Hal King (2021) - full transcript

Hal King enjoys the beatnik jazz scene and fast women. His father, Henry King is a politician running against cutthroat Leroy French. Returning from the Korean War, a matured Hal falls in love with French's daughter. The results are tragic.

♪ Ooh

♪ Fellow community leaders

♪ Townspeople and friends

♪ We are here today

♪ Because we are looking for

New means to an end

♪ Ooh

♪ The time for sitting back

And waiting for change is over

♪ We are moving into a new era

In the Black community

♪ And it's time for progress

To move along with you and me

♪ We don't need to assimilate

To other societies

♪ It's time to work

Within our own society

♪ Without relying On the

structure And order of our people

♪ Tell me, what do we have?

♪ Without supporting Emerging Black

businesses Tell me, where do we stand?

♪ Preach

♪ Uh-huh, uh-huh

♪ And that's why I promise

To head us in a new direction

♪ I pledge to increase funding

Of small businesses

♪ And to spread the wealth

Amongst our own communities

♪ We cannot depend

On my opponent's empty vows

♪ Change must be an action

♪ And action must be taken now

♪ Ooh

♪ Ooh

♪ Friends and citizens

♪ My opponent

Would have you believe

♪ That he, himself

Is ready for progress

♪ He would have you believe

That he is no longer interested

♪ In seeing

Our community digress

♪ But how can he make

These promises

♪ To sew the fabric

Of our torn society?

♪ How can he bring order

To our town

♪ When he can't even Bring

order Into his own home?

♪ While we stand here

♪ Facing you

With promises and agendas

♪ Ask my opponent

♪ What has become of his family

♪ As we stand here

Earnestly before you

♪ Ask him

♪ Where is his own son? ♪

♪ Say, fellas

I'll rap with you later

♪ Tryin' to catch you

A little somethin'?

♪ It's already caught, my man

♪ All right

♪ Gimme some on the backhand

♪ For I assure you

♪ That while we stand here

On this platform

♪ And express

♪ Our political grievances

♪ Henry King's son

Is roaming the streets

♪ And filling himself

With alcohol and poison

♪ He's swinging with women

And entertaining drugs

♪ And infecting our community

♪ With the same kind

Of irresponsibility

♪ That we have gathered here

To put an end to

♪ That's enough, French!

You leave my son out of this

♪ And, friends

♪ That is part of the sadness

♪ Of this undeniable man, yes

♪ My opponent believes

♪ In keeping our resources

In our own community

♪ I believe in the same thing

♪ But in order

To have resources

♪ We may have to pull

From other communities

♪ Hey, sugar

♪ What can I do you for?

♪ Oh, I can think

Of somethin', ma'am

♪ If you let me in the door

♪ Let's hurry

♪ The next act is on

In a half hour

♪ So as we look

For this new direction

♪ That my opponent

So narrowly describes

♪ Think not of my opponent

Nor I

♪ Think of the needs

Of our people

♪ To have a community

That thrives

♪ And let that be

♪ What your vote decides ♪

♪ Here's a little somethin'

Nice for you boys

♪ Thanks, sweetheart

♪ You always do me right

♪ Gotta take care of my talent

For the night

♪ Whoa, slow down on that swig

My friend

♪ You act like

That wine is goin' somewhere

♪ It is, into your stomach

If I don't finish it first

♪ I see you gazing my glass

With thirst

♪ Before I get up there and jam

♪ I have to drink my medication

♪ Can't have me playing

Without this here inspiration

♪ You're playing under

Young Hal tonight?

♪ I'm gonna play my horn

♪ For whoever's got

Somethin' to say

♪ Dig?

♪ I'll drink to that

♪ Man, you'll drink to anything

♪ So will I

♪ Okay, half-time's over

♪ 'Scuse me, fellas

♪ Halfstaff's

Got some music to play ♪

♪ Excuse me, ma'am

♪ How do I sign up

For the poetry list? ♪

♪ It doesn't matter

His last attack, Uncle

♪ Your platform

Is still the strongest

♪ The polls will show it

♪ I hope so

♪ That Leroy French

Hits below the belt

♪ Because that's his

Only leverage

♪ Without personal attacks

♪ He knows his Assimilation

tactics Will get him nowhere

♪ The people are tired

Of begging for acceptance

♪ Percy, you show

A lot of passion

♪ I believe in your vision

For a better society, Uncle

- ♪ Do you?

- ♪ Yes

♪ My generation

Is not interested

♪ In crawling on its knees

♪ We are ready to, at last

Take a stand on our feet

♪ And what about your cousin?

♪ Hal is his own man

♪ I cannot speak for him

♪ French is right

♪ The whole town knows

What Hal is up to tonight

♪ He's doing

What he always does

♪ Running the streets

While you stand here

♪ And face the people

With your uncle

♪ You show leadership

♪ You show the kind of promise

That my own son ought to have

♪ Thank you, Uncle

♪ But Hal is just a game-player

♪ No need to make

Excuses for him

♪ It's time

He owns up to his behavior

♪ Yes, Uncle

♪ But you, Percy, you're loyal

♪ Yes, sir

♪ I am willing to do

♪ Whatever is necessary

To bring you into office

♪ Good

♪ Then I need you

To go and find Hal

♪ And do what?

♪ Just tell him to come home

♪ I need to speak with him

♪ Will you find him for me?

♪ Yes, Uncle

♪ I think I know where he is

♪ Good

♪ Good ♪

♪ Miss Tearsheet

Time to get on out

♪ Our next act

Needs to get in ♪

♪ Thanks, doll

♪ Yeah, thanks, Doll ♪

♪ Say, man, they started

The sign-up list yet?

♪ Yeah, brother

It's already full

♪ Already full?

♪ That's what I said

♪ Ain't no way

♪ To slide another name

On that list now, is it?

♪ And how would I do that?

♪ Now, I'm sure

you can find a way

♪ We'll see if things

Start to sway

♪ Thanks, my man

♪ Come on, sugar

They already began ♪

♪ Slippin' through space

♪ Like the sound of a trumpet

♪ Beggin' for the weary tune

♪ To make her whole

♪ She slipped the needle in

And stared through my eyes

♪ Till I saw the life

Slip right out her soul

♪ Till I saw the life

Slip right out her soul ♪

All right.

♪ And now

♪ We bring to the stage

A Madam Quickly's favorite

♪ Smooth talkin'

♪ Always cool walkin'

♪ Madam Quickly's

♪ Help me bring up Young Hal ♪

♪ I thought you said

I was supposed to be next

♪ How'd this fella get ahead?

♪ I must've missed

His name before ♪

♪ My baby says she love me

♪ But she never got the time

♪ My baby says she love me

♪ But she never got the time

♪ My baby gets up at six am

And don't come back till nine

♪ My baby said

The phone is broke

♪ And said that's why

She can't call

♪ My baby said

The phone is broke

♪ And said that's why

She can't call

♪ But when I ask the operator

♪ She says

It ain't broke at all

♪ Hey, hey, hey

♪ Young Hal, Young Hal

♪ Young Hal, Young Hal

♪ Has got the microphone now!

