Guilty of Romance (2011) - full transcript

A grisly murder occurs in Maruyama-cho, Shibuya, Tokyo - a love hotel district - a woman was found dead in a derelict apartment. Kazuko (Miki Mizuno) is a police officer called to investigate on this case, she will discover the story of two women who, despite appearing respectable on the outside have all manner of darkness hidden away.


People come to Love Hotels

for sex.

Many Love Hotels are in the Love Hotel district.

In the 90s hookers worked

the streets of Maruyama-cho

a Love Hotel district.

A mystery took place there

on the eve of the 21st Century.



Taxi! Taxi!


Yes? I'm coming, what happened?

It looks like something serious.

35 Maruyama-cho

Shibuya - the Love Hotel district

Let her through.

Detective. This way!

Detective Yoshida!

This way.

In here.



Those are dummy's arms.

But from the waist up,

it's human.

A little higher.

It's a dummy's head.

There's another one.

It's out the back.

From the waste down it's human.

Legs are cut off.

- Is this some kind of paint?

- I think so.

- How about that?

- Blood...I guess.

It says, "Castle."

Maybe it's the name of the victim.

Izumi Kikuchi

- I'm back.

- Welcome home.

Perfectly positioned.

Thank you.

You really are improving.

Thank you.

"That was when she noticed.

"His eyes were like her own.

"And his desire was obvious.

"Kazumi casually approached him

"and threw herself on him

without a word.

"The man only hesitated a moment.

"He slid his hands around her back

"and embraced her passionately.

"As if to say,

'Strike while the iron is hot.'

"He urgently sought her lips

with his own."

Meet the Author of

The Midnight Zoo

- I love your work.

- Oh, you're so kind.

- Here. Thank you for coming.

- Can I shake your hand?

Are you leaving?

Yes. I don't want to get in the way.

Thank you for everything.

- Off I go then.

- Have a nice day.

Come in.

My goodness! This is so classy.

So this is what it means

to marry well.

I love boasting that my friend

married Yukio Kikuchi.

Sorry, I got carried away

in my excitement.

- It's fine.

- Can I see his workroom?

Yeah, me too!

Can we, Izumi?

It's not here.

His office is elsewhere.

- What?

- He leaves here at 7.00 every morning.

And he comes home at exactly 9.00pm.

- So he doesn't write here?

- No, he said he needs to concentrate.

So he's not home during the day?

He's as punctual as a school student.

- What about meals?

- I usually eat alone.

I want to do something.

Before I turn 30.

That's all I think about.

I desperately want to do something.

Anything will do.

I want to suppress this urge.

I disgust myself.

Loving my husband should be enough.

Good idea, Izumi.


I was worried that you had

nothing to do during the day.

I'm all for it. This is not

Ibsen's Doll's House, after all.

I'm happy for you.

Hi! Would you like to try

a delicious sausage?

Care for some?

Delicious sausages.

How about some sausages?

- Very delicious sausages.

- Speak louder.

- The customers won't hear you.

- Yes, sir.

Your husband is a famous novelist?

I heard a rumor.

- I won't treat you special.

- I'm sorry.

Ma'am, how about

some delicious sausages?

When my insomnia finally ends,

I'll stop this journal.

I want to stop.

- I'm off, then.

- Have a nice day.

Sample a sausage.

How about some

delicious sausages?

Ma'am, how about some sausages?

- I'll have one.

- Please do.

Very nice.

I'm talking about you!

You're nice.

Why's a pretty girl like you

working here?

How about modelling?

When's your lunch break?

I'll tell you more.


This is legitimate.

You can work your own hours

and get paid on the spot.

Go ahead.

Everybody's so pretty.

Some of these girls are nude...

Do I have to be nude?

It's about feminine beauty.

And you have what it talks.

Drop by at the studio.

I'll call you.

- Izumi.

- Yes!

Hey, Izumi!

- Yes?

- Come here.

This isn't my usual soap.

Where's the little one?

Sorry, I didn't realize

we'd run out...

No excuses.

You know that

I don't favour Japanese soap.

I'm sorry.

What's the best soap?

It's Savon de Marseille

from France.

So you knew that.

Why don't you keep

a supply of it?

I'm so sorry.

Hold it.

Stand there.

Let me show you my body.


You haven't seen my body recently,

have you?


Am I less fit than I used to be?


No? Elaborate.

I'd love you

whatever shape you're in.

Good. That's why I love you.

You can touch my penis if you like.

- May I?

- Yes.

- How about that?

- I'm happy.


- Off I go, then.

- Have a nice day.



I know it's sudden

but do you have time tomorrow?


Like they say,

"Strike while the iron is hot. "

There 's no time to waste.

We' re out of time!

You ' re here!

- She's here.

- Welcome!

Come on in.

Was it easy to find?

Izumi Kikuchi!

Hey, Izumi!

Come on.

Do you like the studio?

I just couldn't resist

talking to her.

- There he is.

- Hi, I'm Martini Maki.


Just call him Martini.

- Hold her bag please.

- May I?

Sit here.

Gorgeous. Such a small face.

How about the Chinese dress?

In that case, I'll do it like this.

That's one option.

The red dress?

You'd look good in red!

You should try it!

You like red? Red, it is!

