Hero (1992) - full transcript

Bernie LaPlante is having a rough time. He's divorced, his ex-wife hates him, and has custody of their son. The cops are setting a trap for him, then to top it all, he loses a shoe while rescuing passengers of a plane crash. Being a thief who is down on his luck, he takes advantage of the rescue, but then someone else claims credit for it.

Mister foreman,
have you arrived at a verdict?

We have, your honour.

We find the defendant
guilty of all charges.

-He has no priors--
-That's misleading.

He has no convictions.

-ls he dangerous?
-No, but he's a slippery little shit.

Your honour,
request bail be continued--

He's already wasted the jury's time,
not to mention yours.

-He has no priors, your honour.
-Judge, lock him in now.

No, your honour.
He's a very decent family man.

But he has no priors.
He has no convictions.

l don't care about the pri--

-ls he violent?
-He wouldn't hurt a flea.

-l mean, a fly.
-You're very naive.

l'm not naive!

That's enough of this.

All right, l'm going with you.

l got your bail continued.

l don't want my bail continued.

Mr. LaPlante, they found you guilty.

Guilty? What do you mean?

The jury found you guilty.

l'm innocent, for chrissake!

Mr. LaPlante, l've been persuaded,
in view of your continued employment...

...and your lack of priors...

...to continue your bail
under the same conditions...

...pending sentencing six days from now.

ln the meantime, make an appointment
with a probation officer...

...who will make a recommendation to me
regarding your sentence.

l urge you...

...to use those six days to get
your personal affairs in order...

...in anticipation of incarceration.

ln anticipation of incarceration.

'' ln anticipation of incarceration.''

He means prison, Mr. LaPlante.

l know what he means. l'm not
a prison kind of guy, Miss O'Day.

You're not doing your job. Last time
my lawyer got the charges dismissed.

That's why the district attorney
is so hard-nosed this time.

-An appeal?
-We don't have the grounds.

What we have to do is focus
on the probation officer's report.

He gives a good report and l walk?

l think a suspended sentence
is unlikely. Now....

You still have your job, right?

l've been calling in sick.

And a son by your ex-wife, Joseph?

A son? Yeah.
What about him? Joey.

Are you involved in his upbringing?

She attached my paycheck, child support.

Why do you think l got a court-appointed
lawyer instead of an experienced one?

l understand.
How often do you see your son?

The kid? l don't know.

On his birthday. When was that?
May, l think.

She don't like for me to see him.
Thinks l'm a bad influence.

l think you should see your son.

Try to get your boss to write a note
about your performance on the job.

Create the impression of a decent
citizen with familial responsibilities...

...who happened to slip up once.

And l know that you're having
financial difficulties, Mr. LaPlante...

...but l was wondering if the money
that l loaned you last week....

Some of it.

l'll get you the rest as soon as l can.

lf you're a little short, it's okay.
l don't want to take your last dime.

l'd better keep some of it,
if l'll see the kid.

For gas and stuff.

Look at that one.
lf you were in there, he'd kill you.

Wouldn't he, Dad?

Yeah, yeah. Something like that.

You know this friend
that your mother's seeing?

What is he, a fireman?

Did he ever, you know, just kind of
spend the night? What's his name?

Sometimes. His name is Elliott.

He saved a guy's life
one time in a fire.

A hero?

Was he ever in the Nam,
this guy Elliott?

The '' Nam''? What's that?

lt was this war, Vietnam.

Doesn't matter.

Were you in it? ln the war?

-You didn't see that picture?
-What picture?

Me in my uniform.
Used to be over the fireplace.

ln public restrooms,
you're always standing in piss.

lt don't matter to you.
You got sneakers.

But l'm standing in piss
in very expensive shoes.

l don't want piss on them.
l want to protect them.

lt's a breakdown in custodial services.

Look, somebody lost their wallet.


-Wait a minute.
-To give it to the manager.

He pockets the dough,
throws the wallet away.

We'll go out back. Most people who work
in supervisory positions are crooks.

You didn't pay.

The waiter knows me.
l got an account here.

Tomorrow, when l get to the office...

...my secretary will phone this guy up
from the name on his license.

Let the guy come and get his wallet.
Make sure you get a reward.

You deserve a reward.

