Hostage (2021) - full transcript

Young cheerleader Ashley, was adopted by her parent's killers. Years later, during a home robbery, her crazed family reveal what they are really capable of and she must decide who's side she is on.



like the kid made it through.

I win, you lose. Money?

We didn't even dap on it dad.



Okay I'm sorry.

My name's Christian.

I was driving around

the neighborhood and I got lost.

So I figured I'd stop by your


and ask for directions,

and I noticed your window

was broken, so I thought I'd

just come in-

- Christian, huh?

Mark, Mark, Mark,

already in enough trouble

as it is.

Why you gotta go and lie to us?

We don't like robbers.

We don't like rapists.

But if there's something

that we fucking hate

it's liars.



Can I ask you a


What's up?

Why are you wearing

sneakers on my nice, clean,

expensive carpet?

For that matter, why are both of


wearing your shoes in here?

I mean, you know how

your mother and I feel

- about shoes in the house.

- Sorry dad.

Here, let me help you.

Okay I'm sorry, I broke


It's a nice house.

I'm aware that it's a nice


I bought this house.

And the last thing I need is

you breaking into this house

to tell me how nice my house is.

You often go breaking and

entering into people's homes

on Christmas Eve?

Is this some kind of new game

you kids have these days?

I said I'm sorry, and

I thought no one was home

- so I-

- Oh you thought,

'cause there was no one home,

that would make everything okay.

Excuse me one moment.

Sir, what are you doing?

Don't worry about

it, I've done this before.


There, that should

help with the swelling.

I'm not so sure it's gonna help

with this.

What is this?

Am I bleeding?

I don't know Mark, are you?

I mean, why would you ask

me if you're bleeding.

I mean, what makes you think

we would know better than you

about what's going on down


It's probably just a scratch.

Probably from when you

were trying to rape me

a few minutes ago.

- I wasn't trying anything.

- Oh here we go again.

I mean, just when we were

starting to get along,

you start up again with the


All right, my name is Thomas


My friends call me Thomas.

- Mr. Crav-

- Uh, uh.



I was wondering if I

could just explain to you

the situation.

I know, I know how it looks

but I was wondering if

I could just explain-

- Don't listen to his shit, dad.

We aint got time for your

bullshit, Mark

or whatever your fucking name


This motherfucker broke in here

and tried to rape me right

where you're standing, dad.

Aint no explaining it, aint

no fucking rocket science.

Mark, give me a sec,


wanna sit over there?

Thanks dad.

Now, Mark isn't it?

So, what's the story Morning


And how you making out with that


I'm fine, this is



I just wanted to

let you know Mr. Crave.

Mmm mmm.


I just want to let you know

I've never done this before.

I'm not a thief, I'm not a


I've never broken into a house


The truth is, I'm a father,

I lost my job and I have a son

and it's Christmas Eve, and

we're running out of money fast.

I've never been in this

situation before.

I don't even have enough money

to get him a proper meal.

If you just look into my wallet.

Wait, wait, wait, where's his


I threw it in his face, it's




That's my boy.

Cute kid.

So tell me, why did you

choose this specific house

and not the one on the left

or the one on the right

or behind, or in front of the


Why this house?

I don't know.

It just seemed like a nice


so I figured, nice house

outside, nice things inside.

And like I said, it seemed

like no one was home

and on Christmas Eve that's


- hard to find.

- He's like a

bizarro Santa, instead of

sneaking in and leaving shit,

he's sneaking in and stealing


Make for a dope ass movie.

- Honey-

- So you guys gonna

call the cops?

You don't leave us

much choice now do you?

I mean, what would you do

if you were in my position?

I guess.

Gimme a second Mark.

Can you be a sweetheart and go


and make the call?

Sure dad.

Attractive girl, huh?

- No, I didn't-

- No, no, no it's all right,

I don't mind, I mean, I was

your age once too you know.

I guess.


You calling my daughter ugly?

No, I just don't want to

disrespect you.

You're a funny guy.

You don't want to disrespect me?

Yet you break into my house,

you attempt to rape my daughter

and you don't have the

courtesy to compliment her

on her looks?

I don't call that respect, Mark.

I call that hypocrisy.

- I didn't mean to say it-

- Yeah you didn't, yeah.

I'm starting to feel a little-

- Can I ask you a


I guess.

I mean this might be a tad

personal, so.


Are you attracted to girls?

By girls? Of course,

what are you trying to-

- No, no, no,

I don't mean to offend

you, it's just you know,

we're gonna be sitting

here for quite some time

waiting for the police to get


And being in this neighborhood,

it could be quite a while

before they show up.

I would expect the opposite

around here.

Protect you rich folks

from us poor people.

Yeah, I'd expect that too.

I'd like that.

But sadly, reality

sometimes falls quite far

from expectations, sad.

Now, we're gonna have some

time to get to know each other

quite well, Mark.

And that's a good thing isn't



You're saying you want to be


- It's not that but-

- You break into my house

and now you can't wait to break


I don't know.

