Hailey Dean Mystery: A Will to Kill (2018) - full transcript

A case is reopened into Hailey's fiancé's murder back in her college days. The disappearance of a fellow student working at the college paper may be connected to the murder.

You- you can't scare me

into killing the story.

If the university won't

publish it

then I'll find another paper

who will.

You're finished!

What're you doing?

You can't shut me up!

I told...

I told Hailey everything.

Are you adding

French vanilla creamer?

Is it your birthday

or something?

I just feel like I should treat

myself a little more often.

Oh. We all should.

You know, you seem

a lot happier lately, Hailey.

I am.

Jonas and I are in a good place,

I've got my old college friends

back in my life.

Family's good, work's good,

friends are good...

Life is good.

It really is.

Well, it's great to see you

like this.

And you're right,

by the way.

I love being right.

What about, exactly?

Uh, about being ready to re-open

the murder case of your fiancé.

I think I am.

I feel like I have the support

I need

and the emotional distance to

manage re-living everything.

Of course, that might be

a different story

once that evidence box

is opened.

Well, you know my door

is always open.

Thank you.

Don't give him any ideas.

I can't help it

if my fame lives on.

Well, I could not be a doctor

but right now I'm in desperate

need of one.

Why? What's wrong?

My quads are screaming at me.

What's funny?

I took Fincher to his first

spin class today.

Oh, brave man.

Fincher? This Fincher?

At a spin class?

He liked it.

Sure I did.

You know what?

'Cause I burned so many calories

today I can have two desserts,

right doc?

You can have one, ok?

And he's back.

I never left.

Well, that was fun.

I like Megan, she is smart.

You guys talked about

doctor stuff half the night.

We went to the same

medical school.

What are the odds?

You probably figured them out

to the nearest decimal point.

You think I'm a nerd.

I find your nerdy math brain

very attractive, Jonas.

I'll take it.

I can't believe Fincher went

to a spin class.

You made me go to a yoga class.

It wasn't awful.

Yeah, but you didn't go

to another one.

You're right, it was awful.

I knew it!

Why didn't you say so?

It was the beginning

of our relationship.

I wanted you to like me.

But I like you for you, not

for the things we do together.

I know.

I knew that then, too.

But I don't think Fincher

knows that.

Don't worry about Fincher.

You have enough to deal with

right now.

Are you nervous about tomorrow?

A little.

Re-opening Will's case is bound

to be a bit overwhelming.

Well, I'll have Danny.

I won't be by myself.

For what it's worth, Hailey,

I am proud of you no matter

what happens.

And I think, from everything

I've heard,

Will would be, too.

So this is where we had dinner.

It's obviously a different

restaurant now

but it was pretty fancy

back then.

How did Will afford it?

You know, I have wondered

that myself.

According to the police file

Will paid for dinner in cash.

Did he borrow it, maybe?

I asked him that because I was

worried he was blowing his rent

but he wouldn't tell me,

he just smiled.

I remember that smile.

The "I'm not going

to tell you

"so don't waste

your breath" smile.

Yeah, that's the one.

I remember him saying

something like

"there'll be lots more dinners

like this when we're married".


Don't be.

So we had dinner here

and then about 9pm

we walked to the car this way.

I didn't know where

he had parked.

He dropped me off

at the front door.

It was raining

when we got here.

He refused to let me

get wet.

I was wearing

my best outfit.


He said he had this secret

parking spot.

It was always empty,

always free.

How did Will know about it?

Did he come downtown a lot?

No, never.

I mean, between school

and baseball he had no time.

It was a bit of a hike

from the restaurant.

And back then it was all body

shops and warehouses here.

So at 9pm it was a ghost town,

which is why there weren't

any witnesses.

I never thought twice about it.

I was with Will.

I always felt safe with Will.

I don't know why I didn't have

the courage

to face this place before.

That gun was pointed at me.

It all just happened so fast.

I remember thinking that the

shooter was out of his depth.

How so?

I don't know.

Just the look on his face

after the gun went off.

What kind of look?


And this um... this realization

that he had done something

really, really bad.

In hindsight he had shot

the wrong person.

I don't know why

he didn't kill me, too.

I had never seen him before

and it didn't seem like

Will recognized him.

Take it easy!

I called 911.

I don't know how long it took

or what I did in the meantime.

The ambulance showed up

but it was already too late.

The shooter ran off that way.

That all matches what you told

the detectives at the time.

So it's not helpful.

What we now know is that it

wasn't just a simple robbery.

The gun was pointed at you.

That changes everything.

Except the lack of evidence.

Why would someone

wanna kill me?

We have our own room?

I didn't wanna be in the middle

of everyone.

Thank you for that.

Hi, Monty.

There's the case file up

on the board for you to see.

It's been a long time

since I've seen this.

That's exactly how

I remember him.

This sketch has been run

through our system a few times,

so our first task will be

to age it and run it again.

The bullet was shot

from a 9mm handgun,

no match to anything in

the system at the time.

Interviews with the restaurant

staff and a couple of cameras

on the street of the restaurant

corroborate your timeline.

There were no cameras

in the alley at that time

and there was no one else

in the vicinity.

Even a plea to the public

for help didn't yield anything.

I don't think there's much left

for us to do

with the evidence on file.

The investigation

was very thorough.

I'm gonna re-interview

anyone I can.

I'll handle the sketch

and the bullet.

What can I do?

Maybe you can try and jog any

memory you have from that time.

If someone wanted you dead

there has to be a reason.

This is the last of the boxes

from my parents' attic.

I uh, got you something.

A box of chocolates from my

business trip to Switzerland.

How fancy.

Only the best for my friends.

Thank you.


That's very kind.

Wow, I haven't been through this

box since I packed it away.

It's gonna be ok.

Just focus on the good memories.


Will tied my engagement

ring to this.

And yes, he pulled off

all the thorns

so I wouldn't hurt myself.

He always thought of everything,

didn't he?

What else is in that magical

box of memories?



Look at how young we were.

Look at you and Brad.

You're so cute.

Oh, speaking of cute.

You and Will.

And there's Vivian.

And Emma.

Emma Harper, do

you remember her?

I remember that night

at the lake house.

Me too.

It was the night Will and

I announced our engagement.

Yeah, that's right.

Maybe that's why everybody

looks so happy.

I think that this was the last

time I saw Emma.

Although, it was a bit

of a crazy time.

Will died a few days after that.

Yeah, that was- that was the

last time we were all together.

That's right.

I wonder whatever happened

to Emma.

Didn't she get a job in France

or somewhere?

That's right.

That was weird.

It was the middle

of senior year.

Maybe I'll try to track

her down,

see what she's been up to

all these years.

Breaking news tonight

at this hour.

Atlanta police re-open

a high-profile cold case,

and it's not just

any cold case.

It's the unsolved murder

of Will Morgan,

college baseball star and,

most crucial,

the then fiancé of local celeb,

Hailey Dean.

Our felony-

I'd say Nancy Grace

is a fan of yours.

Really? That's flattering.

Well, you never did lose a case.

Neither did she.

Whatcha looking for?

Or, rather, who?

How can you tell?

I saw that you were on

your sister's account.

You only do that when

you're looking for someone.

I'm trying to reconnect

with an old college friend.

Oh, right.

How was the walk

down memory lane?

It was a little sad but it was

mostly nice to remember.

Mmm. Happy to hear it.

I'm having no luck finding her.

Well, not everyone uses

social media,

like you, for example.

Oh, that's true.

I should do a more

general search.

That's odd.


