Hello, Love, Goodbye (2019) - full transcript

A bartender romances a domestic helper despite the fact that she is moving to Canada.

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Some places we stay in forever.

Some places are mere stopovers.

Just like Hong Kong.

Two years here if you have a contract.

Then you leave.

So, while you're here, whether you're
here on vacation or for work,

you have to make the most of your time,

because no one stays forever in Hong Kong.

Here in Hong Kong, time is gold.

Every second matters.

Don't waste it.

Good morning, fellow Filipinos!

It's the start of another crazy day!

Faster! She'll be late!

I know. Almost done.

Too cold!

Too hot!

One, two, three.

I told you to chew 15 times.

-Fifteen times!

Here in Hong Kong,
as long as you're moving,

you'll live.

Once you stop, you'll starve.

So, you can't slow down.

You have to keep moving.

How much is this?

-For my goddaughter!
-Thank you.

Too spicy!

I know!

I'm doing my very best! I'm trying!

Damn it!


But one day,

in the middle of all the noise and chaos…


…in a place where no one stays still…

Cousin Joy!

Mary Dale!

My gosh, Joy! Everything's confusing here.

Good thing you picked me up!

You're lucky it's Sunday,
the day off for all domestic helpers.

So, I'll see your mom!

Your dad wants to give her a gift.

She doesn't come here anymore.

Oh, why?

Hey, Joy!

Joy, you need to send anything?

No, not now.

But there's still so much space!

You know Sally is so good at packing!

Wow! It's like they have
their own apartments.

Hey, there's free space here!

Yeah, but that's reserved.

And we respect that
and stay on our own turf.

Everyone has their space.

The Kapampangans. The Bisayas.
The Ilonggas. The Warays.

-Excuse me.
-It's so fun here!

Yeah, it's like a big feast here
every Sunday!

There are Filipinos having fun
from here to there!

Good thing the Chinese don't reprimand us
for blocking the way.

Well, there are over 200,000
Filipino workers here.

So, the Chinese let us have Central
once a week!

You jerk!
I've been slaving like hell here,

and you're burning all our money
on gambling and on some slut!

I'm going home!
I'm gonna kill you and your mistress!

I told you a million times already.

Open an online bank account

so you can monitor every transaction!

You're so stubborn!

Remember, Mary Dale,
be smart with your money.

As soon as you get your salary,

withdraw, then deposit it
in your local account.

Then split it up.

For your mom, your dad,
your sister, your brother.

For whatever bill, budget well.
And track your remittances, too.

Most importantly, Mary Dale, save well.

So, in case of any emergency,
you'll be ready.

Yes! It's so hard
to earn Hong Kong dollars!


Joy, your dad sent this over for your mom.


Oh! Sis! Wait!

Happy birthday, sis!

Thank you.

Silly! It's not her birthday.

We greet customers that way

so it's not obvious
we're selling on the side.

It's not for free?

Nothing's free anymore!
Everything costs money.

We gotta earn more, although it's illegal.

Why is it illegal?

Well, when you have this code on your ID,

it means that you can only work
as a domestic helper.

Unless, of course, you're a resident here,

or you marry a Chinese or a resident.

Here, once a domestic helper,

-always a domestic helper.
-A domestic helper.

Is that what I ordered?

Even if I graduated
with a degree in Education,

I'm not allowed to teach?
I can't apply here?

Joy is a nursing graduate.

She can't be a nurse here,
even though she's brilliant?

That's why she's flying off to Canada!

She's going to Canada?

Yep! In Canada, she can be a nurse.

She can earn four times more
than she's earning here.

She can also petition
so her family can all live there.

Plus, her dad can get
free medical treatment.

You need to pay for that.

-Excuse me.

I will leave you the money.
Keep it for your bills.

How much do you have?

About half.

It's the police!

-Oh! Girl, put a headband on me.
-What's happening?

-That'll look good in you.
-You're so annoying.

Remember, any extra gigs are prohibited.

Joy. You need a side job?

Alice! Joy's contract is almost ending.

Don't get her into trouble now.

Don't worry about it!

This is it.

Hey! We're here.

-Don't look over there.
-Yeah, you're right, we might get lost.

This place is nicer
than my employers' house.

I think those are your employers.

They're fighting!

They're not fighting.
That's just how they talk.

-I want to go home.
-You'll get used to it.

Anything they say, just let it pass.

Two years will go by fast.
You can do this.

It's OK, Mary Dale.

Go, Mary Dale!

Go, Mary Dale! You can do it!

Um, excuse me.

-Just like me when I was young.
-That's a very long time ago!

Shut up!

I wore an off-shoulder blouse
so I'd look younger.

Ma'am, have you eaten already?

I'm OK. Joy?

I can't afford to pay you anymore.

If it's expensive, don't buy it.

