Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (1988) - full transcript
It's October 30, 1988 and Michael Myers has been in a coma since his pursuit of Laurie Strode, 10 years ago, was finally stopped (events of H1 and H2). However when he is transfered from Richmond Mental Institute to Smith's Grove he awakes when he hears that he has a niece in Haddonfield and after killing the transfer crew he escapes. In Haddonfield, the niece, Jamie, has been adopted by the Carruthers family but keeps having nightmares about Michael (but she doesn't know who he is). On Halloween night, Jamie goes out trick and treating, little knowing that her murdering Uncle is following her and her step-sister Rachel. Rushing to her aid is Dr. Loomis and with the help of Sheriff Meeker starts to search the town for Michael and to find Jamie to protect her. But can anything stop Michael this time?
[eerie music]
[thunder rumbling]
- [thunder crashing]
- [suspenseful music]
[thunder crashing]
[horn honks]
Okay, go on through.
[thunder crashing]
All metal objects into the tray.
Purpose of visit?
A patient pick up and transfer
to Smith's Grove.
You're late.
Yeah, should be on the road.
Yeah, hell of a night, huh?
- [man] Real charmer.
- Yeah,
- I'll take you down there.
- [man] All right.
- I'll be right back.
- Okay.
Yeah, first time here, huh?
Hope it's the last time.
Ya never get used to the faces, never.
[distant screaming]
Jesus ain't got nothin' to
do with this place.
Come on.
- [man grunting]
- [gate sliding]
Yeah, this is where society dumps
it's worst nightmares.
Yeah, the one you're pickin' up,
just thinkin' about him
gives me the willies.
Yeah, a decade ago, Halloween night,
he murdered 16 people, maybe more,
tryin' to get to his sister.
Nearly got her, too.
But his doctor, of all people,
shot him six times.
Then he set him on fire.
Both of them nearly burned to death.
Yeah, I'll be glad to see this one gone.
Oh, yes, indeedy.
[elevator gate sliding]
Welcome to Hell.
[ominous music]
- [woman] Doctor.
- Yes.
The transfer personnel are here.
- [doctor] Smith's Grove.
- [man] Yes.
I'm doctor Hoffman, medical administrator.
- Has he been prepped?
- Ready to go.
Who signs for him?
I do.
All right, check him out.
[music continues]
[air hissing]
[suspenseful music]
I'd assumed Dr. Loomis would be here.
Michael Myers is still his patient.
And if Loomis read memos, he'd be here.
Fortunately his position is more
ceremonial than medical.
And with Myers gone,
my hope is that he'll either transfer,
or die.
All right, let's move him.
[Halloween theme music]
[thunder crashing]
- Watch it.
- I got him.
I can safely say that Michael Myers
is now in your hands.
Yeah, well, I guess you're
happy to see him go?
- Locked and loaded.
- Then let's roll.
Good night, doc.
Drive carefully.
[suspenseful music]
- [car door shuts]
- [engine starts]
[thunder crashing]
Did Hoffman say anything about
living relatives?
Yeah, a niece living in his hometown.
- [woman] And?
- And she's too young
to be his legal ward.
So the state owns him, hooray.
You know, I still don't understand--
[intense music]
[both screaming]
[both screaming]
[thunder rumbling]
[dog whimpering]
[thunder crashing]
Kiddo, it's four in the morning.
I can't sleep.
What is this, four nights in a row?
You going for a record here?
The seven-year-old
insomniac's hall of fame?
Do you love me, Rachel?
Ahh, serious questions tonight.
Of course I love you.
- Like a sister?
- Jamie, sometimes--
Like a real sister?
We're not really sisters, Jamie.
But that doesn't mean
that I love you any less.
[thunder crashing]
Sure it does.
I know you miss your parents.
It hasn't been that long.
It's been 11 months.
Your mother used to baby-sit me
when I was your age.
I'll bet you didn't know that.
You're lucky.
I wish she could do the same for me.
Come on, Jamie, let's go back to bed.
Come on, Sunday.
Sleep tight. We'll have French toast
for breakfast, okay?
Nighty-night, come on, Sunday.
[wind blowing]
[thunder rumbling]
[somber music]
[Jamie sobbing]
[thunder crashing]
[thunder crashing]
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul will take.
God bless Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers,
God bless Rachel, God bless Sunday,
God bless me,
and God bless Mommy and Daddy in heaven.
[door creaking]
[thunder crashing]
[door creaking]
[door creaking]
- [intense music]
- [Jamie screaming]
[Jamie crying]
Help me! Help me!
Help me, please, somebody, help me!
- Help me!
- [thunder crashing]
Help me.
