Hanover Street (1979) - full transcript

During the Second World War, an American Pilot stationed in England meets a young British nurse during an air raid on London. The two instantly fall in love, despite the fact that the young Nurse is already married; a secret she keeps hidden from her American lover. After being shot down behind enemy lines, while being assigned to ferry a British agent into France, the American pilot realizes that his secret agent cargo is in fact his lover's husband, and that the two must now work together in order to survive.

Oh, my God, it's the baby.


Are you all right?

I'm frightfully sorry. It

appears you've missed your bus.

I'm terribly sorry. I didn't...

You missed your bus.

- I don't own a bus.

- I'll buy you one.

Oh, how nice, a rich

Yank. No thank you.

Well, if you don't want a bus,

would you like a cup of coffee?

I don't drink coffee. I drink tea.

There probably won't

be another bus

along here for quite some time.

Probably not.

You really drink this

stuff, don't you?

No, we just like to pour it into

cups and stir it. Why did you ask?

Tastes too much like boiled water.

It is boiled water.

I knew there was a reason.

Where are you from?

- Chicago.

- Chicago.

That's where gangsters

come from, isn't it?

Not all of them.

Some of them come from

Detroit, New York.

Chicago happens to

grow the best ones.

- Are you a gangster?

- Twelve arrests, no conviction.

Nobody's supposed to look

like that in a uniform.

- Well, how am I supposed to look?

- Like a short man.

Your boiled water is getting cold.

Well, then let's order some more.


All right.

What about you?

What about... what about me?

Who are you? What are you?

I'm a short man. I

was born in London.

I lived here all my life and

most probably always will.

- What do you do here?

- I work in a hospital.

I tell young men that they're

going to be all right.

Then they believe me because they

want to. Because they're so young.

Then, I watch them die.

I want it to all end.

I'll win the war for you.

That would be nice.

Are you stationed in London?

No. Our base is an hour

and a half from here.

Normally, I get a day

every couple weeks.

- You're a pilot?

- Yeah, Mig-25s.

Do you like to fly?

I hate to walk.

My name's Halloran. What's yours?

Tell me about America.

I think you're lovely.

Tell me about Chicago.

Chicago's very windy.

Something is happening here.

- Please don't.

- Please don't what?

- I have to go.

- I don't want you to go.

- I shouldn't be here.

- Yes, you should.

I have to go.

- I have to catch the bus.

- Please don't leave like this.

- I have to.

- I wanna see you again.

I can't. Oh, please.

I just have a few hours

before I have to be back.

Please don't do this to me.

We got to get into a shelter.

- I can't. I really can't.

- Why?

You're trying to go away again,

but I'm not gonna let you.

I'm not gonna let you.

I can't think. I

have to go home now.

- I'll take you there.

- No, you can't.

I have to go.

Hey, my name's Halloran.

David Halloran.

I'm from Chicago. I'm

not gonna let you go.

- Tell me your name.

- I'm sorry.

You're in my arms, you

won't tell me your name?

- Oh, please, let me go.

- I have to see you again.

My next day off is in

two weeks, Thursday.

- I can't.

- Meet me here. Right here.

- No.

- On the same corner.

- Right here.

- I won't be here.

I will. I'll be here all day.

Please don't. I won't come.

I'll be here.

You can't act like nothing's

happened. There's not enough time.

It's too late.

Now, the objective this

morning in this airfield...

north, north-east of Rouen.

Reconnaissance showed we didn't

do too well here last night.

These dark circles here

are fuel storage tanks.

Now, they're under concrete,

so it will take more than one

direct hit to knock them out.

Now again, the recon

photos Show they

didn't take even one direct hit.

Now, we'll approach from the east.

We'll have the sun at our

backs and in their eyes.

- Now, they've got two fighters.

- How come he says, "We"?

He's not going. We're "we."

We can expect light

to moderate flack.

We'll approach from 12,000.

The cloud cover is 6 to 8,000.

We'll drop at 6,000. I wish

I were going with you.

We'll stay, and you can go.

Lieutenant Halloran,

something you wanna say?

No, sir.

I'm sure none of us

want to miss whatever

it is you have to add, Lieutenant.

- Yes, sir.

- Yes, sir, what, Lieutenant?

Yes, sir, I'm sure

that none of us would

like to miss anything

I have to add, sir.

Except, I don't have

anything to add, sir,

so there's nothing for

any of us to miss, sir.

Take-off is at 08:00.

Good luck, gentlemen.

Light to moderate flack. What the

hell is light to moderate flack?

Less than heavy flack.

It's more than no flack.

You got a point there.

He wishes he could go with us.

Well, somebody's got to stay

behind to volunteer us.

- This is radio check.

- Pilot to tail. Farrell, okay?

Everything's fine, sir.

Radio's okay. Ammo's okay.

Radio check. Pilot

to waist. Giler?

Yes, sir? How we doing?

All set, sir. Radio's

okay. Ammo's okay.

Radio check. Pilot

to turret. Lucas?

Yes, sir. Ready, sir.

Ammo's okay. Radio's okay.

- Bomb bay closed?

- Bomb bay closed.

- Flaps locked?

- Flaps locked.


I don't understand it.

They make it so goddamn hard

to get in these things.

I don't even want to be

here in the first place.

I mean, I can understand them

making it hard to get out.

Everybody wants to get out.

You know these things are

made of metal, right?

Did you ever try and pick one up?

- You can't.

- You know why?

Because it's made of

metal and metal's heavy.

Very heavy. You don't believe me?

Just try and pick one

of these things up.

You'll see. You'll wrench your

back, that's what you'll do.

Air isn't heavy, you know?

This pile of junk is heavy.

It's heavier than

air. Much heavier.

Don't you see? This thing is not

supposed to be up in the air.

