Hoodlum Empire (1952) - full transcript

A former gangster who joined the army during World War II and became a hero is now leading a respectable life, out of the rackets. However, when he is called before a grand jury probing organized crime activities, his former colleagues in the mob are afraid he'll spill the beans, and prepare to take measures to ensure that he doesn't.


Good evening, Commissioner.

Oh, Commissioner.
- Senators. Gentlemen.

This is Inspector Willard
of our department.

Senator Stephens.
- Inspector.

Senator Blake. - How are you?
Senator Tower. - How do you do.

The police department have been
helpful to us, Inspector. - Senator?

This is Ralph Foster,
chief counsellor of this committee.

How do you do, genteman?
- How do you do.

Here's the witness list, Senator.

There are 23 main
witnesses on this list.

We've been able to serve
subpoenas on 19 of them.

One of those served is Joe Gray.

There's nothing much on
Gray, except in the back files.

We've got a lot
on him, inspector.

But I'm sorry to say that we have not
been able to serve Nicholas Mancani.

He's still out of the country.

And he won't come
back for a long time.

You pay, Frankie. Add 50 for
gettin' up in the middle of the night.

Ok, Miss Williams.

They're in your office, sir.

Take that valise upstairs.

Hello, boys.

We've been doing a little night
work. - Oh, yeah? That's good.

How you feeling, Charley?
- He don't feel.

I'm worried about you
being here. - It's not safe.

Why not?
What's the matter?

Every cop in the country's
looking for you.

Nobody sees me. If you use a
bat on them, they still don't see me.

You don't see me now, either.
- Honey, I see you. Here.

Suppose I'm asked by the
senators to tell your whereabouts?

Tell them I'm still fishing. You've
got to use a little imagination too.

Imagination in court is called perjury!

Well, look...

what are we all
going to do, huh?

Join a Sunday school just
cos some people ask questions?

I think what...
- Counsellor, don't think.

You do what you get paid to do -
protect the interests of your client, Ok?

I was merely trying to do that.

Go upstairs and get us
some breakfast. I'm starving!

Oh, Floyd...
- Morning, Miss Williams.

Get the boss's breakfast.
Then go back to bed. You look awful.

Yes, Miss Williams.

Ah, you did a nice
job on these books.

You boys should get yourselves
a couple of hours of sleep.

You don't want to be sleepy
when you're talking to the senators.

Charley, you've been
getting a lot of bad publicity.

What's the matter? Why can't you
forget what a tough guy you are?

Now, when you get on the stand, I
want you to be nice to the senators.

Say you want to help them out.
You want to tell them everything, but...

you just don't remember.
You're sorry, your brains don't work.

They'll believe that,
if they believe anything.

Be smart, Charley - act dumb.

When the senators put
the finger on me, you lambed out.

Why did you come back now
with all the head on, Nicky?

You worried about Joe?


Why should I be
worried about Joe?

He wouldn't blow the whistle.

I'm not as sure
of that as you are.

Or maybe you're worried too?


I'm going to tell you why I'm here
and I want you to remember it.

I came back to make sure
that Joe won't be killed.

Unless, of course, it's...

absolutely necessary.

'Joe Gray has just come in.
Joe is Nicky Mancani's nephew.'

It is believed that he is still 2nd in
command of Mancani's organisation.

'This committee will now
come to order.'

Is Mr Nicholas Mancani present?

Nicholas Mancani.

Senator Stephens?
- Yes, what is it?

I am Benjamin Lawton,
attorney for Mr Mancani.

I want to tell the committee that we
have had no success in process for committee.

My office has not been
able to contact Mr Mancani.

Your office advised us last week, Mr
Lawton, that Mr Mancani was in Cuba.

He was in Cuba. We were
told that he was on a fishing trip.

There is no radio on
the boat he chartered.

Fishing? I sensed there might be
something fishy about his trip to Cuba.

Enter Mr Lawton's statement
on the record, please.

I'm sure that if my client knew
of your desire to have him appear,

he'd be anxious to comply
with the committee's request.

Will you call the
next name, please?

Charles Pignatelli.

Do you swear to
tell the truth,

the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God? I do.

Sit down, Mr Pignatelli.

For the record, let it be said that the
witness appeared with Attorney Ben Lawton.

Your name is Charley Pignatalli?
- Charles K Pignatelli.

Do you know Nicholas
Mancani? - Of course.

How long have you
known him? - All my life.

Do you know Joe Gray?
- Sure, I know Joe Gray.

How long have you known him?
- Since he was a kid.

Are you in business
with Nicholas Mancani?

I'm not in business with anyone.

I'm retired.

You have a large income, I believe.

I get along.

From what source do
your earnings come?

What kind of investments?

Different kinds.

Are any of these
investments legitimate?

I have advised my
client not to answer

because the inference is that

there may be activities of my
client that are not legitimate.

Weren't you and Mancani in the
booze business during prohibition?

We sold a little
whisky, yes. - A little?

You sold it by the boat load.
- I can't remember exactly how much..

The truth is, that you and Mancani
are still in iligaly businesses, don't you?

Businesses that are
dirty and rotten.

And you use the same
violent methods, correct?

I told you, Senator.
I'm a retired man.

Are Nicholas Mancani or
Joe Gray investors with you?

Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know.

Tell us what you know
about Joe Gray's activities.

I heard he had some partners
- local fellas in Central City,

some kids he met when
he was in the army.

'That's right.

We did get to know
each other in the army.

But they weren't
kids. They were men...

'real men.'

Flat out.
Keep it down. Medic! Medic!

Dawson got it. Keep those ropes down.

Keep flat, Ted. Don't give
them another crack at you.

It's Mike. Get down!

Sucker. Dead man over there? Yeah.

Take it easy, kid. We'll pick
you up once it quietens down.

They're warming up, I think.

I thought the artillery
would be up by now.

We don't need those slobs.
Keep your ears tucked in.

Is the sergeant calling turn?
Report and move on. Pleasure.

Be still.

It's all right. I'm a friend.

Is that you, Padre?
- Are you bad, Joe?

She knocked off that Kraut
that tried to finish the job.

Compre English?

Yes. You stay here. I'll get help.

I just want to say...

You mustn't.
- I just want to say thanks.

Your arm getting tired?

Any better, Joe?
That must be good blood.

Maybe one of your friends back in
the States gave it. - Not a chance!

My friends don't
give blood to anybody.

How's the pain now?

Ok, we'll fix that.

That oughta do it.

What are you doing here, Captain?

We got in from the road when
we saw you hit that farmhouse.

Thought they had
you guys stopped.

Nobody stops me and my mob,
captain. Never did, never will.

That machine gun made it look
pretty bad. - Machine gun?

I knew about machine guns a long
time before I saw this man's army.

You took quite a gamble.

Any kind of gamble you want, sucker.

Horses, sucker luck, blackjack,
dice. You name it, we do it.

Just locking you in, kiddo.

Ok, Copper.

Don't forget we've
got connections.

I'll break you if you
don't keep your nose out it.