♪ My baby

Said to give her trust

♪ Said that's all that we need

♪ Said that's all we

need Said that's all we need

♪ My baby

Said to give her trust

♪ Said that's all that we need

♪ Said that's all we

need Said that's all we need

♪ But when I give my baby trust

She wear me out like tweed

♪ My baby used to treat me good

That's why I love her so

♪ Said you love her

so Said you love her so

♪ My baby used to treat me good

That's why I love her so

♪ Said you love her

so Said you love her so

♪ But she done played me

For a fool

♪ So that's why

I don't love her no more

- ♪ Hey, hey, hey

- ♪ Hey

♪ Young Hal, Young Hal

♪ Young Hal, Young Hal

♪ Has got the microphone now!

♪ Yeah

♪ Come on, sugar

♪ Hey, hey, hey

♪ Hey, hey, hey

♪ No, no, no, no, no, no, no

One more time

- ♪ Young Hal!

- ♪ Hey

- ♪ Young Hal!

- ♪ Hey

- ♪ Young Hal!

- ♪ Hey

♪ Young Hal!

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Next up on the mic

♪ Is a newbie here

At Madam Quickly's

♪ Let's welcome her ♪

♪ I call this poem

"The Negro Blues"

♪ Say, daddy-o

What's your cause?

♪ You, who be walkin'

With a limp and no cane

♪ You, who tokes drags

And sips loads of champagne

♪ What's your frame?

♪ Got a new day

In that drinking flask?

♪ Or just looking for a scheme

To get rich fast?

♪ Ever wonder how come Black

folks Ain't built to last?

♪ Ain't built to last

♪ 'Cause the new day

Is passing you by

♪ While you spend all your days

Trying to get high

♪ The people all around you

Have joined the fight

- ♪ They're screaming more jobs

- ALL: ♪ More jobs

- ♪ They're screaming fair play!

- ♪ Fair play!

♪ And you're simply

Wasting away

♪ Into the corners

Of your drunken mind

♪ Wasting time

Wasting your power to fight

♪ And wasting your rights

♪ And the protests

Are passing you by

♪ While you party

And whisper meaningless sighs

♪ Exposin' yourself

Between sets of thighs

♪ The new day's passing you by

♪ Said the new day's

Passing you by

♪ They're building our schools

And cracking our guns

♪ And standing On the front

lines And waving our signs

♪ And you were yawning

And falling behind

♪ And the new day's

Passing you by

♪ Say, daddy-o

What's your cause?

♪ You who'll be walking

With a limp and no cane

♪ You who tokes drags

And sips loads of champagne

♪ What's your frame?

♪ It's you

- ♪ What's your cause?

- ♪ It's you

- ♪ With a limp and no cane

- ♪ It's you

♪ He sits back

And won't take a stand

♪ It's you who let freedom

Slip right out of your hand ♪

♪ Take a hit, sugar

♪ No, I'm done, baby

♪ Let's get out of here

♪ One second, sweets

♪ I gotta take care

Of something before we leave

♪ You still messin' with him?

♪ Now, honey

Don't start to fret

♪ He's just gonna

Pay me off a little debt

♪ This should only take a sec ♪

- ♪ Interesting poem

- ♪ Same to you, ma'am

♪ But what about the politics

And the people?

♪ What about

How we're still not equal?

♪ Your writing doesn't fancy

Any of that

♪ That politics business

Ain't nothing but fluff

♪ I'd rather write

About other stuff

♪ Fluff?

♪ That's exactly the problem

Right now

♪ Our generation

Isn't taking a stand

♪ Miss, you can sing

Someone else that song again

♪ So you waste all your talent

On dope and wine

♪ If that's a compliment

To my work

♪ I'll take it just fine

♪ But I don't need to get

Into that other crap

♪ Politics ain't my kind of rap

♪ I'm a poet, baby

Without an agenda

♪ You got other motives

You're working through

♪ I just let the rhymes

Do what they do

♪ The words and the rhythm

Don't mean a damn

♪ Unless you're using them

To develop a plan

♪ Art is useless

Unless used with purpose

♪ Anything less

Is just cowardice

♪ Now, hold on

♪ You really

Pushing your weight

♪ You don't belong in here

♪ You belong

In tonight's debate ♪

♪ I got what I need

- ♪ You ready, baby?

- ♪ Indeed, my lady

♪ Catch you later, Miss...

- ♪ Kat

- ♪ Yeah

♪ We'll see about that ♪

♪ Young Hal?

♪ Hold on a minute

♪ Hotspur, what is this?

♪ You following me around

♪ You know what this is

♪ Your father

Wants to see you now

♪ And he sent his errand boy?

That's what you are these days

♪ Look

I didn't come here to fight

♪ I came here

To pass a message away

♪ Well, looks like

All you doing

♪ Is wasting your time

♪ Look

Do whatever you wanna do

♪ But at least

Go and talk to the man

♪ He's done a lot for us

♪ And what's he done

For you, cousin?

♪ You think I don't know

How you work on his campaign?

♪ I swear, Hotspur

♪ Or should I say Percy?

♪ 'Cause it's all the same

♪ You love to be a pawn

In my father's games

♪ Say what you want

♪ But you know

Your father's right

♪ He asked me to tell you

To see him tonight

♪ Now you can do

Whatever you decide

♪ But you know and I know

What decision is right ♪

♪ Brothers and sisters

♪ There is an urgency going on

In our city right now

♪ A major debate

Happened tonight

♪ And the leaders are going

To take over our city

♪ We have to let them know

♪ That we are no longer

Going to be silent puppets

♪ Sitting by while other people

Make decisions for us

♪ We are gonna take the power

Into our own hands

♪ As a community, yeah ♪

That's it!

You're done, let's go!

♪ No! ♪

♪ What do you think

You're doing?

♪ This is a good place!

♪ You can't come in here

Harassing my acts!

♪ This isn't one of your acts

♪ This is the daughter

Of Leroy French

♪ Let me go!

♪ Don't call me

The daughter of Leroy French

♪ He stands for nothing

That I stand for

♪ I denounce the man!

♪ And the platform

On which he stands! ♪

Stop! No!

Get out of my way!


No! Let me go!

- ♪ Say, man

- ♪ Don't!

♪ It's out of your hands

- ♪ Says who?

- ♪ Says Leroy French

♪ That's his daughter ♪

♪ Don't touch me

Don't ever touch me

- ♪ Are you hurt?

- ♪ Now you pretend to care?

♪ A minute ago

You were practically

♪ Dragging me by my hair

♪ Don't waste your time

Defending your position

♪ My father

Sent you out on his mission

♪ He stands for bowing

And bending to the whites

♪ Investing in them

For our rights

♪ And you stand behind him

Defending his fight

♪ You call me a pawn?

♪ You said it, not I

♪ It's nearly dawn

♪ You speak foolishness

You know not what you confess

♪ Without me

What would you do?

♪ It's my job to protect you


- ♪ From who?

