Hangman's Game (2015) - full transcript

The events occur between 4:45 am and 6:15 am in the Colombian jungle. Mark, an American contractor wakes up doped, tortured and hung up by the arms next to a local prostitute that acts as interpreter whilst the kidnappers want to hack a 60 billion dollars bank account. Mark is forced to play a no-win game. Time is not on his side and the only thing missing is the password, the problem is: give it or not, Mark is dead meat.


Am I speaking

with Samantha Owens?


- The reason I'm calling you...

- What time is it?

4:15, Colombian time, ma'am.

Is something wrong?

I'm calling you in reference

to Mark's employment contract

With our company

in Yopal, Colombia.

What happened?

- By contract...

- Is Mark okay?

Ma'am, by contract,

I'm obligated to inform you

- that any event that happens...

- Stop, stop.

What... What happened?

At approximately 1:15,

Colombia time,

Two armed men killed

two civilians in the motel

And kidnapped our contractor

Mark Owens, your husband,

Along with

his business associate

And two local prostitutes.


Ma'am, are you still there?

- Yes.

- Do you understand what I've just told you?

- Please answer yes or no.

- Yes.

And do you understand

that this situation

Did not happen

during working hours

And that according

to the contract,

Our company cannot be held

liable for this tragic event?

Yes, but it's not right...

Ma'am, please contact

the U.S. embassy.

- Ma'am, I'm sorry.

- Wait!

- I have to go.

- But I need to know what...

Hey. Hey!


Please help.

Hey, wha...

What's he saying, man?

Hey, wha... No!

No Spanish! No Spanish, sir.

No Spanish.

I don't know no bank!

I don't know anything

about any bank!

I don't know

what you're talking about!

He don't understand you, okay?

Untie my hands, please!

What bank

you make the transfer in?

Bank? Please.

Just get me a doctor.

I'm an engineer.

Relax, please.

I don't understand.


Carlos helped to entering

the account of banco del estado.

But there is no money.

He say there is more than one

bank account in the computer.

- In which one has money?

- What?

Where is the money?

Carlos give a password

of banco del estado,

And it's wrong.

Where is the money?

I don't know what Carlos is.

What? Your friend Carlos!

I don't know Carlos!


- The Mexican.

- Mauricio.

Your friend Carlos.

Mauricio, he... he's a Mexican.


Please... tell me.

Tell me what he said.

Just tell me what he said,


Say where is money

or they kill us.

Look, I don't know

who these guys are.

Just tell me

everything they said.

They want the bank password.


No money. I don't know anything

about any money.

I don't know anything

about a fucking bank!

Tell them, please!

I don't want to die.

No, hey, we're not

gonna die here.

It's just...

I don't know it's a strategy.

They're just...

- A strategy? No!

- No, look!

They're just trying to...

They're... It's just...

Hey! No strategy!

Yes! They're just trying...

I don't know. They're...

They just want more information,

that's it.

No! No information!

You don't know!

They will kill us!

They are real bad.

No, hey, we're not

gonna die here.

- It's just...

- Please!

Say name of bank

or they will kill us.

- All right.

- No, no, don't.

No! Don't do it, Mark.

Stop. Mark!


Look at my eyes.

You don't give password,

And I die.

Fine. Fine!

He's asking about Mauricio.

Do you know something about him?

Please tell me.

Who are these guys?

No, please,

answer the question.


No. Not until they tell me

who in the hell they are,

What I'm doing here,

and what they want.

Look, if you don't tell them

what they want,

I swear to God

they are gonna kill us.

I don't care!

I don't care.

You don't care? Do you know

what's going on here?

We don't have time,

gringo guebón!


He told me to call him Carlos.

I thought it was a joke.

- His real name's Mauricio.

- What?

The Mexican?



- What'd you say?

- What you told me to say.

No! Don't tell these guys


We don't even know

who they are.

Do you fucking understand

what's going on here?

Don't fuck with me!

Talk to me, otherwise something

really bad is gonna happen

If you don't talk to me.


- No!

- No, no, no, no!

- Hey!

- No, no, no, no!

