Hangmen Also Die! (1943) - full transcript
On May 27, 1942 the Nazi Reichsprotector of Bohemia/Moravia, the "Hangman" Reinhard Heydrich, died from the bullets of unidentified resistance fighters. Hangmen Also Die is the story of Heydrich's assassination in fictionalized form. It was Bertolt Brecht's only comparatively successful Hollywood project; the money he received allowed him to write "The Visions of Simone Marchand", "Schwyk in the Second World War" and his adaptation of Webster's "The Duchess of Malfi". Hanns Eisler won an Academy Award for his musical score.
His Excellency, the Reich Protector,
will arrive shortly.
What progress have you made,
General Votruba...
in your recruiting your Czech
anti-Soviet battalion?
- You know the Fuhrer counts on you.
- Yes, but it's extremely difficult...
our peasants and workers are,
unfortunately very sympathetic to the Russians.
Perhaps our production would increase
if our Skoda workers were allowed higher pay...
since our food allowance is very low...
frequently resulting in exhaustion.
Admittedly, your workers may be
under paid as workers...
but as an inferior race, as slaves,
they are highly over paid.
Give them higher wages, you say?
So they can print more of this underground propaganda?
They distribute this criminal material
everyday in the Skoda plant.
Every department is contaminated!
Herr Excellence, the Reich Protector!
His Excellency, the Reich Protector,
wishes to say...
that the reports from Skoda
are a putrid mess.
The stinking swine at Skoda
refuse to work.
In Skoda, there are 37,000 workers there.
And the sabotage is out of control ...
yet only 50 were executed.
Why not 500?
What did he say?
He said "Shooting only 50 out of 37,000 is ridiculous"...
he demands at least 500 lives.
The restrictions mean nothing at all.
The munitions factory in Czechoslovakia ...
will be put in the hands of the Gestapo.
I personally, will be responsible for Skoda.
If I may, your Excellence...
isn't there some better way,
something not so drastic...
Is this man crazy ...
talking to me in this language?
I insist that all Czech only speak
in German. You got that?
German! German! German! German!
I'll teach these sheep
at the Skoda factory to obey...
not to turn to listen to
or obey traitors ever again.
My car!
For those who failed to understand
his Excellence's last remarks...
the entire Czech armament production ...
is now transferred to my authority,
under the Gestapo.
The Reich Protector himself
will supervise personally...
the necessary executions at the Skoda plant.
To Skoda!
Mrs. Dvorak!
- Good morning, Mrs. Novotny.
- Good morning.
I hope I can have 2 lbs. of potatoes.
I'm sorry, Mrs. Novotny,
perhaps tomorrow.
The turnips are nice.
Well, I guess it will have to be turnips
again, and a nice head of cabbage.
- Why is your motor running?
- Just waiting for my fare.
You know that gasoline is
ordered not to waste?
Yeah, but my battery is run down,
it won't start up again.
Stop the motor!
Stop the motor!
Now, start it up again.
I... I guess it must have charged up.
So, you carry on this sabotage trick
to use up our fuel supply.
- Continue and do not stop.
- I do not know, don't understand it.
- I had to crank it up this morning.
- Drive to the police precinct.
- Yeah, but it never charged up...
- Forward! Forward!
Vanya was arrested.
Get going, quick.
Pardon me Miss, but did you see
a taxi cab waiting?
Yes, a few minutes ago...
but he seemed to had some trouble
with the Occupational Police.
They drove off with him.
Thank you.
Go over there.
You, look over there.
Hey, Miss..
A man running out from that alley.
Did you see him?
In which direction did he run?
This way!
You better go home, now.
And put it on the book.
Thank you, Mrs. Dvorak.
Identification cards.
One, please.
Heydrich been shot!
Heydrich been shot!
Heydrich shot!
Heydrich been shot!
Stop the film!
Lights on!
Stop the film!
Who started this applause?
Who started it?
Answer me.
No one here applauded.
I demand who started this applause.
The unknown soldier.
Get out your identification cards.
No one is permitted to leave.
You stay here.
No one is permitted to leave.
No one can leave!
- Mister?
- What?
Wait a minute, Anna,
what's the hurry?
Bohemia Herald!
New race decree!
Read all about it!
Bohemia Herald!
New race decree!
Who cares? We got the hangman!
State of emergency loitering forbidden,
close doors and windows.
No loitering.
State of emergency.
No! No!
- But I'm to stay here.
- No you can't.
But why?
Because of the taxi cab driver's arrest?
I don't know, orders.
But I can't go home. Someone
may have recognized me.
- Go to a hotel.
- But they'll check all the hotels
- Where shall I go?
- I can't take you!
I always dreamed of giving a my
little girl the most beautiful trousseau...
But with these Germans, all the shops have been scrapped bare.
But mother, I can't imagine anything
prettier. And it was yours.
- All it needs is a little cutting down.
- Cutting down?
Now look, Aunt Millie, I suggested it
3 months ago and everyday since.
- Now there is only 2 weeks left.
- Hello, girls.
- Hello father.
- Hello, Stepan.
Nothing wrong, Stepan, is there?
No, no, nothing at all.
- Someone shot Heydrich.
- Shot Heydrich? When?
- Where?
- At noon on Kladno Avenue...
what we now must call "Ludendorf Street".
It's all in the paper there.
I think I must have seen him.
The man who shot...
Close the door.
- I'm sure I saw him.
- You haven't seen anyone.
- I'm certain I have.
- You haven't seen anyone!
Father, you don't have any connection...
No, monkey, hardly. I've been politically
disconnected for over 15 years now.
It's best in such matters, one doesn't talk.
Example: You tell it to A...
A entrust it to B,
B confines in C...
C reposes the secret to D and it's
not very far from E or F.
F reports it G
and G stands for Gestapo.
Yes, I understand. But to you father...
Listen, come here, come here. Look.
Definition of "No one"...
"not any, not one, not a single one, none!"
Not to me, not to your mother
not to your little brother...
not even to your fiance, Jan.
No one is "no one"!
Look, I've had that old battery for 5 years.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.
It's full of quarks!
There is some quarks to the tags, also.
According to the Gestapo, they belong to a car that was burned...
last October.
- Is that the late paper?
- Yep.
Can I look at it?
Your cab was a getaway car!
I don't know nothing about it.
You will talk to the Gestapo.
"By order of the Occupational Police...
"all restaurants, cafes,
"and public buildings will
close immediately.
"Curfew, 7:00 O'clock, sharp.
"After this hour, any person on the
street will be shot on sight."
- He must have gotten over the border.
- There are no borders anymore.
The trains are all stopped,
the frontier closed.
If he only got out of Prague,
that's all I want.
- It looks like they're in a awful sweat.
- You bet.
Excuse me, we have to close now.
Thank you, sir.
There must be some other way than assassination.
What will be the result?
More terror, more bloodshed.
It will be like the student massacre
at the university
But Jan, those 120 boys gave their
lives to tell the world...
that we are still Czech.
That we will always be Czech.
- Yes, I agree on that...
- At least
Shush, Beda.
Say, what is the specific gravity
of phosphorus, future brother-in-law?
I haven't the faintest idea.
You've got me there, Beda,
I don't know.
But you're a chemists, you ought
to know it by heart.
Well, Jan?
Yes, let me see now...
Uh ah, as a chemists, I only have to
know where to look it up.
You have to know it by heart,
future brother-in-law.
Jan, you have to hurry if you're
to be home before curfew.
Beda, go to the kitchen and tell Auntie
to wrap something up for Jan to eat.
With all the restaurants closed tonight,
you'll simply starve.
Well, thank you very much Mrs. Novotny.
- I'll say good night then.
- Good night, Jan.
- Tomorrow?
- Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
Good night, darling.
Good night.
I got your name from the florist
across the street.
Mascha, is someone there?
Is nowhere else I can go!
- Mascha.
- Yes, Auntie.
No, no, there's no one.
You helped me once before,
Miss Novotny.
- Yes, but...
- Mascha!
Coming, Auntie.
Come in quick.
In here.
Put your book away, Beda,
it's almost dinner time.
Yes, mother.
What beautiful roses!
Mascha, aren't you going
to introduce me?
Yes, of course. Mister...
- Karel Vanek.
- Won't you please come in, Mr. Vanek?
Father, I want you to met a friend,
Mr. Vanek.
- Your daughter and I met...
- At the symphony.
My father, Professor Novotny.
- How do you do.
- How do you do.
I had the honor of being introduced
to your daughter at intermission.
I had the score of the symphony with me.
