Honeydripper (2007) - full transcript

1950. Rural Alabama. Cotton harvest. It's a make-or-break weekend for the Honeydripper Lounge and its owner, piano player Tyrone "Pine Top" Purvis. Deep in debt to the liquor man, the chicken man, and the landlord, Tyrone is desperate to lure the young cotton pickers and local Army base recruits into his juke joint, away from Touissant's, the rival joint across the way. His plan to hire a guitar legend go awry and Tyrone is forced to take drastic action in a final scheme to save the club.

Come on,

leave off of that, scratch.

Ain't bothering you.

Yes, it is.

That ain't no kind of music.

Least I make a sound.

Yeah, and it's a nasty one.

Want to try again tonight?

Might as well.

♪ I know a gal

♪ by the name of Mae Lou

♪ she shook it so much,

she had the German flu ♪

♪ no matter how she done it

♪ no matter

how she done it ♪

♪ well, no matter

how she done it ♪

♪ she done it just the same

♪ The women didn't like her

♪ and they called her

out of her name ♪

♪ but the men, they loved her ♪

♪ it was a crying shame

♪ no matter how she done it

♪ no matter how she done it

♪ well, no matter

how she done it ♪

♪ she done it just the same

♪ no matter how she done it

♪ she done it just the same

♪ yes, she did

You take it for a while.

They're making all that racket

again at toussaint's.


and all them people over there

are buying drinks...

And throwing their money

after them dice and whatnot.

Lucky we got none of that here.

♪ You can drink your liquor

♪ you can drink

your cold can beer ♪

♪ you can drink

your good whiskey ♪

♪ you can drink

your cool can beer ♪

♪ you can stay out all

with your sweet gal ♪

♪ but papa don't you

leave me here ♪

♪ I hear that wild ox moaning

♪ looking for that Texas steer

sounding good?

Sounds fine.

Always has.

♪ Looking for that Texas steer ♪

not much of a crowd.

Not a crowd at all.

Just some stiffs who want

to drink theirselves to sleep

without the music

waking them up.

You ought to advertise.

Got an attraction

like Bertha Mae.

Singing is one thing, slick.

Whether people want

to look at you while you do it

is another.

Got quite the number over

to toussaint's place tonight.

Sounds like it.

Lots of young folks comin'

to listen to that box of his.

Don't see why

we don't just turn our box on,

let the folks feed it nickels

like they do.

The lady is singing.

♪ You hear me pleading, baby

♪ baby, don't you

leave me here ♪

but didn't nobody come

to listen to her, slick.

♪ Come here, sweet daddy

♪ let me whisper in your ear ♪

like the man say,

you can't argue with failure.

You know why slick here

is like a preacher?

'Cause he do all his best work

on his knees.

Never mind him.

He's just drunk, that's all.

I heard she put

a ring through it,

used it to drag him

around the house.

Come on, you know Tyrone

don't allow no scufflin' here.

I should get me a old lady,

help out with the groceries,

just got to sweet talk her some,

give her a little poke

every now and then.

Now, you gonna drink, stokely,

or you gonna lay up out back

recovering from that busted head

you're about to get?


Miss Delilah.

Let's behave ourselves.

What are you boys

doing in here?

Out, out.

And what are you doing

behind that bar?

It's just for a minute.

That's 60 seconds too long.

Maceo, get back there

and take that child's place.

You bring people their food.

Don't be messing

with their liquor.

Nobody's eating.

That's 'cause nobody's here

but these couple of lost souls.

Haven't had an appetite since

they give over to the devil.

Evening, maceo.

You looking good tonight.

Likewise, miss Nadine.

What can I do for you?

You know what you can do

for me, sweet man.

♪ So many days

what would you like...

To drink?

How many is that tonight?

Don't dog me about that, baby,

not tonight.

I don't want China doll

behind that bar.

She got to help out.

Not behind there, she doesn't.

You know she's not

supposed to get excited.

Not much chance of that in here.

Harvest hands all crowded

into toussaint's place,

young ones.

You'll get some of them.

They stick their noses in here,

get one little sniff

of the music, and they're gone.

Maybe that's the wages of sin.

Ain't no sin

happening here tonight, baby,

and there sure as hell

ain't no wages.

Your god want to chastise

some sinners,

he'd best go on over

to toussaint's.

Got a whole bar room

crowded with them.

He's not my god.

He's everybody's god.

How that tent meeting

went tonight?

Violonda wood found the lord.

Thought she found him last year

when they come through.

Well, she must have lost him

again between then and now,

'cause she come down

that aisle tonight

hollering in tongues.

Spirit didn't move you, though?

Not yet.

Maybe it's too late for me.

♪ So don't take nobody

I can't believe

you're serving alton stokely.

That poor man.

Toussaint cut his credit off.

Either he gets it here

or he drinks that paint peeler

Willie pettigrew cuts up

back in the swamp.

I'm gonna go home,

say a prayer for that man.

Say one for me too, baby.

Outstanding, baby, outstanding.

You still got the voice.

You think so?

Chill down my spine

just to hear you.


I'm gonna be a little late Saturday.

No need to come in

if you don't want to.

I made other arrangements.

Other arrangements?

Trying something new in here.

You can't do that.

Yes, he can.

Yes, he can, darling.

This is his place,

and he can do whatever he wants.

You'll know where to find me

when you need me.

Put the box on now, Ty?

Yeah, put the box on.

I'm gonna crank it up some,

see if we can draw some life

in here.

There it goes again.

Electricity don't like

that jukebox.

Must be a short circuit

in the juke here.

Got to get the power company

in here.

No, you don't.

They turned my juice off

last month.

I don't want them

sniffing around

that splice job maceo did.

It's nice in here,

kind of romantic.

I'm gonna have to go out back,

wiggle some things around.

Don't you wiggle nothing around

unless I'm there to see it.

You don't worry, folks.

Bar's still open.

Evening, folks.

Evening, sheriff.

Your light's gone out.

Looks like it.

Don't know that

that'd be a violation

of something or other.

We're just about

to close up here.

Ooh, your wife been cooking?

Not tonight.

Went to the revival tent.

I stood by there myself.

Them negroes

were singing up a storm.

Of course, I just come out here

to look in on toussaint.

Had that shooting

two nights ago.

Lots of fighting in there.

There is that.

Of course,

me and old toussaint,

we got us an agreement?

Them field hands

start sucking down that whiskey,

hopping them all up with music,

there's gonna be

some razors drawn.

Of course, he'll only call me

if it's a fatality.

Never been a killing here,

Them youngbloods know better

than to mess with...

Than to mess with Tyrone Purvis.

You got quite the reputation

around here,


People say you put some

poor black boy in the grave.

Just people talking.

Well, you just remember,

this is my county, Tyrone.

What goes on

goes on 'cause I let it.

Don't want nobody getting

too big for their britches

around here.

You folks

have a pleasant evening.

Nigger ain't shit in this world.

Speaking for yourself.

You ain't had this club, Tyrone,

what you think you'd be?

You wouldn't be nothing.

If that ain't true,

then grits ain't groceries.

That's a terrible noise.

Just the northbound

from Talladega.