A few references from back

when we were in college

but nothing more recent.

Maybe she got married

and changed her name.

Maybe, but there should be

a picture or something.

Nobody's invisible

from the internet.

Everyone's on the internet.

Everyone except Emma.

What's going on

with the investigation?

Well, Danny's been going through

the old case file

and my job is to try and

remember anything useful,

but either my memory isn't

what it used to be

or there isn't anything else

to remember.

I'm gonna bet on the latter.

There is one thing, but

it's a bit of a stretch.

Stretch away, girl.

I had this friend back then,

Emma Harper.

She disappeared in the middle

of senior year.

What do you mean, disappeared?

I guess she got this job offer

in France

and she just up and left

before her degree was finished.

Wait, you guess or you know?

That's the thing, I never heard

from her again.

No phone calls, no letters.

That is a bit weird.

I know, right?

So did you do anything about it

at the time?

You know, I didn't.

It was right around the time

Will died.

I think the last time I saw

her was right before he died.

The timing is a

bit suspicious but,

I mean, stranger things

have happened.

You're not able to find her,


Not on the internet, at least.

You try through her family?

She has a half-sister,

Olivia, but I've never met her.

Hmm. It's about

high time you did.

Look, give me about an hour

or so to track her down

and I'll get back to you.


Alright, see you in a bit.

I mean, I don't know, Hailey.

I don't know what to tell you.

I don't know where she is.

I'm sorry to bring it up

after all these years.

Not at all.

I think about her all the time.

You know we're half-sisters.

My mother passed away

when I was a kid

and my father re-married

Emma's mom,

and then they were both killed

in a car accident,

so... Emma's all

the family I have.

But if I'm honest...

we were never very close.

So you haven't heard from her

in a while?

Not since senior year.

I was in China teaching English

at the time

so we weren't talking much.

Did she call to tell you

she was quitting school?

No. She would usually

send a letter

but this time she sent an email

saying that she got a job offer

to be a foreign correspondent

in France

that she couldn't pass up.

That's right.

I forgot about her dream

of being a big shot reporter.

That was her dream job and she

would do anything to get it.

I believe it.

She was always very determined.

You know, I went to France

a few years ago

and I hired a private detective

and he couldn't find anything.

I check in with them a couple

times a year and still...


Did she send you any

other emails?

No, just the one,

which was weird

because she wasn't really

into email.

Do you still have the email?

I don't know.

It was from her

university account

so maybe they have a record.

I'm sorry I didn't reach out

to you before, Olivia.

There was nothing

you could do, Hailey.

If Emma wanted to disappear

she must have had a really

good reason.

I don't have an active

investigation on file.

There's no missing persons

report for Emma Harper.

It makes sense, Emma's

half-sister is her only family

and she believed Emma's email.

Let me see if I can find her

in the system.

Ok, here's her driver's license

from back then.

It expired that year and hasn't

been renewed since.

The P.I. Emma's sister hired

in France

didn't find one, either.

No activity under her

social security number.



I just heard from my guy

at the state department.


Emma had a passport

but it expired years ago.

And get this: it was never used.

Never? So no trip to France?

Not on a US passport.

So she never left the country.

Looks that way.

So where has she been

all these years?

Good question.


Thank you.

Hey. What a nice surprise.

Well, I'm not here for you,

I'm here for Brad.

Brad? Should I be offended?

Not unless you were secretly

dating Emma.

You weren't, were you?


No, I can honestly say I never

had any romantic interest

in Emma whatsoever.

Besides, I'm not the type of guy

that would ever make a move

on one of my friend's girls.

I have known Brad

my entire life.

Come on, I'll take you up

to him.

Good to see you.

You too.

I guess everyone in

the construction world

knows each other.

Brad's family is construction royalty.

They go back generations.

One of the most powerful firms

in town.

Strange that he doesn't work

for them.

It's a lot of pressure,

taking over the family business.

Besides, Brad wanted to be

an architect, not a CEO.

Which I'm sure

suited you nicely.

Yeah, I do like working

with people I can trust.

I think Will would have gotten

a kick out of it.

Who knows, maybe I could have

gotten Will

to come work for me, too.

Now that I would have liked

to have seen.

What's that supposed to mean?

He was your captain.

He was used to giving

you orders, not taking them.

At least on the baseball field.

Diamond. It's a baseball diamond.

Oh, sorry.

Can I tell you a secret?


I never liked baseball.


You never really know someone,

do you?

This takes me back.

I remember this night

so clearly.

Emma really broke my heart.

By leaving?

I always felt a bit responsible.

I mean, we got into a big fight

before this photo was taken.

What did you fight about?

Stupid stuff.


Why do you wanna know?

I was hoping to track down Emma.

I thought you might know

where she ended up.

No way, Vivian would not like it

if I was in contact with Emma.

Well, she can't be jealous.

You guys have

been married forever.

You don't remember?

I guess you were

too wrapped up

in your bubble

with Will to notice

but Vivian and Emma

did not get along.

Emma was convinced that Vivian

was trying to steal me from her.

Is that what you fought about?

I told her it was nothing

but she didn't believe me.

She broke up with me

on the spot.

She wouldn't even let me

drive her home.

That night was one of

my biggest regrets.

I never saw her again.

I didn't know.

Because I didn't tell anyone.

I figured she was

just overreacting

but then she took off.

Hard for me to believe

that wasn't because of me.

Well, this obviously

still stings.

Did you ever try to find her?

What would be the point?

Besides, Vivian and I are happy.

She's always been there for me.

Well, I guess things worked out

for the best.


Why would I know where she is?

We were barely even friends

back then.

Well, anything you know

would be helpful.

I'm just trying to reconnect

with her.

Last I heard she went to France,

leaving Brad shattered.

Do you remember that night

at the lake house

when Will and I announced

our engagement?


Did you know that Brad

and Emma had a big fight

that night over you?

Who told you that?

Is it true?

Well, it's no secret

I didn't like Emma,

but Brad was lucky

to get away from her.

She cared more about that stupid

school newspaper than her man.

Right, the newspaper.

Wasn't she working on

a big story at the time?

She was always working

on some big story,

ditching Brad to follow

some lead or another.

So I made sure I was always

there to keep him company.

Like that night at the lake,

when Emma refused

to go home with Brad after

they had that big fight?

Oh, I doubt that was the reason.

They fought all the time,

though Brad doesn't remember it

that way.

She didn't deserve him.

Did you ever see Emma again

after that night?

She never came by Brad's

to apologize

if that's what you mean.

And I would know,

I was there 24/7 picking up

the pieces she left behind.

And you guys have been together

ever since.

Emma taking off was the best

thing that ever happened to me.

Honestly, you know what,

I don't remember the last time

I saw Emma.

It's been a long time.

Maybe it was that night

at the lake?

Maybe, or maybe on campus?

What's on your mind, Clyde?

Is it that obvious?

Something's bothering you.

Don't... don't get mad at me,



What if that gun wasn't pointed

at you?

What if you've just

wanted it to be

so you could try to make sense

of what happened?

I have asked myself that

question a hundred times,

but I know it happened.

It couldn't be clearer to me.

I just don't know why.

Hey, what if I were to post

on the reunion website

just to see if anyone knows

where Emma is these days?

I think that's a great idea.

Great. Consider it done.

And please don't be afraid

to be honest with me.


I promise not to be afraid

of you?

That's close enough.

Ok, so February 17th you and

Will announce your engagement

at Clyde's lake house

in front of Vivian, Brad,

Emma and Clyde

the same night these photos

were taken.