But, Dad, if I don't have
the complete uniform,

they'll mark me absent.

And my old shoes really don't fit anymore.

I'm sorry, Joy.

I can buy it.

Joy, my basketball shoes
also have holes in them.

Joey, don't add to your sister's expenses!

The cheap ones will do, Dad.

It's OK, Dad.

Your rubber shoes,
let's buy them in Canada. OK?

We'll buy them in Hong Kong
when we get there.

OK. Wherever.

Right! Yours can wait,
they're just a luxury anyway.

-That's harsh.
-Mine is for school!

-Bought it, Liezel.

Thank you, Joy! Love you!

-Take care, my daughter!
-Bye, I love you.

Love you, Joy!



-And always remember to…?

Now, go invite customers,
but not the police.

We don't want a random check. OK, go!

Can we get three martinis,
please, charged to you?


Hey. Mary Dale, what are you doing here?

Relax, I picked her up.
I'll bring her home.

All she does is sob and complain
in the group chat!

I wanted to cheer her up, Joy!

We were taking her
to the "alley-alley" bars,

but she wanted to see you first.

We told her we couldn't afford drinks
here, so we're not staying.

Look at that American!

But that Arab's more perfect for me.

-Pick Mary Dale! Wow! Tall and handsome!
-Hey! She's still a virgin.

Even better!

Instead of slumming
with the very few Filipinos here,

you can reject them!

So, that's why I didn't see
many guys at Central.

Yes! Filipino men are so few here
that somehow they all become handsome.

Especially to the eyes
of lonely women, right?

I don't want hookups.

What I'm looking for is love!

What good is love when you know it's
going to end after your contract's up?

Wait. Why so bitter?

This is all JM's fault!

Who's JM?

LDR. It didn't work.

Oh, that's why.

Take her home.
She's only been here a week.

-What will your employers say?
-Oh, come on, Joy!

-Here, Joy.
-For whom?

For you.

-From whom?
-Don't ask. Just drink it.

We're really going
to have some fun tonight!

Joy, this is it!

I'll drink it if you don't want it!
It looks expensive!

Let me have some.

Just smell. Don't drink.

Who is it from?

Here comes love!

Joy, they might check you!

Joy, run! Joy!

Go run, Joy!

Joy, don't run!

Let's go this way.


Joy Marie Fabregas.


Why didn't you even try
those drinks I made for you?

Ouch! That hurts!

I don't see her.

That girl runs so fast.

Hey, wait. Joy Marie! My name is--

-Where are you? Customers are waiting!
-I'm on my way back.

Thank you, Sally,
for bringing Mary Dale home.

I'm sorry.


I need a job, not a friend.

Four months to go, Joy.

Just four months.

Joy Marie Fabregas.

Which spot is she gonna take
in your calendar?

Your Thursdays are still free.

Just drink this.

What's this?

Oh! Nice!

This is competition-worthy.

-Manager, taste it.
-Let me try.

You should join.
I'll register you in the contest.


Bro, if you join and win,
you'll be famous.

Once you're famous,
you can put up your own bar!

-I'm going to register you!
-Where is that competition?

In the US, Manager.

Ethan Del Rosario!

Stay away from my girlfriend!

Was that the husband of Miss Tuesday 2017?

I'm OK. He only got my arm.

Or Miss Wednesday 2019's husband?

That's long over.

How many more times
will this happen, Ethan?

You know my job's on the line
whenever I cover for you.

I'm already turning over a new leaf.

I've heard that a million times.

If only you'd take
your job here seriously,

you would be the manager now, not me!


You keep on job-hopping.

One day, you'll meet your match.

Good morning to everyone
except Joy Marie Fabregas.

Yes, you, Joy Marie Fabregas!

Ethan Del Rosario is looking for you

because you stole a kiss
from him last night!

Please return it. Have mercy on him.

He will wait for you tonight
at the crime scene.

Will Joy show up and return the kiss?


Kiss? Keys!

Annie in Tagalog, you say it as susi.

She's lying.





What is this news that is rocking

the whole DH community
in all of Hong Kong?

I'm so giddy!

-Come on!

Silly girl! I told you to run, not flirt!

But, hey, happy flirting, sis!

-I'm so excited for you, cousin!
-Let's go. I'll take you home.

Let's go.

Find a regular vendor. That way,
if you make a mistake, you can return it.

What about Ethan's kiss?
Will you be returning it?

We're already online friends.
How about you?

Hello, Joy? This is Ethan.

How did you get my number?

-When are you going to return the kiss?
-It wasn't me.

I think I gave it to him.

Hey, good one, girl.

I'm working. Stop bothering me.

You're the one bothering me
because of that kiss.

So, I will wait for you tonight, OK?

That kiss meant nothing! OK?

Come here, please!

-What happened?
-Come, please.

OK, Mom, I'm coming.

-Big sis!
-Where's Mom?


