Hitler - Never Heard of Him (1963) - full transcript

Young people talk about the past, present and the future, dreams and trends, in front of Blier's camera.

This film is not intended to be
an overview of the current youth.

It's just about eleven young people
who are 20 years old in 1963.

They were chosen to make
a show and not a survey.

Each of them, fully aware of the outcome, agreed
to speak, individually, in front of cameras.

They never met during the shooting.

They are coming from different backgrounds
and speak on their own behalf.

They do not claim to be spokesmen.

Of course, they are other young people...

Stop it!

Turn it to the left!

Start the mains!

- How are you?
- I'm fine.

- Not too tired?
- That's OK.

Could you wet your lips?

Godlet, do you hear me?
The shooting will start soon.

Please silence! Red light!


It's a small village
of 2.000 inhabitants.

There are two cinemas
and a ballroom.

Sometimes funfairs are also coming.

We've got a big house...

...close to the national road.

It's well accommodated: there's a bedroom
for girls and one for boys...

...and one for my parents.
The rent is quite high.

Someone came to pick me up
at the police cells.

Then I was taken to an office.

I met a pretty nice social worker.

What I liked the most...

...was that she had her pack
of cigarette on her desktop.

I hadn't smoked for two days...

...so I was very happy to do so.

She asked me few questions.

She asked me if I was willing
to answer them.

I told her my whole life...

...everything I knew about my life
and my parents' life...

...absolutely everything.

I was raised by my parents
in only one room.

There was not much space.

We were five.

Without water or gas,
just electricity.

It was not really convenient.

During the day, it was ok,
there was nobody.

At night, when all the beds were out...

...it was impossible to move around.
The house was too small.

They made me a bed on the floor
where I slept.

Sometimes I showed the family firm...

...to foreign clients,
most of them are Americans...

...or to students.

I have some technical knowledge of the
plant because I did technical studies.

The workers are a little bit surprised...

...since they don't know
my position in the firm.

It's normal, I don't have
any for the moment.

But everything is going fine.

My parents had 10 children.

It's quite tough.

Mum has the family allowances
but it's not enough.

She always deprived herself...

...to raise us properly
but it was tough.

My father took care of us
just once a year at Christmas.

He received our school report
and it was such a fuss!

But the day after we're going for winter
holidays so it was soon forgotten.

My mother used to get up
with my father.

We were used to this routine.

She got up and made beds...

...so that we could move
around the house...

...otherwise we couldn't.

Maybe I will take over
the family firm.

I'm still not sure about it.

I intend to go into business
with my father.

My father used to work
in the railways company.

He worked on the track.

He earned around
40.000 francs a month.

My father loves my mother.

They are happy together.

They seldom fought...

...only because of my brothers
and sisters.

For the slightest reason,
my father used to yell...

...because he's very nervous.

He never stops yelling...

If an ashtray is 2 meters away from him
and that he wants it closer...

...he will discuss
until the ashtray is in its place.

But he won't be the one to move it.

He used to eat what my mother
cooked for us...

...and sometimes nothing remained:

at night when he came back home,
it was a fuss!

My parents did not get along,
they often talked about divorce.

Then, I used to leave.

My parents were fighting
in the only room of the house...

...they couldn't go to the corridor.

It would have been less fun.

Arguments are normal in a couple.

A proverb says:
"No couple without clouds".

But they still fought too often.

It was an habit.

Every Friday night,
there was a fight.

When something wrong
happened during the week...

...my mother used to say "tonight,
there will be a fight" and there was.

It was getting on my nerves
so most of time I went out.

I was going anywhere, to the movie...

I was 12 years old.

Fights in the house used
to happen at lunchtime.

I remember they were quite often.

When it started to go wrong...

My sister and I decided to quickly...

...put the dishes away.
Because once they broke everything:

...plates, cutlery and so on...

It was a kind of a show...

So we put everything away
and the quarrel started.

We put my father in a corner,
my mother in another one...

It calmed down.
We waited 30 minutes, one hour...

It was finished.
We tried to put them together again...

It was fine during 5 minutes
and it started again!

At the end we left them. They tried
to get along while we went to sleep.

If we were able to sleep
with the noise they were doing.

It was not always easy.

My mother got married
at 15 and a half years old.

My father was around 22 years old.

After 3 months of marriage,
my first sister is born.

One day, my mother was fed up...

...so she found someone else...

...or at least she was seeing another man.

He could have been another father for me
but never mind...

She used to see him
almost every afternoon.

Then one day she decided to leave.

She told it to my father...
Why did she do it?!

I remember that
my father was crying.

He was crying like a child.

After 20 years of marriage,
he was surprised...

...to realize they could break up
just like that.

My mother didn't know what to do.

On the one hand, she was supposedly happy.
- well, I don't really know...

They made it up.

My father begged my mother to stay.

Finally, she agreed.

It was OK for a couple of weeks...

