Heroes (2013) - full transcript

On 21. September 2013, telecommunications satellite APV-1312 belonging to French media group CanalDouble crashes into the Brandenburg Gate, cutting a trail of destruction as far as the Reichstag. 56 delegates die. Thirteen minutes later, all around the world more and more satellites plummet to earth. Communications, as we have known them, are collapsing everywhere. West of Geneva. At the largest research laboratory in the world, with a budget of one billion dollars, an experiment has failed that is going to throw the whole world off its hinges. Scientists from 80 nations have simulated the Big Bang with the so-called 'God Machine', the world's greatest particle accelerator, and thereby created a Black Hole. Reaching Geneva turns into a tour de force for our heroes, through a country that like its neighbors is in a state of total emergency, but equally into a time of human encounters. A time, where courage overcomes the fear and human beings do not shut themselves off but take decisive action. A time, where the end is a beginning, and where two brothers become soul mates again. A time, where weakness turns into strength and individuals are unified into a single nation. A time, where despair turns into hope, and loneliness into the love of a lifetime. A time, where one look says more than a thousand words, and even the smallest individuals become giants. Europe's darkest hour turns into a time of patriotic heroes. Heroes just like you and me...

foodval.com - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
All good

We humans are considered the most intelligent species

We are seven billion

Our ingenuity and progress seem to know no bounds

But technology has not long since overtaken our humanity

In what world do we want to release our children?

Science can now simulate the Big Bang in the largest research project of all time

We play God





Here are you

They are all looking for you

Hey not so fast, wait a minute. My dino

Stop dreaming

So and now off to your kindergarten teacher

Promise is promised, ten minutes, more is not possible


Hello children

You have already learned something about our particle accelerator

But what you can see now

Only very few people are allowed to see that

So come with me

Man, Jana, I did not tell you to count the children, even if you have zero motivation to do your internship

particle escalator

particle Accelerator

The press also calls it God's machine

This is the biggest machine humanity has ever built

Bigger than the USS Enterprise?

Bigger than a city

And today we finally started it again

Lee, lead our guests into our inner sanctuary, yes?

Yes, come with me

This way, slowly

Because it's you, ok


But in five minutes, the rascals must be out, yes?

We have our particle accelerator - the cannon if you like

Made stronger in the last 16 months than ever before

Since seven o'clock we are shooting particles at each other again


We let them collide

So let them run into each other

Because we want to find out

What really happened at the big bang

Does anyone have any idea what the big bang was?

Yeah, that's where I was made, Mom said


That was certainly one too

But we want to know what the world consists of

We look over the shoulder of God, so to speak

We run a little unsteady at 14 tera electron volts

That settles down

Leave it at that level for another ten minutes

So, I have to get back to work

I hope you liked it

We'll also look at the data center yes? Are you coming with me? Come

Come with me

Children we have to go

They cut themselves off now

Awesome right?


300 top, 350 hp, 3.8 liters

Yes, our good Tin Lissy looks a bit old against, or brother heart?

Rico the cucumbers come right from the field, we have to unpack the pallets
Yes, our good Tin Lissy looks a bit old against, or brother heart?

Rico the cucumbers come right from the field, we have to unpack the pallets

Where were you half the day?

At Rainer's?

Did he lend you the car?


We need more boxes Mr. Galitzki

Do not fool me

You did not buy that


I can indeed spend my profits wherever I want



Or there

Profits are reinvested do you understand?

In cucumbers or what?


In your future

Mom and Dad taught you

You return the car

You know what

I won't do shit

Mom and Dad were trapped here all their lives

A life for the cucumbers

A life for the ass

Fuck off

The yard is buzzing without you

What the hell is that?





Hey, I'm calling an ambulance

I'll get help

Next is the report on the air pressure isobaric diagram of 27 September

Polar Jetstream North Atlantic for 1400 MEZ average 110 knots and 300 hectopascals

Clear Air Turbulence expected between the Faroe Islands and Iceland

And another day with unimportant data and endless boredom

We have a problem at the measuring stations

There is an increased value almost everywhere

Did you check that?

Yes the values are half a point above normal


Can you continue?

I have to change my clothes

Ah fuck


Did he catch you?

Cleanly tacked

Will do

I'm late

I'll be back in three hours

We'll do it

We have the plans


Beer tonight is on me

But now just imagine I get the job

Office instead of dust

More salary

And finally a new apartment for Jana and me

Don't you get along with your daughter?

We fight, every day

Two rooms just are not enough

Jana sits in the kitchen with friends every night and

She is 17 now, at some point I have to offer her something

Man Weber, if they allow late bloomers like you build houses

I apply to a small architecture office

It will not take long for me to build houses, so do not worry

He has to go now Mr. Peters

He signed up for the half-day holiday last week

He can only go to his job interview when the construction is finished here

You approved that last week

Mark, Mark

I'll be back in three hours


You do not even need to come back, Mr. Weber

[Explosion noises]

Where is the chancellor?

Over there

Thank you


If our efforts are successful

What I expect, of course

Mr. Chancellor

Excuse me



I'm on my way

I have to go to Berlin


I apologize

I want you to collate that with the Americans

Do you have the data from Cape Canaveral?

What about Peru?

The have little contact because the satellites are hardly reliable ..

I do not want to hear such nonsense, or else I get kidney stones

We have to verify everything or else we'll never know why we lose contact with the satellites

There! That's already the fourth

Damn what's going on

I want to immediately put all the crap here on the table the satellites have sent in the last few minutes before contact loss

Go! Go! People that's something other than weather data evaluation for once

Gerd you get on the phone and call the Ministry of Defense

Whether there's some military crap we do not know about

Contact lost to five satellites now

You created the gravitational field analyzes there


Well, what are your calculations showing?

Something is wrong

Are these the current gravitational values of the earth?

Yes, latest state

From the European Space Agency?