- [intense music]
- [Jamie screaming]
[Jamie screaming]
Oh, dear, God, it's all right, sweetheart.
[Jamie sobbing]
A bad dream, that's all.
It's just a nasty old dream.
I've got you.
You're safe now, okay?
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Shh, you're gonna be just fine.
It's okay, baby, you're gonna be fine.
[indistinct chattering, laughing]
[indistinct chattering]
- [telephone ringing]
- Damn it. Darlene.
[tea kettle whistling]
There's a clean one in the laundry room,
next to your blue slacks. Hello?
Honey, this tie's got a spot on it.
I can't wear this today,
I've got a 10:30 with Chuck.
[Darlene] Hang on, Mrs. Pierce.
Not that tie, on the other side.
That's not the only thing
you're eating, Rachel.
Mom, I'm on a diet.
You want an oinker for a daughter?
- [man] Found it.
- [Darlene] Sorry.
Do you suppose Susan can just
bring her crutches?
Oh, stupid question.
Tell her I hope she feels better.
Susan's father,
she can't baby-sit tonight.
- [man] Why not?
- Susan broke her ankle
last night at the ice rink.
- Rachel.
- Mom, please.
You'll have to watch Jamie tonight.
Not tonight, I've got that
date with Brady.
You know how important that is.
Well, tonight is very important
for your father and me.
Can't you find somebody else?
It's too late.
What am I supposed to tell Brady?
"Sorry, but I've got to
babysit my foster sister.
Go and have fun by yourself."
It's not exactly the end of
the world for goodness sakes.
Sure, it is.
I think tonight Brady was ready
to make a commitment.
But now my future relationship,
my engagement, my marriage, my children,
and your grandchildren have
all been wiped out,
because I have to babysit, oh joy.
I'm sorry I ruined everything.
If I wasn't here you could go out.
[man] Good job, Rachel.
That little girl needs all the love
we can give her right now.
And all you can do is think
about yourself.
[knocking on door]
[Rachel] Jamie?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
I can go out with Brady tomorrow night.
It's no big deal.
But you wanted to go out tonight.
It's my fault you can't.
Well, tonight we're going to
do something better.
We're going to go trick or treating.
I don't want to.
It's Halloween. I mean,
don't you want to get dressed up
in a really scary costume
and get some candy?
How 'bout this afternoon
I pick you up from school
and we go get ice cream?
Double scoops?
Double scoops.
Now let's get some breakfast.
[woman over PA]
Dr. Quinn, call 7402.
Dr. Quinn, call 7402.
- [Loomis] Why wasn't I notified?
- About what?
You know damn well about what.
You let them take it out of here.
For Christ's sake, spare me the speech.
I've listened to it for a decade.
The fact is, that Michael Myers
was a federal patient
and a federal prisoner,
therefore he is subject to federal law.
We're not talking about any
ordinary prisoner, Hoffman.
We are talking about evil on two legs.
[scoffs] I can see this is useless.
Do you know what today is?
Do you know the date?
Every day I look at myself in the mirror
and every day I remember.
Look at me, Hoffman.
Take a good look.
I don't want anyone
to have to live through that night again.
[sighs] I've said this before,
I think you're the one who
needs mental help.
[telephone rings]
Yes, Dr. Hoffman.
[man chattering indistinctly on phone]
[ominous music]
I see.
I see, thank you.
Apparently there was an accident
just south of Mill Creek, near the--
- Loomis! Loomis!
- [door shuts]
[suspenseful music]
[police radio chattering]
- [car doors shut]
- [Loomis] Is that it?
- Yes.
- When did this happen?
Sometime in the night.
They probably lost the road in the storm
and came down the embankment, it happens.
- An accident?
- Yes, sir.
You believe that?
Why shouldn't I?
How many people in the bus?
Four, plus Myers.
How many bodies did you find?
It's hard to tell, they're all chewed up.
Loomis, it's over, leave it alone.
[eerie music]
He's gone.
He was here, but he's gone.
Did you find any other bodies?
Not yet, there's a lot of ground to cover.
You won't find him.
He's done all this, now he's escaped.
You don't know that.
Michael could have been
thrown from the bus.
I've seen bodies thrown 50,
60 feet from a crash site.
Even if by some miracle
Michael is conscious,
his--his muscles would be totally useless.
Give the troopers a chance to search.
You're talking about him
as if he were a human being.
That part of him died years ago.
Now where are you going?
It's a four-hour drive.
You can reach me through the local police.
If you don't find him in four hours,
I'm sure I will.
[upbeat rock music]
[radio DJ]
And that was Big Billy--
[drill whirring]
Hey, Gar, how about a 9/16
socket over here?
[drill whirring]
[suspenseful music]
[man gasping]
Hey, hey, there, hello.