I don't know how to say this but


- this whole situation-

- They're on their way.

Said since we have

everything under control

and he's tied up, might

take a little longer

than it usually would.

Some shit going on downtown, I

don't know.

Well you should've told him

that we have some nigger here


- Dad! I hate when you use that


We're not in the 1940's anymore,

what the fuck is wrong with you?

You hear how she talks to me?

Kids today, they're so


You know, you can't call

a nigger a nigger now.

You gotta say N-word.

Or you could say Black person

like every other

non-racist person post 1965

- but who's counting?

- I'm counting.

I'm surprised you can count.

Fuck that shit dad.

You really think he gives a

shit in the state he's in?

What state?

Remember that cut we

were looking at before?

It turns out, it might be a lot


than we originally thought.


What is this? I'm bleeding out


Can you check under my shirt


What is wrong with me?

Can you lift up my shirt

for a second please?

- You fucking did this to me.

- Hey, let me remind you

that you're the one that

broke into my house.

I am not the criminal

here, you are, not us.

Can you look after our

friend for a while Ashley?

I think I can do that.

You know, I read somewhere

worse thing you can do

when you're bleeding a lot

is fall asleep, you might not

wake up.

You know, I have an idea,

we should keep talking,

keep you from falling asleep.

I'm sorry but like, I don't


wanna talk right now, so.

All right, suit yourself.

But if you start falling asleep,

I aint gonna wake you up.

Just saying, just trying to


Fine, what do you want to talk

- about?

- Yes, okay!

- I'll start, so-

- No, I'll start.

Why do you care if I pass out or


I got caught robbing your house

and I'm supposed to believe

you two are trying to help me

or some shit?

I don't know.

I guess we're just good people

like that.

Not everyone's a fucking

criminal, Mark.

Why you gotta be so negative?

I'm negative?

You're the one that lied

about me trying to rape you

and now I'm supposed to believe

you didn't fuck with my stomach


We didn't fuck with your

stomach, okay?

But who's to say you

didn't try and rape me?

What, am I supposed to take

your fucking word for it?

Were you?

Were you trying to have sex with


I wasn't trying anything, you

know this.

You fucking know this.

So you weren't

trying to break into my house.

Except for that.

Are you sure Mark?

Are you sure you weren't

trying to fuck me?

What if I were to tell you

that I want you to fuck me?

Would you? Would you fuck me


What the fuck is wrong with


Get the fuck off of me.

Chill you fucking pussy.

Just trying to keep your ass

awake, bitch.

You really think

I'd let you have sex with me?

Oh, this is gonna be

the best Christmas ever.

You're fucking crazy,

don't fucking talk to me.

I told you not to do that


And there you go passing out


Oh and Mark, if you think this

is crazy

you aint seen nothing yet.

Oh, I feel so fucking lame

walking around in this dumb


I was gonna go home and

change before I met you

but I was supposed to be

home like, four hours ago.

But of course, after the

pep rally we went to Stacy's

for drinks and shit.

Anyways, I forgot my keys at


so I guess I'm gonna have to

sneak in

up the window or some shit.

Like I'm dressed for this shit


You would have went home to


You do know you're 30 minutes

late, right?

Well, I can leave if you'd


No, that's not what I'm


It's just, nevermind, forget it.

Oh, Chris.

It's okay.


Now what are we eating?

I'm fucking starving,

cheerleading is killing me.

I don't know, what do you want

to eat?

Fuck it, you decide for me.

Surprise me, let's see

how well you know me.

I barely know you.

Come on, you're no fun


You never wanna try anything.

Okay, you know what?

I think I do know what you'd


Excuse me? Miss?


What are you calling her miss


She's like, younger than us.


Can I get the deluxe

burger and no cheese please.

Pickles on there?

Oh, no thanks, I can't stand


All right, and what

will the lady be having?

Bring her a Philly

cheese steak.

Oh, interesting


All right, coming right up.

Anything else you guys

want, just give me a buzz.


Why can't you like,

ever order for yourself?

I mean, it's kinda stressful

to always guess what you want to


I don't know, I think if

we were right for each other

you should be able to know what

I want

more than I could know what I


I mean, it's a lot of


Pressure is good, it

keeps you on your toes.



Where's my Christmas present?

Well it's not Christmas yet.

Well, it's Christmas Eve, so.

Don't worry, I'll get you your


Well guess what?

You won't have to guess

what I want this time.

I know exactly what I want.

And the best part is,

you won't even have to

spend any money on it.

If we're talking about what

you want,

then what did you want to talk


that was like, too sensitive to

talk about

over the phone?

Was it really that big of

a deal for you to meet me?

No, no, no.

Didn't you want to see your


- on Christmas Eve?

- I didn't mean it like that.

Okay, if you don't


just say you don't want.

No need to make a big

fucking deal out of it.

Sounds pretty serious.

Well, I heard something.

Like what?

Like, something.

Okay well I'm hearing

something all the time.

Literally hearing something

every day.

Specific, Ashley.

Something surprising.

What the fuck was that?

