Gundress (1999) - full transcript

In 2100, the newly built Bayside City serves as Japan's premier international port. The Angel Arms Company is established by a former policewoman named Takako, to help wage war on terrorism with armed security suits. When the mayor is assassinated, the women of Angel Arms end up protecting the evil crime-lord Hassan, in hopes that his information will help bring down a global terror ring. Takako's back is to the wall as a band of criminals plot to kill Hassan, and the organization's leader is revealed to be the former lover of Angel Arms' own Alisa.

It's a nice night...

A helicopter is approaching from 2740.

It's not showing the code number.

Are they coming to get our target?

Reconfirm everyone's location.

Michelle, you confirm the helicopter.


I've got confirmation on the helicopter.

I have everyone's location.

We'll have to start the mission early.

We've got big game.

Are you ready?


We loaded up everything on schedule.

A Landmate!

Please hide in the back.

I'll handle it.

One of three men near the
bow is moving toward the center.

That's Hassan.

There's white noise all over the sensors.

I can't scan the ship!

Michelle, try the gravity shift.

It's no good!

Gravity and PNT don't work!

Dispatch is red!

It's a scan-shield.

They must be
generating it somewhere nearby.

We have to get the Landmates first.

I know there's someone else here!

Come on out!

Silvia, don't be off guard!

Don't worry.


They stole these Landmates, is that it?

I've never seen this type.

Marcia, watch out!


Shoot, Marcia!

Marcia, shoot!


The rubber bullets don't work!

A Cyborg?

What was that?

This is serious!

Marcia, shoot!


That should give
him a short circuit, right?

Get out slowly.

You're the boss of
Rubuyert, Ali Jaiebu Hassan, right?

How did you know I was inside?

Even if a raccoon plays
dead, he still smells the same.

Who are you?

We're not the police,
we're a private enterprise.

We don't need to read you
legal rights or let you call a lawyer.

Angel Arms.

I'll remember that.

We confiscated five Landmates.

Two of them were badly damaged.

Weapons and ammunition
are kept all over the ship...

...but we have no details yet.

We were supposed to confiscate
all the Landmates in perfect condition.

Alissa, it's your fault again, isn't it?

I was surprised.

We were beaten completely.

What a good team!

Why don't you become my new bodyguards?

I'll pay you as much as you want.

The money is attractive, but no thanks.

I'm the owner of Angel
Arms, Takako Houraiji.

Nice to meet you.

Too bad...

By the way, how long has it
been since the jamming began?


Evacuate the ship!

I see...

The evidence was wiped out.

How about Hassan?

Interesting, but why
did this deal come up?

Find out about Hassan.

If he is alive, we have to kill him.

Before everything is out in the open...

This tea needs something...

What the hell!

You'll break your desk, Captain Endo.

Shut up!

You're not in a position to lecture me!

We can't use the pier for three weeks
because of that smuggling ship sinking!

The city police headquarters
is swamped with protests!

He did that, not us.

Also, they had antitank
weapons and Landmates.

It's a breach of the law.

Where is the evidence?

But we caught an important man.

He is a major league weapon
merchant from behind the scenes.

Ali Jaiebu Hassan...


Let me introduce you.

The mayor's assistant, Mr. Goman.

I'm Captain Endo.

I've heard about your heroic
actions when you were in SWAT.

Stop it.

That was long ago.


Is that him?

How come no one wanted to go out?

Takako would have treated all of us.

I can't eat Italian food.

It's gross.

Okonomiyaki is the kind of food I like.

Where are you from, Silvia?


That's why I eat Irabu and Gouya.

But you guys don't need to feel bad.

Everything is Alissa's fault.

She still hasn't really
become one of the team.

We can't get paid.

Our business license
was suspended for one week...

Everything is because of her.

Our company is operating in the red!

Yes, we are.

But, we shouldn't put the blame on her...

Michelle, what're you saying?

Everything is because of Alissa!

She pisses me off!

Hey Mister, bring us another serving!

I can shoot if it's a simulation...