[eerie music]
[country music playing on radio]
Is anybody here?
- [chain rattling]
- [gasping]
[intense music]
Is anybody here?
[eerie music]
[dramatic music]
God in heaven.
[suspenseful music]
Why now?
- [cane clatters]
- You waited 10 years.
I knew this day would come.
Don't go to Haddonfield.
If you want another victim, take me.
But leave those people in peace.
Please, Michael.
Goddamn you!
[gun firing]
[Halloween theme music]
[door slamming]
[garage door smashing]
[gun firing]
[tires screeching]
[explosion booming]
[electricity crackling]
[school bell ringing]
[children chattering]
Hey, Jamie, where's your costume?
Where's your mask, or are you wearing it?
I don't need to wear a stupid costume.
That's because every day is Halloween
at Jamie's house, right, Jamie?
"Cause your uncle's the boogeyman.
Boogeyman, boogeyman.
Jamie's uncle's a boogeyman.
[girl] How come your mommy
didn't make you a costume, Jamie?
How could she? Her mom is dead.
[boy] Jamie's mommy's a mummy.
Stop it, okay, stop it!
Jamie's an orphan, Jamie's an orphan.
Stop it, please, stop it!
Jamie's an orphan, Jamie's an orphan.
Jamie's uncle's the boogeyman.
Jamie's an orphan.
Every day is Halloween at Jamie's house.
[children] Boogeyman, boogeyman,
boogeyman, boogeyman.
How come your mommy
didn't make you a costume?
[boy 2]
How could she? Her mom is dead.
- [Jamie sobbing]
- [dramatic music]
You're okay, you're okay.
Jamie, are you okay?
[rock music playing on radio]
You remember Lindsey, don't you?
- Hi, Jamie.
- Yeah, hi.
You ready for some ice cream?
I wanna go trick or treating,
like the other kids.
But I thought you didn't wanna
go trick or treating.
You know, Rach, Discount Mart's having
a sale on Halloween costumes.
No, Brady's workin' there
till six o'clock today.
I know, don't you wanna talk to him?
I don't wanna look pushy.
You won't look pushy.
Well I don't wanna come on too strong.
A guy hates a girl that
comes on too strong.
Fragile egos and all of that.
You won't come on too strong.
[sighs] Well, I don't wanna seem
too desperate or anything.
Face it, Rach, you are desperate.
We're just going in and
buy a costume for Jamie.
Perfectly legit.
I don't know.
Well, do I drop you at the Discount Mart
or the Dairy Queen?
Discount Mart.
Can we get ice cream after?
[sighs] You bet.
[register beeping]
Hey, Wade, why don't you go ahead
and make your move?
[Wade] Don't rush me, Brady.
Timing's gotta be primo.
Yeah, well, money talks
and bullshit walks,
ya know what I mean.
Double or nothin' you don't ask Kelly out.
[Brady] All right, 10 bucks. Let's see it.
[boy] He's not gonna do it.
- Chicken.
- [boy] Don't forget, man.
She's Sheriff Meeker's daughter.
Her daddy don't scare me.
[Wade clearing throat]
Fuck off, Wade.
[both snickering]
[children chattering]
[suspenseful music]
- [Lindsey] Call me.
- [Rachel] Okay, bye.
Rachel, what are you doin' here?
I thought I was supposed to pick you up.
Jamie needs a Halloween costume.
You do? Okay, well,
go down to aisle eight,
we've got the best costumes
in the whole town.
- Come on, Rachel.
- In a second.
We need to talk.
Okay, sure, what about?
It's about tonight.
[rock music playing on radio]
[eerie music]
[suspenseful music]
Rachel, I found the perfect costume,
come see!
My parents' babysitter canceled.
So, I have to watch Jamie tonight.
[Brady sighs]
Well, when did you find this out?
- This morning.
- Oh, you found out this morning?
Well why didn't you tell me before?
I mean, it's five o'clock now, Rachel.
Don't get angry.
I'm not angry, it's just...
Can I come over after Jamie goes to sleep?
My parents are gonna come
home early tonight.
I don't know, Brady.
Okay, I guess I'll call ya later.
[suspenseful music]
[Jamie screaming]
[mirror shattering]
Jamie, what happened?
It was the nightmare man.
- What?
- He's coming to get me, Rachel.
You're okay.
You probably saw a mask and it scared you.
At least you're not cut.
Come on, let's go home.
- Will she be okay?
- She'll be fine.
[suspenseful music]
[Loomis panting]
[girls cheering, laughing]
[girl] Oh, look!
Come on, old man, let's go.
Come on, come on!
Hurry up, hurry up!
[Loomis coughing]
[eerie music]
[man] Get in here, old man.