Spare some change, sir?

No way, fella. Not a chance.

Resist the urge to be nice
to those people.

They're con artists.
Take advantage of the soft heart.

A lot of them are better off
than the rest of us.

Look out for number one.
lt sounds harsh...

...but it's a goddamn jungle out there.

You got to keep a low profile.


A low profile.

Hey, Bernie. Where you been, pal?

Some guys been looking for me, Chick?

Spanish kind of guys?

Business thing.
Give me a seven and seven, will you?

Five days now, l don't see you?

lt's because l'm up to my ass in shit.
l'm broke because l got legal problems.

Nobody was asking for me, huh?


Legal problems?

You gotta have a good attorney.

She's just out of law school. A couple
years older than my kid, for chrissake.

You got a kid?

How old's your kid?

Nine, l think. Maybe 1 0.

Yeah, 1 0. Nice kid.

You got a 1 0-year-old attorney, Bernie?

l can't afford no better.

My ex, she attached my paycheck
for child support payments.

You looking for Bernie LaPlante
by any chance?

You have a kid?

Kids are so young.
They don't know nothing yet.

When you're a kid, you think
you'll grow up to be wonderful...

...instead of an asshole,
like everybody else.

We're all assholes?

When l was a kid, l thought l was gonna
be this fantastic, heroic human being.

Are you Bernie LaPlanta?

LaPlante. Bernie LaPlante.

You the guys that Bunny called?

Three hours is old, man. Very old.

He might not have reported them
at all yet. He might not know.

What did you do? Pick his pocket?

More or less.

Trust me. These are very, very fresh.

To be honest with you, it doesn't
make sense to me either, Miss Gayley.

Things seem to be on the upswing.

Our difficulties with the SEC
have been favourably resolved.

ln a business sense,
l think we've turned the corner.

Your wife and children are
on the way here. Don't you--

Thank you for coming out here
and letting me talk to you.

Oh, my God! Chucky, tilt down!

Did you get it?

Jesus! Did l say that?

Yeah, l got it!

Sports training.
Learn to follow the ball!

Listen, how about you do
your wrap-up from up here?

l'll pull back from that skyscraper,
find you here, then reveal the drop.

Suicide number 1 37 of this year,
in this city...

...was neither a destitute,
nor a lonely man...

...but a successful executive
with a loving family...

...and 40 million dollars in the bank.

If there's nameless despair
in executive offices...

... what can there be 60 stories below,
where the hungry and the homeless...

... the brutalized and the addicted,
fight their daily battle for survival?

From a ledge 60 stories
above the street...

...I'm Gale Gayley for Channel 4 News.

What'd you think of the fall shot?

The guy drops 20 stories
in perfect focus, centre frame...

...while l smoothly go
from F1 6 to F56.

Hell of a shot, Chucky.
lt's beautiful. Parker!

Run this to Frazier.
Open with it at 6, 1 1 and 7 a.m.

Bet she pushed him just
for the great shot. Blind ambition.

Pushed him? Oh, my God.
Not really?

Conklin's jealous
because it wasn't his story.

lt tore her up because
we couldn't save the guy.

She wanted to reach out.

Like the suicide?

-Never reach out.
-Mr. Wallace.

lt's unprofessional.

You could get pulled over.

-What are we talking about?
-How we didn't save him.

Saving people is not our job.
lt's wrong to step in and save someone.

You wouldn't push him?

l didn't say we should've saved him.

l said l wish it had occurred to me
to consider saving him.

-What good would that do?
-lt'd make me feel human.

lt's not a bad story.
'' Newswoman Saves Suicide.''

-lt's unprofessional.
-You can't bear good news.

-You're sitting on your ticket.
-Ticket? What's going on?

She's flying to N.Y.
for a Silver Mike Award.

Silver Mike?
You are covering us in glory.

Well, l haven't won yet.

You have me scheduled on a flight back
an hour after the ceremony.

For heaven's sake, let's give her
a night in N.Y.C. Listen.

We'll put her boyfriend--

She broke up with her boyfriend.

We need you back
to follow up on that jumper.

The human interest in the unending woe
pouring from the wounded metropolis.

-The dirt, you mean?
-That too.

Would you put me up
in a really good hotel?