Aw, Jesus, I hate these things.

Pacer Leader to Pacer Group,

we are 20 miles from target.

Descending to 6,000.

Bombs away at 6,000.

Roger, Pacer Leader.

Descending to 6,000.

This is Pacer Leader to Group,

maintain your positions.

We are 12 miles from

target. Rate of

descent... 1,000 feet per minute.

Hey, they're shooting guns at us.

Somebody forgot to

tell the Germans...

they're only supposed to have

light to moderate flack today.

Bomb bay open.

Six miles to target.

Feather it.

- Number two feathered.

- Let's turn the hell back.

How far from target?

Five miles. Let's

turn the hell back.

He's right. We'll

have to slow to 200.

We'll be sitting

ducks at that speed.

We're gonna get our

asses shot off.

How far from target?

Three miles. Am I the only

one who's not crazy here?

Hey, Cimino, you ever

take a look at Hyer?

If there's a god, he

doesn't spend all

that time putting a

guy like Hyer...

through prep school and

Yale to let him do

something messy like

die in an aeroplane.

So, as long as we're in

the same plane as Hyer,

God's gonna have to figure

another way to get at us.

Yeah, I'm messy enough to

take Hyer down with me.

We're over the target.

We're over the target.

The wing is gonna fall off.

I'm gonna drop the bombs.

Let's get the hell out

of here. Just a second.

Son of a bitch, we're over the

target. The engine's falling off.

Hey, Chief, what do you think?

Well, I think it'll

hold if you wanna wait.

Terrific. We've got

Sergeant York on the plane.

I hate you, Lucas, goddamn it.

Look, we're over the goddamn

target. I'm gonna drop the bombs.

Let me drop the bombs. We're

over the target, I swear to God.

My guess is you may be

sighting a little bit early...

because you're afraid the

wing's gonna fall off,

so I'm gonna wait just

a few more seconds.

If anyone's interested,

I hate Lieutenant

David Halloran, Serial

Number 057327...

9-6-9. For God's sake,

let him drop the bombs.

If we don't hit the

stupid target now,

we're gonna have to

come back again.

Okay, now we're really

over the goddamn target.

Well, drop the bombs.

They're away.

Oh, Jesus, I hate these things.

I was there on the

hollow of the Street

for over an hour,

just watching you.

I was afraid, so I stayed

where you couldn't see me.

Are you still afraid?


It wasn't a few minutes

ago when we had

something to do like

driving or walking,

but now I just feel awkward again.

I don't know what I'm doing here.

Yes, you do.

Yes, I do.

I'm not hungry any more.

Neither am I.

I can get back to

London next Thursday.


- Tell me your name.

- I can't.

- Please.

- No, I'm frightened.

It's all happening so fast.

I bet your name is really...

Fred, and you're embarrassed.

Hey, Fred...

I think I love you.


Pacer Leader to Pacer Group,

we are 20 miles from target.

Begin your descent now.

Bombs away at 8,000 feet.

Ten thousand.

Open bomb bays.

Bomb bays open.

Hey, they're shooting

guns at us again.

How come every time we fly over

them, they shoot guns at us?

Because we drop bombs on them.

They have no sense of humour.

Can't you guys take a joke?

- Nine thousand.

- Five miles to target.

How far is target now?

Three miles.

- Altitude?

- 8,500.

We're just about over the target.




- Cimino, drop them.

- Now?

They're away.

Halloran, I love you.

There is a god. There

really is a god.

Ladies and gentlemen,

there really is a god.

I'm gonna go to church

as soon as we get back.

Oh, I haven't been there

in a little while.

What kind of babies

do you get when

you cross a parakeet with a tiger?

I give up. What kind of babies?

I don't know, but when he

sings, you better listen.

You think that's terribly

funny, don't you?

Yes. You're a wretched

little child.

- If I am, it's your fault.

- Really? Why?

Mrs Thomas said

today that Children

are the reflection

of their parents.

Do you think that's true?

I don't know. If it is,

how come Dennis Caine...

doesn't have a moustache

like his father?

He's a reflection of his mother.

Dennis calls his

mother and father by

their names. I think

that's smashing.

Oh, you do.

I'm getting a little

too old to keep

on calling you Mummy and Daddy.

You don't call me Mummy and

Daddy. You call me Daddy.

I'm serious. I think from now

on I shall call you Paul.

If that's what you'd like.

Yes, Paul, that's

what I would like.

I think that from now on I

shall call you Margaret.

And I think from now on

I shall call you Rover.

I think I'll call you Mummy.

For a very short person,

you're not bad at all.

- Do you like more tea?

- Yes, Love some.

Judy Fox stole my key chain, the

one with the four-leaf clover.

- Stole it?

- Yes.

How do you know she stole it?

I brought it to school...

I always carry it...

and when I was getting changed

after hockey, I couldn't find it.

And then later, she had it.

When I told her it was mine,

she said she always had it.

I wasn't the only person who had

a four-leaf clover key chain.

And I know it's mine.

She's really a nit.

Everybody's supposed to be nice to

her just because her father died.

When did her father die?

A few months ago. He

was in the hospital.

She said it was her key

chain, and it isn't.

I'm glad you're intelligent

and you won't get killed.

I'm in Intelligence.

I'm not intelligent.

And you should be

especially kind to her now.

You won't die, will you, Daddy?

I thought you were

gonna call me Paul?

- Promise me.

- I promise you.

- And you will always love me?

- I will always love you.

- And you will always love Mummy?

- I will always love Mummy.

- Even when you're 80?

- Yes.

I will have to take my false

teeth out of the glass...

and put them in my

mouth to kiss her.

Now, we're going

back to Rouen today.

I think I'm going to be sick.

We have reason to believe

the Krauts are sending

a train of ammunition

from Rouen, south.