Oh, are you a musician, Mr. Vanek?
No, only a amateur.
I happen to be an architect.
I almost went along with
Mascha that evening...
only at the last minute,
I don't feel too well.
Oh, that's too bad,
but than again...
I wouldn't have had the pleasure of
escorting your daughter home.
Oh, then you live in this district,
Mr. Vanek?
No... no, I just happen to be
in the neighborhood.
Thought I would drop by
and pay my respects.
Young man, did you realize
it was already after 7 o'clock?
I have 6:30.
The correct time is 7:15. Your watch
must be slow, Mr. Vanek...
And tonight,
that might be dangerous.
Yes, I suppose I better run along.
If you're on the street after 7 o'clock,
they shoot you on sight.
Right, father...
Dinner is ready, lady.
You mustn't think of leaving.
- Millie, set another place, please.
- Yes.
Luckily Mr. Vanek, we prepared
for another guest this evening.
You will join us for dinner,
won't you?
I hardly know what to say...
Don't say anything, Mr. Vanek,
it's quite unnecessary.
Isn't it, Mascha?
Don't be deceived by this china,
Mr. Vanek.
- Turnips again.
- And cabbage.
My husband likes for me
to use this service...
just to retain the memory
of the good old days.
Let me correct you, Helene.
Not in memory of the good old days...
but of the bad new ones.
That is a meat platter.
It contains cabbage.
It should contain meat.
That's why I insist it should be
on the table before us.
I agree with you,
Professor Novotny.
What do you think of the shooting
of Heydrich, Mr. Vanek?
It was completely unexpected,
wasn't it?
It was rather inevitable,
don't you think, Mr. Vanek?
Well, we're all very glad that
he managed to escape.
I'll see who it is.
- It was Mrs. Sacha.
- Our janitor.
All males over the age of 13...
must register with the police
before tomorrow night.
Anyone without a police card
will be shot.
That leaves you out, Beda.
Apparently they don't think much
of Czech boys over 11.
Alright. Let them think that.
There may be some news on the radio.
Beda, you can take a recess from that
cabbage and turn on the radio.
Yes, sir.
Beda, you have hardly touched your food.
I prefer bread.
Careful, that's an ersatz,
it mustn't be...
- Oh, I knew it.
- Poor Beda.
"Fight on, my merry men all...
"I'm a little wounded, but I'm not slain".
It's nothing, I'm all right.
I'll be alright mother.
- I think it will need stitches.
- May I see it, Beda?
- Let's go and, put it under the faucet.
- No, Auntie.
I don't think it will need stitches,
Mrs. Novotny.
If you have a bit of bandage, a little
cotton, and some iodine...
- It's bleeding though.
- I think we can stop that.
Alright, Beda.
Can you hold that please? Twist it.
We interrupt our program to give
you the latest order...
of the Occupational Authority.
Any person aiding the escape of the
assassination or providing him with shelter...
will be executed.
All relatives of such accomplishes...
are subject to the same penalty of death.
The population is hereby warned
to report any information...
leading to the assassin at once."
Anyone with holding such information
must reckon with the blood debt...
this monstrous crime has laid upon the entire Czech nation...
Those geniuses up there think they
can intimidate the Czechs...
with public warnings, dopes.
They will need something more concrete
to surrender their beloved assassin.
Something to make them jump.
- Czaka!
- What?
Are you listening to me at all?
I beg your pardon?
What are you doing there?
File C. Yes, that's right.
Czaka is spelled with a "C".
Curious, aren't you?
Curious on what the Gestapo
may have ...
on file on the honorable brewer Czaka.
I will tell you: "His beer is good."
But he, himself, rather stinks.
: Right. I hope you're
at home this weekend.
- You're a smart ass.
- Don't talk German to me.
If I'm going to police your
fascinating people properly...
I have to learn your crazy
language to perfection.
Here is the first list, Herr Inspector.
Railway worker...
That's good.
Priest are always good.
They do more harm than anyone else...
offending in every sermon.
Listen, I have a good suggestion.
Nykvar, the poet.
What for?
He is not political.
He only writes folk ballads,
children' poems, fables.
Herr Gruber, if it's your intention to
Germanize the protectorate...
that is exactly where you should begin,
with the children.
You're an extraordinary patriot, Czaka.
I'm sorry, professor...
do you think I might ask the janitoress if
there is an available room here...
in the house where I might stay over?
I happen to know there's nothing.
There is an available couch in my study...
That I can personally assure you
is not uncomfortable.
It has already been made up.
You're welcomed to it.
Very kind of you,
There is hardly an alternative,
is there Mr. Vanek?
I hope those chimes
don't keep you awake.
Wenceslas hymn?
I should be use to it.
I hear it every morning.
What funny times. A man meets my
daughter at a symphony concert once ...
and the next week he moves in.
Do you think the neighbors might gossip?
What of Jan?
- I don't see why the neighbors should hear of it at all.
- Well, the janitoress knows.
She does?
Who told her?
We have our breakfast quite early,
Mr. Vanek.
Since it's forbidden to lecture
at the university any longer...
some of my former students come here
to continue their studies.
- Good night, monkey.
- Professor, I must speak with you.
You have to excuse me.
and a old fellow like me can't
keep up with you younger men.
Good night, Mr. Vanek,
I hope you rest well.
Good night, monkey.
Good night, father.
You don't need to tell him anything,
he knows.
You told him?
I tried to tell him,
but he wouldn't let me.
Father is an old revolutionary.
He was in exiled with the
founders of the Republic.
British broadcasting...
The Czech government in exile here
informs that the daring execution...
of the hangman Heydrich is expected to
be followed by a nationwide bloodbath...
as savage as only the
Nazi barbarians can be.
This woman who lead our men
the wrong way...
must have brought vegetables at
your place many times before.
Maybe, but I don't know her name.
Pick it up, again.
There, put it back in place.
You say you never learned
where the girl lives?
- No.
- Here is the coffee, Herr Ritter.
Thank you very much.
Real coffee.
Now, Mrs. Dvorak,
let's start from the beginning.
Now, don't be nervous, Mrs. Dvorak.
I am prepared to devote to you
all of tonight...
even longer, if necessary.
That's the girl.
I want you to listen to me very closely,
Mrs. Dvorak.
Do you realize where you are?
And exactly,
where are you?
And you actually believe you will walk
out of here without telling us the truth?
This girl...
who sent our men the wrong way...
she must have brought vegetables at
your place many times before.
It is now 8 a.m.
Last night the Fuhrer's own physician...
performed an extremely delicate
operation on the spinal cord...
on his excellency the Reich Protector...
removing 3 pistol bullets.
- Anything?
- No. Nothing yet.
Several people have been arrested.
It is reliably reported that the
Gestapo have a definite clue...
- that will lead directly to the assassin.
- The taxi driver.
- No, no.
- But, who else?
I don't know.
I must leave at once.
An important announcement from
the Occupational Authorities.
Taking personal charge...
the chief of the Gestapo from Prague...
Kurt Haas, has ordered instant retaliation...
for the insufficient cooperation of the civilian population.
Most severe methods are to be expected.
They know nothing.
If they did, they would not threaten.
Miss Novotny.
Open up!
Come with me. You, stay here.
Who are you?
What's your name?
- Karel Vanek.
- You live in this house?
Who are you?
I am Professor Novotny.
Whom are you looking for?
- For you!
- No!
Quiet, no interference!
On what grounds?
For the loathsome abominable
crime committed against..
the person of the
Reich Protector. And the refusal...
of Czechs who resist
to cooperate with us.
Who shall be held hostage until the killer...
is delivered to the authority.
And what if he is not surrendered?
This response is from the Occupation Authority.
If I understand you correctly, and for the
benefit of my family and students...
the loathsome abominable crime...
comitted against his excellency,
the Reich Protector...
or more correctly, the unheard of...
traitorous behavior of my countrymen...
in failing to cooperate wholeheartedly
with their "German protectors"...
compels you to hold me hostage...
together with others in whom, I presume,
until the assassin is surrendered..
our lives becoming forfeit for his?
- I believe that is correct?
- Correct
- Father, no. They can't...
- Oh yes, they can.
They can arrest me,
they can arrest a hundred more.
Indeed, they can arrest as many hundreds
as they have on their lists.
But I don't believe they will find
one single traitor among us.
- Or in all of the Czech nation.
- Who are you and all these others?
Some of my former students.
I give them private tutoring.
Or is that forbidden too?
Keep your mouth shut, or you'll get some
real tutoring. Make yourself ready.
