Hit the Deck (1955) - full transcript

Sailor Danny Xavier Smith and two other gobs try to save his sister Susan's virtue. She wants to get a role in the show "Hit the Deck". After wrecking the producers hotel suite, they land in the brig. But Danny's father is a Rear Admiral...

Come on, hurry up.

- Let's go, move along.
- Move along.

Come on, hurry up. Move it along.
Let's go, come on.

Operation Ice Cream.
You had to talk me into volunteering.

Believe me, Rico, if I had my life
to live over, I wouldn't.

All right, quit stalling and get in.

You got the whole Pacific Ocean.

Why would you pick this spot
for swimming lessons?

- Suppose these survival outfits don't work?
- Yeah.

Don't worry, the manufacturer
filed a written guarantee.

Oh, that will keep us nice and warm.

What's the matter, you wanna live forever?
In you go.

- So long, pal.
- So long, buddy.

Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Any of you guys bake a cake?

- Yeah, us, us.
- I'll bake a cake.

Listen, I know how to bake a cake.

- You.
- Pick me.


Hey, we did it.

All right, come on, get in.

- Pretty cute gag about that cake, Bill.
- No gag.

- Well, what happened to the cook?
- Sick.

And I have to have a cake baked.
A good one.

I already had one volunteer,
and he didn't work out.

Well, what's the deal? Brief us on it.

There just happens to be a plane due in
with replacements.

- Replacements.
- Hey, we're getting out of cold storage.

Slow down.

Only three replacements are coming up,
and only three men are going out.

One, two, three. It figures.

Yeah, it depends on the cake.

Now, the skipper's
cutting the orders himself.

Today is his birthday,
and he's very sentimental about birthdays.

So I figured if I walked in
carrying the cake...

and you two guys followed me
singing "Happy Birthday"...

- Hey, that's a good idea.
- "Happy Birthday."

It's only as good as the cake.

- Hi, George.
- What do you say, George?

- You got a cake.
- Yeah, if you can call it a cake.

- You see what I mean?
- I followed the cookbook.

Well, next time, learn how to read,
will you?

Now get going.

The skipper won't like it
if you get loaded.

So what'll he do, send me home?

You sure you guys can handle this?

Oh, anybody can bake a cake.

- Hey, Danny?
- Sure, women do it all the time.

Yeah, women have babies all the time too,
but we don't.

Aw, don't worry. Here's one for luck.

- Now wait a minute, that's for cooking.
- But we are cooking.

Here's to liberty.

San Francisco.


- Ginger?
- Ginger?

Now hear this.

I'm recalling times when I was small in

Light and free jubilee days

Old folks prayin' Everybody swayin'

Loudly I chanted my praise

How I sang about the judgment morn

And of Gabriel tootin' on his horn

In that sunny land of milk and honey

I had no complaints

While I thought of saints

So I say to all

Who feel forlorn

Sing hallelujah


And you'll shoo the blues away

When cares pursue you Hallelujah

Gets you through the darkest days

Satan lies awaitin'
And creatin' skies of gray

But hallelujah, hallelujah

Helps to shoo the clouds away

Sing hallelujah Hallelujah

- Sing hallelujah
- Hallelujah

- Sing hallelujah
- Hallelujah

- Sing hallelu-lu-lu-lujah
- Say hey! Say hey! Say hey!

Hallelujah, brother, hallelujah

Hallelujah, shoo your blues away

Hallelujah, sister, hallelujah

It's a comin', the judgment day

- Satan
- Lies awaitin'

And creatin' skies of gray

Sing hallelujah, hallelujah

- Helps to shoo
- Hallelujah

- Helps to shoo
- Hallelujah

It helps to shoo

The blues away


Well, boys, you've got two hours
to deliver a cake.

Two hours.

So long.

Get going, Danny. You heard Bill,
you've got two hours to deliver.

Me? I never baked a cake in my life.

Then what did you volunteer for?

To get warm.
What did you volunteer for?

- To get warm.
- Great. Just great.

It was a nice leave while it lasted.

- What'll we do?
- I don't know.

When Bill gets back and there's no cake
we're gonna wish we stayed in that water.

- Danny, I got it.
- What are you doing?

- Rum cake.
- Rum cake?

Yeah, get the cooking rum
and fill up the holes.

Gonna look awful funny
with all those holes.

- What are you gonna cover them with?
- Candles. It's a birthday cake, isn't it?

Rico, we're geniuses.

Yeah, with the candles,
a little trimming...

they'll never know the difference.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, commander

Happy birthday to you

Well, now, this is very pleasant.

You know, it's silly,
but ever since I was little...

there just hasn't been a birthday
without a cake.

Never expected to find one
up in this icebox, though.

Well, thank you very much.

Oh, excuse me, commander.

You'll have to blow out the candles
and make a wish.

Oh. I was so excited, I nearly forgot.

Oh, uh... Any particular wish
you have in mind, chief?

Well, we do have something in mind, sir,
but after all, it's your cake.

I think I know what you mean.

Well, I may be able to cover it in my wish.

- Don't forget, sir, all the candles at once.
- Or your wish won't come true, sir.

This is not a Christmas party.

All right, boys, keep moving.

All right, all right. Keep it moving there.

Hey, chief, get that log cleared away.
Nothing's gonna hurt you.

Most water snakes are harmless...

and if you don't bother the alligators,
the alligators won't bother you.

Sometimes. All right, keep it moving.


Hold it, boys.

Any of you know
how to press a dress uniform?

- I can.
- We do.

Oh, no, you don't.

Aw, just feel this nice, hard pavement.

And smell that automobile exhaust.
Like wine.

Look at all these people.
I mean female people.

Come on in. I'll introduce you to Ginger.

Thanks, but I gotta get home
and see my father and sister.

Dad's strict and old-fashioned.
Besides, I wanna give Susie her present.

- How about you?
- I wish I could.

If I don't head right for home,
it'd break Mom's heart.

If I don't head right for Ginger,
it'll break her heart.

Say, how about that? That's Ginger.

Wow. That's what I call living.

A boy's best friend is his mother,
but there's nothing wrong with this, either.

Now, if you guys want dates,
I'll just say the word to Ginger.

And with Ginger, what I say goes.

Well, even if Dad is home,
I could get away around 11 or so.

Susie'll be asleep long before that.

Mom's getting older,
likes to get to bed early.

Okay, you guys are in business.

You be here 11:00, you watch the show,
you pick out you what you want...

and Ginger will deliver.

- Okay, chief.
- See you later.

Keepin' myself pretty and snappy

I'm keepin' myself thinkin' I'm happy

I've been on the shelf
Keepin' myself for you, dear

Makin' myself dresses and laces
I'm takin' myself nowhere and places

What more can I do Keepin' myself for you

Though you're not within my arms
I hold you close to me

It's a thrill to know that soon you'll be

Keepin' myself sayin' you're comin'
I'm keepin' myself weepin' and hummin'

I've been on the shelf
Keepin' myself for you

Though you're not within my arms
I hold you close to me

It's a thrill to know that soon you'll be


Keepin' myself sayin' you're comin'
I'm keepin' myself weepin' and hummin'

I've been on the shelf
Keepin' myself for you

- Keepin' myself...
- Keepin' myself

Lonely and grievin'

I'm keepin' myself only believin'

You wanted me too

Keepin' myself for you

Treatin' myself worse than I'm showin'

I'm meetin' myself comin' and goin'

Oh, what I've gone through

Keepin' myself for you

Guess you know that I love you

More than you're lovin' me

You've my heart, dear Give me yours


Keepin' myself dreamin' about you

I'm keepin' myself never without you

I've been on the shelf

Keepin' myself

For you

Ginger, baby.