Mr. Bonhart these are way too high

I see that myself

Guys, shut up now

Shut up

~~I am here in the ruins in front of the Reichstag~~

~~Currently it is completely unclear what exactly happened here~~

Oh my god
~~Currently it is completely unclear what exactly happened here~~

Oh my god

~~ What we know is that five satellites have been taken out of orbit around the world ~~

~~ We also hear about chaotic conditions from Spain ~~

Oh, shit

~~ At this stage we do not know exactly what happened ~~

Bark Bark Bark

~~ The helpers do their utmost to recover and care for the injured ~~

~~ All the surrounding hospitals have their emergency rooms on standby ~~

There is a gas pipe!

We have to get out!

I'll be right there

Here are injured everywhere

Where are your parents?

~~ Firefighters, Red Cross and other rescue services work hand in hand in search of survivors ~~

~~ It is still unclear how many people are still missing who were in the entrance area of the Reichstag at the time of impact ~~

Hello Mark, I do not know what to do with Jana

You have to talk to her now

Ahem is not a good idea now

Something happened here and um

Are those fire brigade sirens?

Oh God, what's going on?

'Saul good

What is it with Jana now?

She is struggling

I do not know if that will work

Maybe you should get her back home

I should probably do that
Maybe you should get her back home

I should probably do that

You're right

Wait a second

Andrea, I have to go back, can you handle it?


Listen, brother

I know you have been fighting since she moved in with you

But maybe just because you do not know each other anymore

You just have to spend more time with her

Can I speak to her?

Your father

Hey you ass 'sup?

Good idea of you to just deport me here

It's really shitty here

I want to visit you and have a talk with you




The performance increase is phenomenal

Gravitational curve is good

We will get a nice amount of new particles

15 tera electron volts and runs stable


Everything in the green

Then we'll drive it to full load now

One and a half years tuning for this one moment

Do not disappoint us!

Get a move on!

Are you mental?

Wasn your problem dude?

It was his fucking idea that I do this fucking internship

Now let's all go to the candy vending machine


Listen to you talk Jana

Mark is still your dad

Crumbs! Mark would do anything for you

That's what he said to Mama and we both know what came out of it

Sometimes I wish he was dead


Let's hope I'm wrong


99% performance achieved, still increasing

All Parameters ok, System online

Magnetic induction stable

Collision in

100% power maximum achieved



We made it!

The origin of the universe! Congratulations gentlemen

Oh my God


Come on! All to the front!

Go over to the kids!

[Children screaming]

Ey Tobi can not do that. That's theft

Two laptops

Alas, that's procuring research funding

Besides, such an electronics market is insured, is not it?

Yes, can you get it ready?

Sure, I bring along too

About Tropical Island

Are you sure that Sabrina will come along?

Yes, definitely

She's even bringing her friend along

Hey, I'm telling you, dude, she's sooo hot

Ey she talked about you in the chat the whole time

And besides that lives in Berlin

For her the Tropical Island is almost at the door

She's got her eyes on you

Eh Yoshi



Yoshi wait a sec



I think I got it


You really cracked a data packet of a collider project?

How did you do it?

No idea

I just made my computer available over the Internet to them

Dude, do not stay there too for long

Hey the Collider guys, they are not to be joked with

They just send the cops after you

Yoshi, you are totally paranoid.

The cops?


The moped behind the house, is that also stolen?

What does that mean you sent all the doctors to Berlin?

We need help here

We have been waiting for an hour

Now listen..

Up yours

Don't get upset. I just stay here and wait

It's going to work out, little brother

Like the doctor comes and

Then I'll take care of you

Sleep till then

What, what, what's going on in your fucking head

You are on probation

Do you really want to go to jail?

I have a shop in town

I'm here for the people and my son is making raids

Get yourself together, dude

Calm down, Siggy

Calm down


I do not want you fighting here


The prosecutor will have a look at it first, okay?

And they decide how to proceed, ok.


We got something

So that it is clear

I'm talking in there, it is my head on the line, huh?

You are also welcome to wait outside

As you say

You just work for me

Not more

Mr. Chancellor

Mr. Braunhag, Mrs. Ritter

So, you can tell us what's going on here

The scientists collide particles with other particles

This creates extreme high energy densities

It looks like the colleagues at the Collider have created such a gigantic density

That a black hole was created

A black hole?



Of course that was not planned

Something must have gone wrong

A black hole has such a high gravity

First the satellites in the LEO

So in Low-Earth-Orbit

And then in the MEO drop

Please shorten that

What do we have to expect?

There will be more crashes

First the satellites

This will cause the GPS to fail

Aircraft are hardly controllable without navigation

So you have to block civil aviation first


A black hole is nothing more than a point in space with so much mass

That nothing

- not even light - can leave it

Pure gravitation

That means tremendous powers are released

Excuse me, may I?

Obviously, the black hole in the collider is relatively stable

But Earth's gravity has been increased by 0.5%, and the trend is rising

That does not sound like much, but it's enough to get the satellites' orbits out of balance

So the black hole will grow

The gamma rays ionize the atmosphere, creating an electromagnetic pulse

Yes EMP that is to be feared

Same thing as in after nuclear explosions

This EMP destroys almost all electronics in Germany

Everything that is turned on and unprotected is literally roasted

So that means that cell phones, computers, cars become unusable

The gravitational waves and the EMP are only harbingers

Nobody knows what comes next

Even the smallest increase in gravity leads to tensions in the earth's crust and can thereby burst the underground gas pipelines

This can lead to earth faults or earthquakes

Are you serious?


Ah c'mon

Why should a small research accident in Switzerland lead to tectonic movement here, huh?



Because the collider is the eye of the hurricane

In the middle it is relatively quiet

But we

We are completely hit by the vortex


And the storm is just building up

I simulated all this as a worst-case scenario when I was still working on the Collider project

Expect the worst

~~ At the window! ~~

[Jet noises]

Bloody hell
[Jet noises]

[Jet noises]

If your theories are correct, what do you think I should do?

Turn off the collider. Immediately

~~ The reports from the capital are getting ahead of themselves ~~

~~ According to our latest information an airplan.. ~~

Hey, that's disabled parking

Hey, hey, hey.