Ryo, did you finish with the repairs?

I need a little more time...

I have to check some parts.

How long will it be?

I don't see what the problem is.

It's not like I drive the
way Alissa does or anything...

I don't think Alissa is a bad pilot.

She goes through parts
quickly, but her balance is even.

You drive in a more peculiar way.



You handle it rough at crucial moments.

Alissa gets along with
Doluche and her piloting...

Well, Douche is a cyber-brain type with
a DIP system, so maybe that's why...

But, Silvia is the roughest pilot.

She breaks hers once every three times.

You're awfully attentive...

I don't know anything except machines.

But, Alissa is the best
at mastering her Landmate.

Her character is the problem, though...

Let go of me!

You'll be shot!

Jean Luc!

I won't let you go by yourself.


Oh, man.

She collapsed.

Take her to the police hospital.

Tell them to prepare
for a cyber-operation.

It doesn't seem like
the redevelopment plan... making much progress, especially
after the two earthquake disasters.

There are too many priorities.

You want to break
open this smuggling ring...

...80 you're going to protect Hassan.

That I understand...

But does he want us to fight them?

Life is dear to him, too.

Will you accept his terms?

Yes, the mayor is planning to do so.

A dignitary from the central
government might be involved.

A dignitary?

We believe he is an influential
politician in the Control Party.

There is no evidence.

The pressure is strong.

He would win in court.

However, if you destroy
the enemy mobile troops...

...they'll be temporarily immobilized.

Then, I'll get him.

You think that's easy, huh?

Of course, I'll help
you as much as I can.

I can't deal with a power
game among statesmen.

Who do you think made your Angel team?

Your boss...

...the great mayor of Bayside city.

But my girls risk their lives.

I know...

But you have to follow our instructions.

Look at this.

This footage is from
the airport yesterday.

His name on the passport is Arthur Jones.

He is British.

He's cute.

His real name is Jean Luc Skinner.

He is the leader of a terrorist
group known as Sekundaty.

Jean Luc...

Then he was Alissa's...

He was Alissa's lover.

Today, he is a
worldwide terrorist for hire.

After the Hassan incident, his
accomplices have slipped into town.

So you want us to be
Hassan's bodyguards...

The Angels exist for this kind of thing.

The mayor requested help from
the garrison of Bayside military base...

...even though he hates the military.

I should drop Alissa from the team.

She doesn't fit in with everyone else.


It's possible that she
will endanger our mission.

It's better if all of you
learn to work together...

All five together...

So, what do you think?

I'll charge you a lot.

That's why we can
never fix the Ferris wheel.

Automatic driving clear.

Eight terrorists are in
Bayside City, right now.

They're all masters, especially Jean Luc.

Hassan is restricted to
city police headquarters.

The private Angel Arms
company is in charge of guarding him.

Why did you request a
private company's help?

You have the city
police and our military force.

This company arrested Hassan.

By the new law, Hassan belongs
to this company until the trial finishes.

My police forces have already executed
a Roller Operation across Bayside City.

They're like mice in a trap.

Don't take them lightly

Captain Shiberagi...

I never called you.

The Cabinet Security
Council called us in...

...since we are the Special
Terrorism Countermeasure Forces.

From General Kazama?

He told me to help some guys who
weren't getting anything important done.


It's our jurisdiction.

Keep out of it!

That's absurd.

Please be quiet.

I'll request the Special Forces with the
military to prevent any misunderstanding.

The city police and the military...

...-must work side by side to
prevent terrorism from happening.

You have a great view
of the airport from here.

I helped myself.


I want to show you something.

This is footage from
the airport yesterday.

It's the man...

...who supposedly died in
front of you, two years ago.

He is in Bayside City, now.

His purpose is to find and kill Hassan.

We got our orders from Goman.

Protect Hassan and kill any attackers.

Are you going to drop me from the team?

Goman said not to.

Goman said so?

Takako, does Goman
really believe I won't betray him?

I don't know...

I can only tell you that it's
your job to protect Hassan...