So long, babe.

Okay, the hell with it.

Party on. ls that what they say?

l'll figure something out.

She's pretending to be a person.
She's a reporter.

$50 says she'll be back
on the first flight.

l don't understand what you mean
by ''technicality,'' Mr. LaPlante.

You were found guilty
by a jury of your peers.

The cops didn't follow
the correct procedure with the evidence.

That should have been
established by your attorney.

l'm broke. l got this court-appointed
lawyer. She don't know nothing.

Mr. LaPlante...

...my job is to make a recommendation
for sentencing, based on this interview.

l'm not a criminal.

Buying stolen goods?
lt's a little technical thing.

Do l rob anybody? Do l hit anybody?

Don't clutter up prisons
with guys like me.

Prisons are for tough guys.

Prisons are for guys who like
to beat each other up.

l can't do that kind of time. l don't
belong in that kind of environment.

Give me a break.


l got this kid, 9, 1 0 years old.

l'm taking him to the movies
tonight after work.

He worships me.

lf l go to the slammer,
what's this going to do to the kid?

l'm his goddamn role model,
for chrissake.

l don't have to explain how much my
cameraman, editor, assignment editor...

...and news director, to name a few,
did to get me this award.

This is an onion.

lt's a metaphor for a news story.

A few hours ago, l was standing on
a ledge 60 stories above the street...

...interviewing a man who subsequently
jumped to his death.

Forty million dollars in the bank,
happily married, good health.

Great story.

But there's got to be more.
l mean, we're pros, right?

Some kind of extramarital
hanky-panky, maybe?

Another great story.

Maybe the guy's been accused
of child molesting.

A terrific story.

What? lt turns out
the accusations were false?

Wonderful. More story.

Maybe the alleged mistress was lying.
Setting the guy up, huh?

Sensational story.

So we keep going.

Excuse me. Keep digging.

Keep investigating.

We expose the guy's whole life.
His family.

Why? Because we're pros.

Because we're looking for the truth.

But what if it turns out,
after all our digging...

...after all our
painstaking investigation....

What if it turns out
there wasn't any truth?

Just stories.

One story after another,
until there's nothing left.

And do we have any obligation
to stop at any point?

Or do we just keep going, digging,
peeling until we've peeled it all away?

Until we've destroyed what
we investigated in the first place.

l'll bet all of you, like me...

...yearn for just one story...

...that isn't about unveiling
layer after layer of human weakness.

A story that reveals,
with each layer of investigation...

...something finer and nobler.

Something even inspirational.

No, it's very nice, actually.

'' For Excellence
in the Pursuit of Truth.''

Listen, l got a seat back
on the early flight after all. So....

What? What do you mean
you gave it to Conklin?

He wasn't the one
the guy wanted to talk to!

You were gonna do the town, remember?

Fancy suite at the station's expense,
see a show, maybe get laid.

-What was l supposed to do?
-Cut the shit!

I'm not gonna hang around N. Y. while
you give away my stories to Conklin!

You get back tonight, doll.
l'll take Conklin off your suicide.

Fly carefully.
Congratulations on the award.

What did l tell you?
They're all alike, the good ones.

They're junkies for the story.
Can't let go.

First rule out here on the streets is,
watch out for number one.

If you go down, you break a bone,
you're gone. Nobody'll pick you up.

Shitty colour.

Look at the skin tones.

Chrissake. Homeless people are
supposed to have shitty skin tones.

There you go. Skin tones.

l wouldn't even do this
if l didn't have legal problems.

Ninety-five dollars, that's it.
l got to get out of here.

l gotta take my kid to the movies.

-l'm late. My kid's waiting.

How about a watch? Wanna buy a watch?

Same kind l got, huh?

Tell you what. Give me $85
for the machine, the watch.

l'll throw in a couple of wheel covers,
a case of insect repellent. Here.

You need an air filter?

l could've predicted this.

lt's raining because
my wipers are all fucked up.

lf my wipers were okay, the fucking sun
would be shining at night.

Damn it!

Damn it!

We're experiencing a high reading
on one of our indicators.

Probably a malfunction in the gauge,
but as a precaution...

... fasten your seat belts while we
run you through some safety procedures.

First, make sure that your seat belts
are fastened securely.

