Honeymoon in Bali (1939) - full transcript

Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.

- Subtitles -
Lu?s Filipe Bernardes

And why are you washing
windows in the rain?



Nobody stopped me.

Well, sit down.

Yes, Miss Allen?

Mr. McLeod, did you know you had
window washers working today?

Yes, Miss Allen, it's the first
Friday in April.

Yes, but it's raining, doesn't that
make any difference?

But, Miss Allen, if we don't maintain
our routine, we'll be thrown off balance.

If we don't maintain our common sense,
we'll be thrown out on our ear,

and we don't want that to happen,
now, do we?

Certainly not! I'm sure I could
arrange to change it.

Thank you, Mr. McLeod, I feel sure
you'll see it that way.

You can go now.


I don't know.

Where would you've been if you
hadn't been washing my window?

Um... well...

I'd be washing some other window,
I guess I don't know.

You're not always washing
windows, are you?

Oh, yes, ma'am, yes, I am.

But you don't wash windows
at night, do you?

At night, no, not at night.


Well, I can't go to bed in the
daytime, can I?

- Sounds like an exciting life.
- Oh, no, not many dates.

Well, for heaven's sake, I don't know. Ask
Mr. McLeod, he's in charge of the personnel.

- I don't suppose that...
- Oh, Mr. McLeod, he won't know.

Look, um... go away, will you?

Yeah, alright, but I don't know where to.
Well, I don't know, figure it out outside.

Oh, you mean figure... figure... oh.

Yeah, alright.

Tell me, which one did you pick?

- Which what?
- I mean those... coats.

Oh, the blue-figured one.

Ah, no... I like the checkered one.

It will sell much better
than the blue one.

- Why?
- Well, I could tell when you had it on.

You see, it makes ladies with thick
waists look thicker.

Well, and most ladies have thick waists.

Oh, the checkered one will sell
much better, you believe me.

- Hey, I gotta know.
- What?

- Why don't you like that shoe?
- Oh, it... it doesn't fit.

- It never did.
- You mean your feet ain't mates?


- Yes?
- Miss Lorna Smith here to see you.

Oh, send her in, please.

I never told anyone that before.

Oh, no, no, don't worry.
No, it won't go no further.

Well, goodbye.

- Excuse me.
- Ooh!

- Well, who's the playboy?
- Excuse me, Smitty.

Yes, Miss Allen?

Tell Miss Pierce I've changed my mind.

I want her to order the check coat
instead of the figured-blue one.

Yes, Miss Allen.

- Smitty.
- Yes?

Remind me not to have dessert
for lunch, will you?

I'll remind you, but it won't
do any good.

Here's your coat.

- What is that card?
- That's the money card, you get your wish.

But I am going to get married,
you see that, don't you?

Yes, right there, don't you see?

- Well, I think...
- You mean there?

No, that's an accident right there.

- Oh.
- Now we'll see what else they say.

- Oh, hello, Miss Smith, how are you?
- Hello, there, G.P.

- You know Gail Allen?
- How do you do?

- Parker's my publisher.
- Yes, I know.

- Are you Morrissey's Gail Allen?
- Uh-huh.

But I always thought that she was
older than you look.

She is. What have you decided
on the title of my book?

How do you like "Hot Moon"?

It smells.

- You're stuck with it.
- I suppose so.

Well, I'll be up this afternoon.

- I'm very glad to have met you, Miss Allen.
- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, G.P.

Awful man. Hot Moon!

I've often wondered why old maids
in the frigid zone...

...always write about love in
the South Seas.

It's what my housekeeper calls
our subterranean longing.

But who doesn't want to go
to pieces in the tropics?

I don't.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Would you like your future told?
- On, no, thank you.

Yes, why not?
Sit down.

- Shall I tell yours?
- No, I want to hear hers.

- She doesn't have to listen.
- You never believed in these things.

And better off if I had, maybe.

It's always the ones that don't
that go right down on their face.

That's right. And what girl wants to go
through life right on her face?

Shuffle these please, cut three times
towards yourself and make a wish.

When is your birthday,
I don't need the year.

- October 7th.
- October 7th...

You're operating under
the influence of the number 8.

- That's the money number.
- Really?

Money and power.

You've had to work hard for it
to get it, is that right?

Well, I guess I do work hard.

Well, you just keep at it,
you'll make a lot of money.

I fully intend to.

- She's made a lot of money.
- Good.

October, libra.

That's ruled by Venus, the goddess
of love and beauty.

What would happen if she just
concentrated on that instead of working?

Well, right now she's under
the influence of Neptune.

That sounds pretty bad.

And when Neptune is directing you, it's as
though you were walking down one street...

...and for no reason at all you change
your mind and walk down another.

And then your whole life is changed.

- Now we're getting somewhere.
- I'm perfectly satisfied with my life.

That's why you need it changed.

Let's see if the cards can tell us
what's going to happen.

There's a man.
See, right there.

Is he... could he be tall and dark?

- Yes.
- Yes.

- Could that be Eric?
- Oh, Smitty, they're always tall and dark.

There's something the matter
with his hand, or his arm.

- Which arm?
- It's been cut.

By a... native's rice knife.

- A native?
- I think it's a rice knife.

It looks like a rice knife.

That looks like a rice knife?

I think it's a rice knife.

What an extraordinary life you must lead
seeing things like that in, um...

...things like that.

And here's a woman. My goodness,
she's got a lot of money.

- And very pretty.
- At first I thought it might be me.

You're going to be very angry with her.
You might even...

You might even hit her.

- Me hit someone?
- Hope I'm around.

Oh, seven of diamonds.
You've got a child, is that right?

- No, I have no child.
- Then you're going to have one.

Well, I'm sorry to disillusion you,
but I'm not even...

Well, I'm sorry, but there's the seven
of diamonds and you are.

- Deal me in, won't you?
- Hello, Eric.

- Hello, Susie.
- Hush, I'm just having a child.

- Must I leave?
- No, please don't.

Now look here, young lady,
I haven't a child, I'm not married,

I don't intend to get married,
so how on earth can you say...

I'm not saying it, the seven
of diamonds is saying it.

And you can't argue with
the seven of diamonds.

- Evidently not.
- That's very interesting. A child, eh?

- I'd never have believed it.
- Oh, please don't.

- What else?
- Well, here's a trip.

- Oh, there's always a trip.
- Two trips.

- Across the water, I presume?
- Yes.

They're always across the water.

You're going to have to be careful too.

The trip will be dangerous to you and
to someone very near and dear to you.

But you'll escape that time.
So will he.

- He?
- He escapes from she or what?

He escapes. But the second trip will
be fatal... for both of you.

Oh, dear, and just a few minutes ago
everything was all right.

- Do you mind if I go with you, Gail?
- You heard what she said.

You don't mind if I go just the same.

Pardon me, Mr. Sinclair,
your luncheon guest is here.

Thank you, Peter.
See you later, Gail.

- Goodbye.
- So long, Smitty.


Oh, Eric, how do you feel?

Feel? Splendid.

Your arm all right?

Certainly, why?

- It isn't Eric.
- Uh-uh.

You haven't been fooling around with
rice knives or native women, have you?

Native what?

Oh. Don't pay too much attention
to our little prophet here.

She can get pretty fantastic.

For instance,

she told me once the
girl I was in love with...

...with would propose to me
and I'd turn her down.

- She will.
- Well?

Well, you think about it awhile.

See how silly it is.

So don't pay too much attention, hm?

You'll get your wish.
Well, that's about all.

- Well, that's about enough.
- Would you like your future told?

Little girl, I haven't any.

A future's like a bank account,
you've got to start it when you're young.

- Thanks just the same.
- Thank you.

Well? They tell everyone the same thing.

Maybe. But just the same,
if I were you,

while I was under the influence of Neptune
I'd go to bed and keep my hat on

Your stomach's going to be
black and blue for a week.

I, um... what?

I say you can't hold a pole in the pit
of your stomach that way.

You get a fish down there that size
and it kicks like a shotgun.

Why, my stomach?

- I can see you've never fished before.
- No, I've... never had the time.

I've met more people lately
that don't have time.

You'd think time is something
the world is running out of.

There's all kinds of time.
More than you'll ever be able to use.

You must have thought I was
acting pretty silly.

I guess boats make most people
act kind of silly.

I was sitting up in the look-out chair there
sighting sharks when you came in.

I spotted a couple too.

Thank you.

She's a beauty, isn't she?

Sure is.

- I bet she costs a lot of money.
- Oh, twenty-six thousand.

That is a lot of money.

You don't know what you're talking
about, this boat's built.

Still a lot. Work a long time before
you make that much money.

What could you put it in
better than a boat?

Well, sensible things,
investments, bonds.

Bonds, you can't fish from a bond.

Oh, but if you think a person ought
to pay $26,000 for a boat.

Oh, you can get it for less,
twenty-five, maybe.

- Still too much.
- Would you pay twenty-four?

I would not. $24,000 for a b...

Now, don't say for a boat.
That's cheap for this boat.

Not cheap for any boat.

Well, what do you want them to do,
give it to you? After all, it's a bargain...

I do not! I wouldn't take it as a gift.

Well, nobody's going to give it to you,
so don't worry about it.

All right.

Anyway, I don't know what this
conversation's all about.

Well, I guess you just don't
understand boats.

I wasn't interested in buying a boat
in the first place.