See? If I don't sound like I'm in trouble,
you won't come and visit.

Fix your toys.

So hot!

That's new.

I just bumped myself.

I'm not stupid.

A normal lovers' quarrel.

You just don't get it.

Besides, he makes it up to me.

Gorgeous, right?

Dad also has a gift for you.


How nice. Do you want it?

Go on, take it.

I got the job in Canada, Mom.

I've already paid for the work permit.

I'm just coming up with the balance.

Once I get there,
I'm going to petition for you to join me.

But in six months,

Wayne and I will have been married
for seven years.

I'll be a resident by then.

I can get your brother and sister.

In six months, you are divorcing Wayne.

But who will take care of Wayne?

What about us?

What about Papa?

We're leaving Hong Kong, Mom!


So, did your mom like the bag?

Super! But I stole it from her.

Oh, no. She took it from Mom.

She's using it now.

Next time, you should give it
to Mom yourself, Dad!

You know what, Joy?

Dad is already counting down the days

until he sees Mom again.

I really miss your mom!

How sweet!

Dad, I'll just take you all to Canada.

Canada, again?

I don't like it there. Why bother?

I have a friend there, Dad.
She used to work here.

She says the benefits
are so much better in Canada.

Joy, your mom and I have been planning--

We'll be a complete family in Canada.

In Hong Kong, too!

But how sure are you
that Mom will divorce her husband?

Did she say she won't?

Your mom loves me!

She only married that Chinese employer

so she could become
a permanent resident there.

Once she is,
she'll petition for me to join her.

I'll only believe what you're saying
if your mom tells me herself!

But until she does,

we're all going to Hong Kong!


How are you?

Joy, this is Janet. My wife.

What's up?

-On vacation?

Actually, it's a late honeymoon.

This is a trip that's long overdue.
It was a gift for our wedding.

We finally got this chance,
since our contract ended in…

-Dubai. Yes.
-Dubai! Yes.

Still working there?

We'll go home to the Philippines
after this trip.

We already bought a house in Cavite.



Also on vacation?


Which hospital? In the ER?


I'm a DH here.

I ended up just like my mom.

You've been hogging the bathroom too long!

Are you there? OK.

-I'm coming.
-What are you saying?

I'll go ahead. Enjoy.

Yes, babe. OK.

I'm going down.

You there already?

-Should I meet you in our spot?
-OK, yeah. See you.

I'm on my way.



I'm sorry.

How could you forget the time?
What if she'd walked by herself?

What if she'd gotten hit by a car?

Too loud! Too noisy! Too hungry!

Mom, not now!

You don't! You were careless!

We have a deal!


Are you ready to return it now?

Let's go.


Thought you might be hungry
'cause I'm starving.

Actually, I just wanted to know
if my body odor is that bad,

that it made you burst into tears?

I'm not that kind of girl.

I'm just going through something.

I needed to let off some steam.

So, you just used me?

Joke! Just joking! You're too serious.

It's fine, I don't mind!

You're not new here in Hong Kong.

So, you're a resident.
You have a comfortable life.

And a lot of time to fool around.

My father's the resident.

The one fooling around is me.

Still waiting to become a resident.

So, you're used to it?

You know the drill, right?

What happened earlier meant nothing.
It ends there.

I'm clearing that up now.

This is new.

Usually, I say those lines to girls.

So, this is how it feels

Does it hurt?

It makes me…

want to know you more.

Now I know why girls won't leave
when I tell them it's just sex.

Because it's more intriguing
when someone pushes you away.

So, next time,

when I don't like a girl, after sex,

I should tell her, "I love you,"
so she'll freak out and leave.

But I like you.



You're the one scared of love!


Don't worry, it won't happen ever again.

Why? What really happened, anyway?

You're the expert, right?
Why do you do it?

For me, it's just plain sex.

Sometimes out of loneliness,
sometimes out of boredom. But…

definitely no feelings.

But you…

You had so many emotions back there.

In all those feelings you had,

I was wondering
if there were also any feelings for me.

No to love.

It's a waste of time.

So, you've been brokenhearted?

Come on.

Tell me what happened.

Let it out.

You know,

they say it's easier to open up
to a stranger

because with them, you can be honest.

Fine, I'll start.

I have two younger brothers.

I'm the eldest, but I'm also the dumbest.

See this tattoo?

This is the eternal proof
of my foolishness when it comes to love.

See that?

"Tanga." (Stupid)

That's "Tanya."

That's a Y, not a G.

I wanted to have it erased,
but I just covered it up.

I just keep covering it up.

Some people call me…

a loser.

So, I just live up to that name, a jerk.

Sometimes I just want to be selfish

and forget all my responsibilities.

It angers me
that I don't seem to have a choice.

That I need to do this
because I need a job.

Because we don't have money,
and my family needs it.

