Hank Zipzer's Christmas Catastrophe (2016) - full transcript

No one loves yuletide like Hank but this year he'll have to deal with a new baby brother AND exploding Xmas trees. Plus his best friends have been arrested and he's lost the love of his life. How will he get out of this one?

This is now officially the

worst Christmas ever.

Yeah, as disasters go...

this is my biggest one yet.

Let's go back 2 weeks before I

ruined Christmas.

Don't even think about that

until after breakfast.

Oh I was just checking there

was one in there for later.

Two weeks to go and he's on

the 99th growth percentile.

Keep up the good work!

No, No don't listen

to your sister.

You are a good size,

don't get any bigger.

Studies show babies

with larger heads

can grow up to have higher IQs.

Please, don't be a

geek like Emily.

Be a normal person like me.

Dad, the cradle is now...

Five days behind schedule.

Mum and Dad let her write

a Pregnancy Timetable

to help them keep on track.

Boy are they regretting

that decision.

I will do it today.

Maybe we should

have penalty points

for not sticking

to the timetable.

Excellent idea.

We can start with

ten points off you

for crossing out your visit to

the maternity ward tomorrow.

Oh not so cocky now, are we?

I told you - I'm

having a home birth.

But what if there's a


Hospitals have

machines and doctors

and at your age you

might need them.

My age?!

Red alert! Take cover!

Hospitals are sterilised

safe environments

where less can go wrong.

Oh really?

It's a baby boy!

We're calling him Hank.

They let me off 'cos

I was a baby.

Next time they weren't

quite so understanding.

Hank come say hello

to your baby sister Emily!



No hospital.

I want less equipment around.

Right erm, where are

the gherkins?

I need some gherkins.

Here you go my

love, don't panic.

Mum gets these weird cravings.

Mangoes, mushy peas, fish skin!

Right now it's gherkins.

Can't get enough of them.

She loves the mini ones from

Papa Pete's deli.

Nothing but the best

for my angel!

♪ I've hung my stocking,

made my list ♪

♪ Hoping Santa

hears my wish... ♪

Who's he into now?

Hayden Chase -

she's basically a

hairspray that can sing.

♪ Far from the one I love ♪

♪ All I need to make you cry,

is to see your face tonight. ♪

♪ Fires warm but I feel cold ♪

♪ Without your

hand to hold. ♪

♪ Won't you grant

my wish tonight ♪

♪ Come on home this

Christmas time. ♪

She's doing a video in London.

Maybe she'll hire me

as a backing dancer?


'Rudolph the Rock

'n' Roll Reindeer'.

Great title Mister Rock!

Thank you you've gotta

have a great title,

if you're gonna have

a great musical.

Did you ever hear of

"Earwax: The Musical"?

Did you ever hear

"Toehair" the musical?


That's right. That's

why the three of you

have to be at the audition.

- Yes sir!

- You bet!

Alright, you're gonna be

fantastic, all three.

Even me?

Especially you. now get out of

here, get to class.

I love school at Christmas.

No proper lessons, loads

of messing about,

it's brilliant.

What on earth, do you

think you are doing?

I know that you're not

a fan of my work

but I think even you will be

up on your cloven hooves

and dance to this one.

I'm not talking about this.

I'm talking about THAT!

Oh isn't that great?

Feel the energy!

It's like when we

opened for the Beatles

at Shea stadium!

Rock and Roll Miss A!

How you ever became a

teacher is a mystery to me.

You know what! Me too!


You know I've got the

perfect part for you

in this musical.

Yeah Grizella, the

evil snow witch.

Everything you look

at turns to ice.

See what I mean?

You're perfect!


I've just been informed

we're having...

A surprise school inspection.

They're due within the hour!

Okay just stay Calm.

Stay calm! Stay calm!

Oh this really is most tiresome.

We've only just

had an inspection.

That was before the incident

with the runaway lawn mower.

And the exploding custard.


You know what,

there not coming -

They can't come it's Christmas!

Christmas is cancelled!

I must be having a nightmare.

Sorry sorry!



I'm here to help you

with the cradle.

How did you know

it had collapsed?

Call it a lucky guess.

Well I, I, I'm doing this alone.

It's a, it's a father-son

thing, you understand.

Of course.

I hand carved Rosa's cradle

from a solid block

of Sicilian oak.

It took me six months

and seventy-seven blisters.

Ahhh! I loved that cradle.

You're the best daddy...

Well here we go son,

one hand-assembled cradle

coming right up.

Go Dancer. Go Prancer.

Go Dancer. Go Vixen.

Go Comet. Go Cupid.

Go Donna. Go Pran...

What are you doing?

Mr. Joy has cancelled your

alleged "musical".

Oh no?! He didn't do that!

I work all year for this.

Auditions are today!

Not any more.

Well I'm gonna talk to him.

Well you can't!

He's preparing for the

school inspection,

as should you be.

We don't want one bad apple

spoiling the whole barrel.

Well let me tell you,

this apple doesn't care what

the inspectors think,

I only care that the

little apples

have a great Christmas.

Well what all the little appl-


pupils need is a

first-rate education,

not a second rate Santa.

Did you just say that to me?

Yes I did.

Camilla Stevens, Head inspector.

What a lovely building.

Jonathan Lao, trainee, this is

my first inspection.

Welcome to Westbrook.

What a pleasure having you here.

When I heard we was having

a surprise inspected

I was like... YES!

I love inspections!

Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!

Christmas has come early.

Thank you Santa!

When you come down that chimney,

I'm gonna leave you something.

Well that makes a change.

A change.

Shall we begin?

Now. Can anyone tell me how

to separate substances

in a mixture?

What if they're friends?

What if they don't want

to be separated?

Miss. Can't we do something

more Christmassy

than chemistry?

Oooh we could do a secret Santa!

We all get surprise gifts!

Awesome! Now you're talking!

Christmas starts

on December 25th

and not a day sooner.

The different methods are -

filtration, evaporation,

distillation and chromatography.

Nick McKelty. A grade 'A'


A grade 'A' pain.

Now this experiment might go

slightly over your heads

but it's always worth a try.

No! No! No! No! No! No!

Part of me knows this is

going to be really bad.

But part of me really

wants this to happen.

Here at Westbrook

we pride ourselves

on creating an atmosphere of

calm and serenity.



You were saying?

Saying? Is there

an echo in here?

Alright. What did

you do this time?

I threw a paper ball

at Miss Adolf.

Good one.


Apparently I'm supposed to

have something called

a lesson plan.

I mean who knew,

how do you plan music.

- You can't.

- You see that's what I think.

I thought you just kind of

grabbed the guitar,

turn up the volume and

let the Reindeers Rock.

Well the music was so loud,

that the white board just

shattered off the wall.

That sounds awesome!

Yeah. Except Mr. Joy

thought it sounded like

'an orchestra trapped

inside a tumble dryer'.