When the captain gives the signal,
brace your arms...

...against the seat in front
of you like this.

You may use pillows and blankets...

...to protect your face...

...from flying glass and debris.

Before you do, remove
your eyeglasses and your shoes....

Remember, our biggest asset
in an emergency is calm, clear thinking.

All of us on the crew have been
carefully trained for emergencies....

Come on! Come on!

l'm late already. Don't quit on me now.

Come on! Come on!

Now what?


ls anybody out there?

ls anybody there?

What's the problem, pal?

Just stay calm everyone!
Everyone, please!

Stay calm! Please don't push!

Everyone, please!

Everything will be all right
if we just stay calm!

l can't move.

-l'm trapped.
-Get me out of here!

Mommy! Mommy!

Help! We're stuck!

Hold it. Hold it. Just a minute.

Please, Daddy!

Wake up, Daddy!

Please wake up.

Somebody's coming.

Hey, mister. Mister?
Can you give us a hand?

Hold on, buddy!

We're talking $1 00 shoes here.



Help us! Please!

The handle's jammed!

You've gotta push on the door!

-You've gotta push hard!
-What do you think l'm doing?

Harder! Again! Come on.

-l'm pushing it.

-l'm pushing it, asshole!

Come on! One at a time!

Don't push!

When you get out, move as far away
from the plane as possible.

Please, one at a time.
One at a time, please.

Please, miss. My father can't move.
He can't move!

We'll try to help him.
Wait outside.

Move as far away from
the plane as you can.

One at a time. Let's go! Let's go!

There's a woman back there.
She's trapped!

You get as far away
from the plane as you can.


Where's my shoes?

Where are my shoes?

Daddy, please!

Sir, please!

My dad can't move!

Where? Where is he?

ln there. He's hurt!

The cops are coming and the firemen.
They got equipment and stuff.

They're experts.
Where are my shoes?

Please, sir. Please.

lt's on fire. He can't move.

Oh, for chrissake.

What's his name?

-Fletcher! Where are you?
-You can't come back in.

Where are you, fella?

Are you Fletcher?

Who are you?

Come on.

Hey! Somebody grab him, will you?

Help this guy, will you?

-Help him!
-Get him!

Get him away from the plane!

Get as far away from
the plane as you can!

Where are you? Hey, buddy.
Goddamn it!

Fletcher, speak up.
Don't be an asshole.

Oh, shit.

My leg is caught.

My leg is caught.

Can you get me out of here?

Oh, sure. Yeah, l think.

Let me help you there.

Give me a hand, lady.
l'm not a goddamn bodybuilder.

Get away from the plane quickly.
lt may explode!

Give me a hand here, will you, honey?

Move this piece of shit
out of here now.

Come on!



Thank God!

Look out! lt's ready to go!

-Put her on your shoulder.
-You better get out of here!

-You too, miss.

l've lost count.

-Right away!
-l think everybody's out.

Where are you?

Here! l'm over here. Help me.

-Where are you?

-My leg is broken. l need help.

-Fletcher, right?

-You're not Fletcher?
-l'm Smith. Please help me.

Fuck this!
l'm looking for Fletcher.

No, don't leave me!
Please don't leave me.

Oh, all right.

Come here.

-Hold on. Come on.
-Oh, thank God.

Don't count your chickens, Smith.
l can't see shit!

Come out!
lt's ready to blow!

-There's another guy in there!
-Right goddamn now!

-Hey, you!
-Get out of there!

Hey, you! Give me a hand here.
Come here!

-l'll help him.
-l got this guy.

l'll help him. You run for it.

-There's a guy in there!
-She's gonna explode!

There's a guy--
You're supposed to be a fireman!

She's gonna go!

Come on!

Get back! lt's gonna go!

Come on, you stupid shit!

l lost my other shoe.

Get back!

-I need a medic here!
-Yes. Yes. Angle on fireman.


Heroic. Backlit.

Blazing inferno! Look at that.

Major awards.

He stands his ground,
capturing images of raging flames...

...with no regard for
his own personal safety.

Go, Chucky.

Go, baby.

Sorry, Fletcher.

What a way to go, pal.

I'm okay.

-You're not okay.
-l'm a reporter.