So, even if I don't like it,

I just have to do it.

Choice is only for the rich.

I just want to feel that
I'm still in control of my life.

I want to scream!

I want to tell everyone, "Screw you!"

I love you all, but damn!

What about me?

Do you know what I go through in this job,
just so I can support everyone?

I'm a college graduate. But what do I do?

I clean toilets.

I settle for leftovers.

You can call me ambitious,

but I have dreams bigger than this!

Is that wrong?

Well, at least you know what you want.

Me? Even at my age, not a clue.

Maybe they're right.

I am useless.

I used you, right?

So, you're not useless.

You know, your name suits you.

Because you bring joy to a person like me.

But it'd be better
if you had real joy in your eyes.

I can't see it.

Where is that joy?

It's in Canada.

When I get there, I'll find joy.

In four months.

I swore that to myself.

Joy isn't there.

It's here in Hong Kong.

Because I'm here!

See! There!

A little smile. See!

In Canada.

Then, in America.

Hong Kong is not so different
from those places.

There, people like us have a choice.


For my family.

Do you know that feeling?

I don't have extra time for you.

I'm chasing after my future.


The future is a long time from now.

Hey! Wait! Easy, hey! Joy!

I need to go home before my ward wakes up!

Can I see you again?

Hurry up and leave. I'm tired.

I'll sleep here, too.

You were just lying like a starfish!

I did all the work a while ago.

When can I see you again?

Go back to work. OK, hurry.

Hey, you have a letter
from the US embassy.

It looks important.

Still Joy?

I thought she was just for one day?

I thought her name was Joy?

Maybe it's her surname?

Good morning, grandmother.

Too late!


I can't sleep because you're not here.

Too lucky!

What a pest!

Remember, fellow Filipinos!

The Miss Central 2019 pageant
is a couple of Sundays away!

I'm joining!

Organizers are calling for participants,
as big prizes await the winners.

Please hurry. I'm at the meetup place.


-He sounds like a monkey mascot.

Joy, did you hear the radio announcement?

You should join the pageant
for extra money!

Even if Joy desperately needs money,

you'll never ever see her dance,

nor sing, nor walk the catwalk.

It's impossible!

As impossible as her having a boyfriend!

Nothing is impossible
for someone who believes!

What are you doing here?

I told you last night,
I want more time with you.

Last night?

Oh my God, Joy, you went to him!

Go home. I'm meeting a customer.

I'm here! Where's my power bank?



-My change?

His change!

Give him his change!

Where are you? I'm here.

Yes! One down.

I don't have time for you.

You're wasting your time.

-Let's go. It's curfew.
-Joy, come on.

Go ahead, I still have an hour. Go, go.

Come, Mary Dale, I'll take you home.

I don't want to go home.
It's miserable there.

There she goes again with the whining!

Mary Dale, let's go. Suck it up.
We used to be just like you.

I don't want to.

Joy, come on. Let's go home, Joy.

Joy! Let's go.

I still have to sell what's left.

He bought everything. We're sold out.

So you can have time to rest.

You never run out of things to do?

And you don't have anything to do?

I plan to get your "yes"!

Are you deaf? Or do you have amnesia?

I told you already,

I'm leaving Hong Kong soon.


I don't like long-term relationships,
and you're leaving.

We're perfect for each other.

When you leave, then we're over.

I'm not going anywhere.

Wait! I'm still eating!


Hold on! We haven't paid yet!


Twelve, thirteen,

fourteen, fifteen!

I'm sorry.


Too hot!

Thank God it's Friday, fellow Filipinos!

But for Ethan, it's thank God for Joy!

-I can't understand her.
-How special!

Looks like she's turning into
your Miss Everyday.

Does she have other female friends?

Maybe we can meet them.

So handsome!

-You look hot with the camera.

So, if I were you, I'd buy the phone.
I also sell power banks!

Wait, why are you selling to me?

You earn three times more
than us domestic helpers!

-He earns times ten.

Who owes Ethan more?

Come on.

Cousin? Nephew?

-No? It's OK.

Joy, you're sold out!

All good.

You have time now.

Let's eat?

This is mine.

Hey! Wait!

-What's the rush?
-Joy, umbrella?

-No, thanks.
-What's the hurry?

If you really want more time with Joy,

Why don't you just hire her
back at the bar?

It's risky.

She can stay at the back.

Do you know how to wash dishes, Joy?

Yes! Pots, pans, I can wash anything.

Good plan right? Right?


Yes? I'm the manager, right?

Shouldn't you be asking me first?

He's Woo, his assistant.

Joy, your throne.

So? Can you do it?


Just stay here. Don't go out.

There could be a random check anytime.

Now you're nervous?

Of course. He wants Joy here, too.

Will you be OK here?

Playing games?


It's better to have Joy here.

At least I know
where she spends the night.

