Holy Lola (2004) - full transcript

The trials and tribulations of a French couple's efforts to adopt an orphan baby in Cambodia.

This is Dr. Cessac's office.

I will be away until late December.

Please contact my replacement,

Dr. Drille, at 04648578.

Did you lose it?

- Don't tell me you lost it!
- Hold on!

In here?

I remember now: Hotel Rega.

But what's the address?
I can never rely on you!

Where do we go?


Where's he off to?
And our raincoats?

In the suitcase.

Think he understood?

I found it!


What did you pay?

For the taxi?
10 dollars.

From the airport it's usually 7.

Did you bring my Auvergne cheese?

Some anti-mosquito spray?

You mustn't go to sleep.

Sorry. Did you bring
any anti-diarrhea milk?

We've been here over two months.

- 2 months?
- And still here.

We still need a signature and a visa.

Don't worry.
They boil the water over and over.

They wash vegetables in permanganate.

And your job?

Sick leave. The Board of Education
owes me that much.

I saved up vacation.
I'm in the agribusiness.

I hear you're a doctor. Specialist?

- G.P.
- Country doctor.

My wife thanks you for the cheese.
She'll make truffade.

And tomorrow, tarragon chicken.

She has a brother

who owns a restaurant in Bordeaux.
He gives her classes by Internet.

Staying for lunch?

We'd love to but...

The embassy is only open mornings.

Want to share my taxi?

I drop you off, then send it back.
Keep it for the day.

That's sweet.

Thanks for the milk.

- And the consultation, doctor.
- It's $20.

Laugh. Make him happy.

Anything missing?

Everything's in order.
The IAA sent me your file.

You're number 38.

You look very young.

Apart from 38 and looking young?


No guide on what to do?

People to see?

Nothing official.
Just a list left by an adopter.

But how does it work?
Like for the bakseesh.

It's not bakseesh
but donations, Mrs. Cessac.

The list and the photocopier
are on the 3rd floor.

Two years of endless red tape

just to be told
we're on our own here. Normal.

"Greetings to the reader and good luck.

"Never forget the most important thing:

"Make sure
the child's really been abandoned.

"One: Arrival..."

We did say outside the embassy?

I don't get it.

The taxi won't come.

Come on.

What time is it back home?

A riddle:

How do Mommy and Daddy look in Phnom Pen?

Give up?

It's monsoon season.
They have no umbrella.

They're very tired

and lug a useless backpack.

Plus, we've been had.
The taxi we hired never came.

Hear that?

- He's offering money.
- How much?


I attract any mosquito around.

No dengue fever for you!

- $500. You serious?
- No.

You're such a jerk!

Shall I speak in French?

If you don't mind.

I have copies, if you want.

You ski in these mountains?

I love to ski, but here snow...

It's a stone house?

We bought it seven years ago.
I'm redoing it little by little.

Do you own horses?


How many cars do you have?

My wife drives the van, I have a motorbike.

Madam seems very young

to be driving a van.

My government approves your application

and I endorse it.

It was sent to Kieng Klang orphanage.

As for the visiting permit,

I leave you with Kim Saly.

To help keep office supply expenses down,

I wish to inform you
there is a placement fee.

Annie pulls the taxi stunt on everyone.

I know her kind.
They seem nice enough but...

We walked from the embassy
to the adoption office.

We took a cab back to the hotel,

and got driven around town.
With a map.

They can't read.

But the adoption office
is only 10 minutes away!

Hire a motodop next time.
It's only $6 a day.

If your baby wails till 2 am,
I can understand that,

but must you really flush the toilet
three times?



Where did you find Christophe?

At the Pursat orphanage.

It was sheer luck. An American
couple changed their mind.

And the others?

The Fontaines are a mystery.
He's in insurance

and holds back information.

How did Annie find her baby?

Through a middleman, we think.


A guy you pay as much as $4000
to speed things up.

- Many people do that?
- Yes. And she's a lawyer.

That means nothing. I knew
a lawyer who dyed her hair red.

And that Alsatian guy
who's staying at the Bayon:

He turned up without IAA approval.

We checked: He's no. 92.
We're 21.

What number are you?


Without IAA approval
how can he take a child home?

We've been chasing the director
for a week. Always in meetings!

My ass!
He's trailing after the Americans.

It was different last year.

Come with us?

So it's useless to wait?

He won't come.

Let's go. We'll come back.

The Americans can't be beat.

They fork out $20,000 to agencies.

But they're good with kids.
Isn't this one nice?

I think I'll take it.
It'll go over big in Lyon.

- $20,000!
- Even more.

They only come for 2 or 3 days
to get their kid.

While we French...