Sounds like it always does.

Like a soul being carried away

from this life.

Come on in, darling,

before you catch your death

out here.

You're lucky the high sheriff

ain't seen you crawl out

that boxcar.

Does he come around here much?

Only when he bored.

You working that train?

Yeah, Kansas City

to New Orleans.

What'd you get off here for?

I got people here.

How about you?

Got tired of sleeping

in the boxcar.

Listen, is there a place to stay

around here?

Switchman shed

right over there got a cot.

And don't mind the rats none

unless you got food on you.

I can see you and a good meal

been strangers for some time.

Look here;

Get into town tomorrow,

find you need something,

tell 'em shack Thomas sent you.

They'll know

who you're talking about.


What's the name of this town?

Name like that

sounds like a good place

for a musician.

Only night I ever been in jail

was a town called Liberty.

Sun come up,

you'll see where you landed.

Boy, you best be out that shed

by first light?

It's just a

weekday's night worth.

I owe the chicken man.

I owe the ice man.

I owe the liquor man.

At least you don't owe

the electric company.

Yeah, that's a big relief.

You thinking about closing down.

What you think?

He's the biggest act

in New Orleans.

Got him a hit on the radio.

He's playing here

Saturday night.

I figured I'd wait

till Bertha Mae was gone

and then put them up.


You mean, like,

in this room here?

You know the tomcat club

in texarkana?

Big Jim Jameson's club.

It just went out of business.


Yeah, and since Sam

is gigging his way

over to Tulsa,

it means the date is open.

But you ain't never

had no guitar...

I'm having one now.

You just worry

about getting these hung

everywhere in the county


Payday Saturday,

he's gonna draw

all them cotton pickers

and soldiers boys in here,

get us back in the black.

They're gonna take me down,

it won't be without a fight.

Guitar Sam at the honeydripper.

Man, this joint

is going to jump.

Somebody slept

in the railroad yard.

You all can play that thing.

Yeah, I been doing it

near about forever.

What side of the tracks am I on?

The wrong side...

For you.

What you doing here, then?

White folks

look right through me.

Besides, how much mischief

an old blind spook like me

gonna get up to anyhow?

Where our people go

for music around here?

There's a couple

of little places

just outside of town

at the crossroads.

Is it a long walk?

You in a hurry?

How old is that box

you're playing, pops?

Second one every made,

and the devil got the first one.

How 'bout yours?

Brand new.

I made it myself.

Ooh, brand new, made it hisself.

Hot dog.

That's right.

So these clubs...

Old toussaint,

he runs the ace of spades.

They don't have no live music

in there.

Pinetop Purvis,

he runs the honeydripper lounge,

but he don't care nothing

about no guitar.

He won't allow one

under his roof.

That don't make sense.

Well, when a musician

put his hand to murder,

nine times out of ten,

a drummer done it.

But pinetop, he a piano man.

He kill somebody?

That's the story.

But if you meet the man,

you damn well

don't be asking him about it.

Ain't seen no mule

in a long time.

I knew this was Alabama,

but that's the stone ages, man.

Where you from, boy?


Down here on vacation?

Got in a piece of trouble

up there with the white folks,

need to bide my time

for a spell.

Biding the time

with them pills, man,

boss man gonna fire your ass.

Pay no worry about that.

I'm cotton-picking fool.

You a fool, all right.

Where you from, brother bear?



Then this here's

a real step up for you.

Folks around here

has discovered fire and whatnot.

That trouble you in...

Have anything to do

with running your mouth?

Had to do with somebody

getting on my nerves,

and I had to deal with him.

Must have been somebody

kind of puny.

As I recall,

he was about your size.

What's this place we at?

Nearest town's Harmony.

This is

Mr. Silas tugwell's place.

You better get to picking.

Cotton ain't going nowhere.

The more you get first thing

when the dew's still on it,

the more it weighs

when it tips that scale.

You live here too?

You got my sympathies.

Hot damn.

What's the matter?

I got a shock

I thought you used to work

for the power company.

I drove the supply truck.

Guitar Sam ain't gonna be

playing by no candlelight.

I smell bacon.

You must have burned your

porky ass with that electricity.

Breakfast is ready.

Where your mama?

She already over to the mass.

She told me to come here

make sure you eat something

before you start running around.

That is a sweet woman you got.

You got one waiting for you

if you want her.

Who, Nadine?

She come in here every night

making them cow eyes at you.

She seems like the kind

that could smother a man.

She makes all her own clothes.

Darling, that's not

the kind of thing

a man cares about from a woman.

Hey, hey, I fixed it.

You ain't done no such thing.

It just decided to come back on.


Yeah, just like it decided

to switch off last night.

You ain't even

in the conversation.

Miss Nadine

makes some good money too,

sewing for people.

That woman scares me.

Last old boy to give her

a tumble,

nappy carpenter,

she cooked for him.

Fixed him up

all kinds of nice, new clothes.

I don't see no problem

with that.

Well, come four or five months,

a man starts to...

Sorry, sorry, China doll,

but that's just the way it is.

A man gots needs.

Looks like Nadine

could take care of those too.

You eat chicken every morning,

noon, and night for five months,

you get a taste

for a different kind of meat.

Well, maybe I shouldn't be

talking about this

around China doll.

You ain't gonna say something

I haven't heard worse.

Well, nappy goes out

and has him a pork chop or two,

let's say.

Comes back one night

from toussaint's place

feeling no pain

and smelling... Like...

Pork chops,

the way a man will.

Now, he falls out

on Nadine's couch

and commence to snore.

Wake up the next morning,

find she had taken

all his clothes off

without him knowing it.

The man was dog drunk.

Miss Nadine comes back

with a skillet in her hand,

hot grits bubbling in it,

says, "baby,

I got your breakfast."

"Not this morning, Nadine,"

he says, sitting up.

"Don't think

I could eat a thing."

Well, then she says,

"we can't let this

go to waste, can we?"

And she dumped

that whole hot, bubbling mess

right in that man's lap.


Then she got busy

with that hot iron on his head.

Screams didn't bring

the neighbors in,

she'd have killed that man.

You got to admit it, though.

Woman is an artist

when it comes to that

singer machine.

Excuse me...

Which one of you is Mr. Pinetop?

We ain't hiring.

I can play anything.

Already got me a professional.

Guitar Sam really coming

all the way down here?

That so surprising?

No, no.

Mr. Shack Thomas told me

if I was to come...

You know shack?

We... we traveled together.

When's the last time

you ate solid food, young man?

Take him back

and fix him something,

China doll.

Standing there all hungry-eyed

puts me off my breakfast.

That's real kindly.

Must have come in

on the northbound last night.

Look like he got

the cooties too,

straw in that boxcar

full of them.

Never cared to travel that way.

I was out there

riding them rails

between the wars.

Seen the black half

of the country heading west.

Rolled past the other half

coming back east.

Yeah, every one of us

scraping for the next meal.

This the place.

Y'all can tear things down,

put things up.

Got a lot of potential.

Looks bigger in here

than it does from the outside.

May I help you, gentlemen?

Yeah, I'm just showing the man

who's gonna run this place

what he got.