I'm sorry if you're disappointed
in a sale

- Oh, I wasn't trying to sell it to you.
- You weren't?

No. Oh, you thought I worked
here, huh?

- Well, don't you?
- I was never in the place before.

- I'm Bill Burnett.
- I'm Gail Allen.

How do you do?

Well, it was kind of silly, wasn't it?

It's been kind of a silly day all day.

Miss Allen, um...

If I had worked here
and you had bought the boat, um...

where would I have sent the bill?

- Morrissey's.
- On Fifth Avenue, huh?

- Hm-hmm.
- Do you work there?

- Yes, I work there.
- In the, um... fur department?

- No...
- Well, what, um...

- I, um... I work for the boss.
- Oh, nice work.

Very nice work.

Mr. Burnett, if, um...

If I had bought the boat...

and you had worked here and you
had sent me the bill, where...

I mean, um... where could I find you so that
you could show me how to keep my...

...my stomach from getting
black and blue?

I'm, um... staying at the Park Villa
for a couple of weeks, I, um...

I live in Bali.

- Where?
- Bali.

- Bali?
- Bali.

Well, for heaven's sake...
I've, um... I've seen the pictures.

Nice, aren't they?

- Are they really that pretty, the girls?
- Really that pretty.

Well, for heaven's sake.

Have you lived there long?

Ever since I got out of college,
I work for a coco company there.

Well... there aren't many white
women there, are there?

- Not many.
- But a lot of Balinese girls.

A lot of them.

A man like you... any man, I mean,

Do you... I mean, do you marry
those girls?


Oh... I suppose some of the men, um...

- I mean, I suppose...
- Well, you said you'd seen the pictures.

- Do you have a girl out there?
- Five.

Five? At once?

One does the cooking,
one keeps the house clean,

and one takes care of my clothes,
and one dances for me.

But that's only four.

I wonder you could tear yourself away.

Oh, I'm going back.

Bali, I... I never realized people
really lived there.

I... guess I always thought
just natives and...

Um... natives.

How is your arm,
is it all right, I suppose?

Oh, it's much better, thanks,
it's still a little stiff but...

How'd you know there was
anything wrong with my arm?

I didn't, is there?

Yes, that's why I came up to the States,
to get it fixed up right.

I had a little scuffle with
a native and got cut.

A native, it, um... couldn't have been
with a rice knife, now, could it?

Rice knife? I don't know, it was
just a knife, that's all I know, why?

Nothing, nothing really.

Well, um... goodbye, Mr. Burnett.

Hey, wait a minute, what's this
rice knife business?

Where are you going?

I'm going to take some awfully
good advice.

I'm going to bed and keep my hat on.

Oh, I noticed you were looking her over.

Um, yes... Oh, no, I've decided that
$26,000 is a lot of money.

- But that boat's really built, you know.
- That's what I was telling her, thanks.

The boss, the general manager,
you mean, sir?

Yes, the boss.

All executive offices are on
the 19th floor, sir.

- Oh, thanks.
- This is the 19th floor, sir.


- Going down?
- Going up.

She likes this one,
but she doesn't care for this.

- That one's cute, though, isn't it?
- Yes, it is.


- Oh, I wanted to see a girl... a blonde.
- Yes, sir?

She said she worked here,
her name's Allen.

Allen? Miss Allen?

- Gail Allen. Do you know her?
- Well, yes.

What is it you wish to see her about?

Oh, nothing, I just wanted to take her
to lunch or something.

- I see. What is your name. I don't...
- Burnett, Bill Burnett.

Oh, Burnett. I don't think I know you,
do I, Mr. Burnett?

No, I guess not. I wanted to take
Miss Allen to lunch.

But I thought I knew everyone
Miss Allen...

May I ask where Miss Allen met you?

- On a boat.
- On a boat?

I beg your pardon. Miss Allen has never
been on a boat in her life.

Except the Queen Mary.

I beg your pardon, but Miss Allen
was on a boat yesterday.

On our lunch hour. And it wasn't
the Queen Mary.

Oh, I... I see.

Well... if you'll just wait just a few moments,
I think I can have you taken to her.


- Well, that's the boss, huh?
- Yes, yes, that's the boss.

- Do you work for him too?
- Oh, yes indeed, we all work for him.

- What's the trouble, Miss Stone?
- No trouble.

This gentleman wants to see
Miss Allen.

- Hm-hmm.
- He's an old friend of Miss Allen's.

Oh, not an old friend.

Met her yesterday at lunch
on a yacht.

It was a cabin cruiser, it wasn't a yacht.

See, now he wants to take her
somewhere different to lunch today.

I guess he figures she's just tired
eating her luncheon on yachts.

Oh, she wasn't eating, she was fishing.


I was up in the look-out chair
sighting sharks.


When I looked down there,
she was holding the pole wrong and I...

...I told her she'd get her stomach
black and blue if she held it that way.

Black and blue.
Yeah, sure, I understand.

Well. buddy, come along with me,
I'll take you right to Miss Allen.

Oh, thanks.


- Yes, Miss Allen?
- Will you come in, please, Miss Stone.

Yes, Miss Allen.

Yes, Miss Allen?

Ask Mr. Eiler to come in and see me
when he isn't busy.

Yes, Miss Allen.

I think the adult games would be better
in his department than Miss Fern's.

And... Why, what's the matter with you?

Well, I had a little upset just
a few moments ago.

- I'm sorry. We had a maniac.
- A what?

Nutty as a fruitcake.
Wanted to see you.

Oh, but we got rid of him, alright.

But what did he...
I mean, how crazy was he?

Said he met you yesterday
on a boat.

- Of course I knew...
- Boat? Where is he? Is he gone?

- Oh, we got rid of him alright.
- Oh.

Of course, when he said he met
you on a boat.

- He did.
- What?

- So you threw him out, hm?
- Why, yes, we thought...

All right, that's all right.

Thank you, Miss Allen.

He lives in Bali.


Will you want me back tonight?

Um, no, thank you.

I'll drop in after the theater
and clean up a few things.

You sure have a lot of traffic
in this town.

- You think this is anything?
- It is if you're used to ox carts.


Hey, pull over there in front
of Morrissey's window, will you?


- Wait for me.
- Yes, sir.

Well, I'll be darned.

Hey, get away from that window,
will you?

What... oh!
You're taking a picture?

No, pal, I'm just hiding here.

You don't need to get funny,
I just asked you a question.

Alright, I'm taking a picture for the
newspapers, now will you let me alone?

You mean you're gonna put a picture
of that window in the newspapers?

- Why not?
- Well, it's all wrong.

- No kidding, and how would you know?
- I live in Bali.

- Yeah?
- Hm, I'm an expert on that stuff.

As a matter of fact that whole
thing was my idea.

- Oh, well, I didn't know that.
- You wouldn't. But it's all wrong.

For instance, you see that one in the left
there, the little dark one?

- Yeah.
- Well, she isn't doing anything.

You know, I wondered about that.

That's not authentic at all.

You know, it's a good thing I happened
to come by here.

Say, how do I get upstairs there?
I, um...

I'd better see somebody about this,
maybe that lady Miss Allen would know, hm?

Maybe she would.
The watchman's there at the door.

- Thanks.
- They don't want it to be wrong.

Say, I'll have watch myself if you're
going to put everything I tell you...

...in a window on 5th Avenue.

For heaven's sake, what are you
doing here?

- Do you often work this late?
- Yes, well, how late is it?

Almost 2 o'clock.
He won't appreciate it, you know.

- Who won't?
- The boss.

You don't catch him araund here
till 2 o'clock in the morning.

You'll never get any places.
Gotta show him you got a life of your own.

This is a life of my own.
I'm the boss.

- You're the boss?
- Hm-hmm.

No wonder they thought
I was crazy.

- Why?
- You telling me you work for the boss.

Oh, I didn't mean to mislead you.

Well, let's go and get some
hot chocolate, hm?

Oh, no, I can't,
I've got a lot of...

You know a nice quiet place?
I could take you to my hotel, but...

I haven't any hot chocolate.


How did you happen to come into
my office at 2 o'clock in the morning?

How did you know I'd be here?

Didn't you know about moths?

- Moths?
- Moths.

A male moth can fly straight
to a female moth,

one he's attracted to, of course,
from a distance of a mile.

Didn't you know that?


And about you and me?


- Nice place.
- Dreadful.

I told you I wanted a nice, quiet place
so I could probe your soul.

That's why I brought you here.

- No probe?
- No soul.

You know, for a working girl,
you smell awfully good.

When the music stops like that it's like
someone pulled a chair off from under you.

Isn't it?

You don't approve of
working girls, do you?

It seems a pity to waste
a girl on work.

- More chocolate?
- Thank you.

A girl like you anyway.

- What do you suggest?
- Are you kidding?

Would you mind putting this in your pocket?
I'll lose it otherwise.

Hm, pretty. Mind if I pretend
your foot's still in it?

Go on... though it seems kind of silly.

About working girls.

I suppose you're the kind
of man that, um...

thinks a woman's place is in the home.

Well, isn't it?

I'm not a feminist, but the expression
"it's a man's world" always irritates me.

It's anybody's world who can lick it.

I suppose you've got it licked.

- I haven't done so badly.
- Oh, you mean making a lot of money.

I suppose you do, for a woman.

