Hands of a Stranger (1962) - full transcript

A surgeon must graft new hands on a concert pianist to replace his badly mangled ones. However, after the operation, the pianist comes to believe that his new hands have a mind of their own, and are trying to force him to commit evil acts.

Keep passaging.

It's been

too long, Gil.

More adrenaline.

Cardiac needle.

Go ahead, Gil.

If you need

to practice.

It can't

always work, Gil.

There's got to be death

for everyone some time.


I've been watching you

for over three hours.

That's a long time

to take when you die.

It took nine months

on the other end.

As one dedicated man

to another

there are few questions

I wanna ask you.

That's right, local office

of bullets and bodies.

What can you

tell me?

Only that

a few ounces of lead

just destroyed 3,000 years

of medical research.

Please, doctor,

I saw your little outburst

of perfectionism

in there

and I'm sure you have

several million words

on the ideals and objectives

of medical science

but all I'd like to know

is what happened

so I can start

an accurate report.

The body will be in the morgue

tomorrow. Why bother me?

I find it valuable to get

as many details as possible

before minds

have become colored

by the calmness

and disinterest born of time.

It's the kind of attitude

that's raised me to lieutenant

made my wife and children

very proud of me.

There's nothing I can contribute

to your next promotion.

Oh, come now,


As assistant chief

of surgery

in a hospital

of this size

a man

of your age.

You must have

more than average ability

and powers

of observation.

There were three

38-caliber bullets.

- Weren't there?

- Yes.

What was the specific

cause of death?

Three bullets.

Yes, I see I shouldn't have

put it that way

in your present

state of mind.

Acute hemorrhage, complicated

by lung and spinal damage.

The bullet shattered ribs,

entering from the back


the lung

and exiting just to the right

of the sternum, alright?

Indicating a tight

little pattern of rapid fire

at a slight

upward angle.

Our murderer could have been

a short man standing

or any kind of

man sitting.

Would it be your habit

to sit on the curb

at 8:00 or 8:30

on a night this cold?


The fresh tire marks

we found do associate them.

I see you pinning

on captain's bars already.

Anything else?


Now, if you'll

excuse me.


Unusual considering

the extent of damage

but while we were

getting ready for surgery

Ken told me they almost

had to pry his hands

from the lamp post.

While I was operating

I noticed them too.

Powerful hands..

...yet sensitive

at the same time.

They never relaxed even while he

was still alive and unconscious.

Now, that's the type of thing

I might never have realized.

It could tell us

a great deal about him.


Amazing things

when you think about it.

A genius device

of flesh and bone

that can paint

a beautiful picture

control a scalpel,

press the trigger

'and perhaps

the delicately line pictures'

'on the tips

of those hands themselves'

'may tell me

all I want to know.'

- You were wonderful.

- Little sister approves?


I wasn't sure,

during that last encore.

Fifteen years of work,

practice, and hope

came into

complete focus.

I know that

tonight's the beginning.

There's nothing that

can't be done now.

Well, I wouldn't exactly

call you an amateur

during these

last six years.

But any minute now,

the thundering herd

is coming through that door

to lift you on their shoulders.

I still have to get

some details straight with you

about the New York concert

in recordings

before I make

that 12:30 plane.

Just a few minutes,


to let my ego feed

off the crowd.

Dina, I want you to go ahead

to the party with the others.

I'll join you soon as

George and I are through.

Mm. Lucky piano.

Lucky me.

I'm jealous

of you both, you know?

I want to be so much

to this magnificent man.

Wouldn't that be

a little like playing

the same composition

over and over?

Beautiful perhaps,

but monotonous.

You're not only brilliant,

you're obscene.

I'll forgive you

only if you promise to keep me

very close to you

all of this exciting night.

I want you to go ahead

to the party

with Dina

and the others.

George and I

have business first.

Oh, you're hard

to love sometimes.

Dina, I know all of this

makes you very happy

but, uh, when does

your life begin?

When do I trade in

my brother and his piano

on babies

and things?


like that.

When he doesn't need me

anymore, I guess.

I think

it's time.

He's old enough,

successful enough.

He certainly

always seems to have

plenty of women

around him.


a scandalous relationship

between me

and my brother?



...you see those soft

gray gloves he always wears

before and after

he plays?

Remember the time

you kidded him about them?

Said they were

a great publicity gimmick

and you wished

you'd thought of them first.

I think that's the only time

I ever saw him angry at you.

He needs

those gloves.

They protect his hands

from the cold

and they help keep his fingers

completely flexible

when he plays.

It may be


but it's a part of

his greatness with music.


a part of it.

You're his gray gloves

of the business world and..

And you're his gray gloves

against loneliness?

For the time being.

A great many women

love the dramatic concept

of Vernon Paris

at a Saturday night concert

and the parties

that go after.

It's amazing how few of them

are willing to wait

and fight through the hours

of practice and insecurity

that make each

Saturday night possible.

Dina, I don't think

he's that dedicated.

Oh, but he is.

You should know.

He's the most selfish man

in the world

when it comes

to his concept

of the creation

of beauty.

He pours

everything into it.

It's the source

of his greatness

and of

his loneliness.

Hey, you're the guy

on the billboard, aren't you?