- Hey, no!

- No!

Please talk to me, please.

Please say something.

Please say something.

Say something, please.

Please say something!

You're awake?


You're thinking about her.


Why do you say that?

Come on.

You can't lie to me.

I can see it in your eyes.

I'm sorry, Sam.

I can't stop

thinking about her.

She's gone.

She's gone because of me.

It wasn't your fault.

I could have done something.

I could have said something.

I mean, Jesus,

I could have stopped her.

Is there something

you haven't told me?


I'm still here.







Hey, hey.

She needs help!

She needs help!

Hey, I need help.

Come on.

I don't anything

about any fucking bank.

She's back here.

She needs help.

Come on!


It's my fault.

She's alive!

Come on, she needs help!

Come on!

Come on, you fucking idiot!

Come on!

Why you didn't run?

Tell me.

Why you didn't run?

She's still breathing.

She needs help.


What'd he say?

That you're broken.

- Why you didn't run?

- What?

Tell me why you didn't run.

I couldn't run.

She was still alive.

She was still breathing.

You were free. Why the fuck

didn't you run, man?

A long time ago,

somebody that I loved died,

And I made a promise

that it wouldn't happen again.

And I...

She's alive.

Hey, wait for me.

Look, she's...

Wait, wait!



Stop! Please!

Please, no more!


What did that bastard mean

when he said I was broken?

Don't you know?

When they torture someone,

Every person have

their breaking point.

That's good.

That's good for you

Because now he's going

to believe you.

Are you all right?

No! I can't feel

my goddamn fingers.

What are we gonna do now?


I've seen you before.

Do you remember anything?

I remember you in...

In the hotel, in the bar.

You're Mauricio's friend.

They got into the bank.


But Mauricio says...

That you have the password.

I think they were so close

To getting something

out of Mauricio,

But you show up, man.

What bank?

- Stop pretending!

- I'm not pretending!

I don't know what the fuck

you are talking about.

- I don't know what the hell...

- Shh!

See? Look at them.

Can you see his hand?

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

You're next.

No, you tell those guys

they're making a mistake.

I am not the one.

They're making a mistake!

- They're wrong.

- Shut up.

They don't give a fuck

about you.

They don't give a fuck

about anything.

You have to tell them

the password,

Or I swear to God they will

torture you and kill me

And shoot me

in the fucking head.

Shit! What do you want me

to tell them, huh? What?

- Everything.

- No! I can't tell them.

I tell them anything,

they're gonna fucking kill us.

Do you know something?

Know something

you can tell me?

I am not going

to die here.

I'm not gonna die here

because of you.

I'm telling you,

I'm not gonna die here.

You're by yourself.

You are alone, man.

Just grow up, damn it.

Just tell those guys

they got the wrong person.

I'm not the one lying here.

It's Mauricio.

You tell them it's Mauricio,


Please don't let them

do anything to me, please.

You tell them

they got the wrong person.

Please tell them!


No, no, wait,

please, please.

Just, just tell them.

Tell them!

Tell them I'm not the one,


Don't let them

torture me, please.

Mauricio's the one.

He's the one that's lying.

Tell them.

Tell them, please.

- Jesus, please.

- Don't play with me.

- Come on, please.

- You are alone.

Please, please help me now.

No, I'm not the one.

It's Mauricio.

He's the one that's lying,

not me, it's Mauricio.

You tell 'em!

Come on, come on,

let me down! Hey!

Please, let me down, please.

You can't do this.

Hey, you can't do this to me!

Please! Please!

Let me down!

Come on, come on,

let me down! Hey!

Come on, no!

Please, let me down!


Come on, let me down!



Mrs. Owens, before

I start, I want to tell you...

Look, I don't know if you

realize who are you talking to,

But I swear if you hang up...

I'm perfectly aware

of who I'm talking to

And how delicate

the situation is.

Okay, so you know I'll be

at the door of the ministry

In 15 minutes,

Waiting for them

to open the door for me.

Sorry, ma'am, but I don't think

we have that much time.


Local law enforcement

and the Colombian Army

Have found your husband's

possible location.