That was the last time

I saw Emma.

She might have been on campus

in the next few days

but nobody saw her after

Will died February 21st.

So I think we can tentatively

say Emma disappeared

between February

17th and the 21st.

I'm working on getting her

attendance records

from the university.

What about the college


What about it?

I remember her saying she was

working on something

really big at the time.

It's worth checking out.

I'll add it to Emma's file.

Anything new on Will's case?

We've run the sketch and bullet

to the state database,

no matches.

We've sent it to the FBI so

there's still a ways to go.

Monty and I have

scheduled interviews

with some of the witnesses,

the ones we could track down.

That's our next step.

You don't sound hopeful.

It's a long shot under

the best of circumstances.

Oh, it's delicious, but I can't.

I'm full.

Me too.

You just left half your food

on the plate.

Well, so did you.

Should I be worried

about you, too?

Says the human vacuum cleaner

who just left half his food

on his plate.

I should be worried about you.

I'm just not feeling it today.

My back is sore.

More spinning?

No. Mushroom picking.

Megan's idea, I'm guessing.

Yeah, well, tromping through

the forest foraging for fungus

isn't the bonding experience

you'd think it would be.

It doesn't sound so bad.

For four hours?

In the rain?

How did mushroom picking

even come up to begin with?

I may have mentioned

that I would rather workout

outdoors than in.

Ok, so instead of telling her

that you don't like spinning

you tried to get around it

by suggesting an alternative?

It seemed like a foolproof strategy.

And I take it you haven't been

honest with her yet.

I really like her, Hailey.

I don't wanna blow this.

Fincher, the truth will

come out eventually.

It's ok if you guys have

different interests.

And if she doesn't like me for

me then it's not meant to be.


I'm not willing to risk it.

Just tell her how you feel

otherwise who knows what

you'll have to deal with?

Look, I survived spin class,

I survived foraging

the forest for fungus

for four hours in the rain,

I can survive anything.

It's Brad.

Hi, Brad.

Hailey. I realized after

we talked that I still had

some unresolved feelings

about Emma,

so I thought I should talk

to her to resolve my feelings.

That's great.

I'll let you know

when I find her.

That's the reason I'm calling.

I found Emma.

Where is she?

Well, I didn't physically

find her

but I found the next best thing.

Her online profile page.


'Cause I looked earlier

and I didn't find anything.

Well, I'm sure it's her.

I tried to message her

but the feature is disabled.

Can you see anything?

Not really, her posts

are private.

For friends only.

I put in a friend request

so hopefully she'll check

the page soon.

Can you send me a link?

For sure.


Brad found Emma

on social media.

Maybe you missed it.

You're not the most

savvy person,

social media wise.

I am not ashamed of that

in the least.

But it's just weird.

Clyde posts about her

on the reunion page

and then suddenly Brad

finds her on the internet?

Maybe it's a coincidence.

You don't believe

in coincidences.

And neither do you.

Doesn't mean

they never happen.

I'm gonna need my more bacon

to go, bro.

I really appreciate this, Ethan.

I know your computer genius

is in high demand these days.

Honestly, this is the most

interesting thing

I've done all day.

I always look forward

to your calls.

Don't tell cousin Danny.

Oh, I won't.

You know, anyone can sign up

to social media accounts

using any name

and any fake email.

Are you saying there's

no way to know

if this page is real or not?

Well, as you already saw here,

the page was created in 2007

which was just after the site

opened up to the public.

That's right, I remember it was

a pretty big deal at the time.

So to have an account

from the very beginning

but not have any posts, private

or otherwise, that's weird.

Well, some people like

to have a page

so that they know what

everybody else is doing.


Though checking in on other

people's lives without engaging

so they don't know that

you're watching them?

That's... that's

kinda like stalking.

Only in the strictest sense.

I might be a bit of

a lurker myself.

You always have

a good reason.

Besides, Emma couldn't

even lurk very well.

She has no friends linked

to her account.

Oh... there it is.

There what is?

You'll be pleased to know

you were right to call me.

This page is definitely a fake.

Really? How can you tell?

The most obvious tell is

the corruption in the metadata.



Someone hacked into the

mainframe and edited the code

to make the page look older

than it is.

How old is it?

I can't quite tell exactly,

but the metadata shows

this calendar year.

Can you trace it back

to its creator?

The IP address it originated

from keeps changing.

Another classic trick.

No, I can't trace it right now,

but I can tell you

who made the page.


Only the most notorious hacker

of the modern era.

That's his signature.

You know, kinda like how artists

sign their paintings.

We all like to be recognized

for our work.

That's not the answer I expected

you to give me.

Can you track them down?

I don't know.

Ethan, I've- I've never

heard you unsure

about anything computer related.

Wha... I like a challenge.


This is gonna take a lot

of serious effort, Hailey, so...

Oh. Ok. As- as soon as you can.

Of course.

Danny, Emma's social media page

is fake.

I have it on the best

of authority.

Whoever faked the page

is trying to stop us

from looking for Emma.

It is suspicious.

A fake page shows up

on the internet

the day after I was searching

online for her.

Someone knows we're looking

for Emma

and whoever that is knows

something about where she is

and what happened to her.

It could have been anyone, Hailey.

Clyde posted on the reunion

page which has 300 followers.

Said the police were looking

for her.

Probably not the best choice

of words.


Hailey, can you hear me?


Yeah, I can... I can hear you.

You know, Danny, if someone went

to this much trouble

to try to throw us off then I

can't help but fear the worst.

It's so peaceful here.

It was the perfect place

to spread Will's ashes.

You haven't been here since,

have you?


I miss him, Hailey.

Me too.

You know, when he was a teenager

he'd babysit me sometimes.

We watched scary movies I

wasn't supposed to watch.

I begged him to let me

even though we both knew

they'd give me bad dreams.

He was such a softie

when it came to you.

He always felt so guilty.

And then I'd feel bad

for making him feel bad.

And that would make him

feel worse.

So much that he built a tent

in my room with bedsheets.

We'd both spend the night

in there.

He never snuck out

after I fell asleep, either.

He protected you.

Which is why I always felt like

I failed him.

I couldn't protect him.

I know it's irrational.

Feelings often are.

I need to solve this case, Hailey.

I know. Me too.

How'd you know I was here,


Monty told me.

She also told me that

you slept

in the conference room

last night.

I re-interviewed everyone

I could.

No one had anything to add

to their original statement.

I re-checked surveillance

footage, nothing.

I didn't really expect

to find anything.

But I guess I was hoping to

more than I thought I was.

Danny, it's not your fault

Will's killer

hasn't been caught.

How can it not be?

Will's death is the whole reason

I became a cop.

I know. It's the reason

I became a prosecutor.

So what do you think

about the possible connection

between Emma's disappearance

and what happened to Will?

Have you found anything

connecting them?


No luck with the social media


Not yet, but Ethan's

all over it.

I have faith.

I worry about that kid.

He's too smart for his own good.

Danny, he's hardly

a kid anymore.

All the more reason to worry.

Let's get outta here.

I'll buy you a cup of coffee.

You always know exactly

what to say.

We got back the attendance

records from the university

insofar as they exist.

Nothing for Emma

past February 16th.

Well, not going to class

isn't proof of anything.

She didn't officially withdraw,

but that doesn't mean

anything, either.

What about the email

she sent her sister?

Apparently the

university disables

all undergraduate emails

after senior year.

They're looking

into the archives.

That's no help.

But they did tell me that

they had a lot of problems

with security in those days.

Email was fairly new so

it was easy to figure out

someone else's information.

