhere.

As I walked along
the tombstones,
looking at the names,

I started to think about
death awaited there,

more than I had ever before,

how our bodies ended up
buried in the ground.

I thought about heaven and hell,

wondering where souls went

and exactly how you got
to one or the other.

Then I started to panic,

thinking I'd never
seen my parents again.

Thinking about death and all,
I really started to freak.

What if I was lost forever?

What if I never saw
my mom and dad again?

I freaked in the graveyard,

running past tombstone
after tombstone.

In my mind, I could hear
the dead laughing at me

from below the earth,
chuckling at my frenzy,

beckoning me to give
up and join them.

(eerie music continues)
I finally made my way out

of the cemetery and
back into the woods.

Overhead through the trees,

I could see the sun
beginning to set.

I don't know how I got so lost,

sure that my family had to
be looking for me, right?

Darkness descended,
and it was scarier

than anything I'd
ever experienced.

My heart pounded
like a jackhammer.

There were sounds in the woods
I had never heard before.

And when the moon came out,

illuminating everything
in the shadows,

I just knew I'd never
see my parents again.

The feeling of isolation

and pending doom I
had were overwhelming.

If the trees were
hostile before,

they were downright mean now.

Creatures crackled and growled
and I ran through the trees.

(eerie music continues)
It was then that I saw him,

coming to a dead
stop in a clearing.

He was hooded and dark,
and I knew he was Death.

It had to be the Grim Reaper,

who I learned about in school.

I'd figured I must've made
somebody mad at the cemetery

and Death had my number.

I ran and I ran and I ran
through trees, through brambles,

my clothes getting
ripped to shreds,

scratches tearing me to pieces.

I knew I'd never seen
my parents again.

And I was so afraid of
being buried in the earth.

Everywhere I ran, I
caught a glimpse of Death,

behind trees, crouching
in the bushes.

He jumped out at me
everywhere I went.

He was the woods because he
was made out of moonlight.

Finally, I came out of the woods

and found myself standing
in front of this huge,

sprawling mansion with
giant pillars out in front.

It was spookier than
anything I had ever seen.

It looked almost like a morgue,
but I approached it anyway.

It was better than
Death in the woods.

It turned out it was
an old plantation home,

and a nice old lady
named Gretta owned it.

She let me use her phone and I
was reunited with my parents.

- I didn't go to Mom
and Dad's funeral.

(placid music)
(vehicles exploding)

(placid music continues)

- [Terry] What about Nancy?

- She resents taking care of me.

(Nancy screaming)

- Do you wanna hear
another scary story?

Something about
monsters this time?

- [Heidi] Sure.
- Do you believe in monster?

- [Heidi] No.
(placid music continues)

(couch rustling)
(Heidi groaning)

(feet thumping)

(eerie music)

(Terry knocking)

(feet thumping)
(door rattling)

Hi, come on in.
- Thanks.

(feet thumping)
So what's the problem?

- Well, Nancy and
I got in a fight.

She's supposed to be going
to this party tonight,

but I don't even like the
people that she's partying with.

- Mm, she thinks you're
mothering her again.

- I guess so.

Anyway, I was kinda
hoping you'd stay

and keep me company
while she's gone.

- Sure, sure, of course,

you know I will.
- Thanks.

(feet scraping)
- (sighs) You're here again?

- Nice to see you too.
(vehicle droning)

(vehicle honking)
- [Nancy] That's Steph.

- [Heidi] When are
you coming back?

- Soon enough.
(door rattling)

(door slamming)
(vehicle droning)

(door rattling)

- How's it going?
(door slamming)

(gravel crunching)

- So what do you wanna do?

- Mm, I got a new video
game in the mail today.

Do you wanna try it?
- All right, but you know

I'm not very good at 'em.
- Eh, try.

(vehicle droning)
- What's wrong?

- I don't know.
- You know,

you shouldn't worry about
your sister, she'll be fine.

- I'm not worried about her.
- Well, then what's wrong?

- I said, I don't know.
- God, lighten up.

(board creaking)
(game beeping)

(Terry sighing)
(controller thumping)

- See, I told you
I suck at this.

(upbeat music)

(eerie music)
- Oh, great.

- That's not good.
- We blew a fuse.

This happens all the time.

- [Terry] Where are you going?
- To get a flashlight.

(feet thumping)
(eerie music)

(drawer rattling)
Oh, sorry.

The fusebox is out in
the shed, past the barn.