I ain't got 'til judgment day.
[Loomis] Thank you.
[man] Anything for a fellow pilgrim.
We're all on a quest.
Sometimes we need help
getting where we want to be.
Reverend Jackson P. Sayer
of Dumont County.
Pleased to make your acquaintance.
How far you going, Mr. Sayer?
God's country, promised land.
Where you heading, Mr. uh...
Loomis, Haddonfield.
Car trouble?
Sort of.
You're a huntin' it, ain't ya?
Yeah, you're huntin' it all right,
just like me.
What are you hunting, Mr. Sayer?
Apocalypse, end of the world, Armageddon.
It's always got a face and a name.
I've been huntin' the bastard
for 30 years, give or take.
Come close a time or two, too damn close!
You can't kill damnation, mister.
It don't die like a man dies.
I know that, Mr. Sayer.
Oh, you're a pilgrim, all right.
I saw it on your face
back there in the dust.
I saw it clear as breasts
and blue suede shoes.
Would you like a drink?
♪ Yes, we'll gather at the river ♪
♪ The beautiful, beautiful river ♪
♪ Gather with the saints at the river ♪
- [ominous music]
- [indistinct chattering]
Let's do a light post.
Light post. Let's go.
- [children laughing]
- Light post.
Let's go.
That was fun! Ha-ha!
[children cheering]
Okay, Jamie, we're leaving.
- Where's Rach?
- I don't know.
[Rachel] Here I am!
- Come on, hon.
- [Darlene] How do we look?
You guys always look great.
We'll be at the Fallbrooks'.
The number's next to the phone.
I know, and next to that
is police, hospital, fire,
and probably the National Guard.
I want you two to have fun tonight.
Make sure Jamie's in bed by 9:30.
[Rachel] You're gonna be late.
You don't wanna blow your promotion.
[Darlene] Don't make fun.
Tonight is the difference between
vacations in Bermuda,
or spending another two weeks
with your grandmother
- in Cleveland.
- [Rachel] So hurry up.
- [Jamie] Bye.
- [man] See ya.
[Rachel] Good luck, Dad.
[ominous music]
Rachel, can I go get my costume on?
- Yeah, hurry up.
- Okay.
[eerie music]
[rotary phone clicking]
Is Brady there?
He's not back from work yet?
Okay, well, when he comes in
could you tell him to drop by about eight?
I should be home by then.
This is Rachel.
Okay, bye.
Come on, Jamie, you're going to
miss all the good candy.
[suspenseful music]
Come on, Jamie.
[Jamie] Come on, Rachel.
- [Rachel] Coming.
- I thought you said you were ready.
I'm ready, I'm ready!
Okay, let's go.
- [suspenseful music]
- [footsteps thudding]
[police radio chattering]
Oh, uh, I need to speak with
Sheriff Brackett.
Well, then you'll have to travel
about 3,000 miles south of here.
- What?
- Brackett retired, back in '81.
He moved to St. Petersburg.
Oh, well, who's the new sheriff?
[Meeker] I am.
Ben Meeker.
Oh, Sheriff Meeker, my name is Doctor--
Folks around here aren't likely
to forget your face.
At least not cops.
So, what brings you
back here after 10 years?
Michael Myers has escaped from Ridgemont.
He's here in Haddonfield.
That's impossible,
Michael Myers is an invalid.
He's here, Sheriff.
10 years ago,
he tried to kill Laurie Strode.
Now he wants her daughter.
You talkin' about Jamie Lloyd?
Wherever she is, that little child
is in mortal danger.
Myers has been locked up since
before she was born.
He's never laid eyes on her.
Six bodies, sheriff,
that's what I've seen!
Between here and Ridgemont,
a filling station in flames!
I tell you, Michael Myers is here,
in this town!
He's here to kill that little girl
and anybody who gets in his way!
All right, Pierce, call the troopers
and check his story out.
And assuming what you say is true--
It's true, Sheriff!
Fine, all right, it is true.
The hell can we do to avoid a repeat
of 10 years ago?
Find this little girl,
and get her some place safe.
Call the local TV station.
Tell them to get people off the streets
and behind locked doors.
Can't get long distance, Sheriff.
Operator says the lines are down.
All right, let's go.
When he makes that call--
All right, Pierce, do it.
Let's check on this little girl.
- [Jamie] Thanks!
- [Rachel] Okay.
- Jamie, wait for me.
- This is great, Rachel.
Come on!
[children chattering]
- [Jamie] Trick or treat!
- [woman] Oh, my!
What a cute little clown.
Let's see what I have for ya.
- There ya are, sweetheart.
- Thank you.
- [Rachel] Thank you.