Where's my palette?

Okay, let's do it. We're set!

- How is she?

- She's ready.

Let's begin.

We're ready. Come this way.

Relax. Your shoulders are tense.

She's all yours.

He's the director.

Here we go now.


Let's try a pose.

Put your hand on your hip.

Very good!

Great expression!


Give me cat paws.



Go on.

That's good, I love it!

Take your hand away,

don't be shy.

Very good.

Here she is.

- It's like fine art.

- Beautiful.

So gorgeous

I can't take my eyes off you.

She's the best.

Don't worry, open up a little.

You're so beautiful, it's okay.

- Beautiful!

- I love that.

Now, then...

Let's try some nude, shall we?

You're so beautiful,

it'll be great.


Why not?

It's just a little making out.

- It won't take long.

- Hi, there!

So you're married?

What a cutie!

Don't worry, we'll just pretend.

It's not for real.

Open your mouth.

For a kiss.

Don't worry.

That was nice.

Here! It's 50,000 yen,

10 times your daily wage.

Piece of cake, right?

You can go to the 3rd floor

and take a bath.

- Okay.

- Good work.

I'll look after her.

Hard day?

Are you free from now?

It was great with you,

but I'm unsatisfied

because it was just acting.

How about you?

How about a love hotel?

Let's go, shall we?

Hello, there.

Would you care for some?

Hello, there.

How about you?

Care for some?

Want some?

It's delicious.

Hello, there.

Would you like to try some?

It's very delicious.

Hello, there.

Would you like to have some?

It's very good.

Hello, there.

Would you care for some?

It's delicious.

You can try some.

Hello, there.

Would you like some?

It's delicious.

Try some.

Hello, there.

Would you care for some?

It's very delicious.

Try some.

Hello, there.

Would you care for some?

It's delicious.

Try some.


Try this, it's very delicious.

How about you,

would you like some?

Hello, care for some?

It's delicious. Try some.


Try this, it's delicious.

Hi, try this.

It's very delicious.

Hello, there!

Hi, would you care

for some delicious sausages?

Care to sample this?

Thank you, sir!

Hello, there!

Try a delicious sausage.

- You sound great today.

- Thank you.

You look radiant too.

It's very good.

You're so sexy,

you'll draw more customers.

Since you've been going out...

You look relaxed.

You look really good, Izumi.

- Off I go, then.

- Have a nice day.

That's fantastic.

Very nice, you're so beautiful.

Yes, that's good.

You're amazing today.


I'm going to pump you

to the max!

Go for it, Martini!

Hello, care for a sausage?

Give it a try.

- Can I?

- Go ahead.

- It's good!

- Have some more.


You can have me too.

"The man's love had aroused

her senses,

"making her primitive and wild.

"And Takahiko couldn't tolerate it.

"He was jealous to be precise.

"Not of the man.

"He was jealous of Harue,

who was now set free."

You know...

tomorrow's my birthday.

And you'll be...?


Happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

- You still live with your parents?

- Don't say that!

- Off I go, then.

- Have a nice day.


Did I surprise you?

Meeting someone?

I'm just killing time.

- Come with me then.

- No time for that.

- It won't take long.

- Sorry.

Maruyama-cho, Shibuya

3,300 YEN FOR 2 HRS


Hey, wait!

Wait a minute!

Look. They're all looking

for the Castle.

They want to find it,

but they can't.

So they go round and round,

looking for it.

Sorry, I followed you.

Look what I've done.

We can go to a hotel and clean up.

I'm married.

- So what? Let's go to the Castle.

- What's that?

I don't know

but a woman told me about it.

"Nobody's found the way

to the Castle yet."

But I know the way

to our Castle.



This building will be demolished.

It wasn't locked

so access was easy.

A young couple found the bodies.

They were walking by,

and on a dare they went in

and found the body.

There were used condoms everywhere.

Identifying the offender will be hard

from the DNA samples.


We're not dealing with two bodies.

It's one. One single victim.

The body was decapitated.

Both arms were severed.

The clitoris and labia majora

were removed.


at the waist and knees.

These two parts belonged

to one person.

Semen found in the vagina

has deteriorated over 10 days.

The tails have separated

but the heads are intact.

Most sperm heads disintegrate

in about 20 days.

Given what we have,

I conclude that it's a woman.

Aged from late 20s to late 30s.

The head and limbs were

removed post-mortem.

The body has been divided into two parts,

the first half wore a red petticoat.

The other part wore a school uniform.

And a wig of long hair.

The bag was open.

There was a wallet with 572 yen...

and 42 unused condoms, probably she was...

a prostitute.

The modalities of the homicide

exclude a simple robbery

And also...

an homicide by a sexual pervert.

The victim died ten days ago.

I checked the women...

disappeared from the 9th of November.

Those that disappeared over the past thirty days.

And those of the past six months.

They are 153 in all.


Many are wives on the run.

I know an interesting story

about a housewife.

One morning had come the garbage truck

and she ran off with garbage bags.

But she was late, the truck pulled away.

The housewife does not surrender and chases it.

The truck stops again

and collects more garbage bags.

She thought she can achieve it.

But the truck starts again.

She runs... and repeated this many times.

Until she arrives to a road

that she would never go.

