Harmonium (2016) - full transcript

Toshio hires Yasaka in his workshop. This old acquaintance, who has just been released from prison, begins to meddle in Toshio's family life.

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Tadanobu Asano

Mariko Tsutsui


Momone Shinokawa

Kana Mahiro

Hotaru, come and eat!

Kanji Furutachi

Quickly now!


Directed by Koji Fukada


Merciful Lord,

we thank you for this breakfast.


Bon appétit.

Bon appétit.

What will you play at the concert?

- What you were just playing?
- I don't know.

You'll have to make your mind up.

Do you remember
the creepy-crawlies the other day?

- You're changing the subject.
- No!

- The spiders.
- Spiders?

The garden was swarming with them.

It was horrible.

Not first thing in the morning!

The species is called Chei...

Cheiracanthium japonicum.

The babies eat their mummy.

- No way!
- They do!

And the mummy lets them
without resisting.

What? I wouldn't let myself be eaten!

I don't want to eat you.

I bet you don't taste nice.

I'm going to my meeting.

Lunch will be in the fridge.

For the charity sale.

I sorted out some of your clothes.

Put any you want to keep
to one side.

Mummy, last week,

he said the dead go to heaven, right?

- Who?
- The pastor.

Oh, yes.

Is the mummy spider in heaven, then?

Yes... As she sacrificed herself
for her babies,

God will reward her.

I'm going!

See you later.

I'm going.

It's been a long time.

You always overdo it.

You've lost weight.

Everyone loses weight in there.


You've taken it over, then.

- The workshop.
- Yes.

After all those arguments
with your dad.

- Yeah?
- Yes.


And you got married.

- Did I tell you?
- In a letter.

Right, yeah... I wrote to you.

I have a daughter too.

How old would she be?

Stop it!

That formal talk!


It's a habit.

When did you get out?

Last month.

If you'd let me know,
I'd have come and got you.

There was no need.

- OK, then.
- Make your mind up!

Yes, I'd have come.

Sorry I didn't visit you.

What are you doing now?


Where are you staying?

A council-run halfway home.

And your family?

I don't have one any more.

They're all dead.


Have you got a job?

All these questions!

Are you a prosecutor now?



A friend in Yamagata asked me
to go and help him out.

Oh, right.


Should be good.


can I ask you a favour?

Good afternoon.


I started working here today.

I'm very grateful.

He's an old friend.
He'll be helping me out.

Starting today?

My name's Sotaro Yasaka.
Pleased to meet you.

Sorry, I didn't know about it.
It's taken me by surprise.

Thank you for your help.

Are you going to explain?

All of a sudden like this.

Why not?

I've got plenty of work on.

It's pretty good timing.

Good timing?

It's just for three weeks.

Who exactly is he?


he's an old friend.

You've already told me that.

Eat the green peppers tonight, OK?



what became of the baby spiders?

You were talking about them
this morning.

If their mum sacrifices herself

and ends up in heaven,

will the children

go to hell for having eaten her?

- I don't think so.
- Why?

It'd be too sad.

Toshio, just a minute...

- The man from earlier.
- Oh, he's here?

Come in!

- You were quick.
- Too quick?


Are you hungry?

- I've eaten.
- Oh, right.

You can put your stuff
in your room, then.

- Akie.
- Yes?

There's stuff in the end room,
but it'll be OK, won't it?


It's the room at the end,
on the right. Go ahead.

- I'll be right with you.
- Thanks.

- Sorry.
- No problem.

So, then...


If the babies go to hell,
their mother should go too.

Hang on...

The mother
must have eaten her mother too.

Are you going to explain?

My friend

will be working for us.

I'm not talking about that.
He's staying here too?


We had a live-in worker before.

Board and lodging.
Mr Baba.

Mr Baba?

I've never heard of him!

Oh, no, I never told you.

You can't just do this!

I thank you with all my heart.

