Hanging on to Love (2022) - full transcript

Jewel cannot catch a break in the love department these days-she is failing in everything from her clothing design business to finding love.

I knew she was going

to put her big ass

in this pleather dress.

Man, it ain't

too many sizes off.

More than like three

and a half sizes off.

Maybe like two.

Oh, maybe you a four, now

that I got a good angle.

She's super thick,

thick, thick, thick big.

What type of material is this?

The kind that

stretches way to thin.

I know that is not my

name brand designer dress

that just fell to the floor.

And if it is, I better be

getting a 59% discount.

I'm sorry, Misty.

Look, it's on the house.

E-Rock. Don't

try to be nice now.

I heard you back there

talking all that mess.

Man, can you can just turn

around head towards the exit?

Angelo. Nobody was

even talking to you.

You need to learn

some customer service

etiquette like your cousin.

Hey, why don't you go do

some inner thigh exercise,

you holding up my line.

Look, thank you for

your business as always.

Thank you.

I'm not coming back here

until his rude ass is fired.

This is family business,

I can't get fired.

You need to.

I'm gonna reach out to HR,

let them know he

out here acting up.

Don't trip, I got you.

And I'm HR, too, now

what? Dismissed, next!

He's only rude to people

he likes, take note.

And he's a chronic liar.

Oooo were! You

'bout to send me

to my grave before my time.

Oh, don't do it to him, baby,

please don't do it

to him, I wanna die.

It'll only cost you

a nickel to take a peek

at this here buckle.

Ha haaa!

Oh, you one of them?

She thick as a

hundred year old tree

and I wanna climb to the top.

Don't make me put my

teeth in my mouth, hold up.

Oh wait a minute, he putting

his teeth in his mouth!

You look like you looking

for a sugar daddy now.

On some Laffy Taffy, I

got $40, I got 40 DOLLAS.

No and hell no,

but I got something for you.

And what's that, baby?

Some chapstick for them

peanut brittle ass lips.

I was feeling a

little hanging skin.

Y'all get to work,

what y'all laughing at?

Step and fetch it.

Ole lucky dog.

Ooh, what's this, this

that rich tinted lip balm,

oh you fancy!

Sir, I got that from

the 94 cents store.

Ooooh, I'm talking

'bout bargain shopper,

that's my type of lady!

First of all, your pants

just a little bit too high,

Too high?

Bland, E-rock, Angelo, my

pants too high young blood?

Nah, nah, you

straight, you straight.

Nah, nah, he on this

lil ups game, baby,

you don't know

nothing 'bout that.

Yeah, I don't know,

they was kind of high man.

They are kinda Gomer Pyle-ish.

Aw, Player you couldn't

see nothin' if it walked up

and hit you in the face,

you couldn't see the toilet

when it's time to piss in it.

Aw, you's a damn lie man,

let me tell you something,

Ain't nobody bad like Bland.

I've been doing it every since

Moby Dick was a gold fish,

man, I still got

women, 20 year olds

doing double takes to me.

You's a lie.

Huh, do a double

take, baby, watch this,

do a double take,

this is Jet magazine.

Do a double take,

baby, oh my stars.

You'll make a man's

kneecaps hard, wooo!

So I still got it, you hear me?

You young punks,

did you hear me?

You ain't got nothing

but cataracts in the left

and glaucoma in your right.

You's a damn lie,

get out of here man,

you don't know nothing, man.

Listen man, hey step

and fetch it, man,

give me my stuff so

I can get out of here

before I have to drop

this old grizzly bear.

Yeah man, you see me in

a fight with the bear,

pour honey on me and

help the bear, Top.

Here, lemme get

out of here, man.

I ain't listening to

him, Lord have mercy.

Man these prices as

high as giraffe -

man, what's going on, man?

Man, this the same

price, you come in here

paying every week, what

are you talking about?

You a damn, man, they

trying to hustle us.

How are you going

to hustle a hustler?

You dig? We on a fixed income,

if y'all don't fix

it, we won't come.

We appreciate your business.

Thank you.

Ol' jive ass,

you jive turkeys.

Oh yeah, y'all straight

out a comic book.

Ooh, here you go, mm mm mmm.

Thank you, have a good day.

All right, so when you gonna

let me take you out, Jewel?


Never, Angelo.

Man, maybe if you

stopped coming here

with the same old

tired ass dress,

you will find you a real one.

Man, that's her lucky dress.

Her mom's made it for her.

Oh, okay, E-rock, I see you.

Look at you trying

to pay attention.

Oh, I pays attention.

You know

what? I can't with you two.

This too much.

What? Two cousins

for the price of one!

A knucklehead and a

real O.G. like me.

A whole two cousins, huh?

Yeah, I'm full

price, he's free 99.

Whatever, bye guys.

No I'm full price.

Buy one, get one free over here.

Man, back up.

Listen, you know, business

doesn't always work out

when you let family

work for you.

Man, it's family, there's

no choice, this is what we do.

There's always a choice, okay?

Man, whatever Jewel, have

fun on your eighth date

this month and I hope you

bring some hard to clean

stains on that dress

when you bring it back.

See you later Jewel, have

a good time.

So I've always

been unlucky in love.

My dad refers to it as being...

Just like your mama.

My mom, whose

name is also Jewel.

Couldn't find it in

herself to settle down.

She was very driven

and independent

and very matter of fact.

But she was also very loving

and she loved to be in love.

Yo, why you always gotta

bring my husband into it.

I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry.

I'm just, I'm just saying.

Here, come here for a second.

Come here, come here, come here.

Let me talk to you,

let me talk to you.

Sit on my lap, come here.