Well, well.
Look what the tide washed up.

- Hey, what kind of talk is that?
- Aw, go back to your old boat.


What's the matter, honey?
I'm gone for almost a year.

I break my neck to see you.
You don't even say hello.

Hello. And now
that that's over, goodbye.

But I brought you a present.
Aren't you even gonna open it?

I'm not opening a gift shop.

But it's a genuine baby turtle
from the south seas.

Great. That's just what I needed.

First, a parrot, now a turtle.

Always another mouth to feed.
I don't want him.

Oh, but he's only a baby.
What'll I do with him?

You know what you can do with him?

Throw him in the bay, head him south,
and let him swim home.

And you can go with him.

Oh, I don't understand.

What are you mad about?
What did I do?

Nothing. For six years, nothing.

You know, when a girl gets engaged,
sooner or later, she'd like to get married.

Oh, honey, don't start that all over again.

I wanna get married too,
but being in the Navy...

If it's so bad,
why do you keep reenlisting?

- Well, it's my job. It's what I do.
- It's your alibi.

For six years, you've been using it
as an excuse, and I'm tired of it.

I wanna get married and settle down
like everybody else.

- I promise as soon as this cruise is over...
- Yeah, well, don't rush.

I found somebody else.

You found somebo...?

Oh, no. You can't do that to me.

You're my girl. I'd die for you.
You know that.

Yeah, well, that's the difference
between you and Herman.

Herman wants to marry me
and take care of me.

But you? You'd sooner drop dead.

Okay, drop dead.

- Mom.
- Rico. Rico.

I'm so glad to see you. Oh!

- You look taller and handsome.
- You look beautiful.

- How's my girl?
- Fine, fine.

Why didn't you tell me
you were coming home today?

- I thought you might like a surprise.
- Oh, a surprise. It certainly is, believe me.

- Mr. Peroni is visiting.
- Peroni? Who's he?

Well, he bought the flower shop
on the corner about six months ago.

He's a very lovely man,
and we're keeping company.

Great, best news I ever heard.
I'd like to meet him.

Of course, but it might be a surprise
to him too.

- Why? Didn't you tell him about me?
- Certainly, I did.

But he doesn't think
I have such a grown-up son.

And I know it's silly, but if he sees
how grown-up you are...

he might think I'm an old lady.

Oh, Mom.

What's keeping you so long...?

What's going on here?

Come inside, Rico, and meet Mr. Peroni.

Mr. Peroni, I want you to meet a young man
I'm very proud of:

My son, Rico.

Your son?


- Hmph. Son.
- I'm very happy to know you, Mr. Peroni.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in...
- That's all right.

I was going to leave anyway.

Oh, not at all.
Look, I have to meet some friends.

You stay right here. I'm sure you
and Mom have a lot to talk about.

I'll be back later.

And I'm looking forward
to seeing you again too, Pop.

I mean, Mr. Peroni.

Well, for 9 years old,
he's pretty grown-up.

- You know boys. They grow up overnight.
- Must have been a long night.

To a mother, no matter how big they are,
they're always babies.

You're not angry
just because I exaggerate...

Well, I don't know. I don't know
whether I'm angry, but I'm upset.

A grown-up son.

You didn't think I was a bobbysoxer,
did you?

But I did not bargain for that much.

I'm glad to hear it,
because with most men...

the older they get,
the younger they want them.

Oh, so I'm an old man now?

Well, let me tell you something.
I am not yet 50.

- And I'm not 45.
- With a man, it's much different.

Not with the insurance companies.

They say that most women
outlive their husbands.

Now she's got me dead already.
That's enough.

Where are you going?

I have a very stylish wedding.
I have to get the flowers ready.

And I'm not too old to work all night.

Hello, Father.

- Daniel, glad to see you.
- Thank you, sir. You look well, sir.

I'm just leaving for San Diego,
but I'll be back in a couple of days.

We can have a talk then.

I won't be here, sir. I only have a 48.

Oh, that's too bad,
but it can't be helped. Uh...

Tell me, why did you come in the back way?

- Something wrong with the front door?
- I didn't want to tangle with your men.

You know how they are,
always curious about an admiral's family.

- Still keeping it dark, eh?
- Yes, sir.

What's the matter with you?
Are you ashamed of me?

In my time, I was very proud of the fact
that my father was an admiral.

My father felt the same way
about his father.

You're not gonna keep me dark
when you get to Annapolis.

It's different there, sir. In Annapolis,
everyone has brass in his ancestry.

I'm not an ancestor yet.
I'm still in active service.

- You don't understand, sir.
- What is there to understand?

I like my buddies,
and we get fun out of beefing together.

- Ohh.
- But, well, if they knew about you...

they'd think I was asking
for special privileges.

Then I'd have no more friends
and no more fun.

Fun, fun.

That's all you younger generation
think about today, fun.


- Susan, do you hear me?
- Yes.

Here's your brother, Daniel. He's home.

Thank you, Father. Hello, brother Dan.

Well, it's certainly nice
to have the family all together again.


Bye, Dad.

Susan, your brother Daniel's home.

Hi, brother Dan.

Hi, Susie.

- Oh, it's so good to have you back.
- Let me take a look at you.

- Hmm.
- Oh, you look great.

Oh, you.

Father hasn't changed a bit.
Funny, isn't it?

Well, it might be funny to you,
but I have to live with him.

I'm getting a little bit tired of being
treated like a character in a Victorian novel.

Sometimes it drives me crazy.
I can't do anything girls do...

because he doesn't approve
of anything that girls do.

Six bells. I'm late.

Wish I could stay, my feathered friend

But I have to dash away

Somebody kind of dreamy

Said he'd be glad to see me

Sorry to say, my feathered friend

I haven't the time to play

But relax and be my guest

While I'm busy getting dressed

You don't have to scheme and plan

How to get a certain man, lucky bird

Every time you have a date

You're not in a nervous state, lucky bird

Now a girl can lose her fella
And her looks may be to blame

But for you that's not a problem
'Cause all penguins look the same

You can even gain some weight

And you still can hold your mate,
Lucky bird

You don't cause a lot of talk

If you wiggle when you walk, Lucky bird

Aren't you cute?

Danny, I love it.

Oh, it is so nice to have you home.
I'll be back in a minute.

Say, sis, I hope you won't be sore, but
I've got a date with some pals later, but...

Don't worry, I have a date too.

- Oh? Is she pretty?
- I think he's handsome.

What? What did you say?

You sound just like Dad.
Now listen to your big sister.

It's perfectly normal for a girl
to have a date with a man.

But I can sure use a brother
tomorrow night.

You can take me
to the opening of a new show.

And I'm sure Dad would approve
since it's very, very naval.

So is your dress.

Oh, you.

I got a hook back here. Can you get it?

Where's the rest of it?

You've seen girls in dresses
like this, haven't you?

- Yeah, but...
- Then stop making noises like a brother.

Dad would throw the book at you
if he saw you in this outfit.

Don't worry, he won't.

Has he met the man you're going out with?

He wouldn't approve of him, either.

- He's not in the service.
- What does he do?

He has the lead in that show
I told you about, Hit the Deck.

And if you come with me tomorrow night,
you can meet him.

- I'm gonna sing for him tonight.
- Sing for him?

Mm-hm. He promised me a part
in his next show. It's a tryout.

- What?
- An audition.

- I must run.
- Susie.


Is there more to this
than just getting a part in the show?

Well, what do you think?
Every girl wants to get married.

Good night.