At least we have time to see the country.

These are water-lily stems.
I'll cook them tonight. They're good.

And these are jackier fruit.

Feeling better?

I don't know.

If there are no adoptable kids
in Kieng Klang

have your file sent elsewhere.

Taxi $10 Room 203

Give me a drag.

You lost.

And I've got the willies.

Losing at solitaire is a bad sign.

Then there's only one remedy.

Redo that card trick from yesterday.

If I find the solution,

I bang you.

And if I don't find it,

then I bang you.

What a one-track mind!

Who is it?

Marco Fulvio.
Your neighbor in 205.

It's Sandrine.
She got sunburned on the terrace.

Stop pretending. You lost it!

We don't need a map.
At the gas station we turn left,

go up the boulevard,
cross at the American school.

It's right opposite.

- You really from Lorraine?
- We'd never left Forbach.

The comrades chipped in for our tickets.

Look. Alain Delon cigarettes.

He made good movies.

- You sure it's tobacco?
- Of course it is.

- Want one?
- No thanks. I never smoke actors.

What's your son's name?

Sergio. Like his grandad.

That way.
Let's hold hands. It's safer.

Pierre, do you play Crazy 8s?

So there are no children?

He was so skinny when we got him.

No children available.

What about them?

They've only been here a month.
Not ready for adoption.

That's the ward for AIDS children.

They said they only have a year to live.

For breakfast

I have a big bowl of black coffee
and dry toast.

I like the feel of cold,
the smell of cut grass

and the sound of pebbles
thrown in the water.

I wanted you to know that right off.

Maybe I'm afraid of disappointing you.

I don't get a word.

Ask if we can buy it.

Buying his picture would've helped the kid.

You'd trust that director?

Where do you think the money'll go?

Think of a king.

Jesus! This is spicy!

You okay?

Hang on.

I see which one you mean.


Here it is.

It's the only red card.

And the other cards are aces.

Want to see what's next?

A spade.

You win.

The painting's yours.
At least we'll have a souvenir.

Not funny.

Please, ma'am, another magic trick?

- The kid can't sleep.
- You're not alone!

Don't get discouraged.

You have to keep going back.

Leave your phone number.
Insist they call.

Give presents. Like diapers.

That's how I got Tom.

It's essential.

You like spicy food?

That's all we eat now.

We've fallen in love with Cambodia.

Those your shirts drying?

Quick! Save her, too.

They're as thick as leaves.

Thieves... Thick as thieves.

I prefer leaves.

That's normal,
we adopted them the same day.

So Marianne and I are like sisters.

It's true.

So we came back
for more: A brother.

Or a sister. Who knows?

Nice place you have.

For three, it hardly costs $100
and it's better for the kids.

Why Cambodia?

We tried in France.
But it takes seven years.

We tried Romania for two years.

Then, on vacation we met a couple
who'd adopted in Cambodia.

We hopped on a plane.

You stay long?

Three months.
We had the fright of our life.

We thought Tom had a heart defect.
We rushed to a hospital.

We learned they'd taken the x-ray wrong.

The baby has to be standing,
not lying down.

So obvious I wouldn't have thought of it.

Zoe asked if there were
nice dogs and mean dogs.

I said there were.

And tigers?

Same thing.

And are there nice mommies
and mean mommies?

I said: Just like
with dogs and tigers.

So was her Cambodian mother mean?

I took her in my arms and said no,
but I doubt I reassured her.

Geraldine's in the shower.
Anyway, the last time you spoke,

you snubbed each other for a month.

Look, Mom, this is expensive.

Happy birthday anyway.

I'm looking for my blue Lacoste shirt.

I sent it out to iron.
They can't find it.

We'll organize a hunt.
Shirts run wild these days.

- You kidding me?
- Not at all.


3 a.m.

Daddy is sleeping.

You realize all that means "and you"?

In Khmer, you have to add
the context. Question of sincerity.

It's blue.

He'll give you a special rate.
He drives well and speaks French.

- A friend?
- No, my nephew.

His parents were killed
by the Khmer Rouge. I raised him.

- She's adopted you?
- Looks like it.

My shirt doesn't send regards.

You're a pain, Mr. Post-It!
Here's your $10 back.

Do those two sleep together?

"Try another orphanage...
So sorry..." But I like this one.

They must all be
for the American catalogue.


Who is it?

We should've gone right over.

What time did they say?
Did you reserve the motodop?

I thought you wanted a girl.

Me? Boys don't make a fuss
and worship their mommies.

Did you set the alarm?

For what time?

We haven't even seen him yet.

- Imagine!
- Don't get too excited.

I can't sleep with that music!

Don't panic. For brother and sister,
the process is longer.