-She's got a broken arm.
-lt's my leg. My leg hurts.

Chucky! Chucky!

Holy shit! lt's Gayley. Gayley!

-Hold up.
-You were on the plane?

lt's my story, Conk.
l did the research.

Get the attendant
who manned the door.

Also, some passenger pulled me out.
Talk to him!

-Then get to the hospital.
-She's a piece of work.

Unbelievable. '' lt's my story.
l did the research''?

You wouldn't believe the shot l got.
Major award.

l start in this fireman's face.

You know, sad but excited.

Where's my car?

My car was right here.

-Where's my--?
-Where are you hurt?

Where are you hurt?
Why don't we go over to the ambulance?

l don't need an ambulance. l'm looking
for my car. lt must've burnt up.

You weren't in your car.
You've been in a plane crash.

Please! My daughter needs
medical attention.

-He waited for hours.
-You won't believe it.

-l'm tired of your bullshit!
-lt's not my fault.

lt's never your fault! Never, ever!

You screwed up my life
and now your son's.

And you'll never accept
responsibility for anything!

ls your friend, the fireman, here?

He had an emergency call.
A real emergency!

Why don't you let me in, instead of
waking up the whole neighbourhood?

lf you let me talk,
l'll tell you what happened.

What happened is the same thing
that always happens.

You blew it. Only this time, you broke
your son's heart instead of mine.

He was looking forward to
going to the movies with his father.

And you let him down
like you let everyone down, always.

Did you take a mud bath?

That's what l'm trying to--

Shut up, Bernie!

Forget it. Let me talk to Joey
to apologize.

He's in bed. And you won't wake him up
and make him crazy. Understand?

He comes home and wants to know
if Elliott's a war hero, like you.

-He wants to know how many you killed.
-Elliott? Elliott, the fireman.

l had to explain your tendency
to exaggerate.

How you killed as many people as
the other supply clerks in your outfit.

-l didn't say l killed anyone.
-Whatever! You let him believe it!

Then l had to explain
about the homeless.

How not all of them own
apartment complexes.

How not all of them
play the stock market.

How not all of them rent babies
when panhandling.

He's a young boy, Bernie.


Listen, Ev, it's important.

-l gotta see him.
-Use the phone.

-l've got important reasons.
-He'd love to hear from you.

What happened to your shoe?

No, l don't wanna know.
Some fantastic adventure, right?

Something really crazy?

All l was doing was
giving him advice.

Preparing him for life.

You don't want him to grow up soft,
do you? lt's tough out there.

lt's a goddamn jungle.

Well, back to the jungle, Bernie.

Sorry, Ev, to bother you again.
This is for Joey.

A reward...

...for this wallet he found.

When l returned it, l told the guy
that he had to give my kid something...

...for finding it.

You know, for the honesty.
So the kid would learn how honesty pays.

Do you want to give it to him,
or should l?


You actually went into
a burning aeroplane?

lnto it? l was practically
living in the goddamn thing.

lnto it? l was practically
living in the goddamn thing.

Every time l turned,
someone wants me to save them.

l couldn't see a foot in front of me.
Then suddenly...

...boom! lt explodes.
l could be dead.

But you pulled people out.
You're a hero.

No, l fucked it up.
l was trying to impress this kid.

l was gonna rescue his old man but l
couldn't find him. He must've blew up.

l got out of there.
l didn't have the nerve to face the kid.

A lot of people wouldn't have tried.
lt was a brave thing.

Yeah, try stupid.

Just toss them in the back, please.

A lot of people would say
that's what heroism is...


Doing something that,
if you thought about it...

...you wouldn't do it.
lt's not in your interest.

One more.

All right. ls everything all right?

l guess you kind of got
a drinking problem.

l sell them at the recycling centre.
lt gives me a bit for gas and food.

Looks like you live in here.

l do in bad weather.

But mostly, l like
camping in the woods.

l thought you were
down on your luck too.

'' Down on my luck''? l told you.
A goddamn plane fell on me...

...from out of the sky, in America,
for chrissake.

See these shoes? $1 00 pair
of shoes. One shoe.

-Give it to someone with one leg.
-One leg? Let me off. l'll take a bus.

l know a man who sells stuff
at the recycling centre.