- You're welcome, honey.
[sighs] Had enough?
No way. Halloween's great.
Can we stay out all night?
Forget it, kiddo,
we're home by eight o'clock.
[children chattering]
[girl] Hey, guys, it's Jamie.
That clown costume's really cool.
- [Jamie] Really?
- [boy] Yeah.
[suspenseful music]
[boy] Hey, wanna go with us?
- Go ahead.
- Come on!
[children chattering]
[doorbell ringing]
[children] Trick or treat.
Hi, Rachel.
Here ya go, little monster.
- [child] Thank you.
- A little clown, there ya go.
- [child 2] Thank you.
- [child 3] Trick or treat!
- Bye.
- [Brady] Rachel!
- Rachel.
- Brady.
Just a second.
Rachel, I got--I got an expla--
wait, I--
[child] Hey, Jaime, come on with us.
You don't owe me anything, Brady.
- [Jamie] Okay.
- [child] Come on! Wait up!
Well, would you hold on a second?
Just leave me alone and let's forget it.
No, you don't understand.
I mean, you blow off our date
at the last minute.
So you hop onto the next best thing?
I thought you were different
from other guys.
Oh, I'm different, it's just that,
I just got pissed off, that's all.
Oh, really?
Well, I'll just let you get back
to little miss hot panties.
- Rachel!
[Kelly] Brady?
Are you coming in or what?
[suspenseful music]
Great, Rachel, just great.
By order of the sheriff's office
all citizens of Haddonfield
are asked to clear the streets.
[man] I made that payment nine days ago
and I still haven't heard
from the bastard.
Everybody shut up a goddamn minute.
Shut up!
All businesses are asked to close
- as soon as possible--
- What's all that shit about, Earl?
Stay tuned to this station for updates.
Not like ol' Ben Meeker
to do something like that.
Sure ain't. Martians could
land on Ben's doorstep
and all he'd do is spit once
and get himself a shotgun.
Who ya callin'?
Police station, I ain't closing down
without a good goddamn reason.
[line ringing]
[line ringing]
It just rings.
[rock music playing on radio]
Well, c'mon.
Jackie, watch the register for me, hun.
[Jackie] You got it, Earl.
- What's goin' down?
- Where we goin', Earl?
[Earl] We're goin' to Ben's.
The phone never just rings
at a police station.
- No way, no how.
- [man] Goin' to wake up the sheriff.
[suspenseful music]
[indistinct chattering]
[eerie music]
[suspenseful music]
- Something?
- He's been here.
How do ya know?
[suspenseful music]
This is startin' to spook me, doc.
At least you're not alone.
Logan, I want you to stay here,
in case the family gets back.
[Logan] Right here, Ben.
You look sharp, you understand?
No problem, Sheriff.
[electricity buzzing]
Hey you!
This is city property, no trespassing.
What, are you deaf?
Don't try that Halloween shit with me.
All right.
I'm on the telephone to the police,
right now.
And don't you even think about leaving.
[dramatic music]
[man screaming]
- [electricity sparking]
- [screaming continues]
[indistinct chattering]
[man] Come on, kids.
I want you all in the car, right now.
[children groaning, chattering]
[man] Come on, I said move it.
Now get in there.
[car doors closing]
[Rachel] Jamie!
[suspenseful music]
[Rachel sighs] Jamie.
[twig crunching]
[Jamie] Rachel, is that you?
[branches rustling]
Is that you?
[suspenseful music]
[twig breaking]
[Rachel panting]
[suspenseful music]
Oh, God!
Whoever you are,
I have a big dog with me and he bites.
[Rachel] Jamie!
Where have you been?
Don't ever go off
on your own at night again,
okay? Not ever.
[car approaching]
[Meeker] Rachel, Jamie, thank God.
- What's going on?
- In the car, c'mon, quick.
[suspenseful music]
[car door shuts]
[dramatic music]
Is that him? Is that him?
Oh, Christ, doc.
Dear God.
Hey, don't shoot!
[boy laughing]
Oh, that was great!
You thought it was me, didn't you?
Get home, damn it, there's a curfew.
I catch your ass,
it'll be a weekend in jail.
You all right, doc?
C'mon, we'll get to the station.
We'll get these kids safe.
- [Jamie gasping]
- Okay.
Station, this is 132. Come in, Pierce.
Come in, Pierce.
[suspenseful music]
[busy signal buzzing]
Oh, Christ.
He wouldn't have given up without a fight.
They didn't know what they were fighting.
[eerie music]
How could a man do this, Loomis?
Tell me.
It isn't a man.
Then what is he?
Tell me!
What the hell are we dealing with?
[eerie music]
[cars approaching]
Ben, what the Sam hell is goin' on?