Okay, listen, his bark is

worse than his bite.

But then, they said that

about my Grandma's dog

and he ate the mailmen.

You covered Miss Adolf

in green gunge?

It was more a sort of turquoise.

It's not funny, Hank.

Mr. Joy says this is

your final warning.

One more incident and

you'll get suspended.

Hank, you've got to stop

getting into trouble.

It was an accident.

Well it's always an

accident isn't it?

You need to grow up Hank.

We've only got room for

one baby in this flat.

Emily? What are you doing?!

I said I'd get the tree

when I'd finished

building the cradle.

Yeah, I thought it would be

nice to have one before Easter.

Emily, you don't

need to be cheeky,

your father's doing his best.

Oh thank you for the

vote of confidence.

So, who wants to

help me decorate it?


Remember what happened last time

you decorated the tree?


It was an accident...

Okay, well we can all

decorate the tree.

Come on everybody,

grab a bauble.

Best not, I'll only break it.

That's odd, my head feels breezy

Oh that is not good.

No brain. No brain. No brain.

As I always suspected Zipzer -

you're brainless!

Don't let me ever

go back to sleep.

Why don't you just

ask Dad to help

and be done with it?

And what?

Be reminded of my failure

every time I put this little

guy down to sleep?

Did he kick?

Yeah. He could kick for


No Arsenal!

Dad always wanted me

to play football

but I was never any good.

Are you sure about having

a home birth?

Wouldn't you feel more

comfortable in hospital?

I didn't feel comfortable

with Hank

concussing two nurses?

No this time everything's

gonna be perfect.

Nothing is gonna go wrong.

I can't wait to meet him.

Me too,

I've got a good

feeling about this one.

I think he's gonna be a genius.

Maybe he could help me

put this cradle together.

He's going to do

something amazing.

Just you wait and see.

What they really mean is -

they hope he doesn't

turn out like me.

Hayden Jason's gone number one

in the download chart!

Oh! She's spreading

like a virus.

I have to find a cure.

Have you seen the inspectors?

They were heading for

Mr. Rock's classroom.

One can only hope they've

brought protective headgear.

♪ Just once I want to

hear Santa say... ♪

♪ Go Rudolph, tonight you

can guide the sleigh. ♪

And then the other

reindeers get lost

and Rudolph has to save the day.

That sounds wonderful.


You know the beauty

of music lies

in the ear of the beholder.

And you two have exquisite ears!

This is exactly the sort of

imaginative approach

that we're looking for.

I can't wait to see it.

You, you know, neither can I.

But the musicals been cancelled.

Cancelled?! Cancelled?!

Mr. Rock's musical is the

highlight of the year!

The staff and pupils

absolutely love it.

It's something that would

never be cancelled.


Must have been an admin

error, or something.

You, you know how

wonderful this man is?

He said you all get more money

for costumes this year.

I did?

You did

I did. I did.

And then he went on and

said a new lighting rig.

How generous is that.

That was unexpected but

if that's what it takes

to get this show on the

road, then we must do it.

Oh my goodness.

And then this Headmaster

of Headmasters.

He said the entire orchestra

gets a new instrument

AND a confetti canon

for the finale.

I just get carried away.

It's great to see a Headmaster

supporting the creative arts.

And this show is the

perfect opportunity

to see what Westbrook can do.

Westbrook can do.

With all this new

equipment this better be

the greatest Christmas musical

the world has ever seen!

Rock on!

Oh rock on.

Hey look! The show's back on!


I think I'm gonna give the

auditions a miss.

C'mon Hankster, you're

amazing on stage.

You have to audition.

Roll up folks!

Come and see the

greatest show on earth!

Rudolph the

Rock 'n' Roll Reindeer

starring the one and only...

Hank Zipzer!

Yeah... maybe...

Yeah, you're totally right!

This could be my

chance to make Mum and Dad

proud of me!

Another day and still no cradle.

I'll just make a note of that.

♪ Go Dancer! Go Prancer!

Go Dasher! Go Vixen! ♪

♪ Go Comet! Go Cupid!

Go Donner! Go Blitzen! ♪

I can't wait for

these auditions!

Has anyone seen my gherkins?

By the sink.

Enough nonsense about cradle.

Where are we going to

put the birthing pool?

We're out of gherkins!

It's the vitamin K

your body's craving.

Have some broccoli instead.

I don't want broccoli!


No-one make any

sudden movements.

I can trot to the deli

and get you a jar?

Reindeers do trot, right?

If you would do that,

you would officially

be my favourite child.

I can report you

for saying that.

Go straight to the

deli, no dawdling,

no stopping to, to, to

look at amusing pigeons.

This is an emergency!

Run like the wind!

There only gherkins Dad,

I can do this.

I'm not completely useless.

That was Rudolph, not me!

Sorry son, you'll have to wait.

Please! It's an emergency!

My mum needs gherkins!

Ah! That's

not an emergency.

You've never seen her in

a gherkin rage.

What are they doing, anyway?

♪ Don't wanna

be a flower girl. ♪

♪ A pretty thing for

you to twirl. ♪

♪ Summers gone

you'll dump me fast ♪

♪ I wanna love that's

gonna last all year. ♪

♪ Do you love me,

or love me not. ♪

♪ Were going cold

or getting hot. ♪


Please, Ms. Harris,

all these interruptions

are making

it very difficult to...

Not that it's a problem,

of course.

Good. 'Cos if it was,

we'd be looking for a new


Can I just do this in a coat?

And cover up that knock-out

dress, Hayden honey?

You can't sell this song

without a bit of sizzle, sugar.

And you are looking

smoking hot, girl.

Then why do I have goosebumps?

'Cos you're excited about

being in London?

Oh come on couple more weeks,

we'll be in Tokyo.

They say it's beautiful at


Nothing is the same as

Christmas at home

and I always spend it with my

Mom and Dad.

Sorry, darlin'.

Sometimes you want the rainbow,

you gotta put up with the rain.

Ow! My eyes!

This stuff'll really

make them pop.


Not to rush you but the flowers

are starting to wilt.

And they're not the only ones.

You wanna see your folks -

they're right down that lens.

Then you make 'em

proud of their little girl.

Okay, alright, well,

well from the top!

And action!

♪ Don't wanna be

a flower girl. ♪

♪ A pretty thing

for you to twirl. ♪

♪ Summers gone you'll

dump me fast ♪

♪ I wanna love that's

gonna last all year. ♪

Hey you!


Are you people incapable of

doing anything right?!

Do you KNOW how much

this girl is worth?

You okay honey?


That's lunch!

Ahah! No way!

We've gotta keep shooting -

we got places to go,

people to see.

I don't mind if we

break for lunch.

I mind!

Time is money honey and

I'm not gonna let

this bunch of clowns

ruin my rodeo.

You're fired!

Don't you walk away from me now!

You're fired! You're

definitely fired!

You are fired!!

Fired! Fired! Fired!

