Hoosier Schoolboy (1937) - full transcript

A new schoolteacher arrives in the town of Ainsley, which is in the middle of a milk strike that has caused heated feelings among the local dairy farmers. One of the teacher's new students is a cynical boy who is prone to fighting. When she takes an interest in him, she learns that he lives with his father, a shell-shocked war veteran. Meanwhile, the son of the hard-line dairy owner is pursuing her, despite her resistance to his attentions.

[music playing]

Step on it, boys.

Let's get these out.

Line 'em up by the track so
we can load them on quick.

I'll show these farmers they
can't wreck my business.

You're right, John.

Who's willing to
sell at his price?

Why, I'd rather feed
my silos to the pigs.

But he can't keep it up long.

We'll stop him.

Why, look at the price of grain.

It's unreasonable.

There's the 10:15 now.

[train whistle]

She's coming in.

That's bootleg milk
you're shipping, John.

It's milk.

Good milk.

As long as you farmers
hold me up on the price,

I'll buy it elsewhere.

I'll ship it in, and
I'll ship it out.

Now, clear away
from the platform.

Come on, get out of here.

Stand back.

All right, boys let's
get these aboard.

Let's hurry.

Let's stop it


Come on!

Let's stop that.


Noble Hotel?

How is it?

Well, it's a bed.

All right, that's it.

Just a minute, lady.

Where are you going?

What do you want?

I want to know
where you're going.

To the Noble Hotel.

What's your
business in Ainslie?

I'm a school teacher.

School teacher?

Don't you know there's milk
strike going on this town?

I didn't know,
but I can see that.

Who are you going to teach,
the farmers or the kids?

Who needs it more?

I'm asking the questions.

You don't look anything
like a school teacher to me.

You better get
back on that train.

What do you mean?

I mean I got reason to believe
that you're an agitator.

And we don't want that
kind of talk in this town.


Here, read this.

It's an offer from your
board of education.

I'm to start teaching
Monday morning--

the children, not the farmers.

And I don't know anything
about your strike.

Well, I-- I'm sorry.

You know, an
officer can't be too

suspicious of strange faces.

I understand.

Yours is a strange face too.

[train departing]

It ain't fair, Mr. Matthews.

Let's get together and see if
we can't figure out something.

You told me what
you were going to do.

I know what I'm doing.

You'll be staying in 214.

Room suit you all right?

It's perfect.

Dancing stops in the
Gold Room at 12 o'clock.

The band goes home then.

What's so funny?

I don't know.

I guess it's that I expected
the sound of the bandstand

in the middle, while they take
in the sidewalks at 8 o'clock.

Not this town.

What's the matter?

Don't you like your town?

My town?

I was only born here.

Oh, I've heard a lot of
nice things about Ainslie.

You probably heard them
from the chamber of commerce.

And you wouldn't like it
here if you lived here.

Well, good night.

What's your name?


You go to school, Shockey?

I try and get out of it.

You work here after school?

Only on Saturday nights.

It's a good night for tips.


Thank you.

Good night.

Good night.

It can't be, because I'm tired.

I've got to get up in
the morning, you know?

-Here you are, Violet.

I'll put it on, thanks.

Hey, we gotta go.

Yes, it's been a lovely party.

Now, get your rest, children.

All right, come on, Billy.

Arguing this way when
they're told to do a thing.

I'm surprised that the children
who come to these dances

aren't chaperoned.

Why, when I was their age,
I never had a chaperone.

I don't believe in it.

Well, I'm bringing
Roger up properly.

When I was 15, I u--

Don't try and
remember that far back.

Hmm, well.

What are you all
dressed up for?

The dance is all over.


Don't fight, Roger,
not in your new suit.

Ah, he ain't worth
a fight nohow,

Besides, he might have germs.


Mama says there ought
to be two schools

in town-- one for our
set and on for his kind.

Here, buy your old
man another quart.


I beg your pardon.

Aren't you in the wrong room?

Same again, waiter.

This one's on me.

Listen to me, please.

Will you get on your feet
and get out of this room?

I'll go home.

Another round for
the boys, Tony.

This isn't Tony.

That's familiar.

I ought to know you.

If it isn't Sweetie Pie.

Don't you Sweetie Pie me.

What are you doing?

I'm calling the office.

Hello, answer, somebody, please.

Send a man up here to take
the woman out of my room.

Hello, would you
send somebody up here?

There's a man in my room,
and he won't get out.

And I never saw him
before in my life.

Thank you.


What'd you do?

I sent for someone to come
up and get you out of here.

Too bad.

You shouldn't have done that.

I know that weasel.

He'll ruin your reputation.

I haven't been here
long enough to get one.


No reputation?

I know this town.

At sunrise, the natives
will ride you out on a rail.

And I'll don't want that to
happen to you, little girl.

Wouldn't it be simpler
for you to get out,

and then everybody
would be happy?

You got something there.

Why didn't you say so sooner?