They said we could adopt only the girl.

Who is "they"?

We're here for the 2-month-old boy.
You tried to reach us yesterday.

I'm so sorry.

I couldn't call back,
but Kim found parents this morning.

That can't be!
The orphanage just opened.

I'm really sorry.

What is this?

I don't get it.

If you want an explanation,
go see Dr. Sim Duong.

We sure do want an explanation!


Dr. Sim Duong?

One moment. I'm busy.

Your ministers are responsible, not me.

They pressured us to get a child
for one of your MPs in three days.

It isn't the first time
I've fought this behavior.

Disappointed? So am I.

Let's have dinner tonight.

If I can be of help to the clinic,
let me know.

I redid her teeth.
Now I can ask for her hand.

There are three kinds of adoptive parents.

Those who corrupt everything

by paying thousands of dollars,

those who get ahead and aren't any better,

and people like you.

Kieng Klang.

Nutrition Center, Sfoda, Holy Baby,
Asean Center, but nothing.

Not a single child!

Canadian and American agencies
recently handled

more than 200 adoptions
by catalogue. Much too much!

It doesn't rain orphans.

So other countries come second.

So we should give up?

To fate, yes. But not your smile.

What's the matter?

She won't let me put her child
in the orphanage. She's a fool!

Not to give up her baby?

With her the baby hasn't a chance.

Alone, she'll manage
and have other children.

Don't ask me what I think
about what happened.

She never says hello.

- Don't touch!
- Place them right.

Crazy 8!

It's when you put down the card.

- Crazy 8! You're a bad sport.
- I'm no idiot!

- Hold on!
- Bad sport at what?

Can I speak to you?

- Don't touch! It's my turn.
- Who's a bad sport?

The rules apply even in Cambodia.

I paid you back for the taxi
but didn't apologize.

A bad sport, me?

I'm a wreck.

What would you do in my place?

Hepatitis B... in an infant...

- Should I let him die here?
- I didn't say that.

I can find out about more tests.

I want a clear answer, doctor.

I can refer you to a specialist.

That's no answer.

At 40 he can develop cirrhosis or cancer.

So, how much did Sim Duong take
to move you up?

What should I do?

Only you can make that decision.

I'm sick of being alone.

What's with Annie?
You ask her for interest?

As you know, this orphanage
is open till 2 p.m.

- We know that.
- At other hours, no one.

- Okay.
- Give me your pad.

We'll leave you our address
and phone number. You call us.

I see you everywhere: In cradles,
on sidewalks, in markets.

You cry, you laugh.

You chase tourists with a fan.
You run away.

My belly hurts but you're not in my belly.

I'm nauseous, I crave strawberries,
but you're not in my belly.

I cry, get wound up, lose my temper,

but you're not in my belly.

Vicious circles must be broken.

Chinese proverb.

You speak Chinese?

Mandarin better than Cantonese.

Also Italian, German and a bit of Russian.

I have an international business degree

but there are no jobs.

Amazing. You been looking long?

Two years.
But with tourism developing,

I'm hopeful.

Was the proverb a message?

No, a suggestion.

How much did we spend?

Too much.

I have a good feeling
about Mr. Treng's nephew.

It's worth the risk.

I didn't say I was against it.

Neither did I.


For you.

I'm switching hotels.
I can't stand the mood here.

Be careful with it.
It's been blessed.

Thanks, that's nice of you.


What's going on?

The new director's not easy.

The one I knew was transferred.
He told me,

no adoptable children,
but it's his bad mood talking.

We didn't tell him we were coming.

He invites you to lunch tomorrow.
His driver will pick you up.

$40 to get here... 80...


If this lunch produces nothing we go back.

Think Annie will keep her baby?

That's Vietnam over there.

Don't stop. Keep fondling me.

I want you.

I didn't hurt you last time.

You did.

It's in my head, I know.

But not only.

I feel damaged.
How do the others manage?

They forget.

Or pretend to.

I didn't tell you, but
the last hysterography hurt so bad,

I begged them to stop.

I screamed I didn't want children.

I was against it.

Those dumb doctors
couldn't stand my crying.

"It's your fault. You should
make love at 5 p.m., not 4.

"On the 19, not the 18th.

"How do you expect to have a child,
if you don't listen?"

I'm a dumb doctor, too.
I'll try alternative medicine.

A gentle alternative.

So gentle.

No more allopathy.

Only essential oils

for you.

Could we make an appointment?


Get in.

He's asking if...

I understood.

Take in your arms, miss.

She baby's cousin.
Give her.

Give her. Baby's cousin.

No room in orphanage.

Here, with nurse. Well fed.

Good health. Happy.