You. You're definitely fired.

Come on. Who wants some?

Who wants some?

You're fired?!

That's Hayden Chase!

Frankie is gonna be so jealous.

Woah! You're...

I know who you are.

You know who you are.

I mean, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I messed

up your video.

No it's fine.

You got me a lunch break,

I owe you. Big time.

Who is that?

Tammy Harris. My manager.

Is she always that angry?

She's just...

kinda protective.

He can't have just disappeared

like a catfish up a creek!

YOU. You're unfired! Find him!

I should probably

give myself up.

No trust me, you do

not wanna do that.

Follow me...

I hate my hair like this.

Looks good to me.

But I'm probably the wrong

person to ask.

I like your hair,

maybe that should

be my new look.

It's easy to do -

you just wake up in the

morning and you're good to go.

Bed hair!

I love it!

Stop! Stop!!!!

He'll be half way to

Hawaii by now.

Come on Y'all get back to work

or you'll get my rhinestone

boot up your behinds!

Oh hello there Mister Takahashi.

Oh really, oh well,

I mean what is the

weather like over there.

Okay, I think you can relax now.

Can I take one of

these for a friend?

He's a huge fan.

And would this friend

happen to be yay high,

with cute messy hair?

No Frankie's hair

is always perfect.

He spends hours on it.

Oh. I just thought...

Oh right... doesn't matter.

Yeah I'll write him a message.

So you don't like my music?

No, no -

I mean yes, yes I

like it, I love it.

Erm... It's good. So...



So what's your favourite song

off my new album?

The, the new album?

I err, well...

You know it's so hard

to pick a favourite -

when they're all so amazing.

I promise I'll download it as

soon as I get home.

It's okay. I'll give you

a free download link.

If you don't like it

you can delete it.



Call me and let me

know what you think.

Cos I could really do with

some honest feedback.


Oh you flatter

me Mr. Takahashi.


Guess who's sold out in Tokyo!

You are on a roll, girl.

I am never washing

this hand, again.


Where are all the gherkins?!

Sorry Hank, just sold out.


I knew I should have

got here sooner.

Mum's gonna kill me.

Then you better come up

with a good excuse.

I bumped into a mega star:

Hayden Chase.

Not bad but the name

needs some work.

She's real!

Of course she is.

Papa Pete, I know how to

get Mum some gherkins!

Papa Pete - where d'you

keep the vinegar?

You made these?!

Yeah step away from

the jar, Rosa!

They don't even look

like gherkins.

I can't! I'm going in.

I couldn't find any gherkins.

They only had chilies.

Hum! Delicious!

Oh! Oh!

I'll get you some water.

I told you not to dawdle!

I didn't! I bumped

into Hayden Chase.

First rule of lying:

at least make it

slightly believable.

I'm not lying!

Look - she gave me her number!

And she gave me a signed

photo for Frankie!

Oh, you really did meet her!

'Merry Crismus Frankie'.

There's only one person I know

who spells Christmas,


That's weird.

Hum! Yep you

bought the photo

and signed it yourself

to get out of trouble...

Second rule of lying:

don't get caught red-handed.

They didn't believe me!

Nice try Hank but I'm not

falling for it either.

Hayden Chase doesn't

have dyslexia.

If she did it would be in

her autobiography.

She's written her life story?

She's only sixteen!

'Chasing Rainbows'.

I have it in hardback

and paperback.

You guys should read them.

I'd rather wax my eyeballs.

Well maybe she doesn't like

talking about her dyslexia?

It's not exactly something

you brag about.

You can keep on selling

but I'm not buying.

C'mon, we don't want

to be late for the

Christmas audition.

Why will no-one believe me!

Get your rear in gear girl!

The day don't wait

for no-one, darlin'.

Hey Bob...

can you help me with something?

Alright sweetie pie.

Just try a little louder.

This will be the

biggest disaster

since Henry Zipzer was allowed

in the school talent show.

Being able to fart the

national anthem

is not a talent!

Do you really want to

give the inspectors

front-row seats to a

Christmas catastrophe?!

I had no choice:

they want to see it.

Maybe it'll only be a

bit of a disaster.

Have you been eating tinsel?!

This is Mr. Rock

we're talking about.

♪ Just once I want to

hear Santa say ♪

I'm never going to top that.

♪ Go Rudolph! Tonight you can

guide the sleigh! ♪

I think you've found your

Rudolph Mr. Rock.

He's perfect.

Yeah, well no come on.

A little too perfect.

Remember before

Rudolf saves the day,

all the other reindeer

make fun of 'em.


But we have our inspectors.

Too perfect sounds...

perfect to me.

There's no next.

Cast him, he's Rudolph!


♪ I live in the Arctic but I've

never been cool

That's how Rudolph ended up

on Santa's naughty list.

Stop smiling.

Why are you smiling?

No smiling!

Not Zipzer. No way!

Now he is funny.


He is my decision.

I got the part!!

Hello! Anybody home?

Emily is taking us to a class

on home births.

I didn't think you'd

want to come.

Dinners in the oven.

Try not to burn

the flat down, Hank.

I know how to use an oven Dad.

I think I'm gonna have

salad tonight.

♪ I try hard but I'm

still afraid. ♪

♪ I'm never gonna

make the grade ♪

♪ You make it look so easy,

when I follow you. ♪

♪ I've got nothing to show. ♪

♪ The stars are

out of reach ♪

♪ Why do I try? ♪

♪ I wanna be like you.. ♪

♪ I wish I was smarter.

I wish I was brave. ♪

♪ I wish I was all the

things you crave ♪

♪ Cos I don't ever

wanna let you down ♪

♪ Don't ever wanna

make you frown ♪

♪ No I just wanna

make you proud. ♪

♪ I try hard but

I'm still afraid. ♪

♪ I'm never gonna

make the grade. ♪

This album is awesome.

I wish I could tell her...

Go Dancer. Go Prancer.

Here we go.

Alright, Listen Brass

your doing great,

a little less spit or

we're gonna have to

hand out umbrellas.

Bongo's are you with me?


This noise is intolerable!

I mean I can hardly hear

myself teach!

I demand silence!

You demand silence!

You know what that's really


Because this is a musical,


The noise levels are well over

the maximum level allowed in

the workplace.

A hundred and five decibels.

Were did you come from?

Comply with the regulations

or I will have this

production shut down!

Okay. Okay. You

know what I need?

I need some organization,

that's all.

Oh look at those spreadsheets.

They are so organised.

How would you like...

No, not doing it.

You'll of course you would get

extra marks

on your school report...

I'll take the job.


Are you two related?

Can I see the

production timetable?

"Can I see the

production timetable?"

A timetable, of course you can.

As soon as you write them.

You can see them. Beautiful...

What an apple.

Okay here we go kids,

from the top!

The label wants new promo

shots for Tokyo.

They're picking you up in ten


want to see you in this.