That was surprising.

You know, I'm getting

really sick and tired

of your little bitch ass


I've seen over the past few


Hey, look I'm sorry.

What did you hear?


- So?

- What?

What did you hear?

Oh yeah, nevermind, let's just


Fuck Ashley, I didn't

come here for a burger,

I have food at home.

Talking about how the food is,

how's that cheese steak?

Well, let's see.


This tastes like a fucking


That's a weird comparison.

All right, fine.

But this stays between us,




Okay, I'm not pinky swearing


I heard...




You killed someone before.

Is it true?

Oh shit, hey.

Didn't know if you were

coming back or not.

Why did you let me fall


I told you I wasn't gonna wake

you up.

Think I'm a liar, Mark?

Where's your dad? Thought

he went to call 9-1-1.

First you don't want

to talk

and now you don't want to shut


Gotta make up your mind, Mark.

I'm really not feeling

too well right now.

No shit, you're like,

totally bleeding out.

Isn't your dad a doctor?

Think he could check me out?

Check you out?

I don't think he rolls that way.

That's not what I meant.

No, but seriously.

Him? A doctor?

No, a shrink.

A shrink isn't a real doctor.

But if you have any mommy issues

he might be able to help you


Isn't that the same thing?

Is a robber the same thing as

a rapist?

Not even close.

Same thing.

So your dad's a shrink?

Yes, Mark.

Well that explains a lot.

What is that supposed to mean?

Hey, sorry for the


Your mom's home.

Family reunion, dining room.

Mark and I are just in the

middle of something here-

- Ashley.

Let's go.

Fine, chill.

But who's gonna watch over

our little birdy here?

Little birdy, stay.

See? Let's go.

Hi Ashley.

Hi mom.

What did you do this


What do you mean what I did

this time?

Watch your tone, is

that how I raised you?

I don't know, how

did you fucking raise me?

Can you two calm down please.

We're all in the same boat here

and that boat is sinking fast.

I mean, can we all just

work together as a team?

Just for tonight?

And then when all is said and


you two can go back to hating

each other.

But for now, we're in a big mess


- a big fucking mess.

- How is this such a big mess?

The way I see it, it's

all pretty fucking simple.

We just let him go.

He takes off into the night,

fade out, roll credits,

end of story, what's the big


Am I missing something?

You two aren't actually thinking

of calling the cops are you?

Should I take this

or do you want to do the honors?

Allow me.

Honey, let's put all the

potential options

and outcomes on the table.

A very good idea.

Option number one, we let him


He's seriously wounded

and severely bleeding.

The way I see it, if he

doesn't get to a doctor

in the next few hours,

it's curtains for him.

So we let him go.

Now I don't know about you

but I'm pretty damn sure

that's a stab wound.


Who, between you two geniuses,

decided that it would be

a good idea to stab him?

Well I know I didn't

and from what I've

seen, I'm pretty certain

Ashley didn't either.

So, to answer your question,

I don't fucking know.

Don't look at

me, I don't fucking know.

Ha ha oh okay, so he

breaks into the house,

seemingly un-stabbed, you three


get into a playground scuffle,

then all of sudden he's

just magically stabbed.

That's your story.

Dad, why are we wasting our


with Sherlock Holmes here?

We were doing just fine

until she showed up.

Yes, you were doing

just peachy, trust me,

if I knew what you dickheads

were up to

I'd be across the state line by


Can I continue?

I mean, are you two done?

Please proceed.

Okay, so we let him go.

I don't know about you, but how

much trust

do you want to put on a thief?

I mean, all it will take

is for him to just point us out

and then we're fucked.

I don't know, I mean, maybe

we are overthinking this.

I mean really, what is he gonna


Go to the cops and be like,

"Yeah I broke into this house

and this chick beat me up

and here's her address."

It's unlikely, but I

think your father's right

on this one.

We can't take this lightly.

He got into our house, he

knows what we look like.

Well, what you two look like.

You beat him up, tied him up.

All it takes is for him to

tell one of his compadres

then who knows where that could

lead us.

We can't take that chance.

So our only option is

what I think it is then.

I don't want to do that.

I don't want to do that


But I don't know, I mean,

what else can we do?

I'm fine with it, really.

Ashley calm down, did one of

you forget

to lock the doors or something?

How the hell did he get in here?

Broke the window.

Ugh, of course he did.

These fancy houses got so many


we might as well sleep outside.

All right, I'm

gonna go talk to the guy.

Talk to him? Fuh what?

Fuh? What's fuh?

Vietnamese soup? Where are your


You're too cool to use R's now?

Thomas, listen to your daughter,

talking like a fucking nigger.

She's not getting that

from me, that's for sure.

You two make a great

couple, y'all know that?

And that's the thanks we get.

All right, I'm gonna talk to


Fuck what you two think,

I need to size him up

- for myself.

- You know this motherfucker

tried to rape me, right?

Dad, you told her right?

I told her.

Ashley, listen to me.

We're not just gonna go do

what you think we're gonna do

just because you think we should

do it.