Now, they're gonna be expecting

us. It's not gonna be easy.

We reckon we'll get

a lot of flack.

I'm definitely gonna be sick.

Halloran, you fly lead.

Patman, you fly second lead.

Now, we got cloud

cover from 8-10,000.

Scattered clouds from 15,000.

You make your drop at 6,000.

Now, I know what it's going

to be like, so be careful.

"He knows what it's

gonna be like."

He flew 100 missions

over Lackland, Texas,

and he knows what

it's gonna be like.

Now, we should have five to

ten-mile visibility below 8,000,

and you make your approach

from south to north.

You got to hand it to him, nobody

ever took Texas

while he was there.

Take-off is at 0830.

Good luck, men.

I wish I could have gone

with you. Dismissed.

Lieutenant Halloran, I'd like

to speak with you for a moment.

Take it easy with him. Don't say

anything you'll regret later.

Don't take it easy with him. Say

something you'll regret later.

Maybe we'll get grounded.

Sit down, Lieutenant.

You know, in every group of

men, there's always one man...

the others look to for leadership.

Now, in this group, you

happen to be that man.

You set a good example,

the others will follow.

You know, you've got the makings

of a very fine officer.

You could go far. You

could go very far.

It's your attitude

that concerns me.

Now, you understand

what I'm saying?

No, sir.

I don't like you either, buster.

Now, you stop crapping around in

the briefings, you understand?

No, sir.

What do you mean, "No."?

No, sir. I don't understand, sir.

What's "crapping around," sir?

You're a wiseass.

You even say "sir" like a wiseass.

How should I say "sir," sir?

I'm gonna get you. That's

what I'm gonna do.

Blink the wrong way and I'm gonna

nail you. Do you understand?

Yes, sir, you're gonna nail me.

Will you get the hell out of here?

- You okay?

- Yeah.

What did he say?

He said he didn't

like my attitude.

- Lucas, did you check this gear?

- I checked it, sir.

I checked all of them like I

always do. Tyre pressure?

Fine, sir? What's the matter, sir?

You've never done this before.

Check them again.

I like this attitude.

It's different, but

it's one fine attitude.

When I was a little

girl, I used To

spend summers at my grandfather's.

- It looked exactly like this.

- You worked on a farm?

- Yes, why?

- I don't know.

You just don't seem like

the farm type to me.

I can milk a cow.

- Her Ladyship can milk a cow?

- She can.

- With her very own hands?

- No, with her feet.

Why do you find it

so incredible that

I can milk a cow?

Lots of people can.

Haven't you ever milked one?

I opened a bottle once.

Don't they drink milk in Chicago?

Sure. How do you

think baby Gangsters

grow up to be big gangsters?

There's a place to eat

over there. You hungry?

- Famished.

- Good. So am I.

I want some tea. I love tea.

- Did I ever tell you that?

- No.

Well, it's true. I

drink it all the time.



I love you. My name is Margaret.

No kidding?

No kidding.

You love me?

I love you.

Your name's Margaret?

My name's Margaret.

Maggie. I love the name Maggie.

I can't stop it, you know,

no matter how hard I try.

It terrifies me how

much I want you.

It must be wrong to want

somebody this urgently.

I know later that

I'll feel guilty.

Later, I'll hurt terribly.

Except I'm with you now And

that's all I can think about.

I love you, Margaret.

I love you, Halloran.

Captain Sellinger, I believe

you've met Captain Lester?

Yes, sir, I have.

New tobacco. Do you like it?

Yes, it seems quite pleasant.


Bad business. Very bad.

- I Beg your pardon?

- Captain Lester.

As you know, two months

ago, one of your

agents, Reed, was

dropped in Lyons.

- Two weeks later, he was killed.

- Yes?

A month ago, you sent

another agent in.

- Forbes. A good man.

- Quite.

Yesterday, we received word That

Forbes has been found dead.

What do you think?

I trained both of those men.

I knew them well. Very well.

They... They were not the

kind of men to make mistakes.

Especially mistakes

so glaring they would

be found out in two

or three weeks.

There's a leak. There has

to be a leak somewhere.

The identity of those

men had to have

been known before

they were dropped.

It would take that long

just to find them.

There's a double agent here,

fairly high up, I'd say.

It's the only

explanation I can have.

I agree.

The last communication we

received from Forbes...

was that, Gestapo

headquarters in Lyons...

has a list of double

agents in London.

He said he was going

to get that list.

That's the last we heard from him.

This stuff is bloody awful. It may

smell good. It tastes like hell.

Well, it's obvious

we're going to have

to send somebody in

to get that list.

In Gestapo headquarters in Lyons?

That's where the list is.

That's where our man

will have to go.

- He had three children.

- Did you say something?

I was saying that Forbes

had three children.

Yes. It's obvious

we're going to have

to do this differently this time.

No one, I mean no one outside

of this room may know of it.

No one in O.S.S. No

one in G-2. No one.

Our man can't even transmit the

list back. Once he gets it,

he must make a copy

of it and bring it

back without the Germans

knowing about it.

- Who do we have?

- I've narrowed the list to two...

McCallum and Wells.

- I say Wells.

- Quite right.

- You will work with him.

- I'm not sure if he's ready.

You make him ready.

Oh, that's better.

They can take that

aromatic and put

it in their noses.

Oh, God, I think I'm going to die.

- Of what?

- Look, Mummy,

- isn't she beautiful?

- Yes, she is.

Isn't she the most beautiful

thing you ever saw?


Who's more beautiful than she is?

You are.

She can close her eyes, and

you can curl her hair.

Yes, she's a wonderful doll.

Let's think of what to

get Daddy for Christmas.

I suppose there's no

reason in particular

that you wanted me

to see that doll.

No reason in particular.

It has nothing to

do with Christmas?