- ♪ There's a lot of enemies

♪ To the French name

♪ Your public appearances

Bring your father shame

♪ Then you're not protecting me

♪ You're protecting my father

♪ I swear I don't know

Why you even bother

♪ You make me out

To be a villain

♪ When I just work for your dad

♪ I just do my job

♪ The kind of job a man takes

♪ Is the kind of man

The job makes

♪ Let's go inside

It's getting late

♪ You think

You can trap me here?

♪ I'll just escape

♪ And I'll come find you

Again and again

♪ Fine!

♪ You win

♪ Happy?

♪ Be with me

Then I'll be happy

♪ I'd rather be with a slave

♪ But wait

That's what you are these days

♪ Isn't it? ♪

♪ Why doesn't she see me?

♪ Is she blind?

♪ Doesn't she see

That I'm one of a kind?

♪ Can't she see that it's me?

♪ That I'm the one

♪ The only one for her

♪ Can't nobody treat her

The way that I do

♪ I do everything

She asks me to

♪ And even though

Her father asked me to

♪ I would do it for free

♪ Why doesn't she see...

♪ That I'm her guardian angel?

♪ And she's my angel

♪ Any fool that step up

♪ Would get strangled

♪ I'd kill for her

♪ It's killing me

That she doesn't see me

♪ Maybe if I told her?

♪ Damn it

All I wanna do is hold her

♪ But her youth

Has her in denial

♪ Damn, she foul

♪ How long is it gonna take

For her to come around?

♪ And I know

I ain't wasting my time

♪ Girl been fine

Since she was nine

♪ Now she's grown and sexy

♪ I need her next to me

On my arm

♪ She ain't got to

Lift a finger

♪ She ain't got to

Want for nothing

♪ 'Cause I can give her

The world

♪ And I will

♪ As soon as

I make her my girl

♪ Girl ♪

♪ Where you goin'

Miss Tearsheet?

♪ Be right back, sweets

♪ Gonna freshen up

In the powder room

♪ Now you don't think

Young Hal's no fool?

♪ I know what you gonna do

♪ Come on, sugar

Don't be that way

♪ I just need me a fix

To get through the day

♪ Well, this ain't the day

This is the nighttime

♪ You should be able

To get through this just fine

♪ Sugar, why don't I fix you

A glass of wine?

♪ Then you can just

Relax and unwind

♪ What is it

You tryin' to escape?

♪ 'Cause that dope always

Takes you to another place

♪ It's just the way that I cope

♪ You know

I ain't hooked on this dope

♪ It's just me

Havin' a good little time

♪ This stuff makes me feel

Like I'm flyin'

♪ I can make you

Feel like flyin'

♪ And it won't do nothin'

To your veins

♪ Oh, baby

♪ I just need a getaway

♪ This place is dead

♪ All of it

♪ And it's taking me with it

♪ Where you need

To get away to?

♪ I can take you

Somewhere for real

♪ I don't mean no empty place

In your mind

♪ I mean somewhere

That exists in real time

♪ I got no other place to be

♪ What about

Out of the country?

♪ What about Paris?

♪ That could be

Someplace real fine

♪ Paris?

Baby, you done lost your mind

♪ Consider it like this

♪ Think of all the gigs

♪ They'd be waiting for

A Miss Doll Tearsheet out there

♪ Think of Josephine Baker

♪ Baby, you'd have it made

♪ And I could be

Like Baldwin, James

♪ Master with my words

And get lots of fame

♪ We'd go together

And start a new life

♪ Maybe you might even

Get to be my wife

♪ Oh, wife

♪ Maybe, huh?

♪ We can start over

♪ I'm sick of livin'

Under my father's convictions

♪ It's time to move somewhere

♪ Where there ain't

No restrictions

♪ I got some money saved

♪ We could be on our way

♪ Paris, huh?

♪ Like Josephine

♪ And James Baldwin

Know what I mean?

♪ Come on, baby

What do you say?

♪ Okay, baby

♪ Okay ♪

♪ Sweetheart

♪ I need to speak with you

♪ Kat, I know you're angry

But don't be like that

♪ Open the door

♪ Scroop

♪ Yes, sir

♪ Find her

♪ Now ♪

♪ You said you wanted to see me

♪ That was last night

♪ And this morning

Sun is bright, right?

♪ If you only come to mock me

Then you needn't come at all

♪ I just came to say goodbye

♪ Goodbye?

♪ So where you running off to

This time?

♪ Paris

And ain't no "This time"

♪ This time

Is the first and the last

♪ Say goodbye

'Cause from here on

♪ I'm the past

♪ Paris?

♪ What you got waiting

For you there?

♪ Possibilities

Writing communities

♪ A love affair

♪ Running off

With that singer woman

♪ Name's Doll Tearsheet

The next Josephine Baker

♪ Gonna marry her

And make her my wife

♪ So you're planning to ruin

Two lives?

♪ That's all you can say to me

At our final departure?


♪ You disappoint me

♪ You could have been

An amazing leader

♪ If you followed

In my footsteps

♪ And let me be your teacher

♪ All the jazz

Has never been my thing

♪ I never wanted to be

The next Henry King

♪ But you can

Never accept that

♪ I'm not him

♪ Art is fine

♪ But what good is it

If it's just self-destructive?

♪ When do you Use your

brilliance To affect the world?

♪ Look, I told you

♪ I'm leaving with my girl

♪ I just wanted to come

And say goodbye

♪ I hope you can live With

the consequences Of your life

♪ Yeah, well

♪ Thanks for

The fatherly advice ♪

♪ Miss Tearsheet

You're up in ten

♪ Miss Tearsheet

You got that? ♪

♪ Hear you're traveling

To the other side

♪ Don't go there

And forget your Black pride

♪ Yeah, daddy-o, I won't forget

♪ But you got to go back

And grab you some mints

♪ Say, fellas, you got a seat

For traveling man?

♪ Come to see your lady

Take your final stand?

♪ That's right

We on our way to a new world

♪ Say, anyway

Have you seen my girl? ♪

Freeze, everyone!

This is a bust!

♪ Hey, open up!

We gotta get outta here ♪

♪ No!

♪ We gotta get out of here

♪ The cops are near

♪ Fine, be a fool!

♪ Hal, what are you...

♪ Leave her ♪

♪ Say, Dubs, lemme bum a smoke

♪ Those Camels are the best

But I smoked one

♪ And gave Stokes here the rest

♪ Ain't that a mess?

Got me out here Doing what I'm told

♪ Arm's about to fall off

From the cold, ready to rest

♪ And I look over to Stokes

♪ This nigga done took

The last of the smokes

♪ Here's my last one Was savin'

it for When the day got done

♪ Thanks, cuz

You get any correspondence yet?

♪ Nothing, but I expect

Some very soon

♪ Your father would

Never turn his back on us

- ♪ Says you

- ♪ It's true

- ♪ You tell them how they do

- ♪ I did

♪ Never getting a chance

To earn a single stripe

♪ In the worst parts Of the

field Not a safety zone in sight

♪ Loading ammunition

♪ Nearly losing our lives

Yeah, I told him

♪ Well, that's the truth of it

♪ But don't think it'll do

Much good

♪ Ain't nothin'

He can do to get

♪ Uncle Sam's claw

Out our backs

♪ Once they send us out here

We're as good as attacked

♪ Honor to the whites

Shit to the Blacks ♪

♪ Still hurting?