Is he all right?

Where is he?

The vehicle assigned

to your husband by our company

Has a satellite

tracking system.

Wait, what?

So you knew where he was

from the beginning

And you

only mention it now?

Oh, not quite.

Do you know how much trouble

you and your company are in?

We're not liable

for these events,

But we are doing

everything in our power.

No, excuse me, excuse me!

You're not going to

get out of this so easily!

Ma'am, we don't have time

to argue!

The most important issue

is your husband.

Okay. Why do you say

we don't have much time?

Right. Approximately

two hours ago,

An army anti-kidnapping unit

went by land and surrounded

The point where we think

your husband is located.

I'm personally on a helicopter

that'll provide air support.

So why haven't you

rescued him yet?

Over land travel

takes time, Mrs. Owens.

You have to promise me

you'll bring him back alive.

That's precisely

why I'm calling.

Mauricio Yacca's parents have

approved the armed incursion,

And we have their sign-off

for a hostile extraction.

You have to promise me

you'll bring him back alive.

I'm sorry, ma'am,

I can't do that,

But I do need your sign-off

to execute the operation.

No, I can't.

I have to consult

with my family first.

Excuse me, ma'am,

we don't have time.

The team will be on site

and in position in 15 minutes.

And the sun's about to rise.

If that happens,

we lose our tactical edge.

No, I can't, I can't.

Ma'am, I need your answer now.

Will you authorize

a Colombian Army operation

To perform

a hostile extraction

Of American citizen

Mark Owens?

Please answer yes or no.

I can't.

I can't decide that.

Do I take that

as a negative?

I need you to understand

I will be forced

to abort the operation.

Wait, wait.

- Do it, do it.

- Okay.

In regard to your decision,

we wish to repeat

That our company

is not liable in any way

And that we are joining

the operation as observers.

- Is this clear to you?

- Yes

Mrs. Owens,

in the name of our firm,

We wish to ratify

our concern about...

Mrs. Owens?



Hey, you bastard,

leave her alone!


- Where is the key?

- What key?

You gonna get both killed.

Please, where is the key?

I don't know about any key.

I don't know.

What are you talking about,

a password or something?

I don't know. I don't know

what you're talking about.

Don't fuck with me, man!

Where the fuck is the key?

Fuck! I don't know about

any key, I swear to God!

- I'm just an engineer.

- No, you're not an engineer.

Your friend says

that you are the boss.

- Who?

- Your friend Mauricio!

He's not my friend.

I don't know what the hell

he's talking about.

I don't know. I don't know

anything about banks.

They got into the bank.

Mauricio has told them


Now they need a fucking key

to transfer the money.

I don't know!

I don't have any key.

I don't want to die here.

Oh, Jesus.

Tell me something.

I don't know!

You don't know what?

You don't know Mauricio?

I don't know Mauricio!

He's not my friend!

I just got here!

I'm an engineer.

I come here,

I help with the refineries,

I help with contracts.

That's what I do.

The name of my company

is Owens Company.

I'm an engineer!

Please tell me something

about Mauricio.

Mauricio is

a son of the owner.

He knows more about

the bank accounts,

About all the information,

he knows all that.

Just tell him to check it out,

and he'll see.


Where is the key?

You're gonna get both killed.

Please, where is the key?

What's your name?


- Mark.

- Sí, Mark!


No, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no!

Hey, fuck, I didn't do shit.

Come on.

Relax, man, take it easy.

- We're gonna die.

- No, we're not.

Always the right things

go wrong with me.

Don't be saying that.

Why you choose Carla

and not me?

Why you pick her?

I don't know,

I can't remember.

I should change

the color of my hair, no?

- Your hair?

- Yeah.

The blondes have more fun,

don't you think?

Was she your friend?

We worked together many years,

so yeah, she was my friend.

- You guys are like escorts?

- Hookers?

I was gonna say escorts.

No, no, no. What's the problem

to being a fucking whore?

I'm sorry.

- I just, um...

- No, no, no.

Have you ever been

with a whore?

'Cause last night

you were fucking one.