Well, Danny.

Well, you finally got around
to saying hello to me.

I always saved the best
for the last, Jenny, like dessert.

- Say, Jenny?
- Huh?

How do you like this fellow
Susan's been going out with?

Well, I don't know enough
to like or not like.

I never saw the man.

Just hear him tooting that horn,
and Susan just running out like crazy.

- Well, what does Dad think?
- Well, he doesn't know.

Oh, I tell you, Danny, I never have been
so worried about Susan...

and if your mother was alive,
she'd be worried too.

There's something wrong
with that Mr. Craig.

Oh, you're just prejudiced, Jenny.

You raised Susan, and you don't think
anybody's good enough for her.

If he were the right sort,
he'd be coming in...

seeing what kind of a house she lives in,
what her folks are like.

Unless he doesn't care.

And if he doesn't care,
then she's making a fool of herself.

Okay, boys, take it again.


What's a little kiss or two?

A wee little kiss among friends

A pleasure like this among friends
Was never amiss among friends

All is in the point of view

Some say it will hurt you
Some deem it a virtue

However you view it, the best people do it
So, what is a kiss or two?

What is a kiss or two?

What's a little kiss or two?

A wee little kiss among friends

A pleasure like this among friends
Is never amiss among friends

All is in the point of view
Some say it will hurt you

- Some deem it a virtue
- However you view it

The best people do it

So, what is a kiss or two?
What is a kiss or two?

What is a kiss or two?
What is a kiss or two?

Okay, fellas, take 10.

Hey, wait a minute.

Very funny. Very funny indeed.

- Well, l...
- We're rehearsing for a show here.

What are you rehearsing for?

- I guess I should have said something, but...
- Thanks.

When I saw what was going on,
I knew if I opened my mouth...

I'd hate myself for the rest of my life.

I know I shouldn't be here,
but I'm glad I am.

My name's Danny Smith.

Carol Pace.

If you'd like to watch the rest,
I know it'll be all right.

- I'd like to.
- But will you sit out front?

Oh, and can I stay
and watch the auditions too?

Auditions, here?
Where'd you get that idea?

Well, a friend of mine told me
that she was going to audition tonight...

for Wendell Craig.


What does that "oh" mean?

- Well, he's...
- What kind of a fellow is this Craig anyway?

Any girl who's been around knows
what he's like...

the minute he starts to audition.

Well, the girl I'm talking about
hasn't been around. Not at all.

This girl, is she very important to you?

Very. She's my sister.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Well, thanks, and so long.

So long.

- There.
- "O-E"?

What kind of word is that? O-E.

It's perfectly good.
Look it up in the dictionary

- It's a wind off the Faeroe Islands.
- How do you know that?

I've been going out with a sailor
for six years, Mabel.

And believe me,
that's all I've got to show for it.

Come in.

Oh, it's you again.


You know, you had me off base before.

Ginger, baby, you know how much I love you.

Love, schmove.
I wanna get married like everybody else.

And Herman doesn't run away
every time he hears the word.

- What is this guy Herman? A sailor?
- Nope.

- A soldier?
- Nope.

You're not mixed up with a Marine, are you?


Well, then, what else is there?

This may come to you
as a very great shock...

but there's a whole raft of people
in the world called civilians.

I might have known it.

I'm out there risking my life,
and a civilian steals my girl.

Well, you can stop him right now.

All you have to do is go down
to the city hall with me.

I'll pay for the license.

Listen, I would have married you
a long time ago if I didn't love you so much.

It's just that I'm always thinking
about you, that's all.

Supposing I got shipped out
in a dangerous mission?

I'm brought back a broken mess,
a helpless wreck.

I could take it.

Suppose I got killed?

I could take that too.
Now send Mabel back in here.


But before I go,
for old times' sake, would you...?

Do me a favor tonight, huh?

If it's what I think, no.

I'm not broke. It's just I promised
a couple of buddies you'd get them dates.

We'd go out together.
How about it, just this once?

Look, I'm an engaged girl,
and I don't go out with strange men.

Oh, please, Ginger. I promised them.

Wanna make a monkey out of me
in front of my shipmates?

Monkey? You've been making a monkey out
of me in front of every girl in this club.

Engaged for six years. Wow.

Look, I've got to get ready. Come in.

Oh. You fellas are kind of early.

I'll tell you later. There's been a change
of plans in my house.

My house too. A change of plans.

Well, these are the fellows
I was telling you about.

This is Danny Smith, and Rico Ferrari.
And this is, uh...

- Ginger.
- Ginger.

We're very happy to know you,
and it's swell of you to get us dates.

Well, there's been a change
of plans here too.

Now, if you boys will excuse me,
I've got to get dressed.

Bye now.


Warm in here, isn't it?

Why, oh, why and wherefore

Have I no one to care for me?

Where's my Cinderella?
How gloomy can a fella be?

Ain't that moon a lovely sight

This is such a lovely night

Don't mind me, pals, I'm all right

Sure, we're only doggone lonely

Wish that I could visit

The home of some exquisite blond

Man alive, there should be

A doll of whom I could be fond

It's terrible, unbearable

It doesn't look so good for us
It looks as if we missed the bus

Oh, why, oh, why and wherefore

Is there no one to care for me?

Why, oh, why, and wherefore
Does no one seem to care for me?

Why, oh, why and wherefore

Does no one seem to care

For me?

I gave six of the best years
of my life to Ginger.

How about my mother?

She wants to get married,
and I had to come over and spoil it.

I'd swap troubles with either of you guys.

If you don't want Ginger to marry Herman,
you marry her.

And your mother's old enough
to take care of herself.

But if my sister...

If she gets in a jam with that heel,
what can I do?

That's Class A trouble.

What can you do to a civilian?

I've got to do something.

Even if you figure out what to do...

you don't even know where to find the guy.

Find him? Don't go away.


Can you imagine my gal falling in love
with a guy named Herman?

Well, maybe she didn't know
his name when she first met him.

- He's staying at the Hotel Cavendish.
- Thanks.

Sometime, I'd like to, uh,
well, take you out and...

- I mean, it was swell of you to tell me...
- You don't owe me anything for that.

Oh, I didn't mean it like that.

I just meant that I'd like to take you out.
Just because I'd like to take you out.

- Well, I'd like that too.
- Will you be here later?

- Uh-huh.
- Then I'll be back.


Come on, darling. Finish your wine.

- Oh, no more, Wendell.
- It's good for the throat.

Caruso used to drink a small glass
of whiskey before every performance.

But I'm not Caruso...

and if I have one more drop,
I won't be able to sing at all.

Well, uh, must you sing?
I mean right now?

- Oh, I'm dying to.
- Ah.

Well, all right, if your career comes first.

And besides...

isn't there an old saying
that wine improves with age?

Yes. Well, what would you like to sing?

- I know the whole score to your show.
- Oh, no.

Come on, I'll let you off easy.
Just "Sometimes I'm Happy."

Which is kind of how I feel tonight.

Well, good.


What's the matter?

- I'm scared.
- Of me?

Silly baby,
you don't need to be frightened.

You look gorgeous,
and that's half the battle.

I know how I look
and I think I know how I sing...

but you'll be honest?

- About what?
- About my singing.

Oh, that. Well, of course.

Now, you stand right over here.

Imagine your audience is out there.

And, Susan, when you face your audience,
always smile.

Like this:

Uh, like this:

- That's my good side.
- Oh, Wendell.

All right, now. Chin up,
and say to yourself "spinach."


That's just beautiful.

Just beautiful.