What was that?

The poster

outside the theater.

You're the guy

with the piano.

That's right.

- Oh, my kid sure loves music.

- Really?

Yeah, he practices

all the time.

He'd really like

to meet you.

Well, bring him around

next time I'm here.

I'll have some

passes for him.

You're okay,

Mr. Paris.

Maybe sometime

you could even hear him play?


- How old is he?

- Ten.

Don't think

he's a sissy.

He's a best shortstop

on the school team.

I play the piano

and I don't think I'm a sissy.

You know

what I mean.

Yes, I know.

Ten-year-old boys

just don't usually.

It's something

his mother always wanted.

She died

four years ago.

And I found this teacher who'd

come give lessons at night.

It's a good time

for it too.


That's when you can start

thinkin' about a lot of things.


a lot of things.

'This piano and all

the practicing make it easier.'

Even the bad notes.

Music and people

go together.

Like kids and dogs.

And be sure you teach him

the creation of beauty.


you can never lose.

Once achieved,

it's with you all your life.

I think

he knows it already.

I only hope it makes him

amount to something

more than

his old man.

He's got

the fight too.

You tell him most people waste

time with meaningless fights.

The only real enemies

the world has

are the enemies

of beauty.

That's the only thing

he'll ever have to fight.

I never thought

about it like that.


Hey, I want you to see

a picture of my kid.

I've got it

right here.

Look out!

I don't see

any other way.

Get him ready.

What are you

going to do?

You're not supposed

to be in here.

Regulations be damned!

What are you going to do?


Mr. Britton.

You have

a right to know.

I'm going to amputate

what's left of his hands.

You're mad.

This man is Vernon Paris.

You can't

cut off his hands.

He no longer has anything left

that resembles hands.

You're wrong,

you've got to be wrong.

I was at the accident.

I saw them.

They were cut,

bleeding, bent, yes

but my God

they were still hands.

You're overlooking

a basic fact.

His gloves were on,

cut, torn, and blood-stained

but still with

a semblance of shape.

That's what

you saw.


You know

to do this

to a man like that

it'll be better just to drive

your scalpel through his heart.

Simpler for you

same result

for him.

Without his hands,

Vernon Paris will be dead.

Tell me,


what would your

reaction be if suddenly

you were to find yourself

without either one of these?

Yes, now let's pretend

they are your hands.

What would you do?

- Well, there's..

- 'Yes.'

There's only

one possibility.

The odds against success

are almost total.

Almost as opposed to something

that's already definite.

I wonder if we're thinking

the same thing.

It couldn't be

anything else

under the circumstances,

could it?

You've got to get

permission first.

'There's no time.'

Perhaps it was lucky

for all of us

that you were just behind him

at the crash.

We're going to try

something radical.

I don't know

if you're gonna like it.

It doesn't matter

as long as you save his hands.

Nothing will save them,

but he'll have hands.

Mechanical hands

are of no use to this man.

Don't you

understand that?


I said hands.

Some years ago, people

would have called you crazy

if you told them that you could

take part of one human eye

and place it in another.

Yet today a corneal transplant

is a standard operation.

It gives renewed sight.

Yes, I know,

but hands are different.

A different part

of the same human body.

Surgical scientists

in every country

all over the world are dedicated

to the future truth

that human life one day

might be extended indefinitely

by the replacement of

defective or worn-out parts.

Right now, such

a principle is the only one

that will save the musical

talent of your friend.

But, muscles, nerves,

how do you know th-

I've already told you,

we don't know.

Now, do we

go ahead or not?

You know,

I want you here.

I'm asking you

to stick your neck out.


I pulled you in

on a lot of operations.

Made you

watch and study.

Deliberately made you accept

a crash program of training

because you have the mind

and heart of a great surgeon.

I want you to

be ready sooner.

You'll have even more time

to save lives

and make

others better.

I'm grateful,


Don't be grateful.

Be good.

Pay closer attention

tonight than ever.

You have five years

on both Ross and me.

In your lifetime

this type of

an impossible in surgery

may become

a reality.

Later, you'll be making

the contributions.

Stand opposite to me

at the table.

- Gil.

- Yeah?

I don't think you're asking me

to stick my neck out.



I think you fully

expect us to work.

Keep him as close

to the surface as possible.

I want maximum response

in the muscles and nerves.

And now..


My God. Why?

What right have they got

to do a thing like that?

Not to Vernon,

not his hands.

Dina, you've got

to understand.

I understand

you're trying

to make me

believe a nightmare.

I can only tell you

that surgically


went as planned.

"Surgically everything

went as planned."

Dina Paris,

Dr. Harding.

I'm sorry we have to meet

under these circumstances.

I'm sorry we have

to meet at all.

I know how must feel

about his loss.

You pretend to understand

what a pair of hands

means to man

like my brother?

I think a surgeon

is aware of the importance

of the human hand

in all it's aspects.

Well, perhaps that's one

you've overlooked.

You think you understand

a human hand?

I'll teach you more than you

ever thought you knew about.

You're not a doctor!

You're a monster!

A selfish,

crazy monster!

I must be

having a nightmare.

I know I'll wake up,

I've got to.

I've transplanted

other hands, yes.