I wasn't fucking her.

Why's that?

Maybe you couldn't get it up,

but you want to fuck her.

Is it not the same?

Jesus Christ.

Are you friends

with Mauricio?

I know him for a year,

almost a year.

Together we make fun

of the other girls

Because he like to act

like a gringo.

I thought maybe you guys were

good friends or something.

I thought he was

full of shit, you know?

When he's sober,

he's this quiet guy.

But when he gets drunk,

He's like, he likes to play

el gran señor.

You have a boyfriend?

A boyfriend?

Yeah, I mean, why not?

Why can't a girl like you

have a boyfriend?

All my clients

are my boyfriends.

You speak pretty good English.


Where'd you learn?

I took some classes.

- Some classes?

- Yeah.


Don't laugh at me, please.

A friend of mine,

she get married with a gringo,

And I just wake up

and say to me like,

"I want that for me."

What happened?

I just ended like a whore.

- I'm sorry.

- No, no, no, don't be sorry.

I don't regret it.

Knowing English

has given me so much.

How's that?

Look, all the gringos

are coming to Colombia,

And you guys rather have

a girl like Carla than me,

So knowing English

give me extra money.

So why would you want

to marry an American?

Every girl in Colombia

wants to marry a boy like you.

Do you have a girlfriend?


You have four girlfriends?

Look at you!

I have four girlfriends


You only slept

with four women...

In your entire life?

No. I've slept with six.


Do you have a girlfriend?

I was married,

or I'm married.

Are you married

or divorced or what?

No, I'm married, but I...

I don't know what's gonna

happen now. I mean...

Nothing's gonna happen

because nothing happened.

- Yeah, right.

- Nothing happened, Mark.

You know, it just was...

The night is good,

the meat is weak.

Who's gonna tell her?

No one.

We're gonna die.

No, we're not gonna die.

How do you know that?

Because I know.

We're gonna get out of here.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Now just...

Listen to me.

I'm gonna take you

to the United States with me.

We're gonna get the hell

out of here,

And everything is

gonna be fine.

I promise.

I'm a whore,

but I'm not stupid.

- I don't lie.

- How can you help me?

I help people like you

all the time.

I help people

that help people like you.

- Are you a priest or something?

- No!

I can get you out of here.

Please, I'm serious.

Don't never promise something

that you can't accomplish.

We're gonna get out of here.

- Yes, we are.

- No.

If you don't talk about

the password,

They're gonna kill us.

I don't fucking know

about any of that.

I don't know any banks,

I don't know about the key.

Let me explain to you


Because I think

you don't get it.

They're not playing any games.

If you don't tell them

what they want,

They're gonna torture you

and murder us.

No, you listen to me,

goddamn it.

If we tell those motherfuckers

what they want,

They're gonna come over here

and they're gonna kill us.

I don't want to die here.

Okay, we're gonna

get out of here.

We got a deal?

- We got a deal?

- They're coming.

Okay, what's going on?

They got into the bank,

but they blocked the account.

They're bringing Mauricio.

- What?

- Yeah.

- Oh, shit.

- Yeah.

What's wrong with you?

- Why did you tell them?

- What?

They're gonna bring Mauricio,

and they're gonna torture him!

They are gonna be

torturing you!

So now they're gonna

torture him?

- Do you want to live?

- Yes!

Try not to be

so fucking naive, Mark.

Okay, do you realize

what we're into here?

- Yes.

- So?

Look, I was with him,

And he's not that faithful dog

that you think he is.

Look, if he dies,

it's gonna be...

The only thing left that

they need is the access key.

That's it.

Do you know something

about the fucking key, Mark?



We just need to buy time.

Time for what, Mark?

Do you know something

about the key or not?

No, I don't.

They're coming.

They're gonna save us.

- They're gonna rescue us.

- Who? Who's gonna save us?

We're in the fucking middle

of the jungle in Colombia!

- They've got their ways!

- Who? Who fucking who?

The embassy!

They're gonna be here.

They're gonna

get us out of here.

The U.S. embassy?


Oh, Jesus.

Oh, my God.