This is my place.

You the piano player, right?

My name's Tyrone.

They call me pinetop Purvis.

Pinetop Purvis.

You owe $200

to lucky hardaway

up in little rock.

He's gonna get his.


you missed last month's rent.

After this weekend.

After this weekend,

you gonna be the same

raggedy-ass piano player

who can't pay off his debts.

Mr. Simmons here

is gonna be the new proprietor.

Lucky gave me two weeks.

Lucky got a better offer.

He can't do that.

You don't think so?

Whoa, whoa, now.

What if we got our payments

for him Monday?

Saturday night.

We... we can do that.

Not just no taste, all $200.

And I'll throw in 25¢ tip

for his messenger boy.

In the meantime,

we're not open yet.

That means you're trespassing.

Seen enough,

Mr. Simmons?

I believe I have.

Somebody could do something

with this place.

Wouldn't take

a whole lot of work.

We cleared over $200

that one weekend.

Couple years back.

And we didn't have

no Louisiana guitar wizard

playing neither.

Well, they say

he draws them like flies.

Yeah, that's what they say.

They say, first thing he does

is go to the man

that owns the joint,

sticks out his hand,

and wants that cash money

put in it.

I already sent $50

to his manager.

How much you paying him all out?

Another $100.

We need to clear $300.

Well, what I figure is,

if we charge folks $2

to get in, then the liquor...

What I'm saying is,

less he see that green up front,

the man won't get off the train.

What's that now?

About time you fellas run by.

We're just about dry here.

Boss in?

Hey, Tyrone!

Whiskey wagon come by.

Y'all a day late.

Old man toussaint

gonna chew you out.

Toussaint went over

to another supplier upstate.

We've just got you,

then we're over

to the army base,

service the officers' club.


My credit no good anymore?

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's your hurry?

Don't nobody in their right mind

sell liquor on credit,

especially not

to no dark town road house.

Well, this is like

a special case, see?

We got the harvest coming up.

Soldiers at the base

gonna be let off on leave.

Saturday night,

ain't enough hooch in this truck

to satisfy what we gonna sell.

You pay as you go.

That's business.

Hey, hey, look.

You come back Monday, get paid,

and take back every damn drop

that I don't sell.

Look here; We got guitar Sam

lined up here.

What... what if i...

I throw in $5 up front

for you fellas?

Hey, hey, come on, man!

Come on, everybody gives credit.

It's the American way.

Maybe we could buy some

bust head from Willie pettigrew.

With that sheriff sniffing

around here every night?

Land my black ass in jail

for good.

Then what we gonna do?

♪ Move it on over

♪ move it on over

♪ move over, little dog

♪ 'cause the big dog's

moving in ♪

got a load of liquor

for a Mr. Lucien toussaint.

That would be me.

I trust they got my check

all right?

Don't suppose I'd be here

if they didn't.

Pull around to the back.

We'll help you unload.

This better be

some Saturday night.


How about you?

We here just after mama

met my stepdaddy.

Not much going on

in a little town like this.

Well, they started up

the training base again.

Is that right?

You been in the army?

You shoot people?

Fixed radios.

They say this new war

gonna be a short one.

Might be; Might not.

I was to Japan.


What's the people like there?




That high.

Speak Japanese.

You been to California?

Los Angeles.

Where they make the movies?

You go to movies?

I been once.

Fine-looking girl like you

ought to have been

all kinds of places.

Well, I'm going to 'em.

I just...

First I'm going to beauty school

when mama saves up the money.

Then I'll have a portable skill.

Like playing music.

Well, my stepdaddy says

that ain't a skill.

It's an affliction.

Come on, China doll.

There's business in town

you're gonna help me with.

And you, young man,

you want to point yourself west

on that highway,

about three miles.

There's a mess of people

working in the field.

It's harvest time.

You can stoop and pull,

they got a job for you.

Wash up them dishes

before you go.

What I need is for you

to go get friendly with Luther,

then I just happen in.

We can't just ask Mr. Skinner?

Mr. Skinner don't want nothing

from colored folk

but they buy his goods

and shine his shoes.

Now, you go on ahead now.

♪ It was early Friday evening

♪ and the hound began to bark

♪ stagger Lee and Billy lyons

♪ squabbling in the dark

♪ stagger Lee

told Billy lyons, ♪

♪ "whoa, what do you think

about that?" ♪

♪ first you take all my money

♪ and you spit

in my stetson hat ♪

I hate that damn song.

How you been keeping, Tyrone?

Well, just trying

to hold it together.

You got your beautiful

young daughter

with you this morning.

Don't you be studying her.

I hear tell you done gone

and put on a guitar man

out at your place.

Where you hear that?

The breeze.

Well, this time the breeze

know what it's blowing about.

You better be careful, Tyrone,

'cause you know what them

guitar players are like.

You be careful yourself.

♪ First he shot him

♪ in the shoulder

♪ three times in the side

♪ That's the last time

he shot him ♪

♪ poor Billy up and died

♪ up and died

the time is ripe,

and the bill is past due.

Now, you know, Mr. Roosevelt

would have done it already,

only he died and, well,

you know, they don't listen

to miss Eleanor no more.

But Mr. Truman,

he started the business,

especially now

that we got this war heated up.

Now, as brother Randolph say,

"you got to strike"...

Here it comes.

The gospel according

to a. Philip Randolph.

Tyrone, how you doing, man?

I got my nose

above the waterline.

All right.

Here's my baby.

What's up, Ty?

How's your mama doing,

China doll?

She's doing fine, uncle shack.

All right.

Hey, yeah,

I'm just telling the boys here

about how brother Randolph

pushing this deal

where our boys gonna be

a full part of the service.

I carried a rifle

in the great war.

You know, boys get in the middle

of this korean mess,

they ain't gonna thank you

for your efforts.

If we want our full due

in this country,

we've got to go whole hog.

Black folks

shooting yellow folks

to keep white folks happy?

We need to move on

from that kind of thinking.

Move right on, shack.

Then come back and tell

the rest of us how it is.

That's a hard-headed man.

I'd have to ask Mr. Skinner.

Of course, you would.

And while you're at it,

remind him

how one of the reasons

colored folks come here

is to get the lowdown

on what's happening.

China doll.

You gonna let us

put up these posters,

ain't you, Luther?

I don't think that'd be

any problem at all.

That's awful nice

of you, Luther.

You looking special today.

That's sweet of you to say.

Maceo, you go along

with the man.

He'll show you where

to put these up at?

Darling, we got a lot

of more places to go.

Nice to see you, Luther.

Come on this way.

You got that boy

eating out of your hand.

Luther's the only one

didn't pull my hair.

He sat behind me

in sunday school.

Well, I hope you got

a little of that sugar left

'cause we got to spare some

on miss Bertha Mae spivey.

You gonna ask her

to come sing again?

No, I'm gonna ask her for money.

Word is,

she got a whole pile of it

squirreled away.


Hey, hey, come on, girl.

We in a rush here.

I got to rest.

I'm sorry, honey.

You catch your breath here,



So why... why miss spivey

gonna give you money?

You don't let her

sing at the club no more.