You putting the collar on me?

Fine pal you are.

Don't talk now.

I owe Silk.

You're lousy, Copper.

Stop rousing me.

Do you hear? Stop rousing me...

He's asleep now. He was delirious.


Baretti and Dawson got hit.

Bad? Dawson is.

Dawson was from your hometown,
wasn't he? Most of them are.

Dawson's a member
of my church back there.

That's the tough part
of the national guard outfit -

you know your men,
maybe even their wives and kinfolk.

Sometimes, I hope I don't
have to go back and tell them

what happened to all
these men we've lost.

Sorry, Simon. That's
the wrong thing to say, I know.

Dawson and Baretti joined
the Guard when they were boys.

Wanted to spend their summer
vacations at the encampment.

To tell the truth, I joined when I
started in politics - to get votes.

Gray here didn't join.

Guess he couldn't fix
the draft board.

Sorry, Captain,
but I don't believe that.

When a New York racketeer comes
to you as a private first class

with a bunch of National Guard

you don't think that's the way
he wanted it, do you?

The lieutenant's a good solider.

Well, maybe that's because he was used
to this kind of fighting before he got in.

The captain will have to admit
that he's earned his rank.

The captain?!

Don't formalise it, Simon.

I admit he earned every promotion
he got, in spite of me.

I suppose he'd say,
he made his point the hard way.

I'm sorry, Simon.

All I meant to say was, politics and
war... they make strange bedfellows.

Padre, we're leaving, sir.

Run him nice and easy, Tracey!

Mouchoir, s'il vous plait,
mon oncle? Oui.


Hi, Marte. Hi.

Bonjour, Monsieur Dufor. Hi.

Pour vous...

Merci. Merci.

Ok, Uncle.

You're a little early today. You usually
get here about 4 o'clock. We left sooner.

Vous prenez les fruits?

Merci. Merci.

Ok, keep.

The lieutenant's waiting for you
at the hut, Marte.

Voulez vous?
- Oh, thanks.

All right. Let's not rob her.
She's brought this stuff for the lieutenant.

How's the outfit?
Ready to move?

Well, the replacements have started
coming in. - And as green as we were.

For a bunch of green
men, you did all right.

Every one of you. - Your
Sunday visitors are here, sir.

An old friend of yours, Padre.

It's Marte. Marte!

I'm so glad you could be here today.

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come. Thy will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us our debts
as we forgive our debtors.

Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory forever.


# God of our fathers

# Whose almighty hand

# Leads forth in beauty

# All the starry band

# Of shining worlds

# In splendour through the skies

# Our grateful songs

# Before thy throne arise.

Home, boys. Hey, Padre, now you can tell
the folks back home what heroes we are.

How Company F is winning the war.

I can tell them that, all right.

If you run into Amy, you can tell
her... You know what to tell her.

Say, you'll be back there in time to
christen the baby. Amy'll like that.

I like it too, Ted. But just a
temporary baptising.

Just long enough for us to get back
and give the kid a real christening.

With music and food...

Mama mia will cook the food.

And can she cook! That ravioli,
that spaghetti...

Don't wake me up, boys. I'm living.

The baptising will be a good one, eh?
Yeah, they're really dreaming it up.

You're going to be there too, no?

I don't think so.

You'll be godfather. No. You've got
to be George to be godfather.

Only if your name George?


George is a way gamblers have
of saying someone's Ok.

You know, all right guy.


George means good to gamblers.

George for good.

I'll remember that.

Then YOU must be George?

No. Not like they are.

Not like you are.

You see, they all came from
the same state...


Most of them have been friends since
they were kids. Small town kids.

Village kids.

Peasants? No.
That means farmers.

They just came from
the same small city.

Provincials? Yeah, that's right. But, er,
don't let them hear you calling them that.

Oh, no. I won't.

When I was first sent
to this outfit I thought,

"What a bunch of apple
knockers to fight a war with."

Oh, apple knockers means
hicks, farmers, you know?


But they have something that big
city people just don't seem to have.

You've heard about men who would be
willing to die for each other.

They would.

A lot in this outfit have.

Look at the chaplain.

You boys know you don't need me.

God will look after you
if you just remember him.

He talks about God as if...

well, as if God grew up
with the gang.

Maybe he did.
Maybe they grew up with him.

I've missed a lot of things.

But I didn't know how much I'd
missed until I met these boys.

And you.

Me too?

You rich American have so much.

I'm sure there's nothing I...

You live in a big city.

I am...

apple knocker. Peasant.

You just miss your home
in New York City.

In New York City, Americans are...
are rich.

They have everything.

Americans that live
in the little towns

have a little business, little
house, a small car... have more.

They're not rich Americans.

If one owns all that, then he
must be a very rich American, no?

Would you like to live like that?

Oh, I think so!

I don't know.


Joe, I have to get
back to base hospital.

I think they're going to
ship me home in a few days.

Well, good luck, Padre. Thanks, Joe.

Maybe we'll meet in the States
sometime. There's a good chance.

Goodbye, Marte. Goodbye.

I guess we'll never see each other

Would you like to take
8-500, Padre? - I'll pray for it.

So long.

'I hear that Joe Gray and his partners
run a gas station and garage. '

We're interested in businesses
other than that gas station?

How can I talk about
what someone else does?

I'm sorry. That would be
repeating a rumour.

Oh, what a ham! - No.
He's doing pretty good.

Was Joe Gray ever
a partner of Mr Mancani?

The $64 dollar question.

I don't know.

Oh, he should've ducked that one.

What? Are you a lawyer now,
or something?

We're on TV, so everyone's a lawyer.
I know perjury when I hear it.

When did you last talk to Joe Gray?
- When he got back from the war.

'What did you talk about on
that occasion? - I don't know.

'Hard to remember -
It was a long time ago. '

'That part is true.
It was a long time ago.

'A long time ago... '

How does it feel to be
back in the old home town?

New York is your home town, isn't it?

It was. Will be again, I guess.

I was through with New York.
Yeah, but that was back there.

Now you're back here. It makes a difference.
You did apply to disembark here, didn't you?

A few things I have to get
cleaned up. Personal business.

You run home and don't waste any time getting
yourself elected. Good luck, sir. Thanks.

So long, Mark. Be good, Joe.

Hey, Joe!

So long, Pete! So long, Joe.
We'll be seeing you soon, huh?

Very soon. I only have to spend a
couple of days here. Well, so long.

Hey, Captain, where you going?

I thought you was coming home with us. Ain't
you and Marte getting married in Padre's church

and settle down? Ain't we going
into business like we talked?

Don't worry, Louis. Everything
will go according to plan.

Boy, you had me
scared for a minute.

So long, Captain. It
wasn't a bad war, was it?

Just ended too soon.
- Ended too soon?!

Oh, my aching back!

Captain Gray!


Oh, Joe...

Are you all right?
- Yeah. I'm Ok, Connie.


I don't know what to say.

Imagine me speechless!
- Oh, you look great, Connie.

Are you happy, honey?