For a woman. That's the attitude
that gripes me.

Well, you surely can see
that men are the ones...

The reason men have it
over most women...

...is that men use their heads
and women use their emotions very...

- So you've ruled out emotions.
- Out with emotions.


Well, it's true.

What are you going to do
when you get married?

Keep on using your head
without emotions?

- I don't believe in marriage.
- Oh.

Well, not for me or for any woman
who has a sense to live her own life.

I guess I've been out of the world
too long.

I had a quaint notion that women
rather wanted to be married.


Well, they need the protection
of a man, they...

I know of more women taking care
of no-good husbands...

...than loafing brothers, protection
of a man.

I earn a salary that makes
most men look sick.

And I'm the boss.

I have a charming apartment run by a
competent maid, I'm the boss there too.

I have plenty of escorts...
whenever I want them.

- And I...
- I suppose you're the boss there too.

And I haven't a single encumbrance
to worry me.

And the most precious thing of all,
absolute personal freedom.

Now, for what reason under the sun
do I need a husband?

Oh, I can think of two... three.

Do you want to hear them?

Um... no.

I suppose... I suppose you think...

...love might be a reason.

- That's a good start.
- I don't intend to fall in love either.

You don't.

- No, love... love muddles you up. It...
- What's the matter with that?

- Well, it throws you.
- Have you ever been thrown?

No, and that's not all.

I'd be afraid to go around
making statements like that.

You'll feel awful silly when you have
to take them back.

Give me my shoe, will you, it makes me
nervous the way you hold it like that.

Like what? I was just thinking
of ordering some champagne...

...to drink out of it if it didn't have
a hole in the toe.

You might at least have put it
in your pocket.

- Let's go.
- We just got here.

I know, but I... I'm tired.

I want to go home.

All right.

Good evening, Mr. Sinclair.

- How's everything tonight.
- Fine.

Oh, Eric!


- Hello, good evening.
- I'm glad to see you, yes.

- I just dropped in hoping to find you here.
- 0h, this is Mr. Burnett, Mr. Sinclair.

- How do you do?
- Have you got your car?

- Why, yes.
- Would you take me home?

Of course, I'll be glad to.

Oh, that won't be necessary,
we can get a cab.

- No, we're going in Eric's car.
- Of course, of course.

It's way past my bedtime in Bali.

Are you gonna be with us long,
Mr. Burnett?

Oh, no, he's going back in a few weeks.

- Oh, that's too bad.
- Oh, I'll be glad to get back.

- Hope we'll see something of you.
- Thanks.

You know, Eric doesn't feel about
marriage as you do.

Oh, he doesn't?

No, he thinks a woman can marry,
and have a career and have both.

Why not?

I mean, he even believes that if a woman
wanted to have her own apartment,

and he had his own apartment and...
You see?

- Why not?
- Well, that isn't married.

You don't want a wife, you know.
You just want somebody who'll...

...cry on your shoulder and wash
your back, and things.

- That's a wife.
- Sounds a bit barbaric.

Oh, he's used to heathens.

Anyway, who said I wanted
any kind of a wife?


Oh, here we are.

- I'll go up with you.
- No, I can go up alone.

Oh, I'll go up with you.

- Good night, Eric.
- Good night, Gail.

Good night, Mr. Burnett,
nice to have met you.

- Nice to have met you, thanks for the lift.
- How about lunch some time?

I'd like to keep an eye on you too, um...

How about a highball Thursday?
I'm at the Park Villa.

- It's a date.
- Good night.

Good night.

You have to give me a key to your apartment,
you wouldn't have all this trouble.

I can find keys just like that.

That was very rude of you trying
to hold my hand in another man's car.

The ther man's car was your idea.

I dread to think what would have
happened if it had been your car.

I'll tell you what you do.
You go to bed and think about just that...

- ...and I'll call you in the morning.
- Please don't!

How do you like that Balinese cocktail?

Marvelous, I'm on my second.

After you finish it, don't try to move
too quickly or you'll fly apart.

Really? It tastes harmless.

A lot of things from Bali
fool you that way.

Somebody's at the door,
shall I answer it?

- Yeah, will you?
- Sure.

Take it easy, take it easy,
I'm coming.

- Oh!
- Oh, I thought this was Mr. Burnett's room.

It is, come in, won't you?

- Thank you.
- Mr. Burnett's taking a shower.

Shall I tell him you're here
or would you like to tell him?

Well, I mean, I don't know
how well you know him.

Oh, I know him very well,
but you'd better tell him.

- There's a lady here to see you.
- Oh, give her a drink.

You bet. Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

I'll be host.

Would you have one of these?
I don't know the name of them.

- Oh, that's arak from Bali.
- Really?

- I'm from Bali too.
- Who is she?

What? Oh, who are you?

- Noel Van Ness.
- Oh, how do you do, I'm Eric Sinclair.

- Hello.
- You're from Bali. I'll be darned.

Say, what's in these things anyway?

Well, first you take the juice
of a live coconut,

- And then a little brandy...
- I said who is she?

Oh, um... Noel Van Ness.

- Who?
- Oh, he won't know me by that name.

- Who did you say?
- Just say Noel from Bali.

- Noel from Bali.
- No kidding.

- Hello!
- Hello, Noel, I'll be right out.

- All right.
- Are you just fresh from Bali?

No, I've been living in Paris.

My father sent me to France to school
after I tried to kill myself.

- Well! You mean you...
- On account of Willie.

- Willie?
- Willie.

- I was so crazy about him...
- That you tried to kill yourself.

Yes. I was seventeen.

It seems so funny now, but it was
very serious at the time.

You know how it is with a kid.

Willie had just come to Bali from
the States to work for my father.

- Did you get over it?
- You mean the attempted suicide?

No, I mean Willie.

No. No, I got married,
but I didn't get over it.

Tell me, what's this Willie got anyway,
what's his technique?

- Have you had more than one of those?
- Oh, this is my second.

How does it make you feel?

Say, it does get you by the knees,
doesn't it?

- Well, that's Willie.
- I see.

- Hello, Noel.
- Oh, Willie!

Oh, Willie, you're more beautiful
than ever.

Hey... you're... you're a big girl now.

Well, I made some progress.
You notice it?

- I... think I'll be running along.
- Oh, no, um...

- Have you two met?
- Oh, yes, we've met.

- Well, um... sit down.
- Thank you.

- Willie, I'm staying here.
- Where?

In the hotel. Right across the hall.

I knew you were here,
I wrote home.

Is your husband with you?
I heard you were married.

No, he's dead, Willie. He got killed
in a polo game in Cannes.

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Oh, but he wasn't very nice.

I couldn't care very much.

He left me horribly rich, though.

You were horribly rich before
you got married.

Well, now I'm richer.
Isn't that nice?


You know, I haven't seen Noel for
about five years, isn't it?


You were a pretty little squirt
when you were a kid.

- Well, I'm a pretty little squirt now.
- You turned out all right.

- How long are you gonna stay?
- In New York?

As long as you do. And I'm going back
to Bali when you do.

And Papa can't send me off now.
I can do exactly what I want to do.

If you want to kill yourself, you have
a perfect right to, haven't you?

- I certainly have.
- See?

- Did you tell Eric about that?
- Hm-hmm.

Well, you shouldn't have.

Oh, but I also told him it was
because I was in love with you.

So relax, darling, relax.

Well, I... I guess you'd better run along,
I've got to get dressed and...

Wouldn't you rather I leave?

Oh, no, no, Eric, um...

You see, Noel, Eric and I had a date
and we were just leaving...

Oh, couldn't I go too?

- Oh, not this time.
- Why not?

Say, that's darned inhospitable.

A beautiful girl comes all the way over
from France.

- And there's not a soul in town.
- And you don't invite her for a cocktail.

Darned inhospitable.

You're nice.
I'll be ready in a minute.

I'll be right back.
Oh, Willie!

You're so beautiful.

- Girl I knew.
- Yeah.

- Better have one... Willie.
- Thanks.

- He sounds interesting.
- Not particularly.

He's lazy, he's not very good-looking,

he makes $50 a week
and he ruins my disposition.

I'm as cross as a bear
when I'm around him.

Then why are you around him?

Well, I said I didn't know, didn't I?

Oh, I guess I'll go and look
at the table.

Oh, that's nice.

But, John, there will only be
three for dinner.

Mr. Burnett phoned, Miss Allen, while you
were dressing. He's bringing a guest.

- A guest?
- Yes, Miss Allen, a lady.



- That'll be all right, John.
- Thank you.

Now you see what I mean.
Fine him bringing a guest.

He should be here.

He should have been here.

He's never on time for anything.
He has no conception of time.

And when you call him on it, he looks
at you as if he was sorry for you.

- Oh, there he is.
- Hm, there they is.

You look as if that doorbell punched
you right in the stomach.

What's the matter with you, anyway?

I don't know, Smitty, I don't know.

Thank you.

Pull up your stockings, darling.
Look nice.

So help me, the seven of diamonds.

Good evening.

Good evening.

Well, good evening!

I hope you don't mind
that I brought Rosie.

Well, I should say not.

Rosie, this is Miss Allen, Gail Allen.

How do you do?

Rosie and I are going to be married,
you know.

- I'm going to me married.
- I don't blame you, isn't she sweet?

- Where did she come from?
- I found her in the sugar bowl.

In the sugar bowl.

