Gumapang ka sa lusak (1990) - full transcript
A teenage boy befriends a starlet who is having an affair with an ambitious mayor. As the elections are coming up, the mayor's wife wants him to get rid of his mistress. The starlet agrees to stop the affair on condition that the mayor help release her boyfriend from jail. The mayor does so, but wants the former jail-bird to kill his political rival ...
Let go of me, assholes!
Let go of me!
- Assholes!
- Cut!
- Go there.
- Hey!
- Get the fire..
- This needs more smoke, let's add some.
Go away from..
- Give her some ointment.
- Retouch..
This looks fine, Direk.
Just add some slit..
Put the ointment here.
- There..
- Are you ready?
- Ready, Direk.
- Check it..
- Okay, position.
- Position!
- Rolling.
- Ready, action!
Let go of me!
Stand up!
- Camera on your back.
- Let go of me!
Go, show your back
on the camera!
- Assholes!
- Resist!
- You did well.
- Yeah you act well.
- Bro..
- Okay..
Our camera's here,
the shot is from there.
Bro, you're fine with that?
How long have
you been waiting?
Let's talk.
What's with that scene?
You're nude again?
How is that nude when
I'm only showing my back?
That's what the director
wants me to do,
the story warrants it.
It's always the storyline.
Just like your previous film!
No! I wore plasters
so they saw nothing.
I don't know you anymore.
An additional talent fee and..
You look down on me,
don't you?
If you're always like that,
it's better if we break-up!
I want a guy who's
going to respect me!
You're a hindrance to my stardom.
You think I'm afraid?
There are lots
of girls out there.
You're a shit, too!
Are we going to continue shooting?
- Keep your cool.
- Eric, stop that.
Keep your cool, bro.
Let's go.
- Romel, hurry up.
- Yes.
Where are you going?
Hanging-out with friends
who treats you like their servant?
No, they are good people.
Don't you know I see how they
treat you when they're here?
Are you paid?
Why do they keep on
commanding you?
That's just teasing.
If not for them, I won't have access
to shootings and other places.
Pure nonsense.
What's in it for you?
I might meet someone
who will back me up and
help me get a scholarship
to be a pilot.
you have to stop daydreaming.
Being a pilot
is only for the rich.
You just started BS in Commerce,
I've been telling you before that
I'm not interested with that.
Let's stop this discussion.
Know what,
Since it's vacation time,
help me with these food rations.
- Ma, I'll have to leave.
- No, help me here first!
Damn this..
Bro, bro..
- Bro, bro, bro!
- Why?
Give me some money..
I need to buy something.
You have more?
None, I need to pay for fare.
Hey, stop playing.
We're running late.
James asked us to be early.
and he'll introduce us
to his new models.
We're ready to go,
we're just waiting for you.
that's your attire?
Yeah, why?
We're going to a party, not circus.
You're mocking him again.
Can you blame him if he
got no fashion sense?
Hey, that's the trend now.
Wear this.
Don't embarrass James.
Alright, alright. Here we go.
- How are you?
- Hi, hello.
- Hello!
- Here's the squad.
- Bro.
- Jonathan.
- Jonathan.. Shellette, Jennifer.
- Hi!
- Nice meeting you.
- Hi, Jonathan.
- You're late.
- We've been waiting for you.
Wow, that looks good..
- that flower.
- Let's go.
Let's go!
- Hey bro!
- Eric!
Hi Anne!
- Al!
- My man!
- How's life?
- Hey bro..
How are you?
Happy birthday James!
For you.
- How are you?
- Happy birthday!
Arjay, bro.
Happy birthday.
Alright, enjoy!
D'you have a light?
Sorry, I don't smoke.
Who are you?
Your name?
Jonathan.. and you?
Jonathan, can you get me a lighter
and gin tonic from the counter?
Of course, wait a bit.
Edmundo, stop it!
Aren't you done with that?
I'm just testing my new camera.
C'mon, give me a sexy pose.
- C'mon.
- Stop it!
Just one shot.
Take this off.
- Just a shot, don't be hard-to-get!
Stop it!
- How many times did I shot you nude?
- Edmundo, just stop!
There, there.
Hold it.
- I don't want to, Edmundo.
- I wanna drink, Rachel.
- I'm already tipsy..
- One more, one more.
- Umm.. tasty!
- Stop it!
Another one.
- C'mon, one more.
- I'm dizzy..
One more.. one more..
I smell like sweat already..
Then take a bath.
Let's bath together.
Who's this?
Why don't you respond?
I'm the guy last night, Miss Rachel.
I found out your name and number
because you left your bag last night.
That's why I called.
What bag?
I got lots of it,
that could be someone else's.
We'll make a splash in the papers,
just like how my sister did it
on your launching feature.
Semi-bold drama.
This is your comeback feature
after five years.
That's what I'm about to ask.
If it's possible..
that we hold off the press release
until we can finish the film.
Why not?
It's your comeback feature.
we should do an extravagant publicity.
- Let's make it big!
- Yeah, I know.
We should buy white envelopes
and give it to relevant
press people we can contact.
We need good publicity since
you've been gone for years.
People tend to forget you
even if you've gone
for just a bit.
That's why we need to go big!
So now,
what can you say?
Excuse me.
What are you doing here?
Are you stalking me?
I'm just following Mayor's orders.
So you'll eat a rock if he tells you to?
You know that he don't like you
to make more movies.
Yet you always disobey him.
You can't stop me
from what I want to do!
You can't stop me as well
from what I need to do.
My job
is to snoop on what you are doing,
where you are going,
and who you are with.
I'm paid by the Mayor
to do those.
You should understand me.
Because he also pays you.
That's fine.
Part of the job.
Falcon's face is really annoying.
Every time I see him following me,
my day's ruined.