♪ Nurse wrapped it

In a bandage

♪ Says the bullet

Went right through

♪ Doc says I'm all mended

And good as new

♪ I bet he did

♪ But it looks to me

Like your arm is still torn

♪ I just hope I can make it

♪ Till my papers get back

♪ If I get discharged

I'm out of this path

♪ Lucky you

♪ Lucky me

♪ You try loading rifles

With your arm in a sling

♪ I don't mean none of all that

♪ I just mean It sure would

be nice To find my way back ♪

♪ I should be in Paris

Right now with my girl

♪ She and me was supposed

To travel the world

♪ Well, me and my missus

Her name was Fay

♪ Had a butt so big

When she walked, it'd sway

♪ We should be

In New Orleans by now

♪ I was planning on

Finally taking those vows

♪ I wouldn't be doing nothing

♪ But dancing

At the Memphis Shack

♪ Got the best womens

On the floor

- ♪ And some on they back

- ♪ Got the best womens On the floor

♪ And some on they back

♪ Say, Spurs

What's your story?

♪ You sign up

For all this guts and glory

♪ Not hardly

I was on my way...

♪ To being

The world's biggest pawn

♪ You better watch your tongue

♪ Cool it, fellas

We're just having some fun

♪ Take a load off

From assemblin' those guns

♪ What you think's gonna happen

When the battle is won?

♪ I wouldn't be doing nothing

- ♪ But dancing At the Memphis Shack

- ♪ Memphis Shack

♪ Got the best womens

On the floor

♪ And some on they back

♪ What about

When the battle's done?

♪ Same thing

That always happens

♪ We disappear into the smoke

♪ White folks get all the claim

♪ Nobody even asks our names

♪ Well, I know one thing

If I do go home

♪ I ain't gonna miss

Not one of y'all

♪ Your company's all right

And good, I guess

♪ But my womens on the shack

Well, you know the rest

♪ You know the rest

♪ Well, you know the rest

♪ You know the rest

♪ Well, you know the rest

♪ You know the rest

♪ Well, you know the rest

♪ You know the rest

♪ Well, you know the rest

♪ I wouldn't be doing nothing

- ♪ But dancing At the Memphis Shack

- ♪ Memphis Shack

♪ You got the best womens

On the floor

♪ And some on they back

♪ It sure would be nice

To find my way back

♪ Memphis Shack

♪ You got the best womens

On the floor

♪ And some on they back

- ♪ And a butt so big When she walked, it'd sway

- ♪ Memphis Shack

♪ You got the best womens

On the floor

♪ And some on they back

- ♪ I just think it sure would Be nice to find a way

- ♪ Memphis Shack

♪ You got the best womens

On the floor

♪ And some on they back

- ♪ I should be in Paris Right now with my girl

- ♪ Memphis Shack

♪ Got the best womens

On the floor

♪ Best womens on the floor

♪ Wish I could find my way

♪ My way back ♪

♪ Shit! This cold is

biting Right through my gloves

♪ It's torn

♪ Got a letter from Uncle

This morn

♪ Yeah, what'd he say?

Good luck?

♪ He said right now

His position is stuck

♪ The governor claims

His hands are tied

♪ Gotta wait

Till the war subsides

♪ Don't know why you thought

That he could

♪ Unless you forgot

He's still Black

♪ Money and politics

Don't change that ♪

Incoming, everybody move out!

♪ Take cover

♪ Over here

♪ Accidental attack

Miller's down

♪ We have to move out

Make our way to the hill

♪ The Koreans are setting

Their aim towards the field

♪ Oh, no!

♪ Get shelter in those caves

♪ How will we make it

Past the blaze?

♪ Follow me, up this way

♪ Dubs!

♪ We can't leave him

♪ On my count, we lift

♪ Hotspur, you take his right

♪ Stokes, keep his legs lifted

♪ Mount, one, two

♪ Three!

♪ Over here

♪ We've gotta stop the bleeding

♪ Stokes, open your canteen

- ♪ And now what?

- ♪ We wait

♪ Nightfall is in two hours

♪ You have to move

To higher ground before then

♪ If you don't clear

These fields

♪ The Koreans will win

♪ We need to get back to camp

And go find the doc

- ♪ No

- ♪ Your leg doesn't Stand a chance

♪ If we keep moving up top

♪ You have no time to waste

♪ Leave me and be on your way

♪ Are you out of your mind?

♪ He's right

We can't just stand on by

♪ They'll keep movin' in

Until we get up high

♪ It's time to go

♪ I won't leave you here

♪ Give him the canteen

♪ I can't

♪ Be sure to keep

That leg lifted

♪ We'll send for Doc Alley

As soon as we find cover

♪ You fellas get gone

♪ I'm gonna be just fine

♪ Going back to the shack

To dance in no time

♪ Best womens on the floor

♪ Hang tight, soldier

♪ We'll be right back

♪ I... I can't leave him

♪ Go on, fellas

I'm hanging tight

♪ Y'all be safe

We'll be all right

♪ Ah!

♪ Lean against me! ♪

♪ Are you all right?

♪ Shoulder's blown

♪ We need to lay low

For a while

♪ I can go find the doc

Before it gets too late

♪ I can leave for a bit

If you gonna be straight

♪ No, leave him be

♪ I'll be fine

If I can just lay low

♪ With Dubs in the cave

There's more to worry 'bout

♪ I can stay here

Till we figure somethin' out

♪ This life is the pits

♪ I'd rather be anywhere

Than dealin' with this shit

♪ Young Hal

You were brave today

♪ Thin line between bravery

And just gettin' by

♪ This ain't nothin'

But tryin' to survive

♪ You lead us here to the hills

♪ You even got Dubs

To that cave

♪ And if Dubs dies?

♪ I left him there

When he could've been saved

♪ You got him out of that camp

Where he'd be dead no less

♪ Got us all out

And you did your best

♪ Your father would be proud

♪ That man can't do nothin'

But sit back and let us die ♪

♪ One day you may be able

♪ To take over his position

♪ I think

You're wrong about him

♪ But I admire your conviction

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

♪ And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ The way you execute a plan

♪ I've never been

Able to be like you

♪ Might be weak of me to say it

♪ But it's true

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ Oh

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ Never been like you

♪ Might be weak of me

♪ To say it

♪ But it's true ♪



Stand back!

♪ Hal, it's me

We've got to move out now!

♪ Down by the river

The troops are moving northward

♪ We can get into position

♪ And finish loading

Our ammunition

♪ Toward the inland!

♪ Hotspur?

♪ Let's go

♪ On my count, we lift

♪ No, Hal

♪ Go

♪ Come on

♪ There's camps On the

other side Of those hills

♪ We can both get

Treated for our ills

♪ It's too late for me, Hal

♪ Just go

♪ You will make us proud

♪ My time has come

To stand down

♪ We can make it

♪ Don't speak in defeat

♪ I can help you

Get to your feet

♪ Come on, lift! ♪

♪ Where is he?