It's too late now.

There's your rescue squad.


What seems to be the
trouble, Miss Evans?

I found that man in my bed.

Why, Mr. Matthews,
what are you doing here?

I told you over the
phone to take room 218.

What number is this?

Why, this is 214.

How could you make
such a mistake?

Well, you came back--

No excuses, now,
I'll show you the way.

I assure you, Miss Evans,
this is out of the ordinary.

But it's Saturday
night, you know.

I understand.

That's John J. Matthews, Jr.
His father owns the dairy.

His father should hang
a bell around his neck

to keep him from getting lost.

[bell ringing]

Think you were pretty
smart Saturday night, eh?

Oh, what are you talking about?

You know what
I'm talking about,

smart guy-- tyring
to pick a fight

with me when I was on a job,
knowing I can't fight back.

Don't fight in your
new suit, Roger.

Here, buy your old
man another quart.

Ah, we were just
having a laugh.

I didn't know you were so
touchy about your old man.

Everybody knows that--

Yeah, well you're
not in your new suit,

and I ain't in my uniform now.

I don't want to fight, Shockey.

I know you don't.

Think it over.

[bell ringing]

Good morning, children.

ALL: Good morning, teacher.

I'm Miss Evans.

I know you're all sorry
to lose Miss Menardi

in the middle of the term.

But if we make an effort
to know each other,

I'm sure we'll all
get along very well.

And now, if you'll
take your history books

and turn to page 72, please.

Just a minute, please.

Well, Shockey, what's
your full name?

Shockey Carter.

Not your nickname, please.

Your name?

Shockey, and I like it.


That will do.

The second bell's run, you know.

Yes, ma'am.

Take your seat.

Yes, ma'am.

So we will being
our study together

where Miss Menardi left
off-- with the 13 colonies.

I understand you have traced
their settlement and progress

through the colonial system.

Now we are concerned with
the birth of a new nation--

the United States.

Uh, just a minute, please.


Roger Camelton.

I hope you don't make a habit
of arriving at this hour.

Well, no, ma'am.

Very well, take your seat.


Those 13 little colonies were
the hot-tempered children

of a great empire.

They were young and in
some ways irrational.

But they were people
with adventures

from all walks of life who
had journeyed to this country

seeking freedom.

My dad'll get you fired at
the Noble Hotel for this.

He sure will.

mother country often

dispatched her troublesome
subjects to this wilderness.

Preferring that they
battle the elements here--

If you don't shut up,
I'm going paste you again.

Well, you'll see.

You'll see.

Is there whispering
going on back there?

I can't talk above
that, you know?

Let's see.

What were we talking about?

There ought to be two schools--
you'll end up with the scum

on the east end of town.

MISS EVANS: And his own land.

Sure, you jelly bean.

You're safe in here, ain't ya?

Are you boys
doing that talking?

Face straight in
your seat, Shockey,

and keep your eyes on me.

I don't tolerate
unnecessary interruptions.

Now, about these 13
colonies-- their loyalties

in the beginning were
stronger to the mother country

than to each other.

But hardships and
oppressions, however,

soon welded them together.

Their common grievances
made them a unit.

My dad knows what
you come from.

Trash-- that's
what he calls you.

He says your old man's
nothing but a common drunk.

Why, you--


[girl screaming]

Boys, stop that fighting!

Students, return to your seats.



This is a classroom.

What is the cause of this?

He started.

He hit me first.

I'm surprised at both of you.

You might have had
some consideration

for me on my first day
here, if not for yourselves.

Come with me.

Elvira, take the class, please,
and read them chapter 12.

Yes, Miss.

What is your
problem, Miss Evans?

These boys were fighting
in class, Miss Hodges.

So this is serious.

I thought it serious enough
to bring to you attention.

Such behavior doesn't
fit you, Roger.

No, Miss Hodges.

What have you two to say
for yourselves, if anything?

I don't know why he struck me.

I was listening to Miss
Evans, and he hit me.

I did defend myself.

were you taking

advantage of the leniency
of the new teacher?

Look at me, Shockey.

I'm speaking to you.

Have you nothing to say?


Nothing what?

Nothing, Miss Hodges.

It is no doubt as clear to
you, Miss Evans, as to me

which of these boys
is a troublemaker.

Quite the contrary,
Miss Hodges.

Shockey's too silent.

He puzzles me.

Stubbornness is not a virtue.

I didn't mean to
imply that it is.

He must have had some
reason for striking Roger.

I'm quite capable of giving
you reason, Miss Evans.

I should've warned
you about this boy.

He's bad.

That does not apply to Roger.

We never have trouble with
a boy who comes from such

a fine family as Roger.

How is your father?

Very well, thank
you, Miss Hodges.

I asked after him.

I will, Miss Hodges.

You'll meet Roger's father.

He's a charming and
cultured gentleman.

He's on our school board.

Oh, I understand.

My advice to you, Roger, is
this-- a wise man carefully

selects his companions.