This is not just fucking getting


in the morning, all right?

This this is a big deal.

Now, we've got a few hours

until the sun comes up.

We need to figure this out,


Thomas, okay?

Your mother's right.

I mean, we have to take this


I mean, we cannot take this


All right.

Fine then, talk to him.

See if I fucking care.


You know, it was you who

always wanted a daughter.

I mean, if you're ever gonna act

on it,

I think tonight might be as good

a night

as you'll ever get.

I knew you'd forget

to introduce yourself

to the neighbors.

I'm gonna go get them

a nice bottle of wine

and make a great first


just like they do in the movies.

Shit, I bet five bucks you


We both know I'm the responsible


You're joking, right?

Not joking, actually speaking


Facts, yeah.

Are you sure you have

the right definition?

Have you looked up the meaning?

I did, and it said that I'm

always right

and you're always fucking wrong.

That's what it said anyways.

Yeah, well you're a

funny woman you know that?

That's why I married you.

Your sense of humor.

I always thought it was

because of my ass but,

I guess sense of humor makes

it sound more romantic.

Well you're welcome.

You know what?

Sending the kid to the arcade


was actually a pretty good idea.

Sending the kid any night

is always a good idea.

Look, I told you, you're

worried for nothing.

It's just the arcade,

it's a good neighborhood.

And we can't keep treating

her like a baby anymore.

She needs to learn to do things

on her own, make friends.

It's essential to the

development of a good teenager.

Let me know when we're

speaking English again.

Ha ha.

Is she back yet?

I don't know, who cares?

I think you're hard on her.

I know she's not always easy

but it's just, she's a kid.

This is normal kid bullshit.

We were kids once, remember?

Years ago.

First of all, I don't like

this years ago thing at all.

I don't know, I just, I feel

like something's off with her.

Just try and not be

too hard on her, okay?

She needs time to adapt.

Plus, she just moved into

a completely new city,

this is not easy for her.

Grace, she's going to need her


I swear, something's

wrong with your daughter.

Look, I'm sorry but we both know


And don't try to psychoanalyze

our relationship now.


I thought the goal of tonight

was to forget about the kid

and work and everything.

Do we really need to talk

about this right now?

You're right. I'm sorry.

It's okay. I'm happy.

We're celebrating, right?


What are we celebrating?

We're celebrating no phone


No your mother living upstairs

from us.

And soon, no clothes.

You just can't keep your

hands off me, can you?

When I can I ever?

Fuck dinner, I always wanted to

do it

on the mattress on the floor.

Yeah, mattress on the floor is

very fun.

- I hate you.

- Prove it.

I'm really not feeling too


Is there still nothing from the


What's taking them so long?

Hi. What's his name again?

What's your name again?

Mark, and I'm in need of an


What sort of fucking

games are we playing here?

What's the matter with you


I don't care if you live in


ambulances don't take this long

to arrive.

Oh my god.

Has he been this much

fun this entire time?

No wonder you guys

wanted to keep him all for


Oh, I'm all excited.

All right Mark, are you even


Let me break

this down into simple terms.

You really picked the wrong

fucking family to rob tonight.

The ambulance.

Their aint no ambulance coming

you fucking idiot.

What do you mean there's

no ambulance coming?

What are you talking about?

You called the cops?

They would've taken me to the


- Oh my god.

There's no cops coming,

there's no ambulance coming.

Aint nobody coming Mark.

But you called.

Actually, I pretended to call.

Actually, I didn't call jack


Yeah, not very smart,

that's what I thought.

You know what? I wanted to bet

on it.

But I didn't.

You know that feeling when

you just know something

but you don't say it?

Like you think, oh, what if I'm


I don't want to look stupid.

But then every time you didn't

say it,

ah, maybe not every time

but it feels like every time.

I'll just say it, every time.

You were right, you were fucking


You want to tell your friends,

I knew this was gonna happen

but I just didn't say it.

Yup, I get that all the time.

Like for me, usually it's when

I'm watching a movie, right?

Like, you just know what like,

a character's gonna say next

like everything just lines up

for like,

you're sure of it.

Sometimes it's these like,

corny lines or whatever

but sometimes it's actually


that are pretty hard to guess.

And you don't say it.

You think, shit, if I say it

at the exact same time as the


everyone in the room is

gonna be so impressed.

But you stop yourself, oh.

And then sure enough, the

character says

the exact line you thought

he or she was gonna say.

And then you turn to

your friends

and you're like I

knew he was gonna say that

and they go like, yeah,


Most annoying thing ever, right?

What the fuck are you talking


Huh, what am I talking about?

No ambulances are

coming, no cops are coming.

So what, you guys are

just gonna let me go?

I don't know Mark, I don't

know yet.

Depends on you actually.

But if you don't let me go,

then what?

I'm pretty sure you can draw

your own conclusions Mark.

What is this? Is this some

sort of joke?

I wish this was a


but this is serious.

As serious as an HIV test,

that's how serious this is.

That shit is serious.

Let me go you fucking psychos.