Oh, I was so proud of you standing
there, talking to those other officers.

I said to myself, "Get that Joe -
best looking guy in the crowd."

You tired, baby?

Oh, no, Connie. I'm just trying to get
used to being back home. - I know.

You've changed a lot though, Joe.
Your face is thinner and...

you seem quiet...

Connie... - Have
I changed much?

No. You haven't changed a bit.

And we're going to
make up for lost time.

You're going to forget
there ever was a war.

You're only going
to know there's me.

Oh, we're going to start just
where we left off, Joe baby!

We're really going to live it up.

You're home.

Kid... Kid, am I glad to see you!

That's my boy - that's Joe!

Look at him. He
looks good, huh?

Well, he just had an ocean voyage.
- Nicky, it's great to see you.

Huh, wait a minute...

Look at all the stars.

How come you let those square
heads blow you? - I forgot to duck.

Tell all your old pals.

They dropped by to
have a drink with you.

They're still the
same. - Here he is!

Hello, Joe. - It's
good to see you, Joe!

Joey, do you remember
Judge Lawton? - Yes, I do.

He's quit the Bench now and
heads our legal department.

Nice to see you. Very happy to be
here on such an auspicious occasion!

This is Louis Draper.
- Louis.

Quite a welcome you got! - It sure
is! - Louis heads our tax department.

Boy, you look Ok!
- Hey, I like your ribbons!

He didn't get those ribbons
in a dance bar, I tell you that!

C'mon, kid, everybody knows you

Here he is, gentlemen.
Hey, Judge! ...Eddie... Frankie.

Here's our boy. You all know him.
Don't he look great?

What is this - a meet?!

A conference, Joe, and these gentlemen
are all my associates, colleagues.

And everything that
runs these days, we run.

Look, when you left town, I was
nothing but a bum with a million bucks.

But what's a million bucks now?
It's just peanuts. - Some peanuts!

What we don't own
outright, we control outright.

We got New York locked tight.

And Jersey, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington...

What do you mean, you got?

We GOT, that's what I mean.

We got the parts of Florida
that count, Chicago, Cleveland...

Now, Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada,
all the protected areas of the West Coast.

Down here, New Orleans is ours
as are parts of Texas and Arizona.

You get it? I'm beginning to.
In all those parts,

slot machines,
gambling establishments,

big city horse books and
wire services we own and run.

How much did our horse book
business do last year? Tell him.

With straight playing and
lay-offs, a little over 100 million.

100 million. There
isn't that much money!

Eddie, what was YOUR gross?
- About 80 million.

Eddie handles the slots
all over the country.

It must all be
everything wide open.

Well, if it ain't,
we open it! Tell him.

We have friends,
we have enemies.

A lot of cops and officials
that don't care about a buck.

But we work it
all very high class.

We keep lobbies in some state
capitals and one in Washington.

The lobbies people take
care of our interests.

They see that Honest John
politicians don't throw a curve.

We have publicity guys

who build up our charity work,
or keep our names out of it.

And the campaign funds... - We
give it to any candidate who'll take it.

Some say no,
but some say yes.

We're in everything
that people want.

And we're all working
together like that!

Which finger is
the Chicago Mob?!

Don't say "finger" when
you talk about me! - Why not?

Cut it out, Joe. ...Sit down, Charley!
He's got a right to ask questions.

I called a meeting three
years ago down at Hot Springs.

Me, Charley, Larry
and the others.

Anybody come out alive?! - You
bet. I made 'em two propositions.

"What you want, I told him?

To play cops and robbers or
you want to go into business?

There's a war on!" I told 'em.

All the suckers got dough
and nothing they can buy,

no new cars, no
new homes, nothing!

They all wanted action. We give it all -
plenty! And the man with the whiskers?


"Pay the man with the whiskers
his taxes!" I told them.

"Pay Uncle Sam on every bit of dough
he's got a chance of finding out about.

"Let him pay you something
back like we was chums."

We got the best
taxman, best lawyers.

One misses, the
other jumps in.

I didn't know classy lawyers
handled people in the rackets.

They all fight
for our business.

And why? Because we're all
retired and respectable citizens.

Everybody wears a
nice clean front.

I'm in real estate, Charley's
in oil, Sporty's an art dealer.

He's got a plush showroom full
of Rembrandts and Picassos.

Everybody's got something
that's strictly legal.

Now, the boys and I,
we got a little business to talk.


This won't take long.
...Now he's all yours.

You're gonna be so surprised!

Captain, your new barracks!

How do you like it?
I supervised the job myself.

I wanted everything to be just right
for you when you came back.

Joe, what is it? What's eating you?

Joe, act like you're glad to see me!

You're my guy, remember?

I met a girl in France.
Oh-h! So that's what it is!

Is your conscience
bothering you? Forget about it!

I figured you'd meet
lots of girls in France.

Connie, this is THE girl.

She saved my life
the night I was wounded.

After I got to know her,
I fell in love with her.

I would have written you about it,
but I thought maybe that you'd...

That I had found somebody else?

I wasn't looking
for anybody else, Joe.

I'm gonna marry her, Connie.

I hate to tell you like this.

I'm sorry.

Don't be "sorry" for me!

I blame it on the war, like
everybody does about everything else!

Later on, I guess
I'll wish you good luck,

but... right now, I could kill you!

Ok to come in? Sure. Ok.

We got to have
a drink together.

Everything went smooth as silk
and you, my boy, are set for life.

Yeah, you are gonna be
in the big money now, kid.

When his mother was alive, I
told her, "Don't worry about Joe.

He'll be Ok. He's
got his Uncle Nicky!

"I will take care of him better than
his old man would. "... Drink up!

No, thanks, Nicky.
Not just now.

What's the matter with you?

What's... what's the
trouble, kid? Talk up!

I'm leaving, Nicky.
I don't want any cut.

I don't fit in any more.

Oh, a little too big for you, huh?
Don't worry. It'll be bigger than that!

You're gonna be a big guy!

I don't want any
part of the deal.

I made up my mind long
time ago, if I did come back,

I was coming back to
something different. It's not for me.

Not any more.


Well, uh...

what's for you?

I'm going legit, straight.

You got something to
do with this? - Not a thing!

You know too much now.
You can't just walk out.

You know I'll never
talk about what I know.

Nicky, there's nothing
personal in this.

You've been in the rackets, figuring
the angles since you was a kid.

Now you expect me to believe
you want to be a chump!

Why?! - I lived with chumps
the past four years. Real chumps.

Chumps enough to like
the way they live.

Even big enough chumps to fight
and die for. - Ok, hold the soap box.

You're gonna do what I say!

What I say!

So long, Nicky.

Bye, Connie.

Did you and Mancani put up the money
to make Joe Gray your representative

in a slot-machine company?

I refuse to answer!

Did you personally
invest the sum of $100.000

in the slot-machine
company? - I don't know.

Mr Pignatalli, the Chair directs
you to answer, and I warn you...

failure to do so will cause me
to seek a citation for contempt

from the United States Senate.