Do we have to do this right now?

Don't you give me the diva,


You want the folks at the label

thinking won't play ball?

Oh c'mon, put it on.

You'll look real cute!

Brett, how we looking

for Australia?

I want Sydney Opera House,

you know we can fill it.

This won't get me into

trouble now will it?

I won't tell if you don't.

♪ I'm flying round the

world singing my song. ♪

♪ Spreading the joy and

righting the wrongs. ♪

♪ A Reindeer that rocks

is nothing to fear. ♪

♪ I light up the night

with joy and cheer. ♪

♪ I never get big for the

sleigh ride team. ♪

♪ Seeing the world is

forever my dream. ♪

♪ Go Dancer. Go Prancer.

Go Dasher. ♪

♪ Go Vixen. Go Comet.

Go Cupid. ♪

♪ Go Donna. Go Blitzen. ♪

♪ Just what I want to hear

Santa say, ♪

♪ Go Rudolf tonight you can

guide the sleigh! ♪

This time it's you...

Rudolf's the name. Pulling

a sleigh is the game.

Oh, sorry. Wrong number.


Hank? Is that you?


I was just, erm, pretending

to be a reindeer.

Wow, I can't believe it's you!

You never called?

Did you hate the

album that much?

I loved it!

It's just I lost your number

in a gherkin related incident.

Okay. I guess you're forgiven.

Hayden get out here -

we got work to do!

Sorry I gotta go, Hank.

Tammy's hollering. Time to go

dress-up doll again.

Can't you get out of it?

Do something fun instead.

I wish.

Say that you've had an idea

for a hit song

Then sneak out when

she's not looking.

That could actually work.

Hank you're a genius.

People don't often call me that.

If I do escape I'll need

someone to hang out with.

So are you free tonight?

Hello? You still there?

Yeah. Yeah.

I was just erm,

checking my calendar...

I think I might have

a window free.

Great, Okay I'll text you

where to meet.

See you later Rudolph.

Yes, yes, yes, yes,

yes, yes, YES!!!!


You've skated before, right?

No, but how hard can it be?

I don't have to do that

with my arm,

I just think it looks cool.

Don't worry; I got you.

I'm gonna have

a fun time tonight.

I'm not gonna let

anything ruin it.

How's it going in there, hon?

Sugar? You in there?

Will you stop being

so terrified,

this is supposed to be fun.

Have you seen how sharp

these skates are?

Alright look.

Whenever I get nervous

before I go on stage

I just imagine I'm

somewhere else -

like making pancakes

with my mom.

It relaxes me, you should

try it sometime.

Last time I made

pancakes with my mum

I set off every smoke

alarm for about a mile.

You don't like your family?

I love my family, it's just...

My sister wants me to be

put in a lab and tested.

My dad wishes I could

score the winning goal

at the world cup and my mum

still basically thinks I'm a

work in progress.

I'm kind of a disappointment.

I'm sure they love you really.

This Christmas

they're replacing me

with another boy.

No way!

Yeah, my mum's due any day now

and my baby brother's all

they can talk about.

Okay I thought you

were being serious.

I am!

I bet you they call him

"Hank Two Point Oh",

"New and Improved".

Okay then forget about your

home and think about

somewhere else that

makes you happy.

Where did you go?

The Spicy Salami,

the family deli.

With my granddad.

It's my favourite place.

Well it worked, you're skating!

That's amazing!

How did you do that?


Hayden! I am so so sorry!

Are you okay?

Please be okay.

Skating is SO not your thing!

Ooh! Help me!

I'm Hank!

And I was really starting

to like you.

Hey, it's Hayden Chase!

Those are your fans?!

I thought they'd rip us apart.

Oh it's all part of the job,

I guess.

It was like one of

those wildlife shows

where the hyenas jump on

the cute gazelle

You calling me cute?

I'll take that as a yes.

Did you see that?

Please tell me you saw that.

Did I ever tell you

I grew up on a ranch?

My daddy gave me a

pony for my tenth birthday.

Her coat was so white

I called her Snowflake.

I loved her so much some nights

I used to sneak down and sleep

in the stable with her.

Then one day out of the blue...

she bit my hand.

She near took my finger off.

My daddy said she'd gone bad,

that we had to send her to

the big ranch in the sky.

I begged him not to do it...

but in the end, like he said,

"when they turn on you,

you gotta show them who's boss".

Don't you ever bite me again.

Do I make myself clear?

Now give me your phone.

We don't want you

running off with that boy.

Zipzer, was it?

Guard this door,

don't let her leave.

Look! There!

That's my arm!

See I was with Hayden.

That could be anyone's arm.

You are losing it. Seriously.

Okay first positions everyone.

You'll never be able to pull

this sleigh on your own Zipzer.

You're too weak.

Okay One house down,

two billion to go.

Rudie can you can pull

this sleigh by yourself?

All aboard Santa!

We've got plenty of

presents to deliver...

All across the world!

Let's go!

I'm in!


I'm so sorry.

Oooohhhh OoooHhhhh...!

Oooh... Oooh...

If you have any questions my

door is always open.


It gives me no pleasure to

tell you I told you so.

Who am I kidding?

I've never been happier.

Ah, now, now will you

call the ambulance,

or shall I?


You are despicable,

everything about you.

He fired me from MY own musical!

What? He can't do that!

What's gonna happen to the show?

I don't know! And he did!

Lose the sleigh:

much too dangerous.

We're going to try

something different.

Miss Adolf! Anybody

but Miss Adolf!

Silence at the back!

I've got a lot of work to do

knocking this monstrosity

into shape.

This is a masterpiece!

Don't you change one note.

That would be like

painting a m...

a moustache on the Mona Lisa!

Beethoven's Fifth

is a masterpiece.

The Nutcracker Suite

is a masterpiece.

This is an assault on Christmas.

I'm begging you, don't ruin it!

I'm going to rescue it.

That would be like the

iceberg rescuing the Titanic.

Toodle oooh Mr. Clause.

You can't give up!

This is your show!

Hank sometimes you win,

sometimes you lose.

Sometimes you play Glastonbury,

sometimes you get stuck

in the portaloo

and you never make it

to the stage.

Oh yes! That happened.

What if I say I won't do it?

They can't put it on

without Rudolph?

This is your moment to shine.

I need you to make

that show fabulous!

I will. By getting you

your musical back.


Wait! No! No! Hank!

Oh I have to work on this

teacher/pupil obedience thing.




Oh erm, yes, yes,

there's a lot of dust.

I'm just checking.


I know how to impress

the inspectors.

You're moving to a new school?!

No. But I can get

Hayden Chase

to sing in the Christmas Show.

Oh and I can get the Queen

to tap dance with penguins.

You can?!

Oh. But I really CAN get

Hayden Chase - she's my friend!

Ridiculous! What are you? Six?

You're nothing. No-one.

Stars like Hayden Chase

don't even know you exist.