Of course not. Mummy, when

am I going to get breasts?

- Next Tuesday. Why?

- I don't know.

Sometimes I think they look silly.

Well, they do look

best with formal wear.

What would Daddy like?

I think he'd like

anything you'd get him.

I want to get him

something special.

How about a tie?

A tie's nice, but Daddy has ties.

Daddy has most of the

things we've seen.

I want to get him something

that he doesn't have.

Well, get him a dress.

Just get him something

you like. Daddy

will love that because

it's from you.

Not because it's blue or red,

but because it's from you.

Mummy, do you know any Germans?

- Not too many.

- What are they like?

I don't really know.

Probably very much like us.

Do you think there are German

children buying

Christmas presents...

- for their fathers right now?

- Yes, I suppose so.

Handkerchiefs. Let's get

Daddy handkerchiefs.

I can never get over

the way it looks like

the propellers are

spinning backwards.

Backwards? The propellers

are spinning backwards?

- Forget it.

- Forget it?

The goddamn propellers

are spinning

backwards. I'm

supposed to forget it?

It's an optical illusion.

I was simply saying...

Forget it.

Optical illusion, my

ass. How do you know

forward from backwards

with a propeller?

When we take off for France,

if we land in New York,

the propellers are

spinning backwards.

I hope they're spinning backwards.

Tower, this is Leader. Over.

- Leader, this is Tower. Over.

- Starting to taxi. Over.

Roger, Leader. Over.

Just my luck. They're

spinning forward.

Want me to take it up for you?


- Listen to number one.

- Why, what's wrong?

I don't know. Something

doesn't sound right.

Leader, this is Tower. Over.

Just one second, Tower. Over.

- Check the RPMs.

- RPMs normal.

- Oil pressure?

- Leader, this is Tower. Over.

Lucas, are you hearing number one?

Something doesn't sound right.

Can't tell from here, sir.

Did you check the gauges?

- The gauges are okay.

- I can't tell from here.

I hear something wrong. I

hear everything wrong.

Something's not right.

The gauges don't always show it.

Leader, this is Tower.

Please answer. Over.

Tower, this is Leader. Over.

Begin your take-off.

I got a problem with my number

one. I'm coming back. Over.

Repeat that please, Leader.

I got a problem with my number

one. Over. I'm coming back.

Roger, Leader. You are

returning to base.

Patman, you're the

new leader. Over.

Roger, Tower. Over.

Price, you become Patman's number

two. Patterson,

please follow Price.

Patman, you are clear

for take-off. Over.

Roger, Tower. Clear for take-off.

Now listen, you creature,

it's very late.

If you want Christmas

morning to come,

you'll have to go to sleep now.

- But I can't sleep.

- I know that, but you have to.

Father Christmas will not bring

you anything until you're asleep.

- Why?

- It's the rules.

- I just want to say hello to him.

- He's busy.

Will the Germans shoot

him while he's flying?

No, no, of course not.

I don't care what I get. Well, I

mean, anything will make me happy.

Of course. There's nothing

in particular that you want.

Oh, no, nothing in particular.

Anything will make me happy.

It would be nice,

though, if I had a

little friend of my

own to play with.

I'll have another baby.

You know what I mean. Not a real

person, just a... Well, you know.

I haven't the faintest idea

what you're talking about.

Now, good night, old friend.

Dream the sweetest dreams.

Tomorrow is Christmas.

If you don't go to sleep

now, I'll strangle you.

Well, young lady, if

you're not tired, I am.

Wait till you see what I got you.

If it's from you, I'll

love it. Good night.

Good night.

I'm sound asleep.

Did you put her present

out for tomorrow?

Yes. It's right in the

Middle of the living room.

Her glazed little eyes

staring at the window.

What is it she wants

with another doll?

God knows.

I've never seen a

child want anything

more than she wants that doll.

Sarah's hands are so small.

I don't know, during the day when

she's rushing around

like a maniac...

she doesn't seem so small.

But when she's in her

bed and she's sleepy...

I think she shrinks.

I know what you mean.

It's so strange.

It's Christmas Eve, and

we're fighting a war.

Fighting wars never seemed

to make much sense.

Just seems it makes less

sense on Christmas Eve.

I wonder what the other

Side is thinking right now.

Good night, darling.

Good night.

I love you.

I love you.


Harriet, you haven a beautiful

throat. Do you know that?

- My name is Phyllis.

- Of course it is.

You have a beautiful throat too.

- Do you want to dance?

- Susan, my darling...

ordinarily that would be

a wonderful suggestion.

Under certain conditions, I

am your actual Fred Astaire.

However, since the injury...

What injury?

I don't like to talk about it.

I didn't know you were wounded.

Just a little shrapnel in the leg.

How come they didn't send you

Home if you were wounded?

They wanted to. I wouldn't go.

Nothing will keep me from flying.

Oh, Lieutenant, that's

really very, very...

Paula, my sweet...

Paula, it's really nothing

to make a fuss about.

Sometimes the pain...

What's life without

pain, I always say.

How about another

little drinky, huh?

Hey, Cimino. Hyer. Hello, Hyer.

Listen, listen, you

got to help me.

- Have you met Barbara?

- Phyllis.

Have you ever seen such a throat?

Listen, Jerry.

I got this one all primed. Except

she won't leave her friend alone.

Hyer, you know, I've

always harboured a

suspicion that blue

eyes don't see so good.

Too much inbreeding.

Have you... Have you taken

a good look at Dorothy?

What am I gonna do?

How about Halloran?

Give one to Halloran.

- I don't think so.

- Come on. It's a terrific idea.

Come on, Rita. We're gonna all

go over and be with Halloran.

Hey, I thought you

had an injured leg.

My God, I can walk again.

Ladies, this is our leader.