Oh, this is my friend, Miss Smith,
Mr. Burnett.

- How do you do, Miss Smith?
- How do you do?

- How do you do?
- Hello.

I'm really her second cousin, but she won't
admit it. She doesn't believe in relatives.

Well, I think I'll show your
fianc?e my room.

Want to go with me, Rosie?

- Do I?
- Oh, sure.

Come on.

- Is she yours?
- Yeah, looks like it.

Her father's a friend of mine, he got hurt
in the war and it's catching up with him.

- No mother?
- Pretty soon no father.

Oh, poor baby.

He asked me to find a place
for her, but...

gosh, I don't know what to do
with a baby.

- She likes you.
- Yeah, they always do.

Bad sign. Dogs too?

- Dogs too.
- I suppose women bark at you.


- You're Miss Smith, I believe Gail said.
- Miss Smith.

This conspiracy against men, it, um...
runs in the family then.

Hm... no. If my memory doesn't fail me,
I used to be crazy about them.

But I'm still playing solitaire.

Come on, Rosie.

Sorry to have been so long, but Rosie
had to try all my perfumes.

Oh, she did, huh?
Come here, let me smell you.

- My, you smell good.
- I smell like a June rose, Gail said so.

Watch yourself. It's the same perfume
I had on the other night.

Oh, hello, Eric, come on in.

- Oh, hello, Eric.
- I knew you'd be here. Hello, Smitty.

Drop in any time, we're always
glad to have you.

Oh, Eric, Mr. Burnett brought
his fianc?e.

Fianc?e? Very charming girl,
congratulations... Willy.

- Who are you talking about?
- Miss Van Ness, I met her at...

Miss Allen meant Rosie,
the little girl over there.

- I'm sorry, I naturally thought...
- Yes, I can see how you would.

- Well, um... have a drink, Eric.
- Thank you, I'll have some sherry.

If it won't keep you from dinner.

Not at all. Stay for dinner,
I'd love you to

Oh, I never eat before I work.

- Do you work nights?
- Yes.

- Night watchman?
- Well, not exactly, I...

I'm sorry, Gail, if you're
not curious, I am.

Who was it you thought was
Mr. Burnett's fianc?e?

Oh, just a friend of mine
he met at my hotel.

Oh, at your hotel...

- She's from Bali, isn't she, Bill?
- Yes, Mr. Rat, she's from Bali.

- White?
- Very.

- Really?
- Is she a dancer?

- They all dance, don't they?
- Oh, she's a little old for a dancer.

I understand Balinese dancers
are ancient at fourteen.

Yes, they start rather young,
about Rosie's age.

- Oh, so she's past fourteen.
- Yes, she's past fourteen.

Oh, well past.

Oh... curious music the Balinese have,

all flutes and xylophones sort of things,
haven't they?

And drums. The music's lovely,
simple but lovely.

Like me.

Scales have only five notes,

- Like you.
- Don't be so snappy.

Play something Balinese, can you?

Oh, sure. I sing too.

- Well, let's here you.
- By all means.

Please do.

It isn't often we hear good
singing, is it, Eric?

- No, it isn't.
- You'd better listen.

I usually sing with three other fellows in
Bali, we call ourselves the Coco Quartet.

- You spell it with a K.
- Nice.

We sing all the American song hits
for the natives.

- That's the scale I was telling you about.
- Oh.

This is a Balinese swing thing.

- That's very interesting.
- Very pretty, what does it mean?

I suppose it means I love you.

It does.

Eric knows a folk song, too. You know,
the one Mr. Meyerbeer wrote.

- Oh, yes.
- Oh, you belong to a quartet too?

No, Eric usually sings alone.

Oh, maybe they're fussier up here
than we are in Bali.

Not so many to choose from.
You come down there, we'll sing with you.

- Thanks.
- Come on, Eric.

- Shall I?
- Why not, you stood for me.

All right.

- Okay?
- Hm-hmm.

# Pays merveilleux #

# Jardin fortun? #

- He's good.
- He has to be, he's at the Metropolitan.

# Temple radieux, salut #

# O paradis sorti de l'onde #

# Ciel si bleu, ciel si pure #

# Dont mes yeux son ravis #

# Tu m'appartiens #

# O nouveau monde #

# Dont j'aurai dot? #

# Dont j'aurai dot? mon pays. #

# ? nous ces campagnes merveilles #

# ? nous cet Eden retrouv? #

# O tr?sors charmants #

# O merveilles, salut #

# Monde nouveau, tu m'appartiens, #
# Sois donc ? moi #

# ? moi, sois donc ? moi #
# O beau pays #

# Monde nouveau, tu m'appartiens, #
# Sois donc ? moi #

# Sois donc ? moi, ? moi, #
# ? moi #

Thanks, Eric, that was lovely.

Gosh, and in Bali I'm host stuff.

Well, as you say, they don't have
so many to choose from.

- Dinner is served, madam.
- Thank you, John.

- I think I'll be running along, Gail, I...
- You should stay, we're having fried chicken.

Fried chicken, fried chicken?

She gives me squab, broiled.

- Good night, Gail, thanks for the drink.
- Good night, thanks for the aria.

- Good night, Smitty.
- Good night.

Oh, give my regards to your
fianc?e, will you?

Oh, um... by the way, where is Rosie?


Here I am, Mr. Burnett.

Come on, I'm going to put you
at the head of the table, see?

Do you want some more cake, Rosie?

- Do I?
- Sure.

- Here.
- Thank you.

Did you know that Bill's little
bride-to-be here...

...finds herself without a home
for the moment?

No, I thought she belonged to you, maybe.
You didn't say...

- No, he's just taking care of her until...
We, um...

We thought it would be a good idea if we
got a little better acquainted...

...before we got married.

- Nineteen children.
- You're going to have nineteen children?


You see, you can't dash into
a thing like that.

- Oh, no.
- He doesn't know what to do with her.

Oh, I'll figure out something.

Gail, why don't you take her?

- Me?
- Well, what's the matter with that?

Are you crazy, what would I do
with a child?

I haven't any room in the first place and I
haven't the time. I'm busy all day, I...

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't bring
Rosie up here to...

You're busy, you just don't want
to be bothered.

You don't want to clutter up
your pretty apartment.

- Nor my life.
- Oh, that's right.

You have your own life to live,
haven't you?

You're a free woman, I forgot.

Right, I am free,
and I intend to stay that way.

So you needn't be sarcastic, Smitty.

It isn't sarcasm...

You know, some of these days you're
going to find out a very startling fact.

- That you're a human being.
- I think I'm quite capable...

They don't build a fence between
freedom and loneliness.

You can walk right over the precipice
and never know it.

Then it's too late to holler for help.

I said I think I'm quite capable of running
my life private without any interference.

Specially from someone who hasn't done
a particularly brilliant job of her own.

Bring her over to my apartment
when you're through here.

I'll take her. And if I were you,
I'd be through here now.

I am.

- I'm sorry, I...
- Oh, that's all right.

Smith is a nice woman,
you wouldn't think so.

- Yes, I thought so.
- We've never quarrelled before.

- It must be very embarrassing for you.
- Oh, no, no.

You do understand about my
not taking Rosie.

Oh, sure.

I suppose it may have made
me sound very selfish, but...

It isn't that, it...

You do understand.

Oh, sure, there was no reason
for her to suggest it.

It's simply that, well...

My life hasn't any room in it
for children, that's all.

Oh, sure.

It's simple that I've planned my life...
I've worked ever since I was fourteen.

Have you?

Yes. You'd hate to work anything that long
and then just mess it all up.

Oh, sure.

Can't you say anything but, oh, sure?

There's no reason to get mad.
I didn't ask you to do anything.

I know, but my goodness, you...

What's the matter? She's crying.

I imagine she overheard you.

- Don't cry, darling.
- Come on, Rosie, we'd better be going.

No, wait.


Let's go to the bedroom and put
some more perfume on, shall we?

- You don't need to bother.
- Oh, please let me, I'm so sorry.

- You want to go with me, Rosie?
- Do I?

- Sure.
- Come on, then.

But Rosie, I want you to stay.

You can wear one of my nighties,
wouldn't you like that?

Let me see it.


Let me see, what have we got here?

Now, what about this, huh?

That's too big.

Oh, all right, I think we have
something better.

Oh, now let's see what you look like
in this one, hm?

Oh, you can see through that one.

Well, it's cooler that way.

Is that why you have it that way?

I guess so.

Come on, up we go.

Up. That's right.

Listen, do you think I'm too fat?

Too fat? Certainly not, what ever
gave you that idea?

Well, that other lady said I looked
like a bundle of kindle wood.

What other lady, huh?

Noel, that lady over where
Mr. Burnett lives.

Noel, huh?

Well, that other lady has probably
spent a lot of time in wood piles,

that's probably why she said that.

Oh, do you think I'll have a shape
like yours maybe when I grow up?

I hope I do.

With the start you've got, you're going
to make me look like an old bag of potatoes.

- Why, you've got lines.
- Have I?

- Hm, like a race horse.
- You mean like Sea Biscuit?


- You're nice.
- Do you think so, Rosie?

Awfully nice, but that other
lady's prettier.

Oh, so she's prettier, is she?

Well, being pretty isn't everything.

Come on, let's go and say good night
to Mr. Burnett, shall we?

- Come on.
- Alright.