He only has one leg.
l think it's the right foot.

Sell it to him. You get a couple bucks.
lt pays for the gas.

He doesn't have any money.

lt's very kind of you.

'' Down on my luck.''

l got some mud on me is all.
l got a nice apartment, stereo.

We could listen to you on the news.

Are you worried about
the stock market?

No, the plane crash.
Didn't they interview you?

l don't give no interviews.

That's a lot of shit.

Keep a low profile.

That's my motto.

l got legal problems. My attorneys
don't like me talking to the media.

Step on it. l'm supposed to be
in my office five minutes ago.

My secretary...

...has got appointments
booked for me, you know, all day.

l'm very late.

One word. One word, LaPlante,
and you're fired. You got that?

-Don't say '' Bill'' !

Didn't l say,
''One word and you're fired''?

Know why? Because it'll be an excuse.
'' Bernie LaPlante, excuse number 4, 1 06.''

No, 4, 1 1 2. That's how many
excuses you've given me.

l keep track of them electronically.

-l got legal problems.
-You talked! You're fired!

Out of here! Out of here!

Jesus Christ!

l got people waiting.
l got orders coming in.

And you, you're gonna
go out like that?

Meet the public in
stocking fucking feet?

l have problems.

l don't care about your problems.
l care about mine...

...and you're one of my problems.
Now get out!

l was driving my car--

l don't want to hear anymore.

-A plane fell on my head.
-Yeah, l'll be on your head.

l don't understand.
You can't find him?

There's a lot of confusion
around what took place, Gale.

But you said all the passengers
were accounted for.

The guy who pulled you out
wasn't a passenger.

A fireman, a paramedic?
He didn't have a uniform.

From what we could get,
there's a kind of...

...sort of, a mystery guy involved.

We're piecing together
different accounts.

A mystery guy.

Not a passenger. Who?

We don't know who he is. He....

He disappeared.

A non-passenger, non-rescue worker...

...went into a burning plane...

...and pulled me out and disappeared?

This guy's the one who
opened the emergency exit...

...from the outside.

Saved everyone on the plane.
Because of him, no fatalities.

l don't think you should be
moving around like that.

Chucky, where's your camera?

Get this thing.

-Bring that.

All of a sudden...

...this civilian
rushes into the plane.

What did he look like?

lt was just this face, all dirty.

lt just appeared.

He was asking for Mr. Fletcher.

My son and l got separated in...

...the confusion and smoke.

The very courageous stewardess
told me my boy had gotten out.

So l got out too.

But my son had already
told this man...

... that I was still in there.

I thought my dad was still...

...still in there. So l asked
the man to save my father.

What did the man say, Richie?

He said....

He said:

'' l'll save him.'' He said,
'' l'll save your father.''


I need a medic here!

I need a medic!


-Now freeze. Go back, you missed it.

Keep going, keep going.


Now, go forward again.
Missed it again.


Right there.

That's him?

Who else? We've accounted
for everybody else.

-That's our hero.
-l didn't even notice him.

l was into the foreground drama.
Heroic fireman, looming in the frame.

Can we do some kind of
electronic enhancement?

Get a clear picture?
ldentify him?

Far out.

Never saw him.

lt's the camera.
lt has a life of its own.

At times l feel as if we were one,
capturing little moments...

...of history in a kaleidoscope...

...of colours and drama.

There's no face.

There's nothing to work with.

Big dots. That's all
you're gonna get.

Look at that guy.

He just saved 54 people.

And now he's gonna disappear.

Who is he?

''I'll save him. ''
He said, ''I'll save your father. ''

All of a sudden, this civilian...

...he rushed into the plane.

Leslie, the other flight attendant,
told me the guy dragged me...

... to the exit.

''Here, give this guy
a hand, '' he said.

And the next thing I knew...

...he was going back in there.

Into all that smoke.

Out of the darkness.
Out of the smoke...

...and the fear,
came a man with no name.

No uniform...

...but an abundance of courage.

A man who was thinking not about
himself, but about others.

Risking his own life for ours.

He's out there now, somewhere...

...and whoever you are...

...I and the other survivors
of Flight 1 04 say...

... thank you. God bless you.

lf you're gonna wear a cast, feature
it more. lt's part of the story.