I still refuse to answer. - How much
did you take out of the slot machines?

I didn't say I took anything out.
I didn't say I was in on the deal.

But you were in it
and it was a rotten deal.

You had slot machines
all over the city...

in stores opposite schools.

Children lost their lunch money!

You had boxes put in front, so little ones
could reach to put money in! Come on, you!

You were the chief nickel-nurser.
How much did it amount to?

How much did you pay to politicians
and corrupt police officials?

I don't know. Yes, you do.

When you go down the scale
of evil men,

there's none more
evil than one who robs,

exploits and corrupts the
innocent mind of a child!

How much silver
did you sell your soul for?!

I'm not saying anything. - The Chair
is directing you to answer this question.

No answer!

You must some day answer
to this transgression,

this transgression of the rule of
all good men to protect the young.

You defied the rules of our Lord
and the rules of our country!

Never in all my years
have I looked on one so low

as he would fatten and
batten on such unholy food!

I nudged you with my knee.

Why didn't you answer the simple
ones? - Why should I tell him anything?

To give the impression you're
co-operating with the Committee.

He was just trying
to needle me!

Robbing kids! What am I,
their fathers and mothers?!

Your answer on Joe Gray wasn't
very wise. - Look lay of me, tell it to Nicky!

That was his idea.
"Gotta be smart, gotta be smooth!"

We also gotta sweat in case
Joe gets mad and starts talking.

In the old days, he
wouldn't be able to talk!

Joe's all bottled up. Don't worry
about him. - Hear that? Don't worry!

We're being very, very smart.

Maybe so smart we
ALL wind up in jail!

I don't like it.
I trust nobody!

And nobody trusts you,
sweetie pie, so that makes it even!

Dinner's ready.
Come and get something to eat.

I don't WANT anything to eat.
- We got broiled senators on toast!

Sounds pretty good to me!
- Mr. Grant keep her company.

I don't want no company!

Charley will be up when
he feels better. - Oh, good!

Joe! Marte!

Why didn't you let me know
you were coming?

Oh, I came by plane this morning.
Our children are all right.

This isn't gonna be
very pleasant for you.

Oh, I don't care about that,
Joe, as long as I'm with you.

I'm glad you're here, Marte.

If a man's in trouble, his
wife should be with him.

I'll get you registered
and tell boy to take your baggs.

Hey, why don't you look
where you're going?!

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
realise! - It's all right.

I should have watched where
I was going. It's all my fault.

You got the connecting room, Simon.


Simon Andrews? Who is it?

A cab driver. Did you just
come up from the court building?

I found a wallet in the cab.

Just a minute... Simon,
where's your wallet? - Right here.

I must have lost it! - It's his,
all right. Can you bring it up?

I can't leave my cab, mister.
I'm right outside the hotel.

End of the line.

Ok, sir, I'll be looking for you.
Cab number 149.

You the fella that found a wallet? I
don't know anything about a wallet!

Hey, looking for
a wallet? Yeah. Over here.

Ok, Gray, the boss
wants to talk to you.

Don't get cute or
you'll get hurt.

Go on in, Gray.
He's waiting for you.

Hello, Joe.

What kind of a dumb deal is this?!
- Relax. I just wanna talk. - About what?

They're gonna sweat you
pretty good on the stand.

You saw to that today!
- I wanna make a deal.

I don't want any deals!
- Maybe I can change your mind.

Your wife's coming up, too.

She's right behind you.

Maybe with her here, you
will wanna make a deal.

Oh, I hope nothing happened.

There's a car in the alley.

She doesn't like it, Joe.
She's trying to get away!

Charley, NO!

Come here.

I told you what?!

I tried to make a deal. He
wouldn't go for it! - I said no!


Go on!

You - oh-oh!

You must be pretty dumb
to fall for an old gag like that!

I'm surprised at you.
You know Charley!

When he gets nervous,
he develops bad tendencies.

You want a drink? No, I think I'll go back
to the hotel. I don't want Marte to worry.

I don't come in when I come in -
you don't go back to no hotel!

You down on the sidewalk
with a whole crowd around you

trying to figure out did he
jump or did he fall? - I know that.

- Uh-uh!

Charley's nervous!

He's afraid you're gonna talk.

You can't talk, Joe.

I got the hooks in you. No matter which
way you turn, you're still on the hook!

Remember that.

But... maybe that's better
than being down there, huh?

Good night, Miss
Williams. - Good night.

Don't forget what I told you.
- Oh, don't worry about me.

They can ask me
anything they like.

I'll tell them anything
I please. - As you will.


- Outside!

What're you doing?
- Don't play dumb!

C'mon, let's get it over with.
If you got something to say, say it!

If you haven't, it's my
turn to brush you, remember?

Yes, I remember. You know
what they're trying to do.

You're gonna help
them, aren't you?

Well, aren't you?!

I don't know anything
about anything

and you'd better
stick to the same tune!

Going down?

You drink this about every 20',
you won't worry about anything!

I only worry
about one thing, Charley.

I'm not smart.

Somebody say you were?

That's pretty good!
But why should they?

What I mean, Charley, is I handle
all kinds of money for you boys.

Keeping money.
None of it is keeping money from me.

You get paid.
Sure, but not off the top.

Now, if I was cut in...
Wait! Why should YOU be cut in?

To keep me happy.

I might be called as a
witness at this hearing. And?

I can forget everything I know...
if I'm happy.

You need somebody on
your side around here.

Nicky's Ok, but... - You
said it. Nicky's Ok, but...

"But" is right.

I'll take care of this, my friend.

I'll never forget it, Charley.

All right.
I'll talk to Nicky tomorrow.

Tonight's no good with him.

I'll take care of this.

I want you to remember this.

Whatever you get,

you're gonna get it from
Charley Pignatalli, nobody else.

I'll remember.
- Tomorrow, you'll be Ok.

I really think I deserve
it, don't you? - Sure.

A man that keeps quiet
deserves anything.

And you're gonna be very happy
and very quiet after tonight.


this is from Charley.

Miss Connie Williams.

Raise your right hand, please.

Do you swear to
tell the truth,

the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God? - I do.

Can't you stop those
fellas before I go blind?!

I think you've had enough
pictures for now, gentlemen.

All right mr. Foster. - Your name
is Connie Williams? - That's right.

Miss Connie Williams. - Miss
Williams, do you know Nicky Mancani?

Yes, I know him. - You know
his present whereabouts?

How could I? I'm his
friend, not his nurse.

As a friend, do you know?

Certainly not. He
could be any place.

Did you know that Morris Draper
was found murdered this morning?

Yes, I knew him. But I don't
know where he is now either!

How well did you know Draper?

He did some income tax reports
for me, that's all. A book-keeper.

You've had some investigation
of your tax returns, haven't you?

Are you kidding?
I've been questioned

by so many taxmen, I think
they break the new ones in on me!

Tell us the source of
your income, miss Williams.

Here we go again.
I play the races,

I bet on basketball or football.
Some fellas I know give me tips.

Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose

Is that your sole source
income, young woman?

Fellas give me
money and presents,

just like a lot of fellas give a
lot of girls presents and money!

You're rather well known for the
parties you give. - I like parties!

I give 'em to get my friends
together or because I feel like it!

Don't everybody give parties?

Don't senators? You spent
over $14.000 in Miami...

in two weeks. - Maybe
I did, maybe I didn't.

Can you tell us the names
of some of these fellas

for whom you've
arranged these parties?

Nobody special.

I don't burn up my own money
feeding these freeloaders.

If you pay the bills,
I'll give YOU a party.

She ought to be an
actress! - Radio comedian.

Do you know Joe Gray?
- Sure. I know him.

Did he give you money, too? - Sure.
Cars, jewellery, fur coats, everything.

What's Joe Gray's business?
- I don't know his business.

You seen him lately? Not since he's
been married, about five years ago.

He hasn't given me any money
since then or any presents,

in case you and his wife
are worrying about it.

Or any tips on horses or
bascetball games? - How could he?

I haven't talked to him or
even heard anything about him.

She's covering him up! She's
supposed to refuse to answer.

She's nervous. That's all.

Here's a list of the gambling
places that you bet with.

I don't know anything
about those places!

But you've made wagers by
telephone with them, miss Williams.

Maybe I did bet.
I don't know.

They wasn't all in
one place, I try another.

Some of those places are a name,
and that name is Joe Gray, isn't it?

If Joe Gray had anything to do with
those places, I'd never bet with them!

Sounds as if you dislike him.

You finally caught on! I don't like
him. He's just a fella I use to knew!

She's covering him up!
I thought she was smart! - Quiet.

You never heard even
any rumours about him

in connection with
the places on this list?

No, I did not.

She's still stuck
on him. Listen to her.

Any further questions,
Mr Foster? - No. - Senator?

Gracious, no! I've no more
questions! Let her step down.

About time.

Oh, for heaven's sake!
Get out of here.

Let me out.

Get me Judge Lawton's
office. - I got a question.

How come I'm the only
one to put the finger on Joe?

And Conny protect him all
the time. - Judge Lawton, please.

Nicholas Mancani.

Hello, Ben.
- Mr Mancani?

Do you think it wise to call it?




Tell them I'm sorry I didn't
know about it sooner...

I will be glad to appear
tomorrow, or any time.

That's right.
Just got in town.


Wants to Co-oprate with Senate
Committee. Will answer all Questions

Mr Mancani, are you financially
interested in any gambling enterprises?

I refuse to answer
that question

on the grounds that it might
tend to incriminate or degrade me.

If the question means gambling
activities prior to six years ago,

beyond the statute
of limitations...

Prior to six years ago, were you in
the gambling business, Mr Mancani?

Prior to six years ago, I had
some gambling interests, yes.

Do you know Joe Gray?
- Naturally. He's my nephew.

Prior to six years ago, was Joe
Gray part of your gambling deals?

No harm in saying it.
At that time, he was.

You made a good deal of
money during prohibition, didn't you?

I made some. - You were a bootlegger.
Didn't you know bootlegging was illegal?

Senator Tower, I know there was
law against it. It was an unpopular law.

As a metter of fact, we bought a lot of
applejack from farmers in your own state.

You know that
gambling is illegal?

Yes senator, I know that, but...

nobody can operate
a gambling business

unless people
make bets with him.

Anybody who runs a gambling business
has got to have plenty of partners.

People gonna bet. A lot
of good citizens bet, you know.

When did you last see Joe Gray?

The day he came back to
the States from the army.

You've not seen him since?
- No, I don't recall that I have.

You know why
he moved to Central City?

My counsel tells me that I may
refuse to answer the question.

I don't want to answer questions
about somebody else's activities.

Are you a part
of his activities?

I refuse to answer
that question,

on the grounds that it might
tend to incriminate or degrade me.

Then tell us, without tending to
degrade or incriminate yourself,

what you can about the
operations in Central City.

'It's an easy one for you to duck,
Nicky. Tell 'em you know nothing about...

What d'ya need, bud?
- Fill her up.

L&W? First time I've
seen that round here.

You new on this route?
- Yeah, first trip.

Say, where's
Bremer's Warehouse?

Turn at 48th Street. Right turn.
- Thanks. 48th, right turn.

We got special rates for truckers.
Best lunch room this side of Chicago.

You got quite a load back there.
One-armed bandit, huh?

One-armed bandits is right. - Hey,
how much do one of them slots weigh?

About 100 lb, empty. - They're
always empty when I play' em!

What do I owe you?

5.40 less 10, that's
4.86. - Keep it.

Thanks. Want a bill
for this? - No bill.

Ok. Give us a try when
you really need service.

Yeah, yeah, sure.
Come on. Let's go.

I gave the guy our
regulation 10 off for trucks.

Might be a good customer.
Hauling bandits? - What's he hauling?

Slot machines. - Where's he going?
Florida? - No, Bremer's Warehouse.

Must have had 500 of them.

500 slots? Are you sure?
- It's a 10 ton truck, loaded up.

Bremer's has been
closed for years.

Well, it must be
open for business now.

That's bad.
- What, Joe?

Moving in slot machines.
It's a big racket.

Nickel and dime stuff!
- Nickel and dime stuff, huh?

Multiply 500 by 10.
- 5.000. - Now by 7. - 35.000.

Now by 52.

That's 1.820.000.
- That dollars?

Yeah, dollars. Each
machine must do $10 day,

seven days a week for a year.

The graft grows. Then they
move in the punch boards.

That's penny, nickel,
dime and dollar stuff.

That'll add up to a
million a year, easy.

Mamma mia! We're in the wrong
business! - The wrong town.

That's grocery money, gas and oil
money. And it's only the beginning

When you see slot machines,
someone is taking crap for protection.

We ought to put a couple in here, and
pick up some of that easy dough too.

Being with you guys made me
wanna get out of the rackets,

and now you wanna put me right
back in. Clout him with a tire iron.

Joe, I'm a little bit worried.
- Anything special?

This slot machine
business is really growing.

They have them all over town.
- Yeah, they're doing it big.

Can't you go to the mayor
or the chief of police?

Tell them what
it means. - No...

I can't. When I
quit, I quit both ways.

I won't help them, Simon, but...

I can't be a stoolpigeon. - Goodnight,
daddy! - Goodnight, little sight!


Are you ready to hit the trail,
partner? Sure. Here we go!

Hang on!

Duck, partner!


Up the hill!



Hello, Louis?

What's the matter, kid? Can't you
talk? I'm here, Louis. What is it?

Joe, come on over quick!
There's a couple of guys...

Hello! Louis!

You're a wise one, eh?

Does it take two of you
to whip him? - Shut up!

Put one on each
side of the jukebox.

Girls, this play is for you.
It might win you a buck or two.

They hit him, Joe!

Are you all right, Louis?
- Yeah, Joe. - Easy, Louis.

You think you're pretty rough.
- We'll show you how tough we can be.