You have colleagues...

...all of Angel Team.

You've hurt so many people.

That was your life.

But, you finally found a
way to live as a human being.

I think Goman was raised
to believe in that kind of thing.

Nice watch...

Although it's so
damaged, it still works perfectly...

Are you like that?

What would you do, Takako?

It's your decision...

Maybe I would choose the man I loved...

Either way,
I wouldn't regret my decision.

The mission briefing is
tomorrow morning at 6:00.

If you don't come...

...Alissa, you'll have to leave the team.

How could you smuggle
all this in such a short time?

This is nothing.

It's just a sample of
what we can acquire.

I see.

Those destroyed
Landmates were nothing, right?

We can replenish our supply, but
we don't want it to happen again.

That's why we called you.

So, where is he?

I think we can figure that out.


It's already 7:00.

What happened to Alissa?

She's never been late before.

Something may have happened to her.

Don't worry about her, after all...

. it will be easier to work without her.

I suppose it would be a
waste of time to wait for Alissa.

I'll try to contact her again, though.

Please go to the police
headquarters as planned.

I'll leave the mission specifics to Kei.

All right.


Sorry, I'm late.

She's cold as ice.

Let's go.

Hey, don't be so slow!

Don't let the soldiers
steal all the credit!

Queen, E4.

Knight, F3, check.

One more game.

How many times would you like to lose?

I've seen through your
moves, I'll win next time.

Don't act like a kid, old man.

How long do I have to entertain this man?

I don't know.

The sky is becoming overcast.

You guys should get ready.

They will be showing up soon.

Don't talk nonsense!

How could you know?

It's thanks to the one god, Allah.

We have several simultaneous explosions.

They set bombs all over.

We'll be able to
successfully dispose of some...

...but we can't manage all of them.

How bad is the city?

Thousands of casualties.

I just talked to the central government.

I'm announcing a state of
emergency in Bayside City.

It's begun.

Everyone, standby!


Captain Endo, the Terrorism
Countermeasures Headquarters... requisitioning
staff to emergency areas!

You idiot!

Their real target is Hassan!

I can't remain shorthanded here!

Please take responsibility!


The radar isn't working!


Don't depend on a machine!

Use your eyes!

They're coming from above!

Hot, hot!

Two big machines.

Only two?

Alissa and I will stop them.

You guys move Hassan just in case.

Hey, wait!

Where are you taking Hassan?

Sorry Mister, but we
don't have time for you.

I've never seen either type.

I'll take care the big one.

You get the thin one.

I got it.

Be careful, their armor is very thick.


Damn armor!

You don't want me to
attack your head, do you?

Come on!

Once more!

My Thermoptic Camouflage...

It's all over...


My Optical Sensors aren't working.

It's okay.

They can't fight anymore.

Our target is Hassan.

Let's go.

Where is Hassan?

D-Don't move!

You're surrounded!

Stop resisting!


No way...

It's better to make it simple.

Complicated devices lead to mistakes.

Pick it up.

After these finish mixing, it'll explode.

In about fifteen seconds...



Jean Luc...

What're you doing?

She's an old friend of mine.

It's time!

Let's go.

What the...

An old friend?

What a bad day...

So good...

The Japanese just don't understand...

He's pretty fearless guy...

As soon as we got
here, he's been like that.

Kei and Alissa are taking their time...

Don't worry.

Michelle, what are you doing?

I'm hacking the Public
Safety Department computer.


I did it!

Idiot, what the hell are you doing?

If Takako finds out,
she'll take it out of your salary!

Haven't you noticed how little information
we have on the enemy this time?


Usually, Takako give us all kinds of
details about the enemy's capabilities.

You don't think Takako is
hiding something from us?

Do you?

Only possibility.

But information is important...

If we don't know the
enemy, we can't plan a strategy.

Now your acting like
a member of the Angels!

It's because of Kei.

Not me?

What are you doing, Mister?

I've always wondered what information
the Japanese Safety Department has.


Just get dressed.

I found it!