- Rosie's going to stay here tonight.
- Well!

Are you sure she won't be
too much trouble?

Oh, no, she won't be any trouble.
I like her, and she likes me.

- Okay?
- Okay?


You're sure you want to stay
here tonight, Rosie?

- Yes.
- I don't blame you.

- She has good smells.
- Yes, she has, but she's cockeyed, Rosie.

- Is she?
- Cockeyed.

She's cool though. Look, this is her pajamas
look, you can see through them.

Yes, you can, can't you?

I explained to her that it's cooler
that way.

You can see through it.

- Oh, well...
- Well, um... I wish you'd go home.

Why, it's still early.

I know, but we're tired,
we want to go to bed.

How late do you think a baby
can stay up anyway?

- I'll guess, how late?
- How late, Gail?

- You say good night to Mr. Burnett.
- Good night to Mr. Burnett.

Good night, Rosie.

Now you do everything Miss Allen
tells you, be a good girl.

All right, I will.

Now come on, off to bed with you.
I'll be with you right away.

Marie, here's Rosie.

Good night.

Do you really use things that thin?

- Yes, why?
- Well, you can see right through them.

Well, what of it? It's my nightgown.
Nobody sees me in it but me, do they?

They'de better not.

Well, um... good night.

Good night.

Oh, um... thanks...
About Rosie, I mean.

That's all right.

Are you going to sleep with me
in this bed tonight?

- Do you want me to?
- Well, it's too big for just me.

It's too big for just you too.

Well, never mind about that.

- Do you know your prayers?
- What's prayers?

What's prayers?
Why, prayers are a way you ask for things.

For protection, and love,
and before you go to bed.

- Oh, is that prayers?
- Of course, darling.

Well, I know that one.
Can I use your telephone?

- Telephone?
- May I, please?

Why, yes, but...

Hello. May I speak to
the devil, please?

- Rosie!
- Shh.

Hello, Devil, listen, this is Rosie.

- Rosie.
- What's the matter?

What on earth are you doing?

I'm calling up the devil to ask
for things like you said.

Now look, darling.

Not the devil, the Lord.

But everyone asks the Lord
for things.

Yes, because he's the only one
who really listens.

And you don't have to call him
on the telephone.

- He's all around you.
- Is he in this room?

Of course, he's in every little
girl's room.

- Where?
- Why, he's here in your heart.

He's in my heart too.

- He is?
- Hm-hmm.

And all you have to do ever
to ask him for things...

...is to close your eyes and speak very
softly and then he'll hear you.

- He will?
- Hm-hmm. Look, like this.

Look. Dear Lord...
And then you ask him.


Like this?

Like that.

Dear Lord, don't let the devil hurt
my mother in heaven...

...and my father in the hospital.

Oh, Rosie, I'm such a pig.

I'll tell him, don't cry.

And let Gail get over being
a cockeyed pig.

Strange-tasting food this, isn't it?

Strange, really?

Oh, I imagine it is if you're not
used to it.

Cold and yet it's hot.

This is nothing compared to what
the Balinese really eat.

Remember the time when we got up
in the middle of the night...

...to see them kill sea turtles
for a feast?

We heard they lived for hours
after they were killed.

- Haven't we, Willie?
- Hm... who?

- The turtles.
- Oh, yeah.

And, um... did they?

Flapping and snapping for hours.
Didn't they, Willie?

I guess turtles figure they know
what they've got in Bali...

...and hate to take a chance on heaven.

What is this, by the way?

Turtle. Sate lembat they call it.

- Don't they, Willy?
- Hm, yes, that's right.

I see.

It was awfully nice of you
to ask to meet me.

I don't know anyone here.
That is, anyone but Willy.


- Hm?
- What?

Oh, I said I was so anxious to meet you.
Willy had told me a lot about you.

Really? He gets mad at me
when I tell that.

- What was that?
- Oh, nothing.

Oh... Oh, I thought he told you.

- What did you think he told me?
- Oh, about us.

Oh, do you want something different to eat,
a hamburger, a hot dog or something?

No, this is delicious.

It's just that I have a feeling
it hasn't stopped yet.

Oh, cooking calms him down.

Maybe it's my imagination, but I can
feel him flapping, really I can.

The first time I had dragonflies
it did that to me.

They hopped, I could feel them hop.
Willy said I was crazy, didn't you, Willy?

How could they hop when they were fried?
Anyway, dragonflies don't hop.

They hopped.

I know just how she feels
when she feels flapping.

- You wouldn't like Bali.
- Oh, I don't know.

You're not painting a very
pretty picture of Bali.

I quite understand that.

Understand what?


The Balinese have the right idea.

Plenty to eat and a house
like their neighbor's, no better.

- If that's all you want.
- What more could you want?

That gives them peace.
Peace is tough to find.

I have peace.

- You?
- Yes, me.

- With a disposition like yours?
- What's wrong with my disposition?

Now, Willy, that isn't very nice of you.

I think Miss Allen is charming, and you've
done nothing but pick on her all evening.

He hasn't been picking on me
anything of the sort.

Well, I'm sorry!

I'm sorry.

Do you mind if we go? I'm terribly sorry,
but I've got an awful stomach ache and...

I'm not used to such hot food,
I'm terribly sorry.


Yes, sir.

I can let myself in all right.

You better not keep Miss whatshername
waiting up for you or anything.

I noticed you didn't try and hold
my hand while she was in the car.

- Are you sure that's the right key?
- Certainly.

I suppose the houses in Bali
don't even have locks.

That's right. Everybody's friends.

- I'll bet. Good night.
- Good night.

- You don't have to come in.
- Oh, I don't mind.

- I want to see Rosie.
- Well, Rosie's asleep.

- Oh, wake her up.
- Oh, all right.

She looks like she's gotten littler.

It's the bed, it's so big.

What do you want with a bed that big?

I fall out, I always did.
I had to have sides until I was fifteen.

What are you whispering about?

- Oh, now we've awakened her.
- It's just us, Rosie, go back to sleep.

Did you have a good time, Gail?

Yes, an awfully good time, Rosie.

Did you like Mr. Burnett's other kady?

Yes, I thought she was awfully nice.

Now come on, you've got
to go to sleep now.

Kiss me to sleep, Gail.

There. I'm gonna come right back to bed.

Good night, Rosie.

- Good night.
- Good night.

- I haven't found a place for her yet.
- Oh, there's no hurry.

How does your stomach feel now?

It hurts like fury.


I don't think it was the food,
or that drink, whatever it was.

Oh, that wouldn't give you
a stomach ache.

I think it's that girl. I don't like her.

- I gathered that.
- She knows how to pretend, I don't.

Oh, I don't think she was pretending.

Well, you may think it silly of me, but...

She's jealous of me.

- What ever gave you that idea.
- She is.

- She's got no right to be.
- I know that.

You needn't... I know that.

What's the matter with you, anyway?
Your disposition's getting terrible.

I know, you told me.

It's only around you, around other
people I'm all right, I'm nice.

I've noticed that.

You know what it might be.


You might be in love with me.

Don't be ridiculous.

Well, of all the...
Well, I'm not.

- How do you know you're not?
- Well, I've told you, I...

I don't believe in falling in love,
I don't intend...

How's your stomach now?

What stomach?

Nope, I'm not gonna ask you now.

I don't want you to say later that
you didn't know what you were saying.

Soda's good, you got some?

Yes, I got some.

I'm going back to Bali next week.

Um... think about it, will you?

- I'm awake yet.
- Go to sleep, darling.

What are you crying about?

I'm not crying.

Your face is all wet.

- It's the shower.
- No, it isn't, I tasted it and it's all salty.

I guess I'm tired.
I guess I've been working too hard.

- Gail.
- Hm-hmm?

What am I crying about?

Oh, darling, don't.

Maybe you're tired too.

- Have I been working too hard?
- We've both been working too hard.

Maybe we need a rest.

I guess we do.

- Rosie.
- What?

- Ever been swimming?
- No.

Let's us go swimming, hm?

We won't get sunk, will we, Gail?

Not if we go right away.

All ashore that's going ashore.

All ashore that's going ashore.

You know, Gail, I don't like
you dashing off like this,

but I suppose you know what
you're doing.

We both need the trip.
It will do Rosie good too.

- I'm nervous, and...
- Yes, I felt like that once.

I took a trip too.
I should have taken a wedding ring.

Tell Bill that I'd like to keep
Rosie permanently.

He'll be gone by the time
we get back from Nassau.

And thanks for not telling him
we were going away.

It would have meant a lot
of arguments and...

- Wasn't I supposed to?
- You did tell him?

Well, I thought he should know
you were taking Rosie.

- What did he say?
- He, um...

He told me to tell you it would
have been simpler to take soda.

What did he mean by that?

Well, you know...

Goodbye, dear, have a nice trip.

- Goodbye, Rosie.
- Goodbye, we'll wave at you.

Bye, darling.

She won't be there yet, darling.

- Yes, but Mr. Burnett is.
- Where?

See him? He's the man down
down there just laughing.


Wave to him.

Bye, Mr. Burnett!

Throw him a kiss, Gail.

Throw him a kiss, Gail.

Goodbye, Mr. Burnett!

# Mama don't want no peas,
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, no rice #
# No coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas,
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas,
# No rice, no coconut oil #

- Is this Nassau, Gail?
- Yes, darling, this is Nassau.