- Rachel..
- Stop him, Edmundo.
Or I'll leave you.
Why do you need to work?
When I'm financially supporting you.
Even extending it to your whole family.
If it's not enough,
I'll give you more.
That's not it, Edmundo.
I just want some
freedom to do what I want..
without stalkers!
I want to earn from my hard work.
Aren't you doing hard work for me?
You don't understand me.
I understand you, Rachel.
That's why I'm not restricting you.
You're free to go wherever you want to.
You can buy anything.
You can do what you want to.
But I can't make mistakes!
You always have eyes on me
wherever I go.
Searching for what I'm up to.
With that, no one's approaching me.
You invite me to parties
but you don't talk to me.
I'm your girl for display.
Don't you see, Rachel?
You cannot get involved
with any other guy.
Even with actors,
you cannot get involved.
Your fans would be jealous.
When you walk into a room,
I want
everybody in that room
to lust after you.
But you're only mine.
I'm just getting my
money's worth, Rachel.
When I bought you,
I bought a movie star.
And I expect you to
act like a movie star for me.
Even in bed.
You can go back to showbiz, why not?
You can do it.
Only this time,
I'm your sole audience.
Feels good?
What do you think about Rachel Suarez?
Jonathan, do you know why your crush
isn't appearing on movies anymore?
It's because she's
Mayor Guatlo's mistress now.
Believe me.
My gay friends are gossiping about her.
There goes my heart
There goes my happiness.
Bro, that woman's not your match.
Too old!
She's just a bit over 20 years old.
And you're a bit over 10?
Don't worry, Jonathan.
I'll introduce you to
my classmate's Mom.
Have you seen how nervous
he is talking to girls?
Don't worry, bro.
I'll help you.
I'm an expert with wooing starlets.
An expert?
You've got three starlets
who said no to you.
It's the other way around.
And you? Have you kissed a chick?
You got no experience.
Walkman nerd.
Thank you, bro.
I can't afford this.
That's nothing.
What are my cards for?
Someone took your prospect.
Flirting since we arrived.
They're leaving.
Did you enjoy the night?
Of course, I enjoyed.
What now? Where are we going?
- Leave now.
- Falcon!
- What do you want?
- Leave.
- Why? Who are you?
- I said leave!
- Let's go
- I told you..
- Annoying.
- You're tough?
Falcon, no! Stop them!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop that!
Leave him!
Jonathan, wait!
- Stop that!
- No!
- No!
- Falcon, that's enough!
Stop that!
Let him go!
You go with me!
Get out of my way!
Let's go!
Jonathan, where are you going?
Hey! She's leaving!
Serves you right.
What a bunch of assholes.
Following me, huh?
Who are you?
We already met.
On disco.
I called you.
Because you left your bag.
Is that you?
You're like Falcon.
Stalking me.
I haven't followed any girl..
only you.
I'm speechless.
Thank you.
- where are you studying?
- In Trinity,
but we're on a vacation now.
What course did you finish?
Are you kidding me?
I don't even have a high school diploma.
Are you always like that?
What do you mean?
You're dense.
Like someone from province.
Where are you from?
Project 4.
My mom's doing food rations.
My father's dead.
I'm your fan.
So you've watched my past films?
My worthless films?
Give me a title.
The one where you're a dancer.
My first movie.
It's good.
You look pretty there.
Where did you watch it?
That's years ago.
Yesterday, on betamax.
What a fan..
This is the saddest part of
Metro Manila for me.
I don't know why I feel sad
every time I see a ship here.
I want to be a pilot.
For real?
You wanna fly?
Are you always like this?
Not really.
Just at night.
When stress gets me.
I'm mad about a lot of things.
I wanna be your friend.
Let's meet again.
Are they always watching you?
Let's go.
Let me drive you home,
your Mom must be worried.
You bought too much, Rachel.
I didn't buy all of these, Mom.
Some are my personal stocks
that I can't consume.
Isn't it Gigi's birthday next week?
Then throw a party for her.
I have no plans to party, sis.
Why not?
Invite your co-teachers and party here.
Will you attend with Mayor?
Before I forget..
Here are the toys I
bought for you, Junior.
Look at these toys.
They look good, right?
Take care of those,
they're expensive.
So, what will you say?
Thank you.
You're welcome!
Where's Dad?
Doing part-time on a repair shop.
don't give him expensive toys.
My husband's mad.
And he's getting
used to it, we can't afford them.
He's learning wrong values.
He'll think that everything can be
bought with money.
Let's talk, Gigi.
I see it.
Are you mad at me again?
Tell me!
In school,
on faculty party..
They're talking about you.
You and Mayor Guatlo.
I can't defend you
because they're right.
I don't have any face to show them.
I'm losing friends at school..
Because of you!
I feel ashamed!
What I'm doing is what
supports this family!
That's why I'm working hard!
So we don't have to rely on you!
So that even my kid's toys won't be..
- Coming from? Tell me!
- You don't know?
You don't know where your money is from?
Stop that! What are you doing?
Every time you visit,
the two of you always argue!
Wanna fight?
Go outside! On the streets!
You act like illiterate persons.
I brought you cigarettes.
I also got clothes.
How are you, Levy?
Don't you get tired of visiting me?
Why would you say that?
You know I won't get tired
of going here for you.
I might not be released here anymore.
You'll get out soon, Levi.
Just stop your jailbreak attempts.
You're sentence keeps on
extending because of those.
Every part of my body..
Every part of my body resists
from being caged here.
There are criminals out there
who did worse compared to me..
They're enjoying their freedom!
We'll find a way to get you out.
do you still remember
back when we are kids..
I told you,
my dream is to..
earn a million peso.
I don't have that dream anymore.
Help me get out of here, Rachel!