Go on home, Earl, this is police business.
What the hell did this?
Uh, looks like to me
you're out of business.
Now I want some answers.
I haven't got the time or
patience to argue with you.
Now go home to your families
where you belong.
[man] You forget who's payin'
your salary, Sheriff.
It was Michael Myers.
- [men chattering]
- [Loomis] He's come home to kill.
Let it be, Earl, let the police handle it.
Like the last time?
How many people killed back then?
How many kids?
Al, here, lost his boy 10 years back.
Well, not this time, Ben,
I'll handle this my own way.
We're gonna fry his ass.
- [gun cocking]
- [indistinct chattering]
You son of a bitch,
you just created a lynch mob.
You haven't got a police force.
These men may be
the only defense you've got.
- [man] Come on, let's move it out.
- [man 2] Come on, guys, let's go.
Let's hunt this bastard.
God help us.
[door shuts]
132, 132.
This is 134, over.
[Meeker over radio]
This is 132, over.
Ben, uh, I just heard about the station.
- [suspenseful music]
- [Meeker] Now you get over to my house
and we'll call the state boys from there.
[Logan] I'll be there in five minutes.
[engine starts]
Honey, I don't think they're home.
- [man] How do you know they're not home?
- [Darlene] 'Cause the lights are all out.
[man] I told 'em to be here by nine,
it's not 9:30 yet--
C'mon, let's call the Carters.
[man] You call the Carters.
- [Darlene] Kids?
- [man] Rachel, Jamie?
[suspenseful music]
- [man] There he is!
- [banging on roof]
[suspenseful music]
I seen his face.
Right there, Al!
- Right there, in those bushes.
- [guns cocking]
[bushes rustling]
[guns firing]
Come on.
Shit, Earl.
It's Ted Hollister.
You dumb son of a bitch.
You said ya saw Myers.
[fire crackling]
[Kelly moaning]
Let's go upstairs.
Hmm? No, I think we're doin'
just fine right here.
[Kelly sighs]
- Ooh, I think I'm in heaven.
- [Kelly chuckles]
Oh, Brady, oh, Brady.
[car approaching]
[Brady] Oh, shit.
Oh, it's my dad!
Your dad? Your dad!
God, if he catches us like this--
- Oh, shit!
- ...he's gonna skin you alive!
- What?
- For starters.
Oh, God.
- Oh God! Come on, come on.
- [Brady] We're going, we're going.
- Where's that deputy?
- [Meeker] He'll be here in a minute.
Rachel, take your sister upstairs,
first door on the right.
[Kelly] Dad, what's going on?
Kelly, I want you to close and lock
all the downstairs windows.
- [Kelly] Why?
- [Meeker] Just do it!
Where's the radio?
Right through the kitchen,
you'll see the basement stairs.
Brady, you know how to use a gun?
Oh, yes, sir.
Think you can handle that?
Um, yeah, you wanna tell me
what's happening?
Yeah, when I have time.
You got your riot gun?
In the trunk of my squad.
Go get it.
Take these.
Okay, you got a hammer and roofing nails
and I want ya up in the attic securing it
so nobody can get in.
You know, if something's happening,
I should just go ahead
- and call my parents.
- Just get up in the attic.
Oh, yeah.
I catch you groping my daughter,
I'll use that shotgun on you,
ya understand?
[suspenseful music]
[gun cocking]
All right, get the outside shutters.
- What are we doin'?
- Makin' sure no one can get in here.
Isn't all this a little paranoid?
If you'd seen that police station,
you wouldn't even ask.
[knocking on door]
Rach, you okay?
We've been better.
[Brady] What's goin' on?
Michael Myers.
Who's that?
10 years ago, Halloween.
He's Jamie's uncle.
[Jamie crying]
The kids at school were right.
Um, I'm gonna be outside,
upstairs, in the attic.
[Jamie crying]
That's all the windows, dad.
All right, good, good. Logan, I want you
right here by the front door, okay.
This is the deadbolt key.
[deadbolt latching]
All right, we're secure.
When I padlock the back door,
this is the only way in and
out of this house.
- You got that?
- Yeah, got it, Ben.
All right, hon, why don't you go
make us some coffee.
All right.
[hammer tapping]
Ow, shit!
[wood creaking]
[suspenseful music]
[high pitched squeaking]
Who's there?
[high-pitched squeaking]
Can we go home soon, Rachel?
Real soon, Jamie. Now, shh.
- [switch clicking]
- How's it powered?
I planned a generator for
the house next week.
I wished I hadn't waited.
This is squad, 790, Haddonfield,
broadcasting on a state police
emergency frequency.
Can anyone hear me?
[static buzzing]
Can anyone hear me?