I'm gonna make her a partner.

Partner in what?

The honeydripper.

But all you ever say,

it's just a hole

you pour good money into.

It don't matter.

I'm gonna make her a proprietor.


like waiter and waitress.


She got to like

the sound of that.

Lovely ladies

out to make a purchase.

Is that the same guitar Sam

that's on the radio?

The very one.

What's he look like?

Fine-looking man.

A real lady-killer,

from what I hear.

Got that New Orleans style

to him.

Well, you ought to have

a picture up there.

We'll be getting some of those

when he come in on the train.

Main thing is,

the man is electrifying,

and you know what that means.

Ooh, okay.

Make like we just

come by to see how she keeping.

And then I'll kind of mention

how I been thinking

of bring her on as a partner.

Left the door open.

She gone.

When she gonna be back?

She's just gone.

Woke up beside her...

♪ they were so glad

♪ to see my darling gone

♪ but after all

♪ my heart is traveling


24 years.

China doll, go find your mama.

She'll know

how to fix up the body.

People laugh and all, but...

I've been with that woman

24 years.

She gave the only home

I ever had.

What am I gonna do now?

What's your hurry, boy?

No hurry.

Take your hat off.

Where you headed?

I'm looking for work.

You're not from around here.

No, sir.

Stranger wandering around,

no job,

that would make you a vagrant.

But I'm looking.

I got a job for you.

Get in the back.

I can always use another hand.

Yeah, well,

I caught this young fella

in flagrant violation

of the statutes:

Gawkery with intent to mope.

What's he gonna run me?

$3 a day,

plus you feedin' him lunch.

Now, the sentence...

That all depends on how long

you gonna need the help.

I don't get any trial?

Well, sure you do, boy,

and a speedy one at that.

Meet the judge,

judge gatlin.

Grab a sack.


I believe it's about that time.

Would you care to join me?

No, thank you.

No, of course you won't join me.

You don't partake.

That was thoughtless of me.

That's all right.

So you don't take spirits

and what else, in your church?

Well, I'm sort of

between churches right now.

I've been thinking about

changing over to the holiness,

but I haven't been

sanctified yet.

There's been a minister in

this week.

The tent over

by the fairgrounds?

Church I was raised in,

we were pentecostals.

They wouldn't have anything

but the human voice

inside the church,

dancing, any kind of dancing,

music, card-playing.

It was very strict.

They took up serpents.

I heard of that.

I tell Floyd these stories,

and he is...

He's horrified.

They've always been methodists,

Floyd's family.

It can be a trial,

married folks

differing in their religion.

And your husband is a...


Unaffiliated, I see.

But he has his social club.

The honeydripper.

That is such a colorful name.


So he must devote a great deal

of his energy to it.

It's just him and maceo green

runs it,

and I go over and cook some

after I get off here.

Well, that's very supportive

of you,

considering the sort

of environment...

I've been in those bar rooms

most of my life, miss Amanda.

I see.

I was a singer.

I met Tyrone in the paradise,

down in shreveport.

China doll was only two.

And I was just...

Living alone, you know,

drinking more than I ought.

And then Tyrone...

Like a light come into my life.

See, people think things

'cause he owns the lounge,

but they don't know him.

Small minds are never

in short supply.

People in this town...

I suppose they expected

that Floyd,

being from a prominent family...

As prominent as is possible

here in Harmony...

Would have chosen

somebody more...

And in school,

if you didn't have shoes...

I forgot.

I was going through

some of Emily's old things

the other day.

I thought this would look

just darling on your China doll.

I don't think that

would near fit her, miss Amanda.

Well, how old is she now?



I must have lost track

somewhere along the line.


It was a very nice thought.


Mama, they need you at...

I'm sorry.

Miss Amanda,

I didn't know you was home.

China doll,

we were... we were just recalling

how you used to play right here

under this table.

There isn't any cash money

that I know of.

She... she sold a good deal

of the furniture,

but there's still

a nice-looking couch

in there in the parlor.

She didn't care about too much

other than singing

out to pinetop's place.

You're welcome

to look around the house,

if there's anything

your missus might like,

as long as it's not something

personal to me and Bertha Mae.

It's just...

She's got to go out in style.

Y'all ain't never

done this job before.

Can't say I have.

You want to set your pants

out wide,

bend over at the hip.

And don't be bobbing up and down

all the time.

When you're up, be up.

But when you're on the row,

stay down.

But most important,

you got to get a rhythm.

Everything in life got a rhythm,

even pulling cotton

off the plant.

Well, lay it out for me.

Not my rhythm;

Your rhythm.

That's between you and the day

and the work you got before you.

Once you get it,

don't let nothing or nobody

push you off it.

I'm going so slow.

You getting paid by the pound

or by the hour?

I ain't getting paid at all.

None of us are.

I suggest you work that

into your rhythm too.

Let's see more picking

and less talking over there.

Getting right to it, boss.

Them boys frying over there.

That's just gatlin's gang.

He work them people

from can into can

every damn day.

And when the field's get picked,

he bid 'em out to the neighbors.

Harvest time come around here,

you better sign

with somebody fast

or get out of sight.

I ate a peck of dust today.

Why don't you get some water?

Only thing wash out the dust

is whiskey.

Ain't enough whiskey

in this world

to wash out

what I swallowed in my life.

What are we playing for?

Two bits a hand.

Whoo, that's awful steep,

ain't it?

Hell, I remember

playing this game one night.

Memphis is boss crump's town.

Folks is gambling

before they can walk.

Caught me a winning streak

that cleaned out

half the sporting men

on beale street.

Got up from that table;

my money was long

as train smoke.

What happened to it?

I spent it all

on fine-looking women.

Yo, Mississippi!

His name's Hamilton.


You want in on this?

Settle up on payday.

That your deck of cards?

What if it is?

I stay clear of it then.

You insinuating?

I'm just saying

I don't want to play.

Looks like dinner.

A rabbit is a rodent.

Man eat a rabbit,

might as well eat a rat.

Simple country nigger,

afraid to sit down

and lose

a little handful of change.

He awful big to mess with.

Don't scare me none.

I'm a stepping razor, man.

I'm trouble on two legs.

Your draw, junebug.

Don't be dripping no sweat

on my cards.

Excuse me, folks.

Look here!

Y'all heard about the show

we putting on

at the honeydripper

Saturday night.

We got guitar Sam!

I expect there'll be

a nice turnout

for Bertha Mae tomorrow.

Yeah, folks who wouldn't have

nothing to do with her

when she was alive.

Some of them, maybe.

Still got to pay your respects.

Slick is gonna have to find him

a new ride.

That's a terrible thing to say.

That's how a man gets over,

is all,

you know, sugaring up

to some woman

who's got a job or a bank roll.

That's no way to live.

Just how it is

in the world, baby.

Man's got to walk

through the gates of hell

to get a piece of cheese.

Not so young anymore.

Lose hold

of what little you got.

If you lose the club, I'm sure

you'll find something else.

In this town?

Like what?

You know, any time you want,

I could get miss Amanda

to ask her husband...

"watch your feet, Mr. Mayor.