They're slowly killing me.
They're slowly sucking
out my sanity.
Help me before I'm done for!
I will do anything,
to get out of this jail.
Help me..
Haven't you mentioned before that
you're friends with the director of
Bureau of Corrections?
Yeah, why?
Don't say no.
I have a favor to ask.
How would I refuse if I
don't know what you want?
I know you'll grant me this favor.
I have a friend
who's in jail.
Rachel, do you still not know me?
There's no information about
your life that I don't know.
Your family.
Your leading men.
All of the jobs you took.
Levi, your first and only boyfriend.
Will you please help me?
We're not in a relationship anymore.
I just pity him.
Do you pity him or
you just want him back?
Have I done something you didn't like?
Why are you afraid with
him being free?
Edmundo, please help me.
I promise I'll be a good girl.
I'll go out at night less frequently.
I won't give Falcon a hard time.
And I promise I'll be the
best movie star for you.
I'll do whatever you ask me to.
Your previous boyfriend
was a born criminal.
He did all types of
robbery and smuggling.
Isn't he a frequent in jail?
We free him and
he'll likely be jailed again.
I'll convince him to start anew.
Once a criminal, Rachel..
Always a criminal.
Just like your peers in the city hall!
You're getting to be with me.
Please help me, Edmundo.
Please help me.
Alright, I'll consider.
Get dressed.
We're going to a party.
I want you to wear
the dress I bought
for you from Hong Kong.
I want you to look
really sexy.
Boss, someone's following us.
Fuck, this is ambush!
Sir, it's just your wife.
That's what ambush means!
Hi, hun.
Hop on my car, Edmundo.
We're going to a party.
You kept me waiting, we're running late.
I thought you're not attending?
I'll just go alone.
I thought I should go
for your campaign.
Let's go.
Ride on my car instead.
I don't want to ride
with your body guards!
Do you really need to go?
Do we have to argue in
the middle of the road?
Follow us.
How's your latest conquest?
Doing fine.
It's not fine with me.
You usually get rid of
your girls after few months.
You even got her a house!
Supporting even her family.
You're good at investigating.
If you got a spy for her,
I got one too.
Poor Rachel.
Got 2 spies snooping on her.
If you can't get rid of her,
I'll help you.
Hun, aren't you used to it?
I need these diversions.
I need some..
If you'll get rid of Rachel,
I'll find a replacement.
It's different this time.
Election's coming.
If you want to be a congressman,
that dick should wait.
Good evening!
- Good evening!
- Good evening Mrs. Guatlo.
- How are you?
- Doing fine?
- How are you?
- Mayor..
- Hello.
- Good evening.
How are you?
- Compadre!
- Good evening!
Why are you late?
We've been waiting for you.
- We've waited..
- You know how she prepares in a parlor!
Edmundo's kidding.
- Don't believe him.
- But it's worth it.
Rowena, I don't know your secret.
You're so pretty, as if you don't age.
It's simple.
I don't let anything worry me.
If I got a problem,
I resolve it immediately.
And I'm not giving her
anything to worry about!
- As you should be!
- Right, compadre?
Attorney, how are you?
How are you?
- How's life?
- It's okay.
Mayor, you'll win!
Well with your support,
how could I lose?
Ladies and gentlemen,
we got a surprise for tonight!
Our beloved Mayor just arrived..
Or should I say..
Congressman Guatlo.
Mrs. Guatlo,
would you mind singing for us?
- Would you?
- Go on, please grant their request.
You're gonna sing!
- Grant their request..
- Alright, I'll sing.
Thank you, Mayor. Thank you, Ma'am.
Thank you, thank you.
I'll sing for you if,
you'll vote for my husband.
Can I trust you?
If We Only Have Love
by Jacques Brel
If we only have love
Then tomorrow will dawn
And the days of our years
Will rise on that morn
If we only have love
To embrace without fears
We will kiss with our eyes
We will sleep without tears
If we only have love
We can melt all the guns
And then give the new world
To our daughters and sons
If we only have love
- With our arms open wide
- May I have a brandy, please.
- And we'll..
- I thought your wife won't attend?
I'm surprised too, I'm not informed.
If we only have love
We will never bow down
What should I do here,
the people are staring at me.
Just relax, don't be too obvious.
- Whatever, Edmundo.
- If we only have love
To be shared by all men
You're confident, aren't you?
They don't know her.
They're an innocent crowd.
And if someone knows,
no one will talk.
That girl's a drunkard,
typical of obsolete artists.
She'll bring you trouble.
Don't you care about our kids?
Rowena, let me handle this.
With the elections coming,
we can't afford
the smallest of issues.
You get rid of that communist Tuazon,
I'll get rid of your mistress.
Other politicians has
mistresses and they
- don't get in trouble.
- She's different!
You built her a house
out of public funds.
Tuazon will file you an
immorality-related case.
He's a strong opponent.
Don't underestimate him.
If we'll get rid of Tuazon,
why do we have to get rid of Rachel?
Because I want to!
So I can focus my efforts
towards helping your candidacy.
As long as she's present,
I'll lose my concentration.
I can't help effectively and
I'll have difficulty getting
financial help from my father.
Is that..
- the reason?
- That's one of the reasons, Edmundo.
We've been waiting for this chance.
We have spent millions and
we won't lose just because
of a gold-digger bitch from Pandacan.
I'll talk to Rachel.
I already heard that line
before with your mistress..
No effect.
You just ask them to hide and once
I turn my back, they're also back again.
You take care of Tuazon,
I'll take care of Rachel!
I don't have to invite myself here.
We don't need to sugarcoat things.
We both know that my
husband owns this house.
Another thing is,
you'll have to leave.
50,000 pesos.
That amount should be enough
for you to rent a
bigger house than this.