You are evil-looking.

I have a request for
the Safety Department!

Change my photo!

Can't you be quiet?


What's that?

This is the information on the
terrorist group led by Jean Luc.

Look, it says that Jean Luc was
killed in during a failed bank robbery.

That's too bad.


What the...

Alissa Takakura...


They knew each other.

That's why Takako
didn't give us any information.

Now that you mention it, Takako
asked me one time when she was drunk...

...that if my boyfriend died
because he was trying to protect me...

...would I ever be
able to forget about him?

Maybe that was about Alissa.

They're back.

Kei, what happened?

It looks like Alissa saved her life
when her Landmate was destroyed.

Where is Alissa?

She was taken...

By her old friend?

I guess...

They're smarter than you guys.

Honored residents of Bayside City...

Please remain calm at all times.

Everything is under control.

I need the cooperation of every
citizen to prevent any more confusion.

We are doing our best
to deal with the terrorists.

Are you awake now?

Jean Luc?

I've been looking
for you for two years...

Why are you alive?

God must have thought
I was too young to die.

Although my body has
became fake like yours...

Alissa, did Hassan buy you?

It's just a coincidence.

What are you, a bouncer?

What's wrong?

Stop it.

It doesn't suit you.

Only idiots work as bodyguards.

You should be with me.

We should have fun like before.

What about Hassan?

I have to kill him.

That's my job.

Job, huh?

I'm going to put on a big show.

You haven't changed at all.

Neither have you.


He has a younger
brother in Little Arabia?

Get ready to move.


I have to go to work, wait here.

Oh, yeah...

You had this old watch...

I guess it's okay for you to hold onto it.

If you don't want him to kill you...

...don't even think about escaping.

Ryo, the 23rd corollary is broken.

Silvia, can you hold it there?

You're a slave driver.

Yeah, right!

That's my line.


What is it, Ivan?

Can you leave tomorrow morning?

No one wants to help you in this town.

I'm sorry I got you involved.

I never wanted to see you again.

My brother ran a smuggling operation...

I couldn't approve!

I heard Rubuyert was very careful
when it chose from potential clients.

I never sell to any organization...

. known to kill
children or hurt innocents.

That's my way.

But, people still die.

My name is Kelvelos.

You are my master.

Good boy.

The girl escaped!


What are you gonna do?


You've grown up...

Jean Luc!

Access the Public Safety mainframe.

Find the address of Hassan's brother.

That was fast.

Thank you, master.

Go there at top speed.

We've got two unidentified Landmates.

Jean Luc must be in one of them.

The rubber bullets
won't effect their armor.

They're both excellent combatants.

We have to fight two on
one, otherwise we can't win.

I-I can't!

Fighting isn't my strong point!


What're you talking about?

Alissa is not here, so we won't have
enough people if you don't come with us!

You four need to fight
together while Alissa is missing.

Do you think Alissa is all right?

Stop it.

They're not the enemy.


Don't scare me like that!

Are you okay?


Jean Luc will attack any time now.

Wait a minute...

Jean Luc is your ex-boyfriend, right?

Why didn't you tell us that?

You still like him, don't you?


Give it up!

Stop it, Silvia.

Alissa didn't betray her team-mates.

I don't give a crap!

Is that your judgment as our leader?

If it wasn't for Alissa,
I wouldn't be here right now.

I can't trust her.

How about me?


Trust me...

«just this once.

All right, whatever.

I have to get ready...

Oh, me too!

She's not really a bad person.

I know.

Ryo said you're the best Landmate pilot.

That's my job.

But, you burn through parts quickly, too.


Don't burn yourself out.

I'm not just saying that as your leader.

I just worry about you,
because you're my teammate.


We should get ready, too.

We have to be careful
because those two are terrible.

A teammate, is that it?

Excuse me!

Here we are...

The Crimson Tailel company made
these high-performance Landmates in 2098.

There was only two prototypes,
both scrapped at the Bayside Base.

Bayside Base?

Doesn't the military manage that?