Is it her cousin or her nanny?

I'm so glad to see you.

- He says we can take her?
- Tomorrow.

It still looks weird.

You caused the accident because
I didn't take you. I know it.

I should act as if you didn't exist.

But I can't help it.

I still have your smell on my skin.

Got a dress in your bag?

I just reset a shoulder.
We're invited for dinner.


Thank you.
My sister made it.

She was very pregnant.

I was 19, my fianc?e was 20.

We survived thanks to my first
two years of pharmacology studies.

I knew something about plants.

We lived on leaves and roots for months.

The first time,

we crossed the entire country,
west to east, to the Vietnam border.

Srey delivered in the forest.

The next day, she walked 20 miles
without a complaint.

Just before the border,

the Khmer Rouge arrested us.

We spent three days traveling
in trucks without food.

They herded us out
in the middle of the rice paddies.

A train was to pick us up.

One box

of Nestle's uncooked rice for 30 people...

That was our daily ration.

The train came a week later.

They beat us to get us into the cars.

We traveled for days,

locked in like cattle,

not knowing our destination.

Our baby

died in that freight car.

We arrived at a camp

where we had to slave away

for months in the rice paddies.

Srey had no strength left.

One day,

we hid in a ditch

and managed to escape.

Some villagers risked their lives
to hide us,

and took us to the Thai border.

I weighed 88 pounds,

and she, barely 93 pounds,

and eight months pregnant.

Did you find any relatives?

No one survived.

Except my second child,

my brother...

and Srey,

now my wife.

That baby dying in a freight car...

I don't think we should go tomorrow.

Well, I want to.

I want to go.

Father dead, no work.

In Phnom Pen, we'd planned on $1500.


It's not the money.
They're goddamn traffickers.

If we don't take her, she'll die.

A stolen child doesn't bother you?

At least we'll save her!

She won't get raped by a tourist
when she's 8!

Americans... $7000,
we must decide fast.

I feel responsible.
I swear I'll report them

to the authorities.

See that? They're demining.

Leave me alone!

Okay, take off!
What about me?

Do what you want.

Where were you? We were worried.

In Kep, in the south.

You don't look so hot.

Geraldine's freaking out.

She's got company.
Yesterday, me and Marco...

Don't start that again!

You okay?

Sandrine and Marco send love.

The flights are all overbooked.

- I'll sleep at the airport.
- Sure.

Stay. Please stay.

Let go of me.

Changing tickets will cost a mint.

So what if it does!

You see how I am and you talk about money!

$5000... $6000... Big deal!

What's it cost to wait 11 years?

To tell shrinks about dad's death
and how I'm dying to have a child?

But money is all that matters to you.

If I'd married someone else,
I'd have had my kid.

I don't give a shit about money!

Don't ever do that!

- You're hurting me! You jerk!
- Don't ever do that!

Who is it?

Is this your shirt?

Not at all.

Excuse me.
We don't know whose it is.

Neither do I.

Do what you want.

Go tell your mother
we'll never have a child.

Who is it?

It's Mr. Treng.

My wife and I are celebrating
Melodie's birthday.

We would be honored to have you.

I'll change and be right down.

The nursery'll make a nice guest room.

Has anyone tried silkworm cocoons
or fried grasshoppers?

There's worse.

They have these shellfish...
What're they called?

Horseshoe crabs?

Eat only the male or female,
and you can die.

Eat both, and you're okay.

Best to stay on the cook's good side!

Horseshoe crabs or not,

since our orphanage visits,
he's put on over two pounds!

Right, Sandrine?

In a year he'll be going down
mineshafts with me.

What a dummy!

You were right to change, that looks nice.

Playing the loner?

Geraldine wants to go home.

Want me to speak to her?




Good for you!

In just a few weeks.

Now count to 10.

She's a smart one!

She still wets the bed.

At her age, it's not normal.

Give her time to adapt.

Packaged chicken means carving,
sorting, cleaning, packaging...

That's four skilled jobs!
Not to mention free-range chickens.

"Lou? free-range chicken:
We both know how to pick 'em!"

Your chickens sponsor
the French radio weather report!

She's a real radio freak.

Know the proverb?

The Vietnamese plant the rice,

the Laotians listen to it grow

and the Cambodians watch it grow.

And in their time off,
they step on mines. 100 a month.

It was just a joke.

They step on mines as they joke,
or joke as they step on mines.

Sorry about the other day.

About Sim Duong....
I was at the end of my rope.

You'll see: The five signatures,
the waiting...

Five signatures, three ministries,
and they all take a cut.

But civil servants are badly paid.
How much per month?

$20 or $30.
They usually hold down two jobs.