The default password was

just the student number.

And our student numbers

were printed on everything.

Then the email could have easily

been sent by someone else.

Likely someone she knew.

So, there's of course Brad.

Heartbreak can easily

be a motive.

He's the one who conveniently

found her on the internet.

That's a good point.

But Vivian's motivation

is arguably stronger.

Jealousy can make people do

things they ordinarily wouldn't.

What about someone

outside your circle?

What was Emma into in college?

The newspaper.

Journalists are often targets.

Who was the editor back then?

Can't be that hard

to figure out.

Tom Rakanski?

That's me.

Look, I don't mean to rush you

but the client's coming by

in 20 minutes.

This won't take long.

I'm Detective Morgan,

this is Hailey Dean.

We just need to ask you

a few questions.


Were you the editor at

the Atlanta State paper?

In my senior year, yes.

I went there, too.

I was friends with Emma Harper.

Emma. Right.

Was she working on anything

at the time?

That's a long time ago.

Why're you asking?

Have you heard from her

since college?

No, I don't keep in touch

with anyone.

Not even on social media?

No, no. I didn't get into that.

I don't really care what

my kindergarten classmates

are up to these days.

So you're a landscaper.

Yeah, yeah.

We do everything from

entire garden design,

maintenance, you know.

I'd be happy to stop by,

give you an estimate.

No thanks.

I just would have expected

you to pursue journalism

as a career.

It turns out that wasn't

what I wanted

but uh, I'm happy doing this.

Anyway, I've got work

to do, so...

He is not happy,

I don't care what he says.

Even I could tell that.

I got the sense that he did

not want to talk about college,

as though there was some painful

memory he was trying to ignore.

To do with Emma I'm betting.


When you brought it up

he got defensive.

His posture completely changed,

he closed off.

He only relaxed when he was

trying to sell me

on his landscape company.

Then you think he does remember

the story?

I can't say for sure but there

is definitely something

from that time that

he would rather forget.

Police are being extremely


in the Will Morgan murder case

and that can mean

one thing only.

The cops are on to you.

You can run but you can't hide.

Wow, Nancy Grace is really

paying attention to this case.

We can use all the help

we can get.

Any luck?

Not really.

Well, I've had some.

Atlanta State recently digitized

all their back issues.

I've got everything from Emma's

time at the newspaper.

That's still four years

worth of issues.

I'll do it. I was there.

Be my guest.

You're welcome.

Last eggroll?

It's all yours.

Thanks for bringing dinner.

It's the least I could do

for making you go through

back-issues of my old college newspaper.

It's giving me flashbacks

of green beer

and random purple punch parties.

I do not miss college.

Oh, Jonas.

College had more to offer

than that.

Well, I'd love to say

you're right

but my fraternity would

strongly disagree.

You were in a frat?

I was.

Didn't you pledge?

I don't think sorority life

was for me.

I lived off- campus

with my parents

and I spent all of my time

at the library

or at Will's baseball games.

When did you meet Will?

Or is that too weird to ask?

I'm asking my current boyfriend

to help me find a friend

who may have something to do

with my fiancé's murder

so no, not too weird.

I know you don't like to talk

about Will.

I don't wanna run away

from the memories anymore.

Especially not with you.

I met Will in the registration

line the first day of

Welcome Week freshman year.

And you started dating

right away?

That weekend was our first date.

We never looked back.

He was your first love.

He was.

And for a long time I thought

he would be my only.

I felt the same way

about my wife.

Well, Emma certainly writes

a lot of articles,

mostly about school politics

or funding issues.

Serious subjects.

She wanted to change

the world.

Didn't we all?

I remember this.


The new student Centre.

It was a really big deal

the whole time I was there

and then they didn't

start construction

until my senior year.

What was the problem?

Fundraising, and then all of

a sudden they hired a firm

and broke ground.

It's right here in this article.

That Emma didn't write,

by the way.

"An unnamed company donated

materials to help build

"the student Centre within

the university's budget."

Written by Judith Capriali.

Wait, I know that name.

Isn't she a reporter

with the Atlanta Star?

Judith Capriali?

I just appreciate you letting

me drag you around

looking for someone who might

not even be missing.

Hey, I know what a big deal

it is for you to be back

in your college years.

If finding Emma helps you find

Will's killer

I'm all in on finding her.

Hailey Dean.

Hi, Judith. Uh, this is

Fincher Garland,

he's an investigator

with the District Attorney.

I don't have a lot of time,

deadlines and such,

but would you mind joining me

in my office?



So I was surprised

to get your call, Hailey.

You are notorious for refusing

to give interviews.

You mean when I was

a prosecutor?

That was a long time ago

and I'm not being interviewed.

So what can I do for you?

I'm looking for Emma Harper.

Emma. I haven't thought

of her in years.

Do you remember the last time

you saw her?

Must have been senior year.

So you don't keep in touch?

No, not since then.

We had a bit of a rivalry

back then,

who was gonna be

the best reporter,

get the biggest scoop.

That sounds like Emma.

Do you know if Emma was working

on another story at the time?


But I do remember her and Tom

having a big blowout.

Tom Rakanski.

Yes. He refused to publish

a story of hers,

but I can't recall what.

Hmm. When did this happen?

Winter, I think.

Why are you asking about all

this stuff from back then?

Emma went to France.

She must still be there.

I don't remember her mentioning

wanting to go to France.

Did you know about that?

Not until her cousin told me.

Her cousin?

Yeah. I went by her place

and he was there

packing up all her stuff

to ship to France.

And that didn't seem weird

to you?

Well, he had a key and

he knew about the paper.


You think maybe he wasn't

her cousin?

I have a second cousin

but we're not close though.

Does he live here in Atlanta?

No, he lives in Vancouver. Why?

Was he here back when

Emma and I were in college?

Uh, I doubt it.

He was seen packing up

Emma's room.

I don't think so.

He just graduated from college.

He would have been

a kid then.

We can assume whoever was

pretending to be Emma's cousin

likely knows the truth

about what happened to her.

So someone wanted Emma

to disappear,

sent an email off to her sister,

packed up her stuff,

no loose ends.

There's another possibility.

What if Emma made

herself disappear?

Because of the story?


If someone was after her she

might have needed to get away,

change her name, everything.

I guess that's possible.

Anyway, we need to know why.

What that story was about.

Why are you asking me

about ancient history?

Just answer the question.

Did you or did you not quash

Emma's story?



I was asked to.

By who?

The university president.

Is that the real reason

you left journalism?

It just wasn't for me.

If anything it gave me a chance

to do something else.

What was the story about?

I don't know.

If you don't know what

the story was about

how did the university


I don't know that, either,

but if you think something

happened to Emma

you should talk to that

crazy brunette girl.

What crazy brunette?

She showed up just after I told

Emma her story was toast.

I mean, I just got an earful

from Emma,

the last thing I needed was some

random girl screaming at me

that she was gonna kill Emma

because of some guy.

Anyway, I packed up my desk

right then and there.

Is she in any of these photos?

Yeah. I think that's her.

I mean, if anyone had it in

for Emma

it was definitely that girl.

I think her name was Vivian.

You sure she's here?

I know Vivian well enough to

know that she does not miss

her one o'clock yoga class,

not even when she has the flu.


You can call it that.

...and the cool down

was great.


Hey, Danny. Hailey.

What's up?

You remember Emma Harper, right?

You got the police involved?

Don't they have better things

to do than look for people

who don't deserve to be found?

We all deserve to be found, Vivian.

What do you need, detective?