Lucky for them!

Now get out of my sight before

I give you detention -

for a whole year!

If I can get Hayden to do it,

will you put Mr. Rock back in

charge of the show?

Oh I'll do one better.

If Hayden Chase sings

in our musical -

I'll eat my socks in front

of the whole school.

You heard it here first!

Out with the new

and in with the old.

You can't go wrong

with a classic.

But the show's on Saturday!

I've got an IQ of a

hundred and forty six

and even I couldn't

rehearse a whole new play

in two days!

Where there's a will

there's a way Emily.

Now let's show the inspectors

what Westbrook really stands



Tradition. Ohh...

Hi Hayden, it's me Hank.


Are you getting any of

these messages?

I really need

you to call me back,

it's kind of urgent.

I've got a massive

favour to ask.

Dude, this isn't funny anymore.

You know it actually wasn't

that funny to begin with.

Why isn't she calling me back?

Maybe her phone's broken?

Maybe you need to

leave planet Hank

and join the rest of

us back on Earth.

I know! I'll go to the hotel

and ask her face to face.

Hank! Getting into

more trouble

isn't going to help

Mr. Rock or you.

You're wasting your time anyway.

She's singing in City

Square tonight.

Tell Mum and Dad

I'm rehearsing late!

"She's singing in City

Square tonight."

Why didn't you just

call him a cab?

I don't sounds like

that, just so you know.

Come on, big mouth.

We need to find someone to

stop him.

Wait a minute.

This is like looking for a

snowball in a blizzard!

We should split up.

No. No.

No - the last thing we need is

more snowballs.

Were gonna stick together.

My guess is he'll

be near the stage.

Alright, that's a good idea.

If that true, we're

going old school.


I want my phone back.

I need to call my mom.

I called her for you.

I told her you were having the

time of your life.

She and your pop say 'hi'.

Now make the magic happen.

What are you doing?

Making pancakes.

Thank you for coming

out tonight.

It's so good to see all of you.

Hayden! Over here!

It's me, Hank!

♪ Snow is falling,

sleighbells ring, ♪

♪ Christmas Eve

and children sing, ♪

♪ I should feel joy

but not tonight. ♪

♪ Cos your not here

and that ain't right. ♪

♪ We were king and

queen of prom. ♪

♪ My first love were

have you gone? ♪

♪ I hold you close

here in my arms ♪

♪ It was always you right

from the start. ♪

♪ I've hung my

stocking, made my list, ♪

♪ Hoping Santa

hears my wish. ♪

♪ Snow falling

from above. ♪

♪ Far from the

one I love. ♪

♪ All I need to

make it right ♪

♪ Is to see your

face tonight. ♪

How can you not like this one?!

I think I'm allergic

to her voice.

Coming through...

Hank. Excuse me.

Wow... Great shoes.

Great shoes.


Hayden over here!

♪ Choirs sing and

snowball fights. ♪

♪ Mistletoe and

fairy lights. ♪


♪ I would give up

all of these, ♪

♪ I'd even give up

Christmas trees. ♪

♪ I've hung my

stocking made my list, ♪

♪ Hopeing Santa hears my wish. ♪

Hayden! Help!

♪ Snow falling from above ♪

♪ Far from the one I love. ♪

♪ All I need to make it right ♪

♪ Is to see your

face tonight ♪

Hank! Hank! Hank!

He was right here.

Hank! Hello there.

♪ Come on home

this Christmas time


The wire!

Uh oh.

It's like bumfire night.



Hank?! Is that you?

What in the blue blasers

is rodeo clown doing here?

Graaaab him!


I told you my life was a


And I never want to see a

snowman ever again..

You three. You're

coming with us.

This is not the way to

Buckingham Palace?

You're fired! And I

mean it this time!

Oh yes this is lovely.

You alright?

Hum! Where gonna

need a bigger pot.

Hello Maternity Ward.

Nurse Stanley Zipzer on duty.

What do you mean

he's been arrested?!


Yeah, that, that's my boy.


This is a new low, isn't it?

Even for you Hank.

You've let me down,

you let your Mum down.

You let the birthing pool down.

Why can't you just

stop and think

for once before you

launch yourself into

these stupid escapades?

You see these walls?

Do you want this

to be your future?

I'm sorry dad, it was

an accident.

Yeah, yeah I suppose

it probably was.

C'mon son, let's

get you home. Eh?

Well done, you finally

made the news.

Oh well Hayden

wants y'all to know

she's A-okay after

last night's rumpus.

As for the loser that caused

all this hullabaloo,

I'm happy to say that Hayden

doesn't know him

from applesauce.

It seems he's a stalker.

She must be talking about

someone else.

Hayden knows me.

He goes by the name

of Hank Zipzer.

Maybe there's another

Hank Zipzer?!

A pupil of Westbrook school

was arrested last night and...

You can't even be a

successful criminal.

So it wasn't enough

for you to send

the school inspectors

on a sleigh ride

to the hospital?

I didn't mean to do that.

I was...

You didn't think,

you went far enough

to ensure that Westbrook

Academy's reputation

was in ruins?!

You know what I was trying to...

So what does he go and do?

He goes and gets

himself arrested!

With three pupils!

In school uniform!

To be perfectly clear,

I was not in school uniform.

This may be the

season of goodwill.

Look at that Christmas Crackers.

That's very smart!

But not for you music man.

Under the powers vested in me as


of this school,

I declare that you...

Woah. Woah. Woah.

Let's talk this out.

I love these kids.

I love my job. I love

this school.

Please! Don't fire me!

I'm asking you.

I thought I fired you, already?

Me? No, that would of been

one of the other

security guards.

He goes by the name

of Hank Zipzer.

Okay darling.

We got a conference

at ten for the launch

of your toy doll.

Put on an outfit to match.

Why did you say

he was a stalker?

He's my friend!

That boy's dumber

than a box of rocks!

I bet he can barely

write his own name.

I want to go home for Christmas.

And I want to look twenty

years younger honey,

but even my plastic surgeon says

that ain't gonna happen.

I really need to see my family.

And you will.

Just as soon as

this tour is over.

Oh, cheer up honey,

I'm sure they got

tinsel in Tokyo.

Hey Lou! Great job

on the doll.

Huh, well how much shelf

space are we getting?

I know exactly how you

feel trapped in there.

I'm so, so, so sorry guys.

What did your parents say?

Look at Zitzer! Loser!

How's Hayden? Stalker!


A stalker at Westbrook -

the shame of it.

And during an inspection!

Sadly, I cannot

expel you because

it wasn't an official trip.

But one more mistake,

like that Zipzer,

you are o.u.t. o.f. h.e.r.e.

You work it out!

Hi. How are you both?

You're moving to

a new classroom?

No. No. I'm starting

a new life.

They fired me.

This is all my fault.

You must hate me.

I don't hate you!

I never thought I

would make it this far.