Done in order

to save his talent

not destroy it.

What I cut from

the ends of his arms

no longer

resembled hands.

It's a lie.

It's got to

be a lie.

You needed some kind

of a guinea pig

for your

insane experiment.

Miss Paris, what we did

in that operating room

just now could end

all our careers.

If you want vengeance,

you can have it very easily

because we didn't

get your approval.

But if you choose

that vengeance

you may set off a chain

of emotional reaction

in your brother

that'll guarantee failure.

Guarantee that he'll

never have hands.

You cannot

turn my brother

into some kind

of a freak two-headed dog

just for

the sake of science.

There is something

you have to see.

You can't do that.

I don't think

she'll understand

any other way.


I saw them

before the operation.



The genius

that flow

through these hands

is no more.

But his basic

genius remains.

With a great deal of luck,

will have made it possible

for him

to continue.

You must have faith.

Is it faith doctor

or just ego

as far as your

particular talents

is concerned?

Tonight, four people

did everything

in their power

to help your brother.

I appreciate your feeling

of personal tragedy

but I think you've wallowed in

it long enough at my expense.

Listen, doctor,

I realize you've been through

a great deal tonight,

but I don't think-

Well, I do think.

From now on,

the only thing that's


is the absolute cooperation

of everyone

involved in this man's life.


that will create the proper

recovery state

of mind for him.

Your attitude

is a very crude one, doctor.

Maybe we ought to

wait until-

No, George.

This man who's taken

such sudden control

of Vernon's life

I want to know

what he expects to do.

And I wanna know

whose hands

he put

on my brother's arms.

- Can you answer that?

- No, I can't.

There's no precedent

for what we've done.

No published catalogue

of spare parts

to choose from

at the local deep freeze.

Then you know nothing about

the other man at all.

Coincidence placed him

on that table

two hours before

your brother's accident.

He had powerful hands,

that's all we have to know.

That's all.

If you're concerned

with the possibility

that he might have been

some kind of mad man

let me assure you

that psychotic tendencies

don't transfer

themselves mystically

to the physical extremities

after death.

You know that

for a fact?

No. No, I don't.

I don't even know

about mother goose

or the weak people

in her clan.

You're right.

Guess, I was

cracking under it.

A personal loss

for us.

A terrible responsibility

for you.

We'll be back

in the morning.

The man has been


A complete check will be run,

I assure you.

When can we

see him?

Not for a weak.

He's under

heavy sedation

and additional

radiation treatments.

It's a critical period

for his body's acceptance

of the hands.

Can't we even

see him?

Trust me,

if you can.

And when you

do see him

it's vital

that he believe

he's only had simple

emergency surgery.

I've got to have

at least six weeks

before the final bandages

come off.

How long until

we really know?

It won't be long before

his body gives us the answer.

What we do as far as

his mind is concerned..

Well, he'll need

all of us for that.

You know,


I'm one of those

people who believes

that our department

renders a definite service

to the safety and welfare

of the community just as you do.

Now, I'm..

I'm sure you observe

certain regulations

and make your work

more, uh, orderly

more effective.

Am I not correct?


Well, now,

so do we.

For instance

when we have a homicide

to contend with

and, uh, we receive

a body

at the morgue.

We feel it's

reasonable to expect

that we'll

receive all of it.


Don't ask me why,

but I hold a feeling

of kinship and respect

for a man like you.

On the other hand,

I suspect you

of some

premeditated diddling

on the hill side.

Mind you, I've said

nothing about this

at the department

because I am sure you have

a totally

worthy explanation.

So, um..

...exactly what have

you done with those hands?

It's nice to know you're

sympathetic to my needs

but you know

this isn't enough.

What if I told you

it had to be enough?

For now.

Doctor, when

I was in college

one of my best friends

was a medical student

so, um, one night he stole

into the laboratory

and removed

part of a cadaver

which he

then utilized

to produce

a therapeutic effect

on a timorous young lady

at a beer party.

Surely, you have

progressed beyond this.

Inspector, let's pretend

it's the past.

Say two months prior

to the time this technique

of identification

was established.

Suppose you came to me

and you said that you were

on the verge

of a discovery

that will greatly advance

your profession.

And mankind

as a result.

Yet for

definite reasons

you needed

those last two months

in order

to prove it.

Would you expect me

to block you

or to interfere?

Mm, very good analogy.

I'm sorry

you thought of it.


It's fortunate for you

that I seem to sense

a certain quality

of honesty and greatness

otherwise I'd

pulled you in right now.

Will you go long with me

for that long?

For the promise you'll be given

the complete story

at the second

it's possible?

You have enough

on this chart

for a full

preliminary check.

Oh, you're complicating things

for me at the department.

I suppose I can create

an acceptable story.

I suppose I'm as idealistic

as you in many ways.

I'm sure my wife and children

would support me

in that

up to a point.

And for

everyone's sake..

...let's hope we don't

pass that point.

'This will be his first moment

of true consciousness.'

'Please let me handle


Guard your

reactions against

any indication

of seriousness.

Mr. Paris.

You have visitors.

'Mr. Paris?'

My hands.

You're going to be

perfectly alright.

What's happened

to my hands?

There was

a traffic accident.