Oh, is this where we don't
work too hard?


# Mama don't want no peas,
# No rice, no coconut oil #

The kids get awful sunburnt
in this country, don't they?

- That's their natural color, darling.
- Oh.

Gail, is Mr. Burnett magic?

Magic? Why, no, why?

Well, when we were asleep,
the boat took us back home again.

What on earth are you
talking about?

Mr. Burnett.

Hello, Mr. Burnett!

Hello, I didn't think you'd ever get here.

Mr. Burnett, was magic,
wasn't he, Gail?

Mr. Burnett's insane.

- Yes.
- How are you, Rosie?


Say, I can't afford to be spending
all my money...

...in riding around the country
in airplanes, you know.

- Who said you had to?
- You did.

- I did?
- When a lady runs, a gentleman has to follow.

What do you mean when a lady runs?

We took a rest, Gail cried,
so we had to take a trip.

Oh... well, when I get you settled, I'll
show you this place, it's really something.

Oh, you don't have to bother at all.

Now look, as long as I'm here,
you might as well enjoy me.

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

Hey, you better get in on this,
Rosie and I'll probably go on stage...

...with it and where will you be?

Yeah, and then where will you be?
You'd better get in on this.

- All right, simpletons.
- One, two...

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

Hey, I'd better go swimming now.

All right, well, take care of yourself.
Marie, watch her, will you?

- Yes, I will.
- Bye, darling.

Maybe it's just the light down here,
but you're a lot prettier.

I haven't had a vacation in years.

- Maybe that's it.
- Of course that's it.

This is really honeymoon stuff, isn't it?

Hm... I suppose lots of honeymooners
do come down here.

In Bali they have a custom
that always made sense to me.

Nogolo, they call it, honeymoon
before marriage.

- Charming.
- Sensible.

Now look.

If you have any idea this is going
to develop into a...

Whatever it was you called it...

- Nogolo.
- Yes, well, you're very much...

- Do they really do that?
- The natives.

There's usually a very romantic
elopement first,

with a young man supposedly kidnapping
a kicking, screaming young lady.

I suppose she'd be very disappointed
if he believed her and dropped her.

Yes, some young ladies kick and scream,
and some ladies take a boat to Nassau.

I bet there's really something
in the moonlight, huh?

There is a moon, I'll show it
to you tonight.

- Thanks, I've seen a moon.
- Not this one.

I ordered it special.

You wait.

Is all that moon that glow
on the water?

- No, that's plankton.
- Plankton?

It's a marine organism that makes
the water phosphorescent.

It shines like a million cats' eyes,
doesn't it?

You know, it's a funny thing. If you get
shipwrecked any place in the tropics,

and you're hungry and the sea's like that,
you know what you can do?

- No, what?
- Well, you'd have to have on a white shirt.

And when the moon is high...

Oh, so I have to be shipwrecked
in a white shirt.

Well, you'll have to be wearing
something white.

- Anyway, you take it off.
- When the moon is high.

Uh-huh. And you drag it through the water
and that plankton sticks to it like...

- Like caviar?
- Yeah.

Then you just scrape off
your shirt and eat it.

- Your shirt?
- Yeah... no, the ca... I mean the plankton.

Seems a little messy to me.

Here you are in an open boat starving
to death and you kid about it.

Anyway, it proves a man
can eat a shirt.

And have it too.

You know, when you swim on
that stuff, it gets all over you.

Makes you all shimmery.

- Really? I think I'd like to try it.
- Well, come on.

Oh, no, I feel to languid to go back
to the hotel and change.

- Well?
- Well, I'd have to go and get my...

- Oh... I think I'd better...
- No, wait a minute.

We've got some unfinished business.

- I asked you a question the other night.
- Oh, Bill, please.

I said I asked you a question.

- All right, I answered it.
- By coming to Nassau?


Maybe you got me wrong.
I'm on the level, I mean it.

And I meant it when I ran away.

You meant it when you kissed me
the night before too.

No, I didn't, I...
Don't let's talk about it.

You can't keep on ducking it,
I've got to know.

All right. I don't love you,
if that's what you mean.

You're lying.

No, I'm not. If I loved you,
wouldn't I say so?

No, I don't think so, because
you're afraid.

Afraid. What on earth should I
be afraid of?

Well, you're afraid you'll have
to give up being Miss Somebody...

...who runs Morrissey's and... become
Mrs. Nobody. You're afraid that...

Please, I want to go back
to the hotel.

You're even afraid to hear
what I've got to say to you...

...because you might find out you're a human
being but you're going to hear it.

Please let me go!

If I let you go, you won't see me again,
you know that.

- Yes.
- Is that what you want?

- Yes.
- You may not know you're lying, but I know.

- Let go of my wrist!
- I know that some day...

...you're going to fall off that
cliff Smithy was telling you about...

...and you're going to die because
I'm not there.

- You conceited fool!
- You're a liar, and a cheat and a coward.

Because I don't want you,
there's something wrong with me?

We have a name for women like you in Bali,
but right now I can't think of it.

I'm only doing this because
you don't want me to.

Let me go!

It's the only way I know
to hurt you.

And it's killing you and I'm laughing.

- Here you are.
- Thank you.

- No butter on the sandwich?
- No, ma'am.

Well, she's at it again.
Won't take time to go out and eat.

- Here's your lunch, Miss Allen.
- Thank you.

You keep this up you'll have no more
stomach left than a rabbit.

That poor rabbit again
never has anything.

- What are you training for?
- Work.

You didn't go to Havana, did you?

No... I thought I ought to get back.

What did he do, fly back?

I guess so, I didn't see him again.

Sure you won't have one of these?

All right, I'll change the subject. I'll just
remark once that you're the dumbest...

- Yes?
- There's a Miss Van Ness here to see you.

She hasn't an appointment,
but she says that you...

- Well, I'll see her in a moment.
- Yes, Miss Allen.

- What does she want?
- Who? How on earth should I know?

- It's that girl.
- The one from Bali?

- Uh-huh.
- Then I'd better go.

No, please don't.

- Yes, Miss Allen?
- Have Miss Van Ness come in, please.

Yes, Miss Allen.

You know, it's none of my business,

but if I were you, I'd wipe that
mayonnaise off my chin.

How do you do?

How do you do?

You don't know Miss Smith, do you?
Miss Van Ness.

- How do you do?
- The novelist?

- A novelist.
- I loved your last book.

Oh, are you psychic?

- Psychic?
- How did you know it was my last book?

Where did you... I mean, how did you
know about Miss Smith's book?

Willie had it.

He said I'd like it because it was
all about love, and I loved it.

- I see. Well, um... won't you sit down?
- Thank you.

- Or you could say won't you "sit" down?
- Thank you.

- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.

I suppose you're wondering why I've come.
Willie... that's Mr. Burnett.

Yes, we know.

Willie wanted to send a note,
but I thought it would be much better...

... if we just talked about it openly
and honestly woman to woman.

So, since we are going to sail on Saturday,
I thought you ought to know about it today.

You mean you and Mr. Burnett
are sailing.

- And Rosie.
- Rosie?

Rosie. We'll have to get a special
passport for her.

You see, both of her parents
are dead now.

But I've been in touch with
the ambassador from Holland...

- ...at Washington and he's arranged it.
- Oh, so you've arranged it.

No, the ambassador has arranged it.
He's a friend of my father's.

I see.

Well, um... when do you want Rosie?

I'll call for her after dinner
if that's convenient.

- Perfect.
- At 8 o'clock?

At eight o'clock.

- Happy to have met you, Mrs. Smith.
- Thank you so much.

Goodbye, Miss Allen.

Mrs. Smith.

What am I going to do, Smithy?

I suppose you're going to have her
ready at 8 o'clock.

But she's used to me, and I'm used to her.

She mightn't like it anywhere else,
she's used to me, I...

She might be unhappy.

- She's little, she'll get over it.
- I'm not little.

Can't you call him up, can't you ask him?

No, it wouldn't do any good.

He said something...
It wouldn't do any good.

And anyway, I wouldn't make a man think I
wanted him when I really wanted the child.

That would be too rotten dishonest.

It's the usual womanly thing to do.

Well, I guess I'm not the usual
womanly thing.

Then I suppose you'd better
have her ready at 8 o'clock.

- Do you want some perfume?
- No, thank you.

Now, you'll explain to him about
the tiny little light I leave burning

When there's a little light on, everything
looks all sleepy, doesn't it, Gail?

Yes, darling, and you'll explain
to them about...

When it's all dark, everything's
awfully wide awake, isn't it?

Yes, and... and...

You'll remember all the things
I've told you, won't you?

Yes, I'll remember.

Well, say them.

You don't need to be scared
of the devil,

you tell the truth no matter what,
and what else?

And you keep clean.

You keep clean with your hands,
and your face, and your talk.

And what you think just as clean
as a new little cup and saucer.

- That's clean, isn't it, Gail?
- Yes, darling.

Sing the song Mr. Burnett
taught us every night...

...when you go to sleep and then
you'll remember us?

Yes, darling.

Say them.

- Mama don't want no peas, no rice, no...
- Coconut oil.

No coconut oil.

Every night now so you'll remember us.

All right, darling.

- Now you must go.
- Well, have a good trip.

- I'm not going anywhere, you are.
- What's the difference?

I guess none.