How can you take my husband for
something he knows nothing about?
No interruptions!
- Ludmilla.
- Yes?
Will you get some of my things ready?
Just a few for tonight.
No razors are permitted.
I trust you will all continue
with your studies?
Don't let yourself be snowed
under at Valley Forge.
Good luck.
- Thank you.
- Now please go.
All of you.
- Stepan, I'm frighten.
- I know, I know
Thank you, sister.
Goodbye, son.
Remember all this, well.
I will.
I'm ready.
Vystyd, Priest
Votruba, General.
Pravotka, Jew.
Necval, Writer.
Schyler, Clerk.
Matouseck, Worker.
Who is the oldest?
All men over 50 raise your arms.
You, your name.
Professor Stepan Novotny.
Stand at attention when you address me!
Novotny, you're in charge
of this barracks.
Will be completely responsible for
compliance with camp regulations.
Base cleanliness must be maintained.
No spit or dirt on the floor.
All shoe laces, suspenders,
neck ties, and belts...
must be turned into to the
commandant's office within one hour.
Don't shake your head, speak!
Father should have dressed more warmly.
Because it is damp and cold out there.
The assassin must give himself up,
or he's a monster.
If I knew who he was,
I'd go out and tell the police.
- Anyone in Prague should.
- Aunt Millie, it's not as simple as that.
- Why not?
- Whoever help him...
can't go to the Gestapo
after last nights broadcast
It would be like signing his own death
warrant. Him and his whole family.
Any one who knows...
and helps him,
is as guilty as the assassin.
Jan, look after Mascha.
Mascha, is there something I can do?
There is only one hope...
that he gives himself up.
Yes, I'm afraid so.
Oh darling, I'm sorry, but ...
I have to get back to the lab.
Funny, when I left you last night...
I met a chap coming up the stairs
with some red roses.
Oh yes, the florist sent
them to my mother.
She is one of his old customers.
I'll see who it is.
- Beda!
- They called off the school for the whole week.
They said on account of Heydrich...
But I heard they are using the rooms for
the wounded from Russian battles.
- How about father?
- Nothing yet.
Mascha, if you hear anything be sure
to let me know.
- I will, Jan, and goodbye darling.
- Good bye.
- Good bye, Jan.
- Good bye, Beda.
- Beda, your bandage is all filthy.
- It isn't filthy, it's just a little tangled.
- I'll fix it.
- No, I better do it. Come with me.
You ought to take lessons from Mr. Vanek.
He's an expert at bandaging.
You're next, Mr. Dedic.
Good afternoon, doctor.
Good afternoon.
His case history, doctor.
How's everything going?
Yesterday I was afraid of complications,
but today it's been pretty good.
- Here are the bandages, doctor.
- Thank you. That's all.
I took two sedatives.
Look at that
Naturally, anyone who has been
through your last 24 hrs
Yesterday, when Vanya was arrested,
it looked pretty serious
So we had to leave you on your own.
- I understood.
- You did a great job, Svoboda.
Now they let lose their
horrible bloodbath.
They've already sized over 400 hostages.
We anticipated hostages.
Yes, we did,
didn't we?
I spent last night with the family
of Professor Novotny, the historian.
No previous acquaintance.
His daughter helped me.
She directed the black shirts the wrong way.
This morning...
I've decided to give myself up.
- Svoboda!
- Oh, I'm not trying to make any noble gestures.
Or become a heroic martyr...
But 400 lives...
Four hundred?
Dedic, I'm only one, only one.
Have you thought about what must be
done to drive the Germans out?
You'll be needed, Svoboda.
You have no right to surrender.
Don't worry...
They won't torture any information
out of me.
All they'll get is my dead body...
a written confession and the evidence.
The bullets they remove from Heydrich
will give them that.
The gun will be absolute proof.
the underground has nothing to fear.
But it has, Svoboda.
Listen, you're an physician.
If a man showing your symptoms
came into your clinic...
wouldn't you diagnose his case
as nerves shot to pieces...
hysteria cause by exhaustion?
Would you advise a patient in that state...
to make an irrevocable decision?
You would not!
Svoboda, you were chosen to act as
a representative of the Czech people.
The Czech people have executed "the Hangman".
400 lives! Yes, Svoboda,
What is 400 lives?
This is a war of millions...
and the execution of Heydrich is only one battle in that war.
But a most important one.
And if you surrender yourself,
alive or dead...
The Czech people will have lost that battle.
Every Czech person will say to themselves:
"We dare not resist!"
"The Nazi terrorist is too much for us!"
three years ago we lost our army.
We stood on the streets crying like
children and watched it surrender.
So we built a new one...
A ghost army that will haunt them
until their blood runs cold!
Now, you would have this
army surrender too?
What about this Novotny family?
I take it you were sufficiently cautious?
They know nothing of me.
I used the name of Vanek,
told them I was an architect.
You're sure you didn't leave no clues
to your real identity...
- positive connecting link?
- None, I'm sure.
what about the taxi driver?
Jumped out of the window at the
Gestapo. They got nothing from him
I never met the man.
I wish I had.
You better let me have that gun.
You have a fool proof alibi...
but with that gun and those bullets there,
they would chew that apart.
One moment.
You forgot your prescription.
Miss Novotny.
Dr. Svoboda,
may I talk to you alone?
Nurse, please.
What are you going to do?
How did you happen to find me?
That's not important.
It was Beda, it was your bandage
that gave me the idea you were a physician.
You said you hear the
Wenceslau hymn every morning.
So, when I noticed this hospital
across from the church...
- What are you going to do?
- Nothing.
Last night you spoke differently...
when it was your life in danger.
Now you think you're safe.
So now it's nothing,
nothing to be done?
Dr. Svoboda, you're the only one
who can save my father.
What are you going to do?
I can not surrender to the Germans,
if that is what you mean.
But they will kill him for what you did!
- Let me explain.
- Alright, explain.
Explain why the man who helped you
was taken away to his death...
while you stood there silent.
But don't think I will be silent,
I tell you, I won't!
I won't let you kill my father,
because I won't!
Miss Novotny, consider what possible benefit...
it could do your father,
for whom I have the deepest admiration...
if you denounce me.
- You would involve your entire family.
- You were counting on that, weren't you?
You think you have control over me
because we helped you.
This is not a threat, but a simple fact.
One you must not forget.
You have it all nicely worked out.
If I tell them, then all my
family will be shot.
If I keep silent,
only my father will be shot.
In other words,
you simple statement of fact is...
we are lost in any case because we were
generous enough to save your life.
You're just a cold blooded coward.
You are no better than Heydrich, himself.
Even the Gestapo couldn't be as
inhuman as you are!
- Petschek Bank.
- Gestapo headquarters?
- Yes, quickly.
- Yes, ma'am.
Hurry, please.
Driver! Can't you hear me?
You're going the wrong way.
- Who are you?
- Miss Novotny, you must be out of your mind.
- Do you know what you're doing at all?
- Stop, driver.
I have no time now to give you a
lecture on political principles.
Haven't you any idea what is
going on here?
- This is war, and you're in it.
- Who are you, and where are you taking me too?
Don't be frightened,
we aren't taking you anywhere.
We just want to explain to you...
- Help, let me out please!
- What going on here?
This driver took me the wrong way here, but I told him...
- Where do you want to go, Miss?
- To the Gestapo.
But he drove the other way...
then this strange man...
Strange man?
Where is he?
I don't know what she is talking about,
so help me.
I didn't hear the little lady at all.
I'm hard of hearing...
getting pushed around by the tweezers.
Alright, you're blocking traffic,
you better keep moving.
Why did you want to go to the Gestapo?
Did they send for you?
- Com'on baby, tell us.
- Com'on, out with it.
No, No...
Well, if they didn't send for you, what
business have you got with those butchers?
What does a decent Czech girl want
with the Gestapo anyway?
Who are you squealing on you
little Judas? That poor driver?
What did he do to you, huh?
The Gestapo!
- No, don't let them.
- You needn't be afraid, Miss
- You wanted to be taken to the Gestapo?
- Yes.
Have you received a summons, or do
you wish to make a statement?
I haven't received any summons.
Alright miss, you will be taken to
the headquarters safely.
Mascha Novotny,
for Inspector Ritter.
Here is your pass, Miss Novotny.
Heil, Hitler.
Miss Novotny,
it will be a few minutes.
Perhaps I might go to the washroom?
My cheek is bleeding again.
Right across the corridor,
first door to the left.
Your pass, miss??
Over there.
Your pass?
You've been to Herr Ritter's office?
- Yes.