[static hissing]
Damn it!
[flames crackling]
[tea kettle whistling]
[ominous music]
Everything all right?
Jamie's sleeping.
When can we go home?
State police will be here soon.
Not long after that.
Don't worry.
I'm trying.
It won't be long.
[dramatic music]
- [static hissing]
- I hear someone.
[man over radio] Yeah, this is
Frank Butte over in Tuckerville.
You've got some kind of emergency?
Thank Christ. Yeah, this is Ben Meeker,
sheriff over at Haddonfield.
Our phones and power lines are down
and we have a killer running
loose in the street.
Michael Myers.
[Frank over radio]
This some kind of Halloween prank?
[Meeker] This is no joke.
We need those troopers,
and we need 'em now.
[Frank] All right, I'll get
the troopers right away.
Hang on, I'll need some information.
Not goin' anywhere, Mr. Butte.
Rachel, is your sister all right?
She's fine.
Sheriff's radioed for help,
they'll be here soon.
Hell of a night.
It's not over yet.
Where you going?
To the Carruthers' house,
that's where Jamie lives.
That's where he'll go.
Leave Myers for the state boys.
The state police won't
know how to stop him.
- [Logan] Do you?
- Maybe nobody knows
how to stop him.
I've got to try.
Are you looking for this?
I didn't know you and Brady
had anything, okay?
You knew, you just didn't care.
He's not married.
Besides, I've got a right to do
what's best for me.
Don't you mean what you do best?
Wise up to what men want, Rachel.
Or Brady won't be the last man
you lose to another woman.
Have some coffee.
[man over radio]
Over at Allen's Gateway,
shot Ted Hollister by mistake.
[man 2 over radio] Well, is he dead?
[man over radio] Yeah, he's dead.
Oh, Christ, is Earl Ford out there?
- This is Ben Meeker.
- [static buzzes]
Answer me, damn it.
Sheriff, what is going on out there?
[man 3 over radio]
Yeah, I'll swing by with ya.
Get my brother, Charlie, maybe
a couple buddies to join ya over there.
Now, Rachel, you stay by this radio.
The state boys will send word
once they're en route.
When that word comes,
you go tell Deputy Logan.
- Okay.
- Now, you understand?
[indistinct radio chatter]
[man 3 over radio]
You know where the hell Earl is at?
[man 4 over radio] No, I haven't
heard from him, not in a while.
I'll be down at the gateway.
I doubt I'll be back
before the troopers get here.
Maybe ya oughta wait here 'til they do.
Hey, I got a town full of beer bellies
runnin' around in the dark with shotguns!
Who's gonna be next?
Somebody's wife, somebody's kid?
[gun cocking]
I can't stand by for that.
[suspenseful music]
[car engine starting]
[tires screeching]
[floorboard creaking]
[suspenseful music]
[floorboard creaking]
I thought you might like some coffee.
Pretty boring out here.
Wish they'd fix the power.
At least we'd have some MTV
while we wait for the cavalry.
[intense music]
[Kelly gasping]
[Halloween theme music]
[Kelly gasping]
[wood cracking]
[music continues]
[static hissing]
[man over radio] Haddonfield,
we should have cars dispatched
in five minutes.
ETA, 35 minutes, over.
Uh, okay.
Great, we'll be waiting.
[man over radio] Uh, 10-4, over.
Uh, over and out.
[static hissing]
Deputy Logan?
[suspenseful music]
[Rachel screaming]
Oh, God.
[suspenseful music]
Oh, God.
- What is goin' on?
- I've gotta find Jamie.
No, no, what we've gotta do is
get out of here right now.
- Not without Jamie.
- Look!
Do you think she stands a chance?
- She's not dead.
- No.
- Is there another key?
- I don't know.
Get out of the way, get out of the way.
[gun firing]
Ah, it's metal, goddamn it, it's metal!
What does that mean?
We're trapped in this house.
[both gasping]
Oh, Rachel.
[Rachel] Brady!
Move back.
- [Rachel] Brady!
- No.
[suspenseful music]
Son of a bitch.
- Brady, come with us!
- [Brady] Go!
Get up there, Rachel!
[Rachel] Brady!
- Get up there, Rachel!
- [Rachel] Brady, come with us.
- Go!
- Oh, Brady!
[gunshot firing]
[Brady grunting]
- Rachel, come on, come on!
- No! No!
[Brady grunting]
- Brady!
- [Jamie] Rachel, come on!
[Brady groaning]
[Brady groaning]
[Brady screaming]
Leave us alone! God, leave us alone!
[objects clattering]
[both panting, whimpering]
Go, go.
[both whimpering]
[suspenseful music]
[Jamie] Rachel.