Do not beg our guests here, yes.

Begging, master? I earn my money with something else

I wanted to tell them that this is a disabled parking space


Hey, that's bad for Karma

Told you so

Come on, Ria turn your phone back on again

~~ ... Incident has occurred on the collider ~~

~~ Contact to the inside of the research facility is lost ~~

What's that?


How do you turn it up?

Where is the volume?

~~ Preventively evacuate ~~

~~ Eyewitnesses report ~~


~~ A strong explosion that shook the entire Collider Building ~~

Oh my God
~~ A strong explosion that shook the entire Collider Building ~~

Oh my God

~~ At the time of the accident .. ~~
Oh my God

~~ At the time of the accident .. ~~



I need your car. I have to go to Geneva for this collider



All the nuclear power plants are shutting down.


And the collider?

The Swiss lost contact

The site is still running
The Swiss lost contact

The site is still running


The collider is still running?

They didn't shut the particle accelerator down?

They can't do that without shutdown software

The data center is destroyed

Oh, shit

Oh God
Oh, shit

Oh God


Distributed Computing

Very good, that's a possibility. Wait.

Yes it's me.

That's networking with privately owned PCs
Yes it's me.

That's networking with privately owned PCs

We need an IP

Yes, everything that went in and out of the Collider project

Yes, I am waiting for that. Ciao

Yes, the Collider project relies massively on the computing power of private persons who signed up for an account

If someone got sent this shutdown sequence, then you can upload it locally to a computer at the Collider

and stop the particle accelerator

Is' our only chance

So in simple terms

We can not stop the experiment alone, but someone has received the power-off button

We can not stop the experiment alone, but someone has received the power-off button



You have ten minutes to tell me who has this button

We are looking for a political solution, you talk to the Swiss

I hope they let us into the country

In any case, we must leave no stone unturned

Maybe she can get the shutdown sequence and upload it

We have to have several options



No, just determinedly no

I'm not flying to Switzerland for an upcoming EMP, by no means

Issue her a license to kill. She gets every help she needs

I wish you good luck

You can do it

I need your car, they say all flights are cancelled

And now you want to drive a 621,37 miles across Germany?

I need to go home

How do I explain to them what just happened?

What's up?



We keep your mission secret until further notice

The allies are not informed



The IP



Very good, yes

Got it

Someone actually got, heh, the data packets with the shutdown codes

Some guy from the Black Forest

Calls himself Skull666

Some nutjob

He probably does not even know what has ended up on his computer

Black Forest, that's at least on the way to Geneva

Then send me the address to my mobile as soon as you have it, yes?

Yes OK


That's okay


Good luck. I am serious

And thank you very much


All the best


With a short stopover in the Black Forest, she can be in Geneva in four hours

Then we should pray that she manages to shut off the juice to the collider

Are you going to Geneva?

Are you flying to Geneva?


Let's go as long as the radio network is stable

I'll come with you

Out! What the heck?!

No way you are coming with us, get out damn it

I beg you! I have to go to Geneva

We have to go

We only have this one slot

The entire airspace is about to close

I won't get out again

So what now? We don't have time


We take him with us

Your decision


Mr. Galitzki?

We have to go now



Yes, it's ok

Saul good


Comes. Hold on tight to me


Saul good



Do not worry kids, I'm not leaving

Oh God

You are doing well


Where is Mary?

Here! Here she is

She is here

All right, Mary

Yes, bring her here

Take care of the children



Now listen Ms. Körner, the political objective is to put pressure on Switzerland

So that the problem can be solved from there

But that's exactly the problem of the particle accelerator project

It is neither under the sole control of Switzerland nor under that of France

How can it be that the collider is located in France and Switzerland and does not belong to any of the states?

The project is funded by twenty states but legally it is an autonomous area

It is through

Ground forces

The Swiss want to advance with troops to the Collider to send a salvage command in


I do not want a thousand pages of state treaty. Bloody hell

The French see it the same way

Switzerland is to open a corridor so that German troops can march in there

The few Swiss military on site are a joke Frau Görner

"Marching into Switzerland" do you hear how that sounds?

Trust me, Kollberg

Tell the chancellor I'll advocate for it

Oberleutnant Brünner!

Shall we go in and look for survivors?

We are waiting for order from the staff

Till then: scout and secure

Sophie, what happened in Geneva?

I do not have time to explain that to you, we'll drop you off at the next opportunity, ok?

I know it was shit back then

But talk to me. Please!

This just came through the radio

The guy from the Black Forest stole a car and bailed

Oh, shit

However, the BKA has located him with the credit card of his father

About half an hour ago he used it to pay for tickets to Tropical Island

Tropical Island? What's this?

A fun bath in Brandenburg

About twenty minutes flight from here

OK, then you're flying there, right?

Are you sure?

The boy is the only one who has the key to turn off the collider

Shit, s-shut off what?

Sophie talk to me

Just shut up for five minutes

What happened down there?

There was an explosion down there, the experiment is out of control

We lost all contact

Is the worst possible time to want to go to Geneva

Jana is down there

Your girlfriend?

My daughter!

Your daughter?

I have a daughter, she's with my sister

Got an internship in the company kindergarten

Your daughter is with Andrea?


If the two were at the particle accelerator at the time of the explosion , then

She lives, I know that

Please fly me there immediately!

First, we need the shutdown sequence, without which no one has a chance

And how long should that take?

You have to be able to stop such a fucking experiment, just cut off power and finito

Just like that, yes?

And you stop a bike by putting a stick in the spokes, dude wake up!

This collider has to be shut down in a controlled manner, no way around that

Why did not you never tell me that you have a daughter?

She lived with her mother back then. There was never a chance to explain it to you

You never had the opportunity?


Ionization of the atmosphere


Go down

We have to get down, we have to go down, go down

What is going on now?
We have to get down, we have to go down, go down

What is going on now?

We can not land anywhere here

Buckle up!