Sometimes I'm happy

Sometimes I'm blue

My disposition

Depends on you

I never mind the rain from the skies

If I can find the sun in your eyes

Sometimes I love you

Sometimes I hate you

But when I hate you

It's 'cause I love you

That's how I am

So what can I do?

I'm happy when I'm with you

I never mind the rain from the skies

If I can find the sun in your eyes

Sometimes I love you

Sometimes I hate you

But when I hate you

It's 'cause I love you

That's how I am

So what can I do?

I'm always happy

I said I'm happy

I'm only happy when I'm with you

That's wonderful. Just wonderful.

You know,
I couldn't have done better myself.

Wendell, you've made me so happy.

I'd like to make a habit of that.

What do you say we see
if age has really improved that wine, hm?

I'm sure it must be perfect.
That's the way I feel tonight.

- Everything's perfect.
- Well, that's a good sign.

The evening's still young too.

Thank you.



Why, you no-good... I ought to...


Never send a boy to do a man's job.


Stop it!

Stop it! You stop it! Just stop it!

Hey, Rico, get her out of here.

Home is the place for you, sister.
Come on.

Put me down! Put me down!

- I'll put you down if you behave.
- You let me be.

I'll behave. Let me down.

Knew it.

Come on.

- You're hurting me.
- Be a good girl and go home.

I don't wanna be a good girl
and I don't wanna go home.

- That's where you're going.
- How dare you treat me like this?

Don't go getting self-righteous with me,
not after what I saw tonight.

And just what did you see?
I drank champagne and I kissed a man.

And I like kissing a man,
particularly the man I kissed.

- And besides, it's none of your business.
- It's Danny's business, and he's my pal.

Look, I don't enjoy
hanging on to you like this.

- Not even a little?
- No.

- Your heart's beating faster. I can feel it.
- It's from the exercise.

You are a poor stick.
How long have you been in the Navy?

- Three years.
- Backward.

Let me tell you...

- Gotcha.
- You put me down!

Hey, hey, hey. What's going on here?

Nothing, officer.
We're just having a little race.

Yeah, and I won.

But I had on high heels. It isn't fair.

- Hey, let me go.
- Oh, no. You lost.

- You've gotta kiss me.
- I will not.

- Don't you dare try it.
- Now, now, young lady.

I saw him catch you. Fair is fair.

Backward, am I?

- Okay, sailor. Have a good time.
- Thank you.

Get away from me.
That wasn't very funny.

I didn't mean it to be.

Especially after you just told me
how much you like being kissed.

Wendell Craig has a right to kiss me.
I love him.

- You love that heel?
- Desperately.

I can't believe it.

Not after the way Danny talked about you.

I'm not interested in what you believe.
In fact, I'm not interested in you.

Where you going?

I'm going home
and I can get there by myself.

Sure you can,
but I'll go along with you anyway.

It's a little late for it,
but I may as well introduce myself.

My name is Rico Ferrari.

I'd know you anywhere.
I have your fingerprints all over my arm.

I'm sorry if I hurt you,
and I'm sorry I kissed you back there.

- Now, that's a pretty compliment.
- I didn't mean it that way.

I just don't seem to know
the right thing to say to you.

How about "good night"?

Sure, just as soon as I get you home.


- What's the matter?
- My ankle, it's sprained.

Let me look at it.

Uh, I think you'll pull through.

Oh, go get a cab.
There's a stand a block away.

No hurry. There's always one
that comes by here sooner or later.

But my ankle hurts.

The best thing to do is to rest.

Life's a game

But who can play it all alone?

Every chap should have a heart

That's all his own

Love may come at first sight They told me

When I saw you I knew

I had found my only love

When I met you

So, darling

I know that you know

That I'll go where you go

- I choose you
- Can't lose you

I wish you knew how much I long
To hold you in my arms

This time is my time
Will soon be goodbye time

Then in the starlight Hold me tight

With one more little kiss say nighty-night

I know that you know

That I'll go where you go

- I choose you
- Can't lose you

I wish you knew how much I long
To hold you in my arms

This time is my time

Will soon be goodbye time

Then in the starlight Hold me tight

With one more little kiss say nighty-night

- I know that you know
- I know that you know

- That I'll go where you go
- That I'll go where you go

- I choose you
- Can't lose you

I wish you knew how much I long
To hold you in my arms

This time is my time

- Will soon be goodbye time
- Will soon be goodbye time

- Then in the starlight
- Then in the starlight

- Hold me tight
- Hold me tight

- With one more little kiss
- With one more little kiss

- Say nighty-night
- Say nighty-night


- Oh, my shoe. I lost my shoe.
- I'll get it.

Go ahead, driver.

Hey! Hey!

Wendell. Oh, Wendell?

Wendell darling, are you all right?

I'm just great.

Here, let me help you.

What delightful friends you have.

Look at that eye.

How am I going to open tomorrow night?

The good side too.

To me, one side is just as handsome
as the other.

Stop talking like a child.
It may not mean anything to you...

but to my audience,
it makes a big difference.

I'll find those hoodlums, and when I do...

Well, I'm gonna take care
of Danny with my own two hands.

- Danny? Which one was he?
- My brother.

Your brother? Well...

And who were the others?
More of your relations?

Uh, I'll get it.

- The police referred your call to us, sir.
- A little trouble with some sailors?

A little trouble? Look at this room.

Some mess.

Looks like we're getting
real men in the Navy again.

And look at this eye.

How about that?

They sure hung a mouse on him.
This could be mighty tough for the boys.

Good. The tougher, the better.

Maybe they'd pay for the damages...

and you wouldn't have to file
a formal complaint.

I wanna file a formal complaint.

Now, just what happened, sir?

I was here minding my own business.

I was holding an audition.

With three sailors?

With a young lady.
She and I were just, uh...

You can skip that.

You're a big boy, and we're broad-minded.

Now, who were the sailors?

One of them was called Smith.
Danny Smith.

- And the others?
- Well, they were friends of his.

Shouldn't be hard to find out who they are.

I've got a witness. Susan?

She ought to be able to describe
Danny Smith if anyone can.



I ought to spank you with this.

- Shh!
- Don't shush me!

- Shore patrol.
- Have they got Danny and Bilge?

No, but we have to find them and warn them.

I know where they are. Come on.

Are you Ginger?

Are you kidding?


Get your blackberries

I'm called the lady from the bayou

And tonight I got the blues

Because I'm longin' for the bayou
Where I used to dance with my shoes off

I'm livin' high and feelin' low-down
Won't somebody understand?

I want a man to call me baby
And sway me to a bayou band

Heard about the bebop they play today
But that's no way to win me

Gotta have a rhythm that makes me shout
And that brings out the swamp gal in me

I'm called the lady from the bayou
And I know my way around

But I forget that I'm a lady whenever I hear
Music with a bayou sound






Excuse me.

More Navy. Don't you guys ever work?
Who watches the boats?

Official business. We're looking
for Chief Boatswain's Mate William F. Clark.

Well, why are you asking me?

Some of his shipmates said
you were his girl.

Not anymore.

Um... Well, uh, what did he do?

A brawl over some dame.

A dame? How do you like that?

I hope you find him.
And when you do, I hope you hang him.

We don't hang them in the Navy.
We shoot them.

That suits me.

What's the matter?
Something bothering you guys?

Don't answer that.

- Hello?
- Ginger, baby. This is Bill.

- Yeah?
- I wanna tell you something.

- We're at Rico's.
- I'm listening.

We're in a jam.
We were helping Danny's sister.

- Uh-huh.
- Ginger, baby, I tried...

Mm-hm. I got it, but I don't believe it.