Jesus, Mauricio.

Mark, don't say anything.

He's say he's tired

of this game.

One of you is lying

and will end up like a pig.

Oh, fuck no.

What the fuck

is the key?

No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no, no!

Hey, hey, no, wait!

No, the key

looks like a beeper.

Looks like a keychain.


I don't know, something small.

Just tell him to look for it.

Look at me! The next

time you open your mouth,

You have to tell me where

the fuck is the key, man.


I don't know, I don't know,

I don't know.

Please, Mark!

You don't

have to listen to her.

Shut up!

I don't know where

the fucking key is. I don't.

I swear to God, I don't.

She fucking sold you out.

That's a lie!

Listen to me.

She drugged you

last night.

She slipped

something into your drink.

- You drugged me?

- That's why we're here!

He doesn't have

anything to lose, Mark.

He wants some money,

and we have nothing, man.

Don't listen to him.

What the fuck's going on?

They're gonna keep him

for a long time, Mark,

And they're gonna kill him.

I-I-I'm part shareowner

in a company.

Shut up!

Tell me more,

tell me more.

The company's called

Owens Company.

It's an American company.

My family has a shitload

more money than Mauricio's,

And they can pay

for a rescue.

He don't give a fuck

about your money.

He just wants to know where

the fuck is the key, man.

I don't have

the fucking key.

He's gonna kill us, Mark.

Look in the fucking computer!

There's a bank.

They have all the information.

Mauricio should have

the fucking key.

- Hey.

- Hey, no, no, no!

No, goddamn it!

No, no!


I don't know where the

fucking key is. I don't know.


gotta have the key.

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Mark! Mark!

What? What?

Hey, look, I don't have

the fucking key.

- He says that you have the key.

- What?

I don't have the key.









I'm sorry, man.

You're an idiot.

What? You're the one giving

them all the information.

I specifically told you

not to speak to that bitch.

Hey, hey!

Hey, look,

she's been protecting me.

I've got a family,

and you're selling me out.

- Selling you out?

- Yeah.

That bitch sold you out

since the beginning.

God damn! Open your

fucking eyes and get a clue.

Oh, Jesus.

- Hey, listen.

- Shut up.

There's some fucking

helicopters coming. It's them.

Hey! Hey!

- Hey!

- Hey, hey!


They're coming. Hey!

It's them.

It's the fucking military.

They're coming.




Help! Help!

- Hey, here!

- Over here!

- Hey! Hey!

- Hey!

Over here!


- Hey!

- Hey!

- Hey!

- Help!

- Help! Come on!

- Hey! Hey!

Hey, we're here!

- Help!

- Hey!

Hey! Hey, over here!

Over here! Hey!

Hey! Hey, over here!

Help! Help! Hey!

Hey, over here! Help!


Hey, over here!

Over here!

Hey, over here!

Over here! Over here!

Ay yi yi!

Ay yi yi!

There's something else

that you want to say?

They're gonna

kill me, Mark.

Mark, please.

They're fucking

messing with our heads.

They're playing with us.


You ever played Hangman?


You know, that game...

Where if you don't get the

right letters or information,

They hang you.

What the hell

are you talking about?

Well, that's what those guys

are gonna do to us.

You're a traitor.

- Traitor?

- Yeah.

Weren't you the one

who gave them my real name,

And then you told them

about the key?

You sold me out first.

Sold you out?

You fucking prick.

You fucking gave them

all the information.

Everything they wanted,

you said.

I want to see if you can

keep your mouth shut

When that guy over there

comes over

And cuts one finger off,

Then cuts another finger off

and socks you.

What the fuck has

Vanessa told you?

She didn't have

to tell me anything.

You've been giving them

all the information they want.

What have I told them, Mark?

What have I told them?

Man, they're fucking

in all the banks.

They got all the information.

I don't know.

Is it a miracle?

I didn't do it.

I didn't give it to them.

It's all a lie.

It's a fucking lie?

How do you know it's a lie

If you don't even know

what she's been saying?

Okay, what has she said?

She tells me you get tortured,

you tell them everything.