- Okay, that's kind of odd.
- It's an old house.

My grandparents wired it.

Would you mind going out
and flipping the fuse?

- Oh, I don't know,

maybe we could just tell some
scary stories in the dark.

(eerie music continues)
- [Heidi] I'm not exactly fond

of the dark.
- Oh, okay.

- Have fun.
(feet thumping)

(eerie music continues)
(door thumping)

(feet thumping)

(wood thumping)
(feet thumping)

(tense music)

(eerie music)
(feet thumping)

(feet thumping)

(eerie music)
(Gorganium growling)

(tense music)
(vehicle droning)

- Shit.
- What?

- I left my wallet at home.
- I can cover you.

- No, I need to go
home and get it.

- I said, I can cover you.
- Please take me back.

- Fine, God.
(eerie music continues)

(Gorganium growling)
(gravel crunching)

(keys rattling)
(boot rattling)

(tape ripping)

(gun loading)

(eerie music continues)

(grass rustling)

(gun rattling)

(eerie music continues)

- Terry?
(door rattling)

Terry, Terry?
(tense music)

(Gorganium growling)
(gun shooting)

(fingers tapping)

(vehicle droning)
(gravel crunching)

(doors rattling)
(doors slamming)

(feet thumping)

- Why is the door open?

- [Heidi] Oh, thank
God you came home.

- I forgot my wallet,
where's Terry?

- [Heidi] Will
you do me a favor?

- When do I not?
- The fuse flipped

and Terry went out to the
barn to turn it on and...

- He probably
electrocuted himself.

- Yeah, but he's been
gone almost 15 minutes.

Will you go out and
check on him, please?

- Don't look at me, I'm
gonna go wait in the car.

- Please.
- Fine.

- Thank you.
(flashlight clicking)

(feet thumping)
(gravel crunching)

- You wanna come with me?
- Nope.

- Gee, thanks.
(feet thumping)

(gravel crunching)
(door rattling)

(door slamming)
(eerie music)

Terry, Terry, Terry?

(drum thumping)
If you're trying

to scare me, I'll kill you.
(eerie music continues)

- (yells) Oh my God,
oh my God, oh shit.

(window squeaking)
(vehicle droning)

(vehicle honking)
(tense music)

- Steph, I'm coming.

- Hello, Officer Higgins?

Yes, this is Heidi Everson.
(eerie music)

Listen, there's something
weird going on out here.

(chains rattling)
(eerie music)

Well, I suppose it could
be a bunch of pranks.

But I don't think so.

Sure, I'll call you back
if anything else happens.

(phone beeping)

(tense music)
- Terry?

(eerie music)
(Nancy grunting)

- Nancy, it's me.
- What the hell are you doing?

- There's something in here.
- A cougar?

- No, it's something
I've never seen before.

- What are you talking about?
- It attacked me and ran away.

(Gorganium growling)
(grunts) Nancy,

get your sister and get out.
(tense music)

(grass rustling)
(gun shooting)

(eerie music)
Go (screams).

(tense music)
(siren ringing)

(vehicle droning)

(Terry screaming)

(Gorganium growling)
(door rattling)

(door slamming)
- Nancy.

- Terry's dead.
- What?

- Terry is dead.
- What are talking about?

- There's something out there.
- Out where?

- I don't know.
- It's okay,

you're safe in here.

- You don't believe me, do you?

- Listen, some strange
things have been going on,

but I don't know, maybe
you saw a raccoon.

- I know what a
raccoon looks like.

- I'm sure there's
some explanation.

- Terry is dead in our barn.
- What do you want me to do?

Call the police?
(feet thumping)

It's not working.
(feet thumping)

(tense music)
Where are you going?

- I'm gonna get Dad's gun.
(door rattling)

(Nancy and Heidi screaming)
(Gorganium growling)

Now do you believe me?
(door rattling)

- Can that thing
get through there?

- I don't know.
(feet thumping)

(door rattling)
- Where are we going?

- Heidi, we have to
get out of here now.

It's time to get
over your phobia.

- No.
- Heidi, I'm serious.

This is life or death.
- I can't.

- Out.
- No, no.