Network wants to feed off our 6:00...

...whether we find the guy or not.

lt's a wonderful piece.
Emotional. l love it.

We'll feature Gale's cast.

My cast is only interesting until
the hero shows up.

Then whoever has him, has the story.

Good reason for you
to find him.

You should be out digging.

We could help her out.
How about offering a reward?

ln return for
an exclusive interview.

Money and news. Dangerous waters.

He's right. We don't even
know what he looks like.

Of course you know what he looks like.
He saved you, right?

They found what?

A phone check with survivors has
confirmed that the shoe...

... does not belong to any of
the passengers or crew of Flight 1 04.

However, several witnesses recall
the mysterious man...

... who saved 54 people, referring
to his missing shoe.

The conclusion is...

... the unknown hero, known to many
as the Angel of Flight 1 04...

-... wears a size 1 0B.

Dinner, now!
Turn that thing off!

Mom! Mom!

He lost his shoe!
He lost his shoe!

-He lost his shoe.
-Who did?

The unknown hero.

Wash your hands.

They found his shoe right beside
the plane crash.

Superman, you mean? Lost his shoe?
What next?

Elliott, the man saved
hundreds of people.


l was there, remember?

You know why none of us
rushed in that plane?

Because we're trained firemen,
that's why.

Part of a team, a disciplined team.

We take chances all the time,
save people's lives.

But we don't do crazy things.

This guy does something
really dumb and he lucks out.

So the media go crazy over
his shoe, for God's sakes!

What message are they
giving to the youth?

What message are you
giving to the youth?

Sneering at someone
for sticking his neck out.

You sound like my ex,
for heaven's sake. Mr. Cynicism.

So what can l say?

Give your ex credit for being smart
enough not to do something stupid.

Maybe the guy's not all bad.

l'm gonna watch TV and hope it's not
all this ''Superman'' stuff.

My father only had one shoe on...

...when he came here.

You were in bed, weren't you?

l saw him out the window.

You think he would do
something like that?

Rescue people?

Your father is Bernie LaPlante.

lt's against his religion
to stick his neck out.

Sit down.

The warden of a Montana prison
insists the unknown hero...

... is a child molester who escaped
from the institution in April.

In Scotland, the leader of
a religious sect claims...

... the mysterious hero is, in fact,
an angel anticipated in scripture.

Hey, Bernie!

-How's it going?
-You don't wanna know.

You don't wanna know.

Those guys been in yet?

You in business with
them guys or what?

l wouldn't want a
problem for the bar.

You couldn't have a problem...

...because l personally have got
them all. l cornered the whole market.

You wouldn't believe what
l've been through.

You know, l was taking my car
to get my kid--

How you doing?

-Brought some friends, okay?
-Yeah, sure.

Excuse me, Chick.

In addition, we bring you
a special announcement from...

... Channel 4, station manager...

...James Wallace.

Good evening.

We at Channel 4, like you,
have been...

...stirred by the courage
and the humanity....

Mi amigo. What do you got?
More plastic?

Yeah, plastic.

Premium stuff here. High limits.

Not reported.

How do you know?

Because l know. Trust me on this.

Hombre, he don't trust
his mother. Why you?

Because l'm not his mother.

Por aqui?

But then again, like you...

... we want to see what is best in us.

We want to examine it.

For that reason, we at
Channel 4 will offer...

... this unknown hero
a reward of $1 million.

How many of these you got?
Eight? Ten?

They're gonna give that
guy $1 million.

-That plane crash guy.

-A million bucks?
-That's right.

-ls this all of them, 8?
-What plane crash guy?

The one-shoe dude.
The guy that saved those people.

Channel 4's gonna give
this guy $1 million...

...just for an interview!

A million bucks!

Hombre! We're trying to
do some business here.

-You got more of these?
-A million dollars?

l'm the guy.

l got an appointment.
l gotta--


LaPlante, you're under arrest!

You have the right--

Don't you know who l am?
Where l got the plastic?

l got a million bucks
from the jet!

Bullshit! l got a million bucks!

One million dollars
to anonymous hero!

One million bucks to angel
who saved 50 people takes off!

Now, please! lf your foot isn't a
size 1 0B, don't remain in line!

We're only looking for size 1 0B heroes!