...then it started again just like before.

I cannot deny my parents,
I love them both.

They may not give me all I wanted...

Well, I like them,
they are my parents, that's all.

These parents were given to me
and I'm not responsible for it.

I hardly knew my parents.

My mother is 44 years old.

She's not very healthy,
she was operated several times.

She has problems with her legs,
she is a weary woman.

In 1946, my mother took
refuge in Tunisia...

...I don't know for which reasons...

...probably for political reasons
related to the WW2.

My mother was always
wearing her work clothe.

When she went out,
she wore my sister's old coat.

I only saw her once in my life,
I hardly remember her.

My mother didn't go out much.

Every 6 months, she went for a movie
with my father.

She wouldn't leave me alone at home.

I saw her...

...during 5 or 10 minutes.

In 1947 or 1948.

I was in a Tunisian boarding school.

On Sunday morning, I sometimes brought
my mother's breakfast to her bed.

She stayed in bed a little...

I don't remember her face at all.

She had a caesarean
for my youngest brother.

It was quite tough, she almost died.

I know my mother died of
tuberculosis in 1950.

That's all I know.

She came back by ambulance.

My father had informed us about it...

...we were happy, we cried for joy.

She remained at home, she had to rest
for quite a long time.

But as soon as she came back,
she started working again.

I don't know exactly...
because... he is my father...

I see him as an old-fashioned man...

...quite nervous but with a good heart.

I never met my father.

He's proud of himself,
he has his own sense of honour.

He's courageous, you could say
he's a brave man.

I think he is
but I never had other fathers...

In the evening, when he comes
back from work...

...he always puts his slippers on and
sits down at table to read his newspaper.

He reads the newspaper or sometimes
the comic strips of my brothers.

I used to go fishing with him.

It was an opportunity to be together.

He was not the same man: he was quiet...

...he was fresh.

I like my father but...

...not to see him, to be far from him
doesn't matter to me.

I have many things to complain about...

I don't want to speak about it.

After my high school diploma,
I chose to work.

I didn't want to stay at home anymore...

I didn't like to stay at home because...

...I couldn't stand my father anymore...

I found a job in Paris...

...as a bakery sales assistant...

...then I packed my bags and left.

I was 14 years old.

I was fed up with this kind of life.

One day I left.

I didn't know where I was going,
but I left anyway.

Just before, I visited a neighbour...

...to wish her happy new year
and she gave me some money.

It was cold, I walked
into a café for a drink.

I spent my money playing pinball.

Once I had no money left,
I didn't know what to do.

I had to go somewhere
but not back home.

I was still motivated,
I couldn't stand this life anymore.

I had no more money...

...so I decided to walk up to someone
in the street.

I asked for a metro ticket.

I said I had lost my money,
he fell for it...

I took the metro.

I stayed there a couple of hours.

On the one hand, I felt lost...

...because I didn't know
where to sleep.

But I was not thinking about that.

I was just feeling free.

I was not thinking of the future.

I was feeling safe, in a warm place...

...I was feeling good.

Then I met that woman.

I was sitting, half asleep...

...then I saw a woman
who sat in front of me.

She was around 60 years old.

What struck me is that she was around 60
and she dyed her hair blond.

She had a sheepskin coat...

...and many rings on her fingers.

I said to myself
"she must have money in her bag".

It occurred to me
that if I had money...

I could visit some relatives
and worked there.

I thought my life would be different.

So I decided to follow her.

I followed her...

At that time, there was much
talk of young people...

...who were stealing handbags to women.

We often spoke about it in newspaper.

I wondered why I wouldn't do
the same thing.

I tried my luck.

I followed this woman
like a robber's apprentice.

I had read no literature on this before.

Suddenly - I can still see what happened...

...she arrives in a dark street:
I follow her.

There were no lights around.

I decide to come close to her.

I was to her right,
she was holding her bag at her hand...

...I pull it.

I can't get the bag.

From that moment, I don't remember
exactly what happened.

I remember she fell down.

It seems I did everything I could
to get the bag...

Maybe it's true: "I opened the wine,
I should drink it"

I saw a man running...

...and the woman was screaming.

I needed the bag and that's it!

I don't know if it was a miracle...

...the man was close to me...

...and I suddenly got the bag.

I start running.

After a while, I stop.

I look inside the bag.

There was around 40.000 francs.

I threw the bag
and the identity papers in the Seine.

I kept the cash.

I had money in my pocket
while one hour earlier I wanted it.

I would have done anything to get money
and now I didn't know what to do with it.

I hung around in the streets
without knowing how to spend it.

I hung around in the city.

Then the police made a raid.

I was taken to the police station,
I was asked my name.

I told it.

They realized I was reported missing
for my parents had lodged a complaint.

I was sent to another police station.

It was the day of the referendum...

I still remember all these cops
around the radio listening to the results.

I was sitting on a chair, tired, wearied...