They've got all the information

for the bank,

And the only thing

that's left is the key.

All right, and you're gonna

tell them how it works.

Jesus, Mauricio, if I don't

tell 'em how it works,

They're gonna kill you.

That's what

the fucking whore told you.

Why do you give a shit

what she says?

Come on, she's the only one

that's trying to help me here.

She's so nice to you.

Come on.

If we don't help her,

She's gonna be the first one

they're gonna kill.

What do you want me

to do about it, huh?

Well, I'm not

gonna let her die.

I'm not gonna let those

fucking bastards kill her.

Why do you care so much

about her?

That blonde girl, Mauricio,

they fucking killed her.

She told me.

She said...

She said that they

weren't kidding around,

They weren't fucking around,

that they were gonna kill her.

And I didn't believe her,

and they killed her.

It's my fault.

It's my fault she's dead.

Who, Carla?

She's just a whore, man,

a piece of meat.

Look, I'm not gonna die

because of you or anybody.

Oh, wow, that's a big

fucking surprise.

What is that

supposed to mean?

You have no fucking dignity!

You have no honor!

Jesus, you're disgusting!

You're fucking worthless,



Goddamn fucking move!

Jesus. She deserved

to fucking live.

She's a human being.

She deserved to live

just as much as you or me.

Really? More than me?

Yeah! Hell yeah! She...

It's our fault she's here.

Hey, if I had to pick

between her and myself,

I'm gonna pick myself.

I'm not a fucking idiot

like you are.

No, you're not.

You're a fucking loser.

I'm practical, Mark.

I'm practical.

Let me ask you something.

They asked Vanessa to choose

between herself and you.

Who the fuck do you think

she would pick?

Jesus, Mauricio, I couldn't

make a decision like that

Out here

in the fucking jungle.

Of course not.

You're such a goddamn

fucking noble prick.

You know what? I don't give

a fuck what you think of me.


We all know I don't really care

what they're gonna do to me.

But we've gotta stick together

and gain some time.

Time? What, are you

fucking kidding me?

We're doomed! Jesus Christ!

They're gonna fucking come here!

I got a fucking wife!

They're gonna come here!

They're gonna

fucking kill us!

We're worth so much more

alive than dead! Get that!

They're gonna come back

any moment now!

They're gonna torture us!

We gotta stick together!

Okay, just tell them about

my fucking family, all right?

Look, I don't know.

They can negotiate something.

That will give us time.

You speak fucking Spanish.

You tell them

about my fucking family.

They don't want any money.

We just gotta stick together.

- Fuck.

- I think they're coming back.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Fucking liar.

The key works.

Mauricio told him

there was $6 million

In the bank.

But there's

$60 million in the bank.

Everything was okay.

They were able to access

the transfer bank.

They had some troubles

at the bank.

Now the bank is asking

for a fucking confirmation code.

We have a deal.

What deal?

I don't know

the password.

This is not the perfect moment

to play games, Mark.

Tell me what the fuck

is going on here, man.

I don't have a deal with him.

Don't lie to me, Mark!

- I'm not lying.

- Bullshit!

You had the key

from the beginning.

Do you remember putting

your jeans on last night?

You put it in my fucking pants!

It's his fucking bank!

Why in the fuck would I have

the key on my pants?

Do you remember

putting your jeans on, Mark?

Remember last night

while you fucked that 'ho,

And she moaned and squealed

like a fucking hog?

Stop! She's my friend!

Don't talk like that!

Now he's gonna

play with us a little game.

The hangman's game.

Hangman's game.

He's gonna

ask some questions.

The one who gives

the right answer is saved.

And the other one...

Is gonna be hanging

like a fucking pig.

The password, Mark.

Say the fucking password!

It's not even

my fucking bank.

So whose bank it is?


I'm sorry, Mark.


I'm sorry.

This is all my fault.


You know these guys.

Of course she does.

They are my clients.

She fucking sold us out.

I didn't have to,

you fucking loudmouth!


Hey, what's going on?

He was gonna steal your money.

He has all planned out, Mark.

He was telling everyone he was

going to steal your money, Mark.