Jamie, get down!
Get down!
[glass shattering]
Get on my back, Jamie!
Get on, hold on.
[dogs barking in distance]
[glass crunching]
[Rachel panting]
Hang on.
[Rachel grunting]
[Jamie screaming]
Grab on, Jamie.
[tense music]
[Jamie screaming]
I want you to get down to the chimney,
-I can't!
- Well, try, damn it.
[Jamie screaming] Rachel!
[Rachel screaming]
[Rachel grunting]
I'm gonna lower you down, Jamie, okay?
- [Jamie] Rachel.
- I've got you, come on.
Go down, now.
- Rachel.
- I've got you, Jamie.
[Jamie whimpering]
[Jamie whimpering]
I've got you, I've got you.
[Jamie screaming]
[Rachel screaming]
[Jamie whimpering]
[Rachel screaming]
[body thudding]
[Jamie panting, groaning]
Oh, come alive, Rachel, please come alive!
Don't be dead, you can't be dead!
Come alive, Rachel!
[Jamie crying]
[suspenseful music]
[Jamie screaming, crying]
Somebody help me, please!
Help me!
Please, help me!
Please, somebody help me!
[Jamie crying]
[intense music]
What are you doing out here alone?
Everybody's dead, I just want to go home.
No, no, you can't, I've just been there.
That's the first place he'll look for you.
Where-where's the school house?
The school house.
Where is the school house?
- It's over there.
- Come on.
[ominous music]
[Loomis] Come, we'll be safe there.
[suspenseful music]
[gun firing]
[alarm ringing]
We'll hear some sirens soon.
Then we'll be safe?
You don't believe that, do you?
[Jamie crying]
[intense music]
- [Loomis grunts]
- [glass shattering]
Please, somebody, help me.
[Jamie sobbing]
[Jamie screaming]
[suspenseful music]
- [intense music]
- [Jamie gasping]
[school alarm ringing]
In the school.
Pull over, Earl.
What's goin' on here? We heard the alarm.
- [Rachel] He's inside.
- Jesus, where?
In the school.
[suspenseful music]
[man] Let's get this bastard.
[Jamie] No! He'll kill you, too.
We have to get out of Haddonfield.
The state police are on their way,
let them handle it.
I don't know about you, Earl,
but that makes sense to me!
Let's get the hell out!
You saw the police station,
let the troopers have him.
That's what they get paid for.
Screw it, let's get outta here.
[suspenseful music]
Okay, everybody, listen up.
I've got Rachel Carruthers
and her sister in the truck.
I'm taking them out of town, route 4-10.
The state police are on their way.
You got that?
- [man over radio] Got it, Earl.
- [Earl] Okay, out.
[police sirens blaring]
[somber music]
There's the cavalry.
- [gun firing]
- [sirens wailing]
You comin' outta Haddonfield?
Yeah, Myers is in the elementary school.
We're taking these kids to safety.
Okay, there's a highway patrol sub station
about four miles down the highway.
You'll see the turn off signs.
Now, we've got officers on duty.
They'll take care of you.
[tires screeching]
[somber music]
[Earl] It's gonna be okay.
[suspenseful music]
[man grunting, groaning]
[man groaning]
[glass shattering]
- [Jamie screaming]
- [Earl groaning]
[Rachel screaming]
[Jamie screaming]
[Rachel grunting]
[tires screeching]
[Rachel grunting]
[Halloween theme music]
[Rachel gasping]
[Rachel screaming]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[Rachel screaming]
- [glass splintering]
- [Rachel screaming]
[brakes screeching]
[suspenseful music]
Die, you son of a bitch!
[tires screeching]
- [car thudding]
- [shouts]
[police sirens blaring]
[Rachel breathing heavily]
[Rachel] Jamie, I want you to stay
right here in the truck.
[suspenseful music]
[sirens wailing]
Sheriff Meeker, we killed him.
Calm down, calm down.
Are you all right? Are you all right?
- Yes. I'm fine.
- Where's Jamie?
[somber music]
[Meeker] Jamie, get away!
Don't touch him, Jamie!
[suspenseful music]
Get down!
[guns firing]
[boards cracking]
- Oh, babies.
- [Darlene sobbing]
- It's over.
- Yes.
Michael Myers is in Hell.
Buried, where he belongs.
These kids aren't likely to forget.
They've survived this ordeal.
They'll survive its memory.
I'm going to take Jamie upstairs.
Stay with Rachel.
Come on, honey.
[suspenseful music]
[music continues]
[Darlene screaming]
[Halloween theme music]
[Loomis] No!
No, no!
[Loomis sobbing]
[Loomis sobbing]
[music continues]
[ominous music]
[Halloween theme music]