This makes she think:

What have I done so far?

I walked for a long time

But she didn't mean that she have followed

the garbage truck.

She spoke of his daily life,

who lived like a sleepwalker.

Throwing away garbage bags...

she threw away his past.

The housewife was found three days later.

I'm back!

It's a long time since you don't come home so soon.

I wanted dinner with you.

- What is this?

- Fish stew.

- Delicious!

- Really?

Dad, throw me the sauce?



How is at school?

- Normal.

- Normal?

- Normal doesn't mean anything to me.

- Today children call everything normal.

Mom, tell me about the crime?

- It's really exciting!

- We don't know anything yet.

But at school everybody talk about it,

tell me something.

- As soon as I know something!

- Let it go and eat.

Good evening.

What you want?

I told you not to call after 9pm.

Okay... I missed you.

- Have you been drinking ?

- A little... you come down...?

I need to see you.

Look, I could change this number at any time.

If you break our agreement

you never see me again.

Come on.

Forget it.


I want to hear you moan.

I seem to see you.

Do you like to play with me?


Lick your lips.

Or do you want to lick me?

Would you do it?


Do you want to lick me?

Or do you want...

to lick my dick, bitch!

Touch yourself.

I touch myself.

If you touch yourself...

you belong to me.

Do you understand?

Now come here.


Where can I find a new shampoo?

Under the sink.

Ah, I get it!

Hey, wait!

Watch out.

If you don't come, I come there.

Because I am...

your master.

I'm going to throw out the garbage.


Now you belong to me.

Say you're a whore!

Please, don't...

Say you're a whore! Come on!

- I'm a whore!

- Again!

I'm a whore!

Say you're a dirty whore!

I'm a dirty whore!


What's this...? Hey!

Stop it! Don't do that!

Let go of me!

Stop it, let me go!

I booked this room for 2 hours,

but I'm keeping it

until the morning.

What do you want?

Call your husband and tell him

you won't be home tonight.

What are you doing?

Stop! Give it back!

- Call him.

- Let go!

- Please!

- Is this your husband's number?

Please don't.

Hello, Izumi?




Yes, what is it?

I'll be late tonight.

What's wrong?

I'll tell you later.


Wrong. Tell him now.

Or else I'll tell him.

I'll tell him where we are.

- Come on.

- Are you there?

- Izumi?

- Honey...

I don't think

I can come home tonight.

- What?

- I'm sorry.

What's going on...?

Well done.

You said you didn't give a shit

about your hubby.

So don't cry.

Do you want it?

Do you want your phone back?

Will you forgive me?

- Sure I will. You want to go home?

- Yes, I do!

- You want to be free?

- Yes.

- And go home?

- Yes!

All right then. Call him back and say,

you're in Shibuya and felt dizzy.

But you're Ok now

so you're coming home.

Tell him a story.

- Hello? Izumi?

- Honey?

What's wrong? Are you Ok?

Sorry, honey but I...

What happened?

I just felt dizzy.


I almost fainted...

- I wanted to go to the hospital.

- Are you really Ok?

Now I'm feeling better.

Are you sure? Where are you?


- Hello?

- I'll be back soon.

I'm coming soon.

Where are you now?

Hang up the phone.

Hang it up.

I'm cumming!

You did well!

You passed the test. You can go.

You can go home.

Are you Ok? We cleaned

your clothes. He'll never know.

Hey, mister.

Want to have a sex for 5,000 yen?

It's me, silly!

You're hustling in the street?

Shit! How low can you get?

Remember I told you

about the Castle?

She told me about it.

She's strange.

She told me that we'd roam

around the Castle forever

and never find the way in.

Tell her your name.

The Castle?

No, your name!

Come with me.

Mitsuko Ozawa

She was reported missing


If she's the one, it's been 11 days

since the murder...

Doesn't anyone notice

when lecturers disappear?

That's nice.

She was reported missing

by her classy mother.

She works at an elite university.

She wouldn't be involved

in a case like this.

But the neighbors saw her

coming home late,

dressed in trashy clothes.

She commutes from home.

The murder site is nowhere

near her work or house.

Is she an escort?

A call girl? No way!

She's an associate professor.

Her life is good!

Mitsuko Ozawa, 39.

Associate Professor,

Department of Literature.

Her father was also

a Toto University professor.

In the same department.

His hobby was painting.

The daughter often modelled for him.

Her father was Shinsuke Ozawa.

He's been dead for 10 years.

Now she lives with her mother

in their mansion.

Her life seemed staid

when I checked her out.

- Stop following me.

- But...

You can go home.

Forget about that man. Go home.



While people think you have

a dark side, you're still Ok.

But soon the darkness falls.

It's very dark around here.

You'd better stay away.

Go home now.

Is it Kafka's Castle?

You know Kafka! I'm impressed.

I read a lot.

You want to be a writer?

I'm married to one.

- Who is he?

- Do you know Yukio Kikuchi?

Love Shines on the World?

He is a very pure man.

So pure I can't keep up with him.

My father was a very pure man too.

But a pure man's Castle

isn't the way in.

The way in and out of love

is elsewhere.

How funny!

That's right,

in the beginning it was Kafka.

Father gave me a book.

It wasn't a Kafka.