- And you have already made your statement?
That's strange.
That pass should be
signed and stamped.
- There must have been should kind of mistake.
- We don't make mistakes here!
My father had nothing to do
with the shooting yesterday.
He was doing research at the library
all day.
You can easily get proof.
- And this is the statement you came to make?
- Yes.
But I understood only a few minutes ago...
you wanted to leave...
without the benefit of this
extremely valuable testimony.
We are very grateful to you...
for not leaving us.
Just wait a minute.
First she tried to break out
without seeing me.
Now she would have us believe she came
only to have her father released.
- Bunk!
- What does she look like?
Young, quite attractive...
brown eyes, about 22, I would say.
Burnett, 5ft 4?
I'm sorry to keep you waiting so long,
Miss Novotny.
It's too bad for us,
you see.
Before you explained about your father...
I honestly hoped you came ...
because of the one million marks reward.
Can you appreciate my disappointment?
Come here, Mrs. Dvorak.
Come, come, come.
Wait over here
Is this the girl who sent the our
men the wrong way?
You don't know her at all?
Yes, I know her.
- She is Miss Novotny.
- Did she come to your shop at noon yesterday?
You know what will happen
to you if you lie?
Take her!
Marvelous people,
these Czechs.
Stubborn to the end.
To the bitter end...
Miss Novotny.
Get me Inspector Gruber.
I'm glad you're not involved in
this beastly crime.
No, Herr Gruber.
Don't question her anymore.
Make her feel safe.
She is our only good lead, so far.
Tell her you'll let her go...
but hold her here, some excuse...
typing the record or something.
Long enough for us to work.
Barrack leader
Novotny. 42 men.
Form into straight lines.
Stand up, all of you!
Form up! Faster!
As you stand!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
What's your name?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
What does this mean?
- Name?
- Santroch.
No, Herr Inspector.
Here is your report.
Your statement and incident
on the streets.
Sign it.
In exactly 30 minutes...
the first 40 hostages will be executed.
Sign all four copies.
By the way, your father is
not among the 40...
this morning.
You are free to leave now,
Miss Novotny.
Heil, Hitler.
Mascha, I didn't lose my head at all...
even when they found out about your
friend sleeping here the night before last
Aunt Millie!
Don't worry, I stopped
all chance of gossip.
Nip it in the bud. I told them it was
your fiance who stayed over, Jan.
- Jan, darling I must talk to you.
- I must talk to you too.
- Where have you been?
- We better go inside.
I'll tell you where I've been:
at the Gestapo since 6:00 this morning.
What did they ask you about, Jan?
They wanted to know where
I spent last night.
- And?
- I told them I was here, of course!
- Of course.
- Mascha, what is this all about? Who is this man?
- What did they ask about him?
- O Inspector Gruber questioned me...
wanted to know if I knew him.
How did he happen to
come to your house?
- He dropped in just after you left.
- To see your Father?
- Was it something political?
- No, nothing political.
He came to see me.
You see, we met at the
symphony last week...
yesterday he...
- dropped in quite unexpectedly.
- And stayed for the night.
It was curfew hour.
He had to stay over.
Charming coincidence.
He was the man who brought you
those roses, wasn't he?
"The florist sent them to my mother".
That was a lie too.
Jan, You don't think I...
had anything to do with that man?
Mascha, I always thought that everything between us would be above board...
Open, clean.
Darling, you know I love you.
Please try to believe in me, Jan.
Mascha, why didn't you tell me?
Don't ask me why.
If you love me, Jan,
you must believe in me.
You're all I have to believe in.
You know that.
Don't let me down.
Jan, I'll never forget that
you believed in me.
Miss Novotny?
Gestapo. You're under arrest.
We checked your story,
Miss Novotny...
In all of Prague,
no architect called Vanek exists
You're lying.
Where did you say you met him first?
At symphony hall.
You said you met him
during the intermission?
No, he had the seat next to mine.
And he told you his name was Vanek?
Yes, Karel Vanek.
- What's his real name?
- I don't know.
What illegal organizations does
your daughter belong too?
None at all. Mascha is a music student.
This Karel Vanek...
Isn't he one of your husbands former
colleagues from the university?
A fellow teacher?
- Professor Novotny had never met him before.
- Where does this man live?
How shall I know?
He didn't tell me.
Is it usual for your niece to entertain
strange gentlemen at night?
How many times did he sleep over
at your apartment?
Only that night.
And on the account of curfew.
Why did he come that particular night?
- I don't know.
- Answer properly!
You know we have means
to make you talk.
Maybe you have heard about
the rooms below.
What was his exact reason for coming?
A former call, to pay respects
to my daughter is all.
Why did you sister-in-law say it was your daughters fiance?
Because I was afraid the neighbors
would gossip about a stranger.
What was this "stranger"'s real name?
- Mr. Vanek.
- You're lying!
- I'm not lying.
- No?
We'll soon find out.
Do you know where your sister is
right now at this moment?
She is where everybody ends up
who doesn't tell us the truth!
Mrs. Dvorak!
The whole family sticks to the same story...
But I don't believe this man,
Karel Vanek, exists
This letter arrived at the Novotny
apartment half an hour ago...
by special messenger with a bouquet of roses...
from a "Mr. Karel Vanek".
Why, this is ridicules!
You told me that this man doesn't exists
He doesn't exist, yet here he is.
You're not going to tell me we went through
all this trouble for a silly love affair?
Looks that way.
What do you suggest, Gruber?
That we release the girl.
- What?
- What else can we do?
Are we suppose to interfere with lovers?
Or are we?
Miss Mascha, I had to come and offer
all my sympathy to you and your mother ...
for your father's arrest.
I have been unable to get that
tragic scene out of my mind.
Ever since yesterday morning, I've been in the
depths of despair trying to quiet my conscience.
- I came to offer my help.
- Help!
You're talking of help!
The one responsible for all
we have been through!
You spent the night with your conscience brother you?
We spent it with the Gestapo!
My whole family is still there.
You're the one the Gestapo wants!
You killed...
any feelings I...
ever had for you.
The things we've been through merrily
because you spent the night here...
- Mr. Vanek.
- Mascha...
I can't tell you how sorry I am...
that my thoughtlessness has
brought to you.
Whatever you think of me,
I deserve and more.
Tell me the truth!
Alright, Mascha, I will.
I gave you a false name.
My name is not Karel Vanek,
and I'm not an architect.
I am Dr. Franticek Svoboda...
resident surgeon
at St. Pancrazio hospital .
Why didn't you tell me that right away?
Maybe we ought to go into
the living room.
- Out here we might be overheard..
Mascha, I must make an confession.
I love you.
I did take advantage of the curfew law
to stay over night...
But now it seems my silly little
escapade has boomeranged...
And I have fallen head over heels
with you Mascha.
And that is my only excuse for the
trouble I've made you.
I think I understand you much better now,
Dr. Svoboda.
And you do forgive me?
I really ought to blame myself. After all...
- Shut it down!
- Well...
This puts us right back to where we started.
There is something fishy about all of this.
Why can't we admit when we are through?
You've have wasted all our time over
a cheap romance.
Release the family, start from scratch...
before Berlin comes down on our necks.
They're lovers.
I remember exactly, because it was the
same day his Excellency was shot.
- You're sure of the time?
- I have the operation reports right here.
Dr. Svoboda assisted me while I
performed the Cholecystectomy.
During the operation he was in charge
of the suction pump apparatus as usual.
Dr. Kesselbach, I understand you
also function as physician ...
for storm troop 34.
Yes, sir.
And Dr. Svoboda was there that day,
throughout the operation?
Yes, for 42 hours.
He stood only a few feet away from me.
You understand, Herr Inspector,
these intestinal operations...
- require constant control...
- I understand, Dr. Kesselbach, Thank you.
That's all I wanted to know.
Thank you, professor.
Heil, Hitler!
Heil, Hitler!
Frankly, I dislike being beaten.
Even by our most distinguish poet.
You know, Mr. Necval, I always wanted
to met your personally...
- and now at last..
- I had always hoped to met you, Professor Novotny.
- and now at last..
- Excuse me, Mr. Necval...
- I wonder if I could bother you?
- Yes?
I happen to just scribble something
down today just to...
a few lines for a song maybe.
You being such a big writer,
I thought if you have the time...
please look it over. Fix it up a bit?
My friend, I have all the time
in the world here...
until these who'eses...
Well, this is a scribble.
Here, you better read it to me.
"Fellow patriots,
the time has come.
Fellow patriots,
there is work to be done.