I have a lunch meeting

to get to.

Did you threaten to kill Emma?

What're you talking about?

Just answer the question.

Of course not.

We have a witness

who says otherwise.

I mean, maybe I said

something once,

I don't remember.

Well, you told me Emma leaving

was the best thing that

ever happened to you.

It was.

So maybe you helped

that along a little.

You think I did something

to Emma?

Did you?

Of course not.

Emma had Brad, she

won that internship,

her life was perfect

but it's not my fault

she didn't appreciate it.

What internship?

To the Atlanta Star.

It was a big deal, I guess.


It was all Brad talked about

for a while

that Emma never would have

walked out on that internship

if it wasn't for him.

Are we done here?


Vivian didn't seem worried

about the questions.

She's smart, Danny.

She knows better than to pretend

she liked Emma

or cared about what happened

to her.

Because you'll see

right through her.

Or her motive is so obvious

she can't deny it.

But she didn't actually answer

your question.

And by not answering

she didn't lie.

Exactly. Smart.

Hey, what's up, Monty?

Yeah, I tracked down that

internship that Emma won.

It turns out that

when she disappeared

it went to the runner-up,

a Judith Capriali.

Who is now a reporter

with the Atlanta Star.

Where she didn't show up

for work today.

She called in sick.

She wasn't sick

when I talked to her.

I'll send a uniform

to her house to verify.

Already done. She

isn't there, either.

Do you think she's running

because I showed up

asking questions?

Sure looks that way.

I'll put out an APB.

Ok, thanks, Monty.

I'll see you in a few.

I've gotta get back

to the office.

I'll let you know

when I find her.

Hey, Sabrina, it's me.

I was going to pick up

some food.

Call me back and let

me know what you want.

So the president

of Atlanta State

who made Tom quash Emma's story

died a few years ago.

I spoke to his secretary

but she had no idea

what I was talking about.

Another secret lost to time.

Any luck on Judith?

She hasn't shown up at the

office or house so nothing yet.

Hey, don't let your food

get cold.

I'll call you later.


No word on why Emma's story

was thrown out.

And I'm guessing no word

on what it was about, either.

Or how the president found out

about it.

What about the reporter?

Judith? She's still in the wind.

Think she looks good for it?

She didn't tell me that

she got Emma's internship.

Did she lie to you

about anything else?

I didn't think so at the time

but I don't know anymore.

What's going on with you?

You never second guess yourself.

I just feel like I'm too close

to this case.

It's clouding my judgement.

Well, your gut won't lie to you

even if you want it to.

My gut's not really talking

to me right now.

Sorry, one second.

Hey, Megan.

Yeah, sorry.

I won't be able to meet up

for coffee today.

Yeah, work's real busy.

Yeah, we'll do it tomorrow.

Ok, bye.

It's too bad you're so busy,

I was going to bribe you

with cheesecake to go

to Judith's house.

Oh, I actually have

the afternoon off.

Oh, so you're avoiding Megan.


You says something

about cheesecake?



I know.

I know I'm supposed to talk

to her

but now she wants to do

a vegan cooking class.

Well, you could stand to

introduce some vegetables

into your diet.

I doubt that.

Plus, you know I don't cook, girl.

I barbecue.

So, Fincher, I think you have

two choices here.

Either you can embrace

these new experiences

and do your best to enjoy them

with your new girlfriend-

Woah, Woah, we're using

the g-word.

Or you can be honest with her.

Is there a third option?


We can practise right now,

I do this for my patients

all the time.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

That is way too embarrassing, Hailey.


I just saw you inhale

an entire cheesecake

in under a minute.

I'm not embarrassed

about that, actually.

I'm quite proud of it.

Give it a shot.

I know it will help.

You're not gonna let up on this,

are you?


Alright, fine.



That's Judith.

It is Judith.


Yeah, hey.

We got Judith.

Something's going on.

A deal's going down.

That's a lot of money.



Were you following me?

Did I interrupt something?

I'm undercover.


Well, these two fine gentlemen

are gonna take you

for a little ride.

Are you kidding me?

Sorry about that.

Hailey Dean.

We talked to that man you were

meeting in the alley.

He's a drug dealer.

You were seen giving him money.

Yes. I was buying drugs.

Most people don't volunteer

that so quickly.

I'm a journalist.

I'm writing a story

on the supply chain.

That dealer was my ticket

up the ladder

and months of work

gone in seconds.

Yeah. It's still illegal to buy

drugs on the street,

no matter the reason.

I'll share my investigation

with your vice squad.

But that's not

why I'm here, is it?

You won an internship in college

to the Atlanta Star.


An internship that was

previously awarded

to Emma Harper.

Is that why I'm here?

Because of an internship?

An opportunity like that

can make a career.

What are you implying?

Ambition is a powerful motive.

Did you find Emma's body

or something?

Why would you assume

she's dead?

You're talking like she is.

We don't know.

We can't find her.

Did you ask her cousin?

Her second cousin

who lives in Vancouver

and was only a child

at the time?

No, um, that's impossible.

I saw him.

He's tall with light brown hair.

I'm not getting anywhere.

I know. She's telling the truth.

What if she doesn't

know anything?

I'm not so sure about that.

Where'd you get this?

You recognize him,

don't you?

Who is he, Judith?

This is him.

This is the man that was

cleaning out Emma's room.

The man that said he was

Emma's cousin.

So the same man who was seen

packing up Emma's stuff

after she disappeared is

the same man who shot Will.

That's confirmation.

Emma's disappearance is

connected to Will's murder.

I almost can't believe it.

No wonder the cops couldn't

figure out this case back then.

They were working a completely

different crime.

No, they weren't even looking

for her,

never mind trying to connect

her disappearance to Will.

But the thing I don't understand

is why that gun

was pointed at me.

Maybe you knew something

about what got Emma in trouble

or you were asking too many

questions once Emma was gone.

I didn't know anything,

that's for sure.

And I don't remember

asking questions.

Besides, a college senior

asking questions

doesn't seem like

a legitimate threat.

You may not have

been Hailey Dean,

prosecutor turned therapist,

back then

but you were still

Hailey Dean.

What does that mean?

It means nothing can stop you

from finding the truth.

That kind of determination

can't be taught, Hailey.

You were born this way.

And I'm guessing whoever wanted

to stop you knew it.

You always know when

we need sustenance.

It's my sixth sense.

Where there is hunger

I will feed it.

It's from hanging out

with Fincher so much.

You're probably right.

So it turned out that Judith

and Emma shared a computer

at the paper.

These are all of Judith's

old floppy disks.

Wow, that's a blast

from the past.

Can we even open those?

I got a disk drive

from a friend in forensics.

Let's find out.


I had no idea Emma was

such a thorough reporter.

There's a mountain

of research here.


This was just a college newspaper.

Now you know why she won

that internship.

There's a whole folder

on the student Centre.

It was a really big deal

at the time.

It looks like there were several

bidders for the project

but the winner was significantly

more expensive

than the rest of them.

Well, I would imagine

a lot of factors

go into a decision like that.

Still, the most expensive

seems like a strange choice

for an institution

like a university.

And, according to

this accounting ledger,

this company made a large profit

off of the build.

Emma found evidence of several

large payouts.

I can track the accounts

but there's one that she noted

in particular.

$100,000 paid directly

to the president of

the university himself.

He was bribed.

That explains why the highest

bid won the contract

and why he wanted

the story shut down.

How did Emma get all this?

We might never find out

but I think we can safely say

this is the story

she was working on.