- But, Ginger...
- After six years, why should I?

Wrong number.

Go away, boys. Beat it. You bother me.

Hey, what's the matter?

I cook for a party
and you all act like a funeral.

Please, Mom, no one feels like a party.

What are you worrying about?
First they must catch you.

All they know is that one of you
is named Smith.

How many Smiths are there in the Navy?
There must be thousands.

Sure, and by the time they find out
who you are, you're gonna be grandfathers.

Could be.

Rico, please, for a party, you gotta have
a little music. Play something.

Okay, if you sing, Mom.
Mom used to sing in the opera.

Well, in the chorus, you know.
And everybody in Italy sings.

They do here too.
You ought to hear Susan.

Ah. Susie, come on, you too.
Come on, come on.

All right.


There's a song in dear old Napoli

That you'll hear all sweethearts croon

Hand in hand they wander happily

As they sing this haunting tune

You can hear those gay Lotharios

And the dashing gondoliers

As they sing and love like Romeos

Those melodious cavaliers

Each maiden fair joins in the air

All lovers dwell under its spell

Ah, me, ah, me

Chiribiribee, Chiribiribee, Chiribiribee

Chiribiribee, with hearts so free

We'll sing and dance this melody

Chiribiribee, ah, what romance

With loving hearts in harmony

Chiribiribee, what ecstasy

To sing through life so merrily

Chiribiribee, Chiribiribee

Chiribiribee means love for thee

Chiribiribee, with hearts so free

We'll sing and dance this melody

Chiribiribee, ah, what romance

With loving hearts in harmony

Chiribiribee, what ecstasy

To sing through life so merrily



Chiribiribee means love for thee

- Chiribiribee
- Chiribiribee

- Chiribiribee
- Chiribiribee

Chiribiribee means love for thee

- Shore patrol.
- Head for the roof.

Come on.

So you're the dame. Okay, where is he?

- You lost someone?
- Come on, where is he?

Well, you can see I'm alone.
I was just having a little snack.

Yeah, well, you got a good appetite
and a terrific baritone voice.

- Ginger, baby.
- "Ginger, baby."

Okay, where is she?

She? Where...?

So you're the one.

I want you to meet a friend of mine.
This is Carol Pace. Carol, Ginger.

Hello, Ginger.


I'm the one.


You three guys fighting over her?

Wow, what have you got, kid?

A brother who can't mind his own business.

You mean you were on the level?

That's what I tried to tell you
on the phone, sweetie.

You wouldn't believe me.

Now that everybody believes
everybody else...

let's sit down and be friendly.

Have something to eat, huh? Come.

You all excuse me, please.
I have an errand to do. I'll be right back.

How can you eat at a time like this?
You're in very bad trouble.

Gotta be strong to bear it.

You know, I've been thinking. The only
sensible thing to do is give myself up.

- You can't do that.
- We're all in this together.

Now, wait a minute.
I got news for you and for you.

The only one I care about is Bilge.
He's in a real jam.

Fourteen years to get your rating.

Fourteen years,
and they'll bust you right down to nothing.

What you need is an alibi,
and I've got it for you.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

What is it?

Well, you got off the ship,
came straight to my place...

and stayed there all night.

Would you really say
a thing like that, Ginger?

For Bilge, yes.

That might work, Bill.

It might work
but I'm not gonna let her do it.

What kind of a guy do you think I am?

Well, somebody's gotta look out after you.

You're such a dope,
always sticking your neck out.

They could bust you for a thing like this.

I'll get busted, but I'm not gonna
let them talk that way about you.

You know, if you two were married,
it would be all right.

Now, there's a girl
with a head on her shoulders.

You know, that never occurred to me.
Did it occur to you, Bill?

Ginger, baby, you know
I've got too much respect for you...

to let you marry me just to do me a favor.

When I ask you to be my wife,
it won't be because I need an alibi.

That's the same phony line
you've been handing me for six years.

Ginger, baby,
I worship the ground you walk on.

Now he's talking real estate.
Okay, sailor, this is it!

As far as I'm concerned, I've had it!

Sometimes Ginger gets a little upset.

Her big mistake is she thinks more of you
than you do of her.

Now, wait a minute.
As far as I'm concerned, she's the best.

What are you waiting for? Second best?

What goes on between Ginger and me
is none of your business.

Is that so? Well, if you've made
my affairs your business...

Don't you start with me!
You've got me enough trouble already.

Take it easy, chief.

I'm going up on the roof and get some air.

Take it easy, please!
I'm trying to get some sleep.

Susie, you shouldn't mix
in Bill's personal affairs.

And who are you to talk?
You mixed in mine, didn't you?

- This whole thing's your fault.
- That's the thanks I get.

- You had no right to interfere.
- Somebody's gotta look out for you.

- You don't know to keep out of trouble.
- There was no trouble till you came along.

Don't you forget that.

Hey, cut it out!

What are you barking at her for?
She's right.

You had to go barging in.

Look, it was a private fight.
You stuck your nose in it.

That's not fair.
Rico and Bill were just trying to help you.

- Now, you keep out of this.
- Danny Smith!

I hardly know you. You came to me
and got me mixed up in this.

Okay. You're not mixed up in it anymore.
Now, stay out of it.

It'll be a pleasure. And don't think
it hasn't been fun, because it hasn't.

I'm coming down there
and knock your head off!

- Come and try it.
- One fight a night isn't good enough?

Oh, go soak your head!

I'm coming down! I'm warning you!

What happened to the party?
Where is everybody?

Who cares? Where you been, Mom?

I took some food to Mr. Peroni,
but he wouldn't eat.

Not good enough for him, huh?
Who does he think he is?

- If I'm not mad at him, why should you be?
- I'll get mad at him if I feel like it.

And I feel like it. Good night.

Shut up! Shut up!

Shut up yourself!

Carol, come sit down.

- Men!
- You can have them.

I don't want them.

I gave him six
of the best years of my life.

How do you like that guy?
I do him a favor and he bites my head off.

You take my advice, Ginger,
and marry Herman.

No, even better,
marry Bilge and make his life miserable.

And you, Carol, never do a man a favor.
They only hate you for it.

You think you have trouble.

A couple of hours ago,
I had four men fighting over me.

Now I have nothing.

Why, oh, why and wherefore

Is there no one to care for me?

I've been told that there is
A man for me but where is he?

Wake up, girls, and stay awake

Don't you know it's all a fake?

Men are nature's big mistake

But they're very necessary

Why should I be frantic
When I'm in this romantic mood?

Guys are so contrary
And most of them are very rude

They take your heart And break your heart

They're all so undependable
And yet they're not expendable

But why, oh, why and wherefore
Does no one seem to care for me?

Why, oh, why and wherefore
Does no one seem to care for me?

Why, oh, why and wherefore

Does no one seem to care for me?

Oh, I thought I heard your car.
Anything wrong, sir?

Didn't mean to awaken you, Jenny.

No, the meeting was cancelled,
so I flew right back.

I suppose the children are asleep already.

Miss Susan's in, but Daniel isn't in yet.

Pretty late. He knows I don't
approve of these late hours.

You go on back to bed, Jenny.
Good night.

Good night, sir.

- Daniel Smith live here?
- Yes, sir.

We're looking for him. Where is he?

- He's in there. I'll tell him.
- Never mind. We'll tell him.

Straighten up, chum. This is it...

At ease. What can I do for you?

- Admiral, we were looking...
- We made a mistake.

One at a time. Looking for what?

Daniel Smith, sir.

I'm Daniel Smith. What do you want?

We were told
that this Daniel Smith was a sailor, sir.