Remember that.

I will, Miss Hodges.

You may return to your class.

Not you.

I'm forced to
suspend you, Shockey,

until the next board meeting.

Your conduct offers no
alternative, does it?

The members will pass on
your case to reinstate you

or expel you as they see fit.

Is that all?

I should say so.

But Miss Hodges, are
you being quite fair?

I believe so.

You brought him to
me to be reprimanded.

No, to be corrected,
not condemned.

Have you any suggestions?

Well, something
less humiliating.

Let's talk this over with
Shockey's father first.

He's not on the school
board, I presume,

but surely he can
best correct his son.

What do you say
to that, Shockey?

I know Shockey's father.

And I'm not blaming
the boy for him.

But so long as he chooses
to behave like him,

let him pay the fiddler.

That will be all.

Come, Shockey.

Well, he got on my job.

That 500 gallons of milk
from Oakwood has to be tested.

I tested it an hour ago.

Well, how about the reports
for the inspectors office?

They're finished.

I'm going to mail
them up in town.

Where were you Saturday
night and Sunday?

Some of the boys were in town.

I stayed at the hotel.

Oh, Dad, I think it might
be a good idea if one of us

would inform the
school board that we'll

settle the strike soon.

You're in bad enough
with the farmers

without antagonizing
the town too.

Now you're beginning to think.

Take care of it, will you son?

I sure will.

Shockey, you know you
don't want to be expelled.

I don't care what
they do to me.

Maybe I ain't no account, but
I'm glad I smacked him anyway.

You are no good?

Miss Hodges did.

That's because you won't
let her be interested in you.

Shockey, I'm not only a teacher.

I'm your friend.

That's really my job.

Oh yeah?

Really, it is.

Why do you think
people dislike you?

Few people even care
enough about you for that.

It's all right.

I'll get by.

Oh, I'm sure you will.

I'd like to have you do
better than just get by.

Well, you took me in
to her, didn't you?

That was before I knew her.

Well, can I go now?


Shockey, what am I to
tell the school board?


Nothing at all.

I did think you were a fighter.

I am a fighter, but she's
the principal, ain't she?

Mm-hm You know, Shockey, I have
a hunch she's wrong about you.

I think you're a regular fellow.

I don't know.

Maybe Miss Hodges is right.

Maybe I ain't no good,
not worth bothering about.

Well, we'll talk this
over with you father.

Aw, it ain't going to do
no good to talk to the Cap.

You're just getting
yourself into trouble.

Well, I've given
you every chance.

You won't tell me anything.

There ain't nothing to tell.

Very well.

Oh, wait.

I'll tell you what
you want to know.

All right.

Well, Roger said something
Saturday night at the hotel.

So I popped him for
that this morning.

Then in class, he said
something worse than that,

so I whacked him again.

What did he say?

I don't remember exactly.

What was it about?

I can't tell you that.

Was it the truth?

Well, it all depends upon
how you look at a person.

What person?

Oh, just a friend.

Come on, Shockey.

I'll walk along with you.

Good night.

Good night.

Miss Evans, I believe.

Please pause to
witness my humility.

Let me try and
live down my past.

Really, I'm up to my
neck in apologies.

I accept your apology.

What about this evening?


Then deep in that
icy heart of yours

you don't really forgive me.

I do forgive you, Mr. Matthews.


Cross your heart?

Oh, that's decent.

That's regular of you.

Now will you let me
through here, please?

I will.

Just tell me where you live.

You checked out of
the hotel, I know.

I live in a very
respectable boarding house.

My landlady is an Indian.

She scalped her first
husband, and she's

equally clever with a musket and
can hit a bullseye at 20 paces.

I couldn't have
described her better.

I know the place.

I'll be by at 7:00.

Well, these are the
tracks, Miss Evans.

You better not go any further.

Beyond lies the sinful city
of the misunderstood, eh?

I don't know about that, but
people won't respect you none

if you're seen going over here.

My reputation isn't
that delicate, I hope.

Maybe not, but you
don't know Ainslie.

I'm beginning to.

I wish you wouldn't come.

I once shot a
mountain lion, Shockey.

You did?

Well, what's that got to
do with people talking?

Only this-- I'm not easily
frightened, so stop trying.

Well, if you're going
to be stubborn, come on.

I think you'd better
way outside till I see

if the capital will see you.


Cap, come on.
Come on.

Wake up.
Wake up.


FRED: Oh, Captain

Cap, my schoolteacher's here.

She wants to talk to you.

Come on.

Try to clean up a
little bit, will you?

Oh, oh yes, yes, yes.

I guess you can come in now.

It ain't often
the Captain'll see

anybody after the government
sends him his money.

He start to thinking then.

So we figure it's best just
to leave him to himself.

You told him who I am?

Yes, he knows who
you are, but I don't

think it will do you any good.

Why not?

I don't think you'll
understand the Captain.

Most people don't.