I won't be any trouble.

No problem.

Mr Yasaka!

Your clothes!

Sorry... A habit.

Carry on.

Go on. C...

Here, the black one.

No, I got it wrong.

You see? There.

Yes, yes...

Sorry, but you're putting us off.

I understand.

- Sorry.
- No, it's me.

Go on...

I'm sorry.

Again, from the beginning.

Are you all right?


Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry.

I thought you were asleep.

Could you leave the light on, please?


I can't sleep in the dark.


Is it OK like that?

Yes, that's good.

You make clothes?

It's for my daughter.
She's playing in public next month.

The harmonium?


I'm trying to make her a dress
but it's not easy.

That's great.
She'll be really pleased.

I hope so.

Sorry for disturbing you.


I'll leave you now.

Merciful Lord,

we thank you for this breakfast.


Bon appétit.

Bon appétit.

That was great!

You eat quickly.

A habit.

No, leave that.

It's OK.

Let me do it.

Thank you.

What were you doing?


Didn't you have
a harmonium lesson today?

Won't your mum be upset
if you don't go?

- Don't you like it?
- I do.

Then why?

I like the harmonium
but not the teacher.


She's scary. She gets angry.

That's a problem.

Very good!
You play really well.

I hadn't played for ages.

Will you teach me?

That's hard without the score.

Mummy, could I play
that piece at the concert?

Stop it, you're bothering Mr Yasaka.

But I want to play it.

That's enough.


I really want to play that piece!

10 stamps, please.

Yes. Just a moment, please.

Thanks for yesterday.

What for?

For teaching her that piece.

It's nothing.

You had lessons, then?

Just a few, when I was little.

I get the feeling
Hotaru really likes you.


Are you a Protestant?

Your religion.


That's what I thought.

How did you know?

You don't have
any crosses on the wall.

Some Protestants have them
in their houses.

But we don't.

I thought he was an atheist.

Your husband.

Toshio has never been a believer.

But my parents
were practising churchgoers.

When it comes to the faithful,
there are monkeys and cats.

I think you're more of a cat.

A cat?

It's the way the young
are carried by their mothers.

A little monkey
clings to its mother by itself,

whereas a kitten is picked up
by the scruff of its neck.

You could compare God
to those mothers.

You mean I let myself get carried along
without thinking?

I don't know about that!

I think it's more that I cling to God.

I'm not a believer.
I don't understand it myself.

I'll ask the pastor about it.
We're going tomorrow.

Yes, you do that.

Have you known Toshio long?

Yes, we go back a long way.

You've known him
longer than I have, then.

I know every crease in his arse!

That's horrible!

All right?


My first one for eleven years.

That's so good.

By the way...

Thanks, for the harmonium.

You're really kind.

Don't go spoiling me.

What are you on about?

Mr Yasaka, was that good?

I'm just coming.


"Jesus saw, as he passed,

"a man blind since birth.

"His disciples asked him:

"Master, that man..."


Hello, Hotaru.

- Practising for the concert?
- Yes.

- You're improving.
- It won't be long now.

This gentleman?

Mr Yasaka is working for us.

Hotaru, shall we go?

- I'm going!
- See you later!

Sunday school.

I've brought some clothes
for the charity sale.

Thank you.

- Allow me.
- I'll carry them.

Thanks. This way.

Thank you.

I was very self-centred.

From childhood I was taught
that one should keep one's promises.

I always did all I could
to stick to that principle.

I made four mistakes.

The first

was convincing myself

that keeping a promise
was more important than life or the law.

The second

was thinking that other people
live the same way.

The third

was to stubbornly believe

that I couldn't be wrong.

And my last mistake

was to kill someone
on the basis of these mistaken beliefs.

I accepted my imprisonment.

Not because I regretted what I'd done.

It was just that...

I refused to run away or to hide.

I wanted to be a man,
with that childish pride.