I just done mopped the floor."

Ty, your work so hard

at the lodge,

and with what you bring in,

it's just not...

Not even as much as you make


that white lady's silver.

I didn't say that.

You didn't have to.

It'll just have

to work out, then.

Meeting gonna start,

and I'm not there.

Your soul's not the one

needs saving, baby.

It's all gonna be fine, daddy.

Everybody in town

talking about guitar Sam

coming to Harmony.

♪ As I walk

♪ along this highway

♪ I was speaking

♪ my lord each day

♪ she left me standing

♪ out on this highway

♪ whoa, just wondering

♪ which way I must go

♪ she left me standing

♪ out on this highway

♪ just wondering

♪ which way I must go


Sing on, choir.


Let the church say amen.



Let the church say amen.

Amen, amen.


She left him standing

out on the highway,

wondering which way to go.

The highway of life.

Sisters and brothers,

it will twist you,

and it will turn you.

It will run you this a-way,

and it will run you that a-way.

Tempt you with many a detour,

'cause the highway of life

is designed to lead us astray.


That's no the road

that we want to be on,

brothers and sisters.

That's not the path

we need to follow.

We need to be

on that other road.

We need to be on that road

that leads to glory.

We need to be on that road that

leads to the right hand of god.

That thoroughfare

I'm talking about,

that righteous road

that we need to travel

is called the highway to heaven.

It is called

the highway to heaven.

But we need to know,

sisters and brothers,

we need to know

who is walking beside you.

You got to be wary of who

is trying to hold you back

from your journey,

'cause many a loved one's

got to be left behind.

'Cause you're either

on the road,

or you're lost

in the wilderness.

You're either heading for glory,

or you're doomed for damnation.

You're either with the lord,

or you're with the devil.

And there ain't no in between.

No, no.

There ain't no in between.

Okay, Memphis.

Um, Charleston.



Tulsa ain't so

bad, but for the spics.

Got to them

stockyards near the jail.

Them flies.

Of course, I had me

in a cell in Georgia once.

Six other men.

Didn't have a window at all.

Must have got caught

hopping one of them freights.


Ain't no free ride

allowed through Georgia.

And the food there... paltry.

Paltry ain't the word for it.

Breakfast is a joke,

and lunch is a rumor.

And dinner was an anecdote.

I suppose you got

locked in that box.

Or one just like it.

♪ Well, I wake up

in the morning ♪

♪ and hear the big ball ring

♪ walk up to the table

and see the same damn thing ♪

♪ I'm gonna tell you

♪ fork, a knife, and a pen

♪ if you say a thing about it ♪

♪ you in trouble with the man ♪

♪ let the midnight special

♪ shine a light on me

♪ let the midnight special

♪ shine its ever-loving light

on me ♪

you a singer, young man?

Yeah, I'm a singer.

I'm a guitar player.

I'll be on the radio someday.

People gonna know my name.

You keep on thinking that way,

young man.

If judge gatlin don't choose

to work you into your grave,

you just may do it.

♪ If you ever go to Houston

♪ don't you stagger.

Don't you fight ♪

♪ 'cause the sheriff

will arrest you ♪

♪ you're in the cooler

for the night ♪

♪ he'll tie

your hands together ♪

♪ and will bring you down

♪ throw you in the black Maria ♪

♪ penitentiary bound

♪ I heard the lonesome

church bell toll ♪

♪ early this morning

♪ I heard the low-down

church bell toll ♪

♪ it brought me the sad news ♪

♪ my Bertha Mae

was dead and gone ♪

♪ never missed my baby

♪ I never missed her

till she left my door ♪

♪ I never missed my baby

♪ until she left my door

♪ It breaks my heart

♪ to think I'll never

see her face no more ♪

"He will dwell with him.

"He will wipe every tear

from their eyes.

"Death will be no more.

"Mourning and crying and pain

shall be no more,

"for the first things

passed away.

I am the Alpha and the omega,

the beginning and the end."

I hear tell

miss Bertha Mae passed.

That's right.

Yeah, she lived it...

Just like she sang it.

You waiting on somebody?

Ain't nobody on that train

gonna change your luck, Tyrone.

You're gonna

have to save your own self.

What do you know about anything?

Nothing much.

But I know you...

From way back.

Mournful end

for a wayward sinner.

She always seemed

at peace with herself.

The company she kept,

the life she lived?

I never knowed Bertha Mae

to do hurt to a living soul.

We're all hoping

to see you get over

and accept the lord tonight,


I'm hoping so too.

You been lingering

at the threshold

long enough, sister.

Time to step ahead.


you got somebody

getting off here?

Supposed to be.

What's the party's name?

Sam, guitar Sam.

Don't know his birth name.

He coming here?

Yo, nat!

Guitar Sam get on this train?

No, man, he's in the hospital

back in little rock.


You know music folks.

Whatever he was doing,

must have been doing

too much of it.

Well, brother, maybe...

Maybe he come on in tomorrow?


All aboard!

Somebody didn't show up.

Wished he'd have made you dumb

instead of blind.

♪ I done have my fun

♪ if I don't get well no more

♪ I said, I done had my fun ♪

♪ If I don't get well no more

♪ my head is spinning

♪ and i's going down real slow ♪

The man don't

take care of hisself,

out drinking and jazzing women

every night.

Don't make no difference now.

Got so bad,

I heard there was this old boy

goes around

pretending to be guitar Sam,

fill out the gigs he missed.

Say he does

pretty well for hisself,

what I hear.

Somebody we could find?

Hell, I don't know.

Just some story I heard.

Must have been the first one.

First what?

Back in slavery days,

they had for us

to work in the big house.

Might not have had shoes always.

Pants didn't have no holes

in them.

They didn't pick no cotton.

House niggers.

Yeah, that's

what they called them.

They had all their

African kinds of instruments:

Drums, shakers,

some kind of banjo thing.

But the piano...

They ain't bring no piano

over on those ships from Africa.

Piano was just sitting there

in the white folks' big room,

all polished up.

I figured this first one,

he must have passed by it

15, 20 times a day,

run the corner of his eyes

over it.

You see, he was there

when they played,

the masters with their minuets.

Him standing there

with a tray

of white people's food,

pretending not to have a thought

in his head.

But he...

He watching them fingers.

See, he's watching

the keys for...

See, this old boy,

the first one,

he know how to play all them

kinds of African instruments.

I mean, he could play mud

if you give him a key

and a tempo.

Yeah, got music in his head

and his heart.

In every damn piece of him,

there's music.

Then one day, the master's away,

and he alone in that room

with that piano.

Watch out, now.

And he goes over,

and he sits down on the bench,

and he... Spreads his fingers

over it

the way he seen

that minuet player do.

And he thinks.

And he thinks,

"lord, help me;

I could some damage

with this thing."

I would have liked

to been there.

I mean...

Just to hear the cat play.


I'm gonna lose my club.

If old man toussaint find out

you stole his liquor,

you're like to lose

more than that.

I got no more cards to play.

If you was to go down

to see lucky hardaway

in person...

I ain't kissing up

to no cokey-nose,

coke-headed asshole!

What the hell

that supposed to be?