One penpusher was also my motodop driver.

But that's all over now,
we leave in three days.

A toast!

To Annie, who was smart enough
to get out of here.

Too many assholes!

The baby in Kep too expensive?

Stop that!

You okay?

Want some cake?

Close your eyes.

Stop it!

You'll feel better.

Can't you cooperate?

I can't breathe!

Hang on.

If I run into him tomorrow,
believe you me...

- Believe me.
- I always believe you.

You believe me?

- I was only kidding.
- I know.

Switching hotels will do us good.

That's so pretty.

The pretty colored ball.

Doctor, remember to make a wish.

I did.

Maybe I came to Cambodia out of pride.

What do you mean?

Where does Pierre fit in?

I'm pushing him to the limit.

Not afraid of losing him?

He's determined to stick it out.
I'm not sure I am.

Before I adopted Zoe, I was pregnant.

The baby died a month before term.

I couldn't deal with it.
I left my husband and job.

I fell apart.

And now look...

The Tonle Sap River has reversed its flow.

The Water Festival is on,

and all Cambodia is laughing.

But not me.

I feel like the smallest of Cambodians,

the skinniest, the emptiest...

Your mother's a pain
when she breaks down, a real pain.

I want to have you with her.

Why am I alone in telling you this?

Why didn't you join me
at the festival? I waited.

I stopped by to see Marianne.

You could have called.

There was a guy dead set against adoption.

She argued with him.

He claimed it impoverished
the country even more.

I bet you hit it off.

I was at the airport.
We're on a waiting list

for Wednesday.

To make adoption practices more ethical,

they pass laws they can't enforce.

When they don't work, they close up.

It happened in Vietnam.
Soon they'll close up here.

Look, they're beautiful.

That's his nanny.
Dara sends her drawings every month.

I don't want to leave this country.

In the northwest the land is fertile.

The farmers know it's mined, but
they farm it because they're poor.

Many are blown up.

So an artificial limb
seems like nothing, and yet...

In Cambodia everyone smiles
with a broken heart.

Geraldine put us on a waiting list
for the Wednesday flight.

She's the one who's sterile,
but it could've been me. So what?

What difference does it make?

In the end, it's as if we both were.

Get in.

Children work at night?

Day and night.

Often round the clock without a break.

They're exhausted.

We, at PSE, try to...

We managed to school 3000 of them.

I didn't go to the airport.

You changed your mind?

- It's hard to explain.
- She not what we expected.

You said you wanted a daughter.

She seems ill. She doesn't smile.

Be patient. She hardly knows you.

I'll never grow attached to her.

She sleeps with her eyes half-open.

And her head has red blotches.

Naturally, we'll make up
for the trouble we've caused.

Dr. Sim Duong phoned.
We were expecting you.

Here she is.

I don't understand.

Didn't Dr. Sim Duong tell you?

A last-minute withdrawal.

Her name is Holy Lola.

The children here are named after
the orphanage. Do you like her?

Would you like to hold her?

Of course.

Is it for sure?

No problem. Go on.

She has to get used to me.

Hang on.

I forgot the camera.

Geraldine, remember
when the social worker decided

our mixed furniture styles
was a sign of instability?

Ours was very nice.


we left a copy of Time Out in view
to impress her.

So did we!

And the morality certificate:
I asked my spector...

Your spector?

My inspector...

He said that being a teacher
was proof of morality,

thus, no need of a certificate.
So I faked one.

I was so scared my apartment
would be too small

we had our picture taken
at my sister's place.

Look this way.
Jerome, I can't see you.

Dara, turn around.

- I can't wait till we're alone.
- Me neither.

And then what?

He picked me up. I thought
he was taking me to a hotel.

Sure! It was to tear down
the last Radiohead concert posters.

Xavier's into Sylvester and Tweety.

We have 300 stuffed animals!

For Dara.

I came on to you
after taking down the posters.

What is it?
You're white as a milkman's turd!

These aren't noodles I'm used to.

First they asked who was sterile.

Same with us.

- Know the sign of a sterile woman?
- I fear the worst.

This! A coelioscopy scar.

I have one, too!

So do I!

Well, I don't.

My navel's for Xavier only!

- I won't strip, but I confirm.
- Join the club.

Can I join your club anyway?

To our gynecologists!

To my noodles!

To my jet lag!

To alternative medicine!

To Lola's health!

To Lola!

To Pierre, who kept us going.

To Pierre, who kept us going.

It's for a baby.

Tests for hepatitis B and C, HIV,
blood cell count and mono test.

Will it hurt?

A little bit.

What about the red blotches?

She's just getting over eczema.

Isn't she a doll?

Like her father.