Let me talk to you

for a second, look.

It's a little bit more

than what you think,

you know what I'm saying?

I'm really digging

you, you know.


My mom

said this black dress

was a lucky dress just for me.

Although, I can never

comprehend how she thought so.

None of her lucky

dresses resulted

in relationships that lasted.

In fact, they were quick.

Some were really quick.

She felt like if she fell

out of love with someone,

she had the right to leave

and find someone else

to fall in love with.

Especially for you.

Why? All this for me?

All this for you.

Aw, that's a beautiful

necklace I see you're wearing.

Yes, I am, I love it,

- I wear it everywhere.

- Yeah.

Excuse me.

Yes sir, can I help you?

Uh, not talking to you.

- Well, you...

- Jewel, baby...

You weren't feeling good

and I guess it's your daddy,

but nah, that

wouldn't be your daddy

because he wouldn't be

sitting on the same side.

He might just be

- your sugar daddy,

- Well...

I don't know one

way or the other,

you told me you was sick.

I'm feeling better now.

This what we doing?

Well, obviously,

- she didn't wanna be with you.

- This what we doing?

Is this what we, yo,

calm down, calm down,

calm down, old man,

- listen, listen, listen.

- Ain't no calm,

watch your finger, man.

Listen, I been watching

y'all the whole damn time.

I seen you in the parking lot.

- I'm glad you can see.

- Now, you need to leave.

- Oh yeah I can see real good.

- I'm glad you can see.

You need to see your way out.


I'm gone do that.

I'm gone do that, I'm like,

- you know what?

- Yeah, yeah, do that.

I'm going to do

that just for you,

but YOU don't call me.

- 'Cause I'm gone be sick.

- You don't even have to

worry about that.

You're disrespecting

the lady, man.

That's not a lady.

Oh yes, she is,

she's more than a lady.

That's why she's not with you.

My dad disagreed.

He feels like you

should fight for love.

And he sure did

fight for her love.

Up until she flew free.

I may have picked up on

some of my mom's traits.

Hey T how are you?

Yo, what's up, Jewel, how you?

I'm doing good,

I'm doing good.

Listen, I'm on my way right now.

I should be there within about

you know, five or 10 minutes.

But I'm so excited for our

date tonight, I'm so excited.

Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.

I'm actually still

in the studio.

I'm working with a

couple of my artists.

We got a big project coming up.

I gotta tackle this

most definitely.

What you - artists?

What do you mean you

still in the city,

we planned this out already.

We already been planning

this out this week to see me.

So I mean, did you

forget or something?

I don't get it.

I got you. I got you.

But we got a huge

project coming up and,

like I was saying before,

I think we talked about it,

I'm trying to get my net worth

from 2 million to 4 million.

I got so much stuff

I'm working on,

I gotta tackle this

most definitely.

Are you, are you kidding me?

We've been, uh, wait a minute.

I know you did not just schedule

some whack studio session

like for this, I

look, look at this!

I got my lucky date

night dress on.

You're not up all

night to get lucky.

I got you.

Like I said, I got an

engineering business as well.

I most definitely got to

tackle all these businesses

to be able to get

my net worth up.

This, it's most definitely

what I'm about, I got to.

You know what? You know what?

Listen here, let me

tell you something.

Since you like to play C notes,

how about you see this?

You ain't getting no nookie,

no nookie from me.

- Bye.

- Hold on, hold on.

If I sense things

are not going well,

I do end things pretty quickly.

I cannot stand

this music, like, uh uh.

This sounds so played

out, gimme that.

Why not this?

- Oooh yeah, feels nice!

- No, no, no.

We not listening

to this for sure.


I'm not arguing.

Uh uh, wait.

No, quit, we not

listening to this.

You know, how you going

to take a woman out like me,

and not even give her

a choice of music.

Let's see, you don't

have no say-so in this car.

Rick wanna listen to

what I want to listen to.

You know what, pull

over, let me out.

Pull over?

Let me out.

Are you serious right now?

Yeah I'm serious.

Have fun with yo

wack ass playlist.

Life is too short.

You got to keep it moving.

Yo, do you see your boy?

She, she, she didn't

answer the first message

or the second, but the third

one, look, got her, look.

Do you see the

outfit? Oh my God!

What - the boots!

Yo, hey, I don't know if I am,

but I'm gone try for sho

to get some - you crazy

if you think I

ain't, look AT her.

Come on, look, look

at me though, do you?

She didn't answer the

first or second message,

but the third one,

ha, silly, look at me.

Now see I told you, I told

y'all I was going to get it fam,

y'all thought I wasn't.

Know what I'm saying and

now look at me, you feel me?

It's over with, boy,

like your boy didn't...

Yo, like, Jewel! Yo!

Thanks for lunch.

Well, I've gotta treat a

special lady to a special meal.

We keeping it simple, right?

Yeah, simple.

Oh, thanks for dessert.

You went way out.

Okay, let me tell you

if the date goes left,

I won't feel so

bad for leaving you

cause you didn't invest a lot.

Oh! Well,

how courteous of you.

I try.

Cannot believe

I'm hanging out with

the one and only Jewel.

It is pretty surreal, right?

Yeah, why did it take so long?

I felt a connection the

first time I saw you.

That's yo bad,

'cause you should've

asked me out that first time.

True. True.

But, you didn't

feel the connection

the first time we

saw each other?

I don't believe I did.

You cold with it!

Oh, that's cold.

Yep, mm hmm,

that's what they say.

They? How many is they?

Oh, hold up, wait.

We 'bout to go there for real?

Yeah, you trying to

hit below the belt,

I gotta get my one,

two jab in.

All you have is a jab.