Some kind of guitar.

A guitar got a hole in it.

That's how the sound come out.

That boy must be

three bricks shy

of a load upstairs.


they gone and arrest him.

Arrest who?


The high sheriff arrested him

and sold him to judge gatlin.

Sonny who?

Sonny that was here

yesterday morning.

Sonny got a screw loose?

That's why they arrested him.

Mace, play something on that.

Make some noise there.

It's electric.

I could plunk

a chunk of stove wood in a wall,

and I'll get more music

than you get out of that mess.

No, man.

No, man.

It don't work unless

it's hooked up to the juice.

See, you got the juice,

you don't need the hollow

inside that box.

The music just runs straight

from the strings,

through the wire,

and out...

Of your amplifier,

which is what

this thing must be.

Sonny said he fixed radios

in the army.

Sonny didn't do nothing

but feed bedbugs

in anybody's army.

And some of them

crawled in his head.

I'm surprised

he even got the wit

to pick cotton.

Judge gatlin done bought himself

a drooling idiot.

What you gonna amplify

a guitar for anyway?


Unless you gonna sit

over in your chair

and play those little

Charlie Christian

types of riffs.

A sideman.

See him over there,

looking all clean and polite.

The a guitar, he been up front,

since those old piss-and-moan

blues shouters

sit their blind asses

on the corner

hollering for pennies.

Old-time music.

Daddy, Sonny did do nothing

to get arrested for.

He was just looking for work.

They hung colored boys

for less than that, darling.

At least on the work gang,

they feed him,

keep his strength up.

But he doesn't belong there.

You know, guitar Sam

plays him an electric,

but I don't think it's...

It's this no-hole kind of deal.

Hope he plugs it

in the wrong socket some night

and electrocute

his sorry, no-show ass.


Now, if he showed up here,

and our power went out again

while he was playing...

No, I fixed it good

this time, Ty.

So he comes out, and he plugs

his ax into a wall...

He come out looking good,

from what I hear.

All kinds

of spangly pants and jacket,

got his name spelled out

on the back.

The clothes, right?

Hair all slick and shiny.

Flash them gold teeth

at them gals.

Got his sax man behind him,

maybe a piano,

harmonica, and drums.

You remember that night

at the esquire club

when the lights went out

in mobile?

Yeah, they took off

with the gate.

Them drunks

just stole the damn register

right off the counter.

They didn't hold

Reggie Porter for it, did they?

No, they knew it

was his place got robbed.

Didn't nobody hold it

to Reggie Porter.

And nobody expected

their money to come back.

No, 'cause they was too busy

diving for the pot in

that tote game got interrupted.

And nobody suspected

that it might have been

Reggie Porter hisself...

Hisself that pulled the lights.


No, Ty, no.

No, no, no.

China doll, you mind the place

till we get back.

Hey, come on, mace.

Where you going, daddy?

I promised the people

guitar Sam,

and they're gonna get

guitar Sam.

Come on, mace,

let's get out of here.

We got work to do.

Why you so interested

in this boy?

Got a job for him.

You must be doing pretty well

for yourself out there, Tyrone,

you hiring new people on.

Passing well, yeah.

But this boy...

Name is Sonny.

Well, he's paying off his debt

to society right now.

If I was to pull him

out of the field...

Judge gatlin paid for your day

for prison labor.

You willing to pay for him

for the duration

of his sentence?

Which might be?

As long as I care to make it.

Well, I was counting

on more of a one-time deal.

If I can rent him out

just for the weekend...


It's not just the money.

There's legalistic principles

involved here,

public safety issues.

I'll pay you sunday morning.

You're gonna pay me now,

or you can forget about it.

I don't have it now.

You think you're too smart

for the rest of us,

don't you, Tyrone?

Think you can go it

all by yourself.

You'd rather eat roofing nails

than come to me for a favor,

now, wouldn't you?

It's not a favor

if I got to pay you for it.

You're gonna pay, all right.

If you don't hand over that

money to me by sunday morning,

you got yourself a new partner.

Same deal as I got

with toussaint.

Look at me.

You'll get the $50.

And that wife of yours.


Them fried chicken sandwiches,

if I was to come in now and then

and check in on my interests...

She'd be happy to fix you

whatever you want.


'cause my wife's cooking

would gag a maggot.

Different people

got different kinds of talent.


Well, Darlene ain't discovered

what hers is yet.

Let's go fetch that boy.

This the one you want?

You got any ideas

about running rabbit on me,

best get rid of them now.

Are you paying my way out?

Till Monday.

How come?

You like dragging

that cotton sack?


Then don't ask questions.

♪ Why don't you do right

♪ like some other men do?

This size, right?

But it's got to shine.

And when you need this?


That's a tall order.

It's got to happen.

You know, I do my best work,

my fastest work,

when I'm happy.

Yeah, yeah, I suppose you do.

You gonna make me happy, baby?

You come down

by the club tonight.

We're having a special show.

Tell 'em at the door,

you're my guest.

Food ain't the only thing

a woman needs three times a day.

Wouldn't hurt you

to skip a few meals.

What's that, baby?

Um, that boy gonna time

to try this jacket on,

see how it feels.

Later, Nadine.

You got to do something

with this boy's hair, darling.

They may not know

what the real Sam look like,

but it ain't this.

I can try.

What exactly

am I supposed to do?

You're gonna stand up there

with that contraption you got

and play guitar Sam's numbers.

I can do that

with my eyes closed.

Well, if we can get the audience

to close theirs,

we'd be better off.

Ty, I tracked Mr. Trenier down.

Let's hit it.

Bye, daddy.

You know what you're doing?

I fix mama's hair all the time.

But you ain't been

to that school yet.

You go to school

to learn your guitar?


I might pick up some things

at beauty school,

but mostly,

it's for my certificate.

And that is

"a ticket to adventure."

That's what it says

in the brochure.

People looking for beauty

all over the world.

You ought to watch out

for them wires sticking down.

It don't look safe.

Yeah, power's always going out,

people getting shocks

and what not.

Somebody ought to fix it.

"Career in beauty

is like money in the bank."

Says that in the brochure too.

Plus it isn't physically taxing.

Yeah, can't no pretty thing

like you behind a plow.

I had the rheumatic fever

when I was little.

It left me with a weak heart.

You know, mine been acting

kind of funny too.

About since I laid eyes on you.

What's that?

Just some old moonshine

they keep around.

What you gonna do with it?

They joke about how this stuff

will straighten your hair

right out.

I'm gonna just make yours

relax a little.

Mr. Time trenier...

That's a name

to be reckoned with.

Story goes, you used to play

with buddy bolden.

I played with them all

down there.

And king Oliver.

One band falls apart,

you'll find yourself another.

There's never

a shortage in bands

down in New Orleans.

I didn't know

you were giving lessons.

It pays the rent, almost.

Interested in a playing job?

If you can pay, I can play.

You got to dress sharp.

It ain't like

an all-night thing.

You just got to start out,

and then there's gonna be

an accident.

An accident?

Yeah, sudden loss of power.

Lights out.

It's your gig, man.


This ain't no

colored people time,

and sure ain't New Orleans time.