I wonder how I could get such ideas.

I had tried my luck and I had failed.

As they harassed me...

...I finally admitted what had happened.

I was locked up.

They put me in a "chicken cage"
with robbers...

...thieves from everywhere.

I was no more conscious of myself,
I was like blind.

I was taken to prison.

I had never been in jail.

I knew what it was from what I was told,
from newspapers.

Then I realized that crime doesn't pay...

When I was judged, they wanted to place me
in an Observation Centre.

The judge told me
I looked like a nice person...

...and offered me to go to a parole home.

He put aside my report
for "assault with violence".

He made it looked like a mere runaway.

He had asked me if I wanted
to go back home, I said "no".

I went to a parole home.

I thank the Social Services...

even if they didn't do
everything for me.

At the age of 6, my parents divorced.

I was sent to a boarding school
in the mountains.

I've always lived alone...

in the boarding schools.

I was sent to an aunt
in the countryside.

I stayed there 6 months.

My father picked me
and took me to a circus.

My father in law and my mother
picked me up there.

They wanted to punish me and sent me
to a strict boarding school...

...in the mountains.

I didn't like it because
we had to get up at 6 am.

We should exercise, jog.

It was forbidden to smoke, to go
to the village: I didn't like it.

Divorce is a problem for children.

It's very difficult for them.

Because they don't live
with their parents.

I should have wished
to live a normal family.

I must not hate my parents.

I must not judge
what they did for me.

It's neither my field nor my duty
to hate them.

In primary school, I was always first,

Sometimes I was a rowdy pupil...

...when the teacher got on my nerves.

The school teacher told my parents:

"In the country of the blind,
the one-eyed are kings".

I found a perfect trick:

One teacher was responsible for everything.

I had told my parents
that he was sick...

...and that, during his absence,
I was sent to the studying room...

...where I was abused.

My parents told me to stop going
to the study room.

Every Monday I went to high school and
said to my parents my teacher was absent.

They didn't really trust me.

They watched my brother once a month.

I had a deal with him
and it was fine for 5 months.

I never liked teachers.

I was never able
to sit still in a classroom.

When I was on a bench, I couldn't bear
this madman in front of me...

..who got on my nerves
and expelled us.

I was fooling around
in the classroom.

Some teachers are nice but others are doing
all they can to annoy you.

I can't stand those kinds of teacher.

I was an average student
during my high school years.

Sometimes I even failed:
I had to repeat a grade.

I manage to go to middle school.
But someone pulls a few strings for me.

I was in Lycée Janson
I always cut class.

I went to the ice rink or to the cinema.

From 17 years, I worried for my future.
I didn't know...

...which job could suit me.

I thought long and hard about it.

To find a school...

...I did psycho-technical tests.

I went to Paris where I did
in-depth and expansive tests.

My first pay was one
of the happiest moments of my learning.

It was the first time
I earned money.

These tests were not very decisive.

They discovered the complexity
of my character.

I knew it for some time.

We were 40 apprentices,
we gathered in front of the door...

...to get our first pay:
it was great!

In the evening I went out
to a café to celebrate it...

...with a dozen friends.

I may be an hypocrite...

But I don't feel it is a fault.

I feel hypocrisy
greatly simplifies things.

When I heard a bad news,
I made an effort to strike an attitude.

I usually manage to perfectly pretend...

...and not to show any feeling.

When I got home,
I put my money on the table.

I was happy to show my salary
to my parents: it was great!

I live in a small studio
in Convention street.

There's an entrance hall, a large room,
a small kitchen and a bathroom.

It's nice.

I currently live in a hostel
for young workers in Carrière-sous-Poissy.

- I have a Citroën 2CV.
- A MG car.

But if I asked a sports car to my father,
I would get it.

With a little diplomacy and strategy...

...he would agree.

I bought a MG car this summer
on the Riviera.

I broke it on the highway on my way back
and I abandoned it there.

Now I'm in a home.

There are 15 girls,
we all have a child.

My mother searched through my bag.

It was unpleasant, especially for her.

She discovered my book appointments,
it was quite revealing...

There was a list of nouns, quite long...

That's the list...

...of my conquests.

There are quite a few:
it is breathtaking.

In just one year,
that's a lot of people!

It's quite impressive...
Well, maybe not for everyone.

It's quite funny.

For me, it's not impressive:
a number is something abstract.

When we give a number,
it doesn't really mean anything.

If we count on the fingers,
it makes a lot but...

...I don't really realize.

Nowadays almost all the girls
are like that.

My parents made the mistake
of leaving me alone in Paris.

It was the first time, I had
the apartment, a lot of money...

...and a total freedom.

I had a boyfriend
who came at home.

When they came back after the holidays,
it was difficult to readjust.

But of course they gave in.

My parents...

...are useful for me.

I don't know...

I don't know what to say...

I like them.