Raise the invisible torch
and pass it along...
Keep it burning, keep it forward on
the road that has no turning.
Die if you must,
for a cause that's just..
but shout to the end:
'No Surrender'.
Ever onward,
no returning...
the senseless butcher will be learning...
that this war isn't won until
the last battle is done.
Carry on,
when we are gone.
No surrender!"
Of course you could made
that a lot better.
No, my friend...
let's have it just as it stands.
How does it go again?
"Fellow patriots..." Let me see that please?
"The time has come.
Fellow patriots,
there's work to be done.
Raise the invisible torch
and pass it along...
Keep it burning...
Keep it burning, forward on
the road that has no turning.
Die if you must,
for a cause that's just..
but shout to the end:...
'No surrender!'."
So we must answer to terror with terror
theirs is the murder of hostages...
Ours is the slowing down of
the German war machine.
By the end of the week
all war production must be lowered by a full 25%.
I work in the office of a
former hardware factory.
Now making parts for heavy tanks.
A few days ago, a telegram
came in from Berlin...
to stop immediately the manufacture
of 5 special tank parts.
Because the new model tanks they have
started making for the Russian front.
Luckily, I saw the telegram
before anyone else saw it.
So I tore it up and threw it in the stove.
But what will happen?
They'll go on making the same 5 parts.
But when we send them to Germany...
they won't fit the new tanks.
I think you all know sufficiently...
by my work with this group
in the past..
that no sacrifice has been
too great for me.
Yet I tremble before the bloodshed...
that threaten so many innocent victims.
850 hostages have been arrested by now.
More than 250 are already dead.
The very flower of our Czech nation...
faces systematic annihilation.
Scientists, leaders of commerce and industry, artists...
even priests of God!
So I ask, regardless of sentiment...
Can our nation afford the loss of
these outstanding citizens?
I say to myself, again, and again...
this man, whoever he is...
whoever executed "the Hangman",
is a great patriot...
a hero!
But still, I can't help myself...
I keep thinking: "If this man would
surrender himself...
If he would say: 'Here I am, do with me
what you will, but spare the innocent'"...
Wouldn't that be better for our beloved country?
So I ask our group here,
if it should agree with me...
to move to submit my proposal
to the Central Committee.
Already people are saying...
it is sheer lunacy to sacrifice
hundreds of lives for one.
Emil, where did you hear people
saying such things?
All over Prague.
I've even heard people blaming
the underground...
for this new wave of German terror.
Not where I work,
and I keep my ears open.
- Right.
- I've listened to many women...
some of them wives and
mothers of hostages.
Not one of them spoke a
single word against this.
I'm absolutely against the motion.
I must ask to be excused on
voting on this matter.
My older brother was one of the hostages
executed this morning
All those in favor,
raise their hands.
Now the "nays"?
I think the "nays" have it.
We have to adjourn now,
it's getting near curfew.
Leave one by one at irregular intervals.
Dr. Pillar, is any one in your group...
know anything about you
except your first name?
Only the leader, Bartos.
Anyway, you better not attend
any further meetings.
You're the only one in this group
involved in the Heydrich affair.
Anyone who was involved should have
severed connection with this group.
I understand.
Bartos, I just told the doctor here
not to attend ...
any meetings of your group
until further notice.
Dr. Pillar, use the stairs, please.
I think this group will have to be
dissolved immediately.
I know exactly what you're thinking.
That peculiar motion.
- You know this man well?
- Certainly.
He's been with us 2 years,
contribute a lot of money.
How does he function in your group?
He uses our beer wagons to
distribute our leaflets.
He's the big brewer, Czaka, Emil Czaka.
Remember 2 years ago when that group
in Pilsen, was betrayed to the Gestapo...
- and 12 were executed?
- The Pilsen raid.
Yes, I know.
Czaka was suspected for a while.
But it was established that
the traitor spoke perfect German...
and a very thorough investigation
proved that Czaka...
doesn't speak a bit of German.
You think I put myself in danger?
In all probability you talked yourself
into kingdom come.
But you suggested it.
I suggested you feel out the grounds,
test their morale.
I didn't suggest you crawl out on a limb
and saw yourself off.
- Take some cheese, it's good.
- No I have no more appetite.
maybe it would be safer if I left town?
Sorry sir, once you work for the Gestapo...
you work for the Gestapo.
Then I insist you give me
a special body guard.
I will not do anything without it.
You'll do everything,
... and like it.
Herr Gruber,
how can you treat me like this?
I've done so much for you all these years,
and for Germany!
And why did you do so much for us,
Because as a real Czech patriot
I realize our entire future...
depends on unconditional collaboration
with greater Germany.
And I thought you did it
for business reasons.
For certain favors...
for certain very profitable military contracts.
May I?
- Nice gold lighter.
- You like it?
You wouldn't think of bribing me...
with a gold lighter.
Czaka, Czaka, Czaka...
Suppose I pay you for police protection?
Oh, just like life insurance?
How much of a premium would you
be willing to pay?
How much do you want?
2,000 marks.
2,000 marks per week?
Per day.
2,000 marks per day?
Only a few days until we
round up your friends...
then you just drop the insurance.
Say 5 days,
10,000 marks.
Suppose it lasts a month?
So what? Another 50,000 marks.
Why Czaka, you are a big beer magnat.
Just another drop in the barrel.
Make that check payable to the treasurer
of the Occupational Police Fund.
That's it, Czaka.
I am the treasurer.
I know.
- Yes?
- Your Father will be executed...
at 6:00 this morning. You will be allowed
to see him before he is taken away.
In a half an hour the police car will take
you to the camp. That's all.
You have ten minutes,
no more.
Yesterday I was questioned about that
gentleman who visited us.
Me too, but everything turned out all right.
He came back to apologize...
and offered me any help we might need.
That's good.
How is mother and Ludmilla?
and Beda, how is he?
Mother tried to see you.
I was permitted to write her a letter.
I think the censor will let it through.
It was only personal.
I also started a letter to Beda...
I was sure it would not pass.
I'll tell it to you, Mascha,
and you repeat it to him.
What I now want to say to you my son...
is meant for you when you
are a grown man...
the now mighty invaders...
will now have been thrown off our land
for quite some time.
"Quite some time."
I hope you will be living in a free land...
where the people are truly governed
by themselves and for themselves.
Those will be great days to live.
"Those will be great days to live."
In a land where all the men, women, and
children will have enough good food to eat.
And time to read, and to think...
and to talk things over with one another
for their own good.
When such great days do come...
don't forget that freedom is not
something one possesses...
like a hat or piece of candy.
The real thing is fighting for freedom.
And you might remember me...
not because I've been your Father...
but because...
I also died in this great fight.
"Because I also died...
in this great fight."
Time is up, Novotny!
Let's go!
He still has his life in your hands.
Who was the man you helped escape...
when you sent our men the wrong way?
I tell you I sat on that
investigating committee myself...
and Czaka was entirely clear
of that raid in Pilsen.
Because the traitor spoke German and Czaka doesn't...?
Yet when he came to Prague and brought his brewery...
he paid with a Deutsche check
from the Bank of Berlin...
according to a little research of my own.
Maybe Czaka does understand German.
Listen, I've got an idea.
It might work now after these 2 years.
I don't know, but we can try.
We can use Rudy
for this.
Hello, Beda.
Father was shot this morning.
But I...
- Mascha!
- Jan, will you come with me please?
I'm going to the camp to claim his body.
But Mascha here is a list of all those
who were executed this morning.
Your father's name is not among them.
See here, under the N's.
Only 4, Navitol,
Napitol, Naavi and Nimocek.
But I saw him on the truck this morning ...
Yes, Miss Novotny?
Oh, your Father.
No, that list is correct.
No. Just a little mistake.
You were right, Jan.
Mother! Mother!
They play with human beings
like a cat with a mouse.
I don't care.
I don't care!
As long as he is alive.
- Yes?
- Bartos just called me to met him for lunch.
A sort of informal meeting.
What shall I do?
Listen, I'll arrest him when I see fit,
not before.
What about these two that you still
only know by their first names?
But they will kill me!
Alright, you'll have your police guard.
Where do you want them, and when?
Back room...
Cafe Kramer.
Mr. Emil.
- Well, Emil.
- Emil!
I want you to met my Uncle,
Mr. Dedic, just in from Kladno.
- You're having lunch with us?
- Yes, I only have time for a quick bite...
before I catch my train to Karlsbad.
Passing through I thought I would
say hello to my nephew.
Well, my pleasure, sir.
Won't you be seated?