Aw Mark, she just wants

to talk to you okay?

I promise I won't let her hurt


unless you deserve it, okay?

Don't fucking touch me.

You're fucking crazy. All

of you are fucking crazy.

Let me go, let me go! Let me go!

Stop calling me crazy, Mark.

I don't like people calling me


I won't touch you, but just

stop calling me that okay?

I asked you a fucking question,



All right Ashley, we get it.

Stop swinging your dick.

I said I would talk to him so

let's talk.

So you guys are not

gonna let me go are you?

I told you Mark, I don't know


We can't just let you get back

out there

if you're gonna talk to people

about us.

Talk about what?

I don't even know who you guys


Mmm, I think you know too much


And why would I talk

about the house I broke into

and got my ass kicked by a

little kid?

Who you calling a


And woke up tied to a

chair on some S&M shit,

why the fuck would I want to

talk to anyone about that?

- That's what I said.

- No one asked you Ashley.

Your role in this story is

to be the pretty girl, okay?

So play the part.


Are they always like


Actually, this is a good day.

All right, can we

focus for a minute here?

Happy you two are getting

along so well, that's great.

Look, he's not a bad kid.

He just got mixed up in a bad


True, except for the whole

raping your daughter and shit.

Great guy.

I wasn't trying to rape you.

When are you gonna get

that in your fucking head?

You guys better let me go this


You better let me go,

you better let me go!

Let me go!

So that's how

you want to do this?

Help! Anyone, help!

All right Ashley, shut him up.

- What? Seriously?

- Before I change my mind.

I'm killing

him though, right?

No, no, wait, wait, who said


about killing anyone?

All right, what did you bring?

I promise I'll be quiet, I


Just please don't hurt me.

Are you sure you'll be quiet?

Like Ashley just went through

- the entire-

- Yes, I promise.

Silence of the lambs, I swear.

Ashley, hold that thought


But mom.


I think I have an idea.

Oh, do tell.

Would Mark happen to be a


Actually, Mark would

happen to be a father.

He's got a cute little kid.

In fact, that's why he breaks

into houses on Christmas

daddy dearest.

I told you, I've never done

this before.

My back's against the wall.

What would you do if you

couldn't afford

to buy your daughter a meal?

Let her die?

Mmm, shit happens.

Kids die every day.

People die, so what?

Now Grace, that's enough.

Even in this situation, you

can't keep your shit together?

I mean, what did she

ever do that was so bad?

Do we really have to do this


Yes, we really do have to do

this now.

You seem to want to do it now

which means I have to do it now.

I mean, I don't care if we

have the fucking pope over

for dinner, you don't talk

about our daughter that way.

Our daughter. Right.

Perfect little Ashley.

Just, what was that idea you


a little while ago?

Mark, what does your son look


Actually, there's a picture

down there.

Hmm, honey would you mind?

I have to do everything around


Why do you want a picture of

my son?

Simple, Mark.

Here's how this will play out.

Listen closely, because

this is your only chance

to get out of this.

I'll try to say it as clearly as

I can.

Oh, wait, by the way

are you a righty or a lefty?


I will untie your right hand.

In your hand, I will place a


Under that pencil will be

a small piece of paper.

On that piece of paper, you

will write the following.

Your son's Christian name

followed by his family

name, in that order.

Underneath that, you will write


his social security number.

Wait, how old is your kid?

He's six.

Okay, then he has one for


Just that before 1986, some

parents could sometimes

have kids well above

the age of 14 years old

and not get them their

social security numbers.

But at the end of 1985,

they stopped all that.

Now you can't basically

go above like five,

without registering your kids.

Hmm, the more you know.

Anyway, we will need that


Underneath that number,

we will need the name

of his school, then under that

we'll need his date of birth

and then the city and

hospital in which he was born.

Wait, why should I give

you all this information

about my son?

What keeps me from telling

you both to fuck off

and I aint giving y'all shit?

That's a good question.

Here's an idea.

Supposing he doesn't tell us.

We've got enough to find him.

So we bring them both to the


we kill the little

bastard in front of him,

we leave the kid to rot

and then we keep him

alive by force feeding him

until there's nothing left but


And then we kill him.

I just thought about that.

I mean, can we just do that?


Is that enough? It's good for


What are you guys

gonna do with all that?

Simple, Mark.

If we let you go, we need to


that you're not gonna go blab

about us.

About us living here, about

you coming to this house.

We need you to forget Mark.

Forget that we exist.

We need to become more

than distant memories,

we need to fade completely

away from your mind.

Because if we ever let you go,


if you ever leave this

house still breathing,

and you ever so much as dream of


you won't like what happens


Ashley probably will, but you


We can't be

talking about this shit.

Still haven't answered

the question Chris.

I mean, are we a couple? Are we


Yes or no.

Or are you just fucking me?

That doesn't have to

do with any of this.

Keeping secrets from

me, Chris?

What else are you hiding from


What? Are you cheating on me?

You can tell me. I already know.

Seriously, just tell me it's


I know what you're

trying to do here Ashley.