He's not just an
ordinary man, you know.

He's a hero.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Captain Fred Carter-- you
ain't never heard of him?

Have I?

Most everybody used
to want to meet him.


Four of the enemy captured
single-handed alone,

under fire.

Oh, yes, I remember reading
something about that.

Do you honest?

You'd be surprised how
many people have forgotten.

I can't understand that.

When a soldier does what he
did above and beyond the call

of duty, you'd think
they'd remember.

I'm sure they do, but memory's
a tricky thing, Shockey.

Yeah, I guess so.

You can't expect much of people.

But they ought to try
to understand him.

They can expect the
Captain to be like them.

No, I know they can't.

They-- they--they had a band
for him at the station too,

when he got back from the front.

And his picture
was in the paper.

And a guy offered
him 1,000 bucks

for this collection of helmets.

Who told you that, your mother?

No, the Captain.

He likes to talk about it.

But I guess she was there.

And that's a picture of him too.

And this is his--

Do you want to see me.

Yes, Captain.

This is-- this is her.

How do you do?

How do you do.

Sit down.

Here, Cap, I'll get your coat.

I don't want the--


--Captain to catch a cold.

He's been kind of sick.

All right, Cap.

She won't ask you
many questions, Cap.

Will you?

No, none at all.

I just wanted to meet
you, Captain Carter.

That's no novelty
to you, is it--

people clamoring to meet you.

Well, what's it about, the boy?

What's he done?


Well, nothing, really.

His only offense is
forgivable, I'm sure.

That's all right,
Miss Evans, you

can tell him I was fighting.


They were probably
fighting about you.


Well, what-- who-- what for?

It was nothing, Captain.

I just knocked the
Townsend kid one.

Shockey, what did the Townsend
boy say about your father?


Nothing at all.

What did all the in the
school say about your father?


I-- I think I understand.

Well, you-- you didn't-- you
didn't tell me about this.

I didn't want to
bother you, Cap.

You have a fine boy, Captain.

He's brave and strong and loyal.

But he's been fighting
a battle single-handed.

You-- you don't think
much of me, do you?

I don't know you.

But Shockey's Captain
Carter-- I like him.

Anyway, this place
needs a good cleaning.

Do you mind if I
take a whirl at it?

wouldn't clean it up,

because it would just
get messed again.

So then we can clean it again.


Oh dear, this is
really terrible.

Do you like it?

Come on, Cap.

We got to get cleaned up.

I never heard
anything like the way

she talked back to
Miss Hodges, just

like she didn't know her place.

That's the way with all
those upstart teachers

who get a degree at Columbia.

Give her time.

She'll get her
ears slapped down.

She did.

Miss Hodges told her she'd been
in Ainslie a few days herself.

Well, if there's any starch
left in her after that,

we'll iron it out.

She's got that good
looking young Matthew

boy chasing her already.

Hasn't she, Mrs. Dieter.

I think that was
him called her up.

That must be she.

Well, well, Miss Evans,
you're awful late then.

We were beginning to worry.

Have you met all these ladies?

I don't believe so.

Ladies, this is our
new boarder, Miss Evans.

She teaches too.

How do you do?

ALL: How do you do?

I'm Millicent Goodlaw,
French teacher.

Parlez-vous francais?

Me, oui.

Do look after her, Miss Taylor.

Oh, gladly.

We met today, quite by accident.

You're replacing Dot
Menardi, aren't you?

Poor Dot, having to leave
right in the middle of the term

like that.

Why poor Dot?

You know, the things
I've heard since she

disappeared so mysteriously.

Let me have your plate, dear.

I have a slice of my delicious
meatloaf on the stove for you.

Well, that's kind of you.

Oh, Miss Evans, a Mr. Matthew
rang up here to locate you.

That couldn't be young
John Matthews, could it?

Thank you, Mrs. Peter.

He was at the school today.

Whatever could he
be doing there?

He wants to enroll, I believe.

Could I have that
meatloaf, Mrs. Gita?

Why, of course, of course.

No matter what people may say
about Jack Matthews squandering

his dad's money and
whatnot, I still maintain

he's very good looking.

Yes, if money and good looks is
all a girl wants, he's a catch.

Of course I wouldn't
want to marry him.

I've had oodles of offers
from men with plenty.

That's no catch.

But I'm saving myself for
somebody with refinement.

I thought that brand died out.

Culture may be a
thing of the past.

But if so, well,
so many a flower

was born to blush unseen
and waste its sweetness

on the desert air.

Ain't it the truth.

I beg your pardon.

Poor, frustrated flower.

Oh, really, I--
excuse me, but I

don't know quite what you mean.

I'm sorry, but I
feel out of place

among such brilliant

[doorbell ringing]

Come on in.

Yes, thanks, I will.

Why, it's Mr. Matthews.

I seem to have
lost my appetite,

but I'm sure you can
carry on without me.

If it isn't the pretty
little Mary Evans girl

all grown up now.