I'm gonna keep it

appropriate, so yeah.

All I got is a jab.

So tell me, what's your

story with love, Earl?

There isn't one.

I find

that hard to believe.

Believe it.

So, no kids, you ain't

never been married?

Never been in love either?

Check, check, check.


I was focused on my hustle

And has that changed?

I don't know yet.

But what's your story?

Let me grill you.

The opposite of yours.

Trying too hard to fall in love.

And how's that been going?

Being that I'm at your

establishment every week,

to pick up my date night dress,

I would say that's

a dead ass fail.

Ha ha ha! Dead ass!

A thousand percent, you dig?


I still can't

believe you remember

what I said about my mom

giving me that dress.

I remember things

about people I like.


Your mother pass?

Yeah. Few years ago.

Hmm. Sorry to hear that.

It's all good.

Hey, I remember the

first time you came in,

it was your 25th birthday.


You seriously do

remember everything!

Yeah, I do. You came

next day,

like it was a rough night.

I was like, wow.

Pretty much, I mean, it

was really fun that night.

You got to live life to the

fullest, but knowing me,

it's the same old

trending story.


Why it gotta be trending?

It don't have to be.

I end every

relationship quickly

or I never start one, you know?

Cause I, I just

don't want to settle.

Well, how do

you define settle?

Unrealistic, I guess.

Alright, well let's

take a bike ride.

Oh, you do not

take me as the type

that rides bikes on the beach.

That's cause you

got tunnel vision.

Open up your mind, girl.

I do not, psshhh, I do not

- have tunnel vision, okay?

- Let's go have some fun!

Hey, it's my treat

for your birthday.

Hmm. Okay.

Little birthday bike

ride for the celebration.

We doin' it big, huh?

Yeah, we doin' it big,

better watch out.

So when's your birthday?

So I can take you out

and do something special?

The day before yours.

You're lying!

For real.

You mean to tell me that we're

neck and neck in birthdays?

Wow, that's crazy.

That's crazy, but it's

kind of, stalker-ish.

If you don't knock it off!

I'm far from stalker status.

Right, you just

remember things

about people you like, huh?

Yeah, you're catching on.

I'm a good student.

Two shells in the sand.

Two shells in the sand.

If it's meant

to be, it will be.

Just like that?

Just like that.

Just be real, keep it a 100.

You're so sure of yourself.

Well, you gotta be.

You gotta be sure of yourself

or nobody else will be.

Well since we

keepin' it a hunnit,

these rough hands

are a bit much.

Oh, you got


You got jokes.

I mean like, they

do have something

that's called lotion,

you know that, right?

Look, I be in there

working seven days a week,

creasing, crisping, and

starching up clothes.

These is, these

is hands of a man!

Well be gentle, man,

'cause I don't want to be

looking like Battlecat

at the end of our date,

them ashy old things.

Well, get

me some lotion then!


You should have lotioned

up with some Crisco

before you came out the

house, looking like that.

Ohh ho ho! Not the

Crisco! Not the Crisco!

Look, I want to

show you something.

What's this?

Dresses that I design.

For real?


Wait, hold up.

So you mean to tell me

that you had the talent

all this time to make any

dress you wanted to make

for yourself, but you chose

to wear the same dress

date after date?

Uh, except for

on today's date!

The exception, not the rule.

You know, it was,

it was a way for me

to stay connected with my mom.

You know, my lucky dress.

You're talented,

like really talented.

You like them?

I do.


I always did want to get my

fashion in high-end boutiques.

Do it.

I want to, but it's

not that easy, you know?

It, it takes -

- Perseverance, Persistence.

You already got the talent.

Yeah, and it also takes

a lot of money, you know,

because not having

money and connections,

these are just pipe

dreams without it.

What, you need to

borrow a few dollars?

More like a lot of dollars.

Well, look, I'm kinda

short right now,

but I could fire Angelo

and give you a job.

Look, it also takes confidence

and believing in yourself.

Nobody can make your

dreams come true but you.

What dreams do you have?

What I'm doing right now.

Run my family business.

Is that someone else's dream?

No. It's actually, mine.

Look, I always kept the

clothes that I did have,

which wasn't many, starched,

crisp and creased up.

Let me guess, Chucks too?

Yeah, Chuck's too with

different shoelaces,

cause I only had one pair.

But yeah, my mom's,

pops, cousins,

everybody would always have

me iron up they clothes

'cause I was so cold with it.

Ohhh, cold with

the creases, huh?

Yeah. I told them like, I'm

gonna start charging y'all.

My mom was like, hell

yeah, charge they asses.

But I had a few hustles.

I just stacked up my money.

Gave it to my moms,

told her to put it

away for the cleaners.

I knew it was a

family business,

but I didn't know

you started it.

Technically I did, but my

family, they ran it for years.

Many years.

I just got involved

with it like last year.

What? You were too

busy running the streets

with these other hoodlums?

Something like that.

I really like you, E-rock.

Oh, so I made the cut

for the second date?

I think so.

I just like the fact that

I can be myself around you.

I know you did not just fart.

Hey, you said be yourself.

Jewel, I know you

did not just fart.

I shouldn't have had

that vegan ice cream.

Aww you stink!

Aww, that's nasty!

- Wait! Come back!

- Ohhh nooo!

What about our

birthday bike ride?

That's canceled!

Hey! Y'all should

not be out here... no!

A girl should not be

smelling like that!

Get off me!

Come back, come back!

I treat you to a meal and

this is how you repay me.

Well, that's what

you get for treating me

to some cheap ass meal.

It followed you!

That was a second

one right there.

Oh that's nasty, I don't

do no stinkin' ass female!