Before they adopted Christophe,

Bernard and Nicole gave up a child
with AIDS.

- It's true.
- Sweetheart...

Breathe deep.

Look at the brave little girl!

Good girl.

She cries in advance.

She has to be different.

My little baby...

You sure?

Me neither.

Luckily I had it all translated
by an agency.

The child's birth certificate
and biography didn't match up.

- Same for us with Dara.
- Isn't that weird?

Birth registration costs
as much as 10,000 riels.

That's why 80% of births
aren't even recorded.

Read the paper?

Those 14 children adopted
by Americans were stolen.

So the U.S. Senate
decided to halt adoptions.

It's too easy to blame the Americans.

Maybe our kids were stolen, too?

What a depressing thought!

Doubt comes cheap!
Do we leave the kids here to die?

So, did it go okay?

Can I have some herb tea?
I won't be able to sleep.

You shouldn't have taken her back
to the orphanage.

It was hard to leave her.

All this love you have... Wait until
you're sure before giving it.

It's on me.

But promise not to visit her
before you get the results.

Dr. Rio says

he should hear and see
lots of people, to stimulate him.

He's right.

It'll help, but it's not enough.

We'll take turns playing with him.

His name's Sokaun.

It means "gratitude."

What're you doing?

We'll never be able to sleep.
It's supposed to relax you.

When I'm depressed, I watch Melodie dance.


Open it!

Open it! I love you!

Too fast for what?

Five thousand?

I only gave him 4000.

As a kid, I wanted to walk a tightrope.

You balance on very, very high wires,

like over Niagara Falls.

I met one who ate his meals
that way, up in the sky,

drinking tea with the clouds.

I practiced in the yard to impress Daddy.

You didn't understand.

I can't allow you to have Lola overnight

until I get your file
from the director of Kieng Khlang.

Mr. Sophat left for Bangkok for
three days to pick up rice donations.

Shall we discuss the donation?

An applicant friend told me
he gave you $1300.

We usually get $1500.

Do you want it today?

The problem remains the same.

My wife would be thrilled
to take Lola back to the hotel.

Can't you let her out without papers?

Come back Friday.
It will all be settled.

Lola was falling!
I couldn't catch her!

Every time we leave her, it hurts so bad.

The other night she clung to my clothes.

I know.

I went by the agency
to confirm our return for the 23rd.

I'm so scared they'll stop adoptions!

We still have a month.
It'll work out.

You sure?

She has two jobs
because she has many mouths...

Many mouths?

To feed in her family.


The director isn't there.

Tomorrow's Saturday, then Sunday.

What do we do for two days?

Play tourist. I can't help it.

You never can help it! I'm taking her
back to the hotel anyway!

I'm hopping mad, too.

Everything's not always my fault.

From your window,
you'll see the earth touch the sky.

We call them mountains.

At home there are lots of them.

Surrounded by silence.

You might be afraid

and cold.

I'll buy you sweaters and scarves.

Lots of scarves.

Don't give them anything.

Give them money and the parents
cut off the other arm!

It's a mafia.

Don't you tend to dramatize?

That's what they say.

I met Pierre when I was 1 7.

We wanted a child right away...
It's been 11 years now.

My husband
can't come before Dec. 15.

I'm here!

I'm afraid to choose our child alone.

Try not to pay Cheng $20
for orphanage visits.

Don't hire a middleman.

Then take each day as it comes.

For you!

Thanks. That's really sweet.

So: Another motodop, Lucky Market,
and baby bottles...

And in four hours I see my Lola!

She hates it.

No more showers!

She'll suffocate.
She's turning blue!

Quit panicking.

No fever. Her stomach's relaxed.
She may be teething.

She has swollen gums.

Crying like this isn't normal.

Maybe it's a tantrum.

A tantrum!

Her first night away from her nanny,
and you tell me it's a tantrum!

Since you speak Khmer,

didn't you know Lola means

"speaks loudly and has personality."

They chose her name well.

Come here.

Come here, sweetie.

See? She was scared.

So was I.

Isn't bread yummy?

It's her first time.

Let's try the banana cake, too.

See your pretty girlfriend, Sergio?

Isn't he's a bit young?

He takes after his daddy.
Give her your little flower.

I love you madly.

May I?

That's Patricia.

Look how straight she sits.

You learn that in haptonomy.
It helps find the center of gravity.

How time flies!
We have to take her back later.

If you're tense, Lola will sense it.

No, she won't.

Come to Daddy.

Daddy's not tense.


This one.

It's so cute.

There's another one.
Or this one.

Isn't she a beauty?

She's ours.

Isn't she a beauty?

Sheer delight!


Her name's Kumkea.
Nice name.