Having dinner with me?

Of course, Jack.

I thought you'd
never get here, dear.


Uh, get my had and
coat, will you, darling?


Good night, Mrs. Dieter.

I didn't think
you'd go out with me.

You thought right.


Here's where we part, and
thanks for rescuing me.

What is this?

I wouldn't go out with you if
this were the Garden of Allah.

Good night.

Hey, hey!

I don't see why
you're taking me

in front of the school board.

I'll just gum up the works.

They don't like me.

You let me handle this.

We have a quorum present.

Should we begin?

Apparently, Mr.
Matthews isn't going

to be with us this afternoon.

No, poor old John has his
hands full with his strike.

That awful strike.

I guess it's a crime now
to have a little money.

You hear the farmers
tell it, you'd think

they were giving away milk.

I pay $0.10 a quart for milk
at your store, Mr. Townsend.

I know you do.

I can't buy it any
cheaper in Independence.

Well, I think the
whole thing's silly.

Such a fuss over a few pennies.


This meeting does
not concern milk.

It concerns a student,
Shockey Carter.

Now, don't you worry, Shockey.

When they see the change
in your appearance

and the fine little
gentleman that you are,

they won't expel you.

The faculty and I
have tried to correct

these faults in the boy.

Our latest reward has
been a classroom fight.

Yes, Roger told me.

I have suspended Shockey
until this meeting.

You of the school board
must come to some decision

regarding his future.

The burden is to
great for the faculty.

Have Miss Evans come in.

Miss Evans, will
you come in, please?

And Shockey?

That won't be necessary.

Wait for me.

Good morning, Miss Evans.

Good morning.

I had hoped that you would
meet our school board under more

agreeable conditions.

This is our new history teacher.

The board, Miss Evans.

ALL: How do you do?

Be seated.

I believe that we can
come to our decision.

A motion is in order.

I move that we
expel Shockey Carter

and send him to the state
school of correction.

But you can't solve this boy's
problems by expelling him.

You're out of
order, Miss Evans.

But you haven't tried
to understand Shockey.

Do you mean to imply
that we've been in error

in analyzing character?

I know you have.

Why, you've condemned
this boy, not judged him.

He struck my son and
called him a liar.

Those are the facts.

Are you Roger's father?

I am.

I don't know you very
well, Mr. Townsend.

Obviously, you're not a
shell-shocked war hero.

I'm a temperate man.

Regardless, Mr.
Townsend, I'm sure you

would uphold Roger if he
struck a boy who ridiculed you.

Did Mr. Carter's drinking have
anything to do with the boys

fighting in class?

There's a motion
before the board.

Isn't it your job to
help these children?

Shockey needs help,
not another kick.

There's no other recourse.

Well, kindness
and understanding

is what this boy needs.

Theory has its place, Miss
Evans, but not in this case.

Why not try it?

You're placing quite a
responsibility on our laps.

Perhaps you'd care to assume it.

Yes, I would.

Very well, then.

I move that we reinstate
Shockey Carter, conditionally,

of course, making
Miss Evans solely

responsible for
his future conduct.

I second that motion.

All in favor?

ALL: Aye.

The ayes have it.

Thank you.

Well, Shockey,
did they expel you?


Are they going to?

I guess it would suit you all
right if they did, wouldn't it?

What makes you think that?

Well, they're not going
to, so you don't need

to worry your head about it.

Miss Evans is in
there talking for me.

She likes you.

You trying to say
that I'm her pet?

Well, if you want
to put it that way.

I'm sorry I stopped
to talk to you.

I'm almost sorry I
ever met you, Shockey.

A gentleman would pick up
the books and apologize.



I bet if you hit a fella as
hard as you hit these books,

he wouldn't wake
up for a long time.

Think so?

I think you're the
strongest boy in the class.

Maybe you'd like me to take
a whack at some guy for you.

Oh no.

But if you were out with a
girl, I guess she'd feel safe.

It's all right, Shockey.

They're not going to expel you.

Isn't that fine, Elvira?


Gee, Elvira, do you think maybe
some night after school, if I--

if I-- well, I'll see you later.

Of course, at school tomorrow.

Yeah, at school.

Miss Evans!

Miss Evans.

Gee, it would have
been plenty tough,

except for you, Miss Evans.

Not necessarily, Shockey.

Well, I want to
thank you anyway.

Maybe I can do you
a favor sometime.

You can.

You can take me to the
basket social if you'd like.

Oh, you're kidding me now.

No, I'm not.

Would you like to go?

Well, sure, but I--

Then it's settled.

How's your father?

Oh, he's fine.

Give him my regards and tell
him I'll be by sometime tonight

to help with the cleaning.

Oh, you won't need to do that.

You can leave that up to me.

But is there anything else
you want to talk to me about?

I guess not, Shockey.

Well, I'll seeing you.

Good bye.

Good bye.

[band playing]

Why, Mr. Matthews,
I'm certainly

surprised to see you here.