It's not gonna work this

time. I'm telling you.

I knew it, I fucking knew

you were cheating on me.

Who is it? That little

whore slut Stephanie?

I saw the way that you were

looking at her

at the party last weekend.

Stacy said, "No, he wouldn't do


But I knew you were fucking

- cheating anyways.

- Okay, okay, okay, fine.

You win, okay?

You gave it a good fight,


Now talk to me, lay it on me


Okay, but I didn't sleep

with anyone else though, okay?


What? Do you think I'm stupid?

Or are you stupid?

I'm just messing with you,


Come closer, I don't want

to talk about this shit

in the open, okay?

There aint

nobody in this joint.

All right.

Yes, I did.

But just once okay?

Now, can we please change the


No we can't change

the topic motherfucker.

Please quiet down.

All right, all right,

fine you little pussy.

But you did it, whatever.

Not a big deal.

Not a big deal?

You're clearly not all there

then Ashley.

I'm not the one who

just confessed to murder

in a fucking public place.


So, who was it?

- Can we talk in-

- Chris, come on.

This is called communication.

That's what a relationship's

all about, right?

Hold up, who told you about


I've never even talked

about it with anyone.

A good reporter never

reveals her sources.

You aint even a fucking

reporter though.

Whatever, I

aint snitching on the plug.

A little birdy told me, okay.

It was Steve wasn't


It was.


I fucking knew it, that piece

of shit.

You know, I never even

really told him about it.

I didn't deny it either, but I


Mhmm, you know, you look good

but you're not very smart.


So, who was it?

My dad.

You killed your fucking dad?

He was scum.

He bit the shit out of me and my


You know, he didn't even care

about us.

You know, you could beat me all

you want.

I can take that.

But don't touch my fucking



Yeah, fuck.

So how'd you do it?

I didn't do it on purpose.

But this one time he

was beating on my sister

and I never actually physically

stepped in

but this time, I don't

know what got into me,

maybe I was like, tweaking or

some shit

but I just, I pushed

him as hard as I could.

And my dad, he was a

big motherfucker, okay,

he was like, a big guy.

And I pushed him as hard as I


and I punched him and he just


straight to the ground.

Gone, like just, gone.

And my sister tried to

wake him up and shit

but he was dead.


Yeah, shit.

So how'd you get away with it?

It was actually my sister,

she was trying to protect me.

You know, at the time,

I honestly didn't care

if I got arrested or

not, or even got caught.

But my sister, she was upset


that my dad was dead,

but she didn't want me

to go to jail either.

So she was like, yeah he's dead

but he was also an alcoholic

and beat us and abused us.

So we dragged his body to the


we sat him in it, ran some warm


and framed it as if he

fell and hit his head

in the bathtub.

And it was actually pretty funny

'cause we brought him to the


a few months before for

the same god damn thing.

- What? No you didn't.

- Yeah, we did.

And then we called the police.

And that shit flew?

Well, I'm sitting here aren't


I want you to kill my mom.


What what?

What do you mean what what?

You just asked me to kill your


You can't what what me.

Can you do it or no?

You're fucking with me aren't


What's so hard about killing

my mom?

You killed your dad, my

mom should be easier.

Fuck you Ashley, that's

not the point here.

What, you think I'm a

fucking hit man or some shit?

No, I'm not killing your mother.

Oh come on, I'd do it myself

but if I did, my dad would

know for sure it was me.

Forget it Ashley, I aint doing


Well, I don't know

what to tell you Chris.

So what are you gonna do then?

Pay someone else to do it.

What do you mean pay someone


You were gonna pay me to do it?

50 bands.


Aw, you thought just

because you're fucking me

I wouldn't compensate you?

Where the fuck did you get


Let's just call it my

trust fund, college money.

I aint going, so who the fuck


And you have access to that


I aint just have access.

I have it.

Fuck, you're just

walking around with this?

Who's gonna fuck with me?

Is this real?

Last I checked.

You're insane.

And now you're repeating


Chris, really, it's not that


You just wait for her outside,

pull up,

shoot, pow.

And dip, wait in your car,

something discrete, I don't


As long as you peel off

and they can't connect it back

to me,

can't connect it back to you.

And I could do it however?

So you're gonna do it?

I mean, speaking


Well yeah, no.

The less I know the

better, for the both of us.

I don't know if that's

a good plan Ashley.

I mean, I got away with it once.

You think I can get away with it


Chris, we don't need a plan.

Like, besides my dad,

nobody knows I hate her

and there aint no money

coming to me if she dies

so why would the police think

it's me?

And this could go down


Well, not next fucking year

but yeah, whenever.

I don't know, I don't care.

Like, one in three murders

goes completely unsolved

in this country, no obvious


You really think they're

gonna figure it out?

Do you know how dumb the cops

are in this town?

But you know we're

talking about murder, right?

Like, we're talking about your

mom's life.

We're talking my life here.

Like, fuck though, you can't

come on me.

You want me to come on you?