Leader, these are our ladies.

This is Elizabeth.

Elizabeth, meet Halloran.


- This is Audrey.

- Phyllis.

- Where are you from?

- Illinois.

The decorations are very

pretty, aren't they?


Let's go somewhere

we can be alone.

I want to stay here.

It's Christmas, and I am Your

actual serviceman alone overseas.

I want to stay here.

Marion, perhaps you are a spy.

- Hey, are you all right?

- Yeah.

Let me put it another

way. Let's fool around.

- Okay.

- There is a god.

They're back.

Where's Patman?

He'll be here in a

minute. Don't worry.

- Who's Patman?

- Patman, my luscious Linda...

is the brave soul who flew lead

instead of us this fine day...

because of a port engine

with the holiday spirit.

He'll be here in a minute.

- Hey, Beef.

- Oh, Halloran. How you doing?

- How did it go today?

- Not so good. We lost three.

Yeah, you are one lucky son

of a bitch, let me tell you.

Where's Patman?

- One lucky son of a bitch.

- Where's Patman?

I never saw an aeroplane break

up into so many little pieces.

- Where's Patman?

- He took a direct hit.

It must have been right in the

bomb bay with a full load.

- Maybe he bailed out.

- Not a chance.

I never saw so many little pieces.

Hey, where's that Cimino,

huh? I wanna tell him.

If it hadn't been for

that engine of yours,

it would have been you

instead of Patman.

I wanna tell Cimino to go

kiss that engine of yours.

Hey, what's the matter?

You heard it, didn't you? The

port engine, something was wrong.

Sure. Come on. Sit down.

You heard something

wrong, didn't you?

Every time an engine starts

up, I hear something wrong.

It was something.

It was.

Ladies, let's all play


Come on, Francine.

- You found it, didn't you?

- Lieutenant?

You found it, goddamn

you. You found it, right?

I don't know yet.

- Tell me you found it, you jerk.

- Take it easy.

- He heard it.

- Take it easy.

Excuse me, Flo. Don't go away.

- Hi, guys.

- I heard it. I heard it.

Come on.

I heard it. I heard it, believe

me. Patman, I heard it.

- I thought we were gonna play.

- No, we're not gonna play.

Believe me, Patman.

I heard it, Patman.

Goddamn you. Goddamn you, Patman.

Keller. Helmut Keller.






Please, don't smoke.

Lieutenant Wells...

English is a language

you do not understand.

You have never spoken a

word of it in your life.

They didn't teach you

English in Essen.

You must never speak in English or

respond to English,

even around here.

No matter who is talking to

you, if it is in English.

You do not understand.

I don't care if it's the P.M.

himself who's talking to you.

One slip like that, and

you're quite dead.

All right, lesson over.

It's time we took a break.

Don't be discouraged. You're

doing fine. Just fine.

Come on. I'll pay for the tea.

Come on. It's all right.

Lieutenant Wells, class is

over for the afternoon.


Sometimes when we're together...

I feel so close that I don't

know where I end and you begin.

I never knew it

could be like that.

I was 19 when I got married.

He was the only man

I'd ever known.

I never felt I lacked

anything, it's

just that I wasn't

sure if this was it.

If this was everything.

Maybe that's why I went with you

that first day at the bus stop.

It's so damned unfair.

I try so hard to forget

you. I really do.

I wind up spending more of my

Time trying to forget you,

which is the same as thinking

of you all the time.

I don't want to hurt anybody. I

don't want to do anything wrong.

Sometimes I sit across the dinner

table from him, and I watch him.

And I want him so Desperately

to do something...

or say something or be

something that I can hate.

But he never does.

I've hurt him so much.

It makes me hate myself. I

wish I'd never met you.

But then when I'm with you...

and it's so strong, and I don't

ever want to let you go.

Why don't things work out the

way they're supposed to?

I don't know how things

are supposed to work out.

And I don't know any more

what I heard in that engine.

A couple of months ago, the whole

propeller could have fallen off...

and I wouldn't have gone back.

It's so damn easy to be brave when

you haven't got anything to lose.

I'm scared now. I don't want to

die and not see you any more.

Nothing makes any

sense until I'm with

you, and then

everything makes sense.

I don't wanna let you go. I just

wanna be with you all the time.

I don't want to wake

up in the morning and

not know if I'm going

to see you ever.

I'm tired of missing you, and I

don't even know your last name.

I'm all in pieces. I want you

to put me back together.

Hold me now and make

everything outside go away.

On the way in to see you...

I was trying to think of a way...

to tell you that we shouldn't

see each other any more.

I did the same thing.

Now, here you have

your two main types...

your combination lock

and your key lock.

Now, with your combination

lock, which works

on what we call a

series of tumblers...

first you have to

find out whether it's

a three or a four-number


And then whether you first

move to the right or the left.

If it's your key

lock, it's just the

matter of finding a proper key.

In the absence of a key, a problem

which has confronted many folks,

there are certain very delicate

instruments that do

a right proper job.

And then, why it's just a matter

of learning how to use them.

How long will it take

to learn to open one?

Well, I... You got

to understand that,

opening these things

is not something

any old bloke can do, you know.

It's what you might call a gift,

even if I do say so myself.

Well, let's say that

Lieutenant Wells is gifted.

Well, if it's a key

lock, a couple of days.

If it's a combination lock,

I'd say about six months.

Well, the safe we're interested

in is a Kohner 3-3-5.

- That's a Gerry safe.

- Yes, Harry.

You may have noticed we're

at war with the Germans.

You've got a point there.

- Which is it?

- Well, you're in luck.

It's a key lock. Any

school kid could crack it.

As a matter of fact, I cracked one

almost like it when

I was a school kid.

Right. Now, gentlemen,

here you have before your

eyes your lock pick.