Damn we are too low

There was a complete hundred behind me

They have surrounded the whole village with pigs

I broke through there only to get to you

So so

Buggered off

Bad boy

Let's see if you have the balls to pull off the naughty things from the chat

Ey! Come quickly

Man over here, yes


Now I got you


Come on, let's see

~~ It is still unclear how many people are still missing who were in the entrance area of the Reichstag at the time of impact ~~

~~ It's clear there is little hope for many of the buried ~~

~~ There is no doubt that it was a satellite that has fallen into the Reichstag ~~

~~ After the crashes of the satellites there are massive failures of the mobile network throughout Europe ~~

Do you see? The invasion has begun

What? How did that know? Tell me

~~ First banks had to close in Frankfurt ~~


Yoshi should the aliens really eat Tobi as a virgin?

~~ The cause of the satellites and plane crashes is still being debated ~~

~~ We have prepared a short clip about this ~~



Come here

Come here

Come here

Come here

Come here

What do you want with that

Who knows what it is good for

You won't tell me what's really going on

The EMP was only the beginning

Now the quakes are coming

What quakes?

Are you saying earthquakes are coming?

No one knows exactly what happens

But the black hole will also affect the Earth's interior

If the tectonic plates move only slightly, the impact will be catastrophic

A dream area

~~ People are still debating .. ~~

Nightmare reception

Modern piece-o-crap

Mr. Heinrich, Mr. Heinrich please

At your age, you can not be disturbed by news

We do not want to get upset

Yes certainly

Yes, certainly we want to get upset

The muck here is one thing but I really can't endure this without radio

~~ we do not know how long we can still maintain the broadcast operation ~~

~~ Germany is facing an incredible catastrophe ~~

What's that now?



I am here

Have a look at the fuse

The fuse looks fine, Billy

Refrigerator is off as well

Eh here guys, the stuff has to go, that will get warm otherwise
Praise the sun

That's a blackout

First the mine, then the power plants

I told you so

Stop complaining that won't fix nothing

Gheez, Willy, just let it go

We were done a long time ago

Where do you see this done?

Fairy lights are not hung

Beer pump isn't ready

And pasta salad isn't prepared either

I do not mean that

Willy, that's enough for a whole company, yeah wat the heck


I mean us

The Schalke buddies
The club is dead

Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead

Listen, no one is coming for the anniversary

Nobody is coming? They all come, they always do

Get up if you're a Schalke
Get up if you're a Schalke

Stand up

Willy, wait a minute

Willy, man man man

Willy, in the end you'll have to do everything yourself

Just take a look around

Last year, how many showed up?


Do you think this year will be better?

Willy, get in your RV and head off to Rimini, man

And blow your compensation with your Rosi

I'd rather go straight to the nursing home

The only real disaster is how Schalke currently plays, everything else we can fix

He just does not get it, Zoran. Now tell me something

Awh crap



Yes, what was going on, had to fart?

The jugo has to digest the German pork knuckle


So, shaft free again


Oops, the alien invasion has begun


Of course, mobile phones stopped working

Forget it

Forget it, the EMP has completely destroyed the electronics

It doesn't have no electronics

That means if the EPM didn't deep fry the battery then it will start



How far is it to this Tropical Island?

No idea

Maybe, pff, 12 miles

Then we get your little hacker and drive straight to Geneva

Cmon, get in



He has heart diseases

Has been taking pills for months

Let me in, take the flashlight

Slowly slowly


That's okay

The cooling vent!

You have to plug it, otherwise we freeze in here

Let me be

No, I will not let you be

Even if you are still bratty

Look at me, I got you into this, you understand?

I wanted to go on a trip with the kids and I will bring them back

All children

You, too

You're right

You got us into this

Luckily those are not your own kids down here

Oh, right, you don't have any children of your own

Because if you had any
You'd know that children are not at all interested in research shit

And then those kids would not be in so damn deep shit right now

I'm curious how you want to get us out of here

Out of the sixteenth basement of this fucking labyrinth

What is the old fart doing?

No idea

Maybe he builds a new radio because he broke the other one

A Radio, are you crazy?

This is an FM transceiver with a 110 watt frame grid transmitter tube

Not a half-baked semiconductor rubbish

Anyone have any schnapps?

The thing hasn't been assembled since Stalingrad

They cashed my Williams last week

Mirabelle, I smuggled it past sister Ingrid

Do you have glasses?

Wait a minute, help me

Please open it

To the Middle

To the tit

To the scrotum

Zack Zack

What is going on there ?!


Well, can we get blazed with the ex-virgin now?

No cell phones, no electricity,
I would have somehow imagined the end of the world to be worse


No electricity means no circulation pump

That means at some point this huge pool tilts.
And then the water starts to rot

I tell you

Man Yoshi, dude

You can really kill any romance

That is madness


Tobias Hölder?




I do not want that with the cop, really

I'm sorry

Hey, we are not here because you are wanted

It is hell out there and you're the only one who can stop it

Where is your laptop?


Where's your laptop?


Because the laptop holds the key to that,
you understand?

Now pull yourself together and come with me

Yes, it is in Schiltach

And where is this shithole?



Calm down!

We need something to drink


What about you?

The ventilation has failed

The air, we are too many in here, we.

Karl, what?

The kids have to go

The Oxygen, that's math

We all are gonna suffocate


Listen, you have to calm down

We can do it

My heart pills, they are all used up


No way up through the data center

Ist kaputt

The stairway..


Children, here

It is delicious and very good



Gone it is

Where is it?

There it is

Do you see

Dude, can you cut me free of this shit, it hurts like a lot

Got it? You have cut off my blood circulation

Stop bitching, better be safe than sorry

No shit, that's it

I'll make you shut up

Mark! Please stop.
I think I think you're exaggerating, ok? Please


And I think it's better you take off the shackles, yes?

So and now you can stop the car you old hag. Geddit?

I am on probation.
I'm not going back to that fucking shithole, okay?

I have a criminal record.
And I'm certainly not going to jail

Can you shut the fuck up already?

This is not a video game damn it

Oh, well, you old fuck listen up now

Even if you have two honks get my laptop

Forget it!

You do not get the data anyway

What do you mean by that?