I can make sure she's safe.

What a hero!

Shut up!

I need to get something.


-I'll just get it.

My turn.

Let me get it for you.

Thank you.


You guys stuck?

It's OK. This is the "stuck-room" anyway.

You should've put up
a "Do Not Disturb" sign.

-All you do is disturb.
-Is this how it feels?

Your breath stinks!

The best bartender in town.



Did you see the best bartender in town?

Everyone was going wild for Ethan!

You know, he should really join
the bartending tournaments.

When he wins,

-he can start his own bar--

Oh, no. He's back.

He's gonna cause a scene again.

Bro, I got it.

You're killing my buzz.


I want my brother to serve.

I want you all to meet my big brother.

-It's OK.

It's OK. I got this.

My brother speaks English well
when he's drunk!

-He's the smarter one in the family.
-I really am!



More obedient!

I'm younger, but I have direction in life.

I don't abandon people!

I've never wasted our dad's sacrifice
just to get the whole family here.

I obviously care about Dad more.

I took care of him when he got sick,
even though I also had school!

I am the one fulfilling your promise
to our younger brother!

And you? You're a loser!

-Let's go home.
-Then you run back home?

Because that girl left you?

Don't touch me!

Hurry, please.



It's only two years more.

-You've said that five times before!
-When are you going to stop?

Are your employers more important
than your own family?

-Next time. Go!
-Fine, I'll go home.

-Then what? We'll starve!
-Come home.

-Have you seen Ethan?
-You said it was OK!

I haven't seen him.

Hey, Sally!

He hasn't been here.
We haven't heard from him.

He's in hibernation mode.

Boss, do you have any idea where he'd be?

Joy's not coming.

Neither is Mary Dale.

-Let's just stare at each other.
-Let's just stare at each other.

Thank you.

Thank you.


This is Joy, my workmate.

-Good morning, sir!
-Good morning to you, too!

This is Edward.

My brother.

I'll do it.

Joy? Is it Joy?


Do you mind turning around?

You caught me bottomless.
It's embarrassing.

Don't be embarrassed, sir.

Someone once told me

that we should never be embarrassed
around strangers.

Because whatever they find out about us…

My mom and dad were bandmates
back in the '80s here in Hong Kong.

They worked hard
so that they could be residents.

Before my mom died,

my dad promised her

that he'd bring her three sons here
to become residents.

You know, to experience a better life.

I was 17 when I was petitioned to go here.

At 21,

I went mad.

She was a princess at Disneyland.

She wanted to go to the US
because she felt

that Hong Kong was too small for her.

She told me:

Of course you went with her.

I'm stupid, remember?

I was only three years short
of my residency then,

but I didn't care.

I know how much
I disappointed my dad then.

They were relying on me
to send our youngest brother to school.

But no,

I only thought of Tanya.

All I knew was…

You love too much.

Isn't that how it's supposed to be?

When you love,

it's all or nothing.

If you hold back, then why love at all?

But I failed in the US.

It wasn't for me,

so she broke up with me.

She told me…

I lost myself and lost my self-esteem.

Even to her, I was worthless.

And at 24, I was caught for overstaying.

I was deported.

I was blacklisted.

When I returned here,

everybody had moved on.

I was back to zero.

But that's OK. I can accept that.

That's what I risked
when I left Hong Kong.

But what's really hard

is how much I disappointed my family.

Especially Edward.

I just wish I could make it all up to them

and atone for all my bad decisions.

My youngest brother is coming here
at the end of the month.

I hope that this time

I can show my dad
that I am there for them.

And then, three more years.

Only three years left
until I become a resident.

So, I can't leave Hong Kong again.

don't go to Canada or America.

They won't let me in there.

Life doesn't stop there.

Whatever you want to do,

you can still do it.

It's not too late.

You think so?

Even to you?

-Joy where are you? Your client is here.
-She's on the way?

She's already here!

-Are you meeting someone?
-Where are you anyway?

You need the money. Go.

Hey, Joy! Hey!


When will I see you again?

Wow, do you miss me already?

It's Jhim!

He's working alone at the bar. Poor guy.

Good, morning, fellow Filipinos!

We welcome you to Miss Central 2019!

Jhim! I think your Miss Monday, Tuesday,

Wednesday, Thursday,
and Friday are all here!

Why are we here on a Sunday anyway?

Because Ethan's meeting
his Miss Everyday here!


In this crowd?

-Mary Dale, where's your cousin, Joy?
-I told her to meet us here.

Where's the other candidate?

Here! I'm the candidate!

You're joining?

I guess you really do need the money.

I am Alice May Dizon.

What's this? The bloated division?

Hey, it's Joy!

So, that's why she asked you to come here!




And most of all… loving!

Standing in front of you
is the Joy of Marinduque!

What a beautiful life!

Just like in videoke,
follow the bouncing ball.