Commander Tomioka...

What group took care of it?

It was the anti-terrorism unit.

The anti-terrorism unit is
an independent organization...

...they are totally out of our
jurisdiction at Bayside Base.

Who is in charge of waste disposal?

Captain Shiberagi.

Captain Shiberagi?

What should we do, Mayor?

Find him!


If we destroy the city,
that should tie them up!

Aim for Hassan.

He's our only target.

However, the guards there
won't just be regular bouncers.

One Landmate has Thermoptic Camouflage.

That'll make it more fun to crush them.

Don't be rushed.

You can't command me!

Let me do it my way.

That was our deal, wasn't it?

Set fire to any suspect
shelters and burn them down.

If anyone resist us, kill them
even they're women and children.


That weapon is just a prototype!

I don't care.

I'll just test it for you.

Do whatever you want!

What happened?

Ryo, did you fix them?

Well, I did whatever I could.

That's good enough.

You're driving the truck.


It'll be fine!

Why are they destroying
the town just to find me?

We'll just have to get
out of here right away.

Please, Ryo...

I don't know if

Move it!

I wouldn't have come if I
knew this was going to happen.

This area is like a labyrinth...

It'll take them time to catch us.

Turn right.

Next left.

Turn right.

Up above!


That's him!

One of the monsters!

Ryo, ram it!

No way!

Step on the gas!

Get down!

Targeting mode...

Locked on!

I did it!

Let's get out of here!


Hassan's younger
brother lives in the city.

In Little Arabia!

That's it!

You guys just take it easy.

I'll take care of this.


Why did they pull out?

That was easy...

They didn't want to die, did they?

Be careful.

They won't give up so easily.

I'm detecting a plasma reaction!

It's very close!



Get down!


I'm all right...

I guess this weapon
hasn't been perfected yet.


L-Look out!



Brother, don't go!


He saved me the trouble.

Stop it!


Alissa, don't get in my way.

Jean Luc...

Don't disturb me.


Attention, you terrorists!

This is the Bayside City Police.

Disarm and surrender at once.

An army is right behind us.

There's no use resisting.

Disarm and surrender at once.

Small fry...

Jean Luc, retreat!

I'll finish in a minute.

It's an order from above!

Don't make the disturbance any worse!



Hold on!



I can hear you.


Are you all right?

I'm okay...

I'm alive.

Hold on a second.

I'll get you out of there.


Don't die!





You came to...

I think I'm a really lucky guy.

Don't speak yet.

Allah will help me say what I need to.

I guess you guys
already figured it out...

. but the Landmates
you guys found in that ship...

...were illegally sold by the military...

I thought so!

Who is pulling the strings?

Behind everything is...

...the Cabinet Chief of
Security in the Central Government...

...General Kazama.

...and the leader of the Special
Terrorism Countermeasure Forces...

...Captain Shiberagi.

Everything goes through them, right?

They destroyed the
City Police building, too...


Why did you tell us now?

They're still trying to kill
you because of your information.

I've decided to bet on you guys.

I can't believe an international
smuggler is saying things like that.

You're too laid back.


But I've been like this for a while now.

I can't pretend to be
something I'm not anymore.

You guys work hard for me...

You're a good team.

It's okay, Brother.

Take a rest.

I'm all right.

I'm a lucky guy.


I'm sorry I gave you a lot of trouble.

It's no use complaining...

What were you guys doing?

We were just wondering why you
waited so long before rescuing us!


The cavalry is supposed to
storm in at the last possible moment!


You shouldn't be up!

I'm all right.

I'm not that weak.


Where are you going?

I have something I have to finish.

Are you going to just march into
Terrorism Countermeasure Headquarters?


The Special Terrorism
Countermeasure Force Headquarters...

Known as "Pandora."

It's got to end somewhere.

You can't do it by yourself.

It'll be a hard job.

Hey, everyone...

Are you kidding?

Do you know what kind of place that is?

These guys may
just be a bunch of thugs...

...but their base is a fortress with the
newest security and combat systems.