Some of your fingers

were broken.

You're going

to be alright.


That fool driver..

Why are my hands

like this?

We knew who

you were.

What your hands

meant to you.

We've immobilized them

so the fingers

will mend perfectly.

I have to be

in New York.



I postponed them

until you're well again.

You will play again, Vernon.

You will.

Dina, don't

lie to me.

I'm not lying,


Dr. Harding

did a beautiful job.

Your hands

will be perfect.


"Perfect," Dr. Harding,

in your terms or in mine?

In yours.

In just a few weeks,

you'll have

full flexibility



Why did it have

to happen to my hands?

You're lucky

it was only this.

'Glass was shattered

from every window of the cab.'

You can see to play

and you will play.

'All you need

is that belief.'

'And some patience.'

Not very aesthetic,

is it, George?

Might make an unusual shot

for our next poster.

You're going

to be alright, Vernon.

Does Eileen

know about this?

- I don't know.

- Thank you.

But she was

at the party.

Isn't that where

they notified you?


Well, it's alright.

My little

dramatic butterfly

wouldn't like it

here very much.

No bright lights.

Mink stoles.

You don't serve


do you, doctor?

Not for the time being.

Well, I guess

she'll be around again

when things aren't

so stark and sterile.

It'll be a month before

we can remove the bandages.

You can go home

in a weak.

I think you'll be

more comfortable there.


Where I can stare

at the piano.

Wonder how long

it's going to be

and how good

it'll ever be again.

So you can

stare at it.

Remind yourself

to be patient.

To fight for something

that's important..

...and beautiful.

Look at that.

Perfect fusion

on both.

- You've done it, Gil.

- Not yet.

All we know is that his body's

accepted the hands.

We don't know how

they're going to function.

But nobody's even gotten

this far before.

You realize

what that means?

It only means

we've taken a step, Ken

that's not enough.

Not enough?

Gil, even if

the rest fails

if the nerve and muscle

connections don't work-

It must work.

But you can't hope

for too much.

Why not?

It's the only way

we have the courage

to take

the next step

and the next.

Oh, when

will we know?

That's why I've

called you in here.

I've waited longer

than I planned to be sure.


I'm going over

to remove the bandages

and make the first

reflex test.

I want you

all there because

you helped

make it possible.

Also, I think he'll need

all the moral support

we can give him.

This may not be pleasant

so if any of you

don't want to come,

say so.




Did I ever tell you

I couldn't stand

the sight of blood?

Let's see if our dream's

a realistic one.

If it's possible to recreate

beauty out of chaos.

Dina, push the lamp

back a little.

We don't need

that much.

Hope you don't mind

an audience.

Ross, Ken and Holly

all helped

the night

of the accident.

I'm used to


Glad to have one again

after so long.

These weeks of waiting

haven't been easy

but if it ends well,

I'll be grateful to all of you.

You're ready?

After seven weeks?

Yes, I'm ready.

You must do

one thing for me.

I ask you

not to question it.

I want you to

close your eyes

and keep them closed

until I tell you.

That shouldn't

be so hard.

'Only a few more minutes

after seven weeks.'

Apparently, dramatics

aren't limited to the stage.

Keep your hands

flat on the table.

Now, I'm gonna touch

the fingers of your hand.

Each time when

you feel the touch

I want you to move

that finger.

Before you open your eyes

I'm going to tell you one thing.

I want you to remember it.

It's vital that you do.

Are you trying to ease me

into acceptance

of a failure,


What we've done for you

surpasses my hopes.

But the success of every surgery

depends on two things.

Medical skill, and acceptance

on the part of the patient.

Are these your usual terms

for such a thing

as simple as

broken fingers?

- I don't think so.

- 'Keep your eyes closed.'

The response in your fingers

is 80 percent correct.

The rest will return,

but it's going to take practice

on your part.

'You were right

about one thing.'

'It was more than

just...broken fingers.'

But the thing

that you've got to believe

is that we've been successful.

Because we have.

'During these weeks

of waiting'

'you told me about

your absolute belief'

'in music and beauty.'

'When you open your eyes

you're going to see something'

'that will demand a great deal

of the sensitivity'

'courage and creative thinking'

'you have as an artist.'


...open your eyes.

What have you done

to my hands?

They were terribly mangled

in the accident.

- We've made it possible-

- What have you done?

We've made it possible for you

to have perfectly good hands.

These aren't my hands.

What have you done?

We've given you hands

while you had none.

When you arrived

at the hospital

we were faced

with the tragedy.

We didn't accept that.

We fought to

restore the beauty

that was

so important to you.

And we did.

They're strong normal hands.

And your body

has accepted it.

'Now, you must accept them,

and fight.'

- Why? Why?

- Because it is.

What have you done

with my hands?

What you brought

to the hospital

were no longer hands.

Stand up.

Take hold

of my arm.

Take hold

of my arm!

Both hands!

Grip it.

As hard as you can.

The fact that

you can even do that


the muscles work.

Can you feel my arm?

'That proves the nerves

are functioning.'

'Muscles and nerves,

that's all you need.'

'These hands are new,

but your talent isn't.'

'What happened to you

seven weeks ago was cruel.'