Wait, come back!


Hey, what's up, baby?

Hey Miss Yvette,

how you doing?

I'm good, look here,

I got little special thing I

need you to do for me today.

First of all, you

see this big tag?


Yeah, I want you to

leave that on there,

because what had happened

was, I bought it and I wore it

and I was going to take it back.

Messed around and got

a stain on it, yeah.

So what I want you to

do is make sure you get

that stain out right there

and leave that tag on there.

Now this one right here,

whole different story, I

done wore this 'bout four,

5, 7, 8, 9, 10 times.

So I just want that

heavy starch back in it

so it can bloom out.


You know what I'm saying,

so I can show my shape off.


You know what I'm saying?


Take care of me like

you always do, baby.

But leave that price tag on.

All right, heavy

on the starch.

Yeah, but leave that what?

That tag on.

All right,

baby, good lookin' out.

I got you Miss Yvette.

Aww, Top, you

know who this is?

Man, what is y'all

doing so close to me?

You got a lotta

nerve showing your face

around here, you owe me $20!

Here he goes, still

hollering about that same $20.

I needed it and I

took care of that.

Twenty? Man, you look like

- you doing good, man!

- Twenty dollars!

You look like you doing.

- ..suit kind of tight,

- What can I say?

but you still tight, too,

- so it's all good!

- What can I say?

No! Where's my $20, don't

try to change the subject!

Look here, you look

like you could own

this whole thing, what the...?

- Oh.

- What's the problem, man?

You know what, get

at me on that 20.

But I got you, I got you, man.

You got me, okay,

- no, you got it!

- Don't take them

tags off, man.

- All right now.

- I got you, Boo.

Yeah. My 20 dollars.

Young blood, done caught

him one, ain't he?

Sho did, a good one

too! Look at you..awww!

Hey, don't be

trying to give my girl

the googly eyes, Bland.

Y'all better watch out, he

used to be a ladies magnet

between them sixties

and seventies, now.

What he fell off

in the eighties?

I got married in

the eighties, you dig?

And it changed my

life for the worse.

- For the worst.

- For the worst.

Damn right it did,

that's why he aged so fast.

Aged so fast? I look good.

On my mama, on my hood.

Man, you ain't looked

good till Myrtle passed away

then you started trying

to get your youth back.

Oh, you damn right.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,

you damn skippy.

I had to go Cialis, I had

GNC, I was Viagra'd up.

You understand me, it

was tappin' right here.

Moral of the story,

don't get married, baby.

You're too young,

live your life, hear?

Yeah, unless she

got some sexy lips

like this here boy, look at

them puckers on her, sexy.

Do she give you the

bubble guts, young blood?

She give me the

bubble guts, Tops,

I tell you, I would have to wear

some adult Pampers

with this sweet thing.

Aww, we ain't gonna

take her from you.

- Unless you want us to.

- Ahhh ha ha!

Naw, we ain't

gone do that to you.

Well thank

you, good lookin' out.

Yeah, don't mention it, man.

Let me get my stuff,

youngster, so I can leave

you young birds, y'all

lover birds, you know,

alone, you know, yeah.

Gimme my clothes, man,

we got to go, man.

Don't get none on you, okay?

All right,

there you go.


These prices is still

higher than horses,

man this is giraffe ass,

man, what's going on?

It's the price

you pay every week, Bland.

Yeah, okay, every

week, you, huh?

We trust you, but you

try to get over on us,

now, we gone have to cut you

cause I need all my money.

All of it, I told you

we on a fixed income.

Yeah, young punk.

You'll get there.

Y'all been coming

around here for years.

I told you, we

appreciate your business.

Look at him, trying

to act all proper

in front of his little

girl, I see you youngster!

I'll see you, man.

Bland, come on, let's

get out of here, man.

Look at 'em, boy.

You gonna tell me

what have you smiling

and grinning from ear to

ear for the last two weeks,

every time I see you.

Have I been?

Like a baby baboon

happy to see his mammy.

All right, all

right, I met somebody.

Here we go.

Dad, you know, you

came over here to cook me

a pre-birthday breakfast and

not be no Dave, the downer.

First of all, I'm James,

the jokester and we both know

damn well, when you

say you met somebody,

how it's gone end up.

Not true.

Well, here's the thing.

You meet a lot of somebodies.

They become old bodies,

and then you meet a

lot of more somebodies.

Am I right?


I, you know, I like this guy.

E-rock he's different.


You dating somebody

named E-rock?

Dad. He's really

nice. I like him.

A deaf man can hear

that break up a mile away.

Not true, Dad.

You just like your mama.

Can you please

stop saying that?

I am not just like her.

It's true.

Why don't you stop

comparing me to her?

I'm not mama.

Jewel, I know that.

I've been wondering when you

was going to realize that.

Everything you've done,

you've done to please her.

Yeah, I have realized it.


Now. Recently.

Well. better late

than never, I guess.

Like I said, E-rock,

he's different.

I like him.

Well, good. You should

try something different.

But here's the thing.

Are you going to finally

give this man a chance?

I plan to and Dad, will

you please stop smacking?

I enjoy my food

and it's good.

I see, everyone knows that.

Now see, if I say you

just like your mama,

I'll be in the wrong, huh?

Oh, God.

Well if it makes you happy,

then keep smacking away.

Thank you.

You know, Jewell, your mom,

she gave up on us way too soon.

She didn't know how

to fight for love.

Yeah, but she also knew

what it meant not to settle.

Did this heifer

just say... what?

I'm sorry, Dad, I'm

sorry. I didn't mean you.

Okay? I know you

were great to her.