The only relationship I have with them
depends on material things.

There are no real feelings
or common ideas between us.

My parents are useful...

...because I'm used to them
and I live with them.

The other day, my mother came to my place
to bring me something.

I was with a girl
so I could not let her in.

I explained it to her on the landing.

She understood and she left.

My mother is taking care
of my wardrobe and of my meals.

She cleans up my room... That's all.

I rarely see my parents.

When I get up,
it's too late to call them.

In the evening, I forget.

We don't really pay attention
to each other.

We meet at lunchtime.

Then my father watches T.V.:
we don't speak to each other.

In the morning, I see my mother
when I take my coffee.

Sometimes they came in the morning
but I don't feel like answering.

Without my parents, it
would be difficult...

A lot of things would change.
First, I couldn't go out:

Because someone should take care
of my brother.

I don't know what I would feel
if they die.

My mother is a stunning woman.

She's extraordinary.

We can speak about anything.

I can tell her about my problems at work
or about my troubles with girls.

I can bring home whoever I want,
He will be welcome.

I can go out with... She's great,
it's difficult to explain.

I miss her, I often think about her
when my morale is low.

When I feel good, no problem.

When my morale is low,
I like talking to her.

I would like to spend one day
with her in Paris, just the two of us.

To go to the cinema, whatever,
I just would like to be with her.

At the age of 18, I decided
to have a boyfriend for "hygienic" reasons.

It had to happen at 18,
I had waited long enough.

He was called Philippe,
it could have been anyone else.

It was not really important.

I didn't have the same mind-set:

I felt that staying more than 2 days
with a boy was something normal.

We stayed together for 3 months.

I don't know how it happened.
Both of us were full of goodwill.

I didn't really like him.

Initially, I stayed with him to thank him
since we were always at his home.

It was normal, it should happen.

We get along more physically
than morally.

It is necessary for a girl...

...to have a couple of experiences before
marriage - That's what I thought at this time.

Now, I've got more than a couple...

I don't know exactly how much.

It would seem ridiculous:
there are too many.

People would feel
I'm bragging when in fact...

He was taking advantage of me:
I gave him money...

...and he was going out with other girls.
I don't care he did such a thing...

...but it bothered me that
he did it with my money.

I can admit someone cheats on me
but not in these circumstances.

When Philippe left me...

...I was groggy for 3 days.

It was normal,
we were almost living together.

What annoyed me the most
was to go back to my parents.

Well, you get used to it
as to anything.

I'm not very sensitive to heartaches...

I stopped thinking of him.

He was helpful,
I'm not interested anymore by him.

Besides, I was never
really interested by him.

I met Liliane in a girls' hostel.

I thought...

...she would be a one-night stand.

I danced with her...

...and I realized there was something else.

I was deeply moved.

When I left her, I came back home...

...and I couldn't do anything else
but write to her.

I was thinking of her.

The day after I worked
with more courage.

It was as if I worked for her.

I didn't feel tired while working.

I was thinking of her, I was happy.

It seemed to me I had a new life.

She answered me
and she visited me at Christmas.

We became better acquainted...

The moment came...

...when we kissed.

By chance, without premeditation.

Then, the same day, I slept with her...

I was still in love with her though...

She left and we kept on
writing to each other.

Then a lot of things happened.

I stopped having news from her.

I knew some other girls
so it was over.

I like people with dignified features,
hollow cheeks and thick lips.

A particular kind of boy
whom I never change.

Not long ago, I spent one week with a boy.

He was nice and very handsome.

He was not very clever...

The physical appearance of a boy
is not enough to get satisfied...

...especially as very handsome boys
are often stupid.

It's a pity but it's not their fault.

They know they are handsome
so they are arrogant.

Intelligence is so rare...

I liked him but he was
really too stupid.

It couldn't last so I did all I could
so that he leaves smoothly...

...trying not to hurt him too much.

It can sound a bit presumptuous

...but I felt he was in love with me.

I didn't want to hurt him...

So I left for the weekend without him.

When I came back,
he's the one who didn't come back.

Currently I find most of the girls stupid.

They are wonderful: they have the face
of a child and the body of man.

They are tight in their white suits,
and wears extra-large pants and big shoes.

I love American sailors.

Nowadays women are arrogant...

I always found they thought
a lot of themselves.

Some of them are nice, of course...

...some of them are easier
to seduce than others...

...because they didn't came
from a privileged background.

I have a rather negative opinion on girls.

Beside my love life is quite calm.

I think I'm in love with the same girl...

But I'm not really sure of it.

She's coming from BesanÁon.

I don't know if she's in love with me.

You have to be aggressive
while seducing, otherwise...

...women believe they get the advantage...

...and they do whatever they want with you.

When I seduce a girl...

...I'm not sure to be able to succeed.

If you really want to seduce them,
you must take the high road.

You mustn't chicken out.

If she likes me,
it shows immediately.