Well, what do you think I am?
A ballet dancer?

- No, sir.
- Then speak up.

We're supposed to put you
under arrest, admiral.

Well, that's better.

You're what?

And may I ask why?

Well, you beat up a civilian
named Wendell Craig.

You wrecked his apartment.


Please, sir,
I'm sure there's been a mistake.

Answer my question.

Well, it seems that you and him
were having a fight over a broad.

I mean, a dame.

- He means a girl.
- Don't explain.

I've been in the Navy all my life.

Of all the incompetent, idiotic,
insane, outrageous...

As soon as we saw you, sir...

we had the feeling
that something was wrong.

Oh, did you? How very shrewd.

You ought to be in Naval Intelligence.

Yes, sir. Just following orders, sir.

We were given
this sailor's name and address.


Yeah, quite right.

Uh, I'm sorry I lost my temper.

I should've realized that there must be
more than one Daniel Smith in the Navy.

Soon as you find this man,
I want to be notified at once.


- Aye, aye, sir.
- Aye, aye, sir.

- That you, Susan?
- Father, you startled me.

- I thought you were away.
- The meeting was cancelled.

Where were you last night?

A concert. I went to a concert.

Daniel go with you?


Oh, you mean Daniel. No.

Why? Is there anything wrong?

Not a thing.
Why should anything be wrong?

- No reason. Just thought I'd ask.
- You don't know where he went, do you?

Probably went with some of the boys
from the ship.

You don't have to worry about Daniel.

Your brother didn't get home last night.

You mean Daniel?

Say, what's the matter with you?
Don't you understand English?

Your brother's gotten himself into a mess.

- What's that?
- Nothing. I just dropped a spoon.

What was that you were saying about Daniel?

I mean, how did you know?
Who told you?

The shore patrol came by here last night
looking for him.

- The shore patrol?
- Mm.

What did they say?

No point in going into the details...

but it's trouble. Serious trouble.

With a thing like this on his record...

it's very doubtful
if he'll get into Annapolis.

Isn't there some way
you can get it off his record?

Unless a charge gets withdrawn...

it remains on your service record
as long as you live.

I'll get it, Dad.

Hello? Oh, hello, Dan...

Hello, Dora.

No, I was just having breakfast with Dad.
No, he didn't go away after all.

I was just going to call you.
A funny thing.

You know those men
you thought might be looking for you?

You mean the shore patrol?

Mm-hm. That's right. Well, they went
right where you thought they would.

Oh, no.


Well, I'll get in touch with you later.


Mom, can I have some toast, please?

That other man at the table,
his name is Bill.

In front of him is a plate of toast,
if you ask him.

For your sake, Mom, I'd be delighted.

Thank you, Mr. Clark.

Not at all, Mr. Ferrari.

What's the matter?
Is your sister still mad at you?

No, but that's the least of my troubles.

I'll get it.

Who is it?

Shore patrol, United States Navy.

Oh, excuse me.

Come in, come in.
In my house, the Navy is always welcome.

Sit down. Have something to eat, huh?

This is an official call, ma'am.

Well, that's no reason to starve.
Eat something.

That's very kind of you,
but we've got a job to do, ma'am.

You see, we're looking for three sailors.

Well, there's two of you already.
All you have to do is find one more, huh?

No, we're not looking for ourselves.
We know where we are.

You mean you lost the third sailor?

We didn't lose nobody.

We're looking for three sailors.
Three different sailors.

What's different about sailors?
They all the same.

What we mean is we're looking
for three other sailors.

Then why you come to my house?

Go down to the Navy yard.
They have hundreds of sailors there...

and I'm sure
they could spare three for you.

- Just sit down.
- Yeah, sit down.

- Thank you.
- Don't interrupt.

I'm sure we could explain it to you.
We're looking...

Now, while you explain,
we're gonna eat something.

Please sit down. I bring the coffee, huh?

Shore patrol.

- Something I can do for you?
- No, thank you. We're just looking.

Oh, just looking. From outside,
you see everything very nice.

- And I'm busy.
- Good morning, Mr. Peroni.

Oh, the little boy
who grew up overnight, huh?

- How are you today?
- I'm very tired. I was working all night.

- A man your age should take it easy.
- My age? Please, outside.

Oh, uh, listen.
I'd like to buy some flowers.

Yes, well, what would you like?
Corsage? Bouquet?

If you wanna make a real hit
with Mom, yellow roses.

Make a real hit with Mom?

You know, you're not the only man
who wants to marry her.


- I certainly appreciate the tip, son.
- Son?

Yes. Give me two dozen of the yellow roses
with the long stems.

Two dozen yellow stems with the long roses.

Sure is gonna seem funny calling you Dad.

You'll get used to it, sonny.

Now, send them to Mrs. Ottavio Ferrari.

- The address is...
- I know the address very well.

You know, this is the man
Mom used to be interested in.

This old fellow? Hmm.

Listen, Peroni, I want you to deliver
these flowers, and no tricks.

I don't want you to tear up this card
and say they're from you.

Bill, Mr. Peroni is a very honorable man.

Rico, my son...

you don't know what happens
when an old man like Mr. Peroni...

goes after a woman
as lovely as your mother.

They stop at nothing.
They lose their heads.

- How much?
- Six dollars.

For you, is $24.

You see, they even overcharge.

Now, Bill, be fair.
I know you love Mother, but...

"Love Mother"?

Son, I worship the ground she walks on.

- Come on, the coast is clear.
- Let's go.

Say, Peroni, I like your work. When we
get married, I'll let you do the altar.

- The what?
- I'll let you do the flowers for the altar.

She's crazy for sailors.

Come in. Come in, Mr. Peroni.

Flowers for you.

Oh, Mr. Peroni, thank you.
What a surprise.

It's a big surprise for me too.
From your lover.

Go ahead. Marry this sailor.

Biggest mistake you ever made in your life.

Husband always away on a boat.
You think I'm too old...

but you don't know
how young I feel about you.

And I would never be away on a boat.

- I have very much respect for you, Mr...
- I don't want respect. You're my girl.

No sailor is gonna take you away
from me, not even the whole U.S. Navy.

- Mr. Peroni...
- Or the Marine Corpse.

You mean you're asking me to marry you?

What else?

If it was just to bring the flowers,
I have an errand boy.

Remember, I still have a grown-up son.

Are you sure you're sure, Mr. Peroni?

Oh, I'm positive I'm sure.
I'm so sure, I'm sure.

I'm sure if you're sure.

I'm sure too.

My little sweet pea.

Mmm. Now I feel like 18.

It's almost 24 hours...

and all of you together
haven't been able to find three sailors.

Just three sailors.

Maybe you don't know
what sailors look like.

They wear those little white caps
and the blue trousers...

and they have three white stripes
on the collars of their jumpers.

And they have an identification disk
you can look at...

if you're too shy to ask their names.

Maybe I ought to call in some Marines
to help you, or a troop of Boy Scouts.

I don't want to upset you,
but if those three men...

aren't in my office
by reveille tomorrow morning...

I'll break every man here
right down to a boot.


That's a closet. Where are you going?

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

No wonder you can't find those men.
You can't find your way out of an office.

That's the way out.

Ginger, baby. Ginger, baby.

- Ginger, baby.
- Aw, shut up. You sound just like Bill.

Ginger, baby.

Ginger, baby.

Two of a kind. Where'd you come from?

I heard Billy Boy all the way down the street
and I flew here like a homing pigeon.

Well, you can fly right out again
and take your old parrot with you.

Aw. Billy Boy's part of our lives.

I brought him all the way from Zanzibar
just to keep you company.