Well, I encoded the entire disk with a sixteen-round A256-bit based two-fish algorithm


Not even the NSA can crack it

Can this be?

Yes. Yes that can be




Listen, I uhm

I let the laptop get picked up by the Bundeswehr and then we meet at the Airbase Holzdorf

And there you will then decrypt the data


Hey, hey!


Stop it!

Shit, where is he?

~~ After the crashes of quite a number of traffic jams the catastrophe reaches for more and more technical areas ~~

~~ A pressure increase in the underground gas piplines led to explosions in many places ~~

Alright, come on


Oh, shit

Help, quickly!

We need a doctor here!

We need a doctor

You there, you there

Hey, my buddy needs an appendectomy or what do I know.

He needs a doctor

There is .. I have no idea

Listen, where's Rosie Wieczorek?

That's from our buddy Willy

He has to be somewhere !?


Sit down here.
Sit down

Buddy stay here, ok?

I'll get help

The THW gives us three hours - watch out - to clear the hospital

They say the gas line under the building is a ticking time bomb

Alright, well, I'm talking to them

But now I'll continue in Four, Three, in Three with the burns

Dr. Penzberg, we have heart surgery in the Four

And I need you in Two for an amputation now

What? But

We need a lot more doctors

We can't ever do this alone

I have already phoned.
We can't ever do this alone

I have already phoned.

The readiness will be here in an hour

And we do not have time to discuss

You are only a nurse here and can't order me around!


I believe in you Rosie


W-w-wait a second





Something wrong with Willy?



Oh man


Hey pal what's wrong?

What's the matter?

We left Willy's, ya

Zoran and me

Then we went to the gas station

And wanted to drink a PBR on the way

And then he just collapsed in the parking lot

He has abdominal pain.
Real bad


Yeah, that ..
..that's an appendix

You see, I have to evacuate first

Where to?

I am sorry

The cooling pipes are failing

Things are freezing over

The world's biggest refrigerator's got a leak

And we freeze to death

We have to get to the surface

It's blocked here

And here

What do you think?

What is behind that?

Meter thick reinforced concrete

That should have held

Then we have to get through there

Pass the control room

Let's hope that the staircase or the elevator shaft are still intact

Are you insane?

The control room is located directly in front of the black hole

We have to risk that

Who knows if the black hole even still exists

Maybe it collapsed

It is still there

You know that very well Belzheim


Everything in there is secured against EMP and earthquakes

That's the only way out

Or do you want to freeze?

That's suicide

There is a lot of radiation from the black hole and we have no idea how our bodies react to it

Gamma radiation!


You will kill us all

Think about what you are doing with the children who consume our air

Phew! Karl, damn you!

Pull yourself together

The kids are already scared enough

We are stuck here and freezing

Your fucking quarrels will not get us any further

I bet my brand new diploma that he is somewhere near and trying to steal a car again

You can really not crack the code on his laptop?


If it's true what he says no

I should not have given up so early in the Collider project at that time

I have not worked there since fall

Didn't you know that?

I've taken the side of the popular scientist at my PhD

That's what they said

They have no room for nutcases in the team

Why nutcase?

I expressed reservations about the experiment and calculated a bit

Calculated a bit?

Like back then

When you've gone through all the hyper-square tables half-naked on the computer all night

Mark I warned that a black hole will be created that we can not control anymore

I was sucha idiot then

That's a waste of time

The collider is history

All satellite data say 82% of the building complexes are destroyed

Yes! The part above-ground

But a much bigger one is underground

Maybe this continent is breaking, my God

And I will not let Britain get torn up

Why do we have the B-61 in service?

A nuclear weapon !?

A bunker buster

The energy will cause the black hole to collapse

We estimate the contamination to a maximum of 15 square kilometer

You will not throw an atom bomb on Switzerland!

Listen: A nuclear warhead will feed the hole and enlarge it


I want a vote


Eh you!?

What are you doing there?

Get off the bike!

It's good, calm down

Do you know what I do with lunatics like you on my farm? Yes?

Let go!

Let go of him!

Get the fuck off my farm!

Go away!

Piss off

Stop! Hey! Hey!

Calm down!

Back off!



You won't get flee again, understand?

Both of you make me fuckin sick


You know what?

You can't compete with my bratty daughter.
I've been through way worse

What do you want here?

This bloke here

And his fucking laptop

What's this?

A fault

The result of a research project in Geneva

They really managed to turn the world upside down

We need a vehicle

It's great.

We can chug with a trekker to the the Black Forest

We're completely cut off.
We don't stand a chance on the road

Not on the road

You can't be serious, right?

Our former fertilizer flyer

Another hobby of my brother

Is this thing still operational?

Can you fly it?


Is as old as the Land Rover

The disaster has spread to the whole continent

Reports of plane crashes, major fires and earthquakes reach us everywhere

Central Europe is hardest hit

The picture you see here comes from the Polish border

The earth is torn up here on 70km

What's that Bornack?

Can you explain that?

This is the beginning

Fault line due to the distortion of the Eurasian plate

Sophie Ritter was right

Europe is breaking up

Be prepared for everything


Spain and Denmark also report seismic shocks

Göttingen and Heidelberg need to take massive action against marauding gangs

In Leipzig there were looting

And the abort sequence?

We lost contact with Mrs. Ritter

Where she is, if she has the sequence no idea

Yes, then she is dead

Who says that?


Mrs. Gerne joined

Bad news

The Security Conference has voted in favor of the bombing


NATO is taking command


The bomb?

50 hours

That's the time you need to evacuate

We must prevent a mass panic, Mr. Chancellor

Prepare a speech

~~ Whole industrial plants are ablaze. The land is from disaster ~~

Where is Zoran?
~~ Whole industrial plants are ablaze. The land is from disaster ~~

Where is Zoran?

He's in the hospital

With your wife

He has an appendix
Looks like shit

You're not serious?


He looked like shit this morning
I tell ya


What's that supposed to be when it's done?