I speak with her and give her a date
for the next Sunday.

The next Sunday, we got to the cinema
or to the ballroom.

Usually to the ballroom
to dance with her.

It goes well but I hesitate.
- as everybody does in this case.

I can see if she can like me.

I give her the eye,
if we may call it that.

Slow dances settle the case.

We are closer, we touch each other...

We start kissing and then
it's the same for everyone.

I love girls who are wise,
modest and young.

16 years old.

...in one word: cute - like little girls.

I'm in high school.

On Saturday, I come back home.

On Sunday, I go out with my parents.

We'll see friends or a movie.

I met him in a cinema...

...the movie's title
was "Samson and Delilah".

I found him friendly,
he seemed to be serious.

He was tall and handsome.

He seemed more serious than the others.

He was not telling jokes.

He was very nice with me.

I liked his attitude.

I really trusted him.

During the movie, we talked.

He told me about his job, his family.

He walked me home.

I lived alone in Malakoff in a bedroom.

He worked in a factory...

..in Issy-les-Moulineaux.

Once I waited for him
outside his work.

I couldn't go there every day:
I left my office quite late.

We used to see each other
every evening after my work.

Then we used to go out together
or with friends.

Sometimes we went dancing but
most of the time we went to the cinema.

Oh, stop it!

Sometimes I think I could
have a child with a girl.

But when you are with the girl,
you stop thinking about that.

You just focus on your pleasure.

When I thought I was pregnant
I told it to...

When I thought I was pregnant
I told it to him.

He told me to go
to the doctor to be sure.

The doctor confirmed.

It would be quite annoying.

I would have to marry her.

I couldn't leave the baby alone,
it would be annoying.

I would have to marry the girl.

If it happened to me...

...I would have to accept it as others.

He told me not to worry,
that we will get married.

He made me a lot of promises.

I never saw him again.

I didn't try to see him either.

It's not wonderful to have a child.

When I knew I was pregnant,
I was desperate.

Because I knew my family
wouldn't accept it.

I didn't know what my parents would do.
I suspected they would let me.

That's what they did.

When they knew, I stop hearing from them.

They didn't write to me,
they just sent me a package of linen.

My mom sent me all the linen
she had without writing any letter.

I keep a wonderful memory of my delivery.

It's the most beautiful thing in the world.

The greatest pleasure when he's born
was to hug him and kiss him.

Physical love is something difficult.

I like it.

It takes a lot of time in my life.

It depends on the partner,
how it goes, when...

Sometimes it goes well.

I depends especially on my partner.

I have to like him
which is not always the case.

He has to be a good friend,
someone I'm used to.

To be two is perfect.
Three, that's too many people.

Currently I don't do a lot of sport.

Although I would like doing sport.

Before the race it's difficult
because I'm nervous.

Someone gives you your starting-block.

Then you adjust them.

You talk to the guys around.

You ask for explanations
about their adjustment.

When the starter says "take your marks",
I'm nervous, I'm shaking.

Once the race started, it's ok.

You just think about the finish line.

I'm pretty good at sports.

I did interschool competitions.

It happened one night in Saint-Germain.

I was quietly having a drink
with two friends.

Two strange guys came in.

They asked me to follow them.

I found it weird
but they showed me their badge.

But I didn't want to follow them.

Instead of taking me to Saint-Germain,
they put me into in a car.

We drove along the banks,
I was panicked.

After 15 minutes, we arrived
at the police station in Charenton.

I walked into a room.

They were many policemen
and an unpleasant Commissioner.

He asked me questions
on people I saw frequently.

Then he asked me if I knew
someone called Béatrice.

I said "no".

He asked me again
and I said "no" again.

"Yet something happened
at your place".

I said "no".

"However Béatrice says otherwise".

I said "It doesn't bother me".

He said "Bring Béatrice here!".

It was around 3 a.m.

I said "I'm thirsty".
They brought me something to drink.

The apartment of my parents
was full of people.

It was crowded: boys, girls on sofas...

...dirty glasses in my father's office.

The ashtrays were full,
it was a mess.

She was quite pretty, I flirted with her.
I didn't know her.

A girl told me
"be straightforward with her".

I said
"thank you for the information".

I went to the bathroom
where my belongings were.

I checked if my sweater were there.

I had no trust at all.

I asked to the host of the party
to find me a bedroom.

He said "ok" but asked me
not to make a mess.

I took the girl, she followed me.

We stayed a while in the room.

I wanted to open the room,
it was closed.

I was not happy.
A guy I didn't know came.

He told me "your brother is with a girl,
he will soon go out"

I went to the kitchen.

I had dinner and then I went to the living
to get acquainted with people.

Suddenly, two boys came to disturb us.

I asked them what they wanted,
they just wanted to have a look...

I get dressed and tell them to leave.

Two other guys come...

I don't think rape exists.

They were lying on the girl,
I didn't like it.