A taxi driver found her.

What is this?


Indeed. On the birth certificate
the parents are given as deceased,

and unknown in the biography.

This happens.

Which do you prefer?

Deceased or unknown?

All is in order,

but I need another certified copy
of the birth certificate.

From where?

The district where she was declared.

Is it far?

Not very.

Lola, I have to tell you:

Given the doubts about your parents,
we preferred "unknown"

to "deceased."

If you ever want to, we'll come back
and look for them together.

Have a seat.

You did say Kumkea Chuk?

Thank you so much.

For the stamp you must go to the annex.


Another office.

Is it far?

Not very.

Where've you been?

But you have a receipt.
It's perfectly legal.

Not to your foreign affairs
ministry! They want a fortune!

She insisted on a second certified copy.

A color photocopy would've done the job.

Everyone here does that.


Her favorite perfume:
Shalimar by Guerlain.

I won't pay that much! That's enough!
Adoption isn't a business!

No more! Not like these...

We're closing.

What about my signature?

We don't like people who yell.

Can you come?

I can't do it.

I can't make a choice.

I kept her Cambodian name: Pala.
It means fruit.

If she ever wants a friend

in Auvergne...

Our daughter's name is Lola.

Your Buddha surely has something
to do with it.

May I?

Your file's been signed.

One more?

A storm's coming. Good night.

I hope Jeremy will like
mashed potatoes. Especially instant.

Or else it will be risotto,
blanquette or rice pudding.

Sokaun smiled at us today.

- As if...
- As if he recognized you.

That's right.

What scares me is that
I love Lola more each day.

I'd like to know if the baby
I didn't choose gets adopted.

You said that was all!

Let go of me!

I'll strangle you!

I'll break your neck!

Not another cent!
I'm not American!

We have to be at Holy Baby
at 10 a.m. On the spot.

On the dot, not on the spot!

Don't mess up.
We'll have Lola 4 days!

Come on. I know.

Of course.


Did you pay Cheng for the first signatures?

I almost did, but no.
He didn't ask.

They asked me for Sokaun's bio three times.

Then they found an error
in his registration number.

Our file went through
the Secretary of State.

I blew up at Kim Saly.

Guess what made it come through?

Shalimar by Guerlain.

Still nothing?

Zilch. I've been here five times.
Still no signature.

Only five?

The thing is that a Bordeaux jeroboam

doesn't have the same capacity
as one in Burgundy.

A Burgundy jeroboam
is like a Bordeaux double magnum,

whereas our jeroboam
is like a mathusalem...

Is that so?

In Burgundy.

That's it!

I told them.


That they may have the time
and we the money, but it won't work.



They listened.

So much for today.

What about white wine?

Same thing.

Hi, everybody.


Nothing, it's the pits!

The usual run-around.
Some boss is always out.

- What's going on?
- It's Marco.

We wanted to celebrate
the kids' health reports,

but Marco flipped.

He wanted to mortgage his house.
Sandrine came for help.

He was trying to call from the gas station.

Luckily the instructions are in English.

His middleman keeps bugging him
for more guarantees.

It gets stuck in red tape.

Don't look at me like that!

So I hired a middleman!

I'll get fired if I'm not back on time.

The boss won't go easy on me.

I'm not like you, we're not like you!

We're not like them, but they're like us.

They're like us.

Only a week left.

What if we don't get that signature?

Think they'd take Lola back?

This breeze sure feels good.

Are there vultures in Cambodia?

When I went to catechism class,

there was this kid...

He used to ask the priest

if in Normandy Jesus climbed apple trees.

Here comes a penpusher.

I can't hear you.

We won't budge.

We've waited three weeks for signatures.

I admit this is an original way
to be a tourist.

Please get up. It's hot.

Shit! I know that guy.

It's all been settled.

You know, I studied law in Poitiers.

Despite the problems,

I hope you'll have good memories
of Cambodia.

Please, go in.

Now I remember!

We had dinner together in Kep.

Be happy. My boss has signed.

And the little gift for the boss?

Isn't that beautiful!

I can't remember the name of the guy
who helped us.

We could've avoided paying.

They'd take it out on the next ones.

Let's celebrate!

He looks like you.
The same eyebrows.

You think so?

There we are!

We made progress.


do you like him?
Isn't he beautiful?


Is this Jeremy?

That's a map of Phnom Pen.
He's gorgeous.

Look at that.

My husband came twice.
I've waited an hour.

A letter of invitation isn't 20 pages long!

It's all we need for the visa.

I buy my own office supplies,

like rulers, to make lines, and pens.

No pens, no signature.

Tomorrow evening, here.

Don't pay him a thing.