If this ever got out it would

have been a big scandal.

And a big lawsuit, and everyone

involved would have been dragged

through the courts.

This is a huge story.

Emma held the reputation

of the university

and the construction company

in her hands.

What's the name

of the company?

Hold on.

It's a local firm.

Stenson Construction.

Stenson Construction?


That's Brad's family company.

So we need this plus two of

the loads into the warehouse.

Yes, my dad was on the student

Centre job.

Did Emma know that?


Why don't you work for

your family's company?

I don't know what

my career choices

have to do with anything.

You remember that Emma worked

for the school newspaper.

Sure. That job meant

a lot to her.

So then you must have known

about the story

she was working on at the time

you guys broke up.

It was a big one.

I don't remember if I do.

It was about your family, Brad.

No, it wasn't.

Is that what you guys were

fighting about

at the lake house that night?

I told you what that fight

was about.

Maybe it was about

more than Vivian.

Maybe there was something else

that was coming between you two.

I told you everything I know.

I have to get back to work.

I just feel like he's hiding

something from us.

I'm getting a subpoena

for Stenson's records.

They have an army of lawyers

but whatever we already have

should be enough

to convince a judge.

Hey. I just talked to Brad.

He said that you accused him

of harming Emma?

Sorry, Clyde.

We're just following

the evidence.

Did he tell you that he had

a fight with Emma

that night at the lake house?

Look, all I know about that is

he was with Emma before

and then with Vivian

directly after.

I mean, I didn't ask

and he didn't volunteer.

Do you remember anything

about the student Centre?

No, why?

Did Brad ever tell you about

his family's involvement?

No. Look, all we talked about

back then was baseball, ok?

I've known Brad my whole life.

He'd never harm a fly.

Normally I would agree

with you

but anyone is capable

of anything

with the right motivation.


Wasn't he one of

Will's best friends?


That's gotta be hard on you.

Well, it's not where I expected

the trail to lead,

that's for sure.

What did you expect?

I honestly don't know.

But not back to my group

of friends.

I mean, we were all so tight,

I thought I knew them so well.

You know, if it's one thing

my job as an investigator

has taught me is that you can't

really ever know anyone.

That's cynical.

Can't argue against it.

I think I know you.

You think you know what I would

do in any given situation?



What would I do if all

the food trucks in the city

were suddenly banned?

Wow. You went straight

to the apocalypse.

The most extreme thing

I could think of.


Well, you would obviously

exhaust all legal means first.

Obviously. But if they failed?

Then you would organize

a black market

of underground food trucks

on a clandestine schedule

rigorous security

and multiple failsafes.

You really think I would do

all that?

Fincher, please.

Ok, you do know me.


Yeah, you know me.

But I obviously don't know Brad.

You can't stop people

from doing bad things, Hailey.

No, but I can stop them

from doing it again.

Hey, mindreader.


Were you thinking

about me again?

I was going to call to see

if you wanted to come

over for dinner.

I can pick up a pizza

on my way home.

Oh, so you're out for a run,

that explains the shortness

of breath.

Oh, right. I should have

lead with that.

Do you want extra...


What's going on?

Hailey, talk to me!



Thank you for picking me up

from the hospital, Jonas,

but you really don't need

to fuss.

I do need to fuss.

You hit your head and you might

have a concussion.

You have to take it easy

for the next 24 hours, minimum.

I will.

And by easy I mean no more

looking for missing women

and no getting knocked over

by potential killers.


Don't "Jonas" me.

You have to promise

you'll do what I say.

Doctor's orders.

I promise.

I wish I had seen his face.

Danny's getting the security

footage from the area.

He thinks he might be able

to track the biker's movements.

This has to be about Emma.

I must be getting close.

I'm not starting this

conversation with you, Hailey.

No computers, no phones, either.

Just rest, ok?

I'll be back to check

on you later.


You're supposed to be

at home recuperating.

I've been sitting at home

all day.

But coming into the office

wasn't an option.

You need to go home.

I'm texting Fincher and telling

him to come pick you up.

Sabrina, I can't just stop.

This isn't about stopping, Hailey.

It's about a mandatory pause.

I just feel like

there's something

right in front of my face

but I can't make it out.

Well, it is possible that

it's your subconscious

trying to tell you something.

Maybe a suppressed memory?

I don't think so.

This is more of a feeling.

The fact that you

were just attacked

means that you're about

to expose someone

who doesn't want

something known.

Maybe I'm just not seeing it.

And some people are better

at hiding their emotions

than others,

and I'm not always objective.

No, just 99 percent of the time.

I prosecuted a case

early in my career.

A man was killed and he

left behind a grieving fiancé.

I put the wrong person on trial

before realizing

the fiancé was the killer.

She lied to me for weeks,

and I almost didn't see it

until it was too late.

You thought she was a victim

just like you were.

My perspective was clouded

by my emotions.

But you did catch her

in the end.

I'm just afraid I might be

having the same problem now.

You're lucky Sabrina

texted me and not Jonas.

I know. Jonas is gonna kill me.

As long as he doesn't find out.

You'd do that for me?

Yeah, as long as you

stay home and rest.

No, not you, too.

I can come over and hang out

with you for a while,

if you like.

Yes, please.

Alright. We'll get a movie?


No tv, no computer, not

until I get the all clear.

Dr. Jonas made me promise.

Dr. Jonas is no fun.

Tell me about it.

Speaking of better halves,

how was vegan cooking class?

You didn't go.


And you didn't tell her why.

I may have said I have

a stomach bug.

Fincher, Megan likes you.

And she's doing exactly

what you're doing.

Trying to make sure

that you like her, too,

by desperately searching

for common ground.

The sooner you two have

an honest conversation

the sooner you will get

back to the ease

that attracted you both

to each other.

You know, hanging out

with you used to be fun.

And it will be again,

once you talk to Megan.

Which you can do right after

you drop me off.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I'm hanging out with you

and taking care of you.

Ok, ok. Listen.

If you promise to talk to Megan

I will promise to stay home

and rest.

That is blackmail, young lady.

More like negotiation.

Once a lawyer, always a lawyer.

You're on speaker

with me and Fincher.

We found a nearby witness

who saw the rider get

into a red pick-up truck.

We're looking through security

footage to get a plate number.

Thanks for letting me know.

Yeah. One more thing.

We got the financial records

from Stenson Construction.

All the financials

for the student Centre

were run through a company

called Arcand International.

Arcand International?

Yeah, it looks like a shell

corporation that was formed

only for the student Centre job

That ledger with the bribes

was all from Arcand's account.

Does it belong to Stenson


That's the logical assumption.

We're tracking it down but it's

registered off shore to another

shell corporation so you can

see what we're up against.

But the forensics accountants

are working on it.

Well, keep me posted.

Will do.

You know, I wanna take this

to the DA.

I think it's time we started

an investigation of our own.


Clyde, you scared me.

I'm sorry.

The door was unlocked.

First Swiss chocolate

and now flowers?


You have been busy.

Don't yell at me, too.

Now, why would I yell at you?

I'm supposed to be resting.

Well, I think for you

work is resting.

You're not wrong.

How are you? Physically, I mean.

Danny told me what happened.

Oh, I feel fine, really.

Hailey, I am scared for you.

I can't imagine what it's like

being in your shoes right now.

It's a bit more than I expected,

I'll admit,

but I have no choice.

I have to see this

thing through.

I have to find Will's killer.

Then what will you do?

That's not something I want

to talk about right now.

Ok, look.

I know you wanna catch this guy.

We all do.