I had just made love with the girl...
I threw one of the guys on the floor.

I asked them to leave.
I threatened them with a vase.

They chickened out, they left.

The party was a complete failure!

I don't know what happened: 5 minutes later,
everybody was in the bedroom with the girl.

This is where the whole thing began...

A girl was screaming in the corridor,
others asked what was happening.

I was not crying or laughing, just bored.

Police came and took the guy.

Later I learnt the girl
was called Béatrice.

It was pathetic!

My parent did everything
to fix the problem - in vain.

Serves him right!

When I was released,
my parents came to pick me.

We had a very boring dinner
during which we talked about my future.

We came back home,
I was not authorized to go out.

30 minutes later,
I went to Saint-Germain.

It was August 31st,
everybody was tanned.

I was quite pale, of course.

I met friends
who were surprised and sad...

I made 11 years of scouting.

I started at 7 as a cub.

Later I became a boy-scout and
from 18 to 21 years a chief boy-scout.

Now I prefer going "chez Régine".

I go "chez Régine" as I go to work:
almost every day to see my friends.

I have nothing else to do,
I prefer going there.

Music is good, it is hot.

- I like it.
- I like it warm.

- Smoke makes people cry.
- It's quiet.

At a certain age, you lose interest
in the Scout Association.

In the evening, we watch T.V.
if it is worth.

Saturdays and Sundays, we listen to music,
we can also dance.

I love dancing, it's the only thing I love,
I can dance all night.

I like dancing even though
I don't like all the dances.

- I don't like it.
- It's no longer fun to dance the Twist.

People dance it but badly.

They dance the Twist
because they have to...

My favorite dances are the Slow number,
the Charleston, the Cha-cha-cha.

But this last two dances
are not "aesthetic".

I like dancing
because I'm a good dancer.

This summer, I went for holidays
with the girls of the hostel.

We went to the Alps near Grenoble.

It was my first vacation.

I saw the mountains for the first time:
it was great!

It's great to see snow in August!

I love snow, it's great!

Every year I go skiing,
I used to make some competitions.

I have the first skiing proficiency grade,
it's not too bad.

I didn't think we could see snow in August.

I touched snow...

We did some nice hikes.
But I was not with my son...

15 days without him... it was difficult.
I'd never left him before.

Two years ago,
I was in a Parisian cocktail.

I had never drunk whiskey before
and it was the only thing to drink.

After 7 whiskeys, I forgot everything.

I woke up the day after
with 50 white beds around me.

I was in a hospital.
Someone told me later what happened.

I was not sicker than the others.

A friend offered me to drive me home
But I had forgotten my address.

I got sick in his car.

He left me in the street
and called the Police emergency squad.

I was taken to the hospital.

I had to pay for transportation.

I went to the Social Security office
to get a refund.

When I have a Sunday off,
I went to theatre.

Theatre is a way to soothe torments
and to educate oneself.

One can admire the tragedies
and the performance.

- Brigitte Bardot?
- I don't like this artist.

She's a girl... not really serious...

She's doing a job
even if it's not a decent one.

I don't think it's great
to exhibit one's body to people.

But we are happy to see it in the cinema.

Last weekend, I stayed at the hostel
to read and to listen to music.

It depends on my weariness: at the
beginning of a quarter, I read classics.

I try to read books
that make you think.

I educate myself according to my means:
literature, music, theatre...

...cultural outings to meet
poets or painters.

At the end of the quarter, I'm tired
so I read novels.

I seldom read.

Last year I read one book
at boarding school.

The title was "Fatima, my love".

I like thrillers
and adventure stories...

...but also psychological novels
written by Mauriac or Maurois.

Ma favorite writers are Marx...

...Dostoyevsky and Russian authors.

It's a love story between
a white guy and a black girl.

It takes place in the land of the "Peu"
or the "Pleu", I don't remember.

The white guy wants to seduce the black
girl because he's fed up with white women.

He tries to buy one. He finds one.

It's difficult to seduce her because the
white people have a bad reputation there.

I can read the same book 3 or 4 times:

socialist anthologies, Dostoyevsky...

...if I couldn't get the meaning
the first time.

It's very long...

It's not a happy end:
The woman was infertile...

...so he left her and she committed
suicide in the river.

It's tragic: she committed suicide
and he never came back.

It's really tragic.

My mother opens the shutters at 7
and asks me what I want for lunch.

She makes my breakfast,
I turn the radio on.

5 minutes later, she brings it in bed.

I eat it during 5 to 10 minutes.

It consists of coffee with milk...

...and two slices with jam -
I don't like butter.

I get up, wash myself, get dressed.

At 7h30, I'm ready to go to work.

I turn the radio on,
wash myself and get ready.

I had breakfast with friends
at the canteen.

At 6h55, the bus arrive
to drive us to the factory.

In the morning I woke up around noon.

During one hour it's difficult.
I wash myself.