And round, and round!

And split!

I already got the…


Mom? Mom!

I brought home some broccoli and noodles!


This hidden talent
should've stayed hidden.

Keep it hidden!

Who do you think will win Miss Central?

She's gorgeous!

She's like a real queen!


And we're so proud because she
used to live in Hong Kong, too.

Good day, fellow Filipinos!

Ladies, I'll keep it short.

The world is just waiting for you

to show everyone what you can do.

Is she talking to you?

What a cruel friend.

Our Miss Central second runner up is…

Finally! She's been joining
the contest for ten years.

She's been here
even before Hong Kong existed.

-Imagine, with that voice…
-She still won!

Our 2019 Miss Central is…

Mom! Can you see me?
I'm a beauty queen here!

Where's Papa? Show me to Papa!
Here's Joy, too.

-Hey, congrats! Good job!
-Thank you!

-Hey, thank you!

I didn't know
you had such a beautiful voice.

-You were great.
-I told you!

-I'll take that.

Picture, please!

You're my idol right now!

I hope I can be as successful as you are
when I get to Canada.


So long.

You haven't changed, right?

Oh, there have been many after you!


He replaced that ages ago.

Sorry, I can't.

I'm bringing them home.

No need.

-We'll take a cab. Give me that.

We won't fit in the taxi.

-Ma'am. It's almost curfew anyway.
-Let's go.

-Come on.
-Bye, Ethan!

We're taking a cab?





Will Ethan stay out with his ex?

We will find out tomorrow!

She's just tall, Joy.

Yeah. You're nice, too.

Well, why didn't you let Ethan
bring us home?

He didn't have to stay with her.

I know why. You're jealous!

-Who's jealous? Joy?

She can't be jealous.

She's not his girlfriend, right?

She can't be his girlfriend.

You're still going to Canada, right?

So, what's their relationship status?

What are you two anyway?

-How unbelievable!
-How unbelievable!

Are you wearing makeup?

Joy, the strainer.

You're wearing makeup.

May I see?

Look at me.


-Why can't you look at me?
-Stop it, Joy!

I mean, Ethan! We're at work.

Are you jealous?

It's bad to hide your feelings.

You can admit it, Joy.

Joy, you don't need to be jealous.

We just ate and talked. Then we left.

I didn't even bring her home.

Tanya and I are over.

Way over.

There can never be an "us."

Why not?

I already have so much on my plate.

I can't add you
to my list of responsibilities!

I won't be a burden. I'll help you!

I will leave Hong Kong soon.

Joy, you're still here.

Ethan, I'm leaving.

I'll love you
for as long as time will allow us

to love each other.

-I can't love you.
-But you already love me.

That "I love you" is real.

But, sorry, Joy.

Is that for real, too?

Faster! I can't be late for my meetup.

Slow down, Joy, this is so heavy!

You're such a workaholic!

If she could date her job,
she'd make it her boyfriend!

Hurry up, Gina!

Oh, so it's him!


Yes! Because…

Her job can't hug her but I can.

She has a boyfriend!

A boyfriend!


Geez! Calm down, woman!
You're too excited!

Hey, where are you going?

Hey, Ethan,
two beers for table number five.

-I need a beer!

Alice, hurry up. For table number five.

That's for table four.

Hurry! Customers are waiting!

You're sweating.

Are you tired?

Not anymore.

Love fools!

You'll break up soon!

You're just jealous you don't have Joy.

-Hey! Give us some!
-Have you guys talked to Mary Dale?

All she says is,
"Boo-hoo, I can't take this anymore."

I told her, "Ha-ha, you can do it!"

Anyway, Joy, here are the products
you have to sell.

Wait! Hold on! Stop.

No more stress from work.

Are you buying everything again?

He's buying it all.

Not anymore.

Then give it back.

No. From now on,
I'll be the one selling these.

So you won't have to do anything
illegal anymore.

I'll sell it online.

On Sundays,
I just want you to rest like princesses.

More scoops, please!

More ice cream.

It's delicious.

Oh, my gosh!

-Don't mind us! We're not here!
-Not here!

She has a boyfriend!

Hey, Joy, when you leave, I get Ethan, OK?

Are you giving me away?

Not yet…


-Let's share him!
-I get the…

-Let's share him!
-Let's go.

I get the…

Thank you.

You're putting up your own bar?

You think I can do it?

Of course!

I'll be your first customer.


Do you drink?

The Canadians are so lucky.

They're getting a great nurse.


I hope my future patients
will be as sweet as you.

There's something wrong with your ring.

It should be gold. With a diamond.

Right, son?

-Good haul at work?

Not bad.

Come on, Dad, I'll take you home.
Time for your meds.

My nurse already gave me my meds!

She's great, right?

You flatter me too much, thank you.

It's true!

OK, Dad, I'll go to bed.