At the trial,

I didn't cover up anything,
even if it was to my disadvantage.

I accepted the death sentence.

There was no way I could escape

this framework of justice
I had built for myself.

But then suddenly...

something happened.

At the trial,

I'd thought the victim's family
would insult me.

But, sitting there,

his mother didn't cry.

Her face showed no expression.

And yet, at the end,

she slapped her cheek
two or three times

with her right hand.

She slapped her own cheek,
not mine.

Then she started sobbing.

Why did she do that?

I didn't understand.

Even now I still don't understand.

At that moment,

I felt deep regret
for having committed

that irreparable act.

I realised how heinous it was
to take a life

as I became aware of the deep despair
of the victim's family.

I should have been sentenced to death.

But they let me live.

For the rest of my life

I am indebted to the victim's family.

Why are you crying?

I don't know. I'm sorry.

Yasaka told me his story.

He told me about his past.

About what?

Being in prison.


the murder he committed.

Why didn't you tell me?

I had...

no reason to do so.

Were you worried about my reaction?

Yes, probably.

A man like him...

must be especially loved by God.

Don't underestimate me.


Maybe you're right.

I'm sorry.


Mr Yasaka, may I?


Sorry about the noise
of the metronome.

It's fine.

She wants to practise a bit longer.

That's understandable.
It is next week.

I'm as nervous
as if I'm going to be playing.

Hotaru will do well, no problem.

If you don't mind,

I'd like to do some sewing in here.

Yes, of course.

I'll fall asleep all on my own!

Excuse me.


are you writing?

It's a letter.

To the family
of the young man I killed.

You've been writing to them
all this time?

Yes, for ten years.

It will never be enough
to make amends,

but simply sending them money
isn't enough for me.

If you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to read it.

My letter?

Of course not!
What was I thinking?

No, that's fine.

No, really!

I'm sorry.

I have nothing to hide.
Read it, please.

So rude of me.

Thank you very much.

I love the way you write.

It's beautiful. So elegant.

I had plenty of time in prison,
so I copied out sutras.


- I could do that too.
- No!

- Shouldn't I?
- No.

You're right.

Hotaru, not with the sound!

It's late!

By the way,
are you free this weekend?


We're going to the river with a friend.
Would you like to come?

That would be nice.

Hotaru would like you to come.

In that case I'll be delighted to.


Well, goodnight.

Thank you.

Well, goodnight.

Look where you're going!

It's beautiful!

I'm climbing too!

Shitara, be careful!

Wow, Hotaru, you're amazing!

Her hat.

Can you get it?

I don't know.

No, I can't reach.

It's too far.

No, can't get it.

Go on, you try.

No, can't reach it.

Let's go further down.

What did you tell her?


About being in prison.

I just told her
I'd been sent to prison for murder.

I've got nothing to hide.


I didn't say anything about you.



You really are a piece of shit!

Do I scare you that much?

Don't worry, I won't grass you up.

I've never told anyone
you were with me that day.

But you...

All the time I was in that shithole,

you were with a woman,
screwing, having a kid...

What's that all about?


Since I've been living in your house,

I've been wondering
why I'm not in your place.


I'm only joking.

I couldn't care less about the past.

I just want a nice easy life now.

I was just saying
what you imagine I'm thinking.

Let's go.

I got it.

Mr Yasaka!


Come here.

Here we go...


Smile a bit more.

Here we go. Say cheese!

Shitara has gone to buy some juice.

I get the impression that boy

likes you a lot.


He thought that coming here
in a dress shirt was "well cool".

A bit odd, isn't it?

I don't know.

No, it's good.

Yeah, there are lots of them.

What are they?

Scarlet hibiscus.

Scarlet hibiscus.

They flower in the morning
and wilt at the end of the day.

A short life.

A crow!

You're pretty good at that.

How do I look?

Hotaru, you look really pretty.

I do, don't I?

Hotaru, stop running around everywhere!