'What I'm doing

to you now is cruel.'

'But what we did

in that operating room wasn't.'

'Now, you can accept

or you can quit.'

It's up to you.

Get out.

- Vernon, we-

- All of you.


exercise, belief.

There's every chance

in the world.

Every chance..

...that beauty

can once more be created

by your surgical freak.

- It can.

- You're right, doctor.

You were cruel

just now.

But your bluntness

has restored reality for me.

I'm just not sure

how long it can remain.

I suggest

you leave now.

Tomorrow we'll talk

about that reality.

I'll be back,


- Dina..

- I know, George.

Thank you,


Let him have his anger

and torment for now.

I think he'll be

strong enough later

to accept

the fight.

His finger reactions

weren't even right.

- Yes, they were.

- But when you touched-

I touched the fingers on

each hand in sequence at first.

Then I deliberately

changed the sequence.

The finger that reacted

was the one he thought

should react next.

Then I went back and touched

the finger and it moved.

It's simply a matter

of mental coordination

on his part.

Seems so much

to expect.

Dina what we've done

has never been done before.

It's a triumph

for us.

But it's got to be

one for him too.

I think I'd better

move in here for a while.

He'll need you.

I wonder if there'll ever

be a day when he doesn't.

I know how hard it is

for you to accept.

But do you realize

what Gil has done for you?

Yes, he made them

come true.

Those dreams I've had

through the years

about something

happening to my hands.

Gil's genius

has made it possible

for your talent

to continue.

He's genius with a knife

in the human body

has put on my arms the hands

of some man I don't even know.

Is that important

if you can play again?


It's important my sanity

could even accept

that these

aren't mine.

His genius has given me

hands to feel with.

But can he guarantee

these stolen chunks of flesh

and bones

will ever be..

These are your hands.

'Now, it's up to you

to make them sing'

'in the future

as they did in the past.'

It's you

who control your hands.

Don't you


I was my hands,

they were my life.

Now, I'm carrying the life

of someone I know nothing about!

Then you must

learn again!

Or you will

have no life.

Why me?

Why couldn't this have happen

to that cab driver

who doesn't need

his hand so much?

I only know from Gil

that the man suffered too.

His life may not

be as delicate

or as complex

as yours..

...but I'm sure

he'll fight to maintain it.

Leave me alone.

I'm going to stay here

for a while.

I'll be back as soon as I get

some things from my apartment.

Please be patient.

Why, you're a half-hour..

Why, Vernon,

what a pleasant surprise.

I wanna talk to you.

I can't right now.

It's important.

Alright, but I only

have a few minutes.

You always did have

a talent for creating

the proper

visual mood.

This is no concern

of yours.


since our relationship

is primarily

a social one.

What does that mean?

It must be

if you haven't been

interested enough

to see me

during these

past weeks.

I called the hospital

the following day

left my sympathies.

Very generous of you.

Vernon, I'm very sorry

about your accident, but-

Pain isn't

a desirable substitute

for laughter

and excitement, is it?

Vernon, I've had

a great many things to do.

I'm also expecting a guest

within a half hour-

- A guest?

- You don't own me, Vernon!

I know!

- But now I need you.

- How interesting.

Well, there were times

when I needed you.


your favorite line?

"That would be too much

like playing

"a great composition

over and over.

You had to play many in order

to live and grow as an artist."


a difference now.

Look, I, I can't explain

everything right away

but my life has changed.

You've got to understand.

Vernon, if one of your other

women has put you in your place

I don't see any reason

to come crying to me.

That's not it!

Yes, there were others!

There were others for you too,

I don't think either of us

had any illusions

about that!

But for me you were always

the most important

the loveliest.

In the back of my mind maybe

I always thought someday..

Vernon, neither of us

ever thought that someday.

You were always a very exciting,

very desirable man.

But this attitude on you now,

this heaviness

I don't like it

at all.

I'll be very happy

to see you on the old basis

but right now

I'd wish you'd go.

What if the old basis

has been changed

by something

I can do nothing about.

I don't like you this way

and I don't like riddles.

What if there won't be any

concerts or parties?

- What if there'll only be me?

- Stop it, Vernon.

I've never seen you this way

and I don't want you this way.

- What if there'll only be me?

- Stop it! Stop it!

- Answer me!

- Let me go.

Your hands

are breaking my arms!

- Your hands!

- Yes, my hands.

The hands that brought you

concerts parties,



That's what happened

when you called

to leave

your sympathies.

My hands that

you knew so well.


They don't look like my hands,

do they? They're not.

My hands

were destroyed

the night of

my greatest concert.

But medical science

gave me a new pair of hands.

Hands from another body,

so that I can play again.

Yes, Eileen,

I may play again.

But I may not.

What if there'll only be me?

What will you do

if I need your help now

more than

I need your beauty?

Don't touch..

Why don't you take off?

You too, Holly.

Kenny can handle

emergency tonight.

Oh, sure. And when do I get

a chance to get married?

I have a girl

who's pretty fed up already.

Who ever heard of young doctors

getting married?

You have to be

middle aged before

you can afford

to be married.

Yeah, I see

what you mean.

Come on, junior,

I have a new trick

I wanna show you

with the scalpel.