I always thought your

mom was too good for me.


I did.

She would bring

the car by the shop

every two weeks to

get a oil change.

Which one? That Corvette?

You right, the Corvette.

I actually fell in love

with the Corvette first.

And then your mama.



I would always put the

recommended oil change date

a few weeks out just

so I can see her again.

I'm surprised

that worked on her.

Me too.

I finally built

up enough courage

to ask her out on a date.



She was like, all uppity.

"You expect me, to go

out on a date with you?

Look at you."


Really. I said, "Woman, look.

This is a hard working

man you looking at.

Look at these hands."

She felt my hands and was like,

"Eww! They're so

rough and gray, eww!

Your mama was something else.

Because these are the hands

that built this

business. I own it.

And then she fell for the

entrepreneur in you, huh?

Hell yeah, she did.

And then I adjusted my work belt

so she can get a good

angle of all of me.

Uhhh, Dad! I'm not trying

to hear that.

And after I gave

her this sausage,

it was all she wrote.

DAD! Please! Goodness.

My ashy ass hands to God.

I mean, she had

to have had a reason

to stick around for so long.

Yeah, aside from

you and your brothers,

she couldn't get enough of

big daddy's big kielbasa.

Uh, Dad, please.

But all I cared about was

taking care of my family,

building a family business

and putting a smile on her face.

But nothing was

never good enough.

I'm sorry, Dad.

Don't be sorry, baby.

Just do something

to make me proud.

It don't take a lot.



What are you doing here?

Man I got forced to

deliver this to you?

Take this.

Oh my goodness!

This is my dress.

This is, I can't

believe he did this!

Me either.

This is my design!

I can't believe he

did this for me!

Me. Either.

Look, hey, take this too,

huh, this is for you too.

Vegan, huh? Oh my God.

Wow, your cousin, he's too much.

Like, this is his

birthday tonight

so I don't understand

why he's giving me gifts.

Yeah, me either, cause

he's stupid, that's why.

I mean, he's never

done this before.

If he did, I

wouldn't let you know.


Listen, what's going

on with you and Misty?

Minding our own business.

Well, you know tonight

is your cousin's birthday,

so why don't you

guys come through?

I didn't say I was gonna

come, I'm outta here.



She didn't.

Oh, she didn't.

Um, I'm here to

pick up my man.

He goes by the name of E-rock.

That's me.

Okay, you ready to turn up?

Let's do this.

Oh yeah.

Thank you.

Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Yo, this is crazy.

Oh, oh yeah.

We home.

Hmm, ain't lacking on

invoices, I'll tell you that.

Got a lot of business.

Be cool, it's cool.

Man, who is they?

So you did your bid,

got out and went back

to your normal life, huh?

Man, who are they?

Tell him who I am, E-rock.

He did a bid with me.

And handled business

for him on many occasions.

Wasn't you supposed to run

me a few racks a year ago?

Look, I heard you

was out for a minute,

then went back in

for a minute, though.

Look, man, I keep my word.

Did you do your due diligence?

Just like you known in

parts of these streets,

I'm known in others, cuz.

Man, this his business?

I think we should do a little

negotiation up in here.

This you? I thought

you was just a steam boy.

What? Negotiations?

We ain't negotiating

with y'all, you crazy.

Man, get out of here,

who you, his translator?

Look, we can

work something out.

Get you your racks,

but my business,

that's not in the equation.

Why not? It generate

income don't it?

Man, this is a

family business.

A legacy I'm building.

You building a

legacy with a cleaners?

Ha, yeah right.

What you building

a legacy with?

Man, dude let me

slide this punk.

I'm just saying, man, I'm

done with the streets.

This is how I'm building now.

Dry cleaning draws and socks?

Yeah, whatever.

You need to hold up with

these comments, homeboy.

Damn, dude, lemme

take off on this fool.

Don't trip, Ray.

I'm a known black

belt in the streets,

you better ask

about me, homeboy.

I don't care nothin'

'bout that, homie.

We ain't about to

be karate chopping,

but he do need to run

me my racks though.

How much money

we talking 'bout?

20 racks.

Twenty racks for what?

For keeping air in his body.

We don't got that kind of

money just laying around.

I'm gonna need some time.

Hence my proposal

for me to take

this business off your hands.

I can't do that.

Do it look like I'm on

some type of sympathy giving

mission right now?



Do I want my 20 racks

right here, right now?


Yep. Do I play when

it comes to people

running me my racks?


Am I a slightly

reasonable G though?


Yep. Look, you got 20 days

to make the required transaction

or to sign this

business over, partner.

Hmm. It's 6:30.

Look like we open for business.

Chop, chop.

Oh thank goodness

y'all open early.

I got day shift at work today.

We didn't open early.

No, we opened right on time.

Oh, so I'm late for

work or something?

What? I don't know, are you?

What time y'all open?


Oh, damn, I guess

I am late for work.

Well, let's get

you out of here then.

What can I help you with?

Okay, so I need these

super, super starched up

and super creased up.

My daddy still like his fits

super creased up, you know?

Does your daddy wear

a feather in his hat

with some super shiny

ass fake ass gators?

He does, you know

him or something?

Not exactly.

Uh, what's your

name sweetheart.

Thunderbird. But my daddy

called me Thunderchicken.

It's a hood thing.

Is that what you

want me to put on here?

Um, you can write

my government.

Okay, what's that?

It's Shanopoly.


I know, my mama was on one.

All right, we'll get

this taken care of for you.

We'll have it ready for

you tomorrow morning.

Okay, thank you.

Man you playing

Captain Save-a-ho?

Man, we owe these fools

thousands of dollars?