♪ Inside, just woke up

♪ Hal King

Reporting for duty, sir

♪ At ease, soldier

♪ How many of those things

You gotta down?

♪ Got it regulated

♪ Every time

Two hours rolls around

♪ You look... well

♪ You lie... poorly

♪ But you...

You look distinguished

♪ Like a true King

♪ Time I lived up

To the last name, right?

♪ Listen, son

♪ I know you lost

Hotspur in the fight

♪ No need to tell that tale

♪ But you were valiant

♪ That's what the service says

♪ That you weren't selfish

To leave your troops for dead

♪ Out of the cave

Said it was you who led

♪ He died with honor

♪ You...

You would've been proud

♪ Oh, but I am ♪

♪ May I... May I see it, son?

♪ The Bronze Star

And Medal of Valor

♪ The true valor

Goes to Hotspur

♪ Saved my life long before

I tried to save his

♪ He was a good nephew

♪ A good son

♪ Sir, your meds

♪ I'm fine resting here in bed

♪ Maybe I should leave

♪ You need your rest

♪ Wait, son

♪ I have something

I must confess

♪ We have not always

Been on best terms

♪ This ain't the time to be

Voicing those concerns

♪ But, son, I must tell you

♪ I may not be here much longer

♪ I want to bury the past

And start anew

♪ What is it that you

Want me to do?

♪ I haven't always

Been understanding

♪ I haven't been the best son

♪ I don't wanna leave

This legacy to another man

♪ You are my son

♪ And I want you to go through

With my political plan

♪ You mean fight

Against Leroy French?

♪ What can I do

But add to his stench?

♪ Son, you're a leader

It is you, it has always...

♪ I'm here now

♪ I'm back

♪ I'm gonna try

And get my life on track

♪ That Army was good

For one lesson

♪ It made me recognize

The ways of oppression

♪ Even in the Army

With a medal in my hand

♪ I still ain't seen

As more than a Black man

♪ For these reasons I know

there's things That I must do

♪ But how to win against

Leroy French

♪ I haven't got a clue

♪ It has always been you ♪

♪ King residence

♪ Yes, well, let me see

♪ Sir?

♪ Halfstaff's on the phone

For you again

♪ He called twice today

♪ Tell him I'm not here, okay?

♪ I'm sorry

♪ He's not here

♪ But I will let him know

To call you back

♪ Yeah, yeah, you do that

♪ I will be back in the morning

♪ Make sure he has his meds

Once more this eve

- ♪ On or off?

- ♪ Off

♪ Good night ♪

♪ Father?

♪ Father?

♪ Yes, nurse

♪ It's time ♪

♪ Ave

♪ Maria

♪ Gratia plena

♪ Maria

♪ Gratia plena

♪ Maria

♪ Gratia plena

♪ Ave

♪ Ave dominus

♪ Dominus

♪ Tecum

♪ Benedicta tu

♪ In mulieribus

♪ Et benedictus

♪ Et benedictus

♪ Fructus ventris

♪ Ventris tui

♪ Jesus

♪ Ave

♪ Maria ♪

♪ As we gather here To

commemorate A leader of the people

♪ We honor brother Henry King

For his devotion

♪ We honor him

For his commitment

♪ To the restoration

Of the Black community

♪ We honor him for his loyalty

To his people

♪ Amen, amen, amen

♪ Amen

♪ And so let us remember Brother

Henry King As the pillar that he was

♪ Let us remember him With pride

in our hearts And joy in our smiles

♪ And let his works

Have been worthwhile

♪ Let us continue

To celebrate his legacy

♪ And pick up the torch That

he has left blazing So brightly

♪ Amen, amen, amen

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Be embraced by God's hands

♪ Stand in his light

And take flight with angels

♪ The time has come

To let your spirit soar

♪ Our memories

Will provide you with encores

♪ You won't be forgotten

The world will sing your name

♪ No longer

Will they see your pain

♪ No more rain

♪ They will only see

The way you shine

♪ Though we sigh

This is not goodbye

♪ We feel your power

Your spirit

♪ The light shines on this hour

♪ Embrace it

Embrace God's love

♪ Because we know

You're above in His hands

♪ His heavenly land

♪ Rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

- ♪ Please know You live in our hearts

- ♪ Live in our hearts

♪ Your heart is our home

- ♪ You will never be gone

- ♪ Never be gone

♪ We'll sing

Your legacy's song

- ♪ On and on

- ♪ On and on

♪ We're so proud

To have known you

♪ So grateful for the time

That God loaned you

♪ Your presence was a gift

- ♪ Because of you

- ♪ So much has been gained

♪ Let it be known

That you didn't die in vain

♪ An example of how to live

♪ We feel your power

Your spirit

♪ The light shines on this hour

Embrace it

♪ Embrace God's love

♪ Because we know

You're above in His hands

♪ His heavenly land

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Amen

♪ Amen, amen, amen, amen

♪ Amen, amen

♪ Amen, amen, amen

♪ Amen, amen, amen

♪ Amen

♪ Amen

♪ Amen

♪ Amen ♪

♪ Miss French?

What can I do you for?

♪ Hal King

It's been a long time

♪ Haven't seen you

Since you left for war

♪ You seein' me now

♪ Guess I am

♪ Just wanted to come

And pay my respects

♪ On my own

Of my own accord

♪ Well, speak your word

♪ Your father was a great man

♪ His platform was one

On which I could stand

♪ Not like my own father

We don't see eye-to-eye

♪ I was spittin' those words

Not too long ago

♪ Wanna sit for a bit?

♪ I can get you

Something to sip

♪ Oh, no, I'm okay

♪ I just came by to pay...

- ♪ Your respects

- ♪ Yes

♪ Well, consider 'em paid

♪ Still cocky, I see

♪ Still spunky, I see

♪ I wonder

What will happen now

♪ What do you mean?

♪ To this campaign

♪ No one to carry on

Your father's name

♪ Says who?

♪ I'm... I'm sorry

I didn't mean...

♪ It's all right

♪ I wasn't much to the man

When he was alive

♪ Always runnin' the streets

And sipping wine

♪ I can see why you think

The way you do

♪ I'm just a little surprised

♪ This wasn't the man That used

to run At Madam Quickly's club

♪ You'd be surprised how war

Can grow a man up

♪ You really believe

In my father's campaign?

♪ With conviction

♪ Your father was

A much-needed politician

♪ He spoke from a place

Of building within

♪ Not disempowering our people

By running to the man

♪ His platform

Was the New Revolution

♪ He wants to boycott

♪ Abusive institutions

♪ His plan was about

♪ Supplying the community

With jobs

♪ Your father was a man

♪ Who spoke from the heart

♪ Looks like I'm not the

only one War has grown up

♪ I'm not a little girl


♪ I'm a woman

With my own ideas

♪ A woman with a pretty smile

♪ You sure you don't wanna

Sit for awhile?

♪ I really ought to get back

♪ If my father knew I was here

♪ Let me guess

♪ A heart attack?

♪ Well, what about If I need

to talk About revolution?

♪ To hear a fresh

Political voice?

♪ Where can I find you

♪ If I need someone

To argue with and question?