You know,

I've got a boyfriend

who's the greatest guy

in the world, but..

Holly, never get interested

in a dedicated man.

May look good

on the surface

but you can

always end up second

no matter how much

he feels for you.

Thanks, Gil,

for putting it the nice way.

She's a lucky girl.

I know this must make me look

pretty much like a snoop

but, uh, I'm sure

you understand

it's part

of my job.

I also understand

we made a bargain.

With the time factor

that was up a week ago.

You see, I'm not

without patience.

The main point was

I give you the complete story

as soon as

it was possible.

You implied you'd

trust my judgment.

Yes, I remember

but there's a problem.

I have somewhat

of a neurotic respect

for perfection

in my work.

I don't like to see

assignments go unsolved.

Although, I recognize

there's no set schedule

for this solution.


the fingerprint you gave me

have been thoroughly checked

and they gave me nothing.

And you think

I gave you a false set?

You're not

that kind of a man.

We're in the process of checking

them through foreign bureaus

but, uh, while

we're waiting

I thought there

might be something new

you could offer

to keep my mind at peace.

There's nothing

I can tell you yet.

There's a human factor

that's involved.

It's critical.

Trust me

a while longer.

- Very well.

- Thanks.


In the meantime..

...please remember

my wife and children.

When I got back

last night

he was sitting

at the piano dazed.

He didn't say

a word all night.

I don't think

he went to sleep either.

And then in the morning

came the tragic news

of the death of a woman

who was very important to him.

He was

more depressed.

- When did he leave?

- Late this morning.

He said

he wanted to be alone.

I, I wanted to go

with him, but..

...he was cruel

in the way he rejected me.

I'm frightened.

Don't be


It's natural

in the beginning.

He's got to feel

sorry for himself.

Hate everyone and everything

that caused this.

He'll be back.

I hope you're right.

In the meantime, I think

this separation is good for us.

Let's have dinner.

We've never done that.

I know a little place

with violins not far from here.

We'll be back early.

Does Tony Wilder

live here?

Yes, sir.

- Is he in?

- No, sir.

But he'll be back

in a little while.

He went to

get somethin'. A dog.

Isn't that great?

I'm an old friend of his

used to ride in his cab

all the time.

I wanna talk to him.

I really shouldn't

let you in, but..

...I guess you look okay.

You like dogs?


Come on in.

You ever

had a dog?

Hey, mister,

you ever had a dog?

Yes, a long time ago.

When you were

a kid like me, huh?

You got a piano

once too?

Were you

any good?

I'm good too.

Want me to

play for you?

Oh, I'm not bad.


I like to play.

Dad never has

to make me.

You know a lot

about the piano?

I- I'll play a real great tune

I just learned.

It'll make you

feel better


you don't look so hot.


Not right now.

Oh, come on.

I like to play for people.

Helps me

not to be nervous.

I'll make

you a deal.

If you don't like it

I'll quit, okay?

And they were both killed

when we were very small.

We ended up with relatives

who resented the obligation.

So more or less

we banded together

for emotional survival.

You both had a great desire

for life even then.

- That's important for him now.

- Perhaps.

But I think we became too close

as a result, too dependent.

I had talent too

but his was greater.

I used my talent

to help him.

The whole thing

was a calculated plan

to bring us independence

and freedom.

And now just when

we were both

reaching a point

when we could be truly free..

Dina, nothing's

going to be wasted.

Don't you see,

by going through this

he can become

part of a new

and even greater

kind of beauty.

Maybe that's a lot

to imagine right now

but eventually

there can be no such thing

as a permanently

defective heart

a permanent cripple

a permanent

birth malformation, blindness.

Oh, they'll always be

accidental deaths.

But from these tragedies

science will be able to sustain

and recreate joy

for the living.

'And when people know that

a worn out or defective part'

'of their body can be replaced,

they'll approach life itself'

with a great deal

less fear.

Three thousand years

of research, Dina.

And we're

just beginning.

This is

the next major step

and he's

the key part of it.

If it had to happen..

...I thank God

we found you.

- Gil, whose hands are they?

- We don't know yet.

But they're strong,

normal hands.

They might be hands from someone

even more talented than Vernon.

But they could be

from someone-

Don't let fear

drive you

into a pit of


But are we sure

the soul

really controls

the outside?

Or as what

we call a soul

really shaped

by our own pleasures

or hatreds

with the outside

and how they're accepted

by the world?

If you love beauty

you'll conquer handicaps

so beauty can live.

And if you don't?

Well, mister,

how did you like it?


You play

very well.

You mean it?

You could be good,

very good if you practice.

Did you practice a lot

when you were a kid?

Yes, I practiced a lot

when I was like you.

But I can't remember many things

about being ten years old.


Yes, I can.

Are you still

any good?

I don't know.

Come on and try.

I wanna hear

you play now.

First you gotta take

your gloves off.

Whoever heard

of playing the piano

with their gloves on?

- I can't take them off.

- Sure you can.

You put them on,

didn't you?

Gee, mister,

you got strong hands.

Maybe someday

I'll have hands like that

so I can play

a lot easier.

Come on.

Gee, mister, it must've

been a long time

'cause you sure

can't play now.