Tomorrow, then?

I finished her dress just in time.

She looks beautiful in it.

If you look closely,
there are lots of imperfections.

No one would notice.

I'm going to show my friends!

Hotaru, take it off!
You'll get it dirty.

It'll be all right!

Be careful!
Look where you're going!

A proper little miss!

Yes, yes!

I remember that hill

The purity of the flowers...

I remember that hill

The purity of the flowers
with their sweet scent

The birds sing so cheerfully

While my heart breaks

They fly from one flower to another

Singing a sweet refrain

Those happy days have been and gone

Happy times will never come again

The birds sing of love

In harmony with my song

I didn't know

That I had lost your love

The flower I picked

Was a wild rose

Cruelly, you left me

Leaving me that rose...


No! No!

I'm sorry.

Mr Yasaka!



What's the matter?

Sorry. I'm feeling a bit tired.

Have you seen Hotaru?


She went out in her dress.

I hope she doesn't get it dirty.

Shall I go and look for her?

Yes, please.

What's happened?


What have you done to her?

What have you done to her?




What did you do?



Mr Yasaka?

What's wrong?

Call for an ambulance!

Call for an ambulance!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...

Good! Gently...

That's good.


Did the order come?

On my desk.

Shitara's coming today.

I got his e-mail.

A new apprentice?

Started last week.

A good recruit?

I'm not sure yet.

But he works hard.

That's important,
the way things are right now.

Well, I'll be going.

I'll come again next month,
is that OK?

Yes, please.

I'll check the Shonai area.

But the police have already scoured
that whole zone.

People move around.
He could go through there.

Go ahead.

I can wait.

I'll be a while yet.
Go ahead.

Thank you.



That one's mine.
Use the white one.

- Sorry.
- No, I'm sorry.

The books I told you about.

My old books.

- If they're no use, just bin them.
- Thanks.

Your wife?

This is Takashi, who's replacing me.

Where shall we have this photo?

Can Hotaru be in it too?


Can we have a photo with Hotaru ?

It's a special occasion.
Shitara's leaving.


Then you could go for a walk.


We're going to have a photo.

It's a bit chilly today.

It's been a while, Hotaru.
You're looking well.

She's been in a good mood
just lately.

I'm moving.

Thanks for everything.
I'll come back and see you.

- Come on, everyone!
- He'll come back to see you.

I'll give you a hand.

Please don't touch her.

I'm sorry.

Forgive me.

Come on! We don't have much time.

Come on, then, Hotaru.

Everyone ready?


Ready, steady...

You too, come on!

Quick, Hiroko!


It'll go off any second.
Are you ready?

That's it!

Shitara gave me this for Hotaru.

You like rabbits, don't you?

She's an adult now.
She doesn't want kids' toys.


You should stop treating her
like a child too.


It's OK, you can leave it.

Sorry, Hotaru.

Shall we take you back
to your room?

Tired, aren't you?

You're fed up of being treated
like a child, aren't you?

You've had enough of it, eh?


what did it say?


The report from the detective agency.

Nothing much.

The same as always.


should we give up?

Let's just give up.

We've done enough.

It's still too soon.

It's been eight years already.

It's only been eight years.

What if we found him?

What would you do?

He might already be dead.

That detective guy, Yasui...

He's found a goldmine in us!

I just want to know...

what happened...

that day.

What difference would it make?

You should think more
about what we can do for Hotaru.

Your feet have got a bit cold.

You're smiling.

You're jolly today.

Mrs Akie!

Sorry, that took a while.

- There you are.
- I'll take my break.


- Not had lunch?
- No.

Come and eat.

- Really?
- Yes.

- Take a seat.
- Thank you.


Pile it up, please!

This is all that's left.


It's hard to take one's eyes off her.

You eat separately.

From Hotaru.


She can't eat like we do.

It'd be cruel to force her to watch us.


are for Hotaru.