It was my father who told me

about the Castle.

I don't know...

I don't know what to do now!

I think I'm going crazy...

You have to tell me

what I'm supposed to do.


When I saw your face,

I knew you would be able

to guide me.

I'm a street hooker!

You know what that is?


And I understand how you feel.


How about sex with me for 5,000 yen?

- Seriously?

- Fuck me.

- Yes.

- Fuck me, come on.

I'm back!


Shoji has come.

Oh! Long time no see.

I had a meeting nearby.


Your wife is still beautiful.

Stop it.

- What should I cook?

- That's fine.

- Don't worry.

- Sit down, you will be tired.

Lately she comes home soon.

The case mentioned every time

on television... she takes care of it.

I thought now she would be more committed.

- But she want me more than ever.

- Stop it.

It seems that I've you overlooked.


- I have good wine, you want some?

- Of course!

- I'll do it.

- No, I go.

I remember...

when your husband was drunk...

and we had sex on this table.

Be sitting here excites me.

What are you doing here?

For me, there are no problems.

I'm a single man.

A relationship with a married woman

would not be a problem for me, but you...

do you want to endanger your marriage?

The best thing for you is accept this situation.

Stop it please, let me go.

What the heck, what's wrong with you?

Do you make shameless just when it suits you?

Isn't true?

Kiss me.

We drink!

- Are you drunk already.

- Hey...

- Tell us about that story!

- What?

The woman who stabbed herself in the street.

I heard the news.

- She was there.

- Really?

That woman told her last words to her husband:

"I love you! Forever! "

This she said.

This made me think that

human nature is truly staggering.

Women are a mystery.

Why did she kill herself? We don't know.

But it's interesting, isn't it?

How was it?

How did she do?

She was dressed in elegant way.

She had bought a new dress.

Then... suddenly,

she pulled out a knife and stabbed herself.

The passersby shouted

and she immediately helped her.

What are you doing my sweet slave?

I'm at work.

At this hour?

Tell me...

you want me... forever.


Say "yes"!


Well! Very good!

Where are you?

I come and fuck you.

I'm in Maruyama-cho.

Do you know where?

In the abandoned house, where they

found the body of the unknown woman.

What are you doing there?


You are perverse!


Tell me: "I'm perverse"

I'm perverse.

All right.

Now masturbate you.

Thinking about me.

Come quickly, please.

What have you done?


I did it.

I did it.

What did you do?

Oh... my phone.

Take my phone.

Destroy it!

He must not see my messages.

- Call an ambulance!

- Did you hear me?

I was a fool. I've done horrible things.

But I loved him.

He must not know.

Please, it's my last wish.

Help me!

Thank you.

I love you.


My love.

I wanted him to see me in this dress.

- He "who"?

- Didn't I tell you?

My husband.

I was not...

the kind of woman...

I wanted to be.



Look who's here.

Kill me!


Kill me!

- Stop it, what are you doing?

- Kill me!


Please! Kill me!

What are you saying?

Yes, like that!


I Choke!

On My Way Home.

A poem by Ryuichi Tamura.

I should never have learned word

O fora world without words

Living in a world

where meanings don 't matter

If beautiful words

take revenge against you

It's none of my concern

If quiet meanings make you bleed

It also is none of my concern

The tears in your gentle eyes

The pain that drips

from your silent tongue

I'd simply gaze at them

and walk away

If our world had no words

In your tears

Is there as much meaning

as in the core of a fruit?

In a drop of your blood

Is there a shimmering resonance

of the evening glow

of this world's sunset?

I should never have learned words

Simply because I know Japanese

and bits of a foreign tongue

I stand still inside your tears

I come back alone

Into your blood

You've come, Izumi.

Oh, Mitsuko.


Take it.


- What's your name?

- My name is Izumi Kikuchi.

Mine's Mitsuko Ozawa.

Nice to know you, Izumi.

Nice to meet you.

After each session,

I roll up the carpet.

- Here.

- Thank you.

Sit down.

Let's drink to sex!

- Izumi.

- Yes?

You want to work for Kaoru?

Don't you know him?

The guy you were with.

I just had sex with him.

- For free?

- Yes.

Make him pay if there's no love!

Visit me if you like.

At Toto University.


Such nice weather.

My father used to sit here like this.

And he told me many stories.

- I...

- You don't have to tell me anything yet.

I know you. I understand you.

Because you are me.

So I want you to know me better.

Because you have

to know yourself better.

So you can protect yourself.

You don't know anything

about yourself.

I guess not.

That's why you can't control yourself.

But words aren't going

to help you understand.

It's like my lectures,

they're superficial.

But I thought you were fantastic.


Yes, the way you delivered

the lecture...

Tell me what you learned.


People say that

this is an elite university.

But the students only understand

half of what I say.

Lectures are just words, after all.

Real words have substance,

each one of them.

They have body.

Put out your tongue.

Don't be shy.

This is a tongue.

It's wet with your saliva.

See, it's sticky.

A tongue. Saliva. Sticky.

See? Every word has flesh.

Like those breasts of yours.

Your thighs.

Every word has a meaning.

Do you know what I mean?

It's about body.

The word's meaning is its body.

Don't worry.

I'm sorry...

Do you remember my lecture?