Buy a house from Bliss.
Pack-up your things
and leave this house.
Edmundo won't need you anymore.
You're done.
I'll only listen to Edmundo, not you.
Get out of my husband's life.
You've milked him enough.
Why don't you find another man?
A man with
a gullible wife.
Don't treat me like
your husband's previous mistresses.
I'm not a bitch.
You're receiving money
from my husband monthly, right?
You regularly service him on bed, right?
That makes you a bitch.
I'm warning you.
Leave my husband or
I'll erase your face with muriatic acid.
I'll have you raped!
From now on,
call my husband Mayor.
It doesn't hurt to be
respectful, right?
I left show business because of you!
My family got in a
scandal because of me!
You made me a caged bird,
ready at your disposal!
And just because your wife got mad,
you'll leave me in an instant?
I'm not letting you go.
I don't want to lose you, Rachel.
this election is important to me.
We'll just fool them.
Let's meet less often.
You know what, better go home now.
I'll still send money.
And whenever you need me,
I'm one call away.
After the election,
return to original setup.
How about the favor I asked of you?
I did not forget that.
Don't worry.
I'll find a way.
There are times I envy the rich,
just like Eric.
They can study or
buy whatever they want to.
What did they do to become rich?
What did I fail to do?
Why am I poor?
I thought being poor is a sin.
I'm also from squatter's area.
I also experienced hardships.
Fetching water
even if I'm sick.
Not being able to complain even if a
Chinese guy watches me take a bath..
Because he lends us money for viand.
To kneel while pleading to our
landlady because she will kick us out.
Seeing you now,
you don't look like someone
from squatter's area.
That's because I promised to myself..
I'll make sure people won't
see any trace of me
being poor.
I won't return to that life
whatever happens.
You told me
you have a friend in jail.
That's Levi.
We both dreamt before.
We told ourselves
we will be rich..
Then we'll marry.
I learned that dreams
and love don't go
We decided we're not
destined for each other.
I ended up here.
He's still in jail now.
Do you still love him?
I haven't forgotten him.
But nothing will happen.
We have long accepted that
we took different paths in life.
- Why?
- Nothing.
I hope I can get out
from being poor like you.
I love you.
It's real. I love you.
- How old are you?
- Eighteen.
Things are just starting for you.
Start with a clean slate.
Start fresh.
- What's the matter?
- Something happened. Your dad.
He was kicked out of work yesterday.
- His guess was..
- It's not a guess!
I know the truth!
The Mayor's wife
talked to my manager!
She kicked me out!
My colleague saw her
letter to my manager!
I endured all
the gossips I heard in the office
when they found out you're
the Mayor's mistress.
How can I show them my face?
We're not messing up with their lives.
We're not doing anything wrong.
Tell me,
Isn't it wrong to be
the Mayor's mistress?
You still consider yourself clean?
- My daughter's a bitch!
- Keep calm..
If I'm a bitch then that
we're all a bitch!
We're all being fed with
Edmundo's money!
- Discipline your kid!
- Stop that..
- Don't talk back to me!
- Let's go..
You're too hot-headed!
Your dad's right.
I know that, Mom.
Is there anything we can do?
It already happened.
If only I knew..
- Mom..
- Rachel..
I don't know what to do..
Why do that to my father?
I'm following your orders.
That's Rowena's doing.
I know what she's doing
to your previous mistresses.
She won't stop until
everything crumbles.
She'll also do that to me!
Can't she leave my family alone?
She'll eventually get tired.
Once she has vented her anger,
she's done.
Don't mind her.
And besides, I have good news for you.
I already fixed Levi's papers.
He'll be out of jail.
- Is that true?
- Yes, on Monday.
But I'm warning you, Rachel.
I don't want hanky-panky.
Can I at least talk to him?
You can talk to him.
But I'll do the arrangement.
I'll have you picked-up by then.
Up to you.
Thank you, Edmundo.
If you're looking for land reform
and abundance for our town.
Attention, everyone.
Don't let any greedy politician
trample our rights.
Vote for Tuazon!
A candidate from the masses,
for the masses.
Tuazon! The masses' candidate!
Attention, everyone.
Don't let any greedy politician
trample our rights.
Vote for Tuazon!
A candidate from the masses,
for the masses.
Tuazon! The masses' candidate!
Tuazon, Rudy Tuazon, elect him!
Tuazon, Rudy Tuazon, elect him!
I'm Falcon.
That's an alias because
I'm a former stuntman on films.
I'm Mayor's bodyguard.
Can I open the windows?
You're in jail for years, right?
Know what?
I don't want to be jailed.
I'll kill or get killed.
Mayor will provide for you.
There's money on the envelope.
All for you.
That's also yours.
Can you tell me what your orders are?
Mayor will tell you.
But don't worry,
you can do it.
He investigated about you
while you're in jail.
He knows your skills.
Another thing.
While your task isn't done yet,
you should not roam or
talk to anyone without our permission.
You also need to inform us
about your phone calls.
Is this another jail?
You're a funny guy.
Who are you?
This is Rachel.
Open the door.
I brought you food.
Please wait.
Can we talk outside?
We'll be damned if Mayor finds out.
This will be short.
Don't take too long.
Seven years.
Seven years, Rachel!
Don't be rough.
I'll just finish Mayor's assignment..
Then we can go somewhere far.
A task?
You're not aware?
I thought you talked to Mayor?
He lobbied my release papers
under one condition.
He has one task for me.
An order to kill.
It's that easy for you?
Just a simple job?
Edmundo did not tell me they'll use you.
Do you think they'll
release me without payment?
The payment..
It's me.
Thank you, Rachel.
But what I want
is I'll pay them for my freedom.
I'm used to kill anyway.
when I kill someone,
I'll end up in jail.