You sure she's coming?


Miss Evans?

How'd you guess?


Oh, hello dear.

I'll take this.

You know Mr. Matthews.

Here, dear, put these
with the rest of them.

And put it on top.

Oh, Mr. Matthews.

[band playing]

Gee, I-- I never been
to a dance before.

It's swell of you
to get me in here.

I didn't get you in.

You belong here as
much as the others.

What are they going
to do with the lunches

after they auction them off?

Eat them, of course.

I ain't got no money.

Someone will share
a box with us.

That's part of thel plan.




Will everybody please
step forward, please?

I know we're all famished.

Now then, a lady's name is
in each of these lunches.

It will be the good fortune
of the gentleman who buys it

to share the contents with her.

The bidding is now open.

What do I hear?

MAN: $0.30




Sold to Mr. Matthews.

Oh, this is a heavy one.

This should bring a goodly sum.

Now, what do I hear?

MAN: $0.10.

Sold to the
gentleman for $1.00.

That fixes the price
of the lunches.

The rest of them will be $1.00.

Now, come on.

Don't be backwards.

MAN: All right.


Shall I be seated?

By all means.

Shockey, you know our guest.


Gosh, I'm hungry.

What do you got in the box?

Fried chicken.

With delightful company
how can you think of food?

Tell him I can.


For me?

Yes, you paid for it.

This is what I
call a swell time.


Ask Miss Evans is she happy.

Yeah, she's happy.

Tell him he bought my
lunch, not my company.

Here, wash that down
with some lemonade.

I bought the lunch to share
your delightful company.

Oh, wait.

Don't run out on me again.

Well, what shall we discuss?


Are you ever
serious, Mr. Matthews?

I'm serious now.

Then I'd like to ask
you something which

is perhaps none of my business.

Go ahead.

Why don't you persuade your
father to end this milk strike?

Will it please you?


Then I will.

Well, let's talk about us now.

More salami?

Hi Shockey.


Why didn't you buy my lunch?

What, for an dollar?

I can eat all week on a dollar.

I didn't sell it.

I kept it.

Do you want some?

What you got?

Three kinds of sandwiches.

Any of them peanut butter.


Here, I'll buy you a lemonade.

It doesn't cost anything.

I know it.

Hey, Shockey.

Gee, you look swell.

Doesn't he, Vera?


You think so?

Where'd you get
the clothes, selling

your old man's empty bottles?


Keep your temper.






You going to ask me
to dance after a while?


Don't you dance?

Not with girls.

I bet you can't dance.

[foot tapping]



Dance a little more.

Come on, boy, dance a little.

You know, Shockey is amazing.

I'm so sorry I didn't
cooperate with you, Miss Evans.

But as we grow older,
sometimes we get fixed ideas.

[tap dancing]

Oh, you're sweet.

How is his father?

You'd never recognize him.

I'm so glad.

You win them all, don't you?

[tap dancing]


There's my boy.

That's Shockey.

Yeah, he's a fine boy.

And I want to see
him have a good time.

He's a fine boy, a good boy.

You ask Miss Evans.

She'll tell you.

[lady screams]

Get out of here, Carter.

Oh, now, Mr. Townsend, you
and I have done [inaudible]

Take you hands off.

Get out of here.

Hey, you can't hit my dad.

Cut it out.
Cut it out.


No, no, no, no, no,
no, you punched Roger.

Mr. Townsend punched me.

So everything is
going to be all right.

Come on.

Let's get out of here.

I'm going to pay
you for those cups.

Don't forget about it.

Go on with your dancing.

He's OK now.

Aren't you, Mr. Carter?

[SLURRING] Oh, no,
I'm-- I'm through.

I'm shot.

Oh, no, Cap.

You'll feel better as soon
as you get some sleep.

All right, son.

I'm always getting
you into trouble, son.

I don't know what happens.

I should have stayed home
with you tonight, Cap.

I don't want to disgrace you.

You're all I've got.

But sometimes I-- I can't
stand it here alone.

I see things.

Sure, old man.

They never stop.

Did you hear that?

They're at it again.

Been going like that for days.

That's the machine gun nest.

Steady, Carter.


Cap, you got to stop
thinking about it.

Oh yes, yes, yes,
I'm sorry I was--

but they were all mowed down,
you know-- Pete, Jim, Red.

All except me.

I know.

It's all over now, Cap.

It'll be all right.

Yes, yes, you go along.

You go along now.

He gets that way
once in awhile.

I try to watch him, but, gee, I
can't be with him all the time.

What your father needs,
young feller, is a job.

Yeah, but who'd give him one?

I will.

Or at least I'll see
that my father does.

Do you mean it?

I sure do.

Have him report at the dairy
to go to work in the morning.

Golly, thanks, Mr. Matthews.

You're welcome.

Good night.

Good night, soldier.

Good night, Shockey.

Hey, Cap!

Come on.
Wake up.

Wake up.