How can you play the piano

if you can't even hit the cords?

Don't say that.

I can play.

I will play again.

Music is my life!

You mustn't say I can't!

I will play!

I've never known

anything else.

That's why

I'll play again.

I must play again.

You see that,

don't you?


'I'm home, Skeet.'

Easy, boy. Easy.

I know it's strange.

You'll get used to it.


Skeet! Skeet!


where are you?

Well, this time I don't think

we'll have to be as critical.

You can open them.

It's working,


It's all working.

Should I say congratulations

again, doctor?

To yourself

for your patience.

Every finger response

was correct.

'Timing was a little slow,

but with this much progress'

'this soon,

there's no reason why'

full dexterity

can't return.

All you need now

is a strong incentive.

But it's something

you've had for a long time.

Yes, doctor.

I think I'll enlarge

on your exercises

to include

the piano.



It's wonderful,

Mr. Paris.


I want you and Dina to have

dinner with me tonight.

Go someplace where we can laugh

for a change. How about it?

It's time to see again

what the outside world

and smiling faces

look like.

How about it?

Yes, sir, a beautiful throw.

A beautiful throw.

Here's a smiling little doll

to take home with you

to remind you

of your shining hour.

You take that thing home

and you're gonna be the one

that has to

dust it.

Test this

game of skill.

Win yourself

a beautiful prize

of a tryout

with the LA Dodgers.

Oh, a warm-up pinch.

Only a warm-up pitch.

Even the greatest

need that.

Try again.

Hey, what are you?

Some kind of a nut makin' fun?

- That'll be 20 bucks, buddy.

- I'm sorry.

Forget the sorry.

I said 20 bucks, buddy.

And if you don't know

how to use your hands

stay away from here.

- I'm gonna call the cop!

- Okay, wait a minute.

Here's more than enough

to take care of the damage.

Alright, but I'm still

gonna call the cop.

That guy is

some kind of a nut!


here's more.

Please forget it.

He's a patient of mine.

He's been through

quite enough as it is.

Give him a break.


But if you can't

handle him, buddy

we got a place right down

the street that specializes

in freaks.

Vernon, you know

how proud I am of you.

The new attitude you've had

since Gil returned.

- Are you?

- Very.

Remember the night

the three of us

went out


I remember.

It started then,

didn't it?

I think it started

a long time before that.

Gil's proud of you too.

I told him you've been

practicing everyday since then.

You don't know

how important it is to him

that he used his skill

to bring you a new life.

Yes. They all brought me

a new life.

And for me,

I, I think you know

how I've come

to feel about Gil.

I want you to

be happy for that too.

I'm very glad that you've come

to mean so much to each other.

Why won't you let me stay

on nights that you practice?

Oh, you know me

at my best

I want you to hear me

that way the next time.

Besides, you haven't

regretted all the time

you've been able to spend

with him, have you?


I'll wait.

What time you'll

be back tonight?

11:00 or 12:00.

Just dinner and a conversation.

Have a good time.

Hey, don't you

wanna marry me?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.


A year so,


I can't ask you to live on

what I'm making now.

- I can't even live on it.

- I wouldn't mind working.


I've done it before.

We might have to if we get

married in a year or so.

Then why

not now?

It's just

too rough.

You're too intent

on your work.

I admit it.

It's the future, Sue,

and I've got a chance

to be a part of

something wonderful.


I guess

I'm selfish

because I want to be

a right kind of future.

For my work

and for us.

- Don't you understand?

- You know I do.

It's just that I wish there

could be more time for us.

I'm not gonna stop

loving you, Ken.

It's.. It's just that

the night's get lonely out.

It can't be.


Gil, can it?

It must be

a record.

He never bought

any of his own records.

He was always afraid of becoming

a mechanical copy of himself.

I know his style

so well.

I don't know,

it may be possible

if he's really been practicing

and exercising the way you said.

It's-it's one of his

more simple pieces.


Gil, it must be.

Oh, Vernon,

was that you playing?

Oh, I'm sorry

you heard.

I wanted it to be

when I was a little better.

Oh, it sounded


Well, it's the only one

I've worked on.

It's taken me

all these weeks.

What does the man who made it

all possible have to say?

I'm, I'm surprised-

But you told me yourself

there was no reason

why it shouldn't happen,

with exercise practice.

Yes, I know.

But I didn't expect

this much dexterity this soon.

Not even when the incentive

or desire to create beauty

is strong enough?

You did your work well, doctor.

Now I'm doing mine.

If it's true,

there's no one outside you two

who could be happier

than I am.

Then smile,


Get rid of that troubled

questioning look.

Help us rejoice in the success

of our mutual triumph.

I know what

I have to do now.


play for us.

It's been very hard to

get this far

and I think even

the doctor will tell you

that it's natural to expect

fatigue to set in easily.


make it soon.

It will be.

Understand one thing.

I wanna believe.

Then do it,


Do it because you too

have the incentive.


Well, I'm sorry. I know he was

a close associate of yours.

Did you know

the girl, too?

Tragedies of this kind

are always senseless

but I'm afraid

I have to press you

about the significance

behind it.

How can there be any

significance to waste?

Sometime ago I read a routine

report about a death

that occurred

in the suburbs.