Gonna drive to the countryside with Rosie and Iflops

There are whole treks on the way

Is safer there

Here from the World Cup 2010, it's yours now

Wait, wait, Willy

You, you can't leave just like that

For real

The Zoran has an appendix

He needs surgery

He'll miserably die a wretched death

In Germany, nobody dies of a ruptured appendix

You are just too dense to get it?

First Berlin, then Hamburg, and Frankfurt and now Gelsenkirchen

Germany as you know it, that's no longer exist

If you do not help Rosie, then the Zoran will die

Do I look like an MD?

Willy, now listen

Willy, you are our boss here

I thought you are our boss

Did you remember when we were trapped in the coal mine for three days? Hm?

You kept the boys together

You gave us courage

Without you we would all have mangled ourselves

Jeez! Willy

We still have to evacuate a hospital

What hospital?

What kind of hospital?

Want me to build you one?

Want me to bake you one?

You don't need to build one

You do not have to bake either

We have one

Which is empty

I call the buddies

The Schalke fans

The Opel gang

Rally the boys

Yes Yes sure

Go Go Go

And this

That's our club now

Get a move on

I can't recall if the thing can even still fly

That will work

As much dough as I put into it

You really get along?

I hold the position here

And you cucumber save the world

I'll be back in five hours



Ready to go?

You tell me, don't you want to leave something to the other mothers?

But that was still there, then I can take it

You have no idea what's going on in the other stores

In the supermarket on the main road they kill each other already

I will bring you the money tomorrow, yes?



The crank does not open

Karl, what about you?


I'm just going through everything

We must not open the bulkhead


You always liked that as a child

You do not have to help if you do not want to

I know that you are shocked

We all are. And..

All of us will die


We are dead, dead and you are digging around

Shut up!
Shut up!

You don't give a shit anyway

Then you can give a crap about dying

You make me sick

You are a selfish teen brat

Hiding behind your oh so big problems

"My dad did not take care of my mom"

All bullshit and you know that

You are nothing more than a cowardly little child

Every child in there

Get its life under control better than you Jana

Each one!


You could have told me that you have a daughter

I would not have had a problem with that either

Maybe not you

But Jana

I did not tell her about you either



Everything was so complicated that summer

You lied to me then

I was still married

On paper

We were already separated, honestly


Look ahead

The Fault has uprooted an ash cloud

We'll never get through that
I'm heading west

Dear fellow citizens

Our country is facing a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions

We did not know that it could happen

And we do not know what to expect

But we know one thing

It is not over yet

The dread is not over yet

Many more people will have to die

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany is doing everything in its power

To uphold life as we know it and to protect you

Many thousands of soldiers, firefighters,
Red Cross and THW employees are on their way

They will all assist you

In this difficult hour our country

Germany as we know it has ceased to exist

You will now have to take responsibility for yourself

For your families

For your friends

And for your neighbors

This catastrophe must not take our humanity

Our goodness and our hope

You have to stick together

We have to stick together

We all have to stick together to survive

God bless you


It's very tight here, but we'll all be moving together

And there you get something warm to eat

Is there also halāl? Or just pork?

Pasta with goulash I think

I think it will fill you up

Excuse me, please

I have to take care of the others

Okay, who is going?

Why did you do that?

Because I can

And because we all have to do what we can to get out of here

You too

What can I possibly do?

Much more than you think

Do you do that again with the magic?


For you

That's a magic key

This will get you through every door

You can give it back to me when we're out, okay?

So you stay nice and cozy when we open the bulkhead?

Can you do that at all Andrea?

Hey, I can do magic

Do not go



Listen up

Manny, Host and Ulle get the old coal mine ready

And provides food, water and emergency power

Roger, Over

What about the other guys? Over

They come with me

We have to clear a whole hospital



Gas leak in the second basement

Fuck it!

Get the people out of the building

And send me a second team downstairs




Had longing


Lot going on here?

Listen: nobody can stay here.
Everyone should grab as much as possible

My boys help

We move to my hospital

In your hospital?

Tell me, what are you talking about?

Friedrich shaft

We'll be safe there for now

I'll take care of Zoran. How is he?


Now we'll take care of you

Any news from Sophie Ritter?

Ok, it this thing is done for

We have to find a place to land

Come here

Be glad that you do not grow a beard yet

You milk face


Hold tight

Can you land the thing?

I'll be right there

Prepare the sickbay in the mine

What about the provisions?

Yes, I take care of food

And look for the air pumps

Roger, Over and Out

Tell me again I've bought too much to eat

Kiss my ass

What's with you wackos?




Damn wake up!

Come on, that way there, go that way

And be careful, we havn't mopped the floor down there yet

Good that you'r here

Here, take this

The boys have everything prepared

We need a stretcher

Which way?

Where the others are, go, careful

Ulle says we need more fuel for the emergency generator

'Sorry, go on people go on

Come on, people go on

Get going

Maximum two-row.
It's tight below

Shit we can forget about the championship then this year

I suppose you are right

Come on guys, let me through

You have to help now

For cuts like here we have to do a compression bandage



Rosie needs more beds.
The operating room has rolling blackouts

I'll take care of it

Take over

Hey Willy, I was worried

Listen, meanwhile can you take care of this guy?

He is important to us

What about him?

Got a laceration on his head

And he, he is unconscious

And he, he is unconscious


Bring him down there
Bring him down there


Let's hope that our old colliery holds out

Yes. Let's hope

Hey, are you alright?

Why do not you lie down a bit?

We all need rest now if we want to make it through this

Rest is the last thing I need now

I'm going

I am the lightest

You hold me

You hold me with that


You can do it!

You can do it!





Thank you

Well then cheers or how do you say?

I'm not from here


Thanks, that must be enough

Where I come from

Everything is broken

I'm just glad that I'm here


Why is Zoran still here?

Where is the bus with the colleagues of MD Benzenberg?

They never arrived

I have two interns here

One is injured himself

And the other one has been awake for almost 60 hours

I do not know what to do anymore

And MD Benzenberg?

Have you ever seen his hands?