Ladies and gentlemen,
just between ourselves...
I don't recommend the goulash,
but the paprica liver...
simply prewar!
And speaking of food,
or rather "No food"...
I heard the most wonderful Hitler story
yesterday. You understand German?
- Yes.
- Yes.
You have to excuse me, I can only tell it in
German or I'll ruin the whole joke.
Well, I know a little school book German.
That is if you want me to hear it!
- Of course.
- Sure you'll translate for us, Matushka.
Goebbels comes to Hitler...
"Adolf, we have food for 5 years."
"Five years? Really?" Said the Fuhrer.
"Yes, five years," Goebbels said.
And the Fuhrer said...
"I must tell Herman Goring"
"No, by God,"
replies Goebbels.
"Do not tell Herman.
It's just the two of us, you and me."
I happen to remember another Hitler joke.
Hitler said to one of his elite guards...
I forget how it goes.
Yesterday you showed a very good memory...
for the teachings of your Gestapo friends...
when you tried to convince us that we should surrender
the man who shot Heydrich.
So, you don't understand German,
you slimy scum?
No, I don't. I swear!
Drag him back,
keep him quiet.
Here, help me, police!
Get out! Through the window!
Help, police!
- Let's get out of the kitchen.
- Go ahead, we'll cover you!
Halt! Put your hands up!
Friends, I am Jan Pestuca,
editor of the "Prague Evening News"...
and I have been requested to
speak to each barracks.
At 5 O'clock, we hostages...
will be given the opportunity to
address all of Czechoslovakia...
for a full hour's broadcast
Each barracks will be represented
by 2 or 3 volunteers...
who will speak of the necessary of the
immediate surrender of the assassin.
Volunteer speakers must be
ready at 4:30 sharp.
It's clear as daylight...
they're trying to use us as a cat's paw
to get the assassin for them.
I say, let the Czech people decide.
Our lives,
or the assassin's.
I hope there will be no such
volunteering in here.
What else is there to do?
It's not only a question of saving
the 300 of us still alive.
But after we're shot, what then?...
there will be another 300, then 3,000.
There will be no end until
they get the assassin.
There will be no end anyway,
and they never needed a beginning.
They slaughtered thousands
long before Heydrich.
Just for breathing Czech air.
Has it ever occurred to you professor
that the assassin is letting us pay for his act...
While he goes scot free?
He, and his underground pals.
I don't intent to wast my
time with you here.
What we want is the identity
of this man, Dedic.
Aldrich Krapke, the engineer?
- Yes.
- As an educated man...
surely you are intelligent enough to see the
unpleasant experiences ahead of you.
You understand, Aldrich...
when Herr Gruber
says "unpleasant"...
he's merely being polite.
What's he doing here?
He belongs here, Gestapo informer.
I don't get it.
You'll get it soon enough...
right through your head just
before we knock it off.
Why, you stinking fat crawling scum, you!
You shut your mouth you
filthy Bolshevik traitor!
- Sabotador...
- Chega!
You don't have to prove to us
that you're not one of them.
Katerina Honiga,
private secretary.
You sabotaged your factory very cleverly.
Perhaps you are...
clever enough not to want to
visit our vault downstairs?
Perhaps you prefer to talk to me...
in private.
No, I can tell you right here
what I think of you.
- You pig.
Yes, you better not see her alone...
you stool pigeon, or she'll scratch your
eyes out, you fascist blood hound.
Big talk. Ten minutes down below and
you'll beg them to kill you.
Your mothers use to lay with rats!
their milk was sewage.
Take them to the vaults.
All of them!
Tell them I want to know
about this Dedic.
- Down there!
- Take them!
Are these all the volunteer
speakers you have?
Commandant, barracks 2 and 3 failed to
produce anyone who volunteered.
Herr Commandant, in our barrack #5,
they also tried to prevent us...
Quiet. Be ready to began your
speeches in exactly 2 minutes
Yes sir, I just have another idea
to jot down for my speech.
That is not necessary.
Here are your speeches.
We must climb the path to loyal collaboration...
and our very first step must be
to surrender the assassin.
Just plain common sense.
I was always against using force.
Not one of us would hesitate to die
for the true welfare of our nation.
But people of Prague,
I ask you...
shall we perish for the vicious act
of a murdering manic?
Stop that immediately!
It's easy for you to talk.
You're not gonna be shot!
- Everyone sit down!
- Be quiet!
The Germans have succeeded, in part
in shattering the unity of the city.
Many people are now using
the word "assassin"...
whereas before they only spoke
of him as the "executionar".
If I may suggest, perhaps you should all
know what Dedic wants you to do.
He's at my apartment now.
His condition is serious.
Shot through the lung
But why did he go,
of all places, to you?
- It was a terrible risk to expose you.
- He took every possible precaution.
He changed taxi's a number of times.
Went through buildings and backyards...
until he was dead certain no one had followed him.
He could have come here just as well.
And we would have called in another
doctor without involving you.
He did not just come to me
just for me to treat his wound.
- What else?
- To give me in detail my instructions.
- Instructions?
- Where do you come into this?
As Dedic sees it, we are faced
with two vital problems...
each depended upon the other.
If we could find a way of saving the lives
of the remaining hostages...
or as many as possible...
we would at the same time restore
the unity of the city.
it would be a tremendous victory...
But in the end, it's either the hostages
or you. We can't save both.
I don't see any possible chance of us
getting these 2 birds with one stone.
As Dedic sees it,
there is a chance.
What about those bloodstains
in your cab?
I never would have put 2 and 2 together...
the car washer here calls me tonight...
and tells me he found blood drops
on the backseat of my cab.
- Just then I was home eating my soup...
- I'm not interested in your soup.
What makes you think I'm
interested in a cab...
where some passenger maybe
had a nose bleed?
Herr Gruber, he recognized the description
of Dedic from tonight's newspapers...
as one of his passengers.
- Where did you drop this passenger?
- Well... that's the trouble...
I don't remember.
Maybe he was the one I took
to Czerny St, but, maybe not.
This is crap!
We have a list of his runs today.
We could send someone to
everyone of these places.
Listen, you tell me at 11:30 at night...
that this man went to one of 15
different houses this afternoon...
And you really think this Dedic, if it was he...
will kindly wait for us...
until we come to call on him
to pay our respects?
Get them out of here!
Go home and finish your soup.
Come here.
Hey, you with the soup!
What was that address you think
you dropped him at?
Czerny St,
61 Czerny St.
Czerny St. Czerny St.
Czerny St, 61.
Czerny St.
Czerny St.
Czerny St!
Czerny St.
Czerny St.
"Czerny St, 21."
From 21 to 61,
is 20 houses.
- Dr. Svoboda?
- Yes.
- You live here alone?
- Yes.
You didn't per chance receive a visit
from a man with a bullet wound?
- You can't go in there!
- Stop this non-sense!
Well, the situation here would tend
to exclude the presences...
of any third person.
but you see, we are looking for
the uncle of a certain Mr. Bartos...
Who asked me to deliver his last farewell.
In person.
Muller, check the whole building
from cellar to roof.
Every room and closet.
Yes, sir.
Come in doctor, come in. No, no, no,
Miss Novotny, please remain as you are.
I'm only staying a little while.
Catch my breath, and smoke a cigarette.
If I may, doctor?
Well, well, my young friend...
I don't mind admitting I'm surprised.
You see doctor, personally,
I have never been fully convinced...
Of your marvelous quick success of Miss Novotny.
And you, Miss Novotny,
you surprise me even more.
After all, you're engaged to be
married in a few weeks...
but I suppose that in wartime
life moves a lot faster.
Inspector, there is a limit to these insults.
Of course, doctor,
my humble apologies mademoiselle.
- Why don't you leave me alone?
- Just a few more puffs.
You see...
I had no idea I would find you here...
at least not tonight.
In my stupid way, I thought I would
find a certain gentleman...
who in turn, would help me find
that other gentleman.
You remember,
whom you helped Kladno Av..
That's all very interesting,
But if you insist on keeping us company...
Perhaps you would like a glass of wine
to go with your cigarette.
Well, well, doctor,
I would be delighted.
You have no beer?
Of course you have no "beer".
Beer wouldn't be the thing in such
a romantic atmosphere.
Sorry, Inspector,
the rug.
But better be careful when you
stumble near me again, doctor...
my boys here got just a little nervous just then.
We have fulfill your orders.
Horak, I thought you might
be curious to met...
Dr. Franticek Svoboda,
surgeon at St. Pancrazio hospital.