If I had known you were this


- What? You would've fucked me


Forget it, you're not even

taking this shit seriously.

Find someone else.


So we doing this?

Or are you gonna keep pump


Double, triple, quadruple


everything on there.

If as little as a dot on an

I is missing from something

Grace is gonna stick your head

up your ass

faster than a rabbit gets


Especially considering

I'm going to check

on the little man right now.

You wanna go right now?

I mean, I don't know about

leaving him alone that long.

It's fine, I can go alone.

You aint going alone Grace.

I mean, this has set

up written all over it.

You walk in that joint,

the next thing you know,

little man's lighting you up

his god damn self.

Fourth of July in December.

Then you come with me

and Ashley can keep him company.

I don't know about leaving her

with him.

Thomas, she'll be fine.

Plus, she needs to start

pulling her weight around here.

The man is tied up.

Just like, tie his other arm

and make sure he's not going

anywhere, she'll be fine.

It's fine

dad, really. She's right.

You sure? You

don't have to do this.

- Whatever.

- I swear dad.

And if anything, I'll just

call y'all on the car phone.


We'll be back as soon as we


I would've gone and done this


- but what with-

- But yes, this is my plan

and if you want something done


Aha, little birdy want to

play, huh?

Come on, let's go.

Hey Mark, can I ask you a


Not really, no.

What was your relationship

like with your mom?

What is this? The Oprah show?

I'm sorry, but my mind

is elsewhere right now.


What if I were to let you go?

What's your mindset like now?

Let me go?


And why would you do that?

I'm tired.

I'm tired.

You're tired?

Yeah, I'm tired.

I'm tired of all of it,

I'm tired of everything.

I really don't think

you're gonna go to the cops

and if you do, whatever.

We're all gonna get what's

coming to us anyways

including you.

So yeah, I'm tired.

I mean, what? You want to

stay here and get killed?

I mean, I don't mind.

What do you want?

Okay, first of all,

can you at least try and be


I mean, I'm being nice here.

You got me tied up to

a chair all fucked up.

How is that nice to you?

You're the one who broke in


And you were the one that

was about to come down here

and torture me about 20 minutes


Oh yeah.

Oh and by the way, full


I'm the one that stabbed you.

- What?

- What?

What did you think that this

was some sort of plot twist?

Some conspiracy about how you

got stabbed?

Nope, you were out

and I was bored, so I stuck this

in you.

You're fucking sick.

Okay, let's just call it even.

And how is this even close to


Enough with all the questions,


I stabbed you, I fucking stabbed


and that's payback.

So you want to get out of here

or no?

So play nice and tell me about

your mom.

She was all right.

What do you mean, all right?

I don't know, she was a normal


I don't know what you

expect me to tell you.

The truth, that's it.

Unless you want to wait

for my parents to come back

'cause that's happening real




Bitch please, whatchu mean I'm

ashamed fo?


My mom.

That was the first thing

that came to my mind

when I thought of her.

Ashamed of me.

Now we're talking.

Whatchu mean?

My mom raised me alone.

She did her best, she really


I never got what you had.

In the projects working two jobs

just to keep the lights on

and me running the streets at

her back.

Know that rap song?

Just this one doesn't

have me drinking champaign

when I'm thirsty.

Nice B.I.G reference.

I don't know.

I know all this shit sounds like

a cliche

but that's the one thing about


they're often close to the


It took me a long time to


Took me a long time just to get


Like to understand where she

got that motivation from,

where she got all that energy

to do everything she did.

And it was all for me.

And still to this day,

I haven't even been able

to thank her for it.

All she ever wanted for

me was something better.

For me to be a better person.

Fast forward, now I aint shit.

And even if you were to

compare the two of us,

I'm even less.

So yeah.

Where is she now?

Not sure.

She could be gone, I don't know.

But if she could see me now,


That's what she'd feel for me

and that's already more than I


I wish I had a mom who cared

that much.

Are you serious right now?

Yeah, I'm fucking serious.

Do you see the way she talks to


And that's on a good day.

This is a good day?

I've seen worse.

Wow, whatever.

You're really gonna buy this

whole act

your mom's putting on?

It's not an act, it's true,

trust me.

It's bullshit.

Are you really gonna buy this


I hate my daughter act?

Yeah I buy it, 'cause it's

fucking true.

It's bullshit.

If you weren't so focused on


you'd see it too.

Enlighten me then.

I just think if parents

didn't care about their kids

they just wouldn't care.

And if your mom really did hate


she wouldn't be riding you

this hard all the time.

Some people just don't

know how to show it.

You think you had a fucked up


Did you ever think for once

maybe your mom had it worse

and maybe that's the reason

why she is who she is?

Like I said, some people

don't know how to show it

but it doesn't mean they don't

feel it.

And like that, I think you

two have that in common.

Just saying.

Who is it?

Good evening,

I just wanted to warn you

that you and your husband

are going to die tonight.

It's kinda tragic, but there's

nothing you can do about it.

We will kill you.

You have about 30 seconds

before the fun starts.