And you have here

your safe, which is

almost the same as

your Kohner 3-3-5.

Now, you insert your lock

pick into your Kohner 3-3-5.

Feeling your way

through the elements.

For your personal information,

there happen to be four.





Apple pie. Bleeding apple pie.

Hey, nice to see you, Lieutenant.

- Nice to see you, sir.

- Why don't you sit down?

I have a little problem. It's

a mission. A special mission.

The group sent down word that

they needed a volunteer.

Now, it is considered

a bit risky, so they

wanted to put it on

a voluntary basis.

It's for tomorrow night.

Oh, about the other day.

I checked with the

mechanic. It's strange.

He couldn't find a thing

wrong with that port engine.

Now, if you felt

there was something

wrong, well, I'm sure there was.

If you heard it...

Look, a mechanic's

not a pilot, right?

I don't listen to any

kind of rumour. Never.

Sure there's been a lot of talk

around. You know

what a base is like.

You can't pay any attention

to that kind of talk.

Look, I don't believe

for a moment...

that you made the whole

thing up about that engine.

Not a word. Just gossip.

Now where was I? Oh, yeah.

That mission tomorrow night.

Now, I knew that you'd

want to volunteer to do it.

It's not that you've

got anything to prove.

I just felt that you'd

like to go for it.

Now, I told Operations...

to have those engines

double checked.

So, I'm quite sure you

won't be disappointed

and have to cancel that flight.

Is he ready?

I think he's as ready

as he ever will be.

What do you mean by that?

I can't be too specific. There's

nothing wrong with Wells,

he does everything the

way he's supposed to.

I'd simply prefer him to

be a bit more spontaneous.


Well, once you teach him

something he learns it.

However, I'm not totally

sure how he will react...

if something occurs that

he isn't prepared for.

Well, then, let's hope you

prepare him for everything.

Well, that would be nice.

New stuff, this? It's supposed

to be a cooler smoke.

We're not going to send

Wells on a regular flight.

Afraid we have to

be a bit paranoid

about the leak in Intelligence.

We're going to drop him in

a totally different way.

If this stuff is

supposed to be cool,

I'd hate to think

what they call hot.

No, we're not going to

use Intelligence for

the flight. Chaps don't

even know about it.

We're not even going to

use a transport aircraft.

As a matter of fact,

we're not even

going to use a British aircraft.

I say, Sellinger, would you mind

coming with me across the street?

There's a tobacconist over there.

- Hello, how are you feeling?

- Fine, thank you.

- Hello, handsome.

- Hello, what's it today, then?

I do hope you like potatoes.

Your dinner is served, milord.

I think I'll take it in

the study, thank you.

Very good, milord.

There's a phone call

for you, Margaret.


- The nurses' station.

- Thank you.

- Hello?

- Hello? Hello?

I can't hear you, it's madness

here. Is that you, Paul?

Yes. Yes. Can you hear me now?

It's better, but you'll

have to speak up.

Is this all right?

It's fine. Is anything the matter?

No, no nothing.

I had no special

reason for calling.

I'm sorry if I disturbed you.

I just wanted to hear

your voice, that's all.

Don't be silly, you

haven't disturbed

me. I'm glad to hear

your voice too.

- I love you, Margaret.

- I love you too.

- I know I'm not that special.

- What are you talking about?

Of course you're special.

Oh, no, I'm not, and

we both know it.

It's just my curse to

be so damned ordinary.


I do so want... I do

so want to be dashing.

It's not that I don't

want to be, but I

can't blame you for

finding me unexciting.

Paul, I don't know why

you're talking like this.

You're very special,

and very dashing.

Mrs Sellinger, ward four, please.

I didn't mean to disturb you.

Paul, I'm so glad

you called, but...

Mrs Sellinger, ward four.

Paul, I'm sorry, I have to

go now, they're calling me.

I understand, darling,

I'll talk to you later.

- I love you.

- Paul?

Yes, Captain Sellinger?

Will you get me Lieutenant

Wells on the line, please?

- Hey, it's dark out.

- No kidding?

No, really, I wouldn't fool you.

Why are we the only

plane taking off?

Because we got a special mission.

Lucky us. You know, when it's dark

out, you can bump into things.

I'll be real careful. Hey,

Cimino, where are the bombs?

There's no bombs on board.

We're a bomber, we're

supposed to drop bombs.

- Where are the bombs?

- No bombs. I like that.

You know, bombs are dangerous on

account of the fact

they can blow up.

Both of you shut up, will you?

We're waiting for an

English guy named Wells.

We're going to drop

him instead of bombs.

I like that. Dropping

a person instead

of a bomb on account

of the fact...

that people don't blow

up the way bombs do.

- Starting port engines.

- Starting port engines.

How do they sound, sir?

They sound fine,

Giler. Even if they

don't sound fine, they sound fine.

Wonder where the hell

that English guy is.

It's dark out. Maybe

he's not so stupid.

Is this Wells?

No, there's been a

change of some kind.

- Are you Captain Sellinger?

- Captain, Lieutenant Halloran.

- Hello?

- Mummy, Mummy.

Hello, darling. Oh,

your hair smells nice.

Mrs Clarin washed it for me

and got soap in my eyes.

Did you cry?

Wouldn't you cry if Mrs

Clarin got soap in your eyes?

Yes, I think I would.

Where's Daddy?

He came home early,

then went out again.

Mrs Clarin gave me

dinner and was just

putting me to sleep

when you came home.

- Did he say where he was going?

- He left a note on the pillow.

I think that's romantic.

What does Daddy say? Is it mushy?

Daddy has to go away

on a little trip.

When will he be back?

- Soon... very soon.

- Will he bring me something?

Your coat's all wet.

I did a painting

Of Tyrannosaurus Rex in orange.