I thought they were

gonna fire me

after the first week.

Hey! You want a harmonica?

Bob Dylan gave it me I

never got the hang of it.

I am so useless. I

mess everything up.

1973, Denver. Look at that.

You believe it.

Me and The Flaming Rhinos

were on tour,

it's my turn to drive the van.

We get out stretch our legs,

and nincompoop here

forgets the handbrake.

All of a sudden I'm watching

in horror the bus

is going down the hill,

into a lake.

Glug, glug, glug.

D'you ever see a bass

guitar drowning?

It's heart-breaking.

We didn't give up.

Oh no we begged, we borrowed,

we got a new van, got new

equipment and we toured again,

we did not give up

and neither are you.

Hank, you are a clever,

inventive smart young man.

And just because reading,

writing and maths

might be hard for you,

it has nothing to do with

how brilliant you are.

I'm starting a new life and

you are gonna be okay.

♪ I feel like

Sleeping Beauty ♪

♪ Black thorns

are closing in ♪

♪ Locked in my

perfect palace ♪

♪ Wishing my life

could begin, ♪

♪ But wishing never works it

just adds to all the hurt. ♪

♪ And the truth is,

I'm under your spell. ♪

♪ Can't ever break free,

but your not here. ♪

♪ To fight my fear don't

leave me here. ♪

♪ I'm under your spell. ♪

♪ Can't ever break free,

but you're not here. ♪

♪ To fight my fear don't

leave me here with me. ♪

♪ Can't ever break free.

Oh no... ♪

Okay honey the car is...


This play sucks!

Why can't we do Rudolph the

Rock 'n' Roll Reindeer?

For so many reasons.

You do realise it's


impossible for reindeer to fly?

Who cares? It's

more fun than this!

Christmas isn't about fun,

it's about celebrating good

old-fashioned values.

Like not firing Mr. Rock

just because

he was trying to help Hank?

Like obedience to authority

and respect for your elders.

Oh yeah? Well we're

going on strike

until Mr. Rock is reinstated.

We want Rock! We want Rock!

We want Rock! We want Rock!


Back on the stage! All of you!

Right now! This is your

last warning!

Very well, we'll do the

show without them.

But Nick can't play all

sixteen parts by himself.

I am very versatile.

You're really not.

Please, Miss. Go outside

and talk to them.

I refuse to negotiate

with anarchists.

Okay let's take it from the top.

Uno alla volta! One at a time!

Don't make me use

the squirty cream.

Hank! My hero!

Clear those plates and

wash up, will you?

At least Papa Pete's

still pleased to see me.

Hands off!

My last panettone

is for Mrs Trapani.

Save yourself while

you still can, Mrs Trapani!

Buon Natale.

Do you know a Hank Zipzer?


Hayden! I, I don't...

what are you...

it's so good to see you!

I just really wanted

to apologise

for the whole 'stalker' thing.

Tammy was way out of line.

How did you find me?

You told me this was your

happy place, remember?

So what were you doing

crawling under the stage?

I err, needed to

ask you something

but it doesn't matter now.

What? Tell me.

I messed up, that's what I do.

I mess up people's lives

and make them worse.

It's the one thing

I'm really good at.

That and rocking an apron.

Here let me help you

with the dishes.

You've got much better

things to be doing

than washing up here with me.

No. I don't.

You know I really like

hanging out with you Hank.

You're the only person I know

that doesn't want

anything from me.

Tammy will be furious if she

finds out you're here.

I just realised

Tammy's always mad.

Now I'm gonna choose who

my friends are, not her.

I choose you.

I am the ghost of Jacob Marley.

It cannot be!

You died seven years ago

this Christmas Eve.

Woah. You will be

visited by three ghosts.

I can't do this,

it's impossible.

Impossible is winning

the Eighty Eight

Fencing World Championships

with a broken epe

and chronic diarrhea.

Then you do it.

Children today have no backbone.


Don't even think about asking.

Oh. Very well, then I SHALL

play all the parts.

At least with my

performance Dickens' words

will be en-un-ci-ate-ed

with per-fect cla-ri-ty.

A little something for you,

you two saved my life!

Papa Pete makes the

best pasta in London.

The world!

My grandson says

the nicest things.

Oh wow. This is amazing.

And he has excellent

choice in friends.

Hayden! Hayden Chase!

It's Hayden Chase!

♪ I don't want to

be your flower girl, ♪

♪ A pretty thing

for you to twirl ♪

I am so sorry I

didn't believe you!

I will eat my socks right now!

Sorry, no consumption of food

not purchased on the premises.

I'm so excited you're gonna be

in our school show!

What show?

It's Hayden Chase everyone!

She's singing at Westbrook

Christmas Show!

Get tickets! Tell everyone!

Hayden Chase!

One more.

Oh Hayden Chase!

Is Hayden, it's just Argh!!!

Hayden Chase! Zipzer!

What a result!

You came through!

Hank? What was

he talking about?

I was trying to help

my music teacher Mr. Rock.

I thought if you could sing

in the show then...

So that's what all this

has been about?

You just wanted

something from me?

No, no it's, it's not like that.

You know, I thought

you were different

and now you're just like

all the others.

Please, let me explain.

No don't, Okay I've

heard it before.

Goodbye Hank.

She doesn't like my pasta?

She doesn't like me.

I want Rock! I want Rock!

I feel so bad about

not believing Hank.

I feel bad we don't have a show

for Hayden to sing in.

And for Hank, obviously.

Well, it's not over yet.

We want Rock, he's on our list.

Hoping you will hear our wish.

That's Hayden! You're

singing her Christmas hit!

We want Rock, he's on our list,

Hoping you will hear our wish!

How did that get in my head?!

She's a witch.

It's the magic of Hayden.

No-one's immune!

Later on in the

show we've got the queen

of pop, Hayden Chase singing

live in the studio,

She is going to be right here.

How's that for an early

Christmas present.

I told you we should

have believed Hank.


I must have missed that piece

of parenting brilliance.

Oh ok, well I THOUGHT it.

If that Tammy knew

they were friends,

why would she call him

a stalker?

Cause she didn't think that Hank

was good enough for

her precious star.

I tell you if I ever see that

massive-haired madam

I'm gonna...

Go into early labour

so calm down.

Keep breathing, in, out, in,

out, big breaths.

This won't take a minute.

These instructions

make no sense.

Thank you!

What so, now we've

got no cradle!

So, so were are we

gonna put the baby?!

He can't live in here forever!

Oh, I will buy you another one.

I'll help you choose.

I am the ghost of Jacob Marley.

It cannot be!

You died seven years ago

this Christmas Eve.

You will be visited by three



The ghost of Christmas Past...

No. No.

The ghost of Christmas Present.

And the ghost of...

Oh, Oh,


I am the ghost of Christmas

Productions Yet to Come.

Who am I?

I am a soul of the night,

while I travel...

Just take a look, at what the

audience thinks

of what you've done.