We thought we'd give you a heads


because we like to play fair.

- Grace?

- So grab a knife,

or a baseball bat

or whatever makeshift weapon you

can find

and just so you know,

there's also a very bad man

- waiting at the back door.

- Grace what's up?

- Who is it?

- Thomas listen.

Please, we need to run.

No, what's going on Grace?

She said she was gonna kill


What are you talking about?

They gave me a simple


Either kill my mom or

they'll kill us both.

I was 10 years old.

When they saw me hesitating,

they told me what happened to my


She killed your dad, she shot


That they weren't

the one that killed him.

That my mom...

Oh my god, don't do



I love you so much-

So you expect

me to believe this shit?

They shot your dad

and then you got adopted by

your real parent's killers?

You might be fucked, but

you'd be even more fucked

if that actually happened.

I guess it's too

early for you to realize

how actually fucked I am.

I mean, did you listen

to anything I just said.

If you really look at it, they

didn't actually kill anybody.

This time.

My real mom and I did all the


It's not that

fucking easy to kill people

and take their identities.

Like, what happened to the


Did these people not

have family or friends?

People leave paper trails.

Other people ask questions.

They knew what they were

fucking doing.

They chose people they thought

wouldn't be missed too much.

The real Thomas and the real


grew up in foster homes.

And after I shot my mom,

they burned the bodies

and here we are.

Anyways, I don't really give a


if you believe me or not.

A deal's a deal, right?

What are you doing?

Think I'm a liar?

They're probably on

their way back here now.

If I were you, I'd get your son

and I'd get the hell out of


Or even better, out of country.

Okay, can I have my wallet

back please?

I think it's under the chair.


What are you doing?

Can you undo these please?

You know there's a few

things you can't finesse

a teenager on.

You can fool us about a lot of


But there's a few things a

teenage girl

knows more about than almost


You know what those things are?

Fake ID's.

David Cook, Joey Montichollo,

Jocyln Gardnell.

Do you even know who this kid


Maybe trust a murderer

but never trust a thief.

What are you doing?


Please, please, please,

please, please, please, please.

I promise, please, please,


I'm so sorry, please, please.

Told you I

don't like fucking liars.

Please, please, please,

please, please.

You were so close, Mark.

So fucking close you

could probably taste it.

I'd feel bad for you

but I see a good side to this.

We can finally have some fun.


You really are a pussy.

So tell me, if the whole

son story was all bullshit

then why'd you break in here?


Speak up bitch.


To pay for drugs.

All right, we're done talking


Well, you're done talking now.

I'ma do whatever the fuck I damn


I have an idea.

I think you're gonna like it


Where are you going?

Where are you going?

Mark, did you just

choke on your own blood?

I'ma save this for later.


What? What was that?

I can't hear you, what?

Oh, you made me really mad,


Oh yeah, that's not even your

actual name.

It's okay, I'll

keep calling you that

if you don't mind.

It's funny.

I don't even know your real name

and yet

I still feel kinda close to you.

Funny how we use names

to describe things.

When really, those names have


to do with those things.

For example.

You obviously know this

is a hammer, right?

But the part of the hammer

that I used to hit you

is called the face of the


And I hit you in the face.

What? I still can't hear you


I wish I could, but I can't.

Anyways, what was I saying?

Oh yes, the face of the hammer.

So this is the face,

let's go a little deeper.

Do you know what this part is


Mark, you're not even trying to


I'm really disappointed in

your lack of participation.

It's called the cheek.

No one can hear you Mark.

Sound is really isolated

here, kinda freaky.

Look, I'll even scream with you,


Help, help! Somebody please


Hmm, yeah.

Nobody's coming Mark.

Now where was I?

Oh yeah, the cheek.

Oh shit, fun's over.

What the fuck happened in my


We gotta clean this shit up

and quick.

This is getting messy,

real fucking sloppy.

Thomas, we are not

killing him in my house.

We live here.

I thought we were done with all


and now it's starting all over


Thomas, untie him, we need to

get him

into the car right now.

- The sun is coming up.

- Okay.

Dragging a

bloody man from your house

into your car isn't the most

discrete thing in the world.

We need to get rid of him quick.

I'll put on my


Ashley, you're not coming.

You've enough for one night,

we'll talk in the morning.

Mom, please, you might need my


We're just gonna take him to

the lake,

do what we gotta do, nothing

we haven't done before.

We'll be fine.

Thomas, I'm gonna get the car


Mom, can I just talk

to you for second please?

I'm sorry I didn't tell

you that he was lying.

You should have called us.

We're in a rush, but listen.

It could've been a trap,

instead you do this

and now we're cleaning up your

mess again.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Look Ash, we have to do this


But if you want, we can talk

as soon as I come back, okay?

You better not have any stupid


going through your head.

When we get outside, you

so much as look at someone

the wrong way, I will slice your


oh for fucks sake.

What the fuck is it now? For

god's sake.

For fucks sake you ugly


get the fuck up, the fuck

is wrong with.


Stay here.

Merry Christmas you mother