But I have already lost one

friend to senseless violence

and I- I don't want

to lose another.

I know.

A house call?

I feel so special.

You're special to me.

It's nice having my own

personal physician.

Who doesn't work on

warm bodies very often,

so don't think it's gonna

become a thing.

So what's the verdict?

Well, you're not showing

any signs of a concussion

so I'd say you're in the clear.

It's Danny.

I gotta go.


We got an address for the rider.

I'll be right there.

Do you know who lives here?

It looks like it belongs

to a man named Marcus Young.

I don't think he's home, though.

I don't recognize that name.

Are you sure he's the guy?

We found his truck.

This is definitely the vehicle

our witness saw him

load his dirt bike onto.

Danny! Hailey!

Over here.

Look what we found.

Is this the dirt bike

that ran you off the path?

It definitely could be.

Let's get forensics in here

to sample the dirt

on the bicycle's tires

and test it

against Hailey's running trail.

Got it.


He's dead.

That's him.

That's the man who shot Will.

I should be happy but I'm not.

Me either.

I didn't wanna find him

this way.

You know?

I wanted to bring him

to justice properly.

We both did.

I feel like I let Will down.

No. Never.

We still found him.

We did everything right.

It doesn't feel that way.

I know.

The victim's name

is Marcus Young.

At least that's

one of his names.

He's linked to a number

of outstanding warrants

for infractions for

intimidation, threats,

car theft, damage to property,

it goes on.

No violent crimes?

Suspected but never charged.

He's been off the radar

for a long time though.

Since Will's shooting.

He went to ground after.

That makes sense.

None of those other crimes

are even close to murder,

not even assault.

It's a big jump to murder.

And it's consistent

with your statement.

That he was shocked

when the gun went off.

He'd never killed before.

Except maybe Emma,

though now we may never know

what really happened to her.

Who was this guy?

A career criminal

by all accounts.

And it means that he was being

paid to do the things

that he did.

Including whatever he did

to Emma and trying to kill me.

I'll check into his financials.

Maybe we'll get lucky.

Why would he attack you now?

To finish what he started

all those years ago?

Yeah, I mean, why not

do it before?

It has to be because I was

tracking down Emma.

Someone you've been talking

to must have tipped him off.

I'll check his phone records,

see if there's a match.

So I got the DA to open a case

file for the student Centre.

You're not gonna believe

what I found.

Don't keep me in suspense.

The city inspector wasn't

the only person to get paid off

by Arcand International.

That doesn't surprise me.

Yeah, but the other person

who did get paid off will.

Tom Rakanski.

Tom the editor?

The very same.


The president of the university

didn't tell him

to quash the story.

Whoever this Arcand company

is did.

And set Tom up with

a nice jump on life.

And his anger isn't at Emma,

it's at himself.

His disillusionment

is because he allowed himself

to be bought off.

So he was lying

just like you said.

And if Emma had taken the story

off campus

he would have been exposed.

And become an accessory

to Arcand's crimes.

You lied to me, Tom.

No I didn't.

You did.

You said the president of

the university told you

to quash Emma's story.

That's not true.

Why would I lie?

Maybe because you received

a large payment

from Arcand International

to stop the story.

Which we can prove.

Look, I was already thinking

about leaving journalism

and I couldn't afford

another degree

and then this guy shows up

and offers me money

to stop Emma's story,

a lot of money.

And you didn't think twice.

I didn't grow up rich, ok?

University, it put me

in serious debt

and this payment

erased all of that.

How could I turn it down?

You knew that Emma was gonna

take her story

to a newspaper off campus.

That was just talk.

And if she did the many illegal

actions surrounding the-

off campus.

That was just talk.

And if she did the many illegal

actions surrounding

the student Centre

would have been revealed,

making you complicit in

their attempted cover-up.

Wait, what're you saying?

I'm saying that you had a real

motive to shut Emma up.

I didn't touch her, I swear.

Do you recognize this man?

Yeah. That's the guy

who offered me the deal.

You been in touch

with him lately?


I don't even know his name.

I'm sorry that I took the money

back then.

I wish none of this

had ever happened.

I'm sorry that I took the money

back then.

I wish none of this

had ever happened.

His regret is genuine.

I believe he wishes he could

go back and change things.

That doesn't exonerate him

by any means.

I get why Tom would have

come after Emma

but I don't get why he would

have come after me.

Or had the wherewithal

to hire someone.

I don't remember meeting him

at college.

How would he have known

about me?

So I still can't prove

that Stenson Construction

is behind Arcand International

but I did discover

that the shell company

that Arcand is registered to is

associated with the construction

of the new court house

which, in turn,

is registered to yet another

shell company.

Let me guess.

Which was also set up

to funnel funds

for another high-profile

construction project.

We're trying to get the records

for the projects

but I'm betting that we'll see

a similar pattern of bribery.

We found a few complaints

about Stenson Construction's

practises over the years.

I tried to follow up with some

of the complainants

but none of them

would talk to me.

They probably settled privately

and signed non-disclosure


I wonder why Emma wouldn't.

She wasn't that kind of person.

Brad had a lot to lose if

that story ever came out.

Probably more than Emma

even knew.

And Vivian?

I mean, if she went to the

newspaper office threatening

to kill Emma I believe that

her infatuation with Brad

was intense enough

to want to protect him.

She would do what Brad couldn't

and take Brad for herself.

Let's ask her if it's true.

Why am I here, exactly?

At the lake house that night,

did you and Emma talk about the

article that she was working on

Look, I already told Hailey.

I don't know anything.

And I- I barely remember.

You didn't know that she had

damaging information

about Brad's family?

Did you tell Emma not

to publish the article?

I don't remember.

Do you recognize this man?


You've never seen him before?


Vivian shows no sign of lying.

No nervousness, nothing.

Doesn't mean she wasn't

behind all this.


And her aggressive reactions

make it hard to know

if she's being

intentionally evasive

or if she's just offended

by being questioned.

But you're not feeling it.

My feelings haven't exactly

been reliable in this case,


We still need

something concrete,

feelings or no feelings.

Brad Stenson's here.

I'll get Marcus's mugshot

out of interrogation.

No, actually leave it there.

I want to see how he reacts when

he thinks no one is watching.

Put him in interrogation one.


He recognizes Marcus.

I'm sitting in.

Brad, I'm gonna level with you.

Emma was working on a story that

would have ruined your family.

How do you know that?

Emma had proof that they bribed

the university president

to win the student Centre job.

And it looks like there

were other bribes.

I don't have anything to say.

You wanted to protect

your family,

their business, your legacy.

But Emma refused to bury

the story.

Maybe you didn't mean

to hurt her.

I didn't.

It's time to tell the truth, Brad.

I don't work for my family

because I don't like the way

they do things.

I refused to be a part of it.

And I didn't hurt Emma.

I loved her.

Do you know this man?

What's he got to do

with anything?

This man ran Hailey down.

He did?

He killed Will.

And he had something

to do with Emma.


Look again, Brad.


Then look at me.


I'd like to call my lawyer.


You look like you could use

a coffee.

Mmm. Hailey, you scared me

half to death.

How do you always know where

I am when I'm on stake-out?

I bugged your phone.


I called your office.

Which used to be my office.

I still have a friend

or two there.

Mmmhmm. Mmm.


This isn't a mochaccino.

Oh, sorry. Wrong cup.

You know, for such a food

connoisseur you should

really appreciate the intensity

of a straight up espresso.

Why would I do that

when I can drink chocolate

and it's completely socially

acceptable way

for me to start my day?