There's trouble, all right!

All right, all right, all right!

All right!

Now the machines!

All right, get 'em in the car.

How did it start? - I told him
we didn't want the slots.

He said they had a lot
of pull around here.

They could stop trucks from
coming and ruin our business.

He told me nacker off.

The big guy shat me
and I went to the phone.

It's all very businesslike,
isn't it? - Why not? It is a business.

We have a very good
checking system.

That machine
separates the coins.

Each bag must weigh
a certain number of pounds.

We know how much per pound
nickels are, dimes are, quarters...

Then they come over here.

They get a count of the rolls.

Then they check one against
the other? - They'd better check.

Tommy, take those two
machines up to the repair room.

What happened? - We tried to locate
the machines in a smart guy's place

and he threw them
out. - Threw us out -

him and some other yokels.

Don't tell me there's any trouble
about locating the machines, Charlie.

I understood there would
be no strong-arm stuff.

We don't wont anything
so bad around.

I know people at City
Hall... Where was it?

A service station run
by a guy called Joe Gray.

Were there many people
there? - Commissioner, please,

Nothing to worry about. A little
window dressing, that's all.

I will warn you boys.
Rough you up a bit, did they?

Good enough.
- Well, here you are...

Take care of Tommy, will you?
Charge this one up to me.

Joe Gray can't afford to have
those machines in his place.

Has to protect our friends,
like the commissioner.

To protect me? - Yeah, make him look
good in case there's ever a question.

Joe Gray's the boss of the outfit.
He's the guy you're working for.

So, Mr Mancani, you disclaim
all knowledge or participation

of any of Joe Gray's
activities in Central City?

Well, I know he lives there...

and he does some kind of
business there, but that's all I know.

When were you in Central
City last, mr. Mancani?

To tell the truth,
I never stayed overnight there.

I just passed through once in a while
on motor trips. - Try to remember exactly.

Did you ever see Joe Gray on these
trips when you just passed through?

Of course not. If I
did I would remember it.

'I remember it.
I can't stop remembering it. '

Nick! Hello, kid.
What are you doing here?

I never thought I'd see you in this
town. Oh, Marte... This is my wife.


Hello. - Hello, Marte. You must
excuse me for breaking in like this.

I was just passing through.

I thought I would come and see
what kind of a niece I have.

I'm your Uncle Nick.

Yes, I know. Joe has
told me about you.

Ah. You're a
nice-looking girl.

It's a nice little place.

You're looking good too.

I hear you've got some little
ones. - Yes, a boy and a girl.

They're upstairs asleep.
- Ah...

All right if I take a peek?
I don't want to disturb them.

It's all right.
- Sure. I'll take you up.


that's some boy!

Look at that!

Looks like her - the wife.

She's almost... Sh... We'll wake
her up. They don't wake up that easy.

How you been doin',
Joe? - All right.

I've got a nice little
business going. Making money?


A nice little business...

You must stick to it.
- That's what I'm doing.

You're busting into mine.

Oh... I see.

That's why you're here.

Charley was pretty steamed up
about what happened last week here -

you harassed a
couple of our boys.

They tried to move in on me,
slugged my buddy. - I know about it.

You know how it is when you
move into a new location.

There are always arguments.

You're moving in here?

This is a kind of small town
for a big operation like yours.

I thought you just
went for the big spots.

Things change.

We don't operate on only the big towns.
Now we have the little ones in-between.

They link up. How
did you get sent here?

The usual way. I
bought protection

Oh, you know... But right now,
we could use a little help.

No, Nicky. Count me out.

Not for me, never mind me.

But a lot of your old
friends are in on this.

Nicky, my real
friends are here.

They're the people you're going
to hurt, the people of this town.

I'm not going to help
you do that. - Ok, don't help.

But don't stand in our way!
- Let's get this straight, Nicky...

I don't want any part of your deal,

or anything to do with
anybody that has any part of it.

You're a lucky guy.

You've got a
nice home, wife, kids...

You got a lot to lose.

Take my advice...

Don't try to stop us.

On any of these trips, did you look
over any of the gambling outfits there

the slot-machine company,

the casino, the
lay-off officers?

No reason for me to do that.

But you do know there
are such places runing there?

Oh, I'd heard there was,
but I can't swear it's true.

Just tell us what you do know
about gambling in that city.

'You ought to tell him,
senator. You knew all about it.


Gambling Foe to Expse
Billlion Dollar Racket in Rally Speech

Most of us gamble on
something, a little bridge,

a little poker, a
day at the racetrack -

but some of you place
your $2 bet on a horse

with a bookmaker, give it
to the man on the cigar stand

or to someone in the office who
knows someone who will take a bet.

That $2 bet
seems like a small thing.

But that $2 bet and the nickel slot
machine are two things I wanna talk about.

These two apparently
harmless actions,

practised by people
who think they are law-abiding,

provide a crime syndicate
in the United States

with over $20 billion a
year in revenue. 20 billion!

There are other national sources of
revenue pouring into that same stream.

The punchboard, the numbers
racket... sweepstake tickets...

the football-pool tickets
and wages...

That stream of revenue permits
these hoodlums to corrupt politicians,

police officers, judges, and even up to
the higher echelons of public servants.

These hoodlums do this by contributing
to election funds and campaign funds.

These people deal
in evil... and murder.

They do their deeds for money.
And when you gamble with them,

you are their partners.

Partners in a system that leads
to crime, corruption and murder.

I want you to remember that.

I want you to think that over.

I want you, instead,
to become my partners...

and fight this vicious system.

You were great, skipper, great!
- Thank you, Louis.

Hello, Simon.
- Hello, Bill.

It's quite a surprise
seeing you all here.

When we heard you were
opening up your campaign,

we thought we'd get
you off to a good start.

Thanks... - Joe said, "Let's hear
what the old man has to say."

It was a great
speech, Bill. - Joe...

Mrs Stephens took me
up to see the children.

They're adorable. The big
one woke up. How old is he?

Mike, he's 10. - He looks at his
mother and asks, "How did Papa do?"

When Alice said "fine", he answered
"good" and went back to sleep.

How many do you have, Bill?
- Three. Mike and the two girls.

Let's get to the food.
What's the sense of saving it?!

So you liked what I
said tonight, huh?

Yeah, I liked it.
- I meant it, Joe.

I know you did, Bill, and I
think you got a lot of votes tonight.

You got mine.

I'll even make a
campaign contribution.

I'm not gonna stall
around about this, Joe.

You're pretty smart,

coming here and telling me
what a great speech I made

and that you'll contribute
to my campaign fund.

Is that smart?
- Joe...

you're part of what I'm fighting.
- You're wrong. As wrong as a man can be.

No, I'm not.

You're running pretty
strong in Central City, Joe.

All I'm running
is a gas station and a garage.

What about the Flowers Club?
- What about it? - I understand it's yours.

I've never been in
it. - And Blinky's Book?

I've heard of it.
- You own it, or part of it.