What are we gone do about

this money situation, man?

I don't know, but I ain't

giving up my business.

Yeah, no we ain't.

I don't know what

hood they from,

but I know they came

to mean business.

They do.

It's crazy though, but,

Misty getting all on me.



Misty should come hang out

with me and Jewel tonight.

We had, she having a

little family get together.

So, why would we do that,

I could be doing something

with her tonight.

Man, it's serious.

I'm about to meet her pops.

You don't see

too many brothers

in the hood running cleaners.


Just something that came about.

Right on.

How's the cash flow

in that industry?

I won't be the

next billionaire,

but I enjoy what I do.

Right on.

You business partner

with him, Angelo?

Yes, sir. It's a family

business, you already know.

That's what I'm talking

about, a family business.

And Misty?


You part of the business.

No, me and Angelo are still

getting to know each other.

We're still in the dating phase.

Oh, okay, okay. So y'all

not quite an item yet?

Dad, you did it on this one.

This is so good.

Thank you baby.

anything for my baby girl.

This is like our

little tradition, right?


Oh for real?

Mmmhmm. Like, every entire

week, for my birthday,

he will make some really

good home cooked meals.

Oh, that's nice.

Mmhmmm. Since I

was a little girl.

That's cause her

mama didn't cook.

She was too busy running

the damn streets.


I'm just saying, I didn't

mind cooking for my kids,

but uh, it would've

been nice if they mama

got burned with a

little bacon grease.

Mr. Lau, you got

a little gravy juice

dripping from your chain.

Thank you. And call me James.

Well, James, you still have

a little bit right there.

Right here.

Move over a little bit.

Right here?

To the left.

Like this?

Yeah, just like that.

Mr. Lau, she is my date!

You a hater.

How, what...?

Misty. Do you have a mom or

a sister that look like you?

Mr. Lau.

Finally, I wanted

you to meet E-rock!

E-rock, this is

my brother, Abdul.

Abdul, this is my guy, E-rock,

and that's Angelo and Misty.

You better had showed up

to your sister's dinner.

Sit down, boy, your

food done got cold.


You guys, like, I'm so happy.

This is the best birthday ever.

I haven't had this

like, in a long time.

Just chill, nice with good

vibes and with loved ones.

You okay, baby,

is everything good?


You need some more water?

Yeah, more please.


Water? Water is for sissies.

Let me break out the good

stuff, hold on, hold on.

Please do, damn.

You messing with

my sister, cuz?

That's how you trying

to come for me?

I didn't even know

- that was your sister!

- We need more water

in the fridge!

How? I look just

like her, man.

Let me see, smile.

I don't see it, man you

ugly than a mother...

Found it!

So this was your plan, huh?


You too?


How you doing?


You trying to infiltrate my crew

and off me or something, man?


Look you ain't

fooling nobody, cuz,

I know what's going down.

Look what I got, you guys.

Y'all want shots?


Yes, please, please, please.

All right, turn up crew!

Turn up, turn up, turn up ayyy!

Look, you got 20

days to run me my racks

or my sister gonna see

her fake ass boyfriend

black and blue, cuz.

You ain't bout to be punking

me in front of my girl.

Yo girl, this is

my sister, homie.

Abdul, what are you doing?

It's him, too.

E-rock, what are

you guys doing?

Look, you better tell

her or I'm gone tell her...

He owed me money.

Look, he trying to

say I owe him money.

No, he actually owed me money.

Not no 20 racks.

What, your life ain't

worth 20 racks partner?

Wait a minute, wait. What?

Y'all know each other?

Not us! I didn't know

him till he came in

this morning trying

to hold up the place!

You trying to go back to

prison? You just got out!

Pops, I didn't

hold up the place.

I may have been there prior

to them opening up though.

So you broke into the place.

Let's just say I was

an early customer.

Early customer, my ass.

Check this out, we

did a bid together.

I saved him a ass whooping

on many occasions.

And you know what's the price

that come with that pops!

Oh, you should've said

that in the first place.

You got to pay.

Not 20 racks!

Ooohweee that's

a little steep.

No, it's not.

And time is ticking.

So what did you

do time for, E-rock?

God, I can't believe you.

So is that why your family

had to run your business

for all those years?

Because you were in prison

doing a bid with this idiot.

Idiot? You gone call your

brother a idiot like that?

I can't believe you.

I mean, is your

business even legit?

Yes, my business is legit.

I've worked my ass

off for that cleaners.

With what? Perseverance

and being persistent?

Yeah, the white pottery kind.

He's lying, he's lying.

So what was your plan?

To get with Abdul's sister,

make her all happy and

feel giggly inside?

Just so you can settle

your little debt?

No, that's not what it is.

I didn't even know

you guys were related.

Everyone knows that I'm

Abdul's sister on these streets.

So I find that really

hard to believe.

I swear, I didn't know.

Even if I did, I wouldn't

put you in the middle

of something like this.

Oh, this is grown

folk business.

I'm gone mind my

old folks business

And E-rock, it was a

pleasure meeting you.

But by the look of the way her

nose is flared up like that,

I know that look.

This is the ending

of what just begun.

Please, leave.


Look, leave before I

have to escort your ass

out myself, cuz.

You too, Abdul.

Wait, what? I'm family!

Yeah, family who's never

around when you need them

but only around when

it's about them.

What? You sound like,

mom, she always hollering

that bull crap.

Now you hold on.

I'm not going to let

you talk to your sister

like that in front of me.

Man, look, how are you

going to come at me like that

and they the ones

ruining everything?

Aww, y'all done ruined my

baby's birthday, God dammit!

You know, Jewel, I

really appreciate you

for giving me another shot.