At least if I kill now,
I'll be free.
Be wary of Edmundo.
Don't trust him too much.
You attached your
whole life to that guy.
What if he leave you?
What if he replace you?
You know his wife.
I don't know.
I haven't thought of that yet.
If I'll be elected,
first thing on my list
is enact a genuine land reform.
Starting within our area.
You'll be going against
landlords if you'll do that.
You won't be able to
accomplish anything right if..
They accuse you of being a communist.
- I don't care what they call me.
- The task is simple.
What I know is..
- I'm after real justice..
- Kill him.
real peace
and real unity.
- All good?
- Well, everything is set.
Everything is going smoothly as planned.
Okay, I'll go ahead.
Good thing you've made it here fast.
They picked me up.
That's enough.
Stop crying.
I brought your other clothes.
When they told me that..
you're out of jail..
I got nervous because
I thought it's another jailbreak.
Are you really free this time?
Yes, Mom.
I already have release papers.
Why don't you go to our house?
It's only me and your siblings.
And they're excited to see you!
I just need to finish a job.
Take this.
Buy a sewing machine.
I remember you wanted
to open a tailoring shop.
Any excess money,
spend it for Biboy.
Tell him to
go to school again.
Where did you get this?
- Explain what's happening.
- Mom!
I saved that from
my job inside the jail.
This is too much money!
- Don't tell me you..
- Aren't you used to it?
As long as you're doing something dirty,
I'll never be used to it.
The people who picked me earlier..
It looks like they're bad people.
Be careful, my son!
Go home already!
You're overthinking.
This is just a job!
Do what you have to do
and go home once you're done.
So we can all be together.
Yes, Mom.
I love you, Mom.
If I can only bring back the old you..
Obeying whatever I say..
You're being dramatic again.
What I'm asking for is your support.
Not with money but understanding,
and dedication.
Our county is being ruled
by persons like Tuazon.
Persons who are against democracy,
and has ties with communists.
We want a country
with equal rights.
People that are
beautiful, neat, and happy.
No oppressed and oppressors.
Help my husband win.
Vote for Guatlo.
How are you?
Hi, how are you?
- Hello! Thank you.
- Earned enough?
Vote for Guatlo.
- Vote Guatlo
- Hey..
- Cheeks-to-cheeks!
- No problem.
- We trust you.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
Don't forget to write
Guatlo on your ballots.
Let me carry that kid.
Picture! Take a picture of us!
What does that stupid Tuazon know?
Will you vote for him
as our province's representative?
What will he do on Congress?
Plant some rice?
What you need is
someone who understand.
Knows not only your problems,
but also knows how to
raise them on Congress
so actions can be taken immediately.
What they say is
I don't know anything about politics
because I'm just a lowly farmer.
A lowly farmer just like you!
I admit that I'm not a politician.
I do not steal the government's money!
Vote Tuazon!
I do not have bodyguards,
nor I bring guns!
I won't fool you,
and I'm not a liar!
Vote Tuazon!
My love
will never fade..
It is like a morning with hope rising.
Our life is short, my dear..
That is why a neat persuasion
for you is forever in place..
Count on my promise to you..
You'll be the one I'd love forever..
Another one?
I know what you feel.
I know your hardships
because I'm one of you.
I'm just like you.
I'm eating
what you're eating.
I also live
where you live.
I'm one of you!
There are candidates out there
that can't even visit your place
without any bodyguards.
Why? Are they afraid of you?
How can they serve you if they're
afraid of their constituents?
As for me,
I don't have private army.
I don't have firearms.
I don't have bodyguards
because I believe in peace!
And I
will never believe in using violence!
our last candidate for tonight
is Miss Imee Trinidad!
In front of you are
our beautiful candidates tonight,
vying to be crowned as Miss San Jose.
Who among them
will receive the crown tonight?
We'll find out in a few.
But before that,
let me introduce you
our board of judges tonight.
From my right, Attorney Rene San Jose.
Mrs. Ester Yap,
the president of
women's civic organization of San Jose.
Next one is
the chairman of the board of judges.
Honorable candidate of
Bisig Ng Bayan party
for congressman..
Our beloved Attorney Ricardo Tuazon!
Attorney Tuazon was being introduced
as the chairman
of a beauty contest in
Barangay San Jose, Concepcion, Rizal
when he was shot by an unknown killer.
The police has no leads
regarding his death as of the moment.
The investigators suspect
that it's a political killing
or done by a rightist.
The task is simple, yet you failed?
What's the use of that gun?
Are you even using your brain?
What if the police catches him?
You need to kill him right now.
If the Mayor's gang finds out he's here,
we'll all be in trouble!
Aren't you tired of
bringing scandals to our house?
He has nowhere to go, dad.
So you brought him here?
Sis, he's from a jail.
He just killed someone!
Gigi, he's double-crossed!
I don't care if he's double-crossed!
I don't care if he's innocent or not!
I'm sure he's being hunted now.
What if they find him here?
You're endangering us, Rachel.
We have a lot of problems,
think about us.
Don't worry, mom.
I'll find him a place tomorrow morning.
Why do it tomorrow?
Do it now!
I'm sorry.
I understand them.
I'll leave
immediately tomorrow.
I'll go to province.
I'll talk out with Edmundo.
He fooled me.
Let me handle him.
He owes me.
He's been fooling me for so long!
But I've been stupid.
I've let him use me.
Don't worry.
I'm used to fighting with demons.
I endured him for years.
I serviced him in bed every night.
Ever since we split ways,
have you had a girl?
Loved someone?
Another girl..
A lot.
But I didn't love any..
Not even one.
A visitor..
I'll let you talk.
What are you doing here?
I forced your mom to let me in.
I told her
I'm trustworthy.