Not exactly laughing in the

aisles, are they?

You know what they're

all thinking?

They love Dickens?

How quickly will this be over?

Don't be a Scrooge, Miss Adolf.

Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!


Are you alright Miss Adolf?

No! I need to find Mr. Rock!

I have to save Christmas!

If I was a washed up

old music teacher,

where would I go...?

Do you want me to help you

fill it with water's

No, it's fine.


I mean I would be the one

filling it, you know?

Knowing me I'd probably flood

the flat or something.

I mean I'd just, just

stand over here and watch.

No you can fill it

when the time comes.

Just for now your baby brother

doesn't seem in any

hurry to arrive.

Oh right, I thought...

Are you okay?

I'm sorry we didn't

believe you about Hayden.

It doesn't matter now anyway.

We're not friends any more.

If that's because of that

manager of hers

I'm going to find her and...

No it was my fault.

I messed up...


What happened? Come on,

tell me everything.

♪ I fly around the world

singing my song. ♪

♪ Spreading the joy and

righting the wrongs. ♪

Of all the subways

in all the world

you have to choose mine

to walk through!

Mr. Joy thinks he's made

a mistake firing you

and thinks you should come back

and put on your musical tonight.

Oh, he's not a Dickens fan?

We felt on reflection

it was perhaps

a little too high brow.

And nothing to do with the

kids striking, huh?

Oh, yeah I heard about that.

Go on then have a gloat.

Let's get it out of the way.

Roll up, roll up

and hear all about

Miss Adolf's Dickens disaster!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean

to shout at you.

I've been under an awful strain.

Please come back -

the production needs you!

I didn't catch what you said?

The school needs you!


Okay, okay.

I need you! Alright?

Almost got it, a little louder.





Well why didn't you say so!

Course I'll help!

Where are you going?

I'm in the middle of a gig,

I can't just walk away.

I could use a little help.

Oh no.

Y.E.S. Pick it up.

Come on.

Hit against your thighs.

Go on.

I tell you something

dancing, would be great...

You'll make a lot of

money dancing.

You are an insufferable

little man

and I curse the day we ever met.

We shouldn't be here Mum.

You need to talk to her

before she flies out tonight.

I really don't.

Please can we just go?

Listen, if you don't tell

her how you feel,

you'll regret it.

I'm starting to regret being

here with you.

Oh sorry, I just had to do that.

Ow... Erm no. I think it's

started it.

I'll have to sit down!

Shouldn't Rudolph

have bigger antlers?

I am the star of the show.

What do you think?

Your show, your decision.

We're gonna stay

with your antlers.

You know what I'm thinking?

I'm thinking we should go

much bigger antlers.

Remember when you first come out

the other reindeers have

no respect for you.

So be tentative, nervous.

You must feel what

Rudolph feels.

You must BECOME a reindeer.

Ok, from the top!

Hi Mom, sorry I'm not

gonna be home for Christmas.

I'll call you from Tokyo.

She does spell

Christmas wrong like me...

Oh a muffin.

I'm not gonna sing in

your school show

so you might as well leave.

I don't care about the show,

I care about...

What you think of me.

That's private.

You've got dyslexia like me.

You should probably go,

though your the one with

the problem not me.

I get it, you're a big pop star.

You don't want it to damage

your perfect image.

I never said I was perfect.

Deep down just as messed

up as my spelling.

I didn't tell you about the show

because I didn't want

to be another person

asking you for something.

You weren't using me?

Only to help with

the washing up.

I'm sorry Hank.

Oh no, your granddad must

think I'm really rude.

I didn't eat his pasta.

He's a mess.

The only way to

make it up to him is

to come back with me.

I wish I could but we're

flying out tonight.

Well you don't have too,

if you don't want to.

Try telling Tammy that.

Well maybe it's time you

just stood up to Tammy?

And maybe it's time you

stopped sticking your snout

where it's not wanted.

Get this loser out of here!

Get moving honey,

you are on in five.



Aww. Ooo.

Get your hands off my son!

You were faking?!

Who even does that?

I told you to keep him

away from my star.

She's worth a lot of

money to me and

I won't see her

sidetracked by a loser

like him!

The only loser

around here is you.

Lying about my son

being a stalker!

You knew they were friends!

I don't have to listen

to this trailer trash -

throw her out along

with her dumb kid.

Oh trailer trash?!

I'll show you trailer trash!

Don't just stand there!

Do something!

I'm not fighting

a pregnant lady!


You're fired!

Fired, fired, fired, fired,

fired, fired, FIRED!

It's okay Mum, you can

stop pretending now.

No I'm, I'm not pretending!

Oh the baby really is coming!

I'll call Dad!

Lift. Lift. Lift.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Oh. No. No. No.


I told you it was too big.

Oh shut up.


You couldn't answer

that could yer?

It's going to voicemail!

I've gotta get home!

I'll call Emily!

No. No. No. She'll

just boss me about.

It's, it's you Hank.

You're my birth partner now!

Mum. You don't want me.

I'll mess up! Something

bad will happen.

It always does. I'll get help!

Argh! the baby's coming! oh!


Bethlehem's a bit far love,

but I can drop you

at St. Thomas's?

It's just over the river.

No. No. I need

to get home.

I'm having a home birth.

It's. It's all going to

be perfect this time.

We won't make it, Mum.

It's too far!

Take us to the hospital.

No. No. You need to lift

your end higher.

You need to lower your

end and twist.

It won't twist! Lift!

I said don't choose a big one?

What did he do?

You said this cradle

was fit for a king!

Yes. But you don't

live in a castle!

Oh. Rosa's having the baby!

Rosa's having the baby!!!

I've gotta get out.

Let me out!

Oh. What about the cradle?!

It looks good there.

Dad's on his way.

He won't be long!

I don't wanna be here!

I wanna be at home!

You'll be better off without me.

I'm a total failure.

Don't say that.

Don't ever say that.

You know what's

important is not,

good grades and all that stuff.

What is important

is that you have

a good heart and

you've got a great heart.

Mum, my hand, I

think it's gonna snap.

♪ Just once I want to hear

Santa say, go Rudolph, ♪

♪ Tonight, tonight. ♪

Did he just lose his voice?

I thought so.

My Rudolph has lost his voice.

What am I gonna do now?

You're exactly right,

this show is gonna

be a disaster.

Oh. If only Hank were here.

Not something I expected to

hear from a teacher.

Or anyone.


Mother's having the baby!

We have to hurry!

Excuse me.

I know this is not the time,

but where is Hank?

Helping deliver the baby.

Well as far as excuses go,

that's not a bad one.

Close your eyes.

Now is not the time

for a nap Hank.

It's a trick that

Hayden taught me.

You close your eyes

and imagine that

you're in a place that

makes you happy.

I'm in a hospital

surrounded by machines.

Nothing can change that.

Please Mum.