The man came home

and found his son dead.

Apparently as the result

of a burglar

who was discovered

and panicked.

The unusual thing was that most

of the boys fingers were broken.

Possibly was the result

of a fight

except that the fingers

were all squeezed together

as if they'd

been crushed.

The man was an ex-cab driver

named Wilder.

Can you raise the sheet

farther this time

and look

at your friend's hands?

Done with a bookend.

If you're thinking it might have

been a burglar, forget it.

It was calculated, the bookend

was placed in the girl's hand

to make it look as if

she defended herself


a sex attack.

Then you have

your answer.

That's rather difficult

to believe

since the girl was

choked to death.

The series of tragedies with one

thing in common, a human hand.

The same thing that brought us

together, doctor.

- It's ridiculous to assume.

- Is it?

Perhaps if anybody else, but

your friend had been involved.

This is the kind of

coincidence that forces me

to become

less patient.

I think I know now

what's happened.

If I'm correct

it's an amazing

piece of surgery, doctor.

Under the circumstances I must

insist you meet me at my office

within a half-hour.

I, uh..

I hope I'm wrong. I hope

this is pure coincidence.

Otherwise it means you failed

to control an experiment

that could have been

of great value.


...both of our objectives

are the same.

I think you know

why I wanted you to be

the first

to hear me play.

Vernon, I've

never been so happy.

You won't mind

if it's the same piece?

I wouldn't care if it was

the scale of seeing one octave.

Just to know

you'll play again.

Even though

I can't play

I'm still

nervous about..

...about these hands.


all my concentration.

Would you mind sitting in

the other room just this once?

I'd listen to you from

the other end of the world

if it would help

make you great again.

Dina, I want you to remember

just one thing.

Tonight, I'll play

my greatest concert.

I need you to help

make it complete.

I'll remember.

Now what do I do?


the very thing I created?

Help him. Any jury will

call it insanity.

With proper treatment,

he can be brought back.

And Ken...can I?

Gil, I was almost

as close to Ken as you were.

But even his sacrifice

can't stop our work, it mustn't.

How stupid I was.

What he said about incentive..

Oh, yes, he had one, alright.

Vengeance on everyone

he thought destroyed his ability

to create music.

The driver, Ken.

I think we can take care

of ourselves.

- Dina. She's with him.

- He won't hurt her.

She's on his side.

We're the enemies.

With a maniac

as shrewd as he's become

I won't take

that chance.

- I'm coming too.

- No, you're involved enough.

'Go home to your security.'

Try to figure out

why it's so hard

to fight

for men like me.

And don't make

the same mistakes.

- Are you sure about this?

- It must be.

He made a special point

about it.

"Tonight, I'll play

my greatest concert."

- Dina, I..

- Oh, I don't blame you, Gil.

How can you blame

anybody for this?

I just feel numb.

For all the loneliness

and misery

he must be

feeling inside.

Thank you for remembering

what I said, Dina.

I was sure I could depend

on the audience.

Very important part

of the concert.

Yes, I'm going to

play for you, doctor.

I'm used to a great deal of

applause after my concerts.

And what could be more

desirable than applause

from the man

who made it all possible?

There were others

almost as much a part of it

as you who

should be here.

But I don't think

we'd find their applause

very enthusiastic.

Now...I did manage

to convince

one of them though.

We had a long chat

on the way down here.

It turns out he was

very partial of the music

and my future ability.

The only trouble was

he didn't mean it.

He was only

trying to trick me.

'Why, Vernon?'

It was only

a matter of time

before you would have

played again.

Time! Time to cut off

these hands and give me others.

And others

if those don't work.

I guess the doctor has all the

time he needs in his laboratory.

He can do anything,

except give me back my life.

- He tried to save that life!

- He failed!

How do you know yet?

- Shall I show you?

- It's too soon.

I said I was going to

play for you.

I am, now.

I want you beside me, Dina,

because you were always there

in the past.

You can't

go out there.

- He still needs me.

- It's a trick!

I might be able to humor him.

Still save him, I've got to.

It's too much of a chance,

you can't do it.

Then take a gun and go out there

and shoot him now!

Listen, behold the wonders

of medical science

and your kind doctor.

Your triumph, doctor,

and now mine.

Let her go.

Go on back,

we'll be alright.

The talented Dr. Harding,

still in charge.

You're right

about one thing.

I'm not responsible

for the loss of your hands.

But I am for this.

Like your friend

you imagine yourself

a clever psychologist.

It won't work,


You're interested

in nothing but vengeance?

Beauty is no longer

important to you!

On the contrary

justice is a form of

moral beauty.

Or is that

too unscientific?

I did everything

I could surgically.

And your body's

accepted it.

Beyond that

I know I failed you.

Your mind couldn't accept.

That's very beautiful.

What a shame it's only meant to

throw me off guard.

What do you want?

I want you to take another look

at your work.

Just for this moment I want to

share this triumph with you.

Have you found out

whose hands they are?

Not yet.

Does it make

any difference?

I think you know

we'll have to talk sooner.

And maybe you'll be able to

tell me if we have the right to

push ahead so fast..

...even when

we believe.

Men like you

who aren't afraid to grow

they'll always

be the right.