I mean, 8:00

on the money.

If you got the green,

I'm on the scene.

Then that's a deal.

You know any drummers?

I'll bring you one.

And nothing fancy,

just as long as he keeps time.

Time is my name.

$21, $22, $24,

$25, $26, $27, $28.

Make your Mark here, please.

Owe me $30.

Book says $28.

$1.50 every hundred pounds,

and I picked...

$2 deducted for stones.

But there wasn't no stones

in the sack.

We mill the cotton, son.

There's always stones.

But there wasn't none

in my sack.

We take off $2 a week

for stones,

and that's the way

it always been.

Ain't that right, junebug?

Yes, sir.

Been that way my whole life.

You gonna take your pay, son,

or you gonna give it up

to charity?

Wouldn't let nobody

mess with my money like that.

They took the same $2 off yours.

Yeah, but you could pave

a highway

with the rocks I threw

in that mess.

You country negroes

let the crackers

run you like dogs.

If that sheriff wasn't here,

I'd snap your neck, boy!

Don't let me stop you.

But first,

you're gonna sign that ledger

like you're supposed to.

Don't want nobody crying

they didn't get their due.

How could you do that?


I'm gonna put it back and double that.

You don't go gambling

with my baby's money.

Hey, I send advance pay,

or the man don't come and play.

I don't care

what you took it for.

I saved for China doll,

and you ain't got no business

putting your fingers on it.

China doll

don't need any school, baby.

I mean, she could walk into

any of those places right now

and get a job.

There has got to be some line

you won't cross, Ty.

There's got to be some thing

you won't do.

The lord started

throwing me a break, woman,

maybe I'd catch religion

and walk the straight and narrow

like Bible thumpers

you sit up with,

but until that day...

Reverend cutlip

was right about you.

Horse shit!

Mr. Purvis?

People call me Ty,

or they call me pinetop,

Mr. Pinetop to you.

I just want to tell you

I appreciate the opportunity.


I know every one

of guitar Sam's songs.

I know the chords.

I know the words.

That's fine.

China doll was saying

how you was famous once.

I was known,

but never what you call famous.

How'd you get your start?

Down in mobile,

there was

an old cathouse professional

name of Joe dudlow.

He'd had a stroke on one side.

It curled him all up,

but he kept on plugging.

I used to come out

and play his left hand for him.

This one night,

he was going hot and heavy.

Joe just passed,

right at the piano,

middle of black bottom stomp.

They propped him up at the bar,

stuck a drink in his hand,

told me to keep

pounding those ivories.

There was a meanness

hanging over those juke joints.

There was murder in there.

Stop playing for a minute,

come down on you

like a flock of crows.

Hey, this is you.

Big band days on the road.

Reginald erscine.

Don't believe I've heard of him.

Big, tall light-skinned fella

out of Carolina.

Said he was part cherokee.

Couldn't play nothing,

but he waves his little stick,

and he had this long,

greasy hair

he'd throw around

like cab Calloway.

And you were the piano man.

Piano man, arranger,

you name it.

Must have been something to

travel the country first class.

I don't know about first class,

but we seen the country.

How could you stopped?

I got tired of carrying

another man's water.

Didn't want to die

in no colored hotel

some night

in who-knows-where, Arkansas.

Met Delilah.

Wanted something of my own.

You don't have nothing

to worry about, Mr. Pinetop.

I won't let you down tonight.

No, i...

I don't suppose you will.

♪ You got to choose

♪ you got to choose

between the finer life ♪

♪ you got to choose

♪ you got to choose

between the finer life ♪

♪ all you sinners

♪ you got to choose

between the finer life ♪

♪ worthy of love

♪ you're gonna

make it all right ♪

♪ all the angels up above

♪ just want that glorious hymn

♪ when you think it's rough

out there ♪

♪ for your own, girl,

you got to choose ♪

♪ you got to choose

♪ you got to choose

between the world and the lord ♪

♪ you got to choose

♪ you got to choose

between the world and the lord ♪

♪ all you sinners

♪ you got to choose

between the world and the lord ♪

♪ you better jump on board

♪ all the angels up above

♪ just want that joyous hymn

♪ when you see

his love up there ♪

♪ for your own, girl,

you got to choose ♪

♪ you got to choose

♪ you got to choose

♪ you got to choose

between the world and the lord ♪

♪ you got to choose

♪ you got to choose

between the world and the lord ♪

♪ all you sinners

♪ you got to choose

between the world and the lord ♪

♪ you better jump onboard

♪ when that sun

fills up the sky ♪

♪ when they bust

that seventh seal ♪

♪ god will send his final sign ♪

♪ get down, sinner,

you got to kneel ♪

♪ you got to kneel

♪ you got to kneel

for the savior and pray ♪

♪ you got to kneel

for the savior and pray ♪

♪ all you sinners

♪ you got to kneel

for the savior and pray ♪

♪ for the judgment day

♪ no, there ain't no hiding

♪ on the judgment day

♪ no, there ain't no hiding

♪ from that judgment day

welcome to the honeydripper.

Have a good time.

Hi, there, young lady.

Good evening.

Welcome to the honeydripper.

Have a good time.

Natives getting restless.

How we doing?

We're gonna be full up,

but the food...

Is Delilah coming in?

What if I lost her?

She won't let you down, Ty.

This ain't gonna work, is it?

We just got to play it out

and see.

Guitar Sam!

See if you can push

another round of drinks

while I stall them.

Then you gonna bring him out?


We come to hear

the guitar man play.

Yeah, be on the wise.

Give him three bars.

Then you pull it.

Guitar Sam.

Look, look, I got a baseball bat

under the counter,

but you out here all alone.

Just get the liquor moving,


And keep the money

where you can run with it.

We want guitar Sam.

The lord don't want nobody

to sit back and suffer.

He wants you to stand up.

He wants you to rise up.

He wants you to step forward

and come down

to the merciful arms

of his eternal salvation.

A fire is heating up,

brothers and sisters,

and the judgment day is nigh.

Anybody out there tonight

want to answer his call?

Anybody out there tonight

is gonna step forward

and be saved?

Ain't no time to hesitate.

Got to come on down

and offer yourself

to the lord.

Come on.

Come on, sister.

I believe you hear

the lord's voice

talking to you, sister.

That's the lord's voice,

and I believe you hear it.

I do believe you hear it.

Come on down.

Bring it on down

to his salvation.

Feel the lord

at your back.

You got to leave

them sinners behind.

Come on down.

Come on down.

I see you, sister, coming.

I see the lord

is talking to you.

I hear

the lord is talking to you.

And I believe

you hear him, sister.

Come on down.

You hear that voice

of the lord.

You hear the voice of the lord.

That voice is trying to tell you

where you need to be right now,


All you go to do...

All you go to do

is move your feet and get down.

Move your feet and get down.

You look good.


He look good, don't he, daddy?


Honey, I need you

to get right by that front door

and take over

collecting the cover charge,

and anything happens,

go wrong or something,

I want you to just step out

and walk away from the club,

you hear?

What's gonna go wrong?

Well, our guitar Sam here

gets them soldier boys jumping.