I recited a Japanese poem.

I should never have learned words

Simply because I know Japanese

and bits of a foreign tongue

I stand still

Inside your tears

Do you understand?

It means...

that your tears can not be stopped.

I mean...

if you don't know the meaning

of the word "tears"...

they are just water that comes down from your eyes.

But if they are just water that falls from

your eyes, they can't stop.

But when you know the meaning

of the word "tears"...

they stop.

Even tears have a body...


I think I understand.

The words "love" and "sin"...

turn in circle in your head.

But neither "love" nor "sin" have a body.

They are just fragments of no importance.

For now.

But soon the word "love" will have a body.

I'm sorry if I cry.

Don't worry about him.

He knows my secret.


I gave him a student discount.

But don't worry.

When you have a secret, you're

careful with the secrets of others'.

Follow me, Izumi.

- Yes, ma'am?

- You want to do it?

- I don't have much cash.

- How much?

About 4,000 yen.

3,000 yen will do.

- You want to do him?

- Eh?

Come with us.

Let's toast.



It's on me,

earned with my body, Izumi.


There is a kind of big question mark

on your face.

You're telling me:

"I don't understand, explain to me"


the explanation is...

the Castle.

- Still the Castle?

- Yes, the Castle.

Ask me as well, even if my words...

don't have the body I wanted.

I can't give you a good lesson...

or a good explanation, here's why...

instead of words, to explain to you...

I used the my body.

- Mitsuko...

- What?

- Mitsuko!

- What?

I'm going crazy.

I would like to go away.

My past is gone.

I don't know...

I don't know what to do!

Your words don't have body.

That's why you're confused.

When you will gain more experience...

your words will take body by themselves.

Wait and see!

I understand that there are many things

you want tell me, right?

Haven't I told you...

but I understand you very well.

Let's try together to give shape to our words!

A code word for our castle?


Very well!

Let me show you

what I become at night.

Where's Shinsuke?

Where has he gone?

He's dead.


Is he dead?

Not much I can do about it.


Where has he gone?

Shinsuke's dead.


Well, that's that.

Okay. Let's go.

- Izumi.

- Yes.

Stay back,

otherwise men can't approach me.

Oh, I'm sorry.

When I hook up,

I'll go to the empty apartments.

Come to apartment 101.

Watch us quietly.

It won't take long.

- Is that her?

- She's old...!

Trust me. She's incredible.

Here I am again.

Hey, what do you think of her?

You can fuck my apprentice

for the same price!

- Ok.

- No!

- I'll have her!

- Stop it!

Let go of me!

- Accept him!

- Open up!

Accept him, Izumi!


This is not enough.

You had the two of us.

- You fucked her too.

- Give us a discount.


You're cheap

for a company executive!

What did you say, you whore?

- What did you call me?

- What?

Pay me now!

Take it.

Pick the money up.


You missed one.

All this! You earned all of it

with your body!

Be responsible!

Now the word "Izumi Kikuchi"

has conceived a meaning!

- Don't cry!

- Sorry.


Make sure you fall all the way.

Down to my depth!

- Understand?

- Yes.

The night's young.

We have time.

Let's go get our next customer.

I'm sorry, but I can't do it.

- Do what?

- I'm sorry!

I'm sorry...

- Stop crying.

- I'm sorry.

That's enough!

This 5,000 yen...

...has value.

You feel guilty for cheating

on your husband.

Every night, you tell yourself

that you only love your husband.

Have sex with men

and make them pay for it.

Nothing's free.

They had a good time.

It doesn't matter

how much they pay.

It's the vain delusion

of a rotten whore

to measure her value

in terms of what a man pays her.

When you fuck a man

you don't love,

- it has to be for money.

- Yes.

The 5,000 yen

became symbolic forme.

With a little courage

I could throw myself at him,

as he waked in the door.

- Hi, honey.

- I ' m home.

Izumi, you look pale.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

- Are you sure?

- I feel fine.

I love you.

I was unable to respond.

Something has changed,

and I feel it.

Words are invalid, meaningless.

I was just desperate.

I had an insatiable craving

for my husband.

But once again,

I didn't do it tonight.

We slept peacefully together

as usual.

- Off I go.

- Have a nice day.

In the morning, I saw him off.

As usual I hoped to send him off

with a deep kiss.

- Off I go.

- Have a nice day.

- Off I go.

- Have a nice day.

But it was all in my head.

Hi, there!

Have some delicious sausages!

Try some!

I have delicious sausages!


- How's it going?

- I'm fine.

You know...

- I want to eat later.

- Really? For how much?

I'm not talking

about the sausages.

I know that.

Nothing's for free.

You have to pay me.

- What do you mean?

- You have to buy me.

You're weird.

Try some big sausages!

Hello. It's me.

Can we talk now?

- Can you do a job for us?

- Yes!

- Thank you for today!

- Likewise...

- Hey.

- What a day!

You were amazing back there.

If you have some spare time,

why don't we go to a hotel

like before...

- For how much?

- What?

How much will you pay me?

But this isn't that kind of a deal...

What is it then?

I just did it for money.

So if I do it again,

I'll have to be paid.

Why should I pay you?

You should pay me for my body!

Oh, I see. You came after me

to offer yourself for free?