I went to your previous house.
They told me you already left.
Jonathan, here's Levi.
He's my friend.
We have a problem
and I don't wanna involve you.
I want to help.
Mom! Mom!
There are guys outside with guns!
Thank you but..
There are persons outside with guns!
Use this exit.
- Don't follow me!
- No!
Stay here, Jonathan. Don't go!
No, I'll help!
What do you need?
- Stay there!
- Wait!
There's an exit here!
Boy! Tell Bert
to block their path!
My God!
- Go there!
- No!
No! No! No! No, Levi!
Levi, take care!
Quick! Get him!
Someone's coming!
- Where's Bert?
- Dead.
Quick! Get him!
You failed again?
Why did you leave Rachel alive?
You can't kill a bitch?
Where are your balls?
Next time, don't slap me.
I don't allow my parents to slap me.
If you think I'm worthless,
then have me killed.
But don't you ever hurt me.
Do your job properly if
you don't want to get hurt!
let me talk to Falcon.
You better talk properly!
I'm losing my patience!
Shut that mouth up!
Do you want to get slapped?
- I ordered Falcon not to kill Rachel.
- What?
Are you out of your head?
Are all of you crazy?
Rachel and Jonathan saw how
Levi was killed!
What will happen if they
rat us out on Tuazon's allies?
What will you do?
Have you thought of that?
Have any of you thought of that?
Stupid fucks!
Okay, Falcon. Find Rachel.
Yes, Mayor.
I only frequent Philippines
because of my teenage kid.
I'll just stay in Japan for good.
I can't stand how messy it is here.
Yeah, you're right..
You'll have to think about..
I'll have to go, excuse me.
You guys need more drinks?
- We enjoy it here.
- Get more drinks there.
- Dad, I have to go.
- We have visitors, stay here.
I'll introduce you first.
- Mrs. Pineda, here's my son.
- Here's Bong.
- Do you remember?
- Bong?
- Hey!
- Hi!
Excuse me.
I'll be leaving.
Why are you in a hurry?
Dad, I'll visit Arjay in the basement!
Okay, return here immediately.
You're safe.
No one will enter here.
Can't we go upstairs?
Looks like the party is good.
Won't you allow us?
We're bored here.
Sorry, but you can't stay here for long.
What are your plans?
Do you know any place where
we can hide temporarily?
We'll pay if needed.
Cho. I remember your cousin
has a resort in Batangas.
Can they stay there?
I can't put my cousins in danger.
What will they think of me?
We're not putting them in danger.
We need to help them.
There's no problem with helping.
But this isn't a simple help.
There's killing involved.
This is more than we can handle.
We are your friends.
What you're doing is dangerous.
My cousin has a house in Antipolo.
They rarely live there.
I can bring you there if you want to.
We'll have time to investigate
if Mayor's gang is
indeed searching for you.
So, this is the plan..
You can use my room.
Please excuse the size,
it's a bit small.
No, it's fine.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
So.. we'll leave now.
Please take care of them.
Leave them to me.
Thank you, Dodo.
Don't mention it.
- Eric, Arjay..
- Bro..
- Oh, it's nothing.
- Stay here.
My cousin looks
innocent but she's brave.
She'll help you if ever..
Thank you.
Take this.
- Keep it.
- Bro..
Take it, you'll need that.
If you need more money,
you know how to reach me.
About your situation,
I'll consult it with dad.
It's just about connections.
My dad might have
connections from the military.
Please also contact my mom,
she's likely worried.
- Tell her, I'm fine.
- Bro, stay safe.
There are blind items on the newspaper.
They think you're behind Tuazon's death.
Oh shit.
Rightists killed him.
Because he's supporting rebels.
That's too obvious.
Everyone knows Morales is a communist.
It's all over the papers.
Everybody's talking about it.
Daddy, we're going!
Dad, where's our tickets
for world on ice?
We need them now.
Okay, okay. Angie,
could you please attend to them?
And please..
- contact Mr. Veron
- Yes sir.
Seriously, Mayor.
Your campaign fund source
is already complaining.
Because of the scandals!
We have to find ways
to clean up the whole thing.
What we need to emphasize now
is your clean and wholesome
family image.
Especially now that they
replaced Tuazon with
a better candidate.
We're at a disadvantage.
What are your PR people doing?
If Tuazon wins,
that's the time we'll have him killed.
You'll automatically
replace him.
With his death,
his political party
got the public's sympathy.
That fucking Morales is the
public's apple of the eye.
That Morales..
has a lot of evil doings too.
Like me.
Unlike Tuazon..
I admit that guy's clean.
I can easily beat that guy.
If he's evil,
the public sees you as the greater evil.
They'll still vote him.
Any update from Falcon?
- Did they find Rachel?
- They're all lame.
I'll find a way.
Let me handle it.
I need to get involved
to get things done!
I'll talk to Falcon.
I'll give him an order.
Isn't this dangerous?
Why are we spying on Mayor?
For us to find out if they're
looking for Rachel and Jonathan.
Don't you enjoy it?
We're like spies.
This is dangerous.
What if the Mayor's goons see us?
We'll be in trouble too!
- What a coward.
- I'm just protecting myself!
I don't understand Jonathan.
Of all the girls out there,
he chose
the Mayor's mistress with a
shoot-to-kill order.
He's our friend.
We can't leave him alone.
We need to find Mayor.
If we need to..
Wait a minute.
Someone's following us.
Bro, what's this?
- What's this?
- Why?
Boss, what's our violation?
Get out.
Boss, boss..
We're not doing anything!
Get in!
- Are you Eric?
- Yeah.
- Why?
- Get out.
What are you doing?
- Who are you?
- Hands off!
- He don't want to go!
- Don't touch me!
Who are you?
That's not your business!