Imagine the flat -

cushions on the sofa,

trophies on the bookshelf,

gherkin jar in the kitchen.

Oh could you make

that pickled chilies?

Cos I'm, I'm liking them now.

Don't get distracted mum.

Now imagine that you're

in the birthing pool,

the water's lovely and warm.

Dad's standing by your

side, holding your hand.

Yes, I can see him.

You are doing great love.

I'm so proud of you.

Keep breathing, big breaths

through the nose.

That chili smells good.

Now we really need you to

start pushing now. Okay?


Now, you're heading for the

home straight,

okay, the finishing line is in


The crowd are going wild.

No sport stuff, now.

Got it. Okay.

Come on - one last big push.

You can do it!


Oh wow, look, isn't he gorgeous?

My two lovely boys.

Bella bambino!

Oh he is beautiful love!

I am so sorry I wasn't with you.

Well you were, thanks to Hank.

I'm so glad you're here.

But we do need to talk

about the importance

of sticking to timetables.

Hey. If you hurry you

can still make it

back to school

before curtain up.

I'm not in the show anymore.

Well you are now!

We're just heading

for the airport now.

Well soon as we're

wheels down in Tokyo

let's talk turkey on those

extra dates in Sydney.

I want top dollar, Brett.

Okay. Don't you

lowball me.

Come on darlin' let's hustle,

we got a plane to catch.

I said c'mon. Like now!

What do you mean,

Hayden Chase isn't coming?!

She had no choice.

She had to go to Japan.

Man, it would've been

great to sing with her.

And get a selfie.


I have five thousand

of these printed!

The audience are expecting

Hayden Chase!

The inspectors have arrived,

I've shown them to their seats.

They can't see this!

I'll lose my job!

We must empty the hall, but how?

What if we had a sudden fire?

Oh no you don't.

The show must go on.

Never admit defeat.

Right! The show must go on.

How about here? Can you

see the stage okay?

Err, the cravings

are supposed to stop

after the baby's

born you know...

Just shush and zoom

in on the stage.

Welcome to Westbrook Academy!

We are delighted to

have you here with us

within these hallowed

halls of learning.

Where education is the name

and excellence is the game!

Christmas is a time

for, for love,

peace and understanding,

definitely NOT a time for

throwing things at headmasters.

On an unrelated

matter Hayden Chase

will not be appearing tonight.

In another tiny cast change,

our hugely talented lead,

Nick McKelty,

has lost his voice and

will be replaced

by the marginally

talented Hank Zipzer.



Hank and Hayden are friends!

She's eaten at my deli!

The Spicy Salami!

It's very good.

Two for One lunch deals.

So without further ado,

sit back and endure - enjoy -

the very first, and possibly

the very last performance

of 'Rudolph the

Rock 'n' Roll Reindeer.'

Be aware: no

refunds will be admitted.

No throwing things...

No... I am the headmaster...

Good luck Rudolph.

You can do this.

No I can't.

Hold it,

kids, you know I

don't care that much

about my musical but

what I care about

is that your willing to

walkout because of

those people out there.

You're Hank Zipzer right.

You're made of

stronger stuff right.

The answer to that

question is yes...

So here is the question,

you've gotta answer yourself,

are you a reindeer that rocks

or are you a

reindeer that rolls?

Why doesn't he speak?

C'mon Hank, you can do it.

Get off!

Shut up! Let him sing!

I take it back!

None of you are

welcome at my deli!

Room for one more elf?

It's Hayden Chase!


What are you doing here?

I wanted to see you again.

What about your tour?

What tour?


Get away from that loser!

He's not a loser!

We don't like her;

she is not a nice lady.

You're getting in that car and

you're getting on that

plane to Tokyo! Missy!

No Tammy! I'm going

to the airport

and getting on a plane to go

home for Christmas.

I built you up from nothing!

You're no-one without me!

You do as I say or

I will destroy you!

Remember me?

I work for Miss Chase now.

You're fired.

Stings, doesn't it?

Get you're dirty hands off me!

Yes! Ahah!

Who's the loser now, missy!?

Say bye bye to the nasty lady.

These are my best friends.

They're big fans.

Hello? Are we doing

this show or what?

You ready?

Where's the mistletoe

when you need it?

Happy Christmas, Hank Zipzer.

That's my boy!

Look! That's your big brother.

Isn't he amazing?

♪ Snow is falling,

sleighbells ring. ♪

♪ Christmas eve

and children sing. ♪

♪ I should feel joy

but not tonight, ♪

♪ Cause you're not here

and that ain't right. ♪

♪ We were King and

Queen of Prom. ♪

♪ My first love were

have you gone? ♪

♪ I hold you close here

in my heart, ♪

♪ It was always you

right from the start. ♪

♪ Hung my stocking,

made my list, ♪

♪ Hoping Santa

hears my wish. ♪

♪ Snow falling

from above, ♪

♪ Far from the

one I love ♪

♪ All I need to

make it right, ♪

♪ Is to see

your face tonight. ♪

♪ Fire's warm

but I feel cold, ♪

♪ Without your

hand your hold. ♪

♪ Won't you grant

my wish tonight ♪

♪ And come on home

this Christmas time. ♪

♪ Choirs sing and

snowball fights. ♪

♪ Mistletoe and

fairy lights. ♪

♪ I would give up

all of these. ♪

♪ I'd even give up

Christmas trees. ♪

♪ Hung my stocking

made my list, ♪

♪ Hoping Santa

hears my wish. ♪

♪ Snow falling

from above ♪

♪ Far from the

one I love. ♪

♪ All I need to

make it right, ♪

♪ Is to see your

face tonight. ♪

♪ Fires warm but

I feel cold ♪

♪ Without your

hand to hold. ♪

♪ Won't you grant

my wish tonight ♪

♪ And come on home

this Christmas time. ♪

♪ I can't forget

I can move on, ♪

♪ I know for sure

you are the one. ♪

♪ Hometime boy

it's now or never, ♪

♪ Make this Christmas

last forever ♪

♪ Fire's warm

but I feel cold, ♪

♪ Without your hand

to hold. ♪

♪ Won't you grant

my wish tonight, ♪

♪ Come on home this,

Christmas time. ♪

♪ So come on home

this Christmas time. ♪

♪ I fly round the

world singing my song. ♪

♪ Spreading the joy and

righting the wrongs. ♪

♪ A Reindeer that rocks

is nothing to fear. ♪

♪ I light up the night

with joy and good cheer. ♪

♪ I never get big for the

sleigh ride team. ♪

♪ Seeing the world is

forever my dream. ♪

♪ Go Dancer. Go Prancer.

Go Dasher. ♪

♪ Go Vixen. Go Comet.

Go Cupid. ♪

♪ Go Donner. Go Blitzen. ♪

♪ Just what I want to hear

Santa say, ♪

♪ Go Rudolf tonight you can

guide the sleigh! ♪

This time it's you!