The same gentleman who visited your fiance the other night...
under the name "Karel Vanek".
why did you have me brought here?
Horak, I thought we both had the
right to the whole truth.
You ought to know what
your fiance is up too.
Well, I guess this all becomes a
personal matter between you three.
Let's go.
I think I'll leave you alone.
Good night.
Jan, you mustn't...
Well, what are you staring at?
You think you own me?
You were lying to me all along.
Yes I was. I just fell in love with him ...
That's all there was to it.
Can't you understand that?
I'm sorry Franticek, for all that's happened...
It looks like both of us
had delusions tonight.
- Find something, Mueller?
- Not at all, Herr Inspector.
- Am I free to leave now?
- Not yet.
What do you say to having a drink on me?
That is an order. Muller!
I want you to watch this house, closely.
If those two try to leave,
find out where they go.
- As you order, Herr Inspector.
- Schirmer we'll leave you in the morning.
The small leather case on the desk.
The hypodermic.
Come on sweetheart, get it off your chest.
Take it from me. No woman
should be trusted to long.
Ain't it the truth?
Don't be a sucker, big boy.
There are more fish to come.
Well, 6:00 already. What do you say
we go over to his place?
That is an order too.
You shouldn't talk.
This wound is serious.
I haven't much time.
I must finish telling you.
Miss Novotny, all our thanks...
you're a good fighter.
Almost everything in this plan
depends on you.
It will be very difficult...
I believe the people of Prague...
will come to help us.
- Gruber come in yet?
- No.
No, and his office can't seem to get in
touch with him. He was out all last night.
That must be the little cutie who
let him down so hard.
The German offered 20 marks if we could
get info about her cheating before.
It was like pulling teeth.
Couldn't even get him to talk about her.
Why does this flatfoot have to know
so much about this dame's lovelife?
All he told me was he caught
her cheating last night.
Myself, I figured it must had something to do with...
Because Gruber says, how could a
nice girl like that run around like that...
when her father is one of the hostages
going to be killed any minute.
Come on, fatty,
wake up.
Let me sleep...
you'll get your money tonight.
I'll be waiting.
So long, big boy.
Just pretend you never knew her.
Is it possible now,
to tell his real name?
No, but his name will not be forgotten.
One day the school children will honor it.
"In retaliation for the cowardly
murder of the Reich Protector...
it is ordered that commencing at 2:00 today...
executions will be carried out
every 2 hrs instead of 24...
unless the assassin is surrendered."
Pardon me.
Good morning, Mr. Czaka.
- This is absurd.
- But I tell you I'm sure.
- You've mistaken me for somebody else.
- No, I'm sure of it.
Miss please,
everyone is looking at us.
- I tell you, you're absolutely wrong.
- I'm not wrong.
Please, miss, please.
You must met me,
I have to talk to you alone.
Miss, what do you want
with this gentleman?
It is nothing,
absolutely nothing.
What do you mean by that?
Such impertinence.
Gestapo. Inspector Schirmer.
Of course.
Naturally that's different then.
I don't know this person.
I've never seen her before.
Miss Novotny, we will clear up
this matter somewhere else.
I think you better take this gentleman
along to headquarters.
But this is absurd. I will report you
to the proper authorities
Alright, alright.
I will not go.
Orders is orders.
I will see that you are
properly cared for also.
And where is this note she wrote?
"I recognize you.
must talk to you immediately at once."
Well, what does it mean?
Miss Novotny,
this time you're going to talk.
You recognize Mr. Czaka as whom?
What did you want to say to him
alone that was so important, huh?
Let me tell you, Herr Ritter,
it's very simple.
She says she recognizes me as someone she helped escaped...
from Karls Ave. From the Black shirts
The lady insists that I am the man
who shot Heydrich.
Me, of all people!
That is perfectly ridiculous
of course, Mr. Czaka...
but... just wait here a moment...
The following 3 persons will
please step forward.
You can't take me!
No, no, I won't go! I won't go!
I helped to catch the assassin.
I want to see the commandant!
I want to see the commandant!
I want to see the commandant!
I want to see the commandant!
The following 3 persons
will step forward.
My name shouldn't be counted. That was
the agreement for speaking on the radio.
Shut up!
All three of you,
forward march!
Miss Novotny, perhaps you are afraid
because you lied to us before...
But if you tell the truth now,
I promise to overlook that.
Remember, we won't stop the executions
until we have the assassin.
In a few hours,
in any case by tomorrow...
all hostages will have been shot.
The odds for your Father...
are growing smaller by the minute.
This is your last chance,
Miss Novotny.
I was on the Karls Ave.
You saw the assassin run from the alley?
Yes, it was the man I saw in the restaurant.
- The brewer, Czaka?
- Yes.
In what direction did he escape from?
Just around the corner from Dresden St,
just where I told the officer.
Did you see him running until
he was out of sight?
No, there was a passing cab,
and it drove off with him.
For your sake, Miss Novotny,
I'm glad you added that detail.
It confirms with a voluntary statement
from the same cab driver.
Ritter, bring in Czaka.
And the horse cab driver.
That's him, alright.
I've never seen this man before.
You picked him up on the corner of Karls Ave and Dresden?
Yes, sir. And he said:
"Drive as fast as you can."
Where did he ask to be taken?
Some place with furnished rooms,
with no questions asked.
Like I told you this morning.
It's ridiculous.
The man has got me mixed up
with somebody else.
Herr Standarten Fuhrer...
during the time of the assassination
of his Excellency...
the late Reich Protector...
at that very time, I was having
lunch at the Golden Quail...
Where I always eat,
just like today.
You can check it quite easily.
Do you remember day when
the Reich Protector was shot?
Naturally, what Czech doesn't?
- It was last Wednesday at noon.
- Exactly.
And on that day, at that time, did
Mr. Czaka have lunch at your restaurant?
- Now you'll see...
- No, your excellency.
No, Mr. Czaka didn't come in that day.
I remember it like my own birthday.
I held his usual table for him,
your excellency.
I even said to Albert here,
maybe Mr. Czaka is sick or something.
- But Novak, I was there.
- No, Mr. Czaka.
No, Mr. Czaka, I remember because I put
on your table your favorite Rhine wine...
the old Riesling. But I had to take it off
when you didn't show up.
You're all mixed up.
You, how can you make such a mistake?
Please try to remember.
I was there.
Freddy, you brought me
a pack of cigarettes.
I dropped them on the floor,
No, Mr. Czaka, that was the day
before the shooting.
Pauline, didn't you check my hat that day,
as always?
Didn't I even pinch your cheek,
and you said: "No, Mr. Czaka"?
Didn't I tip you nicely,
as always?
You always do, Mr. Czaka,
but not that day.
- You didn't come that day.
- You're crazy!
You, all of you, crazy!
What's going on here anyway?
What is the meaning of all of this?
I demand an explanation!
Stop shouting at me,
Mr. Czaka.
We demand an explanation.
Where were you at the time
of the assassination?
I told you.
I told you, in the Golden Quail, eating.
And after lunch I had a business...
conference with Mr. Tomas Pulta,
the bearing manufacturer.
Yes, in his own apartment until 5:30.
How do you remember that time so well?
Because at 6:00 I had another appointment right here...
in the Gestapo,
with Inspector Gruber.
I was with him until way after midnight helping him prepare the list...
the list of the hostages.
Walk out!
- Good bye, Pescacek.
- Good bye.
Come on, come on.
Sing "The Invisible Torch"!
...and pass it along...
Keep it burning,
Keep it burning,
keep it forward on
the road that has no turning.
Die if you must,
for a cause that is just...
but shout to the end:
'No Surrender'.
Stop the singing!
- Ever onward, never returning
- Silence!
- the filthy butcher will be learning.
-Stop the singing!
this war isn't won until
the last battle is done.
Carry on,when we are gone.
No surrender!"
No surrender!
I must regret to inform you,
the bearing manufacturer, Mr. Pulta...
was one of the hostages executed
at 2:00 this afternoon.
How does he get on the list?
I had business with him.
I didn't suggest his name.
I suppose I ought to apologize
for neglecting to notify you?
In any case, his widow Mrs. Pulta,
testifies you never appeared that day.
- What?
- But, here is another lady...
- who can tell us the exact reason.
- I don't know this woman.
Mrs. Nimitz, last night you testified that
on the day of the assassination...
the cab brought a certain well dressed
man to your rooming house.
Yes, this man here.
Will you repeat your testimony please?
Just as you gave it last night?
He came exactly at half pass twelve noon.
I showed him a room for 3 marks.