Me, a liar?
l'll kick your ass!

lt ain't just me saying you
ain't the hero!

Everybody in line
knows you're not the hero!

That's a racist perspective.

Assuming because something heroic
was done, a white man done it.

A man with mud on his face
could be a man of any colour.

Most likely was, which is true
in this case...

...because it was me!

With mud all over me!

Can you believe this?

There must be a thousand
phonies here after my reward!

Miss Gayley! lt's me!
The guy who saved your life!

lt's me, remember?

l'm only an 8 1 I2, but l wear
a 1 0 for comfort, l swear!

A cop's here
for you from robbery detail.

lnspector Dayton.
He wants you to call.

-What about?
-l didn't ask.

Call back and find out, okay?
l'm really busy!

Bail in this matter will
remain at $5,000.


The Angel of Flight 1 04?
You're the angel--

Angel? l didn't say angel.

l gotta get over to the TV station
and get my million.

-Mr. LaPlante--
-The People vs. LaPlante.

That's me! l'm Mr. LaPlante!

The D.A. is asking that
your bail be set...

...at $25,000.

Because you were arrested again.

Twenty-five grand is peanuts! You
just gotta get me out to collect--

Your honour! The prosecutor
wants $25,000 for bail.

You will be silent until
the court recognizes you.

Fine by me.
l got no problem with that.

ln fact, your honour, l'd be
proud to double it.

Fifty grand. For The People.
Like a tip.

-Mr. LaPlante--
-What do you say?

lf you don't stop chattering
immediately, l will ask the bailiff--

l said l want...

...order! !

-Sorry, sir.
-We got carried away.

-They found him!
-Found who?

The Angel of Flight 1 04.

lt was on the news, sir.
Just now.

He's gonna be on Channel 4 at noon.

We'll sustain the bail at $25,000.

That ought to keep you
out of trouble.

-Your honour, my client is--
-Your client is a pain in the ass!

Twelve noon, huh? Channel 4.

l was out in the woods...

...and l heard a huge crash.

And l saw...


And l went over there
to take a look.

And everything there was...

...like a blur.

There was a lot of smoke...

...and screaming.

l was relieved that it was just
a plane crash, and l could help.

But l don't have a detailed
memory of it. lt was too scary.

Tell us why you disappeared, John.

Well, that's--

At first, I didn't know
I was the hero. I thought...

... the boy's father hadn't survived...

...and I had failed him
and I couldn't....

I couldn't face the boy.
And then...

...after that...

... well, I've been....

I've been down on my luck lately.

I just didn't really feel
too presentable.

But finally, you did come forward.


The money.

I wouldn't have come forward
if it wasn't for...

-... if it wasn't for the money.
-Go back.


Right there.

Right on that look.

You didn't tell me he
was so cute.

He saved my life.

The survivors were shocked to learn
that the hero who appeared...

...and pulled them to safety
was indigent...

...and hadn't slept in a bed
in more than three years.

John Bubber was living in his car
at the time of the crash.

Eking out a meagre existence
by collecting cans....

-He's a fake.
-You know him?

He's a goddamn fake.
He's a bum.

He's a goddamn homeless bum!

He ain't no hero.
You can trust me on that.

Trust you!

What do you mean,
cutting down the homeless?

What do you know about the homeless?

You know, l thought they'd all go,
'' lt's him!'' and wanna hug the guy.

Relax. He had the shoe,
and the shoe checked out.

l can stop worrying?
Where are we putting him up?

Drake Hotel.
And never stop worrying.

We'll do a sidebar on going from
sleeping in your car...

...to sleeping in a posh suite.

Also, Gale's checking into
his background.

What's it gonna be?
Dirt or more poetry?

We know which one you'd prefer.

lnspector Dayton recovered
your credit cards--

-lnspector Dayton, from robbery detail.

They caught the guy
who stole your credit cards--

Nobody stole them.
They were burned up.

You got my money?
What about the reservations?

Two at 8, at the Barcelona.

-Four hundred dollars for dinner?
-She's taking Mr. Bubber to dinner.

Bubber? To dinner?

That's a great idea! Chucky!

-Come in here.
-This is private and personal.

He's a news story, for Pete's sake.

He saved my life.