(hand slapping)
(gasps) Oh, I'm sorry,

I'm sorry, Nancy, Nancy.
(tense music)

(door slamming)
(feet thumping)

(Gorganium growling)
(tense music continues)

(door rattling)

Nancy, it's out, it's out.
(window slamming)

(feet thumping)
(door rattling)

(tense music)
(Heidi gasping)

(eerie music)
(Nancy yelling)

(tense music)

(door rattling)
(Heidi screaming)

(Gorganium growling)

(tense music)

(Gorganium growling)

(placid music)
(Gorganium growling)

(Heidi gasping)

(veins slurping)

(door rattling)
(feet thumping)

- Heidi.

(eyes beaming)

(Nancy thumping)

(veins slurping)
(siren ringing)

(placid music continues)

- We are done here.

- Wait, you owe me an
explanation, please.

- What you saw was a Gorganium.

It is from...

Where it is not
from is your planet.

(placid music)
- Sir, should we

be telling her this?
(placid music continues)

- Six of your months ago, a
fail wrath escaped our custody,

seeking refuge on this planet.

Fail wrathes are
large, cumbersome

and not particularly

Therefore, it
wasn't too difficult

to track down and eliminate.

Unknown to us at the time,

the fail wrath was hosting
a parasite, the Gorganium.

Gorganium are small,
quick and prone

to hibernate in colder climates.

We were forced to wait.
- [Nancy] Wait for what?

- Wait for it to feed.
(placid music continues)

- Wait, will she be okay?
- She will be fine.

She will remember nothing.

You not have that luxury.

We cannot do
anything about that,

nor can we do anything about
the human lives already lost.

(placid music continues)

You will of course say
nothing about this,

to your earth authorities
in particular.

Remember, we know
where you live.

(eyes beaming)
(placid music continues)

(light whooshing)
(placid music continues)

- Good morning.
- Oh, I slept

on the couch again.
- Yeah.

- You're sure in a
good mood this morning.

- I'm okay, how are you?

- I'm pretty good.

Terry and I must've partied
pretty hard last night.

I don't remember him leaving.

(couch squeaking)
- What are you doing?

- [Heidi] I feel so good, I
think I'm gonna go for a walk.

- You're gonna what?
(door rattling)

- I'm gonna go for a walk.
(feet thumping)

(placid music)

(eerie music)

- Sir, we have a situation.
- [MIB 1] What?

- The Gorganium has replicated.

- [MIB 1] That's impossible.
(energetic music)

- It has.
(energetic music continues)

(Gorganium growling)

♪ I called you brother,
we were invincible ♪

♪ Our allegiance could
be breached by none ♪

♪ I stood beside
you, through it all ♪

♪ Your greed initiated
your downfall ♪

♪ I knew something was
going on inside of you ♪

♪ You'll feel the pain
when I take it all away ♪

♪ I can't explain
why you betrayed ♪

♪ Turned your back on me

♪ You'll rue the day
when you see my face ♪

♪ And feel my dagger's blade

♪ I can't explain
why you betrayed ♪

♪ Turned your back on me

♪ You'll rue the day
when you see my face ♪

♪ And feel my dagger's blade

♪ Borne of your father,
the bastard son ♪

♪ I always knew you would
succeed the throne ♪

♪ I would have laid
down my life for you ♪

♪ Honor the crown with
fury just and true ♪

♪ I knew something was
going on inside of you ♪

♪ You'll feel the pain
when I take it all away ♪

♪ I can't explain
why you betrayed ♪

♪ Turned your back on me

♪ You'll rue the day
when you see my face ♪

♪ And feel my dagger's blade

♪ I can't explain
why you betrayed ♪

♪ Turned your back on me

♪ You'll rue the day
when you see my face ♪

♪ And feel my dagger's blade

(placid music)

♪ Seems like this
road goes on forever ♪

♪ It's been a lifetime
that I've been gone ♪

♪ My hair has turned
to gray from brown ♪

♪ That rainbow's
end I never found ♪

♪ Yes, it's true I've
chased the stars ♪

♪ And I drifted oh so far

♪ Far from my friends
and my loved ones ♪

♪ My life now in
the setting sun ♪

♪ And as I draw
my dying breath ♪

♪ I can see my mother's face

♪ Her tears, they
fall like rain ♪

♪ For a man who
fell from grace ♪

(placid music continues)

♪ Now all that's left
is the cornerstone ♪

♪ Of the place I
once called home ♪

♪ Mother and Father
lying in their graves ♪

♪ Their son's return
was far too late ♪

♪ And as I draw
my dying breath ♪

♪ I can see my mother's face

♪ Her tears, they
fall like rain ♪

♪ For a lifetime lost,
a soul in flames ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh

(placid music continues)

(tense music)