Haze (2005) - full transcript

A man wakes up to find himself locked in a very tiny, cramped concrete corridor, in which he can barely move. He doesn't remember why he is there or how he got there. He has a terrible stomach injury and is slowly bleeding to death. He begins to edge his way along the narrow maze-like corridors, only to see other people undergoing their own horrible tests though holes in the walls. Unable to find a way out, he finally gives up on the struggle and gives in. Barely clinging to his sanity he creeps forward with the last ounces of his strength and meets a woman in a place full of floating corpses. The man and the woman both try to recall where they came from, but their memories are so uncertain that they are not even sure they want to return. The man insists on giving up but the woman maintains that it was not her fault and refuses to give up. Reluctantly he agrees to help her, as she attempts to swim past the corpses. Neither of them can imagine the incredible end to the journey.

Kaijyu Theatre Presents


Hey, hey, hold it.

What the hell!!

What's happening!
What's going on here!

Let me think...

Can't think!

What's going on?!

It's got to be a dream.

A fucking dream!

That must be it.

I won't feel pain if it is a dream.

What's happening?

Where the hell was I before this?

This can't be real.


Think, man! It's not a dream.

Shit... think...

Damn it!

Lost my memory by chance?

Calm down.

I'm sure I'll remember soon.

Hell! What was...?

Where did I come from?


The war may have broken out?

Was I taken prisoner?

Or has some kind of cult brainwashed me?

They did steal my memory then?

Was I a member of the cult?

No I wasn't.

Maybe I was?

No way.

Or perhaps some rich pervert is
playing a trick on me?

God damn it!


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I found myself here, in the
middle of nowhere.

Umm... can you tell me...

...why we are here?

You can't either.

You are bleeding, too!

This must be our last resting place.

I will...

...get out of here.

What about you?


But how?

I've crawled all over the place.

There's no way out.

We'll die before reaching the exit.

We'll get out the way we came.

See the ditch over there.

I think the ditch is where
people enter

Some drowned.

Some managed to crawl up here.

But they all end up being mutilated
and brought here.

Who'd do that?

Don't know.

It seems to be a really big
and dark thing.

I wonder if it is a human being.

You find yourself in
total darkness...

...being dismembered...

...and floating in the water.

If you see nothing ahead...

you eventually end up here...

and floating in the water.

More or less.

That's what we will end up like.

You will be one of them if you
don't move now.

But how are we going to move?

Tell me how?

You're remembering someone's
face, right?

Me too.

If you open your mind...

how can I put it...

you will see a flash of
cherished memory...

I saw something else, too.

I saw fireworks.

Fireworks... fireworks... fireworks...

I used to like them a lot.

I was watching them...

...over the cold landscape.

There is no sign of anyone setting
off the fireworks.

It's as if the fireworks
had a life of their own.


Hey, don't sleep.

Did I sleep long?

I woke you right away.

I just had a dream of waking
up somewhere.

A dream of being awake?

I found myself...

...waking up alone in a room.

It was already dark.

I must have dozed off.

I remember the TV was showing a
still image of a town.

The weather forecast...

...was scrolling at the bottom of the
screen all the time.

I felt lonely.

It was like falling into a
place like this.

It was so scary!

It may be the place you
were before here.

Nothing spectacular is
waiting for us...

...even if we get out of
here anyway.


I must go.

Are you sure you're not coming?

Alright. I'm off now.

You're serious.

I've got no time.

Hey, hey...
You can't go that way.

Come with me?



Nothing. Just go!


What now?


We'll dive from now on.


We're finished.

That hurt!

My stomach...

Let's go back.

We should be back.

Yes, we do.

Get back there.

Listen to me, will you?

We'll think when we get back.

I remember something.

I wanted to go somewhere.

Someone imprisoned me here...
before I could run away.


You mean a war broke out...
and we're imprisoned?

I doubt it?

I knew it.

A rich pervert is playing a trick
on us for fun?

Still strange...

Why the hell would anyone set up
such a grand stage...

...based upon your fears,
and then imprison us?

What business does he
have with you?

It is probably to make me
want to go back.

"Go back"?

Where to?
What are you talking about?

Please do not give up!

I'm sorry.

God damn it!

I knew it!

That fucking pervert...

...is doing this!

So you got out...
good... good...

Are you sure of that?


Getting away with me?


I wonder what went wrong.

Never mind that.

I'm ready to escape.

Someone imprisoned me here
before I could run away.

I'll help you.

I'll save you.




Producer; Screenplay; Director of
Photography; Art Director; Editor:

Shin'ichi KAWAHARA

Takayuki SHIDA



Special Make-up:
Hisashi ODA



Directed by