Thank you.
Are you sure?


- When did you buy them?
- After getting the supplies.

I hope she likes them.

They'll suit her, I think.

She'll be really happy.

Thank you.

I hope I'm not being too forward.

You shouldn't have.

The bag might be a bit dirty.

No problem.

what sort of present would you like?

No, that's out of the question!

Oh, come on!

No, really.

Don't stand on ceremony with us.


If you don't mind...

I'd like to draw Hotaru.

A portrait.


Did someone called Yasaka
once work here?


I think he worked here
about eight years ago.

But not for very long.

That's right.

I thought so.

Do you know him?

He's my dad.


Sorry I didn't mention it.
I didn't want it to put you off me.

But how...?

I was sorting my mum's things out
after she died,

and I found some letters
from my dad,

with this address.

Where is he now?

No idea.

So it was because of him
that you came here?

Because of his letters?

A bit weird, right?

I couldn't really say.

In fact, I've never met my dad.

So I don't feel anything for him.

I was looking for work,

and I remembered the name
of your business in his letters.

I took that as fate giving me a sign.


Stop it.

Show me your face.

Don't say a thing.

Don't mention it to anyone,
including Akie.


Tell no one!

The thing is...

your dad

quit at a time
when we were really busy.

I'm sorry.


It's not your fault.

Carry on.



Holding my hand? Thank you!

Let's shake hands.

We have to avoid cavities.

Just a bit more...

They suit you.
You look beautiful.

See you later.

How is it?

Not quite.

Try now.

That'll do.

Carry on.

Carry on without me.

That was scary, wasn't it?

It's all right.

Like this...

Make lots of small holes
all around.

Then the middle falls out.

And you get a big round plate.

It's called circular nibbling.

The code for that is G7.

The basic one, this morning, was G1.

- That one, right?
- Yes.

For linear nibbling, next week,
it'll be G10.

- Can I ask you something?
- Yes.

Did your parents get divorced?

You don't use your father's name.

They didn't get divorced.
They weren't married.

Oh, right.

And you haven't heard
from your father?

No, nothing.

He kept in touch a bit with my mum.


When was the last time?

Quite a long time ago, I think.


My mum didn't talk about it.
So I don't know.

Just a second.


You and your wife.

I think he sent the photos
with his last letter,

about eight years ago.

That's right.

I thought I'd find out something,
coming here.

Would you like to see him?

Not particularly.

I'm curious but I wouldn't have
anything to say to him.


- What's wrong?
- Forgive me.

It's nothing.

No, don't come any closer.

Sit down.



I know I'm a bit strange, but...

It's not that I think you're dirty.

Don't worry about it.

Thank you.

Carry on.


My mum was like that too.

She had a phobia about dirt.


Tell me...

Why do you draw?

You enjoy it?

It's not exactly that.

It's because I want to know.

What do you mean?

When I draw
I see things in a different way.

I see the world differently.

How can I put it?

I stare at the object

and things
which had previously escaped me

take on a new sense.

That's what interests me.


It sounds complicated.


What were your parents like?

My mum was strict.

- Strict bringing you up?
- Yes.

Every day I had to sit up straight
and give her a summary of my day.

A summary? Wow!

That's pretty old-fashioned!

When she could no longer get out of bed
I took care of her.

It was humiliating for her
to be like that.

She was extremely proud,

and told me lots of times
that she'd rather be dead.

I took care of her bodily needs.

I too, at times,

thought it might have been better
just to let her die.


she asked me several times
to finish her off.

I'm sorry.

I mean...

I'm sorry.

It's not the same case
as your daughter.

She's grateful to you.

Right. Thank you.

And your father?

I never knew him.

- He left before I was born.
- Really?

I doubt he even knows I exist.


I'm sorry.

Forgive me.

Too many questions.

It's fine.
It doesn't bother me at all.

- I'll leave you.
- Sorry.