That's right!

If I were a man,

I'd pay a desirable woman for sex.

See you!

Just like Mitsuko said.

When you have sex for money,

everything suddenly

comes into focus.

- Waiting for somebody?

- No.

- Come with me then.

- For sex?

You want sex?

Ok, let's go.

You waste no time!

Let's go then.

- How much you got?

- Money?

You're a hooker! That's lame.

Men come to me forex.

Strangely enough,

men value women who fuck for free.

They look down on women

who ask for money.

- Are you a hooker?

- Yes!

- You' re hyper.

- Yes!

- How much?

- You name the price. I'll be yours.

- How about 10,000 yen?

- Certainly.

Lucky me!

This is the last entry

of my journal.

It's now complete.

I've been set free.

- How have you been?

- I knew you'd come.

You look good.

Things must be going well.


Walk with me.

I texted somebody just a while ago.

It's somebody you met once.

Who is it?

You'll see.

It's been a while.

I work for him every Monday,

Thursday and Friday.

And I thought you should work

for him too.

If you agreed to work for me,

I'd be so happy.

Come to my place for tea.

Come in.

I'm home!

Hello, dear.

That's my mother.

I'm not dressed appropriately...

Never mind that.

Mother knows all about me.

How's the sex trade going?

- It's rather good, thank you.

- I see.

Now that this young lady's agreed

to work for us, I'm very happy.

Oh, is that right?

Have you worked

as a prostitute before?

- Pardon me?

- She has a lot to learn.

Oh. You're still

well-mannered and refined,

but you'll lose that

and become shameless.

My daughter here

was born indecent.

She's just like her sleazy father.

She's right.

Father and I were alike.

My side of the family

is well-bred and cultured.

I never should have married her

sleazy father.

I was young and naive.

Of course, my parents objected.

They insisted that her father

wasn't in our class.

I rebelled, but later I learned

they were right.

We married after my family

adopted him.

But he never quite adapted

to my family's ways.

He and Mitsuko found solace

in each other.

This girl's imperfections

were inherent.

She picked them up from her father.

They are both sleazy fools.

His abominable character

runs in her blood.

Fortunately, the man died

10 years ago.

She was so sad when he died.

She cried and cried.

She's pulled herself together now.

Since she became a prostitute.

She's a degenerate.

Now that she's depraved,

she can relax.

You'd better watch out.

You're not a degenerate yet.

You must have been so confused

to associate with this filthy creature.

I hope you realize this soon.

Hurry up and die, you old hag.

Why don't you die instead, dear?

Maybe I can kill you both!

Just kidding. Isn't this funny?

They're hilarious.

I kill us both if you will.

Do us a favour and stop

our cursed lineage with her.

Then this family will be spared

from further disgrace.


the other day there was a customer

that looked like my father.

He was a very distinguished gentleman.

I thought...

if we had met in other circumstances...

Then, when he has paid,

I thought he was just like my father.


Damned bitch.

I'll kill you.

Lady Ozawa!

You should have died with your father!

Yes, I should have.


It would been better die with him.

Izumi, come on.


These are the last seven women

disappeared in the city.

Your female intuition tells you something?

Prostitution Agencies?

These girls work under false name

and with false documents.

Isn't easy discover where they work.

I know.

It would be easier if they were all

regular prostitutes.

But.. housewives, secretaries...

call girls.

What would you say if one of them

stands in front of you... now, Kimura?



With women, nothing is impossible.

You will not ever able to solve this case.

In this district there are

currently over 100 agencies.

But since they are not registered to

lists of trade, we have no data.

And this also applies to the call girls.

Will be 500... 1000...

The agencies are in homes with many rooms.

Is allowed?

Police Shibuya West.


Excuse us, we are looking for missing people.

We would like to...

show you some photos.

- Is it possible?

- Okay, but hurry.

- I Don't know them.

- Neither me!

I've never seen them here.

- Police Shibuya West.

- Police?

We are looking for missing people.


Police Shibuya West.

We are looking for missing people.

We would like to show you some photos.

Is allowed?

Police Shibuya West.

We would like your help.

Could you look at these photos?

Maybe this girl was here yesterday.

- Yes?

- But I'm not sure.

- Do you have many of these cases?

- Not many.

- So what?

- Haven't seen her.


Police Shibuya West.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

we are looking for missing people.

Could you look at these photos?

- This is me, the Little Witch.

- We don't have lot of work.

Is already come a police officer

who wanted see the girls.

All this creates problems

and ruins our business.

Well... we...

Could we show some photos to the girls?

It would be better if we could talk

with them directly.

This is not possible now.

But... about the photos...


What is this about?

What's the name of the girl you're looking for?

We don't know.

Take a look at these photos.

Watch this...

Without makeup you cannot recognize them,

we are always rigged.

This girl...

- I can't say you anything.

- I know her.


I beg your pardon.

Do you know her?

Excuse me, the phone...



Yoshida! Yoshida...


The victim has been identified.

Enchantress Club

Enchantress Club! Hello, sir!

You enjoyed our girl?

It's an honor to have served you!

Come in.

- Good evening.

- Hello, I'm Okubo.

She's Yoko. Is that Ok?

Yoko, is it? I see.

The work's easy.