I buy my own office supplies,

like rulers, to make lines,

and pens.

No pens, no signature.

I have two children.

I earn $30 a month, I need $150

to feed my family.

That's an easy sum:
You need another $120.

Don't forget my boss.

They're badly paid, too?

Many signatures, many pens...

Many dickheads!

Excuse me?

I'll see...
Think of a king.

I got the whole conversation!

The whole thing!

Shit! I don't get it.

Next time, try pressing both buttons
to record. It's better.

You blew it.

It was in my bag.

Five times! He drives me nuts!
"No pens, no signature."

Tell me about it!

He pulled his business card
and appointment stunt, too.

I shelled out $300 and I've gotten
no farther than you.

She wouldn't even tell me.

What if we did
without that invitation letter?

You're dreaming.

That's us. It's our turn.

You take her?

Goodbye. Best wishes.

I know what you'll say.
Coming together solves nothing.

Before leaving France,
none of you got an invitation

authorizing you to enter Cambodian soil.

Why demand it now
after two months? It's absurd.

But that's the rule.

The IAA demands it.
It's Cambodian procedure.

And what the IAA demands...

The Cambodians don't care!
They gave us the release.

Khmers can be unpredictable.

They never asked for the letter.
Why now for the visas?

Without that letter,
I'm breaking their laws.

Once again, it's the IAA.
No invitation,

no visa.

We can't change our tickets!
This is a disaster!

You should've got open tickets.



Where the hell is he?

So, Pierre...

How's it feel to be officially a dad?

Like this!

- They must have condoms.
- Customers won't use them.

And abortion?

Cambodian women would be too ashamed.

- I'll miss you.
- I'm not gone yet!

- Here he is!
- Sandrine's been looking all over!

Why didn't you call or something?

Don't worry so!

I hit both buttons at the same time.

Nice going!

I had it hidden in my pocket.
Nothing up my sleeve!

See? Don't get so worried.



$130, $150...

Don't forget my boss.

How much for your boss?

$300, $350...

Lots of signatures, lots of pens.

Mr. And Mrs. Fulvio?

That's us.

For you, there's no problem.

You know our government

only entrusts its orphans to honest people.

On your application

you declare an income
of 27,796 euros for the year 2000.

And here, on your IAA application:
33,216 euros.

A difference of 5420 euros.

Mr. Lascaut,
I read here that your mother

is in a retirement home.

That's what she wanted.


Why, of course!
2 7, 796 euros

is the net income

and 33,216 the gross.
You scared me for a minute.


if money's the issue, we can give you some.

Do you think
adoption must entail corruption?

It's almost Christmas, sir.

We like to meet the people
we entrust our children to.

The invitations will be sent
to your embassy within 24 hours.

"Immutable harmony is composed
of tears as well as songs..."

Victor Hugo.

Don't let Lola forget
the sound of the monsoon.


But I just had it!

Where's the pacifier?
Seen it, Lola?

How're you coming?

A 1 7- hour flight and no pacifier!

Men are all alike!

They could've helped
before going to the ministry.

I bought one just like this!

Anything for the kids' ears
for the takeoff?

A bottle,

and for me an "Our Father"
and a double scotch.

The Buddha won't go in.

Call now! My plane leaves at 5 p.m.

It's 5 a.m. In Paris.
Offices open at 8.

There's no hotline?

It's crazy! The IAA confirmed
receipt of both your files.

I got two visas, but not yours.

- I know, but why?
- No idea.

What do you suggest Mr. Cessac do?

8 a.m. In Paris, that's 2 p.m. Here.

I can't call any earlier.

See you in a bit.

Still no answer.

Are they on strike or what?

Mrs. Arnaud?

Yes, it's urgent.
It's about the Cessacs.

You received their files,
but still no visa here.

Yes, I'll hold.

We're screwed.
They don't want to give us a visa!

That's it: They won't let her out!

Stop it!

What? It was in the folder.

Let's not lose any time.
I'll refax it.

They misplaced your letter
of invitation! I must be dreaming.

I hate the IAA!

Here's the original.


Stay here. I'll call them again!

We won't get it.

Listen up, fax machine:

Her name's Lola. She's had enough
and so have we.

We want to go home.

So either you send it through or...

It's working? It went through?

It went through!

It took some persuasion.

The visa just came through!
Quick! I called a cab.

I'm right behind you.

Let me give you a hand.

Quick! To the airport!

Mr. Detambel,

thank you so much.

Never mind.

Hurry up, or you'll miss it!

Our address and a letter to my mother....

I'll send you photos by email.

Get a move on!


Forget something?

Cynthia Schoch & Lenny Borger

Processed by I.V.T. - Paris