Good girl.


This photo...


I don't understand.
Why do you have that photo?

Sorry, I didn't mean
to hide it from you.

It's a photo of my father.

- Who?
- This man here.

- Mr Yasaka?
- Yes.

- He worked here once.
- That's right.

Did he do something bad?


It seems that my dad was a...

- A what?
- A yakuza.

He did time in prison.

Did you know?

More or less, yes.

I think...

he killed someone.


he was in prison
when I was born.

I only found out later.

My mum...

loved him to the end,
even though he left her.

Stupid, yeah?

She told me that he'd never denounced
his friend to the police.

His friend?

Not so much his friend
as his accomplice.

I'm sorry.

Your husband told me
not to talk about him to anyone.

Please keep it to yourself.

Mrs Akie?

Where are you?

Call me back right away.

What are you doing?


What do you mean, "sorry"?

What did you do?
Did you hurt her?

I thought she'd stopped breathing.
I barely touched her.

Get out!

- Sorry.
- Get out, now!

I'm really sorry!

Sorry, sorry, Hotaru...

Mrs Akie!

- Get out, now!
- Sorry.

- Now!
- Sorry!

Sorry, sorry...

It'll be all right.

What's wrong?


Go, go, go...

Go, go, go...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...


What's going on?


You're back.

- Was Takashi there?
- No.

Well, maybe he was,
but he didn't answer.


We had a call.

From Shitara.

He said Takashi wants to quit.


It sounded like he'd been
asking about Yasaka.

What shall we do about him?

If you don't mind,

I'd like to keep him.



As long as he's here...

...there's a chance
Yasaka might come back.

You want to use him?


If you want.

Are you tired?

A bit.

By the way...

When Yasaka committed that murder...

...it seems he had an accomplice.

That's what Takashi told me.


You know something about it,
don't you?

What do you mean?

I don't know.

It was me.

I was there too.


It's not very nice.

Tell me.

Tell me about it.

Did you kill that man too?

Not really.


...just held his legs.

It was Yasaka who strangled him.

This is awful!

Yasaka kept his mouth shut about me.

I sometimes wonder if Hotaru

is a sort of punishment
for you and me.

You slept with Yasaka, didn't you?

The truth is...

...when Hotaru ended up like that,

in a strange way
it was sort of a relief for me.

I don't understand why.

Eight years ago,
we finally became a proper couple.


Don't come near me!

Hotaru... is your punishment?

My punishment?

What do you mean?

You think of your daughter like that?
She's alive!

- You must have thought it.
- No, I haven't!


You make me want to puke.

Should we get divorced?

I'm so tired.

What will we do about Hotaru?

I'll manage somehow.

How exactly?

Stop pretending
to be interested in her.

What's this?

Last week, one of my investigators
spotted him. He looks like Yasaka.

Not around here,
but over Shonai way.

Are you sure?

It seems to be pretty solid.

I've got more stuff here.

This new investigator is
turning up lots of good stuff.

Just a second...

No, never mind.


I've decided to forget about Yasaka.

- But...
- My wife too.

She wants to stop.




If you have something to tell me,
go ahead.

Not especially.


Hey, Takashi.

Do you know
why we asked you to come?





We're taking you with us

so that, if we find Yasaka,

we'll kill you before his eyes.


I'm lying.

We'll do no such thing.

It's OK.

You can kill me.

It's OK.

If it helps you, I'll die.

Don't take it so lightly.
You don't want to die.


He's just moved in around here.

So what do we do?

Look for the street on the photo.

Excuse me.

Who are you?


We got the wrong house.
Excuse us.

Let's go!

Shall we go back?


They've gone.

In the toilet?

They're taking their time.

I'll go and look for them.

I'll come with you.

Their coats.



Over there, boss!



Keep calm!

Keep calm!



Akie, wake up!

Wake up, Akie!

Breathe! Breathe!


Wake LIP!