You're in on the slot-machine deal a
partner. - Bill, you're not talking sense!

You rent six notorious houses
around the Sportsman's Bar and Grill.

I don't even know where
the Sportsman's Bar and Grill is!

All right, forget it.

If you don't own or
operate any of these places,

you bring me the Joe Gray
that does and I'll apologise.

I'd better be getting
back to the others.

The boys will think I'm
making a deal with you.

Alice, do they look like the boys I've
been talking about all these years?

The best patrol in the army!


We'd better get
started back, honey.

Hello. - I'm afraid I don't
know you, sir. What's the name?

Gray. Joe Gray.
- Oh, Mr Gray... Excuse me.

I'm sorry, Mr Gray.
Come right in.

How do you do, Mr Gray?
How are you, sir? - Fine.

I expected to see you
around here long before this.

Hello, Joe. - Hello, Lonnie,
when did you get into town?

About three months ago.
I wanted to look you up,

but they told me that wasn't
the way we were doing it.

Glad to see you, Joe.
Meyers is in the cashier's office.

Doing wonderful.
Just doing wonderful.

I've got the books
here to show you.

This is the weekly tally.

We burn this every week.

Of course, we're losing
money on the restaurant,

but that's in
another set of books.

I figured it was. How
are you handling my cut?

Like I was told. Pollack picks it
up every night, when we close.

Something wrong, Mr Gray?

No, nothing's wrong. - I didn't
think so, with Pollack handling it.

Well, I just thought
I'd look things over.

Much obliged. So
long. - So long, Mr Gray.

And if there's anything
wrong... - Goodnight.

I'd like to know how the bills
are paid at those addresses.

The meter's in
the name of Joe Gray.

I thought they were.
All on the first by cash...

I see. Thank you very much.
I'm just checking on Gray's credit.

What's up? You've been
on that phone all day.

Gonna buy some real estate?

Look Louise, can go
home, I look up a while?

I wanna go out for a
little while. - Sure, sure.

As a matter of fact, I
may be gone all afternoon.

Go out and enjoy
yourself. We'll make it.

I don't believe you know me,
Chief Tayls. I'm Joe Gray.

No. I know a lot about you.

What's on your mind?

I find that my name is tied into some
things that are going on in this town.

So do I, Mr Gray, and if I had
my way, I'd throw the book at you.

We have an
anti-gambling squad

and a vice squad that's
supposed to do that job.

I just run a desk, instead of
running you and all your kind in.

The only business I have is a gas
station. I want you to understand that.

I know you want me
to understand that.

I've been on this
force 22 years,

and I and a lot of others on here are
just waiting to get our hands untied.

Then we'll show
you and your mob

that we understand how to
take care of the lot of you.

Get out of here!

And don't you ever
come back in here

until they bring you
in with cuffs on you!

Ricky's bookmaking joint,
the slot machine outfit...

I'm tied into everything,
like Bill Stephens said.

Wherever you look,
you find Joe Gray.

But those signatures
will be forgeries.

Yeah, but good forgeries

And all the grapevine talk
has me tagged as the boss.

What are you
gonna do about it?

Get out of this town.

And tell no-one where we're going.

You don't mean we
have to leave our home,

leave our friends, leave
here because we are afraid?

No, Joe, we can't do that.
- What else can we do?

We'll stay here.

You told me so many times that
people have no fear in this country,

that the cause is just,

that a man's rights
are protected always.

What do you think?
- She's right, Joe.

Of course I am right.

We have people here who
know us, like Simon, like the boys.

They'll help us in our trouble.

If we run away from here now,

we'll be like the poor people
on the roads during the war.

They left their homes to
go out and die in strange places.

It didn't help them to run, Joe.

It's not going to help us.

What about the racing wire
service that goes there,

the lay-offs
that are handled?

I'm retired, senator.

I hear this and I hear that, but I
can't be sure if what I hear is true.

In that regard, Mr Chairman,
I'd like to say something to the witness.

We can't tell from your testimony
what's true and what's not true either.

We know that words are frequently
woven into a web to deceive,

and we know that
the signs of deception

are sure signs that anyone
with any sense can feel!

Your evasions, sir,
have about them,

the smell of falsehood
and the stench of lies!

You pretend you want to
aid us in finding the truth.

And I say pretend!
Because no such purpose.

Mr. Mancani, we're not
misled by your manner,

impressed by your arrogance,
nor beguiled by your plausibility.

I know that at this moment, you
feel victorious, you feel like a winner.

A slimy tricky man
of cleverness and cupidity,

but so far as I'm concerned,
sir, you are so apparent,

that your artifice and your guile serve only
to show the shallowness and the stupidity

of one who tries to confound
the truth with smirks and grimaces

and a tawdry imitation
of frankness and sincerity!

We're not yet done
with you, mr. Mancani.

You may step down, Mr Mancani.

The committee will
adjourn at this early hour

to permit its members to meet
in executive session tonight

The meeting is adjourned.

If he didn't like that tongue-lashing,
it'll only make him tougher tomorrow.

If you give the impression he's covering
up for me, he'll get me in deeper.

Suppose you get on
a stage and tell the truth.

Stephens wouldn't believe it.

He has cheques made out to me,
records of payrolls - all rigged, but...

all convincing. There must be some
way you can prove they're wrong.

Stephens thinks he
can get Nicky through me.

Mancani lied about not
seeing you in Central City.

How can I prove it?

Let me tell that he
did come to our house.

No, I can't get you
mixed up in this.

I know what they're like.

Why can't they leave us alone?

When you know too much,
they won't let you get out.

I'm afraid of a
lot of things -

things I've told Simon,
but no-one else.

Not even you.

Have you made up your
mind what you want, Simon?

I'm not hungry, Joe.
I'd kind of like to be alone.

Will you be Ok?

I can see better without my eyes
than most people can with them.

Goodnight Marthi.
- Goodnight.

So I looked pretty good
on television? - You were great.

And I got no beef for
the way you handled Joe.

He was frying. That senator
gave it to you pretty good, too.

Well, he was very
interesting to me.

He has a large vocabulary.

What is it?
- Reverend Andrews to see you.

He says he has some
word from Joe Gray.

Send him in.

Is that the blind
preacher from Central City?


Those Holy Joes
always bring me bad luck!

You better see him.

Come in, please.
- You're Mr Pignatalli?

That's right. - Mr Mancani's not
here right now. - Friend of mine...

I know you're not alone and I'd
like to talk to you privately.

Sorry, boys, this is private.

I would rather meet with
nine cross-eyed black cats

than bump into
one of those crows!

Every time I see one,
something bad happens.

What can I do
for you, Reverend?

I'm not asking for anything
from you and Mr Mancani.

I'm demanding it.

Strong talk, mister.

I'm not frightened by
you or any of your people.

I know a lot about you, mr. Pignatalli!

Unless you right the wrong
that you have done Joe,

I'm going to ask Bill Stephens to let
me testify, and tell him what I know.

What'll you tell? That Joe's
a good boy, he goes to church?