You wait for a call.

A patron will call

and give his preferences.

Slim, plump, whatever he's into.

Then I'll pick the appropriate girl.

I'll call out and you'll say...


That's all.

Then you go to the address.

You're paid up front.

If the patron says "Change,"

you're not his type.

Come right back here.

No scenes.

We have a reputation.

- Well, one of us does.

- Yeah, one of us does.

If he likes you,

get the cash and its business.

When you're done, come back.

I'll take 20% of your takings.

Easy, right?

Hello, Enchantress Club.

- I'm home!

- Hey.

- I have to go, it's late.

- Okay.

- She's Yoko, a new girl.

- Welcome aboard.

You can have this.

It doesn't suit me.

It's good on you.

And the sunglasses you left

at the hotel the other day.

Sit down.

Mitsuko, what should I do?

Just relax.

- We're leaving now.

- See you.

Don't worry.

You'll be popular for sure.


Such a nice name.

Enchantress Club.

Oh, yes, sir!

- Mitsuko, you're up.

- Bye.

She'll be there in 5 minutes.

- See you later!

- Bye.

There goes the weirdo!

It's a new patron.

So I sent Mitsuko to trick him.

He'll want another girl

so I'd like you to go.


We send low-grade girls

to new clients.

Then he'll go for the VIP Course.

The VIP Course!

He'll have to pay 30,000 yen more,

but he's convinced

that it's a better deal.

A sure deal.

That's what I keep Mitsuko for.

She's strange.

She'll start eating on the bed!

Men like pretty, normal girls like you.

- You're smart.

- That's right!

Get ready, Yoko.

You'll look good in red.

Yes, red it is!

Just like I told you.


Sex! Let's do it.

Why are you here?

You're my regular

at the rundown apartment!

I want you changed.

I said change!

Just like I told you.

See? Everything is right here.

This is it!

Enchantress Club! Yes?

You asked for a slim beauty,

didn't you?

Oh, so she's not your type?

How about one of our VIP girls?

- Satisfaction guaranteed...

- Let's go.

Guaranteed by the Enchantress Club.

Go home.

- Let's have sex!

- Stop it!

You know I'm really good.

You know I am! I'm good!

I'm from Enchantress Club.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

Mitsuko, get up.

We did it already.

This drunk woman raped me.

I won't leave until you pay me.

Get off me, you cunt. Get off me!

Get your dirty hands off me!

You whore.

Get up.

She's just started with us today.

We won't charge you for her.

I'll sit right here

and watch Yoko have sex.

- Mitsuko...

- Go ahead!

They're funny.

- Whatever.

- Enjoy.

You're horny, aren't you?

You are horny. Here you are...

How's this?

You like this, huh? Is this good?

I'm asking you!

You nympho!

I know you love it.


You bitch!

- Do you know who I am?

- Shake your ass!

- You know who I am?

- Who cares!

How's this bitch taste?


Mitsuko, watch.

I'm fucking my own husband now.

Izumi, why...?

Izumi, stop...

Didn't I tell you?

If you fuck a man you don't love,

make him pay!

- Will you ask him for money?

- Yes, I will.

- With that, love ends.

- Yes! I will!


What are you doing here?

Pay me!

Hand over the money.


The money!

The money!

What are you waiting for?

Get out of here.


Let's go.

It was exciting.

How did you like it?

Come on, tell me.

- Hey!

- What?

How many times

did you fuck him?

Many, many, many times.

- Was he good?

- What? I'm not in love with him.

That asshole.

He's my husband!

You! It's too late

to start making a fuss!

How many times

did you fuck my husband?

This is funny.

What would make you happy?

100 times?

Maybe I'll fuck him once more.

Great, I love this.

Open the door! Open up!

Can we fuck once more?

Let's have sex again!

- I'm calling the police!

- Your wife's here!

She's a prostitute!

There goes your reputation!

What do you want now?

Watch this.

I'll show you what he likes.

Oh...that's good.

You think you can write

another good novel?

Yes, I think I can...I can...

He'll write again.

It's always like this.

I strangle him when I fuck him,

and he says

he'll write a good novel. knew!

Of course I did.

You useless moron!

You thought I was guiding you

out of kindness?

You, moron!

Long before you married him,

I was throttling him

and fucking him!

I was helping him

with his writing!

I'm cumming!



Let's go to the ruins.

She has always been

terribly indecent.

Don't be trapped

by the obscenity of sex, dear.

For a long time

she has given into sex.

So I cut off her indecent parts

and I contained them for her.

Officer Kimura!


I know you aren't strong enough

to do this.

Officer Kimura, this way!



I love you, Father.


Why not...Father?

For a long time,

I've been aware that

she was a prostitute.

How despicable...

All evil comes from that man!

It's not from my side of family.

Oh, no!

She couldn't resist

his indecent blood.

So she had to go after men

every night.

It's horrendous!

So I had to follow her,

I couldn't help myself.

And I hid and watched her.

In that horrifying ruin

of an apartment,

she did all those revolting deeds...!

Why can't I love you?


What are you talking about?

Father told me that

it shouldn't happen.

He handed me the book

and told me.

Everybody's just going

around the Castle.

- Nobody ever gets inside.

- Father.