However, we are Angel Arms!

What do you mean?



I can't permit...

What an annoying prick.

Alissa, are the chances in our favor?

I'm not planning to lose.

Mr. Goman...

Can you permit this?

I commanded you to destroy the enemy...

Isn't that correct?

Let's go!

Pandora is a mobile fortress...

It has thirty-two stories above ground
level and seventy-one underground.


It can move?


Almost half the arms and ammunition
Yokosuka base holds is stored there.

Because of the risk inherent
in housing such a stockpile...

...there is a special escape
route in case of emergency.

What is it?

An undersea tunnel.

A tunnel?


It was made for delivering supplies and
passengers when we couldn't go by sea.

The tunnel was cracked...

...during the massive earthquake
two years ago, and it's out of use now.

So we'll use it to get inside, right?

That's it.

This tunnel is linked
to the subway system.

But, there is a problem.


Pandora has a specially
designed defense system...

...the door cannot be
opened from the outside.

That's easy.

We'll just use a bazooka or a missile.

When the sensors detect gunfire...

...the tunnel collapses automatically.

What the hell!

I can't understand what the
person who designed it was thinking.

So, someone has to sneak into
Pandora and open the door from inside.


That's impossible!

I'll go.


It's okay.

I won't make any mistakes.

Elevator S5's surveillance
camera has ceased functioning.

Is the elevator moving?


Set up an ambush.



Thank you, good bye.

We got permission to blow the tunnel.


Don't bother me anymore!


I've detected an explosion.

Where is it?


We just passed there!

The tunnel may have been blown!

No way!

Look, there is the exit!

Where is Alissa?

Alissa isn't here yet.

It's here!


Alissa, close it!

Alissa, what were you doing?

Were you trying to get us killed?

What are you talking about?

You wouldn't die, even if we killed you.


Well, it's okay.

Let's go!



Hey, where are you going?

They're my customers.

I have to welcome them.

Maintenance team, did you
finish the repairs on Grayfox?


We're just making the
final adjustments now, sir.

That's good enough!


Oh no.

You made sucha mess out of everything.

Oh sorry, sorry...

It's Kei.

We've occupied the command room.

That was quick.

We'll press forward.


Michelle, get into the computer.

Oui, oui.

Silvia, you guard Michelle.

Oh, now I'm a babysitter?

I am not a baby!

Marcia, come with me.



You can do whatever you want.

But, take care of yourself.

I know.

Let's go!

Where are the monsters?

They'll probably show up.

Be careful, they may be coming here.

Do you know where
the maintenance room is?

Just a second.

Here it is.

Thank you.

Please enter password.

Just listen to me, baby.

Dammit, evacuate!

Level two accessed.

Well, next level...


I wanna fight, too.

Good job.

Thank you, Master.

They're putting on quite a show.

Oh no!

Takako, I'll take care of it.

Michelle is just that good!

Please give me a good bonus!

Michelle, you're sneaky.

Hey, now!

Level three accessed.

Jean Luc...

Welcome, Alissa...

I'm glad.

But I'm not with you...

A little closer...

Come a little closer to me...


Come to where I am.


Where are you, Jean Luc?

Concentrate your senses.


Come on...

Kei, Marcia, can you hear me?

The communication
from Takako was cut off!

What did you say?

What's wrong, Alissa?

Why are you tense?

Are you afraid?

You shot me...

That's because you advanced on me.

Besides, you are still alive.

Yes, you shot me.

But you didn't try to kill me.

You diffused the plasma
and let the power drop.


You taught me to kill anyone...

«who points a gun at
me, even if he is family.

But after all that...

«why didn't you kill me?

Because I need you.



Shoot at his arm
while he is fighting with me.

But if I hit you...

Wait, even if I don't hit you,
ammunition is stored all around us!

It's impossible.

Takako will die if I can't hit him!


We don't have time to think.

You can do it!

You're the only one who can save Takako!


Announcement for all users...

Complete level four, immediately.

Repeat, complete level four immediately.