It can get a little rough

in here.

Just stay on your toes,

that's all.


All right.

Hey, China doll,

you know there ain't a thing

in this world

I wouldn't do for you,

even if I mess up sometimes.

You know that, right?

I know that, daddy.

You go on now.

Well, you like something that

would come out of New Orleans.

I forgot to tell you.

I fixed your hookup.

My what?

Your hookup

where your electricity comes in.

It was all messed up...

Hey, Ty,

got a situation out there.

You don't think I know that?

Got the law in the house.

Didn't think

we'd be seeing you so soon.

Got a real nice crowd here

tonight, Tyrone.

See them army uniforms.

Yeah, we got ourselves

this special attraction,

you see, and...


Them ribs outside

smell real good,

but I'm afraid my heart's set

on some of your wife, Delilah's,

fried chicken.


She made it last Saturday

at the mayor's,

but old clayford gentry

came up from ofelia,

and he ate all the drumsticks.

I'm partial to dark meat.

The situation we got, sheriff...

She is in the back there

cooking it, isn't she?

Maybe if you would come back

here a little bit later...

Regular or spicy?

They both take the same time

to fix up.

I just got to know which.

I have to make mine regular,

I'm afraid, ma'am.

Spicy's just fine,

but it always comes back

to nip at me later.

It's important not to bite off

more than you can chew.


Well, you just

make yourself at home.

Good luck tonight, baby.

Slap some mayonnaise on it?

You want to wait

over there, sheriff?

Don't want to scare off

the customers.

Here he comes!

So here's what you all

been waiting for:

Noted performer

and recording star,

direct from

New Orleans, Louisiana,

here is guitar Sam.

Sorry about that, folks.

Must have got kicked

on the train.

Thank you, Jesus.

♪ Well, I'm gonna hold my baby

as tight as I can ♪

♪ tonight she'll know

I'm a mighty, mighty man ♪

♪ have you heard the news?

♪ There's good rocking tonight

♪ well, have you heard

the news? ♪

♪ There's good rocking tonight

♪ sweet Lorraine,

sioux city sue ♪

♪ Georgia brown,

the guys want you too ♪

♪ have you heard the news?

♪ There's good rocking tonight ♪

♪ Meet me in a hurry

♪ behind the bar

♪ don't be afraid.

I'll do you no harm ♪

♪ I want you

to bring my rocking shoes ♪

♪ 'cause tonight I'm gonna

rock away all my blues ♪

♪ have you heard the news?

♪ There's good rocking tonight ♪

Whoa. Look at that.

Got to check that out.

♪ Have you heard the news?

♪ There's good rocking tonight

♪ They'll all be there

♪ just wait and see

♪ rocking and rolling

at the jamboree ♪

♪ have you heard the news?

♪ There's good rocking tonight ♪

♪ Well, have you

heard the news? ♪

♪ There's good rocking tonight

My soul.

Don't tire yourself out, papa.

Me and you

got business together.

I believe we do.

All right, all you men,

grab ahold of a woman.

If you ain't got a woman,

just grab a hold of yourselves.

We gonna play this one for you

slow and tight.

♪ They did the boogie

real slow ♪

♪ with the blue lights

way down low ♪

♪ they did the boogie

real slow ♪

♪ with the blue

lights way down low ♪

♪ I went to a party

♪ with the Bobby socks

♪ at the party, man,

I really got a shock ♪

$42, $43, $44, $45,

$46, $47, $48, $49,


And there's another $50 in here.

Lucky hardaway don't mind

some change, does he?

What if Mr. Hardaway

would have said,

let the chumps

keep their change;

he wants the club back

one way or the other?

How'd that be?

Well, he'd have to take that up

with my business partner.

That sheriff

your business partner?


And he's twice as mean

as he is ugly.

You must want this club

awful bad, brother.

Maybe y'all didn't know this,

but that ain't no guitar Sam.

♪ At the party

♪ whoa, I was like a chaperone

♪ I couldn't boogie real slow ♪

♪ with the blue lights

way down low ♪

♪ I like to boogie real slow

♪ with the blue lights

way down low ♪

You is a liar, boy.

I know Sammy since

he was drinking his mama's milk,

and, hell, I knowed his mama.

She lived up the plank a mile.

And you ain't him.

That's creole Sam

you're talking about, pops.

I'm delta guitar Sam.

As long as we straight on that...

Hey, man, get on out of here

and let the man play.


I'm gonna play one for you

right now

that I come up with today

while I was having my hair cut.

♪ Ch-ch-ch-China doll

♪ can't get you off of my mind ♪

♪ China doll

♪ can't get you off of my mind ♪

♪ well,

if you're gonna be my baby ♪

♪ leave all them others behind ♪

♪ China doll

♪ I think about you

day and night ♪

♪ China doll

♪ think about you

day and night ♪

♪ want you, baby

♪ when you gonna

treat me right ♪

Y'all in my house here,


Don't have no fighting.

Don't have no killing.

Don't have none of that

dismal nonsense in my house.

You understand?

What's your name, son?


Dexter moncrief.

And you?

Hamilton drinkwater.

Well, gentlemen, this is a night

there won't be no pitiful song

written about you two

killing each other.

And don't nothing rhyme

with moncrief anyhow.

We got a problem here?

Yeah, these two gentlemen

seem to brought something in

for our collection.


You first.

Now yours.

Y'all still want to mess

with each other,

you go outside and do it.

This world is full of people

got no use for us,

like to see us in the grave.

We don't need to give them

any help.

♪ China doll

♪ I got to let you

into my heart ♪

♪ China doll

♪ got to let you into my heart ♪

♪ now, baby,

it has been from the start ♪

Sounds like the music

moving on again, darlin'.

It always do.

Time to make room

for whatever coming next.

That boy can play some.


I ain't needed around here

no more.

Where you heading?

Down the road.


Who you talking to out here?

Just myself.

♪ it started with

a 12-bar country moan ♪

♪ and a guitar, bass,

drums, and saxophone ♪

♪ up the Mississippi river

came the song ♪

♪ the music kept rollin',

rollin' on ♪

♪ and the music

keep rolling on ♪

♪ use the bottom hand to make

them two notes explode ♪

♪ and the bass guitar

got an amplifier ♪

♪ the rhythm set 'em rocking

like a dusty dog ♪

♪ and the music

keeps rollin' on ♪

♪ and the music

keeps rollin' on ♪

♪ it's got an excitation

that you just can't deny ♪

♪ a racking from the drums

to make the whole thing rock ♪

♪ there ain't nobody asking

if it's right or wrong ♪

♪ 'cause the music

keeps rollin' on ♪

♪ the music keeps rollin' on ♪

♪ when your arm might be

swaying on a minuet ♪

♪ his wife will tell him

yonder that it don't forget ♪

♪ the world we know

will pass one day ♪

♪ and all be gone

♪ but the music

keeps rollin' on ♪

♪ I said the music

keeps rollin' on ♪

♪ the music keeps rollin' on

♪ the music keeps rollin' on

♪ the music keeps rollin' on

♪ the music keeps rollin' on

♪ Yeah, yeah, yes