You're brave, huh?
- Get out!
- Don't touch me!
- Hands off me!
- Get out!
Maybe we should be asking you.
Where are they?
I don't know anything.
Clueless? Richard.
Answer me properly
and I won't disturb you.
I'll repeat.
Where is Rachel?
I told you..
I don't really know.
Please spare me.
Let me go.
We're just friends with Jonathan.
We don't know that girl.
Have pity on me!
Eric, Dodo!
Help me!
- Really don't know?
- Yes, yes!
Believe in me!
I don't really know!
The already left
Please spare me!
Have pity on me!
- Please believe me!
- Richard!
Please believe me!
No! Please spare me!
Please believe me!
Eric! Do..
Check him.
- Eric..
- Arjay..
Bring me to hospital..
I don't wanna die..
- I don't wa..
- Arjay..
Okay, okay.
That's enough.
Don't be afraid.
I'll not hurt you.
Tell Rachel to call me at this number,
within twenty-four hours.
Or her parents will die.
Okay? Take it.
Go away. We'll handle this.
Stand up.
Stand up!
Go away.
The police will surely investigate us.
We're with Arjay when he's killed.
If we'll tell the truth,
we might be killed next.
You guys shouldn't be involved here.
Please forgive me.
Call them immediately.
Hey, Rachel.
We've been waiting for your call.
Fuck you Falcon.
What did you do to them?
Take it easy.
Don't be mad.
We just invited them
so we can discuss things.
We're just waiting for you.
So, will you go here?
Have mercy on them, Falcon.
They owe you nothing.
Don't make me look like a bad guy.
I'm not planning to do
anything bad to your parents.
We just wanna talk.
Again, will you go here?
Let them go, Falcon.
I'll talk to Edmundo.
I'll negotiate with him.
I know he still love me!
Just go here.
Then, we'll talk.
Let me talk to my mom.
Please, Falcon.
No problem.
Make it fast.
- Hello?
- Rachel, my daughter?
Did they hurt you?
Please forgive me.
Tell Dad, I beg for forgiveness.
We will wait for you.
Take care!
Yes, Mom.
Don't worry, I'll find a way.
Where's Gigi?
In the province.
Good thing they're not at home.
Thanks for the update.
I'll find a way..
I'll ask Edmundo to let go of you.
That's enough.
So, Rachel..
Are we clear?
Don't take too long..
I'm losing my patience these days.
What if we call the police?
My parents will be in danger.
What if we rat them out
to Morales' party?
They'll surely protect us because
they're Mayor Guatlo's opponent.
They're all the same.
They're only after their interests.
They'll use us.
But when worse comes to worst,
they'll also leave us.
I have an idea.
How are you?
Fuck you Edmundo.
If there's a list of persons
that deserves to die,
you should be in it.
- If something happen..
- Ah, Rachel.. Rachel. Stop.
Please go outside.
I have no ill will.
I kept your parents
to make sure you'll contact me.
You're too far away from me.
I just want to see you again.
You know that..
I love you so much, Rachel.
I also know Mayor
Edmundo Guatlo's goons.
They killed Levi, my boyfriend.
But the orders were from Mayor Guatlo.
He also ordered Levi
to kill his opponent, Mr. Tuazon.
I was kidnapped and
brought to his resort
where the Mayor raped me.
He offered a house
and money for me and my parents.
I was threatened that
If I don't follow him,
he'll destroy my face.
I can't do anything
so I stopped being an actress
and I became his mistress.
I'll create a lot of copies
and spread them to different radio
channels and TV stations.
Rachel, Rachel. Take it easy.
Why don't we talk it out?
I'll give you the tape
after you release my parents.
Tell me a meet-up location.
Okay, Rachel.
You won.
It's best that you just wait here.
Are you sure?
- Yes.
- Rachel.
Stay safe.
We'll wait you here.
Thank you.
Take care.
We've been waiting for you.
Where's Edmundo?
I'll only talk to him.
He's busy,
so he asked us to go.
Where's the tape?
I'll only talk to Edmundo.
You've been giving us a lot of problems.
Do you think you can still
act high-and-mighty?
Fuck you.
We don't need that tape.
You! Ompong!
What are you doing?
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
- I said, let go of me!
- Rachel?
Please forgive me.
Go, take your time.
- What?
- Why stop?
Do you think you'll get out of here?
I contacted my friends so
if something happens to me,
they'll rat you out.
Do you think they'll speak..
Once we put a gun on their heads?
And we threaten their whole family?
Who will even believe the story
they will tell?
We'll burn all of you alive.
And there will be no traces left.
What an asshole!
Go away from me!
Put your guns down!
- Put your guns down or else!
- Follow him!
Run away!
Quick! Go away!
- I can't leave you!
- Run away!
How about you?
If you'll stay, we'll all die!
Forgive me, Dad..
- Forgive me!
- Run!
- Dad!
- Run away!
- Dad!
- Run!
Good thing you can still
laugh off the issues.
That's part of politics.
Accusations that we killed Tuazon..
Graft and corruption.
What new accusation will they invent
to slander us?
I know Morales.
He got dirty tactics.
Excuse me.
Bobby get out of the pool
and dry yourselves.
You'll get sick!
Glo, bring them their towels.
Go here.
- Be ready.
- Okay, dry yourself now. Quick.
Take some snacks inside.
Ma'am, please wait.
Just one shot.
- Like this?
- Yes Ma'am.
- But they're wet!
- It's fine.
- That's better, a human touch.
- Are you sure?
There, good shot.
Another one, candid pose.
Okay. That's good.
- There!
- Like this?
Let's eat some snacks.
- Glo?
- Yes, Ma'am.
- Are those enough?
- It's cold, right?
Glo, let them eat and
take a bath. They'll need to leave.