Well, goodbye, Rosie.


Sing it again, keep singing it,
I can hear you.

Mama don't want no peas, no rice,
no coconut oil.

I can't help it, I'm feeling
real bad leaving, I am.

Hush now, darling, hush now.

You don't want to make that
other lady feel badly either.

If she thought you didn't want to go,
she'd be very upset.

Now come on, how does it go?

Mama don't want no peas, no rice,
no coconut oil.

Mama don't want no peas, no rice,
no coconut oil.

Mama don't want no peas, no rice,
no coconut oil.

Eric was in good voice tonight.

Wasn't he?

Pity he couldn't have
brought you home.

Oh, I expect he had something else to do.

After all, it is your birthday.


I wish Mother hadn't picked this time
of the year to have me.

- October's a nice month.
- Yes, but...

It's kind of unpleasant getting a year older
when everything around you is dying sort of.

Oh, you're not old enough to get
morbid about birthdays yet.

Wait until you get my age,
if you can imagine such a thing.

Funny they wouldn't leave
some lights on.

Funny how easy it is to surprise
even the smartest people.

- Oh!
- Happy birthday!

Oh, Eric, thank you, it's lovely.

I even had a little thank fest of my own.
I thanked your mother and your father,

and I even thanked Willie
for going away.

Eric, you haven't got enough
candles on this cake...

I always say one shouldn't have people
around who've known one too long,

isn't that what you always say?

They should definitely be disposed of.

Cut the cake.

Make a wish, blow the candles
out all at once.

Oh, I can't take more breath.

Very good.

Well, who could that be at this
time of night?

I'll go see.

- Miss Gail Allen.
- I'll take the message.

No, I gotta see her.

Oh, well, come in.

He insisted on seeing you.

- Miss Gail Allen?
- Yes.

Sign here.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Gail,
Happy birthday to you.

Signed Bill and Rosie.
It's paid for.

- Hey, wait a minute.
- It's paid for.

Yes, but you're not.
How about a piece of cake?


What's the matter, don't you like to sing?

Well, how do you like to come out
at night in the rain...

and sing Happy Birthday to some
dame you don't even... um...

...lady you don't even know?

I know how you feel.
I do it every night.

- You're in the messenger service?
- Oh, in a way.

- What's your name?
- Jack.

Look here, Jack, let's do this Happy
Birthday business over again, shall we?

Now, this time you know the dame...
um, lady.

Maybe you'll get a little more
feeling into it, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Let's go over to the piano.

- Ready?
- Yeah.

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday, dear Gail,
Happy birthday to you.

Signed Jack and Eric.

- It's paid for.
- You make me sound like a piece of cheese.

That's the difference between
not knowing a dame... a lady...

...and knowing that she's the only
lady in the world.

- See?
- No, but thanks for the cake anyway.

Happy birthday, Miss Allen.


- Thank you.
- Good night.

That's kind of a nice idea
the way they do that.

Yeah, it's a little more personal than
just a telegram and a...

Nice idea, don't you think, Gail?


Oh, yes, it's a nice idea.

- Imagine him remembering.
- Well, you know the elephant.

What elephant?

I don't know, I was just trying
to say something.

I'll be running along. It's time
you two were in bed, too. It's late.

See you tomorrow for lunch, Gail?

Of course. And thanks for the cake.

But you didn't eat any of it.

- Didn't I? Oh, I...
- It doesn't matter.

I'll see you tomorrow.

- Good night, Smitty.
- Goodbye, Eric.

I should have eaten some of that cake.

Of course you should.
He went to a lot of bother.

I thought I did, isn't that funny?

What's the matter with you tonight?
Ever since that boy...

Nothing's the matter with me,
I feel swell.

Why shouldn't I feel swell, I have
everything the way I wanted it, haven't I?

Don't take my head off.

I get scared when I think I nearly
gave it all up.

- All what?
- All this.

Freedom. The right to do
what I like, when I like.

Nobody to...

Nothing hanging on to me and weighing
me down with worry and responsibility.

No getting used to someone and...

...and then being lonely forever because
something happened to them.

No... I've got everything just
the way I wanted it.

Oh... oh, Smitty.

Oh, Gail!


- I hit him, Willie.
- Hey, you did, you know.

He was on my way.

Hm, don't you love the way
it smells, Willie, Bali?

Yeah, you'd never think it was winter
time in other places, would you?

You wouldn't think about other places
at all, would you, Willie?

- No.
- It wouldn't make me happy.

And I'm so happy.

Are you happy too, Willie?

Sure, why wouldn't I be?

It's nice that you are happy because
we are getting married tomorrow.

But I'd marry you anyway,
even if you weren't happy.

- That wouldn't be any good.
- I'd marry you anyway.

This Mr. Burnett's house.

Thank you.

But, um... but it's right out in the water,
how do I get there?

You traipse across bridge, you get house.

Oh, well, um...

I'll let you know about the luggage.
I may stay.

I wait.

- Oh, how do you do?
- Yes?

Does Mr. Burnett live here?

- Yes.
- Is he in now?


Oh, do you expect him back?


May I wait for him, I...
I've come a long way.


It's warm, isn't it?

- Yes.
- I expect you're used to it, though.


Does Mr. Burnett live here alone?


Oh, um... you mean he has native girls
to take care of him and everything.

- Yes.
- Yes, he said something like that.

Well, um...

Where are they?

- Me.
- Yes, I know, but the rest of them.

No rest of them, just me.

Just you? You mean you do everything?
- Hm-hmm.

- Like cooking?
- Hm-hmm.

And cleaning, and keeping
his clothes nice?

- And dancing?
- No dance!

Just feed him, keep him clean.
Plenty hard work.

- No dance.
- Well, for heaven's sake.

You mean you're the only one here?

That you've always lived here
and taken care of him?

Yes, always.

Well, the big bragging so-and-so.

Look, I can't tell you how glad
I am I've met you.

Well for heaven's sake.

Um... you sit down?

I go get you nice cold tea.

This is the nicest thing that has
happened to me in a long time.

You know I married Noel's
mother and father.

- You did?
- Yes, thank you very much.

You are welcome. But I think it is Bill
who ought to thank me.

You bet, I sure do.

- Tomorrow at sundown then.
- Tomorrow at sundown.

Id love a sunrise wedding.

Only Willie says it sounds like
an execution.

Oh, Father, you don't mind.

The natives are so anxious
to dance for the wedding,

and it'll make them happy
and I've known them all my life.

Rosie's going to dance to,
that's all right, isn't it?

Oh, it is all right.

You know, the Balinese have the same
reverence for marriage that we have.

They never marry unless they love.
And once they are married,

only death parts them.

Marriage is such a wonder to me.

The thing that happens between
a man and a woman...

...to make them want no one else
on this earth but each other.

It is a frightening thing really
because it is their resposibility...

...to keep that fragile bond
intact and living.

Who was it?

He said: in every union there is
a mystery,

a certain invisible bond which
must not be disturbed.

Come on, Willie, we have to go to your
house and change and we'd better hurry up.


- Thank you, Father.
- You have the ring, my son?

- Yes, I have it.
- Dumogi indam.

Goodbye, Father.

- Have you got company?
- I hope not.

Don't be long, darling. You know
we have to be in town in an hour.


Hello, beautiful.

Hello, big bragging so-and-so.

Hello what?

- Pretty lady to see you.
- Lady, where?

You go see. Very pretty.

- Oh, Bill!
- Gail!

Well... this is a surprise.

How have you been?

Fine, just fine.

- How's Rosie?
- She's fine, she's out playing some place.

I'd love to see her. Do you think
she'll remember me?

Of course she'll remember you.

I got your birthday message.
It was nice of you to remember.

- You didn't answer, I didn't know whether...
- I couldn't, I've been sick.

Sick, eh?

Imagine me sick, I've never had
anything wrong with me in my life.

- I went to the hospital.
- Well... are you feeling better now?

Oh, yes... yes.

Do you know what was the matter
with me? It was very odd, it...

- It's kind of hard for me to tell you.
- You don't have to tell me.

Oh, yes I do have to tell you, I...
That's why I came here, to tell you.

Gail, I...

If you wouldn't say anything
till I'm through... it's difficult.


The doctors came and they went away, they
didn't know what was the matter with me.

And then...

And then one very wise man came...

He knew.

He reminded me that a long
time ago it was said...

...it is not good for man to live alone.
He said that meant women too.

Do you know that I...

...I kept crying for Rosie and for you,
and I didn't know what I was doing?

- Listen, Gail...
- That's how he knew.

He said that however carefully a woman
may have organized her life,

that a husband and children are...

Well... necessary to make
her complete.

It's like... like going about with
one arm or something, you see, you...

You're missing something.

But you don't always know how important
those things are until you let them go by.

And then you have to pay, I mean...
any woman does,

with an awful loneliness.

Gail, will you listen a minute?

He explained that this loneliness had been
lying in wait for me for a long time and...

And that when you went away,
it closed in actually on my heart.

And I was sick.

That's what was wrong with me, Bill.

I was sick for you.

That's why I've come here, Bill.

May I stay, may I stay?

I think it would be so awkward if you did.

Oh... hello.

Hello. Willie, did you tell Miss Allen?

Noel and I are going to be
married tomorrow.

- Oh...
- Yes, congratulations?

Of course, congratulations.