♪ I'll be at the

Community Center

♪ Voting rally tomorrow night

♪ Someone looking

For an argument or a fight

♪ Well...

♪ That's where

They might find me ♪

♪ So remember that

As we head over

♪ To these booths to sign up

♪ My people

It is we who have the power

♪ So vote to let them know

That this city is ours

♪ This city is ours! ♪

♪ Your words, they're electric

♪ You're the poet with the gift

♪ I'm just an orator

♪ No, when you're on stage

♪ There's a light

That shines on you

♪ That's why the people

Listen the way they do

♪ People would listen

To you, too

♪ If you gave them

Something to hear

♪ I admire your passion

You seem so clear

♪ When I first saw you on stage

♪ I thought

This is some kinda man

♪ He could have the world

In the palm of his hands

♪ You thought that?

♪ I did

♪ Right after I noticed You

were a fast talker And a drinker

♪ What can I do to prove

I'm a changed man?

♪ Went from A fast talker and

drinker To a slow-movin' thinker

♪ Can I tell you a secret

Miss French?

♪ As long as you call me Kat

♪ Well, Kat

♪ Before my father died

♪ He asked me to take over

His political campaign

♪ He did?

What answer did you give?

♪ I didn't, Kat

♪ Wasn't sure

♪ Don't know

What kind of leader I'd make

♪ I'm not sure

I can make it on my own

♪ Who said

You'd have to be alone?

♪ I may need to find some help

♪ From a woman

Whose voice to the people

♪ Is like velvet

Touching the skin

♪ Feels smooth

From the start to the end

♪ You're asking me To take

a stand Against my father

- ♪ And be your aide?

- ♪ Crazy, right?

♪ A pipe dream

♪ Bury it away

- ♪ How did we get here?

- ♪ How did we get here?

♪ For so long I didn't feel

Any cheer in my heart

♪ I feel like I can trust him

- ♪ I grew dark

- ♪ Because

♪ But life sparked

Something within me

♪ His eyes are so sincere

♪ I want to make my father

Proud of me

♪ So here I am Feeling a

strong need To carry...

- ♪ From the first moment I saw him...

- ♪ The torch of my legacy

♪ I feel terribly driven

- ♪ But who am I kidding? I'm scared

- ♪ I knew he was the man

♪ I feel so alone

♪ But when I look into her eyes

I feel so strong

♪ I feel a strength

I've never felt before

♪ But now I feel like

I'm in the hands of a man

♪ All this time I was lying to

myself Because she's so adored

♪ I feel like I can trust him

♪ This feeling that I'm feeling

Can't be ignored

♪ I've lost love Over and

over again But maybe...

- ♪ Because his heart feels...

- ♪ I'll find it genuine

♪ If I reach

forward And explore

- ♪ My Lord, I'm into him

- ♪ My Lord

- ♪ Finally he stands For something

- ♪ She is so beautiful

♪ Maybe that's why my heart

Won't stop pumping

♪ I can see my future

In her eyes

♪ My Father

Oh, Daddy will be enraged

♪ But how do I deny when

We're on the same page?

♪ Is this love?

It feels like love

- ♪ With her I can take off my disguise

- ♪ A love forbidden

- ♪ Who am I kidding?

- ♪ Who am I kidding?

- ♪ I'm scared

- ♪ I'm scared, but he cares

- ♪ Why is my stomach churning?

- ♪ I can tell by the way He looks at me

♪ And I know he'll lead

The community

- ♪ Why is my passion burning?

- ♪ In the right direction

♪ When I look at him

I see my reflection

- ♪ I want her

- ♪ I want him

- ♪ I need her

- ♪ I need him

♪ This has gone on too long

♪ Others might think

It's not right

♪ But in my heart

♪ It doesn't feel wrong

♪ Does that mean

You'll think about it?

♪ It means you have no idea

What you're in for ♪

♪ Sir, I need a moment

♪ That's very impressive


♪ Getting involved

With the people that way

♪ My campaign manager

Taught me real fine

♪ She's the reason

This election is mine

♪ The polls are showing

That you're pulling ahead

♪ More and more people

In Alaya's Brown District

♪ Are getting behind

The New Revolution

♪ But we've still got to secure

The business owners

♪ In this district

If we want to win

♪ Our platform For pulling off

funds Might cause some friction

♪ Your father is more

Of their kind of politician

♪ Well, that's why You've

got me On your campaign

♪ I can get them behind

The Hal King name

♪ Well, Mrs. Hal King

I bet you can

♪ I am gonna be

One lucky alderman ♪

♪ Brother King

We've got company

♪ Mr. French

♪ Wasn't expecting to see you

♪ Till the final debate

♪ But it's nice of you To stop

by here And show your face

♪ Out of my way

♪ I'm here to take back

My daughter from you, scum

♪ Who are you calling...

♪ Father

What are you doing here?

♪ I'm not coming back

♪ Kat, enough of these games

♪ Enough of you shaming

The French name

♪ We're going home And you're

gonna Get this annulled

♪ My daughter will not be

Married to this street trash

♪ Now hold on, French

♪ Who you callin' low class?

♪ I'm not gonna let you

Just come in and bash...

♪ Let me?

You can't let me do anything!

♪ You think you go away to war

♪ And suddenly You have what

it takes To win this race?

♪ Not months ago You brought

your own name To disgrace

♪ Father, that's enough

♪ I'm not going anywhere

♪ I am Hal's wife

♪ And by him

Is where I'll stand

♪ Grab her hand

♪ Don't you dare touch me!

♪ Hal!

♪ Stay out of this, Hal King

This is a family matter

♪ This is my wife!

♪ I won't let you ruin

My daughter's life

♪ She's gonna get

This marriage annulled

♪ Scroop is the man

That will take her hand

♪ Never!

♪ Grab her and let's go

♪ Hal King, you've gone too far

And sunken too low

♪ Going after my child

Is a dirty blow

♪ I thought This was a fair

fight But now I must change

♪ Be prepared For I will

destroy Your entire campaign ♪

♪ I will never marry Scroop!

♪ Enough!

♪ I am tired of hearing what

You will and will not do

♪ You seem to forget your roots

♪ Father, I'm married

♪ What don't you understand?

♪ You can say what you want

But the law still stands

♪ You think

I'm going to let you destroy

♪ The hard work That I

have done Over the years?

♪ Not for my daughter To undermine

me With her self-righteous jargon

♪ Are you that ashamed

Of the French name

♪ That you spite me

Through my enemies?

♪ Father, this has nothing

To do with you

♪ This is about...

♪ This is about selfishness

My child

♪ You're ungrateful

To your upbringing

♪ I have tried to raise you

Like a queen

♪ And while I love you

And will give you the world

♪ I will not let you destroy

All that I have worked for

♪ The people in Alaya

Deserve more

♪ I'm appreciative

To the life you've offered

♪ But my life is now my own

♪ You cannot keep me a prisoner

To the walls within this home

♪ You cannot control

To whom I give my heart

♪ And Hal is that man

From finish to start

♪ My daughter

I will give you a choice

♪ Either you marry Scroop And keep

the French name In good stance

♪ Or I expose Young Hal's

Corrupt past in detail

♪ Not only

Will he lose alderman

♪ But his future

Will be as dreary as his past

- ♪ You wouldn't...