Have you ever seen an

orange Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Come, Mummy, look at

it. Mummy, come on.

Listen, I don't mean

to be pushy, but you

know that Englishman

we got on board?

He isn't an Englishman,

he's your actual Kraut.

You can tell by the Little

lightning bolts on his collar.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. We

decided the Germans can't lose.

We're going to be

on their side now.

Oh, good. I like the uniforms.

- Captain Sellinger, you okay?

- Quite well, thank you.

We're over the French coast, we'll

try and avoid any German position.

I'm beginning to think this

isn't such a crazy mission.

When the times comes,

we'll remove The

belly hatch where

you'll drop through.

Remember to keep your

arms tight to your

body until you're

clear of the props.

I shall remember, thank you.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

How bad is it? How bad is it?

No. It's a mistake.

You're not supposed to

die. Please, stop it.

It's all a mistake.

Lieutenant Halloran?

Are you all right?

We're hit up here, bad. I don't

know if I can keep it flying.

I'm afraid we've

been hit back here.

How bad?

Rather bad, I think

they're both dead.

Lucas? Giler?

Cimino? Cimino.

Oh, Cimino. Don't do

this. Please don't.

My God. He has no face.

The two men back

there, they're dead.

He has no face.

Keep your hands tight. Don't

pull the ring till you're clear.

It's like somebody took a vacuum

Cleaner and straightened

out the mess.

They're all gone.

It's not right.

Should've left a mark.

I'm really sorry.

I know how you feel.

I'm so sorry I caused all this.

It's not your fault.

Do you know where we are?

About 20 miles south of Lyons.

Well, that's where I have to go.

I got to make my way to the

channel. It's the other direction.

- Good luck.

- Thank you.

And thank you for everything.

I beg your pardon, Lieutenant.

Lyons is north of here, you say?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

I hate to impose on you, but, you

happen to know which way is north?

- Yeah, that way.

- Thank you again.

Oh. Damn.

I say, Lieutenant Halloran,

I'm really sorry to be

such a burden to you.

I wonder if you wouldn't

mind giving me a hand?

It's probably sprained.

It's not broken,

it's going to be sore for awhile.

You mind if I ask you a

question? No, not at all.

I was wondering, seeing as how

you don't know north from south,

and you can't take ten steps

without falling on your ass...

I was wondering, have you ever

done anything like this before?

Well, now that you mention it, no.


Well, you look real

spiffy in the uniform.

I don't want to go with

you, you know. Not one bit.

You don't know what the

hell you're doing.

And I certainly don't know

what the hell I'm doing.

But here I am, as we

speak, going with you.

We're going to get

our asses shot off.

Well, I'm really grateful

to you. I really am.

That's just swell.

- Hello?

- This is Mrs Sellinger?

- This is Major Trumbo.

- Oh, my God, it's Paul.

Is he all right?

The plane he was on was shot down.

I have no more information

than that at this time.

However, it's quite

possible that he

bailed out and he's

absolutely fine.

I just don't know right now.

Mrs Sellinger, are you there?


As soon as I learn anything more,

I will be sure to call you.

Your husband's a good

man, intelligent.

I'm certain he's all right.

I just can't understand

why he went in place

of Wells. Can't

understand it at all.

Not like him to be so impulsive.

I'll call you as soon as I learn

anything. I'm sure he's fine.

Mrs Sellinger, are you there?

Thank you.

Thank you for calling.

Mummy, is everything all right?

How far do you think we've gone?

How am I supposed to know?

You're the goddamn spy, not me.

Don't you guys have a magic

manual or something...

- that teaches you all that stuff?

- Oh, yes, yes, we do.

- Didn't you ever read it?

- I helped write it.

Well, what does it say

about measuring distances?

I forget.

Jesus, we're going to

get our asses shot off.



Oh, no.



You think you could

give me a hand here?

She's going to kill me,

she thinks I'm German.

I wonder why she

thinks you're German.

Betty Grable, Hershey bars,

Yankee Stadium? Hello, Joe.

She said she had a brother who

was killed by the Germans.

Her father refused to

do anything about it.

He's a collaborator...

out of fear more

than anything else

I should suppose.

She says she's doing

what he should be doing.


It's his car, she

says we can take it.


This is... This is going

to work out rather well.

I'm thrilled.

As an SS officer, I'm

entitled to an aide.

You're wearing the

uniform of a Sergeant.

You won't look at

all out of place.

Where won't it look out of place?

At Gestapo Headquarters in Lyons.

Listen, you've got a perfect

Right to get yourself killed...

and I've got a right

to stay alive.

I fully appreciate the position

I've placed you in, Lieutenant,

but I just don't

think I can do this

thing alone because

my leg is hurt...

and this thing has got to be

done. It's that important.

I don't speak German, in

case you didn't notice.

How am I going to fool anybody

if I don't speak German?

Well, If you don't

speak to anyone, then

no one will know you

don't speak German.

- That makes sense, doesn't it?

- Shit.

Better get rid of

those cigarettes.


And the lighter. They're American.

- Mind if I ask you something?

- No, not at all.

Why did you decide to go

instead of that guy, Wells?

Ah, that's rather complicated. I

don't know how to answer that.


All my life, no

matter what I did...

I've always been the

same thing... pleasant.

I'm pleasant. I was a teacher,

that's a pleasant profession.

I'm rather pleasant looking,

if I do say so myself.

If anyone were asked to describe

me, they'd say I was... pleasant.

Oh, I've never minded

it that much before.

Except now, it's

beginning to hurt.

More than I ever thought

anything could hurt.

- I don't know what you mean.

- Well, take a look at yourself.

- I can't, I'm driving.

- I'm serious.

Take a good look at yourself,

and you'll see a hero.

I'm not a hero, and I

don't want to be one.