Next time give us a discount, please.

Sure! Just leave good feedback
on the site.




Almost there!

-Almost there, Canada!
-Great. Almost there.

Almost there.

You're resigning?
I thought you needed money?

If I scrimp on my salary this month,
I can make it.

there might be more random checks.

I don't want you to be at risk anymore.

We'll miss you.

-But he'll miss you more.

Thank you so much for all your help.

Bros, I'm planning
to apply for a bank loan.

Wow! Already?

Yes. But the processing takes forever.

And the loan is not enough
for the capital I need.

I know where this is going.

Come on!

You guys.

I just need some help with the capital.
Just to get me started.

I'll pay you back
as soon as I start earning.

I've also talked
to other potential investors.

Not the triad, right?

Of course not.

Come here.
I won't borrow from you. Don't worry.

-No? OK.

Ethan, why are you rushing this?

Starting a business is serious.

If that fails, you'll drown in debt.

I'll work hard. For the future.

Future with whom?

Bro, let me remind you,

Joy is leaving.

And you can't follow her.

But what if she stays?

What if I show her that
she doesn't have to go to Canada

to have a good life?

That I can give her
everything she needs here.


I'll fight for this.

I'm here.

What floor is it?

This is exhausting.

More steps to come.

-Come here.
-What's up?

Take my hand.

It's beautiful.

Good morning!

Ma'am, noodles?

I'll take that.


I'll pay you on payday.


-I hope you guys fall…

For each other!

What's this?

For our first anniversary, I promise

we'll be in my actual resto-bar.

But, for now,

it's a special soft opening
for my number one investor.


What did I invest?

Your love and faith in me.

Wherever you want.

And I hope she won't leave anymore.

Just a wish.

I already took out a loan for the bar.

I'm fixing the location,
then the construction.

Then I'll figure out the menu.
The permits are also in process.

I'll start the marketing plan, too.

If this all pans out,

Joy won't have to leave for Canada.

If she agrees.



You're not sure.

Should we be readying ourselves
for the day you leave us again?

No, Edward. This bar is also for us.

You go crazy over a girl

and then you say it's for all of us.

But in the end, instead of helping us,

you make everything worse.

-Joy is different.

Joy isn't the problem, you are!

What happens if you're abandoned again?

You'll lose your head again.

You'll lose all your money. Then what?

Who has to pay for all your loans?


-I'll save you again--
-No, Edward.

I will save myself this time.

I know I've hurt you,

and I'm not asking you to forgive me now.

But don't take away my chance
of making it up to you.

I just need you to trust me.

Even a little.

I just got my visa.

Can I talk to you?

-I'll come over.
-Don't come over!

I'm at the grocery.

I really need someone to talk to, Mom.

Which grocery is it? I'll go there.

Oh, don't. No! Don't come because--

Oh, don't. No! Don't come because--

-Ouch! It hurts!

Don't move. The needle might break.

-Where are you really?
-Ma'am, this will ease the pain.

Damn you!

Joy, this is nothing! I just hit my head.

Wayne was kind enough to rush me here.

Stop defending him, Mom!

What is she saying?

Can you excuse us for a minute?

No, Mom!

-Tell him the truth!

Tell him that this madness stops now! That
you are going home to your real family!

I'm staying here.

Mom, my visa was just released.

You don't need to be a resident
here anymore.

You'll go back to the Philippines,

while I arrange for all of us
to live in Canada.

I'm not going with you.

Wayne is my husband now.

What about Dad?

Do you know how much he loves you?

Is that so?

He loves me?

Is that why he gave me away?

You're the one who wanted
to marry Wayne, Mom!

That's what you all think!

But that's not the truth.

Right from the start,

your dad knew that Wayne liked me.

When he offered to marry me,

I said no.

What did your dad say?

"Do it.

For the kids."

You could've said no.

If I had, I'd have had to go home.

We'd all have starved to death.

I loathed myself.

And I was in that situation

because of your dad.

So, all the love that I had for him…

turned to hate.

We needed it at that time,
but it doesn't mean that I wanted it.

You think it's easy for me,
knowing that every day

she's with someone else?

That every night, she's in bed with him?

But, Joy,

I had an accident.

I went blind.

I had no way to provide for the family.

I did what I thought was right

for the family to survive then.

So, what now?

How will we become a complete family?

We won't be.

If your mom doesn't want us,
we can't do anything about it.

Come home.

We'll all stay here.

Joy, wait.

Stay here for a bit, you're not OK.

Dad doesn't want to go to Canada.

Mom doesn't want
to go back to the Philippines.

All the dreams I've been building

are going poof!

It's slowly falling apart.

Maybe the world is trying
to tell you something.

Maybe it's saying,

you don't have to leave anymore.

You won't be able to complete
your family in Canada anyway.

But I don't like my job here anymore.