He told me he was expecting a
lady friend, if I wouldn't mind.
I said: "Well, if you guarantee
she's decent, who cares".
- So then, he gave me 5 marks.
- Lies! All lies!
How can you listen to
these traitorous Czechs?
How can you take their word
against mine! I protest!
You know I'm loyal. For years I've kept
you informed of the underground.
Only yesterday you got seven through
me! Seven! Only yesterday!
How can you be so unfair?
Will you kindly permit the
witness to continue?
Will you go on, Mrs. Nimitz,
Well, no lady showed up
all afternoon long.
Just heard him walking up
and down the room.
And after a while he comes out and says
he wants to telephone somebody ...
but I said: "I wouldn't even have a phone
if I could afford one ...
because it is more trouble than it's worth."
Then about half past five, he comes out
wants to see the afternoon papers...
all about the shooting of the "Hangman"...
Reich Protector Heydrich.
Then he just put on his hat and went.
But this morning, after I was
questioned and went home...
I remember something I found
after this gentleman left his room.
Here, I brought it with me,
even though it's real gold.
It has your initials,
Mr. Czaka.
I don't understand.
I had it,
this morning.
I'm sure.
I must have left in the restaurant.
This is a frame up.
A fantastic frame up!
Don't be preposterous.
Are you trying to say the whole city
of Prague is conspiring against you?
None of these people
know each other at all.
A minute ago, you said you had
no telephone at all. Didn't you?
Now I'll prove that everything
you said was a filthy dirty lie...
And this whole thing nothing
but a criminal conspiracy.
She said I was in her rooming house
between 12:30 and 5:30.
Very well.
She also says
she hasn't got a telephone.
Then how was it at 2:30 I was talking
to somebody on the telephone?
And who was that somebody?
Gestapo Inspector Gruber.
I demand that Inspector Gruber be
brought in immediately to confirm this.
I also demand the
arrest and investigation...
everyone of these slimy perjurers.
Call Inspector Gruber.
We have been unable to contact
Inspector Gruber all day.
His office is still trying to locate him.
Just for a pick me up.
No more beer around?
No more beer.
What's so funny all of a sudden?
- I like that lipstick.
- What lipstick?
All over your face.
I see!
that lipstick on the doctor's face was perfect...
not all smeared up.
You're right, Jan, old boy,
your girl is still all yours.
They staged it.
But a little too perfectly.
Thanks for the assassin.
What do you mean?
If they staged that bedroom act, then the
uncle must have really been there...
and your little girl put one over
on old man Gruber.
And why?
Because one or the other
must be the assassin...
Dr. Svoboda or Uncle Dedic.
And your little sweetheart is an
accomplice to the same assassins.
But this time she is going to talk,
and talk fast.
It's broken.
Miss Novotny,
your assassin Mr. Czaka...
seems to have a perfect alibi...
No less than Gestapo Inspector Gruber.
Yes, Miss Novotny,
Inspector Gruber.
You just wait till he gets here.
But what about all the hostages
in the meantime?
The executions will cease the
minute the case is finished.
Not before.
But, if Gruber confirms Czaka's alibi...
everyone of the witnesses today...
with you first, will go to the
wall with the hostages.
Well, we will now go look into
this alibi of Dr. Svoboda.
It's really worth looking into you know.
Then we'll take care of you and
your faithful sweetie.
Now if you will excuse me, Mr. Horak,
I will have to hurry.
Just relax.
Can you tell me where to find
Dr. Svoboda?
He is in operating, assisting Professor Kubicek.
Close the door, Beda.
Plenty lucky for you mother was
worried about Mascha...
and sent me to ask you.
Gestapo Inspector Gruber!
- Wait!
- Attention! Attention!
Gestapo Inspector Gruber!
Inspector Gruber,
report to headquarters at once!
Beda, go over there and wait.
See if the Gestapo goes poking around.
If she shows up, don't let her go up there.
I won't, future brother-in-law.
St. Pancrazio Hospital,
and step on it!
Dr. Svoboda?
That's Dr. Svoboda.
- Detective Gruber, you looking for me?
- Yes.
Just a few questions, doctor.
Where can we talk undisturbed?
Here, in the locker room.
Talk me doctor,
when you fellows operate...
you always wear these masks?
Naturally, against infection.
I thought you said
we could talk here all alone?
It's all the same.
My colleague, Dr. Pillar.
Inspector Alois Gruber,
You were the other one at the operation
the day he shot Heydrich.
Exactly, Inspector,
Dr. Pillar as you say...
did take my place that day,
with the mask.
Very clever.
- May I use your telephone, Dr. Svoboda?
- No.
No, you better not use that phone.
You better put that down, doctor.
I'm gonna put it where it belongs.
If you think you're gonna rush me from both sides...
that I can only get to one of you in time...
Then you're gonna be unpleasantly surprised.
I can shoot this gun a lot quicker...
then both of you can jump.
Not bad, doctor.
That was close.
But stand right where you are...
or you get a slug in the gut.
I was at the doctor when I heard
the radio call for Inspector Gruber...
of course I came immediately.
You say you were with him
this morning, Mr. Horak?
Yes, you see the Inspector and I...
went to a cabaret last night.
Well, he stayed all night at my apartment
When did he leave you?
I should say about
10 o'clock this morning.
- Did he happen to say where he was going?
- Yes, I believe he did.
I think he mentioned he had an
appointment with a Mr. Czaka at his house.
Czaka's house.
Ritter, bring Herr Czaka around.
Thank you, Mr. Horak.
I'm sorry, but I have to hold you
like the other witnesses...
until all of this is settled.
Go to Czaka's house and see if
Gruber was there this morning.
Mr. Czaka, when did you
last see Inspector Gruber?
Yesterday afternoon.
Here at the Gestapo.
And where were you this morning
from 10 o'clock on?
At home, until noon.
And then two of Gruber's men came
to escort me to the Golden Quail.
Gruber wasn't with you before then?
No, I told you I haven't seen him at all today.
Excuse me.
between 10 and 12 this morning...
Inspector Gruber
was with you...
at your home.
No, Herr Haas.
- Who said that?
- Your butler.
Why, Herr Haas,
that's impossible.
The man can be insane.
I demand to see him.
Face to face!
At 10 o'clock this morning, when Inspector Gruber
arrived, I showed him into the study...
then Mr. Czaka sent me down to the
railway station for a timetable.
Josef, where do you get these hallucinations,
haven't I always paid you well?
- Why do you tell such lies?
- Will you kindly keep quiet Mr. Czaka?
- Go on please.
- When I had returned, the Inspector had gone.
- Where is the study?
- Right in there, but it's locked.
After Mr. Czaka left, the maid wanted
to go in to clean...
we couldn't find the key anywhere.
Break the lock.
Can't do that, it's an genuine antique.
That's Gruber's calling card.
Someone put them there!
Get the caretaker of the building!
You said your butler had
hallucinations, Mr. Czaka?
Your Excellency, I assure you I...
My desk!
I protest!
Czaka, this check for 10,000 marks...
Whom did you give it to?
To the Occupational Police fund.
I'm not interested for what purpose you
gave the money, but to whom you gave it.
To Inspector Gruber.
Damned pig!
Yours, Mr. Czaka?
No,I never had a gun.
Herr Haas, this pistol was
made in England.
The exact same caliber of the bullet
that killed the Reich Protector.
Impossible, Herr Haas!
All of this is false,
completely false.
If you only got Herr Gruber here, all
these accusations would be proven false.
The whole thing is a frame up,
an awful frame up!
Herr Fuhrer Standarten,
there is a mimeograph in closet.
I'm innocence. I swear I am!
The underground planted all of this to
pin the assassination on me!
Where is Haas?
Herr Standarten Fuhrer!
Schirmer! Downstairs!
Miss Novotny,
you are free to go.
Czaka was the assassin.
We even found the gun in which
he shot Heydrich.
The remaining hostages will be
released in the morning.
Have you anyway of telling whether my father...?
This scum must have been working
for both sides all this time.
It looks like Gruber caught on to him
but couldn't be bribed.
Not Gruber.
So, Czaka had to get rid of him.
Pull around the corner.
Czaka, get out of here.
You're free, Czaka.
- Free!
- Sure. Go on.
Schirmer, I'll never forget you for this,
never forget you!
Go on! Run!
Heil, Hitler!
Excellency, this is the report
in code from Berlin.
Ever onward,
no returning...
until the filthy butcher will be learning...
this war isn't won until
the last battle is done.
Carry on when we are gone.
No surrender!!
No surrender!!