Give Morales a copy of that photo.
Then put a caption;
Picture of Mrs. Guatlo
as a corrupt mother.
- Good afternoon, sir.
- Good afternoon,
Mayor, just one shot?
Excuse us, please.
Excuse us.
I have a conference later..
What will we do?
What else?
We need to find that bitch.
She needs to be killed, Edmundo.
She's awake, kinda groggy.
But she's fine.
I'll get a cup of coffee.
Drink this coffee first.
Thank you.
Let me have it.
We returned to the warehouse.
They're gone.
Your mother's body and
father's body were missing.
We need to prepare for our next steps.
Sorry, Jonathan.
Your family..
your friends are now involved here.
Don't mention it.
I won't leave you alone.
You're just starting out in life.
Do things right
while you still have time.
Start clean.
I'm trapped here.
I won't be able to escape.
Levi and I are the same.
Escaping is a foolish idea for us.
We have different lives.
Can't you see it?
We have different paths.
I can't face losing you.
I already said that..
When I part ways with Levi.
I thought I won't survive alone.
But you'll get through what life
throws at you.
Guatlo resign!
Move! Move! Move!
Move! Move! Move!
- Killer!
- Demon!
Get out!
Edmundo, don't worry!
How can I not worry?
They want me out!
The council of good government
will investigate me.
That fucking Morales is
taking advantage of the issues
to put me in a bad light.
If they get ahold of Rachel,
everything will be revealed
and I'm done for!
You have a bad reputation to begin with
I already told you to stop
having affairs.
But no worries,
Falcon will eventually find Rachel.
Falcon can kill her..
But what if the truth is out?
I'll lose the election
and I might be jailed!
Fuck you, Rachel!
Fuck Morales!
Rowena, help me.
I'll not let our efforts be wasted
and I won't give up without a fight.
We sold our souls to get here.
Our dreams
will come to fruition, Edmundo.
You need to fight.
We need to fight.
We should not let them win, Edmundo.
Good afternoon..
A pleasant afternoon to you.
- Hi..
- You look gorgeous.
Thank you.
You killed my son!
Don't stop me!
You killed my s..
When I was stabbed, I thought I'll die.
I'm frightened.
I was concerned about my kids.
Who will take care of them?
What about my husband?
What will happen to the people I serve?
I told God..
No, God!
I'm not ready.
I have lots of plans for my people.
I should not die yet!
Everything is getting out of hand.
It's chaos and anarchy.
They even want to hurt my family?
The suspect is Levi Palisoc's mother.
Do you know her?
I don't know who that is.
I suspect that they're paid
by the other political party.
What can you say about the allegations
that you're involved
with Tuazon's death.
All of the charges are thrown at me.
If they have any evidence,
why don't they show it?
Don't threaten my family!
They want to kill my wife?
God is my witness.
My conscience is clean.
If I'll die right here
and I need to face Him,
He'll find me innocent.
If they are sure with their allegations,
why don't they file a case in the court?
The law
is above
and powerful among all of us.
I'll only bow to our laws.
Regardless of whoever goes against me,
I'm not afraid!
They even involved
my poor wife here.
What sin have we committed?
Let us not resort to violence!
I have nothing in my mind,
except the welfare
of the people I serve!
- Lies!
- Who's that?
All lies!
I want to share something
about your Mayor.
You've been fooled
for a long time by Mayor Guatlo!
He's a killer!
He's behind my parents' death!
Will you vote this killer again?
He also ordered Tuazon's death!
Fuck all of you!
Who's that woman?
What a poor security! Get her out!
Don't tell me
you don't know me, Edmundo?
You know me!
I was your concubine and you used me!
sorry for the disruption.
Don't listen to that woman!
My opponents really wants
to tarnish my name.
how are you?
Fuck you, Edmundo.
If there's a list of persons
that deserves to die,
you should be in it.
- If something happen..
- Ah, Rachel.. Rachel.
I have no ill will.
I kept your parents
to make sure you'll contact me.
You're too far away from me.
I just want to see you again.
You know that..
I love you so much, Rachel.
I also know
Mayor Edmundo Guatlo's goons.
They killed Levi, my boyfriend.
But the orders were from Mayor Guatlo.
He also ordered Levi to kill
his opponent, Mr. Tuazon.
Fucking bitch!
..he'll destroy my face.
- I can't do anything
- Stop!
so I stopped being an actress
and I became his mistress.
I'll create a lot of copies.
- Raise your hands!
- I'll spread them to the radio and TV.
Rachel, Rachel. Take it easy.
Why don't we talk it out?
I'll give you the tape
after you release my parents.
- Tell me a meet-up location.
- Good job.
Okay, Rachel.
- You won.
- Thanks, Jonathan.
What you heard is our past conversation.
He admitted kidnapping my parents.
His goons are looking for me
because I know a lot about him.
He's afraid that I'll expose
all of his and his wife's misconduct.
No. No, Jonathan.
He also ordered my parents' death.
He ordered Mr. Tuazon's death.
Mayor Guatlo is powerful and has
connections so no one can fight him.
..time for his
evil deeds to stop.
Your Mayor is a demon.
- I know because I'm his mistress.
- Oh shit.
He paid and lived
with me for two years.
He used your money to pay me.
- I feel like I'm in prison.
- C'mon, c'mon.
You're just starting out in life.
Start right.
Start clean.
The stars have gone,
don't know what to do.
Haunted by dark fate
Friend, remember this
Don't let yourself end up like me
Will it pass?
Is there any hope?
When will the darkness pass?
Friend, remember this
Don't let yourself end up like me
Will it pass?
Is there any hope?
When will the darkness pass?
The world's darkness will never pass.
Subtitled from scratch by RSG for KG.
Don't share outside without permission.