Listen, I've got some
good news for you.

[SLURRING] Are you
all right, Shockey?

Guess what.

No idea what.

You're going to work.

Ooh, we've got to do
something about that.

No, no, listen to me.

You got a job.

Hm [LAUGHING] A job.

Who'd give me a job?

Well, Mr. Matthews's dairy.

You've got to be
there in the morning.

Hey, you-- are you
serious about this?

Now look, Cap, have
I ever lied to you?

Oh no, no, I guess
you never did, son.

Hey, that would be something,
wouldn't it-- a job.

And you're smart too.

You'd be good at it.

How about I have
a little drink?

Oh, Cap.

Can't I have a little water?


Here comes one.

[truck approaching]

Come on.

Get out of that truck!

We mean business.

Come on.

[car stopping]

[speeding off]

Not more.


Hey, what is this?

You better keep
out of this, Jack.

Get off this truck, you men.

This isn't your milk.

Suppose you get
off of the truck.

Wait a minute.

Why don't you fellas
use your heads?

My father may not be
right, but this is wrong.

Go to Dad and present
your demands decently.

MAN: Oh, we've tried talking.

John won't listen.

Surely he'll listen.

When will you see him?

Tell him to come to our next
meeting at Crowder's barn.

I'll have him there.

All right, men.

That's the spirit, Pops.

Eldon, I've got a
strike on my hands.

But it's going to be
a golden opportunity.


I'm going to cut
the price of milk

again and force the
farmers to a settlement.


Starve 'em out again, huh?

They can't feed their cows
now and hold their farm.

What is it you want, son?

There's a mass meeting
in Crowder's barn.

The farmers want you there.

They're not dictating to me.

They're willing to
talk over this strike--

settle it if they can.

That's up to the farmers.

I can truck milk in here and
make deliveries without them.

Crowder Ebens and his men
have been loyal to you.

You can't refuse to listen.

I'm doing it.

But Dad, these men
are your friends.

You counted on them to
buildup this business.

Yes, but they failed me.

You'll fail them.

You'll do anything to
keep your profit up--

wrecked the farmers,
cut off the milk supply,

even starve their kids.

That's about enough.

Every young upstart
in this county's

trying to tell me how
to run my business,

but I'm running it my way.

You can't lick this
strike your way.

But it can lick you.

Aren't you going
to that meeting?


Then I am.


Where's Matthews?

The man who said he's
going to be here.

Well, I'm telling you,
neighbors, that we

can't tolerate this injustice.

Something must be done.

Last year it was the
flood and lean harvests.

The year before, it was
the drought and no crops.

Now it's the price
they pay for milk.

Yes, we're having our troubles.

Having them, neighbor,
won't stop them.

Personally, I don't
relish a fight.

But Matthews leaves
us no other choice.

Why, do you know that
he's been trucking

milk from Crayhead County?

Now, we've got to
stop those trucks.

By golly, they're
going to starve us out.

I'm for stopping them.

You and me both.

And we'll show them
that a farmer can fight.

Neighbor, we can't go on
sitting around forever.

That's been our trouble.

We've been too easygoing.

It's high time that we took
this matter in our own hands.

Am I right.


Now, what we want is action.

Are we going to barricade every
road and stop every truck.

Are you with me?


May I say a few words.

Where's your dad.

I thought you said he
was going to be here.

Well, I'll lose that bet.

You represent Mr. Matthews?

No, I'm here on my own today.

I still think we can settle this
strike without any violence.

I know what you
fellas have at stake--

your land, your home,
the right to a living.

The dairy has failed you.

How do we know you mean that?

Yes, Matthews is
your father, ain't he?

Forget that.

Your burdens are heavy enough.

Don't that add and
destruction to them.

We ain't got no choice.

Oh, what's left.

Talking ain't going
to get us no place.

You must see my father.

I'll go with you.

We ain't going to take no more.

If we fail, if he
won't settle, there

will be no more bargaining.

We'll barricade every road in
this county, and I'll help you.


I'll go with you, Riley.

That's far enough.

What do you want?

Dad, we want to settle this
strike peaceably if we can.

What's your proposition.

We helped you organize
this dairy, John.

And I spent a lifetime getting
this business on its feet.

Every dime I've got's in it.

But Dad, you can't run
this dairy indefinitely

without these farmers.

Have I ever refused
to buy your milk.

We can't sell you milk
for less than it costs us.

I've got to run my
business on a profit.

I've reduced the
overhead to a minimum.

Why don't you farmers try it?

You're paying plenty for
that milk you're trucking

in from Crayhead County.

MR. MATTHEWS: What of it?

Pay our farmers that price,
and we'll call off this strike.

Oh now.

I'm losing money now
to fight you men,

the same as you are to lick me.

You'll come to my terms.

Is that final, Dad?

You know it is.

All right, you're
asking for it.

We'll give you a strike
that is a strike.

We'll break you.

MR. MATTHEWS: You can try it.