For you, that's what I am.

I'm your Castle.

I never...

...thought of him... my father.

He was a man to me.

I didn't know

what Castle meant,

but I knew it was difficult

to find my way to Father.

I finally realized

when I started this job.

That I had to find...

and reach the Castle.

But...I know I can’t get to it.

But I also can't ignore it.

The Castle...

...has a hold of me.

And it'll never let me go,

and that's why...

...I can never stop looking

for the Castle's entrance.

Until I die.



...ends my life for me.

I can never stop.

When you die,

will you find the Castle?

I don't know...

But...'s got to be better...

You're a pitiful woman.

I'm not the only pathetic one!


I'm not pathetic.

I want to kill you.


Yes. You make me want to kill you!

You want me dead?

Ok then.

Stab me with this knife.

I know you're looking

for the Castle too.

Stab me now! I know you want to!

Don't be ridiculous.

I know what you want.

I can help you end your pain.

- What?

- End the pain!


- End it!

- What?

- No more pain!

- Stop it!

- Stop it!

- What are they doing anyway?

I asked to have her

indecent parts cut off.

And I brought them home.

To seal off all the bad seeds.

So you did not kill Mitsuko.

- Who did it?

- Oh, I got all the help I needed.

Yes, the family is now back

to what it was before.

Who did it?

Detective, I need you!

I have to step in.

Izumi, this is all wrong.

You have to strangle her.

Come on, now.

Izumi... She's right!

Come on, do it!

That's right, dear.

Strangle her for her own good.

- Young man!

- Yes.

Hold this woman's arms

so she won't fight.

Now! Are you deaf, you punk!

- Now what?

- As you can tell. Right, cunt?

End this cunt's pain.

Strangle her, damn it!

- Izumi!

- Mitsuko...


- Harder.

- Tighter!

- Harder!

- Come on, harder!

Strangle me.

Come on!


Strangle harder!



End of Story

Get an ambulance!

When your wife disappeared?



But it had already happened.

My wife is a bit eccentric.

What can I say...

A hippie?

A free spirit.

Sometimes she goes for a trip without notice.

She is like that!

But this is a well-known fact.

She'll be back soon, it's not so serious.


No... really, under the name of Yoko?

I can't imagine she like a prostitute.

Maybe you're wrong?


- This is not a soap opera!

- Shall we go?

- Thanks for the help.

- Thank you.


Thank you!

- Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

Hi, handsome. Looking for some fun?

How about a threesome?


I'll show you a good time.

Hey, take it off! Hey, take it off!

Peek-a-boo! My God!

I should never have learned words...

What? It's nonsense.

- It's a poem.

- A poem?

You mean, like...poetry?

The Castle.

You're a strange one. Fuck that.

Fuck the crappy poem.

What did you say?

What did you just say?

A crappy poem.


I called it crappy because it is.

- You're crap!

- Say that again! I'm your customer!

I should never have learned words

Simply because I know Japanese

and bits of a foreign tongue

I stand still inside your tears

I should never have learned words

Simply because I know Japanese

and bits of a foreign tongue

I stand still inside your tears

I should never have learned words

Simply because I know Japanese

and bits of a foreign tongue


...stand still inside your tears

How about a fuck, mister?

For a super discount!

Look at my tits wobble!

I'm sweet!

I'm good and very cheap!

A good time at a discount!

How about 5,000 yen? 3,000 yen?

Damn it, you can have me

for 1,000 yen!

- Stop acting crazy.

- I don't understand English!

I'm cheap!

- It's her!

- You again.

- This one?

- I'll take you both.

- Come with us.

- I love an action man!

Shut the fuck up!

Do you understand?

Say something, whore!

Say you're sorry!

I'd simply gaze at them

and walkaway

If our world had no words

In your tears is there

As much meaning

as in the core of a fruit?

In a drop of your blood

Is there a shimmering resonance

Of the evening glow

of this world's sunset?

I should never have learned words

Simply because I know Japanese

and bits of a foreign tongue

I stand still inside your tears.

So what?

Do you solved the case?


You did your duty.

Even if...

perhaps I would have preferred not solve it.

Now it's past!

You're right.

The phone is ringing.

Let it ring.

Try to answer.


If it was something important?

It doesn't matter.

The garbage!

I'll be back soon!

Hey... wait.




Kazuko YOSHIDA: Miki Mizuno

Mitsuko OZAWA: Makoto Togashi

Izumi KIKUCHI: Megumi Kagurazaka

Yukio KIKUCHI: Kanji Tsuda

Shizu OZAWA: Hisako Okata

Kaoru: Ryuju Kobayashi

Kazuo KIMURA: Shingo Gotsuji

Eri DOI: Chika Uchida

Maki MARTINI: Motoki Fukami

Supermarket Manager: Ryo Iwamura

Masao YOSHIDA: Satoshi Nikaido

Shoji: Kazuya Kojima


Yoshinori Chiba - Nobuhiro Iizuka


Kenjiro Toba - Lee-Otsuki


Yasuhiro Kaneko

Junichi Ito


Yoshio Yamada - Akihiro Nakamura

COSTUMES: Chiyoe Hakamada

MUSIC: Yasuhiro Morinaga

Sion Sono


Where are you?

I don't know.