Like you want a DJ right now?

Like I can turn the tunes

on for you if you want to.

No, baby, it's okay.

Yeah, you know, you're

really special, Jewel.

Aww, you think so?

I do. I really do.

You're so sweet.

You know, I like to be upfront

with women I'm serious about.

I love, love to please.

Mmm, that's a good thing.

It is.


I told you I love

to please, right?

You want to turn me on?

Put these on.

What the freak is this?

What the freak is this?

Big, cotton

drawers turn me on.

This isn't even my size,

nowhere near my size,

look like some dinosaur panties.

Big drawers look

sexy on women.

Since when?

Trust me.

You're serious?

Dead ass. Put 'em on.

Wait a minute.

Has somebody's cush

been up in here,

'cause I don't wanna be wearing

nobody else's cush juice.

what kind of guy

do you think I am?

I'm trying to figure it out.

The freak is this?

They're new.

Let me, let me see.

See they're clean.

They been in my glove

compartment for a while.

You know the, backwoods

smoke and the... smell 'em.

Smell them.

Very clean.

See? Now put 'em on.

Matter of fact, I got

it, I got it baby.

Baby, baby, baby,

baby, baby, I got it.

Gimme your foot.

You got somebody new you

want to introduce me to?

No, I didn't like this

last guy I was with.

So we back to

our old ways, huh?

Dad don't start.

Jewel, I'm not starting.

Your mama's problem was, she

was afraid of a good man.

She was scared that she

would lose her independence.

She fought me a lot on that.

Yeah, but a woman

should be independent

and she shouldn't

have to settle.

And I'm not saying

she would've settled

had she stayed with you.

Well, have you ever

thought maybe I'd be settling

if I stayed with her?

How could that be? Right.

Look at her and then look at me.

I'm over here almost every

day, cooking you breakfast

and talking with

you, counseling you.

Yeah, but you're my dad,

so you should enjoy

doing those things.

And I do, but you

should have somebody else

doing this for you, a

companion, not your dad.

Baby, life flies by.

And you're going to want

someone to spend it with.

Uh uh, I thought I'd told

you to give me my key back.

Hey son.

How you doing pops?

I'm good.

She did tell you to give

her key back though.

Yeah, but you

know, I never listen

to nothing she tells me to do.

I'm serious, Abdul, God.

You ruin everything in my life.

No, you ruin

everything in your life.

Don't put that on me.

You knew I was

dating him, huh?

And you just didn't

want to see me happy.

Wait a minute, first of all,

you date all kinds of people.

How I'm gone keep up with that?

Man, you just like mom.

You know what, stop saying


Both of you guys just

get out right now.

Get out? Hey, well look,

Not before I get some of

this strong coffee though.

She's tripping.

Yes she is, I've

been up for 50 hours.

Not 50 Hours, son.

Absolutely, I need

that dark, dark.

Should have known

you was coming over.

Hey E-rock, how you doing?

Definitely not to see you.

Come on in man. Have a seat.

Thank you, Mr. Lau.

Call me James.


You want some breakfast?

No, no, thank you.

I really just need to see Jewel.

I've been calling her,

she blocked my phone calls

and she's not answering

any unknown numbers.

That sounds about right.

That sounds like Jewel.

Jewel is really special to me.

And I need her to know that.

You don't even

know her though.

I know enough

about her to know

that I'd like to spend

more time with her.

See where we'll go.

I like you, E-rock.

You remind me of me,

when you know, you know.

When I first met they mama,

I knew she was the

love of my life.

Who didn't love you back.

Boy, shut up.

Maybe not the way I wanted

her to, but it didn't stop

the way I felt about her.

I made a lot of

mistakes in my life.

We all have.

Made some bad choices,

ended up in the pen.

That's understandable.

But the good thing that

came out of all of that

was silence.


I was able to really think

about what I wanted in life.

Thanks to me, who saved your

life, time and time again.

And I appreciate that, bruh.

Look, I kept my distance

from, from everyone.

Cause I didn't want the constant

pressure of this for that.

You know that's not

realistic up in there, man.

You need people, c'mon, man.

And you did look out for me.

You know why I

looked out for you?

'Cause I remember

your big head ass

from running around

in these streets.

You remind me of me

when I did my first bid.

Look, I haven't been

completely open with you

about this or my past.

Because I wanted to keep

the past in the past.

Where it should be.

But Jewel holds

on onto the past.

And I'm willing to tell her

anything that she wants to know.

And after hearing everything,

if she doesn't want to be

with me, then so be it.

I'll be at peace knowing that

I gave her what she wanted,

and that's honesty.


And how do you define honesty?

Unrealistic. Until I met you.

Ever since the first

time I saw you,

I got a feeling that I

really can't explain.

I knew one day I

would ask you out.

And I knew that would be my

only shot to show you who I am

and how the little

things about you matter.

How you could see

the best in yourself

and the best in somebody that

probably wasn't your usual type.

Ain't no probably to that.

And to show you that

you worth more than

a bunch of dozens

of first dates.

I'm ready to tell you everything

in order to get another shot.

I thought being 100 was

what you were all about.

And you're right.

Look, I should have been

upfront about everything.

I just wanted you to

know this side of me.

You know what?

Starting from today,

just be yourself.


That might be a

little bit too much.

Oh, what the hell?

When you know, you know.

Jewel Lau, would you

allow, would you make me

the happiest man in the

streets, and marry me?

If I'm being 100

with you right now,

I never met anyone like you.

And I say it was a big coincidence

that we were meant to be.

Two shells in the sand.

I will make you the

happiest man on these streets.

She said, yes!

That's a yes!