I try to find someone to have lunch with me
and I go out for lunch.

Someone brought my breakfast at 9.

As I don't like getting up at 9,
I slept until noon.

At noon, I had my breakfast.

As my coffee was cold,
I add hot tap water.

I had lunch at 1 pm with my father.

I seldom pose: I must look natural
for the photos.

It's very gratifying
to see the picture in a newspaper.

What is surprising in the workshop
is the walls which are painted in blue.

I don't know if it is to appease
the combative heat of the workers.

Workers feel better
when the walls are not dirty.

It's good for the morale of the workers.

I think workers are like anybody.

They are very good people.

Usually they are very simple
and very sincere.

Machines are painted in green.

I like colours.

Then I go out and
look for a restaurant...

...close to my home
or around the Champs-Elysées.

At a canteen.

Regarding food, I'm quite difficult.

A canteen for the staff.

I don't like eating
salads, raw vegetables or butter.

It's a normal canteen:
it's neither good nor bad.

Around 2 p.m., I went to Etoile
to take the metro...

...and went to the "Drugstore"
to see if there were any friends.

I saw a friend who was trying to pick up.
I asked him "does it work?"

He told me "there's nobody
at this time of the day".

Around 3 p.m., I usually go to the cinema.

I go out around 5, classes are over,
I meet people.

That's why I like this showing.
Then I have a drink...

...until 7, then I go to "La Muette".

I met a friend,
he invited me for dinner.

The appointment was at 7:30 p.m.
to go to a Chinese restaurant.

I have dinner, I go back to the cinema
then I go to a disco every night.

You have to stand the noise.

I'm used to it.

- The noise in the workshop...
- The first time, it's deafening.

The first time, the guy who doesn't know it
is like struck.

When the press is working, it's great,
it makes a "bong"...

For hours, the guy is in front
and "bong", it's great!

People who don't come often
are deafened after one hour.

They can't stand it "chez Régine".

When you stay during 10 hours in
the workshop, you become mad.

I can be fussy.

I like having my things perfectly stored.

Every time I do something, I make a file.

It's convenient to retrieve things.

I've got around 50 files in my cabinet.

I've got a file for every vacation,
every trip.

I'm an electrician.

Light, artificial sun...

It is a job neither messy nor tiring.

It's nice to work with other trades.

We talk, we sing.

We stop working to have a smoke.

It's not like in a factory where you'll
soon need permission to go to the toilet.

At 7:12 a.m. a job is given to you.
- any bullshit.

In the evening, you leave, it's the same,
the day after it's the same...

You need to change... After 50 years,
I do not see myself retired.

Two days ago, I slept all day long.

To position wires, to sort them,
to manipulate them...

...to know this wire is here
and that one there.

It's simple but you have to know it.

I think if they had ambition,
they would like to get a better position.

I would like to study electronics
but I can't afford it.

I didn't go to school long enough.

I give up this idea.

Ambition is not always necessary.

I had a promotion 15 days ago,
I didn't think I could have it.

I know workers, I talk to them.

A worker is as pure and sincere
as someone rich.

To see if the rich would have
the same way of life as the worker...

...they should start from nothing,
to be equal.

Then we could see the frankness
and the character of the rich.

We need workers as we need bosses.

My salary increased by 20 francs.

It was the minimum for the position.

A model is paid between
8 to 10.000 francs an hour.

If they were ambitious,
they tried to get a better job.

To do so they would take evening classes.

I will take evening classes
to leave the workshop.

In a couple of weeks, I'll start to study
to become an assistant or a timekeeper.

It's a more interesting job
than to file or drill scrap.

As my colleague, I'm fed up.

It take a lot of willpower,
many do it.

Nothing, I do nothing.

I didn't find any interesting job
and I'm not looking for one.

Sometimes I sell cars or anything:

...furniture, whatever people ask me.

People love watching a fashion show.

- I hate fashion shows.
- Sometimes I watch them.

Before every show, I'm anxious.

I can't walk...

I appreciate order, rhythm,
Style, things in line.

I considered doing my career in the army.

It gives prestige.

I knew guys who came back
from the army knocked out.

It would be an easy way.

To my opinion, it's not a place
where you have too many doubts

I hate people in uniform
except the American sailors.

My work is not exciting.

It's just a way to earn your life.
- Because I need money.

I work a bit in the morning,
in the afternoon we're having tea.

It makes the time go
and we like cupcakes.

My colleague is sweet.

She is my antithesis: she's nice.

"Nice" in a pejorative sense:
she is uncomplicated, she is engaged...

She will get married, she's decent,
I like her.

I have affection for her,
she's so nice.

She will have exactly the life
I wouldn't want.

Every time I look at her, I say to myself:
"Let's hope I won't become like that".

What will she do? She will get married...

...since it is necessary
for different reasons.

She will get children
and a perfect husband for her...