Even if you don't want to be

one, you are. You can't help it.

You're the one who is

ice-skating on the lake...

when the little boy falls into the

freezing water, and you save him.

I'm the one who gives you

my coat to wrap him in.

And when it's all

over, you're on the

front page of all the newspapers,

saying it was really nothing...

and I have a wet coat.

Are you kidding?

You're supposed to

open the door for me.

They changed it. They

put in a new safe.

It's a combination safe. I haven't

the foggiest notion

how to open it.

I love it.

Why, Mrs Sellinger, what

a pleasant surprise.

I am sorry to barge in on you

like this, Major Trumbo.

It's just that I haven't heard

anything since we

spoke last night,

and I've been beside myself.

I was hoping that you'd

learnt something new.

Won't you sit down? Would

you like a glass of sherry?

- No, thank you.

- Cigarette?

Major, what the hell happened?

We don't know. The

plane is missing.

Not a word, not a trace, nothing.

I still can't understand why

Paul acted so impulsively.

- I can.

- Really? Why?

It's not something I can explain.

Well, Mrs Sellinger, I do assure

you I will contact you...

the moment I hear anything.

I've spoken to the American

Colonel Bart, I

think his name is,

and they're waiting for

some word themselves.

Who's Colonel Bart?

Paul was in an American plane

from the Eighth Air Force.

This man, Bart, is

the wing commander.

Where's he located?

At Windsor Field.

Thank you very much, Major.

I do apologise for

pestering you so.

Mrs Sellinger, seeing Colonel

Bart won't accomplish anything.

He knows no more than I do.

I'm sure you're right.

Thank you again.







Are you out of your

goddamned mind?



- Mrs Sellinger?

- Yes.

I'm Colonel Bart. Major Trumbo

told me you'd be coming around.

It's nice of you to take

time to speak with me.

- Not at all. Please sit down.

- Thank you.

You must think I'm an awful pest.

It's just that I have to know

for myself what's happened.

Well, yes, of course. We received

no notification of survivors.

Can't send reconnaissance

aircraft in to check...

for fear of drawing

attention to the mission.

- You understand?

- No, I don't.

Yeah, well... there's every

chance they managed to bail out.

- But you don't know for sure?

- No.

No, I don't. Except I do know

that if they did bail out...

your husband is in

very good hands.

The pilot, Lieutenant Halloran,

is a very determined,

very resourceful man.

Apple pie?


Well, we did it.

We actually did it.

Look, I don't want to cramp

your style or anything...

but we're still not

out of France yet.

We'll get out all right.

It'd be silly for us to come

this far and not get out.

Ruin my whole day.


I can go back now.

I can be more for her to see.

She must be very special.

- She is very special.

Have you ever felt that

way about any woman?


I do now.

Except with me it's different.

Ever since I met her...

I don't know who I am any more.

Well, I know who you are.

You're a good and brave man.

I don't feel very brave.

That's absurd.

Look what you've done.

I didn't do anything

except try and stay alive.

Whatever I did, I did because

I was too scared to die.

The only men who are brave

are the frightened men.

Men who aren't frightened

aren't brave, they're insane.

You're only brave when

there's something to lose.

And you still try.

When we get back, go

to her, hold her...

and never let go.

That's what I'm going to

do when I see Margaret.

Tell me more about your

wife. What's her name?

Margaret. God, I love

that name, don't you?


How do I tell you about her?

Well, if there is really such a

thing as one woman for you...

it's Margaret for me.

I know that sounds like something

out of Mother Goose...

but it's true.

We have a daughter, Sarah.

She looks like her mother,

which is reason enough to

think she's beautiful.

Here, this is Margaret.

- She's lovely, isn't she?

- Yeah.



Well, that's marvellous. She

says there's a bridge...

about eight kilometres

from here to the left.

There's a resistance

group waiting for us.


Come on, old man. Eat something.

- Here's your watch.

- Oh, thanks.

Son of a bitch. That girl's fink

Father must have

called the Germans.






Will you come on.

I think I left my

kidneys back there.

You've still got your ass.

- Grab on.

- I can't, go back.

I'm too scared to argue with

you. Grab on, goddamn it.

You're going to get

us both killed.

When you get back to London,

please look up my wife.

Her name is Margaret.

Please, tell her her

husband died a brave man.

Tell her... yourself.

Well, I...

get the wet coat again.

No, pal. This time

you get the girl.

No. Oh, no.

No, you don't, not now. If you

die on me, I'll kill you.

Do you want to play cards? I

feel like demolishing you.

You're trying to be

cheerful because

you're worried about Daddy.

He's going to be all right.

I love you more than it's possible

to love anyone, you know?

Hello? Yes?

Mummy, is it good

crying or bad crying?

I knew it.

Captain Sellinger, which room

is he in please? I'm his wife.

4-4-2, Mrs Sellinger.

Just down the corridor.

Hello, old friend.

It's so unfair for anybody's

eyes to be that colour.

Halloran... I...

Me too.

Are you all right? Are you hurt?

I was lost for awhile, but

I think I'm back now.

I just wish your eyes

weren't that colour.

There's a man in a

room down there.

A good man. I wish he wasn't.

When I first heard that you'd

been shot down together...

I felt I was being punished.

Then after awhile...

I knew that you would take care

of him, that you would come back.

I love you enough to let you go,

which is more than I've ever loved

anything or anybody in my life.

I wish I didn't cry

all the damn time.

I will never care for anyone

the way I care for you.

And do things have to

work out this way?

Things work out the way

they're supposed to.

Listen, you got to go to him,

and I got to turn and walk away.

That's what we have to do. You

know that and I know that.

I'm entirely capable

of messing this

whole thing up, so

you got to help me.

- I love you, Halloran.

- I love you, Maggie.

Think of me when you drink tea.