- Good old Zanzibar.
- Yes, it was our second leave together.

Five years ago, remember?

I haven't any time to reminisce.

I don't want Billy Boy anymore.
Take him.

Now wait a minute.
What's better company than a parrot?

A husband.

Uh-oh. Good old Herman. Bye-bye, Bilge.

- Aw, shut up.
- Ha-ha-ha!

Listen, you still gonna marry
that Herman fellow?

Why not?

Because you're not the kind of a girl
that would marry without love.

Look, Bilge, you're set and I'm set,
so what's the use of arguing?

All we've done this leave is quarrel.

Yeah, whose fault is it?
Who got engaged while I was gone?

Me? No. You.

You broke it. Ohh...

- Now, now, let me see that.
- No, it's just a picture.

- Yeah, I know. It's your fella.
- It was the guy I was gonna marry.

- Let me see it.
- No.

Give it to me.

It's me.

Well, who'd you think it'd be,
you big dope?


Look, Bilge, would you please go now
and, for once, no fancy speeches, huh?

Nothing fancy, just...

would you marry me?

Don't do me a favor.

Ginger, baby.

Look, Bill, don't make a fool out of me.

If you weren't a fool,
you wouldn't have stuck with me this long.

Can't you stick with me a little longer?
Like for the rest of your life?

Will you marry me? Oh, please, Ginger.

I love you.

More than you know

More than you know

Girl of my heart I love you so

Lately I find you're on my mind

More than you know

Whether you're right

Whether you're wrong

Girl of my heart I'll string along

I need you so

More than you'll ever know

Loving you the way that I do

There's nothing I can do about it

Loving may be all you can give

But, honey

I can't live without it

Oh, how I'd cry Oh, how I'd cry

If you got tired

And said goodbye

More than I'd show

More than you'd ever



Well, what do you think you're doing?
Well, what do you think you're doing?

- Who's your friend?
- Carol.

Gee, I'm glad you're here.
I'm sorry about last night.

- You told me that over the phone.
- But I really mean it.

If I didn't think you meant it, I wouldn't
have ducked out of rehearsal to meet you.

Oh, gee, Carol.

Step right up. This little lady right here.

Let's get out of here.

Okay, Danny.

- Boo!
- Oh!

Oh! Oh!

Jump. Alley-oop.

- Come on, Carol.
- Here I go!

- Ohh. Oh. Uh-oh.
- Hey, what's that?

Oh! Danny, quick. Aah!

- Oh, this must be the way out. Come on.
- Wait a minute.

If the shore patrol is still waiting for me,
I'd rather go back in there again.

They may not have been looking for you
at all. How do you know?

They're looking for me.
They're all looking for me.

They'll find me too. What a mess.

You know, we've been a Navy family
for five generations.

If I don't get to Annapolis,
I don't know what I'll do.


I don't know anything about you, really.

I didn't know you were planning
to go to Annapolis.

We haven't had a chance
to talk about anything.

There's a million things
I wanna say to you, Carol...

but it just seems
like there's no time to say them.

Well, you have an hour
before I have to be at the theatre.

Only an hour?

Well, if you put your mind to it,
you can say an awful lot in an hour.

- More telegrams.
- Thanks.

Got about 20 minutes till curtain.


Eddie, tell me the truth,
does it show much?

Like sunset in the Rockies.


Say, I wonder if I could work in these.

Sure, we'll give you a tin cup
and change the show.

When they find those sailors...

One of these days, something's gonna
happen to you they can't fix with makeup.

You can't trust women, Eddie.
She never told me she had a brother.

Did you tell her you had a wife?

Well, what am I? A big mouth? Grow up.

Come in.

Some guys never learn.


Well, hello.

All alone?

Well, shouldn't your brother
and his friends be with you for protection?

You have every right to be upset.

But if you're going to be angry
with anyone, be angry with me.

If it makes you feel any better,
I am angry with you.

Well, then, why take it out on them?

Wendell, could you...?

I mean, would you withdraw the charges?

Don't ruin their lives.
What good would it do you?

It'll make me feel so much better.

Well, suppose they apologized
and paid for the damages?

All they want is a chance
to make up for what they did.

- They do?
- Mm-hm. I just spoke to them.

On one condition,
that they make the apology in person, here.

I'll have them here in 15 minutes.

Wendell, you're a darling.
I knew I wasn't wrong about you.

During the intermission, ask this Craig chap
if I can talk with him after the show.

Aye, aye, sir.

If the admiral prefers,
I'd be happy to talk to him for you.

Thanks, but it's my problem
and I'll have to sweat it out.

I'd hate to see anything happen
to Danny's career.

- You all set?
- Yeah.

Come in.

Here they are, Wen...

Shore patrol.

- Spread out.
- Let's go. Come on.

Places, everybody.

Places. Curtain's going up.

Come on, places.



All soda clerks and them that works

Unloading crates and washing plates

And those that drive in trucks
And every tailor should be a sailor

And sail away

If you've the nerve It's great to serve

So quit your job and be a gob
And go with Uncle Sam down to Havana

Or to Savannah or Frisco Bay

From Canada down to the Philippines
Or any foreign shore

There's always a girl who is left behind
Who's been behind before

It may be Lou or Sue
It's all the same to you

From China to Peru You've nothing to lose

Here's Loo-loo.

Join the Navy
Join the U.S. Navy

It's a great life to be a gob

On a tub or a sub or a flattop
You can help Uncle Sam do a job

Join the Navy

Though your hair be wavy
Or it's crew-cut or it's curled

- You can see a lot of interesting places
- You can see a lot of mighty pretty faces

And the ladies always Welcome your embraces

Join the Navy See the world

When you're in the mood
To have a cup of java

That is java Take a pleasure trip

And navigate my way

Loo-loo, we're strong for you
And so is your coffee too

To delight you coffee drinkers
We have sugar-coated sinkers

And if you guys wanna dunk them Dunk away

Loo-loo, of you, Loo

We dream the whole day through
When it's cold and dreary

Loo-loo, your Loo-loo Is true, Loo, to you

When we are blue, Loo
And wish we had a hot cup of coffee

It's of you, Loo, that the crew, Loo
Always dream, Loo-loo

Join the Navy
Join the U.S. Navy

It's great life to be a gob

On a tub or a sub or a flattop

You can help Uncle Sam do a job

Join the Navy though your hair be wavy
Or it's crew-cut or it's curled

You can see a lot of interesting places
You can see a lot of mighty pretty faces

And the ladies always Welcome your embraces

Join the Navy, see the world

Join the Navy

See the world

Go Navy

Well, there goes our opening.

That's okay with me.
They finally got those guys.

- Wendell?
- Mm?

- Well, they finally got them.
- Yes, I know.

- Now, that's your good side, isn't it?
- Uh-huh.

- Ow!
- Fix that with makeup.

- Morning, admiral.
- Carry on, Mr. Jackson.

You all look as if you had
at least normal intelligence...

so I can only conclude that you knew
what you were doing, correct?

Yes, sir.

You, in particular,
should have a sense of responsibility.

Obviously, it was a mistake
to promote you to your present rate...

but we'll take care of that.

- With the admiral's permission, sir...
- I know.

You'll each say it was your fault.
Very noble. Everybody bails everybody out.

Well, it doesn't impress me.
You've all behaved like idiots.

I know the facts. A brawl over a woman,
and no fancy talk will change it.

It will happen every time you pick up
a no-good, conniving...

With permission, I don't think
the character of the lady...

Lady? You'd better look up
the meaning of that word, sailor.