- ♪ See, daughter

♪ That's where you are wrong

♪ For my community

I will make the sacrifice

♪ These are

The tough decisions of life

♪ But a true leader Of the

people Performs necessary ills

♪ Yes, daughter

I most certainly will

♪ If love Is what you truly

feel For this Hal King

♪ Then, my child I know

you'll do The right thing ♪

♪ Say, Mama

Why don't you go on in?

♪ I'll catch you in a spell

♪ Sure, sugar

♪ Don't make me wait too long

♪ You may be a star

But I got my own talents

♪ Halfstaff

♪ Wait!

♪ That's all I've been doin'

♪ Waitin' for you

♪ Been waitin' till you decided

To come on down

♪ Say hey to the fellas

♪ Talk a little talk

Shoot a little crap

♪ Spit a little poem

Pass a little dap

♪ I've been waitin'

- ♪ But you never showed

- ♪ I know

- ♪ I'm done waitin'

- ♪ Wait just once more

♪ For what?

♪ Just so I can figure out

What to say

♪ You had plenty of time

To think about it by now

♪ Been to war Running

campaigns Even took the vow

- ♪ How did you...

- ♪ Good news gets around fast

♪ Guess it does

♪ Things have changed

In these few months

♪ Sure have

♪ When I came back

From fighting the war

♪ Life started to feel

Kind of strange

♪ Saw my father pass

♪ And started to think

'Bout the error of my ways

♪ Guess maybe I wanted to

be done With the old Hal

♪ Even if that meant

Denouncing my old pals

♪ You're not the only one Who

trying To get right with life

♪ Who says we wanted

To bring you down?

♪ Maybe we could've helped you

Win over this town

♪ Maybe you could

♪ But I was lost and torn

♪ Couldn't see nothin'

But my own scorn

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Love your music, man

♪ Can you sign this for me?

I'm your biggest fan!

♪ Always knew you'd be a hit

♪ You right about that

♪ With the ladies and the men

♪ Now ain't that some shit?

- ♪ I should've called

- ♪ You should've

♪ But it's water

Under the bridge, my ace

♪ I wanna get back to being

A part of this place

♪ I need your help, Halfstaff

More than ever

♪ Running for this office

I need support

♪ You sure you want

My kind of aid?

♪ A jazz man

Ain't everybody's shade

♪ You're my number one ace

Always been

♪ I don't care

What French may say

♪ I ain't ashamed of my friends

♪ Besides, the people love

Jazz and booze

♪ By relating to the people

There's no way to lose

♪ What do you say?

Will you join my camp?

♪ See? They love you

♪ What do you say?

♪ I've always been the man

♪ Might as well help

With your political plan ♪

♪ Come in

♪ Are the supporters out there?

♪ They're trickling in, sir

♪ And Hal King's supporters?

♪ They as well

♪ But I can handle him

If you like

♪ Make him too strained

To speak on the mic

♪ If you need...

♪ No, Scroop

That won't be necessary

♪ His platform

Is taking Alaya by storm

♪ People seem to be excited

By his ambition

♪ Could I be wrong

About my intuition?

♪ Is the New Revolution Truly

the better direction To head in?

♪ Young Hal is just a fool

♪ Trying to live out

His father's dream

♪ He has the pity

Of the people

♪ But that will

Only last so long

♪ Soon, people will see

♪ That his entire

♪ Development plan is wrong

♪ Is it?

♪ My daughter helped him

With his campaign

- ♪ You know this?

- ♪ I do, sir

♪ He has tried

To turn her against you

♪ But I can set her straight

♪ My daughter has been Against

me since The beginning of time

♪ I hardly think Hal King Has

the power To change her mind

♪ She operates

Like her mother used to

♪ Bold and feisty, yet kind

♪ I have Miss Kat

Outside in the car

♪ Shall I bring her in?

♪ Not just yet

First let me ask you

♪ Do you think

I'm being too hard on her?

♪ You are being her father, sir

♪ A firm hand is necessary

♪ To ensure

That a woman acts properly

♪ And you?

♪ You would lay a firm hand

On a woman

♪ In order for her to behave


♪ Yes, sir

♪ Is that not my role?

♪ To make sure a woman does

What she is told?

♪ I used to be that bold

♪ Surely, or else Will she

not be The law of the land?

♪ Taking all the power

Of a man?

♪ I see

♪ It's almost time

For the debate

♪ I must prepare

And confront my fate

♪ Shall I bring

Miss Kat in, sir?

♪ I promise

She will not get away

♪ We can keep her cuffed

♪ So she stays at bay

♪ Uncuff her and let her be

♪ What?

♪ But how can we keep her

From running off?

♪ She'll go to Hal King

As soon as she's uncuffed!

♪ If that is what she chooses

Then so it will be

♪ I'm done fighting

A losing fight

♪ It's time to concede

♪ But, sir, I urge you to...

♪ Enough, Scroop!

This is my decision

♪ Now let me be

♪ Please, I must prepare

♪ I can smell the stench

Of defeat in the air ♪

♪ Folks are filin' in

- ♪ Did you see her?

- ♪ Not yet

♪ But I saw that goon

Heading to Leroy French's room

♪ They must have her outside

♪ French has got too much pride

♪ He'll never let her loose

♪ If he thinks

She'll start a scene

♪ They're probably trying

To keep her from being seen

♪ You want me to check the lot?

♪ I'll let you know what I spot

♪ Who knows how far

He's already gone?

♪ Make her sign an annulment

♪ Or force her

To run off with that oaf

♪ I can get to the car

And we can call the cops

♪ They'll put

All this jazz to a stop

♪ The only way to stop him

Is to beat him at his game

♪ If I win, as alderman

I'll have all the acclaim

♪ Then he'll have to respect

That Kat has my last name

♪ Enter!

♪ Brother King, we're ready

- ♪ It's time

- ♪ It's time, check the car

♪ See that she's all right

♪ I'm gonna have my wife back

At the end of this night ♪

♪ Brothers and sisters

Of the Brown District of Alaya

♪ We are gathered here

In a hopeful state

♪ It is you who determines Who'll

become alderman After tonight's debate

♪ So let us

Greet the candidates ♪

♪ Open the door

I'm taking Miss Kat

♪ Mr. French Said to leave her

in here Until he gives his word

♪ I am his word

♪ Open the door

♪ He's instructed

That I take her with me

♪ He wants her out of the way

♪ I will take her

To another place

♪ Let him take her

♪ If Mr. French

Has given him orders

♪ We'll be chastised

If we disobey

♪ Okay, but it's on your word

♪ Let me out of here, Scroop

I wanna see my father now!

♪ Surely, Miss Kat

You have my vow

♪ What is this?

Uncuff me, Scroop!

♪ Not just yet

♪ Where are you taking me?

♪ Let me go!

♪ I will teach you

How to love and behave

♪ Like a proper wife

♪ In time, you will see

That this is best for your life

♪ I will not marry you!