He can't anymore

He can not operate

Then you have to do it Rosie

You have to operate

Listen, Benzberg will backseat

And tells you exactly what's to be done

And you can do it

You can do that

Zoran dies otherwise

I'm a nurse

You can do the Rosie

You can do it

Otherwise he dies


Cut laterally
Two fingers wide

Follow the skin lines and muscle fibers in * inaudible *

Skin line?

2mg Nitro


Give it already!


Stop it!

Give it back

I'll do it

I'll just get the fucking appendix out

Thanks, it works

Tobias has been sewn with 22 stitches

Light skull-brain trauma
Whatever that means

He is conscious but this Rosie says he has to lie for a while

That means we can not continue, right?

I have to go on, Sophie

I can not hang out here for days now

I have to go to Jana in Geneva

Certainly she's fine

But you said down there everything is destroyed

And you said that you feel that she's still alive

You feel that, right?

No idea

Certainly she's fine

Jana is alive

Most certainly

I really thought that you and me

Are something special

Then you just left

Without a word

Talking was probably never your strength, right?

All right then

When we first met I had been separated from Jana's mother for years

Suddenly it turns out she has cancer

But she did not want me to take care of her

I should've still done it anyway because of Jana

Anyway, she was dying and I was not there

I was with you in Geneva

And that's why you left

I wanted to see her again

But I was too late

Jana has been living with me since then

And blames me every day that it was my fault

Is not easy with her since then, right?

Anyway, that's the reason why I left back then

We should go on, maybe um

Maybe you can ask Willy if he can somehow get us a car

Maybe we can put Tobias down there somehow

Without him, we just can not do it

Maybe Willy has a solution

We are now a reception center

What are you doing there?

We are helping these freshmen from the Bundeswehr

They have too few radio operators out there

And they do not know the analog radio at all

Everything just dumb dumb digital

You can transmit with the thing too?
Everything just dumb dumb digital

You can transmit with the thing too?

Yes, sure

I send their signals to areas they would not otherwise reach

Can I help?

What do I have to do?

How do you feel?

Like shit

Was that you?


I tried to get the computer code out of this


Get some rest

As soon as you are better we must continue

Thanks for the camper

Take good care of that baby because I fathered two children in there

And I see the UEFA Cup via * inaudible *

~~ Since 16 clock Germany is divided by Mount Germany in north and south ~~

~~ There are only a few connections between North and South Germany ~~

~~ Bundeswehr and auxiliary forces evacuate the refugees to the intact areas of Germany or to our neighboring countries ~~

This is our direction to the south

That can look very different in an hour

What if the Fault has destroyed the last streets?

And has separated north from south Germany?

Then what?

Then we have to be faster

We get Tobias to his computer and finally get this code


How did it go?

Your wife did a fantastic job, Mr Wieczorek

Yes come

Hold on, good



I got you

Help me!

Help me! Help me!

The staircase does not exist anymore

But the elevator

Well then we take the elevator shaft

Here you go

May I help you

More of the 2003 Dom Perignot

Joey, eat up, hm



Hey Robert, are you crazy

Give me that

~~Yankee White Eagle Eye~~

We did not break anything

~~ Evacuation of the perimeter in progress ~~
We did not break anything

~~ Evacuation of the perimeter in progress ~~

~~ Coordinates: ~~

~~ Navy Blue Twelve. Dakona Yellow Five. Penta Blue Seventeen ~~

~~ Repeat ~~

Yankee White is the security level for nuclear weapons

Why are they all coming towards us?

I thought the road to the south would be free

Where are we?

We'll explain to you in a moment

How are you?

Bit buggy


What's that?

Let me speak

Good luck

The bridge is closed.
We have to send all the cars back

My name is Sophie Ritter I am a scientist

I am on behalf of the Federal Government on the way to..

Yes sure. I said turn around

Now listen first

Hands where I can see them

I have a letter from the Chancellery here which assures me all support

No we need a new connection!

Yes, build a new bridge, what do I know

Yes we have. 25 thousand liters of water

Yes we have. What?

Please repeat

Then show that to my supervisor
Please repeat

Then show that to my supervisor

Get out

Get out slowly

Please repeat

Please repeat

We need your support

You have to let us pass

This bridge is closed.
Please go back to your vehicle and turn around

Or get us a plane or a helicopter

Schrader, please escort the lady to her vehicle

Please repeat. Repeat!

~~ Attention! This is not an exercise. ~~

~~ They want to launch a nuke at the particle accelerator ~~

~~ They want to launch a nuke at the particle accelerator ~~

~~ They want to launch a nuke at the particle accelerator ~~

Evacuate the particle accelerator!

A bombing is imminent for today twelve hundred

That's not a joke guys

Immediately leave this channel!

They want to bomb Geneva?

Schrader get rid of this crazy hag


I have a boy in there, he's important

I want you to contact the high command

I need your radio

Let me go

You let go off me

I need your help damn

Let me go



All good

Everything OK

All good

Damn it

Fuck, step on it!

Come on, you scrapheap, show me!

Not bad

Where did you learn to drive?

Ten years GTA

Playstation and Xbox

Rico, I'm back!

Hey Rico I have medication!



And so we ask you
Oh Lord

Give us your consolation and help in this difficult hour

Give us the strength to assist each other in humility

And to raise the discouraged

Your disturb the mess. What do you want here?

The same as you

We want to pray

No, that is not possible.
We were here first, so please find another room and do not disturb my mess

But there is no other room
Everywhere is packed

You may have been here first but we live here now too

We have to arrange.
Move closer together

That's my country too

We will come back later.
We ...


Go away!

I shoot

I'll do it!
This time I will not miss

But first you give us the money Siggy


What money?

Jörg, Wolfgang, are you mental!?



Weapons down!

Piss off!

Papa!? What's going on?

First they stole stuff and then ..

What's going on?

What is going on with us all?

That is the core of my belief

And it took me till now to understand

In a gym

Allah's ways are often mysterious

What do you think Allah has in mind with us?

Why does he do that to us?