You must congratulate Willie too,
otherwise my feelings would be hurt.

Of course. Congratulations, Bill.


Do you think I might see Rosie?

- I wouldn't.
- Why not?

I don't think it would be fair
to Miss Allen or to Rosie.

- I'll get her.
- No, please don't, she's right.

It wouldn't be fair to Rosie.

Well, goodbye, Bill.

- I'll see you to your car.
- I'd sooner go by myself.


I feel awfully sorry for that woman.

She has made such a full mess
out of her life.

She isn't happy like we are.

You are happy, aren't you, Willie?


Oh, sure, I'll go change.

- I'm not staying.
- Okay, we go.

No, wait.

Let's go, driver, quickly.

Come on, Gail, don't stick in the office,
you've got to eat.


You know, when I get these on,
I want to go she-ing.

I found a new fortune teller.
I hear she's amazing.

I think I'll do without fortune tellers.

Anyway, um...

Anyway what?

Bill's coming up.

- Bill?
- Yes, they're in town.

- On their honeymoon?
- I suppose so.

He's got a nerve.

Why, is there any reason why
people can't be friends?

No, no reason.

Except I never thought it was very decent.

Hello, Tony.

I'm going to lunch.

Oh, um...
When... when's Eric leaving?

Soon. A year's tour, isn't that nice?

Hm... I'll miss him.


Smitty, I'm going to marry Eric.

- You what?
- I said I'm going to marry Eric.

- Does he know it?
- No.

- I suppose he'll have me.
- You suppose?

You know what the fortune teller said,
she said he'd turn me down.

Hm, I have a picture of Eric
turning you down.

You know, Gail, I think that's
awfully nice of you.

It's not nice at all, I want to.

Women are funny people.

They get a sock in the nose
and immediately dash out...

...and try to bandage up somebody
else's nose.

You read that somewhere.

Most women are just little
girl scouts grown up.

A first-aid kit in one hand
and a knife in the other.

Gail. You know I've always loved you.

But now I like you too.

Very much.

Say, I just ran into Smitty outside
and she yelled congratulations at me.

Is she that happy I'm leaving town?

Well, no, I think she's happy because
I'm going with you if you'll let me.

Of course I'll let you,
I think it'll be swell if...

- What did you say?
- I said...

Will you let me go with you?

- Would you, Gail?
- Yes, I would.

- Are you sure?
- Very sure.

But your job here, your... I mean...

I don't like it any more, Eric, isn't
that funny? I simply don't like it.

So you'll have to marry me
or I'll starve to death.

Oh, darling.

I'll try and make you very happy, Eric.

Happy? I'm the happiest man
alive today.

Don't you realize that I've been
waiting for this, that I've wanted...

Do you realize?

I guess I didn't realize before.

I'm sorry if I ever made you unhappy.
I never want to make anyone unhappy.

Hey, wait a minute, you haven't
made me unhappy.

Just being around you,
just knowing you.

And now! Oh, darling.

I'm going out and buy the whole town.
See you at dinner.

I'll come back all loaded down
with rubis and palaces and...

And... and... goodbye.

All right, darling.

- Yes?
- Mr. Burnett is here.

Oh... send him in.

- Yes, Miss Allen.
- Hello, Bill.

Oh, hello, Eric.

Oh, your little fianc?e, you're certainly
a devoted couple, aren't you?

- We didn't get married, though.
- You didn't?


Would you mind taking care
of Rosie for a minute?


- Don't I get to see Gail?
- I'll call you if we get to stay.

- I'll see you later, Eric.
- By the way, where are you stopping?

- I'm at the Park Villa again.
- I'll give you a ring some time.

Oh, come in, Tony.

- Hello, Bill.
- Hello, Gail.

Did you get my message
that I was coming?


I don't just like that bust on people.

No, it sometimes isn't best.

Close that window!

Excuse me please.

Um... maybe I should go out?

- Haven't you finished yet, Tony?
- Huh?

She said haven't you finished yet.

Oh, no, I have to do inside yet,
but I can come back.

- No, stay, go right ahead.
- Excuse me?

- She said she wants you to stay.
- All right.

Well, how's it going with you?

Fine, how's it going with you?


I just saw Eric outside,
he's looking well, I thought.

Yes. We're going to be married,
you know.

Married, huh?

Well, I don't blame you, he's a nice guy.

Nicest I know.

- Congratulations?
- Yes, of course.

Well, I just dropped in,
I was in town and...

- I'm glad you did, any time you're around.
- Thanks.

Gail, are you happy about marrying Eric?

Of course, why?

Oh, I just wanted to know.

You can't just rush into
a thing like that.

The priest told me something in Bali.

He said that in every union
there's a mystery,

a certain invisible bond which
must not be disturbed.

That's something to think about, isn't it?

That's... very pretty, isn't it?

I always say it's a mistake to go...

...back and look at the place where
you were happy when you were young,

isn't that what you always say?

- That's what I always say.
- It's always such a letdown, isn't it?

- Isn't it?
- Yeah, it sure is.

How's Rosie?

Oh, she's fine.

Well, if you're ever around
some time, look me up.

We can have some laughs.

Yes, I... I don't think I'll be
getting back to Bali, I...

I found it a little hot.

Well, so long.

So long, Bill.

Come on, Rosie.

- Don't I get to see Gail?
- No.

- Why not?
- Because we got bounced.

Is there something I could do?

She wants me to buy her some
perfume like yours,

she's kind of batty about perfume,
she was sort of raised on it.

There's some in my locker,
I'll give it to her.

- That's very nice of you.
- She's been so good.

She's been so good.

- Excuse me.

Miss Allen, I'm going out
for a few moments.


- Which one?
- What?

Which one did you pick, which man?

Oh, the first one, Tony.

I like the second one.

Look, Tony, you may know a lot about women's
clothes but you're a bad judge of men.

You know, the first gentleman,
he maybe is a fine gentleman.

But he's not good gentleman for you.

He is a fine gentleman.

Yeah, your kind of a woman needs
a guy, not a fine gentleman.

- Well!
- The second one is a guy.

He certainly is a guy,
for heaven's sake.

The first gentleman, he will let
you be the boss.

- Exactly.
- And a woman ain't supposed to be the boss.

Well, not the boss, Tony, but...

You see, the first gentleman,
he understands that...

Well, for instance, he understands that
I'd like to keep my own apartment and...

- What?
- And he'd have his own apartment...

And... and... What's the matter
with you?

Nothing, I was just wondering what
the second one, what he said to that.

Look, it's none of your business
what the second one he said to that.

- I mean...
- Anyway, he's a guy.

You know, your kind of a boss woman
needs a, a... you know, boss man.

He will make you give to life
and for that he would give you life.

No, I like the second one much better.

I don't know why I'm talking to you,
you don't know anything about it anyway.

- What don't I know.
- Well, you don't know that he's married.

Who's married? He's married?

Don't let it kid you, he's not married.

Well... well, how do you know?

Just take my word for it,
he's not married.

Have I been looking in windows
twenty years for nothing?

Oh... so long, Eric, and congratulations.

Thanks, Bill, same to you.

- What?
- Noel... Mrs. Burnett.

Oh... oh, we didn't get married.

- No?
- No.

Well, well.

Why did we get bounced?

Um, Rosie, you say goodbye
to Mr. Sinclair.

- Bye to Mr. Sinclair.
- Bye, honey.

- So long, Eric.
- So long, Bill.

Bye to Mr. Sinclair.

- Yes?
- Gail, I bought that palace.

- You did, Eric?
- I found out a funny thing about myself.

- What?
- I didn't want to share it.

What do you mean?

I mean you got to find yourself
another fellow.


And I saw a very likely-looking one
leave here a few minutes ago.

A large fellow with a small girl.

If you hurry, I think you'll catch him.

# Farewell to thee #
# Farewell to thee #

# Thou charming one who dwells #
# Among the bowers #

Wouldn't be an actor if I didn't want
to show off with a swell exit, would I?

Thanks for the use of the hall.

Oh, um...

What are you waiting for?

Yes, Miss Allen?

Miss Stone, telephone the store
detective in the main entrance.

Tell them to stop him before
he goes out, hurry!

- But who, Miss Allen?
- Mr. Burnett, he mustn't get away.

Arrest him, if necessary, anything.
Kidnapping, shoplifting.

Say he stole my baby.

That was us on our honeymoon,
isn't it, Mr. Burnett?

Yeah, that was us.

Hey, that kid's got my bear!
Let me down!

I don't think that's yours, Rosie,
it's probably one just like it.

- Let me down, let me down!
- Take it easy!

This is a pinch.

A pinch, what for?

Kidnapping. Miss Allen said
you stole her baby.

What do you mean I stole the baby?
I took the baby up to her in the first place.

Her father was a friend of mine.

He said you weren't married.

He said... he said that he'd been looking
in your window for twenty years.

- Are you?
- What?

- Married.
- No.

- Oh, Bill...
- Look, Miss Allen.

Did this guy steal your...
the... the baby or didn't he?

- No...
- Yes, but it doesn't matter.

Where is she?

Why, for heaven's sake!

Rosie! Hello!

Kiss my bear!

# Mama don't want no peas #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas #
# No rice, no coconut oil #

# Mama don't want no peas, no rice... #
- That's the end, Rosie, that's the end!

- Subtitles -
Lu?s Filipe Bernardes