...with a good job but narrow-minded:
well, someone perfect for her.

They are made for each other but...

They will get married, have children...

...have a small apartment, a small car,
a small life.

They will be a good little couple.

I have no desire to be like that.

When she will get married,
she'll have to stay at home.

They will go to the cinema on weekends.

They'll have dinner at their parent's
or their step-parent's and will watch T.V.

And that's all: it is not a way to live.

To work just to have a "sweet home"!

Some people like that
but it's not what living means.

Life must be lived.

People are happy
in merely living like that.

Everybody cannot live like that:
some people need to go out!

Otherwise it would be impossible to live.
Everybody has a family life...

...but not a life in isolation
as she will have.

I think getting married
at about 30 years old, not before.

I want to have children.

I want also to travel: this is my passion.

I think marriage is great.

I want to get married
with a serious girl.

I would like to find a different girl.

A girl who is simple, friendly, normal...

It's difficult to find
such a girl nowadays.

A blonde - it's an old idea...

She's a school teacher
in a small village...

I would like a loving girl...

I didn't have much love before.

I would to have a steady job.

An interesting job in a consulting firm.

I would like a home, a sweet home.

- Normal kids...
- Two sons.

Kids I would raise the best I could.

I'd give them a beautiful youth
I didn't really have.

I would like people to say
we are a discreet family, a good family.

To go to work in the morning
and to come back in the evening.

To find my wife at home.

To be happy to work...

...because work provides money
to support the family.

A quiet life, a worker's life.

I would like a middle-class life, not
necessarily to read a newspaper with a dog.

...to have a quiet life,
without having serious troubles.

Ma favorite car?
A Rolls.

The day I will have a Rolls,
I'll be satisfied.

To have a sense of honour.
It may sound pretentious...

...but I think that... it's important...

Honour is to have a family name...

...which is respected...

...which is not tarnished.

Being a diligent worker
is already something honourable.

I would like to get married
with a rich man...

...but not someone coming back
from the army without a job.

I don't want to get married
at all costs.

I want to upgrade my material well-being.

It would be a classical middle-class
wedding: a long white gone...

...maybe in a church
with the great organ...

...and naturally with orange blossoms.

A big white wedding.

As every young girl dreams about it.

I don't know what he's doing.

Sometimes I think about him.

The owner of a café where we used to go
gave me some news.

This lady told him "Huguette has
a nice little boy who looks like you...

She gave him some news about me
and he never came back.

I don't know if I would want to see him.

If I met him, I would hide.

I don't believe
in the idea of a great love.

Love is difficult to explain...

It's a feeling difficult to analyse.

...love is to join two persons together.

Love is to live one for the other,
a man and a woman.

You are in love or not.
You just have to know if you are.

I will be faithful,
to the extent possible.

I am not dreaming too much
but I hope I will.

To be married means...

...living together...

...with minor quarrels.

As Voltaire used to say: "A servant
cannot have admiration for his master".

It the same thing for a husband.

To try to find someone else, when you are
already married, I don't think it's fair.

Passionate love is possible
with a lover not with a husband.

Friendship is more important
for me than love.

I'm not really interested by love.

Love has little interest for me.

It doesn't match with me.

Nicole is my girlfriend.

I met him in England.

In a school to learn English.

I met her one year and a half ago.

He came to learn English.

She is in high school.

In the first year.

We meet when I leave school.

I tell my parents I leave later.

We meet in a café, even if my parents
forbid me to go to such a place.

They don't know it, one day they will.

When her parents are not there,
we go to her place.

We have a taste of...

We play together...

I really like her, she's nice with me.

She's older than me,
she's 16 years old and a half.

- She's very pretty.
- He's very sweet.

- She is very nice and she likes me.
- Yes.

She tells me everything she does in Paris.

I don't think she lies to me,
she really tells me the truth.

She doesn't try
to tell me mean things.

She's always nice.

I have an appointment at 8:30 p.m.
with a friend.

I will have dinner then I will go
to the cinema to watch "Baby Doll".

Then we will go to the
pub "Le Saint-Hilaire".

I will put Bruno to bed,
I will kiss him...

I will mend his things for tomorrow.

I will go to bed, I will knit or read.

It depends: I will probably go
to the snack-bar on the way home.

I will go to a party
if a friend goes to one.

If I'm lucky, I will have dinner with...
anyone who...

Otherwise I will come back home.

It's not fun but well...

Shang 31/03/14 for KG.

Produced by André Michelin.

"Hitler, connais pas"
directed by Bertrand Blier.

Guy Blond, technical adviser.

Cinematography by J-L Picavet
assisted by J-P Schwartz et G. Kendi.

Sound: R. Biard

Make up: A. Carange
Edited by M. David.

Georges Delerue writes the music.

"Hitler, connais pas" produced
by Chaumiane Production...

...based on an idea from G. Hédin
was shot in the studio Eclair.