He does not do that to us

We do it to ourselves

This happens because we want to be like God

In reality, we are just like little kids who ..

play with a chainsaw

We have no idea how powerful God's Toolbox is

You're right (formal)

You're right (informal)



The engine is beyond saving

How's the progress?

Now just let us be, ok?

So I remove the Two-Fish encryption.
And then I decrypt the disk


But takes a while

How long?

No idea.
With that amount of data..

1-2 hours

Can't you split the packages?

In smaller pieces

Then we could decrypt them in parallel on your machines

Is already running

You aren't too crazy for someone your age

Guess that was a compliment, right?

So. Data decryption is running

After that you can take the computer with you

Do you have any idea how we get out of this dump?

That's what I'm wondering since my baptism

Was ment as your birthday present

Is good for off-road

Let's hope your computer can shut down the collider

I'm sorry, I ...

You do not want to know how much shit I pulled at your age

I was not always a jammed anxious family man

And your philistine shop?

When does it open again?

Loading all shelves, the whole stock

Forget it

Then let's clean up

Mark, pull over

Sophie what is it?

They are going to bomb

They what?

A bomb. They..

They launch a bomb at the collider in Geneva

You are telling me now?

How much time do we have left?

Two and a half hour


The elevator ropes are ripped

But one floor up there is a staircase that seems to be still intact

We tried to get up there with a fire hose, but

It does not work

No chance

We can't get up

We are stuck here

We'll think of something

We will all die


No, that is not true

Get up

Should I tell you what we are doing to get out of here?


We climb the shaft, like Spiderman

I know that you are all scared

Me too

But if we made it this far
Me too

But if we made it this far

Then we can do the rest

We'll get out of here

Every single one of you

We'll get out of here

When I was little my dad always told me stories when I was scared

Of Poo, the bear.
Do you know that?

That's a small cuddly bear

Who goes on funny adventures

And he lives with his best friends

The piglet

And 'IA' the donkey in a huge forest

Let us through

We have the shutdown sequence.
We can turn off the collider

This is a restricted area.
Turn around!

They want to drop a bomb on the collider

We know that.
Turn around!

This is not just some bomb.
It has a nuclear warhead

It will enlarge the black hole even more

I am a physicist, I worked at Collider.

I know the experiment

This anomaly eats up energy

It will erase everything


By contrast, this bomb is a joke


Try it

Give signal when the collider is stopped

Thank you

Keep in touch with us

Good luck

We withdraw



Never again pork knuckles

Stop it with your fucking pork knuckles


What is it Willy?

The battery lights will soon run out of juice

And the emergency generators are so hot you can fry a egg on it

The cooling pumps are also clogged

Those stopped working hours ago

Gheez! The ventilation

The oxygen is running out

Without oxygen it's game over in here

We can pack it up then

What do you want with that?

This is a vascular prosthesis for a bypass

He does not need a bypass

He doesn't, but

If the pump is clogged, the problem is bypassed

You lay a new channel

Oh, shit

Is that the only way?


I'll go ahead

That can crash at the slightest shock

You ok?


Now the shit hit the fan I guess

Let me through quickly



What should I say to the people outside?

I've changed all filters
Diesel pump is running

This is just can't be

Fucking piece of shit

I literally put a bypass

Damn it

Willy! Willy stop!

That solves nothing

Well then you do

Its working again?

OK come




And? Are you making progress?

If that holds, we'll get up one floor

It looks like the stairwell is still intact



Erik wake up you have to move

Eric wake up, wake up, wake up

Wake up

Wake up to Eric

Is he dead?

Quiet Mary

He's sleeping

He always talked so much and knew so much

He has to rest a bit now

Shh he just has to rest a bit

25 minutes left

Is that enough?

I hope. I hope that's enough

What's that?




The built something



Dad is that you?


We'r coming



Leave detonation area

Everything is evacuated

Thank God

Took you long enough

Couldn't make it sooner

What about Andrea

I have to go to the control room, is the way clear?

You get the others to safety

And I will upload the shutdown sequence, ok?

I'll come with you


I'm going alone, ok?

I can do that

It's ok

Children go to Lee

Can someone hear me?

Does anyone hear me?

We're down in the collider now.
You've got to call off the bombing

Were you able to stop the experiment?

Not yet

Here are children

I'm sorry but I have my orders.
I can not do anything

Here this area is EMP safe

A few computers must still work

Then you can dock and feed the sequence

Turn around

You have to get us out of here.
There are still people here

Can anyone hear me?

You can not just leave us behind

Can someone hear me?

Hold tight!

OK Jana

I now pull the ladder to the next floor

As soon as it's fixated you come after it, ok?

I have to give a signal outside

The bomb is on the way

We can do nothing more

Big Ship 01 starting approach on the Collider

Target contact in five minutes

Big Ship 01 confirmed
Unlocking weapon systems.

Preparing for dropping the bomb


Bomb ready for dropping
Roger and end


You are all very brave now and everyone takes care of each other

Very good

Come on

Do not switch off!


I know what I am doing

Go away




Big Ship 01



Negative termination is no longer possible

Try to divert the bomb and disable it

Deactivation not yet confirmed

Our father who art in Heaven

Blessed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come

Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us today our daily bread

And forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive

those who trespass against us

Bomb disabled

Willy what's going on?

Now do not look like a bucket of swede

We owe everything to you pal

You did it, dude!

Come here, I love you

Do not drink everything at once

Still remember World Cup '90?

I mean, it was a long time ago, but

World Cup '90
It has never been better

But Andy
Today we were better

Today we were even better

Today we were even better


Open up

Are we going home now?

Maybe we were too fast

Maybe we wanted too much

Maybe we were even technically able to replicate the universe

To imitate the Creator and creation

But our wisdom and our hearts were not

Many people had to die

The country we know

In which we all live, is no more

Germany is devastated

And it will take decades to rebuild what was lost


We survived

And life will go on

Same shit as always

People like us save the world and the others hold the speech


This day will go down in history

But not as an end

But as the day

Where we get up again

The day we all get up together again

This is our day

This is now the day of German unity