And when we're
through, we'll organize

a real cooperative
dairy-- one of our own.

Provided there's enough
business brains among them.

Don't send any more
trucks thought, Dad.

We'll stop them.

You can try that too.

Come on.

Riley, when will that
new milk be ready to go?

At 7:30.

I think these farmers
mean business.

How many trucks are going out.

Three will handle the shipment.

See that they're filled.

We'll send them out together.

Hey, Matthews is a fighter.

I like fighters.

So do I if they
don't lose their head.

You'll have to come back
tonight and help load.

I'd be glad to.



Hey, Cap?


I know what you were thinking.

I was not.


I fooled you, didn't I?

[laughing] How do you like it?

Gosh, it's swell, Cap.

Coat and pants
just match, thanks.

How's it strike you?

Yes, first rate.

Something's sticking me.

Why don't you take the tag off?

Well, get your coat and hat on.

Miss Evan's going to treat
us to a picture show tonight.

Oh, I-- I can't go.

I'm working tonight.

That won't be any
fun without you.

Why did I put on
my new suit for?

There's a chance to
make some extra dough.

Don't you worry.You and I are
going to have a lot of fun

from now on.

Gosh, Cap, I like it like this.

So do I, son.

Well, don't work too hard.

Here, here, wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

She's taking me.

Well, you can buy
some ice cream.


Oh, and explain to her.


Well, so long.

So long, boy.


That'll do it, fellas.

That'll stop them.

Sure heavy enough.

Hey, come on.

Get a move on.

What are you standing
around here for?

Riley, where are
you sending my truck?

To Chicago.

Only you'll make the
station at Wilkens.

If I can.

Oh, you can.

Hey, this is milk, not butter.

Oh, I'm sorry, sir.

And watch the stacking
of them cans too.

Yes, sir.

Hello, Captain.

Hey, what are you doing here?

How about the picture show?

Miss Evans said we could be
her guest some other night.

Oh, that's fine.

Hey you, you shouldn't
wear that around here.

You'll get it all dirty.

[truck approaching]

Hey, Larson, what the idea.

You're on your way to
Evanston with that load.

I'm not going through till
the highways are clear.

Oh, afraid to go through
the picket line, huh?

Yeah, if you want
to put it that way.


Mike, you go on out Highway 36.

They won't bother
you none there.

Come on.
Get going.

Yeah, but I don't want
any trouble, either.

Oh, so the daisy
bed is splitting, eh?

Well, one of these
trucks is going through.

Why don't you ice the milk?

It'll keep overnight.

Are all of you guys yellow?

Isn't one of you got
nerve enough to fight?

Your trucks are big enough,
and they're fast enough.

If you're a driver, you'll
put them through that line.

Yeah, and over the top.

Mr. Riley, I've
been over the top.

The Captain's not
afraid of anything.

Did you ever drive a truck?

Oh yes, in the war, I did.

Sure, he's a good driver to.

I'll take it over the line.

All right.

Take Larson's truck.

Yes, sir.

I'll get my coat.

This is a cinch
for the Captain.

Yeah, it's a cinch for anybody
that's got a little nerve.

Don't send any
trucks out, Riley.

Well, I'm sorry, Jack.

Your father's still the boss.

And you're not
working here anymore.

Mr. Matthews, the Captain
was just made a driver.

That'll mean to raise for
him, if you don't make a fuss.

Are you sending Carter
out on one of those trucks?

And why not?

We've sent trucks through that
farmer picket line before.

You can't send
trucks out tonight.

You can run the farmer's
fight, but you can't run mine.

Riley's got Carter on a truck.

You can't do that.

Riley handles the
hiring of the drivers.

It's all right, Mr. Matthews.

The Captain can--

Do you want to see
your father killed?

That shell-shocked veteran
won't stop at the barricade.

Oh, all right, I'll phone
Riley and have him stop him.

[truck approaching]

Hey, Cap!

Get in your car
and overtake him.

[truck engine]

Wait, Captain, don't go!

Come back!


[engine starting]

Hey, come back!

Come back!

[engine approaching]

[brakes squealing]


Hey, come back!

Come back!

Come back!

Don't go, Captain!

Here comes a truck now.

He's coming pretty fast, too.


Look out, fellas!

He's dead, Mr. Matthews.



No, Shockey, no.

Let me go.

No, Shockey.

Cap! [sobbing]

Hello, Shockey.







Oh, just leaving.

Shockey, I've got a great
big room over to my house--

just the kind of
room you'd like.

There's a big bookcase
with glass doors

where you could keep all
of your dad's things.

Shockey, I want you to
come and live with me.

No thanks, Mr. Matthews.

I guess this town will
be glad to get rid of me.

Glad to get rid of
the Captain too.

Not now, Shockey.

The town's proud of your father.

You see, he settled
the milk strike.

You mean he did die a hero?

Come on, son.

We'll-- we'll get
these things later.

[music playing]