She drugged you.

That's why we're here.

You gave me the fucking drug,


Jesus, you drugged me?

We call it burundanga.

It's the drug of truth.

She's lying.

He was going

to steal your money.

She's so full of it.

Mauricio, what's she

fucking saying, man?

She's lying to you.

She's fucking lying.

You were gonna steal

from your own father?

- He's not my father.

- What do you mean?

Fine! I'm his son,

but he treats me like shit.


I'm worthless.

I have nothing.

No, wait, we've got a deal.

We're gonna make it through.

- I'm keeping my part.

- Look where we are.

- I'm keeping my part.

- No, Mark.

He don't care about you.

As soon as he can,

he's gonna sold you out, man.

Sell you out.

We're gonna get through this.

It's gonna be all right,

I promise.

No, listen to me.

I'm not gonna

get through this alive.

- I'm not worth it.

- No, we can get out of here.

Maybe you, but we're

not gonna make it.

Yes, yes, we are.

Goddamn it.

Don't fucking say that.

Mark, you have an opportunity.

Tell them what they want.

Maybe they will

let you live, Mark.



Who the fuck is gonna give him

the fucking password?








Tell him to fucking shoot me!

- Tell them the password!

- Tell him to fucking shoot me!

Shoot me, you chickenshit!

- Go to hell!

- Tell him the password, Mark.

- Tell that fucker to shoot me!

- Mark...

- You tell him to shoot me!

- Mark, the password!

Shoot me!

Shoot me, you chickenshit!

- Shoot me, you chickenshit!

- Tell him the password, please!

Take that fucking monkey

with you!

You tell him to take

this motherfucker with him!

- He's gonna kill you! Shut up!

- I don't fucking care!

- Kill me, you chickenshit!

- Password!

Fuck you! Fuck you!

Password. The password!

The password!

No, no, no, no!


He's coming back

in five minutes, Mark.

Fuck him.

Please, Mark,

do you know the password?

He can kill me.

I don't give a shit.

You can get out of here.

Just, just leave.

Save yourself.

No. I'm not gonna

leave you here.

You have to tell them

what the fuck is the password.

I'm not gonna

get out of here alive.

He's gonna kill me.

Let me talk to them!

Listen to me for once.

I don't care.

He can kill me.

Just get out of here.

You can walk away from this.

No, no. He's gonna

chop you into pieces

And you don't

deserve that, Mark.

That motherfucker

doesn't deserve the money.

- Give him the password.

- I'm not gonna do it.

He's not gonna kill you.

He's gonna kill me, Mark.

If you don't give him

the password,

He's gonna kill me.

- The password.

- Fuck you.


No, no, no, no,

hey, wait, wait!

Wait! Tell him to wait! Wait!

Here's the deal.

I give you the password,

- and she... she goes.

- Okay.


Why are you doing this, Mark?

Jesus, come on,

just tell him, please.

- Deal!

- Samantha.

- Samantha!

- Perro!

Hey, Mark, papasito.

You didn't see this coming,

don't you?

Yeah, they should

give you an Oscar.

A whore that can act

can make money, honey.


Hey, wait, we had

a fucking deal here.


Look, the least you can do

is look me in the eyes

And tell me in English.

Of course.

This is what you deserve.

Do you remember your promise?


I told you that I'd take you

to the United States.

You already did, honey.

Bye, papi.

I hope we never meet again.

Have a great life.

* Hey, you, girl

* Now you're

getting down with it *

* 'Cause now, you have it

Girl, you gotta grab it *

* You're a sinner, a liar

and that is your power *

* And you're playing with fire

Regretting is sour *

* You, the guy

staring at Jack Daniels *

* And of course, you, lady

Yeah, you smoking baby *

* Hey, believing is power

Believing is power *

* And regretting is sour

Regretting is sour *

* Here she comes

* The girl with all the guns

* She's having fun

so blast them *

* Ashes to ashes

and dust to dust *

* The girl with the guns

* Wanna take you away

* So let me show you the way

* Everybody

come meet your devil *

* Get down on the floor

all you rebels *