I'm not crying, you crying!

I got a son named Abdul,

and a son named E-rock.

Life is good.

Well, if it's all right

with my lady, my wife,

I'd like to just

elope, save our money,

invest it in our family business,

build a unit and a legacy.

All day, everyday, baby.

Let's build a legacy.


That's what I'm talking 'bout.

Build this legacy, a

family unit, a real family.

Oh my God, we celebrating!

Who wants some sweets

and grits? Come get it.

Marvin Gaye, come and get it.

Boy, I'm finer than a

mosquito ding-a-ling, boy.

Yeah, how I look, Bland?

Like your mama

regret having you.

You look like a disco

pallbearer, man.

Come on, you gone make us late.

How we gone be late?

We only skipping a few steps.

Step a few times

with them socks on,

man, get your

church socks right.

These my lucky socks.

Look like you play

backgammon on 'em, come on.

Why you see my socks, anyway?

Cause your pants

up to your chin, man.

Agitate the gravel,

we got to go.

You gone make us late

for youngster, man.

Man, I looks good.

No, I looks good,

- on my Mama, on my hood!

- I'm fixing to turn up

like this here.

I bet you I turn

up after this here.

Let's go, you gone turn up,

you ain't gone turn up

nothing but your collar.

Dearly beloved, in Genesis

chapter two, verse 24,

It reads that a man shall

leave his father and mother

and hold fast unto his wife and

they shall become one flesh.

E-rock, do you take Jewel to

be your lawful wedded wife?

And do you promise

to hold on to love?

I do.

Can I, put that ring

on her finger, baby.

Yes. And Jewel, do

you take E-rock,

as your lawful wedded husband?

And do you promise to

hold on to his love?

I do.

By the power invested in

me, in this family cleaners,

I now pronounce

you man and wife.

You may kiss your

beautiful bride.


You don't see too many

brothers in the hood

running a cleaners.

Come on y'all, what's happening?

You guys

gotta pace yourselves,

'cause we're doing

multiple takes.

You see, big panties

are sexy on women.

You 'bout to get it now.

Oh my God,

you guys are funny.

Sorry, love.

Good job.

I mean, you know how I

feel, I wanna get it in,

I'm just trying to

figure you out though.

Anyway, so what

makes you think -

Okay, cut,

hold on, don't cut, sorry.

Keep rolling, you guys go back,

you guys are modern,

why you walking so fast?

What you mean you

didn't know who he was?

Man, I be all

through these streets,

you knew who I was, cuz.

Man, you stupid.

I believe that, I

believe he was in them streets.


I know you did not just fart.

Jewel. I know

you did not just fart.

Hey, you said be


That's nasty!

Aww, you stink!

I shouldn't have had

the vegan ice cream.

Jewel! I don't

do stanking ass women.

Wait! What about our

birthday bike ride?

It's canceled!

You know what then,

I'm canceling the plans

that I made for your

birthday, how 'bout that?

I treat

you to a meal,

and this is how you repay me?

That's what you

get for treating me

to some cheap ass


It followed

you! That's nasty!

Nah, that was the

second one, right there.

All right everyone.

We made the cut!

Shut up Crystal.


rolling, we're rolling.

All right

here we go! Action.

I'm just saying, I didn't

mind cooking for my kids,

but it would have

been nice if they mama

could've gotten burnt with

a little bacon grease.

Mr. Lau, um, you got

a little gravy juice

dripping from your chin.

Thank you, and call me James.

Well, James, you still have

a little bit right there.

You and Misty

show up at E-rock's house,

I don't think you guys are -

- I didn't say I was gone

come, I'm outta here.

What? It's

a surprise birthday,

it's your cousin's birthday,

so you'll be there!

No! I'm outta here.


Okay, thank you.


hold up, this too.

All right, you have a good day.

All right,

I'm gonna remember that

next time.


So we're going to

swing it around,

they have like, a

couple more lines.

Whooo! Oh! Yes!

She, literally,

the laugh is everything.

You're silly. Good job.

Do it look like I'm

on some type of sympathy

giving mission right now?


Do it look like, do it

look like I'm on some type

of sympathy giving

mission right now?



Do I need my 20 racks

right here right now?



Do I play when it comes to

people running me my racks?



Am I a slightly

reasonable G though?



Hey Miss

Yvette, how you doing?

I'm good, look here, I

got a little special thing

I need you to do for me today.

First of all, you

see this big tag?

I want you to leave

that on there.

'Cause what had happened was,

I bought it and I wore it

and I was going to take it back,

messed around and

got a stain on it.

Yeah, so what I want to

you to do is make sure

you get that stain

out right there

and leave that tag on there.

Now, this one right here,

whole different story.

I done wore this 'bout

4,5,7,8,9,10 times.

So, uh, I just want that

heavy starch back in it

so it can bloom out.


You know, so I can

show my shape off.


You know what I'm saying?


Take care of me like

you always do, baby.

And make sure you do what?

Leave the tag.

Leave that tag on there.

All right, baby, thanks a lot.

All right.

Man, look who this is.

Is that Miss Yvette?

Man, where you been,

we been looking for you.

Hey, right, come on now.

How y'all doing?

How we doing?

You have a lot of nerve

showing your face around here,

Where my $20?

Man, I can't believe this dude

is sweating me

for a dub, really?

Yeah, it's the

principalities about it.

Man, you look like

you own this place,

you, you, you, you

own this place?

Looks can be deceiving, man.

I took care of that, man,

you ran out on us, man.

Well, I'm fixing to

run out on you again

'cause you know what?

My Uber is here, and I

got to get up through.

Look I got your, man, I got

you next time, I got you.