Do you hear?

♪ Put me down! ♪

♪ Friends, peers

Respected community of Alaya

♪ I am telling you

From a place of experience

♪ That what our district needs

♪ Is someone who can

Bring in new businesses

♪ We need outside investors

To expand

♪ We need new resources

For our development plans

♪ Alaya deserves

An abundance of wealth

♪ And it is I that...

♪ That... ♪

♪ Friends and supporters

♪ I must give pause

♪ When I hear your constant

Cheers and applause

♪ I know it is not for me

That you cheer

♪ I realize That I have not

been The candidate of choice

♪ The truth is

♪ That Alaya is ready

For a new voice

♪ And my opponent

Has been crystal clear

♪ I know it is For his

promising plans That you cheer

♪ I have sat

In my dressing room

♪ In deep thought

♪ And the only one solution

Brings me a sense of ease

♪ Because of my deep devotion

For Alaya to have the best

♪ I am conceding

To my opponent

♪ I will no longer

Be in the race

♪ It's time for a new day

♪ Hal King

He shall lead the way

♪ You being straight?

♪ Or is this Some kinda

strategy To thwart the debate?

♪ No strategy

♪ You and my daughter

Have built a master plan

♪ I leave her to you

To take her hand

♪ I sent my men to bring her in

♪ I concede, Hal King

♪ You win ♪

♪ It's a new day

♪ A new way

♪ A New Revolution

♪ Sing

♪ Hal King

♪ 'Cause he is the solution

♪ It's a new day

♪ A new way

♪ A New Revolution

♪ Sing

♪ Hal King

♪ 'Cause he is the solution ♪

- Kat!

- Hal!

♪ What is this?

Have they hurt you?

♪ I'm okay

♪ I got away

♪ But Scroop, he's after us

My father won't quit

♪ But that's just it

♪ He has

- ♪ My daughter...

- ♪ Father, uncuff me

♪ What is this?

I instructed them to uncuff you

♪ I have graciously

Bowed out of this race

♪ My life is ready

For a slower pace

♪ I am sorry that I have

Brought you to disgrace

♪ But can you forgive me

My daughter?

♪ Is this true? ♪

♪ Do you hear the cheers? ♪

♪ A New Revolution

♪ Sing

♪ Hal King ♪

♪ Then you must give

Your acceptance speech

♪ The people need to hear

From their new alderman ♪

♪ Brothers and sisters

Of District Brown

♪ It is my pleasure To greet

you As your new alderman

♪ It's a new day

♪ A new way

♪ A New Revolution

♪ Sing

♪ Hal King

♪ 'Cause he is the solution ♪

♪ I've been awaiting the day

♪ For all of us to step

♪ Into a new world

Of greatness

♪ Brothers and sisters

The time is here ♪

♪ My child! ♪

♪ Hal?

♪ We have to get you

To hospital care

♪ Lay in my arms

And I'll carry you there

♪ There isn't time

♪ I won't make it

♪ Don't!

♪ Please, my love, listen

♪ I must tell you...

♪ No...

♪ You are who

The people have chosen

♪ You... Your words

Have always been

♪ The magic that has

The power to transcend

♪ Carry on the revolution

My love

♪ Do not let it end

♪ Carry on for generations

Of Black men

♪ Kat...

♪ You will always be my love

♪ You will always be the one

Who has inspired, and heals

♪ Go on, my love

♪ And do God's will ♪

♪ No! ♪

♪ Brothers and sisters of Alaya

♪ Today is the day

For a New Revolution

♪ A...

♪ A time for change

♪ A time to pick up the torch

♪ And carry on

Our ancestor's names

♪ And on this sad day

♪ Let us not be deterred

♪ The revolution

Must never be deferred

♪ We want to see change

Among our people

♪ We deserve life

Prosperous and free

♪ But as we think of the future

Do not lean on me

♪ Do not look for change

In a leader or a friend

♪ True revolution

Brothers and sisters

♪ True revolution

Begins within ♪

♪ My baby Said

to give her trust

♪ Said that's all that we need

♪ Said that's all we

need Said that's all we need

♪ My baby Said

to give her trust

♪ Said that's all that we need

♪ Said that's all we

need Said that's all we need

♪ But when I give my baby

trust She wear me out like tweed

♪ My baby used to treat me good

That's why I love her so

♪ Said you love her

so Said you love her so

♪ My baby used to treat me

good That's why I love her so

♪ Said you love her

so Said you love her so

♪ But she done played me

For a fool

♪ So that's why

I don't love her no more

- ♪ Hey, hey, hey

- ♪ Hey

♪ Young Hal, Young Hal

♪ Young Hal, Young Hal

♪ Has got the microphone now!

♪ Yeah

♪ Come on, sugar ♪

♪ And the protests

Are passing you by

♪ While you party

And whisper meaningless sighs

♪ Exposin' yourself

Between sets of thighs

♪ The new day's passing you by

♪ Said the new day's

Passing you by

♪ They're building our schools

And cracking our guns

♪ And standing On the front

lines And waving our signs

♪ And you were yawning

And falling behind

♪ And the new day's

Passing you by ♪

♪ It's killing me

That she doesn't see me

♪ Maybe if I told her?

♪ Damn it

All I wanna do is hold her

♪ But her youth

Has her in denial

♪ Damn, she foul

♪ How long is it gonna take

For her to come around?

♪ And I know

I ain't wasting my time

♪ Girl been fine

Since she was nine

♪ Now she's grown and sexy

♪ I need her next to me

On my arm

♪ She ain't got to

Lift a finger ♪

♪ I should be in Paris

Right now with my girl

♪ She and me was supposed

To travel the world

♪ Well,

me and my missus Her name was Fay

♪ Had a butt so big

When she walked, it'd sway

♪ We should be

In New Orleans by now

♪ I was planning on

Finally taking those vows

♪ I wouldn't be doing nothing

♪ But dancing

At the Memphis Shack

♪ Got the best womens On the

floor And some on they back


the best womens On the floor

♪ And some on they back ♪

♪ I thought it'd

be me And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ Oh

♪ But I don't have

What you have

♪ I thought it'd be me

And maybe it still can

♪ But I don't have

What you have ♪

♪ Rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Please rest, rest, rest

♪ In peace, peace, peace

♪ Be embraced by God's hands

♪ Stand in his light

And take flight with angels

♪ The time has come

To let your spirit soar

♪ Our memories

Will provide you with encores

♪ You won't be forgotten

The world will sing your name

♪ No longer

Will they see your pain

♪ No more rain

♪ They will only see

The way you shine

♪ Though we sigh

This is not goodbye ♪

♪ How did we get here?

♪ For so long I didn't

feel Any cheer in my heart

♪ I feel like I can trust him

- ♪ I grew dark

- ♪ Because

♪ But life sparked

Something within me

♪ His eyes are so sincere

♪ I want to make

my father Proud of me

♪ So here I am Feeling a

strong need To carry...

♪ From the first

moment I saw him...

♪ The torch of my

legacy I feel terribly driven

- ♪ But who am I kidding? I'm scared

- ♪ I knew he was the man

♪ I feel so alone ♪