Yes, I think the admiral should know
that I hope to marry the young lady.

Some wife you'll be getting.

You have to break into a man's hotel room
to fight for her honor.

With permission, that's not quite accurate.

Don't talk to me about these pickups.
They're no-good, cheap, common...

With the admiral's permission, sir,
this young lady isn't.

I suppose you're an authority
on these matters, sailor?

On this matter, sir, I am.
I know the young lady very well.

She's my sister.

She's your...?

If that's a joke...

No, sir. None of us
consider this a laughing matter.

These men are confined to base
until further orders.

Aye, aye, sir.

- Dismissed.
- Mr. Jackson.

I'm going home
and I don't wish to be disturbed.

Anything I can do, sir?

I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can do.
Thank you.

- This is a private office.
- And I've got a private business.

- Now, just a minute.
- Now, listen, admiral.

You can't come in here.

When my boy's in trouble,
I can go anywhere.

- Listen to me.
- The admiral isn't here.

Then you tell him.

I'm a lieutenant, and lieutenants
don't tell admirals anything.

- Not if they still wanna be lieutenants.
- Then I wait for him here.

- Fine. Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.
- This is very important.

- What's going on around here?
- That's what I'd like to know.

- Where's Danny?
- I was telling him...

- What's the matter?
- What are you trying to do to Bilge?

- I'll write my congressman.
- All we wanna know is...

- My boy...
- Ladies, you can't do this.

I can do anything I want to.

- Why, I'm old enough to be your mother.
- Come on.

Take your hand off me
or I'll knock you flat.

- Now, just tell us where you put...
- If you'll just stop hollering, I'll listen.

Now, that's a good boy.

Just where do you think
you're going, young lady?

I was on the way to the base
to see you, Dad.

I want to talk about the trouble
Danny and his friends are in.

- I'm the girl the fight was about.
- Yes.

And it makes a pretty picture, doesn't it?

A girl like you, at your age,
up in a man's apartment. I...

Well, I'm not a child anymore, you know.
You don't wanna admit it, but I've grown.

Then I don't see why you didn't have sense
enough to keep out of this mess with Craig.

There isn't any mess,
but not at least the way you mean it.

- Why do you believe the worst about me?
- What else can I think?

That I'm your daughter, and wouldn't stand
for anything cheap and shabby.

Then why did Daniel have to save you?

Because he's just like you,
jumping to conclusions.

He didn't have to save me.
Nobody had to save me.

Once I found out what Craig was really like,
I'd have enough sense to walk away.

I don't know why you couldn't have come
to me and talked about this before.

Would you have listened,
or would you have just issued a command?

I'm sorry.

I didn't realize that having an admiral
for a father might have some disadvantages.

Oh, it has its advantages too.

- Oh, you've gotta help them, Dad.
- I can't do a thing.

The fact that you were just naive,
and Daniel's motives were the best...

doesn't alter what he did.

They're such wonderful fellows.
Talk to them.

I have talked to them.

- Did you like Danny's friends?
- Of course I liked them.

- And Rico? Did you like him?
- Uh...

You mean Ferrari? Yes.

Oh, he's the fellow that told me
he was going to marry you.

- He did?
- Yeah.

Of course,
he didn't know that I was your father.

Just what are you beaming about?

I had exactly the same idea.

Oh, you did?

Well, let me tell you something, young lady.
Nobody in this family marries a sailor.

Excuse me, sir. Lieutenant Jackson's
downstairs and wants to see you.

- Tell him I'm busy.
- But he insists, sir. It's very important.

He insists?
Has the whole Navy gone mad?

And don't you dare leave this house,
young lady.

I have enough worries about your brother
without having you dash off to get married.

What's this about getting married?

Soon as he asks me.

- And who is he?
- Oh, you'll meet him, Jenny.

When things settle down, I'm going
to have Rico and his mother over for dinner.

Well, that sounds more like it.

Just what's going on, Mr. Jackson?
In all my years...

Excuse me, sir, but there's a gentleman here
that wants to talk to you.

- This is Mr. Wendell Craig, sir.
- How do you do?

He wanted to talk to you.
Isn't that right, Mr. Craig?

Yes, indeed.

Admiral, you don't mind
if I keep these glasses on, do you?

A little eye strain.

- Well?
- Go ahead, Mr. Craig.

The admiral is a busy man.

Yes. Well, admiral,
it seems as if I made a little mistake.

You know how things are.

You get a little excited, you think
you see things that aren't really there.

Just what wasn't where, Mr. Craig?

Well, in the first place,
take that business in my hotel room.

Now that I come to think about it,
it wasn't even in my hotel room.

And about that girl...

You don't think I'm the kind of man...

that'd have a girl up
to my hotel room, do you? Ha-ha-ha.

That is, if it was in my hotel room,
which, of course, it wasn't.

- See what I mean?
- Vaguely. Very vaguely.

Mr. Craig isn't quite finished yet,

- Oh?
- Are you, Mr. Craig?

Oh! Oh, no, of course not.

About those three sailors...

You see, admiral,
this play that I'm appearing in...

is so full of sailors,
I'm beginning to think everyone's a sailor.

Actually, those three sailors
were three soldiers.

So you see, if nothing happened,
there's no point in filing charges.

Uh, you mean you wish
to withdraw the charges?

Oh, absolutely. Yes, indeed. Definitely.
Without a doubt.

Why, I don't wanna make any trouble
for the Navy.

The, uh, Navy appreciates
your attitude, Mr. Craig.

Mr. Craig wants to get to the base
to withdraw the charge, sir.

Yes, I do, and the sooner the better.
Well, good day, sir.

I'll drive you over, Mr. Craig.
I wouldn't want you to get lost.

- With the admiral's permission, sir.
- Of course.

We certainly wouldn't want
Mr. Craig to get lost.

- Uh, Mr. Jackson?
- Yes, sir.

What caused this sudden change?
There were no threats, no violence, huh?

Oh, no, sir. I just called on Mr. Craig
to discuss the wedding.

Wedding? What wedding?

After what happened, sir, I thought...

But nothing happened. I've spoken
to Susan. Absolutely nothing happened.

Of course. But you know how
the newspapers would write up this story.

It'd be better if Susan and Craig
were married.

Married. I don't want Susan
marrying that Craig.

Mr. Craig didn't think his wife
would like it, either, sir.

Oh, Mr. Jackson?

Yes, sir?

Thank you very much.

Yes, sir.


Sing hallelujah, hallelujah

- And you'll shoo the blues away
- Blues away

When cares pursue you Hallelujah

Gets you through the darkest days

Satan lies awaitin'
And creatin' skies of gray

But hallelujah, hallelujah

Helps to shoo the clouds away

I'm recalling times when I was small
In light and free jubilee days

In that sunny land of milk and honey

I had no complaints
While I thought of saints

So I say to all who feel forlorn

Hallelujah, hallelujah

- And you'll shoo the blues away
SAILORS: Hallelujah

When cares pursue you Hallelujah

Gets you through the darkest day

Satan lies awaitin'
And creatin' skies of gray

- Skies of gray
- But hallelujah, hallelujah

Helps to shoo the clouds away

Up at dawn, hit the deck
Pull up your chest and break your neck

Gotta be clean without a speck
Tonight the admiral's coming to check

Hear this, hear that
Shine your shoes and square your hat

They'll give you the boot if you don't salute
Hup, one, two

About face.

Satan lies awaitin'
And creatin' skies of gray

- But hallelujah
- Hallelujah

- Sing hallelujah
- Hallelujah

Helps to shoo the clouds away

Sing hallelu-lu-lu-lu-lu-lujah