Since when did you care

about being socially acceptable?

Since they started putting

chocolate in coffee.

A smile.

I've seen precious few of those

on your face these

last few days.

I don't have a lot to smile

about right now.

Brad lawyered up.

What about Vivian?

She lawyered up, too.

So Will's murderer is dead

and I may never know

why he wanted to kill me

and we may never find out

what really happened to Emma.

Yeah, but you did, Hailey.

You found Will's killer.

Yes and no.

I've thought about this moment

for so long.

It never happened this way.

But it doesn't matter,

it's over.

Hailey, don't try to lie to me.

I'm not.

I'm not lying to you.

But I may be lying to myself.

Well, I know you're dying

to hear what happened

between me and Megan, so...

I am.

I told her how I was feeling

and it was very uncomfortable,

I didn't care for it one bit.


She was relieved.

Like you said, I- I said

that I wasn't sure

that I was interesting enough

for her, you know,

'cause she's a doctor and all

and she said she was afraid

that she wasn't

interesting enough

because of my exciting job

as an investigator.

She didn't wait

to get to know you.

I know, right?

I don't need any more excitement

in my life,

not after I started hanging

with you.

And she said she felt

the same way, too,

like after coming home

from a long day at the hospital.

So you guys watched a movie,

ordered a pizza,

and all was well with the world?

Not exactly.

The vegan cooking classes

were non-refundable.



Do tell.

You know what?

The food was surprisingly good,

and I'm not gonna lie,

I didn't hate cooking it, either.

Who says change is such

a bad thing?


I wish I had recorded that.

I'm glad you didn't.

Oh. Jonas finished the autopsy.

Marcus Young was shot with

the same gun that shot Will.

A criminal doesn't usually

keep his murder weapon

this many years.


The evidence is consistent.

Why would a career criminal

kill himself?

We were closing

in on him, Hailey.

But who said he knew that?


And why didn't he run?

Maybe he was tired of running.

Maybe he just couldn't live

with himself anymore.

But the same gun?

That's all a bit too neat,

isn't it?

Is that what's bugging you?

And what about Brad?

We're tracking a burner phone

that called Marcus

the day he tried

to run you over.

If we can trace the location of

that call we can start to pin

some concrete evidence on him.

I gotta get back to work.

Hailey. You read my mind.

I was just about to call you.

Did you find the hacker?

I did.

Ethan, that's incredible.

I know.

She thinks so, too.


I know, right?

What did she tell you?

Uh, she says she doesn't know

exactly who hired her

but she was paid by some

company, Arcand International.

Arcand International.

Is she sure?

That's what the bank

transfer said.

She's laughing because she said

it was all done in French

and she didn't understand

at first.

Did the transfer come

from France?

No, Switzerland.

Thank you, Ethan.

I'm ready to call it a night, Monty.

Hang on.

I just found something in

Marcus's financial records.

It looks like he was being paid

a monthly fee of $10,000.

That's a lot of money.

From who?

This corporate tax code

looks familiar.

Marcus was being paid by

Arcand International.

That's proof.

Marcus was a hired killer.

Arcand hired him to take care

of Emma and Hailey

for some reason.

Which means that Marcus may

have pulled the trigger but-

Brad or his family

was behind it.

Straight to voice mail.

Her phone must be off.

This is Hailey Dean.

Please leave a message.

Hey, Hailey. It's Danny.

Give me a call back.

We just found out something interesting.

We just got a ping

from the burner phone

that was used to call Marcus

the day he died.

I didn't expect that

with Brad in custody.

Where is it?

Let me type in the coordinates.

The lake house!

Oh, my gosh!


Hailey, call me back

as soon as you can.

It's just you and me.

No one knows I'm here.

I just wanna talk.

Hello, Hailey.


What can I do for you?


You're gonna have to be a little

bit more specific.

Don't play games.

Not now.

Well, I knew that this

was inevitable.

I've seen you go to the end of

the earth for people

you didn't even know

and there was no way

you were gonna let

Will's death go.

I confided in you.

And the whole time you were

trying to throw me off track.

A fake social media page?

An attempt on my life?

Marcus was never

a very good killer.

He wasn't back then

and he's not now.

You hired Marcus.

I didn't have to.

He already worked for my father.

You know, Arcand International.

So that's why Brad recognized

his picture.

That's why he lawyered up,

to protect you.

Oh, and I will reward him

for that.

He will be transferred

to my new office overseas.

Let me guess.


You were just there.

You already do your

banking there, anyway.

Ah, I see.

That's how you figured it out.

You were always so clever.

You still haven't told me why.

Well, you already know why.

Emma's story was gonna

expose me.


Yes. Yes, me.

I bribed the university president

for the student Centre job

for my family.

I was about to graduate and

I figured that was a good time

for me to step

into my father's shoes.

Where is Emma?

Now listen, I did everything

I could.

I paid off her editor,

I tried to reason with her,

I tried to pay Emma,

but she did not care

who she brought down

with her social justice

warrior garbage.

You killed her?

She left me no choice!

Where is she?

Why does that matter?

Where is she?!

She's out by the tree line,

with a beautiful view

for all of eternity.

You killed Emma and then

you killed Will.

That was never the intention.

Will was my best friend.

He wasn't supposed to die.

I know. I was, but why?

You really wanna know?

I think you owe me that.

Emma said that

you knew everything.

I didn't know anything!

Well, of course I know that now!

I knew that within a day of-

of Will's death.

But Emma, she was just trying

to save herself.

This is all a big misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding?!

You stole my life from me,

you stole Will,

over a misunderstanding?

And- and I am sorry.

Truly, I am, but

what's done is done.

You're a monster.

I don't understand why

you're getting so mad, Hailey.

Isn't this what you've

always wanted?

To confront Will's killer?

Look, I- I might not have pulled

the trigger myself

but believe me a conversation

with Marcus

would not have been satisfying.

I never wanted this.

Well, I could have killed you

the minute you stepped foot

on my property, but I didn't,

and I'm giving you this gift.

The gift of truth.

You had it all figured out

and you got away with it

for all this time.

If you had just stayed

out of my life

I might never have

known the truth

but some little part of you

wanted me to know.

Wanted me to be impressed.

Wanted me to be afraid of you.

You should know me better

by now.

You asked me what I would do

once I was face to face

with Will's killer.

You're not gonna shoot me, Hailey.

Don't feel bad about it.

Some of us are just...

we're just made differently.


Hailey, are you alright?


It's ok, I'm here.

It's ok.

Tell me what happened.

It was Clyde.

I know.


We found remains

near the tree line

consistent with

Emma's height and age.

I'll expedite the process

so she can be laid to rest

as soon as possible.

Thank you.

He's a lot like Will, you know.

In some ways.

I hope you can be happy now.

I really want that for you.

I want that for you, too.

You never told me

how you found me here.

Our forensics accountant managed

to track the inheritance

of Arcand International through

Clyde when his father died

a couple years ago.


Your cell went straight

to voice mail

so we put an emergency trace

on your phone.

I can't imagine what would

have happened if you hadn’t...

It doesn't matter what

might have happened.

All that matters

is that you're ok.

We can finally close

Will's case.

It's so surreal.

I know, I'm having

the same feeling.

I've carried the weight of

Will's murder for so many years.

What if I don't know

how to live without it?

We'll figure it out.

I know this doesn't mean

you won't keep coming

to the police station

asking for my help.

I have no idea what

you're talking about.

You know exactly

what I'm talking about.

Just let me take

a vacation first, ok?

No promises.

I'll be right back.