I feel like I'm wasting my degree.

Then don't go back to your employer.

Don't worry.
You don't need to shell out anything.

I'll take care of everything!

As soon as your contract ends, you'll
go home to the Philippines for a while,

-the embassy will do a background check--

Joy, you don't even have to worry
about Immigration.

I'll figure that out.

What's important is
for you to come back here.

What kind of person would that make me?

An investor without any investment.

That'll seem like I just used you.

-I don't want that, Ethan.
-Joy, no.

I'm happy to help you.

I'm happy to give you everything you need.

As long as we're together.

As long as you're beside me.

Don't you want us to be together?

I do.

You love me, right?

-That's not the question.
-Do you love me?


In three years, I'll be a resident.

We can get married.

After that, you can do whatever you want.

Do you want to bring
your whole family here?

You can!

You can work wherever you like.


You've planned everything.

I wonder where I fit in all those plans.

Everything is for you!

All your plans are for me,

but you never asked what I wanted.

What I needed.

Why? What do you need?

To achieve all my dreams for myself.

The dreams I've always wanted.

Isn't that selfish?

Is it really selfish
to think of myself, just this once?

But what about me? Us?

You knew from the start
that I was going to leave.

I never hid that from you. Right?

So, I'm not enough to change your mind?

You told me before,

we'll love for as long as time allows us
to be together, right?

So, no matter what I do for our love…

No matter what I give you,
it's not enough to make you stay?

So, you did all those things…

just so I'd choose you?

If you love me,
why are you making me choose?

If you love me,
why can't you choose me, Joy?

Ethan, this is the first time
I'm choosing myself.

I have to try.

I promise I'll come back.

What if with that chance, I lose you?

I'm scared to love that way again.

I'm scared of the days

that I won't be able to touch you.

Every day I'll wonder what you're doing,

who you're talking to,

and who you're with.

What if you meet someone
and that someone likes you?

What if you like him back?

Joy, I'm scared to love
only to be left behind again.

I love you so much.

I hope you believe that.

But there are questions inside me

that only I can answer.

There's a part of me missing

that can't be filled.

Even by your love.

I really want to say,

"Yes, I'll stay here.

I won't leave anymore
because I love you so much."

But I can't promise

that I won't be sad.

That not a day will go by
without me thinking:

That I won't resent you.

That I won't have any regrets
for all the things I wasn't able to do

because we loved each other.

I'm scared we'll end up that way.

Let me guess.

I saw Eric's itinerary.

It'll be enrollment soon.

When do you plan to send him home?

He'll study here from now on.

Ethan, I can't afford it.

-We have too many bills--
-I'll take care of everything.

I'm keeping my promise
that we will all be together here.

Oh, that's right.

You'll have your own bar soon.

Do I get a discount?



-Let me. OK.
-Thank you, son.


Someone is applying to be your nurse.


My son!

-Oh, Eric.

You've grown!

So? Are you just going to stand there?

Thank you, Ethan.

I'm sure

your mom is looking down on us,
filled with joy.

Her boys are finally all together.

It's been three days.

She's been missing
and she hasn't gone home.

She went to the market
and never came back.

To our fellow Filipino,
Mary Dale Fabregas,

if you can hear this,
your cousin Joy is worried.

Just text me right away if you see her.

Where are you?
Please, let us know where you are.

Please come back home.
Many loved ones are worried about you.

I hope every time you drink,

while you suck on your cigarette,

while you waste all the money I've sent,

I hope you think about

how many meals I've skipped

just to be able to send you
that huge amount.

When a woman gives too much, she's stupid.

But when she prioritizes herself,
she's bad.

Where do we need to place ourselves,
Ms. Vilma?

I don't know anymore.

Is love only expressed through sacrifice?



Mary Dale.

I'm sorry.

I'm really sorry.

I didn't know what to do anymore,
so I left.

Hong Kong isn't for me.

I'll just go home.

They'll sue you, Mary Dale.

I'll talk to her employer.

Sally said you're really leaving.

What's your plan?

The bar.

I'll push through with it.

When I come back, I'll visit.

I thought…

it was better to talk to strangers
so there'd be no judgment?

Why? Do you need to tell me anything
that needs no judgment?

Ethan, I love you.

But for now, I love myself more.

-I hope you can forgive me.

just because you have a dream.

I hope you can forgive me.

to deserve the chance you've given me.

our future selves will meet again.


So, are you ready for your three days,
two nights, Hong Kong tour,

memories you'll bring with you to Canada?

Let me see.

What's at the top?

Trust me.

The world is so big.

I'm scared.

You can do it.

I'll come back, OK?

I'll wait for you.

Some places we stay in forever.

Some places are mere stopovers.

Just like Hong Kong.

Just like people.

Some just pass by…

and some last a lifetime,

and will change you forever.

That's you, Ethan.

Thank you.