I'll tell how you took
over the racing wire,

what happened to Jelly Cohen,

where the bottle money's
cached and how much it is!

I'll tell what I think
happened to Draper,

and I'm gonna prove that
Mancani perjured himself

when he said he didn't
see Joe in Central City.

Shell I go on?

You can prove it? - The FBI can
prove, cos' I'll tell 'em where to start.

Joe wouldn't do that.

He has some idea about loyalty to
Nicky Mancani! I have no such idea!

Did Joe send you up here? - Joe
and no one knows that I'm here.

You framed Joe.

They won't believe him,
but they'll believe me!

Preacher, it looks like
you've got me over a barrel.

Nothing I can say but
yes. We'll clear Joe.

That's all I want, but you're
gonna start clearing him tomorrow!

Eh, this way is closer.

You don't mind if we
handle this in our own way?

All I want to know is
that it's done. - All right.

You can tell Joe that it's settled.
I'll talk to Nicky tonight.

Operator, would you take
this gentleman down, please?

All we had to go on was this
hotel key, so we called the hotel.

Is it... Simon?

Being blind, your friend probably
stepped into the open shaft.

It's an easy place
to have an accident.

Is there anything
else you want from me?

No, sir. If be,
we call you.

Poor Simon seemed
so sure of his steps!

It wasn't an accident.
They killed him. - They wouldn't!

They did. I want you
to go back home right away.

But you'll be alone...
- You've got to get out of here.

Take the first plane out.
- I can't leave you now!

Don't go back to the hotel
to pack. Go right to airport.

When you get home, tell Dawsons to
stay in the house with you and the kids.

Oh, Joe!

Driver, take this lady to
LaGuardia Airport. She's in a hurry.

Driver, I'm not
going to the airport.

Please take me to the
Federal Building. Hurry up.

Is Senator Stephens
here? - Does he expect you?

No... I'm Mrs Gray.
I must see him.

Hello, Marte. - I'm
permitted to come here?

Is it all right? - Of course!
Come and sit down. - Thank you.

I came to tell you that...

that Simon is dead.

Simon? Dead?

But... how? - Joe said
he was killed. Murdered.

Why? Why would
anyone want to kill Simon?

Because he believed
my husband is honest.

Because he wanted to help him.

He gave his life for him.

You don't think
my husband is honest.

Maybe you won't
understand why...

Simon did.

Simon always did believe in Joe.

And... you never will?

I can't. In the face
of his past, the records...

the testimony.
Marte, I'd like to...

I'm sorry, Miss Williams, the boss
said he wasn't to be disturbed,

not to let anybody in.

You don't think he
meant me, do you?

Why don't you call,
see if it's all right?

You should have
been a traffic cop!

The boss tells me to
do something, I do it.

You can't call me a cop for that.

Well, that was smart!
Joe, listen, get out of here!

They're looking for you. - I'm not
supposed to be spunki. Is Nicky in there?

Don't let him see
you! Joe, listen to me!

You're walking right into it!

'I know you killed him! Let loose
of Charley! Nobody killed nobody! '

Just because some fella had an
accident... It wasn't an accident!

You killed him! - How can you say a
thing like that to me, or to Charley?

Information? Get me Senator Stephens'
office in the Federal Courts Building.

Hurry, it's a emergency.

I... I want you to let me testify.

The others want to
make my husband ashamed

by saying what his life was.

I want to make
him proud when I tell

how decent, how honest
his life is now

Marte, I'll consider calling you.

I want to tell
how Mancani lied today.

While he was on
the stand? - Yes.

He did come to Central City, he
did see Joe. I heard them talk.

I am not afraid.

I want to tell everything
that happened that night.

I'm sorry, Senator, but there's
a call I think you ought to take.

Excuse me.

Yes?.. Who?

Connie Williams. Joe Gray is
here now... In Mancani's office!

I've got a tape recorder going, getting
everything they're talking about...

Upstairs in the study.

I'll show you when you get here.

Yes, I see... I will.

He's in bad trouble.
Hurry, please.

Cool down. I had to tie
you in on those deals,

otherwise something much
worse would have happened to you.

Try to make everybody be nice,
everybody wants to be rough.

Oh, Connie. Come in, come in.

Say hello to one of
your old playmates.

What are you doing here?

Connie, Joe says
we are all bad people

and we tried to do an
accident to some friend of his.

I didn't know you and
Draper were friends!

Don't be making dumb cracks!
We're talking about somebody else.

Draper's no news! I don't want
to be any part off jobs yuo pull.

Draper asked for it! Did Simon ask
for it? Is that why you killed him?

You told that Holy Joe too much
about us. He was gonna talk.

Charley and I don't like people
that squeal, and nieder do I.

I knew it was you.

I'm gonna nail you
and your whole mob!

You're too smart to
do anything like that.

You don't know what
you're saying, you just cut.

I'm gonna talk, Ncky!

I'm gonna spill
everything I know.

All bottled up? He'll blow
the whole thing wide open!

He's just blowing off steam!

You couldn't do that to me.
We go too far back for that.

You've changed. You think you're
bigger than anyone in the world!

No matter how fancy you talk

or how legal you say you
are... inside, you're a killer.

And that's all you are.
You're like Charley.

Anyone gets in
your way, you push!

Nicky! Joe don't mean that!
He's just upset...

- Get him!

Maybe that will remind
you when you was a kid,

when I bought your food,
when I sent you to school!

When I... took care of you!

Ok. You don't wanna
be smart... good!

Let him be dumb!

No, Nicky!
Don't do it!

You can't! Stephens
knows he's here!

So what? So we all saw him go
up to his room with Brinkley.

So he killed himself
because he was afraid

of what would come out in the
investigation! - They won't believe it.

because they've heard every word
that's been said in this room!

How do you
know that? Hm?

How do you know that?

They're upstairs right now
in your study, listening in.

You got an ear rigged
up in here?! - Wait!

Why didn't you tell me this
before we spill everything? Before.

You let them in.

Connie... you crossed me up?

Why? On account of Joe, Connie?

You crossed me
up on account of Joe?!


So they're listening in?
Alright, let 'em hear this!

Who's Joe Gray?
- I'm Joe Gray.

We got a call from Senator
Stephens. What's going on here?

Ask him.

He's dead. Asking
him won't do no good.

Joe Gray.

For the record, I would like to
state that we have positive proof

that Joe Gray was a victim
of his former associates.

I would like to say here that
we'll need the help of Mr Gray

as we'll need the
help of all of you

if we're to break this corrupt
and ruthless gang of hoodlums.

Laws are not enough.

There'll be other Mancanis
and Pignatellis if you permit it.

Only you can stop it.

The committee, Mr Gray, has revoked your
subpoena. As chairman of this committee,

we regret the pain and
embarrassment you have been caused.

And to this, Joe,

I would like to add my public apology for the
personal injustice I've done you for so long

Simon always told me
I was wrong about you,

but he had to lose his
life to prove it to me.

Forgive me, Joe.

Call the first witness, please.
- Silky Tanner.