What happened, Michelle?

Because the computer
stopped, the triggering device kicked in.

The triggering device?

It's going to self-destruct?

Alissa, watch out.

Your arm only got clipped a little.

But it hits your body... will die.

Come fight with me!

I'll kill all of you together!

Don't make fun of us!


Stay put!

Takako, please don't move!


Damn you!


Takako, Kei, Marcia, are you all right?

We're okay.

We exterminated one monster.

Michelle, how about you?

This base's self-destruct
mechanism has been activated.

How long do we have?

Ten minutes.

Can you stop it?

I can't!

Ten minutes isn't enough time!

We have to help Alissa.

Michelle, calm down.

Where is Alissa?

The top floor.


Everybody, meet up there.

We must help Alissa!

General, bad news.

There is a warrant out
for Captain Shiberagi's arrest.



There's a warrant for you, too...

Investigators are on their way here.

Shiberagi failed...

What should I do?

Destroy all the evidence.

Pandora's secret
information must be erased.

Don't leave anything
that could effect my honor.

Yes, right away.

Alissa, do you remember the
smell of the town we grew up in?


You smell the same.

I lived according to your word.

You were everything to me.

Your eyes were like those of...

«a stray dog who had lost a fight.

You were scared, and your isolation
made you feel that no one loved you.

I could understand how
the world looked to those eyes.

That's why I was with you.

I thought that my
and your loneliness could...

...-be filled up with each other.

But I misunderstood!

A stray dog is always a stray dog.

A stray dog is alone forever.

I didn't realize it.

What are you saying?

What idiots have been influencing you?


This is the military's
top-secret information block.

You always had better reaction time.

Without your help,
I wouldn't have been able...

«to emerge from the
other side of that defense wall.

We two are one together.

Let's have fun like we did before.

I don't need my past.


I don't want to live
depending on the past like you.

Don't you still understand?

How can I see a
future for us with this body?

My future was frozen in
the darkness two years ago!

No, you've always been like this...

You're still a stray dog
who can't comprehend reality!

Shut up!

I'll save your life if
you say you're sorry.

Alissa, say you're sorry!



We have to save her!


If you unplug the cord,
Alissa won't be able to come back.

What should we do?

Alissa has to come back by
herself, that's the only way.

Hurry up.

Yes sir!

The protection was unlocked...

All the top military secrets...

This was your goal...


Who cares if Hassan dies or not?

Any country would make
me rich for this kind of secret.

Guess who's been making
a living as a cyber-brain spy?

Erase it.

What happened?


This can't happen!

Alissa, help me!

Help me!


Please help me!



Are you okay?


I saw a helicopter on the rooftop.

We'll use that to escape.


Help me...

Alissa, what are you doing?

Hurry up!


He can't come back!


Jean Luc...


Good bye...


Is that the helicopter
you were talking about?

No way!

Now how can we escape?

Three minutes until detonation.

Three minutes until detonation.

Please evacuate immediately.

Hey, you shrews!

The cavalry is here!

Get in!

Hurry up!

That's good timing!

You're the best, Mr. Endo!

Is the girl who knocked
me out twice still alive?

Everybody is alive.

I won't be satisfied until I slap her ass!

Isn't that sexual harassment?

S-Sexual harassment?


Get closer!

All right!

I'll take you guys with me!

You bastard!


Leave it to me!

Alissa, take my hand!

All right!

Hurry up.

Pandora is about to explode!


We did it!

Mister, not too shabby!

What are you talking about?

Who do you think I am?

Michelle, I need a favor.

What is it, Alissa?

Can you make a new body for Kelvelos?

Is this his nucleus?

That's not like you at all.

I want him to be one of our team.


Team, huh?


Beautiful sunrise...


A good morning...

Mister, you're part of the team, too!

No jokes!

I'm a police officer.

I'm a public employee!

I can't be on a team with stray cats.

Stray cats?

That's mean.

Yes it is.

Who do you think saved your life?

Don't worry about the details.

All of us are one team!
